1MACHINECTL(1)                     machinectl                     MACHINECTL(1)


6       machinectl - Control the systemd machine manager


9       machinectl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND} [NAME...]


12       machinectl may be used to introspect and control the state of the
13       systemd(1) virtual machine and container registration manager systemd-
14       machined.service(8).
16       machinectl may be used to execute operations on machines and images.
17       Machines in this sense are considered running instances of:
19       •   Virtual Machines (VMs) that virtualize hardware to run full
20           operating system (OS) instances (including their kernels) in a
21           virtualized environment on top of the host OS.
23       •   Containers that share the hardware and OS kernel with the host OS,
24           in order to run OS userspace instances on top the host OS.
26       •   The host system itself.
28       Machines are identified by names that follow the same rules as UNIX and
29       DNS hostnames. For details, see below.
31       Machines are instantiated from disk or file system images that
32       frequently — but not necessarily — carry the same name as machines
33       running from them. Images in this sense may be:
35       •   Directory trees containing an OS, including the top-level
36           directories /usr/, /etc/, and so on.
38       •   btrfs subvolumes containing OS trees, similar to regular directory
39           trees.
41       •   Binary "raw" disk image files containing MBR or GPT partition
42           tables and Linux file systems.
44       •   Similarly, block devices containing MBR or GPT partition tables and
45           file systems.
47       •   The file system tree of the host OS itself.


50       The following commands are understood:
52   Machine Commands
53       list
54           List currently running (online) virtual machines and containers. To
55           enumerate machine images that can be started, use list-images (see
56           below). Note that this command hides the special ".host" machine by
57           default. Use the --all switch to show it.
59       status NAME...
60           Show runtime status information about one or more virtual machines
61           and containers, followed by the most recent log data from the
62           journal. This function is intended to generate human-readable
63           output. If you are looking for computer-parsable output, use show
64           instead. Note that the log data shown is reported by the virtual
65           machine or container manager, and frequently contains console
66           output of the machine, but not necessarily journal contents of the
67           machine itself.
69       show [NAME...]
70           Show properties of one or more registered virtual machines or
71           containers or the manager itself. If no argument is specified,
72           properties of the manager will be shown. If a NAME is specified,
73           properties of this virtual machine or container are shown. By
74           default, empty properties are suppressed. Use --all to show those
75           too. To select specific properties to show, use --property=. This
76           command is intended to be used whenever computer-parsable output is
77           required, and does not print the control group tree or journal
78           entries. Use status if you are looking for formatted human-readable
79           output.
81       start NAME...
82           Start a container as a system service, using systemd-nspawn(1).
83           This starts systemd-nspawn@.service, instantiated for the specified
84           machine name, similar to the effect of systemctl start on the
85           service name.  systemd-nspawn looks for a container image by the
86           specified name in /var/lib/machines/ (and other search paths, see
87           below) and runs it. Use list-images (see below) for listing
88           available container images to start.
90           Note that systemd-machined.service(8) also interfaces with a
91           variety of other container and VM managers, systemd-nspawn is just
92           one implementation of it. Most of the commands available in
93           machinectl may be used on containers or VMs controlled by other
94           managers, not just systemd-nspawn. Starting VMs and container
95           images on those managers requires manager-specific tools.
97           To interactively start a container on the command line with full
98           access to the container's console, please invoke systemd-nspawn
99           directly. To stop a running container use machinectl poweroff.
101       login [NAME]
102           Open an interactive terminal login session in a container or on the
103           local host. If an argument is supplied, it refers to the container
104           machine to connect to. If none is specified, or the container name
105           is specified as the empty string, or the special machine name
106           ".host" (see below) is specified, the connection is made to the
107           local host instead. This will create a TTY connection to a specific
108           container or the local host and asks for the execution of a getty
109           on it. Note that this is only supported for containers running
110           systemd(1) as init system.
