1libnet-functions.h(3)      libnet Programmers Guide      libnet-functions.h(3)


6       libnet-functions.h - libnet exported function prototypes


10   Functions
11       LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_init (int injection_type, const char
12           *device, char *err_buf)
13       LIBNET_API void libnet_destroy (libnet_t *l)
14       LIBNET_API void libnet_clear_packet (libnet_t *l)
15       LIBNET_API void libnet_stats (libnet_t *l, struct libnet_stats *ls)
16       LIBNET_API int libnet_getfd (libnet_t *l)
17       LIBNET_API const char * libnet_getdevice (libnet_t *l)
18       LIBNET_API uint8_t * libnet_getpbuf (libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
19       LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_getpbuf_size (libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t
20           ptag)
21       LIBNET_API char * libnet_geterror (libnet_t *l)
22       LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_getpacket_size (libnet_t *l)
23       LIBNET_API int libnet_seed_prand (libnet_t *l)
24       LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_get_prand (int mod)
25       LIBNET_API int libnet_toggle_checksum (libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag,
26           int mode)
27       LIBNET_API char * libnet_addr2name4 (uint32_t in, uint8_t use_name)
28       LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_name2addr4 (libnet_t *l, const char
29           *host_name, uint8_t use_name)
30       LIBNET_API int libnet_in6_is_error (struct libnet_in6_addr addr)
31       LIBNET_API struct libnet_in6_addr libnet_name2addr6 (libnet_t *l, const
32           char *host_name, uint8_t use_name)
33       LIBNET_API void libnet_addr2name6_r (struct libnet_in6_addr addr,
34           uint8_t use_name, char *host_name, int host_name_len)
35       LIBNET_API int libnet_plist_chain_new (libnet_t *l, libnet_plist_t
36           **plist, char *token_list)
37       LIBNET_API int libnet_plist_chain_next_pair (libnet_plist_t *plist,
38           uint16_t *bport, uint16_t *eport)
39       LIBNET_API int libnet_plist_chain_dump (libnet_plist_t *plist)
40       LIBNET_API char * libnet_plist_chain_dump_string (libnet_plist_t
41           *plist)
42       LIBNET_API int libnet_plist_chain_free (libnet_plist_t *plist)
43       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_1q (const uint8_t *dst, const
44           uint8_t *src, uint16_t tpi, uint8_t priority, uint8_t cfi, uint16_t
45           vlan_id, uint16_t len_proto, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
46           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
47       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_1x (uint8_t eap_ver, uint8_t
48           eap_type, uint16_t length, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
49           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
50       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_2 (uint8_t dsap, uint8_t
51           ssap, uint8_t control, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s,
52           libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
53       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_2snap (uint8_t dsap, uint8_t
54           ssap, uint8_t control, uint8_t *oui, uint16_t type, const uint8_t
55           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
56       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_3 (const uint8_t *dst, const
57           uint8_t *src, uint16_t len, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
58           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
59       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ethernet (const uint8_t *dst,
60           const uint8_t *src, uint16_t type, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
61           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
62       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_ethernet (const uint8_t *dst,
63           uint16_t type, libnet_t *l)
64       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_fddi (uint8_t fc, const uint8_t
65           *dst, const uint8_t *src, uint8_t dsap, uint8_t ssap, uint8_t cf,
66           const uint8_t *oui, uint16_t type, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
67           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
68       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_fddi (uint8_t fc, const
69           uint8_t *dst, uint8_t dsap, uint8_t ssap, uint8_t cf, const uint8_t
70           *oui, uint16_t type, libnet_t *l)
71       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_arp (uint16_t hrd, uint16_t pro,
72           uint8_t hln, uint8_t pln, uint16_t op, const uint8_t *sha, const
73           uint8_t *spa, const uint8_t *tha, const uint8_t *tpa, const uint8_t
74           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
75       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_arp (uint16_t op, const
76           uint8_t *sha, const uint8_t *spa, const uint8_t *tha, const uint8_t
77           *tpa, libnet_t *l)
78       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_tcp (uint16_t sp, uint16_t dp,
79           uint32_t seq, uint32_t ack, uint8_t control, uint16_t win, uint16_t
80           sum, uint16_t urg, uint16_t len, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
81           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
82       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_tcp_options (const uint8_t
83           *options, uint32_t options_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
84       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udp (uint16_t sp, uint16_t dp,
85           uint16_t len, uint16_t sum, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
86           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
87       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_cdp (uint8_t version, uint8_t
88           ttl, uint16_t sum, uint16_t type, uint16_t value_s, const uint8_t
89           *value, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
90           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
91       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_chassis (const uint8_t
92           subtype, const uint8_t *value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t *l,
93           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
94       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_port (const uint8_t subtype,
95           const uint8_t *value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t *l,
96           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
97       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_ttl (const uint16_t ttl,
98           libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
99       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_end (libnet_t *l,
100           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
101       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_org_spec (const uint8_t
102           *value, const uint16_t value_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
103       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_echo (uint8_t type,
104           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, const
105           uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t
106           ptag)
107       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_mask (uint8_t type,
108           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, uint32_t
109           mask, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
110           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
111       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_unreach (uint8_t type,
112           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
113           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
114       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_redirect (uint8_t type,
115           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint32_t gateway, const uint8_t
116           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
117       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_timeexceed (uint8_t type,
118           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
119           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
120       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_timestamp (uint8_t type,
121           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, uint32_t
122           otime, uint32_t rtime, uint32_t ttime, const uint8_t *payload,
123           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
124       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_echo (uint8_t type,
125           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, uint8_t
126           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
127       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_unreach (uint8_t type,
128           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s,
129           libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
130       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_ndp_nsol (uint8_t type,
131           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, struct libnet_in6_addr target, uint8_t
132           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
133       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_ndp_nadv (uint8_t type,
134           uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint32_t flags, struct libnet_in6_addr
135           target, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
136           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
137       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_ndp_opt (uint8_t type,
138           uint8_t *option, uint32_t option_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t
139           ptag)
140       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_igmp (uint8_t type, uint8_t
141           reserved, uint16_t sum, uint32_t ip, const uint8_t *payload,
142           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
143       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv4 (uint16_t ip_len, uint8_t
144           tos, uint16_t id, uint16_t frag, uint8_t ttl, uint8_t prot,
145           uint16_t sum, uint32_t src, uint32_t dst, const uint8_t *payload,
146           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
147       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv4_options (const uint8_t
148           *options, uint32_t options_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
149       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_ipv4 (uint16_t len, uint8_t
150           prot, uint32_t dst, libnet_t *l)
151       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6 (uint8_t tc, uint32_t fl,
152           uint16_t len, uint8_t nh, uint8_t hl, struct libnet_in6_addr src,
153           struct libnet_in6_addr dst, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
154           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
155       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6_frag (uint8_t nh, uint8_t
156           reserved, uint16_t frag, uint32_t id, const uint8_t *payload,
157           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
158       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6_routing (uint8_t nh, uint8_t
159           len, uint8_t rtype, uint8_t segments, const uint8_t *payload,
160           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
161       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6_destopts (uint8_t nh,
162           uint8_t len, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t
163           *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
164       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6_hbhopts (uint8_t nh, uint8_t
165           len, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
166           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
167       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_ipv6 (uint16_t len, uint8_t
168           nh, struct libnet_in6_addr dst, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
169       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_isl (uint8_t *dhost, uint8_t
170           type, uint8_t user, uint8_t *shost, uint16_t len, const uint8_t
171           *snap, uint16_t vid, uint16_t portindex, uint16_t reserved, const
172           uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t
173           ptag)
174       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipsec_esp_hdr (uint32_t spi,
175           uint32_t seq, uint32_t iv, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
176           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
177       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipsec_esp_ftr (uint8_t len,
178           uint8_t nh, int8_t *auth, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
179           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
180       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipsec_ah (uint8_t nh, uint8_t
181           len, uint16_t res, uint32_t spi, uint32_t seq, uint32_t auth, const
182           uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t
183           ptag)
184       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_dnsv4 (uint16_t h_len, uint16_t
185           id, uint16_t flags, uint16_t num_q, uint16_t num_anws_rr, uint16_t
186           num_auth_rr, uint16_t num_addi_rr, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
187           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
188       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_rip (uint8_t cmd, uint8_t
189           version, uint16_t rd, uint16_t af, uint16_t rt, uint32_t addr,
190           uint32_t mask, uint32_t next_hop, uint32_t metric, const uint8_t
191           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
192       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_rpc_call (uint32_t rm, uint32_t
193           xid, uint32_t prog_num, uint32_t prog_vers, uint32_t procedure,
194           uint32_t cflavor, uint32_t clength, uint8_t *cdata, uint32_t
195           vflavor, uint32_t vlength, const uint8_t *vdata, const uint8_t
196           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
197       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_stp_conf (uint16_t id, uint8_t
198           version, uint8_t bpdu_type, uint8_t flags, const uint8_t *root_id,
199           uint32_t root_pc, const uint8_t *bridge_id, uint16_t port_id,
200           uint16_t message_age, uint16_t max_age, uint16_t hello_time,
201           uint16_t f_delay, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s,
202           libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
203       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_stp_tcn (uint16_t id, uint8_t
204           version, uint8_t bpdu_type, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
205           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
206       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_hdr (uint8_t version,
207           uint8_t opcode, uint8_t flags, uint8_t checksum, const uint8_t
208           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
209       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_device_id (const uint8_t
210           *value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
211       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_port_id (const uint8_t
212           *value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
213       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_echo (const uint8_t *value,
214           const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
215       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_message_interval (const
216           uint8_t *value, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
217       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_timeout_interval (const
218           uint8_t *value, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
219       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_device_name (const uint8_t
220           *value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
221       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_sequence_number (const
222           uint8_t *value, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
223       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_token_ring (uint8_t ac, uint8_t
224           fc, const uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, uint8_t dsap, uint8_t
225           ssap, uint8_t cf, const uint8_t *oui, uint16_t type, const uint8_t
226           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
227       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_token_ring (uint8_t ac,
228           uint8_t fc, const uint8_t *dst, uint8_t dsap, uint8_t ssap, uint8_t
229           cf, const uint8_t *oui, uint16_t type, libnet_t *l)
230       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_vrrp (uint8_t version, uint8_t
231           type, uint8_t vrouter_id, uint8_t priority, uint8_t ip_count,
232           uint8_t auth_type, uint8_t advert_int, uint16_t sum, const uint8_t
233           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
234       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_mpls (uint32_t label, uint8_t
235           experimental, uint8_t bos, uint8_t ttl, const uint8_t *payload,
236           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
237       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ntp (uint8_t leap_indicator,
238           uint8_t version, uint8_t mode, uint8_t stratum, uint8_t poll,
239           uint8_t precision, uint16_t delay_int, uint16_t delay_frac,
240           uint16_t dispersion_int, uint16_t dispersion_frac, uint32_t
241           reference_id, uint32_t ref_ts_int, uint32_t ref_ts_frac, uint32_t
242           orig_ts_int, uint32_t orig_ts_frac, uint32_t rec_ts_int, uint32_t
243           rec_ts_frac, uint32_t xmt_ts_int, uint32_t xmt_ts_frac, const
244           uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t
245           ptag)
246       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2 (uint16_t len, uint8_t
247           type, uint32_t rtr_id, uint32_t area_id, uint16_t sum, uint16_t
248           autype, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
249           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
250       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_hello (uint32_t netmask,
251           uint16_t interval, uint8_t opts, uint8_t priority, uint32_t
252           dead_int, uint32_t des_rtr, uint32_t bkup_rtr, const uint8_t
253           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
254       libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_hello_neighbor (uint32_t netmask,
255           uint16_t interval, uint8_t opts, uint8_t priority, uint32_t
256           dead_int, uint32_t des_rtr, uint32_t bkup_rtr, uint32_t neighbor,
257           const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
