1TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER(7)


6       TickitRenderBuffer - store display content to be drawn to the terminal


9       #include <tickit.h>
11       typedef struct TickitRenderBuffer;


15       A TickitRenderBuffer instance stores content waiting to be drawn to the
16       terminal. It provides an efficient place to build the eventual display,
17       by  applying  drawing operations to it that can alter and overwrite the
18       pending content, before eventually flushing it directly to the terminal
19       in an efficient transfer of state. The buffer stores plain text content
20       along with rendering attributes, and also stores line drawing  informa‐
21       tion,  allowing line segments to be merged correctly and rendered using
22       Unicode characters.
24       The primary purpose for the render buffer is  the  storage  of  pending
25       content  to be displayed. The buffer consists of a grid of cells of the
26       given size. Each cell has a state; neighbouring cells in the same state
27       constitute  a  region.  Each region is either in a skip state (where it
28       will not affect the terminal display when it is flushed), or has either
29       textual  content  or  an  instruction  to erase the display. In both of
30       these cases, the region has an associated TickitPen  instance  to  give
31       its  display  attributes.  Text  regions  can  be given either by UTF-8
32       strings, individual Unicode codepoint numbers, or are created  as  Uni‐
33       code line-drawing characters by merging one or more effective line seg‐
34       ments.
36       There are several advantages to using a TickitRenderBuffer  over  plain
37       drawing requests directly to the terminal. Firstly, because the content
38       is simply stored in memory until it is  flushed  to  the  terminal,  it
39       doesn't  have to be rendered in screen order. It can be built up in any
40       order that makes sense within the application, and when flushed to  the
41       terminal  it  will be performed in an efficient top-to-bottom, left-to-
42       right order.
44       Secondly, the buffer understands horizontal and vertical  line  drawing
45       using Unicode characters. While content is being built up, it will keep
46       track of what kinds of lines meet in every cell in the buffer, so  that
47       when  it is flushed to the terminal it can pick the appropriate Unicode
48       line-drawing characters to render these with.
50       Thirdly, several features of the buffer are designed to easily  support
51       applications that divide the screen area into several possibly-overlap‐
52       ping regions that are managed by different parts  of  the  application.
53       Clipping,  translation  and  masking support the concept of independent
54       areas of the buffer, and stored pens and the state  stack  support  the
55       concept  that  these  areas might be nested within each other, allowing
56       rendering attributes to be inherited  from  outer  regions  into  inner
57       ones.
60       A TickitRenderBuffer instance maintains a virtual cursor position, that
61       application code can use to render at. This is a  virtual  cursor,  be‐
62       cause it doesn't relate to the actual cursor in use on the terminal in‐
63       stance; it is simply a position stored by the buffer state.
65       Most of the content drawing functions come in pairs; one using and  up‐
66       dating  the cursor position, and a second that operates directly on the
67       buffer contents, without regard to the  virtual  cursor.  Functions  of
68       this latter form can be identified by the _at suffix on their name.
70   PEN
71       A  TickitPen  instance  can be set on a TickitRenderBuffer, acting as a
72       default pen for subsequent drawing functions. This is  optionally  com‐
73       bined  with  a  pen  instance given to individual drawing functions; if
74       both are present then the attributes are combined, with  those  of  the
75       given pen taking precedence over the ones in the stored pen.
78       A translation offset can be applied to have the drawing functions store
79       their output at some other location within the buffer. This translation
80       only  affects  the drawing functions; the actual operation to flush the
81       contents to the terminal is not affected.
84       All of the drawing functions are also subject to restriction  of  their
85       output,  to apply within a clipping region. Initially the entire buffer
86       is available for drawing, but the area can be restricted to  a  smaller
87       rectangular  area at any time. Requests to draw content outside of this
88       region will be ignored.
90       In addition to clipping, a buffer can also  mask  out  arbitrary  addi‐
91       tional  rectangular  areas  within the clipping region. These areas act
92       with the clipping region by ignoring requests to draw inside them while
93       preserving any existing content within them.
95       Masking  and clipping are related but separate concepts. Both place re‐
96       strictions on where output functions can  alter  the  pending  content.
97       Whereas  the  clipping  region is the rectangular area within which all
98       drawing occurs, masking regions are areas in which drawing does not oc‐
99       cur.
101       When combined with translation, these two features allow possibly-over‐
102       lapping regions of content to  be  independently  managed  by  separate
103       pieces  of  code.  To render each region of the screen, a render buffer
104       can be set up with a translation offset and clipping rectangle to  suit
105       that  region, thus avoiding the rendering code having to care about the
106       exact on-screen geometry. By using masking regions, additionally  these
107       areas can be managed even when they overlap, by ensuring that areas al‐
108       ready drawn by "higher" regions are masked off to ensure  that  "lower"
109       regions do not overwrite them.
112       As  a  further  assistance to applications wishing to divide the screen
113       area into nested regions, a set of functions exist to store the current
114       auxiliary  state  of the buffer (that is, all of the mutable attributes
115       listed above, but without the actual pending content) and later restore
116       that state to its original values.


