1gen_event(3)               Erlang Module Definition               gen_event(3)


6       gen_event - Generic event handling behavior.


9       This behavior module provides event handling functionality. It consists
10       of a generic event manager process with any number  of  event  handlers
11       that are added and deleted dynamically.
13       An  event  manager  implemented using this module has a standard set of
14       interface functions and includes functionality for  tracing  and  error
15       reporting. It also fits into an OTP supervision tree. For more informa‐
16       tion, see OTP Design Principles.
18       Each event handler is implemented as a callback module exporting a pre‐
19       defined  set  of functions. The relationship between the behavior func‐
20       tions and the callback functions is as follows:
22       gen_event module                   Callback module
23       ----------------                   ---------------
24       gen_event:start
25       gen_event:start_monitor
26       gen_event:start_link       ----->  -
28       gen_event:add_handler
29       gen_event:add_sup_handler  ----->  Module:init/1
31       gen_event:notify
32       gen_event:sync_notify      ----->  Module:handle_event/2
34       gen_event:send_request
35       gen_event:call             ----->  Module:handle_call/2
37       -                          ----->  Module:handle_info/2
39       gen_event:delete_handler   ----->  Module:terminate/2
41       gen_event:swap_handler
42       gen_event:swap_sup_handler ----->  Module1:terminate/2
43                                          Module2:init/1
45       gen_event:which_handlers   ----->  -
47       gen_event:stop             ----->  Module:terminate/2
49       -                          ----->  Module:code_change/3
51       As each event handler is one callback module, an event manager has many
52       callback  modules  that are added and deleted dynamically. gen_event is
53       therefore more tolerant of callback module errors than the other behav‐
54       iors.  If a callback function for an installed event handler fails with
55       Reason, or returns a bad value Term, the event manager does  not  fail.
56       It deletes the event handler by calling callback function Module:termi‐
57       nate/2, giving as argument {error,{'EXIT',Reason}} or {error,Term}, re‐
58       spectively. No other event handler is affected.
60       A gen_event process handles system messages as described in sys(3). The
61       sys module can be used for debugging an event manager.
63       Notice that an event manager does trap exit signals automatically.
65       The gen_event process can go into hibernation (see  erlang:hibernate/3)
66       if  a  callback function in a handler module specifies hibernate in its
67       return value. This can be useful if the server is expected to  be  idle
68       for  a  long  time. However, use this feature with care, as hibernation
69       implies at least two garbage collections (when hibernating and  shortly
70       after waking up) and is not something you want to do between each event
71       handled by a busy event manager.
73       Notice that when multiple event handlers are invoked, it is  sufficient
74       that one single event handler returns a hibernate request for the whole
75       event manager to go into hibernation.
77       Unless otherwise stated, all functions in this module fail if the spec‐
78       ified event manager does not exist or if bad arguments are specified.


81       handler() = atom() | {atom(), term()}
83       handler_args() = term()
85       add_handler_ret() = ok | term() | {'EXIT', term()}
87       del_handler_ret() = ok | term() | {'EXIT', term()}
89       emgr_ref() =
90           atom() |
91           {atom(), atom()} |
92           {global, term()} |
93           {via, atom(), term()} |
94           pid()
96       request_id()
98              An opaque request identifier. See send_request/3 for details.
100       request_id_collection()
102              An opaque collection of request identifiers (request_id()) where
103              each request identifier can be associated with a label chosen by
104              the user. For more information see reqids_new/0.
106       response_timeout() = timeout() | {abs, integer()}
108              Used  to set a time limit on how long to wait for a response us‐
109              ing  either  receive_response/2,  receive_response/3,   wait_re‐
110              sponse/2, or wait_response/3. The time unit used is millisecond.
111              Currently valid values:
113                0..4294967295:
114                  Timeout relative to current time in milliseconds.
116                infinity:
117                  Infinite timeout. That is, the  operation  will  never  time
118                  out.
120                {abs, Timeout}:
121                  An  absolute  Erlang monotonic time timeout in milliseconds.
122                  That is, the  operation  will  time  out  when  erlang:mono‐
123                  tonic_time(millisecond) returns a value larger than or equal
124                  to Timeout. Timeout is not allowed to identify a  time  fur‐
125                  ther into the future than 4294967295 milliseconds. Identify‐
126                  ing the timeout using an absolute  timeout  value  is  espe‐
127                  cially  handy  when you have a deadline for responses corre‐
128                  sponding  to  a  complete  collection   of   requests   (re‐
129                  quest_id_collection())  ,  since you do not have to recalcu‐
130                  late the relative time until  the  deadline  over  and  over
131                  again.
133       format_status() =
134           #{state => term(),
135             message => term(),
136             reason => term(),
137             log => [sys:system_event()]}
139              A map that describes the gen_event process status. The keys are:
141                state:
142                  The internal state of the event handler.
144                message:
145                  The message that caused the event handler to terminate.
147                reason:
148                  The reason that caused the event handler to terminate.
150                log:
151                   The sys log of the server.
153              New  associations may be added into the status map without prior
154              notice.


157       add_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
159              Types:
161                 EventMgrRef = Name  |  {Name,Node}  |  {global,GlobalName}  |
162                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
163                  Name = Node = atom()
164                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
165                 Handler = Module | {Module,Id}
166                  Module = atom()
167                  Id = term()
168                 Args = term()
169                 Result = ok | {'EXIT',Reason} | term()
170                  Reason = term()
172              Adds a new event handler to event manager EventMgrRef. The event
173              manager calls Module:init/1 to initiate the  event  handler  and
174              its internal state.
176              EventMgrRef can be any of the following:
178                * The pid
180                * Name, if the event manager is locally registered
182                * {Name,Node},  if  the event manager is locally registered at
183                  another node
185                * {global,GlobalName}, if the event manager is globally regis‐
186                  tered
188                * {via,Module,ViaName},  if  the  event  manager is registered
189                  through an alternative process registry
191              Handler is the name of the callback module  Module  or  a  tuple
192              {Module,Id},  where  Id is any term. The {Module,Id} representa‐
193              tion makes it possible to identify a specific event handler when
194              many event handlers use the same callback module.