112           This command will open a full login prompt on the container or the
113           local host, which then asks for username and password. Use shell
114           (see below) or systemd-run(1) with the --machine= switch to
115           directly invoke a single command, either interactively or in the
116           background.
118       shell [[NAME@]NAME [PATH [ARGUMENTS...]]]
119           Open an interactive shell session in a container or on the local
120           host. The first argument refers to the container machine to connect
121           to. If none is specified, or the machine name is specified as the
122           empty string, or the special machine name ".host" (see below) is
123           specified, the connection is made to the local host instead. This
124           works similarly to login, but immediately invokes a user process.
125           This command runs the specified executable with the specified
126           arguments, or the default shell for the user if none is specified,
127           or /bin/sh if no default shell is found. By default, --uid=, or by
128           prefixing the machine name with a username and an "@" character, a
129           different user may be selected. Use --setenv= to set environment
130           variables for the executed process.
132           Note that machinectl shell does not propagate the exit code/status
133           of the invoked shell process. Use systemd-run instead if that
134           information is required (see below).
136           Using the shell command without arguments (thus invoking the
137           executed shell or command on the local host), is in many ways
138           similar to a su(1) session, but, unlike su, completely isolates the
139           new session from the originating session, so that it shares no
140           process or session properties and is in a clean well-defined state.
141           It will be tracked in a new utmp, login, audit, security, and
142           keyring sessions, and will not inherit any environment variables or
143           resource limits, among other properties.
145           Note that systemd-run(1) with its --machine= switch may be used in
146           place of the machinectl shell command, and allows non-interactive
147           operation, more detailed and low-level configuration of the invoked
148           unit, as well as access to runtime and exit code/status information
149           of the invoked shell process. In particular, use systemd-run's
150           --wait switch to propagate exit status information of the invoked
151           process. Use systemd-run's --pty switch to acquire an interactive
152           shell, similarly to machinectl shell. In general, systemd-run is
153           preferable for scripting purposes. However, note that systemd-run
154           might require higher privileges than machinectl shell.
156       enable NAME..., disable NAME...
157           Enable or disable a container as a system service to start at
158           system boot, using systemd-nspawn(1). This enables or disables
159           systemd-nspawn@.service, instantiated for the specified machine
160           name, similarly to the effect of systemctl enable or systemctl
161           disable on the service name.
163           This command implicitly reloads the system manager configuration
164           after completing the operation. Note that this command does not
165           implicitly start or power off the containers that are being
166           operated on. If this is desired, combine the command with the --now
167           switch.
169       poweroff NAME...
170           Power off one or more containers. This will trigger a reboot by
171           sending SIGRTMIN+4 to the container's init process, which causes
172           systemd-compatible init systems to shut down cleanly. Use stop as
173           alias for poweroff. This operation does not work on containers that
174           do not run a systemd(1)-compatible init system, such as sysvinit.
175           Use terminate (see below) to immediately terminate a container or
176           VM, without cleanly shutting it down.
178       reboot NAME...
179           Reboot one or more containers. This will trigger a reboot by
180           sending SIGINT to the container's init process, which is roughly
181           equivalent to pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del on a non-containerized system,
182           and is compatible with containers running any system manager.
184       terminate NAME...
185           Immediately terminates a virtual machine or container, without
186           cleanly shutting it down. This kills all processes of the virtual
187           machine or container and deallocates all resources attached to that
188           instance. Use poweroff to issue a clean shutdown request.
190       kill NAME...
191           Send a signal to one or more processes of the virtual machine or
192           container. This means processes as seen by the host, not the
193           processes inside the virtual machine or container. Use --kill-whom=
194           to select which process to kill. Use --signal= to select the signal
195           to send.
197       bind NAME PATH [PATH]
198           Bind mounts a file or directory from the host into the specified
199           container. The first path argument is the source file or directory
200           on the host, the second path argument is the destination file or
201           directory in the container. When the latter is omitted, the
202           destination path in the container is the same as the source path on
203           the host. When combined with the --read-only switch, a ready-only
204           bind mount is created. When combined with the --mkdir switch, the
205           destination path is first created before the mount is applied. Note
206           that this option is currently only supported for systemd-nspawn(1)
207           containers, and only if user namespacing (--private-users) is not
208           used. This command supports bind mounting directories, regular
209           files, device nodes, AF_UNIX socket nodes, as well as FIFOs.
