1r.ros(1)                    GRASS GIS User's Manual                   r.ros(1)


6       r.ros  - Generates rate of spread raster maps.
7       Generates three, or four raster map layers showing the base (perpendic‐
8       ular) rate of spread (ROS), the maximum (forward) ROS, the direction of
9       the maximum ROS, and optionally the maximum potential spotting distance
10       for fire spread simulation.


13       raster, fire, spread, rate of spread, hazard, model


16       r.ros
17       r.ros --help
18       r.ros  model=name   [moisture_1h=name]    [moisture_10h=name]    [mois‐
19       ture_100h=name]  moisture_live=name  [velocity=name]   [direction=name]
20       [slope=name]      [aspect=name]      [elevation=name]     base_ros=name
21       max_ros=name  direction_ros=name   [spotting_distance=name]    [--over‐
22       write]  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]
24   Flags:
25       --overwrite
26           Allow output files to overwrite existing files
28       --help
29           Print usage summary
31       --verbose
32           Verbose module output
34       --quiet
35           Quiet module output
37       --ui
38           Force launching GUI dialog
40   Parameters:
41       model=name [required]
42           Raster map containing fuel models
43           Name of an existing raster map layer in the user’s  current  mapset
44           search path containing the standard fuel models defined by the USDA
45           Forest Service. Valid values are 1-13; other numbers are recognized
46           as barriers by r.ros.
48       moisture_1h=name
49           Raster map containing the 1-hour fuel moisture (%)
50           Name  of  an existing raster map layer in the user’s current mapset
51           search path containing the 1-hour (<.25") fuel moisture (percentage
52           content multiplied by 100).
54       moisture_10h=name
55           Raster map containing the 10-hour fuel moisture (%)
56           Name  of  an existing raster map layer in the user’s current mapset
57           search path containing the 10-hour (.25-1") fuel moisture (percent‐
58           age content multiplied by 100).
60       moisture_100h=name
61           Raster map containing the 100-hour fuel moisture (%)
62           Name  of  an existing raster map layer in the user’s current mapset
63           search path containing the 100-hour (1-3") fuel moisture  (percent‐
64           age content multiplied by 100).
66       moisture_live=name [required]
67           Raster map containing live fuel moisture (%)
68           Name  of  an existing raster map layer in the user’s current mapset
69           search path containing live (herbaceous) fuel moisture  (percentage
70           content multiplied by 100).
72       velocity=name
73           Raster map containing midflame wind velocities (ft/min)
74           Name  of  an existing raster map layer in the user’s current mapset
75           search path containing wind velocities at half of the average flame
76           height (feet/minute).
78       direction=name
79           Name of raster map containing wind directions (degree)
80           Name  of  an existing raster map layer in the user’s current mapset
81           search path containing wind direction, clockwise  from  north  (de‐
82           gree).
84       slope=name
85           Name of raster map containing slope (degree)
86           Name  of  an existing raster map layer in the user’s current mapset
87           search path containing topographic slope (degree).
89       aspect=name
90           Raster map containing aspect (degree, CCW from E)
91           Name of an existing raster map layer in the user’s  current  mapset
92           search  path  containing  topographic aspect, counterclockwise from
93           east (GRASS convention) in degrees.
95       elevation=name
96           Raster map containing elevation (m, required for spotting)
97           Name of an existing raster map layer in the user’s  current  mapset
98           search  path containing elevation (meters). Option is required from
99           spotting distance computation  (when  spotting_distance  option  is
100           provided)
102       base_ros=name [required]
103           Output raster map containing base ROS (cm/min)
104           Base (perpendicular) rate of spread (ROS)
106       max_ros=name [required]
107           Output raster map containing maximal ROS (cm/min)
108           The maximum (forward) rate of spread (ROS)
110       direction_ros=name [required]
111           Output raster map containing directions of maximal ROS (degree)
112           The direction of the maximal (forward) rate of spread (ROS)
114       spotting_distance=name
115           Output raster map containing maximal spotting distance (m)
116           The  maximal potential spotting distance (requires elevation raster
117           map to be provided).


