1NETWORKMANAGER.CONF(5)           Configuration          NETWORKMANAGER.CONF(5)


6       NetworkManager.conf - NetworkManager configuration file


9       /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf,
10       /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/name.conf,
11       /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/name.conf,
12       /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/name.conf,
13       /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager-intern.conf


16       NetworkManager.conf is the configuration file for NetworkManager. It is
17       used to set up various aspects of NetworkManager's behavior. The
18       location of the main file and configuration directories may be changed
19       through use of the --config, --config-dir, --system-config-dir, and
20       --intern-config argument for NetworkManager, respectively.
22       If a default NetworkManager.conf is provided by your distribution's
23       packages, you should not modify it, since your changes may get
24       overwritten by package updates. Instead, you can add additional .conf
25       files to the /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d directory. These will be read
26       in order, with later files overriding earlier ones. Packages might
27       install further configuration snippets to
28       /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d. This directory is parsed first, even
29       before NetworkManager.conf. Scripts can also put per-boot configuration
30       into /run/NetworkManager/conf.d. This directory is parsed second, also
31       before NetworkManager.conf. The loading of a file
32       /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/name.conf can be prevented by adding a file
33       /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/name.conf. Likewise, a file
34       /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/name.conf can be shadowed by putting a
35       file of the same name to either /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d or
36       /run/NetworkManager/conf.d.
38       NetworkManager can overwrite certain user configuration options via
39       D-Bus or other internal operations. In this case it writes those
40       changes to /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager-intern.conf. This
41       file is not intended to be modified by the user, but it is read last
42       and can shadow user configuration from NetworkManager.conf.
44       Certain settings from the configuration can be reloaded at runtime
45       either by sending SIGHUP signal or via D-Bus' Reload call.
47       NetworkManager does not require any configuration in
48       NetworkManager.conf. Depending on your use case, you may remove all
49       files to restore the default configuration (factory reset). But note
50       that your distribution or other packages may drop configuration
51       snippets for NetworkManager, such that they are part of the factory
52       default.


55       The configuration file format is so-called key file (sort of ini-style
56       format). It consists of sections (groups) of key-value pairs. Lines
57       beginning with a '#' and blank lines are considered comments. Sections
58       are started by a header line containing the section enclosed in '[' and
59       ']', and ended implicitly by the start of the next section or the end
60       of the file. Each key-value pair must be contained in a section.
62       For keys that take a list of devices as their value, you can specify
63       devices by their MAC addresses or interface names, or "*" to specify
64       all devices. See the section called “Device List Format” below.
66       A simple configuration file looks like this:
68           [main]
69           plugins=keyfile
71       As an extension to the normal keyfile format, you can also append a
72       value to a previously-set list-valued key by doing:
74           plugins+=another-plugin
75           plugins-=remove-me


