1shell(3)                   Erlang Module Definition                   shell(3)


6       shell - The Erlang shell.


9       This module provides an Erlang shell.
11       The  shell  is  a  user  interface  program for entering expression se‐
12       quences. The expressions are evaluated and a  value  is  returned.  The
13       shell  provides  an Emacs like set of shortcuts for editing the text of
14       the current line. See  tty -  A  Command-Line  Interface  in  the  ERTS
15       User's Guide for a list of all available shortcuts.
17       A history mechanism saves previous commands and their values, which can
18       then be incorporated in later commands. How many commands  and  results
19       to save can be determined by the user, either interactively, by calling
20       history/1 and results/1, or by setting  the  application  configuration
21       parameters  shell_history_length and shell_saved_results for the STDLIB
22       application. The shell history can be saved to disk by setting the  ap‐
23       plication configuration parameter shell_history for the Kernel applica‐
24       tion.
26       The shell uses a helper process for evaluating commands to protect  the
27       history  mechanism from exceptions. By default the evaluator process is
28       killed when an exception occurs, but by calling catch_exception/1 or by
29       setting  the  application configuration parameter shell_catch_exception
30       for the STDLIB application this behavior can be changed. See  also  the
31       example below.
33       Variable bindings, and local process dictionary changes that are gener‐
34       ated in user expressions are preserved, and the variables can  be  used
35       in later commands to access their values. The bindings can also be for‐
36       gotten so the variables can be reused.
38       The special shell commands all have  the  syntax  of  (local)  function
39       calls.  They  are  evaluated as normal function calls and many commands
40       can be used in one expression sequence.
42       If a command (local function call) is not recognized by the  shell,  an
43       attempt  is  first  made  to  find the function in module user_default,
44       where customized local commands can be placed. If found,  the  function
45       is  evaluated, otherwise an attempt is made to evaluate the function in
46       module shell_default. Module user_default must be explicitly loaded.
48       The shell also permits the user to start multiple  concurrent  jobs.  A
49       job can be regarded as a set of processes that can communicate with the
50       shell.
52       There is some support for reading and printing records  in  the  shell.
53       During  compilation  record expressions are translated to tuple expres‐
54       sions. In runtime it is not known whether a tuple represents a  record,
55       and the record definitions used by the compiler are unavailable at run‐
56       time. So, to read the record syntax and print tuples  as  records  when
57       possible, record definitions must be maintained by the shell itself.
59       The  shell  commands  for  reading,  defining, forgetting, listing, and
60       printing records are described below. Notice that each job has its  own
61       set of record definitions. To facilitate matters, record definitions in
62       modules shell_default and user_default (if loaded) are read each time a
63       new  job is started. For example, adding the following line to user_de‐
64       fault makes the definition of file_info readily available in the shell:
66       -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl").
68       The shell runs in two modes:
70         * Normal (possibly restricted) mode, in which commands can be  edited
71           and expressions evaluated
73         * Job  Control  Mode,  JCL, in which jobs can be started, killed, de‐
74           tached, and connected
76       Only the currently connected job can 'talk' to the shell.


79       The commands below are the built-in  shell  commands  that  are  always
80       available.  In  most  system the commands listed in the c(3) module are
81       also available in the shell.
83         b():
84           Prints the current variable bindings.
86         f():
87           Removes all variable bindings.
89         f(X):
90           Removes the binding of variable X.
92         h():
93           Prints the history list.
95         history(N):
96           Sets the number of previous commands to keep in the history list to
97           N. The previous number is returned. Defaults to 20.
99         results(N):
100           Sets  the  number  of results from previous commands to keep in the
101           history list to N. The previous number is returned. Defaults to 20.
103         e(N):
104           Repeats command N, if N is positive. If it  is  negative,  the  Nth
105           previous  command  is repeated (that is, e(-1) repeats the previous
106           command).
108         v(N):
109           Uses the return value of command N in the current command, if N  is
110           positive.  If  it is negative, the return value of the Nth previous
111           command is used (that is, v(-1) uses the value of the previous com‐
112           mand).
114         help():
115           Evaluates shell_default:help().
117         h(Module, Function):
118           Print  the documentation for Module:Function in the shell if avail‐
119           able.
121         ht(Module, Type):
122           Print the documentation for Module:Type in the shell if available.
124         hcb(Module, Callback):
125           Print the documentation for Module:Callback in the shell if  avail‐
126           able.
