1COLLECTD-SNMP(5)                   collectd                   COLLECTD-SNMP(5)


6       collectd-snmp - Documentation of collectd's "snmp plugin"


9         LoadPlugin snmp
10         # ...
11         <Plugin snmp>
12           <Data "powerplus_voltge_input">
13             Table false
14             Type "voltage"
15             TypeInstance "input_line1"
16             Scale 0.1
17             Values "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.6050."
18           </Data>
19           <Data "hr_users">
20             Table false
21             Type "users"
22             Shift -1
23             Values "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemNumUsers.0"
24           </Data>
25           <Data "std_traffic">
26             Table true
27             Type "if_octets"
28             TypeInstanceOID "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
29             #FilterOID "IF-MIB::ifOperStatus"
30             #FilterValues "1", "2"
31             Values "IF-MIB::ifInOctets" "IF-MIB::ifOutOctets"
32           </Data>
33           <Data "lancom_stations_total">
34               Type "counter"
35               PluginInstance "stations_total"
36               Table true
37               Count true
38               Values "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2356." # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.lancom-systems.lcos.lcsStatus.lcsStatusWlan.lcsStatusWlanStationTableTable.lcsStatusWlanStationTableEntry.lcsStatusWlanStationTableEntryState
39           </Data>
40           <Data "lancom_stations_connected">
41               Type "counter"
42               PluginInstance "stations_connected"
43               Table true
44               Count true
45               Values "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2356." # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.lancom-systems.lcos.lcsStatus.lcsStatusWlan.lcsStatusWlanStationTableTable.lcsStatusWlanStationTableEntry.lcsStatusWlanStationTableEntryState
46               FilterOID "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2356."
47               FilterValues "3" # eConnected
48           </Data>
50           <Host "some.switch.mydomain.org">
51             Address ""
52             Version 1
53             Community "community_string"
54             Collect "std_traffic"
55             Interval 120
56             Timeout 10
57             Retries 1
58           </Host>
59           <Host "some.server.mydomain.org">
60             Address ""
61             Version 2
62             Community "another_string"
63             Collect "std_traffic" "hr_users"
64           </Host>
65           <Host "secure.router.mydomain.org">
66             Address ""
67             Version 3
68             SecurityLevel "authPriv"
69             Username "cosmo"
70             AuthProtocol "SHA"
71             AuthPassphrase "setec_astronomy"
72             PrivacyProtocol "AES"
73             PrivacyPassphrase "too_many_secrets"
74             Collect "std_traffic"
75           </Host>
76           <Host "some.ups.mydomain.org">
77             Address "tcp:"
78             Version 1
79             Community "more_communities"
80             Collect "powerplus_voltge_input"
81             Interval 300
82             Timeout 5
83             Retries 5
84           </Host>
85         </Plugin>


88       The "snmp plugin" queries other hosts using SNMP, the simple network
89       management protocol, and translates the value it receives to collectd's
90       internal format and dispatches them. Depending on the write plugins you
91       have loaded they may be written to disk or submitted to another
92       instance or whatever you configured.
94       Because querying a host via SNMP may produce a timeout the "complex
95       reads" polling method is used. The ReadThreads parameter in the main
96       configuration influences the number of parallel polling jobs which can
97       be undertaken. If you expect timeouts or some polling to take a long
98       time, you should increase this parameter. Note that other plugins also
99       use the same threads.


