1LIBCGRAPH(3)               Library Functions Manual               LIBCGRAPH(3)


6       libcgraph - abstract graph library


9       #include <graphviz/cgraph.h>
11   TYPES
12       Agraph_t;
13       Agnode_t;
14       Agedge_t;
15       Agdesc_t;
16       Agdisc_t;
17       Agsym_t;
18       Agrec_t;
19       Agcbdisc_t;
22       Agmemdisc_t AgMemDisc;
23       Agiddisc_t  AgIdDisc;
24       Agiodisc_t  AgIoDisc;
25       Agdisc_t    AgDefaultDisc;
28       Agraph_t  *agopen(char *name, Agdesc_t kind, Agdisc_t *disc);
29       int       agclose(Agraph_t *g);
30       Agraph_t  *agread(void *channel, Agdisc_t *);
31       Agraph_t  *agmemread(char *);
32       void      agreadline(int line_no);
33       void      agsetfile(char *file_name);
34       Agraph_t  *agconcat(Agraph_t *g, void *channel, Agdisc_t *disc)
35       int       agwrite(Agraph_t *g, void *channel);
36       int       agnnodes(Agraph_t *g),agnedges(Agraph_t *g), agnsubg(Agraph_t * g);
37       int       agisdirected(Agraph_t * g),agisundirected(Agraph_t * g),agisstrict(Agraph_t * g), agissimple(Agraph_t * g);
40       Agraph_t  *agsubg(Agraph_t *g, char *name, int createflag);
41       Agraph_t  *agidsubg(Agraph_t * g, unsigned long id, int cflag);
42       Agraph_t  *agfstsubg(Agraph_t *g), agnxtsubg(Agraph_t *);
43       Agraph_t  *agparent(Agraph_t *g);
44       int       agdelsubg(Agraph_t * g, Agraph_t * sub);    /* same as agclose() */
46   NODES
47       Agnode_t  *agnode(Agraph_t *g, char *name, int createflag);
48       Agnode_t  *agidnode(Agraph_t *g, ulong id, int createflag);
49       Agnode_t  *agsubnode(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n, int createflag);
50       Agnode_t  *agfstnode(Agraph_t *g);
51       Agnode_t  *agnxtnode(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n);
52       Agnode_t  *agprvnode(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n);
53       Agnode_t  *aglstnode(Agraph_t *g);
54       int       agdelnode(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n);
55       int       agdegree(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n, int use_inedges, int use_outedges);
56       int       agcountuniqedges(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n, int in, int out);
58   EDGES
59       Agedge_t  *agedge(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t *t, Agnode_t *h, char *name, int createflag);
60       Agedge_t  *agidedge(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * t, Agnode_t * h, unsigned long id, int createflag);
61       Agedge_t  *agsubedge(Agraph_t *g, Agedge_t *e, int createflag);
62       Agnode_t  *aghead(Agedge_t *e), *agtail(Agedge_t *e);
63       Agedge_t  *agfstedge(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t *n);
64       Agedge_t  *agnxtedge(Agraph_t* g, Agedge_t *e, Agnode_t *n);
65       Agedge_t  *agfstin(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t *n);
