1CONSERVER.CF(5)                    conserver                   CONSERVER.CF(5)


6       conserver.cf - console configuration file for conserver(8)


9       The  format of the conserver.cf file is made up of named blocks of key‐
10       word/value pairs, comments,  and  optional  whitespace  for  formatting
11       flexibility.   The  block types as well as the keywords are pre-defined
12       and explained in the BLOCKS section.  A comment is an  unquoted  pound-
13       sign  to  a newline.  See the PARSER section for full details on white‐
14       space and quoting.
16       Let me first show you a sample block with  a  couple  of  keyword/value
17       pairs to make the description a bit simpler to understand.
19              console simple { master localhost; type exec; rw *; }
21       This  is actually a fully functional conserver.cf file (if certain con‐
22       ditions are met...and if you can list those conditions, you can  proba‐
23       bly can skip to the BLOCKS section).
25       Our  example  is  made  of  up of a console-block named ``simple'' with
26       three keyword/value pairs.  What this does is define  a  console  named
27       ``simple'',  makes  the  master of that console the host ``localhost'',
28       makes the type an exec-style console, and gives every  user  read/write
29       permission.  This is the generic format of the file:
31              block-type block-name { keyword value; ... }
33       To  show  the  addition of comments and whitespace, here is the example
34       reformatted (but functionally equivalent):
36              # define a console named "simple"
37              console simple {
38                  # setting all required values...
39                  master localhost;
40                  type exec;  # exec-style console
41                  rw *;       # allow any username
42              }


45       The parser has six characters that it considers  special.   These  are:
46       ``{'',  ``}'', ``;'', ``#'', ``\'', and ``"''.  The first three (hereby
47       called tokens) define the format of the configuration  blocks  and  are
48       used  as  word  separators,  the next is the comment character, and the
49       last two are quoting characters.
51       Word separation occurs when the parser  encounters  an  unquoted  token
52       and,  in  certain cases, whitespace.  Whitespace is only used as a word
53       separator when the parser is looking for a block-type or keyword.  When
54       it's  looking  for  a block-name or value, whitespace is like any other
55       character, which allows you to embed  whitespace  in  a  block-name  or
56       value without having to quote it.  Here is an example:
58              default my defs { rw *; include other defs  ; }
60       The  block-type  is ``default'', the block-name is ``my defs'', and the
61       value for the keyword ``include'' is ``other defs''.  Whitespace around
62       tokens  are  ignored  so you get ``other defs'' instead of ``other defs
63       '' as the value.
65       The only way to use one of the special characters as part of  a  block-
66       name or value is to quote it.
68       Quoting is a simple matter of prefixing a character with a backslash or
69       surrounding a group of characters with double-quotes.  If  a  character
70       is  prefixed by a backslash, the next character is a literal (so ``\\''
71       produces a ``\'', ``\"''  produces  ``"'',  ``\{''  produces  a  ``{'',
72       etc.).   For  double-quoted  strings, all characters are literal except
73       for ``\"'', which embeds a double-quote.
75       Adding a variety of quotes to our example without changing the  meaning
76       of things, we have:
78              "defa"ult my\ defs { rw *; in\clude "other defs"  ; }
80       There  is one special line the parser recognizes: a ``#include'' state‐
81       ment.  It is of the form:
83              #include filename
85       Any whitespace around filename is ignored, but whitespace embedded  in‐
86       side  is preserved.  Everything in filename is taken literally, so none
87       of the normal parser quoting  applies.   The  #include  must  begin  in
88       ``column 0'' - no whitespace is allowed between it and the start of the
89       physical line.  There is an include file depth limit of 10  to  prevent
90       infinite recursion.


93       access hostname|ipaddr
94              Define  an access block for the host named hostname or using the
95              address ipaddr.  If the value of ``*'' is used, the access block
96              will  be  applied to all conserver hosts.  Access lists are used
97              in a first match fashion (top down), so order is important.
99              admin [!]username[,...]|""
100                     Define a list of users making up the admin list  for  the
101                     console server.  If username matches a previously defined
102                     group name, all members of the previous group are applied
103                     to  the admin list (with access reversed if prefixed with
104                     a `!').  If username doesn't match a  previously  defined
105                     group  and  username begins with `@', the name (minus the
106                     `@') is checked against the host's group  database.   All
107                     users  found  in the group will be granted (or denied, if
108                     prefixed with `!') access.  If username doesn't  match  a
109                     previous group and doesn't begin with `@', the users will
110                     be granted (or denied, if prefixed with `!') access.   If
111                     the  null  string  (``""'') is used, any users previously
112                     defined for the console servers's admin list are removed.
