1AVOCADO(1)                                                          AVOCADO(1)


6       avocado - test runner command line tool


9       avocado [-h] [-v] [--config [CONFIG_FILE]] [--show [STREAM[:LVL]]] [-s]
10              {config,diff,distro,exec-path,list,multiplex,plugins,run,sys‐
11              info} ...


14       Avocado is a modern test framework that is built on the experience  ac‐
15       cumulated with autotest (http://autotest.github.io).
17       avocado  is  also  the  name  of its test runner command line tool, de‐
18       scribed in this man page.
20       For more information about the Avocado project, please check  its  web‐
21       site: http://avocado-framework.github.io/


24       The  following  list  of options are builtin, application level avocado
25       options. Most other options are implemented via plugins and will depend
26       on them being loaded (avocado --help):
28          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
29          -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
30          --config [CONFIG_FILE]
31                                Use custom configuration from a file
32          --paginator {on,off}  Turn the paginator on/off.
33          --show [STREAM[:LVL]]
34                                List of comma separated builtin logs, or logging
35                                streams optionally followed by LEVEL (DEBUG,INFO,...).
36                                Builtin streams are: "test": test output; "debug":
37                                tracebacks and other debugging info; "app":
38                                application output; "early": early logging of other
39                                streams, including test (very verbose); "all": all
40                                builtin streams; "none": disables regular output
41                                (leaving only errors enabled). By default: 'app'
43       Real use of avocado depends on running avocado subcommands. This a typ‐
44       ical list of avocado subcommands:
46          config              Shows avocado config keys
47          diff                Shows the difference between 2 jobs.
48          distro              Shows detected Linux distribution
49          exec-path           Returns path to avocado bash libraries and exits.
50          list                List available tests
51          multiplex           Tool to analyze and visualize test variants and params
52          plugins             Displays plugin information
53          run                 Runs one or more tests (native test, test alias,
54                              binary or script)
55          sysinfo             Collect system information
57       To get usage instructions for a given subcommand, run it  with  --help.
58       Example:
60          $ avocado run --help
62       Options for subcommand run (avocado run --help):
64          positional arguments:
65            TEST_REFERENCE        List of test references (aliases or paths)
67          optional arguments:
68            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
69            -d, --dry-run         Instead of running the test only list them and log
70                                  their params.
71            --force-job-id UNIQUE_JOB_ID
72                                  Forces the use of a particular job ID. Used internally
73                                  when interacting with an avocado server. You should
74                                  not use this option unless you know exactly what
75                                  you're doing
76            --job-results-dir DIRECTORY
77                                  Forces to use of an alternate job results directory.
78            --job-timeout SECONDS
79                                  Set the maximum amount of time (in SECONDS) that tests
80                                  are allowed to execute. Values <= zero means "no
81                                  timeout". You can also use suffixes, like: s
82                                  (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours).
83            --failfast            Enable the job interruption on first failed test.
84                                  test.
85            --keep-tmp            Keep job temporary files (useful for avocado
86                                  debugging).
87            --disable-sysinfo     Enable or disable sysinfo information. Like hardware
88                                  details, profiles, etc.
89            --execution-order {tests-per-variant,variants-per-test}
90                                  How to iterate through test suite and variants
92          output and result format:
93            --store-logging-stream [STREAM[:LEVEL] [STREAM[:LEVEL] ...]]
94                                  Store given logging STREAMs in
95                                  $JOB_RESULTS_DIR/$STREAM.$LEVEL.
96            --html FILE           Enable HTML output to the FILE where the result should
97                                  be written. The value - (output to stdout) is not
98                                  supported since not all HTML resources can be embedded
99                                  into a single file (page resources will be copied to
100                                  the output file dir)
101            --open-browser        Open the generated report on your preferred browser.
102                                  This works even if --html was not explicitly passed,
103                                  since an HTML report is always generated on the job
104                                  results dir. Current: False
105            --html-job-result {on,off}
106                                  Enables default HTML result in the job results
107                                  directory. File will be located at
108                                  "html/results.html".
109            --journal             Records test status changes (for use with avocado-
110                                  journal-replay and avocado-server)
111            --json FILE           Enable JSON result format and write it to FILE. Use
112                                  '-' to redirect to the standard output.
113            --json-job-result {on,off}
114                                  Enables default JSON result in the job results
115                                  directory. File will be named "results.json".
116            --tap FILE            Enable TAP result output and write it to FILE. Use '-'
117                                  to redirect to the standard output.
118            --tap-job-result {on,off}
119                                  Enables default TAP result in the job results
120                                  directory. File will be named "results.tap".
121            --tap-include-logs    Include test logs as comments in TAP output. Defaults
122                                  to False
123            --xunit FILE          Enable xUnit result format and write it to FILE. Use
124                                  '-' to redirect to the standard output.
125            --xunit-job-result {on,off}
126                                  Enables default xUnit result in the job results
127                                  directory. File will be named "results.xml".
128            --xunit-job-name XUNIT_JOB_NAME
129                                  Override the reported job name. By default uses the
130                                  Avocado job name which is always unique. This is
131                                  useful for reporting in Jenkins as it only evaluates
132                                  first-failure from jobs of the same name.
133            --xunit-max-test-log-chars SIZE
134                                  Limit the attached job log to given number of
135                                  characters (k/m/g suffix allowed)
136            -z, --archive         Archive (ZIP) files generated by tests
138          output check arguments:
139            --output-check-record {none,all,stdout,stderr}
140                                  Record output streams of your tests to reference files
141                                  (valid options: none (do not record output streams),
142                                  all (record both stdout and stderr), stdout (record
143                                  only stderr), stderr (record only stderr). Current:
144                                  none
145            --disable-output-check
146                                  Disables test output (stdout/stderr) check. If this
147                                  option is given, no output will be checked, even if
