1Carmel(3)             User Contributed Perl Documentation            Carmel(3)


6       Carmel - CPAN Artifact Repository Manager


9         # Run with a directory with cpanfile
10         carmel install
12         # list all the modules to be loaded
13         carmel list
15         # list all the modules in a tree
16         carmel tree
18         # show a location where a module is installed
19         carmel show Plack
21         # update Plack to the latest
22         carmel update Plack
24         # update all the modules in the snapshot
25         carmel update
27         # pin modules tp specific versions
28         carmel update DBI@1.633 Plack@1.0000
30         # show diffs for cpanfile.snapshot in a nice way
31         carmel diff
33         # Runs your perl script with modules from artifacts
34         carmel exec perl ...
36         # Requires all your modules in cpanfile in one shot
37         carmel exec perl -e 'use Carmel::Preload;'
39         # Roll out the currently selected modules into ./local
40         carmel rollout
42         # package modules tarballs and index into ./vendor/cache
43         carmel package
45         # use Carmel packages inside a script (without carmel exec)
46         perl -e 'use Carmel::Setup; ...'
48         # prints export PATH=... etc for shell scripting
49         carmel export
51         # find a module in a repository
52         carmel find DBI
54         # find a module matching the version query
55         carmel find Plack ">= 1.0000, < 1.1000"


58       Carmel is yet another CPAN module manager.
60       Unlike traditional CPAN module installer, Carmel keeps the build of
61       your dependencies in a central repository, then select the library
62       paths to include upon runtime in development.
64       Carmel also allows you to rollout all the files in a traditional perl
65       INC directory structure, which is useful to use in a production
66       environment, such as containers.


69   Development
70       During the development, run "carmel install" when you setup a new
71       environment, and any time you make changes to "cpanfile". This will
72       update your build artifacts, and saves the changes to
73       "cpanfile.snapshot". Commit the snapshot file in version control system
74       so that you can reproduce the exact same versions across machines.
76       "carmel exec" makes it easy to run your application using the versions
77       in "cpanfile" and "cpanfile.snapshot" dynamically.
79         # On your development environment
80         > cat cpanfile
81         requires 'Plack', '0.9980';
82         requires 'Starman', '0.2000';
84         > carmel install
85         > echo /.carmel >> .gitignore
86         > git add cpanfile cpanfile.snapshot .gitignore
87         > git commit -m "add Plack and Starman"
89         # On a new setup, or another developer's machine
90         > git pull
91         > carmel install
92         > carmel exec starman -p 8080 myapp.psgi
94         # Add a new dependency
95         > echo "requires 'Try::Tiny';" >> cpanfile
96         > carmel install
97         > git commit -am 'Add Try::Tiny'
99         # Update Plack to the latest
100         > carmel update Plack
102   Production Deployments
103       Carmel allows you to manage all the dependencies the same way across
104       development environments and production environments. However, there
105       might be cases where you want to avoid running your application with
106       "carmel exec" in production, to avoid the overhead with large number of
107       include paths, or to avoid installing Carmel in the production hosts.
109       Carmel provides two easy ways to avoid depending on Carmel on the
110       deploy target environments. First, "carmel rollout" rolls out the build
111       artifacts into a regular perl5 library path in "local". Once the
112       rollout is complete, you can include the path just like a regular
113       local::lib directory.
115         # Production environment: Roll out to ./local
116         > carmel rollout
117         > perl -Ilocal/lib/perl5 local/bin/starman -p 8080 myapp.psgi
119       You can run "carmel rollout"> in a CI system to create the "local"
120       directory next to your application code for a linux package (e.g. deb
121       package), or Docker containers.
123       Second, "carmel package" (similar to "carton bundle") creates a
124       directory with tarballs and CPAN-style package index files, which you
125       can pass to cpanm on a target machine. This way, you only need "cpanm",
126       which is available as a self-contained single executable, to bootstrap
127       the installation on a host with a stock perl.
129         # Vendor all the packages to vendor/cache
130         > carmel package
131         > git add vendor/cache
132         > git commit -m 'Vendor all the tarballs'
134         # Remote environment (CI etc.)
135         > git clone https://.../myapp.git && cd myapp
136         > cpanm -L /path/to/lib --from $PWD/vendor/cache -nq --installdeps .


