1PERF-RECORD(1)                    perf Manual                   PERF-RECORD(1)


6       perf-record - Run a command and record its profile into perf.data


9       perf record [-e <EVENT> | --event=EVENT] [-a] <command>
10       perf record [-e <EVENT> | --event=EVENT] [-a] -- <command> [<options>]


13       This command runs a command and gathers a performance counter profile
14       from it, into perf.data - without displaying anything.
16       This file can then be inspected later on, using perf report.


19       <command>...
20           Any command you can specify in a shell.
22       -e, --event=
23           Select the PMU event. Selection can be:
25           •   a symbolic event name (use perf list to list all events)
27           •   a raw PMU event in the form of rN where N is a hexadecimal
28               value that represents the raw register encoding with the layout
29               of the event control registers as described by entries in
30               /sys/bus/event_source/devices/cpu/format/*.
32           •   a symbolic or raw PMU event followed by an optional colon and a
33               list of event modifiers, e.g., cpu-cycles:p. See the perf-
34               list(1) man page for details on event modifiers.
36           •   a symbolically formed PMU event like pmu/param1=0x3,param2/
37               where param1, param2, etc are defined as formats for the PMU in
38               /sys/bus/event_source/devices/<pmu>/format/*.
40           •   a symbolically formed event like
41               pmu/config=M,config1=N,config3=K/
43                   where M, N, K are numbers (in decimal, hex, octal format). Acceptable
44                   values for each of 'config', 'config1' and 'config2' are defined by
45                   corresponding entries in /sys/bus/event_source/devices/<pmu>/format/*
46                   param1 and param2 are defined as formats for the PMU in:
47                   /sys/bus/event_source/devices/<pmu>/format/*
49                   There are also some parameters which are not defined in .../<pmu>/format/*.
50                   These params can be used to overload default config values per event.
51                   Here are some common parameters:
52                   - 'period': Set event sampling period
53                   - 'freq': Set event sampling frequency
54                   - 'time': Disable/enable time stamping. Acceptable values are 1 for
55                             enabling time stamping. 0 for disabling time stamping.
56                             The default is 1.
57                   - 'call-graph': Disable/enable callgraph. Acceptable str are "fp" for
58                                  FP mode, "dwarf" for DWARF mode, "lbr" for LBR mode and
59                                  "no" for disable callgraph.
60                   - 'stack-size': user stack size for dwarf mode
61                   - 'name' : User defined event name. Single quotes (') may be used to
62                             escape symbols in the name from parsing by shell and tool
63                             like this: name=\'CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD:cmask=0x1\'.
64                   - 'aux-output': Generate AUX records instead of events. This requires
65                                   that an AUX area event is also provided.
66                   - 'aux-sample-size': Set sample size for AUX area sampling. If the
67                   '--aux-sample' option has been used, set aux-sample-size=0 to disable
68                   AUX area sampling for the event.
70                   See the linkperf:perf-list[1] man page for more parameters.
72                   Note: If user explicitly sets options which conflict with the params,
73                   the value set by the parameters will be overridden.
75                   Also not defined in .../<pmu>/format/* are PMU driver specific
76                   configuration parameters.  Any configuration parameter preceded by
77                   the letter '@' is not interpreted in user space and sent down directly
78                   to the PMU driver.  For example:
80                   perf record -e some_event/@cfg1,@cfg2=config/ ...
82                   will see 'cfg1' and 'cfg2=config' pushed to the PMU driver associated
83                   with the event for further processing.  There is no restriction on
84                   what the configuration parameters are, as long as their semantic is
85                   understood and supported by the PMU driver.
87           •   a hardware breakpoint event in the form of
88               \mem:addr[/len][:access] where addr is the address in memory
89               you want to break in. Access is the memory access type (read,
90               write, execute) it can be passed as follows:
91               \mem:addr[:[r][w][x]]. len is the range, number of bytes from
92               specified addr, which the breakpoint will cover. If you want to
93               profile read-write accesses in 0x1000, just set mem:0x1000:rw.
94               If you want to profile write accesses in [0x1000~1008), just
95               set mem:0x1000/8:w.
97           •   a group of events surrounded by a pair of brace
98               ("{event1,event2,...}"). Each event is separated by commas and
99               the group should be quoted to prevent the shell interpretation.
100               You also need to use --group on "perf report" to view group
101               events together.
103       --filter=<filter>
104           Event filter. This option should follow an event selector (-e). If
105           the event is a tracepoint, the filter string will be parsed by the
106           kernel. If the event is a hardware trace PMU (e.g. Intel PT or
107           CoreSight), it’ll be processed as an address filter. Otherwise it
108           means a general filter using BPF which can be applied for any kind
109           of event.
111           •   tracepoint filters
113                   In the case of tracepoints, multiple '--filter' options are combined
114                   using '&&'.
