1PMREGISTERDERIVED(3)       Library Functions Manual       PMREGISTERDERIVED(3)


6       pmRegisterDerived, pmRegisterDerivedMetric  - register a global derived
7       metric name and definition


10       #include <pcp/pmapi.h>
12       char *pmRegisterDerived(char *name, char *expr);
13       int pmRegisterDerivedMetric(char *name, char *expr, char **errmsg);
15       cc ... -lpcp


18       Derived metrics provide a way of extending the Performance Metrics Name
19       Space  (PMNS) with new metrics defined at the PCP client-side using ex‐
20       pressions over the existing performance metrics.
22       Typical uses would be to aggregate a number of similar metrics to  pro‐
23       vide  a  higher-level  summary  metric or to support the ``delta V over
24       delta V'' class of metrics that are not possible in the base  data  se‐
25       mantics  of  PCP.   An example of the latter class would be the average
26       I/O size, defined as
27                 delta(disk.dev.total_bytes) / delta(disk.dev.total)
28       where both of the disk.dev metrics are counters, and what  is  required
29       is  to  sample both metrics, compute the difference between the current
30       and previous values and then calculate the ratio of these differences.
32       The arguments to pmRegisterDerived are the name of the new derived met‐
33       ric and expr is an expression defining how the values of name should be
34       computed.
36       pmRegisterDerivedMetric is the exact functional equivalent to  pmRegis‐
37       terDerived  except  that  it  provides a simplified model of error han‐
38       dling, where a formatted message is returned via the errmsg parameter.
40       Syntactic checking  is  performed  at  the  time  pmRegisterDerived  is
41       called,  but semantic checking is deferred until each new PMAPI context
42       is created with pmNewContext(3) or re-established with  pmReconnectCon‐
43       text(3),  at which time the PMNS and metadata is available to allow se‐
44       mantic checking and the metadata of the derived metrics  to  be  deter‐
45       mined.
47       If  pmRegisterDerived  is  called  after one or more PMAPI contexts has
48       been opened, then the newly registered  metrics  will  be  avaiable  in
49       those  contexts, however the more normal use would be to make all calls
50       to pmRegisterDerived (possibly via pmLoadDerivedConfig(3)) or  pmRegis‐
51       terDerivedMetric before calling pmNewContext(3).
53       All  of  the  defined global derived metrics are available in all PMAPI
54       contexts.
56       It is also possible to define per-context derived metrics once a  PMAPI
57       context  has been establised.  These derived metrics are private to the
58       context in which they are  defined  using  the  allied  routines  pmAd‐
59       dDerived(3) and pmAddDerivedMetric(3).
61       name  should  follow  the  syntactic rules for the names of performance
62       metrics, namely one or more components separated with  a  dot  (``.''),
63       and  each  component  must begin with an alphabetic followed by zero or
64       more characters drawn from the  alphabetics,  numerics  and  underscore
65       (``_'').  For more details, refer to PCPIntro(1) and PMNS(5).
67       name must be unique across all derived metrics and should not match the
68       name of any regular metric in the PMNS.  It is acceptable for  name  to
69       share  some  part  of  its prefix with an existing subtree of the PMNS,
70       e.g. the average I/O size metric above could  be  named  disk.dev.avgsz
71       which  would  place  it amongst the other disk.dev metrics in the PMNS.
72       Alternatively, derived metrics could populate their own subtree of  the
73       PMNS,  e.g.  the  average  I/O size metric above could be named my.sum‐
74       mary.disk.avgsz.
76       The expression expr follows these syntactic rules:
78       * Terminal elements are either names of  existing  metrics  or  numeric
79         constants.   Recursive definitions are not allowed, so only the names
80         of regular metrics (not other derived metrics) may be  used.  Numeric
81         constants  are either integers constrained to the precision of 32-bit
82         unsigned integers or double precision floating point numbers.