139       Carmel will keep the build directory (artifacts) after a cpanm
140       installation in a repository, which defaults to
141       "$HOME/.carmel/{version}-{archname}/builds", and your directory
142       structure would look like:
144         $HOME/.carmel/5.20.1-darwin-2level/builds
145           Plack-1.0033/
146             blib/
147               arch/
148               lib/
149           URI-1.64/
150             blib/
151               arch/
152               lib/
153           URI-1.63/
154             blib/
155               arch/
156               lib/
158       Carmel scans this directory and creates the mapping of which version of
159       any package belongs to which build directory.
161       Given the list of modules and requirements from "cpanfile", "carmel
162       install" computes which versions satisfy the requirements best, and if
163       there isn't, installs the modules from CPAN to put it to the artifact
164       repository. The computed mappings are preserved as a snapshot in
165       "cpanfile.snapshot".
167       Once the snapshot is created, each following "carmel" command runs uses
168       both "cpanfile" and "cpanfile.snapshot" to determine the best versions
169       to satisfy the requirements. When you update "cpanfile" to bump a
170       version or add a new module, "carmel" will install the new dependencies
171       and update the snapshot accordingly.
173       "carmel exec" command, like "install" command, lists the build
174       directories and ".pm" files you need from the repository, and then
175       prepend the mappings of these files in the @INC hook. This is a handy
176       way to run a perl program using the dependencies pinned by Carmel,
177       without changing any include path.
179       "carmel update" command allows you to selectively update a dependency
180       while preserving other dependencies in the snapshot. "carmel update
181       Plack" for example pulls the latest version of Plack from CPAN (and its
182       dependencies, if it needs a newer version than pinned in the snapshot),
183       and updates the snapshot properly. Running "carmel update" without any
184       arguments would update all the modules in "cpanfile", including its
185       dependencies.
187       On a production environment, you might want to use the "carmel rollout"
188       command, which saves all the files included in the "cpanfile", pinned
189       with "cpanfile.snapshot", to the "local" directory. This directory can
190       be included like a regular perl's library path, with
191       "PERL5LIB=/path/to/local/lib/perl5", or with "use lib", and you don't
192       need to use "carmel" command in production this way.
195       As of v0.1.29, Carmel supports saving and loading snapshot file in
196       "cpanfile.snapshot", in a compatible format with Carton. Versions saved
197       in the snapshot file will be preserved across multiple runs of Carmel
198       across machines, so that versions frozen in one environment can be
199       committed to a source code repository, and can be reproduced in another
200       box, so long as the perl version and architecture is the same.


203       •   If you run multiple instances of "carmel", or hit Ctrl-C to
204           interrupt the cpanm install session, Carmel might get into a state
205           where some modules have been installed properly, while some modules
206           in the dependency chain are missing. Make sure you don't run
207           multiple instances of "carmel" at the same time, and let it finish
208           the installation to get the full builds properly.
210       •   There're certain dependencies that get missed during the initial
211           "carmel install", and you'll see the error message "Can't find an
212           artifact for Foo".
214           Please report it to the issue tracker if you can reliably reproduce
215           this type of errors.
217           Usually you run "carmel install" again and the error will be gone.
219       •   In some situation, you might encounter conflicts in version
220           resolutions, between what's pinned in the snapshot and a new
221           version that's needed when you introduce a new module.
223           For example, suppose you have:
225             # cpanfile
226             requires 'Foo';
227             requires 'Bar'; # which requires Foo >= 1.001
229           Without the snapshot, Carmel has no trouble resolving the correct
230           versions for this combination. But if you have:
232             # cpanfile.snapshot
233             Foo-1.000
235           The first time you run "carmel install", Carmel will try to install
236           Foo-1.000, because that's the version pinned in the snapshot, while
237           trying to pull the module Bar, which would conflict with that
238           version of Foo.
240           This can happen 50% of the time, because if cpanm (called
241           internally by Carmel) installs Bar first, then the resolution is
242           done correctly and the version in the snapshot would be skipped,
243           and the snapshot will be updated accordingly. This is due to perl's
244           hash randomization after Perl 5.18.
246           To avoid this, you're recommended to run "carmel install" before
247           making any changes to cpanfile. That will put the build caches to
248           satisfy what's in cpanfile and the snapshot. After that, adding a
249           new dependency will likely reuse what's in the build cache, while
250           adding a new dependency can update the transient dependency (for
251           Foo) without having conflicts.
253           If you encounter conflicts like this, you can work around it by:
255           •       Run "carmel update Foo" to pull the latest version of Foo
256                   from CPAN, ignoring what's in the snapshot.
258           •       Update "cpanfile" to explicitly update the version
259                   requirement for "Foo".


