1S3FS(1) User Commands S3FS(1)
6 S3FS - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
9 mounting
10 s3fs bucket[:/path] mountpoint [options]
12 s3fs mountpoint [options (must specify bucket= option)]
14 unmounting
15 umount mountpoint
16 For root.
18 fusermount -u mountpoint
19 For unprivileged user.
21 utility mode (remove interrupted multipart uploading objects)
22 s3fs --incomplete-mpu-list (-u) bucket
24 s3fs --incomplete-mpu-abort[=all | =<expire date format>] bucket
27 s3fs is a FUSE filesystem that allows you to mount an Amazon S3 bucket
28 as a local filesystem. It stores files natively and transparently in S3
29 (i.e., you can use other programs to access the same files).
32 s3fs supports the standard AWS credentials file (https://docs.aws.ama‐
33 zon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-config-files.html) stored in
34 `${HOME}/.aws/credentials`. Alternatively, s3fs supports a custom
35 passwd file. Only AWS credentials file format can be used when AWS ses‐
36 sion token is required. The s3fs password file has this format (use
37 this format if you have only one set of credentials):
38 accessKeyId:secretAccessKey
40 If you have more than one set of credentials, this syntax is also rec‐
41 ognized:
42 bucketName:accessKeyId:secretAccessKey
44 Password files can be stored in two locations:
45 /etc/passwd-s3fs [0640]
46 $HOME/.passwd-s3fs [0600]
48 s3fs also recognizes the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
49 environment variables.
52 general options
53 -h --help
54 print help
56 --version
57 print version
59 -f FUSE foreground option - do not run as daemon.
61 -s FUSE single-threaded option (disables multi-threaded operation)
63 mount options
64 All s3fs options must given in the form where "opt" is:
65 <option_name>=<option_value>
67 -o bucket
68 if it is not specified bucket name (and path) in command line,
69 must specify this option after -o option for bucket name.
71 -o default_acl (default="private")
72 the default canned acl to apply to all written s3 objects, e.g.,
73 "private", "public-read". see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Ama‐
74 zonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl for the full list
75 of canned ACLs.
77 -o retries (default="5")
78 number of times to retry a failed S3 transaction.
80 -o tmpdir (default="/tmp")
81 local folder for temporary files.
83 -o use_cache (default="" which means disabled)
84 local folder to use for local file cache.
86 -o check_cache_dir_exist (default is disable)
87 If use_cache is set, check if the cache directory exists. If
88 this option is not specified, it will be created at runtime when
89 the cache directory does not exist.
91 -o del_cache - delete local file cache
92 delete local file cache when s3fs starts and exits.
94 -o storage_class (default="standard")
95 store object with specified storage class. Possible values:
96 standard, standard_ia, onezone_ia, reduced_redundancy, intelli‐
97 gent_tiering, glacier, and deep_archive.
99 -o use_rrs (default is disable)
100 use Amazon's Reduced Redundancy Storage. this option can not be
101 specified with use_sse. (can specify use_rrs=1 for old version)
102 this option has been replaced by new storage_class option.
104 -o use_sse (default is disable)
105 Specify three type Amazon's Server-Site Encryption: SSE-S3, SSE-
106 C or SSE-KMS. SSE-S3 uses Amazon S3-managed encryption keys,
107 SSE-C uses customer-provided encryption keys, and SSE-KMS uses
108 the master key which you manage in AWS KMS. You can specify
109 "use_sse" or "use_sse=1" enables SSE-S3 type (use_sse=1 is old
110 type parameter). Case of setting SSE-C, you can specify
111 "use_sse=custom", "use_sse=custom:<custom key file path>" or
112 "use_sse=<custom key file path>" (only <custom key file path>
113 specified is old type parameter). You can use "c" for short
114 "custom". The custom key file must be 600 permission. The file
115 can have some lines, each line is one SSE-C key. The first line
116 in file is used as Customer-Provided Encryption Keys for upload‐
117 ing and changing headers etc. If there are some keys after
118 first line, those are used downloading object which are en‐
119 crypted by not first key. So that, you can keep all SSE-C keys
120 in file, that is SSE-C key history. If you specify "custom"
121 ("c") without file path, you need to set custom key by
122 load_sse_c option or AWSSSECKEYS environment. (AWSSSECKEYS envi‐
123 ronment has some SSE-C keys with ":" separator.) This option is
124 used to decide the SSE type. So that if you do not want to en‐
125 crypt a object at uploading, but you need to decrypt encrypted
126 object at downloading, you can use load_sse_c option instead of
127 this option. For setting SSE-KMS, specify "use_sse=kmsid" or
128 "use_sse=kmsid:<kms id>". You can use "k" for short "kmsid".
