1LaTeXML::Post::MathML(3U)ser Contributed Perl DocumentatiLoanTeXML::Post::MathML(3)


6       "LaTeXML::Post::MathML" - Post-Processing modules for converting math
7       to MathML.


10       "LaTeXML::Post::MathML" is the abstract base class for the MathML
11       Postprocessor; "LaTeXML::Post::MathML::Presentation" and
12       "LaTeXML::Post::MathML::Content" convert XMath to either Presentation
13       or Content MathML, or with that format as the principle branch for
14       Parallel markup.


17       The conversion is carried out primarly by a tree walk of the "XMath"
18       expression; appropriate handlers are selected and called depending on
19       the operators and forms encountered.  Handlers can be defined on
20       applications of operators, or on tokens; when a token is applied, it's
21       application handler takes precedence over it's token handler
23   "DefMathML($key,$presentation,$content);"
24       Defines presentation and content handlers for $key.  $key is of the
25       form "TYPE:ROLE:MEANING", where
27         TYPE    : is one either C<Token> or C<Apply> (or C<Hint> ?)
28         ROLE    : is a grammatical role (on XMath tokens)
29         MEANING : is the meaning attribute (on XMath tokens)
31       Any of these can be "?" to match any role or meaning; matches of both
32       are preferred, then match of meaning or role, or neither.
34       The subroutine handlers for presentation and content are given by
35       $presentation and $content, respectively.  Either can be "undef", in
36       which case some other matching handler will be invoked.
38       For "Token" handlers, the arguments passed are the token node; for
39       "Apply" handler, the arguments passed are the operator node and any
40       arguments.
42       However, it looks like some "TOKEN" handlers are being defined to take
43       "$content,%attributes" being the string content of the token, and the
44       token's attributes!
46   Presentation Conversion Utilties
47       "$mmlpost->pmml_top($node,$style);"
48           This is the top-level converter applied to an "XMath" node.  It
49           establishes a local context for font, style, size, etc.  It
50           generally does the bulk of the work for a PresentationMathML's
51           "translateNode", although the latter wraps the actual "m:math"
52           element around it.  ("style" is display or text).
54       "pmml($node)", "pmml_smaller($node)", "pmml_scriptsizsize($node)"
55           Converts the "XMath" $node to Presentation MathML.  The latter two
56           are used when the context calls for smaller (eg. fraction parts) or
57           scriptsize (eg sub or superscript) size or style, so that the size
58           encoded within $node will be properly accounted for.
60       "pmml_mi($node,%attributes)", "pmml_mn($node,%attributes)",
61       "pmml_mo($node,%attributes)"
62           These are "Token" handlers, to create "m:mi", "m:mn" and "m:mo"
63           elements, respectively.  When called as a handler, they will be
64           supplied only with an "XMath" node (typically an "XMTok"). For
65           convenient reuse, these functions may also be called on a 'virtual'
66           token: with $node being a string (that would have been the text
67           content of the "XMTok"), and the %attributes that would have been
68           the token's attributes.
70       "pmml_infix($op,@args)", "pmml_script($op,@args)",
71       "pmml_bigop($op,@args)"
72           These are "Apply" handlers, for handling general infix, sub or
73           superscript, or bigop (eg. summations) constructs.  They are called
74           with the operator token, followed by the arguments; all are "XMath"
75           elements.
77       "pmml_row(@items)"
78           This wraps an "m:mrow" around the already converted @items if need;
79           That is, if there is only a single item it is returned without the
80           "m:mrow".
82       "pmml_unrow($pmml)"
83           This perverse utility takes something that has already been
84           converted to Presentation MathML.  If the argument is an "m:mrow",
85           it returns a list of the mathml elements within that row, otherwise
86           it returns a list containing the single element $pmml.
88       "pmml_parenthesize($item,$open,$close)"
89           This utility parenthesizes the (already converted MathML) $item
90           with the string delimiters $open and $close.  These are converted
91           to an "m:mrow" with "m:mo" for the fences, unless the "usemfenced"
92           switch is set, in which case "m:mfenced" is used.
94       "pmml_punctuate($separators,@items) "
95           This utility creates an "m:mrow" by interjecting the punctuation
96           between suceessive items in the list of already converted @items.
97           If there are more than one character in $separators the first is
98           used between the first pair, the next between the next pair; if the
99           separators is exhausted, the last is repeated between remaining
100           pairs.  $separators defaults to (repeated) comma.
102   Content Conversion Utilties
103       "$mmlpost-"cmml_top($node); >
104           This is the top-level converter applied to an "XMath" node.  It
105           establishes a local context for font, style, size, etc (were it
106           needed).  It generally does the bulk of the work for a
107           ContentMathML's "translateNode", although the latter wraps the
108           actual "m:math" element around it.
110       "cmml($node)"
111           Converts the "XMath" $node to Content MathML.
113       "cmml_leaf($token)"
114           Converts the "XMath" token to an "m:ci", "m:cn" or "m:csymbol",
115           under appropriate circumstances.
117       "cmml_decoratedSymbol($item)"
118           Similar to "cmml_leaf", but used when an operator is itself,
119           apparently, an application.  This converts $item to Presentation
120           MathML to use for the content of the "m:ci".
122       "cmml_not($arg)"
123           Construct the not of the argument $arg.
125       "cmml_synth_not($op,@args)"
126           Synthesize an operator by applying "m:not" to another operator
127           ($op) applied to its @args ("XMath" elements that will be converted
128           to Content MathML).  This is useful to define a handler for, eg.,
129           c<not-approximately-equals> in terms of c<m:approx>.
131       "cmml_synth_complement($op,@args)"
132           Synthesize an operator by applying a complementary operator ($op)
133           to the reverse of its @args ("XMath" elements that will be
134           converted to Content MathML).  This is useful to define a handler
135           for, eg. "superset-of-or-equals" using "m:subset".
137       "cmml_or_compose($operators,@args)"
138           Synthesize an operator that stands for the "or" of several other
139           operators (eg. c<less-than-or-similar-to-or-approximately-equals>)
140           by composing it of the "m:or" of applying each of "m:less" and
141           "m:approx" to the arguments.  The first operator is applied to the
142           converted arguments, while the rest are applied to "m:share"
143           elements referring to the previous ones.
145       "cmml_share($node)"
146           Converts the "XMath" $node to Content MathML, after assuring that
147           it has an id, so that it can be shared.
149       "cmml_shared($node)"
150           Generates a "m:share" element referting to $node, which should have
151           an id (such as after calling "cmml_share").

Math Processors, Generally.

154       We should probably formalize the idea of a Math Processor as an
155       abstract class, but let this description provide a starting overview.
156       A MathProcessor follows the API of "LaTeXML::Post" processors, by
157       handling "process", which invokes "processNode" on all "Math" nodes;
158       That latter inserts the result of either "translateNode" or
159       "translateParallel", applied to the "XMath" representation, into the
160       "Math" node.
162       Parallel translation is done whenever additional MathProcessors have
163       been specified, via the "setParallel" method; these are simply other
164       MathProcessors following the same API.
168perl v5.36.0                      2022-07-20          LaTeXML::Post::MathML(3)