258           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
259       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_dbd (uint16_t dgram_len,
260           uint8_t opts, uint8_t type, uint32_t seqnum, const uint8_t
261           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
262       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsr (uint32_t type,
263           uint32_t lsid, uint32_t advrtr, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
264           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
265       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsu (uint32_t num, const
266           uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t
267           ptag)
268       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa (uint16_t age, uint8_t
269           opts, uint8_t type, uint32_t lsid, uint32_t advrtr, uint32_t
270           seqnum, uint16_t sum, uint16_t len, const uint8_t *payload,
271           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
272       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa_rtr (uint16_t flags,
273           uint16_t num, uint32_t id, uint32_t data, uint8_t type, uint8_t
274           tos, uint16_t metric, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s,
275           libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
276       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa_net (uint32_t nmask,
277           uint32_t rtrid, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s,
278           libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
279       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa_sum (uint32_t nmask,
280           uint32_t metric, uint32_t tos, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
281           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
282       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa_as (uint32_t nmask,
283           uint32_t metric, uint32_t fwdaddr, uint32_t tag, const uint8_t
284           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
285       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_data (const uint8_t *payload,
286           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
287       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_dhcpv4 (uint8_t opcode, uint8_t
288           htype, uint8_t hlen, uint8_t hopcount, uint32_t xid, uint16_t secs,
289           uint16_t flags, uint32_t cip, uint32_t yip, uint32_t sip, uint32_t
290           gip, const uint8_t *chaddr, const char *sname, const char *file,
291           const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
292           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
293       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bootpv4 (uint8_t opcode, uint8_t
294           htype, uint8_t hlen, uint8_t hopcount, uint32_t xid, uint16_t secs,
295           uint16_t flags, uint32_t cip, uint32_t yip, uint32_t sip, uint32_t
296           gip, const uint8_t *chaddr, const char *sname, const char *file,
297           const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
298           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
299       LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_getgre_length (uint16_t fv)
300       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_gre (uint16_t fv, uint16_t type,
301           uint16_t sum, uint16_t offset, uint32_t key, uint32_t seq, uint16_t
302           len, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
303           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
304       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_egre (uint16_t fv, uint16_t type,
305           uint16_t sum, uint16_t offset, uint32_t key, uint32_t seq, uint16_t
306           len, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
307           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
308       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_gre_sre (uint16_t af, uint8_t
309           offset, uint8_t length, uint8_t *routing, const uint8_t *payload,
310           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
311       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_gre_last_sre (libnet_t *l,
312           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
313       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bgp4_header (uint8_t
314           marker[LIBNET_BGP4_MARKER_SIZE], uint16_t len, uint8_t type, const
315           uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t
316           ptag)
317       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bgp4_open (uint8_t version,
318           uint16_t src_as, uint16_t hold_time, uint32_t bgp_id, uint8_t
319           opt_len, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l,
320           libnet_ptag_t ptag)
321       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bgp4_update (uint16_t
322           unfeasible_rt_len, const uint8_t *withdrawn_rt, uint16_t
323           total_path_attr_len, const uint8_t *path_attributes, uint16_t
324           info_len, uint8_t *reachability_info, const uint8_t *payload,
325           uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
326       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bgp4_notification (uint8_t
327           err_code, uint8_t err_subcode, const uint8_t *payload, uint32_t
328           payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
329       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_sebek (uint32_t magic, uint16_t
330           version, uint16_t type, uint32_t counter, uint32_t time_sec,
331           uint32_t time_usec, uint32_t pid, uint32_t uid, uint32_t fd,
332           uint8_t cmd[SEBEK_CMD_LENGTH], uint32_t length, const uint8_t
333           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
334       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_hsrp (uint8_t version, uint8_t
335           opcode, uint8_t state, uint8_t hello_time, uint8_t hold_time,
336           uint8_t priority, uint8_t group, uint8_t reserved, uint8_t
337           authdata[HSRP_AUTHDATA_LENGTH], uint32_t virtual_ip, const uint8_t
338           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
339       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_link (const uint8_t *dst, const
340           uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *oui, uint16_t type, const uint8_t
341           *payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
342       LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_link (const uint8_t *dst,
343           const uint8_t *oui, uint16_t type, libnet_t *l)
344       LIBNET_API int libnet_write (libnet_t *l)
345       LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_get_ipaddr4 (libnet_t *l)
346       LIBNET_API struct libnet_in6_addr libnet_get_ipaddr6 (libnet_t *l)
347       LIBNET_API struct libnet_ether_addr * libnet_get_hwaddr (libnet_t *l)
348       LIBNET_API uint8_t * libnet_hex_aton (const char *s, int *len)
349       LIBNET_API const char * libnet_version (void)
350       LIBNET_API int libnet_adv_cull_packet (libnet_t *l, uint8_t **packet,
351           uint32_t *packet_s)
352       LIBNET_API int libnet_adv_cull_header (libnet_t *l, libnet_ptag_t ptag,
353           uint8_t **header, uint32_t *header_s)
354       LIBNET_API int libnet_adv_write_link (libnet_t *l, const uint8_t
355           *packet, uint32_t packet_s)
356       LIBNET_API int libnet_adv_write_raw_ipv4 (libnet_t *l, const uint8_t
357           *packet, uint32_t packet_s)
358       LIBNET_API void libnet_adv_free_packet (libnet_t *l, uint8_t *packet)
359       int libnet_cq_add (libnet_t *l, char *label)
360       LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_remove (libnet_t *l)
361       LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_remove_by_label (char *label)
362       LIBNET_API const char * libnet_cq_getlabel (libnet_t *l)
363       LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_find_by_label (char *label)
364       LIBNET_API void libnet_cq_destroy (void)
365       LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_head (void)
366       LIBNET_API int libnet_cq_last (void)
367       LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_next (void)
368       LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_cq_size (void)
369       LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_cq_end_loop (void)
370       LIBNET_API void libnet_diag_dump_context (libnet_t *l)
371       LIBNET_API void libnet_diag_dump_pblock (libnet_t *l)
372       LIBNET_API char * libnet_diag_dump_pblock_type (uint8_t type)
373       void libnet_diag_dump_hex (const uint8_t *packet, uint32_t len, int
374           swap, FILE *stream)

Detailed Description

377       libnet exported function prototypes

Function Documentation

382   LIBNET_API char * libnet_addr2name4 (uint32_t in, uint8_t use_name)
383       Takes a network byte ordered IPv4 address and returns a pointer to
384       either a canonical DNS name (if it has one) or a string of dotted
385       decimals. This may incur a DNS lookup if the hostname and mode is set
386       to LIBNET_RESOLVE. If mode is set to LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE, no DNS lookup
387       will be performed and the function will return a pointer to a dotted
388       decimal string. The function cannot fail -- if no canonical name
389       exists, it will fall back on returning a dotted decimal string. This
390       function is non-reentrant.
392       Parameters
393           in network byte ordered IPv4 address
394           use_name LIBNET_RESOLVE or LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE
396       Returns
397           a pointer to presentation format string
399   LIBNET_API void libnet_addr2name6_r (struct libnet_in6_addr addr, uint8_t
400       use_name, char * host_name, int host_name_len)
401       Translate an IPv6 address to a canonical DNS name or hexadecimal
402       string.
404       This may incur a DNS lookup if the mode is set to LIBNET_RESOLVE. If
405       mode is set to LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE, no DNS lookup will be performed.
406       The function cannot fail -- if no canonical name exists, it will fall
407       back to the hexadecimal string representation.
409       This function is reentrant.
411       Parameters
412           addr address to convert
413           use_name LIBNET_RESOLVE or LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE
414           host_name Buffer to return result in
415           host_name_len Length of host_name buffer
417   LIBNET_API int libnet_adv_cull_header (libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag,
418       uint8_t ** header, uint32_t * header_s)
419       [Advanced Interface] Pulls the header from the specified ptag from the
420       given libnet context. This function is part of the advanced interface
421       and is only available when libnet is initialized in advanced mode. If
422       the function fails libnet_geterror() can tell you why.
424       Parameters
425           l pointer to a libnet context
426           ptag the ptag referencing the header to pull
427           header will contain the header
428           header_s will contain the header size
430       Return values
431           1 on success
432           -1 on failure
435   LIBNET_API int libnet_adv_cull_packet (libnet_t * l, uint8_t ** packet,
436       uint32_t * packet_s)
437       [Advanced Interface] Yanks a prebuilt, wire-ready packet from the given
438       libnet context. If libnet was configured to do so (which it is by
439       default) the packet will have all checksums written in. This function
440       is part of the advanced interface and is only available when libnet is
441       initialized in advanced mode. It is important to note that the function
442       performs an implicit malloc() and a corresponding call to
443       libnet_adv_free_packet() should be made to free the memory packet
444       occupies. If the function fails libnet_geterror() can tell you why.
446       Parameters
447           l pointer to a libnet context
448           packet will contain the wire-ready packet
449           packet_s will contain the packet size
451       Return values
452           1 on success
453           -1 on failure
456   LIBNET_API void libnet_adv_free_packet (libnet_t * l, uint8_t * packet)
457       [Advanced Interface] Frees the memory allocated when
458       libnet_adv_cull_packet() is called.
460       Parameters
461           l pointer to a libnet context
462           packet a pointer to the packet to free
464   LIBNET_API int libnet_adv_write_link (libnet_t * l, const uint8_t * packet,
465       uint32_t packet_s)
466       [Advanced Interface] Writes a packet the network at the link layer.
467       This function is useful to write a packet that has been constructed by
468       hand by the application programmer or, more commonly, to write a packet
469       that has been returned by a call to libnet_adv_cull_packet(). This
470       function is part of the advanced interface and is only available when
471       libnet is initialized in advanced mode. If the function fails
472       libnet_geterror() can tell you why.
474       Parameters
475           l pointer to a libnet context
476           packet a pointer to the packet to inject
477           packet_s the size of the packet
479       Returns
480           the number of bytes written
482       Return values
483           -1 on failure
485   LIBNET_API int libnet_adv_write_raw_ipv4 (libnet_t * l, const uint8_t *
486       packet, uint32_t packet_s)
487       [Advanced Interface] Writes a packet the network at the raw socket
488       layer. This function is useful to write a packet that has been
489       constructed by hand by the application programmer or, more commonly, to
490       write a packet that has been returned by a call to
491       libnet_adv_cull_packet(). This function is part of the advanced
492       interface and is only available when libnet is initialized in advanced
493       mode. If the function fails libnet_geterror() can tell you why.
495       Parameters
496           l pointer to a libnet context
497           packet a pointer to the packet to inject
498           packet_s the size of the packet
500       Returns
501           the number of bytes written
503       Return values
504           -1 on failure
506   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_arp (uint16_t op, const uint8_t *
507       sha, const uint8_t * spa, const uint8_t * tha, const uint8_t * tpa,
508       libnet_t * l)
509       Autouilds an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) header. Depending on the
510       op value, the function builds one of several different types of RFC 826
511       or RFC 903 RARP packets.
513       Parameters
514           op ARP operation type
515           sha sender's hardware address
516           spa sender's protocol address
517           tha target hardware address
518           tpa target protocol address
519           l pointer to a libnet context
521       Returns
522           protocol tag value on success
524       Return values
525           -1 on error
527   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_ethernet (const uint8_t * dst,
528       uint16_t type, libnet_t * l)
529       Autobuilds an Ethernet header. The RFC 894 Ethernet II header is almost
530       identical to the IEEE 802.3 header, with the exception that the field
531       immediately following the source address holds the layer 3 protocol (as
532       opposed to frame's length). You should only use this function when
533       libnet is initialized with the LIBNET_LINK interface.
535       Parameters
536           dst destination ethernet address
537           type upper layer protocol type
538           l pointer to a libnet context
540       Returns
541           protocol tag value on success
543       Return values
544           -1 on error
546   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_fddi (uint8_t fc, const uint8_t *
547       dst, uint8_t dsap, uint8_t ssap, uint8_t cf, const uint8_t * oui,
548       uint16_t type, libnet_t * l)
549       Autobuilds a Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) header.
551       Parameters
552           fc class format and priority
553           dst destination fddi address
554           dsap destination service access point
555           ssap source service access point
556           cf cf
557           oui IEEE organizational code
558           type upper layer protocol
559           l pointer to a libnet context
561       Returns
562           protocol tag value on success
564       Return values
565           -1 on error
567   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_ipv4 (uint16_t len, uint8_t prot,
568       uint32_t dst, libnet_t * l)
569       Autobuilds a version 4 Internet Protocol (IP) header. The function is
570       useful to build an IP header quickly when you do not need a granular
571       level of control. The function takes the same len, prot, and dst
572       arguments as libnet_build_ipv4(). The function does not accept a ptag
573       argument, but it does return a ptag. In other words, you can use it to
574       build a new IP header but not to modify an existing one.
576       Parameters
577           len total length of the IP packet including all subsequent data
578           prot upper layer protocol
579           dst destination IPv4 address (little endian)
580           l pointer to a libnet context
582       Returns
583           protocol tag value on success
585       Return values
586           -1 on error
588   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_ipv6 (uint16_t len, uint8_t nh,
589       struct libnet_in6_addr dst, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
590       Autobuilds a version 6 RFC 2460 Internet Protocol (IP) header. The
591       function is useful to build an IP header quickly when you do not need a
592       granular level of control. The function takes the same len, nh, and dst
593       arguments as libnet_build_ipv4(). The function does not accept a ptag
594       argument, but it does return a ptag. In other words, you can use it to
595       build a new IP header but not to modify an existing one. This function
596       requires libnet_get_ipaddr6(), which is not yet implemented for Win32
597       platforms.
599       Parameters
600           len length
601           nh next header
602           dst destination IPv6 address
603           l pointer to a libnet context
604           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
605           one
607       Returns
608           protocol tag value on success
610       Return values
611           -1 on error
613   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_link (const uint8_t * dst, const
614       uint8_t * oui, uint16_t type, libnet_t * l)
615       Automatically builds a link layer header for an initialized l. The
616       function determines the proper link layer header format from how l was
617       initialized. The function current supports Ethernet and Token Ring link
618       layers.
