1ALTER TABLE(7)           PostgreSQL 14.3 Documentation          ALTER TABLE(7)


6       ALTER_TABLE - change the definition of a table


9       ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] name [ * ]
10           action [, ... ]
11       ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] name [ * ]
12           RENAME [ COLUMN ] column_name TO new_column_name
13       ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] name [ * ]
14           RENAME CONSTRAINT constraint_name TO new_constraint_name
15       ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] name
16           RENAME TO new_name
17       ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] name
18           SET SCHEMA new_schema
19       ALTER TABLE ALL IN TABLESPACE name [ OWNED BY role_name [, ... ] ]
20           SET TABLESPACE new_tablespace [ NOWAIT ]
21       ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] name
22           ATTACH PARTITION partition_name { FOR VALUES partition_bound_spec | DEFAULT }
23       ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] name
24           DETACH PARTITION partition_name [ CONCURRENTLY | FINALIZE ]
26       where action is one of:
28           ADD [ COLUMN ] [ IF NOT EXISTS ] column_name data_type [ COLLATE collation ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ]
29           DROP [ COLUMN ] [ IF EXISTS ] column_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]
30           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name [ SET DATA ] TYPE data_type [ COLLATE collation ] [ USING expression ]
31           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET DEFAULT expression
32           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name DROP DEFAULT
33           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name { SET | DROP } NOT NULL
34           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name DROP EXPRESSION [ IF EXISTS ]
35           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name ADD GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY [ ( sequence_options ) ]
36           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name { SET GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } | SET sequence_option | RESTART [ [ WITH ] restart ] } [...]
37           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name DROP IDENTITY [ IF EXISTS ]
38           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET STATISTICS integer
39           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET ( attribute_option = value [, ... ] )
40           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name RESET ( attribute_option [, ... ] )
41           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET STORAGE { PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN }
42           ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET COMPRESSION compression_method
43           ADD table_constraint [ NOT VALID ]
44           ADD table_constraint_using_index
46           VALIDATE CONSTRAINT constraint_name
47           DROP CONSTRAINT [ IF EXISTS ]  constraint_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ]
48           DISABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name | ALL | USER ]
49           ENABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name | ALL | USER ]
50           ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER trigger_name
51           ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER trigger_name
52           DISABLE RULE rewrite_rule_name
53           ENABLE RULE rewrite_rule_name
54           ENABLE REPLICA RULE rewrite_rule_name
55           ENABLE ALWAYS RULE rewrite_rule_name
60           CLUSTER ON index_name
62           SET WITHOUT OIDS
63           SET TABLESPACE new_tablespace
64           SET { LOGGED | UNLOGGED }
65           SET ( storage_parameter [= value] [, ... ] )
66           RESET ( storage_parameter [, ... ] )
67           INHERIT parent_table
68           NO INHERIT parent_table
69           OF type_name
70           NOT OF
71           OWNER TO { new_owner | CURRENT_ROLE | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }
74       and partition_bound_spec is:
76       IN ( partition_bound_expr [, ...] ) |
77       FROM ( { partition_bound_expr | MINVALUE | MAXVALUE } [, ...] )
78         TO ( { partition_bound_expr | MINVALUE | MAXVALUE } [, ...] ) |
79       WITH ( MODULUS numeric_literal, REMAINDER numeric_literal )
81       and column_constraint is:
83       [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
84       { NOT NULL |
85         NULL |
86         CHECK ( expression ) [ NO INHERIT ] |
87         DEFAULT default_expr |
88         GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( generation_expr ) STORED |
89         GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY [ ( sequence_options ) ] |
90         UNIQUE index_parameters |
91         PRIMARY KEY index_parameters |
92         REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ]
93           [ ON DELETE referential_action ] [ ON UPDATE referential_action ] }
96       and table_constraint is:
98       [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
99       { CHECK ( expression ) [ NO INHERIT ] |
100         UNIQUE ( column_name [, ... ] ) index_parameters |
101         PRIMARY KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) index_parameters |
102         EXCLUDE [ USING index_method ] ( exclude_element WITH operator [, ... ] ) index_parameters [ WHERE ( predicate ) ] |
103         FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ]
104           [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE referential_action ] [ ON UPDATE referential_action ] }
107       and table_constraint_using_index is:
109           [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
110           { UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY } USING INDEX index_name
113       index_parameters in UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, and EXCLUDE constraints are:
115       [ INCLUDE ( column_name [, ... ] ) ]
116       [ WITH ( storage_parameter [= value] [, ... ] ) ]
117       [ USING INDEX TABLESPACE tablespace_name ]
119       exclude_element in an EXCLUDE constraint is:
121       { column_name | ( expression ) } [ opclass ] [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]


124       ALTER TABLE changes the definition of an existing table. There are
125       several subforms described below. Note that the lock level required may
126       differ for each subform. An ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock is acquired unless
127       explicitly noted. When multiple subcommands are given, the lock
128       acquired will be the strictest one required by any subcommand.
131           This form adds a new column to the table, using the same syntax as
132           CREATE TABLE. If IF NOT EXISTS is specified and a column already
133           exists with this name, no error is thrown.
