1RUBY(1)                Ruby Programmer's Reference Guide               RUBY(1)


4     ruby — Interpreted object-oriented scripting language


7     ruby [--copyright] [--version] [-SUacdlnpswvy] [-0[octal]] [-C directory]
8          [-E external[:internal]] [-F[pattern]] [-I directory] [-K[c]]
9          [-T[level]] [-W[level]] [-e command] [-i[extension]] [-r library]
10          [-x[directory]] [--{enable|disable}-FEATURE] [--dump=target]
11          [--verbose] [--] [program_file] [argument ...]


14     Ruby is an interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-ori‐
15     ented programming.  It has many features to process text files and to do
16     system management tasks (like in Perl).  It is simple, straight-forward,
17     and extensible.
19     If you want a language for easy object-oriented programming, or you don't
20     like the Perl ugliness, or you do like the concept of LISP, but don't
21     like too many parentheses, Ruby might be your language of choice.


24     Ruby's features are as follows:
26     Interpretive
27             Ruby is an interpreted language, so you don't have to recompile
28             programs written in Ruby to execute them.
30     Variables have no type (dynamic typing)
31             Variables in Ruby can contain data of any type.  You don't have
32             to worry about variable typing.  Consequently, it has a weaker
33             compile time check.
35     No declaration needed
36             You can use variables in your Ruby programs without any declara‐
37             tions.  Variable names denote their scope - global, class, in‐
38             stance, or local.
40     Simple syntax
41             Ruby has a simple syntax influenced slightly from Eiffel.
43     No user-level memory management
44             Ruby has automatic memory management.  Objects no longer refer‐
45             enced from anywhere are automatically collected by the garbage
46             collector built into the interpreter.
48     Everything is an object
49             Ruby is a purely object-oriented language, and was so since its
50             creation.  Even such basic data as integers are seen as objects.
52     Class, inheritance, and methods
53             Being an object-oriented language, Ruby naturally has basic fea‐
54             tures like classes, inheritance, and methods.
56     Singleton methods
57             Ruby has the ability to define methods for certain objects.  For
58             example, you can define a press-button action for certain widget
59             by defining a singleton method for the button.  Or, you can make
60             up your own prototype based object system using singleton meth‐
61             ods, if you want to.
63     Mix-in by modules
64             Ruby intentionally does not have the multiple inheritance as it
65             is a source of confusion.  Instead, Ruby has the ability to share
66             implementations across the inheritance tree.  This is often
67             called a ‘Mix-in’.
69     Iterators
70             Ruby has iterators for loop abstraction.
72     Closures
73             In Ruby, you can objectify the procedure.
75     Text processing and regular expressions
76             Ruby has a bunch of text processing features like in Perl.
78     M17N, character set independent
79             Ruby supports multilingualized programming. Easy to process texts
80             written in many different natural languages and encoded in many
81             different character encodings, without dependence on Unicode.
83     Bignums
84             With built-in bignums, you can for example calculate facto‐
85             rial(400).
87     Reflection and domain specific languages
88             Class is also an instance of the Class class. Definition of
89             classes and methods is an expression just as 1+1 is. So your pro‐
90             grams can even write and modify programs.  Thus you can write
91             your application in your own programming language on top of Ruby.
93     Exception handling
94             As in Java(tm).
96     Direct access to the OS
97             Ruby can use most UNIX system calls, often used in system pro‐
98             gramming.
100     Dynamic loading
101             On most UNIX systems, you can load object files into the Ruby in‐
102             terpreter on-the-fly.
104     Rich libraries
105             In addition to the “builtin libraries” and “standard libraries”
106             that are bundled with Ruby, a vast amount of third-party li‐
107             braries (“gems”) are available via the package management system
108             called ‘RubyGems’, namely the gem(1) command.  Visit RubyGems.org
109             (https://rubygems.org/) to find the gems you need, and explore
110             GitHub (https://github.com/) to see how they are being developed
111             and used.