129 If you san specify SSE-KMS type with your <kms id> in AWS KMS,
130 you can set it after "kmsid:" (or "k:"). If you specify only
131 "kmsid" ("k"), you need to set AWSSSEKMSID environment which
132 value is <kms id>. You must be careful about that you can not
133 use the KMS id which is not same EC2 region.
135 -o load_sse_c - specify SSE-C keys
136 Specify the custom-provided encryption keys file path for de‐
137 crypting at downloading. If you use the custom-provided encryp‐
138 tion key at uploading, you specify with "use_sse=custom". The
139 file has many lines, one line means one custom key. So that you
140 can keep all SSE-C keys in file, that is SSE-C key history.
141 AWSSSECKEYS environment is as same as this file contents.
143 -o passwd_file (default="")
144 specify the path to the password file, which which takes prece‐
145 dence over the password in $HOME/.passwd-s3fs and /etc/passwd-
146 s3fs
148 -o ahbe_conf (default="" which means disabled)
149 This option specifies the configuration file path which file is
150 the additional HTTP header by file (object) extension.
151 The configuration file format is below:
152 -----------
153 line = [file suffix or regex] HTTP-header [HTTP-values]
154 file suffix = file (object) suffix, if this field is empty, it
155 means "reg:(.*)".(=all object).
156 regex = regular expression to match the file (object)
157 path. this type starts with "reg:" prefix.
158 HTTP-header = additional HTTP header name
159 HTTP-values = additional HTTP header value
160 -----------
161 Sample:
162 -----------
163 .gz Content-Encoding gzip
164 .Z Content-Encoding compress
165 reg:^/MYDIR/(.*)[.]t2$ Content-Encoding text2
166 -----------
167 A sample configuration file is uploaded in "test" directory.
168 If you specify this option for set "Content-Encoding" HTTP
169 header, please take care for RFC 2616.
171 -o profile (default="default")
172 Choose a profile from ${HOME}/.aws/credentials to authenticate
173 against S3. Note that this format matches the AWS CLI format
174 and differs from the s3fs passwd format.
176 -o public_bucket (default="" which means disabled)
177 anonymously mount a public bucket when set to 1, ignores the
178 $HOME/.passwd-s3fs and /etc/passwd-s3fs files. S3 does not al‐
179 low copy object api for anonymous users, then s3fs sets nocopy‐
180 api option automatically when public_bucket=1 option is speci‐
181 fied.
183 -o connect_timeout (default="300" seconds)
184 time to wait for connection before giving up.
186 -o readwrite_timeout (default="120" seconds)
187 time to wait between read/write activity before giving up.
189 -o list_object_max_keys (default="1000")
190 specify the maximum number of keys returned by S3 list object
191 API. The default is 1000. you can set this value to 1000 or
192 more.
194 -o max_stat_cache_size (default="100,000" entries (about 40MB))
195 maximum number of entries in the stat cache and symbolic link
196 cache.
198 -o stat_cache_expire (default is 900)
199 specify expire time (seconds) for entries in the stat cache and
200 symbolic link cache. This expire time indicates the time since
201 cached.
203 -o stat_cache_interval_expire (default is 900)
204 specify expire time (seconds) for entries in the stat cache and
205 symbolic link cache. This expire time is based on the time from
206 the last access time of those cache. This option is exclusive
207 with stat_cache_expire, and is left for compatibility with older
208 versions.
210 -o enable_noobj_cache (default is disable)
211 enable cache entries for the object which does not exist. s3fs
212 always has to check whether file (or sub directory) exists under
213 object (path) when s3fs does some command, since s3fs has recog‐
214 nized a directory which does not exist and has files or sub di‐
215 rectories under itself. It increases ListBucket request and
216 makes performance bad. You can specify this option for perfor‐
217 mance, s3fs memorizes in stat cache that the object (file or di‐
218 rectory) does not exist.
220 -o no_check_certificate (by default this option is disabled)
221 server certificate won't be checked against the available cer‐
222 tificate authorities.
