2NFCAPD(1)                 BSD General Commands Manual                NFCAPD(1)


5     nfcapd — flow collector for netflow version v1, v5/v7 v9 and ipfix


8     nfcapd -w flowdir [-C config] [-z] [-y] [-j] [-D] [-u userid]
9            [-g groupid] [-S num] [-t interval] [-P pidfile] [-p port]
10            [-d device] [-I ident] [-b bindhost] [-4] [-6] [-j mcastgroup]
11            [-R repeater] [-A] [-B buffsize] [-n sourceparam]
12            [-M multiflowdir] [-s rate] [-i metricrate] [-m metricpath] [-e]
13            [-x command] [-X extensionList] [-E] [-v] [-V]


16     nfcapd reads netflow data from the network and stores the records into
17     binary formatted files.  It accepts netflow v1, v5/v7, v9 and ipfix
18     transparently. It is mostly compatible with a lot of other flow implemen‐
19     tations such as cflow, jflow, pflow and accepts a wide range of exporters
20     including CISCO Flexible Netflow (FNF), ASA firewalls and NAT devices for
21     event logging. It has also support for a wide range of different vendors
22     and their implementation of netflow, such as Juniper, VMware, PaloAlto
23     devices and yaf.  Sflow is a different technology.  nfcapd supports a
24     large number of netflow v9 and ipfix elements according to the IANA as‐
25     signments.
27     If you want to collect sflow data, please have a look at sfcapd which is
28     also part of the nfdump tools.
30     nfcapd also accepts pre-processed records from its companion collector
31     nfpcapd.  nfcapd safes the flows in an output file, which is automati‐
32     cally rotated at a given interval - typically every 5min.  These rotated
33     output files are stored in the flowdir directory and are organized by
34     timestamps. The output files are named according to the time interval in
35     the following format: nfcapd.YYYYMMddhhmm e.g.  nfcapd.202207110845 which
36     contains flow data from July 11th 2022 08:45 onwards. If the rotation in‐
37     terval is set to a time, smaller then 60s, the naming extends to seconds
38     e.g. nfcapd.20220711084510.
40     nfcapd can run in auto-expire mode -e , which automatically expires old
41     flow files, at the end of every rotation interval.  nfexpire(1) explains
42     in more details how to setup flow expiration.
44     nfcapd can run any given command -x or shell script at the end of each
45     rotation interval.
47     nfcapd can send universal flow metric information about the collected
48     flow data (flow summary) to a UNIX socket.  Programs, such as nfinflux or
49     nfexporter may be used to send the metric information to an InfluxDB or
50     to a Prometheus monitoring system.
52     The options are as follows:
54     -w flowdir
55             Set the flow directory to store the output files. If a sub hier‐
56             archy is specified with -S the final directory is concatenated to
57             flowdir/subdir.
59     -C config
60             Reads additional configuration parameters from config file.
61             nfcapd tries to read the config file from the install default
62             path $prefix/etc/ which may be overwritten by the environment
63             variable NFCONF , which again is overwritten by this option -C.
64             If -C none is specified, then no config file is read, even if
65             found in the search path.
67     -p portnum
68             Set the port number to listen. Default port is 9995
70     -d interface
71             Reads flow data from an erspan encoded datalink. All traffic sent
72             to this interface is interpreted as flow data stream.
74     -b bindhost
75             Specifies the hostname/IPv4/IPv6 address to bind for listening.
76             This can be an IP address or a hostname, resolving to a local IP
77             address.
79     -4      Forces nfcapd to listen on IPv4 addresses only. Can be used to‐
80             gether with -b if a hostname has IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
82     -6      Forces nfcapd to listen on IPv6 addresses only. Can be used to‐
83             gether with -b if a hostname has IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
85     -J mcastgroup
86             Join the specified IPv4 or IPv6 multicast group for listening.
88     -R host[/port]
89             Enables the packet repeater. All incoming packets are sent addi‐
90             tionally to another host and port.  host is either a valid
91             IPv4/IPv6 address, or a symbolic hostname, which resolves to a
92             valid IP address.  port may be omitted and defaults to 9995.
93             Note: As IPv4/IPv6 are accepted the host/port separator is '/'.
94             Up to 8 additional repeaters my be defined. Use this method to
95             daisy chain collectors.
97     -A      Sets source address spoofing mode for the repeater. The source
98             address of the repeated packages is set to the original IP ad‐
99             dress. This needs nfcapd to be started with root privileges.
100             Please note, that source spoofing may be blocked by firewalls or
101             routers in your network.
103     -I ident
104             Sets ident as identification string for the current source. This
105             string is written into the output file to identify the source.
106             Default is 'none'. If you have multiple sources, see option -n
107             below.
109     -n ident,IP,flowdir
110             Configures a netflow source identified by the string ident, IP
111             flowdir If you have multiple sources per collector, add multiple
112             -n options. All exporters send the flows to the same port -p.  Do
113             not mix single source configuration -I with multiple -n options.
115     -M flowdir
116             Set the flow directory for dynamic allocated exporters. New ex‐
117             porters are dynamically added when sending data.  All exporters
118             send netflow data to the same port and IP. For each dynamically
