1STACD.CONF(5)                                                    STACD.CONF(5)


6       stacd.conf - stacd(8) configuration file


9       /etc/stas/stacd.conf


12       When stacd(8) starts up, it reads its configuration from stacd.conf.


15       stacd.conf is a plain text file divided into sections, with
16       configuration entries in the style key=value. A space immediately
17       before or after the = is ignored. Empty lines and lines starting with #
18       are ignored, which may be used for commenting.


21   [Global] section
22       The following options are available in the [Global]section:
24       tron=
25           Trace ON. Takes a boolean argument. If true, enables full code
26           tracing. The trace will be displayed in the system log such as
27           systemd's journal. Defaults to false.
29       hdr-digest=
30           Enable Protocol Data Unit (PDU) Header Digest. Takes a boolean
31           argument. NVMe/TCP facilitates an optional PDU Header digest.
32           Digests are calculated using the CRC32C algorithm. If true, Header
33           Digests are inserted in PDUs and checked for errors. Defaults to
34           false.
36       data-digest=
37           Enable Protocol Data Unit (PDU) Data Digest. Takes a boolean
38           argument. NVMe/TCP facilitates an optional PDU Data digest. Digests
39           are calculated using the CRC32C algorithm. If true, Data Digests
40           are inserted in PDUs and checked for errors. Defaults to false.
42       kato=
43           Keep Alive Timeout (KATO) in seconds. Takes an unsigned integer.
44           This field specifies the timeout value for the Keep Alive feature
45           in seconds. Defaults to 30 seconds for Discovery Controller
46           connections and 120 seconds for I/O Controller connections.
48       ip-family=
49           Takes a string argument. With this you can specify whether IPv4,
50           IPv6, or both are supported when connecting to a Controller.
51           Connections will not be attempted to IP addresses (whether
52           discovered or manually configured with the 'controller') if those
53           IP addresses are disabled by this option. If an invalid value is
54           entered, then "ipv4+ipv6" will be used by default.
56           Choices are ipv4, ipv6, or ipv4+ipv6.
58           Defaults to ipv4+ipv6.
60       ignore-iface=
61           Takes a boolean argument. This option controls how connections with
62           I/O Controllers (IOC) are made.
64           There is no guarantee that there will be a route to reach that IOC.
65           However, we can use the socket option SO_BINDTODEVICE to force the
66           connection to be made on a specific interface instead of letting
67           the routing tables decide where to make the connection.
69           This option determines whether stacd will use SO_BINDTODEVICE to
70           force connections on an interface or just rely on the routing
71           tables. The default is to use SO_BINDTODEVICE, in other words,
72           stacd does not ignore the interface.
74           BACKGROUND: By default, stacd will connect to IOCs on the same
75           interface that was used to retrieve the discovery log pages. If
76           stafd discovers a DC on an interface using mDNS, and stafd connects
77           to that DC and retrieves the log pages, it is expected that the
78           storage subsystems listed in the log pages are reachable on the
79           same interface where the DC was discovered.
81           For example, let's say a DC is discovered on interface ens102. Then
82           all the subsystems listed in the log pages retrieved from that DC
83           must be reachable on interface ens102. If this doesn't work, for
84           example you cannot "ping -I ens102 [storage-ip]", then the most
85           likely explanation is that arp proxy is not enabled on the switch
86           that the host is connected to on interface ens102. Whatever you do,
87           resist the temptation to manually set up the routing tables or to
88           add alternate routes going over a different interface than the one
89           where the DC is located. That simply won't work. Make sure arp
90           proxy is enabled on the switch first.
92           Setting routes won't work because, by default, stacd uses the
93           SO_BINDTODEVICE socket option when it connects to IOCs. This option
94           is used to force a socket connection to be made on a specific
95           interface instead of letting the routing tables decide where to
96           connect the socket. Even if you were to manually configure an
97           alternate route on a different interface, the connections (i.e.
98           host to IOC) will still be made on the interface where the DC was
99           discovered by stafd.
101           Defaults to false.
103       udev-rule=
104           Takes a string argument enabled or disabled. This option determines
105           whether nvme-cli's udev rule will be executed or ignored.
107           A udev rule gets installed with nvme-cli that tells the udev daemon
108           (udevd) to look for Asynchronous Event Notifications (AEN)
109           indicating a change of Discovery Log Page Entries (DPLE). The udev
110           rule is installed as:
111           /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/70-nvmf-autoconnect.rules
113           When an AEN is detected, udevd simply instructs systemd to start a
114           one-shot service that will retrieve the changed DPLEs and connect
115           to all the I/O Controllers (IOC) listed in the DPLEs. This is
116           basically the same as performing nvme-cli's "connect-all" command.
118           Unfortunately, stafd and stacd also perform the same operations
119           when an AEN is received. This results in a race condition between
120           udevd and stafd/stacd.
122           This is not really a problem.  stafd and stacd are designed to
123           handle this type of race condition and will conclude, eventually,
124           that the connections succeeded. The only downside is that there may
125           be error messages printed to the syslog when the race condition
126           happens. These messages are printed by the kernel because two
127           processes are trying to connect to the same IOC at the same time.
128           One of them will be rejected by the kernel, but the other will
129           succeed.
131           The udev-rule option allows a user to disable nvme-cli's udev rule