114              allowed hostname[,...]
115                     The list of hostnames are added to the ``allowed''  list,
116                     which  grants  connections  from  the  hosts but requires
117                     username authentication.
119              include accessgroup
120                     The access lists defined using the name  accessgroup  are
121                     applied to the current access block.  The included access
122                     block must be previously defined.
124              limited [!]username[,...]|""
125                     Define a list of users with limited functionality on  the
126                     console  server.  These users will not be allowed to sus‐
127                     pend their connection, shift to another console,  or  at‐
128                     tach  to  a  local command.  If username matches a previ‐
129                     ously defined group name, all  members  of  the  previous
130                     group are applied to the admin list (with access reversed
131                     if prefixed with a `!').  If  username  doesn't  match  a
132                     previously  defined  group  and username begins with `@',
133                     the name (minus the `@') is checked  against  the  host's
134                     group  database.   All  users  found in the group will be
135                     granted (or denied, if prefixed  with  `!')  access.   If
136                     username doesn't match a previous group and doesn't begin
137                     with `@', the users will be granted (or denied,  if  pre‐
138                     fixed  with  `!') access.  If the null string (``""'') is
139                     used,  any  users  previously  defined  for  the  console
140                     server's limited list are removed.
142              rejected hostname[,...]
143                     The list of hostnames are added to the ``rejected'' list,
144                     which rejects connections from the hosts.
146              trusted hostname[,...]
147                     The list of hostnames are added to the ``trusted''  list,
148                     which  grants connections from the hosts without username
149                     authentication.
151       break n
152              Define a break sequence where (1 <= n <= 9) or (a <=  n  <=  z).
153              Break sequences are accessed via the ``^Ecln'' client escape se‐
154              quence.
156              confirm yes|true|on|no|false|off
157                     Set whether or not to ask the client for confirmation be‐
158                     fore sending the break sequence.  The default is ``no''.
160              delay n
161                     Set the time delay for the \d sequence to n milliseconds.
162                     The default time delay is 250ms.
164              string breakseq
165                     Assign the string breakseq to the specified  slot  n.   A
166                     break  sequence is a simple character string with the ex‐
167                     ception of `\' and `^':
169                            \a    alert
170                            \b    backspace
171                            \d    delay specified by the delay option.
172                            \f    form-feed
173                            \n    newline
174                            \r    carriage-return
175                            \t    tab
176                            \v    vertical-tab
177                            \z    serial break
178                            \\    backslash
179                            \^    circumflex
180                            \ooo  octal representation of a  character  (where
181                                  ooo is one to three octal digits)
182                            \c    character c
183                            ^?    delete
184                            ^c    control character (c is ``and''ed with 0x1f)
186       config hostname|ipaddr
187              Define  a configuration block for the host named hostname or us‐
188              ing the address ipaddr.  If the value of ``*'' is used, the con‐
189              figuration block will be applied to all conserver hosts.
191              autocomplete yes|true|on|no|false|off
192                     Turn  the  console name autocompletion feature on or off.
193                     If autocompletion is on, a  client  can  use  any  unique
194                     leading  portion  of  a console name when connecting to a
195                     console.  Autocompletion is on by default.
197              defaultaccess rejected|trusted|allowed
198                     Set the default  access  permission  for  all  hosts  not
199                     matched by an access list (see the -a command-line flag).
201              daemonmode yes|true|on|no|false|off
202                     Set  whether  or not to become a daemon when run (see the
203                     -d command-line flag).
205              initdelay number
206                     Set the number of  seconds  between  console  initializa‐
207                     tions.   All  consoles  with  the same host value will be
208                     throttled as a group (those  without  a  host  value  are
209                     their  own group).  In other words, each console within a
210                     group will  only  be  initialized  after  number  seconds
211                     passes  from  the previous initialization of a console in
212                     that group.  Different throttle  groups  are  initialized
213                     simultaneously.  One warning: since consoles are split up
214                     and managed by seperate conserver processes, it's  possi‐
215                     ble  for more than one conserver process to have a throt‐
216                     tle group based on a particular host value.  If this hap‐
217                     pens,  each  conserver process will throttle their groups
218                     independently of the other conserver processes, which re‐
219                     sults  in  a  more  rapid initialization (per host value)
220                     than one might otherwise expect.  If number is zero,  all
221                     consoles are initialized without delay.
