1REPART.D(5)                        repart.d                        REPART.D(5)


6       repart.d - Partition Definition Files for Automatic Boot-Time
7       Repartitioning


10       /etc/repart.d/*.conf
11       /run/repart.d/*.conf
12       /usr/lib/repart.d/*.conf


16       repart.d/*.conf files describe basic properties of partitions of block
17       devices of the local system. They may be used to declare types, names
18       and sizes of partitions that shall exist. The systemd-repart(8) service
19       reads these files and attempts to add new partitions currently missing
20       and enlarge existing partitions according to these definitions.
21       Operation is generally incremental, i.e. when applied, what exists
22       already is left intact, and partitions are never shrunk, moved or
23       deleted.
25       These definition files are useful for implementing operating system
26       images that are prepared and delivered with minimally sized images (for
27       example lacking any state or swap partitions), and which on first boot
28       automatically take possession of any remaining disk space following a
29       few basic rules.
31       Currently, support for partition definition files is only implemented
32       for GPT partitition tables.
34       Partition files are generally matched against any partitions already
35       existing on disk in a simple algorithm: the partition files are sorted
36       by their filename (ignoring the directory prefix), and then compared in
37       order against existing partitions matching the same partition type
38       UUID. Specifically, the first existing partition with a specific
39       partition type UUID is assigned the first definition file with the same
40       partition type UUID, and the second existing partition with a specific
41       type UUID the second partition file with the same type UUID, and so on.
42       Any left-over partition files that have no matching existing partition
43       are assumed to define new partition that shall be created. Such
44       partitions are appended to the end of the partition table, in the order
45       defined by their names utilizing the first partition slot greater than
46       the highest slot number currently in use. Any existing partitions that
47       have no matching partition file are left as they are.
49       Note that these partition definition files do not describe the contents
50       of the partitions, such as the file system used. Separate mechanisms,
51       such as systemd-growfs(8) and systemd-makefs maybe be used to
52       initialize or grow the file systems inside of these partitions.


