1NC(1)                     BSD General Commands Manual                    NC(1)


4     nc — arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens


7     nc [-46cDdFhklNnrStUuvz] [-C certfile] [-e name] [-H hash] [-I length]
8        [-i interval] [-K keyfile] [-M ttl] [-m minttl] [-O length]
9        [-o staplefile] [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port] [-R CAfile]
10        [-s sourceaddr] [-T keyword] [-V rtable] [-W recvlimit] [-w timeout]
11        [-X proxy_protocol] [-x proxy_address[:port]] [-Z peercertfile]
12        [destination] [port]


15     The nc (or netcat) utility is used for just about anything under the sun
16     involving TCP, UDP, or UNIX-domain sockets.  It can open TCP connections,
17     send UDP packets, listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports, do port scan‐
18     ning, and deal with both IPv4 and IPv6.  Unlike telnet(1), nc scripts
19     nicely, and separates error messages onto standard error instead of send‐
20     ing them to standard output, as telnet(1) does with some.
22     Common uses include:
24           simple TCP proxies
25           shell-script based HTTP clients and servers
26           network daemon testing
27           a SOCKS or HTTP ProxyCommand for ssh(1)
28           and much, much more
30     The options are as follows:
32     -4      Use IPv4 addresses only.
34     -6      Use IPv6 addresses only.
36     -C certfile
37             Load the public key part of the TLS peer certificate from
38             certfile, in PEM format.  Requires -c.
40     -c      Use TLS to connect or listen.  Cannot be used together with any
41             of the options -FuU.
43     -D      Enable debugging on the socket.
45     -d      Do not attempt to read from stdin.
47     -e name
48             Only accept the TLS peer certificate if it contains the name.
49             Requires -c.  If not specified, destination is used.
51     -F      Pass the first connected socket using sendmsg(2) to stdout and
52             exit.  This is useful in conjunction with -X to have nc perform
53             connection setup with a proxy but then leave the rest of the con‐
54             nection to another program (e.g. ssh(1) using the ssh_config(5)
55             ProxyUseFdpass option).  Cannot be used with -c or -U.
57     -H hash
58             Only accept the TLS peer certificate if its hash returned from
59             tls_peer_cert_hash(3) matches hash.  Requires -c and cannot be
60             used with -T noverify.
62     -h      Print out the nc help text and exit.
64     -I length
65             Specify the size of the TCP receive buffer.
67     -i interval
68             Sleep for interval seconds between lines of text sent and re‐
69             ceived.  Also causes a delay time between connections to multiple
70             ports.
72     -K keyfile
73             Load the TLS private key from keyfile, in PEM format.  Requires
74             -c.
76     -k      When a connection is completed, listen for another one.  Requires
77             -l.  When used together with the -u option, the server socket is
78             not connected and it can receive UDP datagrams from multiple
79             hosts.
81     -l      Listen for an incoming connection rather than initiating a con‐
82             nection to a remote host.  Cannot be used together with any of
83             the options -psxz.  Additionally, any timeouts specified with the
84             -w option are ignored.
86     -M ttl  Set the TTL / hop limit of outgoing packets.
88     -m minttl
89             Ask the kernel to drop incoming packets whose TTL / hop limit is
90             under minttl.
92     -N      shutdown(2) the network socket after EOF on the input.  Some
93             servers require this to finish their work.
95     -n      Do not perform domain name resolution.  If a name cannot be re‐
96             solved without DNS, an error will be reported.
98     -O length
99             Specify the size of the TCP send buffer.
101     -o staplefile
102             During the TLS handshake, load data to be stapled from
103             staplefile, which is expected to contain an OCSP response from an
104             OCSP server in DER format.  Requires -c and -C.
106     -P proxy_username
107             Specifies a username to present to a proxy server that requires
108             authentication.  If no username is specified then authentication
109             will not be attempted.  Proxy authentication is only supported
110             for HTTP CONNECT proxies at present.
112     -p source_port
113             Specify the source port nc should use, subject to privilege re‐
114             strictions and availability.
116     -R CAfile