148                                  there are reference files present for the test.
150          loader options:
151            --loaders [LOADERS [LOADERS ...]]
152                                  Overrides the priority of the test loaders. You can
153                                  specify either @loader_name or TEST_TYPE. By default
154                                  it tries all available loaders according to priority
155                                  set in settings->plugins.loaders.
156            --external-runner EXECUTABLE
157                                  Path to an specific test runner that allows the use of
158                                  its own tests. This should be used for running tests
159                                  that do not conform to Avocado' SIMPLE testinterface
160                                  and can not run standalone. Note: the use of
161                                  --external-runner overwrites the --loaders to
162                                  "external_runner"
163            --external-runner-chdir {runner,test}
164                                  Change directory before executing tests. This option
165                                  may be necessary because of requirements and/or
166                                  limitations of the external test runner. If the
167                                  external runner requires to be run from its own base
168                                  directory,use "runner" here. If the external runner
169                                  runs tests based on files and requires to be run from
170                                  the directory where those files are located, use
171                                  "test" here and specify the test directory with the
172                                  option "--external-runner-testdir". Defaults to "None"
173            --external-runner-testdir DIRECTORY
174                                  Where test files understood by the external test
175                                  runner are located in the filesystem. Obviously this
176                                  assumes and only applies to external test runners that
177                                  run tests from files
179          filtering parameters:
180            --filter-by-tags TAGS
181                                  Filter tests based on tags
182            --filter-by-tags-include-empty
183                                  Include all tests without tags during filtering. This
184                                  effectively means they will be kept in the test suite
185                                  found previously to filtering.
186            --filter-by-tags-include-empty-key
187                                  Include all tests that do not have a matching key in
188                                  its key:val tags. This effectively means those tests
189                                  will be kept in the test suite found previously to
190                                  filtering.
192          test execution inside docker container:
193            --docker IMAGE        Name of the docker image torun tests on.
194            --docker-cmd CMD      Override the docker command, eg. 'sudo docker' or
195                                  other base docker options like hypervisor. Default:
196                                  'docker'
197            --docker-options OPT  Extra options for docker run cmd. (see: man docker-
198                                  run)
199            --docker-no-cleanup   Preserve container after test
201          keep environment variables:
202            --env-keep ENV_KEEP   Keep environment variables in remote executions
204          GNU Debugger support:
205            --gdb-run-bin EXECUTABLE[:BREAKPOINT]
206                                  Run a given executable inside the GNU debugger,
207                                  pausing at a given breakpoint (defaults to "main")
208            --gdb-prerun-commands EXECUTABLE:COMMANDS
209                                  After loading an executable in GDB, but before
210                                  actually running it, execute the GDB commands in the
211                                  given file. EXECUTABLE is optional, if omitted
212                                  COMMANDS will apply to all executables
213            --gdb-coredump {on,off}
214                                  Automatically generate a core dump when the inferior
215                                  process received a fatal signal such as SIGSEGV or
216                                  SIGABRT
218          job replay:
219            --replay REPLAY_JOBID
220                                  Replay a job identified by its (partial) hash id. Use
221                                  "--replay latest" to replay the latest job.
222            --replay-test-status REPLAY_TESTSTATUS
223                                  Filter tests to replay by test status
224            --replay-ignore REPLAY_IGNORE
225                                  Ignore variants (variants) and/or configuration
226                                  (config) from the source job
228          resultsdb options:
229            --resultsdb-api RESULTSDB_API
230                                  Specify the resultsdb API url
231            --resultsdb-logs RESULTSDB_LOGS
232                                  Specify the URL where the logs are published
234          test execution on a Virtual Machine:
235            --vm-domain VM_DOMAIN
236                                  Specify Libvirt Domain Name
237            --vm-hypervisor-uri VM_HYPERVISOR_URI
238                                  Specify hypervisor URI driver connection. Current:
239                                  qemu:///system
240            --vm-hostname VM_HOSTNAME
241                                  Specify VM hostname to login. By default Avocado
242                                  attempts to automatically find the VM IP address.
243            --vm-port VM_PORT     Specify the port number to login on VM. Current: 22
244            --vm-username VM_USERNAME
245                                  Specify the username to login on VM
246            --vm-password VM_PASSWORD
247                                  Specify the password to login on VM
248            --vm-key-file VM_KEY_FILE
249                                  Specify an identity file with a private key instead of
250                                  a password (Example: .pem files from Amazon EC2)
251            --vm-cleanup          Restore VM to a previous state, before running tests
252            --vm-timeout SECONDS  Amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a successful
253                                  connection to the virtual machine. Defaults to 120
254                                  seconds.
256          wrapper support:
257            --wrapper SCRIPT[:EXECUTABLE]
258                                  Use a script to wrap executables run by a test. The
259                                  wrapper is either a path to a script (AKA a global
260                                  wrapper) or a path to a script followed by colon
261                                  symbol (:), plus a shell like glob to the target
262                                  EXECUTABLE. Multiple wrapper options are allowed, but
263                                  only one global wrapper can be defined.
265          yaml to mux options:
266            -m [FILE [FILE ...]], --mux-yaml [FILE [FILE ...]]
267                                  Location of one or more Avocado multiplex (.yaml)
268                                  FILE(s) (order dependent)
269            --mux-filter-only [MUX_FILTER_ONLY [MUX_FILTER_ONLY ...]]
270                                  Filter only path(s) from multiplexing
271            --mux-filter-out [MUX_FILTER_OUT [MUX_FILTER_OUT ...]]
272                                  Filter out path(s) from multiplexing
273            --mux-path [MUX_PATH [MUX_PATH ...]]
274                                  List of default paths used to determine path priority
275                                  when querying for parameters
276            --mux-inject [MUX_INJECT [MUX_INJECT ...]]
277                                  Inject [path:]key:node values into the final multiplex
278                                  tree.
280       Options for subcommand config (avocado config --help):
282          optional arguments:
283            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
284            --datadir             Shows the data directories currently being used by