66       Agedge_t  *agnxtin(Agraph_t* g, Agedge_t *e);
67       Agedge_t  *agfstout(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t *n);
68       Agedge_t  *agnxtout(Agraph_t* g, Agedge_t *e);
69       int       agdeledge(Agraph_t *g, Agedge_t *e);
70       Agedge_t  *agopp(Agedge_t *e);
71       int       ageqedge(Agedge_t *e0, Agedge_t *e1);
74       Agsym_t   *agattr(Agraph_t *g, int kind, char *name, char *value);
75       Agsym_t   *agattrsym(void *obj, char *name);
76       Agsym_t   *agnxtattr(Agraph_t *g, int kind, Agsym_t *attr);
77       char      *agget(void *obj, char *name);
78       char      *agxget(void *obj, Agsym_t *sym);
79       int       agset(void *obj, char *name, char *value);
80       int       agxset(void *obj, Agsym_t *sym, char *value);
81       int       agsafeset(void *obj, char *name, char *value, char *def);
82       int       agcopyattr(void *, void *);
85       void      *agbindrec(void *obj, char *name, unsigned int size, move_to_front);
86       Agrec_t        *aggetrec(void *obj, char *name, int move_to_front);
87       int       agdelrec(Agraph_t *g, void *obj, char *name);
88       void      aginit(Agraph_t * g, int kind, char *rec_name, int rec_size, int move_to_front);
89       void      agclean(Agraph_t * g, int kind, char *rec_name);
92       int            *agpopdisc(Agraph_t *g);
93       void      agpushdisc(Agraph_t *g, Agcbdisc_t *disc);
94       int            agcallbacks(Agraph_t * g, int flag);
97       void      *agalloc(Agraph_t *g, size_t request);
98       void      *agrealloc(Agraph_t *g, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize);
99       void      agfree(Agraph_t *g, void *ptr);
102       char      *agstrdup(Agraph_t *, char *);
103       char      *agstrdup_html(Agraph_t *, char *);
104       int       aghtmlstr(char *);
105       char      *agstrbind(Agraph_t * g, char *);
106       int       strfree(Agraph_t *, char *);
107       char      *agcanonStr(char *);
108       char      *agstrcanon(char *, char *);
109       char      *agcanon(char *, int);
112       Agraph_t  *agraphof(void*);
113       Agraph_t  *agroot(void*);
114       int       agcontains(Agraph_t*, void*);
115       char      *agnameof(void*);
116       void      agdelete(Agraph_t *g, void *obj);
117       int       agobjkind(void *obj);
118       Agrec_t        *AGDATA(void *obj);
119       ulong          AGID(void *obj);
120       int       AGTYPE(void *obj);
123       typedef enum { AGWARN, AGERR, AGMAX, AGPREV } agerrlevel_t;
124       typedef int (*agusererrf) (char*);
125       agerrlevel_t   agerrno;
126       agerrlevel_t   agseterr(agerrlevel_t);
127       char      *aglasterr(void);
128       int       agerr(agerrlevel_t level, char *fmt, ...);
129       void      agerrorf(char *fmt, ...);
130       void      agwarningf(char *fmt, ...);
131       int       agerrors(void);
132       agusererrf     agseterrf(agusererrf);


