1QDROUTERD.CONF(5)                                            QDROUTERD.CONF(5)


6       qdrouterd.conf - configuration file for the dispatch router.


9       Provides the initial configuration when qdrouterd(8) starts. The
10       configuration of a running router can be modified using qdmanage(8).


13       The configuration file is made up of sections with this syntax:
15           sectionName {
16               attributeName: attributeValue
17               attributeName: attributeValue
18               ...
19           }
21       For example you can define a router using the router section
23           router {
24               mode: standalone
25               id: Router.A
26               ...
27           }
29       or define a listener using the listener section
31           listener {
32               host:
33               port: 20102
34               saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS
35               ...
36           }
38       or define a connector using the connector section
40           connector {
41               role: inter-router
42               host:
43               port: 20003
44               saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS
45               ...
46           }
48       An sslProfile section with SSL credentials can be included in multiple
49       listener or connector entities. Here’s an example, note how the
50       sslProfile attribute of listener sections references the name attribute
51       of sslProfile sections.
53           sslProfile {
54               name: my-ssl
55               caCertFile: ca-certificate-1.pem
56               certFile: server-certificate-1.pem
57               privateKeyFile: server-private-key.pem
58           }
60           listener {
61               sslProfile: my-ssl
62               host:
63               port: 20102
64               saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS
65           }


68   router
69       Tracks peer routers and computes routes to destinations. This entity is
70       mandatory. The router will not start without this entity.
72       id (string)
73           Router’s unique identity. This field may not contain whitespace or
74           control characters. If not specified, a random identity will be
75           assigned at startup.
77       mode (One of [standalone, interior, edge], default=standalone)
78           In standalone mode, the router operates as a single component. It
79           does not participate in the routing protocol and therefore will not
80           cooperate with other routers. In interior mode, the router operates
81           in cooperation with other interior routers in an interconnected
82           network. In edge mode, the router can make a connection to an
83           interior router and join a network without causing that network to
84           recompute paths.
86       helloIntervalSeconds (integer, default=1)
87           Interval in seconds between HELLO messages sent to neighbor
88           routers.
90       helloMaxAgeSeconds (integer, default=3)
91           Time in seconds after which a neighbor is declared lost if no HELLO
92           is received.
94       raIntervalSeconds (integer, default=30)
95           Interval in seconds between Router-Advertisements sent to all
96           routers in a stable network.
98       raIntervalFluxSeconds (integer, default=4)
99           Interval in seconds between Router-Advertisements sent to all
100           routers during topology fluctuations.
102       remoteLsMaxAgeSeconds (integer, default=60)
103           Time in seconds after which link state is declared stale if no RA
104           is received.
106       workerThreads (integer, default=4)
107           The number of threads that will be created to process message
108           traffic and other application work (timers, non-amqp file
109           descriptors, etc.) .
111       debugDumpFile (path)
112           The absolute path to the location for the debug dump file. The
113           router writes debug-level information to this file if the logger is
114           not available.
116       saslConfigDir (path)
117           Absolute path to the SASL configuration file.
119       saslConfigName (string, default=qdrouterd)
120           Name of the SASL configuration. This string + .conf is the name of
121           the configuration file.
123       allowResumableLinkRoute (boolean, default=True)
124           Whether links can be routed where timeout is non-zero or
125           expiry-policy is not link-detach
127       timestampsInUTC (boolean)
128           Use UTC time rather than localtime in logs.
130       timestampFormat (string)
131           Format string to use for timestamps in logs.
133       allowUnsettledMulticast (boolean)
134           (DEPRECATED) If true, allow senders to send unsettled deliveries to
135           multicast addresses. These deliveries shall be settled by the
136           ingress router. If false, unsettled deliveries to multicast
137           addresses shall be rejected.
139       defaultDistribution (One of [multicast, closest, balanced,
140       unavailable], default=balanced)
141           Default forwarding treatment for any address without a specified
142           treatment. multicast - one copy of each message delivered to all
143           subscribers; closest - messages delivered to only the closest
144           subscriber; balanced - messages delivered to one subscriber with
145           load balanced across subscribers; unavailable - this address is
146           unavailable, messages sent and link attaches to the address will be
147           rejected.
149       metadata (string)
150           Optional metadata text to describe or label this router. This text
151           does not affect the function of the router, but it can be used by
152           external tools (such as the console or orchestration software) to
153           control how the router is displayed.
155       helloInterval (integer, default=1)
156           (DEPRECATED) Interval in seconds between HELLO messages sent to
157           neighbor routers. This attribute has been deprecated. Use
158           helloIntervalSeconds instead.
160       helloMaxAge (integer, default=3)
161           (DEPRECATED) Time in seconds after which a neighbor is declared
162           lost if no HELLO is received. This attribute has been deprecated.
163           Use helloMaxAgeSeconds instead.
165       raInterval (integer, default=30)
166           (DEPRECATED) Interval in seconds between Router-Advertisements sent
167           to all routers in a stable network. This attribute has been
168           deprecated. Use raIntervalSeconds instead.
170       raIntervalFlux (integer, default=4)
171           (DEPRECATED) Interval in seconds between Router-Advertisements sent
172           to all routers during topology fluctuations. This attribute has
173           been deprecated. Use raIntervalFluxSeconds instead.
175       remoteLsMaxAge (integer, default=60)
176           (DEPRECATED) Time in seconds after which link state is declared
177           stale if no RA is received. This attribute has been deprecated. Use
178           remoteLsMaxAgeSeconds instead.
180       debugDump (path)
181           (DEPRECATED) The absolute path to the location for the debug dump
182           file. The router writes debug-level information to this file if the
183           logger is not available. This attribute has been deprecated. Use
184           debugDumpFile instead.