79       plugins
80           Lists system settings plugin names separated by ','. These plugins
81           are used to read and write system-wide connection profiles. When
82           multiple plugins are specified, the connections are read from all
83           listed plugins. When writing connections, the plugins will be asked
84           to save the connection in the order listed here; if the first
85           plugin cannot write out that connection type (or can't write out
86           any connections) the next plugin is tried, etc. If none of the
87           plugins can save the connection, an error is returned to the user.
89           The default value and the number of available plugins is
90           distro-specific. See the section called “PLUGINS” below for the
91           available plugins. Note that NetworkManager's native keyfile plugin
92           is always appended to the end of this list (if it doesn't already
93           appear earlier in the list).
95       monitor-connection-files
96           This setting is deprecated and has no effect. Profiles from disk
97           are never automatically reloaded. Use for example nmcli connection
98           (re)load for that.
100       auth-polkit
101           Whether the system uses PolicyKit for authorization. If true,
102           non-root requests are authorized using PolicyKit. Requests from
103           root (user ID zero) are always granted without asking PolicyKit. If
104           false, all requests will be allowed and PolicyKit is not used. If
105           set to root-only PolicyKit is not used and all requests except root
106           are denied. The default value is true.
108       dhcp
109           This key sets up what DHCP client NetworkManager will use. Allowed
110           values are dhclient, dhcpcd, and internal. The dhclient and dhcpcd
111           options require the indicated clients to be installed. The internal
112           option uses a built-in DHCP client which is not currently as
113           featureful as the external clients.
115           If this key is missing, it defaults to internal. If the chosen
116           plugin is not available, clients are looked for in this order:
117           dhclient, dhcpcd, internal.
119       no-auto-default
120           Specify devices for which NetworkManager shouldn't create default
121           wired connection (Auto eth0). By default, NetworkManager creates a
122           temporary wired connection for any Ethernet device that is managed
123           and doesn't have a connection configured. List a device in this
124           option to inhibit creating the default connection for the device.
125           May have the special value * to apply to all devices.
127           When the default wired connection is deleted or saved to a new
128           persistent connection by a plugin, the device is added to a list in
129           the file /var/lib/NetworkManager/no-auto-default.state to prevent
130           creating the default connection for that device again.
132           See the section called “Device List Format” for the syntax how to
133           specify a device.
135           Example:
137               no-auto-default=00:22:68:5c:5d:c4,00:1e:65:ff:aa:ee
138               no-auto-default=eth0,eth1
139               no-auto-default=*
142       ignore-carrier
143           This setting is deprecated for the per-device setting
144           ignore-carrier which overwrites this setting if specified (See
145           ignore-carrier). Otherwise, it is a list of matches to specify for
146           which device carrier should be ignored. See the section called
147           “Device List Format” for the syntax how to specify a device. Note
148           that master types like bond, bridge, and team ignore carrier by
149           default. You can however revert that default using the "except:"
150           specifier (or better, use the per-device setting instead of the
151           deprecated setting).
153       assume-ipv6ll-only
154           Specify devices for which NetworkManager will try to generate a
155           connection based on initial configuration when the device only has
156           an IPv6 link-local address.
158           See the section called “Device List Format” for the syntax how to
159           specify a device.
161       configure-and-quit
162           This option is no longer useful to configure in NetworkManager.conf
163           file. It can however also be configured on the command line with
164           the same values, where it has some use.
166           When set to 'initrd', NetworkManager does not connect to D-Bus and
167           quits after configuring the network. This is an implementation
168           detail how the NetworkManager module of dracut can run
169           NetworkManager. An alternative to this is having NetworkManager as
170           a systemd service with D-Bus in initrd.
172           The value 'true' is unsupported since version 1.36. Previously this
173           was a mode where NetworkManager would quit after configuring the
174           network and run helper processes for DHCP and SLAAC.
176           Otherwise, NetworkManager runs a system service with D-Bus and does
177           not quit during normal operation.
179       hostname-mode
180           Set the management mode of the hostname. This parameter will affect
181           only the transient hostname. If a valid static hostname is set,
182           NetworkManager will skip the update of the hostname despite the
183           value of this option. An hostname empty or equal to 'localhost',
184           'localhost6', 'localhost.localdomain' or 'localhost6.localdomain'
185           is considered invalid.
187           default: NetworkManager will update the hostname with the one
188           provided via DHCP or reverse DNS lookup of the IP address on the
189           connection with the default route or on any connection with the
190           property hostname.only-from-default set to 'false'. Connections are
191           considered in order of increasing value of the hostname.priority
192           property. In case multiple connections have the same priority,
193           connections activated earlier are considered first. If no hostname
194           can be determined in such way, the hostname will be updated to the
195           last one set outside NetworkManager or to 'localhost.localdomain'.
197           dhcp: this is similar to 'default', with the difference that after
198           trying to get the DHCP hostname, reverse DNS lookup is not done.
199           Note that selecting this option is equivalent to setting the
200           property 'hostname.from-dns-lookup' to 'false' globally for all
201           connections in NetworkManager.conf.
203           none: NetworkManager will not manage the transient hostname and
204           will never set it.
206       dns
207           Set the DNS processing mode.
209           If the key is unspecified, default is used, unless /etc/resolv.conf
210           is a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf,
211           /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf, /lib/systemd/resolv.conf or
212           /usr/lib/systemd/resolv.conf. In that case, systemd-resolved is
213           chosen automatically.
215           default: NetworkManager will update /etc/resolv.conf to reflect the
216           nameservers provided by currently active connections. The
217           rc-manager setting (below) controls how this is done.
219           dnsmasq: NetworkManager will run dnsmasq as a local caching
220           nameserver, using "Conditional Forwarding" if you are connected to
221           a VPN, and then update resolv.conf to point to the local
222           nameserver. It is possible to pass custom options to the dnsmasq
223           instance by adding them to files in the
224           "/etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/" directory. Note that when multiple
225           upstream servers are available, dnsmasq will initially contact them
226           in parallel and then use the fastest to respond, probing again
227           other servers after some time. This behavior can be modified
228           passing the 'all-servers' or 'strict-order' options to dnsmasq (see
229           the manual page for more details).
231           systemd-resolved: NetworkManager will push the DNS configuration to
232           systemd-resolved
234           none: NetworkManager will not modify resolv.conf. This implies
235           rc-manager unmanaged
237           Note that the plugins dnsmasq and systemd-resolved are caching
238           local nameservers. Hence, when NetworkManager writes
239           /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf and /etc/resolv.conf (according to
240           rc-manager setting below), the name server there will be localhost
241           only. NetworkManager also writes a file
242           /run/NetworkManager/no-stub-resolv.conf that contains the original
243           name servers pushed to the DNS plugin.
245           When using dnsmasq and systemd-resolved per-connection added dns
246           servers will always be queried using the device the connection has
247           been activated on.
249       rc-manager
250           Set the resolv.conf management mode. This option is about how
251           NetworkManager writes to /etc/resolv.conf, if at all. The default
252           value depends on NetworkManager build options, and this version of
253           NetworkManager was build with a default of "auto". Regardless of
254           this setting, NetworkManager will always write its version of
255           resolv.conf to its runtime state directory as
256           /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf.
258           If you configure dns=none or make /etc/resolv.conf immutable with
259           chattr +i, NetworkManager will ignore this setting and always
260           choose unmanaged (below).
262           auto: if systemd-resolved plugin is configured via the dns setting
263           or if it gets detected as main DNS plugin, NetworkManager will
264           update systemd-resolved without touching /etc/resolv.conf.
265           Alternatively, if resolvconf or netconfig are enabled at compile
266           time and the respective binary is found, NetworkManager will
267           automatically use it. Note that if you install or uninstall these
268           binaries, you need to reload the rc-manager setting with SIGHUP or
269           systemctl reload NetworkManager. As last fallback it uses the
270           symlink option (see next).
272           symlink: If /etc/resolv.conf is a regular file or does not exist,
273           NetworkManager will write the file directly. If /etc/resolv.conf is
274           instead a symlink, NetworkManager will leave it alone. Unless the
275           symlink points to the internal file
276           /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf, in which case the symlink will be
277           updated to emit an inotify notification. This allows the user to
278           conveniently instruct NetworkManager not to manage /etc/resolv.conf
279           by replacing it with a symlink.
281           file: NetworkManager will write /etc/resolv.conf as regular file.
282           If it finds a symlink to an existing target, it will follow the
283           symlink and update the target instead. In no case will an existing
284           symlink be replaced by a file. Note that older versions of
285           NetworkManager behaved differently and would replace dangling
286           symlinks with a plain file.
288           resolvconf: NetworkManager will run resolvconf to update the DNS
289           configuration.
291           netconfig: NetworkManager will run netconfig to update the DNS
292           configuration.
294           unmanaged: don't touch /etc/resolv.conf.
296           none: deprecated alias for symlink.
298       systemd-resolved
299           Send the connection DNS configuration to systemd-resolved. Defaults
300           to "true".
302           Note that this setting is complementary to the dns setting. You can
303           keep this enabled while using dns set to another DNS plugin
304           alongside systemd-resolved, or dns set to systemd-resolved to
305           configure the system resolver to use systemd-resolved.
307           If systemd-resolved is enabled, the connectivity check resolves the
308           hostname per-device.
310       debug
311           Comma separated list of options to aid debugging. This value will
312           be combined with the environment variable NM_DEBUG. Currently, the
313           following values are supported:
315           RLIMIT_CORE: set ulimit -c unlimited to write out core dumps.
316           Beware, that a core dump can contain sensitive information such as
317           passwords or configuration settings.
319           fatal-warnings: set g_log_set_always_fatal() to core dump on
320           warning messages from glib. This is equivalent to the
321           --g-fatal-warnings command line option.
323       autoconnect-retries-default
324           The number of times a connection activation should be automatically
325           tried before switching to another one. This value applies only to
326           connections that can auto-connect and have a
327           connection.autoconnect-retries property set to -1. If not
328           specified, connections will be tried 4 times. Setting this value to
329           1 means to try activation once, without retry.
331       slaves-order
332           This key specifies in which order slave connections are
333           auto-activated on boot or when the master activates them. Allowed
334           values are name (order connection by interface name, the default),
335           or index (order slaves by their kernel index).
337       firewall-backend
338           The firewall backend for configuring masquerading with shared mode.
339           Set to either iptables, nftables or none.  iptables and nftables
340           require iptables and nft application, respectively.  none means to
341           skip firewall configuration if the users wish to manage firewall
342           themselves. If unspecified, it will be auto detected.
344       iwd-config-path
345           If the value is "auto" (the default), IWD is queried for its
346           current state directory when it appears on D-Bus -- the directory
347           where IWD keeps its network configuration files -- usually
348           /var/lib/iwd. NetworkManager will then attempt to write copies of
349           new or modified Wi-Fi connection profiles, converted into the IWD
350           format, into this directory thus making IWD connection properties
351           editable. NM will overwrite existing files without preserving their
352           contents.
354           The path can also be overriden by pointing to a specific existing
355           and writable directory. On the other hand setting this to an empty
356           string or any other value disables the profile conversion
357           mechanism.
359           This mechanism allows editing connection profile settings such as
360           the 802.1x configuration using NetworkManager clients. Without it
361           such changes have no effect in IWD.