84       * The usual binary arithmetic operators are supported, namely  addition
85         (``+''),  subtraction  (``-''),  multiplication  (``*'') and division
86         (``/'') with the normal precedence rules where multiplication and di‐
87         vision have higher precedence than addition and subtraction, so a+b*c
88         is evaluated as a+(b*c).
90       * Unary negation may be used, e.g.  -3*some.metric.
92       * C-style relational operators are  supported,  namely  ``<'',  ``<='',
93         ``=='',  ``>='',  ``>'' and ``!=''.  Relational expresssions return a
94         value as a 32-bit unsigned number being 0 for false and 1  for  true.
95         The expected operator precedence rules apply, so arithmetic operators
96         have higher precedence than  relational  operators,  and  a-b>c+d  is
97         evaluated  as  (a-b)>(c+d).   All the relational operators have equal
98         precedence, so the (slightly odd)  expression  involving  consecutive
99         relational operators a>b!=c is evaluated as (a>b)!=c.
101       * C-style  boolean  operators are supported, namely and (``&&'') and or
102         (``||'').  Boolean expresssions return a value as a  32-bit  unsigned
103         number  being  0  for  false  and  1 for true.  The expected operator
104         precedence rules apply, so relational operators  have  higher  prece‐
105         dence  than  boolean  operators,  and  a>b*c&&d<=e+f  is evaluated as
106         (a>(b*c))&&(d<=(e+f)).  Both the boolean operators have equal  prece‐
107         dence,  so  the  expression  involving  consecutive boolean operators
108         a>=b||b>c&&d!=e||f>g            is            evaluated            as
109         (((a>=b)||(b>c))&&(d!=e))||(f>g).
111       * Additionally,  the  ``!'' operator may be used to negate a boolean or
112         relational expression, returning a value as a 32-bit unsigned  number
113         being  0  for false and 1 for true.  The expected operator precedence
114         rules apply, so boolean (and relational) operators have higher prece‐
115         dence   than   boolean   negation,  and  !a>b||c<d  is  evaluated  as
116         !((a>b)||(c<d)), while !a<b+c is evaluated as !(a<(b+c)).
118       * C-style ternary conditional expressions  are  supported.  In  general
119         terms  the  expression  check  ?  foo  : bar is evaluated as foo (the
120         ``true'' operand) if check (the ``guard'') is true, else the  expres‐
121         sion evaluates to bar (the ``false'' operand).  Some special semantic
122         rules apply to the ``guard'' expression and the other two operand ex‐
123         pressions:
124         (a) Each  expression  may involve a singular value or a set of values
125             (when the expression involves one or more  metrics  with  an  in‐
126             stance domain).
127         (b) All  expressions  with  a  set of values must be defined over the
128             same instance domain.
129         (c) Both operand expressions must have the same metadata, so the same
130             metric type, semantics and units (dimension and scale).
131         (d) The  ``guard'' expression must have an aritmetic or relational or
132             boolean value, so that it can be evaluated as 0 for  false,  else
133             true.
134         (e) If  the ``guard'' expression has a singular value and one or more
135             of the other operand expressions involves an instance domain, the
136             ``guard'' applies to all instances.
137         (f) If  the  ``guard'' expression has a set of values and one or more
138             of the other operand expressions involves an instance domain, the
139             ``guard''  is evaluated once for each instance (there must be one
140             instance domain as per rule (b) above).
141         (g) If one of the operand expressions has a singular  value  and  the
142             other  has  a  set  of values, and the singular value is selected
143             based on the evaluation of the ``guard'', then the  result  is  a
144             set  of  values  (all  the  same) with instance enumeration being
145             taken from the other operand expression. For example in  the  ex‐
146             pression:  foo ? scalar : set, if foo is true, then the result is
147             a set of values (all having the same value, scalar) over the  in‐
148             stance domain of set.