135       Libcgraph  supports  graph  programming by maintaining graphs in memory
136       and reading and writing graph files.  Graphs  are  composed  of  nodes,
137       edges,  and  nested  subgraphs.   These graph objects may be attributed
138       with string name-value pairs and programmer-defined  records  (see  At‐
139       tributes).
141       All  of  Libcgraph's  global symbols have the prefix ag (case varying).
142       In the following, if a function has a parameter int createflag and  the
143       object does not exist, the function will create the specified object if
144       createflag is non-zero; otherwise, it will return NULL.


147       A ``main'' or ``root'' graph defines a namespace for  a  collection  of
148       graph  objects (subgraphs, nodes, edges) and their attributes.  Objects
149       may be named by unique strings or by integer IDs.
151       agopen creates a new graph with the given name and kind.  (Graph  kinds
152       are Agdirected, Agundirected, Agstrictdirected, and Agstrictundirected.
153       A strict graph cannot have multi-edges or self-arcs.)  The final  argu‐
154       ment  points  to a discpline structure which can be used to tailor I/O,
155       memory allocation, and ID allocation. Typically, a NULL value  will  be
156       used to indicate the default discipline AgDefaultDisc.  agclose deletes
157       a graph, freeing its associated storage.  agread, agwrite, and agconcat
158       perform  file I/O using the graph file language described below. agread
159       constructs a new graph while agconcat merges the file contents  with  a
160       pre-existing  graph.  Though I/O methods may be overridden, the default
161       is that the channel argument is a stdio FILE  pointer.   agmemread  at‐
162       tempts to read a graph from the input string.  agsetfile and agreadline
163       are helper functions that simply set the current file  name  and  input
164       line number for subsequent error reporting.
166       The  functions agisdirected, agisundirected, agisstrict, and agissimple
167       can be used to query if a graph is  directed,  undirected,  strict  (at
168       most  one  edge  with a given tail and head), or simple (strict with no
169       loops), respectively,
171       agsubg finds or creates a subgraph by name.  agidsubg allows a program‐
172       mer  to specify the subgraph by a unique integer ID.  A new subgraph is
173       initially empty and is of the same kind as its parent.  Nested subgraph
174       trees  may  be created.  A subgraph's name is only interpreted relative
175       to its parent.  A program can scan subgraphs under a given graph  using
176       agfstsubg  and agnxtsubg.  A subgraph is deleted with agdelsubg (or ag‐
177       close).  The agparent function returns the immediate parent graph of  a
178       subgraph, or itself if the graph is already a root graph.
180       By  default,  nodes are stored in ordered sets for efficient random ac‐
181       cess to insert, find, and delete nodes.  The edges of a node  are  also
182       stored  in  ordered  sets.  The sets are maintained internally as splay
183       tree dictionaries using Phong Vo's cdt library.
185       agnnodes, agnedges, and agnsubg return the sizes of node, edge and sub‐
186       graph  sets  of a graph.  The function agdegree returns the size of the
187       edge set of a nodes, and takes flags to select in-edges, out-edges,  or
188       both.   The  function agcountuniqedges returns the size of the edge set
189       of a nodes, and takes flags to select in-edges, out-edges, or both. Un‐
190       like agdegree, each loop is only counted once.


193       A  node is created by giving a unique string name or programmer defined
194       integer ID, and is represented  by  a  unique  internal  object.  (Node
195       equality can checked by pointer comparison.)
197       agnode  searches in a graph or subgraph for a node with the given name,
198       and returns it if found.  agidnode allows a programmer to  specify  the
199       node by a unique integer ID.  agsubnode performs a similar operation on
200       an existing node and a subgraph.
202       agfstnode and agnxtnode scan node lists.  agprvnode and  aglstnode  are
203       symmetric but scan backward.  The default sequence is order of creation
204       (object timestamp.)  agdelnode removes a node from a graph or subgraph.


207       An abstract edge has two endpoint nodes called tail and head where  all
208       outedges  of  the same node have it as the tail value and similarly all
209       inedges have it as the head.  In an undirected graph, head and tail are
210       interchangeable.   If  a graph has multi-edges between the same pair of
211       nodes, the edge's string name behaves as a secondary key.
213       agedge searches in a graph or subgraph for an edge  between  the  given
214       endpoints (with an optional multi-edge selector name) and returns it if
215       found or created.  Note that, in undirected graphs, a search tries both
216       orderings  of  the  tail  and head nodes.  If the name is NULL, then an
217       anonymous internal value is generated. agidedge allows a programmer  to
218       create  an  edge by giving its unique integer ID.  agsubedge performs a
219       similar operation on an existing edge and a subgraph.   agfstin,  agnx‐
220       tin, agfstout, and agnxtout visit directed in- and out- edge lists, and
221       ordinarily apply only in  directed  graphs.   agfstedge  and  agnxtedge
222       visit all edges incident to a node.  agtail and aghead get the endpoint
223       of an edge.  agdeledge removes an edge from a graph or subgraph.
225       Note that an abstract edge has two distinct  concrete  representations:
226       as an in-edge and as an out-edge. In particular, the pointer as an out-
227       edge is different from the pointer as an in-edge. The function ageqedge
228       canonicalizes the pointers before doing a comparison and so can be used
229       to test edge equality. The sense of an edge can be flipped using agopp.


232       Programmer-defined values may be dynamically attached to  graphs,  sub‐
233       graphs, nodes, and edges.  Such values are either character string data
234       (for I/O) or uninterpreted binary records (for implementing  algorithms
235       efficiently).


