1Math::PlanePath::CCurveU(s3e)r Contributed Perl DocumentaMtaitohn::PlanePath::CCurve(3)


6       Math::PlanePath::CCurve -- Levy C curve


9        use Math::PlanePath::CCurve;
10        my $path = Math::PlanePath::CCurve->new;
11        my ($x, $y) = $path->n_to_xy (123);


14       This is an integer version of the "C" curve by Lévy.
16           "Les Courbes Planes ou Gauches et les Surfaces Composée de Parties
17           Semblables au Tout", Journal de l'École Polytechnique, July 1938
18           pages 227-247 and October 1938 pages 249-292
20           <http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k57344323/f53.image>
21           <http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k57344820>
23       It spirals anti-clockwise, variously crossing and overlapping itself.
24       The construction is straightforward but various measurements like how
25       many distinct points are quite complicated.
27                                 11-----10-----9,7-----6------5               3
28                                  |             |             |
29                          13-----12             8             4------3        2
30                           |                                         |
31                   19---14,18----17                                  2        1
32                    |      |      |                                  |
33            21-----20     15-----16                           0------1   <- Y=0
34             |
35            22                                                               -1
36             |
37           25,23---24                                                        -2
38             |
39            26     35-----34-----33                                          -3
40             |      |             |
41           27,37--28,36          32                                          -4
42             |      |             |
43            38     29-----30-----31                                          -5
44             |
45           39,41---40                                                        -6
46             |
47            42                                              ...              -7
48             |                                                |
49            43-----44     49-----48                          64-----63       -8
50                    |      |      |                                  |
51                   45---46,50----47                                 62       -9
52                           |                                         |
53                          51-----52            56            60-----61      -10
54                                  |             |             |
55                                 53-----54----55,57---58-----59             -11
57                                                              ^
58            -7     -6     -5     -4     -3     -2     -1     X=0     1
60       The initial segment N=0 to N=1 is repeated with a turn +90 degrees left
61       to give N=1 to N=2.  Then N=0to2 is repeated likewise turned +90
62       degrees and placed at N=2 to make N=2to4.  And so on doubling each
63       time.
65                                         4----3
66                                              |      N=0to2
67                              2               2      repeated
68                              |               |      as N=2to4
69           0----1        0----1          0----1      with turn +90
71       The 90 degree rotation is the same at each repetition, so the segment
72       at N=2^k is always the initial N=0to1 turned +90 degrees.  This means
73       at N=1,2,4,8,16,etc the direction is always upwards.
75       The X,Y position can be written in complex numbers as a recurrence
77           with N = 2^k + r      high bit 2^k, rest r<2^k
79           C(N) = C(2^k)  + i*C(r)
80                = (1+i)^k + i*C(r)
82       The effect is a change from base 2 to base 1+i but with a further power
83       of i on each term.  Suppose the 1-bits in N are at positions k0, k1,
84       k2, etc (high to low), then
86           C(N) = b^k0 * i^0      N= 2^k0 + 2^(k1) + 2^(k2) + ... in binary
87                + b^k1 * i^1      k0 > k1 > k2 > ...
88                + b^k2 * i^2      base b=1+i
89                + b^k3 * i^3
90                + ...
92       Notice the i power is not the bit position k, but rather how many
93       1-bits are above the position.
95   Level Ranges 4^k
96       The X,Y extents of the path through to Nlevel=2^k can be expressed as a
97       width and height measured relative to the endpoints.
99              *------------------*       <-+
100              |                  |         |
101           *--*                  *--*      | height h[k]
102           |                        |      |
103           *   N=4^k         N=0    *    <-+
104           |     |            |     |      | below l[k]
105           *--*--*            *--*--*    <-+
107           ^-----^            ^-----^
108            width     2^k      width
109             w[k]               w[k]           Extents to N=4^k
111           <------------------------>
112           total width = 2^k + 2*w[k]
114       N=4^k is on either the X or Y axis and for the extents here it's taken
115       rotated as necessary to be horizontal.  k=2 N=4^2=16 shown above is
116       already horizontal.  The next level k=3 N=64=4^3 would be rotated -90
117       degrees to be horizontal.
119       The width w[k] is measured from the N=0 and N=4^k endpoints.  It
120       doesn't include the 2^k length between those endpoints.  The two ends
121       are symmetric so the extent is the same at each end.
123           h[k] = 2^k - 1                     0,1,3,7,15,31,etc
125           w[k] = /  0            for k=0
126                  \  2^(k-1) - 1  for k>=1    0,0,1,3,7,15,etc
128           l[k] = /  0            for k<=1
129                  \  2^(k-2) - 1  for k>=2    0,0,0,1,3,7,etc
131       The initial N=0 to N=64 shown above is k=3.  h[3]=7 is the X=-7
132       horizontal.  l[3]=1 is the X=1 horizontal.  w[3]=3 is the vertical Y=3,
133       and also Y=-11 which is 3 below the endpoint N=64 at Y=8.
135       Expressed as a fraction of the 2^k distance between the endpoints the
136       extents approach total 2 wide by 1.25 high,
138              *------------------*       <-+
139              |                  |         |  1
140           *--*                  *--*      |         total
141           |                        |      |         height
142           *   N=4^k         N=0    *    <-+         -> 1+1/4
143           |     |            |     |      |  1/4
144           *--*--*            *--*--*    <-+
146           ^-----^            ^-----^
147             1/2        1       1/2     total width -> 2
149       The extent formulas can be found by considering the self-similar
150       blocks.  The initial k=0 is a single line segment and all its extents
151       are 0.
