1SD_NOTIFY(3)                       sd_notify                      SD_NOTIFY(3)


6       sd_notify, sd_notifyf, sd_pid_notify, sd_pid_notifyf,
7       sd_pid_notify_with_fds, sd_notify_barrier - Notify service manager
8       about start-up completion and other service status changes


11       #include <systemd/sd-daemon.h>
13       int sd_notify(int unset_environment, const char *state);
15       int sd_notifyf(int unset_environment, const char *format, ...);
17       int sd_pid_notify(pid_t pid, int unset_environment, const char *state);
19       int sd_pid_notifyf(pid_t pid, int unset_environment,
20                          const char *format, ...);
22       int sd_pid_notify_with_fds(pid_t pid, int unset_environment,
23                                  const char *state, const int *fds,
24                                  unsigned n_fds);
26       int sd_notify_barrier(int unset_environment, uint64_t timeout);


29       sd_notify() may be called by a service to notify the service manager
30       about state changes. It can be used to send arbitrary information,
31       encoded in an environment-block-like string. Most importantly, it can
32       be used for start-up completion notification.
34       If the unset_environment parameter is non-zero, sd_notify() will unset
35       the $NOTIFY_SOCKET environment variable before returning (regardless of
36       whether the function call itself succeeded or not). Further calls to
37       sd_notify() will then fail, but the variable is no longer inherited by
38       child processes.
40       The state parameter should contain a newline-separated list of variable
41       assignments, similar in style to an environment block. A trailing
42       newline is implied if none is specified. The string may contain any
43       kind of variable assignments, but the following shall be considered
44       well-known:
46       READY=1
47           Tells the service manager that service startup is finished, or the
48           service finished re-loading its configuration. This is only used by
49           systemd if the service definition file has Type=notify or
50           Type=notify-reload set. Since there is little value in signaling
51           non-readiness, the only value services should send is "READY=1"
52           (i.e.  "READY=0" is not defined).
54       RELOADING=1
55           Tells the service manager that the service is beginning to reload
56           its configuration. This is useful to allow the service manager to
57           track the service's internal state, and present it to the user.
58           Note that a service that sends this notification must also send a
59           "READY=1" notification when it completed reloading its
60           configuration. Reloads the service manager is notified about with
61           this mechanisms are propagated in the same way as they are when
62           originally initiated through the service manager. This message is
63           particularly relevant for Type=notify-reload services, to inform
64           the service manager that the request to reload the service has been
65           received and is now being processed.
67       MONOTONIC_USEC=...
68           A field carrying the monotonic timestamp (as per CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
69           formatted in decimal in µs, when the notification message was
70           generated by the client. This is typically used in combination with
71           "RELOADING=1", to allow the service manager to properly synchronize
72           reload cycles. See systemd.service(5) for details, specifically
73           "Type=notify-reload".
75       STOPPING=1
76           Tells the service manager that the service is beginning its
77           shutdown. This is useful to allow the service manager to track the
78           service's internal state, and present it to the user.
80       STATUS=...
81           Passes a single-line UTF-8 status string back to the service
82           manager that describes the service state. This is free-form and can
83           be used for various purposes: general state feedback, fsck-like
84           programs could pass completion percentages and failing programs
85           could pass a human-readable error message. Example:
86           "STATUS=Completed 66% of file system check..."
88       ERRNO=...
89           If a service fails, the errno-style error code, formatted as
90           string. Example: "ERRNO=2" for ENOENT.
92       BUSERROR=...
93           If a service fails, the D-Bus error-style error code. Example:
94           "BUSERROR=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut"
96       MAINPID=...
97           The main process ID (PID) of the service, in case the service
98           manager did not fork off the process itself. Example:
99           "MAINPID=4711"
101       WATCHDOG=1
102           Tells the service manager to update the watchdog timestamp. This is
103           the keep-alive ping that services need to issue in regular
104           intervals if WatchdogSec= is enabled for it. See systemd.service(5)
105           for information how to enable this functionality and
106           sd_watchdog_enabled(3) for the details of how the service can check
107           whether the watchdog is enabled.
109       WATCHDOG=trigger
110           Tells the service manager that the service detected an internal
111           error that should be handled by the configured watchdog options.
112           This will trigger the same behaviour as if WatchdogSec= is enabled
113           and the service did not send "WATCHDOG=1" in time. Note that
114           WatchdogSec= does not need to be enabled for "WATCHDOG=trigger" to
115           trigger the watchdog action. See systemd.service(5) for information
116           about the watchdog behavior.
118       WATCHDOG_USEC=...
119           Reset watchdog_usec value during runtime. Notice that this is not
120           available when using sd_event_set_watchdog() or
121           sd_watchdog_enabled(). Example : "WATCHDOG_USEC=20000000"
124           Tells the service manager to extend the startup, runtime or
125           shutdown service timeout corresponding the current state. The value
126           specified is a time in microseconds during which the service must
127           send a new message. A service timeout will occur if the message
128           isn't received, but only if the runtime of the current state is
129           beyond the original maximum times of TimeoutStartSec=,
130           RuntimeMaxSec=, and TimeoutStopSec=. See systemd.service(5) for
131           effects on the service timeouts.
133       FDSTORE=1
134           Stores additional file descriptors in the service manager. File
135           descriptors sent this way will be maintained per-service by the
136           service manager and will later be handed back using the usual file
137           descriptor passing logic at the next invocation of the service
138           (e.g. when it is restarted), see sd_listen_fds(3). This is useful
139           for implementing services that can restart after an explicit
140           request or a crash without losing state. Any open sockets and other
141           file descriptors which should not be closed during the restart may