224 -o ssl_verify_hostname (default="2")
225 When 0, do not verify the SSL certificate against the hostname.
227 -o nodnscache - disable DNS cache.
228 s3fs is always using DNS cache, this option make DNS cache dis‐
229 able.
231 -o nosscache - disable SSL session cache.
232 s3fs is always using SSL session cache, this option make SSL
233 session cache disable.
235 -o multireq_max (default="20")
236 maximum number of parallel request for listing objects.
238 -o parallel_count (default="5")
239 number of parallel request for uploading big objects. s3fs up‐
240 loads large object (over 20MB) by multipart post request, and
241 sends parallel requests. This option limits parallel request
242 count which s3fs requests at once. It is necessary to set this
243 value depending on a CPU and a network band.
245 -o multipart_size (default="10")
246 part size, in MB, for each multipart request. The minimum value
247 is 5 MB and the maximum value is 5 GB.
249 -o multipart_copy_size (default="512")
250 part size, in MB, for each multipart copy request, used for re‐
251 names and mixupload. The minimum value is 5 MB and the maximum
252 value is 5 GB. Must be at least 512 MB to copy the maximum 5 TB
253 object size but lower values may improve performance.
255 -o max_dirty_data (default="5120")
256 Flush dirty data to S3 after a certain number of MB written.
257 The minimum value is 50 MB. -1 value means disable. Cannot be
258 used with nomixupload.
260 -o ensure_diskfree (default 0)
261 sets MB to ensure disk free space. This option means the thresh‐
262 old of free space size on disk which is used for the cache file
263 by s3fs. s3fs makes file for downloading, uploading and caching
264 files. If the disk free space is smaller than this value, s3fs
265 do not use disk space as possible in exchange for the perfor‐
266 mance.
268 -o multipart_threshold (default="25")
269 threshold, in MB, to use multipart upload instead of single-
270 part. Must be at least 5 MB.
272 -o singlepart_copy_limit (default="512")
273 maximum size, in MB, of a single-part copy before trying multi‐
274 part copy.
276 -o host (default="https://s3.amazonaws.com")
277 Set a non-Amazon host, e.g., https://example.com.
279 -o servicepath (default="/")
280 Set a service path when the non-Amazon host requires a prefix.
282 -o url (default="https://s3.amazonaws.com")
283 sets the url to use to access Amazon S3. If you want to use
284 HTTP, then you can set "url=http://s3.amazonaws.com". If you do
285 not use https, please specify the URL with the url option.
287 -o endpoint (default="us-east-1")
288 sets the endpoint to use on signature version 4. If this option
289 is not specified, s3fs uses "us-east-1" region as the default.
290 If the s3fs could not connect to the region specified by this
291 option, s3fs could not run. But if you do not specify this op‐
292 tion, and if you can not connect with the default region, s3fs
293 will retry to automatically connect to the other region. So
294 s3fs can know the correct region name, because s3fs can find it
295 in an error from the S3 server.
297 -o sigv2 (default is signature version 4 falling back to version 2)
298 sets signing AWS requests by using only signature version 2.
300 -o sigv4 (default is signature version 4 falling back to version 2)
301 sets signing AWS requests by using only signature version 4.
303 -o mp_umask (default is "0000")
304 sets umask for the mount point directory. If allow_other option
305 is not set, s3fs allows access to the mount point only to the
306 owner. In the opposite case s3fs allows access to all users as
307 the default. But if you set the allow_other with this option,
308 you can control the permissions of the mount point by this op‐
309 tion like umask.
311 -o umask (default is "0000")
312 sets umask for files under the mountpoint. This can allow users
313 other than the mounting user to read and write to files that
314 they did not create.
316 -o nomultipart - disable multipart uploads
318 -o enable_content_md5 (default is disable)
319 Allow S3 server to check data integrity of uploads via the Con‐
320 tent-MD5 header. This can add CPU overhead to transfers. -o
321 enable_unsigned_payload (default is disable) Do not calculate
322 Content-SHA256 for PutObject and UploadPart payloads. This can
323 reduce CPU overhead to transfers.
325 -o ecs (default is disable)
326 This option instructs s3fs to query the ECS container credential
327 metadata address instead of the instance metadata address.