116           •   address filters
118                   A hardware trace PMU advertises its ability to accept a number of
119                   address filters by specifying a non-zero value in
120                   /sys/bus/event_source/devices/<pmu>/nr_addr_filters.
122                   Address filters have the format:
124                   filter|start|stop|tracestop <start> [/ <size>] [@<file name>]
126                   Where:
127                   - 'filter': defines a region that will be traced.
128                   - 'start': defines an address at which tracing will begin.
129                   - 'stop': defines an address at which tracing will stop.
130                   - 'tracestop': defines a region in which tracing will stop.
132                   <file name> is the name of the object file, <start> is the offset to the
133                   code to trace in that file, and <size> is the size of the region to
134                   trace. 'start' and 'stop' filters need not specify a <size>.
136                   If no object file is specified then the kernel is assumed, in which case
137                   the start address must be a current kernel memory address.
139                   <start> can also be specified by providing the name of a symbol. If the
140                   symbol name is not unique, it can be disambiguated by inserting #n where
141                   'n' selects the n'th symbol in address order. Alternately #0, #g or #G
142                   select only a global symbol. <size> can also be specified by providing
143                   the name of a symbol, in which case the size is calculated to the end
144                   of that symbol. For 'filter' and 'tracestop' filters, if <size> is
145                   omitted and <start> is a symbol, then the size is calculated to the end
146                   of that symbol.
148                   If <size> is omitted and <start> is '*', then the start and size will
149                   be calculated from the first and last symbols, i.e. to trace the whole
150                   file.
152                   If symbol names (or '*') are provided, they must be surrounded by white
153                   space.
155                   The filter passed to the kernel is not necessarily the same as entered.
156                   To see the filter that is passed, use the -v option.
158                   The kernel may not be able to configure a trace region if it is not
159                   within a single mapping.  MMAP events (or /proc/<pid>/maps) can be
160                   examined to determine if that is a possibility.
162                   Multiple filters can be separated with space or comma.
164           •   bpf filters
166                   A BPF filter can access the sample data and make a decision based on the
167                   data.  Users need to set an appropriate sample type to use the BPF
168                   filter.  BPF filters need root privilege.
170                   The sample data field can be specified in lower case letter.  Multiple
171                   filters can be separated with comma.  For example,
173                     --filter 'period > 1000, cpu == 1'
174                   or
175                     --filter 'mem_op == load || mem_op == store, mem_lvl > l1'
177                   The former filter only accept samples with period greater than 1000 AND
178                   CPU number is 1.  The latter one accepts either load and store memory
179                   operations but it should have memory level above the L1.  Since the
180                   mem_op and mem_lvl fields come from the (memory) data_source, it'd only
181                   work with some events which set the data_source field.
183                   Also user should request to collect that information (with -d option in
184                   the above case).  Otherwise, the following message will be shown.
186                   $ sudo perf record -e cycles --filter 'mem_op == load'
187                   Error: cycles event does not have PERF_SAMPLE_DATA_SRC
188                    Hint: please add -d option to perf record.
189                   failed to set filter "BPF" on event cycles with 22 (Invalid argument)
191                   Essentially the BPF filter expression is:
193                   <term> <operator> <value> (("," | "||") <term> <operator> <value>)*
195                   The <term> can be one of:
196                     ip, id, tid, pid, cpu, time, addr, period, txn, weight, phys_addr,
197                     code_pgsz, data_pgsz, weight1, weight2, weight3, ins_lat, retire_lat,
198                     p_stage_cyc, mem_op, mem_lvl, mem_snoop, mem_remote, mem_lock,
199                     mem_dtlb, mem_blk, mem_hops
201                   The <operator> can be one of:
202                     ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, &
204                   The <value> can be one of:
205                     <number> (for any term)
206                     na, load, store, pfetch, exec (for mem_op)
207                     l1, l2, l3, l4, cxl, io, any_cache, lfb, ram, pmem (for mem_lvl)
208                     na, none, hit, miss, hitm, fwd, peer (for mem_snoop)
209                     remote (for mem_remote)
210                     na, locked (for mem_locked)
211                     na, l1_hit, l1_miss, l2_hit, l2_miss, any_hit, any_miss, walk, fault (for mem_dtlb)
212                     na, by_data, by_addr (for mem_blk)
213                     hops0, hops1, hops2, hops3 (for mem_hops)
215       --exclude-perf
216           Don’t record events issued by perf itself. This option should
217           follow an event selector (-e) which selects tracepoint event(s). It
218           adds a filter expression common_pid != $PERFPID to filters. If
219           other --filter exists, the new filter expression will be combined
220           with them by &&.
222       -a, --all-cpus
223           System-wide collection from all CPUs (default if no target is
224           specified).