196              Args  is  any  term  that  is  passed  as  the  argument to Mod‐
197              ule:init/1.
199              If Module:init/1 returns a correct value  indicating  successful
200              completion,  the  event  manager adds the event handler and this
201              function returns ok. If Module:init/1 fails with Reason  or  re‐
202              turns  {error,Reason},  the  event  handler  is ignored and this
203              function  returns  {'EXIT',Reason}  or  {error,Reason},  respec‐
204              tively.
206       add_sup_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
208              Types:
210                 EventMgrRef  =  Name  |  {Name,Node}  | {global,GlobalName} |
211                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
212                  Name = Node = atom()
213                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
214                 Handler = Module | {Module,Id}
215                  Module = atom()
216                  Id = term()
217                 Args = term()
218                 Result = ok | {'EXIT',Reason} | term()
219                  Reason = term()
221              Adds a new event handler in the same way as  add_handler/3,  but
222              also  supervises the connection by linking the event handler and
223              the calling process.
225                * If the calling process later  terminates  with  Reason,  the
226                  event manager deletes any supervised event handlers by call‐
227                  ing Module:terminate/2, then calls Module:handle_info/2  for
228                  each remaining handler.
230                * If  the  event  handler  is deleted later, the event manager
231                  sends a message {gen_event_EXIT,Handler,Reason} to the call‐
232                  ing process. Reason is one of the following:
234                  * normal, if the event handler has been removed because of a
235                    call to delete_handler/3, or remove_handler has  been  re‐
236                    turned by a callback function (see below).
238                  * shutdown,  if  the  event handler has been removed because
239                    the event manager is terminating.
241                  * {swapped,NewHandler,Pid}, if the process Pid has  replaced
242                    the  event  handler  with another event handler NewHandler
243                    using a call to swap_handler/3 or swap_sup_handler/3.
245                  * A term, if the event handler is removed because of an  er‐
246                    ror. Which term depends on the error.
248              For  a  description  of  the  arguments  and  return values, see
249              add_handler/3.
251       call(EventMgrRef, Handler, Request) -> Result
252       call(EventMgrRef, Handler, Request, Timeout) -> Result
254              Types:
256                 EventMgrRef = Name  |  {Name,Node}  |  {global,GlobalName}  |
257                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
258                  Name = Node = atom()
259                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
260                 Handler = Module | {Module,Id}
261                  Module = atom()
262                  Id = term()
263                 Request = term()
264                 Timeout = int()>0 | infinity
265                 Result = Reply | {error,Error}
266                  Reply = term()
267                  Error = bad_module | {'EXIT',Reason} | term()
268                  Reason = term()
270              Makes  a  synchronous call to event handler Handler installed in
271              event manager EventMgrRef by sending a request and waiting until
272              a  reply  arrives  or a time-out occurs. The event manager calls
273              Module:handle_call/2 to handle the request.
275              For a description of EventMgrRef and Handler, see add_handler/3.
277              Request is any term that is passed as one of  the  arguments  to
278              Module:handle_call/2.
280              Timeout  is an integer greater than zero that specifies how many
281              milliseconds to wait for a reply, or the atom infinity  to  wait
282              indefinitely.  Defaults  to 5000. If no reply is received within
283              the specified time, the function call fails.
285              The return value Reply is defined in the return  value  of  Mod‐
286              ule:handle_call/2.  If  the  specified  event handler is not in‐
287              stalled, the function returns {error,bad_module}. If  the  call‐
288              back  function  fails with Reason or returns an unexpected value
289              Term, this  function  returns  {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}  or  {er‐
290              ror,Term}, respectively.
292              When this call fails it exits the calling process. The exit term
293              is  on  the   form   {Reason,   Location}   where   Location   =
294              {gen_event,call,ArgList}.  See  gen_server:call/3 that has a de‐
295              scription of relevant values for the Reason in the exit term.
297       check_response(Msg, ReqId) -> Result
299              Types:
301                 Msg = term()
302                 ReqId = request_id()
303                 Response =
304                     {reply, Reply :: term()} |
305                     {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}
306                 Result = Response | no_reply
308              Check if Msg is a response corresponding to the request  identi‐
309              fier ReqId. The request must have been made by send_request/3.
311              If  Msg is a response corresponding to ReqId the response is re‐
312              turned; otherwise, no_reply is returned and no cleanup is  done,
313              and  thus  the  function  must be invoked repeatedly until a re‐
314              sponse is returned.
316              If the specified event handler is not  installed,  the  function
317              returns  {error,bad_module}. If the callback function fails with
318              Reason or returns an unexpected value Term,  this  function  re‐
319              turns  {error,{'EXIT',Reason}} or {error,Term}, respectively. If
320              the event manager dies before or during the request  this  func‐
321              tion returns {error,{Reason, EventMgrRef}}.
323       check_response(Msg, ReqIdCollection, Delete) -> Result
325              Types:
327                 Msg = term()
328                 ReqIdCollection = request_id_collection()
329                 Delete = boolean()
330                 Response =
331                     {reply, Reply :: term()} |
332                     {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}
333                 Result =
334                     {Response,
335                      Label :: term(),
336                      NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()} |
337                     no_request | no_reply
339              Check if Msg is a response corresponding to a request identifier
340              saved in ReqIdCollection. All request identifiers  of  ReqIdCol‐
341              lection  must  correspond  to requests that have been made using
342              send_request/3 or send_request/5, and all request must have been
343              made by the process calling this function.
345              The  Label  in the response equals the Label associated with the
346              request identifier that the response corresponds to.  The  Label
347              of a request identifier is associated when saving the request id
348              in a request identifier collection, or when sending the  request
349              using send_request/5.
351              Compared  to  check_response/2,  the  returned result associated
352              with a specific request identifier or  an  exception  associated
353              with a specific request identifier will be wrapped in a 3-tuple.
