1OPAM-PIN(1)                       Opam Manual                      OPAM-PIN(1)


6       opam-pin - Pin a given package to a specific version or source.


9       opam pin [OPTION]… [COMMAND] [ARG]…


12       This command allows local customisation of the packages in a given
13       switch. A pinning can either just enforce a given version, or provide a
14       local, editable version of the definition of the package. It is also
15       possible to create a new package just by pinning a non-existing package
16       name.
18       Any customisation is available through the edit subcommand, but the
19       command-line gives facility for altering the source URL of the package,
20       since it is the most common use: opam pin add PKG URL modifies package
21       PKG to fetch its source from URL. If a package definition is found in
22       the package's source tree, it will be used locally.
24       If (or -) is specified, the package is pinned without a source archive.
25       The package name can be omitted if the target is a directory containing
26       one or more valid package definitions (this allows one to do e.g. opam
27       pin add . from a source directory.
29       If PACKAGE has the form name.version, the pinned package will be
30       considered as version version by opam. Beware that this doesn't relate
31       with the version of the source actually used for the package. See also
32       the --with-version option.
34       The default subcommand is list if there are no further arguments, and
35       add otherwise if unambiguous.


38       Without argument, defaults to list.
40       list
41           Lists pinned packages.
43       scan DIR
44           Lists available packages to pin in directory.
46       add PACKAGE TARGET
47           Pins package PACKAGE to TARGET, which may be a version, a path, or
48           a URL. PACKAGE can be omitted if TARGET contains one or more
49           package descriptions. TARGET can be replaced by --dev-repo if a
50           package by that name is already known. If TARGET is -, the package
51           is pinned as a virtual package, without any source. opam will infer
52           the kind of pinning from the format (and contents, if local) of
53           TARGET, Use --kind or an explicit URL to disable that behaviour.
54           Pins to version control systems may target a specific branch or
55           commit using #branch e.g. git://host/me/pkg#testing. If PACKAGE is
56           not a known package name, a new package by that name will be
57           locally created. For source pinnings, the package version may be
58           specified by using the format NAME.VERSION for PACKAGE, in the
59           source opam file, or with edit.
61       remove NAMES...|TARGET
62           Unpins packages NAMES, restoring their definition from the
63           repository, if any. With a TARGET, unpins everything that is
64           currently pinned to that target.
66       edit NAME
67           Opens an editor giving you the opportunity to change the package
68           definition that opam will locally use for package NAME, including
69           its version and source URL. Using the format NAME.VERSION will
70           update the version in the opam file in advance of editing, without
71           changing the actual target. The chosen editor is determined from
72           environment variables OPAM_EDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR, in order.


75       --dev-repo
76           Pin to the upstream package source for the latest development
77           version
79       -e, --edit
80           With opam pin add, edit the opam file as with `opam pin edit' after
81           pinning.
83       -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS
84           Set the maximal number of concurrent jobs to use. The default value
85           is calculated from the number of cores. You can also set it using
86           the $OPAMJOBS environment variable.
88       -k KIND, --kind=KIND
89           Sets the kind of pinning. Must be one of one of version, path,
90           http, git, darcs, hg, none or auto. If unset or auto, is inferred
91           from the format of the target, defaulting to the appropriate
92           version control if one is detected in the given directory, or to
93           path otherwise. OPAMPINKINDAUTO can be set to "0" to disable
94           automatic detection of version control.Use none to pin without a
95           target (for virtual packages).
97       -n, --no-action
98           Just record the new pinning status, and don't prompt for
99           (re)installation or removal of affected packages.
101       --no
102           Answer no to all opam yes/no questions without prompting. See also
103           --confirm-level. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMNO to "true".
105       --normalise
106           Print list of available package to pin in format
107           `name.version^url`, that is comprehensible by `opam pin add`.
108           Available only with the scan subcommand. An example of use is `opam
109           pin scan . --normalise | grep foo | xargs opam pin add`
111       -s, --short
112           Output raw lists of names, one per line, skipping any details.
114       --with-version=VERSION
115           Set the pinning version to VERSION for named PACKAGES or packages
116           retrieved from TARGET. It has priority over any other version
117           specification (opam file version field, name.vers argument)). When
118           pinning to a version, the package source from that version is used,
119           but declared as being VERSION to opam. Using --with-version is
120           equivalent to using --edit and adjusting the version in the package
121           definition file.
123       -y, --yes
124           Answer yes to all opam yes/no questions without prompting. See also
125           --confirm-level. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMYES to "true".