150       * Selection  of  a  single  instance  can be specified by the construct
151         ``[instance_name]'' which may be appended  to  a  metric  name  or  a
152         parenthesized expression.  For example:
153         fw.bytes = network.interface.in.bytes[eth1] + \
154                    network.interface.out.bytes[eth1]
155         or (equivalently):
156         fw.bytes = (network.interface.in.bytes + \
157                     network.interface.out.bytes)[eth1]
159         All  characters between the ``['' and ``]'' are considered to be part
160         of the (external) instance name, so be careful to avoid any  spurious
161         white space.  A backslash may be used as an escape prefix in the (un‐
162         likely) event that the external instance name contains a ``]''.
164       * Numeric constants can also be specified using the mkconst() construc‐
165         tor  which  takes  a number of arguments: the first is a numeric con‐
166         stant (either integer or floating point), then follow one or more pa‐
167         rameters  of  the  form tag=value or tag= where the allowed values of
168         tag and value are as follows:
170              ┌──────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────┐
172              ├──────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
173              │type      │ one  of  the  numeric   metric   types   from │
174              │          │ <pcp/pmapi.h>,  stripped of the PM_TYPE_ pre‐ │
175              │          │ fix, so 32, U32, 64, U64, FLOAT or DOUBLE.    │
176              ├──────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
177              │semantics │ one of the semantic types from <pcp/pmapi.h>, │
178              │          │ stripped  of  the PM_SEM_ prefix, so COUNTER, │
179              │          │ INSTANT or DISCRETE.                          │
180              ├──────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
181              │units     │ a specification of dimension and  scale  (to‐ │
182              │          │ gether  forming the units), in the syntax ac‐ │
183              │          │ cepted by pmParseUnitsStr(3).                 │
184              └──────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
185         The value may optionally be enclosed in double quotes, and may appear
186         in any mix of upper and/or lower case.  The tag must be in lower case
187         as shown in the table above.
189         This is most useful when the expression  semantics  require  matching
190         type and/or semantics and/or units for operands, e.g.
191         idle = mem.util.free > mkconst(10485760, units=Kbyte)
192         avg_io_size = delta(disk.dev.total) == 0 ? \
193             -mkconst(1.0, semantics=instant, units="kbyte / count") : \
194             delta(disk.dev.total_bytes) / delta(disk.dev.total)
196       * Expressions may be rescaled using the rescale function that takes two
197         arguments.  The first is an arithmetic expression to be rescaled, and
198         the  second  is  the  desired  units after rescaling that is a string
199         value in the syntax accepted by pmParseUnitsStr(3).  For example:
200         rescale(network.interface.total.bytes, "Mbytes/hour")
202         The expression and the desired units must both have the  same  dimen‐
203         sion, e.g Space=1, Time=-1 and Count=0 in the example above.
205       * The  following unary functions operate on a single performance metric
206         and return one or more values.  For all  functions  (except  count(),
207         defined()  and  instant()),  the  type  of the operand metric must be
208         arithmetic (integer of various sizes and signedness,  float  or  dou‐
209         ble).