128         c(Mod):
129           Evaluates  shell_default:c(Mod). This compiles and loads the module
130           Mod and purges old versions of the code, if necessary. Mod  can  be
131           either  a module name or a a source file path, with or without .erl
132           extension.
134         catch_exception(Bool):
135           Sets the exception handling of the evaluator process. The  previous
136           exception  handling is returned. The default (false) is to kill the
137           evaluator process when an exception occurs, which causes the  shell
138           to  create  a new evaluator process. When the exception handling is
139           set to true, the evaluator process lives on. This means, for  exam‐
140           ple,  that  ports and ETS tables as well as processes linked to the
141           evaluator process survive the exception.
143         rd(RecordName, RecordDefinition):
144           Defines a record in the shell. RecordName is an atom and RecordDef‐
145           inition  lists  the  field  names  and  the default values. Usually
146           record definitions are made known  to  the  shell  by  use  of  the
147           rr/1,2,3 commands described below, but sometimes it is handy to de‐
148           fine records on the fly.
150         rf():
151           Removes all record definitions, then reads record definitions  from
152           the modules shell_default and user_default (if loaded). Returns the
153           names of the records defined.
155         rf(RecordNames):
156           Removes selected record definitions. RecordNames is a  record  name
157           or  a  list  of record names. To remove all record definitions, use
158           '_'.
160         rl():
161           Prints all record definitions.
163         rl(RecordNames):
164           Prints selected record definitions. RecordNames is a record name or
165           a list of record names.
167         rp(Term):
168           Prints  a term using the record definitions known to the shell. All
169           of Term is printed; the depth is not limited as is the case when  a
170           return value is printed.
172         rr(Module):
173           Reads record definitions from a module's BEAM file. If there are no
174           record definitions in the BEAM file, the source file is located and
175           read  instead.  Returns  the  names of the record definitions read.
176           Module is an atom.
178         rr(Wildcard):
179           Reads record definitions from files. Existing definitions of any of
180           the  record  names read are replaced. Wildcard is a wildcard string
181           as defined in filelib(3), but not an atom.
183         rr(WildcardOrModule, RecordNames):
184           Reads record definitions from files but discards record  names  not
185           mentioned in RecordNames (a record name or a list of record names).
187         rr(WildcardOrModule, RecordNames, Options):
188           Reads record definitions from files. The compiler options {i, Dir},
189           {d, Macro}, and {d, Macro, Value} are recognized and used for  set‐
190           ting  up the include path and macro definitions. To read all record
191           definitions, use '_' as value of RecordNames.


194       The following example is a long dialog with the shell. Commands  start‐
195       ing with > are inputs to the shell. All other lines are output from the
196       shell.
198       strider 1> erl
199       Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.3 [hipe] [threads:0]
201       Eshell V5.3  (abort with ^G)
202       1> Str = "abcd".
203       "abcd"
205       Command 1 sets variable Str to string "abcd".
207       2> L = length(Str).
208       4
210       Command 2 sets L to the length of string Str.
212       3> Descriptor = {L, list_to_atom(Str)}.
213       {4,abcd}
215       Command  3  builds   the   tuple   Descriptor,   evaluating   the   BIF
216       list_to_atom/1.
218       4> L.
219       4
221       Command 4 prints the value of variable L.
223       5> b().
224       Descriptor = {4,abcd}
225       L = 4
226       Str = "abcd"
227       ok
229       Command  5 evaluates the internal shell command b(), which is an abbre‐
230       viation of "bindings". This prints  the  current  shell  variables  and
231       their bindings. ok at the end is the return value of function b().
233       6> f(L).
234       ok
236       Command  6  evaluates  the internal shell command f(L) (abbreviation of
237       "forget"). The value of variable L is removed.
239       7> b().
240       Descriptor = {4,abcd}
241       Str = "abcd"
242       ok
244       Command 7 prints the new bindings.
246       8> f(L).
247       ok
249       Command 8 has no effect, as L has no value.
251       9> {L, _} = Descriptor.
252       {4,abcd}
254       Command 9 performs a pattern matching operation on Descriptor,  binding
255       a new value to L.
257       10> L.
258       4
260       Command 10 prints the current value of L.
262       11> {P, Q, R} = Descriptor.