262   Carton
263       Carmel shares the same goal with Carton, where you can manage your
264       dependencies by declaring them in "cpanfile", and pinning them in
265       "cpanfile.snapshot". Most of the commands work the same way, so Carmel
266       can most effectively be a drop-in replacement for Carton, if you're
267       currently using it.
269       Here's a few key differences between Carmel and Carton:
271       •   Carton does not manage what's currently being installed in "local"
272           directory. It just runs "cpanm" command with "-L local", with a
273           hope that nothing has changed the directory except Carton, and
274           whatever is in the directory won't conflict with the snapshot file.
275           This can easily conflict when "cpanfile.snapshot" is updated by
276           multiple developers or when you continuously update the
277           dependencies across multiple machines.
279           Carmel manages all the dependencies for your project in the Carmel
280           repository under "$HOME/.carmel", and nothing is installed under
281           your project directory on development. The "local" directory is
282           only created when you request it via "carmel rollout" command, and
283           it's safe to run multiple times. Running "carmel install" after
284           pulling the changes to the snapshot file will always install the
285           correct dependencies from the snapshot file, as compared to Carton,
286           which doesn't honor the snapshot on a regular install command, if
287           whatever version in "local" already satisfies the version in
288           "cpanfile".
290       •   Carton has no easy way to undo a change once you update a version
291           of a module in "local", because which version is actually selected
292           is only preserved as a file inside the directory, that's not
293           managed by Carton. To undo a change you have to remove the entire
294           "local" directory to start over.
296           Carmel preserves this information to the "cpanfile.snapshot" file,
297           and every invocation of Carmel resolves the dependencies declared
298           in "cpanfile" and pinned in "cpanfile.snapshot" dynamically, to
299           create a stable dependency tree, without relying on anything in a
300           directory under your project other than the snapshot file. Undoing
301           the change in "cpanfile.snapshot" file immediately reverts the
302           change.
304   cpm
305       App::cpm is an excellent standalone CPAN installer.
307       •   Like Carton, cpm installs the dependencies declared in "cpanfile"
308           to "local". Carmel installs them into a build cache, and doesn't
309           use "local" directory for state management. You can run "carmel
310           rollout" to copy the dependencies to "local" directory.
312       •   cpm installs the modules in parallel, which makes the installation
313           very fast. Like Carmel, cpm also manages its build artifacts cache,
314           so a module that has previously been installed would be very fast
315           to install, since there's no build process.
317       •   Unlike Carton and Carmel, cpm doesn't have the ability to manage
318           "cpanfile.snapshot" file on its own. It can read the snapshot
319           however, so it's possible to use Carmel in a development
320           environment, and then use "cpm install" instead of "carmel install"
321           and "carmel rollout", if all you need is to build out a perl5
322           library path out of "cpanfile" and "cpanfile.snapshot" in the
323           source code repository.


326       <https://github.com/miyagawa/Carmel>
327           Code repository, Wiki and Issue Tracker


330       Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa@bulknews.net>
333       Copyright 2015- Tatsuhiko Miyagawa


336       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
337       under the same terms as Perl itself.


340       App::cpanminus Carton
344perl v5.36.1                      2023-05-27                         Carmel(3)