1BLINKENLIGHTS(1)      User Contributed Perl Documentation     BLINKENLIGHTS(1)


6       blinkenlights - DNSSEC-Tools rollerd GUI


9         blinkenlights <rollrec-file>


12       blinkenlights is a GUI tool for use with monitoring and controlling the
13       DNSSEC-Tools rollerd program.  It displays information on the current
14       state of the zones rollerd is managing.  The user may control some
15       aspects of rollerd's execution using blinkenlights menu commands.
17       blinkenlights creates a window in which to display information about
18       each zone rollerd is managing.  (These zones are those in rollerd's
19       current rollrec file.)  As a zone's rollover status changes,
20       blinkenlights will update its display for that zone.  Skipped zones,
21       zones listed in the rollrec file but which are not in rollover or
22       normal operation, are displayed but have very little useful information
23       to display.
25       The user may also select a set of zones to hide from the display.
26       These zones, if in the rolling state, will continue to roll; however,
27       their zone information will not be displayed.  Display state for each
28       zone will persist across blinkenlights executions.
30       Menu commands are available for controlling rollerd.  The commands
31       which operate on a single zone may be executed by keyboard shortcuts.
32       The zone may be selected either by clicking in its "zone stripe" or by
33       choosing from a dialog box.  Display and execution options for
34       blinkenlights are also available through menu commands.  More
35       information about the menu commands is available in the MENU COMMANDS
36       section.
38       blinkenlights is only intended to be started by rollerd, not directly
39       by a user.  There are two ways to have rollerd start blinkenlights.
40       First, rollctl may be given the -display option.  Second, the -display
41       option may be given on rollerd's command line.


44       blinkenlights takes the following options:
46       -display
47           Tells rollerd to execute blinkenlights as a child process.
49       -maxzones
50           Tells blinkenlights how many zones to display.
52       -Version
53           Displays the version information for blinkenlights and the DNSSEC-
54           Tools package.
56       -help
57           Displays a usage message and exits.


60       The blinkenlights window is laid out as a series of "stripes".  The top
61       stripe contains status information about rollerd, the second stripe
62       contains column headers, and the bulk of the window consists of zone
63       stripes.  The list below provides more detail on the contents of each
64       stripe.
66       See the WINDOW COLORS section for a discussion of the colors used for
67       the zone stripes.
69rollerd information stripe
71           The information stripe contains five pieces of information:
72           rollerd's current rollrec file, the count of rolling zones, the
73           count of skipped zones, the count of zones to be displayed, and the
74           amount of time rollerd waits between processing its queue.
75           Coincidentally, that last datum is also the amount of time between
76           blinkenlights screen updates.
78       •   column headers stripe
80           This stripe contains the column headers for the columns of each
81           zone stripe.
83       •   zone stripes
85           Each zone managed by rollerd (i.e., every zone in the current
86           rollrec file) will have a zone stripe which describes that zone's
87           current state.  The stripe is divided into three sections:  zone
88           identification, the current rollover state, and the zone's DNSSEC
89           keys.
91           The zone identification section contains the name of the zone, the
92           name of the zone's rollrec entry, and the zone's zonegroup.
94           The rollover state section contains the rollover phase number, a
95           text explanation of the phase, and the amount of time remaining in
96           that rollover phase.  The phase explanation is "normal operation"
97           when the zone isn't currently in rollover.
99           The DNSSEC key section contains two subsections, one for the zone's
100           ZSK keys and another for the zone's KSK keys.  Each subsection
101           contains the names of the signing sets active for the zone.  The
102           ZSK subsection lists the Current, Published, and New ZSK keys; the
103           KSK subsection lists the Current and Published.
105           See the WINDOW COLORS section for a discussion of the colors used
106           for the zone stripes.