186       saslConfigPath (path)
187           (DEPRECATED) Absolute path to the SASL configuration file. This
188           attribute has been deprecated. Use saslConfigDir instead.
190   sslProfile
191       Attributes for setting TLS/SSL configuration for connections.
193       ciphers (string)
194           Specifies the enabled ciphers so the SSL Ciphers can be hardened.
195           In other words, use this field to disable weak ciphers. The ciphers
196           are specified in the format understood by the OpenSSL library. For
197           example, ciphers can be set to
198           ALL:!aNULL:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP; — The
199           full list of allowed ciphers can be viewed using the openssl
200           ciphers command
202       protocols (string)
203           The TLS protocols that this sslProfile can use. You can specify a
204           list of one or more of TLSv1, TLSv1.1, or TLSv1.2. To specify
205           multiple protocols, separate the protocols with a space. For
206           example, to permit the sslProfile to use TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2
207           only, you would set the value to TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2. If you do not
208           specify a value, the sslProfile uses the TLS protocol specified by
209           the system-wide configuration.
211       caCertFile (path)
212           The absolute path to the database that contains the public
213           certificates of trusted certificate authorities (CA).
215       certFile (path)
216           The absolute path to the file containing the PEM-formatted public
217           certificate to be used on the local end of any connections using
218           this profile.
220       privateKeyFile (path)
221           The absolute path to the file containing the PEM-formatted private
222           key for the above certificate.
224       passwordFile (path)
225           (DEPRECATED) If the above private key is password protected, this
226           is the absolute path to the file containing the password that
227           unlocks the certificate key. This file should be permission
228           protected to limit access. This has been deprecated. Use the file:
229           prefix in the password field to specify the absolute path of the
230           file containing the password. If both password and passwordFile are
231           provided, the passwordFile is ignored
233       password (string)
234           The password that unlocks the certificate key. You can specify the
235           password by specifying an environment variable that stores the
236           password, a file that stores the password, or by entering the
237           password in clear text. To use an environment variable, specify
238           password: env:<var>. Use this option with caution, because the
239           environment of other processes is visible on certain platforms (for
240           example, ps on certain Unix OSs). To use a file, specify password:
241           file:<absolute-path-to-file>. This option is the most secure,
242           because permissions can be set on the file that contains the
243           password. To specify the password in clear text, specify password:
244           pass:<password>, or password: literal:<password>, or password:
245           <password>. This option is insecure, so it should only be used if
246           security is not a concern. If both password and passwordFile are
247           provided, the passwordFile is ignored.
249       uidFormat (string)
250           A list of x509 client certificate fields that will be used to build
251           a string that will uniquely identify the client certificate owner.
252           For e.g. a value of cou indicates that the uid will consist of c -
253           common name concatenated with o - organization-company name
254           concatenated with u - organization unit; or a value of o2 indicates
255           that the uid will consist of o (organization name) concatenated
256           with 2 (the sha256 fingerprint of the entire certificate) . Allowed
257           values can be any combination of c( ISO3166 two character country
258           code), s(state or province), l(Locality; generally - city),
259           o(Organization - Company Name), u(Organization Unit - typically
260           certificate type or brand), n(CommonName - typically a user name
261           for client certificates) and 1(sha1 certificate fingerprint, as
262           displayed in the fingerprints section when looking at a certificate
263           with say a web browser is the hash of the entire certificate) and 2
264           (sha256 certificate fingerprint) and 5 (sha512 certificate
265           fingerprint). The user identifier (uid) that is generated based on
266           the uidFormat is a string which has a semi-colon as a separator
267           between the components
269       uidNameMappingFile (string)
270           The absolute path to the file containing the unique id to display
271           name mapping
273       certDb (path)
274           (DEPRECATED) The absolute path to the database that contains the
275           public certificates of trusted certificate authorities (CA). This
276           attribute has been deprecated. Use caCertFile instead.
278       keyFile (path)
279           (DEPRECATED) The absolute path to the file containing the
280           PEM-formatted private key for the above certificate. This attribute
281           has been deprecated. Use privateKeyFile instead.
283       displayNameFile (string)
284           (DEPRECATED) The absolute path to the file containing the unique id
285           to display name mapping This attribute has been deprecated. Use
286           uidNameMappingFile instead.
288   authServicePlugin
289       EXPERIMENTAL. Attributes for setting SASL plugin.
291       authService (string)
292           (DEPRECATED) Address of a service to delegate authentication to.
293           This attribute has been deprecated. Use the host and port
294           attributes instead.
296       host (string)
297           A host name, IPV4 or IPV6 literal, of the service to delegate to.
299       port (string, default=amqp)
300           Port number of the service delegated host.
302       realm (string)
303           Value to set for hostname field on sasl-init
305       sslProfile (string)
306           Name of the sslProfile to use for the authentication service.
308       saslInitHostname (string)
309           (DEPRECATED) Value to set for hostname field on sasl-init This
310           attribute has been deprecated. Use realm instead.
312       authSslProfile (string)
313           (DEPRECATED) Name of the sslProfile to use for the authentication
314           service. This attribute has been deprecated. Use sslProfile
315           instead.
317   listener
318       Listens for incoming connections to the router.
320       host (string)
321           A host name, IPV4 or IPV6 literal, or the empty string. The empty
322           string listens on all local addresses. A host name listens on all
323           addresses associated with the name. An IPV6 literal address (or
324           wildcard [::]) listens only for IPV6. An IPV4 literal address (or
325           wildcard listens only for IPV4.