620       Parameters
621           dst the destination MAC address
622           oui Organizationally Unique Identifier (unused for Ethernet)
623           type the upper layer protocol type
624           l pointer to a libnet context
626       Returns
627           protocol tag value on success
629       Return values
630           -1 on error
632   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_autobuild_token_ring (uint8_t ac, uint8_t
633       fc, const uint8_t * dst, uint8_t dsap, uint8_t ssap, uint8_t cf, const
634       uint8_t * oui, uint16_t type, libnet_t * l)
635       Auto-builds a token ring header.
637       Parameters
638           ac access control
639           fc frame control
640           dst destination address
641           dsap destination service access point
642           ssap source service access point
643           cf control field
644           oui Organizationally Unique Identifier
645           type upper layer protocol type
646           l pointer to a libnet context
648       Returns
649           protocol tag value on success
651       Return values
652           -1 on error
654   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_1q (const uint8_t * dst, const
655       uint8_t * src, uint16_t tpi, uint8_t priority, uint8_t cfi, uint16_t
656       vlan_id, uint16_t len_proto, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
657       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)

Packet Builder Functions

659       The core of libnet is the platform-independent packet-building
660       functionality. These functions enable an application programmer to
661       build protocol headers (and data) in a simple and consistent manner
662       without having to worry (too much) about low-level network odds and
663       ends. Each libnet_build() function builds a piece of a packet
664       (generally a protocol header). While it is perfectly possible to build
665       an entire, ready-to-transmit packet with a single call to a
666       libnet_build() function, generally more than one builder-class function
667       call is required to construct a full packet. A complete wire-ready
668       packet generally consists of more than one piece. Every function that
669       builds a protocol header takes a series of arguments roughly
670       corresponding to the header values as they appear on the wire. This
671       process is intuitive but often makes for functions with huge prototypes
672       and large stack frames. One important thing to note is that you must
673       call these functions in order, corresponding to how they should appear
674       on the wire (from the highest protocol layer on down). This building
675       process is intuitive; it approximates what happens in an operating
676       system kernel. In other words, to build a Network Time Protocol (NTP)
677       packet by using the link-layer interface, the application programmer
678       would call the libnet_build() functions in the following order:
680       1.  libnet_build_ntp()
682       2.  libnet_build_udp()
684       3.  libnet_build_ipv4()
686       4.  libnet_build_ethernet() This ordering is essential for libnet 1.1.x
687           to properly link together the packet internally (previous libnet
688           versions did not have the requirement).
690   The Payload Interface
691       The payload interface specifies an optional way to include data
692       directly after the protocol header in question. You can use this
693       function for a variety of purposes, including the following:
695       • Including additional or arbitrary protocol header information that is
696         not available from a libnet interface
698       • Including a packet payload (data segment)
700       • Building another protocol header that is not available from a libnet
701         interface To employ the interface, the application programmer should
702         construct the i payload data and pass a const uint8_t * to this data
703         and its size to the desired libnet_build() function. Libnet handles
704         the rest.
706       It is important to note that some functions (notably the IPv6 builders)
707       do use the payload interface to specify variable length but ostensibly
708       non-optional data. See the individual libnet_build_ipv6*() functions
709       for more information.
711   Protocol Tags and Packet Builder Return Values
712       Libnet uses the protocol tag (ptag) to identify individual pieces of a
713       packet after being created. A new ptag results every time a
714       libnet_build() function with an empty (0) ptag argument completes
715       successfully. This new ptag now refers to the packet piece just
716       created. The application programmer's responsibility is to save this
717       value if he or she plans to modify this particular portion later on in
718       the program. If the application programmer needs to modify some portion
719       of that particular packet piece again, he or she calls the same
720       libnet_build() function specifying the saved ptag argument. Libnet then
721       searches for that packet piece and modifies it rather than creating a
722       new one. Upon failure for any reason, libnet_build() functions return
723       -1; libnet_geterror() tells you why. Builds an IEEE 802.1q VLAN tagging
724       header. Depending on the value of len_proto, the function wraps the
725       802.1q header inside either an IEEE 802.3 header or an RFC 894 Ethernet
726       II (DIX) header (both resulting in an 18-byte frame). If len is 1500 or
727       less, most receiving protocol stacks parse the frame as an IEEE 802.3
728       encapsulated frame. If len is one of the Ethernet type values, most
729       protocol stacks parse the frame as an RFC 894 Ethernet II encapsulated
730       frame. Note the length value is calculated without the 802.1q header of
731       18 bytes.
733       Parameters
734           dst pointer to a six byte source ethernet address
735           src pointer to a six byte destination ethernet address
736           tpi tag protocol identifier
737           priority priority
738           cfi canonical format indicator
739           vlan_id vlan identifier
740           len_proto length (802.3) protocol (Ethernet II)
741           payload optional payload or NULL
742           payload_s payload length or 0
743           l pointer to a libnet context
744           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
745           one
747       Returns
748           protocol tag value on success
750       Return values
751           -1 on error
753   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_1x (uint8_t eap_ver, uint8_t
754       eap_type, uint16_t length, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s,
755       libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
756       Builds an IEEE 802.1x extended authentication protocol header.
758       Parameters
759           eap_ver the EAP version
760           eap_type the EAP type
761           length frame length
762           payload optional payload or NULL
763           payload_s payload length or 0
764           l pointer to a libnet context
765           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
766           one
768       Returns
769           protocol tag value on success
771       Return values
772           -1 on error
774   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_2 (uint8_t dsap, uint8_t ssap,
775       uint8_t control, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t
776       * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
777       Builds an IEEE 802.2 LLC header.
779       Parameters
780           dsap destination service access point
781           ssap source service access point
782           control control field
783           payload optional payload or NULL
784           payload_s payload length or 0
785           l pointer to a libnet context
786           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
787           one
789       Returns
790           protocol tag value on success
792       Return values
793           -1 on error
795   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_2snap (uint8_t dsap, uint8_t
796       ssap, uint8_t control, uint8_t * oui, uint16_t type, const uint8_t *
797       payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
798       Builds an IEEE 802.2 LLC SNAP header.
800       Parameters
801           dsap destination service access point
802           ssap source service access point
803           control control field
804           oui Organizationally Unique Identifier
805           type upper layer protocol
806           payload optional payload or NULL
807           payload_s payload length or 0
808           l pointer to a libnet context
809           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
810           one
812       Returns
813           protocol tag value on success
815       Return values
816           -1 on error
818   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_802_3 (const uint8_t * dst, const
819       uint8_t * src, uint16_t len, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
820       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
821       Builds an IEEE 802.3 header. The 802.3 header is almost identical to
822       the RFC 894 Ethernet II header, the exception being that the field
823       immediately following the source address holds the frame's length (as
824       opposed to the layer 3 protocol). You should only use this function
825       when libnet is initialized with the LIBNET_LINK interface.
827       Parameters
828           dst destination ethernet address
829           src source ethernet address
830           len frame length sans header
831           payload optional payload or NULL
832           payload_s payload length or 0
833           l pointer to a libnet context
834           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
835           one
837       Returns
838           protocol tag value on success
840       Return values
841           -1 on error
843   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_arp (uint16_t hrd, uint16_t pro,
844       uint8_t hln, uint8_t pln, uint16_t op, const uint8_t * sha, const
845       uint8_t * spa, const uint8_t * tha, const uint8_t * tpa, const uint8_t
846       * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
847       Builds an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) header. Depending on the op
848       value, the function builds one of several different types of RFC 826 or
849       RFC 903 RARP packets.
851       Parameters
852           hrd hardware address format
853           pro protocol address format
854           hln hardware address length
855           pln protocol address length
856           op ARP operation type
857           sha sender's hardware address
858           spa sender's protocol address
859           tha target hardware address
860           tpa target protocol address
861           payload optional payload or NULL
862           payload_s payload length or 0
863           l pointer to a libnet context
864           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
865           one
867       Returns
868           protocol tag value on success
870       Return values
871           -1 on error
873   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bgp4_header (uint8_t
874       marker[LIBNET_BGP4_MARKER_SIZE], uint16_t len, uint8_t type, const
875       uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t
876       ptag)
877       Builds an RFC 1771 Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) header. The
878       primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network
879       reachability information with other BGP systems. This network
880       reachability information includes information on the list of Autonomous
881       Systems (ASs) that reachability information traverses. This information
882       is sufficient to construct a graph of AS connectivity from which
883       routing loops may be pruned and some policy decisions at the AS level
884       may be enforced. This function builds the base BGP header which is used
885       as a preamble before any other BGP header. For example, a BGP KEEPALIVE
886       message may be built with only this function, while an error
887       notification requires a subsequent call to
888       libnet_build_bgp4_notification.
890       Parameters
891           marker a value the receiver can predict (if the message type is not
892           BGP OPEN, or no authentication is used, these 16 bytes are normally
893           set as all ones)
894           len total length of the BGP message, including the header
895           type type code of the message (OPEN, UPDATE, NOTIFICATION or
896           KEEPALIVE)
897           payload optional payload or NULL
898           payload_s payload length or 0
899           l pointer to a libnet context
900           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
901           one
903       Returns
904           protocol tag value on success
906       Return values
907           -1 on error
909   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bgp4_notification (uint8_t err_code,
910       uint8_t err_subcode, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s,
911       libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
912       Builds an RFC 1771 Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) notification
913       header. A NOTIFICATION message is sent when an error condition is
914       detected. Specific error information may be passed through the payload
915       interface.
917       Parameters
918           err_code type of notification
919           err_subcode more specific information about the reported error.
920           payload optional payload or NULL
921           payload_s payload length or 0
922           l pointer to a libnet context
923           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
924           one
926       Returns
927           protocol tag value on success
929       Return values
930           -1 on error
932   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bgp4_open (uint8_t version, uint16_t
933       src_as, uint16_t hold_time, uint32_t bgp_id, uint8_t opt_len, const
934       uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t
935       ptag)
936       Builds an RFC 1771 Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) OPEN header. This
937       is the first message sent by each side of a BGP connection. The
938       optional parameters options should be constructed using the payload
939       interface (see RFC 1771 for the options structures).
941       Parameters
942           version protocol version (should be set to 4)
943           src_as Autonomous System of the sender
944           hold_time used to compute the maximum allowed time between the
945           receipt of KEEPALIVE, and/or UPDATE messages by the sender
946           bgp_id BGP identifier of the sender
947           opt_len total length of the optional parameters field in bytes
948           payload optional payload or NULL
949           payload_s payload length or 0
950           l pointer to a libnet context
951           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
952           one
954       Returns
955           protocol tag value on success
957       Return values
958           -1 on error
960   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bgp4_update (uint16_t
961       unfeasible_rt_len, const uint8_t * withdrawn_rt, uint16_t
962       total_path_attr_len, const uint8_t * path_attributes, uint16_t
963       info_len, uint8_t * reachability_info, const uint8_t * payload,
964       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
965       Builds an RFC 1771 Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) update header.
966       Update messages are used to transfer routing information between BGP
967       peers.
969       Parameters
970           unfeasible_rt_len indicates the length of the (next) 'withdrawn
971           routes' field in bytes
972           withdrawn_rt list of IP addresses prefixes for the routes that are
973           being withdrawn; each IP address prefix is built as a 2-tuple
974           <length (1 byte), prefix (variable)>
975           total_path_attr_len indicates the length of the (next) 'path
976           attributes' field in bytes
977           path_attributes each attribute is a 3-tuple <type (2 bytes),
978           length, value>
979           info_len indicates the length of the (next) 'network layer
980           reachability information' field in bytes (needed for internal
981           memory size calculation)
982           reachability_info 2-tuples <length (1 byte), prefix (variable)>.
983           payload optional payload or NULL
984           payload_s payload length or 0
985           l pointer to a libnet context
986           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
987           one
989       Returns
990           protocol tag value on success
992       Return values
993           -1 on error
995   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_bootpv4 (uint8_t opcode, uint8_t
996       htype, uint8_t hlen, uint8_t hopcount, uint32_t xid, uint16_t secs,
997       uint16_t flags, uint32_t cip, uint32_t yip, uint32_t sip, uint32_t gip,
998       const uint8_t * chaddr, const char * sname, const char * file, const
999       uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t
1000       ptag)
1001       Parameters
1002           opcode
1003           htype
1004           hlen
1005           hopcount
1006           xid
1007           secs
1008           flags
1009           cip
1010           yip
1011           sip
1012           gip
1013           chaddr client hardware address, length is hlen
1014           sname server host name, a null terminated string
1015           file boot file name, a null terminated string
1016           payload optional payload or NULL
1017           payload_s payload length or 0
1018           l pointer to a libnet context
1019           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1020           one
1022       Returns
1023           protocol tag value on success
1025       Return values
1026           -1 on error
1028   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_cdp (uint8_t version, uint8_t ttl,
1029       uint16_t sum, uint16_t type, uint16_t value_s, const uint8_t * value,
1030       const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l,
1031       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1032       Builds a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) header. Cisco Systems designed
1033       CDP to aid in the network management of adjacent Cisco devices. The CDP
1034       protocol specifies data by using a type/length/value (TLV) setup. The
1035       first TLV can specified by using the functions type, length, and value
1036       arguments. To specify additional TLVs, the programmer could either use
1037       the payload interface or libnet_build_data() to construct them.
1039       Parameters
1040           version CDP version
1041           ttl time to live (time information should be cached by recipient)
1042           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1043           type type of data contained in value
1044           value_s length of value argument
1045           value the CDP information string
1046           payload optional payload or NULL
1047           payload_s payload length or 0
1048           l pointer to a libnet context
1049           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1050           one
1052       Returns
1053           protocol tag value on success
1055       Return values
1056           -1 on error
1058   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_data (const uint8_t * payload,
1059       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1060       Builds a generic libnet protocol header. This is useful for including
1061       an optional payload to a packet that might need to change repeatedly
1062       inside of a loop. This won't work for TCP or IP payload, they have
1063       special types (this is probably a bug).