238       String  attributes  are  handled  automatically  in reading and writing
239       graph files.  A string attribute is identified by name and by an inter‐
240       nal  symbol  table entry (Agsym_t) created by Libcgraph.  Attributes of
241       nodes, edges, and graphs (with their  subgraphs)  have  separate  name‐
242       spaces.   The  contents  of an Agsym_t have a char* name for the attri‐
243       bute's name, a char* defval field for the  attribute's  default  value,
244       and  an  int  id field containing the index of the attribute's specific
245       value for an object in the object's array of attribute values.
247       agattr creates or looks up attributes.  kind may be AGRAPH, AGNODE,  or
248       AGEDGE.   If value is (char*)0), the request is to search for an exist‐
249       ing attribute of the given kind and name.  Otherwise, if the  attribute
250       already  exists,  its  default  for  creating new objects is set to the
251       given value; if it does not exist, a new attribute is created with  the
252       given  default,  and the default is applied to all pre-existing objects
253       of the given kind. If g is NULL, the default is set for all graphs cre‐
254       ated subsequently.  agattrsym is a helper function that looks up an at‐
255       tribute for a graph object given as  an  argument.   agnxtattr  permits
256       traversing  the  list of attributes of a given type.  If NULL is passed
257       as an argument it gets the first attribute; otherwise  it  returns  the
258       next  one  in succession or returns NULL at the end of the list.  agget
259       and agset allow fetching and updating a string attribute for an  object
260       taking  the  attribute  name as an argument.  agxget and agxset do this
261       but with an attribute symbol table entry as an argument (to  avoid  the
262       cost  of  the string lookup).  Note that agset will fail unless the at‐
263       tribute is first defined using  agattr.   agsafeset  is  a  convenience
264       function that ensures the given attribute is declared before setting it
265       locally on an object.
267       It is sometimes convenient to copy all of the attributes from  one  ob‐
268       ject  to another. This can be done using agcopyattr. This fails and re‐
269       turns non-zero of argument objects are different kinds, or  if  all  of
270       the attributes of the source object have not been declared for the tar‐
271       get object.


274       Libcgraph performs its own storage management of strings as  reference-
275       counted  strings.   The  caller  does  not need to dynamically allocate
276       storage.
278       agstrdup returns a pointer to a reference-counted copy of the  argument
279       string,  creating  one  if  necessary. agstrbind returns a pointer to a
280       reference-counted string if it exists, or NULL if  not.   All  uses  of
281       cgraph  strings  need to be freed using agstrfree in order to correctly
282       maintain the reference count.
284       The cgraph parser handles HTML-like strings. These should be  indistin‐
285       guishable  from other strings for most purposes. To create an HTML-like
286       string, use agstrdup_html. The aghtmlstr function can be used to  query
287       if a string is an ordinary string or an HTML-like string.
289       agcanonStr  returns  a pointer to a version of the input string canoni‐
290       calized for output for later re-parsing. This includes quoting  special
291       characters  and keywords. It uses its own internal buffer, so the value
292       will be lost on the next call to agcanonStr.  agstrcanon is  an  unsafe
293       version  of  agcanonStr, in which the application passes in a buffer as
294       the second argument. Note that the buffer may not be used; if the input
295       string is in canonical form, the function will just return a pointer to
296       it.  For both of the functions, the input string must have been created
297       using agstrdup or agstrdup_html.  Finally, agcanonStr is identical with
298       agcanonStr except it can be used with any character string. The  second
299       argument indicates whether or not the string should be canonicalized as
300       an HTML-like string.