364       This section contains keyfile-plugin-specific options, and is normally
365       only used when you are not using any other distro-specific plugin.
367       hostname
368           This key is deprecated and has no effect since the hostname is now
369           stored in /etc/hostname or other system configuration files
370           according to build options.
372       path
373           The location where keyfiles are read and stored. This defaults to
374           "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections".
376       unmanaged-devices
377           Set devices that should be ignored by NetworkManager.
379           A device unmanaged due to this option is strictly unmanaged and
380           cannot be overruled by using the API like nmcli device set $IFNAME
381           managed yes. Also, a device that is unmanaged for other reasons,
382           like an udev rule, cannot be made managed with this option (e.g. by
383           using an except: specifier). These two points make it different
384           from the device*.managed option which for that reason may be a
385           better choice.
387           See the section called “Device List Format” for the syntax on how
388           to specify a device.
390           Example:
392               unmanaged-devices=interface-name:em4
393               unmanaged-devices=mac:00:22:68:1c:59:b1;mac:00:1E:65:30:D1:C4;interface-name:eth2


397       This section contains ifupdown-specific options and thus only has
398       effect when using the ifupdown plugin.
400       managed
401           If set to true, then interfaces listed in /etc/network/interfaces
402           are managed by NetworkManager. If set to false, then any interface
403           listed in /etc/network/interfaces will be ignored by
404           NetworkManager. Remember that NetworkManager controls the default
405           route, so because the interface is ignored, NetworkManager may
406           assign the default route to some other interface.
408           The default value is false.