354              The first element of this tuple equals the value that would have
355              been produced by check_response/2, the second element equals the
356              Label associated with the specific request identifier,  and  the
357              third  element NewReqIdCollection is a possibly modified request
358              identifier collection.
360              If ReqIdCollection is empty, the atom  no_request  will  be  re‐
361              turned. If Msg does not correspond to any of the request identi‐
362              fiers in ReqIdCollection, the atom no_reply is returned.
364              If Delete equals true, the association with Label will have been
365              deleted  from  ReqIdCollection  in the resulting NewReqIdCollec‐
366              tion. If Delete equals false, NewReqIdCollection will equal  Re‐
367              qIdCollection. Note that deleting an association is not for free
368              and that a collection containing already  handled  requests  can
369              still  be  used  by  subsequent  calls  to check_response/3, re‐
370              ceive_response/3, and wait_response/3. However, without deleting
371              handled associations, the above calls will not be able to detect
372              when there are no more outstanding requests to  handle,  so  you
373              will have to keep track of this some other way than relying on a
374              no_request return. Note that if you pass a collection only  con‐
375              taining associations of already handled or abandoned requests to
376              check_response/3, it will always return no_reply.
378       delete_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
380              Types:
382                 EventMgrRef = Name  |  {Name,Node}  |  {global,GlobalName}  |
383                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
384                  Name = Node = atom()
385                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
386                 Handler = Module | {Module,Id}
387                  Module = atom()
388                  Id = term()
389                 Args = term()
390                 Result = term() | {error,module_not_found} | {'EXIT',Reason}
391                  Reason = term()
393              Deletes  an  event  handler  from event manager EventMgrRef. The
394              event manager calls Module:terminate/2 to  terminate  the  event
395              handler.
397              For a description of EventMgrRef and Handler, see add_handler/3.
399              Args  is any term that is passed as one of the arguments to Mod‐
400              ule:terminate/2.
402              The return value is the return value of  Module:terminate/2.  If
403              the  specified  event handler is not installed, the function re‐
404              turns {error,module_not_found}. If the callback  function  fails
405              with Reason, the function returns {'EXIT',Reason}.
407       notify(EventMgrRef, Event) -> ok
408       sync_notify(EventMgrRef, Event) -> ok
410              Types:
412                 EventMgrRef  =  Name  |  {Name,Node}  | {global,GlobalName} |
413                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
414                  Name = Node = atom()
415                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
416                 Event = term()
418              Sends an event notification to event  manager  EventMgrRef.  The
419              event  manager  calls  Module:handle_event/2  for each installed
420              event handler to handle the event.
422              notify/2 is asynchronous and returns immediately after the event
423              notification  has been sent. sync_notify/2 is synchronous in the
424              sense that it returns ok after the event has been handled by all
425              event handlers.
427              For a description of EventMgrRef, see add_handler/3.
429              Event is any term that is passed as one of the arguments to Mod‐
430              ule:handle_event/2.
432              notify/1 does not fail even if the specified event manager  does
433              not exist, unless it is specified as Name.
435       receive_response(ReqId, Timeout) -> Result
437              Types:
439                 ReqId = request_id()
440                 Timeout = response_timeout()
441                 Response =
442                     {reply, Reply :: term()} |
443                     {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}
444                 Result = Response | timeout
446              Receive  a  response corresponding to the request identifier Re‐
447              qId- The request must have been made by  send_request/3  to  the
448              gen_statem  process.  This function must be called from the same
449              process from which send_request/3 was made.
451              Timeout specifies how long to wait for a  response.  If  no  re‐
452              sponse  is  received within the specified time, the function re‐
453              turns timeout. Assuming that the server executes on a node  sup‐
454              porting  aliases (introduced in OTP 24) the request will also be
455              abandoned. That is, no response will be received after  a  time‐
456              out.  Otherwise,  a  stray response might be received at a later
457              time.
459              The return value Reply is defined in the return  value  of  Mod‐
460              ule:handle_call/3.
462              If  the  specified  event handler is not installed, the function
463              returns {error,bad_module}. If the callback function fails  with
464              Reason  or  returns  an unexpected value Term, this function re‐
465              turns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}} or {error,Term}, respectively.  If
466              the  event  manager dies before or during the request this func‐
467              tion returns {error,{Reason, EventMgrRef}}.
469              The difference between wait_response/2 and receive_response/2 is
470              that  receive_response/2 abandons the request at timeout so that
471              a potential future response is  ignored,  while  wait_response/2
472              does not.
474       receive_response(ReqIdCollection, Timeout, Delete) -> Result
476              Types:
478                 ReqIdCollection = request_id_collection()
479                 Timeout = response_timeout()
480                 Delete = boolean()
481                 Response =
482                     {reply, Reply :: term()} |
483                     {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}
484                 Result =
485                     {Response,
486                      Label :: term(),
487                      NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()} |
488                     no_request | timeout
490              Receive  a  response corresponding to a request identifier saved
491              in ReqIdCollection. All request identifiers  of  ReqIdCollection
492              must  correspond  to requests that have been made using send_re‐
493              quest/3 or send_request/5, and all request must have  been  made
494              by the process calling this function.
496              The  Label  in the response equals the Label associated with the
497              request identifier that the response corresponds to.  The  Label
498              of a request identifier is associated when adding the request id
499              in a request identifier collection, or when sending the  request
500              using send_request/5.
502              Compared  to  receive_response/2, the returned result associated
503              with a specific request identifier will be wrapped in a 3-tuple.
504              The first element of this tuple equals the value that would have
505              been produced by receive_response/2, the second  element  equals
506              the  Label  associated with the specific request identifier, and
507              the third element NewReqIdCollection is a possibly modified  re‐
508              quest identifier collection.
510              If  ReqIdCollection  is  empty,  the atom no_request will be re‐
511              turned.
513              Timeout specifies how long to wait for a  response.  If  no  re‐
514              sponse  is  received within the specified time, the function re‐
515              turns timeout. Assuming that the server executes on a node  sup‐
516              porting  aliases  (introduced in OTP 24) all requests identified
517              by ReqIdCollection will also be abandoned. That is, no responses
518              will  be  received  after  a timeout. Otherwise, stray responses
519              might be received at a later time.