1065       Parameters
1066           payload optional payload or NULL
1067           payload_s payload length or 0
1068           l pointer to a libnet context
1069           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1070           one
1072       Returns
1073           protocol tag value on success
1075       Return values
1076           -1 on error
1078   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_dhcpv4 (uint8_t opcode, uint8_t
1079       htype, uint8_t hlen, uint8_t hopcount, uint32_t xid, uint16_t secs,
1080       uint16_t flags, uint32_t cip, uint32_t yip, uint32_t sip, uint32_t gip,
1081       const uint8_t * chaddr, const char * sname, const char * file, const
1082       uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t
1083       ptag)
1084       Parameters
1085           opcode
1086           htype
1087           hlen
1088           hopcount
1089           xid
1090           secs
1091           flags
1092           cip
1093           yip
1094           sip
1095           gip
1096           chaddr client hardware address, length is hlen
1097           sname server host name, a null terminated string
1098           file boot file name, a null terminated string
1099           payload optional payload or NULL
1100           payload_s payload length or 0
1101           l pointer to a libnet context
1102           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1103           one
1105       Returns
1106           protocol tag value on success
1108       Return values
1109           -1 on error
1111   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_dnsv4 (uint16_t h_len, uint16_t id,
1112       uint16_t flags, uint16_t num_q, uint16_t num_anws_rr, uint16_t
1113       num_auth_rr, uint16_t num_addi_rr, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1114       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1115       Builds an RFC 1035 version 4 DNS header. Additional DNS payload
1116       information should be specified using the payload interface.
1118       Parameters
1119           h_len
1120           id DNS packet id
1121           flags control flags
1122           num_q number of questions
1123           num_anws_rr number of answer resource records
1124           num_auth_rr number of authority resource records
1125           num_addi_rr number of additional resource records
1126           payload optional payload or NULL
1127           payload_s payload length or 0
1128           l pointer to a libnet context
1129           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1130           one
1132       Returns
1133           protocol tag value on success
1135       Return values
1136           -1 on error
1138   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_egre (uint16_t fv, uint16_t type,
1139       uint16_t sum, uint16_t offset, uint32_t key, uint32_t seq, uint16_t
1140       len, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l,
1141       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1142       Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE - RFC 1701) is used to encapsulate
1143       any protocol. Hence, the IP part of the packet is usually referred as
1144       'delivery header'. It is then followed by the GRE header and finally
1145       the encapsulated packet (IP or whatever). As GRE is very modular, the
1146       first GRE header describes the structure of the header, using bits and
1147       flag to specify which fields will be present in the header.
1149       Parameters
1150           fv the 16 0 to 7: which fields are included in the header
1151           (checksum, seq. number, key, ...), bits 8 to 12: flag, bits 13 to
1152           15: version.
1153           type which protocol is encapsulated (PPP, IP, ...)
1154           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill).
1155           offset byte offset from the start of the routing field to the first
1156           byte of the SRE
1157           key inserted by the encapsulator to authenticate the source
1158           seq sequence number used by the receiver to sort the packets
1159           len size of the GRE packet
1160           payload optional payload or NULL
1161           payload_s payload length or 0
1162           l pointer to a libnet context
1163           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1164           one
1166       Returns
1167           protocol tag value on success
1169       Return values
1170           -1 on error
1172   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ethernet (const uint8_t * dst, const
1173       uint8_t * src, uint16_t type, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1174       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1175       Builds an Ethernet header. The RFC 894 Ethernet II header is almost
1176       identical to the IEEE 802.3 header, with the exception that the field
1177       immediately following the source address holds the layer 3 protocol (as
1178       opposed to frame's length). You should only use this function when
1179       libnet is initialized with the LIBNET_LINK interface.
1181       Parameters
1182           dst destination ethernet address
1183           src source ethernet address
1184           type upper layer protocol type
1185           payload optional payload or NULL
1186           payload_s payload length or 0
1187           l pointer to a libnet context
1188           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1189           one
1191       Returns
1192           protocol tag value on success
1194       Return values
1195           -1 on error
1197   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_fddi (uint8_t fc, const uint8_t *
1198       dst, const uint8_t * src, uint8_t dsap, uint8_t ssap, uint8_t cf, const
1199       uint8_t * oui, uint16_t type, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1200       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1201       Builds a Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) header.
1203       Parameters
1204           fc class format and priority
1205           dst destination fddi address
1206           src source fddi address
1207           dsap destination service access point
1208           ssap source service access point
1209           cf cf
1210           oui 3 byte IEEE organizational code
1211           type upper layer protocol
1212           payload optional payload or NULL
1213           payload_s payload length or 0
1214           l pointer to a libnet context
1215           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1216           one
1218       Returns
1219           protocol tag value on success
1221       Return values
1222           -1 on error
1224   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_gre (uint16_t fv, uint16_t type,
1225       uint16_t sum, uint16_t offset, uint32_t key, uint32_t seq, uint16_t
1226       len, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l,
1227       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1228       Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE - RFC 1701) is used to encapsulate
1229       any protocol. Hence, the IP part of the packet is usually referred as
1230       'delivery header'. It is then followed by the GRE header and finally
1231       the encapsulated packet (IP or whatever). As GRE is very modular, the
1232       first GRE header describes the structure of the header, using bits and
1233       flag to specify which fields will be present in the header.
1235       Parameters
1236           fv the 16 0 to 7: which fields are included in the header
1237           (checksum, seq. number, key, ...), bits 8 to 12: flag, bits 13 to
1238           15: version.
1239           type which protocol is encapsulated (PPP, IP, ...)
1240           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill).
1241           offset byte offset from the start of the routing field to the first
1242           byte of the SRE
1243           key inserted by the encapsulator to authenticate the source
1244           seq sequence number used by the receiver to sort the packets
1245           len size of the GRE packet
1246           payload
1247           payload_s payload length or 0
1248           l pointer to a libnet context
1249           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1250           one
1252       Returns
1253           protocol tag value on success
1255       Return values
1256           -1 on error
1258   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_gre_last_sre (libnet_t * l,
1259       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1260       Parameters
1261           l pointer to a libnet context
1262           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1263           one
1265       Returns
1266           protocol tag value on success
1268       Return values
1269           -1 on error
1271   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_gre_sre (uint16_t af, uint8_t offset,
1272       uint8_t length, uint8_t * routing, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1273       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1274       Parameters
1275           af
1276           offset
1277           length
1278           routing
1279           payload optional payload or NULL
1280           payload_s payload length or 0
1281           l pointer to a libnet context
1282           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1283           one
1285       Returns
1286           protocol tag value on success
1288       Return values
1289           -1 on error
1291   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_hsrp (uint8_t version, uint8_t
1292       opcode, uint8_t state, uint8_t hello_time, uint8_t hold_time, uint8_t
1293       priority, uint8_t group, uint8_t reserved, uint8_t
1294       authdata[HSRP_AUTHDATA_LENGTH], uint32_t virtual_ip, const uint8_t *
1295       payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1296       Builds a HSRP header. HSRP is a Cisco proprietary protocol defined in
1297       RFC 2281
1299       Parameters
1300           version version of the HSRP messages
1301           opcode type of message
1302           state current state of the router
1303           hello_time period in seconds between hello messages
1304           hold_time seconds that the current hello message is valid
1305           priority priority for the election process
1306           group standby group
1307           reserved reserved field
1308           authdata password
1309           virtual_ip virtual ip address
1310           payload optional payload or NULL
1311           payload_s payload length or 0
1312           l pointer to a libnet context
1313           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1314           one
1316       Returns
1317           protocol tag value on success
1319       Return values
1320           -1 on error
1322   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_echo (uint8_t type, uint8_t
1323       code, uint16_t sum, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, const uint8_t * payload,
1324       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1325       At the moment, this function is not implemented.
1327       This stub may be useful in feature to let to the user build the LLDPDU
1328       in one function by passing corresponding arguments. Builds an IP
1329       version 4 RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo
1330       request/reply header
1332       Parameters
1333           type type of ICMP packet (should be ICMP_ECHOREPLY or ICMP_ECHO)
1334           code code of ICMP packet (should be 0)
1335           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1336           id identification number
1337           seq packet sequence number
1338           payload optional payload or NULL
1339           payload_s payload length or 0
1340           l pointer to a libnet context
1341           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1342           one
1344       Returns
1345           protocol tag value on success
1347       Return values
1348           -1 on error
1350   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_mask (uint8_t type, uint8_t
1351       code, uint16_t sum, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, uint32_t mask, const
1352       uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t
1353       ptag)
1354       Builds an IP version 4 RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
1355       IP netmask request/reply header.
1357       Parameters
1358           type type of ICMP packet (should be ICMP_MASKREQ or ICMP_MASKREPLY)
1359           code code of ICMP packet (should be 0)
1360           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1361           id identification number
1362           seq packet sequence number
1363           mask subnet mask
1364           payload optional payload or NULL
1365           payload_s payload length or 0
1366           l pointer to a libnet context
1367           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1368           one
1370       Returns
1371           protocol tag value on success
1373       Return values
1374           -1 on error
1376   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_redirect (uint8_t type,
1377       uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint32_t gateway, const uint8_t * payload,
1378       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1379       Builds an IP version 4 RFC 792 Internet Message Control Protocol (ICMP)
1380       redirect header. The IP header that caused the error message should be
1381       built by a previous call to libnet_build_ipv4().
1383       Parameters
1384           type type of ICMP packet (should be ICMP_REDIRECT)
1385           code code of ICMP packet (should be one of the four redirect codes)
1386           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1387           gateway
1388           payload optional payload or NULL
1389           payload_s payload length or 0
1390           l pointer to a libnet context
1391           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1392           one
1394       Returns
1395           protocol tag value on success
1397       Return values
1398           -1 on error
1400   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_timeexceed (uint8_t type,
1401       uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1402       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1403       Builds an IP version 4 RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
1404       time exceeded header. The IP header that caused the error message
1405       should be built by a previous call to libnet_build_ipv4().
1407       Parameters
1408           type type of ICMP packet (should be ICMP_TIMXCEED)
1409           code code of ICMP packet (ICMP_TIMXCEED_INTRANS /
1410           ICMP_TIMXCEED_REASS)
1411           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1412           payload optional payload or NULL
1413           payload_s payload length or 0
1414           l pointer to a libnet context
1415           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1416           one
1418       Returns
1419           protocol tag value on success
1421       Return values
1422           -1 on error
1424   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_timestamp (uint8_t type,
1425       uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, uint32_t otime,
1426       uint32_t rtime, uint32_t ttime, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1427       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1428       Builds an IP version 4 RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
1429       timestamp request/reply header.
1431       Parameters
1432           type type of ICMP packet (should be ICMP_TSTAMP or
1433           ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY)
1434           code code of ICMP packet (should be 0)
1435           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1436           id identification number
1437           seq sequence number
1438           otime originate timestamp
1439           rtime receive timestamp
1440           ttime transmit timestamp
1441           payload optional payload or NULL
1442           payload_s payload length or 0
1443           l pointer to a libnet context
1444           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1445           one
1447       Returns
1448           protocol tag value on success
1450       Return values
1451           -1 on error
1453   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv4_unreach (uint8_t type, uint8_t
1454       code, uint16_t sum, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s,
1455       libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1456       Builds an IP version 4 RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
1457       unreachable header. The IP header that caused the error message should
1458       be built by a previous call to libnet_build_ipv4().
1460       Parameters
1461           type type of ICMP packet (should be ICMP_UNREACH)
1462           code code of ICMP packet (should be one of the 16 unreachable
1463           codes)
1464           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1465           payload optional payload or NULL
1466           payload_s payload length or 0
1467           l pointer to a libnet context
1468           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1469           one
1471       Returns
1472           protocol tag value on success
1474       Return values
1475           -1 on error
1477   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_echo (uint8_t type, uint8_t
1478       code, uint16_t sum, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, uint8_t * payload,
1479       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1480       Builds an IP version 6 RFC 4443 Internet Control Message Protocol
1481       (ICMP) echo or echo reply header.
1483       Parameters
1484           type type of ICMP packet (should be ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST or
1485           ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY)
1486           code code of ICMP packet (should be zero)
1487           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1488           id echo id number
1489           seq echo sequence number
1490           payload optional payload or NULL
1491           payload_s payload length or 0
1492           l pointer to a libnet context
1493           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1494           one
1496       Returns
1497           protocol tag value on success
1499       Return values
1500           -1 on error
1502   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_ndp_nadv (uint8_t type,
1503       uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, uint32_t flags, struct libnet_in6_addr
1504       target, uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l,
1505       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1506       Builds an IP version 6 RFC 2461 Internet Control Message Protocol
1507       (ICMP) NDP neighbour advertisement header. Could be used with
1508       libnet_build_icmpv6_ndp_opt() and ND_OPT_TARGET_LINKADDR.