117             Load the root CA bundle for TLS certificate verification from
118             CAfile, in PEM format, instead of /etc/ssl/cert.pem.  Requires
119             -c.
121     -r      Choose source and/or destination ports randomly instead of se‐
122             quentially within a range or in the order that the system assigns
123             them.
125     -S      Enable the RFC 2385 TCP MD5 signature option.
127     -s sourceaddr
128             Set the source address to send packets from, which is useful on
129             machines with multiple interfaces.  For UNIX-domain datagram
130             sockets, specifies the local temporary socket file to create and
131             use so that datagrams can be received.  Cannot be used together
132             with -l or -x.
134     -T keyword
135             Change the IPv4 TOS/IPv6 traffic class value or the TLS options.
137             For TLS options, keyword may be one of: noverify, which disables
138             certificate verification; noname, which disables certificate name
139             checking; clientcert, which requires a client certificate on in‐
140             coming connections; or muststaple, which requires the peer to
141             provide a valid stapled OCSP response with the handshake.  The
142             following TLS options specify a value in the form of a key=value
143             pair: ciphers, which allows the supported TLS ciphers to be spec‐
144             ified (see tls_config_set_ciphers(3) for further details);
145             protocols, which allows the supported TLS protocols to be speci‐
146             fied (see tls_config_parse_protocols(3) for further details).
147             Specifying TLS options requires -c.
149             For the IPv4 TOS/IPv6 traffic class value, keyword may be one of
150             critical, inetcontrol, lowcost, lowdelay, netcontrol, throughput,
151             reliability, or one of the DiffServ Code Points: ef, af11 ...
152             af43, cs0 ... cs7; or a number in either hex or decimal.
154     -t      Send RFC 854 DON'T and WON'T responses to RFC 854 DO and WILL re‐
155             quests.  This makes it possible to use nc to script telnet ses‐
156             sions.
158     -U      Use UNIX-domain sockets.  Cannot be used together with any of the
159             options -cFx.
161     -u      Use UDP instead of TCP.  Cannot be used together with -c or -x.
162             For UNIX-domain sockets, use a datagram socket instead of a
163             stream socket.  If a UNIX-domain socket is used, a temporary re‐
164             ceiving socket is created in /tmp unless the -s flag is given.
166     -V rtable
167             Set the routing table to be used.
169     -v      Produce more verbose output.
171     -W recvlimit
172             Terminate after receiving recvlimit packets from the network.
174     -w timeout
175             Connections which cannot be established or are idle timeout after
176             timeout seconds.  The -w flag has no effect on the -l option,
177             i.e. nc will listen forever for a connection, with or without the
178             -w flag.  The default is no timeout.
180     -X proxy_protocol
181             Use proxy_protocol when talking to the proxy server.  Supported
182             protocols are 4 (SOCKS v.4), 5 (SOCKS v.5) and connect (HTTPS
183             proxy).  If the protocol is not specified, SOCKS version 5 is
184             used.
186     -x proxy_address[:port]
187             Connect to destination using a proxy at proxy_address and port.
188             If port is not specified, the well-known port for the proxy pro‐
189             tocol is used (1080 for SOCKS, 3128 for HTTPS).  An IPv6 address
190             can be specified unambiguously by enclosing proxy_address in
191             square brackets.  A proxy cannot be used with any of the options
192             -lsuU.
194     -Z peercertfile
195             Save the peer certificates to peercertfile, in PEM format.  Re‐
196             quires -c.
198     -z      Only scan for listening daemons, without sending any data to
199             them.  Cannot be used together with -l.
201     destination can be a numerical IP address or a symbolic hostname (unless
202     the -n option is given).  In general, a destination must be specified,
203     unless the -l option is given (in which case the local host is used).
204     For UNIX-domain sockets, a destination is required and is the socket path
205     to connect to (or listen on if the -l option is given).
207     port can be specified as a numeric port number or as a service name.
208     Port ranges may be specified as numeric port numbers of the form nn-mm.
209     In general, a destination port must be specified, unless the -U option is
210     given.


