1dnsval.conf(3)                Programmer's Manual               dnsval.conf(3)


6       dnsval.conf, resolv.conf, root.hints - Configuration policy for the
7       DNSSEC validator library libval(3)
9       val_add_valpolicy - Dynamically add a new policy to the validator
10       context
12       val_remove_valpolicy - Remove a dynamically added policy from the
13       validator context


16           int val_add_valpolicy(val_context_t *context,
17                           void *policy_definition,
18                           val_policy_entry_t **pol);
20           int val_remove_valpolicy(val_context_t *context,
21                           val_policy_entry_t *pol);
23           typedef struct {
24               char *keyword;
25               char *zone;
26               char *value;
27               long ttl;
28           } libval_policy_definition_t;


31       Applications can use local policy to influence the validation outcome.
32       Examples of local policy elements include trust anchors for different
33       zones and untrusted algorithms for cryptographic keys and hashes.
34       Local policy may vary for different applications and operating
35       scenarios.
37       The val_add_valpolicy() function can be used to dynamically add a new
38       policy for a given context (the policies are not added persistently to
39       the system configuration). The policy_definition field contains an
40       implementation-specific definition of the validator policy to be added.
41       For the libval library this is represented by the
42       libval_policy_definition_t structure, which contains four fields:
43       keyword, zone and value arguments are identical to keyword, zone and
44       additional-data defined below for dnsval.conf.  ttl specifies the
45       duration in seconds for which the policy is kept in effect.  A tt value
46       of -1 adds to policy to the context indefinitely.  A handle to the
47       newly added policy is returned in *pol.  This structure is opaque to
48       the applications; applications must not modify the contents of the
49       memory returned in *pol.
51       Applications may also revoke the effects of a newly added policy, pol,
52       before the expiry of its timeout interval using the
53       val_remove_valpolicy() policy.
55       The validator library reads configuration information from three
56       separate files, resolv.conf, root.hints, and dnsval.conf.
58       resolv.conf
59           The nameserver and search options are supported in the resolv.conf
60           file.
62           This nameserver option is used to specify the IP address of the
63           name server to which queries must be sent by default.  For example,
65               nameserver
67           A number of additional fields can be specified to qualify the name
68           server. For example, in the following line:
70               nameserver [][example.tsigkey:hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int:300:0jnu3SdsMvzzlmTDPYRceA==]:8053
72           example.tsigkey refers to the TSIG key name;
73           hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int refers to the TSIG algorithm, 300 is the
74           TSIG fudge factor. and the key is specified as a base64 encoded
75           value.  The value 8053 refers to the port number.
77           The values for the TSIG algorithm and the fudge factor in the above
78           example are the defaults. They may be omitted as follows:
80               nameserver [][example.tsigkey:::0jnu3SdsMvzzlmTDPYRceA==]:8053
82           The TSIG portion may also be left out entirely, in which case the
83           representation is as follows:
85               nameserver []:8053
87           This search option is used to specify the search path for issuing
88           queries.  For example,
90               search test.dnssec-tools.org dnssec-tools.org
92           The forward option is used to redirect queries for names that match
93           a given zone name to the provided name server.  For example,
95               forward test.dnssec-tools.org
97           If the resolv.conf file contains no name servers, the validator
98           tries to recursively answer the query using information present in
99           root.hints.
101       root.hints
102           The root.hints file contains bootstrapping information for the
103           resolver while it attempts to recursively answer queries.  The
104           contents of this file may be generated by the following command:
106               dig @e.root-servers.net . ns > root.hints
108       dnsval.conf
109           The dnsval.conf file contains the validator policy.  It consists of
110           a sequence of the following "policy-fragments":
112               <label> <keyword> <additional-data>;
114           Policies are identified by simple text strings called labels, which
115           must be unique within the configuration system.  For example,
116           "browser" could be used as the label that defines the validator
117           policy for all web-browsers in a system.  A label value of ":"
118           identifies the default policy, the policy that is used when a NULL
119           context is specified as the ctx parameter for interfaces listed in
120           libval(3), val_getaddrinfo(3), and val_gethostbyname(3).  The
121           default policy must be unique within the configuration system.
123           keyword specifies the policy component within the policy fragment.
124           The format of additional-data depends on the keyword specified.
126           If multiple policy fragments are defined for the same label and
127           keyword combination then the first definition in the file is used.
129           The following keywords are defined for dnsval.conf:
131           trust-anchor
132               For the "trust-anchor" attribute additional-data is a sequence
133               of ordered pairs, each consisting of the zone name and the
134               RDATA portion for the trust anchor with an optional prefix.
135               Trust anchors may be either DNSKEY or DS records, the prefix in
136               the RDATA is use to indicate what type of record it is.  DNSKEY
137               is assumed if no prefix is specified.
139               An example is given below.
141                   browser trust-anchor
142                       .   DS  19036  8  2  \
143                           49AAC11D7B6F6446702E54A1607371607A1A41855200FD2CE\
144                           1CDDE32F24E8FB5
145                       example.com   257 3 5 AQO8XS4y9r77X 9SHBmrx MoJf1Pf9\
146                           AT9Mr/L5BBGtO9/e9f/zl4FFgM2l B6M2 XEm6mp6 mit4tzp\
147                           B/sAEQw1McYz6bJdKkTiqtuWTCfDmgQhI6 /Ha0 Ef GPNSqn\
148                           Y 99FmbSeWNIRaa4fgSCVFhvbrYq1nXkNVy QPeEVHk oDNCA\
149                           lr qOA3lw==
150                   ;
152           zone-security-expectation
153               For the "zone-security-expectation" attribute additional-data
154               is a sequence of <domain name,value> tuples representing the
155               security expectation for names in that domain, where value can
156               be one of the following:
158               ignore
159                   Ignore DNSSEC validation for names under this domain.
161               validate
162                   Perform DNSSEC validation of answers received for names
163                   under this domain.
165               untrusted
166                   Reject all answers received for names under this domain.
168               This zone-security-expectation DNSSEC validator policy
169               construct makes it possible to define various islands of trust
170               for DNSSEC-enabled zones and to ignore or validate data from
171               selected zones. The default zone security expectation for a
172               domain is "validate".  In the following example, for DNSSEC
173               validator contexts created with a DNSSEC validator policy label
174               of "browser", the DNSSEC validation is only performed for names
175               under the example.com domain; names under the somebogus.org
176               domain are always considered to be untrusted and DNSSEC
177               validation for all other domain names is ignored.
179                   browser zone-security-expectation
180                       example.com  validate
181                       somebogusname.org untrusted
182                       . ignore
183                   ;
185           provably-insecure-status
186               For the "provably-insecure-status" attribute additional-data is
187               a sequence of  <domain name,value> tuples representing the
188               validity of the provably insecure condition, where value is one
189               of the following:
191               trusted
192                   Treat the provably insecure condition as valid.
194               untrusted
195                   Treat the provably insecure condition as invalid.
197               The default value for the provably insecure status for a domain
198               is "trusted".  In the following example, for DNSSEC validator
199               contexts created with the default label, the provably insecure
200               condition is treated as valid for all domains except the net
201               domain, where this condition is treated as invalid.
203                   : provably-insecure-status
204                       . trusted
205                       net untrusted
206                   ;
208           clock-skew
209               For the "clock-skew" attribute additional-data is a sequence of
210               the domain name and the number of seconds of clock-skew
211               acceptable for signatures on names in that domain. A clock skew
212               value of -1 has the effect of turning off inception and
213               expiration time checks on signatures from that domain. The
214               default clock skew is 0.  In the following example, for DNSSEC
215               validator contexts created with the "mta" label, signature
216               inception and expiration checks are disabled for all names
217               under the example.com domain.
219                   mta clock-skew
220                       example.com -1
221                   ;
223           nsec3-max-iter [only if LIBVAL_NSEC3 is enabled]
224               Specifies the maximum number of iterations allowable while
225               computing the NSEC3 hash for a zone.  A value of -1 does not
226               place a maximum limit on the number of iterations.  This is
227               also the default setting for a zone.
229           dlv-trust-points [only if LIBVAL_DLV is enabled]
230               Specifies the DLV tree for the target zone. In the following
231               example, libval will use the DLV registry defined at
232               dlv.isc.org. for all queries under the root that do not give us
233               a trustworthy answer using the normal DNSSEC mechanism, and
234               have a zone-security-expectation of validate.
236                   dlv dlv-trust-points
237                       .   dlv.isc.org.
238                   ;
240               In order for DLV to be used in the above example, there must
241               also be a trust-anchor policy defined for the dlv registry,
242               with the zone-security-expectation policy for registry set to
243               validate.
245                   dlv trust-anchor
