1Image::ExifTool(3)    User Contributed Perl Documentation   Image::ExifTool(3)


6       Image::ExifTool - Read and write meta information


9         use Image::ExifTool qw(:Public);
11         # ---- Simple procedural usage ----
13         # Get hash of meta information tag names/values from an image
14         $info = ImageInfo('a.jpg');
16         # ---- Object-oriented usage ----
18         # Create a new Image::ExifTool object
19         $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
21         # Extract meta information from an image
22         $exifTool->ExtractInfo($file, \%options);
24         # Get list of tags in the order they were found in the file
25         @tagList = $exifTool->GetFoundTags('File');
27         # Get the value of a specified tag
28         $value = $exifTool->GetValue($tag, $type);
30         # Get a tag description
31         $description = $exifTool->GetDescription($tag);
33         # Get the group name associated with this tag
34         $group = $exifTool->GetGroup($tag, $family);
36         # Set a new value for a tag
37         $exifTool->SetNewValue($tag, $newValue);
39         # Write new meta information to a file
40         $success = $exifTool->WriteInfo($srcfile, $dstfile);
42         # ...plus a host of other useful methods...


45       Reads and writes meta information in a wide variety of files, including
46       the maker notes of many digital cameras by various manufacturers such
47       as Canon, Casio, DJI, FLIR, FujiFilm, GE, GoPro, HP, JVC/Victor, Kodak,
48       Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Nintendo, Olympus/Epson,
49       Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Phase One, Reconyx, Ricoh, Samsung,
50       Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.
52       Below is a list of file types and meta information formats currently
53       supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create):
55         File Types
56         ------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------
57         360   r/w   | DR4   r/w/c | JNG   r/w   | O     r     | RAW   r/w
58         3FR   r     | DSS   r     | JP2   r/w   | ODP   r     | RIFF  r
59         3G2   r/w   | DV    r     | JPEG  r/w   | ODS   r     | RSRC  r
60         3GP   r/w   | DVB   r/w   | JSON  r     | ODT   r     | RTF   r
61         A     r     | DVR-MS r    | JXL   r     | OFR   r     | RW2   r/w
62         AA    r     | DYLIB r     | K25   r     | OGG   r     | RWL   r/w
63         AAE   r     | EIP   r     | KDC   r     | OGV   r     | RWZ   r
64         AAX   r/w   | EPS   r/w   | KEY   r     | ONP   r     | RM    r
65         ACR   r     | EPUB  r     | LA    r     | OPUS  r     | SEQ   r
66         AFM   r     | ERF   r/w   | LFP   r     | ORF   r/w   | SKETCH r
67         AI    r/w   | EXE   r     | LIF   r     | ORI   r/w   | SO    r
68         AIFF  r     | EXIF  r/w/c | LNK   r     | OTF   r     | SR2   r/w
69         APE   r     | EXR   r     | LRV   r/w   | PAC   r     | SRF   r
70         ARQ   r/w   | EXV   r/w/c | M2TS  r     | PAGES r     | SRW   r/w
71         ARW   r/w   | F4A/V r/w   | M4A/V r/w   | PBM   r/w   | SVG   r
72         ASF   r     | FFF   r/w   | MACOS r     | PCD   r     | SWF   r
73         AVI   r     | FITS  r     | MAX   r     | PCX   r     | THM   r/w
74         AVIF  r/w   | FLA   r     | MEF   r/w   | PDB   r     | TIFF  r/w
75         AZW   r     | FLAC  r     | MIE   r/w/  | PDF   r/w   | TORRENT r
76         BMP   r     | FLIF  r/w   | MIFF  r   c | PEF   r/w   | TTC   r
77         BPG   r     | FLV   r     | MKA   r     | PFA   r     | TTF   r
78         BTF   r     | FPF   r     | MKS   r     | PFB   r     | TXT   r
79         CHM   r     | FPX   r     | MKV   r     | PFM   r     | VCF   r
80         COS   r     | GIF   r/w   | MNG   r/w   | PGF   r     | VRD   r/w/c
81         CR2   r/w   | GPR   r/w   | MOBI  r     | PGM   r/w   | VSD   r
82         CR3   r/w   | GZ    r     | MODD  r     | PLIST r     | WAV   r
83         CRM   r/w   | HDP   r/w   | MOI   r     | PICT  r     | WDP   r/w
84         CRW   r/w   | HDR   r     | MOS   r/w   | PMP   r     | WEBP  r
85         CS1   r/w   | HEIC  r/w   | MOV   r/w   | PNG   r/w   | WEBM  r
86         CSV   r     | HEIF  r/w   | MP3   r     | PPM   r/w   | WMA   r
87         CZI   r     | HTML  r     | MP4   r/w   | PPT   r     | WMV   r
88         DCM   r     | ICC   r/w/c | MPC   r     | PPTX  r     | WTV   r
89         DCP   r/w   | ICS   r     | MPG   r     | PS    r/w   | WV    r
90         DCR   r     | IDML  r     | MPO   r/w   | PSB   r/w   | X3F   r/w
91         DFONT r     | IIQ   r/w   | MQV   r/w   | PSD   r/w   | XCF   r
92         DIVX  r     | IND   r/w   | MRC   r     | PSP   r     | XLS   r
93         DJVU  r     | INSP  r/w   | MRW   r/w   | QTIF  r/w   | XLSX  r
94         DLL   r     | INSV  r     | MXF   r     | R3D   r     | XMP   r/w/c
95         DNG   r/w   | INX   r     | NEF   r/w   | RA    r     | ZIP   r
96         DOC   r     | ISO   r     | NKSC  r/w   | RAF   r/w   |
97         DOCX  r     | ITC   r     | NRW   r/w   | RAM   r     |
98         DPX   r     | J2C   r     | NUMBERS r   | RAR   r     |
100         Meta Information
101         ----------------------+----------------------+---------------------
102         EXIF           r/w/c  |  CIFF           r/w  |  Ricoh RMETA    r
103         GPS            r/w/c  |  AFCP           r/w  |  Picture Info   r
104         IPTC           r/w/c  |  Kodak Meta     r/w  |  Adobe APP14    r
105         XMP            r/w/c  |  FotoStation    r/w  |  MPF            r
106         MakerNotes     r/w/c  |  PhotoMechanic  r/w  |  Stim           r
107         Photoshop IRB  r/w/c  |  JPEG 2000      r    |  DPX            r
108         ICC Profile    r/w/c  |  DICOM          r    |  APE            r
109         MIE            r/w/c  |  Flash          r    |  Vorbis         r
110         JFIF           r/w/c  |  FlashPix       r    |  SPIFF          r
111         Ducky APP12    r/w/c  |  QuickTime      r    |  DjVu           r
112         PDF            r/w/c  |  Matroska       r    |  M2TS           r
113         PNG            r/w/c  |  MXF            r    |  PE/COFF        r
114         Canon VRD      r/w/c  |  PrintIM        r    |  AVCHD          r
115         Nikon Capture  r/w/c  |  FLAC           r    |  ZIP            r
116         GeoTIFF        r/w/c  |  ID3            r    |  (and more)


119       User-defined tags can be added via the ExifTool configuration file, or
120       by defining the %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined hash before calling any
121       ExifTool methods.  See "ExifTool_config" in the ExifTool distribution
122       for more details.
124       By default ExifTool looks for a configuration file named
125       ".ExifTool_config" first in your home directory, then in the directory
126       of the application script, but a different directory may be specified
127       by setting the EXIFTOOL_HOME environment variable, or a different file
128       may be specified by setting the ExifTool "configFile" variable before
129       using Image::ExifTool.  For example:
131           BEGIN { $Image::ExifTool::configFile = '/Users/phil/myconfig.cfg' }
132           use Image::ExifTool;
134       The configuration feature may also be disabled by setting "configFile"
135       to an empty string:
137           BEGIN { $Image::ExifTool::configFile = '' }
138           use Image::ExifTool;


141       Exports nothing by default, but "ImageInfo" and all static methods may
142       be exported with the ":Public" export list.


145       All ExifTool features are accessed through the methods of the public
146       interface listed below.  Other Image::ExifTool methods and modules
147       should not be accessed directly because their interface may change with
148       future versions.
150       None of these methods should ever die or issue warnings to STDERR if
151       called with the proper arguments (with the exception of "SetNewValue"
152       which may send an error message to STDERR, but only when called in
153       scalar context).  Error and warning messages that occur during
154       processing are stored in the values of the Error and Warning tags, and
155       are accessible via the "GetValue" method to retrieve a single Error or
156       Warning message, or "GetInfo" to retrieve any number of them.
158       The ExifTool methods are not thread safe.
160   new
161       Creates a new ExifTool object.
163           $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
165       One ExifTool object may be used to process many files, so creating
166       multiple ExifTool objects usually is not necessary.
168       Note that ExifTool uses AUTOLOAD to load non-member methods, so any
169       class using Image::ExifTool as a base class must define an AUTOLOAD
170       which calls Image::ExifTool::DoAutoLoad().  eg)
172           sub AUTOLOAD
173           {
174               Image::ExifTool::DoAutoLoad($AUTOLOAD, @_);
175           }
177   ImageInfo
178       Read image file and return meta information.  This is the one step
179       function for retrieving meta information from an image.  Internally,
180       "ImageInfo" calls "ExtractInfo" to extract the information, "GetInfo"
181       to generate the information hash, and "GetTagList" for the returned tag
182       list.
184           # return meta information for 2 tags only (procedural)
185           $info = ImageInfo($filename, $tag1, $tag2);
187           # return information about an open image file (object-oriented)
188           $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo(\*FILE);
190           # return information from image data in memory for specified tags
191           %options = (PrintConv => 0);
192           @tagList = qw(filename imagesize xmp:creator exif:* -ifd1:*);
193           $info = ImageInfo(\$imageData, \@tagList, \%options);
195           # extract information from an embedded thumbnail image
196           $info = ImageInfo('image.jpg', 'thumbnailimage');
197           $thumbInfo = ImageInfo($$info{ThumbnailImage});
199       Inputs:
200           "ImageInfo" is very flexible about the input arguments, and
201           interprets them based on their type.  It may be called with one or
202           more arguments.  The one required argument is either a SCALAR (the
203           image file name), a file reference (a reference to the image file)
204           or a SCALAR reference (a reference to the image in memory).  Other
205           arguments are optional.  The order of the arguments is not
206           significant, except that the first SCALAR is taken to be the file
207           name unless a file reference or scalar reference comes earlier in
208           the argument list.
210           Below is an explanation of how the "ImageInfo" function arguments
211           are interpreted:
213           ExifTool ref
214               "ImageInfo" may be called with an ExifTool object if desired.
215               Advantages of using the object-oriented form are that options
216               may be set before calling "ImageInfo", and the object may be
217               used afterward to access member functions.  Must be the first
218               argument if used.
220           SCALAR
221               The first scalar argument is taken to be the file name unless
222               an earlier argument specified the image data via a file
223               reference (file ref) or data reference (SCALAR ref).  The
224               remaining scalar arguments are names of tags for requested
225               information.  All tags are returned if no tags are specified.
227               Tag names are case-insensitive and may be prefixed by optional
228               group names separated by colons.  A group name may begin with a
229               family number (eg.  '1IPTC:Keywords'), to restrict matches to a
230               specific family.  In the tag name, a '?' matches any single
231               character and a '*' matches zero or more characters.  Thus
232               'GROUP:*' represents all tags in a specific group.  Wildcards
233               may not be used in group names, with the exception that a group
234               name of '*' may be used to extract all available instances of a
235               tag regardless of the "Duplicates" setting (eg.
236               '*:WhiteBalance').  Multiple groups may be specified (eg.
237               'EXIF:Time:*' extracts all EXIF Time tags). And finally, a
238               leading '-' indicates a tag to be excluded (eg. '-IFD1:*'), or
239               a trailing '#' causes the ValueConv value to be returned for
240               this tag.
242               Note that keys in the returned information hash and elements of
243               the returned tag list are not necessarily the same as these tag
244               names because group names are removed, the case may be changed,
245               and an instance number may be added.  For this reason it is
246               best to use either the keys of the returned hash or the
247               elements of the returned tag list when accessing the tag
248               values.
250               See Image::ExifTool::TagNames for a complete list of ExifTool
251               tag names.
253           File ref
254               A reference to an open image file.  If you use this method (or
255               a SCALAR reference) to access information in an image, the
256               FileName and Directory tags will not be returned.  (Also, a
257               number of the File System tags will not be returned unless it
258               is a plain file.)  Image processing begins at the current file
259               position, and on return the file position is unspecified.  May
260               be either a standard filehandle, or a reference to a
261               File::RandomAccess object.  Note that the file remains open and
262               must be closed by the caller after "ImageInfo" returns.
264               [Advanced:  To allow a non-rewindable stream (eg. a network
265               socket) to be re-read after processing with ExifTool, first
266               wrap the file reference in a File::RandomAccess object, then
267               pass this object to "ImageInfo".  The File::RandomAccess object
268               will buffer the file if necessary, and may be used to re-read
269               the file after "ImageInfo" returns.]
271           SCALAR ref
272               A reference to image data in memory.
274           ARRAY ref
275               Reference to a list of tag names.  On entry, any elements in
276               the list are added to the list of requested tags.  Tags with
277               names beginning with '-' are excluded.  On return, this list is
278               updated to contain an ordered list of tag keys for the returned
279               information.