211       copy-to NAME PATH [PATH] --force
212           Copies files or directories from the host system into a running
213           container. Takes a container name, followed by the source path on
214           the host and the destination path in the container. If the
215           destination path is omitted, the same as the source path is used.
217           If host and container share the same user and group namespace, file
218           ownership by numeric user ID and group ID is preserved for the
219           copy, otherwise all files and directories in the copy will be owned
220           by the root user and group (UID/GID 0).
222       copy-from NAME PATH [PATH] --force
223           Copies files or directories from a container into the host system.
224           Takes a container name, followed by the source path in the
225           container and the destination path on the host. If the destination
226           path is omitted, the same as the source path is used.
228           If host and container share the same user and group namespace, file
229           ownership by numeric user ID and group ID is preserved for the
230           copy, otherwise all files and directories in the copy will be owned
231           by the root user and group (UID/GID 0).
233   Image Commands
234       list-images
235           Show a list of locally installed container and VM images. This
236           enumerates all raw disk images and container directories and
237           subvolumes in /var/lib/machines/ (and other search paths, see
238           below). Use start (see above) to run a container off one of the
239           listed images. Note that, by default, containers whose name begins
240           with a dot (".") are not shown. To show these too, specify --all.
241           Note that a special image ".host" always implicitly exists and
242           refers to the image the host itself is booted from.
244       image-status [NAME...]
245           Show terse status information about one or more container or VM
246           images. This function is intended to generate human-readable
247           output. Use show-image (see below) to generate computer-parsable
248           output instead.
250       show-image [NAME...]
251           Show properties of one or more registered virtual machine or
252           container images, or the manager itself. If no argument is
253           specified, properties of the manager will be shown. If a NAME is
254           specified, properties of this virtual machine or container image
255           are shown. By default, empty properties are suppressed. Use --all
256           to show those too. To select specific properties to show, use
257           --property=. This command is intended to be used whenever
258           computer-parsable output is required. Use image-status if you are
259           looking for formatted human-readable output.
261       clone NAME NAME
262           Clones a container or VM image. The arguments specify the name of
263           the image to clone and the name of the newly cloned image. Note
264           that plain directory container images are cloned into btrfs
265           subvolume images with this command, if the underlying file system
266           supports this. Note that cloning a container or VM image is
267           optimized for file systems that support copy-on-write, and might
268           not be efficient on others, due to file system limitations.
270           Note that this command leaves hostname, machine ID and all other
271           settings that could identify the instance unmodified. The original
272           image and the cloned copy will hence share these credentials, and
273           it might be necessary to manually change them in the copy.
275           If combined with the --read-only switch a read-only cloned image is
276           created.
278       rename NAME NAME
279           Renames a container or VM image. The arguments specify the name of
280           the image to rename and the new name of the image.
282       read-only NAME [BOOL]
283           Marks or (unmarks) a container or VM image read-only. Takes a VM or
284           container image name, followed by a boolean as arguments. If the
285           boolean is omitted, positive is implied, i.e. the image is marked
286           read-only.
288       remove NAME...
289           Removes one or more container or VM images. The special image
290           ".host", which refers to the host's own directory tree, may not be
291           removed.
293       set-limit [NAME] BYTES
294           Sets the maximum size in bytes that a specific container or VM
295           image, or all images, may grow up to on disk (disk quota). Takes
296           either one or two parameters. The first, optional parameter refers
297           to a container or VM image name. If specified, the size limit of
298           the specified image is changed. If omitted, the overall size limit
299           of the sum of all images stored locally is changed. The final
300           argument specifies the size limit in bytes, possibly suffixed by
301           the usual K, M, G, T units. If the size limit shall be disabled,
302           specify "-" as size.