55       Type=
56           The GPT partition type UUID to match. This may be a GPT partition
57           type UUID such as 4f68bce3-e8cd-4db1-96e7-fbcaf984b709, or one of
58           the following special identifiers:
60           Table 1. GPT partition type identifiers
61           ┌──────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
62Identifier            Explanation                
63           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
64esp                   │ EFI System Partition       │
65           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
66xbootldr              │ Extended Boot Loader       │
67           │                      │ Partition                  │
68           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
69swap                  │ Swap partition             │
70           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
71home                  │ Home (/home/) partition    │
72           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
73srv                   │ Server data (/srv/)        │
74           │                      │ partition                  │
75           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
76var                   │ Variable data (/var/)      │
77           │                      │ partition                  │
78           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
79tmp                   │ Temporary data (/var/tmp/) │
80           │                      │ partition                  │
81           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
82linux-generic         │ Generic Linux file system  │
83           │                      │ partition                  │
84           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
85root                  │ Root file system partition │
86           │                      │ type appropriate for the   │
87           │                      │ local architecture (an     │
88           │                      │ alias for an architecture  │
89           │                      │ root file system partition │
90           │                      │ type listed below, e.g.    │
91           │                      │ root-x86-64)               │
92           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
93root-verity           │ Verity data for the root   │
94           │                      │ file system partition for  │
95           │                      │ the local architecture     │
96           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
97root-secondary        │ Root file system partition │
98           │                      │ of the secondary           │
99           │                      │ architecture of the local  │
100           │                      │ architecture (usually the  │
101           │                      │ matching 32bit             │
102           │                      │ architecture for the local │
103           │                      │ 64bit architecture)        │
104           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
105root-secondary-verity │ Verity data for the root   │
106           │                      │ file system partition of   │
107           │                      │ the secondary architecture │
108           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
109root-x86              │ Root file system partition │
110           │                      │ for the x86 (32bit, aka    │
111           │                      │ i386) architecture         │
112           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
113root-x86-verity       │ Verity data for the x86    │
114           │                      │ (32bit) root file system   │
115           │                      │ partition                  │
116           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
117root-x86-64           │ Root file system partition │
118           │                      │ for the x86_64 (64bit, aka │
119           │                      │ amd64) architecture        │
120           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
121root-x86-64-verity    │ Verity data for the x86_64 │
122           │                      │ (64bit) root file system   │
123           │                      │ partition                  │
124           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
125root-arm              │ Root file system partition │
126           │                      │ for the ARM (32bit)        │
127           │                      │ architecture               │
128           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
129root-arm-verity       │ Verity data for the ARM    │
130           │                      │ (32bit) root file system   │
131           │                      │ partition                  │
132           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
133root-arm64            │ Root file system partition │
134           │                      │ for the ARM (64bit, aka    │
135           │                      │ aarch64) architecture      │
136           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
137root-arm64-verity     │ Verity data for the ARM    │
138           │                      │ (64bit, aka aarch64) root  │
139           │                      │ file system partition      │
140           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
141root-ia64             │ Root file system partition │
142           │                      │ for the ia64 architecture  │
143           ├──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
144root-ia64-verity      │ Verity data for the ia64   │
145           │                      │ root file system partition │
146           └──────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
147           This setting defaults to linux-generic.
149           Most of the partition type UUIDs listed above are defined in the
150           Discoverable Partitions Specification[1].
152       Label=
153           The textual label to assign to the partition if none is assigned
154           yet. Note that this setting is not used for matching. It is also
155           not used when a label is already set for an existing partition. It
156           is thus only used when a partition is newly created or when an
157           existing one had a no label set (that is: an empty label). If not
158           specified a label derived from the partition type is automatically
159           used. Simple specifier expansion is supported, see below.
161       UUID=
162           The UUID to assign to the partition if none is assigned yet. Note
163           that this setting is not used for matching. It is also not used
164           when a UUID is already set for an existing partition. It is thus
165           only used when a partition is newly created or when an existing one
166           had a all-zero UUID set. If not specified a UUID derived from the
167           partition type is automatically used.
169       Priority=
170           A numeric priority to assign to this partition, in the range
171           -2147483648...2147483647, with smaller values indicating higher
172           priority, and higher values indicating smaller priority. This
173           priority is used in case the configured size constraints on the
174           defined partitions do not permit fitting all partitions onto the
175           available disk space. If the partitions do not fit, the highest
176           numeric partition priority of all defined partitions is determined,
177           and all defined partitions with this priority are removed from the
178           list of new partitions to create (which may be multiple, if the
179           same priority is used for multiple partitions). The fitting
180           algorithm is then tried again. If the partitions still do not fit,
181           the now highest numeric partition priority is determined, and the
182           matching partitions removed too, and so on. Partitions of a
183           priority of 0 or lower are never removed. If all partitions with a
184           priority above 0 are removed and the partitions still do not fit on
185           the device the operation fails. Note that this priority has no
186           effect on ordering partitions, for that use the alphabetical order
187           of the filenames of the partition definition files. Defaults to 0.
189       Weight=
190           A numeric weight to assign to this partition in the range
191           0...1000000. Available disk space is assigned the defined
192           partitions according to their relative weights (subject to the size
193           constraints configured with SizeMinBytes=, SizeMaxBytes=), so that
194           a partition with weight 2000 gets double the space as one with
195           weight 1000, and a partition with weight 333 a third of that.
196           Defaults to 1000.
198           The Weight= setting is used to distribute available disk space in
199           an "elastic" fashion, based on the disk size and existing
200           partitions. If a partition shall have a fixed size use both
201           SizeMinBytes= and SizeMaxBytes= with the same value in order to
202           fixate the size to one value, in which case the weight has no
203           effect.
205       PaddingWeight=
206           Similar to Weight= but sets a weight for the free space after the
207           partition (the "padding"). When distributing available space the
208           weights of all partitions and all defined padding is summed, and
209           then each partition and padding gets the fraction defined by its
210           weight. Defaults to 0, i.e. by default no padding is applied.
212           Padding is useful if empty space shall be left for later additions
213           or a safety margin at the end of the device or between partitions.
215       SizeMinBytes=, SizeMaxBytes=
216           Specifies minimum and maximum size constraints in bytes. Takes the
217           usual K, M, G, T, ... suffixes (to the base of 1024). If
218           SizeMinBytes= is specified the partition is created at or grown to
219           at least the specified size. If SizeMaxBytes= is specified the
220           partition is created at or grown to at most the specified size. The
221           precise size is determined through the weight value value
222           configured with Weight=, see above. When SizeMinBytes= is set equal
223           to SizeMaxBytes= the configured weight has no effect as the
224           partition is explicitly sized to the specified fixed value. Note
225           that partitions are never created smaller than 4096 bytes, and
226           since partitions are never shrunk the previous size of the
227           partition (in case the partition already exists) is also enforced
228           as lower bound for the new size. The values should be specified as
229           multiples of 4096 bytes, and are rounded upwards (in case of
230           SizeMinBytes=) or downwards (in case of SizeMaxBytes=) otherwise.
231           If the backing device does not provide enough space to fulfill the
232           constraints placing the partition will fail. For partitions that
233           shall be created, depending on the setting of Priority= (see above)
234           the partition might be dropped and the placing algorithm restarted.
235           By default a minimum size constraint of 10M and no maximum size
236           constraint is set.
238       PaddingMinBytes=, PaddingMaxBytes=
239           Specifies minimum and maximum size constraints in bytes for the
240           free space after the partition (the "padding"). Semantics are
241           similar to SizeMinBytes= and SizeMaxBytes=, except that unlike
242           partition sizes free space can be shrunk and can be as small as
243           zero. By default no size constraints on padding are set, so that
244           only PaddingWeight= determines the size of the padding applied.
246       CopyBlocks=
247           Takes a path to a regular file, block device node or directory. If
248           specified and the partition is newly created the data from the
249           specified path is written to the newly created partition, on the
250           block level. If a directory is specified the backing block device
251           of the file system the directory is on is determined and the data
252           read directly from that. This option is useful to efficiently
253           replicate existing file systems on the block level on a new
254           partition, for example to build a simple OS installer or OS image
255           builder.
257           The file specified here must have a size that is a multiple of the
258           basic block size 512 and not be empty. If this option is used, the
259           size allocation algorithm is slightly altered: the partition is
260           created as least as big as required to fit the data in, i.e. the
261           data size is an additional minimum size value taken into
262           consideration for the allocation algorithm, similar to and in
263           addition to the SizeMin= value configured above.
265           This option has no effect if the partition it is declared for
266           already exists, i.e. existing data is never overwritten. Note that
267           the data is copied in before the partition table is updated, i.e.
268           before the partition actually is persistently created. This
269           provides robustness: it is guaranteed that the partition either
270           doesn't exist or exists fully populated; it is not possible that
271           the partition exists but is not or only partially populated.
273       FactoryReset=
274           Takes a boolean argument. If specified the partition is marked for
275           removal during a factory reset operation. This functionality is
276           useful to implement schemes where images can be reset into their
277           original state by removing partitions and creating them anew.
278           Defaults to off.