211             ┌───────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────┐
212             │ Function  │                     Value                     │
213             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
214             │avg(x)     │ A  singular  instance being the average value │
215             │           │ across all instances for the metric x.        │
216             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
217             │count(x)   │ A singular instance being the  count  of  the │
218             │           │ number  of  instances for the metric x.  As a │
219             │           │ special case, if fetching the  metric  x  re‐ │
220             │           │ turns an error, then count(x) will be 0.      │
221             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
222             │defined(x) │ A  boolean  value that is true (``1'') if the │
223             │           │ metric x is defined in the PMNS,  else  false │
224             │           │ (``0'').   The  function  is evaluated when a │
225             │           │ new PMAPI context is created  with  pmNewCon‐ 
226             │           │ text(3)  or  re-established with pmReconnect‐ 
227             │           │ Context(3).  So any subsequent changes to the │
228             │           │ PMNS  after the PMAPI context has been estab‐ │
229             │           │ lished will not  change  the  value  of  this │
230             │           │ function in the expression evaluation.        │
231             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
232             │delta(x)   │ Returns the difference in values for the met‐ │
233             │           │ ric x between one call to pmFetch(3) and  the │
234             │           │ next.  There  is  one value in the result for │
235             │           │ each instance that appears in both  the  cur‐ │
236             │           │ rent  and the previous sample.  If the metric │
237             │           │ x is unsigned, then the type of the result is │
238             │           │ converted to ensure as much precision as pos‐ │
239             │           │ sible can be retained, so if the metric x has │
240             │           │ type  PM_TYPE_U32  then the result is of type │
241             │           │ PM_TYPE_64, else if the  metric  x  has  type │
242             │           │ PM_TYPE_U64   then  the  result  is  of  type │
243             │           │ PM_TYPE_DOUBLE.  Otherwise the  type  of  the │
244             │           │ result  is the same as the type of the metric │
245             │           │ x.                                            │
246             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
247             │rate(x)    │ Returns the difference in values for the met‐ │
248             │           │ ric  x between one call to pmFetch(3) and the │
249             │           │ next divided by the elapsed time between  the │
250             │           │ calls  to  pmFetch(3).   The semantics of the │
251             │           │ derived metric are based on the semantics  of │
252             │           │ the  metric  x with the dimension in the time 
253             │           │ domain decreased by one and  scaling  if  re‐ │
254             │           │ quired in the time utilization case where the │
255             │           │ operand is in units of time, and the  derived │
256             │           │ metric  is  unitless.   This  mimics the rate │
257             │           │ conversion  applied  to  counter  metrics  by │
258             │           │ tools  such  as  pmval(1),  pmie(1)  and  pm‐ 
259             │           │ chart(1).  There is one value in  the  result │
260             │           │ for  each  instance  that appears in both the │
261             │           │ current and the previous sample.              │
262             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
263             │instant(x) │ Returns the current value of  the  metric  x, │
264             │           │ even  it has the semantics of a counter, i.e. │
265             │           │ PM_SEM_COUNTER.  The semantics of the derived │
266             │           │ metric are based on the semantics of the met‐ │
267             │           │ ric x; if x has semantics PM_SEM_COUNTER, the │
268             │           │ semantics  of  instant(x)  is PM_SEM_INSTANT, │
269             │           │ otherwise the semantics of the derived metric │
270             │           │ is the same as the semantics of the metric x. │
271             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
272             │max(x)     │ A  singular  instance being the maximum value │
273             │           │ across all instances for the metric x.        │
274             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
275             │min(x)     │ A singular instance being the  minimum  value │
276             │           │ across all instances for the metric x.        │
277             ├───────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
278             │sum(x)     │ A singular instance being the sum of the val‐ │
279             │           │ ues across all instances for the metric x.    │
280             └───────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
281       * The matchinst function may be used to select  a  subset  of  the  in‐
282         stances  from  an  instance  domain  for a metric or expression.  The
283         function takes two arguments:
284         (a) A instance filter that consists of an optional negation  operator
285             ``!'' followed by a regular expression delimited by ``/'' charac‐
286             ters.  The regular expression follows the POSIX Extended  Regular
287             Expression  syntax  as described in regex(3).  Backslashes may be
288             used as escape prefixes, but double backslash is required to  es‐
289             cape any regular expression special characters, e.g. for the (ex‐
290             tremely unlikely) case of wanting to match  instance  names  like
291             ``some*text/other[text]''   a  regular  expression  of  the  form
292             /some\\*text\/other\\[text]/ would be required.  If present,  the
293             negation operator reverses the sense of the filtering, so all in‐
294             stances not matching the regular expression will be selected.
295         (b) A metric or expression that must be defined over an instance  do‐
296             main.