285                                  avocado
287       Options for subcommand diff (avocado diff --help):
289          positional arguments:
290            <JOB>                 A job reference, identified by a (partial) unique ID
291                                  (SHA1) or test results directory.
293          optional arguments:
294            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
295            --html FILE           Enable HTML output to the FILE where the result should
296                                  be written.
297            --open-browser        Generate and open a HTML report in your preferred
298                                  browser. If no --html file is provided, create a
299                                  temporary file.
300            --diff-filter DIFF_FILTER
301                                  Comma separated filter of diff sections:
302                                  (no)cmdline,(no)time,(no)variants,(no)results,
303                                  (no)config,(no)sysinfo (defaults to all enabled).
304            --create-reports      Create temporary files with job reports (to be used by
305                                  other diff tools)
307       Options for subcommand distro (avocado distro --help):
309          optional arguments:
310            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
311            --distro-def-create   Creates a distro definition file based on the path
312                                  given
313            --distro-def-name DISTRO_DEF_NAME
314                                  Distribution short name
315            --distro-def-version DISTRO_DEF_VERSION
316                                  Distribution major version number
317            ---distro-def-release DISTRO_DEF_RELEASE
318                                  Distribution release version number
319            --distro-def-arch DISTRO_DEF_ARCH
320                                  Primary architecture that the distro targets
321            --distro-def-path DISTRO_DEF_PATH
322                                  Top level directory of the distro installation files
323            --distro-def-type {deb,rpm}
324                                  Distro type (one of: deb, rpm)
326       Options for subcommand exec-path (avocado exec-path --help):
328          optional arguments:
329            -h, --help  show this help message and exit
331       Options for subcommand list (avocado list --help):
333          positional arguments:
334            reference             List of test references (aliases or paths). If empty,
335                                  avocado will list tests on the configured test source,
336                                  (see 'avocado config --datadir') Also, if there are
337                                  other test loader plugins active, tests from those
338                                  plugins might also show up (behavior may vary among
339                                  plugins)
341          optional arguments:
342            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
343            -V, --verbose         Whether to show extra information (headers and
344                                  summary). Current: False
346          loader options:
347            --loaders [LOADERS [LOADERS ...]]
348                                  Overrides the priority of the test loaders. You can
349                                  specify either @loader_name or TEST_TYPE. By default
350                                  it tries all available loaders according to priority
351                                  set in settings->plugins.loaders.
352            --external-runner EXECUTABLE
353                                  Path to an specific test runner that allows the use of
354                                  its own tests. This should be used for running tests
355                                  that do not conform to Avocado' SIMPLE testinterface
356                                  and can not run standalone. Note: the use of
357                                  --external-runner overwrites the --loaders to
358                                  "external_runner"
359            --external-runner-chdir {runner,test}
360                                  Change directory before executing tests. This option
361                                  may be necessary because of requirements and/or
362                                  limitations of the external test runner. If the
363                                  external runner requires to be run from its own base
364                                  directory,use "runner" here. If the external runner
365                                  runs tests based on files and requires to be run from
366                                  the directory where those files are located, use
367                                  "test" here and specify the test directory with the
368                                  option "--external-runner-testdir". Defaults to "None"
369            --external-runner-testdir DIRECTORY
370                                  Where test files understood by the external test
371                                  runner are located in the filesystem. Obviously this
372                                  assumes and only applies to external test runners that
373                                  run tests from files
375          filtering parameters:
376            --filter-by-tags TAGS
377                                  Filter tests based on tags
378            --filter-by-tags-include-empty
379                                  Include all tests without tags during filtering. This
380                                  effectively means they will be kept in the test suite
381                                  found previously to filtering.
382            --filter-by-tags-include-empty-key
383                                  Include all tests that do not have a matching key in
384                                  its key:val tags. This effectively means those tests
385                                  will be kept in the test suite found previously to
386                                  filtering.
388       Options for subcommand multiplex (avocado multiplex --help):
390          optional arguments:
391            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
392            --summary SUMMARY     Verbosity of the variants summary. (positive integer -
393                                  0, 1, ... - or none, brief, normal, verbose, full,
394                                  max)
395            --variants VARIANTS   Verbosity of the list of variants. (positive integer -
396                                  0, 1, ... - or none, brief, normal, verbose, full,
397                                  max)
398            -c, --contents        [obsoleted by --variants] Shows the node content
399                                  (variables)
401          environment view options:
402            -d, --debug           Debug the multiplex tree.
404          tree view options:
405            -t, --tree            [obsoleted by --summary] Shows the multiplex tree
406                                  structure
407            -i, --inherit         [obsoleted by --summary] Show the inherited values
409          yaml to mux options:
410            -m [FILE [FILE ...]], --mux-yaml [FILE [FILE ...]]
411                                  Location of one or more Avocado multiplex (.yaml)
412                                  FILE(s) (order dependent)
413            --mux-filter-only [MUX_FILTER_ONLY [MUX_FILTER_ONLY ...]]
414                                  Filter only path(s) from multiplexing
415            --mux-filter-out [MUX_FILTER_OUT [MUX_FILTER_OUT ...]]
416                                  Filter out path(s) from multiplexing
417            --mux-path [MUX_PATH [MUX_PATH ...]]
418                                  List of default paths used to determine path priority
419                                  when querying for parameters
420            --mux-inject [MUX_INJECT [MUX_INJECT ...]]
421                                  Inject [path:]key:node values into the final multiplex
422                                  tree.
424       Options for subcommand plugins (avocado plugins --help):
426          optional arguments:
427            -h, --help            show this help message and exit
429       Options for subcommand sysinfo (avocado sysinfo --help):
431          positional arguments:
432            sysinfodir  Dir where to dump sysinfo
434          optional arguments:
435            -h, --help  show this help message and exit