109       The default blinkenlights configuration uses window coloring to provide
110       visual cues and to aid in easily distinguishing zone information.  The
111       default window coloring behavior gives each zone stripe has its own
112       color and the rollover state section of each zone stripe is shaded to
113       show the zone's phase.  Window coloring can be turned off (and on) with
114       configuration options and menu commands.
116   Color Usage
117       The two window coloring behaviors are discussed more fully below:
119       •   zone stripe colors
121           Each rolling zone's stripe is given one of three colors:  blue,
122           red, or green.  The color is assigned on a top-down basis and the
123           colors wrap if there are more than three zones.  So, the first zone
124           is always blue, the second zone red, the third zone green, the
125           fourth zone blue, etc.
127           The colors do not stay with a particular zone.  If a rolling zone
128           becomes a skipped zone, the zone stripes will be reassigned new
129           colors to account for that skipped zone.
131           Skipped zones are not colored with these three colors.  Stripes for
132           skipped zones are colored either grey or a color set in the
133           configuration file.  If you choose to use a non-standard color for
134           skipped zones your should ensure that it is not one of the colors
135           used for rolling zones' stripes.  Modifying the skipcolor
136           configuration field allows the skipped-zone color to be changing.
138           The colors configuration field can be used to turn on or off the
139           use of colors for zone stripes.  If stripe coloring is turned off,
140           then every stripe will be displayed using the skipcolor color.
142       •   rollover-state shading
144           The only portion of a zone stripe that changes color is the status
145           column; the color of the rest of the zone stripe stays constant.
146           Before a zone enters rollover, the status column is the same color
147           as the rest of the stripe.  When the zone enters rollover, the
148           status column's color is changed to a very light shade of the
149           stripe's normal color.  As the rollover phases progress towards
150           rollover completion, the status column's shade darkens.  Once
151           rollover completes, the status column returns again to the same
152           shade as the rest of that stripe.
154           The shading configuration field can be used to turn on or off the
155           use of shading in the rollover-state column.  If shading is turned
156           off, then the zone stripe will be a solid color.
158           See the CONFIGURATION FILE section for information on setting the
159           configuration fields.
161   Colors Used
162       The color names are taken from the X11 rgb.txt file (X11 1.1.3 -
163       XFree86 4.4.0 for MacOS X.)  If these aren't available in your rgb.txt
164       file, similar names should be selected.  The actual red/green/blue
165       values used are given below to assist in finding suitable replacements.
166       These values were taken from the rgb.txt file.
168       Blue Shades:
170           blue                0   0 255
171           lightblue2        178 223 238
172           darkslategray1    151 255 255
173           skyblue1          135 206 255
174           steelblue1         99 184 255
175           turquoise1          0 245 255
176           cornflower blue   100 149 237
177           dodger blue        30 144 255
179       Red Shades:
181           red               255   0   0
182           pink              255 192 203
183           lightsalmon1      255 160 122
184           tomato            255  99  71
185           indianred         205  92  92
186           violetred1        255  62 150
187           orangered1        255  69   0
188           firebrick1        255  48  48
190       Green Shades:
192           green               0 255   0
193           darkseagreen1     193 255 193
194           darkolivegreen1   202 255 112
195           lightgreen        144 238 144
196           seagreen1          84 255 159
197           spring green        0 255 127
198           greenyellow       173 255  47
199           lawngreen         124 252   0
202       A number of menu commands are available to control the behavior of
203       blinkenlights and to send commands to rollerd.  These commands are
204       discusses in this section.
206   File Menu
207       The commands in this menu are basic GUI commands.
209       •   Halt Rollerd After Current Operations
211           rollerd's execution is halted after completing its current set of
212           zone operations.  As a result, blinkenlights' execution will also
213           be halted.
215       •   Halt Rollerd Now
217           rollerd's execution is halted immediately.  As a result,
218           blinkenlights' execution will also be halted.  If rollerd's command
219           queue already contains a set of commands, they may be processed
220           prior to this command.
222       •   Quit
224           blinkenlights will stop execution.
226   Options Menu
227       The commands in this menu control the appearance and behavior of
228       blinkenlights.
230       •   Row Colors (toggle)
232           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the coloring of zone
233           stripes.  If row coloring is turned off, zone stripes will all be
234           the same color.  If row coloring is turned on, zone stripes will be
235           displayed in varying colors.  See the WINDOW COLORS section for a
236           discussion of row coloring.
238       •   Status Column Shading (toggle)
240           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the shading of the
241           zone status column.  If shading is turned off, the zone stripes
242           will present a solid, unchanging band of color for each zone.  If
243           shading is turned on, the color of the zone status column will
244           change according to the zone's rollover state.
246       •   Skipped Zones Display (toggle)
248           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of skipped
249           zones.  If display is turned off, zone stripes for skipped zones
250           will not be displayed.  If display is turned on, zone stripes for
251           all zones will be displayed.
253       •   Status Times Display (toggle)
255           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of status
256           times.  If display is turned off, the remaining time for a rollover
257           phase will not be displayed in the "Status" column.  If display is
258           turned on, the remaining times will be displayed.
260       •   Modification Commands (toggle)
262           In some situations, it may be desirable to turn off blinkenlights'
263           ability to send commands to rollerd.  This menu item is a toggle to
264           turn on or off this ability.  If the commands are turned off, then
265           the "ZSK Control" and "KSK Control" menus and their keyboard
266           shortcuts are disabled.  If the commands are turned on, then the
267           "ZSK Control" and "KSK Control" menus and their keyboard shortcuts
268           are enabled.
270       •   Font Size
272           This menu item allows selection of font size of text displayed in
273           the main window.
275           Normally, changing the font size causes the window to grow and
276           shrink as required.  However, on Mac OS X there seems to be a
277           problem when the size selected increases the window size to be
278           greater than will fit on the screen.  If the font size is
279           subsequently reduced, the window size does not shrink in response.
281       •   Zones to Display
283           This menu item allows selection of the number of zones to be
284           displayed in the main window.
286   General Control Menu
287       The commands in this menu are GUI interfaces for the rollctl commands
288       related to general zone management.
290       •   Sign Selected Zone
292           rollerd is instructed to sign the selected zone.  The zone will
293           only be signed; no key rollover will occur.
295       •   Sign All Zones
297           rollerd is instructed to sign all the zones it manages.  The zone
298           will only be signed; no key rollover will occur.
300       •   Sign Active Zones
302           rollerd is instructed to sign all the zones it manages.  Skipped
303           zones will not be signed.  The zone will only be signed; no key
304           rollover will occur.
306       •   Run the Queue
308           rollerd is awoken and runs through its queue of zones.  The