246                       dlv.isc.org DS  19297  5  2  \
247                                   A11D16F6733983E159EDF8053B2FB57B479D81A309A5\
248                                   0EAA79A81AF48A47C617
249                   ;
251           Apart from zone-specific configuration options, it is also possible
252           to configure global options for the validation in dnsval.conf.
253           Global options can be specified using the construct below.
255               global-options
256                   keyowrd1 value1
257                   keyword2 value2
258                   ...
259               ;
261           There can only be one global-options construct defined for
262           dnsval.conf.  If multiple constructs are defined, only the first is
263           used.
265           The following keywords are defined for global-options in
266           dnsval.conf
268           trust-local-answers
269               This option has been deprecated. Use trust-oob-answers instead.
271           trust-oob-answers
272               If the value against this option is yes then, for all answers
273               returned using some out-of-band mechanism (e.g. a file store
274               such as /etc/hosts), the value returned from the
275               val_istrusted() function (see libval(3)) is greater than one.
277           edns0-size
278               In querying various name servers, libsres will also attempt
279               multiple EDNS0 sizes, ending with a query that has EDNS0
280               disabled (i.e. no CD bit set).  The following EDNS0 sizes are
281               tried by default: 4096, 1492, 512 The "edns0-size" policy knob
282               can be used to change the largest EDNS0 size that is attempted.
284           env-policy
285               This option allows the administrator of the dnsval.conf to
286               control whether libval uses user-specified values in
287               environmental variables while determining libval policy and log
288               targets. See the section below on overriding dnsval.conf
289               policies for additional details on this option.
291           app-policy
292               This option allows the administrator of the dnsval.conf file to
293               control whether libval will automatically look for a validation
294               policy with a label equal to the application name in
295               dnsval.conf. See the section below on overriding dnsval.conf
296               policies for additional details on this option.
298           closest-ta-only
299               The default validation behavior is to look for any
300               authentication chain that validates successfully. Thus if there
301               are trust anchors for example.com and test.example.com the
302               validator will return success if the authentication chain can
303               be anchored to the example.com trust anchor, even if the trust
304               anchor for test.example.com does not match. In cases where this
305               is not desirable, the closest-ta-only option can be used.
307               If this option is set to yes then the validation algorithm
308               terminates at the closest matching TA.
310           rec-fallback
311               This option is used to control whether libval will attempt to
312               fall back to a recursive lookup of the name if the response
313               from the caching name server returned an error. By default this
314               options is set to yes; it can be turned off by setting this
315               option to no.
317           max-refresh
318               This option is used in conjunction with the
319               VAL_QUERY_SKIP_CACHE query flag. When queries have this flag
320               enabled they would normally skip cached entries. However, max-
321               refresh can throttle how often queries are actually sent on the
322               wire. Whe this option is set to a positive value a new query is
323               only sent out if the cached value was stored more than (the
324               value specified by) max-refresh seconds ago. If max-refresh is
325               0, then the cache is always skipped. If the value is -1 the
326               cache is never skipped. The default value for max-refresh is 60
327               seconds. That means that two queries sent with the the
328               VAL_QUERY_SKIP_CACHE flag set less than a minute apart will
329               only result in one query seen on the wire.
331           proto
332               This option is used to control the network protocol that libval
333               uses to send queries out to various name servers. If the value
334               is set to ipv6, libval uses only IPv6; if it is set to ipv4
335               libval uses only IPv4. The default is any, which causes libval
336               to send over any of the available protocols for the given name
337               server.
339           timeout
340               This option overrides the default resolver timeout value with
341               the value provided.
343           retry
344               This option overrides the default resolver retry value with the
345               value provided.
347           log This option controls the level of logging and the log target
348               for libval.  The value expected against this option is the same
349               as that specified for val_add_log_optarg (see libval(3)).
351           An example global-options construct is given below:
353               global-options
354                   trust-oob-answers yes
355                   edns0-size 4096
356                   env-policy enable
357                   app-policy enable
358                   log 5:stderr
359               ;