223              logfile filename
224                     Set  the logfile to write to when in daemon mode (see the
225                     -L command-line flag).
227              passwdfile filename
228                     Set the password file location  used  for  authentication
229                     (see the -P command-line flag).
231              primaryport number|name
232                     Set  the  port  used by the master conserver process (see
233                     the -p command-line flag).
235              redirect yes|true|on|no|false|off
236                     Turn redirection on  or  off  (see  the  -R  command-line
237                     flag).
239              reinitcheck number
240                     Set  the  number of minutes used between reinitialization
241                     checks (see the -O command-line flag).
243              secondaryport number|name
244                     Set the base port number used by child processes (see the
245                     -b command-line flag).
247              setproctitle yes|true|on|no|false|off
248                     Set  whether  or not the process title shows master/group
249                     functionality as well as the port number the  process  is
250                     listening  on  and how many consoles it is managing.  The
251                     operating system must support the setproctitle() call.
253              sslcredentials filename
254                     Set the SSL credentials file location (see  the  -c  com‐
255                     mand-line flag).
257              sslcacertificatefile filename
258                     Load  the  valid  CA  certificates for the SSL connection
259                     from the PEM encoded file.   This  option  overrides  the
260                     global CA list.
262              sslreqclientcert yes|true|on|no|false|off
263                     Set  whether  or  not  a  certificate  is required by the
264                     client to connect.  The default is ``no''.
266              sslrequired yes|true|on|no|false|off
267                     Set whether or not encryption is required when talking to
268                     clients (see the -E command-line flag).
270              unifiedlog filename
271                     Set the location of the unified log to filename.  See the
272                     -U command-line flag for details.
274       console name
275              Define a console identified as name.  The keywords are the  same
276              as the default block with the following addition.
278              aliases name[,...]|""
279                     Define  a  list  of  console aliases.  If the null string
280                     (``""'') is used, any aliases previously defined for  the
281                     console are removed.
283       default name
284              Define  a  block  of  defaults  identified  as name.  If name is
285              ``*'', the automatically applied default block is defined (basi‐
286              cally  all consoles have an implicit ``include "*";'' at the be‐
287              ginning of their definition).
289              baud
290              300|600|1800|2400|4800|9600|19200|38400|57600|115200|..|4000000
291                     Assign  the  baud  rate to the console.  Only consoles of
292                     type ``device'' will use this value.
294              break n
295                     Assign the break sequence n as the default for  the  con‐
296                     sole,  which  is  used by the ``^Ecl0'' client escape se‐
297                     quence.
299              breaklist n[,...]|""
300                     Associate a list of break sequences referenced by n  with
301                     the console.  If ``*'' is used (the default), all defined
302                     break sequences will be available.  If  the  null  string
303                     (``""'') is used, no sequences will be available.
305              device filename
306                     Assign the serial device filename as the path to the con‐
307                     sole.  Only consoles of type  ``device''  will  use  this
308                     value.
310              devicesubst c=t[n]f[,...]|""
311                     Perform  character  substitutions on the device value.  A
312                     series of replacements can be  defined  by  specifying  a
313                     comma-separated  list of c=t[n]f sequences where c is any
314                     printable character, t specifies the replacement value, n
315                     is a field length (optional), and f is the format string.
316                     t can be one of the characters below,  catagorized  as  a
317                     string  replacement  or a numeric replacement, which dic‐
318                     tates the use of the n and f fields.
320                            String Replacement
321                            c      console name
322                            h      host value
323                            r      replstring value
325                            Numeric Replacement
326                            b      baud value
327                            p      config port value
328                            P      calculated port value
330                     For string replacements,  if  the  replacement  isn't  at
331                     least  n characters, it will be padded with space charac‐
332                     ters on the left.  f must be `s'.  For  numeric  replace‐
333                     ments,  the value will be formatted to at least n charac‐
334                     ters, padded with 0s if n begins  with  a  0,  and  space
335                     characters  otherwise.   f  must be either `d', `x', `X',
336                     `a', or `A', specifying a decimal, lowercase  hexadecimal
337                     (0-9a-f),  uppercase  hexadecimal (0-9A-F), lowercase al‐
338                     phanumeric (0-9a-z), or uppercase  alphanumeric  (0-9A-Z)
339                     conversion.   If the null string (``""'') is used, no re‐
340                     placements will be done.