438       The most common use of the avocado command line tool is to run a test:
440          $ avocado run sleeptest.py
442       This  command  will run the sleeptest.py test, as found on the standard
443       test directories. The output should be similar to:
445          JOB ID    : <id>
446          JOB LOG   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/job.log
447           (1/1) sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test: PASS (1.01 s)
448          RESULTS    : PASS 1 | ERROR 0 | FAIL 0 | SKIP 0 | WARN 0 | INTERRUPT 0
449          JOB TIME   : 1.11 s
451       The test directories will vary depending on you system and installation
452       method  used.  Still, it's pretty easy to find that out as shown in the
453       next section.


456       When you are developing new tests, frequently you want to look  at  the
457       straight  output  of  the job log in the stdout, without having to tail
458       the job log. In order to do that, you can use --show=test to  the  avo‐
459       cado test runner:
461          $ avocado --show=test run examples/tests/sleeptest.py
462          ...
463          PARAMS (key=timeout, path=*, default=None) => None
464          START 1-sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test
465          PARAMS (key=sleep_length, path=*, default=1) => 1
466          Sleeping for 1.00 seconds
467          Not logging /var/log/messages (lack of permissions)
468          PASS 1-sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test
469          ...
471       Let's say you are debugging a test particularly large, with lots of de‐
472       bug output and you want to reduce this output  to  only  messages  with
473       level  'INFO'  and  higher. You can set job-log-level to info to reduce
474       the amount of output.
476       Edit your ~/.config/avocado/avocado.conf file and add:
478          [job.output]
479          loglevel = info
481       Running the same example with this option will give you:
483          $ avocado --show=test run sleeptest.py
484          ...
485          START 1-sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test
486          PASS 1-sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test
487          ...
489       The levels you can choose are the levels available in the  python  log‐
490       ging system https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html#logging-lev‐
491       els, translated to lowercase strings,  so  'notset',  'debug',  'info',
492       'warning', 'error', 'critical', in order of severity.
494       As  you  can see, the UI output is suppressed and only the job log goes
495       to stdout, making this a useful feature for test development/debugging.