1510       Parameters
1511           type type of ICMP packet (should be ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT)
1512           code code of ICMP packet (should be zero)
1513           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1514           flags should be a bitwise or of any applicable ND_NA_FLAG_* flags
1515           target target ipv6 address
1516           payload optional payload or NULL
1517           payload_s payload length or 0
1518           l pointer to a libnet context
1519           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1520           one
1522       Returns
1523           protocol tag value on success
1525       Return values
1526           -1 on error
1528   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_ndp_nsol (uint8_t type,
1529       uint8_t code, uint16_t sum, struct libnet_in6_addr target, uint8_t *
1530       payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1531       Builds an IP version 6 RFC 2461 Internet Control Message Protocol
1532       (ICMP) NDP neighbour solicitation header. Could be used with
1533       libnet_build_icmpv6_ndp_opt() and ICMPV6_NDP_OPT_SLLA.
1535       Parameters
1536           type type of ICMP packet (should be ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT)
1537           code code of ICMP packet (should be zero)
1538           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1539           target target ipv6 address
1540           payload optional payload or NULL
1541           payload_s payload length or 0
1542           l pointer to a libnet context
1543           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1544           one
1546       Returns
1547           protocol tag value on success
1549       Return values
1550           -1 on error
1552   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_ndp_opt (uint8_t type, uint8_t
1553       * option, uint32_t option_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1554       Builds ICMPv6 NDP options.
1556       Parameters
1557           type one of ND_OPT_* types
1558           option option data
1559           option_s size of option data (will be padded out to an 8-byte
1560           boundary)
1561           l pointer to a libnet context
1562           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1563           one
1565       Returns
1566           protocol tag value on success
1568       Return values
1569           -1 on error
1571   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_icmpv6_unreach (uint8_t type, uint8_t
1572       code, uint16_t sum, uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *
1573       l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1574       Builds an IP version 6 RFC 4443 Internet Control Message Protocol
1575       (ICMP) unreachable header. The IP header that caused the error message
1576       should be built by a previous call to libnet_build_ipv6().
1578       Parameters
1579           type type of ICMP packet (should be ICMP6_DST_UNREACH)
1580           code code of ICMP packet (should be one of the 5
1581           ICMP6_DST_UNREACH_* codes)
1582           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1583           payload optional payload or NULL
1584           payload_s payload length or 0
1585           l pointer to a libnet context
1586           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1587           one
1589       Returns
1590           protocol tag value on success
1592       Return values
1593           -1 on error
1595   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_igmp (uint8_t type, uint8_t reserved,
1596       uint16_t sum, uint32_t ip, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s,
1597       libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1598       Builds an RFC 1112 Internet Group Membership Protocol (IGMP) header.
1600       Parameters
1601           type packet type
1602           reserved (should be 0 for IGMPv1)
1603           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1604           ip IPv4 address (in standard/network byte order)
1605           payload optional payload or NULL
1606           payload_s payload length or 0
1607           l pointer to a libnet context
1608           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1609           one
1611       Returns
1612           protocol tag value on success
1614       Return values
1615           -1 on error
1617       Note
1619   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipsec_ah (uint8_t nh, uint8_t len,
1620       uint16_t res, uint32_t spi, uint32_t seq, uint32_t auth, const uint8_t
1621       * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1622       Builds an Internet Protocol Security Authentication header.
1624       Parameters
1625           nh next header
1626           len payload length
1627           res reserved
1628           spi security parameter index
1629           seq sequence number
1630           auth authentication data
1631           payload optional payload or NULL
1632           payload_s payload length or 0
1633           l pointer to a libnet context
1634           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1635           one
1637       Returns
1638           protocol tag value on success
1640       Return values
1641           -1 on error
1643   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipsec_esp_ftr (uint8_t len, uint8_t
1644       nh, int8_t * auth, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s,
1645       libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1646       Builds an Internet Protocol Security Encapsulating Security Payload
1647       footer.
1649       Parameters
1650           len padding length
1651           nh next header
1652           auth authentication data
1653           payload optional payload or NULL
1654           payload_s payload length or 0
1655           l pointer to a libnet context
1656           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1657           one
1659       Returns
1660           protocol tag value on success
1662       Return values
1663           -1 on error
1665   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipsec_esp_hdr (uint32_t spi, uint32_t
1666       seq, uint32_t iv, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t
1667       * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1668       Builds an Internet Protocol Security Encapsulating Security Payload
1669       header.
1671       Parameters
1672           spi security parameter index
1673           seq ESP sequence number
1674           iv initialization vector
1675           payload optional payload or NULL
1676           payload_s payload length or 0
1677           l pointer to a libnet context
1678           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1679           one
1681       Returns
1682           protocol tag value on success
1684       Return values
1685           -1 on error
1687   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv4 (uint16_t ip_len, uint8_t tos,
1688       uint16_t id, uint16_t frag, uint8_t ttl, uint8_t prot, uint16_t sum,
1689       uint32_t src, uint32_t dst, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1690       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1691       Builds a version 4 RFC 791 Internet Protocol (IP) header.
1693       Parameters
1694           ip_len total length of the IP packet including all subsequent data
1695           (subsequent data includes any IP options and IP options padding)
1696           tos type of service bits
1697           id IP identification number
1698           frag fragmentation bits and offset
1699           ttl time to live in the network
1700           prot upper layer protocol
1701           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
1702           src source IPv4 address (little endian)
1703           dst destination IPv4 address (little endian)
1704           payload optional payload or NULL
1705           payload_s payload length or 0
1706           l pointer to a libnet context
1707           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1708           one
1710       Returns
1711           protocol tag value on success
1713       Return values
1714           -1 on error
1716   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv4_options (const uint8_t *
1717       options, uint32_t options_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1718       Builds an version 4 Internet Protocol (IP) options header. The function
1719       expects options to be a valid IP options string of size options_s, no
1720       larger than 40 bytes (the maximum size of an options string).
1722       When building a chain, the options must be built, then the IPv4 header.
1724       When updating a chain, if the block following the options is an IPv4
1725       header, it's total length and header length will be updated if the
1726       options block size changes.
1728       Parameters
1729           options byte string of IP options (it will be padded up to be an
1730           integral multiple of 32-bit words).
1731           options_s length of options string
1732           l pointer to a libnet context
1733           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1734           one
1736       Returns
1737           protocol tag value on success
1739       Return values
1740           -1 on error
1742   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6 (uint8_t tc, uint32_t fl,
1743       uint16_t len, uint8_t nh, uint8_t hl, struct libnet_in6_addr src,
1744       struct libnet_in6_addr dst, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1745       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1746       Builds a version 6 RFC 2460 Internet Protocol (IP) header.
1748       Parameters
1749           tc traffic class
1750           fl flow label
1751           len total length of the IP packet
1752           nh next header
1753           hl hop limit
1754           src source IPv6 address
1755           dst destination IPv6 address
1756           payload optional payload or NULL
1757           payload_s payload length or 0
1758           l pointer to a libnet context
1759           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1760           one
1762       Returns
1763           protocol tag value on success
1765       Return values
1766           -1 on error
1768   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6_destopts (uint8_t nh, uint8_t
1769       len, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l,
1770       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1771       Builds a version 6 RFC 2460 Internet Protocol (IP) destination options
1772       header. This function is special in that it uses the payload interface
1773       to include the options data. The application programmer will build an
1774       IPv6 options byte string and pass it to the function using the payload
1775       interface.
1777       Parameters
1778           nh next header
1779           len length of the header in 8-byte octets not including the first 8
1780           octets
1781           payload options payload
1782           payload_s payload length
1783           l pointer to a libnet context
1784           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1785           one
1787       Returns
1788           protocol tag value on success
1790       Return values
1791           -1 on error
1793   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6_frag (uint8_t nh, uint8_t
1794       reserved, uint16_t frag, uint32_t id, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1795       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1796       Builds a version 6 RFC 2460 Internet Protocol (IP) fragmentation
1797       header.
1799       Parameters
1800           nh next header
1801           reserved unused value... OR IS IT!
1802           frag fragmentation bits (ala ipv4)
1803           id packet identification
1804           payload optional payload or NULL
1805           payload_s payload length or 0
1806           l pointer to a libnet context
1807           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1808           one
1810       Returns
1811           protocol tag value on success
1813       Return values
1814           -1 on error
1816   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6_hbhopts (uint8_t nh, uint8_t
1817       len, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l,
1818       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1819       Builds a version 6 RFC 2460 Internet Protocol (IP) hop by hop options
1820       header. This function is special in that it uses the payload interface
1821       to include the options data. The application programmer will build an
1822       IPv6 hop by hop options byte string and pass it to the function using
1823       the payload interface.
1825       Parameters
1826           nh next header
1827           len length of the header in 8-byte octets not including the first 8
1828           octets
1829           payload options payload
1830           payload_s payload length
1831           l pointer to a libnet context
1832           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1833           one
1835       Returns
1836           protocol tag value on success
1838       Return values
1839           -1 on error
1841   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv6_routing (uint8_t nh, uint8_t
1842       len, uint8_t rtype, uint8_t segments, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
1843       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1844       Builds a version 6 RFC 2460 Internet Protocol (IP) routing header. This
1845       function is special in that it uses the payload interface to include
1846       the 'type-specific data'; that is the routing information. Most often
1847       this will be a number of 128-bit IPv6 addresses. The application
1848       programmer will build a byte string of IPv6 address and pass them to
1849       the function using the payload interface.
1851       Parameters
1852           nh next header
1853           len length of the header in 8-byte octets not including the first 8
1854           octets
1855           rtype routing header type
1856           segments number of routing segments that follow
1857           payload optional payload of routing information
1858           payload_s payload length
1859           l pointer to a libnet context
1860           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1861           one
1863       Returns
1864           protocol tag value on success
1866       Return values
1867           -1 on error
1869   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_isl (uint8_t * dhost, uint8_t type,
1870       uint8_t user, uint8_t * shost, uint16_t len, const uint8_t * snap,
1871       uint16_t vid, uint16_t portindex, uint16_t reserved, const uint8_t *
1872       payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1873       Builds a Cisco Inter-Switch Link (ISL) header.
1875       Parameters
1876           dhost destination address (should be 01:00:0c:00:00)
1877           type type of frame
1878           user user defined data
1879           shost source mac address
1880           len total length of the encapsulated packet less 18 bytes
1881           snap SNAP information (0xaaaa03 + vendor code)
1882           vid 15 bit VLAN ID, 1 bit BPDU or CDP indicator
1883           portindex port index
1884           reserved used for FDDI and token ring
1885           payload optional payload or NULL
1886           payload_s payload length or 0
1887           l pointer to a libnet context
1888           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1889           one
1891       Returns
1892           protocol tag value on success
1894       Return values
1895           -1 on error
1897   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_link (const uint8_t * dst, const
1898       uint8_t * src, const uint8_t * oui, uint16_t type, const uint8_t *
1899       payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1900       Builds a link layer header for an initialized l. The function
1901       determines the proper link layer header format from how l was
1902       initialized. The function current supports Ethernet and Token Ring link
1903       layers.
1905       Parameters
1906           dst the destination MAC address
1907           src the source MAC address
1908           oui Organizationally Unique Identifier (unused for Ethernet)
1909           type the upper layer protocol type
1910           payload optional payload or NULL
1911           payload_s payload length or 0
1912           l pointer to a libnet context
1913           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1914           one
1916       Returns
1917           protocol tag value on success
1919       Return values
1920           -1 on error
1922   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_chassis (const uint8_t subtype,
1923       const uint8_t * value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t * l,
1924       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1925       Builds a LLDP Chassis ID TLV. The Chassis ID TLV is the first mandatory
1926       TLV in the LLDPDU.
1928       Parameters
1929           subtype Chassis ID Subtype
1930           value the Chassis ID string
1931           value_s length of value argument
1932           l pointer to a libnet context
1933           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1934           one
1936       Returns
1937           protocol tag value on success
1939       Return values
1940           -1 on error
1942   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_end (libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t
1943       ptag)
1944       Builds a LLDP End of LLDPDU TLV. The End of LLDPDU TLV used to mark the
1945       end of the TLV sequence in LLDPDU. Is a 2 octet all-zero TLV
1947       Parameters
1948           l pointer to a libnet context
1949           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1950           one
1952       Returns
1953           protocol tag value on success
1955       Return values
1956           -1 on error
1958   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_org_spec (const uint8_t * value,
1959       const uint16_t value_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1960       Builds a LLDP Organization Specific TLV.
1962       Parameters
1963           value the TLV information string
1964           value_s length of value argument
1965           l pointer to a libnet context
1966           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1967           one
1969       Returns
1970           protocol tag value on success
1972       Return values
1973           -1 on error
1975   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_port (const uint8_t subtype,
1976       const uint8_t * value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t * l,
1977       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1978       Builds a LLDP Port ID TLV. The Port ID TLV is the second mandatory TLV
1979       in the LLDPDU.
1981       Parameters
1982           subtype Port ID Subtype
1983           value the Port ID string
1984           value_s length of value argument
1985           l pointer to a libnet context
1986           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
1987           one
1989       Returns
1990           protocol tag value on success
1992       Return values
1993           -1 on error
1995   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_ttl (const uint16_t ttl,
1996       libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
1997       Builds a LLDP TTL TLV. The TTL TLV is the third mandatory TLV in the
1998       LLDPDU.
2000       Parameters
2001           ttl number of seconds
2002           l pointer to a libnet context
2003           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2004           one
2006       Returns
2007           protocol tag value on success
2009       Return values
2010           -1 on error
2012   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_mpls (uint32_t label, uint8_t
2013       experimental, uint8_t bos, uint8_t ttl, const uint8_t * payload,
2014       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2015       Builds an RFC 3032 Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) header.