342              exec command|""
343                     Assign the string command as the command  to  access  the
344                     console.   Conserver  will  run  the  command by invoking
345                     ``/bin/sh -ce "command"''.  If the null  string  (``""'')
346                     is  used  or no exec keyword is specified, conserver will
347                     use the command ``/bin/sh -i''.  Only  consoles  of  type
348                     ``exec'' will use this value.
350              execrunas [user][:group]|""
351                     By  default,  the command invoked by exec is run with the
352                     same privileges as the server.  If the server is  running
353                     with  root privileges, this option resets the user and/or
354                     group of the invoked process to user  and  group  respec‐
355                     tively.   user may be a username or numeric uid and group
356                     may be a group name or numeric gid.  Either  one  is  op‐
357                     tional.   If  the  server is not running with root privi‐
358                     leges, these values are not used.   If  the  null  string
359                     (``""'')  is  specified,  the default of running with the
360                     same privileges as the server is restored.
362              execsubst c=t[n]f[,...]|""
363                     Perform character substitutions on the exec  value.   See
364                     the  devicesubst  option for an explanation of the format
365                     string.  If the null string (``""'') is used, no replace‐
366                     ments will be done.
368              host hostname
369                     Assign  hostname  as the host to connect to for accessing
370                     the console.  You must also set the port option for  con‐
371                     soles  of type ``host''.  Normally, only consoles of type
372                     ``host'' and ``ipmi'' will use this value, however if the
373                     devicesubst, execsubst, or initsubst keywords are used in
374                     any console type, this value is used.
376              idlestring string|""
377                     Assign the string that is sent to the  console  once  the
378                     console  is  idle  for an idletimeout amount of time.  If
379                     the null string (``""'') is used, the string is unset and
380                     the default is used.  The string is interpreted just as a
381                     break string is interpreted (see the break  configuration
382                     items  for  details)  where  all  delays  specified  (via
383                     ``\d'') use the default delay time.  The  default  string
384                     is ``\n''.
386              idletimeout number[s|m|h]
387                     Set  the  idle  timeout of the console to number seconds.
388                     If an `s', `m', or `h' is used after number,  the  speci‐
389                     fied  time  is interpreted as seconds, minutes, or hours.
390                     Set the timeout to zero to disable the idle timeout  (the
391                     default).
393              ipmiciphersuite number
394                     Set  the  IPMI  cipher suite.  Syntactically valid values
395                     are -1 (the default) and  greater.   Check  the  FreeIPMI
396                     documentation for usable values.
398              ipmikg string|""
399                     Set  the  BMC  authentication  key  K_g to string.  A K_g
400                     value is a simple character string with the exception  of
401                     `\':
403                            \\    backslash
404                            \ooo  octal  representation  of a character (where
405                                  ooo is one to three octal digits)
406                            \c    character c
408                     The resulting value must be no more than  20  characters.
409                     The null string (``""'') is the default.
411              ipmiworkaround [!]option[,...]|""
412                     You  can  turn  off  a  workaround by prefixing it with a
413                     ``!''  character.  So, to turn off  the  integrity  work‐
414                     around,  you  would  use  !integrity.   The following are
415                     valid options and their mapping to FreeIPMI settings:
417                     activation-status    SKIP_SOL_ACTIVATION_STATUS
418                     auth-capabilites     AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES
419                     channel-payload      SKIP_CHANNEL_PAYLOAD_SUPPORT
420                     checksum             NO_CHECKSUM_CHECK
421                     default              DEFAULT
422                     ignore-payload-size  IGNORE_SOL_PAYLOAD_SIZE
423                     ignore-port          IGNORE_SOL_PORT
424                     integrity            NON_EMPTY_INTEGRITY_CHECK_VALUE
425                     intel-session        INTEL_2_0_SESSION
426                     packet-sequence      INCREMENT_SOL_PACKET_SEQUENCE
427                     privilege            OPEN_SESSION_PRIVILEGE
428                     serial-alerts        SERIAL_ALERTS_DEFERRED
429                     sun-session          SUN_2_0_SESSION
430                     supermicro-session   SUPERMICRO_2_0_SESSION
432                     If no ipmiworkaround is specified, the ``default''  work‐
433                     around will be used.  The null string (``""'') unsets all
434                     workarounds, including  ``default''.   See  the  FreeIPMI
435                     documentation for details on what workarounds affect.