226       -p, --pid=
227           Record events on existing process ID (comma separated list).
229       -t, --tid=
230           Record events on existing thread ID (comma separated list). This
231           option also disables inheritance by default. Enable it by adding
232           --inherit.
234       -u, --uid=
235           Record events in threads owned by uid. Name or number.
237       -r, --realtime=
238           Collect data with this RT SCHED_FIFO priority.
240       --no-buffering
241           Collect data without buffering.
243       -c, --count=
244           Event period to sample.
246       -o, --output=
247           Output file name.
249       -i, --no-inherit
250           Child tasks do not inherit counters.
252       -F, --freq=
253           Profile at this frequency. Use max to use the currently maximum
254           allowed frequency, i.e. the value in the
255           kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate sysctl. Will throttle down to the
256           currently maximum allowed frequency. See --strict-freq.
258       --strict-freq
259           Fail if the specified frequency can’t be used.
261       -m, --mmap-pages=
262           Number of mmap data pages (must be a power of two) or size
263           specification with appended unit character - B/K/M/G. The size is
264           rounded up to have nearest pages power of two value. Also, by
265           adding a comma, the number of mmap pages for AUX area tracing can
266           be specified.
268       -g
269           Enables call-graph (stack chain/backtrace) recording for both
270           kernel space and user space.
272       --call-graph
273           Setup and enable call-graph (stack chain/backtrace) recording,
274           implies -g. Default is "fp" (for user space).
276               The unwinding method used for kernel space is dependent on the
277               unwinder used by the active kernel configuration, i.e
280               Any option specified here controls the method used for user space.
282               Valid options are "fp" (frame pointer), "dwarf" (DWARF's CFI -
283               Call Frame Information) or "lbr" (Hardware Last Branch Record
284               facility).
286               In some systems, where binaries are build with gcc
287               --fomit-frame-pointer, using the "fp" method will produce bogus
288               call graphs, using "dwarf", if available (perf tools linked to
289               the libunwind or libdw library) should be used instead.
290               Using the "lbr" method doesn't require any compiler options. It
291               will produce call graphs from the hardware LBR registers. The
292               main limitation is that it is only available on new Intel
293               platforms, such as Haswell. It can only get user call chain. It
294               doesn't work with branch stack sampling at the same time.
296               When "dwarf" recording is used, perf also records (user) stack dump
297               when sampled.  Default size of the stack dump is 8192 (bytes).
298               User can change the size by passing the size after comma like
299               "--call-graph dwarf,4096".
301               When "fp" recording is used, perf tries to save stack enties
302               up to the number specified in sysctl.kernel.perf_event_max_stack
303               by default.  User can change the number by passing it after comma
304               like "--call-graph fp,32".
306       -q, --quiet
307           Don’t print any warnings or messages, useful for scripting.
309       -v, --verbose
310           Be more verbose (show counter open errors, etc).
312       -s, --stat
313           Record per-thread event counts. Use it with perf report -T to see
314           the values.
316       -d, --data
317           Record the sample virtual addresses.
319       --phys-data
320           Record the sample physical addresses.
322       --data-page-size
323           Record the sampled data address data page size.
325       --code-page-size
326           Record the sampled code address (ip) page size
328       -T, --timestamp
329           Record the sample timestamps. Use it with perf report -D to see the
330           timestamps, for instance.
332       -P, --period
333           Record the sample period.
335       --sample-cpu
336           Record the sample cpu.
338       --sample-identifier
339           Record the sample identifier i.e. PERF_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER bit set in
340           the sample_type member of the struct perf_event_attr argument to
341           the perf_event_open system call.
343       -n, --no-samples
344           Don’t sample.
346       -R, --raw-samples
347           Collect raw sample records from all opened counters (default for
348           tracepoint counters).
350       -C, --cpu
351           Collect samples only on the list of CPUs provided. Multiple CPUs
352           can be provided as a comma-separated list with no space: 0,1.
353           Ranges of CPUs are specified with -: 0-2. In per-thread mode with
354           inheritance mode on (default), samples are captured only when the
355           thread executes on the designated CPUs. Default is to monitor all
356           CPUs.
358       -B, --no-buildid
359           Do not save the build ids of binaries in the perf.data files. This
360           skips post processing after recording, which sometimes makes the
361           final step in the recording process to take a long time, as it
362           needs to process all events looking for mmap records. The downside
363           is that it can misresolve symbols if the workload binaries used
364           when recording get locally rebuilt or upgraded, because the only
365           key available in this case is the pathname. You can also set the
366           "record.build-id" config variable to 'skip to have this behaviour
367           permanently.
369       -N, --no-buildid-cache
370           Do not update the buildid cache. This saves some overhead in
371           situations where the information in the perf.data file (which
372           includes buildids) is sufficient. You can also set the
373           "record.build-id" config variable to no-cache to have the same
374           effect.