309           operation required for each zone is then performed.
311       •   Skip Selected Zone
313           The selected zone will be moved to the skipped state.  This only
314           has an effect on rolling zones.  A zone may be selected by clicking
315           on its zone stripe.  If this command is selected without a zone
316           having been selected, a dialog box is displayed from which a
317           currently rolling zone may be chosen.
319       •   Skip All Zones
321           All zones will be moved to the skipped state.  This has no effect
322           on currently skipped zones.
324       •   Restart Selected Skipped Zone
326           The selected zone will be moved from the skipped state to the roll
327           state.  The zone will re-enter the roll state at the same point
328           from which it entered the skip state; it will not be moved to the
329           beginning of either KSK or ZSK rollover.  This only has an effect
330           on skipped zones.  A zone may be selected by clicking on its zone
331           stripe.  If this command is selected without a zone having been
332           selected, a dialog box is displayed from which a currently skipped
333           zone may be chosen.
335       •   Restart All Skipped Zones
337           All zones will be moved from the skipped state to the roll state.
338           The zones will re-enter the roll state at the same point from which
339           they entered the skip state; they will not be moved to the
340           beginning of either KSK or ZSK rollover.  This has no effect on
341           currently rolling zones.
343   ZSK Control Menu
344       The commands in this menu are GUI interfaces for the rollctl commands
345       related to ZSK-specific zone management.
347       •   Roll Selected Zone's ZSK
349           The selected zone's ZSK will be moved to the rollover state.  This
350           has no effect on zones that are already in rollover.  A zone may be
351           selected by clicking on its zone stripe.  If this command is
352           selected without a zone having been selected, a dialog box is
353           displayed from which a currently skipped zone may be chosen.
355       •   Roll All Zones' ZSKs
357           All zones' ZSKs will be moved to the rollover state.  This has no
358           effect on currently rolling zones.
360   KSK Control Menu
361       The commands in this menu are GUI interfaces for the rollctl commands
362       related to KSK-specific zone management.
364       •   DS Published for Selected Zone
366           This command is used to indicate that the selected zone's parent
367           has published a new DS record for the zone.  It moves the zone from
368           phase 5 to phase 6 of KSK rollover.
370       •   DS Published for All Zones
372           This command is used to indicate that all the zones in KSK rollover
373           phase 5 have new DS records published by their parents.  It moves
374           all these zones from phase 5 to phase 6 of KSK rollover.  There is
375           no effect on zones not in KSK rollover phase 5.
377       •   Roll Selected Zone's KSK
379           The selected zone's KSK will be moved to the rollover state.  This
380           has no effect on zones that are already in rollover.  A zone may be
381           selected by clicking on its zone stripe.  If this command is
382           selected without a zone having been selected, a dialog box is
383           displayed from which a currently skipped zone may be chosen.
385       •   Roll All Zones' KSKs
387           All zones' KSKs will be moved to the rollover state.  This has no
388           effect on currently rolling zones.
390   Display Menu
391       The commands in this menu provide control over what is being displayed.
392       There are commands for displaying and hiding both zone stripes, columns
393       of key sets, columns of rollrec names, and columns of zonenames.
395       The zonestripe commands allow all, some, or none of the zone stripes to
396       be displayed.  Undisplayed rolling zones will continue to roll, but
397       they will do so without the blinkenlights window indicating this.
399       The data column commands allow individual columns of data to be hidden
400       or displayed.  The zone status column may not be hidden.  Only one of
401       the rollrec name and zonename columns may be hidden at a time.
403       •   Zone Selection
405           A dialog box is displayed that holds a list of the zones currently
406           managed by rollerd.  The user may select which zones should be
407           displayed by clicking on the zone's checkbox.  Zones with a
408           selected checkbox will be displayed; zones without a selected
409           checkbox will not be displayed.
411       •   Display All Zones
413           All zones will be displayed in the blinkenlights window.
415       •   Hide All Zones
417           No zones will be displayed in the blinkenlights window.
419       •   Rollrec Name (toggle)
421           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of rollrec
422           names.  If display is turned off, the column holding the rollrec
423           names will be removed from the display and the display window will
424           shrink.  If display is turned on, the column holding the rollrec
425           names will be restored to the display and the display window will
426           be expanded.
428           When displayed, the rollrec names will always be the leftmost
429           columns.
431       •   Zone Name (toggle)
433           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of the
434           zone names in a rollrec entry.  If display is turned off, the
435           column holding the zone names will be removed from the display and
436           the display window will shrink.  If display is turned on, the
437           column holding the zone names will be restored to the display and
438           the display window will be expanded.
440           When displayed, the zone name will always be the second-from left
441           or leftmost column, depending on if the rollrec name is also being
442           displayed.
444       •   Zonegroup Name (toggle)
446           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of the
447           zoneground in rollrec entries.  If display is turned off, the
448           column holding the rollrec names will be removed from the display
449           and the display window will shrink.  If display is turned on, the
450           column holding the rollrec names will be restored to the display
451           and the display window will be expanded.
453           When displayed, the rollrec names will always be the in one of the
454           first through third columns, depending on if the rollrec name and
455           zone name are also being displayed.
457       •   KSK Sets (toggle)
459           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of KSK
460           signing set names.  If display is turned off, the columns holding
461           the KSK signing set names and labels will be removed from the
462           display and the display window will shrink.  If display is turned
463           on, the columns holding the KSK signing set names and labels will
464           be restored to the display and the display window will be expanded.
466           When displayed, KSK signing sets will always be the rightmost
467           columns.
469       •   ZSK Sets (toggle)
471           This menu item is a toggle to turn on or off the display of ZSK
472           signing set names.  If display is turned off, the columns holding
473           the ZSK signing set names and labels will be removed from the
474           display and the display window will shrink.  If display is turned
475           on, the columns holding the ZSK signing set names and labels will
476           be restored to the display and the display window will be expanded.
478           When displayed, ZSK signing sets will always be immediately to the
479           right of the zone status column.
481       •   Hide All Keysets
483           Turns off display of the KSK and ZSK signing set names.
485       •   Show All Keysets
487           Turns on display of the KSK and ZSK signing set names.
489       •   Refresh Display
491           Refresh the blinkenlights display.  The display will automatically
492           refresh after a certain number of updates; this command forces it
493           to happen immediately upon invocation.
495   Help Menu
496       The commands in this menu provide assistance to the user.
498       •   Help
500           Display a window containing help information.
502       •   About Blinkenlights
504           Display a window containing version information on blinkenlights
505           and DNSSEC-Tools.


