1PERLOPENTUT(1)         Perl Programmers Reference Guide         PERLOPENTUT(1)


6       perlopentut - simple recipes for opening files and pipes in Perl


9       Whenever you do I/O on a file in Perl, you do so through what in Perl
10       is called a filehandle.  A filehandle is an internal name for an
11       external file.  It is the job of the "open" function to make the
12       association between the internal name and the external name, and it is
13       the job of the "close" function to break that association.
15       For your convenience, Perl sets up a few special filehandles that are
16       already open when you run.  These include "STDIN", "STDOUT", "STDERR",
17       and "ARGV".  Since those are pre-opened, you can use them right away
18       without having to go to the trouble of opening them yourself:
20           print STDERR "This is a debugging message.\n";
22           print STDOUT "Please enter something: ";
23           $response = <STDIN> // die "how come no input?";
24           print STDOUT "Thank you!\n";
26           while (<ARGV>) { ... }
28       As you see from those examples, "STDOUT" and "STDERR" are output
29       handles, and "STDIN" and "ARGV" are input handles.  They are in all
30       capital letters because they are reserved to Perl, much like the @ARGV
31       array and the %ENV hash are.  Their external associations were set up
32       by your shell.
34       You will need to open every other filehandle on your own. Although
35       there are many variants, the most common way to call Perl's open()
36       function is with three arguments and one return value:
38       "    OK = open(HANDLE, MODE, PATHNAME)"
40       Where:
42       OK  will be some defined value if the open succeeds, but "undef" if it
43           fails;
45       HANDLE
46           should be an undefined scalar variable to be filled in by the
47           "open" function if it succeeds;
49       MODE
50           is the access mode and the encoding format to open the file with;
52       PATHNAME
53           is the external name of the file you want opened.
55       Most of the complexity of the "open" function lies in the many possible
56       values that the MODE parameter can take on.
58       One last thing before we show you how to open files: opening files does
59       not (usually) automatically lock them in Perl.  See perlfaq5 for how to
60       lock.

Opening Text Files

63   Opening Text Files for Reading
64       If you want to read from a text file, first open it in read-only mode
65       like this:
67           my $filename = "/some/path/to/a/textfile/goes/here";
68           my $encoding = ":encoding(UTF-8)";
69           my $handle   = undef;     # this will be filled in on success
71           open($handle, "< $encoding", $filename)
72               || die "$0: can't open $filename for reading: $!";
74       As with the shell, in Perl the "<" is used to open the file in read-
75       only mode.  If it succeeds, Perl allocates a brand new filehandle for
76       you and fills in your previously undefined $handle argument with a
77       reference to that handle.
79       Now you may use functions like "readline", "read", "getc", and
80       "sysread" on that handle.  Probably the most common input function is
81       the one that looks like an operator:
83           $line = readline($handle);
84           $line = <$handle>;          # same thing
86       Because the "readline" function returns "undef" at end of file or upon
87       error, you will sometimes see it used this way:
89           $line = <$handle>;
90           if (defined $line) {
91               # do something with $line
92           }
93           else {
94               # $line is not valid, so skip it
95           }
97       You can also just quickly "die" on an undefined value this way:
99           $line = <$handle> // die "no input found";
101       However, if hitting EOF is an expected and normal event, you do not
102       want to exit simply because you have run out of input.  Instead, you
103       probably just want to exit an input loop.  You can then test to see if
104       an actual error has caused the loop to terminate, and act accordingly:
106           while (<$handle>) {
107               # do something with data in $_
108           }
109           if ($!) {
110               die "unexpected error while reading from $filename: $!";
111           }
113       A Note on Encodings: Having to specify the text encoding every time
114       might seem a bit of a bother.  To set up a default encoding for "open"
115       so that you don't have to supply it each time, you can use the "open"
116       pragma:
118           use open qw< :encoding(UTF-8) >;
120       Once you've done that, you can safely omit the encoding part of the
121       open mode:
123           open($handle, "<", $filename)
124               || die "$0: can't open $filename for reading: $!";
126       But never use the bare "<" without having set up a default encoding
127       first.  Otherwise, Perl cannot know which of the many, many, many
128       possible flavors of text file you have, and Perl will have no idea how
129       to correctly map the data in your file into actual characters it can
130       work with.  Other common encoding formats including "ASCII",
131       "ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-15", "Windows-1252", "MacRoman", and even
132       "UTF-16LE".  See perlunitut for more about encodings.
134   Opening Text Files for Writing
135       When you want to write to a file, you first have to decide what to do
136       about any existing contents of that file.  You have two basic choices
137       here: to preserve or to clobber.
139       If you want to preserve any existing contents, then you want to open
140       the file in append mode.  As in the shell, in Perl you use ">>" to open
141       an existing file in append mode.  ">>" creates the file if it does not
142       already exist.
144           my $handle   = undef;
145           my $filename = "/some/path/to/a/textfile/goes/here";
146           my $encoding = ":encoding(UTF-8)";
148           open($handle, ">> $encoding", $filename)
149               || die "$0: can't open $filename for appending: $!";
151       Now you can write to that filehandle using any of "print", "printf",
152       "say", "write", or "syswrite".
154       As noted above, if the file does not already exist, then the append-
155       mode open will create it for you.  But if the file does already exist,
156       its contents are safe from harm because you will be adding your new
157       text past the end of the old text.
159       On the other hand, sometimes you want to clobber whatever might already
160       be there.  To empty out a file before you start writing to it, you can
161       open it in write-only mode:
163           my $handle   = undef;
164           my $filename = "/some/path/to/a/textfile/goes/here";
165           my $encoding = ":encoding(UTF-8)";
167           open($handle, "> $encoding", $filename)
168               || die "$0: can't open $filename in write-open mode: $!";
170       Here again Perl works just like the shell in that the ">" clobbers an
171       existing file.
173       As with the append mode, when you open a file in write-only mode, you
174       can now write to that filehandle using any of "print", "printf", "say",
175       "write", or "syswrite".
177       What about read-write mode?  You should probably pretend it doesn't
178       exist, because opening text files in read-write mode is unlikely to do
179       what you would like.  See perlfaq5 for details.

