1Mojolicious::Guides::FAUQs(e3r)Contributed Perl DocumentMaotjioolnicious::Guides::FAQ(3)


6       Mojolicious::Guides::FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


9       This document contains answers for the most frequently asked questions
10       about Mojolicious.


13       We hope these answers are to your satisfaction.
15   How does Mojolicious compare to other Perl web frameworks?
16       The short answer is "it doesn't", because we interpret the term "web
17       framework" much more literally than others. With the emergence of the
18       real-time web and new technologies such as WebSockets, we are facing
19       new challenges that go way beyond what commonly used modules like LWP
20       were designed for. Because of this, Mojolicious contains a whole new
21       HTTP client/server stack called Mojo, which was heavily inspired by the
22       original LWPng effort and carefully designed with these new
23       requirements in mind. So while some of the higher abstraction layers
24       might look similar to other web frameworks, it is more of a web toolkit
25       and can even be used as the foundation for more advanced web
26       frameworks.
28   Why doesn't Mojolicious have any dependencies?
29       We are optimizing Mojolicious for user-friendliness and development
30       speed, without compromises. While there are no rules in
31       Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing that forbid dependencies, we do
32       currently discourage adding non-optional ones in favor of a faster and
33       more painless installation process. And we do in fact already use
34       several optional CPAN modules such as Cpanel::JSON::XS, EV,
35       IO::Socket::Socks, IO::Socket::SSL, Net::DNS::Native, Plack and
36       Role::Tiny to provide advanced functionality if possible.
38   Why reinvent wheels?
39       Because we can make them rounder. Components specifically designed for
40       user-friendliness and development speed are not easy to come by. We are
41       strong believers of the Perl mantra "There is more than one way to do
42       it", and our quest is to develop the best possible solutions for these
43       two criteria.
45   What about backwards compatibility?
46       In conformance with Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing, we will always
47       deprecate a feature for 3 months, before removing or changing it in
48       incompatible ways between major releases. New features can however be
49       marked as experimental to explicitly exclude them from these rules.
50       This gives us the necessary freedom to ensure a healthy future for
51       Mojolicious. So, as long as you are not using anything marked
52       experimental, untested or undocumented, you can always count on
53       backwards compatibility, everything else would be considered a bug.
54       However, to completely avoid any risk of accidental breakage, we do
55       recommend following current best practices for version pinning with
56       Carton for production setups.
58   Why not split up Mojolicious into many smaller distributions?
59       Because there are no advantages, it drastically increases maintenance
60       costs and installation times without giving us anything in return. It
61       would only make sense if we wanted to pass ownership of a module to a
62       new maintainer, which we already have done in the past.
64   Where can i discuss my patches for Mojolicious?
65       We'd love to discuss your contributions to Mojolicious on our official
66       IRC channel "#mojo" on "irc.freenode.net" (chat now!
67       <https://webchat.freenode.net/#mojo>).
69   Which versions of Perl are supported by Mojolicious?
70       First of all, you need to be aware that according to the perlpolicy,
71       only the two most recent stable release series of Perl are supported by
72       the community and receive bug fixes, which are currently 5.30.x and
73       5.28.x. Mojolicious follows this model and fully supports these two
74       release series. In addition we will also keep the distribution
75       installable (and that means passing all tests) up to a certain legacy
76       version that the core team deems worthy of supporting, but not
77       specifically optimize for it, this is currently 5.16.0.
79   How well is Windows supported by Mojolicious?
80       Windows is not officially supported by Mojolicious, even though we try
81       to keep the distribution installable. There may be serious security
82       and/or reliability issues. Some of the more advanced features, such as
83       subprocesses and the Hypnotoad web server, will also require the use of
84       the Windows Subsystem for Linux
85       <https://msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl/>.
87   Do I need to clean my environment before testing Mojolicious?
88       Mojolicious uses many environment variables both internally and
89       externally, notably (but not exclusively) those starting with the
90       prefix "MOJO_*" and "PLACK_ENV". The test suite expects a clean
91       environment; testing with a non-standard environment is unsupported and
92       is unlikely to succeed. Therefore when installing or upgrading
93       Mojolicious and when running its tests, we highly recommend using an
94       environment which does not set these variables.
96   Where did my file extension go?
97       Standard route placeholders will not match the "." character, however
98       Mojolicious routes automatically take file extensions like ".html",
99       remove the leading ".", and store the result in the "format" stash
100       value. This can be useful for URL-based content negotiation, such as
101       automatically rendering different templates based on the file
102       extension. See "Formats" in Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for
103       information on customizing format detection, or consider using relaxed
104       placeholders to allow matching of the "."  character.
106   Can I configure Hypnotoad from the command line?
107       No, you can't, Hypnotoad is a bit special in this regard. Because when
108       you initiate a zero downtime software upgrade (hot deployment), you are
109       only really sending a "USR2" signal to the already running server, and
110       no other information can be passed along. What you can do instead, is
111       to use a Mojolicious::Plugin::Config, Mojolicious::Plugin::JSONConfig
112       or Mojolicious::Plugin::NotYAMLConfig configuration file.
114         # myapp.conf
115         {
116           hypnotoad => {
117             listen  => ['http://*:8080'],
118             workers => 10
119           }
120         };
122       Or if you don't actually need zero downtime software upgrades, just use
123       Mojolicious::Command::prefork instead, which is otherwise almost
124       identical to Hypnotoad.
126         $ ./myapp.pl prefork -m production -l http://*:8080 -w 10
128   What does the error "...certificate verify failed" mean?
129       There are many variations of this error, but most of them mean that TLS
130       certificate verification in Mojo::UserAgent failed. This usually
131       happens for two reasons. The most common one is that the peer
132       certificate is simply invalid. If that's the case and you are certain