508       Several aspects of blinkenlights' behavior may be controlled from
509       configuration files.  Configuration value may be specified in the
510       DNSSEC Tools configuration file or in a more specific rc.blinkenlights.
511       The system-wide blinkenlights configuration file is in the DNSSEC-Tools
512       configuration directory and is named blinkenlights.conf.  Multiple
513       rc.blinkenlights files may exist on a system, but only the one in the
514       directory in which blinkenlights is executed is used.
516       The following are the available configuration values:
518           colors      Turn on/off use of colors on zone stripes.
519           fontsize    The size of the font in the output window.
520           maxzones    The number of zones to display.
521           modify      Turn on/off execution of rollerd modification commands.
522           noshow      Turn off display of particular columns.
523           shading     Turn on/off shading of the status columns.
524           showskip    Turn on/off display of skipped zones.
525           skipcolor   The background color used for skipped zones.
527       The rc.blinkenlights file is only searched for in the directory in
528       which blinkenlights is executed.  The potential problems inherent in
529       this may cause these blinkenlights-specific configuration files to be
530       removed in the future.
532       This file is in the "field value" format, where field specifies the
533       output aspect and value defines the value for that field.  The
534       following are the recognized fields:
536       Empty lines and comments are ignored.  Comment lines are lines that
537       start with an octothorpe ('#').
539       Spaces are not allowed in the configuration values.
541       Choose your skipcolors carefully.  The only foreground color used is
542       black, so your background colors must work well with black.
544       The noshow command controls display of the various data columns.  The
545       command valid values are:
547           rollrecs    Turn off display of the rollrec names column.
548                       This value may not be used with "noshow zonenames".
549           zonenames   Turn off display of the zonenames column.
550                       This value may not be used with "noshow rollrecs".
551           zonegroups  Turn off display of the zonegroups column.
552           kskset      Turn off display of the KSK signing set columns.
553           zskset      Turn off display of the ZSK signing set columns.
554           keysets     Turn off display of the KSK and ZSK signing set columns.