153                                 h[0] = 0
154                 N=1 ----- N=0
155                                 l[0] = 0
156                           w[0] = 0
158       Thereafter the replication overlap as
160              +-------+---+-------+
161              |       |   |       |
162           +------+   |   |   +------+
163           |  | D |   | C |   | B |  |        <-+
164           |  +-------+---+-------+  |          | 2^(k-1)
165           |      |           |      |          | previous
166           |      |           |      |          | level ends
167           |    E |           | A    |        <-+
168           +------+           +------+
170                ^---------------^
171               2^k this level ends
173           w[k] =           max (h[k-1], w[k-1])  # right of A,B
174           h[k] = 2^(k-1) + max (h[k-1], w[k-1])  # above B,C,D
175           l[k] = max w[k-1], l[k-1]-2^(k-1)      # below A,E
177       Since h[k]=2^(k-1)+w[k] have h[k] > w[k] for k>=1 and with the initial
178       h[0]=w[k]=0 have h[k]>=w[k] always.  So the max of those two is h.
180           h[k] = 2^(k-1) + h[k-1]  giving h[k] = 2^k-1     for k>=1
181           w[k] = h[k-1]            giving w[k] = 2^(k-1)-1 for k>=1
183       The max for l[k] is always w[k-1] as l[k] is never big enough that the
184       parts B-C and C-D can extend down past their 2^(k-1) vertical position.
185       (l[0]=w[0]=0 and thereafter by induction l[k]<=w[k].)
187           l[k] = w[k-1]   giving l[k] = 2^(k-2)-1 for k>=2
189   Repeated Points
190       The curve crosses itself and can repeat X,Y positions up to 4 times.
191       The first double, triple and quadruple points are at
193           visits      X,Y         N
194           ------    -------    ----------------------
195              2       -2,  3       7,    9
196              3       18, -7     189,  279,  281
197              4      -32, 55    1727, 1813, 2283, 2369
199       Each line segment between integer points is traversed at most 2 times,
200       once forward and once backward.  There's 4 lines reaching each integer
201       point and this line traversal means the points are visited at most 4
202       times.
204       As per "Direction" below the direction of the curve is given by the
205       count of 1-bits in N.  Since no line is repeated each of the N values
206       at a given X,Y have a different count-1-bits mod 4.  For example N=7 is
207       3 1-bits and N=9 is 2 1-bits.  The full counts need not be consecutive,
208       as for example N=1727 is 9 1-bits and N=2369 is 4 1-bits.
210       The maximum of 2 line segment traversals can be seen from the way the
211       curve replicates.  Suppose the entire plane had all line segments
212       traversed forward and backward.
214             v |         v |
215           --   <--------   <-
216            [0,1]       [1,1]           [X,Y] = integer points
217           ->   -------->   --          each edge traversed
218             | ^         | ^            forward and backward
219             | |         | |
220             | |         | |
221             v |         v |
222           --   <--------   <--
223            [0,0]       [1,0]
224           ->   -------->   --
225             | ^         | ^
227       Then when each line segment expands on the right the result is the same
228       pattern of traversals -- viewed rotated by 45-degrees and scaled by
229       factor sqrt(2).
231            \ v / v        \ v  / v
232             [0,1]           [1,1]
233            / / ^ \         ^ / ^ \
234           / /   \ \       / /   \ \
235                  \ \     / /
236                   \ v   / v
237                    [1/2,1/2]
238                   ^ /   ^ \
239                  / /     \ \
240           \ \   / /       \ \   / /
241            \ v / v         \ v / v
242             [0,0]            1,0
243            ^ / ^ \         ^ / ^ \
245       The curve is a subset of this pattern.  It begins as a single line
246       segment which has this pattern and thereafter the pattern preserves
247       itself.  Hence at most 2 segment traversals in the curve.
249   Tiling
250       The segment traversal argument above can also be made by taking the
251       line segments as triangles which are a quarter of a unit square with
252       peak pointing to the right of the traversal direction.
254              to  *
255                  ^\
256                  | \
257                  |  \ triangle peak
258                  |  /
259                  | /
260                  |/       quarter of a unit square
261             from *
263       These triangles in the two directions tile the plane.  On expansion
264       each splits into 2 halves in new positions.  Those parts don't overlap
265       and the plane is still tiled.  See for example
267           Larry Riddle
268           <http://ecademy.agnesscott.edu/~lriddle/ifs/levy/levy.htm>
269           <http://ecademy.agnesscott.edu/~lriddle/ifs/levy/tiling.htm>
271       For the integer version of the curve this kind of tiling can be used to
272       combine copies of the curve so that each every point is visited
273       precisely 4 times.  The h[k], w[k] and l[k] extents above are less than
274       the 2^k endpoint length, so a square of side 2^k can be fully tiled
275       with copies of the curve at each corner,
277                    | ^         | ^
278                    | |         | |               24 copies of the curve
279                    | |         | |               to visit all points of the
280                    v |         v |               inside square ABCD
281           <-------    <--------   <--------      precisely 4 times each
282                     A           B
283           -------->   -------->   -------->      each part points
284                    | ^         | ^               N=0 to N=4^k-1
285                    | |         | |               rotated and shifted
286                    | |         | |               suitably
287                    v |         v |
288           <--------   <--------   <--------
289                     C           D
290           --------    -------->   -------->
291                    | ^         | ^
292                    | |         | |
293                    | |         | |
294                    v |         v |
296       The four innermost copies of the curve cover most of the inside square,
297       but the other copies surrounding them loop into the square and fill in
298       the remainder to make 4 visits at every point.