263       ** exception error: no match of right hand side value {4,abcd}
265       Command  11  tries  to match {P, Q, R} against Descriptor, which is {4,
266       abc}. The match fails and none of the new variables become  bound.  The
267       printout  starting  with  "** exception error:" is not the value of the
268       expression (the expression had no value because its evaluation failed),
269       but  a  warning  printed by the system to inform the user that an error
270       has occurred. The values of the other variables (L, Str, and so on) are
271       unchanged.
273       12> P.
274       * 1:1: variable 'P' is unbound
275       13> Descriptor.
276       {4,abcd}
278       Commands  12 and 13 show that P is unbound because the previous command
279       failed, and that Descriptor has not changed.
281       14>{P, Q} = Descriptor.
282       {4,abcd}
283       15> P.
284       4
286       Commands 14 and 15 show a correct match where P and Q are bound.
288       16> f().
289       ok
291       Command 16 clears all bindings.
293       The next few commands assume that test1:demo(X) is defined as follows:
295       demo(X) ->
296       put(aa, worked),
297       X = 1,
298       X + 10.
300       17> put(aa, hello).
301       undefined
302       18> get(aa).
303       hello
305       Commands 17 and 18 set and inspect the value of item aa in the  process
306       dictionary.
308       19> Y = test1:demo(1).
309       11
311       Command  19  evaluates  test1:demo(1).  The evaluation succeeds and the
312       changes made in the process dictionary become visible to the shell. The
313       new value of dictionary item aa can be seen in command 20.
315       20> get().
316       [{aa,worked}]
317       21> put(aa, hello).
318       worked
319       22> Z = test1:demo(2).
320       ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 1
321            in function  test1:demo/1
323       Commands  21 and 22 change the value of dictionary item aa to hello and
324       call test1:demo(2). Evaluation fails and the changes made to  the  dic‐
325       tionary in test1:demo(2), before the error occurred, are discarded.
327       23> Z.
328       * 1:1: variable 'Z' is unbound
329       24> get(aa).
330       hello
332       Commands  23  and 24 show that Z was not bound and that dictionary item
333       aa has retained its original value.
335       25> erase(), put(aa, hello).
336       undefined
337       26> spawn(test1, demo, [1]).
338       <0.57.0>
339       27> get(aa).
340       hello
342       Commands 25, 26, and 27 show the effect of evaluating test1:demo(1)  in
343       the  background.  In  this case, the expression is evaluated in a newly
344       spawned process. Any changes made in the process dictionary  are  local
345       to the newly spawned process and therefore not visible to the shell.
347       28> io:format("hello hello\n").
348       hello hello
349       ok
350       29> e(28).
351       hello hello
352       ok
353       30> v(28).
354       ok
356       Commands 28, 29 and 30 use the history facilities of the shell. Command
357       29 re-evaluates command 28. Command 30 uses the value (result) of  com‐
358       mand  28.  In the cases of a pure function (a function with no side ef‐
359       fects), the result is the same. For a function with side  effects,  the
360       result can be different.
362       The next few commands show some record manipulation. It is assumed that
363       ex.erl defines a record as follows:
365       -record(rec, {a, b = val()}).
367       val() ->
368       3.
370       31> c(ex).
371       {ok,ex}
372       32> rr(ex).
373       [rec]
375       Commands 31 and 32 compile file ex.erl and read the record  definitions
376       in  ex.beam.  If  the compiler did not output any record definitions on
377       the BEAM file, rr(ex) tries to read record definitions from the  source
378       file instead.
380       33> rl(rec).
381       -record(rec,{a,b = val()}).
382       ok
384       Command 33 prints the definition of the record named rec.
386       34> #rec{}.
387       ** exception error: undefined shell command val/0
389       Command 34 tries to create a rec record, but fails as function val/0 is
390       undefined.
392       35> #rec{b = 3}.
393       #rec{a = undefined,b = 3}
395       Command 35 shows the workaround: explicitly  assign  values  to  record
396       fields that cannot otherwise be initialized.
398       36> rp(v(-1)).
399       #rec{a = undefined,b = 3}
400       ok
402       Command  36  prints  the  newly created record using record definitions
403       maintained by the shell.
405       37> rd(rec, {f = orddict:new()}).
406       rec
408       Command 37 defines a record directly in the shell. The  definition  re‐
409       places the one read from file ex.beam.
411       38> #rec{}.
412       #rec{f = []}
413       ok
415       Command  38  creates  a record using the new definition, and prints the
416       result.
418       39> rd(rec, {c}), A.
419       * 1:15: variable 'A' is unbound
420       40> #rec{}.