281               There will be 1:1 correspondence between the requested tags and
282               the returned tag keys only if the "Duplicates" option is 0 and
283               "Sort" is 'Input'.  (With "Duplicates" enabled, there may be
284               more entries in the returned list of tag keys, and with other
285               "Sort" settings the entries may not be in the same order as
286               requested.)  If a requested tag doesn't exist, a tag key is
287               still generated, but the tag value is undefined.
289           HASH ref
290               Reference to a hash containing the options settings valid for
291               this call only.  See "Options" documentation below for a list
292               of available options.  Options specified as arguments to
293               "ImageInfo" take precedence over "Options" settings.
295       Return Values:
296           "ImageInfo" returns a reference to a hash of tag-key/value pairs.
297           The tag keys are identifiers -- essentially case-sensitive tag
298           names with an appended instance number if multiple tags with the
299           same name were extracted from the image.  Many of the ExifTool
300           functions require a tag key as an argument.  Use "GetTagName
301           [static]" to get the tag name for a given tag key.  Note that the
302           case of the tag names may not be the same as requested.  Here is a
303           simple example to print out the information returned by
304           "ImageInfo":
306               foreach (sort keys %$info) {
307                   print "$_ => $$info{$_}\n";
308               }
310           Values of the returned hash are usually simple scalars, but a
311           scalar reference is used to indicate binary data and an array
312           reference may be used to indicate a list.  Also, a hash reference
313           may be returned if the "Struct" option is used.  Lists of values
314           are joined by commas into a single string only if the PrintConv
315           option is enabled and the ListJoin option is enabled (which are the
316           defaults).  Note that binary values are not necessarily extracted
317           unless specifically requested, or the Binary option is enabled and
318           the tag is not specifically excluded.  If not extracted the value
319           is a reference to a string of the form "Binary data ##### bytes".
321           The code below gives an example of how to handle these return
322           values, as well as illustrating the use of other ExifTool
323           functions:
325               use Image::ExifTool;
326               my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
327               $exifTool->Options(Unknown => 1);
328               my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo('a.jpg');
329               my $group = '';
330               my $tag;
331               foreach $tag ($exifTool->GetFoundTags('Group0')) {
332                   if ($group ne $exifTool->GetGroup($tag)) {
333                       $group = $exifTool->GetGroup($tag);
334                       print "---- $group ----\n";
335                   }
336                   my $val = $info->{$tag};
337                   if (ref $val eq 'SCALAR') {
338                       if ($$val =~ /^Binary data/) {
339                           $val = "($$val)";
340                       } else {
341                           my $len = length($$val);
342                           $val = "(Binary data $len bytes)";
343                       }
344                   }
345                   printf("%-32s : %s\n", $exifTool->GetDescription($tag), $val);
346               }
348       Notes:
349           ExifTool returns all values as byte strings of encoded characters.
350           Perl wide characters are not used.  See "CHARACTER ENCODINGS" for
351           details about the encodings.  By default, most returned values are
352           encoded in UTF-8.  For these, Encode::decode_utf8() may be used to
353           convert to a sequence of logical Perl characters.
355           As well as tags representing information extracted from the image,
356           the following Extra tags generated by ExifTool may be returned:
358               ExifToolVersion - The ExifTool version number.
360               Error - An error message if the image could not be processed.
362               Warning - A warning message if problems were encountered while
363                         processing the image.
365   Options
366       Get/set ExifTool options.  This function can be called to set the
367       default options for an ExifTool object.  Options set this way are in
368       effect for all function calls but may be overridden by options passed
369       as arguments to some functions.  Option names are not case sensitive.
371       The default option values may be changed by defining a
372       %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Options hash.  See the ExifTool_config
373       file in the full ExifTool distribution for examples.  A default of
374       undef has the same behaviour as a value of 0 for numerical options.
376           # exclude the 'OwnerName' tag from returned information
377           $exifTool->Options(Exclude => 'OwnerName');
379           # only get information in EXIF or MakerNotes groups
380           $exifTool->Options(Group0 => ['EXIF', 'MakerNotes']);
382           # ignore information from IFD1
383           $exifTool->Options(Group1 => '-IFD1');
385           # sort by groups in family 2, and extract unknown tags
386           $exifTool->Options(Sort => 'Group2', Unknown => 1);
388           # reset DateFormat option
389           $exifTool->Options(DateFormat => undef);
391           # do not extract duplicate tag names
392           $oldSetting = $exifTool->Options(Duplicates => 0);
394           # get current Verbose setting
395           $isVerbose = $exifTool->Options('Verbose');
397           # set a user parameter
398           $exifTool->Options(UserParam => 'MyParam=some value');
400       Inputs:
401           0) ExifTool object reference
403           1) Option parameter name (case-insensitive)
405           2) [optional] Option parameter value (may be undef to clear option)
407           3-N) [optional] Additional parameter/value pairs
409       Option Parameters:
410           Note that these API options may also be used in the exiftool
411           application via the command-line -api option.
413           Binary
414               Flag to extract the value data for all binary tags.  Tag values
415               representing large binary data blocks (eg. ThumbnailImage) are
416               not necessarily extracted unless this option is set or the tag
417               is specifically requested by name.  Default is undef.
419           BlockExtract
420               Flag to extract some directories (mentioned in the ExifTool tag
421               name documentation) as a block.  Setting this to a value of 2
422               also prevents parsing the block to extract tags contained
423               within.
425           ByteOrder
426               The byte order for newly created EXIF segments when writing.
427               Note that if EXIF information already exists, the existing
428               order is maintained.  Valid values are 'MM', 'II' and undef.
429               If ByteOrder is not defined (the default), then the maker note
430               byte order is used (if they are being copied), otherwise big-
431               endian ('MM') order is assumed.  This can also be set via the
432               ExifByteOrder tag, but the ByteOrder option takes precedence if
433               both are set.
435           Charset
436               Character set for encoding character tag values passed to/from
437               ExifTool with code points above U+007F.  Default is 'UTF8'.
438               Valid values are listed below, case is not significant:
440                 Value        Alias(es)        Description
441                 -----------  ---------------  ----------------------------------
442                 UTF8         cp65001, UTF-8   UTF-8 characters
443                 Latin        cp1252, Latin1   Windows Latin1 (West European)
444                 Latin2       cp1250           Windows Latin2 (Central European)
445                 Cyrillic     cp1251, Russian  Windows Cyrillic
446                 Greek        cp1253           Windows Greek
447                 Turkish      cp1254           Windows Turkish
448                 Hebrew       cp1255           Windows Hebrew
449                 Arabic       cp1256           Windows Arabic
450                 Baltic       cp1257           Windows Baltic
451                 Vietnam      cp1258           Windows Vietnamese
452                 Thai         cp874            Windows Thai
453                 DOSLatinUS   cp437            DOS Latin US
454                 DOSLatin1    cp850            DOS Latin1
455                 DOSCyrillic  cp866            DOS Cyrillic
456                 MacRoman     cp10000, Roman   Macintosh Roman
457                 MacLatin2    cp10029          Macintosh Latin2 (Central Europe)
458                 MacCyrillic  cp10007          Macintosh Cyrillic
459                 MacGreek     cp10006          Macintosh Greek
460                 MacTurkish   cp10081          Macintosh Turkish
461                 MacRomanian  cp10010          Macintosh Romanian
462                 MacIceland   cp10079          Macintosh Icelandic
463                 MacCroatian  cp10082          Macintosh Croatian
465               Note that this option affects some types of information when
466               reading/writing the file and other types when getting/setting
467               tag values, so it must be defined for both types of access.
468               See the "CHARACTER ENCODINGS" section for more information
469               about the handling of special characters.
471           CharsetEXIF
472               Internal encoding to use for stored EXIF "ASCII" string values.
473               May also be set to undef to pass through EXIF "ASCII" values
474               without recoding.  Set to "UTF8" to conform with the MWG
475               recommendation.  Default is undef.
477           CharsetFileName
478               External character set used for file names passed to ExifTool
479               functions.  When set in Windows, this triggers use of Windows
480               wide-character i/o library routines (requires Win32API::File).
481               Default is undef.  May also be set to an empty string to avoid
482               "encoding not specified" warnings on Windows.
484           CharsetID3
485               Internal encoding to assume for ID3v1 strings.  By the
486               specification ID3v1 strings should be encoded in ISO 8859-1
487               (essentially Latin), but some applications may use local
488               encoding instead.  Default is 'Latin'.
490           CharsetIPTC
491               Fallback internal IPTC character set to assume if IPTC
492               information contains no CodedCharacterSet tag.  Possible values
493               are the same as the "Charset" option.  Default is 'Latin'.
495               Note that this option affects some types of information when
496               reading/writing the file and other types when getting/setting
497               tag values, so it must be defined for both types of access.
499           CharsetPhotoshop
500               Internal encoding to assume for Photoshop IRB resource names.
501               Default is 'Latin'.
503           CharsetQuickTime
504               Internal encoding to assume for QuickTime strings stored with
505               an unspecified encoding.  Default is 'MacRoman'.
507           CharsetRIFF
508               Internal encoding to assume for strings in RIFF metadata (eg.
509               AVI and WAV files).  The default value of 0 assumes "Latin"
510               encoding unless otherwise specified by the RIFF CSET chunk.
511               Set to undef to pass through strings without recoding.  Default
512               is 0.
514           Compact
515               Comma-delimited list of settings for writing compact XMP.
516               Below is a list of available settings.  Note that 'NoPadding'
517               effects only embedded XMP since padding is never written for
518               stand-alone XMP files.  Also note that 'OneDesc' is not
519               recommended when writing XMP larger than 64 kB to a JPG file
520               because it interferes with ExifTool's technique of splitting
521               off large rdf:Description elements into the extended XMP.  Case
522               is not significant for any of these options.  Aliases are given
523               in brackets. Default is undef.
525                 NoPadding - Avoid 2 kB of recommended padding at end of XMP (NoPad)
526                 NoIndent  - No spaces to indent lines (NoSpace, NoSpaces)
527                 NoNewline - Avoid unnecessary newlines (NoNewlines)
528                 Shorthand - Use XMP Shorthand format
529                 OneDesc   - Combine properties into a single rdf:Description (OneDescr)
530                 AllSpace  - Equivalent to 'NoPadding,NoIndent,NoNewline'
531                 AllFormat - Equivalent to 'Shorthand,OneDesc'
532                 All       - Equivalent to 'AllSpace,AllFormat'
534           Composite
535               Flag to generate Composite tags when extracting information.
536               Default is 1.
538           Compress
539               Flag to write new values in compressed format if possible.  Has
540               no effect unless Compress::Zlib is installed.  Default is
541               undef.
543           CoordFormat
544               Format for printing GPS coordinates.  This is a printf format
545               string with specifiers for degrees, minutes and seconds in that
546               order, however minutes and seconds may be omitted.  If the
547               hemisphere is known, a reference direction (N, S, E or W) is
548               appended to each printed coordinate, but adding a "+" to the
549               first format specifier (eg. "%+.6f") prints a signed coordinate
550               instead.  For example, the following table gives the output for
551               the same coordinate using various formats:
553                     CoordFormat        Example Output
554                 -------------------  ------------------
555                 q{%d deg %d' %.2f"}  54 deg 59' 22.80"  (default for reading)
556                 q{%d %d %.8f}        54 59 22.80000000  (default for copying)
557                 q{%d deg %.4f min}   54 deg 59.3800 min
558                 q{%.6f degrees}      54.989667 degrees
560               Note:  To avoid loss of precision, the default coordinate
561               format is different when copying tags with
562               "SetNewValuesFromFile".
564           DateFormat
565               Format for printing date/time values.  See "strftime" in the
566               POSIX package and <https://exiftool.org/filename.html#codes>
567               for details about the format string.  If the date can not be
568               converted, the value is left unchanged unless the StrictDate
569               option is set.  Timezones are ignored.  The inverse conversion
570               (ie. when calling "SetNewValue") is performed only if
571               POSIX::strptime or Time::Piece is installed.  The default
572               setting of undef causes date/time values to remain in standard
573               EXIF format (similar to a DateFormat of "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S").
575           Duplicates
576               Flag to return values from tags with duplicate names when
577               extracting information.  Default is 1.
579           Escape
580               Escape special characters in extracted values for HTML or XML.
581               Also unescapes HTML or XML character entities in input values
582               passed to "SetNewValue".  Valid settings are 'HTML', 'XML' or
583               undef.  Default is undef.
585           Exclude
586               Exclude specified tags from tags extracted from an image.  The
587               option value is either a tag name or reference to a list of tag
588               names to exclude.  The case of tag names is not significant.
589               This option is ignored for specifically requested tags.  Tags
590               may also be excluded by preceding their name with a '-' in the
591               arguments to "ImageInfo".
593           ExtendedXMP
594               This setting affects the reading and editing of extended XMP in
595               JPEG images.  According to the XMP specification, extended XMP
596               is only valid if it has the GUID specified by the
597               HasExtendedXMP tag, so by default ExifTool will ignore other
598               extended XMP, but this option allows full control over the
599               extended XMP to be extracted.
601                    0   - Ignore all extended XMP
602                    1   - Read extended XMP with valid GUID only (default)
603                    2   - Read extended XMP with any GUID
604                 <guid> - Read extended XMP with a specific GUID
606           ExtractEmbedded
607               Flag to extract information from embedded documents in EPS
608               files, embedded EPS information and JPEG and Jpeg2000 images in
609               PDF files, embedded MPF images in JPEG and MPO files, timed
610               metadata in videos, and the resource fork of Mac OS files.  A
611               setting of 2 also causes the H264 video stream in MP4 files to
612               be parsed until the first SEI message is decoded, or 3 to parse
613               the entire H264 stream in MP4 videos and the entire M2TS file
614               to look for any unlisted program containing GPS metadata.
