1CREATE POLICY(7)         PostgreSQL 14.3 Documentation        CREATE POLICY(7)


6       CREATE_POLICY - define a new row-level security policy for a table


9       CREATE POLICY name ON table_name
10           [ AS { PERMISSIVE | RESTRICTIVE } ]
11           [ FOR { ALL | SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE } ]
12           [ TO { role_name | PUBLIC | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER } [, ...] ]
13           [ USING ( using_expression ) ]
14           [ WITH CHECK ( check_expression ) ]


17       The CREATE POLICY command defines a new row-level security policy for a
18       table. Note that row-level security must be enabled on the table (using
19       ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY) in order for created
20       policies to be applied.
22       A policy grants the permission to select, insert, update, or delete
23       rows that match the relevant policy expression. Existing table rows are
24       checked against the expression specified in USING, while new rows that
25       would be created via INSERT or UPDATE are checked against the
26       expression specified in WITH CHECK. When a USING expression returns
27       true for a given row then that row is visible to the user, while if
28       false or null is returned then the row is not visible. When a WITH
29       CHECK expression returns true for a row then that row is inserted or
30       updated, while if false or null is returned then an error occurs.
32       For INSERT and UPDATE statements, WITH CHECK expressions are enforced
33       after BEFORE triggers are fired, and before any actual data
34       modifications are made. Thus a BEFORE ROW trigger may modify the data
35       to be inserted, affecting the result of the security policy check.
36       WITH CHECK expressions are enforced before any other constraints.
38       Policy names are per-table. Therefore, one policy name can be used for
39       many different tables and have a definition for each table which is
40       appropriate to that table.
42       Policies can be applied for specific commands or for specific roles.
43       The default for newly created policies is that they apply for all
44       commands and roles, unless otherwise specified. Multiple policies may
45       apply to a single command; see below for more details.  Table 281
46       summarizes how the different types of policy apply to specific
47       commands.
49       For policies that can have both USING and WITH CHECK expressions (ALL
50       and UPDATE), if no WITH CHECK expression is defined, then the USING
51       expression will be used both to determine which rows are visible
52       (normal USING case) and which new rows will be allowed to be added
53       (WITH CHECK case).
55       If row-level security is enabled for a table, but no applicable
56       policies exist, a “default deny” policy is assumed, so that no rows
57       will be visible or updatable.