114     The Ruby interpreter accepts the following command-line options
115     (switches).  They are quite similar to those of perl(1).
117     --copyright    Prints the copyright notice, and quits immediately without
118                    running any script.
120     --version      Prints the version of the Ruby interpreter, and quits im‐
121                    mediately without running any script.
123     -0[octal]      (The digit “zero”.)  Specifies the input record separator
124                    ($/) as an octal number. If no digit is given, the null
125                    character is taken as the separator.  Other switches may
126                    follow the digits.  -00 turns Ruby into paragraph mode.
127                    -0777 makes Ruby read whole file at once as a single
128                    string since there is no legal character with that value.
130     -C directory
131     -X directory   Causes Ruby to switch to the directory.
133     -E external[:internal]
134     --encoding external[:internal]
135                    Specifies the default value(s) for external encodings and
136                    internal encoding. Values should be separated with colon
137                    (:).
139                    You can omit the one for internal encodings, then the
140                    value (Encoding.default_internal) will be nil.
142     --external-encoding=encoding
143     --internal-encoding=encoding
144                    Specify the default external or internal character encod‐
145                    ing
147     -F pattern     Specifies input field separator ($;).
149     -I directory   Used to tell Ruby where to load the library scripts.  Di‐
150                    rectory path will be added to the load-path variable ($:).
152     -K kcode       Specifies KANJI (Japanese) encoding. The default value for
153                    script encodings (__ENCODING__) and external encodings
154                    (Encoding.default_external) will be the specified one.
155                    kcode can be one of
157                          e       EUC-JP
159                          s       Windows-31J (CP932)
161                          u       UTF-8
163                          n       ASCII-8BIT (BINARY)
165     -S             Makes Ruby use the PATH environment variable to search for
166                    script, unless its name begins with a slash.  This is used
167                    to emulate #! on machines that don't support it, in the
168                    following manner:
170                          #! /usr/local/bin/ruby
171                          # This line makes the next one a comment in Ruby \
172                            exec /usr/local/bin/ruby -S $0 $*
174                    On some systems $0 does not always contain the full path‐
175                    name, so you need the -S switch to tell Ruby to search for
176                    the script if necessary (to handle embedded spaces and
177                    such).  A better construct than $* would be ${1+"$@"}, but
178                    it does not work if the script is being interpreted by
179                    csh(1).
181     -T[level=1]    Turns on taint checks at the specified level (default 1).
183     -U             Sets the default value for internal encodings
184                    (Encoding.default_internal) to UTF-8.
186     -W[level=2]    Turns on verbose mode at the specified level without
187                    printing the version message at the beginning. The level
188                    can be;
190                          0       Verbose mode is "silence". It sets the
191                                  $VERBOSE to nil.
193                          1       Verbose mode is "medium". It sets the
194                                  $VERBOSE to false.
196                          2 (default) Verbose mode is "verbose". It sets the
197                                  $VERBOSE to true.  -W2 is the same as -w
199     -a             Turns on auto-split mode when used with -n or -p.  In
200                    auto-split mode, Ruby executes
201                          $F = $_.split
202                    at beginning of each loop.
204     -c             Causes Ruby to check the syntax of the script and exit
205                    without executing. If there are no syntax errors, Ruby
206                    will print “Syntax OK” to the standard output.
208     -d
209     --debug        Turns on debug mode.  $DEBUG will be set to true.
211     -e command     Specifies script from command-line while telling Ruby not
212                    to search the rest of the arguments for a script file
213                    name.
215     -h
216     --help         Prints a summary of the options.
218     -i extension   Specifies in-place-edit mode.  The extension, if speci‐
219                    fied, is added to old file name to make a backup copy.
220                    For example:
222                          % echo matz > /tmp/junk
223                          % cat /tmp/junk
224                          matz
225                          % ruby -p -i.bak -e '$_.upcase!' /tmp/junk
226                          % cat /tmp/junk
227                          MATZ
228                          % cat /tmp/junk.bak
229                          matz
231     -l             (The lowercase letter “ell”.)  Enables automatic line-end‐
232                    ing processing, which means to firstly set $\ to the value
233                    of $/, and secondly chops every line read using chomp!.
235     -n             Causes Ruby to assume the following loop around your