136           This form drops a column from a table. Indexes and table
137           constraints involving the column will be automatically dropped as
138           well. Multivariate statistics referencing the dropped column will
139           also be removed if the removal of the column would cause the
140           statistics to contain data for only a single column. You will need
141           to say CASCADE if anything outside the table depends on the column,
142           for example, foreign key references or views. If IF EXISTS is
143           specified and the column does not exist, no error is thrown. In
144           this case a notice is issued instead.
146       SET DATA TYPE
147           This form changes the type of a column of a table. Indexes and
148           simple table constraints involving the column will be automatically
149           converted to use the new column type by reparsing the originally
150           supplied expression. The optional COLLATE clause specifies a
151           collation for the new column; if omitted, the collation is the
152           default for the new column type. The optional USING clause
153           specifies how to compute the new column value from the old; if
154           omitted, the default conversion is the same as an assignment cast
155           from old data type to new. A USING clause must be provided if there
156           is no implicit or assignment cast from old to new type.
159           These forms set or remove the default value for a column (where
160           removal is equivalent to setting the default value to NULL). The
161           new default value will only apply in subsequent INSERT or UPDATE
162           commands; it does not cause rows already in the table to change.
165           These forms change whether a column is marked to allow null values
166           or to reject null values.
168           SET NOT NULL may only be applied to a column provided none of the
169           records in the table contain a NULL value for the column.
170           Ordinarily this is checked during the ALTER TABLE by scanning the
171           entire table; however, if a valid CHECK constraint is found which
172           proves no NULL can exist, then the table scan is skipped.
174           If this table is a partition, one cannot perform DROP NOT NULL on a
175           column if it is marked NOT NULL in the parent table. To drop the
176           NOT NULL constraint from all the partitions, perform DROP NOT NULL
177           on the parent table. Even if there is no NOT NULL constraint on the
178           parent, such a constraint can still be added to individual
179           partitions, if desired; that is, the children can disallow nulls
180           even if the parent allows them, but not the other way around.
183           This form turns a stored generated column into a normal base
184           column. Existing data in the columns is retained, but future
185           changes will no longer apply the generation expression.
187           If DROP EXPRESSION IF EXISTS is specified and the column is not a
188           stored generated column, no error is thrown. In this case a notice
189           is issued instead.
194           These forms change whether a column is an identity column or change
195           the generation attribute of an existing identity column. See CREATE
196           TABLE for details. Like SET DEFAULT, these forms only affect the
197           behavior of subsequent INSERT and UPDATE commands; they do not
198           cause rows already in the table to change.
200           If DROP IDENTITY IF EXISTS is specified and the column is not an
201           identity column, no error is thrown. In this case a notice is
202           issued instead.
204       SET sequence_option
205       RESTART
206           These forms alter the sequence that underlies an existing identity
207           column.  sequence_option is an option supported by ALTER SEQUENCE
208           such as INCREMENT BY.
211           This form sets the per-column statistics-gathering target for
212           subsequent ANALYZE operations. The target can be set in the range 0
213           to 10000; alternatively, set it to -1 to revert to using the system
214           default statistics target (default_statistics_target). For more
215           information on the use of statistics by the PostgreSQL query
216           planner, refer to Section 14.2.
218           SET STATISTICS acquires a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock.
220       SET ( attribute_option = value [, ... ] )
221       RESET ( attribute_option [, ... ] )
222           This form sets or resets per-attribute options. Currently, the only
223           defined per-attribute options are n_distinct and
224           n_distinct_inherited, which override the number-of-distinct-values
225           estimates made by subsequent ANALYZE operations.  n_distinct
226           affects the statistics for the table itself, while
227           n_distinct_inherited affects the statistics gathered for the table
228           plus its inheritance children. When set to a positive value,
229           ANALYZE will assume that the column contains exactly the specified
230           number of distinct nonnull values. When set to a negative value,
231           which must be greater than or equal to -1, ANALYZE will assume that
232           the number of distinct nonnull values in the column is linear in
233           the size of the table; the exact count is to be computed by
234           multiplying the estimated table size by the absolute value of the
235           given number. For example, a value of -1 implies that all values in
236           the column are distinct, while a value of -0.5 implies that each
237           value appears twice on the average. This can be useful when the
238           size of the table changes over time, since the multiplication by
239           the number of rows in the table is not performed until query
240           planning time. Specify a value of 0 to revert to estimating the
241           number of distinct values normally. For more information on the use
242           of statistics by the PostgreSQL query planner, refer to
243           Section 14.2.
245           Changing per-attribute options acquires a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE
246           lock.
248       SET STORAGE
249           This form sets the storage mode for a column. This controls whether
250           this column is held inline or in a secondary TOAST table, and
251           whether the data should be compressed or not.  PLAIN must be used
252           for fixed-length values such as integer and is inline,
253           uncompressed.  MAIN is for inline, compressible data.  EXTERNAL is
254           for external, uncompressed data, and EXTENDED is for external,
255           compressed data.  EXTENDED is the default for most data types that
256           support non-PLAIN storage. Use of EXTERNAL will make substring
257           operations on very large text and bytea values run faster, at the
258           penalty of increased storage space. Note that SET STORAGE doesn't
259           itself change anything in the table, it just sets the strategy to
260           be pursued during future table updates. See Section 70.2 for more
261           information.