303       Uninterpreted records may be attached to graphs, subgraphs, nodes,  and
304       edges  for  efficient  operations  on  values  such  as marks, weights,
305       counts, and pointers needed by algorithms.  Application programmers de‐
306       fine the fields of these records, but they must be declared with a com‐
307       mon header as shown below.
309       typedef struct {
310           Agrec_t        header;
311           /* programmer-defined fields follow */
312       } user_data_t;
314       Records are created and managed by Libcgraph. A programmer must explic‐
315       itly  attach  them  to the objects in a graph, either to individual ob‐
316       jects one at a time via agbindrec, or to all the objects  of  the  same
317       class  in a graph via aginit.  (Note that for graphs, aginit is applied
318       recursively to the graph and its subgraphs if rec_size is negative  (of
319       the  actual  rec_size.))   The  name argument of a record distinguishes
320       various types of records, and is programmer defined (Libcgraph reserves
321       the  prefix  _ag).   If  size  is  0, the call to agbindrec is simply a
322       lookup.  The function aggetrec can also be used for  lookup.   agdelrec
323       deletes  a named record from one object.  agclean does the same for all
324       objects of the same class in an entire graph.
326       Internally, records are maintained in circular linked lists attached to
327       graph objects.  To allow referencing application-dependent data without
328       function calls or search, Libcgraph allows setting and locking the list
329       pointer of a graph, node, or edge on a particular record.  This pointer
330       can be obtained with the macro AGDATA(obj).  A cast, generally within a
331       macro  or  inline  function,  is  usually  applied  to convert the list
332       pointer to an appropriate programmer-defined type.
334       To control the setting of this pointer, the move_to_front flag  may  be
335       TRUE  or FALSE.  If move_to_front is TRUE, the record will be locked at
336       the head of the list, so it can be accessed  directly  by  AGDATA(obj).
337       The lock can be subsequently released or reset by a call to aggetrec.


341       (This  section  is  not intended for casual users.)  Programmer-defined
342       disciplines customize certain resources- ID namespace, memory, and  I/O
343       -  needed  by  Libcgraph.   A  discipline struct (or NULL) is passed at
344       graph creation time.
346       struct Agdisc_s {            /* user's discipline */
347           Agmemdisc_t            *mem;
348           Agiddisc_t            *id;
349           Agiodisc_t            *io;
350       } ;
352       A default discipline is supplied when NULL is given for  any  of  these
353       fields.


357       An ID allocator discipline allows a client to control assignment of IDs
358       (uninterpreted integer values) to objects, and possibly  how  they  are
359       mapped to and from strings.
361       struct Agiddisc_s {             /* object ID allocator */
362           void *(*open) (Agraph_t * g, Agdisc_t*);       /* associated with a graph */
363           long (*map) (void *state, int objtype, char *str, unsigned long *id, int createflag);
364           long (*alloc) (void *state, int objtype, unsigned long id);
365           void (*free) (void *state, int objtype, unsigned long id);
366           char *(*print) (void *state, int objtype, unsigned long id);
367           void (*close) (void *state);
368       };
370       open  permits  the ID discipline to initialize any data structures that
371       it maintains per individual graph.  Its return value is then passed  as
372       the first argument (void *state) to all subsequent ID manager calls.
374       alloc  informs the ID manager that Libcgraph is attempting to create an
375       object with a specific ID that was given by a client.  The  ID  manager
376       should  return  TRUE  (nonzero)  if  the  ID can be allocated, or FALSE
377       (which aborts the operation).
379       free is called to inform the ID manager that the  object  labeled  with
380       the given ID is about to go out of existence.
382       map  is called to create or look-up IDs by string name (if supported by
383       the ID manager).  Returning TRUE (nonzero) in all cases means that  the
384       request  succeeded  (with  a valid ID stored through result.  There are
385       four cases:
387       name != NULL and createflag == 1: This requests mapping a string  (e.g.
388       a  name  in a graph file) into a new ID.  If the ID manager can comply,
389       then it stores the result and returns TRUE.  It is then also  responsi‐
390       ble for being able to print the ID again as a string.  Otherwise the ID
391       manager may return FALSE but it must implement the following (at  least
392       for graph file reading and writing to work):
394       name  ==  NULL and createflag == 1: The ID manager creates a unique new
395       ID of its own choosing.  Although it may return FALSE if  it  does  not
396       support anonymous objects, but this is strongly discouraged (to support
397       "local names" in graph files.)
399       name != NULL and createflag == 0: This is a namespace  probe.   If  the
400       name was previously mapped into an allocated ID by the ID manager, then
401       the manager must return this ID.  Otherwise, the ID manager may  either
402       return  FALSE,  or  may  store any unallocated ID into result. (This is
403       convenient, for example, if names are known to be  digit  strings  that
404       are directly converted into integer values.)
406       name == NULL and createflag == 0: forbidden.
408       print  is allowed to return a pointer to a static buffer; a caller must
409       copy its value if needed past subsequent calls.   NULL  should  be  re‐
410       turned by ID managers that do not map names.
412       The  map  and  alloc calls do not pass a pointer to the newly allocated
413       object.  If a client needs to install object pointers in a  handle  ta‐
414       ble, it can obtain them via new object callbacks.