557       blinkenlights is implemented in Perl/Tk, so both Perl and Perl/Tk must
558       be installed on your system.


561       blinkenlights has several potential problems that must be taken into
562       account.
564       development environment
565           blinkenlights was developed and tested on a single-user system
566           running X11 using a relatively small number of zones.  While it
567           works fine in this environment, it has not been run on a system
568           with many users or in a situation where the system console hasn't
569           been in use by the blinkenlights user.
571       long-term performance issues
572           In early tests, the longer blinkenlights runs, the slower the
573           updates become.  This is probably a result of the Tk implementation
574           or the way Tk interfaces with X11.  This is pure supposition,
575           though.
577           This performance impact is affected by a number of things, such as
578           the number of zones managed by rollerd and the length of rollerd's
579           sleep interval.  Large numbers of zones or very short sleep
580           intervals will increase the possibility of blinkenlights'
581           performance degrading.
583           This appears to have been resolved by periodically performing a
584           complete rebuild of the screen.  blinkenlights keeps track of the
585           number of screen updates it makes and rebuilds the screen when this
586           count exceeds a threshold.  The threshold is built into
587           blinkenlights and stored in the $paintmax variable.  This threshold
588           may be adjusted if there are too many screen rebuilds or if
589           blinkenlights' performance slows too much.  Raising the number will
590           reduce the screen rebuilds; lowering the number will (may) increase
591           performance.
593       display irregularities
594           If the user modifies the number of zones to be displayed, then
595           sometimes the blinkenlights window is left in an irregular state.
596           The requested number of zones are displayed, but there is a large
597           grey void above and below the zone display.  This is an occasional
598           problem and will be fixed as time allows.
601       Copyright 2006-2014 SPARTA, Inc.  All rights reserved.  See the COPYING
602       file included with the DNSSEC-Tools package for details.


605       Wayne Morrison, tewok@tislabs.com


608       bubbles(8), rollctl(8), rollerd(8), zonesigner(8)
610       Net::DNS::SEC::Tools::timetrans(3)
612       Net::DNS::SEC::Tools::keyrec(5), Net::DNS::SEC::Tools::rollrec(5),
616perl v5.38.0                      2023-07-19                  BLINKENLIGHTS(1)