615               Default is undef.
617           FastScan
618               Flag to increase speed when reading files by avoiding
619               extraction of some types of metadata.  With this option set to
620               1, ExifTool will not scan to the end of a JPEG image to check
621               for an AFCP, CanonVRD, FotoStation, PhotoMechanic, MIE or
622               PreviewImage trailer.  This also stops the parsing after the
623               first comment in GIF images, and at the audio/video data of
624               RIFF-format files (AVI, WAV, etc), so any trailing metadata
625               (eg. XMP written by some utilities) may be missed.  Also
626               disables input buffering for some types of files to reduce
627               memory usage when reading from a non-seekable stream, and
628               bypasses CRC validation for speed when writing PNG files.  When
629               combined with the ScanForXMP option, prevents scanning for XMP
630               in recognized file types.  With a value of 2, ExifTool will
631               also avoid extracting any EXIF MakerNote information, and will
632               stop parsing at the IDAT chunk of PNG images.  (By the PNG
633               specification, metadata is allowed after IDAT, but ExifTool
634               always writes it before because some utilities will ignore it
635               otherwise.)  When set to 3 or higher, only pseudo system tags
636               and FileType are generated.  For 3, the file header is read to
637               provide an educated guess at FileType.  For 4, the file is not
638               read at all and FileType is determined based on the file's
639               extension.  For 5, generation of Composite tags is also
640               disabled (like setting "Composite" to 0).  Default is undef.
642           Filter
643               Perl expression used to filter values for all tags.  The
644               expression acts on the value of the Perl default variable ($_),
645               and changes the value of this variable as required.  The
646               current ExifTool object may be accessed through $self.  The
647               value is not changed if $_ is set to undef.  List items are
648               filtered individually.  Applies to all returned values unless
649               PrintConv option is disabled.
651           FilterW
652               Perl expression used to filter PrintConv values when writing.
653               The expression acts on the value of the Perl default variable
654               ($_), and changes the value of this variable as required.  The
655               current ExifTool object may be accessed through $self.  The tag
656               is not written if $_ is set to undef.
658           FixBase
659               Fix maker notes base offset.  A common problem with image
660               editing software is that offsets in the maker notes are not
661               adjusted properly when the file is modified.  This may cause
662               the wrong values to be extracted for some maker note entries
663               when reading the edited file.  FixBase specifies an integer
664               value to be added to the maker notes base offset.  It may also
665               be set to the empty string ('') for ExifTool will take its best
666               guess at the correct base, or undef (the default) for no base
667               adjustment.
669           GeoMaxIntSecs
670               Maximum interpolation time in seconds for geotagging.
671               Geotagging is treated as an extrapolation if the Geotime value
672               lies between two fixes in the same track which are separated by
673               a number of seconds greater than this.  Otherwise, the
674               coordinates are calculated as a linear interpolation between
675               the nearest fixes on either side of the Geotime value.  Set to
676               0 to disable interpolation and use the coordinates of the
677               nearest fix instead (provided it is within GeoMaxExtSecs,
678               otherwise geotagging fails).  Default is 1800.
680           GeoMaxExtSecs
681               Maximum extrapolation time in seconds for geotagging.
682               Geotagging fails if the Geotime value lies outside a GPS track
683               by a number of seconds greater than this.  Otherwise, for an
684               extrapolation the coordinates of the nearest fix are taken (ie.
685               it is assumed that you weren't moving during this period).
686               Default is 1800.
688           GeoMaxHDOP
689               Maximum Horizontal (2D) Dilution Of Precision for geotagging.
690               GPS fixes are ignored if the HDOP is greater than this.
691               Default is undef.
693           GeoMaxPDOP
694               Maximum Position (3D) Dilution Of Precision for geotagging.
695               GPS fixes are ignored if the PDOP is greater than this.
696               Default is undef.
698           GeoMinSats
699               Minimum number of satellites for geotagging.  GPS fixes are
700               ignored if the number of acquired satellites is less than this.
701               Default is undef.
703           GeoSpeedRef
704               Reference units for writing GPSSpeed when geotagging:
706                   'K', 'k' or 'km/h'  - km/h
707                   'M', 'm' or 'mph'   - mph
708                   <anything else>     - knots (default undef)
710           GlobalTimeShift
711               Time shift to apply to all extracted date/time PrintConv
712               values.  Does not affect ValueConv values.  Value is a
713               date/time shift string (see Image::ExifTool::Shift(3pm)), with
714               a leading '-' for negative shifts.  Default is undef.
716           Group#
717               Extract tags only for specified groups in family # (Group0
718               assumed if # not given).  The option value may be a single
719               group name or a reference to a list of groups.  Case is
720               significant in group names.  Specify a group to be excluded by
721               preceding group name with a '-'.  See "GetGroup" for a
722               description of group families, and "GetAllGroups [static]" for
723               lists of group names.
725           HexTagIDs
726               Return hexadecimal instead of decimal for the family 7 group
727               names of tags with numerical ID's.
729           HtmlDump
730               Dump information in hex to dynamic HTML web page.  The value
731               may be 0-3 for increasingly larger limits on the maximum block
732               size.  Default is 0.  Output goes to the file specified by the
733               TextOut option (\*STDOUT by default).
735           HtmlDumpBase
736               Base for HTML dump offsets.  If not defined, the EXIF/TIFF base
737               offset is used.  Set to 0 for absolute offsets.  Default is
738               undef.
740           IgnoreMinorErrors
741               Flag to ignore minor errors.  Causes minor errors to be
742               downgraded to warnings, and minor warnings to be ignored.  This
743               option is provided mainly to allow writing of files when minor
744               errors occur, but by ignoring some minor warnings the behaviour
745               of ExifTool may be changed to allow some questionable
746               operations to proceed (such as extracting thumbnail and preview
747               images even if they don't have a recognizable header).  Minor
748               errors and warnings are denoted by "[minor]" at the start of
749               the message, or "[Minor]" (with a capital "M") for warnings
750               that affect processing when ignored.
752           Lang
753               Localized language for exiftool tag descriptions, etc.
754               Available languages are given by the Image::ExifTool::Lang
755               module names (eg. 'fr', 'zh_cn').  If the specified language
756               isn't available, the option is not changed.  May be set to
757               undef to select the built-in default language.  Default is
758               'en'.
760           LargeFileSupport
761               Flag to indicate that 64-bit file offsets are supported on this
762               system.  Default is undef.
764           ListItem
765               Return only a specific item from list-type values.  A value of
766               0 returns the first item in the list, 1 return the second item,
767               etc.  Negative indices may also be used, with -1 representing
768               the last item in the list.  Applies only to the top-level list
769               of nested lists.  Default is undef to return all items in the
770               list.
772           ListJoin
773               Separator used to join the PrintConv value of multi-item List-
774               type tags into a single string.  If not defined, multi-item
775               lists are returned as a list reference.  Does not affect
776               ValueConv values.  Default is ', '.
778           ListSplit
779               Regular expression used to split values of list-type tags into
780               individual items when writing.  (eg. use ',\\s*' to split a
781               comma-separated list.)  Split when writing either PrintConv or
782               ValueConv values.  Default is undef.
784           MakerNotes
785               Option to extract MakerNotes and other writable subdirectories
786               (such as PrintIM) as a data block.  Normally when the
787               MakerNotes are extracted they are rebuilt to include data
788               outside the boundaries of the original maker note data block,
789               but a value of 2 disables this feature.  Possible values are:
791                 0 - Do not extract writable subdirectories (same as default of undef)
792                 1 - Extract and rebuild maker notes into self-contained block
793                 2 - Extract without rebuilding maker notes
795           MDItemTags
796               Flag to extract the OS X metadata item tags (see the "mdls" man
797               page and "MacOS MDItem Tags" in Image::ExifTool::TagNames for
798               more information).
800           MissingTagValue
801               Value for missing tags in tag name expressions (or tags where
802               the advanced formatting expression returns undef).  If not set,
803               a minor error is issued for missing values, or the value is set
804               to '' if "IgnoreMinorErrors" is set.  Default is undef.
806           NoMultiExif
807               Raise error when attempting to write multi-segment EXIF in a
808               JPEG image.  Default is undef.
810           NoPDFList
811               Flag to avoid splitting PDF list-type tag values into separate
812               items.  Default is undef.
814           Password
815               Password for reading/writing password-protected PDF documents.
816               Ignored if a password is not required.  Character encoding of
817               the password is determined by the value of the Charset option
818               at processing time.  Default is undef.
820           PrintConv
821               Flag to enable automatic print conversion.  Also enables
822               inverse print conversion for writing.  Default is 1.
824           QuickTimeHandler
825               Flag set to add an 'mdir' Handler to a newly created Meta box
826               when adding QuickTime ItemList tags.  Adobe Bridge does not add
827               this Handler, but it is commonly found in samples from other
828               software, and it has been reported that Apple QuickTime Player
829               and Photos.apps will ignore ItemList tags if this is missing.
830               Default is 1.
832           QuickTimePad
833               Flag to preserve the padding of some QuickTime atoms when
834               writing.  QuickTime-based Canon CR3 files pad the values of
835               container atoms with null bytes.  This padding is removed by
836               default when the file is rewritten, but setting this option to
837               1 adds padding to preserve the original atom size if the new
838               atom would be smaller than the original.  Default is undef.
840           QuickTimeUTC
841               Flag set to assume that QuickTime date/time values are stored
842               as UTC, causing conversion to local time when they are
843               extracted and from local time when written.  According to the
844               QuickTime specification date/time values should be UTC, but
845               many digital cameras store local time instead (presumably
846               because they don't know the time zone), so the default is to
847               not convert these times (except for Canon CR3 files, which
848               always use UTC times).  This option also disables the
849               autodetection of incorrect time-zero offsets in QuickTime
850               date/time values, and enforces a time zero of 1904 as per the
851               QuickTime specification.
853           RequestAll
854               Flag to request all tags to be extracted.  This causes some
855               tags to be generated which normally would not be unless
856               specifically requested (by passing the tag name to "ImageInfo"
857               or "ExtractInfo").  May be set to 2 or 3 to enable generation
858               of some additional tags as mentioned in the tag name
859               documentation.  Default is undef.
861           RequestTags
862               List of additional tag and/or group names to request in the
863               next call to "ExtractInfo".  This option is useful only for
864               tags/groups which aren't extracted unless specifically
865               requested.  Value may be a list reference, a delimited string
866               of names (any delimiter is allowed), or undef to clear the
867               current RequestTags list.  Groups are requested by adding a
868               colon after the name (eg. "MacOS:").  Names are converted to
869               lower case as they are added to the list.  Default is undef.
871           SaveFormat
872               Flag to save EXIF/TIFF format type as the family 6 group name
873               when extracting information.  Without this option set, the
874               family 6 group names are not generated.  Default is undef.  See
875               the "GetGroup" option for more details.
877           SavePath
878               Flag to save the metadata path as the family 5 group name when
879               extracting information.  Without this option set, the family 5
880               group names are not generated.  Default is undef.  See the
881               "GetGroup" option for more details.
883           ScanForXMP
884               Flag to scan all files (even unrecognized formats) for XMP
885               information unless XMP was already found in the file.  When
886               combined with the FastScan option, only unrecognized file types
887               are scanned for XMP.  Default is undef.
889           Sort
890               Specifies order to sort tags in returned list:
892                 Input  - Sort in same order as input tag arguments (default)
893                 File   - Sort in order that tags were found in the file
894                 Tag    - Sort alphabetically by tag name
895                 Descr  - Sort by tag description (for current Lang setting)
896                 Group# - Sort by tag group, where # is zero or more family
897                          numbers separated by colons. If # is not specified,
898                          Group0 is assumed.  See GetGroup for a description
899                          of group families.
901           Sort2
902               Secondary sort order used for tags within each group when Sort
903               is 'Group':
905                 File   - Sort in order tags were found in the file (default)
906                 Tag    - Sort alphabetically by tag name
907                 Descr  - Sort by tag description (for current Lang setting)
909           StrictDate
910               Flag to return undefined value for any date which can't be
911               converted when the DateFormat option is used.  Default is
912               undef.
914                 undef - Same as 0 for reading/writing, or 1 for copying
915                   0   - Return date/time value unchanged if it can't be converted
916                   1   - Return undef if date/time value can't be converted
918               When set to 1 while writing a PrintConv date/time value with
919               the DateFormat option set, the value is written only if
920               POSIX::strptime or Time::Piece is available and can
921               successfully convert the value.
923               For PNG CreationTime, a setting of 1 has the additional effect
924               of causing the date/time to be reformatted according to PNG 1.2
925               recommendation (RFC-1123) when writing, and a warning to be
926               issued for any non-standard value when reading (but note that
927               Windows may not recognize PNG date/time values in standard
928               format).
930           Struct
931               Flag to return XMP structures as hash references instead of
932               flattening into individual tags.  Has no effect when writing
933               since both flattened and structured tags may always be written.
934               Possible values are:
936                 undef - (default) Same as 0 for reading, 2 for copying
937                   0   - Read/copy flattened tags
938                   1   - Read/copy structured tags
939                   2   - Read/copy both flattened and structured tags, but flag
940                         flattened tags as 'unsafe' for copying
942           SystemTags
943               Flag to extract the following additional File System tags:
944               FileAttributes, FileDeviceNumber, FileInodeNumber,
945               FileHardLinks, FileUserID, FileGroupID, FileDeviceID,
946               FileBlockSize and FileBlockCount.
948           TextOut
949               Output file reference for Verbose and HtmlDump options.
950               Default is \*STDOUT.
952           TimeZone
953               Time zone for local date/time values.  May be set to any valid
954               TZ string.  Uses the system time zone if not specified.
955               Default is undef.  (Requires POSIX::tzset, which may not be
956               available in Windows.  A work-around in Windows is to "set
957               TZ=<zone>" before running ExifTool.)
959           Unknown
960               Flag to get the values of unknown tags.  If set to 1, unknown
961               tags are extracted from EXIF (or other tagged-format)
962               directories.  If set to 2, unknown tags are also extracted from
963               binary data blocks.  Default is 0.
