1PG_BASEBACKUP(1)         PostgreSQL 14.3 Documentation        PG_BASEBACKUP(1)


6       pg_basebackup - take a base backup of a PostgreSQL cluster


9       pg_basebackup [option...]


12       pg_basebackup is used to take a base backup of a running PostgreSQL
13       database cluster. The backup is taken without affecting other clients
14       of the database, and can be used both for point-in-time recovery (see
15       Section 26.3) and as the starting point for a log-shipping or
16       streaming-replication standby server (see Section 27.2).
18       pg_basebackup makes an exact copy of the database cluster's files,
19       while making sure the server is put into and out of backup mode
20       automatically. Backups are always taken of the entire database cluster;
21       it is not possible to back up individual databases or database objects.
22       For selective backups, another tool such as pg_dump(1) must be used.
24       The backup is made over a regular PostgreSQL connection that uses the
25       replication protocol. The connection must be made with a user ID that
26       has REPLICATION permissions (see Section 22.2) or is a superuser, and
27       pg_hba.conf must permit the replication connection. The server must
28       also be configured with max_wal_senders set high enough to provide at
29       least one walsender for the backup plus one for WAL streaming (if
30       used).
32       There can be multiple pg_basebackups running at the same time, but it
33       is usually better from a performance point of view to take only one
34       backup, and copy the result.
36       pg_basebackup can make a base backup from not only a primary server but
37       also a standby. To take a backup from a standby, set up the standby so
38       that it can accept replication connections (that is, set
39       max_wal_senders and hot_standby, and configure its pg_hba.conf
40       appropriately). You will also need to enable full_page_writes on the
41       primary.
43       Note that there are some limitations in taking a backup from a standby:
45       •   The backup history file is not created in the database cluster
46           backed up.
48       •   pg_basebackup cannot force the standby to switch to a new WAL file
49           at the end of backup. When you are using -X none, if write activity
50           on the primary is low, pg_basebackup may need to wait a long time
51           for the last WAL file required for the backup to be switched and
52           archived. In this case, it may be useful to run pg_switch_wal on
53           the primary in order to trigger an immediate WAL file switch.
55       •   If the standby is promoted to be primary during backup, the backup
56           fails.
58       •   All WAL records required for the backup must contain sufficient
59           full-page writes, which requires you to enable full_page_writes on
60           the primary and not to use a tool like pg_compresslog as
61           archive_command to remove full-page writes from WAL files.
63       Whenever pg_basebackup is taking a base backup, the server's
64       pg_stat_progress_basebackup view will report the progress of the
65       backup. See Section 28.4.5 for details.