521              The difference between receive_response/3 and wait_response/3 is
522              that receive_response/3 abandons the requests at timeout so that
523              potential future responses are  ignored,  while  wait_response/3
524              does not.
526              If Delete equals true, the association with Label will have been
527              deleted from ReqIdCollection in  the  resulting  NewReqIdCollec‐
528              tion.  If Delete equals false, NewReqIdCollection will equal Re‐
529              qIdCollection. Note that deleting an association is not for free
530              and  that  a  collection containing already handled requests can
531              still  be  used  by  subsequent  calls  to   receive_response/3,
532              check_response/3, and wait_response/3. However, without deleting
533              handled associations, the above calls will not be able to detect
534              when  there  are  no more outstanding requests to handle, so you
535              will have to keep track of this some other way than relying on a
536              no_request  return. Note that if you pass a collection only con‐
537              taining associations of already handled or abandoned requests to
538              receive_response/3,  it will always block until a timeout deter‐
539              mined by Timeout is triggered.
541       reqids_add(ReqId :: request_id(),
542                  Label :: term(),
543                  ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()) ->
544                     NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()
546              Saves ReqId and associates a Label with the  request  identifier
547              by  adding this information to ReqIdCollection and returning the
548              resulting request identifier collection.
550       reqids_new() -> NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()
552              Returns a new empty request  identifier  collection.  A  request
553              identifier collection can be utilized in order the handle multi‐
554              ple outstanding requests.
556              Request identifiers of requests made by  send_request/3  can  be
557              saved  in  a  request  identifier collection using reqids_add/3.
558              Such a collection of request identifiers can later  be  used  in
559              order to get one response corresponding to a request in the col‐
560              lection by passing the collection  as  argument  to  receive_re‐
561              sponse/3, wait_response/3, or, check_response/3.
563              reqids_size/1  can  be  used  to determine the amount of request
564              identifiers in a request identifier collection.
566       reqids_size(ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()) ->
567                      integer() >= 0
569              Returns the amount of request identifiers saved in  ReqIdCollec‐
570              tion.
572       reqids_to_list(ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()) ->
573                         [{ReqId :: request_id(), Label :: term()}]
575              Returns a list of {ReqId, Label} tuples which corresponds to all
576              request identifiers with their associated labels present in  the
577              ReqIdCollection collection.
579       send_request(EventMgrRef :: emgr_ref(),
580                    Handler :: handler(),
581                    Request :: term()) ->
582                       ReqId :: request_id()
584              Sends an asynchronous call request Request to event handler Han‐
585              dler installed in the event manager  identified  by  EventMgrRef
586              and  returns  a request identifier ReqId. The return value ReqId
587              shall later be used with receive_response/2, wait_response/2, or
588              check_response/2  to fetch the actual result of the request. Be‐
589              sides passing the request identifier  directly  to  these  func‐
590              tions,  it  can also be saved in a request identifier collection
591              using reqids_add/3. Such a collection of request identifiers can
592              later  be  used  in order to get one response corresponding to a
593              request in the collection by passing the collection as  argument
594              to  receive_response/3, wait_response/3, or check_response/3. If
595              you are about to save the request identifier in a request  iden‐
596              tifier collection, you may want to consider using send_request/5
597              instead.
599              The      call      gen_event:receive_response(gen_event:send_re‐
600              quest(EventMgrRef,  Handler,  Request),  Timeout) can be seen as
601              equivalent  to  gen_event:call(EventMgrRef,  Handler,   Request,
602              Timeout), ignoring the error handling.
604              The  event  manager calls Module:handle_call/2 to handle the re‐
605              quest.
607              Request is any term that is passed as one of  the  arguments  to
608              Module:handle_call/3.
610       send_request(EventMgrRef :: emgr_ref(),
611                    Handler :: handler(),
612                    Request :: term(),
613                    Label :: term(),
614                    ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()) ->
615                       NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()
617              Sends an asynchronous call request Request to event handler Han‐
618              dler installed in the event manager identified  by  EventMgrRef.
619              The  Label will be associated with the request identifier of the
620              operation and added to the returned request  identifier  collec‐
621              tion NewReqIdCollection. The collection can later be used in or‐
622              der to get one response corresponding to a request in  the  col‐
623              lection  by  passing  the  collection as argument to receive_re‐
624              sponse/3, wait_response/3, or, check_response/3.
626              The  same  as  calling   gen_event:reqids_add(gen_event:send_re‐
627              quest(EventMgrRef,  Handler,  Request), Label, ReqIdCollection),
628              but calling send_request/5 is slightly more efficient.
630       start() -> Result
631       start(EventMgrName | Options) -> Result
632       start(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
634              Types:
636                 EventMgrName = {local,Name} | {global,GlobalName} | {via,Mod‐
637                 ule,ViaName}
638                  Name = atom()
639                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
640                 Options = [Option]
641                  Option  =  {debug,Dbgs}  |  {timeout,Time}  | {hibernate_af‐
642                 ter,HibernateAfterTimeout} | {spawn_opt,SOpts}
643                  Dbgs = [Dbg]
644                  Dbg = trace | log | statistics  |  {log_to_file,FileName}  |
645                 {install,{Func,FuncState}}
646                  SOpts = [term()]
647                 Result = {ok,Pid} | {error,{already_started,Pid}}
648                  Pid = pid()
650              Creates  a  stand-alone event manager process, that is, an event
651              manager that is not part of a supervision tree and thus  has  no
652              supervisor.
654              For  a  description  of  the  arguments  and  return values, see
655              start_link/0,1.