411       This section controls NetworkManager's logging. Logging is very
412       important to understand what NetworkManager is doing. When you report a
413       bug, do not unnecessarily filter or limit the log file. Just enable
414       level=TRACE and domains=ALL to collect everything.
416       The recommended way for enabling logging is with a file
417       /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/95-logging.conf that contains
419           [logging]
420           level=TRACE
421           domains=ALL
423       and restart the daemon with systemctl restart NetworkManager. Then
424       reproduce the problem. You can find the logs in syslog (for example
425       journalctl).
427       Any settings here are overridden by the --log-level and --log-domains
428       command-line options. Logging can also be reconfigured at runtime with
429       nmcli general logging level "$LEVEL" domains "$DOMAINS". However, often
430       it is interesting to get a complete log from the start. Especially,
431       when debugging an issue, enable debug logging in NetworkManager.conf
432       and restart the service to enable verbose logging early on.
434       By setting nm.debug on the kernel command line (either from
435       /run/NetworkManager/proc-cmdline or /proc/cmdline), debug logging is
436       enabled. This overrides both the command-line options and the settings
437       from NetworkManager.conf.
439       NetworkManager's logging aims not to contain private sensitive data and
440       you should be fine sharing the debug logs. Still, there will be IP
441       addresses and your network setup, if you consider that private then
442       review the log before sharing. However, try not to mangle the logfile
443       in a way that distorts the meaning too much.
445       NetworkManager uses syslog or systemd-journald, depending on
446       configuration. In any case, debug logs are verbose and might be rate
447       limited or filtered by the logging daemon. For systemd-journald, see
448       RateLimitIntervalSec and RateLimitBurst in journald.conf manual for how
449       to disable that.
451       level
452           The default logging verbosity level. One of OFF, ERR, WARN, INFO,
453           DEBUG, TRACE, in order of verbosity.
455           OFF disables all logging.  INFO is the default verbosity for
456           regular operation.  TRACE is for debugging.
458           The other levels are in most cases not useful. For example, DEBUG
459           is between TRACE and INFO, but it's too verbose for regular
460           operation and lacks possibly interesting messages for debugging.
461           Almost always, when debugging an issue or reporting a bug, collect
462           full level TRACE logs to get the full picture.
464       domains
465           Filter the messages by their topic. When debugging an issue, it's
466           better to collect all logs (ALL domain) upfront. The unnecessary
467           parts can always be ignored later.
469           In the uncommon case to tune out certain topics, the following log
470           domains are available: PLATFORM, RFKILL, ETHER, WIFI, BT, MB,
476           In addition, these special domains can be used: NONE, ALL, DEFAULT,
477           DHCP, IP.
479           You can specify per-domain log level overrides by adding a colon
480           and a log level to any domain. E.g., "WIFI:DEBUG,WIFI_SCAN:OFF".
481           Another example is ALL,VPN_PLUGIN:TRACE to enable all the logging
482           there is (see about VPN_PLUGIN below).
484           Domain descriptions:
485               PLATFORM    : OS (platform) operations
486               RFKILL      : RFKill subsystem operations
487               ETHER       : Ethernet device operations
488               WIFI        : Wi-Fi device operations
489               BT          : Bluetooth operations
490               MB          : Mobile broadband operations
491               DHCP4       : DHCP for IPv4
492               DHCP6       : DHCP for IPv6
493               PPP         : Point-to-point protocol operations
494               WIFI_SCAN   : Wi-Fi scanning operations
495               IP4         : IPv4-related operations
496               IP6         : IPv6-related operations
497               AUTOIP4     : AutoIP operations
498               DNS         : Domain Name System related operations
499               VPN         : Virtual Private Network connections and
500               operations
501               SHARING     : Connection sharing. With TRACE level log queries
502               for dnsmasq instance
503               SUPPLICANT  : WPA supplicant related operations
504               AGENTS      : Secret agents operations and communication
505               SETTINGS    : Settings/config service operations
506               SUSPEND     : Suspend/resume
507               CORE        : Core daemon and policy operations
508               DEVICE      : Activation and general interface operations
509               OLPC        : OLPC Mesh device operations
510               WIMAX       : WiMAX device operations
511               INFINIBAND  : InfiniBand device operations
512               FIREWALL    : FirewallD related operations
513               ADSL        : ADSL device operations
514               BOND        : Bonding operations
515               VLAN        : VLAN operations
516               BRIDGE      : Bridging operations
517               DBUS_PROPS  : D-Bus property changes
518               TEAM        : Teaming operations
519               CONCHECK    : Connectivity check
520               DCB         : Data Center Bridging (DCB) operations
521               DISPATCH    : Dispatcher scripts
522               AUDIT       : Audit records
523               SYSTEMD     : Messages from internal libsystemd
524               VPN_PLUGIN  : logging messages from VPN plugins
525               PROXY       : logging messages for proxy handling
527               NONE        : when given by itself logging is disabled
528               ALL         : all log domains
529               DEFAULT     : default log domains
530               DHCP        : shortcut for "DHCP4,DHCP6"
531               IP          : shortcut for "IP4,IP6"
533               HW          : deprecated alias for "PLATFORM"
535           In general, the logfile should not contain passwords or private
536           data. However, you are always advised to check the file before
537           posting it online or attaching to a bug report.  VPN_PLUGIN is
538           special as it might reveal private information of the VPN plugins
539           with verbose levels. Therefore this domain will be excluded when
540           setting ALL or DEFAULT to more verbose levels then INFO.
542       backend
543           The logging backend. Supported values are "syslog" and "journal".
544           When NetworkManager is started with "--debug" in addition all
545           messages will be printed to stderr. If unspecified, the default is
546           "journal".
548       audit
549           Whether the audit records are delivered to auditd, the audit
550           daemon. If false, audit records will be sent only to the
551           NetworkManager logging system. If set to true, they will be also
552           sent to auditd. The default value is false.