281       Specifiers may be used in the Label= setting. The following expansions
282       are understood:
284       Table 2. Specifiers available
285       ┌──────────┬─────────────────────┬────────────────────────┐
286Specifier Meaning             Details                
287       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
288       │"%a"      │ Architecture        │ A short string         │
289       │          │                     │ identifying the        │
290       │          │                     │ architecture of the    │
291       │          │                     │ local system. A        │
292       │          │                     │ string such as x86,    │
293       │          │                     │ x86-64 or arm64.       │
294       │          │                     │ See the                │
295       │          │                     │ architectures          │
296       │          │                     │ defined for            │
297       │          │                     │ ConditionArchitecture=
298       │          │                     │ in systemd.unit(5)
299       │          │                     │ for a full list.       │
300       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
301       │"%b"      │ Boot ID             │ The boot ID of the     │
302       │          │                     │ running system,        │
303       │          │                     │ formatted as string.   │
304       │          │                     │ See random(4) for more │
305       │          │                     │ information.           │
306       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
307       │"%B"      │ Operating system    │ The operating system   │
308       │          │ build ID            │ build identifier of    │
309       │          │                     │ the running system, as │
310       │          │                     │ read from the          │
311       │          │                     │ BUILD_ID= field of     │
312       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. If    │
313       │          │                     │ not set, resolves to   │
314       │          │                     │ an empty string. See   │
315       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
316       │          │                     │ information.           │
317       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
318       │"%H"      │ Host name           │ The hostname of the    │
319       │          │                     │ running system.        │
320       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
321       │"%l"      │ Short host name     │ The hostname of the    │
322       │          │                     │ running system,        │
323       │          │                     │ truncated at the first │
324       │          │                     │ dot to remove any      │
325       │          │                     │ domain component.      │
326       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
327       │"%m"      │ Machine ID          │ The machine ID of the  │
328       │          │                     │ running system,        │
329       │          │                     │ formatted as string.   │
330       │          │                     │ See machine-id(5) for  │
331       │          │                     │ more information.      │
332       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
333       │"%o"      │ Operating system ID │ The operating system   │
334       │          │                     │ identifier of the      │
335       │          │                     │ running system, as     │
336       │          │                     │ read from the ID=
337       │          │                     │ field of               │
338       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. See   │
339       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
340       │          │                     │ information.           │
341       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
342       │"%v"      │ Kernel release      │ Identical to uname -r  
343       │          │                     │ output.                │
344       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
345       │"%w"      │ Operating system    │ The operating system   │
346       │          │ version ID          │ version identifier of  │
347       │          │                     │ the running system, as │
348       │          │                     │ read from the          │
349       │          │                     │ VERSION_ID= field of   │
350       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. If    │
351       │          │                     │ not set, resolves to   │
352       │          │                     │ an empty string. See   │
353       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
354       │          │                     │ information.           │
355       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
356       │"%W"      │ Operating system    │ The operating system   │
357       │          │ variant ID          │ variant identifier of  │
358       │          │                     │ the running system, as │
359       │          │                     │ read from the          │
360       │          │                     │ VARIANT_ID= field of   │
361       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. If    │
362       │          │                     │ not set, resolves to   │
363       │          │                     │ an empty string. See   │
364       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
365       │          │                     │ information.           │
366       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
367       │"%%"      │ Single percent sign │ Use "%%" in place of   │
368       │          │                     │ "%" to specify a       │
369       │          │                     │ single percent sign.   │
370       └──────────┴─────────────────────┴────────────────────────┘