329 -o iam_role (default is no IAM role)
330 This option requires the IAM role name or "auto". If you specify
331 "auto", s3fs will automatically use the IAM role names that are
332 set to an instance. If you specify this option without any argu‐
333 ment, it is the same as that you have specified the "auto".
335 -o imdsv1only (default is to use IMDSv2 with fallback to v1)
336 AWS instance metadata service, used with IAM role authentica‐
337 tion, supports the use of an API token. If you're using an IAM
338 role in an environment that does not support IMDSv2, setting
339 this flag will skip retrieval and usage of the API token when
340 retrieving IAM credentials.
342 -o ibm_iam_auth (default is not using IBM IAM authentication)
343 This option instructs s3fs to use IBM IAM authentication. In
344 this mode, the AWSAccessKey and AWSSecretKey will be used as
345 IBM's Service-Instance-ID and APIKey, respectively.
347 -o ibm_iam_endpoint (default is https://iam.cloud.ibm.com)
348 Sets the URL to use for IBM IAM authentication.
350 -o use_xattr (default is not handling the extended attribute)
351 Enable to handle the extended attribute (xattrs). If you set
352 this option, you can use the extended attribute. For example,
353 encfs and ecryptfs need to support the extended attribute. No‐
354 tice: if s3fs handles the extended attribute, s3fs can not work
355 to copy command with preserve=mode.
357 -o noxmlns - disable registering xml name space.
358 disable registering xml name space for response of ListBucketRe‐
359 sult and ListVersionsResult etc. Default name space is looked up
360 from "http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01". This option
361 should not be specified now, because s3fs looks up xmlns auto‐
362 matically after v1.66.
364 -o nomixupload - disable copy in multipart uploads.
365 Disable to use PUT (copy api) when multipart uploading large
366 size objects. By default, when doing multipart upload, the
367 range of unchanged data will use PUT (copy api) whenever possi‐
368 ble. When nocopyapi or norenameapi is specified, use of PUT
369 (copy api) is invalidated even if this option is not specified.
371 -o nocopyapi - for other incomplete compatibility object storage.
372 For a distributed object storage which is compatibility S3 API
373 without PUT (copy api). If you set this option, s3fs do not use
374 PUT with "x-amz-copy-source" (copy api). Because traffic is in‐
375 creased 2-3 times by this option, we do not recommend this.
377 -o norenameapi - for other incomplete compatibility object storage.
378 For a distributed object storage which is compatibility S3 API
379 without PUT (copy api). This option is a subset of nocopyapi
380 option. The nocopyapi option does not use copy-api for all com‐
381 mand (ex. chmod, chown, touch, mv, etc), but this option does
382 not use copy-api for only rename command (ex. mv). If this op‐
383 tion is specified with nocopyapi, then s3fs ignores it.
385 -o use_path_request_style (use legacy API calling style)
386 Enable compatibility with S3-like APIs which do not support the
387 virtual-host request style, by using the older path request
388 style.
390 -o listobjectsv2 (use ListObjectsV2)
391 Issue ListObjectsV2 instead of ListObjects, useful on object
392 stores without ListObjects support.
394 -o noua (suppress User-Agent header)
395 Usually s3fs outputs of the User-Agent in "s3fs/<version> (com‐
396 mit hash <hash>; <using ssl library name>)" format. If this op‐
397 tion is specified, s3fs suppresses the output of the User-Agent.
399 -o cipher_suites
400 Customize the list of TLS cipher suites. Expects a colon sepa‐
401 rated list of cipher suite names. A list of available cipher
402 suites, depending on your TLS engine, can be found on the CURL
403 library documentation: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/ssl-ci‐
404 phers.html
406 -o instance_name
407 The instance name of the current s3fs mountpoint. This name
408 will be added to logging messages and user agent headers sent by
409 s3fs.
411 -o complement_stat (complement lack of file/directory mode)
412 s3fs complements lack of information about file/directory mode
413 if a file or a directory object does not have x-amz-meta-mode
414 header. As default, s3fs does not complements stat information
415 for a object, then the object will not be able to be allowed to
416 list/modify.
418 -o notsup_compat_dir (disable support of alternative directory names)
419 s3fs supports the three different naming schemas "dir/", "dir"
420 and "dir_$folder$" to map directory names to S3 objects and vice
421 versa. As a fourth variant, directories can be determined indi‐
422 rectly if there is a file object with a path (e.g. "/dir/file")
423 but without the parent directory.