327       port (string, default=amqp)
328           Port number or symbolic service name. If 0, the router shall assign
329           an ephemeral port to the listener and log the port number with a
330           log of the form SERVER (notice) Listening on <host>:<assigned-port>
331           (<listener-name>)
333       socketAddressFamily (One of [IPv4, IPv6])
334           [IPv4, IPv6] IPv4: Internet Protocol version 4; IPv6: Internet
335           Protocol version 6. If not specified, the protocol family will be
336           automatically determined from the address.
338       role (One of [normal, inter-router, route-container, edge],
339       default=normal)
340           The role of an established connection. In the normal role, the
341           connection is assumed to be used for AMQP clients that are doing
342           normal message delivery over the connection. In the inter-router
343           role, the connection is assumed to be to another router in the
344           network. Inter-router discovery and routing protocols can only be
345           used over inter-router connections. route-container role can be
346           used for router-container connections, for example, a router-broker
347           connection. In the edge role, the connection is assumed to be
348           between an edge router and an interior router.
350       cost (integer, default=1)
351           For the inter-router role only. This value assigns a cost metric to
352           the inter-router connection. The default (and minimum) value is
353           one. Higher values represent higher costs. The cost is used to
354           influence the routing algorithm as it attempts to use the path with
355           the lowest total cost from ingress to egress.
357       sslProfile (string)
358           Name of the sslProfile.
360       saslMechanisms (string)
361           Space separated list of accepted SASL authentication mechanisms.
363       authenticatePeer (boolean)
364           yes: Require the peer’s identity to be authenticated; no: Do not
365           require any authentication.
367       saslPlugin (string)
368           EXPERIMENTAL. Name of the a sasl plugin configuration section to
369           use for this listener (e.g. authServicePlugin).
371       requireEncryption (boolean)
372           yes: Require the connection to the peer to be encrypted; no: Permit
373           non-encrypted communication with the peer
375       requireSsl (boolean)
376           yes: Require the use of SSL or TLS on the connection; no: Allow
377           clients to connect without SSL or TLS.
379       trustedCertsFile (path)
380           (DEPRECATED) Use sslProfile caCertFile instead.
382       maxFrameSize (integer, default=16384)
383           The maximum frame size in octets that will be used in the
384           connection-open negotiation with a connected peer. The frame size
385           is the largest contiguous set of uninterrupted data that can be
386           sent for a message delivery over the connection. Interleaving of
387           messages on different links is done at frame granularity. Policy
388           settings, if specified, will overwrite this value. Defaults to
389           16384.
391       maxSessions (integer, default=32768)
392           The maximum number of sessions that can be simultaneously active on
393           the connection. Setting this value to zero selects the default
394           number of sessions. Policy settings, if specified, will overwrite
395           this value. Defaults to 32768.
397       maxSessionFrames (integer)
398           Session incoming window measured in transfer frames for sessions
399           created on this connection. This is the number of transfer frames
400           that may simultaneously be in flight for all links in the session.
401           Setting this value to zero selects the default session window size.
402           Policy settings, if specified, will overwrite this value. The
403           numerical product of maxFrameSize and maxSessionFrames may not
404           exceed 231-1. If (maxFrameSize x maxSessionFrames) exceeds 231-1
405           then maxSessionFrames is reduced to (2^31-1 / maxFrameSize).
406           maxSessionFrames has a minimum value of 1. Defaults to 0 (unlimited
407           window).
409       idleTimeoutSeconds (integer, default=16)
410           The idle timeout, in seconds, for connections through this
411           listener. If no frames are received on the connection for this time
412           interval, the connection shall be closed.
414       initialHandshakeTimeoutSeconds (integer)
415           The timeout, in seconds, for the initial handshake for connections
416           coming in through listeners. If the time interval expires before
417           the peer sends the AMQP OPEN frame, the connection shall be closed.
418           A value of zero (the default) disables this timeout.
420       stripAnnotations (One of [in, out, both, no], default=both)
421           [in, out, both, no] in: Strip the dispatch router specific
422           annotations only on ingress; out: Strip the dispatch router
423           specific annotations only on egress; both: Strip the dispatch
424           router specific annotations on both ingress and egress; no - do not
425           strip dispatch router specific annotations
427       linkCapacity (integer)
428           The capacity of links within this connection, in terms of message
429           deliveries. The capacity is the number of messages that can be
430           in-flight concurrently for each link.
432       multiTenant (boolean)
433           If true, apply multi-tenancy to endpoints connected at this
434           listener. The address space is defined by the virtual host
435           (hostname field in the Open).
437       failoverUrls (string)
438           A comma-separated list of failover urls to be supplied to connected
439           clients. Form: [(amqp|amqps|ws|wss)://]host_or_ip[:port]
441       healthz (boolean, default=True)
442           Provide a simple HTTP based liveness test (using path /healthz).
443           Assumes listener is enabled for http.
445       metrics (boolean, default=True)
446           Export metrics in prometheus text format for the router (using path
447           /metrics). Assumes listener is enabled for http.
449       websockets (boolean, default=True)
450           For an http enabled listener, determines whether websockets access
451           is enabled (true by default).
453       http (boolean)
454           Accept HTTP connections that can upgrade to AMQP over WebSocket.
455           Plain AMQP connections are not accepted on this listener.
457       httpRootDir (path)
458           Absolute path to a directory from which to serve static HTML files.
459           Defaults to the stand-alone console installation directory
460           (typically /usr/share/qpid-dispatch/console).