2017       Parameters
2018           label 20-bit label value
2019           experimental 3-bit reserved field
2020           bos 1-bit bottom of stack identifier
2021           ttl time to live
2022           payload optional payload or NULL
2023           payload_s payload length or 0
2024           l pointer to a libnet context
2025           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2026           one
2028       Returns
2029           protocol tag value on success
2031       Return values
2032           -1 on error
2034   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ntp (uint8_t leap_indicator, uint8_t
2035       version, uint8_t mode, uint8_t stratum, uint8_t poll, uint8_t
2036       precision, uint16_t delay_int, uint16_t delay_frac, uint16_t
2037       dispersion_int, uint16_t dispersion_frac, uint32_t reference_id,
2038       uint32_t ref_ts_int, uint32_t ref_ts_frac, uint32_t orig_ts_int,
2039       uint32_t orig_ts_frac, uint32_t rec_ts_int, uint32_t rec_ts_frac,
2040       uint32_t xmt_ts_int, uint32_t xmt_ts_frac, const uint8_t * payload,
2041       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2042       Builds an RFC 958 Network Time Protocol (NTP) header.
2044       Parameters
2045           leap_indicator the leap indicator
2046           version NTP protocol version
2047           mode NTP mode
2048           stratum stratum
2049           poll polling interval
2050           precision precision
2051           delay_int delay interval
2052           delay_frac delay fraction
2053           dispersion_int dispersion interval
2054           dispersion_frac dispersion fraction
2055           reference_id reference id
2056           ref_ts_int reference timestamp integer
2057           ref_ts_frac reference timestamp fraction
2058           orig_ts_int original timestamp integer
2059           orig_ts_frac original timestamp fraction
2060           rec_ts_int receiver timestamp integer
2061           rec_ts_frac receiver timestamp fraction
2062           xmt_ts_int transmit timestamp integer
2063           xmt_ts_frac transmit timestamp integer
2064           payload optional payload or NULL
2065           payload_s payload length or 0
2066           l pointer to a libnet context
2067           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2068           one
2070       Returns
2071           protocol tag value on success
2073       Return values
2074           -1 on error
2076   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2 (uint16_t len, uint8_t type,
2077       uint32_t rtr_id, uint32_t area_id, uint16_t sum, uint16_t autype, const
2078       uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t
2079       ptag)
2080       Parameters
2081           len
2082           type
2083           rtr_id
2084           area_id
2085           sum
2086           autype
2087           payload optional payload or NULL
2088           payload_s payload length or 0
2089           l pointer to a libnet context
2090           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2091           one
2093       Returns
2094           protocol tag value on success
2096       Return values
2097           -1 on error
2099   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_dbd (uint16_t dgram_len,
2100       uint8_t opts, uint8_t type, uint32_t seqnum, const uint8_t * payload,
2101       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2102       Parameters
2103           dgram_len
2104           opts
2105           type
2106           seqnum
2107           payload optional payload or NULL
2108           payload_s payload length or 0
2109           l pointer to a libnet context
2110           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2111           one
2113       Returns
2114           protocol tag value on success
2116       Return values
2117           -1 on error
2119   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_hello (uint32_t netmask,
2120       uint16_t interval, uint8_t opts, uint8_t priority, uint32_t dead_int,
2121       uint32_t des_rtr, uint32_t bkup_rtr, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
2122       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2123       Parameters
2124           netmask
2125           interval
2126           opts
2127           priority
2128           dead_int
2129           des_rtr
2130           bkup_rtr
2131           payload optional payload or NULL
2132           payload_s payload length or 0
2133           l pointer to a libnet context
2134           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2135           one
2137       Returns
2138           protocol tag value on success
2140       Return values
2141           -1 on error
2143   libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_hello_neighbor (uint32_t netmask,
2144       uint16_t interval, uint8_t opts, uint8_t priority, uint32_t dead_int,
2145       uint32_t des_rtr, uint32_t bkup_rtr, uint32_t neighbor, const uint8_t *
2146       payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2147       Parameters
2148           netmask
2149           interval
2150           opts
2151           priority
2152           dead_int
2153           des_rtr
2154           bkup_rtr
2155           neighbor
2156           payload optional payload or NULL
2157           payload_s payload length or 0
2158           l pointer to a libnet context
2159           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2160           one
2162       Returns
2163           protocol tag value on success
2165       Return values
2166           -1 on error
2168   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa (uint16_t age, uint8_t
2169       opts, uint8_t type, uint32_t lsid, uint32_t advrtr, uint32_t seqnum,
2170       uint16_t sum, uint16_t len, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
2171       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2172       Parameters
2173           age
2174           opts
2175           type
2176           lsid
2177           advrtr
2178           seqnum
2179           sum
2180           len
2181           payload optional payload or NULL
2182           payload_s payload length or 0
2183           l pointer to a libnet context
2184           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2185           one
2187       Returns
2188           protocol tag value on success
2190       Return values
2191           -1 on error
2193   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa_as (uint32_t nmask,
2194       uint32_t metric, uint32_t fwdaddr, uint32_t tag, const uint8_t *
2195       payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2196       Parameters
2197           nmask
2198           metric
2199           fwdaddr
2200           tag
2201           payload optional payload or NULL
2202           payload_s payload length or 0
2203           l pointer to a libnet context
2204           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2205           one
2207       Returns
2208           protocol tag value on success
2210       Return values
2211           -1 on error
2213   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa_net (uint32_t nmask,
2214       uint32_t rtrid, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t *
2215       l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2216       Parameters
2217           nmask
2218           rtrid
2219           payload optional payload or NULL
2220           payload_s payload length or 0
2221           l pointer to a libnet context
2222           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2223           one
2225       Returns
2226           protocol tag value on success
2228       Return values
2229           -1 on error
2231   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa_rtr (uint16_t flags,
2232       uint16_t num, uint32_t id, uint32_t data, uint8_t type, uint8_t tos,
2233       uint16_t metric, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t
2234       * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2235       Parameters
2236           flags
2237           num
2238           id
2239           data
2240           type
2241           tos
2242           metric
2243           payload optional payload or NULL
2244           payload_s payload length or 0
2245           l pointer to a libnet context
2246           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2247           one
2249       Returns
2250           protocol tag value on success
2252       Return values
2253           -1 on error
2255   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsa_sum (uint32_t nmask,
2256       uint32_t metric, uint32_t tos, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
2257       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2258       Parameters
2259           nmask
2260           metric
2261           tos
2262           payload optional payload or NULL
2263           payload_s payload length or 0
2264           l pointer to a libnet context
2265           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2266           one
2268       Returns
2269           protocol tag value on success
2271       Return values
2272           -1 on error
2274   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsr (uint32_t type, uint32_t
2275       lsid, uint32_t advrtr, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s,
2276       libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2277       Parameters
2278           type
2279           lsid
2280           advrtr
2281           payload optional payload or NULL
2282           payload_s payload length or 0
2283           l pointer to a libnet context
2284           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2285           one
2287       Returns
2288           protocol tag value on success
2290       Return values
2291           -1 on error
2293   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ospfv2_lsu (uint32_t num, const
2294       uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t
2295       ptag)
2296       Parameters
2297           num
2298           payload optional payload or NULL
2299           payload_s payload length or 0
2300           l pointer to a libnet context
2301           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2302           one
2304       Returns
2305           protocol tag value on success
2307       Return values
2308           -1 on error
2310   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_rip (uint8_t cmd, uint8_t version,
2311       uint16_t rd, uint16_t af, uint16_t rt, uint32_t addr, uint32_t mask,
2312       uint32_t next_hop, uint32_t metric, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
2313       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2314       Builds a Routing Information Protocol header (RFCs 1058 and 2453).
2316       Parameters
2317           cmd command
2318           version protocol version
2319           rd version one: 0, version two: routing domain
2320           af address family
2321           rt version one: 0, version two: route tag
2322           addr IPv4 address
2323           mask version one: 0, version two: subnet mask
2324           next_hop version one: 0, version two: next hop address
2325           metric routing metric
2326           payload optional payload or NULL
2327           payload_s payload length or 0
2328           l pointer to a libnet context
2329           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2330           one
2332       Returns
2333           protocol tag value on success
2335       Return values
2336           -1 on error
2338   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_rpc_call (uint32_t rm, uint32_t xid,
2339       uint32_t prog_num, uint32_t prog_vers, uint32_t procedure, uint32_t
2340       cflavor, uint32_t clength, uint8_t * cdata, uint32_t vflavor, uint32_t
2341       vlength, const uint8_t * vdata, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
2342       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2343       Builds an Remote Procedure Call (Version 2) Call message header as
2344       specified in RFC 1831. This builder provides the option for specifying
2345       the record marking which is required when used with streaming protocols
2346       (TCP).
2348       Parameters
2349           rm record marking indicating the position in a stream, 0 otherwise
2350           xid transaction identifier used to link calls and replies
2351           prog_num remote program specification typically between 0 -
2352           1fffffff
2353           prog_vers remote program version specification
2354           procedure procedure to be performed by remote program
2355           cflavor authentication credential type
2356           clength credential length (should be 0)
2357           cdata opaque credential data (currently unused)
2358           vflavor authentication verifier type
2359           vlength verifier length (should be 0)
2360           vdata opaque verifier data (currently unused)
2361           payload optional payload or NULL
2362           payload_s payload length or 0
2363           l pointer to a libnet context
2364           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2365           one
2367       Returns
2368           protocol tag value on success
2370       Return values
2371           -1 on error
2373   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_sebek (uint32_t magic, uint16_t
2374       version, uint16_t type, uint32_t counter, uint32_t time_sec, uint32_t
2375       time_usec, uint32_t pid, uint32_t uid, uint32_t fd, uint8_t
2376       cmd[SEBEK_CMD_LENGTH], uint32_t length, const uint8_t * payload,
2377       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2378       Builds a Sebek header. The Sebek protocol was designed by the Honeynet
2379       Project as a transport mechanism for post-intrusion forensic data. More
2380       information may be found here:
2381       http://www.honeynet.org/papers/sebek.pdf.
2383       Parameters
2384           magic identify packets that should be hidden
2385           version protocol version, currently 1
2386           type type of record (read data is type 0, write data is type 1)
2387           counter PDU counter used to identify when packet are lost
2388           time_sec seconds since EPOCH according to the honeypot
2389           time_usec residual microseconds
2390           pid PID
2391           uid UID
2392           fd FD
2393           cmd 12 first characters of the command
2394           length length in bytes of the PDU's body
2395           payload optional payload or NULL
2396           payload_s payload length or 0
2397           l pointer to a libnet context
2398           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2399           one
2401       Returns
2402           protocol tag value on success
2404       Return values
2405           -1 on error
2407   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_stp_conf (uint16_t id, uint8_t
2408       version, uint8_t bpdu_type, uint8_t flags, const uint8_t * root_id,
2409       uint32_t root_pc, const uint8_t * bridge_id, uint16_t port_id, uint16_t
2410       message_age, uint16_t max_age, uint16_t hello_time, uint16_t f_delay,
2411       const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l,
2412       libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2413       Builds an IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) configuration
2414       header. STP frames are usually encapsulated inside of an 802.2 + 802.3
2415       frame combination.
2417       Parameters
2418           id protocol id
2419           version protocol version
2420           bpdu_type bridge protocol data unit type
2421           flags flags
2422           root_id root id
2423           root_pc root path cost
2424           bridge_id bridge id
2425           port_id port id
2426           message_age message age
2427           max_age max age
2428           hello_time hello time
2429           f_delay forward delay
2430           payload optional payload or NULL
2431           payload_s payload length or 0
2432           l pointer to a libnet context
2433           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2434           one
2436       Returns
2437           protocol tag value on success
2439       Return values
2440           -1 on error
2442   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_stp_tcn (uint16_t id, uint8_t
2443       version, uint8_t bpdu_type, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
2444       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2445       Builds an IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) topology change
2446       notification header. STP frames are usually encapsulated inside of an
2447       802.2 + 802.3 frame combination.
2449       Parameters
2450           id protocol id
2451           version protocol version
2452           bpdu_type bridge protocol data unit type
2453           payload optional payload or NULL
2454           payload_s payload length or 0
2455           l pointer to a libnet context
2456           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2457           one
2459       Returns
2460           protocol tag value on success
2462       Return values
2463           -1 on error
2465   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_tcp (uint16_t sp, uint16_t dp,
2466       uint32_t seq, uint32_t ack, uint8_t control, uint16_t win, uint16_t
2467       sum, uint16_t urg, uint16_t len, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
2468       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2469       Builds an RFC 793 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) header.
2471       Parameters
2472           sp source port
2473           dp destination port
2474           seq sequence number
2475           ack acknowledgement number
2476           control control flags
2477           win window size
2478           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
2479           urg urgent pointer
2480           len total length of the TCP packet (for checksum calculation)
2481           payload
2482           payload_s payload length or 0
2483           l pointer to a libnet context
2484           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2485           one
2487       Returns
2488           protocol tag value on success
2490       Return values
2491           -1 on error
2493   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_tcp_options (const uint8_t * options,
2494       uint32_t options_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2495       Builds an RFC 793 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) options header.
