1Rose::DB::Tutorial(3) User Contributed Perl DocumentationRose::DB::Tutorial(3)


6       Rose::DB::Tutorial - Best practices for using Rose::DB


9       This tutorial describes "best practices" for using Rose::DB in the most
10       robust, maintainable manner.  It does not replace the actual
11       documentation, however.  The actual Rose::DB documentation is still
12       essential, and contains some good examples of its own.
14       In particular, you should read the description section of the Rose::DB
15       documentation if you have not done so already.  It describes the
16       features and philosophy of Rose::DB.  That information that will not be
17       repeated here.


20       The examples in this tutorial will use the fictional "My::" namespace
21       prefix.  Your code should use whatever namespace you deem appropriate.
22       Usually, it will be more akin to "MyCorp::MyProject::" (i.e., your
23       corporation, organization, and/or project).  I've chosen to use "My::"
24       simply because it's shorter, and will help this tutorial stay within an
25       80-column width.
27       For the sake of brevity, the "use strict" directive and associated "my"
28       declarations have been omitted from the example code.  Needless to say,
29       you should always "use strict" in your actual code.
31       Similarly, the traditional "1;" true value used at the end of each
32       ".pm" file has been omitted from the examples.  Don't forget to add
33       this to the end of your actual Perl module files.


36   Creating a subclass
37       The first step when using Rose::DB in anything but a throw-away script
38       is to create a trivial subclass.  This is important because Rose::DB
39       has a significant amount of class data.  Using Rose::DB directly means
40       that you will be reading and writing the same data as any other badly-
41       behaved code that also uses Rose::DB directly.
43       In particular, the registry that contains all the information for each
44       data source is class data, and is inherited from (that is, shared with)
45       the base class by default.  Creating a subclass allows you to have your
46       own, private data source registry.
48       So, here's our initial Rose::DB subclass.
50         # File: My/DB.pm
51         package My::DB;
53         use Rose::DB;
54         our @ISA = qw(Rose::DB);
56         # Use a private registry for this class
57         __PACKAGE__->use_private_registry;
59   Designing your namespace
60       As described in the Rose::DB documentation, Rose::DB provides a two-
61       level namespace for data sources, made up of a "domain" and a "type."
62       These are both arbitrary strings, so there's a lot of freedom to break
63       up the namespace in any way you see fit.  For example, sub-domains and
64       sub-types can be created within each string using delimiter characters
65       (e.g., "::" as in Perl's package namespace).
67       But let's back up.  The simplest case is that you have just one data
68       source, and therefore no need for a namespace at all.  If this is the
69       case, you can skip to the next section.
71       In the common case, it's usually sufficient to use simple words for
72       both type and domain.  As the name "domain" implies, this value usually
73       represents the environment or surroundings.  For example, a typical
74       server application might use domains named "development", "qa",
75       "staging", and "production".
77       The "type" portion of the namespace tends to be used to differentiate
78       the applicability or contents of the data sources.  Some example type
79       names are "main" for the primary database, "archive" for a data
80       warehouse database, and "session" for a database used to store
81       transient session data.
83       The goal of namespace design is to allow data sources to be referred to
84       symbolically, with names that make sense to you in your environment.
86   Registering data sources
87       Now that you've decided on your namespace design (or lack thereof, if
88       you have only one data source), it's time to register some data
89       sources.  To register a data source, call the register_db class method.
91       This can be done nearly anywhere, but it's most convenient to do it
92       "early" and to link it somehow to your "My::DB" subclass.  That is,
93       when someone "use"s "My::DB", they should not have to worry about
94       whether or not all the data sources are registered.
96       In a server environment, there's usually some sort of start-up file
97       that gets loaded before any "end-user" code (e.g., "startup.pl" by
98       convention in a mod_perl Apache web server).  That may be a good place
99       to include your data source registration calls, but only if you're
100       absolutely sure that "My::DB" will never be used outside the server
101       environment.
103       A better, safer alternative is to put the data source registration
104       calls directly in your Rose::DB subclass.  This is the recommended
105       approach.  Here are some examples.
107       Just one data source
109       First, consider the case where a namespace is not necessary.  You have
110       a single data source and that's all.  You don't care what it's named.
111       Luckily, there are default values for both type and domain.  Simply
112       register your data source using these values and you're all set.
114           package My::DB;
116           use Rose::DB;
117           our @ISA = qw(Rose::DB);
119           # Use a private registry for this class
120           __PACKAGE__->use_private_registry;
122           # Register your lone data source using the default type and domain
123           __PACKAGE__->register_db(
124             domain   => My::DB->default_domain,
125             type     => My::DB->default_type,
126             driver   => 'pg',
127             database => 'my_db',
128             host     => 'localhost',
129             username => 'joeuser',
130             password => 'mysecret',
131           );
133       The domain and type parameters can actually be omitted entirely and
134       they will still default to the values shown above.  In other words, the
135       following call to register_db is exactly equivalent to the one above.
137           # Register your lone data source using the default type and domain
138           __PACKAGE__->register_db(
139             driver   => 'pg',
140             database => 'my_db',
141             host     => 'localhost',
142             username => 'joeuser',
143             password => 'mysecret',
144           );
146       To use "My::DB" in this kind of setup, simply omit the domain and type
147       parameters from your calls to "My::DB->new".  They will automatically
148       get the default values.
150           use My::DB;
152           $db = My::DB->new(); # use default type and default domain
153           print $db->username; # "joeuser"
154           $dbh = $db->dbh;     # connect and get DBI database handle
156       Multiple data sources
158       Most commonly, you will have more than one data source.  (And if you
159       don't now, you probably will in the future.  Better safe than sorry.)