236                    script, which makes it iterate over file name arguments
237                    somewhat like sed -n or awk.
239                          while gets
240                            ...
241                          end
243     -p             Acts mostly same as -n switch, but print the value of
244                    variable $_ at the each end of the loop.  For example:
246                          % echo matz | ruby -p -e '$_.tr! "a-z", "A-Z"'
247                          MATZ
249     -r library     Causes Ruby to load the library using require.  It is use‐
250                    ful when using -n or -p.
252     -s             Enables some switch parsing for switches after script name
253                    but before any file name arguments (or before a --).  Any
254                    switches found there are removed from ARGV and set the
255                    corresponding variable in the script.  For example:
257                          #! /usr/local/bin/ruby -s
258                          # prints "true" if invoked with `-xyz' switch.
259                          print "true\n" if $xyz
261     -v             Enables verbose mode.  Ruby will print its version at the
262                    beginning and set the variable $VERBOSE to true.  Some
263                    methods print extra messages if this variable is true.  If
264                    this switch is given, and no other switches are present,
265                    Ruby quits after printing its version.
267     -w             Enables verbose mode without printing version message at
268                    the beginning.  It sets the $VERBOSE variable to true.
270     -x[directory]  Tells Ruby that the script is embedded in a message.
271                    Leading garbage will be discarded until the first line
272                    that starts with “#!” and contains the string, “ruby”.
273                    Any meaningful switches on that line will be applied.  The
274                    end of the script must be specified with either EOF, ^D
275                    (control-D), ^Z (control-Z), or the reserved word __END__.
276                    If the directory name is specified, Ruby will switch to
277                    that directory before executing script.
279     -y
280     --yydebug      DO NOT USE.
282                    Turns on compiler debug mode.  Ruby will print a bunch of
283                    internal state messages during compilation.  Only specify
284                    this switch you are going to debug the Ruby interpreter.
286     --disable-FEATURE
287     --enable-FEATURE
288                    Disables (or enables) the specified FEATURE.
289                    --disable-gems
290                    --enable-gems      Disables (or enables) RubyGems li‐
291                                       braries.  By default, Ruby will load
292                                       the latest version of each installed
293                                       gem. The Gem constant is true if
294                                       RubyGems is enabled, false if other‐
295                                       wise.
297                    --disable-rubyopt
298                    --enable-rubyopt   Ignores (or considers) the RUBYOPT en‐
299                                       vironment variable. By default, Ruby
300                                       considers the variable.
302                    --disable-all
303                    --enable-all       Disables (or enables) all features.
305     --dump=target  Dump some information.
307                    Prints the specified target.  target can be one of:
309                          version Print version description (same as
310                                  --version).
312                          usage   Print a brief usage message (same as -h).
314                          help    Show long help message (same as --help).
316                          syntax  Check syntax (same as -c --yydebug).
318                    Or one of the following, which are intended for debugging
319                    the interpreter:
321                          yydebug                 Enable compiler debug mode
322                                                  (same as --yydebug).
324                          parsetree               Print a textual representa‐
325                                                  tion of the Ruby AST for the
326                                                  program.
328                          parsetree_with_comment  Print a textual representa‐
329                                                  tion of the Ruby AST for the
330                                                  program, but with each node
331                                                  annoted with the associated
332                                                  Ruby source code.
334                          insns                   Print a list of disassembled
335                                                  bytecode instructions.
337                          insns_without_opt       Print the list of disassem‐
338                                                  bled bytecode instructions
339                                                  before various optimizations
340                                                  have been applied.
342     --verbose      Enables verbose mode without printing version message at
343                    the beginning.  It sets the $VERBOSE variable to true.  If
344                    this switch is given, and no script arguments (script file
345                    or -e options) are present, Ruby quits immediately.