60       name
61           The name of the policy to be created. This must be distinct from
62           the name of any other policy for the table.
64       table_name
65           The name (optionally schema-qualified) of the table the policy
66           applies to.
69           Specify that the policy is to be created as a permissive policy.
70           All permissive policies which are applicable to a given query will
71           be combined together using the Boolean “OR” operator. By creating
72           permissive policies, administrators can add to the set of records
73           which can be accessed. Policies are permissive by default.
76           Specify that the policy is to be created as a restrictive policy.
77           All restrictive policies which are applicable to a given query will
78           be combined together using the Boolean “AND” operator. By creating
79           restrictive policies, administrators can reduce the set of records
80           which can be accessed as all restrictive policies must be passed
81           for each record.
83           Note that there needs to be at least one permissive policy to grant
84           access to records before restrictive policies can be usefully used
85           to reduce that access. If only restrictive policies exist, then no
86           records will be accessible. When a mix of permissive and
87           restrictive policies are present, a record is only accessible if at
88           least one of the permissive policies passes, in addition to all the
89           restrictive policies.
91       command
92           The command to which the policy applies. Valid options are ALL,
93           SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.  ALL is the default. See below
94           for specifics regarding how these are applied.
96       role_name
97           The role(s) to which the policy is to be applied. The default is
98           PUBLIC, which will apply the policy to all roles.
100       using_expression
101           Any SQL conditional expression (returning boolean). The conditional
102           expression cannot contain any aggregate or window functions. This
103           expression will be added to queries that refer to the table if
104           row-level security is enabled. Rows for which the expression
105           returns true will be visible. Any rows for which the expression
106           returns false or null will not be visible to the user (in a
107           SELECT), and will not be available for modification (in an UPDATE
108           or DELETE). Such rows are silently suppressed; no error is
109           reported.
111       check_expression
112           Any SQL conditional expression (returning boolean). The conditional
113           expression cannot contain any aggregate or window functions. This
114           expression will be used in INSERT and UPDATE queries against the
115           table if row-level security is enabled. Only rows for which the
116           expression evaluates to true will be allowed. An error will be
117           thrown if the expression evaluates to false or null for any of the
118           records inserted or any of the records that result from the update.
119           Note that the check_expression is evaluated against the proposed
120           new contents of the row, not the original contents.
122   Per-Command Policies
123       ALL
124           Using ALL for a policy means that it will apply to all commands,
125           regardless of the type of command. If an ALL policy exists and more
126           specific policies exist, then both the ALL policy and the more
127           specific policy (or policies) will be applied. Additionally, ALL
128           policies will be applied to both the selection side of a query and
129           the modification side, using the USING expression for both cases if
130           only a USING expression has been defined.
132           As an example, if an UPDATE is issued, then the ALL policy will be
133           applicable both to what the UPDATE will be able to select as rows
134           to be updated (applying the USING expression), and to the resulting
135           updated rows, to check if they are permitted to be added to the
136           table (applying the WITH CHECK expression, if defined, and the
137           USING expression otherwise). If an INSERT or UPDATE command
138           attempts to add rows to the table that do not pass the ALL policy's
139           WITH CHECK expression, the entire command will be aborted.
141       SELECT
142           Using SELECT for a policy means that it will apply to SELECT
143           queries and whenever SELECT permissions are required on the
144           relation the policy is defined for. The result is that only those
145           records from the relation that pass the SELECT policy will be
146           returned during a SELECT query, and that queries that require
147           SELECT permissions, such as UPDATE, will also only see those
148           records that are allowed by the SELECT policy. A SELECT policy
149           cannot have a WITH CHECK expression, as it only applies in cases
150           where records are being retrieved from the relation.
152       INSERT
153           Using INSERT for a policy means that it will apply to INSERT
154           commands. Rows being inserted that do not pass this policy will
155           result in a policy violation error, and the entire INSERT command
156           will be aborted. An INSERT policy cannot have a USING expression,
157           as it only applies in cases where records are being added to the
158           relation.
160           Note that INSERT with ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE checks INSERT policies'
161           WITH CHECK expressions only for rows appended to the relation by
162           the INSERT path.
164       UPDATE
165           Using UPDATE for a policy means that it will apply to UPDATE,
166           SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT FOR SHARE commands, as well as
167           auxiliary ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE clauses of INSERT commands. Since
168           UPDATE involves pulling an existing record and replacing it with a
169           new modified record, UPDATE policies accept both a USING expression
170           and a WITH CHECK expression. The USING expression determines which
171           records the UPDATE command will see to operate against, while the
172           WITH CHECK expression defines which modified rows are allowed to be
173           stored back into the relation.
175           Any rows whose updated values do not pass the WITH CHECK expression
176           will cause an error, and the entire command will be aborted. If
177           only a USING clause is specified, then that clause will be used for
178           both USING and WITH CHECK cases.
180           Typically an UPDATE command also needs to read data from columns in
181           the relation being updated (e.g., in a WHERE clause or a RETURNING
182           clause, or in an expression on the right hand side of the SET
183           clause). In this case, SELECT rights are also required on the
184           relation being updated, and the appropriate SELECT or ALL policies
185           will be applied in addition to the UPDATE policies. Thus the user
186           must have access to the row(s) being updated through a SELECT or
187           ALL policy in addition to being granted permission to update the
188           row(s) via an UPDATE or ALL policy.
190           When an INSERT command has an auxiliary ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE
191           clause, if the UPDATE path is taken, the row to be updated is first
192           checked against the USING expressions of any UPDATE policies, and
193           then the new updated row is checked against the WITH CHECK
194           expressions. Note, however, that unlike a standalone UPDATE
195           command, if the existing row does not pass the USING expressions,
196           an error will be thrown (the UPDATE path will never be silently
197           avoided).
199       DELETE
200           Using DELETE for a policy means that it will apply to DELETE
201           commands. Only rows that pass this policy will be seen by a DELETE
202           command. There can be rows that are visible through a SELECT that
203           are not available for deletion, if they do not pass the USING
204           expression for the DELETE policy.
206           In most cases a DELETE command also needs to read data from columns
207           in the relation that it is deleting from (e.g., in a WHERE clause
208           or a RETURNING clause). In this case, SELECT rights are also
209           required on the relation, and the appropriate SELECT or ALL
210           policies will be applied in addition to the DELETE policies. Thus
211           the user must have access to the row(s) being deleted through a
212           SELECT or ALL policy in addition to being granted permission to
213           delete the row(s) via a DELETE or ALL policy.
215           A DELETE policy cannot have a WITH CHECK expression, as it only
216           applies in cases where records are being deleted from the relation,
217           so that there is no new row to check.
219       Table 281. Policies Applied by Command Type
220       ┌─────────────┬─────────────┬────────────┬─────────────────────────┬────────────┐
221       │             │ SELECT/ALL  INSERT/ALL UPDATE/ALL policy       DELETE/ALL 
222       │             │ policy      policy     │                         │ policy     
223Command      ├─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┬────────────┼────────────┤
224       │             │ USING       WITH CHECK USING      WITH CHECK USING      
225       │             │ expression  expression expression expression expression 
226       ├─────────────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
227SELECT       │ Existing    │ —          │ —          │ —          │ —          │
228       │             │ row         │            │            │            │            │
229       ├─────────────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
230SELECT FOR   │ Existing    │ —          │ Existing   │ —          │ —          │
231UPDATE/SHARE │ row         │            │ row        │            │            │
232       ├─────────────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
233INSERT       │ —           │ New row    │ —          │ —          │ —          │
234       ├─────────────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
235INSERT ...   │ New row [a] │ New row    │ —          │ —          │ —          │
236RETURNING    │             │            │            │            │            │
237       ├─────────────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
238UPDATE       │ Existing &  │ —          │ Existing   │ New row    │ —          │
239       │             │ new rows    │            │ row        │            │            │
240       │             │ [a]         │            │            │            │            │
241       ├─────────────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
242DELETE       │ Existing    │ —          │ —          │ —          │ Existing   │
243       │             │ row [a]     │            │            │            │ row        │
244       ├─────────────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤
245ON CONFLICT  │ Existing &  │ —          │ Existing   │ New row    │ —          │
246DO UPDATE    │ new rows    │            │ row        │            │            │
247       ├─────────────┴─────────────┴────────────┴────────────┴────────────┴────────────┤
248       │----                                                                           │
249       │[a] If read access is required to the existing or new row (for                 │
250       │example, a WHERE or RETURNING clause that refers to columns from               │
251       │the relation).                                                                 │
252       └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
254   Application of Multiple Policies
255       When multiple policies of different command types apply to the same
256       command (for example, SELECT and UPDATE policies applied to an UPDATE
257       command), then the user must have both types of permissions (for
258       example, permission to select rows from the relation as well as
259       permission to update them). Thus the expressions for one type of policy
260       are combined with the expressions for the other type of policy using
261       the AND operator.
263       When multiple policies of the same command type apply to the same
264       command, then there must be at least one PERMISSIVE policy granting
265       access to the relation, and all of the RESTRICTIVE policies must pass.
266       Thus all the PERMISSIVE policy expressions are combined using OR, all
267       the RESTRICTIVE policy expressions are combined using AND, and the
268       results are combined using AND. If there are no PERMISSIVE policies,
269       then access is denied.
271       Note that, for the purposes of combining multiple policies, ALL
272       policies are treated as having the same type as whichever other type of
273       policy is being applied.
275       For example, in an UPDATE command requiring both SELECT and UPDATE
276       permissions, if there are multiple applicable policies of each type,
277       they will be combined as follows:
279           expression from RESTRICTIVE SELECT/ALL policy 1
280           AND
281           expression from RESTRICTIVE SELECT/ALL policy 2
282           AND
283           ...
284           AND
285           (
286             expression from PERMISSIVE SELECT/ALL policy 1
287             OR
288             expression from PERMISSIVE SELECT/ALL policy 2
289             OR
290             ...
291           )
292           AND
293           expression from RESTRICTIVE UPDATE/ALL policy 1
294           AND
295           expression from RESTRICTIVE UPDATE/ALL policy 2
296           AND
297           ...
298           AND
299           (
300             expression from PERMISSIVE UPDATE/ALL policy 1
301             OR
302             expression from PERMISSIVE UPDATE/ALL policy 2
303             OR
304             ...
305           )