657       start_link() -> Result
658       start_link(EventMgrName | Options) -> Result
659       start_link(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
661              Types:
663                 EventMgrName = {local,Name} | {global,GlobalName} | {via,Mod‐
664                 ule,ViaName}
665                  Name = atom()
666                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
667                 Options = [Option]
668                  Option  =  {debug,Dbgs}  |  {timeout,Time}  | {hibernate_af‐
669                 ter,HibernateAfterTimeout} | {spawn_opt,SOpts}
670                  Dbgs = [Dbg]
671                  Dbg = trace | log | statistics  |  {log_to_file,FileName}  |
672                 {install,{Func,FuncState}}
673                  SOpts = [term()]
674                 Result = {ok,Pid} | {error,{already_started,Pid}}
675                  Pid = pid()
677              Creates  an event manager process as part of a supervision tree.
678              The function is to be called, directly or indirectly, by the su‐
679              pervisor.  For  example,  it  ensures  that the event manager is
680              linked to the supervisor.
682                * If EventMgrName={local,Name}, the event  manager  is  regis‐
683                  tered locally as Name using register/2.
685                * If  EventMgrName={global,GlobalName},  the  event manager is
686                  registered  globally  as  GlobalName   using   global:regis‐
687                  ter_name/2. If no name is provided, the event manager is not
688                  registered.
690                * If EventMgrName={via,Module,ViaName}, the event manager reg‐
691                  isters  with  the registry represented by Module. The Module
692                  callback is to export the functions register_name/2,  unreg‐
693                  ister_name/1,  whereis_name/1,  and send/2, which are to be‐
694                  have  as  the  corresponding  functions  in  global.   Thus,
695                  {via,global,GlobalName} is a valid reference.
697                * If    option    {hibernate_after,HibernateAfterTimeout}   is
698                  present, the gen_event process awaits any message for Hiber‐
699                  nateAfterTimeout milliseconds and if no message is received,
700                  the process goes into hibernation automatically (by  calling
701                  proc_lib:hibernate/3).
703              If  the  event manager is successfully created, the function re‐
704              turns {ok,Pid}, where Pid is the pid of the event manager. If  a
705              process  with  the  specified  EventMgrName  exists already, the
706              function returns {error,{already_started,Pid}}, where Pid is the
707              pid of that process.
709       start_monitor() -> Result
710       start_monitor(EventMgrName | Options) -> Result
711       start_monitor(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
713              Types:
715                 EventMgrName = {local,Name} | {global,GlobalName} | {via,Mod‐
716                 ule,ViaName}
717                  Name = atom()
718                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
719                 Options = [Option]
720                  Option =  {debug,Dbgs}  |  {timeout,Time}  |  {hibernate_af‐
721                 ter,HibernateAfterTimeout} | {spawn_opt,SOpts}
722                  Dbgs = [Dbg]
723                  Dbg  =  trace  | log | statistics | {log_to_file,FileName} |
724                 {install,{Func,FuncState}}
725                  SOpts = [term()]
726                 Result = {ok,{Pid,Mon}} | {error,{already_started,Pid}}
727                  Pid = pid()
729              Creates a stand-alone event manager process, that is,  an  event
730              manager  that is not part of a supervision tree (and thus has no
731              supervisor) and atomically sets up a monitor to the  newly  cre‐
732              ated process.
734              For  a  description  of  the  arguments  and  return values, see
735              start_link/0,1. Note that the return value on  successful  start
736              differs   from  start_link/3,4.  start_monitor/3,4  will  return
737              {ok,{Pid,Mon}} where  Pid  is  the  process  identifier  of  the
738              process, and Mon is a reference to the monitor set up to monitor
739              the process. If the start is not successful, the caller will  be
740              blocked  until  the  DOWN  message has been received and removed
741              from the message queue.
743       stop(EventMgrRef) -> ok
744       stop(EventMgrRef, Reason, Timeout) -> ok
746              Types:
748                 EventMgrRef = Name  |  {Name,Node}  |  {global,GlobalName}  |
749                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
750                 Name = Node = atom()
751                 GlobalName = ViaName = term()
752                 Reason = term()
753                 Timeout = int()>0 | infinity
755              Orders event manager EventMgrRef to exit with the specifies Rea‐
756              son and waits for it to terminate. Before terminating, gen_event
757              calls  Module:terminate(stop,...)  for each installed event han‐
758              dler.
760              The function returns ok if the event manager terminates with the
761              expected  reason.  Any  other  reason  than normal, shutdown, or
762              {shutdown,Term} causes an error report to be issued  using  log‐
763              ger(3). The default Reason is normal.
765              Timeout  is an integer greater than zero that specifies how many
766              milliseconds to wait for the event manager to terminate, or  the
767              atom infinity to wait indefinitely. Defaults to infinity. If the
768              event manager has not terminated within the specified time,  the
769              call exits the calling process with reason timeout.
771              If  the  process  does  not  exist,  the  call exits the calling
772              process with reason noproc, and with reason  {nodedown,Node}  if
773              the connection fails to the remote Node where the server runs.
775              For a description of EventMgrRef, see add_handler/3.
777       swap_handler(EventMgrRef, {Handler1,Args1}, {Handler2,Args2}) -> Result
779              Types:
781                 EventMgrRef  =  Name  |  {Name,Node}  | {global,GlobalName} |
782                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
783                  Name = Node = atom()
784                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
785                 Handler1 = Handler2 = Module | {Module,Id}
786                  Module = atom()
787                  Id = term()
788                 Args1 = Args2 = term()
789                 Result = ok | {error,Error}
790                  Error = {'EXIT',Reason} | term()
791                  Reason = term()
793              Replaces an old event handler with a new event handler in  event
794              manager EventMgrRef.
796              For a description of the arguments, see add_handler/3.
798              First  the old event handler Handler1 is deleted. The event man‐
799              ager calls Module1:terminate(Args1, ...), where Module1  is  the
800              callback module of Handler1, and collects the return value.
802              Then  the  new  event handler Handler2 is added and initiated by
803              calling Module2:init({Args2,Term}), where Module2 is  the  call‐
804              back  module  of  Handler2  and Term is the return value of Mod‐
805              ule1:terminate/2. This makes it possible to transfer information
806              from Handler1 to Handler2.