965           UserParam
966               Special option to set/get user-defined parameters.  Useful to
967               allow external input into tag name expressions and ValueConv
968               logic.  Valid UserParam values are:
970                 PARAM         - Get parameter
971                 PARAM=        - Clear parameter
972                 PARAM^=       - Set parameter to empty string
973                 PARAM=VALUE   - Set parameter
974                 <hash ref>    - Set entire UserParam hash lookup
975                 undef         - Clear all user parameters
977               Where PARAM is the user-defined parameter name (case
978               insensitive).
980               User-defined parameters may be accessed in tag name expressions
981               by prefixing the parameter name with a dollar sign just like
982               normal tags, or via the API by calling
983               "Options('UserParam','PARAM')".  Appending a hash tag ("#") to
984               the parameter name also causes the parameter to be extracted as
985               a normal tag (in the UserParam group).  If called without
986               additional arguments, "Options('UserParam')" returns a
987               reference to the hash of all user parameters (with lower-case
988               names).
990           Validate
991               Flag to perform extra validation metadata checks when reading,
992               causing extra warnings to be generated if problems are found.
993               Default is undef.
995           Verbose
996               Print verbose messages to file specified by TextOut option.
997               Value may be from 0 to 5 for increasingly verbose messages.
998               Default is 0.  With the verbose option set, messages are
999               printed to the console as the file is parsed.  Level 1 prints
1000               the tag names and raw values.  Level 2 adds more details about
1001               the tags.  Level 3 adds a hex dump of the tag data, but with
1002               limits on the number of bytes dumped.  Levels 4 and 5 remove
1003               the dump limit on tag values and JPEG segment data
1004               respectively.
1006           WriteMode
1007               Set tag write/create mode.  Value is a string of one or more
1008               characters from list below.  Default is 'wcg'.
1010                   w - Write existing tags
1011                   c - Create new tags
1012                   g - create new Groups as necessary
1014               The level of the group differs for different types of metadata.
1015               For XMP or IPTC this is the full XMP/IPTC block (the family 0
1016               group), but for EXIF this is the individual IFD (the family 1
1017               group).  The 'w' and 'c' modes are tested only when
1018               "SetNewValue" is called, but the 'g' mode is also tested in
1019               "WriteInfo".
1021           XAttrTags
1022               Flag to extract the OS X extended attribute tags (see the
1023               "xattr" man page and "MacOS XAttr Tags" in
1024               Image::ExifTool::TagNames for more information).
1026           XMPAutoConv
1027               Flag to enable automatic conversion for unknown XMP tags with
1028               values that look like rational numbers or dates.  Default is 1.
1030       Return Values:
1031           The original value of the last specified parameter.
1033   ClearOptions
1034       Reset all options to their default values.  Loads user-defined default
1035       option values from the %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Options hash in
1036       the .ExifTool_config file if it exists.
1038           $exifTool->ClearOptions();
1040       Inputs:
1041           0) ExifTool object reference
1043       Return Values:
1044           (none)
1046   ExtractInfo
1047       Extract all meta information from an image.
1049           $success = $exifTool->ExtractInfo('image.jpg', \%options);
1051       Inputs:
1052           "ExtractInfo" takes exactly the same arguments as "ImageInfo".  The
1053           only difference is that a list of tag keys is not returned if an
1054           ARRAY reference is given.  The following options are effective in
1055           the call to "ExtractInfo":
1057           Binary, Charset, CharsetEXIF, CharsetFileName, CharsetID3,
1058           CharsetIPTC, CharsetPhotoshop, CharsetQuickTime, CharsetRIFF,
1059           Composite, ExtendedXMP, ExtractEmbedded, FastScan, FixBase,
1060           HtmlDump, HtmlDumpBase, IgnoreMinorErrors, Lang, LargeFileSupport,
1061           MakerNotes, MDItemTags, NoPDFList, Password, QuickTimeUTC (enforced
1062           1904 time zero), RequestAll, RequestTags, SaveFormat, SavePath,
1063           ScanForXMP, Struct, TextOut, Unknown, Verbose, XAttrTags and
1064           XMPAutoConv.
1066       Return Value:
1067           1 if this was a recognized file format, 0 otherwise (and 'Error'
1068           tag set).
1070   GetInfo
1071       "GetInfo" is called to return meta information after it has been
1072       extracted from the image by a previous call to "ExtractInfo" or
1073       "ImageInfo". This function may be called repeatedly after a single call
1074       to "ExtractInfo" or "ImageInfo".
1076           # get image width and height only
1077           $info = $exifTool->GetInfo('ImageWidth', 'ImageHeight');
1079           # get all Error and Warning messages
1080           $info = $exifTool->GetInfo('Error', 'Warning');
1082           # get information for all tags in list (list updated with tags found)
1083           $info = $exifTool->GetInfo(\@ioTagList);
1085           # get all information in Author or Location groups
1086           $info = $exifTool->GetInfo({Group2 => ['Author', 'Location']});
1088       Inputs:
1089           Inputs are the same as "ExtractInfo" and "ImageInfo" except that an
1090           image can not be specified.  Options in effect are:
1092           Charset, CoordFormat, DateFormat, Duplicates, Escape, Exclude,
1093           Filter, Group#, GlobalTimeShift, Lang, ListItem, ListJoin,
1094           PrintConv, Sort (if a tag list reference is given) and StrictDate.
1096       Return Value:
1097           Reference to information hash, the same as with "ImageInfo".
1099       The following options are effective in the call to "GetInfo":
1101       Charset, CoordFormat, DateFormat, Duplicates, Escape, Exclude, Filter,
1102       Group#, GlobalTimeShift, Lang, ListItem, ListJoin, PrintConv,
1103       QuickTimeUTC (conversion to local time), Sort (if a tag list reference
1104       is given) and StrictDate.
1106   WriteInfo
1107       Write meta information to a file.  The specified source file is
1108       rewritten to the same-type destination file with new information as
1109       specified by previous calls to "SetNewValue".  The necessary segments
1110       and/or directories are created in the destination file as required to
1111       store the specified information.  May be called repeatedly to write the
1112       same information to additional files without the need to call
1113       "SetNewValue" again.
1115       ExifTool queues all new values that are assigned via calls to
1116       "SetNewValue", then applies them to any number of files through one or
1117       more calls to "WriteInfo". These queued values may be accessed through
1118       "GetNewValue", and are completely separate from metadata extracted from
1119       files via "ExtractInfo" or "ImageInfo" and accessed through "GetInfo"
1120       or "GetValue".
1122       To be clear, it is NOT necessary to call "ExtractInfo" or "ImageInfo"
1123       before "WriteInfo".  "WriteInfo" changes only metadata specified by
1124       previous calls to "SetNewValue".
1126           # add information to a source file, writing output to new file
1127           $exifTool->WriteInfo($srcfile, $dstfile);
1129           # create XMP data file from scratch
1130           $exifTool->WriteInfo(undef, $dstfile, 'XMP');
1132           # overwrite file (you do have backups, right?)
1133           $exifTool->WriteInfo($srcfile);
1135       Inputs:
1136           0) ExifTool object reference
1138           1) Source file name, file reference, scalar reference, or undef to
1139           create a file from scratch.  A reference to a File::RandomAccess
1140           object is also allowed as a source, but in this case the
1141           destination is not optional.
1143           2) [optional] Destination file name, file reference, scalar
1144           reference to write to memory, or undef to overwrite the original
1145           file.  May be '-' to write to stdout.
1147           3) [optional] Destination file type.  Ignored if a source is
1148           defined.
1150       Return Value:
1151           1 if file was written OK, 2 if file was written but no changes
1152           made, 0 on file write error.
1154           If an error code is returned, an Error tag is set and
1155           GetValue('Error') can be called to obtain the error description.  A
1156           Warning tag may be set even if this routine is successful.  Calling
1157           WriteInfo clears any pre-existing Error and Warning tags.
1159               $errorMessage = $exifTool->GetValue('Error');
1160               $warningMessage = $exifTool->GetValue('Warning');
1162       Notes:
1163           The source file name may be undefined to create a file from scratch
1164           (currently only XMP, MIE, ICC, VRD, DR4, EXV and EXIF files can be
1165           created in this way -- see "CanCreate" for details).  If undefined,
1166           the destination file type is required unless the type can be
1167           determined from the extension of the destination file name.
1169           If a destination file name is given, the specified file must not
1170           exist because an existing destination file will not be overwritten.
1171           Any new values for FileName, Directory or HardLink are ignored when
1172           a destination file name is specified.
1174           The destination file name may be undefined to overwrite the
1175           original file (make sure you have backups!).  In this case, if a
1176           source file name is provided, a temporary file is created and
1177           renamed to replace the source file if no errors occurred while
1178           writing.  Otherwise, if a source file reference or scalar reference
1179           is used, the image is first written to memory then copied back to
1180           replace the original if there were no errors.
1182           On Mac OS systems, the file resource fork is preserved if this
1183           routine is called with a source file name.
1185       The following ExifTool options are effective in the call to
1186       "WriteInfo":
1188       ByteOrder, Charset, CharsetEXIF, CharsetFileName, CharsetIPTC, Compact,
1189       Compress, FixBase, IgnoreMinorErrors, NoMultiExif, NoPDFList, Password,
1190       QuickTimeHandler, QuickTimePad, Verbose and WriteMode.
1192   GetTagList
1193       Get a sorted list of tags from the specified information hash or tag
1194       list.
1196           @tags = $exifTool->GetTagList($info, 'Group0');
1198       Inputs:
1199           0) ExifTool object reference
1201           1) [optional] Information hash reference or tag list reference
1203           2) [optional] Sort order ('Input', 'File', 'Tag', 'Descr' or
1204           'Group#')
1206           3) [optional] Secondary sort order ('File', 'Tag' or 'Descr')
1208           If the information hash or tag list reference is not provided, then
1209           the list of found tags from the last call to "ImageInfo",
1210           "ExtractInfo" or "GetInfo" is used instead, and the result is the
1211           same as if "GetFoundTags" was called.  If sort order is not
1212           specified, the sort order is taken from the current options
1213           settings.
1215       Return Values:
1216           A list of tag keys in the specified order.
1218   GetFoundTags
1219       Get list of found tags in specified sort order.  The found tags are the
1220       tags for the information obtained from the most recent call to
1221       "ImageInfo", "ExtractInfo" or "GetInfo" for this object.
1223           @tags = $exifTool->GetFoundTags('File');
1225       Inputs:
1226           0) ExifTool object reference
1228           1) [optional] Sort order ('Input', 'File', 'Tag', 'Descr' or
1229           'Group#')
1231           2) [optional] Secondary sort order ('File', 'Tag' or 'Descr')
1233           If sort order is not specified, the sort order from the ExifTool
1234           options is used.
1236       Return Values:
1237           A list of tag keys in the specified order.
1239   GetRequestedTags
1240       Get list of requested tags.  These are the tags that were specified in
1241       the arguments of the most recent call to "ImageInfo", "ExtractInfo" or
1242       "GetInfo", including tags specified via a tag list reference. Shortcut
1243       tags are expanded in the list.
1245           @tags = $exifTool->GetRequestedTags();
1247       Inputs:
1248           (none)
1250       Return Values:
1251           List of requested tag keys in the same order that the tags were
1252           specified.  Note that this list will be empty if tags were not
1253           specifically requested (ie. If extracting all tags).
1255   GetValue
1256       Get the value of a specified tag.  The returned value is either the
1257       human-readable (PrintConv) value, the converted machine-readable
1258       (ValueConv) value, the original raw (Raw) value, or the original
1259       rational (Rational) value for rational formats.  If the value type is
1260       not specified, the PrintConv value is returned if the PrintConv option
1261       is set, otherwise the ValueConv value is returned.  The PrintConv
1262       values are same as the values returned by "ImageInfo" and "GetInfo" in
1263       the tag/value hash unless the PrintConv option is disabled.
1265       Tags which represent lists of multiple values (as may happen with
1266       'Keywords' for example) are handled specially.  In scalar context, the
1267       returned PrintConv value for these tags is either a string of values or
1268       a list reference (depending on the ListJoin option setting), and the
1269       ValueConv value is always a list reference.  But in list context,
1270       "GetValue" always returns the list itself.
1272       Note that "GetValue" requires a case-sensitive tag key as an argument.
1273       To retrieve tag information based on a case-insensitive tag name (with
1274       an optional group specifier), use "GetInfo" instead.
1276           # PrintConv example
1277           my $val = $exifTool->GetValue($tag);
1278           if (ref $val eq 'SCALAR') {
1279               print "$tag = (unprintable value)\n";
1280           } else {
1281               print "$tag = $val\n";
1282           }
1284           # ValueConv examples
1285           my $val = $exifTool->GetValue($tag, 'ValueConv');
1286           if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
1287               print "$tag is a list of values\n";
1288           } elsif (ref $val eq 'SCALAR') {
1289               print "$tag represents binary data\n";
1290           } else {
1291               print "$tag is a simple scalar\n";
1292           }
1294           my @keywords = $exifTool->GetValue('Keywords', 'ValueConv');
1296       The following options are in effect when "GetValue" is called:
1298       Charset, CoordFormat, DateFormat, Escape, Filter, GlobalTimeShift,
1299       Lang, ListItem, ListJoin, PrintConv, QuickTimeUTC (conversion to local
1300       time), StrictDate and TimeZone.