421       #rec{c = undefined}
422       ok
424       Command 39 and 40 show that record definitions are updated as side  ef‐
425       fects.  The  evaluation of the command fails, but the definition of rec
426       has been carried out.
428       For the next command, it is assumed that test1:loop(N)  is  defined  as
429       follows:
431       loop(N) ->
432       io:format("Hello Number: ~w~n", [N]),
433       loop(N+1).
435       41> test1:loop(0).
436       Hello Number: 0
437       Hello Number: 1
438       Hello Number: 2
439       Hello Number: 3
441       User switch command
442        --> i
443        --> c
444       Hello Number: 3374
445       Hello Number: 3375
446       Hello Number: 3376
447       Hello Number: 3377
448       Hello Number: 3378
449       ** exception exit: killed
451       Command 41 evaluates test1:loop(0), which puts the system into an infi‐
452       nite loop. At this point the user types ^G (Control G), which  suspends
453       output  from  the  current process, which is stuck in a loop, and acti‐
454       vates JCL mode. In JCL mode the user can start and stop jobs.
456       In this particular case, command i ("interrupt") terminates the looping
457       program,  and command c connects to the shell again. As the process was
458       running in the background before we killed it, more printouts occur be‐
459       fore message "** exception exit: killed" is shown.
461       42> E = ets:new(t, []).
462       #Ref<0.1662103692.2407923716.214192>
464       Command 42 creates an ETS table.
466       43> ets:insert({d,1,2}).
467       ** exception error: undefined function ets:insert/1
469       Command  43  tries  to insert a tuple into the ETS table, but the first
470       argument (the table) is missing.  The  exception  kills  the  evaluator
471       process.
473       44> ets:insert(E, {d,1,2}).
474       ** exception error: argument is of wrong type
475            in function  ets:insert/2
476               called as ets:insert(16,{d,1,2})
478       Command  44  corrects the mistake, but the ETS table has been destroyed
479       as it was owned by the killed evaluator process.
481       45> f(E).
482       ok
483       46> catch_exception(true).
484       false
486       Command 46 sets the exception handling  of  the  evaluator  process  to
487       true.  The  exception  handling can also be set when starting Erlang by
488       erl -stdlib shell_catch_exception true.
490       47> E = ets:new(t, []).
491       #Ref<0.1662103692.2407923716.214197>
492       48> ets:insert({d,1,2}).
493       * exception error: undefined function ets:insert/1
495       Command 48 makes the same mistake as in command 43, but this  time  the
496       evaluator  process  lives  on.  The single star at the beginning of the
497       printout signals that the exception has been caught.
499       49> ets:insert(E, {d,1,2}).
500       true
502       Command 49 successfully inserts the tuple into the ETS table.
504       50> ets:insert(#Ref<0.1662103692.2407923716.214197>, {e,3,4}).
505       true
507       Command 50 inserts another tuple into the  ETS  table.  This  time  the
508       first argument is the table identifier itself. The shell can parse com‐
509       mands  with   pids   (<0.60.0>),   ports   (#Port<0.536>),   references
510       (#Ref<0.1662103692.2407792644.214210>),    and    external    functions
511       (#Fun<a.b.1>), but the command  fails  unless  the  corresponding  pid,
512       port, reference, or function can be created in the running system.
514       51> halt().
515       strider 2>
517       Command 51 exits the Erlang runtime system.


520       When  the  shell  starts,  it  starts  a single evaluator process. This
521       process, together with any local processes that it spawns, is  referred
522       to  as  a job. Only the current job, which is said to be connected, can
523       perform operations with standard I/O. All other jobs, which are said to
524       be detached, are blocked if they attempt to use standard I/O.
526       All jobs that do not use standard I/O run in the normal way.
528       The  shell escape key ^G (Control G) detaches the current job and acti‐
529       vates JCL mode. The JCL mode prompt is "-->". If "?" is entered at  the
530       prompt, the following help message is displayed:
532       --> ?
533       c [nn]            - connect to job
534       i [nn]            - interrupt job
535       k [nn]            - kill job
536       j                 - list all jobs
537       s [shell]         - start local shell
538       r [node [shell]]  - start remote shell
539       q                 - quit erlang
540       ? | h             - this message
542       The JCL commands have the following meaning:
544         c [nn]:
545           Connects  to job number <nn> or the current job. The standard shell
546           is resumed. Operations that use standard I/O by the current job are
547           interleaved with user inputs to the shell.