808              The  new  handler  is  added even if the the specified old event
809              handler is not installed, in which case Term=error, or  if  Mod‐
810              ule1:terminate/2    fails    with    Reason,   in   which   case
811              Term={'EXIT',Reason}. The old handler is deleted  even  if  Mod‐
812              ule2:init/1 fails.
814              If  there  was  a  supervised  connection between Handler1 and a
815              process Pid, there is a supervised connection  between  Handler2
816              and Pid instead.
818              If Module2:init/1 returns a correct value, this function returns
819              ok. If Module2:init/1 fails with Reason or returns an unexpected
820              value  Term,  this  function  returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}} or
821              {error,Term}, respectively.
823       swap_sup_handler(EventMgrRef,  {Handler1,Args1},  {Handler2,Args2})  ->
824       Result
826              Types:
828                 EventMgrRef  =  Name  |  {Name,Node}  | {global,GlobalName} |
829                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
830                  Name = Node = atom()
831                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
832                 Handler1 = Handler 2 = Module | {Module,Id}
833                  Module = atom()
834                  Id = term()
835                 Args1 = Args2 = term()
836                 Result = ok | {error,Error}
837                  Error = {'EXIT',Reason} | term()
838                  Reason = term()
840              Replaces an event handler in event manager  EventMgrRef  in  the
841              same  way  as swap_handler/3, but also supervises the connection
842              between Handler2 and the calling process.
844              For a description  of  the  arguments  and  return  values,  see
845              swap_handler/3.
847       wait_response(ReqId, WaitTime) -> Result
849              Types:
851                 ReqId = request_id()
852                 WaitTime = response_timeout()
853                 Response =
854                     {reply, Reply :: term()} |
855                     {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}
856                 Result = Response | timeout
858              Wait  for a response corresponding to the request identifier Re‐
859              qId. The request must have been made by  send_request/3  to  the
860              gen_statem  process.  This function must be called from the same
861              process from which send_request/3 was made.
863              WaitTime specifies how long to wait for a response.  If  no  re‐
864              sponse  is  received within the specified time, the function re‐
865              turns timeout and no cleanup is done, and thus the function  can
866              be invoked repeatedly until a reply is returned.
868              The  return  value  Reply is defined in the return value of Mod‐
869              ule:handle_call/3.
871              If the specified event handler is not  installed,  the  function
872              returns  {error,bad_module}. If the callback function fails with
873              Reason or returns an unexpected value Term,  this  function  re‐
874              turns  {error,{'EXIT',Reason}} or {error,Term}, respectively. If
875              the event manager dies before or during the request  this  func‐
876              tion returns {error,{Reason, EventMgrRef}}.
878              The difference between receive_response/2 and wait_response/2 is
879              that receive_response/2 abandons the request at timeout so  that
880              a  potential  future  response is ignored, while wait_response/2
881              does not.
883       wait_response(ReqIdCollection, WaitTime, Delete) -> Result
885              Types:
887                 ReqIdCollection = request_id_collection()
888                 WaitTime = response_timeout()
889                 Delete = boolean()
890                 Response =
891                     {reply, Reply :: term()} |
892                     {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}
893                 Result =
894                     {Response,
895                      Label :: term(),
896                      NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()} |
897                     no_request | timeout
899              Wait for a response corresponding to a request identifier  saved
900              in  ReqIdCollection.  All request identifiers of ReqIdCollection
901              must correspond to requests that have been made  using  send_re‐
902              quest/3  or  send_request/5, and all request must have been made
903              by the process calling this function.
905              The Label in the response equals the Label associated  with  the
906              request  identifier  that the response corresponds to. The Label
907              of a request identifier is associated when saving the request id
908              in  a request identifier collection, or when sending the request
909              using send_request/5.
911              Compared to wait_response/2, the returned result associated with
912              a  specific request identifier or an exception associated with a
913              specific request identifier will be wrapped in  a  3-tuple.  The
914              first  element  of  this  tuple equals the value that would have
915              been produced by wait_response/2, the second element equals  the
916              Label  associated  with the specific request identifier, and the
917              third element NewReqIdCollection is a possibly modified  request
918              identifier collection.
920              If  ReqIdCollection is empty, no_request will be returned. If no
921              response is received before the WaitTime timeout has  triggered,
922              the  atom  timeout  is returned. It is valid to continue waiting
923              for a response as many times as needed up until a  response  has
924              been  received  and  completed  by check_response(), receive_re‐
925              sponse(), or wait_response().
927              The difference between receive_response/3 and wait_response/3 is
928              that  receive_response/3  abandons requests at timeout so that a
929              potential future responses are  ignored,  while  wait_response/3
930              does not.
932              If Delete equals true, the association with Label will have been
933              deleted from ReqIdCollection in  the  resulting  NewReqIdCollec‐
934              tion.  If Delete equals false, NewReqIdCollection will equal Re‐
935              qIdCollection. Note that deleting an association is not for free
936              and  that  a  collection containing already handled requests can
937              still be used by subsequent calls to wait_response/3,  check_re‐
938              sponse/3, and receive_response/3. However, without deleting han‐
939              dled associations, the above calls will not be  able  to  detect
940              when  there  are  no more outstanding requests to handle, so you
941              will have to keep track of this some other way than relying on a
942              no_request  return. Note that if you pass a collection only con‐
943              taining associations of already handled or abandoned requests to
944              wait_response/3, it will always block until a timeout determined
945              by WaitTime is triggered and then return no_reply.
947       which_handlers(EventMgrRef) -> [Handler]
949              Types:
951                 EventMgrRef = Name  |  {Name,Node}  |  {global,GlobalName}  |
952                 {via,Module,ViaName} | pid()
953                  Name = Node = atom()
954                  GlobalName = ViaName = term()
955                 Handler = Module | {Module,Id}
956                  Module = atom()
957                  Id = term()
959              Returns  a list of all event handlers installed in event manager
960              EventMgrRef.
962              For a description of EventMgrRef and Handler, see add_handler/3.


965       The following functions are to be exported from  a  gen_event  callback
966       module.


