1Net::Stomp(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Net::Stomp(3)
6 Net::Stomp - A Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client
9 # send a message to the queue 'foo'
10 use Net::Stomp;
11 my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( { hostname => 'localhost', port => '61613' } );
12 $stomp->connect( { login => 'hello', passcode => 'there' } );
13 $stomp->send(
14 { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' } );
15 $stomp->disconnect;
17 # subscribe to messages from the queue 'foo'
18 use Net::Stomp;
19 my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( { hostname => 'localhost', port => '61613' } );
20 $stomp->connect( { login => 'hello', passcode => 'there' } );
21 $stomp->subscribe(
22 { destination => '/queue/foo',
23 'ack' => 'client',
24 'activemq.prefetchSize' => 1
25 }
26 );
27 while (1) {
28 my $frame = $stomp->receive_frame;
29 if (!defined $frame) {
30 # maybe log connection problems
31 next; # will reconnect automatically
32 }
33 warn $frame->body; # do something here
34 $stomp->ack( { frame => $frame } );
35 }
36 $stomp->disconnect;
38 # write your own frame
39 my $frame = Net::Stomp::Frame->new(
40 { command => $command, headers => $conf, body => $body } );
41 $self->send_frame($frame);
43 # connect with failover supporting similar URI to ActiveMQ
44 $stomp = Net::Stomp->new({ failover => "failover://tcp://primary:61616" })
45 # "?randomize=..." and other parameters are ignored currently
46 $stomp = Net::Stomp->new({ failover => "failover:(tcp://primary:61616,tcp://secondary:61616)?randomize=false" })
48 # Or in a more natural perl way
49 $stomp = Net::Stomp->new({ hosts => [
50 { hostname => 'primary', port => 61616 },
51 { hostname => 'secondary', port => 61616 },
52 ] });
55 This module allows you to write a Stomp client. Stomp is the Streaming
56 Text Orientated Messaging Protocol (or the Protocol Briefly Known as
57 TTMP and Represented by the symbol :ttmp). It's a simple and easy to
58 implement protocol for working with Message Orientated Middleware from
59 any language. Net::Stomp is useful for talking to Apache ActiveMQ, an
60 open source (Apache 2.0 licensed) Java Message Service 1.1 (JMS)
61 message broker packed with many enterprise features.
63 A Stomp frame consists of a command, a series of headers and a body -
64 see Net::Stomp::Frame for more details.
66 For details on the protocol see <https://stomp.github.io/>.
68 In long-lived processes, you can use a new "Net::Stomp" object to send
69 each message, but it's more polite to the broker to keep a single
70 object around and re-use it for multiple messages; this reduce the
71 number of TCP connections that have to be established. "Net::Stomp"
72 tries very hard to re-connect whenever something goes wrong.
74 ActiveMQ-specific suggestions
75 To enable the ActiveMQ Broker for Stomp add the following to the
76 activemq.xml configuration inside the <transportConnectors> section:
78 <transportConnector name="stomp" uri="stomp://localhost:61613"/>
80 To enable the ActiveMQ Broker for Stomp and SSL add the following
81 inside the <transportConnectors> section:
83 <transportConnector name="stomp+ssl" uri="stomp+ssl://localhost:61612"/>
85 For details on Stomp in ActiveMQ See
86 <http://activemq.apache.org/stomp.html>.
89 "new"
90 The constructor creates a new object. You must pass in a hostname and a
91 port or set a failover configuration:
93 my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( { hostname => 'localhost', port => '61613' } );
95 If you want to use SSL, make sure you have IO::Socket::SSL and pass in
96 the SSL flag:
98 my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( {
99 hostname => 'localhost',
100 port => '61612',
101 ssl => 1,
102 } );
104 If you want to pass in IO::Socket::SSL options:
106 my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( {
107 hostname => 'localhost',
108 port => '61612',
109 ssl => 1,
110 ssl_options => { SSL_cipher_list => 'ALL:!EXPORT' },
111 } );
113 Failover
115 There is some failover support in "Net::Stomp". You can specify
116 ""failover"" in a similar manner to ActiveMQ
117 (<http://activemq.apache.org/failover-transport-reference.html>) for
118 similarity with Java configs or using a more natural method to Perl of
119 passing in an array-of-hashrefs in the "hosts" parameter.
121 When "Net::Stomp" connects the first time, upon construction, it will
122 simply try each host in the list, stopping at the first one that
123 accepts the connection, dying if no connection attempt is successful.
124 You can set ""initial_reconnect_attempts"" to 0 to mean "keep looping
125 forever", or to an integer value to mean "only go through the list of
126 hosts this many times" (the default value is therefore 1).