308       You must be the owner of a table to create or change policies for it.
310       While policies will be applied for explicit queries against tables in
311       the database, they are not applied when the system is performing
312       internal referential integrity checks or validating constraints. This
313       means there are indirect ways to determine that a given value exists.
314       An example of this is attempting to insert a duplicate value into a
315       column that is a primary key or has a unique constraint. If the insert
316       fails then the user can infer that the value already exists. (This
317       example assumes that the user is permitted by policy to insert records
318       which they are not allowed to see.) Another example is where a user is
319       allowed to insert into a table which references another, otherwise
320       hidden table. Existence can be determined by the user inserting values
321       into the referencing table, where success would indicate that the value
322       exists in the referenced table. These issues can be addressed by
323       carefully crafting policies to prevent users from being able to insert,
324       delete, or update records at all which might possibly indicate a value
325       they are not otherwise able to see, or by using generated values (e.g.,
326       surrogate keys) instead of keys with external meanings.
328       Generally, the system will enforce filter conditions imposed using
329       security policies prior to qualifications that appear in user queries,
330       in order to prevent inadvertent exposure of the protected data to
331       user-defined functions which might not be trustworthy. However,
332       functions and operators marked by the system (or the system
333       administrator) as LEAKPROOF may be evaluated before policy expressions,
334       as they are assumed to be trustworthy.
336       Since policy expressions are added to the user's query directly, they
337       will be run with the rights of the user running the overall query.
338       Therefore, users who are using a given policy must be able to access
339       any tables or functions referenced in the expression or they will
340       simply receive a permission denied error when attempting to query the
341       table that has row-level security enabled. This does not change how
342       views work, however. As with normal queries and views, permission
343       checks and policies for the tables which are referenced by a view will
344       use the view owner's rights and any policies which apply to the view
345       owner.
347       Additional discussion and practical examples can be found in
348       Section 5.8.


351       CREATE POLICY is a PostgreSQL extension.


355       TABLE (ALTER_TABLE(7))
359PostgreSQL 14.3                      2022                     CREATE POLICY(7)