437              ipmiprivlevel user|operator|admin
438                     Set the privilege level for the username used during IPMI
439                     authentication.  The default  privilege  level  is  ``ad‐
440                     min''.
442              include default
443                     The  default  block defined using the name default is ap‐
444                     plied to the current console or default block.   The  in‐
445                     cluded default block must be previously defined.
447              initcmd command|""
448                     Invoke  command  as  soon  as  the console is brought up,
449                     redirecting the console to stdin, stdout, and  stderr  of
450                     command.   The  command  is  passed  as  an  argument  to
451                     ``/bin/sh -ce''.  If the null string  (``""'')  is  used,
452                     the command is unset and nothing is invoked.
454              initrunas [user][:group]|""
455                     By  default,  the  command invoked by initcmd is run with
456                     the same privileges as the server.  If the server is run‐
457                     ning  with  root  privileges, this option resets the user
458                     and/or group of the invoked process to user and group re‐
459                     spectively.   user  may  be a username or numeric uid and
460                     group may be a group name or numeric gid.  Either one  is
461                     optional.   If the server is not running with root privi‐
462                     leges, these values are not used.   If  the  null  string
463                     (``""'')  is  specified,  the default of running with the
464                     same privileges as the server is restored.
466              initspinmax n|""
467                     Set the maximum number of ``spins'' allowed for the  con‐
468                     sole  to n, where 0 <= n <= 254.  A console is determined
469                     to be ``spinning'' if an attempt to initialize  the  con‐
470                     sole  occurs in under initspintimer seconds from its pre‐
471                     vious initialization and this quick initialization occurs
472                     initspinmax  times  in a row.  If, at any point, the time
473                     between initializations is  greater  than  initspintimer,
474                     the  counter  for  reaching  initspinmax  resets to zero.
475                     When a console is determined to  be  ``spinning''  it  is
476                     forced  down.   If the null string (``""'') is specified,
477                     the default of 5 is used.
479              initspintimer t|""
480                     Set the number of seconds a console must be ``up'' to not
481                     be  considered  ``spinning''  to  t, where 0 <= t <= 254.
482                     See initspinmax for a full description of console ``spin‐
483                     ning.''   If  the  null string (``""'') is specified, the
484                     default of 1 is used.
486              initsubst c=t[n]f[,...]|""
487                     Perform character substitutions  on  the  initcmd  value.
488                     See the devicesubst option for an explanation of the for‐
489                     mat string.  If the null string (``""'') is used, no  re‐
490                     placements will be done.
492              logfile filename|""
493                     Assign  the logfile specified by filename to the console.
494                     Any occurrence of ``&'' in filename will be replaced with
495                     the  name of the console.  If the null string (``""'') is
496                     used, the logfile name is unset and no logging  will  oc‐
497                     cur.
499              logfilemax number[k|m]
500                     Enable  automatic  rotation  of logfile once its size ex‐
501                     ceeds number bytes.  Specifying k or m  interpret  number
502                     as kilobytes and megabytes.  number must be at least 2048
503                     bytes.  A value of zero will turn off automatic  rotation
504                     of  logfile.   The logfile filename will be renamed file‐
505                     name-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS, where the extension is the  current
506                     GMT  year,  month, day, hour, minute, and second (to pre‐
507                     vent  issues  with  clock  rollbacks).   File  sizes  are
508                     checked  every  5  minutes  with  an  additional  initial
509                     pseudo-random delay of up to one minute (to help  prevent
510                     all  processes  checking  all  consoles  simultaneously).
511                     2.5% (minimum 100 bytes, maximum 4000 bytes) of  the  old
512                     logfile  is read from the end of the file.  All data past
513                     the first newline is moved (not copied) to the  new  log‐
514                     file  so that a replay of the console works and starts on
515                     a line boundary.
