1VIDEO_FORMAT(7)               DVDAuthor Man Pages              VIDEO_FORMAT(7)


6       video_format - Proposal For A Video Format Preference Specification


9       A  number of different programs that create or work with video material
10       need to know whether to generate their output in NTSC  or  PAL  format.
11       The  ones  that  I’ve seen seem to have a hard-coded preference for one
12       unless the user specifies the other. Overriding the default every  time
13       you want to use these programs gets tiresome.
15       Therefore,  there  needs to be a way for the user to configure a single
16       default that will apply to all these programs. This default  should  be
17       settable  on a per-user basis and a systemwide basis, with the per-user
18       setting overriding the systemwide one, as is usual. It makes  sense  to
19       avoid  dotfile  clutter  by following, at least to some extent, the XDG
20       Base Directory Specification  http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-
21       spec/latest/.
23       The preference setting shall consist of the single word “NTSC” or “PAL”
24       (without quotes, might as well be case-insensitive). This can be speci‐
25       fied in the following ways, in order of decreasing priority:
27       · As the value of the environment variable VIDEO_FORMAT
29       · As the contents of the user-specific file $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/video_for‐
30         mat,  with  $XDG_CONFIG_HOME  defaulting  to  $HOME/.config  if   not
31         defined.
33       · As  the  contents of a systemwide file dir/video_format, where dir is
34         taken in  turn  from  the  colon-separated  items  in  the  value  of
35         $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS  until  the file is found, or if $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is
36         not defined, then the single directory /etc.
38       The application should use the first of these settings that  it  finds,
39       searching in the specified order.
41       Note:  the  XDG Base Dir spec says systemwide config files should go in
42       /etc/xdg. I'm not sure why this is, since lots of other apps  put  sys‐
43       temwide  config  in  other  places in /etc. Particularly since the spec
44       doesn’t similarly restrict shared read-only data to just one  subdirec‐
45       tory of /usr/share.


48       Can  this  spec  apply  to both standard-definition and high-definition
49       video? For standard definition, there is a difference  of  frame  size,
50       being  720  by  480 for NTSC and 720 by 576 for PAL (in both cases, the
51       aspect ratio of the displayed image is always 4:3).  But  this  doesn’t
52       seem  to  matter  for high definition. For both standard-definition and
53       high-definition, there is a difference of  frame  rates,  based  around
54       29.97 fps for NTSC and 25 fps for PAL.
56       Note  also  that  if  a  config  file earlier in the search contains an
57       invalid setting, the search does not continue even  if  another,  later
58       config  file  might  contain  a  valid setting. This allows the user to
59       override a system default with “no default”. Is this important? I think
60       it could be.


63       The    following    Python    code    implements   a   routine   called
64       get_default_video_format that returns either one of the strings  “NTSC”
65       or  “PAL”  indicating  the user/system-configured default format as per
66       the spec above, or None if the default is invalid or not configured.
68           class xdg_base_dir :
69               "Implementation of relevant parts of the XDG Base Directory specification" \
70               " <http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/>."
71               @classmethod
72               def get_config_home(self) :
73                   "returns the directory for holding user-specific config files."
74                   result = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
75                   if result == None :
76                       result = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".config")
77                   #end if
78                   return result
79               #end get_config_home
81               @classmethod
82               def config_search_path(self) :
83                   "returns the list of config directories to search (apart from the user area)."
84                   return tuple(os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS", "/etc").split(":"))
85                     # note spec actually says default should be /etc/xdg, but /etc is the
86                     # conventional location for system config files.
87               #end config_search_path
89               @classmethod
90               def find_first_config_path(self, path) :
91                   "searches for path in all the config directory locations in order of decreasing" \
92                   " priority, returning the expansion where it is first found, or None if not found."
93                   paths_to_try = iter((self.get_config_home(),) + self.config_search_path())
94                     # highest priority first
95                   while True :
96                       this_path = next(paths_to_try, None)
97                       if this_path == None :
98                           break
99                       this_path = os.path.join(this_path, path)
100                       if os.path.exists(this_path) :
101                           break
102                   #end while
103                   return this_path
104               #end find_first_config_path
106           #end xdg_base_dir
108           valid_video_formats = frozenset(("NTSC", "PAL"))
110           def get_default_video_format() :
111               video_format = os.environ.get("VIDEO_FORMAT")
112               if video_format == None :
113                   config_file = xdg_base_dir.find_first_config_path("video_format")
114                   if config_file != None :
115                       try :
116                           video_format = open(config_file, "r").readline().strip()
117                       except OSError :
118                           video_format = None
119                       #end try
120                   #end if
121               #end if
122               if video_format != None :
123                   video_format = video_format.upper()
124                   if video_format not in valid_video_formats :
125                       video_format = None
126                   #end if
127               #end if
128               return video_format
129           #end get_default_video_format
134                         Fri Dec 30 19:47:26 CET 2005          VIDEO_FORMAT(7)