462       messageLoggingComponents (string, default=none)
463           A comma separated list that indicates which components of the
464           message should be logged. Defaults to none (log nothing). If you
465           want all properties and application properties of the message
466           logged use all. Specific components of the message can be logged by
467           indicating the components via a comma separated list. The
468           components are message-id, user-id, to, subject, reply-to,
469           correlation-id, content-type, content-encoding,
470           absolute-expiry-time, creation-time, group-id, group-sequence,
471           reply-to-group-id, app-properties. The application-data part of the
472           bare message will not be logged. No spaces are allowed
474       policyVhost (string)
475           A listener may optionally define a virtual host to index to a
476           specific policy to restrict the remote container to access only
477           specific resources. This attribute defines the name of the policy
478           vhost for this listener. If multi-tenancy is enabled for the
479           listener, this vhost will override the peer-supplied vhost for the
480           purposes of identifying the desired policy settings for the
481           connections.
483       openProperties (properties)
484           A JSON map containing connection properties. These will be sent to
485           the peer on connection open. All map keys are restricted to strings
486           containing only valid ASCII characters, Keys must not start with
487           prefixes qd.  or x-opt-qd.. The following key values are also
488           reserved: product, version, failover-server-list, network-host,
489           port, scheme hostname
491       protocolFamily (One of [IPv4, IPv6])
492           (DEPRECATED) [IPv4, IPv6] IPv4: Internet Protocol version 4; IPv6:
493           Internet Protocol version 6. If not specified, the protocol family
494           will be automatically determined from the address. This attribute
495           has been deprecated. Use socketAddressFamily instead.
497       trustedCerts (path)
498           (DEPRECATED) (DEPRECATED) Use sslProfile caCertFile instead. This
499           attribute has been deprecated. Use trustedCertsFile instead.
501       failoverList (string)
502           (DEPRECATED) A comma-separated list of failover urls to be supplied
503           to connected clients. Form:
504           [(amqp|amqps|ws|wss)://]host_or_ip[:port] This attribute has been
505           deprecated. Use failoverUrls instead.
507       httpRoot (path)
508           (DEPRECATED) Absolute path to a directory from which to serve
509           static HTML files. Defaults to the stand-alone console installation
510           directory (typically /usr/share/qpid-dispatch/console). This
511           attribute has been deprecated. Use httpRootDir instead.
513       logMessage (string, default=none)
514           (DEPRECATED) A comma separated list that indicates which components
515           of the message should be logged. Defaults to none (log nothing). If
516           you want all properties and application properties of the message
517           logged use all. Specific components of the message can be logged by
518           indicating the components via a comma separated list. The
519           components are message-id, user-id, to, subject, reply-to,
520           correlation-id, content-type, content-encoding,
521           absolute-expiry-time, creation-time, group-id, group-sequence,
522           reply-to-group-id, app-properties. The application-data part of the
523           bare message will not be logged. No spaces are allowed This
524           attribute has been deprecated. Use messageLoggingComponents
525           instead.
527   connector
528       Establishes an outgoing connection from the router.
530       host (string, default=
531           IP address: ipv4 or ipv6 literal or a host name
533       port (string, default=amqp)
534           Port number or symbolic service name.
536       protocolFamily (One of [IPv4, IPv6])
537           [IPv4, IPv6] IPv4: Internet Protocol version 4; IPv6: Internet
538           Protocol version 6. If not specified, the protocol family will be
539           automatically determined from the address.
541       role (One of [normal, inter-router, route-container, edge],
542       default=normal)
543           The role of an established connection. In the normal role, the
544           connection is assumed to be used for AMQP clients that are doing
545           normal message delivery over the connection. In the inter-router
546           role, the connection is assumed to be to another router in the
547           network. Inter-router discovery and routing protocols can only be
548           used over inter-router connections. route-container role can be
549           used for router-container connections, for example, a router-broker
550           connection. In the edge role, the connection is assumed to be
551           between and edge router and an interior router.
553       cost (integer, default=1)
554           For the inter-router role only. This value assigns a cost metric to
555           the inter-router connection. The default (and minimum) value is
556           one. Higher values represent higher costs. The cost is used to
557           influence the routing algorithm as it attempts to use the path with
558           the lowest total cost from ingress to egress.
560       sslProfile (string)
561           Name of the sslProfile.
563       saslMechanisms (string)
564           Space separated list of accepted SASL authentication mechanisms.
566       allowRedirect (boolean, default=True)
567           Allow the peer to redirect this connection to another address.
569       maxFrameSize (integer, default=16384)
570           The maximum frame size in octets that will be used in the
571           connection-open negotiation with a connected peer. The frame size
572           is the largest contiguous set of uninterrupted data that can be
573           sent for a message delivery over the connection. Interleaving of
574           messages on different links is done at frame granularity. Policy
575           settings will not overwrite this value. Defaults to 16384.
577       maxSessions (integer, default=32768)
578           The maximum number of sessions that can be simultaneously active on
579           the connection. Setting this value to zero selects the default
580           number of sessions. Policy settings will not overwrite this value.
581           Defaults to 32768.
583       maxSessionFrames (integer)
584           Session incoming window measured in transfer frames for sessions
585           created on this connection. This is the number of transfer frames
586           that may simultaneously be in flight for all links in the session.
587           Setting this value to zero selects the default session window size.
588           Policy settings will not overwrite this value. The numerical
589           product of maxFrameSize and maxSessionFrames may not exceed 231-1.
590           If (maxFrameSize x maxSessionFrames) exceeds 231-1 then
591           maxSessionFrames is reduced to (2^31-1 / maxFrameSize).
592           maxSessionFrames has a minimum value of 1. Defaults to 0 (unlimited
593           window).
595       idleTimeoutSeconds (integer, default=16)
596           The idle timeout, in seconds, for connections through this
597           connector. If no frames are received on the connection for this
598           time interval, the connection shall be closed.