128 When "Net::Stomp" notices that the connection has been lost (inside
129 ""send_frame"" or ""receive_frame""), it will try to re-connect. In
130 this case, the number of connection attempts will be limited by
131 ""reconnect_attempts"", which defaults to 0, meaning "keep trying
132 forever".
134 Reconnect on "fork"
136 By default Net::Stomp will reconnect, using a different socket, if the
137 process "fork"s. This avoids problems when parent & child write to the
138 socket at the same time. If, for whatever reason, you don't want this
139 to happen, set ""reconnect_on_fork"" to 0 (either as a constructor
140 parameter, or by calling the method).
143 These can be passed as constructor parameters, or used as read/write
144 accessors.
146 "hostname"
147 If you want to connect to a single broker, you can specify its hostname
148 here. If you modify this value during the lifetime of the object, the
149 new value will be used for the subsequent reconnect attempts.
151 "port"
152 If you want to connect to a single broker, you can specify its port
153 here. If you modify this value during the lifetime of the object, the
154 new value will be used for the subsequent reconnect attempts.
156 "socket_options"
157 Optional hashref, it will be passed to the IO::Socket::IP,
158 IO::Socket::SSL, or IO::Socket::INET constructor every time we need to
159 get a socket.
161 In addition to the various options supported by those classes, you can
162 set "keep_alive" to a true value, which will enable TCP-level keep-
163 alive on the socket (see the TCP Keepalive HOWTO
164 <http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/TCP-Keepalive-HOWTO/> for some
165 information on that feature).
167 "ssl"
168 Boolean, defaults to false, whether we should use SSL to talk to the
169 single broker. If you modify this value during the lifetime of the
170 object, the new value will be used for the subsequent reconnect
171 attempts.
173 "ssl_options"
174 Options to pass to IO::Socket::SSL when connecting via SSL to the
175 single broker. If you modify this value during the lifetime of the
176 object, the new value will be used for the subsequent reconnect
177 attempts.
179 "failover"
180 Modifying this attribute after the object has been constructed has no
181 effect. Pass this as a constructor parameter only. Its value must be a
182 URL (as a string) in the form:
184 failover://(tcp://$hostname1:$port1,tcp://$hostname2:$port,...)
186 This is equivalent to setting ""hosts"" to:
188 [ { hostname => $hostname1, port => $port1 },
189 { hostname => $hostname2, port => $port2 } ]
191 "hosts"
192 Arrayref of hashrefs, each having a "hostname" key and a "port" key,
193 and optionall "ssl" and "ssl_options". Connections will be attempted in
194 order, looping around if necessary, depending on the values of
195 ""initial_reconnect_attempts"" and ""reconnect_attempts"".
197 "current_host"
198 If using multiple hosts, this is the index (inside the ""hosts"" array)
199 of the one we're currently connected to.
201 "logger"
202 Optional logger object, the default one is a Log::Any logger. You can
203 pass in any object with the same API, or configure Log::Any::Adapter to
204 route the messages to whatever logging system you need.
206 "reconnect_on_fork"
207 Boolean, defaults to true. Reconnect if a method is being invoked from
208 a different process than the one that created the object. Don't change
209 this unless you really know what you're doing.
211 "initial_reconnect_attempts"
212 Integer, how many times to loop through the ""hosts"" trying to
213 connect, before giving up and throwing an exception, during the
214 construction of the object. Defaults to 1. 0 means "keep trying
215 forever". Between each connection attempt there will be a sleep of
216 ""connect_delay"" seconds.
218 "reconnect_attempts"
219 Integer, how many times to loop through the ""hosts"" trying to
220 connect, before giving up and throwing an exception, during
221 ""send_frame"" or ""receive_frame"". Defaults to 0, meaning "keep
222 trying forever". Between each connection attempt there will be a sleep
223 of ""connect_delay"" seconds.
225 "connect_delay"
226 Integer, defaults to 5. How many seconds to sleep between connection
227 attempts to brokers.
229 "timeout"
230 Integer, in seconds, defaults to "undef". The default timeout for read
231 operations. "undef" means "wait forever".
233 "receipt_timeout"
234 Integer, in seconds, defaults to "undef". The default timeout while
235 waiting for a receipt (in ""send_with_receipt"" and
236 ""send_transactional""). If "undef", the global ""timeout"" is used.
239 "connect"
240 This starts the Stomp session with the Stomp server. You may pass in a
241 "login" and "passcode" options, plus whatever other headers you may
242 need (e.g. "client-id", "host").
244 $stomp->connect( { login => 'hello', passcode => 'there' } );
246 Returns the frame that the server responded with (or "undef" if the
247 connection was lost). If that frame's command is not "CONNECTED",
248 something went wrong.