517              master hostname|ipaddr
518                     Define which conserver host  manages  the  console.   The
519                     host  may  be  specified by hostname or using the address
520                     ipaddr.
522              motd message|""
523                     Set the "message of the day" for the console to  message,
524                     which  gets  displayed when a client attaches to the con‐
525                     sole.  If the null string (``""'') is used, the  MOTD  is
526                     unset and no message will occur.
528              options [!]option[,...]|""
529                     You  can  negate  the option by prefixing it with a ``!''
530                     character.  So, to turn off the hupcl flag, you would use
531                     !hupcl.  The following are valid options:
533                     ixon        Enable XON/XOFF flow control on output.  Only
534                                 consoles of type ``device'' or ``exec''  will
535                                 use this value.  Default is ixon.
536                     ixany       Enable any character to restart output.  Only
537                                 consoles of type ``device'' or ``exec''  will
538                                 use this value.  Default is !ixany.
539                     ixoff       Enable  XON/XOFF flow control on input.  Only
540                                 consoles of type ``device'' or ``exec''  will
541                                 use  this  value.   Default is ixoff for con‐
542                                 soles of type ``device'' and !ixoff for  con‐
543                                 soles of type ``exec''.
544                     crtscts     Enable RTS/CTS (hardware) flow control.  Only
545                                 consoles of type  ``device''  will  use  this
546                                 value.  Default is !crtscts.
547                     cstopb      Set  two  stop  bits,  rather than one.  Only
548                                 consoles of type  ``device''  will  use  this
549                                 value.  Default is !cstopb.
550                     hupcl       Lower  modem control lines after last process
551                                 closes the device (hang up).   Only  consoles
552                                 of  type ``device'' will use this value.  De‐
553                                 fault is !hupcl.
554                     ondemand    Initialize the console when a client requests
555                                 a connection to the console.  When no clients
556                                 are connected, bring the console  down.   The
557                                 conserver  option  -i  will set this flag for
558                                 all consoles.  Default is !ondemand.
559                     striphigh   Strip the high bit off all data  coming  from
560                                 this  console  and  all  clients connected to
561                                 this console before processing  occurs.   The
562                                 conserver  option  -7  will set this flag for
563                                 all consoles.  Default is !striphigh.
564                     reinitoncc  Automatically reinitialize (``bring  up'')  a
565                                 downed console when a client connects.  With‐
566                                 out this option, a client will be attached to
567                                 the  downed console and will need to manually
568                                 reinitialize the console with an  escape  se‐
569                                 quence.   The  conserver  option  -o will set
570                                 this  flag  for  all  consoles.   Default  is
571                                 !reinitoncc.
572                     autoreinit  Allow this console to be automatically reini‐
573                                 tialized if it unexpectedly  goes  down.   If
574                                 the  console  doesn't come back up, it is re‐
575                                 tried  every  minute.   A  console  of   type
576                                 ``exec''  that  exits with a zero exit status
577                                 is automatically reinitialized regardless  of
578                                 this  setting.   The conserver option -F will
579                                 unset this flag for all consoles.  Default is
580                                 autoreinit.
581                     unloved     Enable  the  sending of this console's output
582                                 (prefixed with its name) to the daemon's std‐
583                                 out  (or  the logfile if in daemon mode) when
584                                 no clients are connected to the console.  The
585                                 conserver  option  -u  will set this flag for
586                                 all consoles.  Default is !unloved.
587                     login       Allow users to log into this console.  If lo‐
588                                 gins  are  not allowed, conserver will send a
589                                 generic message to the client saying  so  and
590                                 terminate  the  connection.  You can override
591                                 the generic message by setting the motd  mes‐
592                                 sage.  Default is login.
594              parity even|mark|none|odd|space
595                     Set  the parity option for the console.  Only consoles of
596                     type ``device'' will use this value.
598              password password|""
599                     Use password during IPMI  authentication.   If  the  null
600                     string  (``""'')  is used (the default), no password will
601                     be used.