304           Note that per-container size limits are only supported on btrfs
305           file systems.
307       clean
308           Remove hidden VM or container images (or all). This command removes
309           all hidden machine images from /var/lib/machines/, i.e. those whose
310           name begins with a dot. Use machinectl list-images --all to see a
311           list of all machine images, including the hidden ones.
313           When combined with the --all switch removes all images, not just
314           hidden ones. This command effectively empties /var/lib/machines/.
316           Note that commands such as machinectl pull-tar or machinectl
317           pull-raw usually create hidden, read-only, unmodified machine
318           images from the downloaded image first, before cloning a writable
319           working copy of it, in order to avoid duplicate downloads in case
320           of images that are reused multiple times. Use machinectl clean to
321           remove old, hidden images created this way.
323   Image Transfer Commands
324       pull-tar URL [NAME]
325           Downloads a .tar container image from the specified URL, and makes
326           it available under the specified local machine name. The URL must
327           be of type "http://" or "https://", and must refer to a .tar,
328           .tar.gz, .tar.xz or .tar.bz2 archive file. If the local machine
329           name is omitted, it is automatically derived from the last
330           component of the URL, with its suffix removed.
332           The image is verified before it is made available, unless
333           --verify=no is specified. Verification is done either via an inline
334           signed file with the name of the image and the suffix .sha256 or
335           via separate SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg files. The signature
336           files need to be made available on the same web server, under the
337           same URL as the .tar file. With --verify=checksum, only the SHA256
338           checksum for the file is verified, based on the .sha256 suffixed
339           file or the SHA256SUMS file. With --verify=signature, the sha
340           checksum file is first verified with the inline signature in the
341           .sha256 file or the detached GPG signature file SHA256SUMS.gpg. The
342           public key for this verification step needs to be available in
343           /usr/lib/systemd/import-pubring.gpg or
344           /etc/systemd/import-pubring.gpg.
346           The container image will be downloaded and stored in a read-only
347           subvolume in /var/lib/machines/ that is named after the specified
348           URL and its HTTP etag. A writable snapshot is then taken from this
349           subvolume, and named after the specified local name. This behavior
350           ensures that creating multiple container instances of the same URL
351           is efficient, as multiple downloads are not necessary. In order to
352           create only the read-only image, and avoid creating its writable
353           snapshot, specify "-" as local machine name.
355           Note that the read-only subvolume is prefixed with .tar-, and is
356           thus not shown by list-images, unless --all is passed.
358           Note that pressing C-c during execution of this command will not
359           abort the download. Use cancel-transfer, described below.
361       pull-raw URL [NAME]
362           Downloads a .raw container or VM disk image from the specified URL,
363           and makes it available under the specified local machine name. The
364           URL must be of type "http://" or "https://". The container image
365           must either be a .qcow2 or raw disk image, optionally compressed as
366           .gz, .xz, or .bz2. If the local machine name is omitted, it is
367           automatically derived from the last component of the URL, with its
368           suffix removed.
370           Image verification is identical for raw and tar images (see above).
372           If the downloaded image is in .qcow2 format it is converted into a
373           raw image file before it is made available.
375           Downloaded images of this type will be placed as read-only .raw
376           file in /var/lib/machines/. A local, writable (reflinked) copy is
377           then made under the specified local machine name. To omit creation
378           of the local, writable copy pass "-" as local machine name.
380           Similarly to the behavior of pull-tar, the read-only image is
381           prefixed with .raw-, and thus not shown by list-images, unless
382           --all is passed.
384           Note that pressing C-c during execution of this command will not
385           abort the download. Use cancel-transfer, described below.