376       -G name,..., --cgroup name,...
377           monitor only in the container (cgroup) called "name". This option
378           is available only in per-cpu mode. The cgroup filesystem must be
379           mounted. All threads belonging to container "name" are monitored
380           when they run on the monitored CPUs. Multiple cgroups can be
381           provided. Each cgroup is applied to the corresponding event, i.e.,
382           first cgroup to first event, second cgroup to second event and so
383           on. It is possible to provide an empty cgroup (monitor all the
384           time) using, e.g., -G foo,,bar. Cgroups must have corresponding
385           events, i.e., they always refer to events defined earlier on the
386           command line. If the user wants to track multiple events for a
387           specific cgroup, the user can use -e e1 -e e2 -G foo,foo or just
388           use -e e1 -e e2 -G foo.
390       If wanting to monitor, say, cycles for a cgroup and also for system
391       wide, this command line can be used: perf stat -e cycles -G cgroup_name
392       -a -e cycles.
394       -b, --branch-any
395           Enable taken branch stack sampling. Any type of taken branch may be
396           sampled. This is a shortcut for --branch-filter any. See
397           --branch-filter for more infos.
399       -j, --branch-filter
400           Enable taken branch stack sampling. Each sample captures a series
401           of consecutive taken branches. The number of branches captured with
402           each sample depends on the underlying hardware, the type of
403           branches of interest, and the executed code. It is possible to
404           select the types of branches captured by enabling filters. The
405           following filters are defined:
407           •   any: any type of branches
409           •   any_call: any function call or system call
411           •   any_ret: any function return or system call return
413           •   ind_call: any indirect branch
415           •   ind_jmp: any indirect jump
417           •   call: direct calls, including far (to/from kernel) calls
419           •   u: only when the branch target is at the user level
421           •   k: only when the branch target is in the kernel
423           •   hv: only when the target is at the hypervisor level
425           •   in_tx: only when the target is in a hardware transaction
427           •   no_tx: only when the target is not in a hardware transaction
429           •   abort_tx: only when the target is a hardware transaction abort
431           •   cond: conditional branches
433           •   call_stack: save call stack
435           •   no_flags: don’t save branch flags e.g prediction, misprediction
436               etc
438           •   no_cycles: don’t save branch cycles
440           •   hw_index: save branch hardware index
442           •   save_type: save branch type during sampling in case binary is
443               not available later For the platforms with Intel Arch LBR
444               support (12th-Gen+ client or 4th-Gen Xeon+ server), the save
445               branch type is unconditionally enabled when the taken branch
446               stack sampling is enabled.
448           •   priv: save privilege state during sampling in case binary is
449               not available later
451           The option requires at least one branch type among any, any_call,
452           any_ret, ind_call, cond. The privilege levels may be omitted, in
453           which case, the privilege levels of the associated event are
454           applied to the branch filter. Both kernel (k) and hypervisor (hv)
455           privilege levels are subject to permissions. When sampling on
456           multiple events, branch stack sampling is enabled for all the
457           sampling events. The sampled branch type is the same for all
458           events. The various filters must be specified as a comma separated
459           list: --branch-filter any_ret,u,k Note that this feature may not be
460           available on all processors.
462       -W, --weight
463           Enable weightened sampling. An additional weight is recorded per
464           sample and can be displayed with the weight and local_weight sort
465           keys. This currently works for TSX abort events and some memory
466           events in precise mode on modern Intel CPUs.
468       --namespaces
469           Record events of type PERF_RECORD_NAMESPACES. This enables
470           cgroup_id sort key.
472       --all-cgroups
473           Record events of type PERF_RECORD_CGROUP. This enables cgroup sort
474           key.
476       --transaction
477           Record transaction flags for transaction related events.
479       --per-thread
480           Use per-thread mmaps. By default per-cpu mmaps are created. This
481           option overrides that and uses per-thread mmaps. A side-effect of
482           that is that inheritance is automatically disabled. --per-thread is
483           ignored with a warning if combined with -a or -C options.
485       -D, --delay=
486           After starting the program, wait msecs before measuring (-1: start
487           with events disabled), or enable events only for specified ranges
488           of msecs (e.g. -D 10-20,30-40 means wait 10 msecs, enable for 10
489           msecs, wait 10 msecs, enable for 10 msecs, then stop). Note,
490           delaying enabling of events is useful to filter out the startup
491           phase of the program, which is often very different.
493       -I, --intr-regs
494           Capture machine state (registers) at interrupt, i.e., on counter
495           overflows for each sample. List of captured registers depends on
496           the architecture. This option is off by default. It is possible to
497           select the registers to sample using their symbolic names, e.g. on
498           x86, ax, si. To list the available registers use --intr-regs=\?. To
499           name registers, pass a comma separated list such as
500           --intr-regs=ax,bx. The list of register is architecture dependent.