1302       Inputs:
1303           0) ExifTool object reference
1305           1) Tag key, or case-sensitive tag name with optional group
1306           prefix(es)
1308           2) [optional] Value type: 'PrintConv', 'ValueConv', 'Both', 'Raw'
1309           or 'Rational'
1311           The default value type is 'PrintConv' if the PrintConv option is
1312           set, otherwise the default is 'ValueConv'.  A value type of 'Both'
1313           returns both ValueConv and PrintConv values as a list.  'Rational'
1314           returns the raw rational value as a string fraction for rational
1315           types, or undef for other types.
1317       Return Values:
1318           The value of the specified tag.  If the tag represents a list of
1319           multiple values and the ListJoin option is enabled then PrintConv
1320           returns a string of values, otherwise a reference to the list is
1321           returned in scalar context. The list itself is returned in list
1322           context.  (Unless 'Both' values are requested, in which case two
1323           list references are returned, regardless of context.)  Values may
1324           also be scalar references to binary data, or hash references if the
1325           "Struct" option is set.
1327           Note: It is possible for "GetValue" to return an undefined
1328           ValueConv or PrintConv value (or an empty list in list context)
1329           even if the tag exists, since it is possible for these conversions
1330           to yield undefined values.  And the Rational value will be
1331           undefined for any non-rational tag.  The Raw value should always
1332           exist if the tag exists.
1334   SetNewValue
1335       Set the new value for a tag.  The routine may be called multiple times
1336       to set the values of many tags before using "WriteInfo" to write the
1337       new values to an image.
1339       For list-type tags (like Keywords), either call repeatedly with the
1340       same tag name for each value, or call with a reference to the list of
1341       values.
1343           # set a new value for a tag (errors go to STDERR)
1344           $success = $exifTool->SetNewValue($tag, $value);
1346           # set a new value and capture any error message
1347           ($success, $errStr) = $exifTool->SetNewValue($tag, $value);
1349           # delete information for specified tag if it exists in image
1350           # (also resets AddValue and DelValue options for this tag)
1351           $exifTool->SetNewValue($tag);
1353           # reset all values from previous calls to SetNewValue()
1354           $exifTool->SetNewValue();
1356           # delete a specific keyword
1357           $exifTool->SetNewValue('Keywords', $word, DelValue => 1);
1359           # set keywords (a list-type tag) with two new values
1360           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Keywords => 'word1');
1361           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Keywords => 'word2');
1362           # equivalent, but set both in one call using an array reference
1363           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Keywords => ['word1','word2']);
1365           # add a keyword without replacing existing keywords in the file
1366           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Keywords => $word, AddValue => 1);
1368           # conditionally add a tag if it didn't exist before,
1369           # or replace it if it had a specified value ("old value")
1370           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Description => '', DelValue => 1);
1371           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Description => 'old value', DelValue => 1);
1372           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Description => 'new value');
1374           # set a tag in a specific group
1375           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Headline => $val, Group => 'XMP');
1376           $exifTool->SetNewValue('XMP:Headline' => $val);  # (equivalent)
1378           # shift original date/time back by 2.5 hours
1379           $exifTool->SetNewValue(DateTimeOriginal => '2:30', Shift => -1);
1381           # write a tag only if it had a specific value
1382           # (the order of the following calls is not significant)
1383           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Title => $oldVal, DelValue => 1);
1384           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Title => $newVal);
1386           # write tag by numerical value
1387           $exifTool->SetNewValue(Orientation => 6, Type => 'ValueConv');
1388           $exifTool->SetNewValue('Orientation#' => 6);  # (equivalent)
1390           # delete all but EXIF tags
1391           $exifTool->SetNewValue('*');  # delete all...
1392           $exifTool->SetNewValue('EXIF:*', undef, Replace => 2); # ...but EXIF
1394           # write structured information as a HASH reference
1395           $exifTool->SetNewValue('XMP:Flash' => {
1396               mode   => 'on',
1397               fired  => 'true',
1398               return => 'not'
1399           });
1401           # write structured information as a serialized string
1402           $exifTool->SetNewValue('XMP:Flash'=>'{mode=on,fired=true,return=not}');
1404       (See <https://exiftool.org/struct.html#Serialize> for a description of
1405       the structure serialization technique.)
1407       Inputs:
1408           0) ExifTool object reference
1410           1) [optional] Tag key or tag name, or undef to clear all new
1411           values.  The tag name may be prefixed by one or more family 0, 1 or
1412           2 group names with optional leading family numbers, separated by
1413           colons (eg. 'EXIF:Artist', 'XMP:Time:*'), which is equivalent to
1414           using a Group option argument.  Also, a '#' may be appended to the
1415           tag name (eg. 'EXIF:Orientation#'), with the same effect as setting
1416           Type to 'ValueConv'.  Wildcards ('*' and '?') may be used in the
1417           tag name to assign or delete multiple tags simultaneously.  A tag
1418           name of '*' is special when deleting information, and will delete
1419           an entire group even if some individual tags in the group are not
1420           writable, but only if a single family 0 or 1 group is specified
1421           (otherwise the tags are deleted individually).  Use
1422           "GetDeleteGroups" to get a list of deletable group names, and see
1423           Image::ExifTool::TagNames for a complete list of tag names.
1425           2) [optional] New value for tag.  Undefined to delete tag from
1426           file.  May be a scalar, scalar reference, list reference to set a
1427           list of values, or hash reference for a structure.  Integer values
1428           may be specified as a hexadecimal string (with a leading '0x'), and
1429           simple rational values may be specified in fractional form (eg.
1430           '4/10').  Structure tags may be specified either as a hash
1431           reference or a serialized string (see the last two examples above).
1433           3-N) [optional] SetNewValue option/value pairs (see below).
1435       SetNewValue Options:
1436           AddValue
1437               Specifies that the value be added to an existing list in a file
1438               rather than overwriting the existing values.  Valid settings
1439               are 0 (overwrite any existing tag value), 1 (add to an existing
1440               list and warn for non-list tags) or 2 (add to existing list and
1441               overwrite non-list tags).  Default is 0.
1443           DelValue
1444               Delete existing tag from a file if it has the specified value.
1445               For list-type tags this deletes a specified item from the list.
1446               For non-list tags this may be used to conditionally replace a
1447               tag by providing a new value in a separate call to SetNewValue
1448               (see examples above).  For structured tags, the entire
1449               structure is deleted/replaced only if all of the specified
1450               fields match the existing structure.  Option values are 0 or 1.
1451               Default is 0.
1453           EditGroup
1454               Create tags in existing groups only.  Don't create new group.
1455               Valid values are 0 and 1.  Effectively removes the 'g' from the
1456               ExifTool WriteMode option for this tag only.  Default is 0.
1458           EditOnly
1459               Edit tag only if it already exists.  Don't create new tag.
1460               Valid values are 0 and 1.  Effectively removes the 'c' from the
1461               ExifTool WriteMode option for this tag only.  Default is 0.
1463           Group
1464               Specifies group name where tag should be written.  This option
1465               is superseded by any group specified in the tag name.  If not
1466               specified, tag is written to highest priority group as
1467               specified by "SetNewGroups".  May be one or more family 0, 1 or
1468               2 groups with optional leading family number, separated by
1469               colons.  Case is not significant.
1471           NoFlat
1472               Treat flattened tags as 'unsafe'.
1474           NoShortcut
1475               Disables default behaviour of looking up tag in shortcuts if
1476               not found otherwise.
1478           Protected
1479               Bit mask for tag protection levels to write.  Bit 0x01 allows
1480               writing of 'unsafe' tags (ie. tags not copied automatically via
1481               "SetNewValuesFromFile").  Bit 0x02 allows writing of
1482               'protected' tags, and should only be used internally by
1483               ExifTool.  See Image::ExifTool::TagNames, for a list of tag
1484               names indicating 'unsafe' and 'protected' tags.  Default is 0.
1486           ProtectSaved
1487               Avoid setting new values which were saved after the Nth call to
1488               "SaveNewValues".  Has no effect on unsaved values, or values
1489               saved before Nth call.  Option value is N.  Default is undef.
1491           Replace
1492               Flag to replace the previous new values for this tag (ie.
1493               replace the values set in previous calls to "SetNewValue").
1494               This option is most commonly used to replace previously-set new
1495               values for list-type tags.  Valid values are 0 (set new value
1496               normally -- adds to new values for list-type tags), 1 (reset
1497               any previous new values before setting new value) or 2 (reset
1498               previous new values only; new value argument is ignored).
1499               Default is 0.
1501           Shift
1502               Shift the tag by the specified value.  Currently only date/time
1503               tags and tags with numerical values may be shifted.  Undefined
1504               for no shift, 1 for a positive shift, or -1 for a negative
1505               shift.  A value of 0 causes a positive shift to be applied if
1506               the tag is shiftable and AddValue is set, or a negative shift
1507               for date/time tags only if DelValue is set. Default is undef.
1508               See Image::ExifTool::Shift(3pm) for more information.
1510           Type
1511               The type of value being set.  Valid values are PrintConv,
1512               ValueConv or Raw.  Default is PrintConv if the "PrintConv"
1513               Option is set, otherwise ValueConv.
1515       Return Values:
1516           In scalar context, returns the number of tags set and error
1517           messages are printed to STDERR.  In list context, returns the
1518           number of tags set, and the error string (which is undefined if
1519           there was no error).
1521       Notes:
1522           When deleting groups of tags, the Replace option may be used to
1523           exclude specific groups from a mass delete.  However, this
1524           technique may not be used to exclude individual tags from a group
1525           delete (unless a family 2 group was specified in the delete).
1526           Instead, use "SetNewValuesFromFile" to recover the values of
1527           individual tags after deleting a group.
1529           When deleting all tags from a JPEG image, the APP14 "Adobe"
1530           information is not deleted by default because doing so may affect
1531           the appearance of the image.  However, this information may be
1532           deleted by specifying it explicitly, either by group (with
1533           'Adobe:*') or as a block (with 'Adobe').
1535       The following ExifTool options are effective in the call to
1536       "SetNewValue":
1538       Charset, DateFormat, Escape, IgnoreMinorErrors, Lang, ListJoin,
1539       ListSplit, PrintConv, QuickTimeUTC, StrictDate, TimeZone, Verbose and
1540       WriteMode.
1542   GetNewValue
1543       Get the new Raw value for a tag.  This is the value set by
1544       "SetNewValue" this is queued to be written to file.  List-type tags may
1545       return multiple values in list context.
1547           $rawVal = $exifTool->GetNewValue($tag);
1549           @rawVals = $exifTool->GetNewValue($tag);
1551       Inputs:
1552           0) ExifTool object reference
1554           1) Tag name (case sensitive, may be prefixed by family 0, 1 or 7
1555           group names, separated by colons)
1557       Return Values:
1558           List of new Raw tag values, or first value in list when called in
1559           scalar context.  The list may be empty either if the tag isn't
1560           being written, or if it is being deleted (ie. if "SetNewValue" was
1561           called without a value).
1563   SetNewValuesFromFile
1564       A very powerful routine that sets new values for tags from information
1565       found in a specified file.
1567           # set new values from all information in a file...
1568           my $info = $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($srcFile);
1569           # ...then write these values to another image
1570           my $result = $exifTool->WriteInfo($file2, $outFile);
1572           # set all new values, preserving original groups
1573           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($srcFile, '*:*');
1575           # set specific information
1576           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($srcFile, @tags);
1578           # set new value from a different tag in specific group
1579           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($fp, 'XMP-dc:Subject<IPTC:Keywords');
1581           # add all IPTC keywords to XMP subject list
1582           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($fp, 'XMP-dc:Subject+<IPTC:Keywords');
1584           # set new value from an expression involving other tags
1585           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($file,
1586               'Comment<ISO=$ISO Aperture=$aperture Exposure=$shutterSpeed');
1588           # set keywords list from the values of multiple tags
1589           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($file, { Replace => 0 },
1590               'keywords<xmp:subject', 'keywords<filename');
1592           # copy all EXIF information, preserving the original IFD
1593           # (without '*.*<' tags would be copied to the preferred EXIF IFD)
1594           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($file, '*:*<EXIF:*');
1596           # copy all tags with names starting with "gps" (note: this is
1597           # different than "gps:*" because it will also copy XMP GPS tags)
1598           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($file, 'gps*');
1600           # set FileName from Model, translating questionable characters
1601           $exifTool->SetNewValuesFromFile($file,
1602               'filename<${model; tr(/\\\\?*:|"><)(_) }.jpg');
1604       Inputs:
1605           0) ExifTool object reference
1607           1) File name, file reference, or scalar reference
1609           2-N) [optional] List of tag names to set or options hash
1610           references.  All writable tags are set if none are specified.  The
1611           tag names are not case sensitive, and may be prefixed by one or
1612           more family 0, 1, 2 or 7 group names with optional leading family
1613           numbers, separated by colons (eg.  'exif:iso'). A leading '-'
1614           indicates tags to be excluded (eg. '-comment'), or a trailing '#'
1615           causes the ValueConv value to be copied (same as setting the Type
1616           option to 'ValueConv' for this tag only).  Wildcards ('*' and '?')
1617           may be used in the tag name.  A tag name of '*' is commonly used
1618           when a group is specified to copy all tags in the group (eg.