Opening Binary Files

182       If the file to be opened contains binary data instead of text
183       characters, then the "MODE" argument to "open" is a little different.
184       Instead of specifying the encoding, you tell Perl that your data are in
185       raw bytes.
187           my $filename = "/some/path/to/a/binary/file/goes/here";
188           my $encoding = ":raw :bytes"
189           my $handle   = undef;     # this will be filled in on success
191       And then open as before, choosing "<", ">>", or ">" as needed:
193           open($handle, "< $encoding", $filename)
194               || die "$0: can't open $filename for reading: $!";
196           open($handle, ">> $encoding", $filename)
197               || die "$0: can't open $filename for appending: $!";
199           open($handle, "> $encoding", $filename)
200               || die "$0: can't open $filename in write-open mode: $!";
202       Alternately, you can change to binary mode on an existing handle this
203       way:
205           binmode($handle)    || die "cannot binmode handle";
207       This is especially handy for the handles that Perl has already opened
208       for you.
210           binmode(STDIN)      || die "cannot binmode STDIN";
211           binmode(STDOUT)     || die "cannot binmode STDOUT";
213       You can also pass "binmode" an explicit encoding to change it on the
214       fly.  This isn't exactly "binary" mode, but we still use "binmode" to
215       do it:
217         binmode(STDIN,  ":encoding(MacRoman)") || die "cannot binmode STDIN";
218         binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)")    || die "cannot binmode STDOUT";
220       Once you have your binary file properly opened in the right mode, you
221       can use all the same Perl I/O functions as you used on text files.
222       However, you may wish to use the fixed-size "read" instead of the
223       variable-sized "readline" for your input.
225       Here's an example of how to copy a binary file:
227           my $BUFSIZ   = 64 * (2 ** 10);
228           my $name_in  = "/some/input/file";
229           my $name_out = "/some/output/flie";
231           my($in_fh, $out_fh, $buffer);
233           open($in_fh,  "<", $name_in)
234               || die "$0: cannot open $name_in for reading: $!";
235           open($out_fh, ">", $name_out)
236               || die "$0: cannot open $name_out for writing: $!";
238           for my $fh ($in_fh, $out_fh)  {
239               binmode($fh)               || die "binmode failed";
240           }
242           while (read($in_fh, $buffer, $BUFSIZ)) {
243               unless (print $out_fh $buffer) {
244                   die "couldn't write to $name_out: $!";
245               }
246           }
248           close($in_fh)       || die "couldn't close $name_in: $!";
249           close($out_fh)      || die "couldn't close $name_out: $!";