502       --user-regs
503           Similar to -I, but capture user registers at sample time. To list
504           the available user registers use --user-regs=\?.
506       --running-time
507           Record running and enabled time for read events (:S)
509       -k, --clockid
510           Sets the clock id to use for the various time fields in the
511           perf_event_type records. See clock_gettime(). In particular
512           CLOCK_MONOTONIC and CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW are supported, some events
513           might also allow CLOCK_BOOTTIME, CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_TAI.
515       -S, --snapshot
516           Select AUX area tracing Snapshot Mode. This option is valid only
517           with an AUX area tracing event. Optionally, certain snapshot
518           capturing parameters can be specified in a string that follows this
519           option:
521e: take one last snapshot on exit; guarantees that there is at
522               least one snapshot in the output file;
524           •   <size>: if the PMU supports this, specify the desired snapshot
525               size.
527       In Snapshot Mode trace data is captured only when signal SIGUSR2 is
528       received and on exit if the above e option is given.
530       --aux-sample[=OPTIONS]
531           Select AUX area sampling. At least one of the events selected by
532           the -e option must be an AUX area event. Samples on other events
533           will be created containing data from the AUX area. Optionally
534           sample size may be specified, otherwise it defaults to 4KiB.
536       --proc-map-timeout
537           When processing pre-existing threads /proc/XXX/mmap, it may take a
538           long time, because the file may be huge. A time out is needed in
539           such cases. This option sets the time out limit. The default value
540           is 500 ms.
542       --switch-events
543           Record context switch events i.e. events of type PERF_RECORD_SWITCH
544           or PERF_RECORD_SWITCH_CPU_WIDE. In some cases (e.g. Intel PT,
545           CoreSight or Arm SPE) switch events will be enabled automatically,
546           which can be suppressed by by the option --no-switch-events.
548       --vmlinux=PATH
549           Specify vmlinux path which has debuginfo. (enabled when BPF
550           prologue is on)
552       --buildid-all
553           Record build-id of all DSOs regardless whether it’s actually hit or
554           not.
556       --buildid-mmap
557           Record build ids in mmap2 events, disables build id cache (implies
558           --no-buildid).
560       --aio[=n]
561           Use <n> control blocks in asynchronous (Posix AIO) trace writing
562           mode (default: 1, max: 4). Asynchronous mode is supported only when
563           linking Perf tool with libc library providing implementation for
564           Posix AIO API.
566       --affinity=mode
567           Set affinity mask of trace reading thread according to the policy
568           defined by mode value:
570           •   node - thread affinity mask is set to NUMA node cpu mask of the
571               processed mmap buffer
573           •   cpu - thread affinity mask is set to cpu of the processed mmap
574               buffer
576       --mmap-flush=number
577           Specify minimal number of bytes that is extracted from mmap data
578           pages and processed for output. One can specify the number using
579           B/K/M/G suffixes.
581       The maximal allowed value is a quarter of the size of mmaped data
582       pages.
584       The default option value is 1 byte which means that every time that the
585       output writing thread finds some new data in the mmaped buffer the data
586       is extracted, possibly compressed (-z) and written to the output,
587       perf.data or pipe.
589       Larger data chunks are compressed more effectively in comparison to
590       smaller chunks so extraction of larger chunks from the mmap data pages
591       is preferable from the perspective of output size reduction.
593       Also at some cases executing less output write syscalls with bigger
594       data size can take less time than executing more output write syscalls
595       with smaller data size thus lowering runtime profiling overhead.
597       -z, --compression-level[=n]
598           Produce compressed trace using specified level n (default: 1 -
599           fastest compression, 22 - smallest trace)
601       --all-kernel
602           Configure all used events to run in kernel space.
604       --all-user
605           Configure all used events to run in user space.
607       --kernel-callchains
608           Collect callchains only from kernel space. I.e. this option sets
609           perf_event_attr.exclude_callchain_user to 1.
611       --user-callchains
612           Collect callchains only from user space. I.e. this option sets
613           perf_event_attr.exclude_callchain_kernel to 1.
615       Don’t use both --kernel-callchains and --user-callchains at the same
616       time or no callchains will be collected.
618       --timestamp-filename Append timestamp to output file name.
620       --timestamp-boundary
621           Record timestamp boundary (time of first/last samples).
623       --switch-output[=mode]
624           Generate multiple perf.data files, timestamp prefixed, switching to
625           a new one based on mode value:
627           •   "signal" - when receiving a SIGUSR2 (default value) or
629           •   <size> - when reaching the size threshold, size is expected to
630               be a number with appended unit character - B/K/M/G
632           •   <time> - when reaching the time threshold, size is expected to
633               be a number with appended unit character - s/m/h/d
635                   Note: the precision of  the size  threshold  hugely depends
636                   on your configuration  - the number and size of  your  ring
637                   buffers (-m). It is generally more precise for higher sizes
638                   (like >5M), for lower values expect different sizes.