1619           'XMP:*').  A special feature allows tag names of the form
1620           'DSTTAG<SRCTAG' (or 'SRCTAG>DSTTAG') to be specified to copy
1621           information to a tag with a different name or a specified group.
1622           Both 'SRCTAG' and 'DSTTAG' may contain wildcards and/or be prefixed
1623           by a group name (eg.  'fileModifyDate<modifyDate' or 'xmp:*<*'),
1624           and/or suffixed by a '#' to disable print conversion.  Copied tags
1625           may also be added or deleted from a list with arguments of the form
1626           'DSTTAG+<SRCTAG' or 'DSTTAG-<SRCTAG'.  Tags are evaluated in order,
1627           so exclusions apply only to tags included earlier in the list.  An
1628           extension of this feature allows the tag value to be set from a
1629           string containing tag names with leading '$' symbols (eg.
1630           'Comment<the file is $filename'). Braces '{}' may be used around
1631           the tag name to separate it from subsequent text, and a '$$' is
1632           used to to represent a '$' symbol.  The behaviour for missing tags
1633           in expressions is defined by the "MissingTagValue" option. The tag
1634           value may be modified via changes to the default input variable
1635           ($_) in a Perl expression placed inside the braces and after a
1636           semicolon following the tag name (see the last example above).  A
1637           '@' may be added after the tag name (before the semicolon) to make
1638           the expression act on individual list items instead of the
1639           concatenated string for list-type tags. Braces within the
1640           expression must be balanced. Multiple options hash references may
1641           be passed to set different options for different tags. Options
1642           apply to subsequent tags in the argument list.
1644           By default, this routine will commute information between same-
1645           named tags in different groups, allowing information to be
1646           translated between images with different formats.  This behaviour
1647           may be modified by specifying a group name for extracted tags (even
1648           if '*' is used as a group name), in which case the information is
1649           written to the original group, unless redirected to a different
1650           group.  When '*' is used for a group name, by default the family 1
1651           group of the original tag is preserved, but a different family may
1652           be specified with a leading family number.  (For example,
1653           specifying '*:*' copies all information while preserving the
1654           original family 1 groups, while '0*:*' preserves the family 0
1655           group.)
1657       SetNewValuesFromFile Options:
1658           The options are the same was for "SetNewValue", and are passed
1659           directly to "SetNewValue" internally, with a few exceptions:
1661           - The Replace option defaults to 1 instead of 0 as with
1662           "SetNewValue".
1664           - The AddValue or DelValue option is set for individual tags if
1665           '+>' or '->' (or '+<' or '-<') are used.
1667           - The Group option is set for tags where a group name is given.
1669           - The Protected flag is set to 1 for individually specified tags.
1671           - The Type option also applies to extracted tags.
1673       Return Values:
1674           A hash of information that was set successfully.  May include
1675           Warning or Error entries if there were problems reading the input
1676           file.
1678       Notes:
1679           The PrintConv option applies to this routine, but it normally
1680           should be left on to provide more reliable transfer of information
1681           between groups.
1683           If a preview image exists, it is not copied.  The preview image
1684           must be transferred separately if desired, in a separate call to
1685           "WriteInfo"
1687           When simply copying all information between files of the same type,
1688           it is usually desirable to preserve the original groups by
1689           specifying '*:*' for the tags to set.
1691           The "Duplicates" option is always in effect for tags extracted from
1692           the source file using this routine.
1694           The "Struct" option is enabled by default for tags extracted by
1695           this routine.  This allows the hierarchy of complex structures to
1696           be preserved when copying, but the Struct option may be set to 0 to
1697           override this behaviour and copy as flattened tags instead.
1699   CountNewValues
1700       Return the total number of new values set.
1702           $numSet = $exifTool->CountNewValues();
1703           ($numSet, $numPseudo) = $exifTool->CountNewValues();
1705       Inputs:
1706           0) ExifTool object reference
1708       Return Values:
1709           In scalar context, returns the total number of tags with new values
1710           set.  In list context, also returns the number of "pseudo" tag
1711           values which have been set.  "Pseudo" tags are tags like FileName
1712           and FileModifyDate which are not contained within the file and can
1713           be changed without rewriting the file.
1715   SaveNewValues
1716       Save state of new values to be later restored by "RestoreNewValues".
1718           $exifTool->SaveNewValues();         # save state of new values
1719           $exifTool->SetNewValue(ISO => 100); # set new value for ISO
1720           $exifTool->WriteInfo($src, $dst1);  # write ISO + previous new values
1721           $exifTool->RestoreNewValues();      # restore previous new values
1722           $exifTool->WriteInfo($src, $dst2);  # write previous new values only
1724       Inputs:
1725           0) ExifTool object reference
1727       Return Value:
1728           Count of the number of times this routine has been called (N) since
1729           the last time the new values were reset.
1731   RestoreNewValues
1732       Restore new values to the settings that existed when "SaveNewValues"
1733       was last called.  May be called repeatedly after a single call to
1734       "SaveNewValues".  See "SaveNewValues" above for an example.
1736       Inputs:
1737           0) ExifTool object reference
1739       Return Value:
1740           None.
1742   SetFileModifyDate
1743       Write the filesystem modification or creation time from the new value
1744       of the FileModifyDate or FileCreateDate tag.
1746           $exifTool->SetNewValue(FileModifyDate => '2000:01:02 03:04:05-05:00',
1747                                  Protected => 1);
1748           $result = $exifTool->SetFileModifyDate($file);
1750       Inputs:
1751           0) ExifTool object reference
1753           1) File name
1755           2) [optional] Base time if applying shift (days before $^T)
1757           3) [optional] Tag to write: 'FileModifyDate' (default), or
1758           'FileCreateDate'
1760       Return Value:
1761           1 if the time was changed, 0 if nothing was done, or -1 if there
1762           was an error setting the time.
1764       Notes:
1765           Equivalent to, but more efficient than calling "WriteInfo" when
1766           only the FileModifyDate or FileCreateDate tag has been set.  If a
1767           timezone is not specified, local time is assumed.  When shifting,
1768           the time of the original file is used unless the optional base time
1769           is specified.
1771           The ability to write FileCreateDate is currently restricted to
1772           Windows systems only.
1774   SetFileName
1775       Set the file name and directory, or create a hard link.  If not
1776       specified, the new file name is derived from the new values of the
1777       FileName and Directory tags, or from the HardLink or SymLink tag if
1778       creating a link.  If the FileName tag contains a '/', then the file is
1779       renamed into a new directory.  If FileName ends with '/', then it is
1780       taken as a directory name and the file is moved into the new directory.
1781       The new value for the Directory tag takes precedence over any directory
1782       specified in FileName.
1784           $result = $exifTool->SetFileName($file);
1785           $result = $exifTool->SetFileName($file, $newName);
1787       Inputs:
1788           0) ExifTool object reference
1790           1) Current file name
1792           2) [optional] New file name
1794           3) [optional] 'HardLink' or 'SymLink' to create a hard or symbolic
1795           link instead of renaming the file, or 'Test' to test renaming
1796           feature by printing the old and new names instead of changing
1797           anything.
1799       Return Value:
1800           1 on success, 0 if nothing was done, or -1 if there was an error
1801           renaming the file or creating the link.
1803       Notes:
1804           Will not overwrite existing files. New directories are created as
1805           necessary.  If the file is successfully renamed, the new file name
1806           may be accessed via $$exifTool{NewName}.
1808   SetNewGroups
1809       Set the order of the preferred groups when adding new information.  In
1810       subsequent calls to "SetNewValue", new information will be created in
1811       the first valid group of this list.  This has an impact only if the
1812       group is not specified when calling "SetNewValue" and if the tag name
1813       exists in more than one group.  The default order is EXIF, IPTC, XMP,
1814       MakerNotes, QuickTime, Photoshop, ICC_Profile, CanonVRD, Adobe.  Any
1815       family 0 group name may be used.  Case is not significant.
1817           $exifTool->SetNewGroups('XMP','EXIF','IPTC');
1819       Inputs:
1820           0) ExifTool object reference
1822           1-N) Groups in order of priority.  If no groups are specified, the
1823           priorities are reset to the defaults.
1825       Return Value:
1826           None.
1828   GetNewGroups
1829       Get current group priority list.
1831           @groups = $exifTool->GetNewGroups();
1833       Inputs:
1834           0) ExifTool object reference
1836       Return Values:
1837           List of group names in order of write priority.  Highest priority
1838           first.
1840   GetTagID
1841       Get the ID for the specified tag.  The ID is the IFD tag number in EXIF
1842       information, the property name in XMP information, or the data offset
1843       in a binary data block.  For some tags, such as Composite tags where
1844       there is no ID, an empty string is returned.  In list context, also
1845       returns a language code for the tag if available and different from the
1846       default language (eg.  with alternate language entries for XMP "lang-
1847       alt" tags).
1849           $id = $exifTool->GetTagID($tag);
1850           ($id, $lang) = $exifTool->GetTagID($tag);
1852       Inputs:
1853           0) ExifTool object reference
1855           1) Tag key
1857       Return Values:
1858           In scalar context, returns the tag ID or '' if there is no ID for
1859           this tag.  In list context, returns the tag ID (or '') and the
1860           language code (or undef).
1862   GetDescription
1863       Get description for specified tag.  This function will always return a
1864       defined value.  In the case where the description doesn't exist, one is
1865       generated from the tag name.
1867       Inputs:
1868           0) ExifTool object reference
1870           1) Tag key
1872       Return Values:
1873           A description for the specified tag.
1875   GetGroup
1876       Get group name(s) for a specified tag.
1878           # return family 0 group name (eg. 'EXIF');
1879           $group = $exifTool->GetGroup($tag, 0);
1881           # return all groups (eg. qw{EXIF IFD0 Author Main})
1882           @groups = $exifTool->GetGroup($tag);
1884           # return groups as a string (eg. 'Main:IFD0:Author')
1885           $group = $exifTool->GetGroup($tag, ':3:1:2');
1887           # return groups as a simplified string (eg. 'IFD0:Author')
1888           $group = $exifTool->GetGroup($tag, '3:1:2');
1890       Inputs:
1891           0) ExifTool object reference
1893           1) Tag key
1895           2) [optional] Group family number, or string of numbers separated
1896           by colons
1898       Return Values:
1899           Group name (or '' if tag has no group).  If no group family is
1900           specified, "GetGroup" returns the name of the group in family 0
1901           when called in scalar context, or the names of groups for all
1902           families in list context.  Returns a string of group names
1903           separated by colons if the input group family contains a colon.
1904           The string is simplified to remove a leading 'Main:' and adjacent
1905           identical group names unless the family string begins with a colon.
1907       Notes:
1908           The group family numbers are currently available:
1910               0) Information Type         (eg. EXIF, XMP, IPTC)
1911               1) Specific Location        (eg. IFD0, XMP-dc)
1912               2) Category                 (eg. Author, Time)
1913               3) Document Number          (eg. Main, Doc1, Doc3-2)
1914               4) Instance Number          (eg. Copy1, Copy2, Copy3...)
1915               5) Metadata Path            (eg. JPEG-APP1-IFD0-ExifIFD)
1916               6) EXIF/TIFF Format         (eg. int8u, int32u, undef, string)
1917               7) Tag ID                   (eg. ID-271, ID-rights, ID-a9aut)
1919           Families 0 and 1 are based on the file structure, and are similar
1920           except that family 1 is more specific and sub-divides some groups
1921           to give more detail about the specific location where the
1922           information was found.  For example, the EXIF group is split up
1923           based on the specific IFD (Image File Directory), the MakerNotes
1924           group is divided into groups for each manufacturer, and the XMP
1925           group is separated based on the XMP namespace prefix.  Note that
1926           only common XMP namespaces are listed in the GetAllGroups
1927           documentation, but additional namespaces may be present in some XMP
1928           data.  Also note that the 'XMP-xmp...'  group names may appear in
1929           the older form 'XMP-xap...' since these names evolved as the XMP
1930           standard was developed.  The ICC_Profile group is broken down to
1931           give information about the specific ICC_Profile tag from which
1932           multiple values were extracted.  As well, information extracted
1933           from the ICC_Profile header is separated into the ICC-header group.
1935           Family 2 classifies information based on the logical category to
1936           which the information refers.
1938           Family 3 gives the document number for tags extracted from embedded
1939           documents, or 'Main' for tags from the main document.  (See the
1940           "ExtractEmbedded" option for extracting tags from embedded
1941           documents.)  Nested sub-documents (if they exist) are indicated by
1942           numbers separated with dashes in the group name, to an arbitrary
1943           depth. (eg. 'Doc2-3-1' is the 1st sub-sub-document of the 3rd sub-
1944           document of the 2nd embedded document of the main file.)  Document
1945           numbers are also used to differentiate samples for timed metadata
1946           in videos.
1948           Family 4 provides a method for differentiating tags when multiple
1949           tags exist with the same name in the same location.  The primary
1950           instance of a tag (the tag extracted when the Duplicates option is
1951           disabled and no group is specified) has no family 4 group name, but
1952           additional instances have family 4 group names of 'Copy1', 'Copy2',
1953           'Copy3', etc.  For convenience, the primary tag may also be
1954           accessed using a group name of 'Copy0'.
1956           Family 5 is experimental, and gives the complete path for the
1957           metadata in the file.  Generated only if the "SavePath" option is
1958           used when extracting.
1960           Family 6 is currently used only for EXIF/TIFF metadata, and gives
1961           the format type of the extracted value.  Generated only if the
1962           "SaveFormat" option is used when extracting.