417       The  I/O discipline provides an abstraction for the reading and writing
418       of graphs.
419       struct Agiodisc_s {
420           int        (*fread)(void *chan, char *buf, int bufsize);
421           int        (*putstr)(void *chan, char *str);
422           int        (*flush)(void *chan);    /* sync */
423       } ;
424       Normally, the FILE structure and its related  functions  are  used  for
425       I/O. At times, though, an application may need to use a totally differ‐
426       ent type of character source. The associated state or  stream  informa‐
427       tion is provided by the chan argument to agread or agwrite.  The disci‐
428       pline function fread and putstr provide the corresponding functions for
429       read and writing.


433       Memory  management  in  Libcgraph is handled on a per graph basis using
434       the memory discipline.
435       struct Agmemdisc_s {    /* memory allocator */
436           void    *(*open)(Agdisc_t*);        /* independent of other resources */
437           void    *(*alloc)(void *state, size_t req);
438           void    *(*resize)(void *state, void *ptr, size_t old, size_t req);
439           void    (*free)(void *state, void *ptr);
440           void    (*close)(void *state);
441       } ;
442       The open function is used to initialize the memory subsystem, returning
443       state  information  that  is  passed to the calls to alloc, resize, and
444       free.  The semantics of these should be comparable to  the  standard  C
445       library functions malloc, realloc, and free, except that new space cre‐
446       ated by agalloc and agrealloc should be zeroed out.  The close function
447       is  used to terminate the memory subsystem, freeing any additional open
448       resources.  For actual allocation, the library uses the functions agal‐
449       loc,  agrealloc,  and agfree, which provide simple wrappers for the un‐
450       derlying discipline functions alloc, resize, and free.
452       When Libcgraph is compiled with Vmalloc (which  is  not  the  default),
453       each  graph has its own heap.  Programmers may allocate application-de‐
454       pendent data within the same heap as the rest of the graph.  The advan‐
455       tage  is  that  a graph can be deleted by atomically freeing its entire
456       heap without scanning each individual node and edge.


460       An Agcbdisc_t defines callbacks to be invoked by  Libcgraph  when  ini‐
461       tializing,  modifying,  or  finalizing  graph objects.  Disciplines are
462       kept on a stack.  Libcgraph automatically  calls  the  methods  on  the
463       stack,  top-down.  Callbacks are installed with agpushdisc, uninstalled
464       with agpopdisc, and can be held pending or released via agcallbacks.


467       agroot takes any graph object (graph, subgraph, node, edge) and returns
468       the  root graph in which it lives. agraphof does the same, except it is
469       the identity function on graphs and subgraphs. Note that  there  is  no
470       function to return the least subgraph containing an object, in part be‐
471       cause this is not well-defined as nodes and edges may be in  incompara‐
472       ble subgraphs.
474       agcontains(g,obj)  returns non-zero if obj is a member of (sub)graph g.
475       agdelete(g,obj) is equivalent to agclose, agdelnode, and agdeledge  for
476       obj  being  a  graph,  node or edge, respectively. It returns -1 if obj
477       does not belong to g.
479       AGDATA, AGID, and AGTYPE are macros returning the specified  fields  of
480       the  argument  object.  The  first  is described in the RECORDS section
481       above. The second returns the unique integer ID associated with the ob‐
482       ject. The last returns AGRAPH, AGNODE, and AGEDGE depending on the type
483       of the object.
485       agnameof returns a string descriptor for the  object.  It  returns  the
486       name of the node or graph, and the key of an edge.  agobjkind is a syn‐
487       onym for AGTYPE.