300       It's interesting to note that a set of 8 curves at the origin only
301       covers the axes with 4-fold visits,
303                    | ^              8 arms at the origin
304                    | |              cover only X,Y axes
305                    v |              with 4-visits
306           <--------   <--------
307                    0,0              away from the axes
308           --------    -------->     some points < 4 visits
309                    | ^
310                    | |
311                    v |
313       This means that if the path had some sort of "arms" of multiple curves
314       extending from the origin then it would visit all points on the axes
315       X=0 Y=0 a full 4 times, but off the axes there would be points without
316       full 4 visits.
318       See examples/c-curve-wx.pl for a wxWidgets program drawing various
319       forms and tilings of the curve.


322       See "FUNCTIONS" in Math::PlanePath for the behaviour common to all path
323       classes.
325       "$path = Math::PlanePath::CCurve->new ()"
326           Create and return a new path object.
328       "($x,$y) = $path->n_to_xy ($n)"
329           Return the X,Y coordinates of point number $n on the path.  Points
330           begin at 0 and if "$n < 0" then the return is an empty list.
332           Fractional positions give an X,Y position along a straight line
333           between the integer positions.
335       "$n = $path->xy_to_n ($x,$y)"
336           Return the point number for coordinates "$x,$y".  If there's
337           nothing at "$x,$y" then return "undef".  If "$x,$y" is visited more
338           than once then return the smallest $n which visits it.
340       "@n_list = $path->xy_to_n_list ($x,$y)"
341           Return a list of N point numbers at coordinates "$x,$y".  If
342           there's nothing at "$x,$y" then return an empty list.
344           A given "$x,$y" is visited at most 4 times so the returned list is
345           at most 4 values.
347       "$n = $path->n_start()"
348           Return 0, the first N in the path.
350   Level Methods
351       "($n_lo, $n_hi) = $path->level_to_n_range($level)"
352           Return "(0, 2**$level)".


355       Some formulas and results can also be found in the author's
356       mathematical write-up
358           <http://user42.tuxfamily.org/c-curve/index.html>
360   Direction
361       The direction or net turn of the curve is the count of 1 bits in N,
363           direction = count_1_bits(N) * 90degrees
365       For example N=11 is binary 1011 has three 1 bits, so direction 3*90=270
366       degrees, ie. to the south.
368       This bit count is because at each power-of-2 position the curve is a
369       copy of the lower bits but turned +90 degrees, so +90 for each 1-bit.
371       For powers-of-2 N=2,4,8,16, etc, there's only a single 1-bit so the
372       direction is always +90 degrees there, ie. always upwards.
374   Turn
375       At each point N the curve can turn in any direction: left, right,
376       straight, or 180 degrees back.  The turn is given by the number of low
377       0-bits of N,
379           turn right = (count_low_0_bits(N) - 1) * 90degrees
381       For example N=8 is binary 0b100 which is 2 low 0-bits for
382       turn=(2-1)*90=90 degrees to the right.
384       When N is odd there's no low zero bits and the turn is always
385       (0-1)*90=-90 to the right, so every second turn is 90 degrees to the
386       left.
388   Next Turn
389       The turn at the point following N, ie. at N+1, can be calculated by
390       counting the low 1-bits of N,
392           next turn right = (count_low_1_bits(N) - 1) * 90degrees
394       For example N=11 is binary 0b1011 which is 2 low one bits for
395       nextturn=(2-1)*90=90 degrees to the right at the following point, ie.
396       at N=12.
398       This works simply because low 1-bits like ..0111 increment to low
399       0-bits ..1000 to become N+1.  The low 1-bits at N are thus the low
400       0-bits at N+1.
402   N to dX,dY
403       "n_to_dxdy()" is implemented using the direction described above.  For
404       integer N the count mod 4 gives the direction for dX,dY.
406           dir = count_1_bits(N) mod 4
407           dx = dir_to_dx[dir]    # table 0 to 3
408           dy = dir_to_dy[dir]
410       For fractional N the direction at int(N)+1 can be obtained from the
411       direction at int(N) and the turn at int(N)+1, which is the low 1-bits
412       of N per "Next Turn" above.  Those two directions can then be combined
413       as described in "N to dX,dY -- Fractional" in Math::PlanePath.