102       Since the aim of the "snmp plugin" is to provide a generic interface to
103       SNMP, its configuration is not trivial and may take some time.
105       Since the "Net-SNMP" library is used you can use all the environment
106       variables that are interpreted by that package. See snmpcmd(1) for more
107       details.
109       There are two types of blocks that can be contained in the
110       "<Plugin snmp>" block: Data and Host:
112   The Data block
113       The Data block defines a list of values or a table of values that are
114       to be queried. The following options can be set:
116       Type type
117           collectd's type that is to be used, e. g. "if_octets" for interface
118           traffic or "users" for a user count. The types are read from the
119           TypesDB (see collectd.conf(5)), so you may want to check for which
120           types are defined. See types.db(5) for a description of the format
121           of this file.
123       Table true|false
124           Define if this is a single list of values or a table of values. The
125           difference is the following:
127           When Table is set to false, the OIDs given to Values (see below)
128           are queried using the "GET" SNMP command (see snmpget(1)) and
129           transmitted to collectd. One value list is dispatched and,
130           eventually, one file will be written.
132           When Table is set to true, the OIDs given to Values,
133           TypeInstanceOID, PluginInstanceOID, HostOID and FilterOID (see
134           below) are queried using the "GETNEXT" SNMP command until the
135           subtree is left. After all the lists (think: all columns of the
136           table) have been read, either (Count set to false) several value
137           sets will be dispatched and, eventually, several files will be
138           written, or (Count set to true) one single value will be
139           dispatched. If you configure a Type (see above) which needs more
140           than one data source (for example "if_octets" which needs "rx" and
141           "tx") you will need to specify more than one (two, in the example
142           case) OIDs with the Values option and can't use the Count option.
143           This has nothing to do with the Table setting.
145           For example, if you want to query the number of users on a system,
146           you can use "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemNumUsers.0". This is one
147           value and belongs to one value list, therefore Table must be set to
148           false. Please note that, in this case, you have to include the
149           sequence number (zero in this case) in the OID.
151           Counter example: If you want to query the interface table provided
152           by the "IF-MIB", e. g. the bytes transmitted. There are potentially
153           many interfaces, so you will want to set Table to true. Because the
154           "if_octets" type needs two values, received and transmitted bytes,
155           you need to specify two OIDs in the Values setting, in this case
156           likely "IF-MIB::ifHCInOctets" and "IF-MIB::ifHCOutOctets". But,
157           this is because of the Type setting, not the Table setting.
159           Since the semantic of Instance and Values depends on this setting
160           you need to set it before setting them. Doing vice versa will
161           result in undefined behavior.
163       Plugin Plugin
164           Use Plugin as the plugin name of the values that are dispatched.
165           Defaults to "snmp".
167       PluginInstance Instance
168           Sets the plugin-instance of the values that are dispatched to
169           Instance value.
171           When Table is set to true and PluginInstanceOID is set then this
172           option has no effect.
174           Defaults to an empty string.
176       TypeInstance Instance
177           Sets the type-instance of the values that are dispatched to
178           Instance value.
180           When Table is set to true and TypeInstanceOID is set then this
181           option has no effect.
183           Defaults to an empty string.
185       TypeInstanceOID OID
186       PluginInstanceOID OID
187       HostOID OID
188           If Table is set to true, OID is interpreted as an SNMP-prefix that
189           will return a list of values. Those values are then used as the
190           actual type-instance, plugin-instance or host of dispatched
191           metrics. An example would be the "IF-MIB::ifDescr" subtree.
192           variables(5) from the SNMP distribution describes the format of
193           OIDs. When option is set to empty string, then "SUBID" will be used
194           as the value.
196           Prefix may be set for values with use of appropriate
197           TypeInstancePrefix, PluginInstancePrefix and HostPrefix options.
199           When Table is set to false or Count is set to true, these options
200           have no effect.
202           Defaults: When no one of these options is configured explicitly,
203           TypeInstanceOID defaults to an empty string.
205       TypeInstancePrefix
206       PluginInstancePrefix
207       HostPrefix
208           These options are intented to be used together with
209           TypeInstanceOID, PluginInstanceOID and HostOID respectively.
211           If set, String is preprended to values received by querying the
212           agent.
214           When Table is set to false or Count is set to true, these options
215           have no effect.
217           The "UPS-MIB" is an example where you need this setting: It has
218           voltages of the inlets, outlets and the battery of an UPS. However,
219           it doesn't provide a descriptive column for these voltages. In this
220           case having 1, 2, ... as instances is not enough, because the inlet
221           voltages and outlet voltages may both have the subids 1, 2, ... You
222           can use this setting to distinguish between the different voltages.
224       Instance Instance
225           Attention: this option exists for backwards compatibility only and
226           will be removed in next major release. Please use TypeInstance /
227           TypeInstanceOID instead.
229           The meaning of this setting depends on whether Table is set to true
230           or false.
232           If Table is set to true, option behaves as TypeInstanceOID.  If
233           Table is set to false, option behaves as TypeInstance.
235           Note what Table option must be set before setting Instance.