387       import-tar FILE [NAME], import-raw FILE [NAME]
388           Imports a TAR or RAW container or VM image, and places it under the
389           specified name in /var/lib/machines/. When import-tar is used, the
390           file specified as the first argument should be a tar archive,
391           possibly compressed with xz, gzip or bzip2. It will then be
392           unpacked into its own subvolume in /var/lib/machines/. When
393           import-raw is used, the file should be a qcow2 or raw disk image,
394           possibly compressed with xz, gzip or bzip2. If the second argument
395           (the resulting image name) is not specified, it is automatically
396           derived from the file name. If the filename is passed as "-", the
397           image is read from standard input, in which case the second
398           argument is mandatory.
400           Optionally, the --read-only switch may be used to create a
401           read-only container or VM image. No cryptographic validation is
402           done when importing the images.
404           Much like image downloads, ongoing imports may be listed with
405           list-transfers and aborted with cancel-transfer.
407       import-fs DIRECTORY [NAME]
408           Imports a container image stored in a local directory into
409           /var/lib/machines/, operates similarly to import-tar or import-raw,
410           but the first argument is the source directory. If supported, this
411           command will create a btrfs snapshot or subvolume for the new
412           image.
414       export-tar NAME [FILE], export-raw NAME [FILE]
415           Exports a TAR or RAW container or VM image and stores it in the
416           specified file. The first parameter should be a VM or container
417           image name. The second parameter should be a file path the TAR or
418           RAW image is written to. If the path ends in ".gz", the file is
419           compressed with gzip, if it ends in ".xz", with xz, and if it ends
420           in ".bz2", with bzip2. If the path ends in neither, the file is
421           left uncompressed. If the second argument is missing, the image is
422           written to standard output. The compression may also be explicitly
423           selected with the --format= switch. This is in particular useful if
424           the second parameter is left unspecified.
426           Much like image downloads and imports, ongoing exports may be
427           listed with list-transfers and aborted with cancel-transfer.
429           Note that, currently, only directory and subvolume images may be
430           exported as TAR images, and only raw disk images as RAW images.
432       list-transfers
433           Shows a list of container or VM image downloads, imports and
434           exports that are currently in progress.
436       cancel-transfer ID...
437           Aborts a download, import or export of the container or VM image
438           with the specified ID. To list ongoing transfers and their IDs, use
439           list-transfers.


442       The following options are understood:
444       -p, --property=
445           When showing machine or image properties, limit the output to
446           certain properties as specified by the argument. If not specified,
447           all set properties are shown. The argument should be a property
448           name, such as "Name". If specified more than once, all properties
449           with the specified names are shown.
451       -a, --all
452           When showing machine or image properties, show all properties
453           regardless of whether they are set or not.
455           When listing VM or container images, do not suppress images
456           beginning in a dot character (".").
458           When cleaning VM or container images, remove all images, not just
459           hidden ones.
461       --value
462           When printing properties with show, only print the value, and skip
463           the property name and "=".
465       -l, --full
466           Do not ellipsize process tree entries or table. This implies
467           --max-addresses=full.
469       --kill-whom=
470           When used with kill, choose which processes to kill. Must be one of
471           leader, or all to select whether to kill only the leader process of
472           the machine or all processes of the machine. If omitted, defaults
473           to all.
475       -s, --signal=
476           When used with kill, choose which signal to send to selected
477           processes. Must be one of the well-known signal specifiers such as
478           SIGTERM, SIGINT or SIGSTOP. If omitted, defaults to SIGTERM.
480           The special value "help" will list the known values and the program
481           will exit immediately, and the special value "list" will list known
482           values along with the numerical signal numbers and the program will
483           exit immediately.
485       --uid=
486           When used with the shell command, chooses the user ID to open the
487           interactive shell session as. If the argument to the shell command
488           also specifies a user name, this option is ignored. If the name is
489           not specified in either way, "root" will be used by default. Note
490           that this switch is not supported for the login command (see
491           below).
493       -E NAME[=VALUE], --setenv=NAME[=VALUE]
494           When used with the shell command, sets an environment variable for
495           the executed shell. This option may be used more than once to set
496           multiple variables. When "=" and VALUE are omitted, the value of
497           the variable with the same name in the program environment will be
498           used.