348     RUBYLIB    A colon-separated list of directories that are added to Ruby's
349                library load path ($:). Directories from this environment
350                variable are searched before the standard load path is
351                searched.
353                e.g.:
354                      RUBYLIB="$HOME/lib/ruby:$HOME/lib/rubyext"
356     RUBYOPT    Additional Ruby options.
358                e.g.
359                      RUBYOPT="-w -Ke"
361                Note that RUBYOPT can contain only -d, -E, -I, -K, -r, -T, -U,
362                -v, -w, -W, --debug, --disable-FEATURE and --enable-FEATURE.
364     RUBYPATH   A colon-separated list of directories that Ruby searches for
365                Ruby programs when the -S flag is specified.  This variable
366                precedes the PATH environment variable.
368     RUBYSHELL  The path to the system shell command.  This environment vari‐
369                able is enabled for only mswin32, mingw32, and OS/2 platforms.
370                If this variable is not defined, Ruby refers to COMSPEC.
372     PATH       Ruby refers to the PATH environment variable on calling Ker‐
373                nel#system.
375     And Ruby depends on some RubyGems related environment variables unless
376     RubyGems is disabled.  See the help of gem(1) as below.
378           % gem help


381     The Ruby garbage collector (GC) tracks objects in fixed-sized slots, but
382     each object may have auxiliary memory allocations handled by the malloc
383     family of C standard library calls ( malloc(3), calloc(3), and
384     realloc(3)).  In this documentatation, the "heap" refers to the Ruby ob‐
385     ject heap of fixed-sized slots, while "malloc" refers to auxiliary allo‐
386     cations commonly referred to as the "process heap".  Thus there are at
387     least two possible ways to trigger GC:
389           1       Reaching the object limit.
391           2       Reaching the malloc limit.
393     In Ruby 2.1, the generational GC was introduced and the limits are di‐
394     vided into young and old generations, providing two additional ways to
395     trigger a GC:
397           3       Reaching the old object limit.
399           4       Reaching the old malloc limit.
401     There are currently 4 possible areas where the GC may be tuned by the
402     following 11 environment variables:
403     RUBY_GC_HEAP_INIT_SLOTS                Initial allocation slots.  Intro‐
404                                            duced in Ruby 2.1, default: 10000.
406     RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS                Prepare at least this amount of
407                                            slots after GC.  Allocate this
408                                            number slots if there are not
409                                            enough slots.  Introduced in Ruby
410                                            2.1, default: 4096
412     RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR             Increase allocation rate of heap
413                                            slots by this factor.  Introduced
414                                            in Ruby 2.1, default: 1.8, mini‐
415                                            mum: 1.0 (no growth)
417     RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS          Allocation rate is limited to this
418                                            number of slots, preventing exces‐
419                                            sive allocation due to
420                                            RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR.  In‐
421                                            troduced in Ruby 2.1, default: 0
422                                            (no limit)
424     RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR    Perform a full GC when the number
425                                            of old objects is more than R * N,
426                                            where R is this factor and N is
427                                            the number of old objects after
428                                            the last full GC.  Introduced in
429                                            Ruby 2.1.1, default: 2.0
431     RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT                   The initial limit of young genera‐
432                                            tion allocation from the malloc-
433                                            family.  GC will start when this
434                                            limit is reached.  Default: 16MB
436     RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_MAX               The maximum limit of young genera‐
437                                            tion allocation from malloc before
438                                            GC starts.  Prevents excessive
439                                            malloc growth due to RUBY_GC_MAL‐
440                                            LOC_LIMIT_GROWTH_FACTOR.  Intro‐
441                                            duced in Ruby 2.1, default: 32MB.
443     RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_GROWTH_FACTOR     Increases the limit of young gen‐
444                                            eration malloc calls, reducing GC
445                                            frequency but increasing malloc
446                                            growth until RUBY_GC_MAL‐
447                                            LOC_LIMIT_MAX is reached.  Intro‐
448                                            duced in Ruby 2.1, default: 1.4,
449                                            minimum: 1.0 (no growth)
451     RUBY_GC_OLDMALLOC_LIMIT                The initial limit of old genera‐
452                                            tion allocation from malloc, a
453                                            full GC will start when this limit
454                                            is reached.  Introduced in Ruby
455                                            2.1, default: 16MB
457     RUBY_GC_OLDMALLOC_LIMIT_MAX            The maximum limit of old genera‐
458                                            tion allocation from malloc before
459                                            a full GC starts.  Prevents exces‐
460                                            sive malloc growth due to
461                                            RUBY_GC_OLDMAL‐
462                                            LOC_LIMIT_GROWTH_FACTOR.  Intro‐
463                                            duced in Ruby 2.1, default: 128MB
465     RUBY_GC_OLDMALLOC_LIMIT_GROWTH_FACTOR  Increases the limit of old genera‐
466                                            tion malloc allocation, reducing
467                                            full GC frequency but increasing
468                                            malloc growth until RUBY_GC_OLD‐
469                                            MALLOC_LIMIT_MAX is reached.  In‐
470                                            troduced in Ruby 2.1, default:
471                                            1.2, minimum: 1.0 (no growth)


474     Stack size environment variables are implementation-dependent and subject
475     to change with different versions of Ruby.  The VM stack is used for
476     pure-Ruby code and managed by the virtual machine.  Machine stack is used
477     by the operating system and its usage is dependent on C extensions as
478     well as C compiler options.  Using lower values for these may allow ap‐
479     plications to keep more Fibers or Threads running; but increases the
480     chance of SystemStackError exceptions and segmentation faults (SIGSEGV).
481     These environment variables are available since Ruby 2.0.0.  All values
482     are specified in bytes.
484     RUBY_THREAD_VM_STACK_SIZE       VM stack size used at thread creation.
485                                     default: 524288 (32-bit CPU) or 1048575
486                                     (64-bit)
488     RUBY_THREAD_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE  Machine stack size used at thread cre‐
489                                     ation.  default: 524288 or 1048575
491     RUBY_FIBER_VM_STACK_SIZE        VM stack size used at fiber creation.
492                                     default: 65536 or 131072
494     RUBY_FIBER_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE   Machine stack size used at fiber cre‐
495                                     ation.  default: 262144 or 524288


498     https://www.ruby-lang.org/     The official web site.
499     https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/  Comprehensive catalog of Ruby libraries.


502     Security vulnerabilities should be reported via an email to
503         security@ruby-lang.org.  Reported problems will be published after
504         being fixed.
506     Other bugs and feature requests can be reported via the Ruby Issue
507         Tracking System (https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/). Do not report security
508         vulnerabilities via this system because it publishes the vulnerabili‐
509         ties immediately.


512     Ruby is designed and implemented by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@netlab.jp>.
514     See ⟨https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby/wiki/Contributors⟩ for con‐
515     tributors to Ruby.
517UNIX                            April 14, 2018                            UNIX