263       SET COMPRESSION compression_method
264           This form sets the compression method for a column, determining how
265           values inserted in future will be compressed (if the storage mode
266           permits compression at all). This does not cause the table to be
267           rewritten, so existing data may still be compressed with other
268           compression methods. If the table is restored with pg_restore, then
269           all values are rewritten with the configured compression method.
270           However, when data is inserted from another relation (for example,
271           by INSERT ... SELECT), values from the source table are not
272           necessarily detoasted, so any previously compressed data may retain
273           its existing compression method, rather than being recompressed
274           with the compression method of the target column. The supported
275           compression methods are pglz and lz4. (lz4 is available only if
276           --with-lz4 was used when building PostgreSQL.) In addition,
277           compression_method can be default, which selects the default
278           behavior of consulting the default_toast_compression setting at the
279           time of data insertion to determine the method to use.
281       ADD table_constraint [ NOT VALID ]
282           This form adds a new constraint to a table using the same
283           constraint syntax as CREATE TABLE, plus the option NOT VALID, which
284           is currently only allowed for foreign key and CHECK constraints.
286           Normally, this form will cause a scan of the table to verify that
287           all existing rows in the table satisfy the new constraint. But if
288           the NOT VALID option is used, this potentially-lengthy scan is
289           skipped. The constraint will still be enforced against subsequent
290           inserts or updates (that is, they'll fail unless there is a
291           matching row in the referenced table, in the case of foreign keys,
292           or they'll fail unless the new row matches the specified check
293           condition). But the database will not assume that the constraint
294           holds for all rows in the table, until it is validated by using the
295           VALIDATE CONSTRAINT option. See Notes below for more information
296           about using the NOT VALID option.
298           Although most forms of ADD table_constraint require an ACCESS
299           EXCLUSIVE lock, ADD FOREIGN KEY requires only a SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE
300           lock. Note that ADD FOREIGN KEY also acquires a SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE
301           lock on the referenced table, in addition to the lock on the table
302           on which the constraint is declared.
304           Additional restrictions apply when unique or primary key
305           constraints are added to partitioned tables; see CREATE TABLE.
306           Also, foreign key constraints on partitioned tables may not be
307           declared NOT VALID at present.
309       ADD table_constraint_using_index
310           This form adds a new PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint to a table
311           based on an existing unique index. All the columns of the index
312           will be included in the constraint.
314           The index cannot have expression columns nor be a partial index.
315           Also, it must be a b-tree index with default sort ordering. These
316           restrictions ensure that the index is equivalent to one that would
317           be built by a regular ADD PRIMARY KEY or ADD UNIQUE command.
319           If PRIMARY KEY is specified, and the index's columns are not
320           already marked NOT NULL, then this command will attempt to do ALTER
321           COLUMN SET NOT NULL against each such column. That requires a full
322           table scan to verify the column(s) contain no nulls. In all other
323           cases, this is a fast operation.
325           If a constraint name is provided then the index will be renamed to
326           match the constraint name. Otherwise the constraint will be named
327           the same as the index.
329           After this command is executed, the index is “owned” by the
330           constraint, in the same way as if the index had been built by a
331           regular ADD PRIMARY KEY or ADD UNIQUE command. In particular,
332           dropping the constraint will make the index disappear too.
334           This form is not currently supported on partitioned tables.
336               Note
337               Adding a constraint using an existing index can be helpful in
338               situations where a new constraint needs to be added without
339               blocking table updates for a long time. To do that, create the
340               index using CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY, and then install it as
341               an official constraint using this syntax. See the example
342               below.
345           This form alters the attributes of a constraint that was previously
346           created. Currently only foreign key constraints may be altered.
349           This form validates a foreign key or check constraint that was
350           previously created as NOT VALID, by scanning the table to ensure
351           there are no rows for which the constraint is not satisfied.
352           Nothing happens if the constraint is already marked valid. (See
353           Notes below for an explanation of the usefulness of this command.)
355           This command acquires a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock.
358           This form drops the specified constraint on a table, along with any
359           index underlying the constraint. If IF EXISTS is specified and the
360           constraint does not exist, no error is thrown. In this case a
361           notice is issued instead.
364           These forms configure the firing of trigger(s) belonging to the
365           table. A disabled trigger is still known to the system, but is not
366           executed when its triggering event occurs. For a deferred trigger,
367           the enable status is checked when the event occurs, not when the
368           trigger function is actually executed. One can disable or enable a
369           single trigger specified by name, or all triggers on the table, or
370           only user triggers (this option excludes internally generated
371           constraint triggers such as those that are used to implement
372           foreign key constraints or deferrable uniqueness and exclusion
373           constraints). Disabling or enabling internally generated constraint
374           triggers requires superuser privileges; it should be done with
375           caution since of course the integrity of the constraint cannot be
376           guaranteed if the triggers are not executed.
378           The trigger firing mechanism is also affected by the configuration
379           variable session_replication_role. Simply enabled triggers (the
380           default) will fire when the replication role is “origin” (the
381           default) or “local”. Triggers configured as ENABLE REPLICA will
382           only fire if the session is in “replica” mode, and triggers
383           configured as ENABLE ALWAYS will fire regardless of the current
384           replication role.