415           # apply turn to make direction at Nint+1
416           turn = count_low_1_bits(N) - 1      # N integer part
417           dir = (dir - turn) mod 4            # direction at N+1
419           # adjust dx,dy by fractional amount in this direction
420           dx += Nfrac * (dir_to_dx[dir] - dx)
421           dy += Nfrac * (dir_to_dy[dir] - dy)
423       A small optimization can be made by working the "-1" of the turn
424       formula into a +90 degree rotation of the "dir_to_dx[]" and
425       "dir_to_dy[]" parts by swap and sign change,
427           turn_plus_1 = count_low_1_bits(N)     # on N integer part
428           dir = (dir - turn_plus_1) mod 4       # direction-1 at N+1
430           # adjustment including extra +90 degrees on dir
431           dx -= $n*(dir_to_dy[dir] + dx)
432           dy += $n*(dir_to_dx[dir] - dy)
434   X,Y to N
435       The N values at a given X,Y can be found by taking terms low to high
436       from the complex number formula (the same as given above)
438           X+iY = b^k            N = 2^k + 2^(k1) + 2^(k2) + ... in binary
439                + b^k1 * i       base b=1+i
440                + b^k2 * i^2
441                + ...
443       If the lowest term is b^0 then X+iY has X+Y odd.  If the lowest term is
444       not b^0 but instead some power b^n then X+iY has X+Y even.  This is
445       because a multiple of b=1+i,
447           X+iY = (x+iy)*(1+i)
448                = (x-y) + (x+y)i
449           so X=x-y Y=x+y
450           sum X+Y = 2x is even if X+iY a multiple of 1+i
452       So the lowest bit of N is found by
454           bit = (X+Y) mod 2
456       If bit=1 then a power i^p is to be subtracted from X+iY.  p is how many
457       1-bits are above that point, and this is not yet known.  It represents
458       a direction to move X,Y to put it on an even position.  It's also the
459       direction of the step N-2^l to N, where 2^l is the lowest 1-bit of N.
461       The reduction should be attempted with p commencing as each of the four
462       possible directions N,S,E,W.  Some or all will lead to an N.  For
463       quadrupled points (such as X=-32, Y=55 described above) all four will
464       lead to an N.
466           for p 0 to 3
467             dX,dY = i^p   # directions [1,0]  [0,1]  [-1,0]  [0,-1]
469             loop until X,Y = [0,0] or [1,0] or [-1,0] or [0,1] or [0,-1]
470             {
471               bit = X+Y mod 2       # bits of N from low to high
472               if bit == 1 {
473                 X -= dX             # move to "even" X+Y == 0 mod 2
474                 Y -= dY
475                 (dX,dY) = (dY,-dX)       # rotate -90 as for p-1
476               }
477               X,Y = (X+Y)/2, (Y-X)/2   # divide (X+iY)/(1+i)
478             }
480             if not (dX=1 and dY=0)
481               wrong final direction, try next p
482             if X=dX and Y=dY
483               further high 1-bit for N
484               found an N
485             if X=0 and Y=0
486               found an N
488       The "loop until" ends at one of the five points
490                   0,1
491                    |
492           -1,0 -- 0,0 -- 1,0
493                    |
494                   0,-1
496       It's not possible to wait for X=0,Y=0 to be reached because some dX,dY
497       directions will step infinitely among the four non-zeros.  Only the
498       case X=dX,Y=dY is sure to reach 0,0.
500       The successive p decrements which rotate dX,dY by -90 degrees must end
501       at p == 0 mod 4 for highest term in the X+iY formula having i^0=1.
502       This means must end dX=1,dY=0 East.  If this doesn't happen then there
503       is no N for that p direction.
505       The number of 1-bits in N is == p mod 4.  So the order the N values are
506       obtained follows the order the p directions are attempted.  In general
507       the N values will not be smallest to biggest N so a little sort is
508       necessary if that's desired.
510       It can be seen that sum X+Y is used for the bit calculation and then
511       again in the divide by 1+i.  It's convenient to write the whole loop in
512       terms of sum S=X+Y and difference D=Y-X.
514           for dS = +1 or -1      # four directions
515             for dD = +1 or -1    #
516               S = X+Y
517               D = Y-X
519               loop until -1 <= S <= 1 and -1 <= D <= 1 {
520                 bit = S mod 2       # bits of N from low to high
521                 if bit == 1 {
522                   S -= dS              # move to "even" S+D == 0 mod 2
523                   D -= dD
524                   (dS,dD) = (dD,-dS)   # rotate -90
525                 }
526                 (S,D) = (S+D)/2, (D-S)/2   # divide (S+iD)/(1+i)
527               }
529               if not (dS=1 and dD=-1)
530                 wrong final direction, try next dS,dD direction
531               if S=dS and D=dD
532                 further high 1-bit for N
533                 found an N
534               if S=0 and D=0
535                 found an N
537       The effect of S=X+Y, D=Y-D is to rotate by -45 degrees and use every
538       second point of the plane.
540           D= 2                      X=0,Y=2       .              rotate -45
542           D= 1            X=0,Y=1      .       X=1,Y=2       .
544           D= 0  X=0,Y=0      .      X=1,Y=1       .       X=2,Y=2
546           D=-1            X=1,Y=0      .       X=2,Y=1       .
548           D=-2                      X=2,Y=0       .
550                  S=0        S=1       S=2        S=3        S=4
552       The final five points described above are then in a 3x3 block at the
553       origin.  The four in-between points S=0,D=1 etc don't occur so range
554       tests -1<=S<=1 and -1<=D<=1 can be used.
556            S=-1,D=1      .      S=1,D=1
558               .       S=0,D=0      .