68       The following command-line options control the location and format of
69       the output:
71       -D directory
72       --pgdata=directory
73           Sets the target directory to write the output to.  pg_basebackup
74           will create this directory (and any missing parent directories) if
75           it does not exist. If it already exists, it must be empty.
77           When the backup is in tar format, the target directory may be
78           specified as - (dash), causing the tar file to be written to
79           stdout.
81           This option is required.
83       -F format
84       --format=format
85           Selects the format for the output.  format can be one of the
86           following:
88           p
89           plain
90               Write the output as plain files, with the same layout as the
91               source server's data directory and tablespaces. When the
92               cluster has no additional tablespaces, the whole database will
93               be placed in the target directory. If the cluster contains
94               additional tablespaces, the main data directory will be placed
95               in the target directory, but all other tablespaces will be
96               placed in the same absolute path as they have on the source
97               server. (See --tablespace-mapping to change that.)
99               This is the default format.
101           t
102           tar
103               Write the output as tar files in the target directory. The main
104               data directory's contents will be written to a file named
105               base.tar, and each other tablespace will be written to a
106               separate tar file named after that tablespace's OID.
108               If the target directory is specified as - (dash), the tar
109               contents will be written to standard output, suitable for
110               piping to (for example) gzip. This is only allowed if the
111               cluster has no additional tablespaces and WAL streaming is not
112               used.
114       -R
115       --write-recovery-conf
116           Creates a standby.signal
118           file and appends connection settings to the postgresql.auto.conf
119           file in the target directory (or within the base archive file when
120           using tar format). This eases setting up a standby server using the
121           results of the backup.
123           The postgresql.auto.conf file will record the connection settings
124           and, if specified, the replication slot that pg_basebackup is
125           using, so that streaming replication will use the same settings
126           later on.
128       -T olddir=newdir
129       --tablespace-mapping=olddir=newdir
130           Relocates the tablespace in directory olddir to newdir during the
131           backup. To be effective, olddir must exactly match the path
132           specification of the tablespace as it is defined on the source
133           server. (But it is not an error if there is no tablespace in olddir
134           on the source server.) Meanwhile newdir is a directory in the
135           receiving host's filesystem. As with the main target directory,
136           newdir need not exist already, but if it does exist it must be
137           empty. Both olddir and newdir must be absolute paths. If either
138           path needs to contain an equal sign (=), precede that with a
139           backslash. This option can be specified multiple times for multiple
140           tablespaces.
142           If a tablespace is relocated in this way, the symbolic links inside
143           the main data directory are updated to point to the new location.
144           So the new data directory is ready to be used for a new server
145           instance with all tablespaces in the updated locations.
147           Currently, this option only works with plain output format; it is
148           ignored if tar format is selected.
150       --waldir=waldir
151           Sets the directory to write WAL (write-ahead log) files to. By
152           default WAL files will be placed in the pg_wal subdirectory of the
153           target directory, but this option can be used to place them
154           elsewhere.  waldir must be an absolute path. As with the main
155           target directory, waldir need not exist already, but if it does
156           exist it must be empty. This option can only be specified when the
157           backup is in plain format.
159       -X method
160       --wal-method=method
161           Includes the required WAL (write-ahead log) files in the backup.
162           This will include all write-ahead logs generated during the backup.
163           Unless the method none is specified, it is possible to start a
164           postmaster in the target directory without the need to consult the
165           log archive, thus making the output a completely standalone backup.
167           The following methods for collecting the write-ahead logs are
168           supported:
170           n
171           none
172               Don't include write-ahead logs in the backup.
174           f
175           fetch
176               The write-ahead log files are collected at the end of the
177               backup. Therefore, it is necessary for the source server's
178               wal_keep_size parameter to be set high enough that the required
179               log data is not removed before the end of the backup. If the
180               required log data has been recycled before it's time to
181               transfer it, the backup will fail and be unusable.
183               When tar format is used, the write-ahead log files will be
184               included in the base.tar file.
186           s
187           stream
188               Stream write-ahead log data while the backup is being taken.
189               This method will open a second connection to the server and
190               start streaming the write-ahead log in parallel while running
191               the backup. Therefore, it will require two replication
192               connections not just one. As long as the client can keep up
193               with the write-ahead log data, using this method requires no
194               extra write-ahead logs to be saved on the source server.
196               When tar format is used, the write-ahead log files will be
197               written to a separate file named pg_wal.tar (if the server is a
198               version earlier than 10, the file will be named pg_xlog.tar).
200               This value is the default.
202       -z
203       --gzip
204           Enables gzip compression of tar file output, with the default
205           compression level. Compression is only available when using the tar
206           format, and the suffix .gz will automatically be added to all tar
207           filenames.
209       -Z level
210       --compress=level
211           Enables gzip compression of tar file output, and specifies the
212           compression level (0 through 9, 0 being no compression and 9 being
213           best compression). Compression is only available when using the tar
214           format, and the suffix .gz will automatically be added to all tar
215           filenames.
217       The following command-line options control the generation of the backup
218       and the invocation of the program:
220       -c fast|spread
221       --checkpoint=fast|spread
222           Sets checkpoint mode to fast (immediate) or spread (the default)
223           (see Section 26.3.3).
225       -C
226       --create-slot
227           Specifies that the replication slot named by the --slot option
228           should be created before starting the backup. An error is raised if
229           the slot already exists.
231       -l label
232       --label=label
233           Sets the label for the backup. If none is specified, a default
234           value of “pg_basebackup base backup” will be used.
236       -n
237       --no-clean
238           By default, when pg_basebackup aborts with an error, it removes any
239           directories it might have created before discovering that it cannot
240           finish the job (for example, the target directory and write-ahead
241           log directory). This option inhibits tidying-up and is thus useful
242           for debugging.
244           Note that tablespace directories are not cleaned up either way.
246       -N
247       --no-sync
248           By default, pg_basebackup will wait for all files to be written
249           safely to disk. This option causes pg_basebackup to return without
250           waiting, which is faster, but means that a subsequent operating
251           system crash can leave the base backup corrupt. Generally, this
252           option is useful for testing but should not be used when creating a
253           production installation.
255       -P
256       --progress
257           Enables progress reporting. Turning this on will deliver an
258           approximate progress report during the backup. Since the database
259           may change during the backup, this is only an approximation and may
260           not end at exactly 100%. In particular, when WAL log is included in
261           the backup, the total amount of data cannot be estimated in