386           The effect of this mechanism is that in the default configuration,
387           triggers do not fire on replicas. This is useful because if a
388           trigger is used on the origin to propagate data between tables,
389           then the replication system will also replicate the propagated
390           data, and the trigger should not fire a second time on the replica,
391           because that would lead to duplication. However, if a trigger is
392           used for another purpose such as creating external alerts, then it
393           might be appropriate to set it to ENABLE ALWAYS so that it is also
394           fired on replicas.
396           This command acquires a SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE lock.
399           These forms configure the firing of rewrite rules belonging to the
400           table. A disabled rule is still known to the system, but is not
401           applied during query rewriting. The semantics are as for
402           disabled/enabled triggers. This configuration is ignored for ON
403           SELECT rules, which are always applied in order to keep views
404           working even if the current session is in a non-default replication
405           role.
407           The rule firing mechanism is also affected by the configuration
408           variable session_replication_role, analogous to triggers as
409           described above.
412           These forms control the application of row security policies
413           belonging to the table. If enabled and no policies exist for the
414           table, then a default-deny policy is applied. Note that policies
415           can exist for a table even if row-level security is disabled. In
416           this case, the policies will not be applied and the policies will
417           be ignored. See also CREATE POLICY.
420           These forms control the application of row security policies
421           belonging to the table when the user is the table owner. If
422           enabled, row-level security policies will be applied when the user
423           is the table owner. If disabled (the default) then row-level
424           security will not be applied when the user is the table owner. See
425           also CREATE POLICY.
427       CLUSTER ON
428           This form selects the default index for future CLUSTER operations.
429           It does not actually re-cluster the table.
431           Changing cluster options acquires a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock.
434           This form removes the most recently used CLUSTER index
435           specification from the table. This affects future cluster
436           operations that don't specify an index.
438           Changing cluster options acquires a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock.
441           Backward-compatible syntax for removing the oid system column. As
442           oid system columns cannot be added anymore, this never has an
443           effect.
446           This form changes the table's tablespace to the specified
447           tablespace and moves the data file(s) associated with the table to
448           the new tablespace. Indexes on the table, if any, are not moved;
449           but they can be moved separately with additional SET TABLESPACE
450           commands. When applied to a partitioned table, nothing is moved,
451           but any partitions created afterwards with CREATE TABLE PARTITION
452           OF will use that tablespace, unless overridden by a TABLESPACE
453           clause.
455           All tables in the current database in a tablespace can be moved by
456           using the ALL IN TABLESPACE form, which will lock all tables to be
457           moved first and then move each one. This form also supports OWNED
458           BY, which will only move tables owned by the roles specified. If
459           the NOWAIT option is specified then the command will fail if it is
460           unable to acquire all of the locks required immediately. Note that
461           system catalogs are not moved by this command; use ALTER DATABASE
462           or explicit ALTER TABLE invocations instead if desired. The
463           information_schema relations are not considered part of the system
464           catalogs and will be moved. See also CREATE TABLESPACE.
466       SET { LOGGED | UNLOGGED }
467           This form changes the table from unlogged to logged or vice-versa
468           (see UNLOGGED). It cannot be applied to a temporary table.
470       SET ( storage_parameter [= value] [, ... ] )
471           This form changes one or more storage parameters for the table. See
472           Storage Parameters in the CREATE TABLE documentation for details on
473           the available parameters. Note that the table contents will not be
474           modified immediately by this command; depending on the parameter
475           you might need to rewrite the table to get the desired effects.
476           That can be done with VACUUM FULL, CLUSTER or one of the forms of
477           ALTER TABLE that forces a table rewrite. For planner related
478           parameters, changes will take effect from the next time the table
479           is locked so currently executing queries will not be affected.
481           SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock will be taken for fillfactor, toast and
482           autovacuum storage parameters, as well as the planner parameter
483           parallel_workers.
485       RESET ( storage_parameter [, ... ] )
486           This form resets one or more storage parameters to their defaults.
487           As with SET, a table rewrite might be needed to update the table
488           entirely.
490       INHERIT parent_table
491           This form adds the target table as a new child of the specified
492           parent table. Subsequently, queries against the parent will include
493           records of the target table. To be added as a child, the target
494           table must already contain all the same columns as the parent (it
495           could have additional columns, too). The columns must have matching
496           data types, and if they have NOT NULL constraints in the parent
497           then they must also have NOT NULL constraints in the child.
499           There must also be matching child-table constraints for all CHECK
500           constraints of the parent, except those marked non-inheritable
501           (that is, created with ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT ... NO
502           INHERIT) in the parent, which are ignored; all child-table
503           constraints matched must not be marked non-inheritable. Currently
504           UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, and FOREIGN KEY constraints are not
505           considered, but this might change in the future.
507       NO INHERIT parent_table
508           This form removes the target table from the list of children of the
509           specified parent table. Queries against the parent table will no
510           longer include records drawn from the target table.