160       After you've designed your namespace, data source registration is
161       straightforward.  The only wrinkle is how to deal with the default
162       domain and type.
164       I recommend setting the default domain and type to the "safest" values
165       in your environment.  For example, a domain of "development" and a type
166       of "main" are reasonable choices.  This allows you to use "bare" calls
167       to "My::DB->new()" in your code (as shown in the simple, single data
168       source example above).
170       Here's an example that includes two domains "development" and
171       "production", and two types, "main" and "session."  The default data
172       source is the domain "development" and the type "main".
174           package My::DB;
176           use Rose::DB;
177           our @ISA = qw(Rose::DB);
179           # Use a private registry for this class
180           __PACKAGE__->use_private_registry;
182           # Set the default domain and type
183           __PACKAGE__->default_domain('development');
184           __PACKAGE__->default_type('main');
186           # Register the data sources
188           # Development:
190           __PACKAGE__->register_db(
191             domain   => 'development',
192             type     => 'main',
193             driver   => 'pg',
194             database => 'dev_db',
195             host     => 'localhost',
196             username => 'devuser',
197             password => 'mysecret',
198           );
200           __PACKAGE__->register_db(
201             domain   => 'development',
202             type     => 'session',
203             driver   => 'mysql',
204             database => 'session_db',
205             host     => 'localhost',
206             username => 'devmysql',
207             password => 'mysqlpw',
208           );
210           # Production:
212           __PACKAGE__->register_db(
213             domain   => 'production',
214             type     => 'main',
215             driver   => 'pg',
216             database => 'big_db',
217             host     => 'dbserver.mycorp.com',
218             username => 'dbadmin',
219             password => 'prodsecret',
220           );
222           __PACKAGE__->register_db(
223             domain   => 'production',
224             type     => 'session',
225             driver   => 'mysql',
226             database => 'session_db',
227             host     => 'sessions.mycorp.com',
228             username => 'session_user',
229             password => 'prodsesspw',
230           );
232       Ideally, and as shown in the example above, all data source types are
233       available in each domain.  Combined with the consistent practice of
234       never specifying an explicit domain when constructing your "My::DB"
235       objects, this allows the domain to be switched as needed, without
236       modifying any code in the actual application.
238       For example, imagine a mod_perl Apache web server environment running
239       application code that constructs its "My::DB" objects like this:
241           $main_db    = My::DB->new('main');
242           $session_db = My::DB->new('session');
244       Now imagine a "startup.pl" file that contains the following:
246           # File: startup.pl
247           use My::DB;
249           if($ENV{'MYCORP_PRODUCTION_SERVER'})
250           {
251             My::DB->default_domain('production');
252           }
253           else
254           {
255             My::DB->default_domain('development');
256           }
258       This deliberate use of defaults combined with a healthy dose of
259       convention in your constructor calls can make it simple to move your
260       code from one environment to another without any changes beyond the
261       usual configuration management that must be done (e.g., for apache
262       configuration files).
264       The determination of the current environment can be done in many
265       different ways, of course.  Checking an environment variable as shown
266       above is probably not the best way to do it, but it makes for a simple
267       example.
269       Another alternative is to use some sort of configuration/build
270       management system to generate the Apache configuration files from
271       templates.  In that case, the templates could contain something like
272       this:
274           [% IF in_production %]
275               My::DB->default_domain('production');
276           [% ELSE %]
277               My::DB->default_domain('development');
278           [% END %]
280       This would leave only the single, appropriate call in the completed
281       "startup.pl" file.
283   Using your database objects
284       Before trying to use Rose::DB objects, it's important to understand the
285       primary goals of Rose::DB.  The features are described in the Rose::DB
286       documentation, but there is one thing that is left unsaid.  Although
287       Rose::DB is useful in isolation and provides many convenient methods
288       and abstractions, its primary purpose is to encapsulate database-
289       specific behaviors on behalf of Rose::DB::Object.
291       Of course, it could fill the same role for any Rose::DB::Object-like
292       module, and for any code that does the same kinds of things.  If you
293       need to parse or format vendor-specific column values or want to use a
294       simple form of reference counting to keep track of shared database
295       handles, you may find Rose::DB useful.
297       The most common non-Rose::DB::Object-related use for Rose::DB is as a
298       way to get a DBI database handle without sweating the details of how
299       it's created or where it's connected.  The previous sections of this
300       tutorial cover everything you need to know to set up Rose::DB to be
301       used in this capacity.  Please be sure to read the Rose::DB
302       documentation as well, particularly the database handle life-cycle
303       management section.


306       The Rose development policy applies to this, and all "Rose::*" modules.
307       Please install Rose from CPAN and then run "perldoc Rose" for more
308       information.


311       Any Rose::DB questions or problems can be posted to the
312       Rose::DB::Object mailing list.  (If the volume ever gets high enough,
313       I'll create a separate list for Rose::DB.  But it isn't an issue right
314       now.)  To subscribe to the list or view the archives, go here:
316       <http://groups.google.com/group/rose-db-object>
318       Although the mailing list is the preferred support mechanism, you can
319       also email the author (see below) or file bugs using the CPAN bug
320       tracking system:
322       <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Rose-DB>
324       There's also a wiki and other resources linked from the Rose project
325       home page:
327       <http://rosecode.org>


330       John C. Siracusa (siracusa@gmail.com)
333       Copyright (c) 2007 by John C. Siracusa.  All rights reserved.  This
334       program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
335       under the same terms as Perl itself.
339perl v5.36.0                      2022-07-22             Rose::DB::Tutorial(3)