603              port number|name
604                     Set the port used to access the console.  The port may be
605                     specified  as  a  number  or a name.  A name will cause a
606                     getservbyname(3) call to look up the  port  number.   The
607                     port, portbase, and portinc values are all used to calcu‐
608                     late the final port number to connect  to.   The  formula
609                     used  is finalport = portbase + portinc * port.  By using
610                     proper values in the formula, you can reference ports  on
611                     a  terminal server by their physical numbering of 0..n or
612                     1..n (depending on if you like  zero-based  or  one-based
613                     numbering).   Warning:  you  can generate a -1 value with
614                     this formula, which will become a very high numbered pos‐
615                     itive value (since things are stored unsigned).  You must
616                     also set the host option as well.   Normally,  only  con‐
617                     soles  of  type  ``host'' will use this value, however if
618                     the devicesubst, execsubst,  or  initsubst  keywords  are
619                     used in any console type, this value is used.
621              portbase number
622                     Set  the  base  value  for  the port calculation formula.
623                     number must be 0 or greater.  The default is  zero.   See
624                     port for the details of the formula.
626              portinc number
627                     Set the increment value for the port calculation formula.
628                     number must be 0 or greater.  The default  is  one.   See
629                     port for the details of the formula.
631              protocol telnet|raw
632                     Set  the  protocol used to send and receive data from the
633                     console.  If raw is used, all data is sent ``as is'', un‐
634                     protected  by  any  protocol specification.  If telnet is
635                     used (which is the default), data is encapsulated in  the
636                     telnet  protocol.  The striphigh console option still ap‐
637                     plies when data is read by the server,  and  if  enabled,
638                     can impact the encapsulation process.
640              replstring string
641                     A  generic replacement string that can be used by the de‐
642                     vicesubst, execsubst, and initsubst keywords.
644              ro [!]username[,...]|""
645                     Define a list of users making  up  the  read-only  access
646                     list  for  the console.  If username matches a previously
647                     defined group name, all members of the previous group are
648                     applied  to  the  read-only  access list (with access re‐
649                     versed if prefixed with  a  `!').   If  username  doesn't
650                     match a previously defined group and username begins with
651                     `@', the name (minus the  `@')  is  checked  against  the
652                     host's group database.  All users found in the group will
653                     be granted (or denied, if prefixed  with  `!')  read-only
654                     access.   If  username doesn't match a previous group and
655                     doesn't begin with `@', the users will be granted (or de‐
656                     nied,  if  prefixed  with  `!') read-only access.  If the
657                     null string (``""'') is used, any  users  previously  de‐
658                     fined for the console's read-only list are removed.
660              rw [!]username[,...]|""
661                     Define  a  list  of users making up the read-write access
662                     list for the console.  If username matches  a  previously
663                     defined group name, all members of the previous group are
664                     applied to the read-write access list  (with  access  re‐
665                     versed  if  prefixed  with  a  `!').  If username doesn't
666                     match a previously defined group and username begins with
667                     `@',  the  name  (minus  the  `@') is checked against the
668                     host's group database.  All users found in the group will
669                     be  granted  (or denied, if prefixed with `!') read-write
670                     access.  If username doesn't match a previous  group  and
671                     doesn't begin with `@', the users will be granted (or de‐
672                     nied, if prefixed with `!') read-write  access.   If  the
673                     null  string  (``""'')  is used, any users previously de‐
674                     fined for the console's read-write list are removed.
676              tasklist c[,...]|""
677                     Associate a list of tasks referenced by c with  the  con‐
678                     sole.   If ``*'' is used (the default), all defined tasks
679                     will be available.  If the null string (``""'') is  used,
680                     no tasks will be available.
682              timestamp [number[m|h|d|l]][a][b]|""
683                     Specifies the time between timestamps applied to the con‐
684                     sole log file and whether to  log  read/write  connection
685                     actions.   The timestamps look like ``[-- MARK -- Mon Jan
686                     25 14:46:56 1999]''.  The `m', `h', and `d' tags  specify
687                     ``minutes''  (the default), ``hours'', and ``days''.  The
688                     `l' tag specifies ``lines'' and will cause timestamps  of
689                     the  form ``[Mon Jan 25 14:46:56 PST 1999]'' to be placed
690                     every number lines (a newline character signifies  a  new
691                     line).   So, ``5h'' specifies every five hours and ``2l''
692                     specifies every two lines.  An `a' can  be  specified  to
693                     add  logs  of  ``attached'', ``detached'', and ``bumped''
694                     actions, including the user's  name  and  the  host  from
695                     which the client connection was made.  A `b' can be spec‐
696                     ified to add logging of break sequences sent to the  con‐
697                     sole.