2496       The function expects options to be a valid TCP options string of size
2497       options_s, which is no larger than 40 bytes (the maximum size of an
2498       options string). The function checks to ensure that the packet consists
2499       of a TCP header preceded by an IPv4 header, and that the addition of
2500       the options string would not result in a packet larger than 65,535
2501       bytes (IPMAXPACKET). The function counts up the number of 32-bit words
2502       in the options string and adjusts the TCP header length value as
2503       necessary.
2505       Parameters
2506           options byte string of TCP options
2507           options_s length of options string
2508           l pointer to a libnet context
2509           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2510           one
2512       Returns
2513           protocol tag value on success
2515       Return values
2516           -1 on error
2518   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_token_ring (uint8_t ac, uint8_t fc,
2519       const uint8_t * dst, const uint8_t * src, uint8_t dsap, uint8_t ssap,
2520       uint8_t cf, const uint8_t * oui, uint16_t type, const uint8_t *
2521       payload, uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2522       Builds a token ring header.
2524       Parameters
2525           ac access control
2526           fc frame control
2527           dst destination address
2528           src source address
2529           dsap destination service access point
2530           ssap source service access point
2531           cf control field
2532           oui Organizationally Unique Identifier
2533           type upper layer protocol type
2534           payload optional payload or NULL
2535           payload_s payload length or 0
2536           l pointer to a libnet context
2537           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2538           one
2540       Returns
2541           protocol tag value on success
2543       Return values
2544           -1 on error
2546   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_device_id (const uint8_t *
2547       value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2548       Builds an UniDirectional Link Detection(UDLD) Device ID TLV.
2550       Parameters
2551           value device id(ASCII character string)
2552           value_s device id(ASCII character string) length
2553           l pointer to a libnet context
2554           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2555           one
2557       Returns
2558           protocol tag value on success
2560       Return values
2561           -1 on error
2563   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_device_name (const uint8_t *
2564       value, const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2565       Builds an UniDirectional Link Detection(UDLD) Device Name TLV.
2567       Parameters
2568           value device name(ASCII character string)
2569           value_s device name length
2570           l pointer to a libnet context
2571           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2572           one
2574       Returns
2575           protocol tag value on success
2577       Return values
2578           -1 on error
2580   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_echo (const uint8_t * value,
2581       const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2582       Builds an UniDirectional Link Detection(UDLD) Echo TLV.
2584       Parameters
2585           value list of ID pairs
2586           value_s ID pairs length
2587           l pointer to a libnet context
2588           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2589           one
2591       Returns
2592           protocol tag value on success
2594       Return values
2595           -1 on error
2597   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_hdr (uint8_t version, uint8_t
2598       opcode, uint8_t flags, uint8_t checksum, const uint8_t * payload,
2599       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2600       Builds an UniDirectional Link Detection(UDLD) header. UDLD frames are
2601       usually encapsulated inside of an 802.2 + 802.3 frame combination.
2603       Parameters
2604           version UDLD PDU version number
2605           opcode operation code
2606           flags flags
2607           checksum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
2608           payload optional payload or NULL
2609           payload_s payload length or 0
2610           l pointer to a libnet context
2611           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2612           one
2614       Returns
2615           protocol tag value on success
2617       Return values
2618           -1 on error
2620   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_message_interval (const uint8_t
2621       * value, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2622       Builds an UniDirectional Link Detection(UDLD) Message Interval TLV.
2624       Parameters
2625           value time interval(8-bit unsigned integer)
2626           l pointer to a libnet context
2627           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2628           one
2630       Returns
2631           protocol tag value on success
2633       Return values
2634           -1 on error
2636   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_port_id (const uint8_t * value,
2637       const uint8_t value_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2638       Builds an UniDirectional Link Detection(UDLD) Port ID TLV.
2640       Parameters
2641           value port id(ASCII character string)
2642           value_s port id(ASCII character string) length
2643           l pointer to a libnet context
2644           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2645           one
2647       Returns
2648           protocol tag value on success
2650       Return values
2651           -1 on error
2653   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_sequence_number (const uint8_t *
2654       value, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2655       Builds an UniDirectional Link Detection(UDLD) Sequence Number TLV.
2657       Parameters
2658           value sequence number(32-bit unsigned integer)
2659           l pointer to a libnet context
2660           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2661           one
2663       Returns
2664           protocol tag value on success
2666       Return values
2667           -1 on error
2669   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udld_timeout_interval (const uint8_t
2670       * value, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2671       Builds an UniDirectional Link Detection(UDLD) Timeout Interval TLV.
2673       Parameters
2674           value timeout interval(8-bit unsigned integer)
2675           l pointer to a libnet context
2676           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2677           one
2679       Returns
2680           protocol tag value on success
2682       Return values
2683           -1 on error
2685   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_udp (uint16_t sp, uint16_t dp,
2686       uint16_t len, uint16_t sum, const uint8_t * payload, uint32_t
2687       payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2688       Builds an RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) header.
2690       Parameters
2691           sp source port
2692           dp destination port
2693           len total length of the UDP packet
2694           sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
2695           payload optional payload or NULL
2696           payload_s payload length or 0
2697           l pointer to a libnet context
2698           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2699           one
2701       Returns
2702           protocol tag value on success
2704       Return values
2705           -1 on error
2707   LIBNET_API libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_vrrp (uint8_t version, uint8_t type,
2708       uint8_t vrouter_id, uint8_t priority, uint8_t ip_count, uint8_t
2709       auth_type, uint8_t advert_int, uint16_t sum, const uint8_t * payload,
2710       uint32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
2711       Builds an RFC 2338 Virtual Router Redundacy Protool (VRRP) header. Use
2712       the payload interface to specify address and authentication
2713       information. To build a 'legal' packet, the destination IPv4 address
2714       should be the multicast * address, the IP TTL should be set
2715       to 255, and the IP protocol should be set to 112.
2717       Parameters
2718           version VRRP version (should be 2)
2719           type VRRP packet type (should be 1 -- ADVERTISEMENT)
2720           vrouter_id virtual router identification
2721           priority priority (higher numbers indicate higher priority)
2722           ip_count number of IPv4 addresses contained in this advertisement
2723           auth_type type of authentication (0, 1, 2 -- see RFC)
2724           advert_int interval between advertisements
2725           sum checksum (0 for libnet to autofill)
2726           payload optional payload or NULL
2727           payload_s payload length or 0
2728           l pointer to a libnet context
2729           ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new
2730           one
2732       Returns
2733           protocol tag value on success
2735       Return values
2736           -1 on error
2738   LIBNET_API void libnet_clear_packet (libnet_t * l)
2739       Clears the current packet referenced and frees all pblocks. Should be
2740       called when the programmer want to send a completely new packet of a
2741       different type using the same context.
2743       Parameters
2744           l pointer to a libnet context
2746   int libnet_cq_add (libnet_t * l, char * label)
2747       [Context Queue] Adds a new context to the libnet context queue. If no
2748       queue exists, this function will create the queue and add the specified
2749       libnet context as the first entry on the list. The functions checks to
2750       ensure niether l nor label are NULL, and that label doesn't refer to an
2751       existing context already in the queue. Additionally, l should refer to
2752       a libnet context previously initialized with a call to libnet_init().
2753       If the context queue in write locked, this function will fail.
2755       Parameters
2756           l pointer to a libnet context
2757           label a canonical name given to recognize the new context, no
2758           longer than LIBNET_LABEL_SIZE
2760       Return values
2761           1 on success
2762           -1 on failure
2764   LIBNET_API void libnet_cq_destroy (void)
2765       [Context Queue] Destroys the entire context queue, calling
2766       libnet_destroy() on each member context.
2768   LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_cq_end_loop (void)
2769       [Context Queue] Cleanup from iterating through the context queue.
2771       Return values
2772           1 Cleanup completed OK
2773           0 failed clearing the write lock
2775   LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_find_by_label (char * label)
2776       [Context Queue] Locates a libnet context from the queue, indexed by a
2777       canonical label.
2779       Parameters
2780           label canonical label of the libnet context to retrieve
2782       Returns
2783           the expected libnet context
2785       Return values
2786           NULL on failure
2788   LIBNET_API const char * libnet_cq_getlabel (libnet_t * l)
2789       [Context Queue] Returns the canonical label associated with the
2790       context.
2792       Parameters
2793           l pointer to a libnet context
2795       Returns
2796           pointer to the libnet context's label
2798   LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_head (void)
2799       [Context Queue] Intiailizes the interator interface and set a write
2800       lock on the entire queue. This function is intended to be called just
2801       prior to interating through the entire list of contexts (with the
2802       probable intent of inject a series of packets in rapid succession).
2803       This function is often used as per the following:
2805       for (l = libnet_cq_head(); libnet_cq_last(); l = libnet_cq_next()) {
2806       ... }
2808       Much of the time, the application programmer will use the iterator as
2809       it is written above; as such, libnet provides a macro to do exactly
2810       that, for_each_context_in_cq(l). Warning: do not call the iterator more
2811       than once in a single loop.
2813       Returns
2814           the head of the context queue
2816   LIBNET_API int libnet_cq_last (void)
2817       [Context Queue] Check whether the iterator is at the last context in
2818       the queue.
2820       Return values
2821           1 if at the end of the context queue
2822           0 otherwise
2824   LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_next (void)
2825       [Context Queue] Get next context from the context queue.
2827       Returns
2828           the next context from the context queue
2830   LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_remove (libnet_t * l)
2831       [Context Queue] Removes a specified context from the libnet context
2832       queue by specifying the libnet context pointer. Note the function will
2833       remove the specified context from the context queue and cleanup
2834       internal memory from the queue, it is up to the application programmer
2835       to free the returned libnet context with a call to libnet_destroy().
2836       Also, as it is not necessary to keep the libnet context pointer when
2837       initially adding it to the context queue, most application programmers
2838       will prefer to refer to entries on the context queue by canonical name
2839       and would use libnet_cq_remove_by_label(). If the context queue is
2840       write locked, this function will fail.
2842       Parameters
2843           l pointer to a libnet context
2845       Returns
2846           the pointer to the removed libnet context
2848       Return values
2849           NULL on failure
2851   LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_cq_remove_by_label (char * label)
2852       [Context Queue] Removes a specified context from the libnet context
2853       queue by specifying the canonical name. Note the function will remove
2854       the specified context from the context queue and cleanup internal
2855       memory from the queue, it is up to the application programmer to free
2856       the returned libnet context with a call to libnet_destroy(). If the
2857       context queue is write locked, this function will fail.
2859       Parameters
2860           label canonical name of the context to remove
2862       Returns
2863           the pointer to the removed libnet context
2865       Return values
2866           NULL on failure
2868   LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_cq_size (void)
2869       [Context Queue] Function returns the number of libnet contexts that are
2870       in the queue.
2872       Returns
2873           the number of libnet contexts currently in the queue
2875   LIBNET_API void libnet_destroy (libnet_t * l)
2876       Shuts down the libnet session referenced by l. It closes the network
2877       interface and frees all internal memory structures associated with l.
2880       Parameters
2881           l pointer to a libnet context
2883   LIBNET_API void libnet_diag_dump_context (libnet_t * l)
2884       [Diagnostic] Prints the contents of the given context.
2886       Parameters
2887           l pointer to a libnet context
2889   void libnet_diag_dump_hex (const uint8_t * packet, uint32_t len, int swap,
2890       FILE * stream)
2891       [Diagnostic] Function prints the contents of the supplied buffer to the
2892       supplied stream pointer. Will swap endianness based disposition of mode
2893       variable. Useful to be used in conjunction with the advanced interface
2894       and a culled packet.
2896       Parameters
2897           packet the packet to print
2898           len length of the packet in bytes
2899           swap 1 to swap byte order, 0 to not. Counter-intuitively, it is
2900           necessary to swap in order to see the byte order as it is on the
2901           wire (this may be a bug).
2902           stream a stream pointer to print to
2904   LIBNET_API void libnet_diag_dump_pblock (libnet_t * l)
2905       [Diagnostic] Prints the contents of every pblock.
2907       Parameters
2908           l pointer to a libnet context
2910   LIBNET_API char * libnet_diag_dump_pblock_type (uint8_t type)
2911       [Diagnostic] Returns the canonical name of the pblock type.
2913       Parameters
2914           type pblock type
2916       Returns
2917           a string representing the pblock type type
2919       Return values
2920           unknown for an unknown value
2922   LIBNET_API struct libnet_ether_addr * libnet_get_hwaddr (libnet_t * l)
2923       Returns the MAC address for the device libnet was initialized with. If
2924       libnet was initialized without a device the function will attempt to
2925       find one. If the function fails and returns NULL a call to
2926       libnet_geterror() will tell you why.
2928       Parameters
2929           l pointer to a libnet context
2931       Returns
2932           a pointer to the MAC address or NULL
2934   LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_get_ipaddr4 (libnet_t * l)
2935       Returns the IP address for the device libnet was initialized with. If
2936       libnet was initialized without a device (in raw socket mode) the
2937       function will attempt to find one. If the function fails and returns -1
2938       a call to libnet_geterrror() will tell you why.