640       A possible use case is to, given an external event, slice the perf.data
641       file that gets then processed, possibly via a perf script, to decide if
642       that particular perf.data snapshot should be kept or not.
644       Implies --timestamp-filename, --no-buildid and --no-buildid-cache. The
645       reason for the latter two is to reduce the data file switching
646       overhead. You can still switch them on with:
648           --switch-output --no-no-buildid  --no-no-buildid-cache
650       --switch-output-event
651           Events that will cause the switch of the perf.data file,
652           auto-selecting --switch-output=signal, the results are similar as
653           internally the side band thread will also send a SIGUSR2 to the
654           main one.
656       Uses the same syntax as --event, it will just not be recorded, serving
657       only to switch the perf.data file as soon as the --switch-output event
658       is processed by a separate sideband thread.
660       This sideband thread is also used to other purposes, like processing
661       the PERF_RECORD_BPF_EVENT records as they happen, asking the kernel for
662       extra BPF information, etc.
664       --switch-max-files=N
665           When rotating perf.data with --switch-output, only keep N files.
667       --dry-run
668           Parse options then exit. --dry-run can be used to detect errors in
669           cmdline options.
671       perf record --dry-run -e can act as a BPF script compiler if
672       llvm.dump-obj in config file is set to true.
674       --synth=TYPE
675           Collect and synthesize given type of events (comma separated). Note
676           that this option controls the synthesis from the /proc filesystem
677           which represent task status for pre-existing threads.
679       Kernel (and some other) events are recorded regardless of the choice in
680       this option. For example, --synth=no would have MMAP events for kernel
681       and modules.
683       Available types are:
685task - synthesize FORK and COMM events for each task
687mmap - synthesize MMAP events for each process (implies task)
689cgroup - synthesize CGROUP events for each cgroup
691all - synthesize all events (default)
693no - do not synthesize any of the above events
695           --tail-synthesize
696               Instead of collecting non-sample events (for example, fork,
697               comm, mmap) at the beginning of record, collect them during
698               finalizing an output file. The collected non-sample events
699               reflects the status of the system when record is finished.
701           --overwrite
702               Makes all events use an overwritable ring buffer. An
703               overwritable ring buffer works like a flight recorder: when it
704               gets full, the kernel will overwrite the oldest records, that
705               thus will never make it to the perf.data file.
707       When --overwrite and --switch-output are used perf records and drops
708       events until it receives a signal, meaning that something unusual was
709       detected that warrants taking a snapshot of the most current events,
710       those fitting in the ring buffer at that moment.
712       overwrite attribute can also be set or canceled for an event using
713       config terms. For example: cycles/overwrite/ and
714       instructions/no-overwrite/.
716       Implies --tail-synthesize.
718       --kcore
719           Make a copy of /proc/kcore and place it into a directory with the
720           perf data file.
722       --max-size=<size>
723           Limit the sample data max size, <size> is expected to be a number
724           with appended unit character - B/K/M/G
726       --num-thread-synthesize
727           The number of threads to run when synthesizing events for existing
728           processes. By default, the number of threads equals 1.
730       --control=fifo:ctl-fifo[,ack-fifo], --control=fd:ctl-fd[,ack-fd]
731           ctl-fifo / ack-fifo are opened and used as ctl-fd / ack-fd as
732           follows. Listen on ctl-fd descriptor for command to control
733           measurement.
735       Available commands:
737enable : enable events
739disable : disable events
741enable name : enable event name
743disable name : disable event name
745snapshot : AUX area tracing snapshot).
747stop : stop perf record
749ping : ping
751       •   'evlist [-v|-g|-F] : display all events
753               -F  Show just the sample frequency used for each event.
754               -v  Show all fields.
755               -g  Show event group information.
757       Measurements can be started with events disabled using --delay=-1
758       option. Optionally send control command completion (ack\n) to ack-fd
759       descriptor to synchronize with the controlling process. Example of bash
760       shell script to enable and disable events during measurements:
762           #!/bin/bash
764           ctl_dir=/tmp/
766           ctl_fifo=${ctl_dir}perf_ctl.fifo
767           test -p ${ctl_fifo} && unlink ${ctl_fifo}
768           mkfifo ${ctl_fifo}
769           exec {ctl_fd}<>${ctl_fifo}
771           ctl_ack_fifo=${ctl_dir}perf_ctl_ack.fifo
772           test -p ${ctl_ack_fifo} && unlink ${ctl_ack_fifo}
773           mkfifo ${ctl_ack_fifo}
774           exec {ctl_fd_ack}<>${ctl_ack_fifo}
776           perf record -D -1 -e cpu-cycles -a               \
777                       --control fd:${ctl_fd},${ctl_fd_ack} \
778                       -- sleep 30 &
779           perf_pid=$!