Opening Pipes

252       Perl also lets you open a filehandle into an external program or shell
253       command rather than into a file. You can do this in order to pass data
254       from your Perl program to an external command for further processing,
255       or to receive data from another program for your own Perl program to
256       process.
258       Filehandles into commands are also known as pipes, since they work on
259       similar inter-process communication principles as Unix pipelines. Such
260       a filehandle has an active program instead of a static file on its
261       external end, but in every other sense it works just like a more
262       typical file-based filehandle, with all the techniques discussed
263       earlier in this article just as applicable.
265       As such, you open a pipe using the same "open" call that you use for
266       opening files, setting the second ("MODE") argument to special
267       characters that indicate either an input or an output pipe. Use "-|"
268       for a filehandle that will let your Perl program read data from an
269       external program, and "|-" for a filehandle that will send data to that
270       program instead.
272   Opening a pipe for reading
273       Let's say you'd like your Perl program to process data stored in a
274       nearby directory called "unsorted", which contains a number of
275       textfiles.  You'd also like your program to sort all the contents from
276       these files into a single, alphabetically sorted list of unique lines
277       before it starts processing them.
279       You could do this through opening an ordinary filehandle into each of
280       those files, gradually building up an in-memory array of all the file
281       contents you load this way, and finally sorting and filtering that
282       array when you've run out of files to load. Or, you could offload all
283       that merging and sorting into your operating system's own "sort"
284       command by opening a pipe directly into its output, and get to work
285       that much faster.
287       Here's how that might look:
289           open(my $sort_fh, '-|', 'sort -u unsorted/*.txt')
290               or die "Couldn't open a pipe into sort: $!";
292           # And right away, we can start reading sorted lines:
293           while (my $line = <$sort_fh>) {
294               #
295               # ... Do something interesting with each $line here ...
296               #
297           }
299       The second argument to "open", "-|", makes it a read-pipe into a
300       separate program, rather than an ordinary filehandle into a file.
302       Note that the third argument to "open" is a string containing the
303       program name ("sort") plus all its arguments: in this case, "-u" to
304       specify unqiue sort, and then a fileglob specifying the files to sort.
305       The resulting filehandle $sort_fh works just like a read-only ("<")
306       filehandle, and your program can subsequently read data from it as if
307       it were opened onto an ordinary, single file.
309   Opening a pipe for writing
310       Continuing the previous example, let's say that your program has
311       completed its processing, and the results sit in an array called
312       @processed. You want to print these lines to a file called
313       "numbered.txt" with a neatly formatted column of line-numbers.
315       Certainly you could write your own code to do this X or, once again,
316       you could kick that work over to another program. In this case, "cat",
317       running with its own "-n" option to activate line numbering, should do
318       the trick:
320           open(my $cat_fh, '|-', 'cat -n > numbered.txt')
321               or die "Couldn't open a pipe into cat: $!";
323           for my $line (@processed) {
324               print $cat_fh $line;
325           }
327       Here, we use a second "open" argument of "|-", signifying that the
328       filehandle assigned to $cat_fh should be a write-pipe. We can then use
329       it just as we would a write-only ordinary filehandle, including the
330       basic function of "print"-ing data to it.
332       Note that the third argument, specifying the command that we wish to
333       pipe to, sets up "cat" to redirect its output via that ">" symbol into
334       the file "numbered.txt". This can start to look a little tricky,
335       because that same symbol would have meant something entirely different
336       had it showed it in the second argument to "open"!  But here in the
337       third argument, it's simply part of the shell command that Perl will
338       open the pipe into, and Perl itself doesn't invest any special meaning
339       to it.
341   Expressing the command as a list
342       For opening pipes, Perl offers the option to call "open" with a list
343       comprising the desired command and all its own arguments as separate
344       elements, rather than combining them into a single string as in the
345       examples above. For instance, we could have phrased the "open" call in
346       the first example like this:
348           open(my $sort_fh, '-|', 'sort', '-u', glob('unsorted/*.txt'))
349               or die "Couldn't open a pipe into sort: $!";
351       When you call "open" this way, Perl invokes the given command directly,
352       bypassing the shell. As such, the shell won't try to interpret any
353       special characters within the command's argument list, which might
354       overwise have unwanted effects. This can make for safer, less error-
355       prone "open" calls, useful in cases such as passing in variables as
356       arguments, or even just referring to filenames with spaces in them.
358       However, when you do want to pass a meaningful metacharacter to the
359       shell, such with the "*" inside that final "unsorted/*.txt" argument
360       here, you can't use this alternate syntax. In this case, we have worked
361       around it via Perl's handy "glob" built-in function, which evaluates
362       its argument into a list of filenames X and we can safely pass that
363       resulting list right into "open", as shown above.
365       Note also that representing piped-command arguments in list form like
366       this doesn't work on every platform. It will work on any Unix-based OS
367       that provides a real "fork" function (e.g. macOS or Linux), as well as
368       on Windows when running Perl 5.22 or later.


371       The full documentation for "open" provides a thorough reference to this
372       function, beyond the best-practice basics covered here.
375       Copyright 2013 Tom Christiansen; now maintained by Perl5 Porters
377       This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
378       under the same terms as Perl itself.
382perl v5.34.1                      2022-03-15                    PERLOPENTUT(1)