142           be stored this way. Application state can either be serialized to a
143           file in /run/, or better, stored in a memfd_create(2) memory file
144           descriptor. Note that the service manager will accept messages for
145           a service only if its FileDescriptorStoreMax= setting is non-zero
146           (defaults to zero, see systemd.service(5)). If FDPOLL=0 is not set
147           and the file descriptors sent are pollable (see epoll_ctl(2)), then
148           any EPOLLHUP or EPOLLERR event seen on them will result in their
149           automatic removal from the store. Multiple arrays of file
150           descriptors may be sent in separate messages, in which case the
151           arrays are combined. Note that the service manager removes
152           duplicate (pointing to the same object) file descriptors before
153           passing them to the service. When a service is stopped, its file
154           descriptor store is discarded and all file descriptors in it are
155           closed. Use sd_pid_notify_with_fds() to send messages with
156           "FDSTORE=1", see below.
159           Removes file descriptors from the file descriptor store. This field
160           needs to be combined with FDNAME= to specify the name of the file
161           descriptors to remove.
163       FDNAME=...
164           When used in combination with FDSTORE=1, specifies a name for the
165           submitted file descriptors. When used with FDSTOREREMOVE=1,
166           specifies the name for the file descriptors to remove. This name is
167           passed to the service during activation, and may be queried using
168           sd_listen_fds_with_names(3). File descriptors submitted without
169           this field set, will implicitly get the name "stored" assigned.
170           Note that, if multiple file descriptors are submitted at once, the
171           specified name will be assigned to all of them. In order to assign
172           different names to submitted file descriptors, submit them in
173           separate invocations of sd_pid_notify_with_fds(). The name may
174           consist of arbitrary ASCII characters except control characters or
175           ":". It may not be longer than 255 characters. If a submitted name
176           does not follow these restrictions, it is ignored.
178       FDPOLL=0
179           When used in combination with FDSTORE=1, disables polling of the
180           stored file descriptors regardless of whether or not they are
181           pollable. As this option disables automatic cleanup of the stored
182           file descriptors on EPOLLERR and EPOLLHUP, care must be taken to
183           ensure proper manual cleanup. Use of this option is not generally
184           recommended except for when automatic cleanup has unwanted behavior
185           such as prematurely discarding file descriptors from the store.
187       BARRIER=1
188           Tells the service manager that the client is explicitly requesting
189           synchronization by means of closing the file descriptor sent with
190           this command. The service manager guarantees that the processing of
191           a BARRIER=1 command will only happen after all previous
192           notification messages sent before this command have been processed.
193           Hence, this command accompanied with a single file descriptor can
194           be used to synchronize against reception of all previous status
195           messages. Note that this command cannot be mixed with other
196           notifications, and has to be sent in a separate message to the
197           service manager, otherwise all assignments will be ignored. Note
198           that sending 0 or more than 1 file descriptor with this command is
199           a violation of the protocol.
201       It is recommended to prefix variable names that are not listed above
202       with X_ to avoid namespace clashes.
204       Note that systemd will accept status data sent from a service only if
205       the NotifyAccess= option is correctly set in the service definition
206       file. See systemd.service(5) for details.
208       Note that sd_notify() notifications may be attributed to units
209       correctly only if either the sending process is still around at the
210       time PID 1 processes the message, or if the sending process is
211       explicitly runtime-tracked by the service manager. The latter is the
212       case if the service manager originally forked off the process, i.e. on
213       all processes that match NotifyAccess=main or NotifyAccess=exec.
214       Conversely, if an auxiliary process of the unit sends an sd_notify()
215       message and immediately exits, the service manager might not be able to
216       properly attribute the message to the unit, and thus will ignore it,
217       even if NotifyAccess=all is set for it.
219       Hence, to eliminate all race conditions involving lookup of the
220       client's unit and attribution of notifications to units correctly,
221       sd_notify_barrier() may be used. This call acts as a synchronization
222       point and ensures all notifications sent before this call have been
223       picked up by the service manager when it returns successfully. Use of
224       sd_notify_barrier() is needed for clients which are not invoked by the
225       service manager, otherwise this synchronization mechanism is
226       unnecessary for attribution of notifications to the unit.
228       sd_notifyf() is similar to sd_notify() but takes a printf()-like format
229       string plus arguments.
231       sd_pid_notify() and sd_pid_notifyf() are similar to sd_notify() and
232       sd_notifyf() but take a process ID (PID) to use as originating PID for
233       the message as first argument. This is useful to send notification
234       messages on behalf of other processes, provided the appropriate
235       privileges are available. If the PID argument is specified as 0, the
236       process ID of the calling process is used, in which case the calls are
237       fully equivalent to sd_notify() and sd_notifyf().
239       sd_pid_notify_with_fds() is similar to sd_pid_notify() but takes an
240       additional array of file descriptors. These file descriptors are sent
241       along the notification message to the service manager. This is
242       particularly useful for sending "FDSTORE=1" messages, as described
243       above. The additional arguments are a pointer to the file descriptor
244       array plus the number of file descriptors in the array. If the number
245       of file descriptors is passed as 0, the call is fully equivalent to
246       sd_pid_notify(), i.e. no file descriptors are passed. Note that sending
247       file descriptors to the service manager on messages that do not expect
248       them (i.e. without "FDSTORE=1") they are immediately closed on
249       reception.
251       sd_notify_barrier() allows the caller to synchronize against reception
252       of previously sent notification messages and uses the BARRIER=1
253       command. It takes a relative timeout value in microseconds which is
254       passed to ppoll(2). A value of UINT64_MAX is interpreted as infinite
255       timeout.