213     It is quite simple to build a very basic client/server model using nc.
214     On one console, start nc listening on a specific port for a connection.
215     For example:
217           $ nc -l 1234
219     nc is now listening on port 1234 for a connection.  On a second console
220     (or a second machine), connect to the machine and port being listened on:
222           $ nc -N 1234
224     There should now be a connection between the ports.  Anything typed at
225     the second console will be concatenated to the first, and vice-versa.
226     After the connection has been set up, nc does not really care which side
227     is being used as a ‘server’ and which side is being used as a ‘client’.
228     The connection may be terminated using an EOF (‘^D’), as the -N flag was
229     given.


232     The example in the previous section can be expanded to build a basic data
233     transfer model.  Any information input into one end of the connection
234     will be output to the other end, and input and output can be easily cap‐
235     tured in order to emulate file transfer.
237     Start by using nc to listen on a specific port, with output captured into
238     a file:
240           $ nc -l 1234 > filename.out
242     Using a second machine, connect to the listening nc process, feeding it
243     the file which is to be transferred:
245           $ nc -N host.example.com 1234 < filename.in
247     After the file has been transferred, the connection will close automati‐
248     cally.


251     It is sometimes useful to talk to servers “by hand” rather than through a
252     user interface.  It can aid in troubleshooting, when it might be neces‐
253     sary to verify what data a server is sending in response to commands is‐
254     sued by the client.  For example, to retrieve the home page of a web
255     site:
257           $ printf "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" | nc host.example.com 80
259     Note that this also displays the headers sent by the web server.  They
260     can be filtered, using a tool such as sed(1), if necessary.
262     More complicated examples can be built up when the user knows the format
263     of requests required by the server.  As another example, an email may be
264     submitted to an SMTP server using:
266           $ nc localhost 25 << EOF
267           HELO host.example.com
268           MAIL FROM:<user@host.example.com>
269           RCPT TO:<user2@host.example.com>
270           DATA
271           Body of email.
272           .
273           QUIT
274           EOF


277     It may be useful to know which ports are open and running services on a
278     target machine.  The -z flag can be used to tell nc to report open ports,
279     rather than initiate a connection.  For example:
281           $ nc -z host.example.com 20-30
282           Connection to host.example.com 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!
283           Connection to host.example.com 25 port [tcp/smtp] succeeded!
285     The port range was specified to limit the search to ports 20 - 30.
287     Alternatively, it might be useful to know which server software is run‐
288     ning, and which versions.  This information is often contained within the
289     greeting banners.  In order to retrieve these, it is necessary to first
290     make a connection, and then break the connection when the banner has been
291     retrieved.  This can be accomplished by specifying a small timeout with
292     the -w flag, or perhaps by issuing a "QUIT" command to the server:
294           $ echo "QUIT" | nc host.example.com 20-30
295           SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.6.1p2
296           Protocol mismatch.
297           220 host.example.com IMS SMTP Receiver Version 0.84 Ready


300     Open a TCP connection to port 42 of host.example.com, using port 31337 as
301     the source port, with a timeout of 5 seconds:
303           $ nc -p 31337 -w 5 host.example.com 42
305     Open a TCP connection to port 443 of www.example.com, and negotiate TLS
306     with any supported TLS protocol version and "compat" ciphers:
308           $ nc -cv -T protocols=all -T ciphers=compat www.example.com 443
310     Open a TCP connection to port 443 of www.google.ca, and negotiate TLS.
311     Check for a different name in the certificate for validation:
313           $ nc -cv -e adsf.au.doubleclick.net www.google.ca 443
315     Open a UDP connection to port 53 of host.example.com:
317           $ nc -u host.example.com 53
319     Open a TCP connection to port 42 of host.example.com using as
320     the IP for the local end of the connection:
322           $ nc -s host.example.com 42
324     Create and listen on a UNIX-domain stream socket:
326           $ nc -lU /var/tmp/dsocket
328     Connect to port 42 of host.example.com via an HTTP proxy at,
329     port 8080.  This example could also be used by ssh(1); see the
330     ProxyCommand directive in ssh_config(5) for more information.
332           $ nc -x10.2.3.4:8080 -Xconnect host.example.com 42
334     The same example again, this time enabling proxy authentication with
335     username “ruser” if the proxy requires it:
337           $ nc -x10.2.3.4:8080 -Xconnect -Pruser host.example.com 42


340     cat(1), ssh(1)


343     Original implementation by *Hobbit* <hobbit@avian.org>.
344     Rewritten with IPv6 support by
345     Eric Jackson <ericj@monkey.org>.


348     UDP port scans using the -uz combination of flags will always report suc‐
349     cess irrespective of the target machine's state.  However, in conjunction
350     with a traffic sniffer either on the target machine or an intermediary
351     device, the -uz combination could be useful for communications diagnos‐
352     tics.  Note that the amount of UDP traffic generated may be limited ei‐
353     ther due to hardware resources and/or configuration settings.
355BSD                           September 11, 2022                           BSD