119       A  new  TickitRenderBuffer  instance  is  created  using tickit_render‐
120       buffer_new(3). A render buffer instance stores  a  reference  count  to
121       make  it  easier  for applications to manage the lifetime of buffers. A
122       new buffer starts with a count of one, and it  can  be  adjusted  using
123       tickit_renderbuffer_ref(3)  and  tickit_renderbuffer_unref(3). When the
124       count reaches zero the instance is destroyed.
126       Its size is fixed after creation and can be queried  using  tickit_ren‐
127       derbuffer_get_size(3).  Its  contents can be entirely reset back to its
128       original state using tickit_renderbuffer_reset(3).
130       A translation offset can be set using tickit_renderbuffer_translate(3),
131       and  the  clipping region restricted using tickit_renderbuffer_clip(3).
132       Masks  can  be  placed  within  the  current  clipping   region   using
133       tickit_renderbuffer_mask(3).
135       The   virtual   cursor   position   can  be  set  using  tickit_render‐
136       buffer_goto(3) and unset using tickit_renderbuffer_ungoto(3). It can be
137       queried  using  tickit_renderbuffer_has_cursorpos(3) to determine if it
138       is set, and tickit_renderbuffer_get_cursorpos(3) to  return  its  posi‐
139       tion.  A  TickitPen  instance can be set using tickit_renderbuffer_set‐
140       pen(3).
142       The auxiliary state can be saved to the state stack  using  tickit_ren‐
143       derbuffer_save(3)  and  later  restored  using  tickit_renderbuffer_re‐
144       store(3). A stack state consisting of just the pen with no other  state
145       can be saved using tickit_renderbuffer_savepen(3).
147       The  stored  content  of a buffer can be copied to another buffer using
148       tickit_renderbuffer_blit(3). This is useful for allowing  a  window  to
149       maintain  a  backing  buffer  that can be drawn to at any time and then
150       copied to a destination buffer for display.
152       The stored content can  be  flushed  to  a  TickitTerm  instance  using
153       tickit_renderbuffer_flush_to_term(3).


156       The  following  functions all affect the stored content within the buf‐
157       fer, taking into account the  clipping,  translation,  masking,  stored
158       pen, and optionally the virtual cursor position.
160       tickit_renderbuffer_skip_at(3),            tickit_renderbuffer_skip(3),
161       tickit_renderbuffer_skip_to(3) and tickit_renderbuffer_skiprect(3) cre‐
162       ate a skipping region; a place where no output will be drawn.
164       tickit_renderbuffer_text_at(3) and tickit_renderbuffer_text(3) create a
165       text region; a place where normal text is output.
167       tickit_renderbuffer_erase_at(3),    tickit_renderbuffer_erase(3)    and
168       tickit_renderbuffer_erase_to(3)  create  an erase region; a place where
169       existing   terminal   content   will    be    erased.    tickit_render‐
170       buffer_eraserect(3)  is  a convenient shortcut that erases a rectangle,
171       and tickit_renderbuffer_clear(3) erases the entire buffer area.
173       tickit_renderbuffer_char_at(3) and tickit_renderbuffer_char(3) place  a
174       single Unicode character directly.
176       tickit_renderbuffer_hline_at(3)   and   tickit_renderbuffer_vline_at(3)
177       create horizontal and vertical line segments.


180       tickit(7), tickit_pen(7), tickit_rect(7) tickit_term(7)
184                                                        TICKIT_RENDERBUFFER(7)