500           Note that this option is not supported for the login command.
502       --mkdir
503           When used with bind, creates the destination file or directory
504           before applying the bind mount. Note that even though the name of
505           this option suggests that it is suitable only for directories, this
506           option also creates the destination file node to mount over if the
507           object to mount is not a directory, but a regular file, device
508           node, socket or FIFO.
510       --read-only
511           When used with bind, creates a read-only bind mount.
513           When used with clone, import-raw or import-tar a read-only
514           container or VM image is created.
516       -n, --lines=
517           When used with status, controls the number of journal lines to
518           show, counting from the most recent ones. Takes a positive integer
519           argument. Defaults to 10.
521       -o, --output=
522           When used with status, controls the formatting of the journal
523           entries that are shown. For the available choices, see
524           journalctl(1). Defaults to "short".
526       --verify=
527           When downloading a container or VM image, specify whether the image
528           shall be verified before it is made available. Takes one of "no",
529           "checksum" and "signature". If "no", no verification is done. If
530           "checksum" is specified, the download is checked for integrity
531           after the transfer is complete, but no signatures are verified. If
532           "signature" is specified, the checksum is verified and the image's
533           signature is checked against a local keyring of trustable vendors.
534           It is strongly recommended to set this option to "signature" if the
535           server and protocol support this. Defaults to "signature".
537       --now
538           When used with enable or disable, the containers will also be
539           started or powered off. The start or poweroff operation is only
540           carried out when the respective enable or disable operation has
541           been successful.
543       --force
544           When downloading a container or VM image, and a local copy by the
545           specified local machine name already exists, delete it first and
546           replace it by the newly downloaded image.
548       --format=
549           When used with the export-tar or export-raw commands, specifies the
550           compression format to use for the resulting file. Takes one of
551           "uncompressed", "xz", "gzip", "bzip2". By default, the format is
552           determined automatically from the image file name passed.
554       --max-addresses=
555           When used with the list-machines command, limits the number of IP
556           addresses shown for every machine. Defaults to 1. All addresses can
557           be requested with "all". If the limit is 0, the address column is
558           not shown. Otherwise, if the machine has more addresses than shown,
559           "..."  follows the last address.
561       -q, --quiet
562           Suppresses additional informational output while running.
564       -H, --host=
565           Execute the operation remotely. Specify a hostname, or a username
566           and hostname separated by "@", to connect to. The hostname may
567           optionally be suffixed by a port ssh is listening on, separated by
568           ":", and then a container name, separated by "/", which connects
569           directly to a specific container on the specified host. This will
570           use SSH to talk to the remote machine manager instance. Container
571           names may be enumerated with machinectl -H HOST. Put IPv6 addresses
572           in brackets.
574       -M, --machine=
575           Connect to systemd-machined.service(8) running in a local
576           container, to perform the specified operation within the container.
578       --no-pager
579           Do not pipe output into a pager.
581       --no-legend
582           Do not print the legend, i.e. column headers and the footer with
583           hints.
585       --no-ask-password
586           Do not query the user for authentication for privileged operations.
588       -h, --help
589           Print a short help text and exit.
591       --version
592           Print a short version string and exit.


595       The machinectl tool operates on machines and images whose names must be
596       chosen following strict rules. Machine names must be suitable for use
597       as hostnames following a conservative subset of DNS and UNIX/Linux
598       semantics. Specifically, they must consist of one or more non-empty
599       label strings, separated by dots. No leading or trailing dots are
600       allowed. No sequences of multiple dots are allowed. The label strings
601       may only consist of alphanumeric characters as well as the dash and
602       underscore. The maximum length of a machine name is 64 characters.
604       A special machine with the name ".host" refers to the running host
605       system itself. This is useful for execution operations or inspecting
606       the host system as well. Note that machinectl list will not show this
607       special machine unless the --all switch is specified.
609       Requirements on image names are less strict, however, they must be
610       valid UTF-8, must be suitable as file names (hence not be the single or
611       double dot, and not include a slash), and may not contain control
612       characters. Since many operations search for an image by the name of a
613       requested machine, it is recommended to name images in the same strict
614       fashion as machines.