119             added source, a new sub directory is created under flowdir with
120             the name of the IP address of the exporter. All '.' and ':" in IP
121             addresses are replaced be '-'.  -D Set daemon mode: fork to back‐
122             ground and detach from terminal.  nfcapd terminates on signal
123             TERM, INT or HUP.
125     -P pidfile
126             Writes the running process ID into pidfilw.  Use this option to
127             integrate nfcapd in start/stop files.
129     -u userid
130             Drop privileges of running process to user userid.  nfcapd needs
131             to be started as user root.
133     -g groupid
134             Drop privileges of running process to group groupid.  nfcapd
135             needs to be started as user root.
137     -B bufflen
138             Sets the network socket input buffer to bufflen bytes. For high
139             volume traffic it is recommended to raise this value to typically
140             > 100k, otherwise you risk to lose packets. The default is OS
141             (and kernel) dependent.
143     -S num  Adds an additional directory sub hierarchy to store the data
144             files. The default is 0, no sub hierarchy, which means all files
145             go directly into flowdir.  The flowdir is concatenated with the
146             specified sub hierarchy format to create the final data direc‐
147             tory.  The following hierarchies are defined:
148             0 default     no hierarchy levels
149             1 %Y/%m/%d    year/month/day
150             2 %Y/%m/%d/%H year/month/day/hour
151             3 %Y/%W/%u    year/week_of_year/day_of_week
152             4 %Y/%W/%u/%H year/week_of_year/day_of_week/hour
153             5 %Y/%j       year/day-of-year
154             6 %Y/%j/%H    year/day-of-year/hour
155             7 %Y-%m-%d    year-month-day
156             8 %Y-%m-%d/%H year-month-day/hour
158     -t interval
159             Sets the time interval in seconds to rotate files. The default
160             value is 300s ( 5min ).  The smallest available interval is 2s.
162     -s rate
163             Apply sampling rate rate to all netflow records, unless the sam‐
164             pling rate is announced by the exporting device.  In that case
165             the announced sampling rate is applied. If rate is negative, this
166             will hard overwrite any device specific announced sampling rates.
167             The sampling rate is used to multiply the number of packets and
168             bytes in a record. Please note, this may vary from other volume
169             counters such as SNMP etc.
171     -z      Compress flow files with LZO1X-1 compression. Fastest compres‐
172             sion.
174     -y      Compress flow files with LZ4 compression. Fast and efficient.
176     -j      Compress flow files with bz2 compression. Slow but most effi‐
177             cient. It is not recommended to use bz2 in a real time capturing.
179     -e      Sets auto-expire mode. At the end of every rotate interval -t
180             nfcapd runs an expire cycle to delete files according to max
181             lifetime and max filesize as defined by nfexpire(1)
183     -x command
184             At the end of every -t interval and after the file rotate has
185             completed, nfcapd runs the command command.  The string for
186             command may contain the following place holders, which are ex‐
187             panded before running:
188             %f   File name of new data file including any sub hierarchy.
189             %d   Top flowdir.  The full path of the new file is: %d/%f
190             %t   Time slot string in ISO format e.g. 201107110845.
191             %u   Time slot string in UNIX time format.
192             %i   Identification string ident string supplied by -I
194     -X extensionList
195             extensionList is a ',' separated list of extensions to be stored
196             by nfcapd.  The numbers correspond to the extension list in
197             nfxV3.h. By default extensions are added dynamically to store all
198             data sent by the exporter. If extensionList is given, only those
199             elements matching the extension are processed and stored. Usually
200             this option is not needed, unless for specific requirements.
202     -m metricpath
203             Enables the flow metric exporter. Flow metric information is sent
204             to the UNIX socket metricpath at the rate specified by -i This
205             option may by used to export flow metric information to other
206             systems such as InfluxDB or Prometheus.  Please note: The flow
207             metric does not include the full record. Only the flow statistics
208             is sent.
210     -i metricrate
211             Sets the interval for the flow metric exporter. This interval may
212             be different from the file rotation interval t and is therefore
213             independent from file rotation.
215     -v      Increase verbose level by 1. The verbose level may be increased
216             for debugging purpose up to 3.
218     -E      Equal to -v -v -v. Print netflow records in block format to std‐
219             out. Please note, that not all elements are printed, which are
220             available in the flow record. To inspect all elements, use nfdump
221             -o raw This option is for debugging purpose only, to verify if
222             incoming netflow data is processed correctly.
224     -V      Print nfcapd version and exit.
226     -h      Print help text on stdout with all options and exit.


229     nfcapd returns 0 on success and 255 if initialization failed.


232     https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml
234     https://www.cisco.com/en/US/technologies/tk648/tk362/technolo
235     gies_white_paper09186a00800a3db9.html
237     nfdump(1) nfpcapd(1) sfcapd(1)


240     No software without bugs! Please report any bugs back to me.
242BSD                            December 17, 2023                           BSD