512       OF type_name
513           This form links the table to a composite type as though CREATE
514           TABLE OF had formed it. The table's list of column names and types
515           must precisely match that of the composite type. The table must not
516           inherit from any other table. These restrictions ensure that CREATE
517           TABLE OF would permit an equivalent table definition.
519       NOT OF
520           This form dissociates a typed table from its type.
522       OWNER TO
523           This form changes the owner of the table, sequence, view,
524           materialized view, or foreign table to the specified user.
527           This form changes the information which is written to the
528           write-ahead log to identify rows which are updated or deleted. In
529           most cases, the old value of each column is only logged if it
530           differs from the new value; however, if the old value is stored
531           externally, it is always logged regardless of whether it changed.
532           This option has no effect except when logical replication is in
533           use.
535           DEFAULT
536               Records the old values of the columns of the primary key, if
537               any. This is the default for non-system tables.
539           USING INDEX index_name
540               Records the old values of the columns covered by the named
541               index, that must be unique, not partial, not deferrable, and
542               include only columns marked NOT NULL. If this index is dropped,
543               the behavior is the same as NOTHING.
545           FULL
546               Records the old values of all columns in the row.
548           NOTHING
549               Records no information about the old row. This is the default
550               for system tables.
553       RENAME
554           The RENAME forms change the name of a table (or an index, sequence,
555           view, materialized view, or foreign table), the name of an
556           individual column in a table, or the name of a constraint of the
557           table. When renaming a constraint that has an underlying index, the
558           index is renamed as well. There is no effect on the stored data.
560       SET SCHEMA
561           This form moves the table into another schema. Associated indexes,
562           constraints, and sequences owned by table columns are moved as
563           well.
565       ATTACH PARTITION partition_name { FOR VALUES partition_bound_spec |
566       DEFAULT }
567           This form attaches an existing table (which might itself be
568           partitioned) as a partition of the target table. The table can be
569           attached as a partition for specific values using FOR VALUES or as
570           a default partition by using DEFAULT. For each index in the target
571           table, a corresponding one will be created in the attached table;
572           or, if an equivalent index already exists, it will be attached to
573           the target table's index, as if ALTER INDEX ATTACH PARTITION had
574           been executed. Note that if the existing table is a foreign table,
575           it is currently not allowed to attach the table as a partition of
576           the target table if there are UNIQUE indexes on the target table.
577           (See also CREATE FOREIGN TABLE (CREATE_FOREIGN_TABLE(7)).) For each
578           user-defined row-level trigger that exists in the target table, a
579           corresponding one is created in the attached table.
581           A partition using FOR VALUES uses same syntax for
582           partition_bound_spec as CREATE TABLE. The partition bound
583           specification must correspond to the partitioning strategy and
584           partition key of the target table. The table to be attached must
585           have all the same columns as the target table and no more;
586           moreover, the column types must also match. Also, it must have all
587           the NOT NULL and CHECK constraints of the target table. Currently
588           FOREIGN KEY constraints are not considered.  UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY
589           constraints from the parent table will be created in the partition,
590           if they don't already exist. If any of the CHECK constraints of the
591           table being attached are marked NO INHERIT, the command will fail;
592           such constraints must be recreated without the NO INHERIT clause.
594           If the new partition is a regular table, a full table scan is
595           performed to check that existing rows in the table do not violate
596           the partition constraint. It is possible to avoid this scan by
597           adding a valid CHECK constraint to the table that allows only rows
598           satisfying the desired partition constraint before running this
599           command. The CHECK constraint will be used to determine that the
600           table need not be scanned to validate the partition constraint.
601           This does not work, however, if any of the partition keys is an
602           expression and the partition does not accept NULL values. If
603           attaching a list partition that will not accept NULL values, also
604           add NOT NULL constraint to the partition key column, unless it's an
605           expression.
607           If the new partition is a foreign table, nothing is done to verify
608           that all the rows in the foreign table obey the partition
609           constraint. (See the discussion in CREATE FOREIGN TABLE
610           (CREATE_FOREIGN_TABLE(7)) about constraints on the foreign table.)
612           When a table has a default partition, defining a new partition
613           changes the partition constraint for the default partition. The
614           default partition can't contain any rows that would need to be
615           moved to the new partition, and will be scanned to verify that none
616           are present. This scan, like the scan of the new partition, can be
617           avoided if an appropriate CHECK constraint is present. Also like
618           the scan of the new partition, it is always skipped when the
619           default partition is a foreign table.
621           Attaching a partition acquires a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock on the
622           parent table, in addition to the ACCESS EXCLUSIVE locks on the
623           table being attached and on the default partition (if any).
625           Further locks must also be held on all sub-partitions if the table
626           being attached is itself a partitioned table. Likewise if the
627           default partition is itself a partitioned table. The locking of the
628           sub-partitions can be avoided by adding a CHECK constraint as
629           described in Section
632           This form detaches the specified partition of the target table. The
633           detached partition continues to exist as a standalone table, but no
634           longer has any ties to the table from which it was detached. Any
635           indexes that were attached to the target table's indexes are
636           detached. Any triggers that were created as clones of those in the
637           target table are removed.  SHARE lock is obtained on any tables
638           that reference this partitioned table in foreign key constraints.