258       On failure, these calls return a negative errno-style error code. If
259       $NOTIFY_SOCKET was not set and hence no status message could be sent, 0
260       is returned. If the status was sent, these functions return a positive
261       value. In order to support both service managers that implement this
262       scheme and those which do not, it is generally recommended to ignore
263       the return value of this call. Note that the return value simply
264       indicates whether the notification message was enqueued properly, it
265       does not reflect whether the message could be processed successfully.
266       Specifically, no error is returned when a file descriptor is attempted
267       to be stored using FDSTORE=1 but the service is not actually configured
268       to permit storing of file descriptors (see above).


271       These APIs are implemented as a shared library, which can be compiled
272       and linked to with the libsystemd pkg-config(1) file.
274       These functions send a single datagram with the state string as payload
275       to the socket referenced in the $NOTIFY_SOCKET environment variable. If
276       the first character of $NOTIFY_SOCKET is "/" or "@", the string is
277       understood as an AF_UNIX or Linux abstract namespace socket
278       (respectively), and in both cases the datagram is accompanied by the
279       process credentials of the sending service, using SCM_CREDENTIALS. If
280       the string starts with "vsock:" then the string is understood as an
281       AF_VSOCK address, which is useful for hypervisors/VMMs or other
282       processes on the host to receive a notification when a virtual machine
283       has finished booting. Note that in case the hypervisor does not support
284       SOCK_DGRAM over AF_VSOCK, SOCK_SEQPACKET will be used instead. The
285       address should be in the form: "vsock:CID:PORT". Note that unlike other
286       uses of vsock, the CID is mandatory and cannot be "VMADDR_CID_ANY".
287       Note that PID1 will send the VSOCK packets from a privileged port
288       (i.e.: lower than 1024), as an attempt to address concerns that
289       unprivileged processes in the guest might try to send malicious
290       notifications to the host, driving it to make destructive decisions
291       based on them.


294       $NOTIFY_SOCKET
295           Set by the service manager for supervised processes for status and
296           start-up completion notification. This environment variable
297           specifies the socket sd_notify() talks to. See above for details.


300       Example 1. Start-up Notification
302       When a service finished starting up, it might issue the following call
303       to notify the service manager:
305           sd_notify(0, "READY=1");
307       Example 2. Extended Start-up Notification
309       A service could send the following after completing initialization:
311           sd_notifyf(0, "READY=1\n"
312                      "STATUS=Processing requests...\n"
313                      "MAINPID=%lu",
314                      (unsigned long) getpid());
316       Example 3. Error Cause Notification
318       A service could send the following shortly before exiting, on failure:
320           sd_notifyf(0, "STATUS=Failed to start up: %s\n"
321                      "ERRNO=%i",
322                      strerror_r(errnum, (char[1024]){}, 1024),
323                      errnum);
325       Example 4. Store a File Descriptor in the Service Manager
327       To store an open file descriptor in the service manager, in order to
328       continue operation after a service restart without losing state, use
329       "FDSTORE=1":
331           sd_pid_notify_with_fds(0, 0, "FDSTORE=1\nFDNAME=foobar", &fd, 1);
333       Example 5. Eliminating race conditions
335       When the client sending the notifications is not spawned by the service
336       manager, it may exit too quickly and the service manager may fail to
337       attribute them correctly to the unit. To prevent such races, use
338       sd_notify_barrier() to synchronize against reception of all
339       notifications sent before this call is made.
341           sd_notify(0, "READY=1");
342           /* set timeout to 5 seconds */
343           sd_notify_barrier(0, 5 * 1000000);


347       systemd(1), sd-daemon(3), sd_listen_fds(3),
348       sd_listen_fds_with_names(3), sd_watchdog_enabled(3), daemon(7),
349       systemd.service(5)
353systemd 253                                                       SD_NOTIFY(3)