600       stripAnnotations (One of [in, out, both, no], default=both)
601           [in, out, both, no] in: Strip the dispatch router specific
602           annotations only on ingress; out: Strip the dispatch router
603           specific annotations only on egress; both: Strip the dispatch
604           router specific annotations on both ingress and egress; no - do not
605           strip dispatch router specific annotations
607       linkCapacity (integer)
608           The capacity of links within this connection, in terms of message
609           deliveries. The capacity is the number of messages that can be
610           in-flight concurrently for each link.
612       verifyHostname (boolean, default=True)
613           yes: Ensures that when initiating a connection (as a client) the
614           host name in the URL to which this connector connects to matches
615           the host name in the digital certificate that the peer sends back
616           as part of the SSL connection; no: Does not perform host name
617           verification
619       saslUsername (string)
620           The user name that the connector is using to connect to a peer.
622       saslPassword (string)
623           The password that the connector is using to connect to a peer. You
624           can specify the password by specifying an environment variable that
625           stores the password, a file that stores the password, or by
626           entering the password in clear text. To use an environment
627           variable, specify saslPassword: env:<var>. Use this option with
628           caution, because the environment of other processes is visible on
629           certain platforms (for example, ps on certain Unix OSs). To use a
630           file, specify saslPassword: file:<absolute-path-to-file>. This
631           option is the most secure, because permissions can be set on the
632           file that contains the password. To specify the password in clear
633           text, specify saslPassword: pass:<password> or saslPassword:
634           <password>. This option is insecure, so it should only be used if
635           security is not a concern.
637       messageLoggingComponents (string, default=none)
638           A comma separated list that indicates which components of the
639           message should be logged (no spaces allowed between list
640           components). Defaults to none (log nothing). If you want all
641           properties and application properties of the message logged use
642           all. Specific components of the message can be logged by indicating
643           the components via a comma separated list. The components are
644           message-id, user-id, to, subject, reply-to, correlation-id,
645           content-type, content-encoding, absolute-expiry-time,
646           creation-time, group-id, group-sequence, reply-to-group-id,
647           app-properties. The application-data part of the bare message will
648           not be logged. This log message is written to the MESSAGE logging
649           module. In the log entity, set module property to MESSAGE or
650           DEFAULT and enable to trace+ to see this log message
652       policyVhost (string)
653           A connector may optionally define a policy to restrict the remote
654           container to access only specific resources. This attribute defines
655           the name of the policy vhost for this connector. Within the vhost
656           the connector will use the vhost policy settings from user group
657           $connector. If the vhost policy is absent or if the user group
658           $connector within that policy is absent then the connector will
659           fail to start. In policy specified via connector attribute
660           policyVhost the following vhostUserGroupSettings attributes are
661           unused: users, remoteHosts, maxFrameSize, maxSessionWindow,
662           maxSessions.
664       openProperties (properties)
665           A JSON map containing connection properties. These will be sent to
666           the peer on connection open. All map keys are restricted to strings
667           containing only valid ASCII characters, Keys must not start with
668           prefixes qd.  or x-opt-qd.. The following key values are also
669           reserved: product, version, failover-server-list, network-host,
670           port, scheme hostname
672       verifyHostName (boolean, default=True)
673           (DEPRECATED) yes: Ensures that when initiating a connection (as a
674           client) the host name in the URL to which this connector connects
675           to matches the host name in the digital certificate that the peer
676           sends back as part of the SSL connection; no: Does not perform host
677           name verification This attribute has been deprecated. Use
678           verifyHostname instead.
680       logMessage (string, default=none)
681           (DEPRECATED) A comma separated list that indicates which components
682           of the message should be logged (no spaces allowed between list
683           components). Defaults to none (log nothing). If you want all
684           properties and application properties of the message logged use
685           all. Specific components of the message can be logged by indicating
686           the components via a comma separated list. The components are
687           message-id, user-id, to, subject, reply-to, correlation-id,
688           content-type, content-encoding, absolute-expiry-time,
689           creation-time, group-id, group-sequence, reply-to-group-id,
690           app-properties. The application-data part of the bare message will
691           not be logged. This log message is written to the MESSAGE logging
692           module. In the log entity, set module property to MESSAGE or
693           DEFAULT and enable to trace+ to see this log message This attribute
694           has been deprecated. Use messageLoggingComponents instead.
696   httpListener
697       Ingress HTTP bridge.
699       host (string, default=
700           A host name, IPV4 or IPV6 literal, or the empty string. The empty
701           string listens on all local addresses. A host name listens on all
702           addresses associated with the name. An IPV6 literal address (or
703           wildcard [::]) listens only for IPV6. An IPV4 literal address (or
704           wildcard listens only for IPV4.
706       address (string)
707           Address of this http bridge
709       port (string)
710           Port number or symbolic service name. If 0, the router shall assign
711           an ephemeral port to the listener and log the port number with a
712           log of the form SERVER (notice) Listening on <host>:<assigned-port>
713           (<listener-name>)
715       siteId (string)
716           Used to identify where request is handled.
718       sslProfile (string)
719           Name of the sslProfile..
721       protocolVersion (One of [HTTP1, HTTP2], default=HTTP1)
722           The version of the HTTP protocol supported by this listener.
724       aggregation (One of [multipart, json])
725           Aggregation mode for responses when used in conjunction with
726           multicast address.
