1XmStringParseText(library call)                XmStringParseText(library call)


6       XmStringParseText  —  A  function that converts a character string to a
7       compound string


10       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
11       XmString XmStringParseText(
12       XtPointer text,
13       XtPointer *text_end,
14       XmStringTag tag,
15       XmTextType type,
16       XmParseTable parse_table,
17       Cardinal parse_count,
18       XtPointer call_data);


21       XmStringParseText converts characters specified in text to  correspond‐
22       ing  components in the returned compound string. The resulting compound
23       string consists of at least one locale or charset tag component  and  a
24       series of XmString text components and other components. The conversion
25       proceeds according to the parse information contained  in  parse_table.
26       See the Motif Programmer's Guide for more information about parsing and
27       parse tables.
29          ·  If type is XmCHARSET_TEXT, the associated tag is interpreted as a
30             charset  name.   If  tag has a value of NULL, a charset component
31             whose value is the result of  mapping  XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG  is
32             created.
34          ·  If  type  is  XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT or XmWIDECHAR_TEXT, the associated
35             tag is interpreted as a language environment name.  If tag has  a
36             value   of   NULL,   a   locale   component   with   a  value  of
37             _MOTIF_DEFAULT_LOCALE is created.  If type is XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT or
38             XmWIDECHAR_TEXT, tag must be NULL or _MOTIF_DEFAULT_LOCALE.
40       XmStringParseText  also  scans  the  string  for  characters  that have
41       matches in parse_table.  Whenever a match is found, the text up to that
42       point is concatenated with the mapped component.
44       text      Specifies the NULL-terminated string containing characters of
45                 a type determined by type.  This is updated to point to after
46                 the last character scanned.
48       text_end  Specifies  a  pointer into text. If a NULL is supplied to the
49                 text_end parameter, then XmStringParseText parses text  until
50                 NULL  is  encountered,  or  until  it reaches a point in text
51                 where it is directed to stop (for example, by a  parse_proc).
52                 Otherwise,  the  value  supplied to the text_end parameter is
53                 the pointer into text where  parsing  is  to  stop,  and  the
54                 returned character is the one where parsing did stop.
56       tag       Specifies  the  tag  to  be used in creating the result.  The
57                 type of string tag created (charset or locale) depends on the
58                 text  type  and the passed in tag value.  If the tag value is
59                 NULL and if type indicates that a charset string  tag  should
60                 be  created,  the string tag has the value that is the result
61                 of  mapping  XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG.   If  type  indicates  a
62                 locale   string   tag,   the   string   tag   has  the  value
63                 _MOTIF_DEFAULT_LOCALE.
65       type      Specifies the type of text and the tag type.  If a locale tag
66                 should  be  created,  type  has  a  value  of either XmMULTI‐
67                 BYTE_TEXT  or  XmWIDECHAR_TEXT.   If  type   has   value   of
68                 XmCHARSET_TEXT, a charset tag will be created.
70       parse_table
71                 Specifies  the parse table to be used in scanning for charac‐
72                 ters to be converted to other compound string components.
74       parse_count
75                 Specifies the number of entries in parse_table.
77       call_data Specifies data to be passed to the parse procedures.


80       Returns a new compound string.  The function allocates  space  to  hold
81       the returned compound string.  When the application no longer needs the
82       returned compound string, the application should call XmStringFree.
85       XmString(3), XmStringFree(3), XmParseTable(3), XmParseMapping(3).
89                                               XmStringParseText(library call)