549         i [nn]:
550           Stops  the  current evaluator process for job number nn or the cur‐
551           rent job, but does not kill the shell  process.  So,  any  variable
552           bindings  and  the process dictionary are preserved and the job can
553           be connected again. This command can be used to interrupt  an  end‐
554           less loop.
556         k [nn]:
557           Kills  job  number  nn or the current job. All spawned processes in
558           the  job  are  killed,  provided  they  have  not   evaluated   the
559           group_leader/1  BIF and are located on the local machine. Processes
560           spawned on remote nodes are not killed.
562         j:
563           Lists all jobs. A list of all known jobs is  printed.  The  current
564           job name is prefixed with '*'.
566         s:
567           Starts a new job. This is assigned the new index [nn], which can be
568           used in references.
570         s [shell]:
571           Starts a new job. This is assigned the new index [nn], which can be
572           used  in references. If optional argument shell is specified, it is
573           assumed to be a module that implements an alternative shell.
575         r [node]:
576           Starts a remote job on node. This is used in distributed Erlang  to
577           allow  a  shell running on one node to control a number of applica‐
578           tions running on a network of nodes. If optional argument shell  is
579           specified, it is assumed to be a module that implements an alterna‐
580           tive shell.
582         q:
583           Quits Erlang. Notice that this option  is  disabled  if  Erlang  is
584           started  with the ignore break, +Bi, system flag (which can be use‐
585           ful, for example when running a restricted shell, see the next sec‐
586           tion).
588         ?:
589           Displays the help message above.
591       The  behavior  of shell escape can be changed by the STDLIB application
592       variable shell_esc. The value of the variable can be  either  jcl  (erl
593       -stdlib  shell_esc  jcl)  or  abort  (erl -stdlib shell_esc abort). The
594       first option sets ^G to activate JCL mode (which is also default behav‐
595       ior). The latter sets ^G to terminate the current shell and start a new
596       one. JCL mode cannot be invoked when shell_esc is set to abort.
598       If you want an Erlang node to have a remote job active from  the  start
599       (rather than the default local job), start Erlang with flag -remsh, for
600       example, erl -remsh other_node@other_host


603       The shell can be started in a restricted mode. In this mode, the  shell
604       evaluates a function call only if allowed. This feature makes it possi‐
605       ble to, for example, prevent a user from accidentally calling  a  func‐
606       tion from the prompt that could harm a running system (useful in combi‐
607       nation with system flag +Bi).
609       When the restricted shell evaluates  an  expression  and  encounters  a
610       function  call or an operator application, it calls a callback function
611       (with information about the function call in question).  This  callback
612       function returns true to let the shell go ahead with the evaluation, or
613       false to abort it. There are two possible callback  functions  for  the
614       user to implement:
616         * local_allowed(Func, ArgList, State) -> {boolean(),NewState}
618           This  is  used  to determine if the call to the local function Func
619           with arguments ArgList is to be allowed.
621         * non_local_allowed(FuncSpec, ArgList, State) -> {boolean(),NewState}
622           | {{redirect,NewFuncSpec,NewArgList},NewState}
624           This  is  used to determine if the call to non-local function Func‐
625           Spec ({Module,Func} or a fun) with arguments ArgList is to  be  al‐
626           lowed.  The  return  value {redirect,NewFuncSpec,NewArgList} can be
627           used to let the shell evaluate some other  function  than  the  one
628           specified by FuncSpec and ArgList.
630       These callback functions are called from local and non-local evaluation
631       function handlers, described in the erl_eval manual page. (Arguments in
632       ArgList are evaluated before the callback functions are called.)
634       From  OTP  25.0, if there are errors evaluating Erlang constructs, such
635       as badmatch during pattern matching or bad_generator  in  a  comprehen‐
636       sion, the evaluator will dispatch to erlang:raise(error, Reason, Stack‐
637       trace). This call will be checked against the non_local_allowed/3 call‐
638       back  function.  You can either forbid it, allow it, or redirect to an‐
639       other call of your choice.
641       Argument State is a tuple {ShellState,ExprState}. The return value New‐
642       State  has  the  same  form.  This can be used to carry a state between
643       calls to the callback functions. Data saved in ShellState lives through
644       an entire shell session. Data saved in ExprState lives only through the
645       evaluation of the current expression.