616       A special image with the name ".host" refers to the image of the
617       running host system. It hence conceptually maps to the special ".host"
618       machine name described above. Note that machinectl list-images will not
619       show this special image either, unless --all is specified.


622       Machine images are preferably stored in /var/lib/machines/, but are
623       also searched for in /usr/local/lib/machines/ and /usr/lib/machines/.
624       For compatibility reasons, the directory /var/lib/container/ is
625       searched, too. Note that images stored below /usr/ are always
626       considered read-only. It is possible to symlink machines images from
627       other directories into /var/lib/machines/ to make them available for
628       control with machinectl.
630       Note that some image operations are only supported, efficient or atomic
631       on btrfs file systems.
633       Disk images are understood by systemd-nspawn(1) and machinectl in three
634       formats:
636       •   A simple directory tree, containing the files and directories of
637           the container to boot.
639       •   Subvolumes (on btrfs file systems), which are similar to the simple
640           directories, described above. However, they have additional
641           benefits, such as efficient cloning and quota reporting.
643       •   "Raw" disk images, i.e. binary images of disks with a GPT or MBR
644           partition table. Images of this type are regular files with the
645           suffix ".raw".
647       See systemd-nspawn(1) for more information on image formats, in
648       particular its --directory= and --image= options.


651       Example 1. Download an Ubuntu image and open a shell in it
653           # machinectl pull-tar https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz
654           # systemd-nspawn -M trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-root
656       This downloads and verifies the specified .tar image, and then uses
657       systemd-nspawn(1) to open a shell in it.
659       Example 2. Download a Fedora image, set a root password in it, start it
660       as a service
662           # machinectl pull-raw --verify=no \
663                 https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/37/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-37-1.7.x86_64.raw.xz \
664                 Fedora-Cloud-Base-37-1.7.x86-64
665           # systemd-nspawn -M Fedora-Cloud-Base-37-1.7.x86-64
666           # passwd
667           # exit
668           # machinectl start Fedora-Cloud-Base-37-1.7.x86-64
669           # machinectl login Fedora-Cloud-Base-37-1.7.x86-64
671       This downloads the specified .raw image with verification disabled.
672       Then, a shell is opened in it and a root password is set. Afterwards
673       the shell is left, and the machine started as system service. With the
674       last command a login prompt into the container is requested.
676       Example 3. Exports a container image as tar file
678           # machinectl export-tar fedora myfedora.tar.xz
680       Exports the container "fedora" as an xz-compressed tar file
681       myfedora.tar.xz into the current directory.
683       Example 4. Create a new shell session
685           # machinectl shell --uid=lennart
687       This creates a new shell session on the local host for the user ID
688       "lennart", in a su(1)-like fashion.


691       On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.


695           The maximum log level of emitted messages (messages with a higher
696           log level, i.e. less important ones, will be suppressed). Either
697           one of (in order of decreasing importance) emerg, alert, crit, err,
698           warning, notice, info, debug, or an integer in the range 0...7. See
699           syslog(3) for more information.
702           A boolean. If true, messages written to the tty will be colored
703           according to priority.
705           This setting is only useful when messages are written directly to
706           the terminal, because journalctl(1) and other tools that display
707           logs will color messages based on the log level on their own.
710           A boolean. If true, console log messages will be prefixed with a
711           timestamp.
713           This setting is only useful when messages are written directly to
714           the terminal or a file, because journalctl(1) and other tools that
715           display logs will attach timestamps based on the entry metadata on
716           their own.
719           A boolean. If true, messages will be prefixed with a filename and
720           line number in the source code where the message originates.
722           Note that the log location is often attached as metadata to journal
723           entries anyway. Including it directly in the message text can
724           nevertheless be convenient when debugging programs.
726       $SYSTEMD_LOG_TID
727           A boolean. If true, messages will be prefixed with the current
728           numerical thread ID (TID).