362       libval first looks at resolver options present in the resolv.conf file
363       specfied at the time of running configure. If this file is absent,
364       libval looks at /etc/resolv.conf file for resolver options.
366       This allows users with a simple way of overriding resolver policies.
367       The system-specific resolv.conf can remain unchanged, while any
368       additional policies that may have to be specified for libval can be
369       used in the configure-supplied resolv.conf file.


372       libval provides three ways for tailoring dnsval.conf policies for a
373       given environment.
375       Multiple include files
376           libval allows additional dnsval.conf files to be included with a
377           given dnsval.conf file.  The option is specified as follows:
379               include /path/to/override/file/dnsval.conf
381           The files are read in breadth-first. The policies are evaluated in
382           a manner that gives the last-defined policy more precedence over
383           earlier ones. Therefore, an administrator may supply a dnsval.conf
384           with default policies including another file from the user's home
385           directory. The included file may be used for overriding policies
386           specified in the base dnsval.conf file.
388       Application-name policies
389           If the app-policy global option is not disabled, libval
390           automatically looks for a policy in dnsval.conf with a label value
391           constructed from the name of the application.  For example,
392           dnsval.conf may be defined with validator policies for the foo
393           label.  The foo application, when run, will use the policy defined
394           against the foo label during its validation operation.
396       Policies through environment
397           If the env-policy global option is not disabled, libval looks at
398           the VAL_CONTEXT_LABEL and VAL_LOG_TARGET environmental variables in
399           order to determine the validator policy label and log target.
401       Validator Label Precedence
402           There are effectively four different types of polic-labels that can
403           be applied by libval: application-name policies, policies through
404           VAL_CONTEXT_LABEL, and labels specified by the application (either
405           NULL or non-NULL). The precedence of applying these labels is
406           defined with the following rules:
408           1. If env-policy is "override", use the label specified in the
409           VAL_CONTEXT_LABEL env variable (if defined).
411           2. If env-policy is "enable" and the policy specified by the
412           application  is NULL, use the label specified in the
413           VAL_CONTEXT_LABEL env variable (if defined).
415           3. if app-policy is "override", use the label generated from the
416           application name.  If this policy label does not exist in the
417           configuration system, use the default policy.
419           4. if app-policy is "enable" and the policy specified by the
420           application is NULL, use the label generated from the application
421           name.
423           5. If policy specified by the application is not NULL, use this
424           label.
426           6. Use default policy
428           The following use-cases can therefore be defined
430           locked-down system with single policy
431               An administrator that wants to (and is able to) lock down a
432               system to a particular validator policy, must set the env-
433               policy and app-policy global options to disable.  This also
434               requires that administrators are able to lock down the system
435               to specific applications and that these applications are not
436               written in a way that would allow them to specify non-NULL
437               policy labels during context creation. (see val_create_context
438               in libval(3)).
440           locked-down system with app-specific policies
441               An administrator that wants to (and is able to) lock down a
442               system to a particular dnsval.conf file, but wishes to use
443               different policies for different applications must set the app-
444               policy to override and the env-policy to disable. The
445               administrator must also define policies for various application
446               names in dnval.conf; for applications that don't have a policy
447               with a label corresponding to its name, the default policy is
448               used.
450               The administrator may set the app-policy to enable if non-NULL
451               policies specified by the application during validator context
452               creation is deemed acceptable.
454           User controlled
455               An administrator can set env-policy to override to give the
456               user complete control over which policy label is used during
457               validation. The validation policy is read through the
458               VAL_CONTEXT_LABEL environment variable.
460               If VAL_CONTEXT_LABEL is specified globally for the system, the
461               administrator may instead choose the env-policy global option
462               to be enable instead of override. In this case, the label given
463               in VAL_CONTEXT_LABEL is used only when the policy specified by
464               the application is non-NULL.
466               The label in VAL_CONTEXT_LABEL is used only if it is defined.
467               If this value is NULL, libval will read other policy labels as
468               guided by the precedence rules listed above.


471       resolv.conf
473       root.hints
475       dnsval.conf
478       Copyright 2004-2013 SPARTA, Inc.  All rights reserved.  See the COPYING
479       file included with the dnssec-tools package for details.


482       libval(3)
484       http://www.dnssec-tools.org http://www.dnssec-tools.org
488perl v5.26.2                      2018-08-08                    dnsval.conf(3)