560            S=-1,D=-1     .      S=1,D=-1
562   Segments by Direction
563       In a level N=0 to N=2^k-1 inclusive, the number of segments in each
564       direction 0=East, 1=North, 2=West, 3=South are given by
566                  k=0        for k >= 1
567                  ---        ----------
568           M0[k] = 1,    2^(k-2) + d(k+2)*2^(h-1)
569           M1[k] = 0,    2^(k-2) + d(k+0)*2^(h-1)
570           M2[k] = 0,    2^(k-2) + d(k-2)*2^(h-1)
571           M3[k] = 0,    2^(k-2) + d(k-4)*2^(h-1)
573           where h = floor(k/2)
574           and   d(m) = 0  1  1  1  0 -1 -1 -1
575                        for m == 0 to 7 mod 8
577           M0[k] = 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,  6, 16, 36, 72, 136, 256, ...
578           M1[k] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,  6, 12, 28, 64, 136, 272, ...
579           M2[k] = 0, 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 16, 28, 56, 120, 256, ...
580           M3[k] = 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 10, 20, 36, 64, 120, 240, ...
582       d(n) is a factor +1, -1 or 0 according to n mod 8.  Each M goes as a
583       power 2^(k-2), so roughly 1/4 each, but a half power 2^(h-1) possibly
584       added or subtracted in a k mod 8 pattern.  In binary this is a 2^(k-2)
585       high 1-bit with another 1-bit in the middle added or subtracted.
587       The total is 2^k since there are a total 2^k points from N=0 to 2^k-1
588       inclusive.
590           M0[k] + M1[k] + M2[k] + M3[k] = 2^k
592       It can be seen that the d(n) parts sum to 0 so the 2^(h-1) parts cancel
593       out leaving 4*2^(k-2) = 2^k.
595           d(0) + d(2) + d(4) + d(6) = 0
596           d(1) + d(3) + d(5) + d(7) = 0
598       The counts can be calculated in two ways.  Firstly they satisfy mutual
599       recurrences.  Each adds the preceding rotated M.
601           M0[k+1] = M0[k] + M3[k]        initially M0[0] = 1 (N=0 to N=1)
602           M1[k+1] = M1[k] + M0[k]                  M1[0] = 0
603           M2[k+1] = M2[k] + M1[k]                  M2[0] = 0
604           M3[k+1] = M3[k] + M2[k]                  M3[0] = 0
606       Geometrically this can be seen from the way each level extends by a
607       copy of the previous level rotated +90,
609           7---6---5            Easts in N=0 to 8
610           |       |            =   Easts in N=0 to 4
611           8       4---3          + Wests in N=0 to 4
612                       |             since N=4 to N=8 is
613                       2             the N=0 to N=4 rotated +90
614                       |
615                   0---1
617       For the bits in N, level k+1 introduces a new bit either 0 or 1.  In
618       M0[k+1] the a 0-bit is count M0[k] the same direction, and when a 1-bit
619       is M3[k] since one less bit mod 4.  Similarly the other counts.
621       Some substitutions give 3rd order recurrences
623           for k >= 4
624           M0[k] = 4*M0[k-1] - 6*M0[k-2] + 4*M0[k-3]    initial 1,1,1,1
625           M1[k] = 4*M1[k-1] - 6*M1[k-2] + 4*M1[k-3]    initial 0,1,2,3
626           M2[k] = 4*M2[k-1] - 6*M2[k-2] + 4*M2[k-3]    initial 0,0,1,3
627           M3[k] = 4*M3[k-1] - 6*M3[k-2] + 4*M3[k-3]    initial 0,0,0,1
629       The characteristic polynomial  of these recurrences is
631           x^3 - 4x^2 + 6x - 4
632           = (x-2) * (x - (1-i)) * (x - (1+i))
634       So explicit formulas can be written in powers of the roots 2, 1-i and
635       1+i,
637           M0[k] = ( 2^k +   (1-i)^k +   (1+i)^k )/4      for k>=1
638           M1[k] = ( 2^k + i*(1-i)^k - i*(1+i)^k )/4
639           M2[k] = ( 2^k -   (1-i)^k -   (1+i)^k )/4
640           M3[k] = ( 2^k - i*(1-i)^k + i*(1+i)^k )/4
642       The complex numbers 1-i and 1+i are 45 degree lines clockwise and anti-
643       clockwise respectively.  The powers turn them in opposite directions so
644       the imaginary parts always cancel out.  The remaining real parts can be
645       had by a half power h=floor(k/2) which is the magnitude
646       abs(1-i)=sqrt(2) projected onto the real axis.  The sign selector d(n)
647       above is whether the positive or negative part of the real axis, or
648       zero when at the origin.
650       The second way to calculate is the combinatorial interpretation that
651       per "Direction" above the direction is count_1_bits(N) mod 4 so East
652       segments are all N values with count_1_bits(N) == 0 mod 4, ie. N with
653       0, 4, 8, etc many 1-bits.  The number of ways to have those bit counts
654       within total k bits is k choose 0, 4, 8 etc.
656           M0[k] = /k\ + /k\ + ... + / k\      m = floor(k/4)
657                   \0/   \4/         \4m/
659           M1[k] = /k\ + /k\ + ... + / k  \    m = floor((k-1)/4)
660                   \1/   \5/         \4m+1/
662           M2[k] = /k\ + /k\ + ... + / k  \    m = floor((k-2)/4)
663                   \2/   \6/         \4m+2/
665           M3[k] = /k\ + /k\ + ... + / k  \    m = floor((k-3)/4)
666                   \3/   \7/         \4m+3/
668       The power forms above are cases of the identity by Ramus for sums of
669       binomial coefficients in arithmetic progression like this.  (See Knuth
670       volume 1 section 1.2.6 exercise 30 for a form with cosines resulting
671       from w=i+1 as 8th roots of unity.)