237       InstancePrefix String
238           Attention: this option exists for backwards compatibility only and
239           will be removed in next major release. Please use
240           TypeInstancePrefix instead.
242       Values OID [OID ...]
243           Configures the values to be queried from the SNMP host. The meaning
244           slightly changes with the Table setting. variables(5) from the SNMP
245           distribution describes the format of OIDs.
247           If Table is set to true, each OID must be the prefix of all the
248           values to query, e. g. "IF-MIB::ifInOctets" for all the counters of
249           incoming traffic. This subtree is walked (using "GETNEXT") until a
250           value from outside the subtree is returned.
252           If Table is set to false, each OID must be the OID of exactly one
253           value, e. g. "IF-MIB::ifInOctets.3" for the third counter of
254           incoming traffic.
256       Count true|false
257           Instead of dispatching one or multiple values per Table entry
258           containing the OID(s) given in the Values option, just dispatch a
259           single count giving the number of entries that would have been
260           dispatched. This is especially useful when combined with the
261           filtering options (see below) to count the number of entries in a
262           Table matching certain criteria.
264           When Table is set to false, this option has no effect.
266       Scale Value
267           The gauge-values returned by the SNMP-agent are multiplied by
268           Value.  This is useful when values are transferred as a fixed point
269           real number. For example, thermometers may transfer 243 but
270           actually mean 24.3, so you can specify a scale value of 0.1 to
271           correct this. The default value is, of course, 1.0.
273           This value is not applied to counter-values.
275       Shift Value
276           Value is added to gauge-values returned by the SNMP-agent after
277           they have been multiplied by any Scale value. If, for example, a
278           thermometer returns degrees Kelvin you could specify a shift of
279           273.15 here to store values in degrees Celsius. The default value
280           is, of course, 0.0.
282           This value is not applied to counter-values.
284       Ignore Value [, Value ...]
285           The ignore values allows one to ignore TypeInstances based on their
286           name and the patterns specified by the various values you've
287           entered. The match is a glob-type shell matching.
289           When Table is set to false then this option has no effect.
291       InvertMatch true|false(default)
292           The invertmatch value should be use in combination of the Ignore
293           option.  It changes the behaviour of the Ignore option, from a
294           blacklist behaviour when InvertMatch is set to false, to a
295           whitelist when specified to true.
297       FilterOID OID
298       FilterValues Value [, Value ...]
299       FilterIgnoreSelected true|false(default)
300           When Table is set to true, these options allow to configure
301           filtering based on MIB values.
303           The FilterOID declares OID to fill table column with values.  The
304           FilterValues declares values list to do match. Whether table row
305           will be collected or ignored depends on the FilterIgnoreSelected
306           setting.  As with other plugins that use the daemon's ignorelist
307           functionality, a string that starts and ends with a slash is
308           interpreted as a regular expression.
310           If no selection is configured at all, all table rows are selected.
312           When Table is set to false then these options has no effect.
314           See Table and /"IGNORELISTS" for details.
316   The Host block
317       The Host block defines which hosts to query, which SNMP community and
318       version to use and which of the defined Data to query.
320       The argument passed to the Host block is used as the hostname in the
321       data stored by collectd.
323       Address IP-Address|Hostname
324           Set the address to connect to. Address may include transport
325           specifier and/or port number.
327       Version 1|2|3
328           Set the SNMP version to use. When giving 2 version "2c" is actually
329           used.
331       Community Community
332           Pass Community to the host. (Ignored for SNMPv3).
334       Username Username
335           Sets the Username to use for SNMPv3 security.
337       SecurityLevel authPriv|authNoPriv|noAuthNoPriv
338           Selects the security level for SNMPv3 security.
340       Context Context
341           Sets the Context for SNMPv3 security.
343       AuthProtocol MD5|SHA
344           Selects the authentication protocol for SNMPv3 security.
346       AuthPassphrase Passphrase
347           Sets the authentication passphrase for SNMPv3 security.
349       PrivacyProtocol AES|DES
350           Selects the privacy (encryption) protocol for SNMPv3 security.
352       PrivacyPassphrase Passphrase
353           Sets the privacy (encryption) passphrase for SNMPv3 security.
355       Collect Data [Data ...]
356           Defines which values to collect. Data refers to one of the Data
357           block above. Since the config file is read top-down you need to
358           define the data before using it here.
360       Interval Seconds
361           Collect data from this host every Seconds seconds. This option is
362           meant for devices with not much CPU power, e. g. network equipment
363           such as switches, embedded devices, rack monitoring systems and so
364           on. Since the Step of generated RRD files depends on this setting
365           it's wise to select a reasonable value once and never change it.
367       Timeout Seconds
368           How long to wait for a response. The "Net-SNMP" library default is
369           1 second.
371       Retries Integer
372           The number of times that a query should be retried after the
373           Timeout expires.  The "Net-SNMP" library default is 5.
375       BulkSize Integer
376           Configures the size of SNMP bulk transfers. The default is 0, which
377           disables bulk transfers altogether.


380       collectd(1), collectd.conf(5), snmpget(1), snmpgetnext(1),
381       variables(5), unix(7)


384       Florian Forster <octo@collectd.org> Michael Pilat <mike@mikepilat.com>
3885.12.0                            2020-09-03                  COLLECTD-SNMP(5)