298         For example, the following expression will have values for the metric
299         network.interface.in.bytes for  all  network  interfaces  except  the
300         loopback and virtual bridge devices:
301         matchinst(!/^(lo)|(vbir)/, network.interface.in.bytes)
303       * The  scalar  function  may be used convert a metric or expression de‐
304         fined over an instance domain into a scalar value that can be used in
305         other expressions.  For example:
306         net.in.bytes = scalar(network.interface.in.bytes[eth0]) + \
307                    scalar(network.interface.in.bytes[eth1])
309         The  instance  domain is removed from the metadata for the result and
310         the instance identifier is removed from the value during fetching.
312         If the metric or expression involves more than one instance then  the
313         result  is  formed  by picking the first instance - this is arbitrary
314         and implies the scalar function should only be used  for  metrics  or
315         expressions  that are expected to contain zero or one instances, e.g.
316         the construct ``[instance_name]'' or the matchinst  function  with  a
317         pattern that matches at most one instance.
319       * Parenthesis may be used for explicit grouping.
321       * Lines beginning with ``#'' are treated as comments and ignored.
323       * White space is ignored.


326       There  are  a  number of conversions required to determine the metadata
327       for a derived metric and to ensure the semantics of the expressions are
328       sound.
330       In  an  arithmetic expression or a relational expression, if the seman‐
331       tics of  both  operands  is  not  a  counter  (i.e.  PM_SEM_INSTANT  or
332       PM_SEM_DISCRETE) then the result will have semantics PM_SEM_INSTANT un‐
333       less both operands are PM_SEM_DISCRETE in which case the result is also
334       PM_SEM_DISCRETE.
336       For an arithmetic expression, the dimension of each operand must be the
337       same.  For a relational expression, the dimension of each operand  must
338       be  the same, except that numeric constants (with no dimension) are al‐
339       lowed, e.g. in the expression network.interface.in.drops > 0 .
341       To prevent arbitrary and non-sensical  combinations  some  restrictions
342       apply  to  expressions  that  combine metrics with counter semantics to
343       produce a result with counter semantics.  For an arithmetic expression,
344       if both operands have the semantics of a counter, then only addition or
345       subtraction is allowed, or if the left operand is  a  counter  and  the
346       right operand is not, then only multiplication or division are allowed,
347       or if the left operand is not a counter and  the  right  operand  is  a
348       counter, then only multiplication is allowed.
350       Because relational expressions use the current value only and produce a
351       result that is not a counter, either or both operands of  a  relational
352       expression may be counters.
354       The mapping of the pmUnits of the metadata uses the following rules:
356       * If both operands have a dimension of Count and the scales are not the
357         same, use the larger scale and convert the values of the operand with
358         the smaller scale.
360       * If  both operands have a dimension of Time and the scales are not the
361         same, use the larger scale and convert the values of the operand with
362         the smaller scale.
364       * If both operands have a dimension of Space and the scales are not the
365         same, use the larger scale and convert the values of the operand with
366         the smaller scale.
368       * For  addition and subtraction all dimensions for each of the operands
369         and result are identical.
371       * For multiplication, the dimensions of the result are the sum  of  the
372         dimensions of the operands.
374       * For  division, the dimensions of the result are the difference of the
375         dimensions of the operands.
377       Scale conversion involves division if the dimension  is  positive  else
378       multiplication if the dimension is negative. If scale conversion is ap‐
379       plied to either of  the  operands,  the  result  is  promoted  to  type
380       PM_TYPE_DOUBLE.
382       Putting all of this together in an example, consider the derived metric
383       defined as follows:
384          x = network.interface.speed - delta(network.interface.in.bytes) /
385                             delta(sample.milliseconds)
386       The type, dimension and scale settings would propagate up the expres‐
387       sion tree as follows.