673       The total M0+M1+M2+M3=2^k is the total binomials across a row of
674       Pascal's triangle.
676           /k\ + /k\ + ... + /k\ = 2^k
677           \0/   \1/         \k/
679       It's interesting to note the M counts here are the same in the dragon
680       curve (Math::PlanePath::DragonCurve).  The shapes of the curves are
681       different since the segments are in a different order, but the total
682       puts points N=2^k at the same X,Y position.
684   Right Boundary
685       The length of the right-side boundary of the curve, which is the
686       outside of the "C", from N=0 to N=2^k is
688           R[k] = /  7*2^h - 2k - 6     if k even
689                  \ 10*2^h - 2k - 6     if k odd
690                  where h = floor(k/2)
691                = 1, 2, 4, 8, 14, 24, 38, 60, 90, 136, 198, 292, 418, ...
693           R[k] =   (7/2 + 5/2 * sqrt(2)) * ( sqrt(2))^k
694                  + (7/2 - 5/2 * sqrt(2)) * (-sqrt(2))^k
695                  - 2*k - 6
697           R[k] = 2*R[k-1] + R[k-2] - 4*R[k-3] + 2*R[k-4]
699       The length doubles until R[4]=14 which is points N=0 to N=2^4=16.  At
700       k=4 the points N=7,8,9 have turned inward and closed off some of the
701       outside of the curve so the boundary less than 2x.
703               11--10--9,7--6--5        right boundary
704                |       |      |        around "outside"
705           13--12       8      4--3     N=0 to N=2^4=16
706            |                     |
707           14                     2        R[4]=14
708            |                     |
709           15--16              0--1
711       The floor(k/2) and odd/even cases are eliminated by the +/-sqrt(2)
712       powering shown.  Those powers are also per the characteristic equation
713       of the recurrence,
715           x^4 - 2*X^3 - x^2 + 4*x - 2
716             = (x - 1)^2 * (x + sqrt(2)) * (x - sqrt(2))
717           roots 1, sqrt(2), -sqrt(2)
719       The right boundary comprises runs of straight lines and zig-zags.  When
720       it expands the straight lines become zig-zags and the zig-zags become
721       straight lines.  The straight lines all point "forward", which is anti-
722       clockwise.
724                                             c     *     a
725                                            / ^   / ^   / ^
726                                   =>      v   \ v   \ v   \
727           D<----C<----B<----A            D     C     B     A
728           |                 ^           /                   ^
729           v                 |          v                     \
730              straight S=3                zig-zag Z[k+1] = 2S[k]-2 = 4
732       The count Z here is both sides of each "V" shape from points "a"
733       through to "c".  So Z counts the boundary length (rather than the
734       number of "V"s).  Each S becomes an upward peak.  The first and last
735       side of those peaks become part of the following "straight" section (at
736       A and D), hence Z[k+1]=2*S[k]-2.
738       The zigzags all point "forward" too.  When they expand they close off
739       the V shape and become 2 straight lines for each V, which means 1
740       straight line for each Z side.  The segment immediately before and
741       after contribute a segment to the resulting straight run too, hence
742       S[k+1]=Z[k]+2.
744                C     B     A               *<---C<---*<---B<---*<---A<---*
745               / ^   / ^   / ^              |         |         |         |
746              v   \ v   \ v   \      =>     |         |         |         |
747             *     *     *     *         <--*         *         *         *<--
748            /                   ^
749           v                     \
750             zig-zag Z=4 segments             straight S[k+1] = Z[k]+2 = 6
752       The initial N=0 to N=1 is a single straight segment S[0]=1 and from
753       there the runs grow.  N=1 to N=3 is a straight section S[1]=2.  Z[0]=0
754       represents an empty zigzag at N=1.  Z[1] is the first non-empty at N=3
755       to N=5.