555       Specify default values for connections.
557       Such default values are only consulted if the corresponding
558       per-connection property explicitly allows for that. That means, all
559       these properties correspond to a property of the connection profile
560       (for example connection.mud-url). Only if the per-profile property is
561       set to a special value that indicates to use the default, the default
562       value from NetworkManager.conf is consulted. It depends on the
563       property, which is the special value that indicates fallback to the
564       default, but it usually is something like empty, unset values or
565       special numeric values like 0 or -1. That means the effectively used
566       value can first always be configured for each profile, and these
567       default values only matter if the per-profile values explicitly
568       indicates to use the default from NetworkManager.conf.
570       Example:
572           [connection]
573           ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
576   Supported Properties
577       Not all properties can be overwritten, only the following properties
578       are supported to have their default values configured (see nm-
579       settings(5) for details).
581       802-1x.auth-timeout
583       cdma.mtu
585       connection.auth-retries
586           If left unspecified, the default value is 3 tries before failing
587           the connection.
589       connection.autoconnect-slaves
591       connection.mud-url
592           If unspecified, MUD URL defaults to "none".
594       connection.lldp
596       connection.llmnr
597           If unspecified, the ultimate default values depends on the DNS
598           plugin. With systemd-resolved the default currently is "yes" (2)
599           and for all other plugins "no" (0).
601       connection.mdns
602           If unspecified, the ultimate default values depends on the DNS
603           plugin. With systemd-resolved the default currently is "no" (0) and
604           for all other plugins also "no" (0).
606       connection.mptcp-flags
607           If unspecified, the fallback is 0x22 ("enabled,subflow"). Note that
608           if sysctl /proc/sys/net/mptcp/enabled is disabled, NetworkManager
609           will still not configure endpoints.
611       connection.dns-over-tls
612           If unspecified, the ultimate default values depends on the DNS
613           plugin. With systemd-resolved the default currently is global
614           setting and for all other plugins "no" (0).
616       connection.stable-id
618       ethernet.cloned-mac-address
619           If left unspecified, it defaults to "preserve".
621       ethernet.generate-mac-address-mask
623       ethernet.mtu
624           If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during
625           device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If
626           left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or the
627           MTU is not reconfigured during activation.
629       ethernet.wake-on-lan
631       gsm.mtu
633       hostname.from-dhcp
635       hostname.from-dns-lookup
637       hostname.only-from-default
639       hostname.priority
641       infiniband.mtu
642           If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during
643           device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If
644           left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or the
645           MTU is left unspecified on activation.
647       ip-tunnel.mtu
648           If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during
649           device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If
650           left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or a
651           default of 1500.
653       ipv4.dad-timeout
655       ipv4.dhcp-client-id
657       ipv4.dhcp-iaid
658           If left unspecified, it defaults to "ifname".
660       ipv4.dhcp-hostname-flags
661           If left unspecified, the value 3 (fqdn-encoded,fqdn-serv-update) is
662           used.
664       ipv4.dhcp-timeout
665           If left unspecified, the default value for the interface type is
666           used.
668       ipv4.dhcp-vendor-class-identifier
669           If left unspecified, the default is to not send the DHCP option to
670           the server.
672       ipv4.dns-priority
673           If unspecified or zero, use 50 for VPN profiles and 100 for other
674           profiles.
676       ipv4.required-timeout
678       ipv4.link-local
679           If left unspecified, fallback to "auto" which makes it dependent on
680           "ipv4.method" setting.
682       ipv4.route-metric
684       ipv4.route-table
685           If left unspecified, routes are only added to the main table. Note
686           that this is different from explicitly selecting the main table
687           254, because of how NetworkManager removes extraneous routes from
688           the tables.
690       ipv6.addr-gen-mode
691           If the per-profile setting is either "default" or
692           "default-or-eui64", the global default is used. If the default is
693           unspecified, the fallback value is either "stable-privacy" or
694           "eui64", depending on whether the per-profile setting is "default"
695           or "default-or-eui64, respectively.
697       ipv6.ra-timeout
698           If left unspecified, the default value depends on the sysctl
699           solicitation settings.
701       ipv6.dhcp-duid
702           If left unspecified, it defaults to "lease".
704       ipv6.dhcp-iaid
705           If left unspecified, it defaults to "ifname".
707       ipv6.dhcp-hostname-flags
708           If left unspecified, the value 1 (fqdn-serv-update) is used.
710       ipv6.dhcp-timeout
711           If left unspecified, the default value for the interface type is
712           used.
714       ipv6.dns-priority
715           If unspecified or zero, use 50 for VPN profiles and 100 for other
716           profiles.
718       ipv6.ip6-privacy
719           If ipv6.ip6-privacy is unset, use the content of
720           "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/use_tempaddr" as last fallback.
722       ipv6.required-timeout
724       ipv6.route-metric
726       ipv6.route-table
727           If left unspecified, routes are only added to the main table. Note
728           that this is different from explicitly selecting the main table
729           254, because of how NetworkManager removes extraneous routes from
730           the tables.
732       loopback.mtu
733           If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during
734           device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If
735           left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or the
736           MTU is left unspecified on activation.
738       sriov.autoprobe-drivers
739           If left unspecified, drivers are autoprobed when the SR-IOV VF gets
740           created.
742       vpn.timeout
743           If left unspecified, default value of 60 seconds is used.
745       wifi.ap-isolation
746           If left unspecified, AP isolation is disabled.
748       wifi.cloned-mac-address
749           If left unspecified, it defaults to "preserve".
751       wifi.generate-mac-address-mask
753       wifi.mac-address-randomization
754           If left unspecified, MAC address randomization is disabled. This
755           setting is deprecated for wifi.cloned-mac-address.
757       wifi.mtu
758           If configured explicitly to 0, the MTU is not reconfigured during
759           device activation unless it is required due to IPv6 constraints. If
760           left unspecified, a DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC provided value is used or a
761           default of 1500.
763       wifi.powersave
764           If left unspecified, the default value "ignore" will be used.
766       wifi-sec.pmf
767           If left unspecified, the default value "optional" will be used.
769       wifi-sec.fils
770           If left unspecified, the default value "optional" will be used.
772       wifi.wake-on-wlan
774       wireguard.mtu
777   Sections
778       You can configure multiple connection sections, by having different
779       sections with a name that all start with "connection". Example:
781           [connection]
782           ipv6.ip6-privacy=0
783           connection.autoconnect-slaves=1
784           vpn.timeout=120
786           [connection-wifi-wlan0]
787           match-device=interface-name:wlan0
788           ipv4.route-metric=50
790           [connection-wifi-other]
791           match-device=type:wifi
792           ipv4.route-metric=55
793           ipv6.ip6-privacy=1
795       The sections within one file are considered in order of appearance,
796       with the exception that the [connection] section is always considered
797       last. In the example above, this order is [connection-wifi-wlan0],
798       [connection-wlan-other], and [connection]. When checking for a default
799       configuration value, the sections are searched until the requested
800       value is found. In the example above, "ipv4.route-metric" for wlan0
801       interface is set to 50, and for all other Wi-Fi typed interfaces to 55.
802       Also, Wi-Fi devices would have IPv6 private addresses enabled by
803       default, but other devices would have it disabled. Note that also
804       "wlan0" gets "ipv6.ip6-privacy=1", because although the section
805       "[connection-wifi-wlan0]" matches the device, it does not contain that
806       property and the search continues.
808       When having different sections in multiple files, sections from files
809       that are read later have higher priority. So within one file the
810       priority of the sections is top-to-bottom. Across multiple files later
811       definitions take precedence.
813       The following properties further control how a connection section
814       applies.
816       match-device
817           An optional device spec that restricts when the section applies.
818           See the section called “Device List Format” for the possible
819           values.
821       stop-match
822           An optional boolean value which defaults to no. If the section
823           matches (based on match-device), further sections will not be
824           considered even if the property in question is not present. In the
825           example above, if [connection-wifi-wlan0] would have stop-match set
826           to yes, the device wlan0 would have ipv6.ip6-privacy property
827           unspecified. That is, the search for the property would not
828           continue in the connection sections [connection-wifi-other] or
829           [connection].