730           Note that the this information is attached as metadata to journal
731           entries anyway. Including it directly in the message text can
732           nevertheless be convenient when debugging programs.
735           The destination for log messages. One of console (log to the
736           attached tty), console-prefixed (log to the attached tty but with
737           prefixes encoding the log level and "facility", see syslog(3), kmsg
738           (log to the kernel circular log buffer), journal (log to the
739           journal), journal-or-kmsg (log to the journal if available, and to
740           kmsg otherwise), auto (determine the appropriate log target
741           automatically, the default), null (disable log output).
743       $SYSTEMD_PAGER
744           Pager to use when --no-pager is not given; overrides $PAGER. If
745           neither $SYSTEMD_PAGER nor $PAGER are set, a set of well-known
746           pager implementations are tried in turn, including less(1) and
747           more(1), until one is found. If no pager implementation is
748           discovered no pager is invoked. Setting this environment variable
749           to an empty string or the value "cat" is equivalent to passing
750           --no-pager.
752           Note: if $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE is not set, $SYSTEMD_PAGER (as well
753           as $PAGER) will be silently ignored.
755       $SYSTEMD_LESS
756           Override the options passed to less (by default "FRSXMK").
758           Users might want to change two options in particular:
760           K
761               This option instructs the pager to exit immediately when Ctrl+C
762               is pressed. To allow less to handle Ctrl+C itself to switch
763               back to the pager command prompt, unset this option.
765               If the value of $SYSTEMD_LESS does not include "K", and the
766               pager that is invoked is less, Ctrl+C will be ignored by the
767               executable, and needs to be handled by the pager.
769           X
770               This option instructs the pager to not send termcap
771               initialization and deinitialization strings to the terminal. It
772               is set by default to allow command output to remain visible in
773               the terminal even after the pager exits. Nevertheless, this
774               prevents some pager functionality from working, in particular
775               paged output cannot be scrolled with the mouse.
777           See less(1) for more discussion.
780           Override the charset passed to less (by default "utf-8", if the
781           invoking terminal is determined to be UTF-8 compatible).
784           Takes a boolean argument. When true, the "secure" mode of the pager
785           is enabled; if false, disabled. If $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE is not set
786           at all, secure mode is enabled if the effective UID is not the same
787           as the owner of the login session, see geteuid(2) and
788           sd_pid_get_owner_uid(3). In secure mode, LESSSECURE=1 will be set
789           when invoking the pager, and the pager shall disable commands that
790           open or create new files or start new subprocesses. When
791           $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE is not set at all, pagers which are not known
792           to implement secure mode will not be used. (Currently only less(1)
793           implements secure mode.)
795           Note: when commands are invoked with elevated privileges, for
796           example under sudo(8) or pkexec(1), care must be taken to ensure
797           that unintended interactive features are not enabled. "Secure" mode
798           for the pager may be enabled automatically as describe above.
799           Setting SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE=0 or not removing it from the inherited
800           environment allows the user to invoke arbitrary commands. Note that
801           if the $SYSTEMD_PAGER or $PAGER variables are to be honoured,
802           $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE must be set too. It might be reasonable to
803           completely disable the pager using --no-pager instead.
806           Takes a boolean argument. When true, systemd and related utilities
807           will use colors in their output, otherwise the output will be
808           monochrome. Additionally, the variable can take one of the
809           following special values: "16", "256" to restrict the use of colors
810           to the base 16 or 256 ANSI colors, respectively. This can be
811           specified to override the automatic decision based on $TERM and
812           what the console is connected to.
815           The value must be a boolean. Controls whether clickable links
816           should be generated in the output for terminal emulators supporting
817           this. This can be specified to override the decision that systemd
818           makes based on $TERM and other conditions.


821       systemd(1), systemd-machined.service(8), systemd-nspawn(1),
822       systemd.special(7), tar(1), xz(1), gzip(1), bzip2(1)
826systemd 253                                                      MACHINECTL(1)