640           If CONCURRENTLY is specified, it runs using a reduced lock level to
641           avoid blocking other sessions that might be accessing the
642           partitioned table. In this mode, two transactions are used
643           internally. During the first transaction, a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE
644           lock is taken on both parent table and partition, and the partition
645           is marked as undergoing detach; at that point, the transaction is
646           committed and all other transactions using the partitioned table
647           are waited for. Once all those transactions have completed, the
648           second transaction acquires SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE on the
649           partitioned table and ACCESS EXCLUSIVE on the partition, and the
650           detach process completes. A CHECK constraint that duplicates the
651           partition constraint is added to the partition.  CONCURRENTLY
652           cannot be run in a transaction block and is not allowed if the
653           partitioned table contains a default partition.
655           If FINALIZE is specified, a previous DETACH CONCURRENTLY invocation
656           that was canceled or interrupted is completed. At most one
657           partition in a partitioned table can be pending detach at a time.
659       All the forms of ALTER TABLE that act on a single table, except RENAME,
660       SET SCHEMA, ATTACH PARTITION, and DETACH PARTITION can be combined into
661       a list of multiple alterations to be applied together. For example, it
662       is possible to add several columns and/or alter the type of several
663       columns in a single command. This is particularly useful with large
664       tables, since only one pass over the table need be made.
666       You must own the table to use ALTER TABLE. To change the schema or
667       tablespace of a table, you must also have CREATE privilege on the new
668       schema or tablespace. To add the table as a new child of a parent
669       table, you must own the parent table as well. Also, to attach a table
670       as a new partition of the table, you must own the table being attached.
671       To alter the owner, you must also be a direct or indirect member of the
672       new owning role, and that role must have CREATE privilege on the
673       table's schema. (These restrictions enforce that altering the owner
674       doesn't do anything you couldn't do by dropping and recreating the
675       table. However, a superuser can alter ownership of any table anyway.)
676       To add a column or alter a column type or use the OF clause, you must
677       also have USAGE privilege on the data type.


680       IF EXISTS
681           Do not throw an error if the table does not exist. A notice is
682           issued in this case.
684       name
685           The name (optionally schema-qualified) of an existing table to
686           alter. If ONLY is specified before the table name, only that table
687           is altered. If ONLY is not specified, the table and all its
688           descendant tables (if any) are altered. Optionally, * can be
689           specified after the table name to explicitly indicate that
690           descendant tables are included.
692       column_name
693           Name of a new or existing column.
695       new_column_name
696           New name for an existing column.
698       new_name
699           New name for the table.
701       data_type
702           Data type of the new column, or new data type for an existing
703           column.
705       table_constraint
706           New table constraint for the table.
708       constraint_name
709           Name of a new or existing constraint.
711       CASCADE
712           Automatically drop objects that depend on the dropped column or
713           constraint (for example, views referencing the column), and in turn
714           all objects that depend on those objects (see Section 5.14).
716       RESTRICT
717           Refuse to drop the column or constraint if there are any dependent
718           objects. This is the default behavior.
720       trigger_name
721           Name of a single trigger to disable or enable.
723       ALL
724           Disable or enable all triggers belonging to the table. (This
725           requires superuser privilege if any of the triggers are internally
726           generated constraint triggers such as those that are used to
727           implement foreign key constraints or deferrable uniqueness and
728           exclusion constraints.)
730       USER
731           Disable or enable all triggers belonging to the table except for
732           internally generated constraint triggers such as those that are
733           used to implement foreign key constraints or deferrable uniqueness
734           and exclusion constraints.
736       index_name
737           The name of an existing index.
739       storage_parameter
740           The name of a table storage parameter.
742       value
743           The new value for a table storage parameter. This might be a number
744           or a word depending on the parameter.
746       parent_table
747           A parent table to associate or de-associate with this table.
749       new_owner
750           The user name of the new owner of the table.
752       new_tablespace
753           The name of the tablespace to which the table will be moved.
755       new_schema
756           The name of the schema to which the table will be moved.
758       partition_name
759           The name of the table to attach as a new partition or to detach
760           from this table.
762       partition_bound_spec
763           The partition bound specification for a new partition. Refer to
764           CREATE TABLE (CREATE_TABLE(7)) for more details on the syntax of
765           the same.


768       The key word COLUMN is noise and can be omitted.
770       When a column is added with ADD COLUMN and a non-volatile DEFAULT is
771       specified, the default is evaluated at the time of the statement and
772       the result stored in the table's metadata. That value will be used for
773       the column for all existing rows. If no DEFAULT is specified, NULL is
774       used. In neither case is a rewrite of the table required.
776       Adding a column with a volatile DEFAULT or changing the type of an
777       existing column will require the entire table and its indexes to be
778       rewritten. As an exception, when changing the type of an existing
779       column, if the USING clause does not change the column contents and the
780       old type is either binary coercible to the new type or an unconstrained
781       domain over the new type, a table rewrite is not needed; but any
782       indexes on the affected columns must still be rebuilt. Table and/or
783       index rebuilds may take a significant amount of time for a large table;
784       and will temporarily require as much as double the disk space.