832       Contains per-device persistent configuration.
834       Example:
836           [device]
837           match-device=interface-name:eth3
838           managed=1
841   Supported Properties
842       The following properties can be configured per-device.
844       managed
845           Whether the device is managed or not. A device can be marked as
846           managed via udev rules (ENV{NM_UNMANAGED}), or via setting plugins
847           (keyfile.unmanaged-devices). This is yet another way. Note that
848           this configuration can be overruled at runtime via D-Bus. Also, it
849           has higher priority then udev rules.
851       carrier-wait-timeout
852           Specify the timeout for waiting for carrier in milliseconds. The
853           default is 5000 milliseconds. This setting exists because certain
854           drivers/hardware can take a long time to detect whether the cable
855           is plugged in.
857           When the device loses carrier, NetworkManager does not react
858           immediately. Instead, it waits for this timeout before considering
859           the link lost.
861           Also, on startup, NetworkManager considers the device as busy for
862           this time, as long as the device has no carrier. This delays
863           startup-complete signal and NetworkManager-wait-online. Configuring
864           this too high means to block NetworkManager-wait-online longer than
865           necessary when booting with cable unplugged. Configuring it too
866           low, means that NetworkManager will declare startup-complete too
867           soon, although carrier is about to come and auto-activation to kick
868           in. Note that if a profile only has static IP configuration or
869           Layer 3 configuration disabled, then it can already autoconnect
870           without carrier on the device. Once such a profile reaches full
871           activated state, startup-complete is considered as reached even if
872           the device has no carrier yet.
874       ignore-carrier
875           Specify devices for which NetworkManager will (partially) ignore
876           the carrier state. Normally, for device types that support
877           carrier-detect, such as Ethernet and InfiniBand, NetworkManager
878           will only allow a connection to be activated on the device if
879           carrier is present (ie, a cable is plugged in), and it will
880           deactivate the device if carrier drops for more than a few seconds.
882           A device with carrier ignored will allow activating connections on
883           that device even when it does not have carrier, provided that the
884           connection uses only statically-configured IP addresses.
885           Additionally, it will allow any active connection (whether static
886           or dynamic) to remain active on the device when carrier is lost.
888           Note that the "carrier" property of NMDevices and device D-Bus
889           interfaces will still reflect the actual device state; it's just
890           that NetworkManager will not make use of that information.
892           Master types like bond, bridge and team ignore carrier by default,
893           while other device types react on carrier changes by default.
895           This setting overwrites the deprecated main.ignore-carrier setting
896           above.
898       keep-configuration
899           On startup, NetworkManager tries to not interfere with interfaces
900           that are already configured. It does so by generating a in-memory
901           connection based on the interface current configuration.
903           If this generated connection matches one of the existing persistent
904           connections, the persistent connection gets activated. If there is
905           no match, the generated connection gets activated as "external",
906           which means that the connection is considered as active, but
907           NetworkManager doesn't actually touch the interface.
909           It is possible to disable this behavior by setting
910           keep-configuration to no. In this way, on startup NetworkManager
911           always tries to activate the most suitable persistent connection
912           (the one with highest autoconnect-priority or, in case of a tie,
913           the one activated most recently).
915           Note that when NetworkManager gets restarted, it stores the
916           previous state in /run/NetworkManager; in particular it saves the
917           UUID of the connection that was previously active so that it can be
918           activated again after the restart. Therefore, keep-configuration
919           does not have any effect on service restart.
921       allowed-connections
922           A list of connections that can be activated on the device. See the
923           section called “Connection List Format” for the syntax to specify a
924           connection. If this option is not specified, all connections can be
925           potentially activated on the device, provided that the connection
926           type and other settings match.
928           A notable use case for this is to filter which connections can be
929           activated based on how they were created; see the origin keyword in
930           the section called “Connection List Format”.
932       wifi.scan-rand-mac-address
933           Configures MAC address randomization of a Wi-Fi device during
934           scanning. This defaults to yes in which case a random,
935           locally-administered MAC address will be used. The setting
936           wifi.scan-generate-mac-address-mask allows to influence the
937           generated MAC address to use certain vendor OUIs. If disabled, the
938           MAC address during scanning is left unchanged to whatever is
939           configured. For the configured MAC address while the device is
940           associated, see instead the per-connection setting
941           wifi.cloned-mac-address.
943       wifi.backend
944           Specify the Wi-Fi backend used for the device. Currently, supported
945           are wpa_supplicant and iwd (experimental). If unspecified, the
946           default is "wpa_supplicant".
948       wifi.scan-generate-mac-address-mask
949           Like the per-connection settings ethernet.generate-mac-address-mask
950           and wifi.generate-mac-address-mask, this allows to configure the
951           generated MAC addresses during scanning. See nm-settings(5) for
952           details.
954       wifi.iwd.autoconnect
955           If wifi.backend is iwd, setting this to false forces IWD's
956           autoconnect mechanism to be disabled for this device and
957           connections will only be initiated by NetworkManager whether
958           commanded by a client or automatically. Leaving it true (default)
959           stops NetworkManager from automatically initiating connections and
960           allows IWD to use its network ranking and scanning logic to decide
961           the best networks to autoconnect to next. Connections'
962           autoconnect-priority, autoconnect-retries settings will be ignored.
963           Other settings like permissions or multi-connect may interfere with
964           IWD connection attempts.
966       sriov-num-vfs
967           Specify the number of virtual functions (VF) to enable for a PCI
968           physical device that supports single-root I/O virtualization
969           (SR-IOV).
971   Sections
972       The [device] section works the same as the [connection] section. That
973       is, multiple sections that all start with the prefix "device" can be
974       specified. The settings "match-device" and "stop-match" are available
975       to match a device section on a device. The order of multiple sections
976       is also top-down within the file and later files overwrite previous
977       settings. See “Sections” under the section called “CONNECTION SECTION”
978       for details.