128       --assume-depexts
129           Skip the installation step for any missing system packages, and
130           attempt to proceed with compilation of the opam packages anyway. If
131           the installation is successful, opam won't prompt again about these
132           system packages. Only meaningful if external dependency handling is
133           enabled.
135       -b, --keep-build-dir
136           Keep the build directories after compiling packages. This is
137           equivalent to setting $OPAMKEEPBUILDDIR to "true".
139       --build-doc
140           Removed in 2.1, use --with-doc instead.
142       --build-test
143           Removed in 2.1, use --with-test instead.
145       -d, --with-doc
146           Build the package documentation. This only affects packages listed
147           on the command-line. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMWITHDOC (or
148           the deprecated $OPAMBUILDDOC) to "true".
150       --dry-run
151           Simulate the command, but don't actually perform any changes. This
152           also can be set with environment variable $OPAMDEBUG.
154       --fake
155           This option registers the actions into the opam database, without
156           actually performing them. WARNING: This option is dangerous and
157           likely to break your opam environment. You probably want --dry-run.
158           You've been warned.
160       --ignore-constraints-on[=PACKAGES] (default=)
161           Forces opam to ignore version constraints on all dependencies to
162           the listed packages. This can be used to test compatibility, but
163           expect builds to break when using this. Note that version
164           constraints on optional dependencies and conflicts are unaffected.
165           This is equivalent to setting $OPAMIGNORECONSTRAINTS.
167       --inplace-build
168           When compiling a package which has its source bound to a local
169           directory, process the build and install actions directly in that
170           directory, rather than in a clean copy handled by opam. This only
171           affects packages that are explicitly listed on the command-line.
172           This is equivalent to setting $OPAMINPLACEBUILD to "true".
174       --lock-suffix=SUFFIX (absent=locked)
175           Set locked files suffix to SUFFIX.
177       --locked
178           In commands that use opam files found from pinned sources, if a
179           variant of the file with an added .locked extension is found (e.g.
180           foo.opam.locked besides foo.opam), that will be used instead. This
181           is typically useful to offer a more specific set of dependencies
182           and reproduce similar build contexts, hence the name. The
183           lockoption can be used to generate such files, based on the
184           versions of the dependencies currently installed on the host. This
185           is equivalent to setting the $OPAMLOCKED environment variable. Note
186           that this option doesn't generally affect already pinned packages.
188       -m MAKE, --make=MAKE
189           Removed in 2.1, use opam config set[-global] make MAKE instead.
191       --no-checksums
192           Do not verify the checksum of downloaded archives.This is
193           equivalent to setting $OPAMNOCHECKSUMS to "true".
195       --no-depexts
196           Temporarily disables handling of external dependencies. This can be
197           used if a package is not available on your system package manager,
198           but you installed the required dependency by hand. Implies
199           --assume-depexts, and stores the exceptions upon success as well.
201       --require-checksums
202           Reject the installation of packages that don't provide a checksum
203           for the upstream archives. This is equivalent to setting
204           $OPAMREQUIRECHECKSUMS to "true".
206       --reuse-build-dir
207           Reuse existing build directories (kept by using --keep-build-dir),
208           instead of compiling from a fresh clone of the source. This can be
209           faster, but also lead to failures if the build systems of the
210           packages don't handle upgrades of dependencies well. This is
211           equivalent to setting $OPAMREUSEBUILDDIR to "true".
213       --show-actions
214           Call the solver and display the actions. Don't perform any changes.
215           This is equivalent to setting $OPAMSHOW.
217       --skip-updates
218           When running an install, upgrade or reinstall on source-pinned
219           packages, they are normally updated from their origin first. This
220           flag disables that behaviour and will keep them to their version in
221           cache. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMSKIPUPDATE.
223       -t, --with-test
224           Build and run the package unit-tests. This only affects packages
225           listed on the command-line. This is equivalent to setting
226           $OPAMWITHTEST (or the deprecated $OPAMBUILDTEST) to "true".
228       --unlock-base
229           Removed in 2.1, use --update-invariant instead.
231       --update-invariant
232           Allow changes to the packages set as switch base (typically, the
233           main compiler). Use with caution. This is equivalent to setting the
234           $OPAMUNLOCKBASE environment variable