120       r.ros is part of the wildfire simulation toolset.  Preparational  steps
121       for the fire simulation are the calculation of the rate of spread (ROS)
122       with r.ros, and the creating of spread map with r.spread.   Eventually,
123       the  fire  path(s)  based  on  starting  point(s)  are  calculated with
124       r.spreadpath.
126       r.ros is used for fire (wildfire) modeling. The input is fuel model and
127       moisture  and  the outputs are rate of spread (ROS) values.  The module
128       generates the base ROS value, maximum ROS value, direction of the maxi‐
129       mum  ROS,  and  optionally  the  maximum potential spotting distance of
130       wildfire for each raster cell in the current geographic region.   These
131       three or four raster map layers serve as inputs for the r.spread module
132       which is the next step in fire simulation.
134       The r.ros module and two related modules r.spread, and r.spreadpath can
135       be  used  not only for wildfire modeling but also generally to simulate
136       other events where spread  of  something  is  involved  and  elliptical
137       spread is appropriate.
139       The  calculation of the two ROS values for each raster cell is based on
140       the Fortran code by Pat Andrews (1983) of the Northern Forest Fire Lab‐
141       oratory,  USDA Forest Service. The direction of the maximum ROS results
142       from the vector addition of the forward ROS in wind direction and  that
143       in  upslope direction. The spotting distance, if required, will be cal‐
144       culated by a separate function, spot_dist(), which is based on  Lathrop
145       and  Xu  (in preparation), Chase (1984) and Rothermel (1991).  More in‐
146       formation on r.ros and r.spread can be found in Xu (1994).
148       The output parameter is a basename (prefix) for  all  generated  raster
149       maps and each map gets a unique suffix:
151           •   .base for the base (perpendicular) ROS (cm/minute)
153           •   .max for the maximum (forward) ROS (cm/minute),
155           •   .maxdir  for  the  direction of the maximum ROS, clockwise from
156               north (degree), and optionally
158           •   .spotdist for the maximum potential spotting distance (meters).
160       So, if the output parameter is blackforest_ros, r.ros creates blackfor‐
161       est_ros.base, blackforest_ros.max, blackforest_ros.maxdir, and (option‐
162       ally) blackforest_ros.spotdist raster maps.
164       If only one or two of the options moisture_1h, moisture_10h, and  mois‐
165       ture_100h  are  given, the module will assign values to the missing op‐
166       tion using the formula:
167       moisture_100h = moisture_10h + 1 = moisture_1h + 2
168       However, at least one of them should be given.
170       Options velocity and direction must be both given or both omitted.   If
171       none is given, the module will assume a no-wind condition.
173       Options  slope  and  aspect  must  be  also given together.  If none is
174       given, the module will assume a topographically flat condition.  Option
175       elevation must be given if -s (spotting) flag is used.


178       Assume  we have inputs, the following generates ROSes and spotting dis‐
179       tances:
180       r.ros -s model=fire_model moisture_1h=1hour_moisture moisture_live=live_moisture \
181           velocity=wind_speed direction=wind_direction \
182           slope=slope aspect=aspect elevation=elevation output=ros


185       1      r.ros is supposed to be run before running r.spread module.  The
186              combination  of  these  two  modules  forms  a simulation of the
187              spread of wildfires.
189       2      The user should be sure that the inputs to r.ros are  in  proper
190              units.
192       3      The output units for the base and maximum ROSes are in cm/minute
193              rather than ft/minute, which is due  to  that  a  possible  zero
194              ft/minute  base ROS value and a positive integer ft/minute maxi‐
195              mum ROS would result in calculation failure in the r.spread mod‐
196              ule.   As far as the user just use r.ros together with r.spread,
197              there is no need to concern about these output units.


200Albini, F. A., 1976, Computer-based models of wildland fire be‐
201               havior:  a  user’s  manual,  USDA Forest Service, Intermountain
202               Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah.
204Andrews, P. L., 1986, BEHAVE: fire behavior prediction and fuel
205               modeling system -- BURN subsystem, Part 1, USDA Forest Service,
206               Intermountain Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-194, Ogden,
207               Utah.
209Chase,  Carolyn,  H.,  1984, Spotting distance from wind-driven
210               surface fires -- extensions of equations  for  pocket  calcula‐
211               tors, US Forest Service, Res. Note INT-346, Ogden, Utah.
213Lathrop,  Richard  G. and Jianping Xu, A geographic information
214               system-based approach for calculating  spotting  distance.  (in
215               preparation)
217Rothermel,  R.  E.,  1972,  A mathematical model for predicting
218               fire spread in wildland fuels, USDA Forest Service,  Intermoun‐
219               tain  Forest  and  Range Experiment Station, Res. Pap. INT-115,
220               Ogden, Utah.
222Rothermel, Richard, 1991, Predicting behavior and size of crown
223               fires  in the northern Rocky Mountains, US Forest Service, Res.
224               Paper INT-438, Ogden, Utah.
226Xu, Jianping, 1994, Simulating the spread of wildfires using  a
227               geographic  information  system and remote sensing, Ph. D. Dis‐
228               sertation, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, Jersey (ref).


231        g.region, r.slope.aspect, r.spread, r.spreadpath Sample data download:
232       firedemo.sh  (run this script within the "Fire simulation data set" lo‐
233       cation).


236       Jianping Xu, Center for Remote Sensing and  Spatial  Analysis,  Rutgers
237       University.


240       Available at: r.ros source code (history)
242       Accessed: Saturday Jan 21 20:38:59 2023
244       Main  index  | Raster index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical
245       index | Full index
247       © 2003-2023 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.2.1 Reference Manual
251GRASS 8.2.1                                                           r.ros(1)