262           advance, and in this case the estimated target size will increase
263           once it passes the total estimate without WAL.
265       -r rate
266       --max-rate=rate
267           Sets the maximum transfer rate at which data is collected from the
268           source server. This can be useful to limit the impact of
269           pg_basebackup on the server. Values are in kilobytes per second.
270           Use a suffix of M to indicate megabytes per second. A suffix of k
271           is also accepted, and has no effect. Valid values are between 32
272           kilobytes per second and 1024 megabytes per second.
274           This option always affects transfer of the data directory. Transfer
275           of WAL files is only affected if the collection method is fetch.
277       -S slotname
278       --slot=slotname
279           This option can only be used together with -X stream. It causes WAL
280           streaming to use the specified replication slot. If the base backup
281           is intended to be used as a streaming-replication standby using a
282           replication slot, the standby should then use the same replication
283           slot name as primary_slot_name. This ensures that the primary
284           server does not remove any necessary WAL data in the time between
285           the end of the base backup and the start of streaming replication
286           on the new standby.
288           The specified replication slot has to exist unless the option -C is
289           also used.
291           If this option is not specified and the server supports temporary
292           replication slots (version 10 and later), then a temporary
293           replication slot is automatically used for WAL streaming.
295       -v
296       --verbose
297           Enables verbose mode. Will output some extra steps during startup
298           and shutdown, as well as show the exact file name that is currently
299           being processed if progress reporting is also enabled.
301       --manifest-checksums=algorithm
302           Specifies the checksum algorithm that should be applied to each
303           file included in the backup manifest. Currently, the available
304           algorithms are NONE, CRC32C, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.
305           The default is CRC32C.
307           If NONE is selected, the backup manifest will not contain any
308           checksums. Otherwise, it will contain a checksum of each file in
309           the backup using the specified algorithm. In addition, the manifest
310           will always contain a SHA256 checksum of its own contents. The SHA
311           algorithms are significantly more CPU-intensive than CRC32C, so
312           selecting one of them may increase the time required to complete
313           the backup.
315           Using a SHA hash function provides a cryptographically secure
316           digest of each file for users who wish to verify that the backup
317           has not been tampered with, while the CRC32C algorithm provides a
318           checksum that is much faster to calculate; it is good at catching
319           errors due to accidental changes but is not resistant to malicious
320           modifications. Note that, to be useful against an adversary who has
321           access to the backup, the backup manifest would need to be stored
322           securely elsewhere or otherwise verified not to have been modified
323           since the backup was taken.
325           pg_verifybackup(1) can be used to check the integrity of a backup
326           against the backup manifest.
328       --manifest-force-encode
329           Forces all filenames in the backup manifest to be hex-encoded. If
330           this option is not specified, only non-UTF8 filenames are
331           hex-encoded. This option is mostly intended to test that tools
332           which read a backup manifest file properly handle this case.
334       --no-estimate-size
335           Prevents the server from estimating the total amount of backup data
336           that will be streamed, resulting in the backup_total column in the
337           pg_stat_progress_basebackup view always being NULL.
339           Without this option, the backup will start by enumerating the size
340           of the entire database, and then go back and send the actual
341           contents. This may make the backup take slightly longer, and in
342           particular it will take longer before the first data is sent. This
343           option is useful to avoid such estimation time if it's too long.
345           This option is not allowed when using --progress.
347       --no-manifest
348           Disables generation of a backup manifest. If this option is not
349           specified, the server will generate and send a backup manifest
350           which can be verified using pg_verifybackup(1). The manifest is a
351           list of every file present in the backup with the exception of any
352           WAL files that may be included. It also stores the size, last
353           modification time, and an optional checksum for each file.
355       --no-slot
356           Prevents the creation of a temporary replication slot for the
357           backup.
359           By default, if log streaming is selected but no slot name is given
360           with the -S option, then a temporary replication slot is created
361           (if supported by the source server).
363           The main purpose of this option is to allow taking a base backup
364           when the server has no free replication slots. Using a replication
365           slot is almost always preferred, because it prevents needed WAL
366           from being removed by the server during the backup.
368       --no-verify-checksums
369           Disables verification of checksums, if they are enabled on the
370           server the base backup is taken from.
372           By default, checksums are verified and checksum failures will
373           result in a non-zero exit status. However, the base backup will not
374           be removed in such a case, as if the --no-clean option had been
375           used. Checksum verification failures will also be reported in the
376           pg_stat_database view.
378       The following command-line options control the connection to the source
379       server:
381       -d connstr
382       --dbname=connstr
383           Specifies parameters used to connect to the server, as a connection
384           string; these will override any conflicting command line options.
386           The option is called --dbname for consistency with other client
387           applications, but because pg_basebackup doesn't connect to any
388           particular database in the cluster, any database name in the
389           connection string will be ignored.
391       -h host
392       --host=host
393           Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is
394           running. If the value begins with a slash, it is used as the
395           directory for a Unix domain socket. The default is taken from the
396           PGHOST environment variable, if set, else a Unix domain socket
397           connection is attempted.
399       -p port
400       --port=port
401           Specifies the TCP port or local Unix domain socket file extension
402           on which the server is listening for connections. Defaults to the
403           PGPORT environment variable, if set, or a compiled-in default.
405       -s interval
406       --status-interval=interval
407           Specifies the number of seconds between status packets sent back to
408           the source server. Smaller values allow more accurate monitoring of
409           backup progress from the server. A value of zero disables periodic
410           status updates completely, although an update will still be sent
411           when requested by the server, to avoid timeout-based disconnects.
412           The default value is 10 seconds.
414       -U username
415       --username=username
416           Specifies the user name to connect as.
418       -w
419       --no-password
420           Prevents issuing a password prompt. If the server requires password
421           authentication and a password is not available by other means such
422           as a .pgpass file, the connection attempt will fail. This option
423           can be useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to
424           enter a password.
426       -W
427       --password
428           Forces pg_basebackup to prompt for a password before connecting to
429           the source server.
431           This option is never essential, since pg_basebackup will
432           automatically prompt for a password if the server demands password
433           authentication. However, pg_basebackup will waste a connection
434           attempt finding out that the server wants a password. In some cases
435           it is worth typing -W to avoid the extra connection attempt.
437       Other options are also available:
439       -V
440       --version
441           Prints the pg_basebackup version and exits.
443       -?
444       --help
445           Shows help about pg_basebackup command line arguments, and exits.