781           sleep 5  && echo 'enable' >&${ctl_fd} && read -u ${ctl_fd_ack} e1 && echo "enabled(${e1})"
782           sleep 10 && echo 'disable' >&${ctl_fd} && read -u ${ctl_fd_ack} d1 && echo "disabled(${d1})"
784           exec {ctl_fd_ack}>&-
785           unlink ${ctl_ack_fifo}
787           exec {ctl_fd}>&-
788           unlink ${ctl_fifo}
790           wait -n ${perf_pid}
791           exit $?
793       --threads=<spec>
794           Write collected trace data into several data files using parallel
795           threads. <spec> value can be user defined list of masks. Masks
796           separated by colon define CPUs to be monitored by a thread and
797           affinity mask of that thread is separated by slash:
799               <cpus mask 1>/<affinity mask 1>:<cpus mask 2>/<affinity mask 2>:...
801       CPUs or affinity masks must not overlap with other corresponding masks.
802       Invalid CPUs are ignored, but masks containing only invalid CPUs are
803       not allowed.
805       For example user specification like the following:
807           0,2-4/2-4:1,5-7/5-7
809       specifies parallel threads layout that consists of two threads, the
810       first thread monitors CPUs 0 and 2-4 with the affinity mask 2-4, the
811       second monitors CPUs 1 and 5-7 with the affinity mask 5-7.
813       <spec> value can also be a string meaning predefined parallel threads
814       layout:
816       •   cpu - create new data streaming thread for every monitored cpu
818       •   core - create new thread to monitor CPUs grouped by a core
820       •   package - create new thread to monitor CPUs grouped by a package
822       •   numa - create new threed to monitor CPUs grouped by a NUMA domain
824       Predefined layouts can be used on systems with large number of CPUs in
825       order not to spawn multiple per-cpu streaming threads but still avoid
826       LOST events in data directory files. Option specified with no or empty
827       value defaults to CPU layout. Masks defined or provided by the option
828       value are filtered through the mask provided by -C option.
830       --debuginfod[=URLs]
831           Specify debuginfod URL to be used when cacheing perf.data binaries,
832           it follows the same syntax as the DEBUGINFOD_URLS variable, like:
836               If the URLs is not specified, the value of DEBUGINFOD_URLS
837               system environment variable is used.
839       --off-cpu
840           Enable off-cpu profiling with BPF. The BPF program will collect
841           task scheduling information with (user) stacktrace and save them as
842           sample data of a software event named "offcpu-time". The sample
843           period will have the time the task slept in nanoseconds.
845               Note that BPF can collect stack traces using frame pointer ("fp")
846               only, as of now.  So the applications built without the frame
847               pointer might see bogus addresses.


850       Support for Intel hybrid events within perf tools.
852       For some Intel platforms, such as AlderLake, which is hybrid platform
853       and it consists of atom cpu and core cpu. Each cpu has dedicated event
854       list. Part of events are available on core cpu, part of events are
855       available on atom cpu and even part of events are available on both.
857       Kernel exports two new cpu pmus via sysfs: /sys/devices/cpu_core
858       /sys/devices/cpu_atom
860       The cpus files are created under the directories. For example,
862       cat /sys/devices/cpu_core/cpus 0-15
864       cat /sys/devices/cpu_atom/cpus 16-23
866       It indicates cpu0-cpu15 are core cpus and cpu16-cpu23 are atom cpus.
868       As before, use perf-list to list the symbolic event.
870       perf list
872       inst_retired.any [Fixed Counter: Counts the number of instructions
873       retired. Unit: cpu_atom] inst_retired.any [Number of instructions
874       retired. Fixed Counter - architectural event. Unit: cpu_core]
876       The Unit: xxx is added to brief description to indicate which pmu the
877       event is belong to. Same event name but with different pmu can be
878       supported.
880       Enable hybrid event with a specific pmu
882       To enable a core only event or atom only event, following syntax is
883       supported:
885                   cpu_core/<event name>/
886           or
887                   cpu_atom/<event name>/
889       For example, count the cycles event on core cpus.
891           perf stat -e cpu_core/cycles/
893       Create two events for one hardware event automatically
895       When creating one event and the event is available on both atom and
896       core, two events are created automatically. One is for atom, the other
897       is for core. Most of hardware events and cache events are available on
898       both cpu_core and cpu_atom.
900       For hardware events, they have pre-defined configs (e.g. 0 for cycles).
901       But on hybrid platform, kernel needs to know where the event comes from
902       (from atom or from core). The original perf event type
903       PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE can’t carry pmu information. So now this type is
904       extended to be PMU aware type. The PMU type ID is stored at
905       attr.config[63:32].