498       You may specify --show=none, that means avocado will turn off all  run‐
499       ner  stdout.   Note  that --show=none does not affect on disk job logs,
500       those continue to be generated normally.


503       You may specify --sysinfo=off and avocado will not  collect  profilers,
504       hardware  details  and  other system information, inside the job result
505       directory.


508       The avocado command line tool also has a list command, that  lists  the
509       known  tests  in a given path, be it a path to an individual test, or a
510       path to a directory. If no arguments provided, avocado will inspect the
511       contents  of  the  test  location  being used by avocado (if you are in
512       doubt about which one is that, you may use avocado  config  --datadir).
513       The output looks like:
515          $ avocado list
516          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/abort.py
517          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/datadir.py
518          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/doublefail.py
519          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/doublefree.py
520          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/errortest.py
521          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/failtest.py
522          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/fiotest.py
523          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/gdbtest.py
524          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/gendata.py
525          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/linuxbuild.py
526          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/multiplextest.py
527          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/passtest.py
528          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/skiptest.py
529          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/sleeptenmin.py
530          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/sleeptest.py
531          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/synctest.py
532          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/timeouttest.py
533          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/warntest.py
534          INSTRUMENTED /usr/share/doc/avocado/tests/whiteboard.py
536       Here,  INSTRUMENTED means that the files there are python files with an
537       avocado test class in them, therefore, that they are what we  call  in‐
538       strumented  tests.  This means those tests can use all avocado APIs and
539       facilities. Let's try to list a directory with a  bunch  of  executable
540       shell scripts:
542          $ avocado list examples/wrappers/
543          SIMPLE examples/wrappers/dummy.sh
544          SIMPLE examples/wrappers/ltrace.sh
545          SIMPLE examples/wrappers/perf.sh
546          SIMPLE examples/wrappers/strace.sh
547          SIMPLE examples/wrappers/time.sh
548          SIMPLE examples/wrappers/valgrind.sh
550       Here,  SIMPLE means that those files are executables, that avocado will
551       simply execute and return PASS or FAIL depending on their return  codes
552       (PASS -> 0, FAIL -> any integer different than 0). You can also provide
553       the --verbose, or -V flag to display files that were detected  but  are
554       not avocado tests, along with summary information:
556          $ avocado list examples/gdb-prerun-scripts/ -V
557          Type       Test                                     Tag(s)
558          NOT_A_TEST examples/gdb-prerun-scripts/README
559          NOT_A_TEST examples/gdb-prerun-scripts/pass-sigusr1
562          ==================
563          SIMPLE: 0
564          INSTRUMENTED: 0
565          MISSING: 0
566          NOT_A_TEST: 2
568       That  summarizes the basic commands you should be using more frequently
569       when you start with avocado. Let's talk now about  how  avocado  stores
570       test results.


573       When avocado runs tests, it saves all its results on your system:
575          JOB ID    : <id>
576          JOB LOG   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/job.log
578       For  your  convenience,  avocado maintains a link to the latest job run
579       (an avocado run command in this context), so you can always  use  "lat‐
580       est" to browse your test results:
582          $ ls /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/latest
583          id
584          jobdata
585          job.log
586          results.json
587          results.tap
588          results.xml
589          sysinfo
590          test-results
592       The main log file is job.log, but every test has its own results direc‐
593       tory:
595          $ ls -1 ~/avocado/job-results/latest/test-results/
596          1-sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test
598       Since this is a directory, it should have content similar to:
600          $ ls -1 ~/avocado/job-results/latest/test-results/1-sleeptest.py\:SleepTest.test/
601          data
602          debug.log
603          stderr
604          stdout
605          sysinfo
606          whiteboard