981       This section controls NetworkManager's optional connectivity checking
982       functionality. This allows NetworkManager to detect whether or not the
983       system can actually access the internet or whether it is behind a
984       captive portal.
986       Connectivity checking serves two purposes. For one, it exposes a
987       connectivity state on D-Bus, which other applications may use. For
988       example, Gnome's portal helper uses this as signal to show a captive
989       portal login page. The other use is that default-route of devices
990       without global connectivity get a penalty of +20000 to the
991       route-metric. This has the purpose to give a better default-route to
992       devices that have global connectivity. For example, when being
993       connected to WWAN and to a Wi-Fi network which is behind a captive
994       portal, WWAN still gets preferred until login.
996       Note that your distribution might set
997       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter to strict filtering. That works
998       badly with per-device connectivity checking, which uses SO_BINDDEVICE
999       to send requests on all devices. A strict rp_filter setting will reject
1000       any response and the connectivity check on all but the best route will
1001       fail.
1003       enabled
1004           Whether connectivity check is enabled. Note that to enable
1005           connectivity check, a valid uri must also be configured. The value
1006           defaults to true, but since the uri is unset by default,
1007           connectivity check may be disabled. The main purpose of this option
1008           is to have a single flag to disable connectivity check. Note that
1009           this setting can also be set via D-Bus API at runtime. In that
1010           case, the value gets stored in
1011           /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager-intern.conf file.
1013       uri
1014           The URI of a web page to periodically request when connectivity is
1015           being checked. This page should return the header
1016           "X-NetworkManager-Status" with a value of "online". Alternatively,
1017           its body content should be set to "NetworkManager is online". The
1018           body content check can be controlled by the response option. If
1019           this option is blank or missing, connectivity checking is disabled.
1021       interval
1022           Specified in seconds; controls how often connectivity is checked
1023           when a network connection exists. If set to 0 connectivity checking
1024           is disabled. If missing, the default is 300 seconds.
1026       response
1027           If set, controls what body content NetworkManager checks for when
1028           requesting the URI for connectivity checking. Note that this only
1029           compares that the HTTP response starts with the specifid text, it
1030           does not compare the exact string. This behavior might change in
1031           the future, so avoid relying on it. If missing, the response
1032           defaults to "NetworkManager is online". If set to empty, the HTTP
1033           server is expected to answer with status code 204 or send no data.


1036       This section specifies DNS settings that are applied globally, in
1037       addition to connection-specific ones.
1039       searches
1040           A list of search domains to be used during hostname lookup.
1042       options
1043           A list of options to be passed to the hostname resolver.


1046       Sections with a name starting with the "global-dns-domain-" prefix
1047       allow to define global DNS configuration for specific domains. The part
1048       of section name after "global-dns-domain-" specifies the domain name a
1049       section applies to (for example, a section could be named
1050       "global-dns-domain-foobar.com"). More specific domains have the
1051       precedence over less specific ones and the default domain is
1052       represented by the wildcard "*". To be valid, global DNS domains must
1053       include a section for the default domain "*". When the global DNS
1054       domains are valid, the name servers and domains defined globally
1055       override the ones from active connections.
1057       servers
1058           A list of addresses of DNS servers to be used for the given domain.
1060       options
1061           A list of domain-specific DNS options. Not used at the moment.


1064       This is a special section that contains options which apply to the
1065       configuration file that contains the option.
1067       enable
1068           Defaults to "true". If "false", the configuration file will be
1069           skipped during loading. Note that the main configuration file
1070           NetworkManager.conf cannot be disabled.
1072               # always skip loading the config file
1073               [.config]
1074               enable=false
1076           You can also match against the version of NetworkManager. For
1077           example the following are valid configurations:
1079               # only load on version 1.0.6
1080               [.config]
1081               enable=nm-version:1.0.6
1083               # load on all versions 1.0.x, but not 1.2.x
1084               [.config]
1085               enable=nm-version:1.0
1087               # only load on versions >= 1.1.6. This does not match
1088               # with version 1.2.0 or 1.4.4. Only the last digit is considered.
1089               [.config]
1090               enable=nm-version-min:1.1.6
1092               # only load on versions >= 1.2. Contrary to the previous
1093               # example, this also matches with 1.2.0, 1.2.10, 1.4.4, etc.
1094               [.config]
1095               enable=nm-version-min:1.2
1097               # Match against the maximum allowed version. The example matches
1098               # versions 1.2.0, 1.2.2, 1.2.4. Again, only the last version digit
1099               # is allowed to be smaller. So this would not match on 1.1.10.
1100               [.config]
1101               enable=nm-version-max:1.2.6
1103           You can also match against the value of the environment variable
1104           NM_CONFIG_ENABLE_TAG, like:
1106               # only load the file when running NetworkManager with
1107               # environment variable "NM_CONFIG_ENABLE_TAG=TAG1"
1108               [.config]
1109               enable=env:TAG1
1111           More then one match can be specified. The configuration will be
1112           enabled if one of the predicates matches ("or"). The special prefix
1113           "except:" can be used to negate the match. Note that if one
1114           except-predicate matches, the entire configuration will be
1115           disabled. In other words, a except predicate always wins over other
1116           predicates. If the setting only consists of "except:" matches and
1117           none of the negative conditions are satisfied, the configuration is
1118           still enabled.
1120               # enable the configuration either when the environment variable
1121               # is present or the version is at least 1.2.0.
1122               [.config]
1123               enable=env:TAG2,nm-version-min:1.2
1125               # enable the configuration for version >= 1.2.0, but disable
1126               # it when the environment variable is set to "TAG3"
1127               [.config]
1128               enable=except:env:TAG3,nm-version-min:1.2
1130               # enable the configuration on >= 1.3, >= 1.2.6, and >= 1.0.16.
1131               # Useful if a certain feature is only present since those releases.
1132               [.config]
1133               enable=nm-version-min:1.3,nm-version-min:1.2.6,nm-version-min:1.0.16