425 S3fs uses only the first schema "dir/" to create S3 objects for
426 directories.
428 The support for these different naming schemas causes an in‐
429 creased communication effort.
431 If all applications exclusively use the "dir/" naming scheme and
432 the bucket does not contain any objects with a different naming
433 scheme, this option can be used to disable support for alterna‐
434 tive naming schemes. This reduces access time and can save
435 costs.
437 -o use_wtf8 - support arbitrary file system encoding.
438 S3 requires all object names to be valid UTF-8. But some
439 clients, notably Windows NFS clients, use their own encoding.
440 This option re-encodes invalid UTF-8 object names into valid
441 UTF-8 by mapping offending codes into a 'private' codepage of
442 the Unicode set. Useful on clients not using UTF-8 as their
443 file system encoding.
445 -o use_session_token - indicate that session token should be provided.
446 If credentials are provided by environment variables this switch
447 forces presence check of AWS_SESSION_TOKEN variable. Otherwise
448 an error is returned.
450 -o requester_pays (default is disable)
451 This option instructs s3fs to enable requests involving Re‐
452 quester Pays buckets (It includes the 'x-amz-request-payer=re‐
453 quester' entry in the request header).
455 -o mime (default is "/etc/mime.types")
456 Specify the path of the mime.types file. If this option is not
457 specified, the existence of "/etc/mime.types" is checked, and
458 that file is loaded as mime information. If this file does not
459 exist on macOS, then "/etc/apache2/mime.types" is checked as
460 well.
462 -o logfile - specify the log output file.
463 s3fs outputs the log file to syslog. Alternatively, if s3fs is
464 started with the "-f" option specified, the log will be output
465 to the stdout/stderr. You can use this option to specify the
466 log file that s3fs outputs. If you specify a log file with this
467 option, it will reopen the log file when s3fs receives a SIGHUP
468 signal. You can use the SIGHUP signal for log rotation.
470 -o dbglevel (default="crit")
471 Set the debug message level. set value as crit (critical), err
472 (error), warn (warning), info (information) to debug level. de‐
473 fault debug level is critical. If s3fs run with "-d" option,
474 the debug level is set information. When s3fs catch the signal
475 SIGUSR2, the debug level is bump up.
477 -o curldbg - put curl debug message
478 Put the debug message from libcurl when this option is speci‐
479 fied. Specify "normal" or "body" for the parameter. If the pa‐
480 rameter is omitted, it is the same as "normal". If "body" is
481 specified, some API communication body data will be output in
482 addition to the debug message output as "normal".
484 -o no_time_stamp_msg - no time stamp in debug message
485 The time stamp is output to the debug message by default. If
486 this option is specified, the time stamp will not be output in
487 the debug message. It is the same even if the environment vari‐
488 able "S3FS_MSGTIMESTAMP" is set to "no".
490 -o set_check_cache_sigusr1 (default is stdout)
491 If the cache is enabled, you can check the integrity of the
492 cache file and the cache file's stats info file. This option is
493 specified and when sending the SIGUSR1 signal to the s3fs
494 process checks the cache status at that time. This option can
495 take a file path as parameter to output the check result to that
496 file. The file path parameter can be omitted. If omitted, the
497 result will be output to stdout or syslog.
499 utility mode options
500 -u or --incomplete-mpu-list
501 Lists multipart incomplete objects uploaded to the specified
502 bucket.
504 --incomplete-mpu-abort all or date format (default="24H")
505 Delete the multipart incomplete object uploaded to the specified
506 bucket. If "all" is specified for this option, all multipart
507 incomplete objects will be deleted. If you specify no argument
508 as an option, objects older than 24 hours (24H) will be deleted
509 (This is the default value). You can specify an optional date
510 format. It can be specified as year, month, day, hour, minute,
511 second, and it is expressed as "Y", "M", "D", "h", "m", "s" re‐
512 spectively. For example, "1Y6M10D12h30m30s".
515 Most of the generic mount options described in 'man mount' are sup‐
516 ported (ro, rw, suid, nosuid, dev, nodev, exec, noexec, atime, noatime,
517 sync async, dirsync). Filesystems are mounted with '-onodev,nosuid' by
518 default, which can only be overridden by a privileged user.