907       PMU type ID is retrieved from sysfs. /sys/devices/cpu_atom/type
908       /sys/devices/cpu_core/type
910       The new attr.config layout for PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE:
912       PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE: 0xEEEEEEEE000000AA AA: hardware event ID EEEEEEEE:
913       PMU type ID
915       Cache event is similar. The type PERF_TYPE_HW_CACHE is extended to be
916       PMU aware type. The PMU type ID is stored at attr.config[63:32].
918       The new attr.config layout for PERF_TYPE_HW_CACHE:
920       PERF_TYPE_HW_CACHE: 0xEEEEEEEE00DDCCBB BB: hardware cache ID CC:
921       hardware cache op ID DD: hardware cache op result ID EEEEEEEE: PMU type
922       ID
924       When enabling a hardware event without specified pmu, such as, perf
925       stat -e cycles -a (use system-wide in this example), two events are
926       created automatically.
928           ------------------------------------------------------------
929           perf_event_attr:
930             size                             120
931             config                           0x400000000
932             sample_type                      IDENTIFIER
933             read_format                      TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED|TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING
934             disabled                         1
935             inherit                          1
936             exclude_guest                    1
937           ------------------------------------------------------------
939       and
941           ------------------------------------------------------------
942           perf_event_attr:
943             size                             120
944             config                           0x800000000
945             sample_type                      IDENTIFIER
946             read_format                      TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED|TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING
947             disabled                         1
948             inherit                          1
949             exclude_guest                    1
950           ------------------------------------------------------------
952       type 0 is PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE. 0x4 in 0x400000000 indicates it’s
953       cpu_core pmu. 0x8 in 0x800000000 indicates it’s cpu_atom pmu (atom pmu
954       type id is random).
956       The kernel creates cycles (0x400000000) on cpu0-cpu15 (core cpus), and
957       create cycles (0x800000000) on cpu16-cpu23 (atom cpus).
959       For perf-stat result, it displays two events:
961           Performance counter stats for 'system wide':
963           6,744,979      cpu_core/cycles/
964           1,965,552      cpu_atom/cycles/
966       The first cycles is core event, the second cycles is atom event.
968       Thread mode example:
970       perf-stat reports the scaled counts for hybrid event and with a
971       percentage displayed. The percentage is the event’s running
972       time/enabling time.
974       One example, triad_loop runs on cpu16 (atom core), while we can see the
975       scaled value for core cycles is 160,444,092 and the percentage is
976       0.47%.
978       perf stat -e cycles -- taskset -c 16 ./triad_loop
980       As previous, two events are created.
983           .ft C
984           perf_event_attr:
985             size                             120
986             config                           0x400000000
987             sample_type                      IDENTIFIER
988             read_format                      TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED|TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING
989             disabled                         1
990             inherit                          1
991             enable_on_exec                   1
992             exclude_guest                    1
993           .ft
996       and
999           .ft C
1000           perf_event_attr:
1001             size                             120
1002             config                           0x800000000
1003             sample_type                      IDENTIFIER
1004             read_format                      TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED|TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING
1005             disabled                         1
1006             inherit                          1
1007             enable_on_exec                   1
1008             exclude_guest                    1
1009           .ft
1012           Performance counter stats for 'taskset -c 16 ./triad_loop':
1014           233,066,666      cpu_core/cycles/                                              (0.43%)
1015           604,097,080      cpu_atom/cycles/                                              (99.57%)
1017       perf-record:
1019       If there is no -e specified in perf record, on hybrid platform, it
1020       creates two default cycles and adds them to event list. One is for
1021       core, the other is for atom.
1023       perf-stat:
1025       If there is no -e specified in perf stat, on hybrid platform, besides
1026       of software events, following events are created and added to event
1027       list in order.
1029       cpu_core/cycles/, cpu_atom/cycles/, cpu_core/instructions/,
1030       cpu_atom/instructions/, cpu_core/branches/, cpu_atom/branches/,
1031       cpu_core/branch-misses/, cpu_atom/branch-misses/
1033       Of course, both perf-stat and perf-record support to enable hybrid
1034       event with a specific pmu.
1036       e.g. perf stat -e cpu_core/cycles/ perf stat -e cpu_atom/cycles/ perf
1037       stat -e cpu_core/r1a/ perf stat -e cpu_atom/L1-icache-loads/ perf stat
1038       -e cpu_core/cycles/,cpu_atom/instructions/ perf stat -e
1039       {cpu_core/cycles/,cpu_core/instructions/}
1041       But {cpu_core/cycles/,cpu_atom/instructions/} will return warning and
1042       disable grouping, because the pmus in group are not matched (cpu_core
1043       vs. cpu_atom).


1046       perf-stat(1), perf-list(1), perf-intel-pt(1)
1050perf                              11/28/2023                    PERF-RECORD(1)