389        ┌────────────────────────┬────────┬───────────────┬─────────────────┐
390        │      Expression        │  Type  │  Dimension &  │ Scale Factor(s) │
391        │                        │        │  Scale        │                 │
392        ├────────────────────────┼────────┼───────────────┼─────────────────┤
393        │sample.milliseconds     │ DOUBLE │ millisec      │                 │
394        │delta(...)              │ DOUBLE │ millisec      │                 │
395        │network...bytes         │ U64    │ byte          │                 │
396        │delta(...)              │ U64    │ byte          │                 │
397        │delta(...) / delta(...) │ DOUBLE │ byte/millisec │ /1048576 and    │
398        │                        │        │               │ *1000           │
399        │network...speed         │ FLOAT  │ Mbyte/sec     │                 │
400        │x                       │ DOUBLE │ Mbyte/sec     │                 │
401        └────────────────────────┴────────┴───────────────┴─────────────────┘
402       Expressions involving single instance selection or the matchinst func‐
403       tion must be associated with underlying metrics that have an instance
404       domain.  These constructors make no sense for singular metrics.
406       Because semantic checking cannot be done at the time pmRegisterDerived
407       is called, errors found during semantic checking (when any subsequent
408       calls to pmNewContext(3) or pmReconnectContext(3) succeed) are reported
409       using pmprintf(3).  These include:
411       Error: derived metric <name1>: operand: <name2>: <reason>
412              There was a problem calling pmLookupName(3) to identify the op‐
413              erand metric <name2> used in the definition of the derived met‐
414              ric <name1>.
416       Error: derived metric <name1>: operand (<name2> [<pmid2>]): <reason>
417              There was a problem calling pmLookupDesc(3) to identify the op‐
418              erand metric <name2> with PMID <pmid2> used in the definition of
419              the derived metric <name1>.
421       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> : <operand> Different
422       <metadata> for ternary operands
423              For a ternary expression, the ``true'' operand and the ``false''
424              operand must have exactly the same metadata, so type, semantics,
425              instance domain, and units (dimension and scale).
427       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>: Dimen‐
428       sions are not the same
429              Operands must have the same units (dimension and scale) for each
430              of addition, subtraction, the relational operators and the bool‐
431              ean ``and'' or ``or'' operators.
433       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>: Ille‐
434       gal operator for counter and non-counter
435              Only multiplication or division are allowed if the left operand
436              has the semantics of a counter and the right operand is not a
437              counter.
439       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>: Ille‐
440       gal operator for counters
441              If both operands have the semantics of counter, only addition or
442              subtraction make sense, so multiplication and division are not
443              allowed.
445       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>: Ille‐
446       gal operator for non-counter and counter
447              Only multiplication is allowed if the right operand has the se‐
448              mantics of a counter and the left operand is not a counter.
450       Semantic error: derived metric <metric> <expr> RESCALE <units>: Incom‐
451       patible dimensions
452              The parameters <expr> and <units> to the rescale function must
453              have the same dimension along the axes of Time, Space and Count.
455       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: Incorrect time dimension for op‐
456       erand
457              Rate conversion using the rate() function is only possible for
458              operand metrics with a Time dimension of 0 or 1 (see pm‐
459              LookupDesc(3)).  If the operand metric's Time dimension is 0,
460              then the derived metrics has a value "per second" (Time dimen‐
461              sion of -1).  If the operand metric's Time dimension is 1, then
462              the derived metrics has a value of time utilization (Time dimen‐
463              sion of 0).
465       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <function>(<operand>): Non-
466       arithmetic operand for function
467              The unary functions are only defined if the operand has arith‐
468              metic type.  Similarly the first argument to the rescale func‐
469              tion must be of arithmetic type.
471       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <expr> ? ...: Non-arithmetic op‐
472       erand for ternary guard
473              The first expression for a ternary operator must have an arith‐
474              metic type.
476       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: ... - ...: Non-arithmetic oper‐
477       and for unary negation
478              Unary negation only makes sense if the following expression has
479              an arithmetic type.
481       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>: Non-
482       arithmetic type for <left-or-right> operand
483              The binary arithmetic operators are only allowed with operands
484              with an arithmetic type (integer of various sizes and signed‐
485              ness, float or double).
487       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>: Non-
488       counter and not dimensionless <left-or-right> operand
489              For multiplication or division or any of the relational opera‐
490              tors, if one of the operands has the semantics of a counter and
491              the other has the semantics of a non-counter (instantaneous or
492              discrete) then the non-counter operand must have no units (di‐
493              mension and scale).