237       These options are common to all commands.
239       --best-effort
240           Don't fail if all requested packages can't be installed: try to
241           install as many as possible. Note that not all external solvers may
242           support this option (recent versions of aspcud or mccs should).
243           This is equivalent to setting $OPAMBESTEFFORT environment variable.
245       --cli=MAJOR.MINOR (absent=2.1)
246           Use the command-line interface syntax and semantics of MAJOR.MINOR.
247           Intended for any persistent use of opam (scripts, blog posts,
248           etc.), any version of opam in the same MAJOR series will behave as
249           for the specified MINOR release. The flag was not available in opam
250           2.0, so to select the 2.0 CLI, set the OPAMCLI environment variable
251           to 2.0 instead of using this parameter.
253       --color=WHEN
254           Colorize the output. WHEN must be one of always, never or auto.
256       --confirm-level=LEVEL
257           Confirmation level, LEVEL must be one of ask, no, yes or
258           unsafe-yes. Can be specified more than once. If --yes or --no are
259           also given, the value of the last --confirm-level is taken into
260           account. This is equivalent to setting  $OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL`.
262       --criteria=CRITERIA
263           Specify user preferences for dependency solving for this run.
264           Overrides both $OPAMCRITERIA and $OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA. For details
265           on the supported language, and the external solvers available, see
266           http://opam.ocaml.org/doc/External_solvers.html. A general guide to
267           using solver preferences can be found at
268           http://www.dicosmo.org/Articles/usercriteria.pdf.
270       --cudf=FILENAME
271           Debug option: Save the CUDF requests sent to the solver to
272           FILENAME-<n>.cudf.
274       --debug
275           Print debug message to stderr. This is equivalent to setting
276           $OPAMDEBUG to "true".
278       --debug-level=LEVEL
279           Like --debug, but allows specifying the debug level (--debug sets
280           it to 1). Equivalent to setting $OPAMDEBUG to a positive integer.
282       --git-version
283           Print the git version of opam, if set (i.e. you are using a
284           development version), and exit.
286       --help[=FMT] (default=auto)
287           Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of auto,
288           pager, groff or plain. With auto, the format is pager or plain
289           whenever the TERM env var is dumb or undefined.
291       --ignore-pin-depends
292           Ignore extra pins required by packages that get pinned, either
293           manually through opam pin or through opam install DIR. This is
294           equivalent to setting IGNOREPINDEPENDS=true.
296       --json=FILENAME
297           Save the results of the opam run in a computer-readable file. If
298           the filename contains the character `%', it will be replaced by an
299           index that doesn't overwrite an existing file. Similar to setting
300           the $OPAMJSON variable.
302       --no-aspcud
303           Removed in 2.1.
305       --no-auto-upgrade
306           When configuring or updating a repository that is written for an
307           earlier opam version (1.2), opam internally converts it to the
308           current format. This disables this behaviour. Note that
309           repositories should define their format version in a 'repo' file at
310           their root, or they will be assumed to be in the older format. It
311           is, in any case, preferable to upgrade the repositories manually
312           using opam admin upgrade [--mirror URL] when possible.
314       --no-self-upgrade
315           Opam will replace itself with a newer binary found at OPAMROOT/opam
316           if present. This disables this behaviour.
318       -q, --quiet
319           Disables --verbose.
321       --root=ROOT
322           Use ROOT as the current root path. This is equivalent to setting
323           $OPAMROOT to ROOT.
325       --safe, --readonly
326           Make sure nothing will be automatically updated or rewritten.
327           Useful for calling from completion scripts, for example. Will fail
328           whenever such an operation is needed ; also avoids waiting for
329           locks, skips interactive questions and overrides the $OPAMDEBUG
330           variable. This is equivalent to set environment variable $OPAMSAFE.
332       --solver=CMD
333           Specify the CUDF solver to use for resolving package installation
334           problems. This is either a predefined solver (this version of opam
335           supports builtin-mccs+lp(), builtin-mccs+glpk,
336           builtin-dummy-z3-solver, builtin-dummy-0install-solver, aspcud,
337           mccs, aspcud-old, packup), or a custom command that should contain
338           the variables %{input}%, %{output}%, %{criteria}%, and optionally
339           %{timeout}%. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMEXTERNALSOLVER.
341       --strict
342           Fail whenever an error is found in a package definition or a
343           configuration file. The default is to continue silently if
344           possible.
346       --switch=SWITCH
347           Use SWITCH as the current compiler switch. This is equivalent to
348           setting $OPAMSWITCH to SWITCH.
350       --use-internal-solver
351           Disable any external solver, and use the built-in one (this
352           requires that opam has been compiled with a built-in solver). This
353           is equivalent to setting $OPAMNOASPCUD or $OPAMUSEINTERNALSOLVER.
355       -v, --verbose
356           Be more verbose. One -v shows all package commands, repeat to also
357           display commands called internally (e.g. tar, curl, patch etc.)
358           Repeating n times is equivalent to setting $OPAMVERBOSE to "n".
360       --version
361           Show version information.
363       -w, --working-dir
364           Whenever updating packages that are bound to a local,
365           version-controlled directory, update to the current working state
366           of their source instead of the last committed state, or the ref
367           they are pointing to. As source directory is copied as it is, if it
368           isn't clean it may result on a opam build failure.This only affects
369           packages explicitly listed on the command-line.It can also be set
370           with $OPAMWORKINGDIR.