373       Example 1. Grow the root partition to the full disk size at first boot
375       With the following file the root partition is automatically grown to
376       the full disk if possible during boot.
378           # /usr/lib/repart.d/50-root.conf
379           [Partition]
380           Type=root
383       Example 2. Create a swap and home partition automatically on boot, if
384       missing
386       The home partition gets all available disk space while the swap
387       partition gets 1G at most and 64M at least. We set a priority > 0 on
388       the swap partition to ensure the swap partition is not used if not
389       enough space is available. For every three bytes assigned to the home
390       partition the swap partition gets assigned one.
392           # /usr/lib/repart.d/60-home.conf
393           [Partition]
394           Type=home
396           # /usr/lib/repart.d/70-swap.conf
397           [Partition]
398           Type=swap
399           SizeMinBytes=64M
400           SizeMaxBytes=1G
401           Priority=1
402           Weight=333
405       Example 3. Create B partitions in an A/B Verity setup, if missing
407       Let's say the vendor intends to update OS images in an A/B setup, i.e.
408       with two root partitions (and two matching Verity partitions) that
409       shall be used alternatingly during upgrades. To minimize image sizes
410       the original image is shipped only with one root and one Verity
411       partition (the "A" set), and the second root and Verity partitions (the
412       "B" set) shall be created on first boot on the free space on the
413       medium.
415           # /usr/lib/repart.d/50-root.conf
416           [Partition]
417           Type=root
418           SizeMinBytes=512M
419           SizeMaxBytes=512M
421           # /usr/lib/repart.d/60-root-verity.conf
422           [Partition]
423           Type=root-verity
424           SizeMinBytes=64M
425           SizeMaxBytes=64M
427       The definitions above cover the "A" set of root partition (of a fixed
428       512M size) and Verity partition for the root partition (of a fixed 64M
429       size). Let's use symlinks to create the "B" set of partitions, since
430       after all they shall have the same properties and sizes as the "A" set.
432           # ln -s 50-root.conf /usr/lib/repart.d/70-root-b.conf
433           # ln -s 60-root-verity.conf /usr/lib/repart.d/80-root-verity-b.conf


437       systemd(1), systemd-repart(8), sfdisk(8)


440        1. Discoverable Partitions Specification
441           https://systemd.io/DISCOVERABLE_PARTITIONS
445systemd 246                                                        REPART.D(5)