132           so that udevd will not act on received AENs. Instead, only
133           stafd/stacd will be allowed to react to AENs and set up IOC
134           connections.
136           Defaults to enabled, which means that udevd and stafd/stacd will
137           react to AENs. It also means that the race condition will happen by
138           default and error messages will be printed to the syslog.
140       sticky-connections=
141           Keep existing connections to I/O controllers (IOC). Takes a string
142           argument enabled or disabled.
144           The parameter sticky-connections determines how stacd reacts to the
145           removal of an IOC Discovery Page Entry (DLPE) or the removal of a
146           controller= entry in /etc/stas/stacd.conf. In other words, whether
147           it should immediately disconnect from IOC when the DPLE/controller=
148           is removed, or whether it should maintain the connection.
150           Table 1. List of terms used in the following text:
151           ┌─────────────────┬───────────────────────────┐
152Term             Description               
153           ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────┤
154           │Manual Config    │ Refers to manually adding │
155           │                 │ entries to stacd.conf     │
156           ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────┤
157           │Automatic Config │ Refers to receiving       │
158           │                 │ configuration from a      │
159           │                 │ Discovery Controller (DC) │
160           │                 │ as DLPEs                  │
161           ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────┤
162           │External Config  │ Refers to configuration   │
163           │                 │ done outside of the       │
164           │                 │ nvme-stas framework, for  │
165           │                 │ example using nvme-cli    │
166           │                 │ commands                  │
167           └─────────────────┴───────────────────────────┘
169           IOC connection creation. There are 3 ways to configure IOC
170           connections on a host:
172            1. Manual Config by adding controller= entries to the
173               [Controllers] section (see below).
175            2. Automatic Config received in the form of DLPEs from a remote
176               DC.
178            3. External Config using nvme-cli (e.g. "nvme connect")
180           Zoning and DLPEs. Zoning configuration is performed at Discovery
181           Controllers (DC). A zone is used to specify the list of IOC that a
182           host is allowed to access. The zone contains a list of hosts and
183           the IOC that these hosts can access. Users can add or remove IOC
184           and/or hosts from zones.
186           DCs notify hosts of zoning configuration changes by sending
187           Asynchronous Event Notifications (AEN) indicating a "Change of
188           Discovery Log Page (DLP)". The host uses these AENs as a trigger to
189           retrieve the new list of DLPEs by issuing a Get DLP command. This
190           happens in real time, which means that a host that was previously
191           connected to an IOC may suddenly be told that it is no longer
192           allowed to connect to that IOC and should disconnect from it.
194           IOC connection removal. There are 3 ways to remove controller
195           connections to an IOC:
197            1. Manual Config.
199                1. by adding blacklist= entries to the [Controllers] section
200                   (see below).
202                2. by removing controller= entries from the [Controllers]
203                   section.
206            2. Automatic Config. As explained above, changing zoning at a DC
207               will result in the host getting a new list of DLPEs. On DLPE
208               removal, the host should remove the connection to the IOC
209               matching that DLPE.
211            3. External Config using nvme-cli (e.g. "nvme disconnect" or "nvme
212               disconnect-all")
213           Some users may prefer for the IOC to be "sticky" and only be
214           removed manually (nvme-cli or blacklist=) or removed by a system
215           reboot. They don't want for IOC connections to be removed
216           unexpectedly on DLPE removal. This is where sticky-connections=
217           comes into play.
219           sticky-connections= tells stacd whether to keep connections to IOC
220           even if their DPLEs have been removed or the controller= entries in
221           stacd.conf have been removed.
223           With sticky-connections=disabled (default). stacd immediately
224           disconnects from a previously connected IOC if the response to a
225           Get DLP command no longer contains a DLPE matching that IOC or a
226           controller= entry in stacd.conf is removed.
228           Ongoing I/O transactions will be terminated immediately as well.
229           There is no way to tell what happens to the data being exchanged
230           when such an abrupt termination happens. If a host was in the
231           middle of writing to a storage subsystem, there is a good chance
232           that incomplete and potentially corrupt data will be left on the
233           remote storage.
235           NOTE. This mode implies that nvme-stas will only allow Manually
236           Configured or Automatically Configured IOC connections to exist.
237           Externally Configured connections using nvme-cli that do not match
238           any Manual Config (stacd.conf) or Automatic Config (DLPEs) will get
239           deleted immediately by stacd.
241           With sticky-connections=enabled. stacd does not disconnect from
242           IOCs when a DPLE is removed or a controller= entry is removed from
243           stacd.conf.
245           Instead, users can issue the nvme-cli command "nvme disconnect",
246           add a blacklist= entry to stacd.conf, or wait until the next system
247           reboot at which time all connections will be removed.
249   [Controllers] section
250       The following options are available in the [Controllers] section:
252       controller=
253           Controllers are specified with the controller option. This option
254           may be specified more than once to specify more than one
255           controller. The format is one line per Controller composed of a