699              type device|ipmi|exec|host|noop|uds
700                     Set  the type of console.  A type of ``device'' should be
701                     used for local serial ports (also set the device  value).
702                     A  type  of  ``ipmi'' should be used for IPMI serial over
703                     LAN consoles (also set the host value  and  possibly  the
704                     username,   password,  and  ipmi*  values).   A  type  of
705                     ``exec'' should be used for command invocations  (perhaps
706                     also  set  the exec value).  A type of ``host'' should be
707                     used for terminal servers and other TCP socket-based  in‐
708                     teraction (also set the host and port values).  A type of
709                     ``noop'' should be used as a placeholder - it does  noth‐
710                     ing,  ignores  any  logfile value and forces the !nologin
711                     option (so you might want to set the motd value).  A type
712                     of  ``uds''  should be used for Unix domain sockets (also
713                     set the uds option).
715              uds filename
716                     Assign the Unix domain socket filename as the path to the
717                     console.   Only  consoles  of  type ``uds'' will use this
718                     value.
720              udssubst c=t[n]f[,...]|""
721                     Perform character substitutions on the  uds  value.   See
722                     the  devicesubst  option for an explanation of the format
723                     string.  If the null string (``""'') is used, no replace‐
724                     ments will be done.
726              username username|""
727                     Use  username  during  IPMI  authentication.  If the null
728                     string (``""'') is used (the default), the ``null''  user
729                     will be used.
731       group name
732              Define a user group identified as name.
734              users [!]username[,...]|""
735                     Define  a  list  of  users  making up the group name.  If
736                     username matches a previously  defined  group  name,  all
737                     members  of the previous group are applied to the current
738                     group (with access reversed if prefixed with a `!').   If
739                     username  doesn't  match  a  previously defined group and
740                     username begins with `@', the name  (minus  the  `@')  is
741                     checked  against  the  host's  group database.  All users
742                     found in the group will be recorded with (or without,  if
743                     prefixed  with  `!') access.  If username doesn't match a
744                     previous group and doesn't begin with `@', the users will
745                     be  recorded  with (or without, if prefixed with `!') ac‐
746                     cess.  If the null string (``""'')  is  used,  any  users
747                     previously defined for this group are removed.
749       task c
750              Define  a  task  where  c  is a lowercase alphanumeric (0-9a-z).
751              Tasks are invoked via the ``^Ec!c'' client escape sequence.
753              cmd command|""
754                     Invoke command on  the  server  when  instructed  by  the
755                     client.   All  file  descriptors  are  closed, except for
756                     stderr (which is inherited from the server).  The command
757                     is  passed  as  an  argument  to ``/bin/sh -ce'' and is a
758                     ``fire and forget'' methodology (you need to  check  logs
759                     for  any  issues).   If the null string (``""'') is used,
760                     the entire task definition is ignored.
762              confirm yes|true|on|no|false|off
763                     Set whether or not to ask the client for confirmation be‐
764                     fore invoking the task.  The default is ``no''.
766              description string
767                     Set  a  description  for  the  task.  When a client lists
768                     tasks, string will be printed instead of the command  de‐
769                     fined  above.   If  the null string (``""'') is used, the
770                     command defined above will be printed.
772              runas [user][:group]|""
773                     By default, the command invoked by cmd is  run  with  the
774                     same  privileges as the server.  If the server is running
775                     with root privileges, this option resets the user  and/or
776                     group  of  the  invoked process to user and group respec‐
777                     tively.  user may be a username or numeric uid and  group
778                     may  be  a  group name or numeric gid.  Either one is op‐
779                     tional.  If the server is not running  with  root  privi‐
780                     leges,  these  values  are  not used.  If the null string
781                     (``""'') is specified, the default of  running  with  the
782                     same privileges as the server is restored.
784              subst c=t[n]f[,...]|""
785                     Perform  character  substitutions  on the cmd value.  See
786                     the devicesubst option for an explanation of  the  format
787                     string.  If the null string (``""'') is used, no replace‐
788                     ments will be done.


791       Bryan Stansell, conserver.com


794       console(1), conserver.passwd(5), conserver(8)
798conserver-8.2.7                   2022/07/07                   CONSERVER.CF(5)