495       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <expr> ? <expr> : <expr>: Non-
496       scalar ternary guard with scalar expressions
497              If the ``true'' and ``false'' operands of a ternary expression
498              have a scalar value, then the ``guard'' expression must also
499              have a scalar value.
501       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <expr> <op> <expr>: Operands
502       should have the same instance domain
503              For all of the binary operators (arithmetic and relational), if
504              both operands have non-scalar values, then they must be defined
505              over the same instance domain.


508       For the binary arithmetic operators, if either operand must be scaled
509       (e.g. convert bytes to Kbytes) then the result is promoted to
510       PM_TYPE_DOUBLE.  Otherwise the type of the result is determined by the
511       types of the operands, as per the following table which is evaluated
512       from top to bottom until a match is found.
514               ┌─────────────────────────┬──────────┬────────────────┐
515               │     Operand Types       │ Operator │  Result Type   │
516               ├─────────────────────────┼──────────┼────────────────┤
517               │either is PM_TYPE_DOUBLE │ any      │ PM_TYPE_DOUBLE │
518               ├─────────────────────────┼──────────┼────────────────┤
519               │any                      │ division │ PM_TYPE_DOUBLE │
520               ├─────────────────────────┼──────────┼────────────────┤
521               │either is PM_TYPE_FLOAT  │ any      │ PM_TYPE_FLOAT  │
522               ├─────────────────────────┼──────────┼────────────────┤
523               │either is PM_TYPE_U64    │ any      │ PM_TYPE_U64    │
524               ├─────────────────────────┼──────────┼────────────────┤
525               │either is PM_TYPE_64     │ any      │ PM_TYPE_64     │
526               ├─────────────────────────┼──────────┼────────────────┤
527               │either is PM_TYPE_U32    │ any      │ PM_TYPE_U32    │
528               ├─────────────────────────┼──────────┼────────────────┤
529               │otherwise (both are      │ any      │ PM_TYPE_32     │
530               │PM_TYPE_32)              │          │                │
531               └─────────────────────────┴──────────┴────────────────┘


533       Derived metrics are not available when using pmFetchArchive(3) as this
534       routine does not use a target list of PMIDs that could be remapped (as
535       is done for pmFetch(3)).
537       There is no pmUnregisterDerived method, so once registered a derived
538       metric persists for the life of the application.


541       On success, pmRegisterDerived returns NULL.
543       If a syntactic error is found at the time of registration, the value
544       returned by pmRegisterDerived is a pointer into expr indicating where
545       the error was found.  To identify what the error was, the application
546       should call pmDerivedErrStr(3) to retrieve the corresponding parser er‐
547       ror message.
549       pmRegisterDerivedMetric returns 0 and errmsg is undefined if the pars‐
550       ing is successful.
552       If the given expr does not conform to the required syntax pmRegister‐
553       DerivedMetric returns -1 and a dynamically allocated error message
554       string in errmsg.  The error message is terminated with a newline and
555       includes both the input name and expr, along with an indicator of the
556       position at which the error was detected.  e.g.
557                 Error: pmRegisterDerivedMetric("my.disk.rates", ...) syntax
558                 error
559                 4rat(disk.dev.read)
560                     ^
562       The position indicator line may be followed by an additional diagnostic
563       line describing the nature of the error, when available.
565       In the case of an error, the caller is responsible for calling free(3)
566       to release the space allocated for errmsg.


569       PCPIntro(1), free(3), pmAddDerived(3), pmAddDerivedMetric(3), PMAPI(3),
570       pmDerivedErrStr(3), pmFetch(3), pmLoadDerivedConfig(3), pmNewCon‐
571       text(3), pmprintf(3), pmReconnectContext(3) and PMNS(5).
575Performance Co-Pilot                                      PMREGISTERDERIVED(3)