250 "send"
251 This sends a message to a queue or topic. You must pass in a
252 destination and a body (which must be a string of bytes). You can also
253 pass whatever other headers you may need (e.g. "transaction").
255 $stomp->send( { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' } );
257 It's probably a good idea to pass a "content-length" corresponding to
258 the byte length of the "body"; this is necessary if the "body" contains
259 a byte 0.
261 Always returns a true value. It automatically reconnects if writing to
262 the socket fails.
264 "send_with_receipt"
265 This sends a message asking for a receipt, and returns false if the
266 receipt of the message is not acknowledged by the server:
268 $stomp->send_with_receipt(
269 { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' }
270 ) or die "Couldn't send the message!";
272 If using ActiveMQ, you might also want to make the message persistent:
274 $stomp->send_transactional(
275 { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message', persistent => 'true' }
276 ) or die "Couldn't send the message!";
278 The actual frame sequence for a successful sending is:
280 -> SEND
281 <- RECEIPT
283 The actual frame sequence for a failed sending is:
285 -> SEND
286 <- anything but RECEIPT
288 If you are using this connection only to send (i.e. you've never called
289 ""subscribe""), the only thing that could be received instead of a
290 "RECEIPT" is an "ERROR" frame, but if you subscribed, the broker may
291 well send a "MESSAGE" before sending the "RECEIPT". DO NOT use this
292 method on a connection used for receiving.
294 If you want to see the "RECEIPT" or "ERROR" frame, pass a scalar as a
295 second parameter to the method, and it will be set to the received
296 frame:
298 my $success = $stomp->send_transactional(
299 { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' },
300 $received_frame,
301 );
302 if (not $success) { warn $received_frame->as_string }
304 You can specify a "timeout" in the parametrs, just like for
305 ""received_frame"". This function will wait for that timeout, or for
306 ""receipt_timeout"", or for ""timeout"", whichever is defined, or
307 forever, if none is defined.
309 "send_transactional"
310 This sends a message in transactional mode and returns false if the
311 receipt of the message is not acknowledged by the server:
313 $stomp->send_transactional(
314 { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' }
315 ) or die "Couldn't send the message!";
317 If using ActiveMQ, you might also want to make the message persistent:
319 $stomp->send_transactional(
320 { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message', persistent => 'true' }
321 ) or die "Couldn't send the message!";
323 "send_transactional" just wraps "send_with_receipt" in a STOMP
324 transaction.
326 The actual frame sequence for a successful sending is:
328 -> BEGIN
329 -> SEND
330 <- RECEIPT
331 -> COMMIT
333 The actual frame sequence for a failed sending is:
335 -> BEGIN
336 -> SEND
337 <- anything but RECEIPT
338 -> ABORT
340 If you are using this connection only to send (i.e. you've never called
341 ""subscribe""), the only thing that could be received instead of a
342 "RECEIPT" is an "ERROR" frame, but if you subscribed, the broker may
343 well send a "MESSAGE" before sending the "RECEIPT". DO NOT use this
344 method on a connection used for receiving.
346 If you want to see the "RECEIPT" or "ERROR" frame, pass a scalar as a
347 second parameter to the method, and it will be set to the received
348 frame:
350 my $success = $stomp->send_transactional(
351 { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' },
352 $received_frame,
353 );
354 if (not $success) { warn $received_frame->as_string }
356 You can specify a "timeout" in the parametrs, just like for
357 ""received_frame"". This function will wait for that timeout, or for
358 ""receipt_timeout"", or for ""timeout"", whichever is defined, or
359 forever, if none is defined.
361 "disconnect"
362 This disconnects from the Stomp server:
364 $stomp->disconnect;
366 If you call any other method after this, a new connection will be
367 established automatically (to the next failover host, if there's more
368 than one).
370 Always returns a true value.
372 "subscribe"
373 This subscribes you to a queue or topic. You must pass in a
374 "destination".
376 Always returns a true value.
378 The acknowledge mode (header "ack") defaults to "auto", which means
379 that frames will be considered delivered after they have been sent to a
380 client. The other option is "client", which means that messages will
381 only be considered delivered after the client specifically acknowledges
382 them with an ACK frame (see ""ack"").
384 When "Net::Stomp" reconnects after a failure, all subscriptions will be
385 re-instated, each with its own options.
387 Other options:
389 "selector"
390 Specifies a JMS Selector using SQL 92 syntax as specified in the
391 JMS 1.1 specification. This allows a filter to be applied to each
392 message as part of the subscription.
394 "id"
395 A unique identifier for this subscription. Very useful if you
396 subscribe to the same destination more than once (e.g. with
397 different selectors), so that messages arriving will have a
398 "subscription" header with this value if they arrived because of
399 this subscription.