448       This utility, like most other PostgreSQL utilities, uses the
449       environment variables supported by libpq (see Section 34.15).
451       The environment variable PG_COLOR specifies whether to use color in
452       diagnostic messages. Possible values are always, auto and never.


455       At the beginning of the backup, a checkpoint needs to be performed on
456       the source server. This can take some time (especially if the option
457       --checkpoint=fast is not used), during which pg_basebackup will appear
458       to be idle.
460       The backup will include all files in the data directory and
461       tablespaces, including the configuration files and any additional files
462       placed in the directory by third parties, except certain temporary
463       files managed by PostgreSQL. But only regular files and directories are
464       copied, except that symbolic links used for tablespaces are preserved.
465       Symbolic links pointing to certain directories known to PostgreSQL are
466       copied as empty directories. Other symbolic links and special device
467       files are skipped. See Section 53.4 for the precise details.
469       In plain format, tablespaces will be backed up to the same path they
470       have on the source server, unless the option --tablespace-mapping is
471       used. Without this option, running a plain format base backup on the
472       same host as the server will not work if tablespaces are in use,
473       because the backup would have to be written to the same directory
474       locations as the original tablespaces.
476       When tar format is used, it is the user's responsibility to unpack each
477       tar file before starting a PostgreSQL server that uses the data. If
478       there are additional tablespaces, the tar files for them need to be
479       unpacked in the correct locations. In this case the symbolic links for
480       those tablespaces will be created by the server according to the
481       contents of the tablespace_map file that is included in the base.tar
482       file.
484       pg_basebackup works with servers of the same or an older major version,
485       down to 9.1. However, WAL streaming mode (-X stream) only works with
486       server version 9.3 and later, and tar format (--format=tar) only works
487       with server version 9.5 and later.
489       pg_basebackup will preserve group permissions for data files if group
490       permissions are enabled on the source cluster.


493       To create a base backup of the server at mydbserver and store it in the
494       local directory /usr/local/pgsql/data:
496           $ pg_basebackup -h mydbserver -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
498       To create a backup of the local server with one compressed tar file for
499       each tablespace, and store it in the directory backup, showing a
500       progress report while running:
502           $ pg_basebackup -D backup -Ft -z -P
504       To create a backup of a single-tablespace local database and compress
505       this with bzip2:
507           $ pg_basebackup -D - -Ft -X fetch | bzip2 > backup.tar.bz2
509       (This command will fail if there are multiple tablespaces in the
510       database.)
512       To create a backup of a local database where the tablespace in /opt/ts
513       is relocated to ./backup/ts:
515           $ pg_basebackup -D backup/data -T /opt/ts=$(pwd)/backup/ts


518       pg_dump(1), Section 28.4.5
522PostgreSQL 14.3                      2022                     PG_BASEBACKUP(1)