520 There are many FUSE specific mount options that can be specified. e.g.
521 allow_other. See the FUSE README for the full set.
524 s3fs requires local caching for operation. You can enable a local cache
525 with "-o use_cache" or s3fs uses temporary files to cache pending re‐
526 quests to s3.
528 Apart from the requirements discussed below, it is recommended to keep
529 enough cache resp. temporary storage to allow one copy each of all
530 files open for reading and writing at any one time.
533 Local cache with "-o use_cache"
535 s3fs automatically maintains a local cache of files. The cache folder
536 is specified by the parameter of "-o use_cache". It is only a local
537 cache that can be deleted at any time. s3fs rebuilds it if necessary.
539 Whenever s3fs needs to read or write a file on S3, it first creates the
540 file in the cache directory and operates on it.
542 The amount of local cache storage used can be indirectly controlled
543 with "-o ensure_diskfree".
546 Without local cache
548 Since s3fs always requires some storage space for operation, it creates
549 temporary files to store incoming write requests until the required s3
550 request size is reached and the segment has been uploaded. After that,
551 this data is truncated in the temporary file to free up storage space.
553 Per file you need at least twice the part size (default 5MB or "-o mul‐
554 tipart_size") for writing multipart requests or space for the whole
555 file if single requests are enabled ("-o nomultipart").
558 This section discusses settings to improve s3fs performance.
560 In most cases, backend performance cannot be controlled and is there‐
561 fore not part of this discussion.
563 Details of the local storage usage is discussed in "LOCAL STORAGE CON‐
567 CPU and Memory Consumption
569 s3fs is a multi-threaded application. Depending on the workload it may
570 use multiple CPUs and a certain amount of memory. You can monitor the
571 CPU and memory consumption with the "top" utility.
574 Performance of S3 requests
576 s3fs provides several options (e.g. "-o multipart_size", "-o paral‐
577 lel_count") to control behaviour and thus indirectly the performance.
578 The possible combinations of these options in conjunction with the var‐
579 ious S3 backends are so varied that there is no individual recommenda‐
580 tion other than the default values. Improved individual settings can be
581 found by testing and measuring.
583 The two options "Enable no object cache" ("-o enable_noobj_cache") and
584 "Disable support of alternative directory names" ("-o notsup_com‐
585 pat_dir") can be used to control shared access to the same bucket by
586 different applications:
589 • Enable no object cache ("-o enable_noobj_cache")
591 If a bucket is used exclusively by an s3fs instance, you can en‐
592 able the cache for non-existent files and directories with "-o
593 enable_noobj_cache". This eliminates repeated requests to check
594 the existence of an object, saving time and possibly money.
596 • Disable support of alternative directory names ("-o notsup_com‐
597 pat_dir")
599 s3fs supports "dir/", "dir" and "dir_$folder$" to map directory
600 names to S3 objects and vice versa.
602 Some applications use a different naming schema for associating
603 directory names to S3 objects. For example, Apache Hadoop uses
604 the "dir_$folder$" schema to create S3 objects for directories.
606 The option "-o notsup_compat_dir" can be set if all accessing
607 tools use the "dir/" naming schema for directory objects and the
608 bucket does not contain any objects with a different naming
609 scheme. In this case, accessing directory objects saves time and
610 possibly money because alternative schemas are not checked.
613 The maximum size of objects that s3fs can handle depends on Amazon S3.
614 For example, up to 5 GB when using single PUT API. And up to 5 TB is
615 supported when Multipart Upload API is used.
617 s3fs leverages /etc/mime.types to "guess" the "correct" content-type
618 based on file name extension. This means that you can copy a website to
619 S3 and serve it up directly from S3 with correct content-types!
622 fuse(8), mount(8), fusermount(1), fstab(5)
625 Due to S3's "eventual consistency" limitations, file creation can and
626 will occasionally fail. Even after a successful create, subsequent
627 reads can fail for an indeterminate time, even after one or more suc‐
628 cessful reads. Create and read enough files and you will eventually en‐
629 counter this failure. This is not a flaw in s3fs and it is not some‐
630 thing a FUSE wrapper like s3fs can work around. The retries option does
631 not address this issue. Your application must either tolerate or com‐
632 pensate for these failures, for example by retrying creates or reads.
635 s3fs has been written by Randy Rizun <rrizun@gmail.com>.
639S3FS July 2022 S3FS(1)