1SoInput(3IV)() SoInput(3IV)()
6 SoInput — used to read Inventor data files
9 SoInput
12 #include <Inventor/SoInput.h>
14 Methods from class SoInput:
16 SoInput()
17 ~SoInput()
18 static void addDirectoryFirst(const char *dirName)
19 static void addDirectoryLast(const char *dirName)
20 static void addEnvDirectoriesFirst(const char *envVar‐
21 Name)
22 static void addEnvDirectoriesLast(const char *envVar‐
23 Name)
24 static void removeDirectory(const char *dirName)
25 static void clearDirectories()
26 static const SbStringList & getDirectories()
27 void setFilePointer(FILE *newFP)
28 SbBool openFile(const char *fileName, SbBool
29 okIfNotFound = FALSE)
30 SbBool pushFile(const char *fileName)
31 closeFile()
32 SbBool isValidFile()
33 FILE * getCurFile() const
34 const char * getCurFileName() const
35 void setBuffer(void *bufPointer, size_t bufSize)
36 SbString getHeader()
37 float getIVVersion()
41 This class is used by the SoDB reading routines when reading Inventor
42 data files. It supports both ASCII (default) and binary Inventor for‐
43 mats. Users can also register additional valid file headers. When read‐
44 ing, SoInput skips over Inventor comments (from '#' to end of line) and
45 can stack input files. When EOF is reached, the stack is popped. This
46 class can also be used to read from a buffer in memory.
49 SoInput()
50 ~SoInput()
51 Constructor and destructor. The default SoInput reads from stdin.
52 The destructor closes any files opened by the SoInput.
54 static void addDirectoryFirst(const char *dirName)
55 static void addDirectoryLast(const char *dirName)
56 static void addEnvDirectoriesFirst(const char *envVar‐
57 Name)
58 static void addEnvDirectoriesLast(const char *envVar‐
59 Name)
60 The SoInput class maintains a global list of directories that is
61 searched to find files when opening them. Directories are searched
62 in order. Each of these routines adds directories to the list,
63 either at the beginning ("First") or the end ("Last"). The last two
64 routines add directories named in the value of the given environment
65 variable. Directories may be separated by colons or whitespace in
66 the variable's value.
68 static void removeDirectory(const char *dirName)
69 Removes named directory from the list.
71 static void clearDirectories()
72 Clears the list of directories (including the current directory).
74 static const SbStringList & getDirectories()
75 Returns the list of directories as an SbStringList.
77 void setFilePointer(FILE *newFP)
78 Sets file pointer to read from. Clears the stack of input files if
79 necessary.
81 SbBool openFile(const char *fileName, SbBool
82 okIfNotFound = FALSE)
83 Opens named file, sets file pointer to result. Clears the stack of
84 input files if necessary. This returns FALSE on error; if okIfNot‐
85 Found is FALSE (the default), this prints an error message if the
86 file could not be found.
88 SbBool pushFile(const char *fileName)
89 Opens named file, pushing the resulting file pointer onto the stack.
90 Returns FALSE on error.
92 closeFile()
93 Closes all files on stack opened with openFile() or pushFile().
95 SbBool isValidFile()
96 Returns TRUE if the currently open file is a valid Inventor file;
97 that is, it begins with a valid Inventor header, or one that has
98 been registered with SoDB::registerHeader.
100 FILE * getCurFile() const
101 Returns a pointer to the current file, or NULL if reading from a
102 buffer.
104 const char * getCurFileName() const
105 Returns full name (including directory path) of current file, or
106 NULL if reading from a buffer.
108 void setBuffer(void *bufPointer, size_t bufSize)
109 Sets an in-memory buffer to read from, along with its size.
111 SbString getHeader()
112 Returns the header of the file being read.
114 float getIVVersion()
115 Returns the Inventor file version of the file being read (e.g. 2.1).
116 If the file has a header registered through SoDB::registerHeader(),
117 the returned version is the Inventor version registered with the
118 header.
122 SoDB, SoOutput, SoTranReceiver
127 SoInput(3IV)()