786       Adding a CHECK or NOT NULL constraint requires scanning the table to
787       verify that existing rows meet the constraint, but does not require a
788       table rewrite.
790       Similarly, when attaching a new partition it may be scanned to verify
791       that existing rows meet the partition constraint.
793       The main reason for providing the option to specify multiple changes in
794       a single ALTER TABLE is that multiple table scans or rewrites can
795       thereby be combined into a single pass over the table.
797       Scanning a large table to verify a new foreign key or check constraint
798       can take a long time, and other updates to the table are locked out
799       until the ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT command is committed. The main
800       purpose of the NOT VALID constraint option is to reduce the impact of
801       adding a constraint on concurrent updates. With NOT VALID, the ADD
802       CONSTRAINT command does not scan the table and can be committed
803       immediately. After that, a VALIDATE CONSTRAINT command can be issued to
804       verify that existing rows satisfy the constraint. The validation step
805       does not need to lock out concurrent updates, since it knows that other
806       transactions will be enforcing the constraint for rows that they insert
807       or update; only pre-existing rows need to be checked. Hence, validation
808       acquires only a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock on the table being altered.
809       (If the constraint is a foreign key then a ROW SHARE lock is also
810       required on the table referenced by the constraint.) In addition to
811       improving concurrency, it can be useful to use NOT VALID and VALIDATE
812       CONSTRAINT in cases where the table is known to contain pre-existing
813       violations. Once the constraint is in place, no new violations can be
814       inserted, and the existing problems can be corrected at leisure until
815       VALIDATE CONSTRAINT finally succeeds.
817       The DROP COLUMN form does not physically remove the column, but simply
818       makes it invisible to SQL operations. Subsequent insert and update
819       operations in the table will store a null value for the column. Thus,
820       dropping a column is quick but it will not immediately reduce the
821       on-disk size of your table, as the space occupied by the dropped column
822       is not reclaimed. The space will be reclaimed over time as existing
823       rows are updated.
825       To force immediate reclamation of space occupied by a dropped column,
826       you can execute one of the forms of ALTER TABLE that performs a rewrite
827       of the whole table. This results in reconstructing each row with the
828       dropped column replaced by a null value.
830       The rewriting forms of ALTER TABLE are not MVCC-safe. After a table
831       rewrite, the table will appear empty to concurrent transactions, if
832       they are using a snapshot taken before the rewrite occurred. See
833       Section 13.5 for more details.
835       The USING option of SET DATA TYPE can actually specify any expression
836       involving the old values of the row; that is, it can refer to other
837       columns as well as the one being converted. This allows very general
838       conversions to be done with the SET DATA TYPE syntax. Because of this
839       flexibility, the USING expression is not applied to the column's
840       default value (if any); the result might not be a constant expression
841       as required for a default. This means that when there is no implicit or
842       assignment cast from old to new type, SET DATA TYPE might fail to
843       convert the default even though a USING clause is supplied. In such
844       cases, drop the default with DROP DEFAULT, perform the ALTER TYPE, and
845       then use SET DEFAULT to add a suitable new default. Similar
846       considerations apply to indexes and constraints involving the column.
848       If a table has any descendant tables, it is not permitted to add,
849       rename, or change the type of a column in the parent table without
850       doing the same to the descendants. This ensures that the descendants
851       always have columns matching the parent. Similarly, a CHECK constraint
852       cannot be renamed in the parent without also renaming it in all
853       descendants, so that CHECK constraints also match between the parent
854       and its descendants. (That restriction does not apply to index-based
855       constraints, however.) Also, because selecting from the parent also
856       selects from its descendants, a constraint on the parent cannot be
857       marked valid unless it is also marked valid for those descendants. In
858       all of these cases, ALTER TABLE ONLY will be rejected.
860       A recursive DROP COLUMN operation will remove a descendant table's
861       column only if the descendant does not inherit that column from any
862       other parents and never had an independent definition of the column. A
863       nonrecursive DROP COLUMN (i.e., ALTER TABLE ONLY ... DROP COLUMN) never
864       removes any descendant columns, but instead marks them as independently
865       defined rather than inherited. A nonrecursive DROP COLUMN command will
866       fail for a partitioned table, because all partitions of a table must
867       have the same columns as the partitioning root.
869       The actions for identity columns (ADD GENERATED, SET etc., DROP
870       IDENTITY), as well as the actions TRIGGER, CLUSTER, OWNER, and
871       TABLESPACE never recurse to descendant tables; that is, they always act
872       as though ONLY were specified. Adding a constraint recurses only for
873       CHECK constraints that are not marked NO INHERIT.
875       Changing any part of a system catalog table is not permitted.
877       Refer to CREATE TABLE (CREATE_TABLE(7)) for a further description of
878       valid parameters.  Chapter 5 has further information on inheritance.


881       To add a column of type varchar to a table:
883           ALTER TABLE distributors ADD COLUMN address varchar(30);
885       That will cause all existing rows in the table to be filled with null
886       values for the new column.
888       To add a column with a non-null default:
890           ALTER TABLE measurements
891             ADD COLUMN mtime timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now();
893       Existing rows will be filled with the current time as the value of the
894       new column, and then new rows will receive the time of their insertion.