757            h   S[h]     Z[h]       Z[h]   = 2*S[h]-2
758           --   ----     ----       S[h+1] = Z[h]+2
759            0     1        0
760            1     2        2        S[h+1] = 2*S[h]-2+2 = 2*S[h]
761            2     4        6        so
762            3     8       14        S[h] = 2^h
763            4    16       30        Z[h] = 2*2^h-2
764            5    32       62
765            5    64      126
767       The curve N=0 to N=2^k is symmetric at each end and is made up of runs
768       S[0], Z[0], S[1], Z[1], etc, of straight and zigzag alternately at each
769       end.  When k is even there's a single copy of a middle S[k/2].  When k
770       is odd there's a single middle Z[(k-1)/2] (with an S[(k-1)/2] before
771       and after).  So
773                       / i=h-1          \           # where h = floor(k/2)
774           R[k] = 2 * | sum   S[i]+Z[i]  |
775                       \ i=0            /
776                  + S[h]
777                  + / S[h]+Z[h]  if k odd
778                    \ 0          if k even
780                =  2*(  1+2+4+...+2^(h-1)           # S[0] to S[h-1]
781                      + 2+4+8+...+2^h  -  2*h)      # Z[0] to Z[h-1]
782                  + 2^h                             # S[h]
783                  + if k odd (2^h + 2*2^h - 2)      # possible S[h]+Z[h]
785                = 2*(2^h-1 + 2*2^h-2 - 2h) + 2^h + (k odd 3*2^h - 2)
786                = 7*2^h - 4h-6 + (if k odd then + 3*2^h - 2)
787                = 7*2^h - 2k-6 + (if k odd then + 3*2^h)
789   Convex Hull Boundary
790       A convex hull is the smallest convex polygon which contains a given set
791       of points.  For the C curve the boundary length of the convex hull for
792       points N=0 to N=2^k inclusive is
794           hull boundary[k]
795               / 2                                    if k=0
796               | 2+sqrt(2)                            if k=1
797             = | 6                                    if k=2
798               | 6*2^(h-1) + (7*2^(h-1) - 4)*sqrt(2)  if k odd  >=3
799               \ 7*2^(h-1) + (3*2^(h-1) - 4)*sqrt(2)  if k even >=4
800           where h = floor(k/2)
802             k              hull boundary
803            ---      ----------------------------
804             0        2 +  0 * sqrt(2)  =    2
805             1        2 +  1 * sqrt(2)  =    3.41
806             2        6 +  0 * sqrt(2)  =    6
807             3        6 +  3 * sqrt(2)  =   10.24
808             4       14 +  2 * sqrt(2)  =   16.82
809             5       12 + 10 * sqrt(2)  =   26.14
810             6       28 +  8 * sqrt(2)  =   39.31
811             7       24 + 24 * sqrt(2)  =   57.94
812             8       56 + 20 * sqrt(2)  =   84.28
813             9       48 + 52 * sqrt(2)  =  121.53
815       The integer part is the straight sides of the hull and the sqrt(2) part
816       is the diagonal sides of the hull.
818       When k is even the hull has the following shape.  The sides are as per
819       the right boundary above but after Z[h-2] the curl goes inwards and so
820       parts beyond Z[h-2] are not part of the hull.  Each Z stair-step
821       diagonal becomes a sqrt(2) length for the hull.  Z counts both vertical
822       and horizontal of each stairstep, hence sqrt(2)*Z/2 for the hull
823       boundary.
825                         S[h]
826                      *--------*                  *       Z=2
827             Z[h-1]  /          \  Z[h-1]         | \     diagonal
828                    /            \                |  \    sqrt(2)*Z/2
829                   *              *               *----*  = sqrt(2)
830           S[h-1]  |              |  S[h-1]
831                   |              |
832                   *              *
833             Z[h-2] \            / Z[h-2]
834                     *--      --*
836                       S[h] + Z[h-2]-Z[h-1]
838           k even
839           hull boundary[k] = S[h] + 2*S[h-1] + S[h+Z[h-2]-Z[h-1]
840                              + sqrt(2)*(2*Z[h-1] + 2*Z[h-2])/2
842       When k is odd the shape is similar but Z[h] in the middle.
844                               S[h]
845                              *----*
846                      Z[h-1] /      \  middle
847                            *        \  Z[h]
848                    S[h-1]  |         \
849                            *          *
850                             \         |  S[h]
851                 Z[h]                  |
852           + 2*(S[h]-S[h-1])           *
853                                \     /  Z[h-1]
854                                 *---*
855                                 S[h-1]
857           k odd
858           hull boundary[k] = 2*S[h] + 2*S[h-1]
859                              + sqrt(2)*(Z[h]/2 + 2*Z[h-1]/2
860                                         + Z[h]/2 + S[h]-S[h-1]
862   Convex Hull Area
863       The area of the convex hull for points N=0 to N=2^k inclusive is
865                   / 0                                if k=0
866                   | 1/2                              if k=1
867           HA[k] = | 2                                if k=2
868                   | 35*2^(k-4) - 13*2^(h-1) + 2      if k odd  >=3
869                   \ 35*2^(k-4) - 10*2^(h-1) + 2      if k even >=4
870                 where h = floor(k/2)
872           = 0, 1/2, 2, 13/2, 17, 46, 102, 230, 482, 1018, 2082, 4274, ...
874       HA[1] and HA[3] are fractions but all others are integers.
876       The area can be calculated from the shapes shown for the hull boundary
877       above.  For k odd it can be noted the width and height are equal, then
878       the various corners are cut off.
880   Line Points
881       The number of points which fall on straight and diagonal lines from the
882       endpoints can be calculated by considering how the previous level
883       duplicates to make the next.
885                     d   d
886                   c  \ /  c
887               b   |   +   |   b
888                \  |  / \  |  /           curve endpoints
889                 \ | /   \ | /             "S" start
890                  \|/     \|/              "E" end
891            a------E---e---S------a
892                  /|\     /|\
893                 / | \   / | \
894                /  |  f f  |  \
895               h   g       g   h
897       The curve is rotated to make the endpoints horizontal.  Each "a"
898       through "h" is the number of points which fall on the respective line.
899       The curve is symmetric in left to right so the line counts are the same
900       each side in mirror image.
902       "S" start and "E" end points are not included in any of the counts.
903       "e" is the count in between S and E.  The two "d" lines meet at point
904       "+" and that point is counted in d.  That point is where two previous
905       level curves meet for k>=1.  Points are visited up to 4 times (per
906       "Repeated Points" above) and all those multiple visits are counted.