647       There are two ways to start a restricted shell session:
649         * Use STDLIB application variable restricted_shell  and  specify,  as
650           its  value, the name of the callback module. Example (with callback
651           functions implemented  in  callback_mod.erl):  $  erl  -stdlib  re‐
652           stricted_shell callback_mod.
654         * From a normal shell session, call function start_restricted/1. This
655           exits the current evaluator and starts  a  new  one  in  restricted
656           mode.
658       Notes:
660         * When  restricted  shell  mode is activated or deactivated, new jobs
661           started on the node run in restricted or normal mode, respectively.
663         * If restricted mode has been enabled on a  particular  node,  remote
664           shells connecting to this node also run in restricted mode.
666         * The  callback  functions cannot be used to allow or disallow execu‐
667           tion of functions called from compiled code (only functions  called
668           from expressions entered at the shell prompt).
670       Errors  when  loading  the callback module is handled in different ways
671       depending on how the restricted shell is activated:
673         * If the restricted shell is activated by setting the STDLIB variable
674           during  emulator startup, and the callback module cannot be loaded,
675           a default restricted shell  allowing  only  the  commands  q()  and
676           init:stop() is used as fallback.
678         * If  the  restricted shell is activated using start_restricted/1 and
679           the callback module cannot be loaded, an error report  is  sent  to
680           the error logger and the call returns {error,Reason}.


683       The default shell prompt function displays the name of the node (if the
684       node can be part of a distributed system) and the current command  num‐
685       ber.   The   user   can   customize  the  prompt  function  by  calling
686       prompt_func/1  or  by  setting  application   configuration   parameter
687       shell_prompt_func for the STDLIB application.
689       A  customized  prompt  function  is  stated as a tuple {Mod, Func}. The
690       function is called as Mod:Func(L), where L is a list of key-value pairs
691       created  by  the shell. Currently there is only one pair: {history, N},
692       where N is the current command number. The function is to return a list
693       of  characters or an atom. This constraint is because of the Erlang I/O
694       protocol. Unicode characters beyond code point 255 are allowed  in  the
695       list  and the atom. Notice that in restricted mode the call Mod:Func(L)
696       must be allowed or the default shell prompt function is called.


699       catch_exception(Bool) -> boolean()
701              Types:
703                 Bool = boolean()
705              Sets the exception handling of the evaluator process. The previ‐
706              ous  exception  handling  is returned. The default (false) is to
707              kill the evaluator  process  when  an  exception  occurs,  which
708              causes the shell to create a new evaluator process. When the ex‐
709              ception handling is set to true, the evaluator process lives on,
710              which  means  that, for example, ports and ETS tables as well as
711              processes linked to the evaluator process survive the exception.
713       history(N) -> integer() >= 0
715              Types:
717                 N = integer() >= 0
719              Sets the number of previous commands to keep in the history list
720              to N. The previous number is returned. Defaults to 20.
722       prompt_func(PromptFunc) -> PromptFunc2
724              Types:
726                 PromptFunc = PromptFunc2 = default | {module(), atom()}
728              Sets  the  shell  prompt  function  to  PromptFunc. The previous
729              prompt function is returned.
731       results(N) -> integer() >= 0
733              Types:
735                 N = integer() >= 0
737              Sets the number of results from previous commands to keep in the
738              history  list to N. The previous number is returned. Defaults to
739              20.
741       start_restricted(Module) -> {error, Reason}
743              Types:
745                 Module = module()
746                 Reason = code:load_error_rsn()
748              Exits a normal shell and starts a restricted shell. Module spec‐
749              ifies  the callback module for the functions local_allowed/3 and
750              non_local_allowed/3. The function is meant to be called from the
751              shell.
753              If  the  callback module cannot be loaded, an error tuple is re‐
754              turned. The Reason in the error tuple is the one returned by the
755              code loader when trying to load the code of the callback module.
757       stop_restricted() -> no_return()
759              Exits a restricted shell and starts a normal shell. The function
760              is meant to be called from the shell.
762       strings(Strings) -> Strings2
764              Types:
766                 Strings = Strings2 = boolean()
768              Sets pretty printing of lists to Strings. The previous value  of
769              the flag is returned.
771              The  flag  can  also  be  set by the STDLIB application variable
772              shell_strings. Defaults to true, which means that lists of inte‐
773              gers  are  printed using the string syntax, when possible. Value
774              false means that no lists are printed using the string syntax.
778Ericsson AB                       stdlib 4.2                          shell(3)