133       that no MITM attack is being attempted, you can use the attribute
134       "insecure" in Mojo::UserAgent or "MOJO_INSECURE" environment variable
135       to disable certificate verification. And if that's not the case you
136       might be missing the Mozilla::CA module, which is often required by
137       IO::Socket::SSL to be able to verify certificates.
139   What does the error "Maximum message size exceeded" mean?
140       To protect your applications from excessively large requests and
141       responses, our HTTP parser has a cap after which it will automatically
142       stop accepting new data, and in most cases force the connection to be
143       closed. The limit is 16MiB for requests, and 2GiB for responses by
144       default. You can use the attributes "max_request_size" in Mojolicious
145       and "max_response_size" in Mojo::UserAgent to change these values.
147   What does the error "Maximum start-line size exceeded" mean?
148       This is a very similar protection mechanism to the one described in the
149       previous answer, but a little more specific. It limits the maximum
150       length of the start-line for HTTP requests and responses. The limit is
151       8KiB by default, you can use the attribute "max_line_size" in
152       Mojo::Message or "MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE" environment variable to change
153       this value.
155   What does the error "Maximum header size exceeded" mean?
156       Almost the same as the previous answer, but this protection mechanism
157       limits the number and maximum length of HTTP request and response
158       headers. The limits are 100 headers with 8KiB each by default, you can
159       use the attributes "max_lines" in Mojo::Headers and "max_line_size" in
160       Mojo::Headers or the "MOJO_MAX_LINES" and "MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE"
161       environment variables to change these values.
163   What does the error "Maximum buffer size exceeded" mean?
164       This protection mechanism limits how much content the HTTP parser is
165       allowed to buffer when parsing chunked, compressed and multipart
166       messages. The limit is around 256KiB by default, you can use the
167       attribute "max_buffer_size" in Mojo::Content or "MOJO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE"
168       environment variable to change this value.
170   What does "Your secret passphrase needs to be changed" mean?
171       Mojolicious uses secret passphrases for security features such as
172       signed cookies. It defaults to using "moniker" in Mojolicious, which is
173       not very secure, so we added this log message as a reminder. You can
174       change the passphrase with the attribute "secrets" in Mojolicious.
175       Since some plugins also depend on it, you should try changing it as
176       early as possible in your application.
178         $app->secrets(['My very secret passphrase.']);
180   What does "Nothing has been rendered, expecting delayed response" mean?
181       Mojolicious has been designed from the ground up for non-blocking I/O
182       and event loops. So when a new request comes in and no response is
183       generated right away, it will assume that this was intentional and
184       return control to the web server, which can then handle other requests
185       while waiting for events such as timers to finally generate a response.
187   What does "Inactivity timeout" mean?
188       To protect your applications from denial-of-service attacks, all
189       connections have an inactivity timeout which limits how long a
190       connection may be inactive before being closed automatically. It
191       defaults to 40 seconds for the user agent and 30 seconds for all built-
192       in web servers, and can be changed with the attributes
193       "inactivity_timeout" in Mojo::UserAgent and "inactivity_timeout" in
194       Mojo::Server::Daemon or the "MOJO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT" environment
195       variable. In Mojolicious applications you can also use the helper
196       "inactivity_timeout" in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers to change
197       it on demand for each connection individually.  This timeout always
198       applies, so you might have to tweak it for applications that take a
199       long time to process a request.
201   What does "Premature connection close" mean?
202       This error message is often related to the one above, and means that
203       the web server closed the connection before the user agent could
204       receive the whole response or that the user agent got destroyed, which
205       forces all connections to be closed immediately.
207         # The variable $ua goes out of scope and gets destroyed too early
208         Mojo::IOLoop->timer(5 => sub {
209           my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
210           $ua->get('https://mojolicious.org' => sub {
211             my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
212             say $tx->result->dom->at('title')->text;
213           });
214         });
216   What does "Worker 31842 has no heartbeat (50 seconds), restarting" mean?
217       As long as they are accepting new connections, worker processes of all
218       built-in pre-forking web servers send heartbeat messages to the manager
219       process at regular intervals, to signal that they are still responsive.
220       A blocking operation such as an infinite loop in your application can
221       prevent this, and will force the affected worker to be restarted after
222       a timeout. This timeout defaults to 50 seconds and can be extended with
223       the attribute "heartbeat_timeout" in Mojo::Server::Prefork if your
224       application requires it.
226   What does "Transaction already destroyed" mean?
227       This error message usually appears after waiting for the results of a
228       non-blocking operation for longer periods of time, because the
229       underlying connection has been closed in the meantime and the value of
230       the attribute "tx" in Mojolicious::Controller is no longer available.
231       While there might not be a way to prevent the connection from getting
232       closed, you can try to avoid this error message by keeping a reference
233       to the transaction object that is not weakened.
235         # Keep a strong reference to the transaction object
236         my $tx = $c->render_later->tx;
237         $c->ua->get_p('https://mojolicious.org')->then(sub {
238           $c->render(text => 'Visited mojolicious.org');
239         })->catch(sub {
240           my $err = shift;
241           $tx;
242           $c->reply->exception($err);
243         });


246       You can continue with Mojolicious::Guides now or take a look at the
247       Mojolicious wiki <http://github.com/mojolicious/mojo/wiki>, which
248       contains a lot more documentation and examples by many different
249       authors.


252       If you have any questions the documentation might not yet answer, don't
253       hesitate to ask on the mailing list
254       <http://groups.google.com/group/mojolicious> or the official IRC
255       channel "#mojo" on "irc.freenode.net" (chat now!
256       <https://webchat.freenode.net/#mojo>).
260perl v5.32.0                      2020-07-28       Mojolicious::Guides::FAQ(3)