1137       Settings plugins for reading and writing connection profiles. The
1138       number of available plugins is distribution specific.
1140       keyfile
1141           The keyfile plugin is the generic plugin that supports all the
1142           connection types and capabilities that NetworkManager has. It
1143           writes files out in an .ini-style format in
1144           /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. See nm-settings-keyfile(5)
1145           for details about the file format.
1147           The stored connection file may contain passwords, secrets and
1148           private keys in plain text, so it will be made readable only to
1149           root, and the plugin will ignore files that are readable or
1150           writable by any user or group other than root. See "Secret flag
1151           types" in nm-settings(5) for how to avoid storing passwords in
1152           plain text.
1154           This plugin is always active, and will automatically be used to
1155           store any connections that aren't supported by any other active
1156           plugin.
1158       ifcfg-rh
1159           This plugin is used on the Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
1160           distributions to read and write configuration from the standard
1161           /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files. It currently supports
1162           reading Ethernet, Wi-Fi, InfiniBand, VLAN, Bond, Bridge, and Team
1163           connections. Enabling ifcfg-rh implicitly enables ibft plugin, if
1164           it is available. This can be disabled by adding no-ibft. See
1165           /usr/share/doc/initscripts/sysconfig.txt and nm-settings-ifcfg-
1166           rh(5) for more information about the ifcfg file format.
1168       ifupdown
1169           This plugin is used on the Debian and Ubuntu distributions, and
1170           reads Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections from /etc/network/interfaces.
1172           This plugin is read-only; any connections (of any type) added from
1173           within NetworkManager when you are using this plugin will be saved
1174           using the keyfile plugin instead.
1176       ibft, no-ibft
1177           These plugins are deprecated and their selection has no effect.
1178           This is now handled by nm-initrd-generator.
1180       ifcfg-suse, ifnet
1181           These plugins are deprecated and their selection has no effect. The
1182           keyfile plugin should be used instead.


1185   Device List Format
1186       The configuration options main.no-auto-default, main.ignore-carrier,
1187       keyfile.unmanaged-devices, connection*.match-device and
1188       device*.match-device select devices based on a list of matchings.
1189       Devices can be specified using the following format:
1191       *
1192           Matches every device.
1194       IFNAME
1195           Case sensitive match of interface name of the device. Globbing is
1196           not supported.
1198       HWADDR
1199           Match the permanent MAC address of the device. Globbing is not
1200           supported
1202       interface-name:IFNAME, interface-name:~IFNAME
1203           Case sensitive match of interface name of the device. Simple
1204           globbing is supported with * and ?. Ranges and escaping is not
1205           supported.
1207       interface-name:=IFNAME
1208           Case sensitive match of interface name of the device. Globbing is
1209           disabled and IFNAME is taken literally.
1211       mac:HWADDR
1212           Match the permanent MAC address of the device. Globbing is not
1213           supported
1215       s390-subchannels:HWADDR
1216           Match the device based on the subchannel address. Globbing is not
1217           supported
1219       type:TYPE
1220           Match the device type. Valid type names are as reported by "nmcli
1221           -f GENERAL.TYPE device show". Globbing is not supported.
1223       driver:DRIVER
1224           Match the device driver as reported by "nmcli -f
1225           GENERAL.DRIVER,GENERAL.DRIVER-VERSION device show". "DRIVER" must
1226           match the driver name exactly and does not support globbing.
1227           Optionally, a driver version may be specified separated by '/'.
1228           Globbing is supported for the version.
1230       dhcp-plugin:DHCP
1231           Match the configured DHCP plugin "main.dhcp".
1233       except:SPEC
1234           Negative match of a device.  SPEC must be explicitly qualified with
1235           a prefix such as interface-name:. A negative match has higher
1236           priority then the positive matches above.
1238           If there is a list consisting only of negative matches, the
1239           behavior is the same as if there is also match-all. That means, if
1240           none of all the negative matches is satisfied, the overall result
1241           is still a positive match. That means, "except:interface-name:eth0"
1242           is the same as "*,except:interface-name:eth0".
1244       SPEC[,;]SPEC
1245           Multiple specs can be concatenated with commas or semicolons. The
1246           order does not matter as matches are either inclusive or negative
1247           (except:), with negative matches having higher priority.
1249           Backslash is supported to escape the separators ';' and ',', and to
1250           express special characters such as newline ('\n'), tabulator
1251           ('\t'), whitespace ('\s') and backslash ('\\'). The globbing of
1252           interface names cannot be escaped. Whitespace is not a separator
1253           but will be trimmed between two specs (unless escaped as '\s').
1255       Example:
1257           interface-name:em4
1258           mac:00:22:68:1c:59:b1;mac:00:1E:65:30:D1:C4;interface-name:eth2
1259           interface-name:vboxnet*,except:interface-name:vboxnet2
1260           *,except:mac:00:22:68:1c:59:b1
1263   Connection List Format
1264       Connections can be specified using the following format:
1266       *
1267           Matches every connection.
1269       uuid:UUID
1270           Match the connection by UUID, for example
1271           "uuid:83037490-1d17-4986-a397-01f1db3a7fc2"
1273       id=ID
1274           Match the connection by name.
1276       origin:ORIGIN
1277           Match the connection by origin, stored in the
1278           org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.origin tag of the user setting. For
1279           example, use "except:origin:nm-initrd-generator" to forbid
1280           activation of connections created by the initrd generator.
1282       except:SPEC
1283           Negative match of a connection. A negative match has higher
1284           priority then the positive matches above.
1286           If there is a list consisting only of negative matches, the
1287           behavior is the same as if there is also match-all. That means, if
1288           none of all the negative matches is satisfied, the overall result
1289           is still a positive match.
1291       SPEC[,;]SPEC
1292           Multiple specs can be concatenated with commas or semicolons. The
1293           order does not matter as matches are either inclusive or negative
1294           (except:), with negative matches having higher priority.
1296           Backslash is supported to escape the separators ';' and ',', and to
1297           express special characters such as newline ('\n'), tabulator
1298           ('\t'), whitespace ('\s') and backslash ('\\'). Whitespace is not a
1299           separator but will be trimmed between two specs (unless escaped as
1300           '\s').


1303       NetworkManager(8), nmcli(1), nmcli-examples(7), nm-online(1), nm-
1304       settings(5), nm-applet(1), nm-connection-editor(1)
1308NetworkManager 1.42.8                                   NETWORKMANAGER.CONF(5)