969       Module:code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
971              Types:
973                 OldVsn = Vsn | {down, Vsn}
974                  Vsn = term()
975                 State = NewState = term()
976                 Extra = term()
978          Note:
979              This  callback  is optional, so callback modules need not export
980              it. If a release upgrade/downgrade with  Change={advanced,Extra}
981              specified  in  the  .appup file is made when code_change/3 isn't
982              implemented the event handler will crash  with  an  undef  error
983              reason.
986              This  function  is called for an installed event handler that is
987              to update its internal state during a release upgrade/downgrade,
988              that  is, when the instruction {update,Module,Change,...}, where
989              Change={advanced,Extra}, is specified in the  .appup  file.  For
990              more information, see OTP Design Principles.
992              For  an  upgrade,  OldVsn is Vsn, and for a downgrade, OldVsn is
993              {down,Vsn}. Vsn is defined by the vsn attribute(s)  of  the  old
994              version  of  the callback module Module. If no such attribute is
995              defined, the version is the checksum of the Beam file.
997              State is the internal state of the event handler.
999              Extra is passed "as is" from the {advanced,Extra}  part  of  the
1000              update instruction.
1002              The function is to return the updated internal state.
1004       Module:format_status(Status) -> NewStatus
1006              Types:
1008                 Status = format_status()
1009                 NewStatus = format_status()
1011          Note:
1012              This callback is optional, so event handler modules need not ex‐
1013              port it. If  a  handler  does  not  export  this  function,  the
1014              gen_event  module  uses  the handler state directly for the pur‐
1015              poses described below.
1017              If this callback is exported but fails, to hide possibly  sensi‐
1018              tive  data,  the  default  function will instead return the fact
1019              that format_status/1 has crashed.
1022              This function is called by a gen_event process in the  following
1023              situations:
1025                * One  of  sys:get_status/1,2  is invoked to get the gen_event
1026                  status.
1028                * The event handler terminates abnormally and  gen_event  logs
1029                  an error.
1031              This  callback  is used to limit the status of the event handler
1032              returned by sys:get_status/1,2 or sent to logger.
1034              The callback gets a map Status describing the current status and
1035              shall  return  a  map  NewStatus  with the same keys, but it may
1036              transform some values.
1038              Two possible use cases for this callback is to remove  sensitive
1039              information  from  the state to prevent it from being printed in
1040              log files, or to compact  large  irrelevant  status  items  that
1041              would only clutter the logs.
1043              format_status(Status) ->
1044                maps:map(
1045                  fun(state,State) ->
1046                          maps:remove(private_key, State);
1047                     (message,{password, _Pass}) ->
1048                          {password, removed};
1049                     (_,Value) ->
1050                          Value
1051                  end, Status).
1054       Module:format_status(Opt, [PDict, State]) -> Status
1056              Types:
1058                 Opt = normal | terminate
1059                 PDict = [{Key, Value}]
1060                 State = term()
1061                 Status = term()
1063          Warning:
1064              This  callback  is deprecated, in new code use  format_status/1.
1065              If a format_status/1 callback exists, then  this  function  will
1066              never be called.
1069          Note:
1070              This callback is optional, so event handler modules need not ex‐
1071              port it. If  a  handler  does  not  export  this  function,  the
1072              gen_event  module  uses  the handler state directly for the pur‐
1073              poses described below.
1076              This function is called by a gen_event process in the  following
1077              situations:
1079                * One  of  sys:get_status/1,2  is invoked to get the gen_event
1080                  status. Opt is set to the atom normal for this case.
1082                * The event handler terminates abnormally and  gen_event  logs
1083                  an error. Opt is set to the atom terminate for this case.
1085              This  function is useful for changing the form and appearance of
1086              the event handler state for these cases. An event handler  call‐
1087              back  module wishing to change the the sys:get_status/1,2 return
1088              value as well as how its  state  appears  in  termination  error
1089              logs, exports an instance of format_status/2 that returns a term
1090              describing the current state of the event handler.
1092              PDict  is  the  current  value  of  the  process  dictionary  of
1093              gen_event.
1095              State is the internal state of the event handler.
1097              The function is to return Status, a term that change the details
1098              of the current state of the event handler. Any term  is  allowed
1099              for Status. The gen_event module uses Status as follows:
1101                * When  sys:get_status/1,2  is  called, gen_event ensures that
1102                  its return value contains Status in place of the state  term
1103                  of the event handler.
1105                * When  an event handler terminates abnormally, gen_event logs
1106                  Status in place of the state term of the event handler.
1108              One use for this function is to return compact alternative state
1109              representations  to  avoid that large state terms are printed in
1110              log files.
1112       Module:handle_call(Request, State) -> Result
1114              Types:
1116                 Request = term()
1117                 State = term()
1118                 Result = {ok,Reply,NewState} | {ok,Reply,NewState,hibernate}
1119                  | {swap_handler,Reply,Args1,NewState,Handler2,Args2}
1120                  | {remove_handler, Reply}
1121                  Reply = term()
1122                  NewState = term()
1123                  Args1 = Args2 = term()
1124                  Handler2 = Module2 | {Module2,Id}
1125                  Module2 = atom()
1126                  Id = term()
1128              Whenever  an  event  manager  receives  a  request  sent   using
1129              call/3,4,  this  function is called for the specified event han‐
1130              dler to handle the request.
1132              Request is the Request argument of call/3,4.
1134              State is the internal state of the event handler.
1136              The return values are the same as for Module:handle_event/2  ex‐
1137              cept  that they also contain a term Reply, which is the reply to
1138              the client as the return value of call/3,4.
1140       Module:handle_event(Event, State) -> Result
1142              Types:
1144                 Event = term()
1145                 State = term()
1146                 Result = {ok,NewState} | {ok,NewState,hibernate}
1147                  | {swap_handler,Args1,NewState,Handler2,Args2} | remove_han‐
1148                 dler
1149                  NewState = term()
1150                  Args1 = Args2 = term()
1151                  Handler2 = Module2 | {Module2,Id}
1152                  Module2 = atom()
1153                  Id = term()
1155              Whenever  an event manager receives an event sent using notify/2
1156              or sync_notify/2, this function is  called  for  each  installed
1157              event handler to handle the event.