609       Avocado has a powerful tool that enables multiple test scenarios to  be
610       run  using  a  single, unmodified test. This mechanism uses a YAML file
611       called the 'multiplex file', that tells avocado  how  to  multiply  all
612       possible test scenarios automatically.
614       A command by the same name, multiplex, is available on the avocado com‐
615       mand line tool, and enables you to see all the test scenarios that  can
616       be run:
618          $ avocado multiplex -m examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml -c
619          Variants generated:
621          Variant 1:    /run/short
622              /run/short:sleep_length => 0.5
624          Variant 2:    /run/medium
625              /run/medium:sleep_length => 1
627          Variant 3:    /run/long
628              /run/long:sleep_length => 5
630          Variant 4:    /run/longest
631              /run/longest:sleep_length => 10
633       This  is  a  sample  that varies the parameter sleep_length through the
634       scenarios /run/short (sleeps for 0.5 s), /run/medium (sleeps for 1  s),
635       /run/long  (sleeps  for  5s),  /run/longest (sleeps for 10s).  The YAML
636       file (multiplex file) that produced the output above is:
638          !mux
639          short:
640              sleep_length: 0.5
641          medium:
642              sleep_length: 1
643          long:
644              sleep_length: 5
645          longest:
646              sleep_length: 10
648       You can execute sleeptest in all variations exposed above with:
650          $ avocado run sleeptest.py -m examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml
652       And the output should look like:
654          JOB ID    : <id>
655          JOB LOG   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/job.log
656           (1/4) sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test;1: PASS (0.51 s)
657           (2/4) sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test;2: PASS (1.01 s)
658           (3/4) sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test;3: PASS (5.02 s)
659           (4/4) sleeptest.py:SleepTest.test;4: PASS (10.01 s)
660          RESULTS    : PASS 4 | ERROR 0 | FAIL 0 | SKIP 0 | WARN 0 | INTERRUPT 0
661          JOB TIME   : 16.65 s
663       The multiplex plugin and the test runner supports two kinds  of  global
664       filters,   through  the  command  line  options  --mux-filter-only  and
665       --mux-filter-out.  The mux-filter-only exclusively includes one or more
666       paths  and the mux-filter-out removes one or more paths from being pro‐
667       cessed.
669       From the previous example, if we are interested  to  use  the  variants
670       /run/medium and /run/longest, we do the following command line:
672          $ avocado run sleeptest.py -m examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml \
673                --mux-filter-only /run/medium /run/longest
675       And  if  you want to remove /small from the variants created, we do the
676       following:
678          $ avocado run sleeptest.py -m examples/tests/sleeptest.py.data/sleeptest.yaml \
679                --mux-filter-out /run/medium
681       Note that both --mux-filter-only and --mux-filter-out  filters  can  be
682       arranged in the same command line.
684       The  multiplexer  also  supports default paths. The base path is /run/*
685       but it can be overridden by --mux-path, which  accepts  multiple  argu‐
686       ments. What it does: it splits leaves by the provided paths. Each query
687       goes one by one through those sub-trees and first one to hit the  match
688       returns the result. It might not solve all problems, but it can help to
689       combine existing YAML files with your ones:
691          qa: # large and complex read-only file, content injected into /qa
692              tests:
693                  timeout: 10
694              ...
695          my_variants: !mux # your YAML file injected into /my_variants
696              short:
697                  timeout: 1
698              long:
699                  timeout: 1000
701       You want to use an existing test which uses params.get('timeout', '*').
702       Then  you  can  use --mux-path '/my_variants/*' '/qa/*' and it'll first
703       look in your variants. If no matches are found, then it  would  proceed
704       to /qa/*
706       Keep  in  mind  that only slices defined in mux-path are taken into ac‐
707       count for relative paths (the ones starting with *).


710       One interesting avocado feature is the  ability  to  automatically  and
711       transparently  run executables that are used on a given test inside the
712       GNU debugger.
714       Suppose you are running a test that uses an external,  compiled,  image
715       converter.  Now  suppose  you're feeding it with different types of im‐
716       ages, including broken image files, and it fails at a given point.  You
717       wish  you  could  connect to the debugger at that given source location
718       while your test is running. This is how to do just that with avocado:
720          $ avocado run --gdb-run-bin=convert:convert_ppm_to_raw converttest.py
722       The job starts running just as usual, and so does your test:
724          JOB ID    : <id>
725          JOB LOG   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/job.log
726          TESTS     : 1
727           (1/1) converttest.py:ConvertTest.test: /
729       The convert executable though, automatically runs inside  GDB.  Avocado
730       will stop when the given breakpoint is reached:
732          TEST PAUSED because of debugger breakpoint. To DEBUG your application run:
733          /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/test-results/converttest.py/data/convert.gdb.sh
735          NOTE: please use *disconnect* command in gdb before exiting, or else the debugged process will be KILLED
737       From  this  point, you can run the generated script (convert.gdb.sh) to
738       debug you application.
740       As noted, it is strongly recommended that you disconnect from gdb while
741       your  executable  is still running. That is, if the executable finished
742       running while you are debugging it, avocado has no way  to  know  about
743       its status.
745       Avocado will automatically send a continue command to the debugger when
746       you disconnect from and exit gdb.
748       If, for some reason you have a custom GDB, or your system does not  put
749       GDB   on   what   avocado   believes   to   be  the  standard  location
750       (/usr/bin/gdb), you can override that in the section gdb.paths of  your
751       documentation:
753          [gdb.paths]
754          gdb = /usr/bin/gdb
755          gdbserver = /usr/bin/gdbserver
757       So  running  avocado  after  setting  those  will  use  the appropriate
758       gdb/gdbserver path.
760       If you are debugging a special application and need  to  setup  GDB  in
761       custom  ways  by  running  GDB  commands,  you  can  do  that  with the
762       --gdb-prerun-commands option:
764          $ avocado run --gdb-run-bin=foo:bar --gdb-prerun-commands=/tmp/disable-signals footest.py
766       In this example, /tmp/disable-signals is a simple text file  containing
767       two lines:
769          signal SIGUSR1 pass
770          signal SIGUSR1 nostop
772       Each line is a GDB command, so you can have from simple to very complex
773       debugging environments configured like that.