728       eventChannel (boolean)
729           Enables restricted event mode where no responses are sent to
730           request and only post is allowed
732   httpConnector
733       Egress HTTP bridge.
735       address (string)
736           Address of this bridge
738       host (string, default=
739           IP address: ipv4 or ipv6 literal or a host name
741       siteId (string)
742           Used to identify where request originates.
744       port (string)
745           Port number or symbolic service name.
747       protocolVersion (One of [HTTP1, HTTP2], default=HTTP1)
748           The version of the HTTP protocol supported by this connector.
750       aggregation (One of [multipart, json])
751           Aggregation mode for responses when used in conjunction with
752           multicast address.
754       eventChannel (boolean)
755           Enables restricted event mode where no responses are sent to
756           request and only post is allowed
758       hostOverride (string)
759           Used to override the value of the Host header sent to the client.
761   tcpListener
762       Ingress TCP bridge.
764       address (string)
765           Address of this bridge
767       host (string, default=
768           A host name, IPV4 or IPV6 literal, or the empty string. The empty
769           string listens on all local addresses. A host name listens on all
770           addresses associated with the name. An IPV6 literal address (or
771           wildcard [::]) listens only for IPV6. An IPV4 literal address (or
772           wildcard listens only for IPV4.
774       port (string)
775           Port number or symbolic service name. If 0, the router shall assign
776           an ephemeral port to the listener and log the port number with a
777           log of the form SERVER (notice) Listening on <host>:<assigned-port>
778           (<listener-name>)
780       siteId (string)
781           Used to identify where connection is handled.
783   tcpConnector
784       Egress TCP bridge.
786       address (string)
787           Address of this bridge
789       host (string)
790           IP address: ipv4 or ipv6 literal or a host name
792       port (string)
793           Port number or symbolic service name.
795       siteId (string)
796           Used to identify origin of connections.
798   log
799       Configure logging for a particular module. You can use the UPDATE
800       operation to change log settings while the router is running.
805       DEFAULT], required)
806           Module to configure. The special module DEFAULT specifies defaults
807           for all modules.
809       enable (string)
810           Levels are: trace, debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical.
811           The enable string is a comma-separated list of levels. A level may
812           have a trailing + to enable that level and above. For example
813           trace,debug,warning+ means enable trace, debug, warning, error and
814           critical. The value none means disable logging for the module.
816       includeTimestamp (boolean)
817           Include timestamp in log messages.
819       includeSource (boolean)
820           Include source file and line number in log messages.
822       outputFile (string)
823           Where to send log messages. Can be stderr, stdout, syslog or a file
824           name.
826       timestamp (boolean)
827           (DEPRECATED) Include timestamp in log messages. This attribute has
828           been deprecated. Use includeTimestamp instead.
830       source (boolean)
831           (DEPRECATED) Include source file and line number in log messages.
832           This attribute has been deprecated. Use includeSource instead.
834       output (string)
835           (DEPRECATED) Where to send log messages. Can be stderr, stdout,
836           syslog or a file name. This attribute has been deprecated. Use
837           outputFile instead.
839   address
840       Entity type for address configuration. This is used to configure the
841       treatment of message-routed deliveries within a particular
842       address-space. The configuration controls distribution and address
843       phasing.
845       prefix (string)
846           The address prefix for the configured settings. Cannot be used with
847           a pattern attribute.
849       pattern (string)
850           A wildcarded pattern for address matching. Incoming addresses are
851           matched against this pattern. Matching addresses use the configured
852           settings. The pattern consists of one or more tokens separated by a
853           forward slash /. A token can be one of the following: a *
854           character, a # character, or a sequence of characters that do not
855           include /, *, or #. The * token matches any single token. The #
856           token matches zero or more tokens. * has higher precedence than #,
857           and exact match has the highest precedence. Cannot be used with a
858           prefix attribute.
860       distribution (One of [multicast, closest, balanced, unavailable],
861       default=balanced)
862           Treatment of traffic associated with the address
864       waypoint (boolean)
865           Designates this address space as being used for waypoints. This
866           will cause the proper address-phasing to be used.
868       ingressPhase (integer)
869           Advanced - Override the ingress phase for this address
871       egressPhase (integer)
872           Advanced - Override the egress phase for this address
874       priority (integer)
875           All messages sent to this address which lack an intrinsic priority
876           will be assigned this priority.
878       enableFallback (boolean)
879           If false, undeliverable messages are released. If true,
880           undeliverable messages shall be re-delivered to a fallback
881           destination. The fallback destination uses the same address, but is
882           attached using an autoLink with fallback enabled or a link with the
883           qd.fallback capability.
885   linkRoute
886       Entity type for link-route configuration. This is used to identify
887       remote containers that shall be destinations for routed link-attaches.
888       The link-routing configuration applies to an addressing space defined
889       by a prefix or a pattern.
891       prefix (string)
892           The address prefix for the configured settings. Cannot be used with
893           the pattern attribute.
895       pattern (string)
896           A wildcarded pattern for address matching. Link addresses are
897           matched against this pattern. Matching addresses use the configured
898           settings. The pattern consists of one or more tokens separated by a
899           forward slash /. A token can be one of the following: a *
900           character, a # character, or a sequence of characters that do not
901           include /, *, or #. The * token matches any single token. The #
902           token matches zero or more tokens. * has higher precedence than #,
903           and exact match has the highest precedence. Cannot be used with the
904           prefix attribute.
906       addExternalPrefix (string)
907           add the specified prefix to the address of the remote terminus on
908           the route container link
910       delExternalPrefix (string)
911           remove the specified prefix to the address of the remote terminus
912           on the route container link
914       containerId (string)
915           ContainerID for the target container. Only one of containerId or
916           connection should be specified for a linkRoute. Specifying both
917           will result in the linkRoute not being created.