908       The following diagram shows how curve level k+1 is made from two level
909       k curves.  One is from S to M and another M to E.
911                   |\       /|            curve level k copies
912                   | \     / |            S to M and M to E
913                   | c+a c+a |            making curve k+1 S to E
914                   |   \|/   |
915              \    |  --M--  |    /
916               \   |   /|\   |   c        a[k+1] = b[k]
917                c  d e+g e+g d  /         b[k+1] = c[k]
918                 \ | /     \ | /          c[k+1] = d[k]
919                  \|/       \|/           d[k+1] = a[k]+c[k] + e[k]+g[k] + 1
920           b-------E--f---f--S-------b    e[k+1] = 2*f[k]
921                  /|\       /|\           f[k+1] = g[k]
922                 a | g     g | a          g[k+1] = h[k]
923                /  h  \   /  h  \         h[k+1] = a[k]
924               /   |   \ /   |   \
925              /    |         |    \
927       For example the line S to M is an e[k], but also the M to E contributes
928       a g[k] on that same line so e+g.  Similarly c[k] and a[k] on the outer
929       sides of M.  Point M itself is visited too so the grand total for
930       d[k+1] is a+c+e+g+1.  The other lines are simpler, being just rotations
931       except for the middle line e[k+1] which is made of two f[k].
933       The successive g[k+1]=h[k]=a[k-1]=b[k-2]=c[k-3]=d[k-4] can be
934       substituted into the d to give a recurrence
936           d[k+1] = d[k-1] + d[k-3] + d[k-5] + 2*d[k-7] + 1
937                  = 0,1,1,2,2,4,4,8,8,17,17,34,34,68,68,136,136,273,273,...
939                                      x + x^2          (common factor 1+x
940           generating function  -------------------     in numerator and
941                                (1-2*x^2) * (1-x^8)     denominator)
943           d[2h-1] = d[2h] = floor( 8/15 * 2^h )
945       The recurrence begins with the single segment N=0 to N=1 and the two
946       endpoints are not included so initial all zeros a[0]=...=h[0]=0.
948       As an example, the N=0 to N=64 picture above is level k=6 and its "d"
949       line relative to those endpoints is the South-West diagonal down from
950       N=0.  The points on that line are N=32,30,40,42 giving d[6]=4.
952       All the measures are relative to the endpoint direction.  The points on
953       the fixed X or Y axis or diagonal can be found by taking the
954       appropriate a through h, or sum of two of them for both positive and
955       negative of a direction.


958       Entries in Sloane's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences related to
959       this path include
961           <http://oeis.org/A179868> (etc)
963           A010059   abs(dX), count1bits(N)+1 mod 2
964           A010060   abs(dY), count1bits(N) mod 2, being Thue-Morse
966           A000120   direction, being total turn, count 1-bits
967           A179868   direction 0to3, count 1-bits mod 4
969           A035263   turn 0=straight or 180, 1=left or right,
970                       being (count low 0-bits + 1) mod 2
971           A096268   next turn 1=straight or 180, 0=left or right,
972                       being count low 1-bits mod 2
973           A007814   turn-1 to the right,
974                       being count low 0-bits
976           A003159   N positions of left or right turn, ends even num 0 bits
977           A036554   N positions of straight or 180 turn, ends odd num 0 bits
979           A146559   X at N=2^k, being Re((i+1)^k)
980           A009545   Y at N=2^k, being Im((i+1)^k)
982           A131064   right boundary length to odd power N=2^(2k-1),
983                       being 5*2^n-4n-4, skip initial 1
984           A027383   right boundary length differences
986           A038503   number of East  segments in N=0 to N=2^k-1
987           A038504   number of North segments in N=0 to N=2^k-1
988           A038505   number of West  segments in N=0 to N=2^k-1
989           A000749   number of South segments in N=0 to N=2^k-1
991           A191689   fractal dimension of the interior boundary
993       A191689 is the fractal dimension which roughly speaking means what
994       power r^k the boundary length grows by when each segment is taken as a
995       little triangle (or similar).  There are various holes inside the
996       curling spiralling curve and they are all boundary for this purpose.
998           P. Duvall and J. Keesling, "The Dimension of the Boundary of the
999           Lévy Dragon", International Journal Math and Math Sci, volume 20,
1000           number 4, 1997, pages 627-632.  (Preprint "The Hausdorff Dimension
1001           of the Boundary of the Lévy Dragon"
1002           <http://at.yorku.ca/p/a/a/h/08.htm>.)


1005       Math::PlanePath, Math::PlanePath::DragonCurve,
1006       Math::PlanePath::AlternatePaper, Math::PlanePath::KochCurve
1008       ccurve(6x) back-end for xscreensaver(1) which displays the C curve (and
1009       various other dragon curve and Koch curves).


1012       <http://user42.tuxfamily.org/math-planepath/index.html>


1015       Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Kevin Ryde
1017       This file is part of Math-PlanePath.
1019       Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1020       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1021       the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
1022       later version.
1024       Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
1025       WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
1027       General Public License for more details.
1029       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
1030       with Math-PlanePath.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
1034perl v5.32.0                      2020-07-28        Math::PlanePath::CCurve(3)