401 "activemq.dispatchAsync"
402 Should messages be dispatched synchronously or asynchronously from
403 the producer thread for non-durable topics in the broker. For fast
404 consumers set this to false. For slow consumers set it to true so
405 that dispatching will not block fast consumers.
407 "activemq.exclusive"
408 Would I like to be an Exclusive Consumer on a queue.
410 "activemq.maximumPendingMessageLimit"
411 For Slow Consumer Handling on non-durable topics by dropping old
412 messages - we can set a maximum pending limit which once a slow
413 consumer backs up to this high water mark we begin to discard old
414 messages.
416 "activemq.noLocal"
417 Specifies whether or not locally sent messages should be ignored
418 for subscriptions. Set to true to filter out locally sent messages.
420 "activemq.prefetchSize"
421 Specifies the maximum number of pending messages that will be
422 dispatched to the client. Once this maximum is reached no more
423 messages are dispatched until the client acknowledges a message.
424 Set to 1 for very fair distribution of messages across consumers
425 where processing messages can be slow.
427 "activemq.priority"
428 Sets the priority of the consumer so that dispatching can be
429 weighted in priority order.
431 "activemq.retroactive"
432 For non-durable topics do you wish this subscription to the
433 retroactive.
435 "activemq.subscriptionName"
436 For durable topic subscriptions you must specify the same
437 ""client-id"" on the connection and ""subscriptionName"" on the
438 subscribe.
440 $stomp->subscribe(
441 { destination => '/queue/foo',
442 'ack' => 'client',
443 'activemq.prefetchSize' => 1
444 }
445 );
447 "unsubscribe"
448 This unsubscribes you to a queue or topic. You must pass in a
449 "destination" or an "id":
451 $stomp->unsubcribe({ destination => '/queue/foo' });
453 Always returns a true value.
455 "receive_frame"
456 This blocks and returns you the next Stomp frame, or "undef" if there
457 was a connection problem.
459 my $frame = $stomp->receive_frame;
460 warn $frame->body; # do something here
462 By default this method will block until a frame can be returned, or for
463 however long the "timeout" attribue says. If you wish to wait for a
464 specified time pass a "timeout" argument:
466 # Wait half a second for a frame, else return undef
467 $stomp->receive_frame({ timeout => 0.5 })
469 "can_read"
470 This returns whether there is new data waiting to be read from the
471 STOMP server. Optionally takes a timeout in seconds:
473 my $can_read = $stomp->can_read;
474 my $can_read = $stomp->can_read({ timeout => '0.1' });
476 "undef" says block until something can be read, 0 says to poll and
477 return immediately. This method ignores the value of the "timeout"
478 attribute.
480 "ack"
481 This acknowledges that you have received and processed a frame and all
482 frames before it (if you are using client acknowledgements):
484 $stomp->ack( { frame => $frame } );
486 Always returns a true value.
488 "nack"
489 This informs the remote end that you have been unable to process a
490 received frame (if you are using client acknowledgements) (See
491 individual stomp server documentation for information about additional
492 fields that can be passed to alter NACK behavior):
494 $stomp->nack( { frame => $frame } );
496 Always returns a true value.
498 "send_frame"
499 If this module does not provide enough help for sending frames, you may
500 construct your own frame and send it:
502 # write your own frame
503 my $frame = Net::Stomp::Frame->new(
504 { command => $command, headers => $conf, body => $body } );
505 $self->send_frame($frame);
507 This is the method used by all the other methods that send frames. It
508 will keep trying to send the frame as hard as it can, reconnecting if
509 the connection breaks (limited by ""reconnect_attempts""). If no
510 connection can be established, and ""reconnect_attempts"" is not 0,
511 this method will "die".
513 Always returns an empty list.
516 Net::Stomp::Frame.
519 https://github.com/dakkar/Net-Stomp
522 Leon Brocard <acme@astray.com>, Thom May <thom.may@betfair.com>,
523 Michael S. Fischer <michael@dynamine.net>, Ash Berlin
524 <ash_github@firemirror.com>
527 Paul Driver <frodwith@cpan.org>, Andreas Faafeng <aff@cpan.org>, Vigith
528 Maurice <vigith@yahoo-inc.com>, Stephen Fralich <sjf4@uw.edu>, Squeeks
529 <squeek@cpan.org>, Chisel Wright <chisel@chizography.net>, Gianni
530 Ceccarelli <dakkar@thenautilus.net>
533 Copyright (C) 2006-9, Leon Brocard Copyright (C) 2009, Thom May,
534 Betfair.com Copyright (C) 2010, Ash Berlin, Net-a-Porter.com Copyright
535 (C) 2010, Michael S. Fischer
537 This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it
538 under the same terms as Perl itself.
542perl v5.36.0 2022-07-22 Net::Stomp(3)