373       Opam makes use of the environment variables listed here. Boolean
374       variables should be set to "0", "no", "false" or the empty string to
375       disable, "1", "yes" or "true" to enable.
377       OPAMALLPARENS surround all filters with parenthesis.
379       OPAMASSUMEDEPEXTS see option `--assume-depexts'.
381       OPAMAUTOREMOVE see remove option `--auto-remove'.
383       OPAMBESTEFFORT see option `--best-effort'.
385       OPAMBESTEFFORTPREFIXCRITERIA sets the string that must be prepended to
386       the criteria when the `--best-effort' option is set, and is expected to
387       maximise the `opam-query' property in the solution.
389       OPAMBUILDDOC Removed in 2.1.
391       OPAMBUILDTEST Removed in 2.1.
393       OPAMCLI see option `--cli'.
395       OPAMCOLOR when set to always or never, sets a default value for the
396       `--color' option.
398       OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL see option `--confirm-level`. OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL has
399       priority over OPAMYES and OPAMNO.
401       OPAMCRITERIA specifies user preferences for dependency solving. The
402       default value depends on the solver version, use `config report' to
403       know the current setting. See also option --criteria.
405       OPAMCUDFFILE save the cudf graph to file-actions-explicit.dot.
407       OPAMCUDFTRIM controls the filtering of unrelated packages during CUDF
408       preprocessing.
410       OPAMCURL can be used to select a given 'curl' program. See OPAMFETCH
411       for more options.
413       OPAMDEBUG see options `--debug' and `--debug-level'.
415       OPAMDEBUGSECTIONS if set, limits debug messages to the space-separated
416       list of sections. Sections can optionally have a specific debug level
417       (for example, CLIENT:2 or CLIENT CUDF:2), but otherwise use
418       `--debug-level'.
420       OPAMDIGDEPTH defines how aggressive the lookup for conflicts during
421       CUDF preprocessing is.
423       OPAMDOWNLOADJOBS sets the maximum number of simultaneous downloads.
425       OPAMDROPWORKINGDIR overrides packages previously updated with
426       --working-dir on update. Without this variable set, opam would keep
427       them unchanged unless explicitly named on the command-line.
429       OPAMDRYRUN see option `--dry-run'.
431       OPAMEDITOR sets the editor to use for opam file editing, overrides
432       $EDITOR and $VISUAL.
434       OPAMERRLOGLEN sets the number of log lines printed when a sub-process
435       fails. 0 to print all.
437       OPAMEXTERNALSOLVER see option `--solver'.
439       OPAMFAKE see option `--fake'.
441       OPAMFETCH specifies how to download files: either `wget', `curl' or a
442       custom command where variables %{url}%, %{out}%, %{retry}%,
443       %{compress}% and %{checksum}% will be replaced. Overrides the
444       'download-command' value from the main config file.
446       OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA same as OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA, but specific to fixup.
448       OPAMIGNORECONSTRAINTS see install option `--ignore-constraints-on'.
450       OPAMIGNOREPINDEPENDS see option `--ignore-pin-depends'.
452       OPAMINPLACEBUILD see option `--inplace-build'.
454       OPAMJOBS sets the maximum number of parallel workers to run.
456       OPAMJSON log json output to the given file (use character `%' to index
457       the files).
459       OPAMKEEPBUILDDIR see install option `--keep-build-dir'.
461       OPAMKEEPLOGS tells opam to not remove some temporary command logs and
462       some backups. This skips some finalisers and may also help to get more
463       reliable backtraces.
465       OPAMLOCKED combination of `--locked' and `--lock-suffix' options.
467       OPAMLOGS logdir sets log directory, default is a temporary directory in
468       /tmp
470       OPAMMAKECMD set the system make command to use.
472       OPAMMERGEOUT merge process outputs, stderr on stdout.
474       OPAMNO answer no to any question asked, see options `--no` and
475       `--confirm-level`. OPAMNO is ignored if either OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL or