776       Avocado allows the instrumentation of executables being run by  a  test
777       in a transparent way. The user specifies a script ("the wrapper") to be
778       used to run the actual program called by the test.
780       If the instrumentation script is implemented correctly, it  should  not
781       interfere  with  the  test  behavior. That is, the wrapper should avoid
782       changing the return status, standard output and standard error messages
783       of the original executable.
785       The user can be specific about which program to wrap (with a shell-like
786       glob), or if that is omitted, a global wrapper that will apply  to  all
787       programs called by the test.
789       So, for every executable run by the test, the program name will be com‐
790       pared to the pattern to decide whether to wrap it or not. You can  have
791       multiples wrappers and patterns defined.
793       Examples:
795          $ avocado run datadir.py --wrapper examples/wrappers/strace.sh
797       Any command created by the test datadir will be wrapped on strace.sh.
799          $ avocado run datadir.py --wrapper examples/wrappers/ltrace.sh:*make \
800                                   --wrapper examples/wrappers/perf.sh:*datadir
802       Any command that matches the pattern *make will be wrapper on ltrace.sh
803       and the pattern *datadir will trigger the execution of perf.sh.
805       Note that it is not possible to use --gdb-run-bin together with --wrap‐
806       per, they are incompatible.


809       It's  quite  common to have organically grown test suites in most soft‐
810       ware projects. These usually include a custom built, very specific test
811       runner that knows how to find and run their own tests.
813       Still,  running those tests inside Avocado may be a good idea for vari‐
814       ous reasons, including being able to have results  in  different  human
815       and  machine  readable formats, collecting system information alongside
816       those tests (the Avocado's sysinfo functionality), and more.
818       Avocado makes that possible by means of its "external runner"  feature.
819       The most basic way of using it is:
821          $ avocado run --external-runner=/path/to/external_runner foo bar baz
823       In  this example, Avocado will report individual test results for tests
824       foo, bar and baz. The actual results will be based on the  return  code
825       of  individual executions of /path/to/external_runner foo, /path/to/ex‐
826       ternal_runner bar and finally /path/to/external_runner baz.
828       As another way to explain an show how this feature works, think of  the
829       "external  runner" as some kind of interpreter and the individual tests
830       as anything that this interpreter recognizes and is able to execute.  A
831       UNIX  shell,  say  /bin/sh  could be considered an external runner, and
832       files with shell code could be considered tests:
834          $ echo "exit 0" > /tmp/pass
835          $ echo "exit 1" > /tmp/fail
836          $ avocado run --external-runner=/bin/sh /tmp/pass /tmp/fail
837          JOB ID    : <id>
838          JOB LOG   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/job.log
839          TESTS      : 2
840          (1/2) /tmp/pass: PASS (0.01 s)
841          (2/2) /tmp/fail: FAIL (0.01 s)
842          RESULTS    : PASS 1 | ERROR 0 | FAIL 1 | SKIP 0 | WARN 0 | INTERRUPT 0
843          JOB TIME   : 0.11 s
845       This example is  pretty  obvious,  and  could  be  achieved  by  giving
846       /tmp/pass  and /tmp/fail shell "shebangs" (#!/bin/sh), making them exe‐
847       cutable (chmod +x /tmp/pass /tmp/fail), and running  them  as  "SIMPLE"
848       tests.
850       But now consider the following example:
852          $ avocado run --external-runner=/bin/curl http://local-avocado-server:9405/jobs/ \
853                                                    http://remote-avocado-server:9405/jobs/
854          JOB ID    : <id>
855          JOB LOG   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/job.log
856          TESTS      : 2
857          (1/2) http://local-avocado-server:9405/jobs/: PASS (0.02 s)
858          (2/2) http://remote-avocado-server:9405/jobs/: FAIL (3.02 s)
859          RESULTS    : PASS 1 | ERROR 0 | FAIL 1 | SKIP 0 | WARN 0 | INTERRUPT 0
860          JOB TIME   : 3.14 s
862       This effectively makes /bin/curl an "external test runner", responsible
863       for trying to fetch those URLs, and reporting PASS or FAIL for each  of
864       them.