919       connection (string)
920           The name from a connector or listener. Only one of containerId or
921           connection should be specified for a linkRoute. Specifying both
922           will result in the linkRoute not being created.
924       distribution (One of [linkBalanced], default=linkBalanced)
925           Treatment of traffic associated with the address
927       direction (One of [in, out], required)
928           The permitted direction of links: in means client senders; out
929           means client receivers
931       dir (One of [in, out], required)
932           (DEPRECATED) The permitted direction of links: in means client
933           senders; out means client receivers This attribute has been
934           deprecated. Use direction instead.
936   autoLink
937       Entity type for configuring auto-links. Auto-links are links whose
938       lifecycle is managed by the router. These are typically used to attach
939       to waypoints on remote containers (brokers, etc.).
941       address (string, required)
942           The address of the provisioned object
944       direction (One of [in, out], required)
945           The direction of the link to be created. In means into the router,
946           out means out of the router.
948       phase (integer)
949           The address phase for this link. Defaults to 0 for out links and 1
950           for in links.
952       containerId (string)
953           ContainerID for the target container. Only one of containerId or
954           connection should be specified for an autoLink. Specifying both
955           will result in the autoLink not being created
957       connection (string)
958           The name from a connector or listener. Only one of containerId or
959           connection should be specified for an autoLink. Specifying both
960           will result in the autoLink not being created
962       externalAddress (string)
963           If present, an alternate address of the node on the remote
964           container. This is used if the node has a different address than
965           the address used internally by the router to route deliveries.
967       fallback (boolean)
968           If true, this auto-link is attached to a fallback destination for
969           an address.
971       addr (string, required)
972           (DEPRECATED) The address of the provisioned object This attribute
973           has been deprecated. Use address instead.
975       dir (One of [in, out], required)
976           (DEPRECATED) The direction of the link to be created. In means into
977           the router, out means out of the router. This attribute has been
978           deprecated. Use direction instead.
980       externalAddr (string)
981           (DEPRECATED) If present, an alternate address of the node on the
982           remote container. This is used if the node has a different address
983           than the address used internally by the router to route deliveries.
984           This attribute has been deprecated. Use externalAddress instead.
986   exchange
987       [EXPERIMENTAL] Defines a topic exchange.
989       address (string, required)
990           The address of the exchange. Used by the message publisher as the
991           target for sending messages.
993       phase (integer)
994           The address phase for the exchange. Defaults to 0.
996       alternateAddress (string)
997           The address to forward the message to if no bindings are matched.
999       alternatePhase (integer)
1000           The address phase for the alternateAddress. Defaults to 0.
1002       matchMethod (One of [amqp, mqtt], default=amqp)
1003           Key matching algorithm used.  amqp uses the legacy AMQP topic
1004           exchange wildcard match method as described in the pre-1.0 drafts.
1005           mqtt uses the MQTT topic filter wildcard match method.
1007   binding
1008       [EXPERIMENTAL] Defines a keyed next hop binding for a topic exchange.
1009       The subject field of the messages arriving at the exchange is compared
1010       against the binding’s key value using the exchange’s matchMethod. If
1011       the subject matches the key the message is forwarded to the
1012       nextHopAddress. The nextHopAddress overrides the message’s original
1013       destination.
1015       exchangeName (string, required)
1016           The name of the exchange to bind.
1018       bindingKey (string)
1019           Pattern to compare against incoming message’s subject. The key is a
1020           string of zero or more tokens and wildcards. The format depends on
1021           the matchMethod configured for the exchange. For AMQP each token is
1022           delimited by the .  character and wild-card tokens * matches a
1023           single token and
1025           matches zero or more tokens. For MQTT each token is delimited by
1026           the / character and wildcard tokens + matches a single token and
1028           matches zero or more tokens at the end of the topic. If a key is
1029           not provided the binding will match all messages arriving at the
1030           exchange (fanout behavior).
1032       nextHopAddress (string, required)
1033           The address to forward the message to when the message’s topic
1034           string matches the binding key pattern. This address is used by
1035           message consumers as the source of incoming messages.
1037       nextHopPhase (integer)
1038           The address phase used when forwarding messages that match this
1039           binding.
1041   console
1042       (DEPRECATED) Start a websocket/tcp proxy and http file server to serve
1043       the web console
1045       listener (string)
1046           The name of the listener to send the proxied tcp traffic to.
1048       wsport (integer, default=5673)
1049           port on which to listen for websocket traffic
1051       proxy (string, required)
1052           The full path to the proxy program to run.
1054       home (string, required)
1055           The full path to the html/css/js files for the console.
1057       args (string)
1058           Optional args to pass the proxy program for logging,
1059           authentication, etc.
1061   policy
1062       Defines global connection limit
1064       maxConnections (integer, default=65535)
1065           The maximum number of concurrent client connections allowed for
1066           this router. This limit is always enforced, even if no other policy
1067           settings have been defined. The limit is applied to all incoming
1068           connections regardless of remote host, authenticated user, or
1069           targeted vhost.
1071       maxMessageSize (integer)
1072           The maximum size in bytes of AMQP message transfers allowed for
1073           this router as messages enter the router network. This limit is
1074           applied to transfers over user connections and to transfers to
1075           interior routers from edge routers. This limit is not applied to
1076           interior-to-interior router connections. This limit may be
1077           overridden by vhost or by vhost user group settings. A value of
1078           zero disables this limit. Administrators are advised not set
1079           interior router maximum message sizes so low that edge router
1080           management requests or responses are blocked. Administrators are
1081           also advised to set edge router maximum message sizes lower than
1082           the attached interior router maximum message size.