476       OPAMYES is set.
478       OPAMNOAGGREGATE with `opam admin check', don't aggregate packages.
480       OPAMNOASPCUD Deprecated.
482       OPAMNOAUTOUPGRADE disables automatic internal upgrade of repositories
483       in an earlier format to the current one, on 'update' or 'init'.
485       OPAMNOCHECKSUMS enables option --no-checksums when available.
487       OPAMNODEPEXTS disables system dependencies handling, see option
488       `--no-depexts'.
490       OPAMNOENVNOTICE Internal.
492       OPAMNOSELFUPGRADE see option `--no-self-upgrade'
494       OPAMPINKINDAUTO sets whether version control systems should be detected
495       when pinning to a local path. Enabled by default since 1.3.0.
497       OPAMPRECISETRACKING fine grain tracking of directories.
499       OPAMPREPRO set this to false to disable CUDF preprocessing. Less
500       efficient, but might help debugging solver issue.
502       OPAMREQUIRECHECKSUMS Enables option `--require-checksums' when
503       available (e.g. for `opam install').
505       OPAMRETRIES sets the number of tries before failing downloads.
507       OPAMREUSEBUILDDIR see option `--reuse-build-dir'.
509       OPAMROOT see option `--root'. This is automatically set by `opam env
510       --root=DIR --set-root'.
512       OPAMROOTISOK don't complain when running as root.
514       OPAMSAFE see option `--safe'.
516       OPAMSHOW see option `--show'.
518       OPAMSKIPUPDATE see option `--skip-updates'.
520       OPAMSKIPVERSIONCHECKS bypasses some version checks. Unsafe, for
521       compatibility testing only.
523       OPAMSOLVERALLOWSUBOPTIMAL (default `true') allows some solvers to still
524       return a solution when they reach timeout; while the solution remains
525       assured to be consistent, there is no guarantee in this case that it
526       fits the expected optimisation criteria. If `true', opam willcontinue
527       with a warning, if `false' a timeout is an error. Currently only the
528       builtin-z3 backend handles this degraded case.
530       OPAMSOLVERTIMEOUT change the time allowance of the solver. Default is
531       60.0, set to 0 for unlimited. Note that all solvers may not support
532       this option.
534       OPAMSTATS display stats at the end of command.
536       OPAMSTATUSLINE display a dynamic status line showing what's currently
537       going on on the terminal. (one of one of always, never or auto)
539       OPAMSTRICT fail on inconsistencies (file reading, switch import, etc.).
541       OPAMSWITCH see option `--switch'. Automatically set by `opam env
542       --switch=SWITCH --set-switch'.
544       OPAMUNLOCKBASE see install option `--unlock-base'.
546       OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA specifies user preferences for dependency solving
547       when performing an upgrade. Overrides OPAMCRITERIA in upgrades if both
548       are set. See also option --criteria.
550       OPAMUSEINTERNALSOLVER see option `--use-internal-solver'.
552       OPAMUSEOPENSSL force openssl use for hash computing.
554       OPAMUTF8 use UTF8 characters in output (one of one of always, never or
555       auto). By default `auto', which is determined from the locale).
557       OPAMUTF8MSGS use extended UTF8 characters (camels) in opam messages.
558       Implies OPAMUTF8. This is set by default on OSX only.
560       OPAMVALIDATIONHOOK if set, uses the `%{hook%}' command to validate an
561       opam repository update.
563       OPAMVERBOSE see option `--verbose'.
565       OPAMVERSIONLAGPOWER do not use.
567       OPAMWITHDOC see install option `--with-doc'.
569       OPAMWITHTEST see install option `--with-test.
571       OPAMWORKINGDIR see option `--working-dir'.
573       OPAMYES see options `--yes' and `--confirm-level`. OPAMYES has has
574       priority over OPAMNO and is ignored if OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL is set.
576       OPAMVAR_var overrides the contents of the variable var when
577       substituting `%{var}%` strings in `opam` files.
579       OPAMVAR_package_var overrides the contents of the variable package:var
580       when substituting `%{package:var}%` strings in `opam` files.