896       To add a column and fill it with a value different from the default to
897       be used later:
899           ALTER TABLE transactions
900             ADD COLUMN status varchar(30) DEFAULT 'old',
901             ALTER COLUMN status SET default 'current';
903       Existing rows will be filled with old, but then the default for
904       subsequent commands will be current. The effects are the same as if the
905       two sub-commands had been issued in separate ALTER TABLE commands.
907       To drop a column from a table:
909           ALTER TABLE distributors DROP COLUMN address RESTRICT;
911       To change the types of two existing columns in one operation:
913           ALTER TABLE distributors
914               ALTER COLUMN address TYPE varchar(80),
915               ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(100);
917       To change an integer column containing Unix timestamps to timestamp
918       with time zone via a USING clause:
920           ALTER TABLE foo
921               ALTER COLUMN foo_timestamp SET DATA TYPE timestamp with time zone
922               USING
923                   timestamp with time zone 'epoch' + foo_timestamp * interval '1 second';
925       The same, when the column has a default expression that won't
926       automatically cast to the new data type:
928           ALTER TABLE foo
929               ALTER COLUMN foo_timestamp DROP DEFAULT,
930               ALTER COLUMN foo_timestamp TYPE timestamp with time zone
931               USING
932                   timestamp with time zone 'epoch' + foo_timestamp * interval '1 second',
933               ALTER COLUMN foo_timestamp SET DEFAULT now();
935       To rename an existing column:
937           ALTER TABLE distributors RENAME COLUMN address TO city;
939       To rename an existing table:
941           ALTER TABLE distributors RENAME TO suppliers;
943       To rename an existing constraint:
945           ALTER TABLE distributors RENAME CONSTRAINT zipchk TO zip_check;
947       To add a not-null constraint to a column:
949           ALTER TABLE distributors ALTER COLUMN street SET NOT NULL;
951       To remove a not-null constraint from a column:
953           ALTER TABLE distributors ALTER COLUMN street DROP NOT NULL;
955       To add a check constraint to a table and all its children:
957           ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT zipchk CHECK (char_length(zipcode) = 5);
959       To add a check constraint only to a table and not to its children:
961           ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT zipchk CHECK (char_length(zipcode) = 5) NO INHERIT;
963       (The check constraint will not be inherited by future children,
964       either.)
966       To remove a check constraint from a table and all its children:
968           ALTER TABLE distributors DROP CONSTRAINT zipchk;
970       To remove a check constraint from one table only:
972           ALTER TABLE ONLY distributors DROP CONSTRAINT zipchk;
974       (The check constraint remains in place for any child tables.)
976       To add a foreign key constraint to a table:
978           ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT distfk FOREIGN KEY (address) REFERENCES addresses (address);
980       To add a foreign key constraint to a table with the least impact on
981       other work:
983           ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT distfk FOREIGN KEY (address) REFERENCES addresses (address) NOT VALID;
984           ALTER TABLE distributors VALIDATE CONSTRAINT distfk;
986       To add a (multicolumn) unique constraint to a table:
988           ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT dist_id_zipcode_key UNIQUE (dist_id, zipcode);
990       To add an automatically named primary key constraint to a table, noting
991       that a table can only ever have one primary key:
993           ALTER TABLE distributors ADD PRIMARY KEY (dist_id);
995       To move a table to a different tablespace:
997           ALTER TABLE distributors SET TABLESPACE fasttablespace;
999       To move a table to a different schema:
1001           ALTER TABLE myschema.distributors SET SCHEMA yourschema;
1003       To recreate a primary key constraint, without blocking updates while
1004       the index is rebuilt:
1006           CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY dist_id_temp_idx ON distributors (dist_id);
1007           ALTER TABLE distributors DROP CONSTRAINT distributors_pkey,
1008               ADD CONSTRAINT distributors_pkey PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX dist_id_temp_idx;
1010       To attach a partition to a range-partitioned table:
1012           ALTER TABLE measurement
1013               ATTACH PARTITION measurement_y2016m07 FOR VALUES FROM ('2016-07-01') TO ('2016-08-01');
1015       To attach a partition to a list-partitioned table:
1017           ALTER TABLE cities
1018               ATTACH PARTITION cities_ab FOR VALUES IN ('a', 'b');
1020       To attach a partition to a hash-partitioned table:
1022           ALTER TABLE orders
1025       To attach a default partition to a partitioned table:
1027           ALTER TABLE cities
1028               ATTACH PARTITION cities_partdef DEFAULT;
1030       To detach a partition from a partitioned table:
1032           ALTER TABLE measurement
1033               DETACH PARTITION measurement_y2015m12;


1036       The forms ADD (without USING INDEX), DROP [COLUMN], DROP IDENTITY,
1038       SET sequence_option conform with the SQL standard. The other forms are
1039       PostgreSQL extensions of the SQL standard. Also, the ability to specify
1040       more than one manipulation in a single ALTER TABLE command is an
1041       extension.
1043       ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN can be used to drop the only column of a table,
1044       leaving a zero-column table. This is an extension of SQL, which
1045       disallows zero-column tables.


1052PostgreSQL 14.3                      2022                       ALTER TABLE(7)