1v.cluster(1)                GRASS GIS User's Manual               v.cluster(1)


6       v.cluster  - Performs cluster identification.


9       vector, point cloud, cluster, clump, level1


12       v.cluster
13       v.cluster --help
14       v.cluster   [-2bt]   input=name   output=name   [layer=string]    [dis‐
15       tance=float]      [min=integer]      [method=string]      [--overwrite]
16       [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]
18   Flags:
19       -2
20           Force 2D clustering
22       -b
23           Do not build topology
24           Advantageous when handling a large number of points
26       -t
27           Do not create attribute table
29       --overwrite
30           Allow output files to overwrite existing files
32       --help
33           Print usage summary
35       --verbose
36           Verbose module output
38       --quiet
39           Quiet module output
41       --ui
42           Force launching GUI dialog
44   Parameters:
45       input=name [required]
46           Name of input vector map
47           Or data source for direct OGR access
49       output=name [required]
50           Name for output vector map
52       layer=string
53           Layer number or name for cluster ids
54           Vector  features can have category values in different layers. This
55           number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR ac‐
56           cess this is the layer name.
57           Default: 2
59       distance=float
60           Maximum distance to neighbors
62       min=integer
63           Minimum number of points to create a cluster
65       method=string
66           Clustering method
67           Options: dbscan, dbscan2, density, optics, optics2
68           Default: dbscan


71       v.cluster partitions a point cloud into clusters or clumps.
73       If  the  minimum number of points is not specified with the min option,
74       the minimum number of points to constitute a cluster is number  of  di‐
75       mensions + 1, i.e. 3 for 2D points and 4 for 3D points.
77       If  the maximum distance is not specified with the distance option, the
78       maximum distance is estimated from the observed distances to the neigh‐
79       bors using the upper 99% confidence interval.
81       v.cluster  supports  different  methods for clustering. The recommended
82       methods are method=dbscan if all clusters should have a density  (maxi‐
83       mum distance between points) not larger than distance or method=density
84       if clusters should be created  separately  for  each  observed  density
85       (distance to the farthest neighbor).
87   dbscan
88       The  Density-Based  Spatial  Clustering of Applications with Noise is a
89       commonly used clustering algorithm. A new  cluster  is  started  for  a
90       point  with  at  least  min  - 1 neighbors within the maximum distance.
91       These neighbors are added to the cluster. The cluster is then  expanded
92       as  long  as at least min - 1 neighbors are within the maximum distance
93       for each point already in the cluster.
95   dbscan2
96       Similar to dbscan, but here it is sufficient if the  resultant  cluster
97       consists of at least min points, even if no point in the cluster has at
98       least min - 1 neighbors within distance.
100   density
101       This method creates clusters according to their point density. The max‐
102       imum  distance is not used. Instead, the points are sorted ascending by
103       the distance to their farthest neighbor (core distance), inspecting min
104       - 1 neighbors. The densest cluster is created first, using as threshold
105       the core distance of the seed point. The cluster is expanded as for DB‐
106       SCAN,  with  the  difference that each cluster has its own maximum dis‐
107       tance. This method can identify clusters with different  densities  and
108       can create nested clusters.
110   optics
111       This method is Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure. It
112       is controlled by the number of neighbor points (option min  -  1).  The
113       core  distance of a point is the distance to the farthest neighbor. The
114       reachability of a point q is its distance from a point p (original  op‐
115       tics:  max(core-distance(p),  distance(p,  q))).  The aim of the optics
116       method is to reduce the reachability of each  point.  Each  unprocessed
117       point is the seed for a new cluster. Its neighbors are added to a queue
118       sorted by smallest reachability if their reachability can  be  reduced.
119       The  points  in the queue are processed and their unprocessed neighbors
120       are added to a queue sorted by smallest reachability if  their  reacha‐
121       bility can be reduced.
123       The  optics method does not create clusters itself, but produces an or‐
124       dered list of the points together with their reachability.  The  output
125       list  is  ordered according to the order of processing: the first point
126       processed is the first in the list, the last  point  processed  is  the
127       last in the list. Clusters can be extracted from this list by identify‐
128       ing valleys in the points’ reachability,  e.g.  by  using  a  threshold
129       value.  If  a  maximum  distance is specified, this is used to identify
130       clusters, otherwise each separated network will constitute a cluster.
132       The OPTICS algorithm uses each yet unprocessed point  to  start  a  new
133       cluster. The order of the input points is arbitrary and can thus influ‐
134       ence the resultant clusters.
136   optics2
137       EXPERIMENTAL This method is similar to OPTICS, minimizing  the  reacha‐
138       bility  of each point. Points are reconnected if their reachability can
139       be reduced. Contrary to OPTICS, a  cluster’s  seed  is  not  fixed  but
140       changed if possible. Each point is connected to another point until the
141       core of the cluster (seed point) is reached.  Effectively, the  initial
142       seed  is  updated in the process. Thus separated networks of points are
143       created, with each network representing a cluster. The maximum distance
144       is not used.


147       By  default, cluster IDs are stored as category values of the points in
148       layer 2.


151       Analysis of random points for areas in areas of  the  vector  urbanarea
152       (North Carolina sample dataset).
154       First generate 1000 random points within the areas the vector urbanarea
155       and within the subregion, then do clustering and visualize the result:
156       # pick a subregion of the vector urbanarea
157       g.region -p n=272950 s=188330 w=574720 e=703090 res=10
158       # create random points in areas
159       v.random output=random_points npoints=1000 restrict=urbanarea
160       # identify clusters
161       v.cluster input=random_points output=clusters_optics method=optics
162       # set random vector color table for the clusters
163       v.colors map=clusters_optics layer=2 use=cat color=random
164       # display in command line
165       d.mon wx0
166       # note the second layer and transparent (none) color of the circle border
167       d.vect map=clusters_optics layer=2 icon=basic/point size=10 color=none
169        Figure: Four different methods with default settings applied  to  1000
170       random  points  generated  in the same way as in the example.  Generate
171       random points for analysis (100 points per area), use different  method
172       for clustering and visualize using color stored the attribute table.
173       # pick a subregion of the vector urbanarea
174       g.region -p n=272950 s=188330 w=574720 e=703090 res=10
175       # create clustered points
176       v.random output=rand_clust npoints=100 restrict=urbanarea -a
177       # identify clusters
178       v.cluster in=rand_clust out=rand_clusters method=dbscan
179       # create colors for clusters
180       v.db.addtable map=rand_clusters layer=2 columns="cat integer,grassrgb varchar(11)"
181       v.colors map=rand_clusters layer=2 use=cat color=random rgb_column=grassrgb
182       # display with your preferred method
183       # remember to use the second layer and RGB column
184       # for example use
185       d.vect map=rand_clusters layer=2 color=none rgb_column=grassrgb icon=basic/circle


188        r.clump, v.hull, v.distance


191       Markus Metz


194       Available at: v.cluster source code (history)
196       Accessed: Mon Jun 20 16:46:56 2022
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201       © 2003-2022 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.2.0 Reference Manual
205GRASS 8.2.0                                                       v.cluster(1)