583       All scripts and programmatic invocations of opam should use `--cli' in
584       order to ensure that they work seamlessly with future versions of the
585       opam client. Additionally, blog posts or other documentation can
586       benefit, as it prevents information from becoming stale.
588       Although opam only supports roots (~/.opam/) for the current version,
589       it does provide backwards compatibility for its command-line interface.
591       Since CLI version support was only added in opam 2.1, use OPAMCLI to
592       select 2.0 support (as opam 2.0 will just ignore it), and `--cli=2.1'
593       for 2.1 (or later) versions, since an environment variable controlling
594       the parsing of syntax is brittle. To this end, opam displays a warning
595       if OPAMCLI specifies a valid version other than 2.0, and also if
596       `--cli=2.0' is specified.
598       The command-line version is selected by using the `--cli' option or the
599       OPAMCLI environment variable. `--cli' may be specified morethan once,
600       where the last instance takes precedence. OPAMCLI is only inspected if
601       `--cli' is not given.


604       As an exception to the following, the `exec' command returns 127 if the
605       command was not found or couldn't be executed, and the command's exit
606       value otherwise.
608       0   Success, or true for boolean queries.
610       1   False. Returned when a boolean return value is expected, e.g. when
611           running with --check, or for queries like opam lint.
613       2   Bad command-line arguments, or command-line arguments pointing to
614           an invalid context (e.g. file not following the expected format).
616       5   Not found. You requested something (package, version, repository,
617           etc.) that couldn't be found.
619       10  Aborted. The operation required confirmation, which wasn't given.
621       15  Could not acquire the locks required for the operation.
623       20  There is no solution to the user request. This can be caused by
624           asking to install two incompatible packages, for example.
626       30  Error in package definition, or other metadata files. Using
627           --strict raises this error more often.
629       31  Package script error. Some package operations were unsuccessful.
630           This may be an error in the packages or an incompatibility with
631           your system. This can be a partial error.
633       40  Sync error. Could not fetch some remotes from the network. This can
634           be a partial error.
636       50  Configuration error. Opam or system configuration doesn't allow
637           operation, and needs fixing.
639       60  Solver failure. The solver failed to return a sound answer. It can
640           be due to a broken external solver, or an error in solver
641           configuration.
643       99  Internal error. Something went wrong, likely due to a bug in opam
644           itself.
646       130 User interrupt. SIGINT was received, generally due to the user
647           pressing Ctrl-C.


650       See https://opam.ocaml.org/doc.


653       Vincent Bernardoff <vb@luminar.eu.org>
654       Raja Boujbel <raja.boujbel@ocamlpro.com>
655       Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto@dicosmo.org>
656       Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org>
657       Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@ocamlpro.com>
658       Fabrice Le Fessant <Fabrice.Le_fessant@inria.fr>
659       Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@recoil.org>
660       Guillem Rieu <guillem.rieu@ocamlpro.com>
661       Ralf Treinen <ralf.treinen@pps.jussieu.fr>
662       Frederic Tuong <tuong@users.gforge.inria.fr>


665       Check bug reports at https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues.
669Opam 2.1.3                                                         OPAM-PIN(1)