1964           Family 7 is used for tag ID's.  The group names are the actual tag
1965           ID's, with a leading "ID-" string.  Non-numerical ID's have
1966           characters other than [-_A-Za-z0-9] converted to hex.  Numerical
1967           tag ID's are returned in hex if the "HexTagIDs" option is set,
1968           otherwise decimal is used.  When specifying a family 7 group name,
1969           numerical ID's may be in hex or decimal, and non-numerical ID's may
1970           or may not have characters other than [-_A-Za-z0-9] converted to
1971           hex.  Note that unlike other group names, the tag ID's of family 7
1972           group names are case sensitive (but the leading "ID-" is not).
1974           See "GetAllGroups [static]" for complete lists of group names.
1976   GetGroups
1977       Get list of group names that exist in the specified information.
1979           @groups = $exifTool->GetGroups($info, 2);
1980           @groups = $exifTool->GetGroups('3:1');
1982       Inputs:
1983           0) ExifTool object reference
1985           1) [optional] Info hash ref (default is all extracted info)
1987           2) [optional] Group family number, or string of numbers (default 0)
1989       Return Values:
1990           List of group names in alphabetical order. If information hash is
1991           not specified, the group names are returned for all extracted
1992           information. See "GetGroup" for an description of family numbers
1993           and family number strings.
1995   BuildCompositeTags
1996       Builds composite tags from required tags.  The composite tags are
1997       convenience tags which are derived from the values of other tags.  This
1998       routine is called automatically by "ImageInfo" and "ExtractInfo" if the
1999       Composite option is set.
2001       Inputs:
2002           0) ExifTool object reference
2004       Return Values:
2005           (none)
2007       Notes:
2008           Tag values are calculated in alphabetical order unless a tag
2009           Require's or Desire's another composite tag, in which case the
2010           calculation is deferred until after the other tag is calculated.
2012           Composite tags may need to read data from the image for their value
2013           to be determined, and for these "BuildCompositeTags" must be called
2014           while the image is available.  This is only a problem if
2015           "ImageInfo" is called with a filename (as opposed to a file
2016           reference or scalar reference) since in this case the file is
2017           closed before "ImageInfo" returns.  Here the Composite option may
2018           be used so that "BuildCompositeTags" is called from within
2019           "ImageInfo", before the file is closed.
2021   GetTagName [static]
2022       Get name of tag from tag key.  This is a convenience function that
2023       strips the embedded instance number, if it exists, from the tag key.
2025       Note: "static" in the heading above indicates that the function does
2026       not require an ExifTool object reference as the first argument.  All
2027       functions documented below are also static.
2029           $tagName = Image::ExifTool::GetTagName($tag);
2031       Inputs:
2032           0) Tag key
2034       Return Value:
2035           Tag name.  This is the same as the tag key but has the instance
2036           number removed.
2038   GetShortcuts [static]
2039       Get a list of shortcut tags.
2041       Inputs:
2042           (none)
2044       Return Values:
2045           List of shortcut tags (as defined in Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts).
2047   GetAllTags [static]
2048       Get list of all available tag names.
2050           @tagList = Image::ExifTool::GetAllTags($group);
2052       Inputs:
2053           0) [optional] Group name, or string of group names separated by
2054           colons
2056       Return Values:
2057           A list of all available tags in alphabetical order, or all tags in
2058           a specified group or intersection of groups.  The group name is
2059           case insensitive, and any group in families 0-2 may be used except
2060           for EXIF family 1 groups (ie. the specific IFD).
2062   GetWritableTags [static]
2063       Get list of all writable tag names.
2065           @tagList = Image::ExifTool::GetWritableTags($group);
2067       Inputs:
2068           0) [optional] Group name, or string of group names separated by
2069           colons
2071       Return Values:
2072           A list of all writable tags in alphabetical order.  These are the
2073           tags for which values may be set through "SetNewValue".  If a group
2074           name is given, returns only writable tags in specified group(s).
2075           The group name is case insensitive, and any group in families 0-2
2076           may be used except for EXIF family 1 groups (ie. the specific IFD).
2078   GetAllGroups [static]
2079       Get list of all group names in specified family.
2081           @groupList = Image::ExifTool::GetAllGroups($family);
2083       Inputs:
2084           0) Group family number (0-7)
2086       Return Values:
2087           A list of all groups in the specified family in alphabetical order.
2089       Here is a complete list of groups for each of these families:
2091       Family 0 (Information Type):
2092           AFCP, AIFF, APE, APP0, APP1, APP11, APP12, APP13, APP14, APP15,
2093           APP3, APP4, APP5, APP6, APP8, ASF, Audible, CanonVRD, Composite,
2094           DICOM, DNG, DV, DjVu, Ducky, EXE, EXIF, ExifTool, FITS, FLAC, FLIR,
2095           File, Flash, FlashPix, Font, FotoStation, GIF, GIMP, GeoTiff,
2096           GoPro, H264, HTML, ICC_Profile, ID3, IPTC, ISO, ITC, JFIF, JPEG,
2097           JSON, JUMBF, Jpeg2000, LNK, Leaf, Lytro, M2TS, MIE, MIFF, MNG, MOI,
2098           MPC, MPEG, MPF, MXF, MakerNotes, Matroska, Meta, Ogg, OpenEXR,
2099           Opus, PDF, PICT, PLIST, PNG, PSP, Palm, Parrot, PanasonicRaw,
2100           PhotoCD, PhotoMechanic, Photoshop, PostScript, PrintIM, QuickTime,
2101           RAF, RIFF, RSRC, RTF, Radiance, Rawzor, Real, Red, SVG, SigmaRaw,
2102           Stim, Theora, Torrent, Trailer, UserParam, VCard, Vorbis, WTV, XML,
2103           XMP, ZIP
2105       Family 1 (Specific Location):
2106           AC3, AFCP, AIFF, APE, ASF, AVI1, Adobe, AdobeCM, AdobeDNG, Apple,
2107           Audible, CBOR, CIFF, CameraIFD, Canon, CanonCustom, CanonRaw,
2108           CanonVRD, Casio, Chapter#, Composite, DICOM, DJI, DNG, DV, DjVu,
2109           DjVu-Meta, Ducky, EPPIM, EXE, EXIF, ExifIFD, ExifTool, FITS, FLAC,
2110           FLIR, File, Flash, FlashPix, Font, FotoStation, FujiFilm, FujiIFD,
2111           GE, GIF, GIMP, GPS, GeoTiff, GlobParamIFD, GoPro, GraphConv, H264,
2112           HP, HTC, HTML, HTML-dc, HTML-ncc, HTML-office, HTML-prod,
2113           HTML-vw96, HTTP-equiv, ICC-chrm, ICC-clrt, ICC-header, ICC-meas,
2114           ICC-meta, ICC-view, ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile#, ID3, ID3v1,
2115           ID3v1_Enh, ID3v2_2, ID3v2_3, ID3v2_4, IFD0, IFD1, IPTC, IPTC#, ISO,
2116           ITC, Insta360, InteropIFD, ItemList, JFIF, JFXX, JPEG, JPEG-HDR,
2117           JPS, JSON, JUMBF, JVC, Jpeg2000, KDC_IFD, Keys, Kodak,
2118           KodakBordersIFD, KodakEffectsIFD, KodakIFD, KyoceraRaw, LNK, Leaf,
2119           LeafSubIFD, Leica, Lyrics3, Lytro, M2TS, MAC, MIE-Audio, MIE-
2120           Camera, MIE-Canon, MIE-Doc, MIE-Extender, MIE-Flash, MIE-GPS, MIE-
2121           Geo, MIE-Image, MIE-Lens, MIE-Main, MIE-MakerNotes, MIE-Meta, MIE-
2122           Orient, MIE-Preview, MIE-Thumbnail, MIE-UTM, MIE-Unknown, MIE-
2123           Video, MIFF, MNG, MOBI, MOI, MPC, MPEG, MPF0, MPImage, MS-DOC, MXF,
2124           MacOS, MakerNotes, MakerUnknown, Matroska, MediaJukebox, Meta,
2125           MetaIFD, Microsoft, Minolta, MinoltaRaw, Motorola, NITF, Nikon,
2126           NikonCapture, NikonCustom, NikonScan, NikonSettings, NineEdits,
2127           Nintendo, Ocad, Ogg, Olympus, OpenEXR, Opus, PDF, PICT, PNG, PNG-
2128           pHYs, PSP, Palm, Panasonic, PanasonicRaw, Pentax, PhaseOne,
2129           PhotoCD, PhotoMechanic, Photoshop, PictureInfo, PostScript,
2130           PreviewIFD, PrintIM, ProfileIFD, Qualcomm, QuickTime, RAF, RAF2,
2131           RIFF, RMETA, RSRC, RTF, Radiance, Rawzor, Real, Real-CONT, Real-
2132           MDPR, Real-PROP, Real-RA3, Real-RA4, Real-RA5, Real-RJMD, Reconyx,
2133           Red, Ricoh, SPIFF, SR2, SR2DataIFD, SR2SubIFD, SRF#, SVG, Samsung,
2134           Sanyo, Scalado, Sigma, SigmaRaw, Sony, SonyIDC, Stim, SubIFD,
2135           System, Theora, Torrent, Track#, UserData, UserParam, VCalendar,
2136           VCard, Version0, Vorbis, WTV, XML, XMP, XMP-DICOM, XMP-Device, XMP-
2137           GAudio, XMP-GDepth, XMP-GFocus, XMP-GImage, XMP-GPano, XMP-
2138           GSpherical, XMP-LImage, XMP-MP, XMP-MP1, XMP-PixelLive, XMP-aas,
2139           XMP-acdsee, XMP-album, XMP-apple-fi, XMP-aux, XMP-cc, XMP-cell,
2140           XMP-creatorAtom, XMP-crs, XMP-dc, XMP-dex, XMP-digiKam, XMP-drone-
2141           dji, XMP-dwc, XMP-exif, XMP-exifEX, XMP-expressionmedia, XMP-
2142           extensis, XMP-fpv, XMP-getty, XMP-ics, XMP-iptcCore, XMP-iptcExt,
2143           XMP-lr, XMP-mediapro, XMP-microsoft, XMP-mwg-coll, XMP-mwg-kw, XMP-
2144           mwg-rs, XMP-pdf, XMP-pdfx, XMP-photomech, XMP-photoshop, XMP-plus,
2145           XMP-pmi, XMP-prism, XMP-prl, XMP-prm, XMP-pur, XMP-rdf, XMP-swf,
2146           XMP-tiff, XMP-x, XMP-xmp, XMP-xmpBJ, XMP-xmpDM, XMP-xmpMM, XMP-
2147           xmpNote, XMP-xmpPLUS, XMP-xmpRights, XMP-xmpTPg, ZIP, iTunes
2149       Family 2 (Category):
2150           Audio, Author, Camera, Device, Document, ExifTool, Image, Location,
2151           Other, Preview, Printing, Time, Unknown, Video
2153       Family 3 (Document Number):
2154           Doc#, Main
2156       Family 4 (Instance Number):
2157           Copy#
2159       Family 5 (Metadata Path):
2160           eg. JPEG-APP1-IFD0-ExifIFD
2162       Family 6 (EXIF/TIFF Format):
2163           int8u, string, int16u, int32u, rational64u, int8s, undef, int16s,
2164           int32s, rational64s, float, double, ifd, unicode, complex, int64u,
2165           int64s, ifd64
2167       Family 7 (Tag ID):
2168           ID-xxx (Where xxx is the tag ID.  Numerical ID's are returned in
2169           hex with a leading "0x" if the HexTagIDs option is set, or decimal
2170           otherwise.  Characters in non-numerical ID's which are not valid in
2171           a group name are returned as 2 hex digits.)
2173       Note:  This function may also be called as an ExifTool member function
2174       to allow the HexTagIDs option to be set when retrieving family 7 group
2175       names.
2177   GetDeleteGroups [static]
2178       Get list of all deletable group names.
2180           @delGroups = Image::ExifTool::GetDeleteGroups();
2182       Inputs:
2183           None.
2185       Return Values:
2186           A list of deletable group names in alphabetical order.  The current
2187           list of deletable group names is:
2189           Adobe, AFCP, APP0, APP1, APP10, APP11, APP12, APP13, APP14, APP15,
2190           APP2, APP3, APP4, APP5, APP6, APP7, APP8, APP9, Audio, Author,
2191           Camera, CanonVRD, CIFF, Document, Ducky, EXIF, ExifIFD, ExifTool,
2192           File, FlashPix, FotoStation, GlobParamIFD, GPS, ICC_Profile, IFD0,
2193           IFD1, Image, Insta360, InteropIFD, IPTC, ItemList, JFIF, Jpeg2000,
2194           Keys, Location, MakerNotes, Meta, MetaIFD, Microsoft, MIE, MPF,
2195           NikonCapture, Other, PDF, PDF-update, PhotoMechanic, Photoshop,
2196           PNG, PNG-pHYs, Preview, PrintIM, Printing, QuickTime, RMETA, RSRC,
2197           SubIFD, Time, Trailer, UserData, Video, XML, XML-*, XMP, XMP-*
2199           To schedule a group for deletion, call "SetNewValue" with a tag
2200           name like 'EXIF:*' and an undefined tag value.
2202           Deleting a family 0 or 1 group will delete the entire corresponding
2203           block of metadata, but deleting a family 2 group (eg. Audio,
2204           Author, Camera, etc.)  deletes the individual tags belonging to
2205           that category.