1084       enableVhostPolicy (boolean)
1085           Enables the router to enforce the connection denials and resource
1086           limits defined in the configured vhost policies.
1088       enableVhostNamePatterns (boolean)
1089           Enable vhost name patterns. When false vhost hostnames are treated
1090           as literal strings. When true vhost hostnames are treated as match
1091           patterns.
1093       policyDir (path)
1094           The absolute path to a directory that holds vhost policy definition
1095           files in JSON format (*.json). The router processes all of the
1096           vhost policies in each JSON file that is in this directory.
1098       defaultVhost (string)
1099           The name of the default vhost policy. This policy rule set is
1100           applied to a connection for which a vhost policy has not otherwise
1101           been configured. Processing for the default vhost is enabled by
1102           default and set to select vhost $default. To disable default vhost
1103           processing set defaultVhost to blank or do not define a vhost named
1104           $default.
1106   vhost
1107       AMQP virtual host policy definition of users, user groups, allowed
1108       remote hosts, and AMQP restrictions.
1110       hostname (string, required)
1111           The hostname of the vhost. This vhost policy will be applied to any
1112           client connection that is directed to this hostname.
1114       aliases (string)
1115           Alternate hostnames that share this vhost configuration. Hosts
1116           named in this attribute are treated as if this vhost was defined
1117           with the alias name in the vhost hostname attribute. This attribute
1118           is implemented to help with multitenant configurations where
1119           multiple vhosts share a common configuration. The string is a
1120           comma- or space-separated list of literal hostnames or hostname
1121           patterns. A vhost aliases hostname must be unique across all vhost
1122           hostnames and all of their aliases.
1124       maxConnections (integer, default=65535)
1125           The global maximum number of concurrent client connections allowed
1126           for this vhost.
1128       maxConnectionsPerUser (integer, default=65535)
1129           The maximum number of concurrent client connections allowed for any
1130           user.
1132       maxConnectionsPerHost (integer, default=65535)
1133           The maximum number of concurrent client connections allowed for any
1134           remote host (the host from which the client is connecting).
1136       allowUnknownUser (boolean)
1137           Whether unknown users (users who are not members of a defined user
1138           group) are allowed to connect to the vhost. Unknown users are
1139           assigned to the $default user group and receive $default settings.
1141       groups (map)
1142           A map where the key is a vhost user group name and the value is a
1143           vhostUserGroupSettings object that holds the settings for that
1144           vhost user group.
1146       id (string, required)
1147           (DEPRECATED) The hostname of the vhost. This vhost policy will be
1148           applied to any client connection that is directed to this hostname.
1149           This attribute has been deprecated. Use hostname instead.
1151   vhostUserGroupSettings
1152       Policy settings for users connecting to a vhost. Configuration files
1153       including this section must use .json format.
1155       maxFrameSize (integer, default=16384)
1156           The largest frame, in bytes, that may be sent on this connection.
1157           Non-zero policy values overwrite values specified for a listener
1158           object (AMQP Open, max-frame-size).
1160       maxSessionWindow (integer, default=1638400)
1161           The incoming capacity for new AMQP sessions, measured in octets.
1162           Non-zero policy values overwrite values specified for a listener
1163           object (AMQP Begin, incoming-window).
1165       maxSessions (integer, default=32768)
1166           The maximum number of sessions that may be created on this
1167           connection. Non-zero policy values overwrite values specified for a
1168           listener object (AMQP Open, channel-max).
1170       maxSenders (integer, default=2147483647)
1171           The maximum number of sending links that may be created on this
1172           connection. A value of 0 disables all sender links.
1174       maxReceivers (integer, default=2147483647)
1175           The maximum number of receiving links that may be created on this
1176           connection. A value of 0 disables all receiver links.
1178       allowDynamicSource (boolean)
1179           Whether this connection is allowed to create dynamic receiving
1180           links (links to resources that do not exist on the peer). A value
1181           of true means that users are able to automatically create resources
1182           on the peer system.
1184       allowAnonymousSender (boolean)
1185           Whether this connection is allowed to create sending links if the
1186           sender does not provide a target address. By prohibiting anonymous
1187           senders, the router only needs to verify once, when the link is
1188           created, that the sender is permitted to send messages to the
1189           target address. The router does not need to verify each message
1190           that is sent on the link. A value of true means that users may send
1191           messages to any address. Allowing anonymous senders can also
1192           decrease performance: if the sender does not specify a target
1193           address, then the router must parse each message to determine how
1194           to route it.
1196       allowUserIdProxy (boolean)
1197           Whether this connection is allowed to send messages with a user ID
1198           that is different than the connection’s authenticated user name.
1200       allowWaypointLinks (boolean, default=True)
1201           Whether this connection is allowed to claim waypoint.N capability
1202           for attached links. This allows endpoints to act as waypoints
1203           without needing auto-links.
1205       allowDynamicLinkRoutes (boolean, default=True)
1206           Whether this connection is allowed to dynamically create
1207           connection-scoped link route destinations.
1209       allowAdminStatusUpdate (boolean, default=True)
1210           Whether this connection is allowed to update the admin status of
1211           other connections. Note: Inter-router connections cannot be deleted
1212           at any time.
1214       allowFallbackLinks (boolean, default=True)
1215           Whether this connection is allowed to claim qd.fallback capability
1216           for attached links. This allows endpoints to act as fallback
1217           destinations for addresses that have fallback capability enabled.
1219       sources (string)
1221       targets (string)
1223       sourcePattern (string)
1225       targetPattern (string)


1228       qdrouterd(8), qdmanage(8)
1230       http://qpid.apache.org/components/dispatch-router
1234                                  05/17/2021                 QDROUTERD.CONF(5)