256           series of fields separated by semi-colons as follows:
258               controller=transport=[trtype];traddr=[traddr];trsvcid=[trsvcid];host-traddr=[traddr],host-iface=[iface];nqn=[nqn]
261           Fields
262               transport=
263                   This is a mandatory field that specifies the network fabric
264                   being used for a NVMe-over-Fabrics network. Current trtype
265                   values understood are:
267                   Table 2. Transport type
268                   ┌───────┬────────────────────────────┐
269trtype Definition                 
270                   ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
271                   │rdma   │ The network fabric is an   │
272                   │       │ rdma network (RoCE, iWARP, │
273                   │       │ Infiniband, basic rdma,    │
274                   │       │ etc)                       │
275                   ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
276                   │fc     │ The network fabric is a    │
277                   │       │ Fibre Channel network.     │
278                   ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
279                   │tcp    │ The network fabric is a    │
280                   │       │ TCP/IP network.            │
281                   ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
282                   │loop   │ Connect to a NVMe over     │
283                   │       │ Fabrics target on the      │
284                   │       │ local host                 │
285                   └───────┴────────────────────────────┘
287               traddr=
288                   This is a mandatory field that specifies the network
289                   address of the Controller. For transports using IP
290                   addressing (e.g. rdma) this should be an IP-based address
291                   (ex. IPv4, IPv6). It could also be a resolvable host name
292                   (e.g. localhost).
294               trsvcid=
295                   This is an optional field that specifies the transport
296                   service id. For transports using IP addressing (e.g. rdma,
297                   tcp) this field is the port number.
299                   Depending on the transport type, this field will default to
300                   either 8009 or 4420 as follows.
302                   UDP port 4420 and TCP port 4420 have been assigned by IANA
303                   for use by NVMe over Fabrics. NVMe/RoCEv2 controllers use
304                   UDP port 4420 by default. NVMe/iWARP controllers use TCP
305                   port 4420 by default.
307                   TCP port 4420 has been assigned for use by NVMe over
308                   Fabrics and TCP port 8009 has been assigned by IANA for use
309                   by NVMe over Fabrics discovery. TCP port 8009 is the
310                   default TCP port for NVMe/TCP discovery controllers. There
311                   is no default TCP port for NVMe/TCP I/O controllers, the
312                   Transport Service Identifier (TRSVCID) field in the
313                   Discovery Log Entry indicates the TCP port to use.
315                   The TCP ports that may be used for NVMe/TCP I/O controllers
316                   include TCP port 4420, and the Dynamic and/or Private TCP
317                   ports (i.e., ports in the TCP port number range from 49152
318                   to 65535). NVMe/TCP I/O controllers should not use TCP port
319                   8009. TCP port 4420 shall not be used for both NVMe/iWARP
320                   and NVMe/TCP at the same IP address on the same network.
322                   Ref: IANA Service names port numbers[1]
324               nqn=
325                   This is an optional field that specifies the Discovery
326                   Controller's NVMe Qualified Name. If not specified, this
327                   will default to the well-known DC NQN:
328                   nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress.discovery.
330               host-traddr=
331                   This is an optional field that specifies the network
332                   address used on the host to connect to the Controller. For
333                   TCP, this sets the source address on the socket.
335               host-iface=
336                   This is an optional field that specifies the network
337                   interface used on the host to connect to the Controller
338                   (e.g. IP eth1, enp2s0, enx78e7d1ea46da). This forces the
339                   connection to be made on a specific interface instead of
340                   letting the system decide.
341           Examples:
343               controller = transport=tcp;traddr=localhost;trsvcid=8009
344               controller = transport=tcp;traddr=[2001:db8:::370:7334];host-iface=enp0s8
345               controller = transport=fc;traddr=nn-0x204600a098cbcac6:pn-0x204700a098cbcac6
349       blacklist=
350           Blacklisted controllers can be specified with the blacklist option.
351           Using mDNS to automatically discover and connect to controllers,
352           can result in unintentional connections being made. This keyword
353           allows configuring the controllers that should not be connected to
354           (whatever the reason may be).
356           The syntax is the same as for "controller", except that the key
357           host-traddr does not apply. Multiple blacklist keywords may appear
358           in the config file to specify more than 1 blacklisted controller.
360           Note 1: A minimal match approach is used to eliminate unwanted
361           controllers. That is, you do not need to specify all the parameters
362           to identify a controller. Just specifying the host-iface, for
363           example, can be used to blacklist all controllers on an interface.
365           Note 2: blacklist takes precedence over controller. A controller
366           specified by the controller keyword, can be eliminated by the
367           blacklist keyword.
369           Examples:
371               blacklist = transport=tcp;traddr=fe80::2c6e:dee7:857:26bb # Eliminate a specific address
372               blacklist = host-iface=enp0s8                             # Eliminate everything on this interface


377       stacd(8)


380        1. IANA Service names port numbers
381           https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xhtml?search=nvme
385nvme-stas 1.1.5                                                  STACD.CONF(5)