2940       Parameters
2941           l pointer to a libnet context
2943       Returns
2944           a big endian IP address suitable for use in a libnet_build function
2946       Return values
2947           -1
2949   LIBNET_API struct libnet_in6_addr libnet_get_ipaddr6 (libnet_t * l)
2950       Returns the IPv6 address for the device libnet was initialized with. If
2951       libnet was initialized without a device (in raw socket mode) the
2952       function will attempt to find one. If the function fails and returns
2953       in6addr_error, a call to libnet_geterrror() will tell you why. This
2954       function is not yet implemented for Win32 platforms.
2956       Parameters
2957           l pointer to a libnet context
2959       Return values
2960           in6addr_error on failure
2962   LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_get_prand (int mod)
2963       Generates an unsigned pseudo-random value within the range specified by
2964       mod. LIBNET_PR2 0 - 1 LIBNET_PR8 0 - 255 LIBNET_PR16 0 - 32767
2965       LIBNET_PRu16 0 - 65535 LIBNET_PR32 0 - 2147483647 LIBNET_PRu32 0 -
2966       4294967295
2968       Parameters
2969           mod one the of LIBNET_PR* constants
2971       Return values
2972           1 on success
2973           -1 on failure
2975   LIBNET_API const char * libnet_getdevice (libnet_t * l)
2976       Returns the canonical name of the device used for packet injection.
2978       Parameters
2979           l pointer to a libnet context
2981       Returns
2982           the canonical name of the device used for packet injection. Note it
2983           can be NULL without being an error.
2985   LIBNET_API char * libnet_geterror (libnet_t * l)
2986       Returns the last error set inside of the referenced libnet context.
2987       This function should be called anytime a function fails or an error
2988       condition is detected inside of libnet.
2990       Parameters
2991           l pointer to a libnet context
2993       Returns
2994           an error string or NULL if no error has occurred
2996   LIBNET_API int libnet_getfd (libnet_t * l)
2997       Returns the FILENO of the file descriptor used for packet injection.
2999       Parameters
3000           l pointer to a libnet context
3002       Returns
3003           the file number of the file descriptor used for packet injection
3005   LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_getgre_length (uint16_t fv)
3006       Parameters
3007           fv see libnet_build_gre().
3009       Returns
3010           size
3012       See also
3013           libnet_build_gre().
3015   LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_getpacket_size (libnet_t * l)
3016       Returns the sum of the size of all of the pblocks inside of l (this
3017       should be the resulting packet size).
3019       Parameters
3020           l pointer to a libnet context
3022       Returns
3023           the size of the packet in l
3025   LIBNET_API uint8_t * libnet_getpbuf (libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
3026       Returns the pblock buffer contents for the specified ptag; a subsequent
3027       call to libnet_getpbuf_size() should be made to determine the size of
3028       the buffer.
3030       Parameters
3031           l pointer to a libnet context
3032           ptag the ptag reference number
3034       Returns
3035           a pointer to the pblock buffer or NULL on error
3037   LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_getpbuf_size (libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag)
3038       Returns the pblock buffer size for the specified ptag; a previous call
3039       to libnet_getpbuf() should be made to pull the actual buffer contents.
3041       Parameters
3042           l pointer to a libnet context
3043           ptag the ptag reference number
3045       Returns
3046           the size of the pblock buffer
3048   LIBNET_API uint8_t * libnet_hex_aton (const char * s, int * len)
3049       Takes a colon separated hexidecimal address (from the command line) and
3050       returns a bytestring suitable for use in a libnet_build function. Note
3051       this function performs an implicit malloc and the return value should
3052       be freed after its use.
3054       Parameters
3055           s the string to be parsed
3056           len the resulting size of the returned byte string
3058       Returns
3059           a byte string or NULL on failure
3061   LIBNET_API int libnet_in6_is_error (struct libnet_in6_addr addr)
3062       Check a libnet_in6_addr structure for identity with in6addr_error.
3064       Parameters
3065           addr address to check
3067       Return values
3068           1 if addr is in6addr_error
3069           0 if it is not
3071   LIBNET_API libnet_t * libnet_init (int injection_type, const char * device,
3072       char * err_buf)
3073       Creates the libnet environment. It initializes the library and returns
3074       a libnet context. If the injection_type is LIBNET_LINK or
3075       LIBNET_LINK_ADV, the function initializes the injection primitives for
3076       the link-layer interface enabling the application programmer to build
3077       packets starting at the data-link layer (which also provides more
3078       granular control over the IP layer). If libnet uses the link-layer and
3079       the device argument is non-NULL, the function attempts to use the
3080       specified network device for packet injection. This is either a
3081       canonical string that references the device (such as 'eth0' for a 100MB
3082       Ethernet card on Linux or 'fxp0' for a 100MB Ethernet card on OpenBSD)
3083       or the dots and decimals representation of the device's IP address
3084       ( If device is NULL, libnet attempts to find a suitable
3085       device to use. If the injection_type is LIBNET_RAW4 or LIBNET_RAW4_ADV,
3086       the function initializes the injection primitives for the IPv4 raw
3087       socket interface. The final argument, err_buf, should be a buffer of
3088       size LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE and holds an error message if the function
3089       fails. This function requires root privileges to execute successfully.
3090       Upon success, the function returns a valid libnet context for use in
3091       later function calls; upon failure, the function returns NULL.
3093       Parameters
3094           injection_type packet injection type (LIBNET_LINK, LIBNET_LINK_ADV,
3096           device the interface to use (NULL and libnet will choose one)
3097           err_buf will contain an error message on failure
3099       Returns
3100           libnet context ready for use or NULL on error.
3102   LIBNET_API uint32_t libnet_name2addr4 (libnet_t * l, const char *
3103       host_name, uint8_t use_name)
3104       Takes a dotted decimal string or a canonical DNS name and returns a
3105       network byte ordered IPv4 address. This may incur a DNS lookup if mode
3106       is set to LIBNET_RESOLVE and host_name refers to a canonical DNS name.
3107       If mode is set to LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE no DNS lookup will occur. The
3108       function can fail if DNS lookup fails or if mode is set to
3109       LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE and host_name refers to a canonical DNS name.
3111       Parameters
3112           l pointer to a libnet context
3113           host_name pointer to a string containing a presentation format host
3114           name
3115           use_name LIBNET_RESOLVE or LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE
3117       Returns
3118           address in network byte order
3120       Return values
3121           -1 (2^32 - 1) on error
3123   LIBNET_API struct libnet_in6_addr libnet_name2addr6 (libnet_t * l, const
3124       char * host_name, uint8_t use_name)
3125       Takes a dotted decimal string or a canonical DNS name and returns a
3126       network byte ordered IPv6 address. This may incur a DNS lookup if mode
3127       is set to LIBNET_RESOLVE and host_name refers to a canonical DNS name.
3128       If mode is set to LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE no DNS lookup will occur. The
3129       function can fail if DNS lookup fails or if mode is set to
3130       LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE and host_name refers to a canonical DNS name.
3132       Parameters
3133           l pointer to a libnet context
3134           host_name pointer to a string containing a presentation format host
3135           name
3136           use_name LIBNET_RESOLVE or LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE
3138       Returns
3139           network byte ordered IPv6 address structure
3141   LIBNET_API int libnet_plist_chain_dump (libnet_plist_t * plist)
3142       Runs through the port list and prints the contents of the port list
3143       chain list to stdout.
3145       Parameters
3146           plist previously created portlist
3148       Return values
3149           1 on success
3150           -1 on failure
3152   LIBNET_API char * libnet_plist_chain_dump_string (libnet_plist_t * plist)
3153       Runs through the port list and prints the contents of the port list
3154       chain list to string. This function uses strdup and is not re-entrant.
3155       It also has a memory leak and should not really be used.
3157       Parameters
3158           plist previously created portlist
3160       Returns
3161           a printable string containing the port list contents on success or
3162           NULL on error
3164   LIBNET_API int libnet_plist_chain_free (libnet_plist_t * plist)
3165       Frees all memory associated with port list chain.
3167       Parameters
3168           plist previously created portlist
3170       Return values
3171           1 on success
3172           -1 on failure
3174   LIBNET_API int libnet_plist_chain_new (libnet_t * l, libnet_plist_t **
3175       plist, char * token_list)
3176       Creates a new port list. Port list chains are useful for TCP and UDP-
3177       based applications that need to send packets to a range of ports
3178       (contiguous or otherwise). The port list chain, which token_list points
3179       to, should contain a series of int8_tacters from the following list:
3180       '0123456789,-' of the general format 'x - y, z', where 'xyz' are port
3181       numbers between 0 and 65,535. plist points to the front of the port
3182       list chain list for use in further libnet_plist_chain() functions. Upon
3183       success, the function returns
3185       1.  Upon failure, the function returns -1 and libnet_geterror() can
3186           tell you why.
3188       Parameters
3189           l pointer to a libnet context
3190           plist if successful, will refer to the portlist, if not, NULL
3191           token_list string containing the port list primitive
3193       Return values
3194           1 on success
3195           -1 on failure
3197   LIBNET_API int libnet_plist_chain_next_pair (libnet_plist_t * plist,
3198       uint16_t * bport, uint16_t * eport)
3199       Returns the next port list chain pair from the port list chain plist.
3200       bport and eport contain the starting port number and ending port
3201       number, respectively. Upon success, the function returns 1 and fills in
3202       the port variables; however, if the list is empty, the function returns
3203       0 and sets both port variables to 0. Upon failure, the function returns
3204       -1.
3206       Parameters
3207           plist previously created portlist
3208           bport will contain the beginning port number or 0
3209           eport will contain the ending port number or 0
3211       Return values
3212           1 on success
3213           0 if empty
3214           -1 on failure
3216   LIBNET_API int libnet_seed_prand (libnet_t * l)
3217       Seeds the pseudo-random number generator.
3219       Parameters
3220           l pointer to a libnet context
3222       Return values
3223           1 on success
3224           -1 on failure
3226   LIBNET_API void libnet_stats (libnet_t * l, struct libnet_stats * ls)
3227       Fills in a libnet_stats structure with packet injection statistics
3228       (packets written, bytes written, packet sending errors).
3230       Parameters
3231           l pointer to a libnet context
3232           ls pointer to a libnet statistics structure
3234   LIBNET_API int libnet_toggle_checksum (libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag,
3235       int mode)
3236       If a given protocol header is built with the checksum field set to '0',
3237       by default libnet will calculate the header checksum prior to
3238       injection. If the header is set to any other value, by default libnet
3239       will not calculate the header checksum. To over-ride this behavior, use
3240       libnet_toggle_checksum(). Switches auto-checksumming on or off for the
3241       specified ptag. If mode is set to LIBNET_ON, libnet will mark the
3242       specified ptag to calculate a checksum for the ptag prior to injection.
3243       This assumes that the ptag refers to a protocol that has a checksum
3244       field. If mode is set to LIBNET_OFF, libnet will clear the checksum
3245       flag and no checksum will be computed prior to injection. This assumes
3246       that the programmer will assign a value (zero or otherwise) to the
3247       checksum field. Often times this is useful if a precomputed checksum or
3248       some other predefined value is going to be used. Note that when libnet
3249       is initialized with LIBNET_RAW4, the IPv4 header checksum will always
3250       be computed by the kernel prior to injection, regardless of what the
3251       programmer sets.
3253       Parameters
3254           l pointer to a libnet context
3255           ptag the ptag reference number
3256           mode LIBNET_ON or LIBNET_OFF
3258       Return values
3259           1 on success
3260           -1 on failure
3262   LIBNET_API const char * libnet_version (void)
3263       Returns the version of libnet.
3265       Returns
3266           the libnet version
3268   LIBNET_API int libnet_write (libnet_t * l)
3269       Writes a prebuilt packet to the network. The function assumes that l
3270       was previously initialized (via a call to libnet_init()) and that a
3271       previously constructed packet has been built inside this context (via
3272       one or more calls to the libnet_build* family of functions) and is
3273       ready to go. Depending on how libnet was initialized, the function will
3274       write the packet to the wire either via the raw or link layer
3275       interface. The function will also bump up the internal libnet stat
3276       counters which are retrievable via libnet_stats().
3278       Parameters
3279           l pointer to a libnet context
3281       Returns
3282           the number of bytes written
3284       Return values
3285           -1 on error


3288       libnet(3)


3291       The original author of libnet is Mike D. Schiffman.
3293       libnet has been maintained and extensively enhanced since 2009 by Sam
3294       Roberts.
3296       It is maintained by the Libnet Developer Community at GitHub.
3298        <https://github.com/libnet/libnet>


3301       Suggestions, bug reports/fixes, and pull requests, see:
3303        <https://github.com/libnet/libnet/issues>
3306       libnet is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License.


3309       libnet(3)


3312       The original author of libnet is Mike D. Schiffman.
3314       libnet has been maintained and extensively enhanced since 2009 by Sam
3315       Roberts.
3317       It is maintained by the Libnet Developer Community at GitHub.
3319        <https://github.com/libnet/libnet>


3322       Suggestions, bug reports/fixes, and pull requests, see:
3324        <https://github.com/libnet/libnet/issues>
3327       libnet is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License.
3331libnet-1.3                      Tue Oct 3 2023           libnet-functions.h(3)