491       The library provides a variety of mechanisms to control  the  reporting
492       of  errors  and  warnings. At present, there are basically two types of
493       messages: warnings and errors. A message is only written  if  its  type
494       has  higher priority than a programmer-controlled minimum, which is AG‐
495       WARN by default. The programmer can  set  this  value  using  agseterr,
496       which returns the previous value. Calling agseterr(AGMAX) turns off the
497       writing of messages.
499       The function agerr if the main entry point for  reporting  an  anomaly.
500       The  first  argument  indicates the type of message. Usually, the first
501       argument in AGWARN or AGERR to indicate warnings  and  errors,  respec‐
502       tively.  Sometimes  additional context information is only available in
503       functions calling the function where the error is actually  caught.  In
504       this  case, the calling function can indicate that it is continuing the
505       current error by using AGPREV as the first argument. The remaining  ar‐
506       guments to agerr are the same as the arguments to printf.
508       The    functions    agwarningf   and   agerrorf   are   shorthand   for
509       agerr(AGERR,...) and agerr(AGWARN,...), respectively.
511       Some applications desire to directly control the writing  of  messages.
512       Such  an  application  can  use  the function agseterrf to register the
513       function that the library should call to actually  write  the  message.
514       The  previous  error  function  is returned. By default, the message is
515       written to stderr.
517       Errors not written are stored in a log file. The  last  recorded  error
518       can be retreived by calling aglasterr.
520       The function agerrors returns non-zero if errors have been reported.


523       #include <stdio.h>
524       #include <cgraph.h>
526       typedef struct {Agrec_t hdr; int x,y,z;} mydata;
528       void main(int argc, char **argv)
529       {
530           Agraph_t    *g, *h;
531           Agnode_t    *v;
532           Agedge_t    *e;
533           Agsym_t     *attr;
534           Dict_t      *d;
535           int         cnt;
536           mydata      *p;
538           if (g = agread(stdin,NIL(Agdisc_t*))) {
539               cnt = 0; attr = 0;
540               while (attr = agnxtattr(g, AGNODE, attr)) cnt++;
541               printf("The graph %s has %d attributes\n",agnameof(g),cnt);
543               /* make the graph have a node color attribute, default is blue */
544               attr = agattr(g,AGNODE,"color","blue");
546               /* create a new graph of the same kind as g */
547               h = agopen("tmp",g->desc, NULL);
549               /* this is a way of counting all the edges of the graph */
550               cnt = 0;
551               for (v = agfstnode(g); v; v = agnxtnode(g,v))
552                   for (e = agfstout(g,v); e; e = agnxtout(g,e))
553                       cnt++;
555               /* attach records to edges */
556               for (v = agfstnode(g); v; v = agnxtnode(g,v))
557                   for (e = agfstout(g,v); e; e = agnxtout(g,e)) {
558                       p = (mydata*) agbindrec(e,"mydata",sizeof(mydata),TRUE);
559                       p->x = 27;  /* meaningless data access example */
560                       ((mydata*)(AGDATA(e)))->y = 999; /* another example */
561               }
562           }
563       }


567       digraph G {
568           a -> b;
569           c [shape=box];
570           a -> c [weight=29,label="some text"];
571           subgraph anything {
572               /* the following affects only x,y,z */
573               node [shape=circle];
574               a; x; y -> z; y -> z;  /* multiple edges */
575           }
576       }
578       strict graph H {
579           n0 -- n1 -- n2 -- n0;  /* a cycle */
580           n0 -- {a b c d};       /* a star */
581           n0 -- n3;
582           n0 -- n3 [weight=1];   /* same edge because graph is strict */
583       }


586       Libcdt(3)


590       It  is difficult to change endpoints of edges, delete string attributes
591       or modify edge keys.  The work-around is to create  a  new  object  and
592       copy the contents of an old one (but new object obviously has a differ‐
593       ent ID, internal address, and object creation timestamp).
595       The API lacks convenient functions to substitute programmer-defined or‐
596       dering of nodes and edges but in principle this can be supported.
598       The library is not thread safe.


601       Stephen North, north@research.att.com, AT&T Research.
605                               28 FEBRUARY 2013                   LIBCGRAPH(3)