867       As a tester, you may want to check if the output of a given application
868       matches an expected output. In order to help with this common use case,
869       we  offer  the  option --output-check-record [mode] to the test runner.
870       If this option is used, it will store  the  stdout  or  stderr  of  the
871       process  (or  both,  if  you specified all) being executed to reference
872       files: stdout.expected and stderr.expected.
874       Those files will be recorded in the test data dir. The data dir  is  in
875       the    same    directory    as    the    test    source   file,   named
876       [source_file_name.data]. Let's take as an example the test synctest.py.
877       In a fresh checkout of avocado, you can see:
879          examples/tests/synctest.py.data/stderr.expected
880          examples/tests/synctest.py.data/stdout.expected
882       From those 2 files, only stdout.expected is non empty:
884          $ cat examples/tests/synctest.py.data/stdout.expected
885          PAR : waiting
886          PASS : sync interrupted
888       The  output  files  were  originally obtained using the test runner and
889       passing the option --output-check-record all to the test runner:
891          $ avocado run --output-check-record all examples/tests/synctest.py
892          JOB ID    : <id>
893          JOB LOG   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/job.log
894           (1/1) examples/tests/synctest.py:SyncTest.test: PASS (4.00 s)
895          RESULTS    : PASS 1 | ERROR 0 | FAIL 0 | SKIP 0 | WARN 0 | INTERRUPT 0
896          JOB TIME   : 4.10 s
898       After the reference files are added, the check process is  transparent,
899       in  the sense that you do not need to provide special flags to the test
900       runner. Now, every time the test is executed, after it is done running,
901       it  will  check if the outputs are exactly right before considering the
902       test as PASSed. If you want to override the default behavior  and  skip
903       output  check  entirely, you may provide the flag --output-check=off to
904       the test runner.
906       The avocado.utils.process APIs have a parameter allow_output_check (de‐
907       faults to all), so that you can select which process outputs will go to
908       the reference files, should you chose to record them.  You  may  choose
909       all,  for  both stdout and stderr, stdout, for the stdout only, stderr,
910       for only the stderr only, or none, to  allow  neither  of  them  to  be
911       recorded and checked.
913       This process works fine also with simple tests, executables that return
914       0 (PASSed) or != 0 (FAILed). Let's consider our bogus example:
916          $ cat output_record.sh
917          #!/bin/bash
918          echo "Hello, world!"
920       Let's record the output (both stdout and stderr) for this one:
922          $ avocado run output_record.sh --output-check-record all
923          JOB ID    : <id>
924          JOB LOG   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<date>-<shortid>/job.log
925          TESTS     : 1
926          (1/1) home/$USER/Code/avocado/output_record.sh: PASS (0.01 s)
927          RESULTS    : PASS 1 | ERROR 0 | FAIL 0 | SKIP 0 | WARN 0 | INTERRUPT 0
928          JOB TIME   : 0.11 s
930       After this is done, you'll notice that a the test  data  directory  ap‐
931       peared in the same level of our shell script, containing 2 files:
933          $ ls output_record.sh.data/
934          stderr.expected  stdout.expected
936       Let's look what's in each of them:
938          $ cat output_record.sh.data/stdout.expected
939          Hello, world!
940          $ cat output_record.sh.data/stderr.expected
941          $
943       Now,  every  time  this test runs, it'll take into account the expected
944       files that were recorded, no need to do anything else but run the test.


947       Avocado has some planned features that depend on knowing the Linux Dis‐
948       tribution  being  used on the system. The most basic command prints the
949       detected Linux Distribution:
951          $ avocado distro
952          Detected distribution: fedora (x86_64) version 21 release 0
954       Other features are available with the same command  when  command  line
955       options are given, as shown by the --help option.
957       For  instance,  it  possible  to create a so-called "Linux Distribution
958       Definition" file, by inspecting an installation tree. The  installation
959       tree  could be the contents of the official installation ISO or a local
960       network mirror.
962       These files let Avocado pinpoint if a given installed package  is  part
963       of the original Linux Distribution or something else that was installed
964       from an external repository or even manually. This, in turn,  can  help
965       detecting  regressions  in  base  system pacakges that affected a given
966       test result.
968       To generate a definition file run:
970          $ avocado distro --distro-def-create --distro-def-name avocadix  \
971                           --distro-def-version 1 --distro-def-arch x86_64 \
972                           --distro-def-type rpm --distro-def-path /mnt/dvd
974       And the output will be something like:
976          Loading distro information from tree... Please wait...
977          Distro information saved to "avocadix-1-x86_64.distro"


980          System wide configuration file
981              /etc/avocado/avocado.conf
983          Extra configuration files
984              /etc/avocado/conf.d/
986          User configuration file
987              ~/.config/avocado/avocado.conf


990       If you find a bug, please report it over our github page as  an  issue:
991       https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/issues


994       Avocado  is  released under GPLv2 (explicit version) http://gnu.org/li
995       censes/gpl-2.0.html. Even though most of the current code  is  licensed
996       under  a  "and  any  later version" clause, some parts are specifically
997       bound to the version 2 of the license and therefore that's the official
998       license  of the prject itself. For more details, please see the LICENSE
999       file in the project source code directory.


1002       For more information please check Avocado's project website, located at
1003       http://avocado-framework.github.io/.  There you'll find links to online
1004       documentation, source code and community resources.


1007       Avocado Development Team <avocado-devel@redhat.com>
1012                                                                    AVOCADO(1)