1159              Event is the Event argument of notify/2/sync_notify/2.
1161              State is the internal state of the event handler.
1163                * If {ok,NewState} or {ok,NewState,hibernate} is returned, the
1164                  event handler remains in the event manager with the possible
1165                  updated internal state NewState.
1167                * If  {ok,NewState,hibernate}  is  returned, the event manager
1168                  also  goes  into  hibernation  (by  calling  proc_lib:hiber‐
1169                  nate/3),  waiting  for the next event to occur. It is suffi‐
1170                  cient that one of the event handlers return {ok,NewState,hi‐
1171                  bernate} for the whole event manager process to hibernate.
1173                * If {swap_handler,Args1,NewState,Handler2,Args2} is returned,
1174                  the event handler is replaced by Handler2 by  first  calling
1175                  Module:terminate(Args1,NewState)      and      then     Mod‐
1176                  ule2:init({Args2,Term}), where Term is the return  value  of
1177                  Module:terminate/2.  For  more  information,  see  swap_han‐
1178                  dler/3.
1180                * If remove_handler is returned, the event handler is  deleted
1181                  by calling Module:terminate(remove_handler,State).
1183       Module:handle_info(Info, State) -> Result
1185              Types:
1187                 Info = term()
1188                 State = term()
1189                 Result = {ok,NewState} | {ok,NewState,hibernate}
1190                  | {swap_handler,Args1,NewState,Handler2,Args2} | remove_han‐
1191                 dler
1192                  NewState = term()
1193                  Args1 = Args2 = term()
1194                  Handler2 = Module2 | {Module2,Id}
1195                  Module2 = atom()
1196                  Id = term()
1198          Note:
1199              This callback is optional, so callback modules need  not  export
1200              it.  The  gen_event  module provides a default implementation of
1201              this function that logs about the unexpected Info message, drops
1202              it and returns {ok, State}.
1205              This function is called for each installed event handler when an
1206              event manager receives any other message than an event or a syn‐
1207              chronous request (or a system message).
1209              Info is the received message.
1211              In  particular, this callback will be made when a process termi‐
1212              nated after calling add_sup_handler/3.  Any  event  handler  at‐
1213              tached  to  an event manager which in turn has a supervised han‐
1214              dler  should  expect  callbacks   of   the   shape   Module:han‐
1215              dle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State).
1217              For  a description of State and possible return values, see Mod‐
1218              ule:handle_event/2.
1220       Module:init(InitArgs)  ->  {ok,State}  |  {ok,State,hibernate}  |  {er‐
1221       ror,Reason}
1223              Types:
1225                 InitArgs = Args | {Args,Term}
1226                  Args = Term = term()
1227                 State = term()
1228                 Reason = term()
1230              Whenever  a new event handler is added to an event manager, this
1231              function is called to initialize the event handler.
1233              If the event handler is added because of a call to add_handler/3
1234              or  add_sup_handler/3,  InitArgs  is  the Args argument of these
1235              functions.
1237              If the event handler replaces another event handler because of a
1238              call  to  swap_handler/3  or swap_sup_handler/3, or because of a
1239              swap return tuple from one of the other callback functions, Ini‐
1240              tArgs  is  a  tuple {Args,Term}, where Args is the argument pro‐
1241              vided in the function call/return tuple and Term is  the  result
1242              of terminating the old event handler, see swap_handler/3.
1244              If  successful, the function returns {ok,State} or {ok,State,hi‐
1245              bernate}, where State is the initial internal state of the event
1246              handler.
1248              If {ok,State,hibernate} is returned, the event manager goes into
1249              hibernation (by calling proc_lib:hibernate/3), waiting  for  the
1250              next event to occur.
1252       Module:terminate(Arg, State) -> term()
1254              Types:
1256                 Arg = Args | {stop,Reason} | stop | remove_handler
1257                  | {error,{'EXIT',Reason}} | {error,Term}
1258                  Args = Reason = Term = term()
1260          Note:
1261              This  callback  is optional, so callback modules need not export
1262              it. The gen_event module provides a default implementation with‐
1263              out cleanup.
1266              Whenever an event handler is deleted from an event manager, this
1267              function is called. It is to be the  opposite  of  Module:init/1
1268              and do any necessary cleaning up.
1270              If the event handler is deleted because of a call to delete_han‐
1271              dler/3, swap_handler/3, or swap_sup_handler/3, Arg is  the  Args
1272              argument of this function call.
1274              Arg={stop,Reason}  if the event handler has a supervised connec‐
1275              tion to a process that has terminated with reason Reason.
1277              Arg=stop if the event handler is deleted because the event  man‐
1278              ager is terminating.
1280              The event manager terminates if it is part of a supervision tree
1281              and it is ordered by its supervisor to terminate. Even if it  is
1282              not  part of a supervision tree, it terminates if it receives an
1283              'EXIT' message from its parent.
1285              Arg=remove_handler if the event handler is deleted  because  an‐
1286              other  callback  function  has  returned  remove_handler or {re‐
1287              move_handler,Reply}.
1289              Arg={error,Term} if the event handler is deleted because a call‐
1290              back  function  returned  an  unexpected value Term, or Arg={er‐
1291              ror,{'EXIT',Reason}} if a callback function failed.
1293              State is the internal state of the event handler.
1295              The function can return  any  term.  If  the  event  handler  is
1296              deleted because of a call to gen_event:delete_handler/3, the re‐
1297              turn value of that function becomes the  return  value  of  this
1298              function.  If  the  event handler is to be replaced with another
1299              event handler because of a swap, the return value is  passed  to
1300              the init function of the new event handler. Otherwise the return
1301              value is ignored.


1304       supervisor(3), sys(3)
1308Ericsson AB                       stdlib 4.2                      gen_event(3)