2207           The 'Trailer' group allows all trailers in JPEG and TIFF-format
2208           images to be deleted at once, including unknown trailers.  Note
2209           that the JPEG "APP" groups are special, and are used only to delete
2210           application segments which are not associated with another
2211           deletable group. For example, deleting 'APP14:*' will delete other
2212           APP14 segments, but not the APP14 "Adobe" segment.
2214   GetFileType [static]
2215       Get type of file given file name.
2217           my $type = Image::ExifTool::GetFileType($filename);
2218           my $desc = Image::ExifTool::GetFileType($filename, 1);
2220       Inputs:
2221           0) [optional] File name (or just an extension)
2223           1) [optional] Flag to return a description instead of a type.
2224           Default is undef.  Set to 0 to also return types of recognized but
2225           unsupported files (otherwise the return value for unsupported files
2226           is undef), or 1 to return descriptions.
2228       Return Value:
2229           A string, based on the file extension, which indicates the basic
2230           format of the file.  Note that some files may be based on other
2231           formats (like many RAW image formats are based on TIFF).  In list
2232           context, may return more than one file type if the file may be
2233           based on different formats.  Returns undef if files with this
2234           extension are not yet supported by ExifTool.  Returns a list of
2235           extensions for all supported file types if no input extension is
2236           specified (or all recognized file types if the description flag is
2237           set to 0). Returns a more detailed description of the specific file
2238           format when the description flag is set.
2240   CanWrite [static]
2241       Can the specified file be written?
2243           my $writable = Image::ExifTool::CanWrite($filename);
2245       Inputs:
2246           0) File name or extension
2248       Return Value:
2249           True if ExifTool supports writing files of this type (based on the
2250           file extension).
2252   CanCreate [static]
2253       Can the specified file be created?
2255           my $creatable = Image::ExifTool::CanCreate($filename);
2257       Inputs:
2258           0) File name or extension
2260       Return Value:
2261           True if ExifTool can create files with this extension from scratch.
2262           Currently, this can only be done with XMP, MIE, ICC, VRD, DR4, EXV
2263           and EXIF files.
2265   AddUserDefinedTags [static]
2266       Add user-defined tags to an existing tag table at run time.  This
2267       differs from the usual technique of creating user-defined tags via the
2268       %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined hash (see the ExifTool_config file in the
2269       Image::ExifTool distribution) because it allows tags to be added after
2270       a tag table has been initialized.
2272           use Image::ExifTool ':Public';
2273           my %tags = (
2274               TestTagID1 => { Name => 'TestTagName1' },
2275               TestTagID2 => { Name => 'TestTagName2' },
2276           );
2277           my $num = AddUserDefinedTags('Image::ExifTool::PDF::Info', %tags);
2279       Inputs:
2280           0) Destination tag table name
2282           1-N) Pairs of tag ID / tag information hash references for the new
2283           tags
2285       Return Value:
2286           The number of tags added.
2288       Notes
2289           Pre-existing tags with the same ID will be replaced in the
2290           destination table. See lib/Image/ExifTool/README in the full
2291           distribution for full details on the elements of the tag
2292           information hash.


2295       Certain meta information formats allow coded character sets other than
2296       plain ASCII.  When reading, most known encodings are converted to the
2297       external character set according to the "Charset" option, or to UTF-8
2298       by default.  When writing, the inverse conversions are performed.
2299       Alternatively, special characters may be converted to/from HTML
2300       character entities with the "Escape" HTML option.
2302       A distinction is made between the external character set visible via
2303       the ExifTool API, and the internal character used to store text in the
2304       metadata of a file.  These character sets may be specified separately
2305       as follows:
2307       External Character Sets:
2308           The encoding for tag values passed to/from ExifTool API functions
2309           is set via the "Charset" option, which is 'UTF8' by default.
2311           The encoding of file names is specified via the "CharsetFileName"
2312           option.  By default, "CharsetFileName" is not defined, and file
2313           names passed to ExifTool are used directly in calls to the system
2314           i/o routines (which expect UTF-8 strings on Mac/Linux, but default
2315           to the system code page on Windows).  In this mode on Windows a
2316           warning is issued if a file name contains special characters, but
2317           this warning may be avoided by setting "CharsetFileName" to an
2318           empty string.  Setting "CharsetFileName" to any other value causes
2319           file names to be converted from the specified encoding to one
2320           appropriate for the system.  In Windows this also has the effect of
2321           activating Unicode filename support via the special Windows wide-
2322           character i/o routines if Win32API::File is available.
2324       Internal Character Sets:
2325           The encodings used to store strings in the various metadata
2326           formats.  These encodings may be changed for certain types of
2327           metadata via the "CharsetEXIF", "CharsetID3", "CharsetIPTC",
2328           "CharsetPhotoshop", "CharsetQuickTime" and "CharsetRIFF" options.
2330       Values are returned as byte strings of encoded characters.  Perl wide
2331       characters are not used.  By default, most returned strings are encoded
2332       in UTF-8.  For these, Encode::decode_utf8() may be used to convert to a
2333       sequence of logical Perl characters.  Note that some settings of the
2334       PERL_UNICODE environment variable may be incompatible with ExifTool's
2335       character handling.
2337       More specific details are given below about how character coding is
2338       handled for EXIF, IPTC, XMP, PNG, ID3, PDF, Photoshop, QuickTime, AIFF,
2339       MIE and Vorbis information:
2341   EXIF
2342       Most textual information in EXIF is stored in ASCII format (called
2343       "string" in the ExifTool tag name documentation). By default ExifTool
2344       does not convert these strings.  However, it is not uncommon for
2345       applications to write UTF-8 or other encodings where ASCII is expected.
2346       To deal with these, ExifTool allows the internal EXIF string encoding
2347       to be specified with "CharsetEXIF", which causes EXIF string values to
2348       be converted from the specified character set when reading, and stored
2349       with this character set when writing.  (The MWG recommends using UTF-8
2350       encoding for EXIF strings, and in keeping with this the MWG module sets
2351       the default internal EXIF string encoding to UTF-8, but note that this
2352       will have no effect unless the external encoding is also set to
2353       something other than the default of UTF-8.)
2355       A few EXIF tags (UserComment, GPSProcessingMethod and
2356       GPSAreaInformation) support a designated internal text encoding, with
2357       values stored as ASCII, Unicode (UCS-2) or JIS.  When reading these
2358       tags, ExifTool converts Unicode and JIS to the external character set
2359       specified by the "Charset" option, or to UTF-8 by default.  ASCII text
2360       is not converted. When writing, text is stored as ASCII unless the
2361       string contains special characters, in which case it is converted from
2362       the external character set (UTF-8 by default), and stored as Unicode.
2363       ExifTool writes Unicode in native EXIF byte ordering by default, but
2364       the byte order may be specified by setting the ExifUnicodeByteOrder tag
2365       (see the Extra Tags documentation).
2367       The EXIF "XP" tags (XPTitle, XPComment, etc) are always stored as
2368       little-endian Unicode (UCS-2), and are read and written using the
2369       specified character set.
2371   IPTC
2372       The value of the IPTC:CodedCharacterSet tag determines how the internal
2373       IPTC string values are interpreted.  If CodedCharacterSet exists and
2374       has a value of 'UTF8' (or 'ESC % G') then string values are assumed to
2375       be stored as UTF-8, otherwise Windows Latin1 (cp1252, 'Latin') coding
2376       is assumed by default, but this can be changed with the "CharsetIPTC"
2377       option.  When reading, these strings are converted to the character set
2378       specified by the "Charset" option.  When writing, the inverse
2379       conversions are performed.  No conversion is done if the internal
2380       (IPTC) and external (ExifTool) character sets are the same.  Note that
2381       ISO 2022 character set shifting is not supported.  Instead, a warning
2382       is issued and the string is not converted if an ISO 2022 shift code is
2383       encountered.  See <http://www.iptc.org/IIM/> for the official IPTC
2384       specification.
2386       ExifTool may be used to convert IPTC values to a different internal
2387       encoding.  To do this, all IPTC tags must be rewritten along with the
2388       desired value of CodedCharacterSet.  For example, the following command
2389       changes the internal IPTC encoding to UTF-8 (from Windows Latin1 unless
2390       CodedCharacterSet was already 'UTF8'):
2392         exiftool -tagsfromfile @ -iptc:all -codedcharacterset=utf8 a.jpg
2394       or from Windows Latin2 (cp1250) to UTF-8:
2396         exiftool -tagsfromfile @ -iptc:all -codedcharacterset=utf8 \
2397         -charset iptc=latin2 a.jpg
2399       and this command changes it back from UTF-8 to Windows Latin1 (cp1252):
2401         exiftool -tagsfromfile @ -iptc:all -codedcharacterset= a.jpg
2403       or to Windows Latin2:
2405         exiftool -tagsfromfile @ -iptc:all -codedcharacterset= \
2406         -charset iptc=latin2 a.jpg
2408       Unless CodedCharacterSet is 'UTF8', applications have no reliable way
2409       to determine the IPTC character encoding.  For this reason, it is
2410       recommended that CodedCharacterSet be set to 'UTF8' when creating new
2411       IPTC.
2413       (Note: Here, "IPTC" Refers to the older IPTC IIM format.  The more
2414       recent IPTC Core and Extension specifications actually use the XMP
2415       format.)
2417   XMP
2418       ExifTool reads XMP encoded as UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32, and converts
2419       them all to UTF-8 internally.  Also, all XML character entity
2420       references and numeric character references are converted.  When
2421       writing, ExifTool always encodes XMP as UTF-8, converting the following
2422       5 characters to XML character references: & < > ' ".  By default no
2423       further conversion is performed, however if the "Charset" option is
2424       other than 'UTF8' then text is converted to/from the specified
2425       character set when reading/writing.
2427   PNG
2428       PNG TextualData tags are stored as tEXt, zTXt and iTXt chunks in PNG
2429       images.  The tEXt and zTXt chunks use ISO 8859-1 encoding, while iTXt
2430       uses UTF-8.  When reading, ExifTool converts all PNG textual data to
2431       the character set specified by the "Charset" option.  When writing,
2432       ExifTool generates a tEXt chunk (or zTXt with the "Compress" option) if
2433       the text doesn't contain special characters or if Latin encoding is
2434       specified; otherwise an iTXt chunk is used and the text is converted
2435       from the specified character set and stored as UTF-8.
2437   JPEG Comment
2438       The encoding for the JPEG Comment (COM segment) is not specified, so
2439       ExifTool reads/writes this text without conversion.
2441   ID3
2442       The ID3v1 specification officially supports only ISO 8859-1 encoding (a
2443       subset of Windows Latin1), although some applications may incorrectly
2444       use other character sets.  By default ExifTool converts ID3v1 text from
2445       Latin to the character set specified by the "Charset" option.  However,
2446       the internal ID3v1 charset may be specified with the "CharsetID3"
2447       option.  The encoding for ID3v2 information is stored in the file, so
2448       ExifTool converts ID3v2 text from this encoding to the character set
2449       specified by the "Charset" option. ExifTool does not currently write
2450       ID3 information.
2452   PDF
2453       PDF text strings are stored in either PDFDocEncoding (similar to
2454       Windows Latin1) or Unicode (UCS-2).  When reading, ExifTool converts to
2455       the character set specified by the "Charset" option.  When writing,
2456       ExifTool encodes input text from the specified character set as Unicode
2457       only if the string contains special characters, otherwise
2458       PDFDocEncoding is used.
2460   Photoshop
2461       Some Photoshop resource names are stored as Pascal strings with unknown
2462       encoding.  By default, ExifTool assumes MacRoman encoding and converts
2463       this to UTF-8, but the internal and external character sets may be
2464       specified with the "CharsetPhotoshop" and "Charset" options
2465       respectively.
2467   QuickTime
2468       QuickTime text strings may be stored in a variety of poorly document
2469       formats. ExifTool does its best to decode these according to the
2470       "Charset" option setting.  For some QuickTime strings, ExifTool assumes
2471       a default encoding of MacRoman, but this may be changed with the
2472       "CharsetQuickTime" option.
2474   AIFF
2475       AIFF strings are assumed to be stored in MacRoman, and are converted
2476       according to the "Charset" option when reading.
2478   RIFF
2479       The internal encoding of RIFF strings (eg. in AVI and WAV files) is
2480       assumed to be Latin unless otherwise specified by the RIFF CSET chunk
2481       or the "CharsetRIFF" option.
2483   MIE
2484       MIE strings are stored as either UTF-8 or ISO 8859-1. When reading,
2485       UTF-8 strings are converted according to the "Charset" option, and ISO
2486       8859-1 strings are never converted.  When writing, input strings are
2487       converted from the specified character set to UTF-8.  The resulting
2488       strings are stored as UTF-8 if they contain multi-byte UTF-8 character
2489       sequences, otherwise they are stored as ISO 8859-1.
2491   Vorbis
2492       Vorbis comments are stored as UTF-8, and are converted to the character
2493       set specified by the "Charset" option.


2496       Copyright 2003-2022, Phil Harvey
2498       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
2499       under the same terms as Perl itself.


2502       Many people have helped in the development of ExifTool through their
2503       bug reports, comments and suggestions, and/or additions to the code.
2504       See the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in the individual Image::ExifTool modules and
2505       in html/index.html of the Image::ExifTool distribution package for a
2506       list of people who have contributed to this project.


2509       exiftool(1), Image::ExifTool::TagNames(3pm),
2510       Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts(3pm), Image::ExifTool::Shift(3pm),
2511       Image::Info(3pm), Image::MetaData::JPEG(3pm)
2515perl v5.36.0                      2022-07-22                Image::ExifTool(3)