6 condor_qsub - HTCondor Manual
8 Queue jobs that use PBS/SGE-style submission
12 condor_qsub [--version]
14 condor_qsub [Specific options ] [Directory options ] [Environmental op‐
15 tions ] [File options ] [Notification options ] [Resource options ]
16 [Status options ] [Submission options ] commandfile
19 condor_qsub submits an HTCondor job. This job is specified in a
20 PBS/Torque style or an SGE style. condor_qsub permits the submission of
21 dependent jobs without the need to specify the full dependency graph at
22 submission time. Doing things this way is neither as efficient as HT‐
23 Condor's DAGMan, nor as functional as SGE's qsub or qalter. con‐
24 dor_qsub serves as a minimal translator to be able to use software
25 originally written to interact with PBS, Torque, and SGE in an HTCondor
26 pool.
28 condor_qsub attempts to behave like qsub. Less than half of the qsub
29 functionality is implemented. Option descriptions describe the differ‐
30 ences between the behavior of qsub and condor_qsub. qsub options not
31 listed here are not supported. Some concepts present in PBS and SGE do
32 not apply to HTCondor, and so these options are not implemented.
34 For a full listing of qsub options, please see
36 POSIX :
37 http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/qsub.html
39 SGE :
40 http://gridscheduler.sourceforge.net/htmlman/htmlman1/qsub.html
42 PBS/Torque
43 :
44 http://docs.adaptivecomputing.com/torque/4-1-3/Content/topics/commands/qsub.htm
46 condor_qsub accepts either command line options or the single file,
47 commandfile, that contains all of the commands.
49 condor_qsub does the opposite of job submission within the grid uni‐
50 verse batch grid type, which takes HTCondor jobs submitted with HTCon‐
51 dor syntax and submits them to PBS, SGE, or LSF.
54 -a date_time
55 (Submission option) Specify a deferred execution date and
56 time. The PBS/Torque syntax of date_time is a string in the
57 form [[[[CC]YY]MM]DD]hhmm[.SS]. The portions of this string
58 which are optional are CC, YY, MM, DD, and SS. For SGE, MM
59 and DD are not optional. For PBS, MM and DD are optional.
60 condor_qsub follows the PBS style.
62 -A account_string
63 (Status option) Uses group accounting where the string ac‐
64 count_string is the accounting group associated with this
65 job. Unlike SGE, there is no default group of "sge".
67 -b y|n (Submission option) Using the SGE definition of its -b op‐
68 tion, a value of y causes condor_qsub to not parse the file
69 for additional condor_qsub commands. The default value is n.
70 If the command line argument -f filename is also specified,
71 it negates a value of y.
73 -condor-keep-files
74 (Specific option) Directs HTCondor to not remove temporary
75 files generated by condor_qsub, such as HTCondor submit files
76 and sentinel jobs. These temporary files may be important for
77 debugging.
79 -cwd (Directory option) Specifies the initial directory in which
80 the job will run to be the current directory from which the
81 job was submitted. This sets initialdir for condor_submit.
83 -d path or -wd path
84 (Directory option) Specifies the initial directory in which
85 the job will run to be path. This sets initialdir for con‐
86 dor_submit.
88 -e filename
89 (File option) Specifies the condor_submit command error ,
90 the file where stderr is written. If not specified, set to
91 the default name of `` <commandfile>.e<ClusterId>``, where
92 <commandfile> is the condor_qsub argument, and `` <Clus‐
93 terId>`` is the job attribute ClusterId assigned for the job.
95 -f qsub_file
96 (Specific option) Parse qsub_file to search for and set addi‐
97 tional condor_submit commands. Within the file, commands will
98 appear as #PBS or #SGE. condor_qsub will parse the batch file
99 listed as qsub_file.
101 -h (Status option) Placed submitted job directly into the hold
102 state.
104 -help (Specific option) Print usage information and exit.
106 -hold_jid <jid>
107 (Status option) Submits a job in the hold state. This job is
108 released only when a previously submitted job, identified by
109 its cluster ID as <jid>, exits successfully. Successful com‐
110 pletion is defined as not exiting with exit code 100. In im‐
111 plementation, there are three jobs that define this SGE fea‐
112 ture. The first job is the previously submitted job. The sec‐
113 ond job is the newly submitted one that is waiting for the
114 first to finish successfully. The third job is what SGE calls
115 a sentinel job; this is an HTCondor local universe job that
116 watches the history for the first job's exit code. This third
117 job will exit once it has seen the exit code and, for a suc‐
118 cessful termination of the first job, run condor_release on
119 the second job. If the first job is an array job, the second
120 job will only be released after all individual jobs of the
121 first job have completed.
123 -i [hostname:]filename
124 (File option) Specifies the condor_submit command input ,
125 the file from which stdin is read.
127 -j characters
128 (File option) Acceptable characters for this option are e, o,
129 and n. The only sequence that is relevant is eo; it specifies
130 that both standard output and standard error are to be sent
131 to the same file. The file will be the one specified by the
132 -o option, if both the -o and -e options exist. The file will
133 be the one specified by the -e option, if only the -e option
134 is provided. If neither the -o nor the -e options are pro‐
135 vided, the file will be the default used for the -o option.
137 -l resource_spec
138 (Resource option) Specifies requirements for the job, such as
139 the amount of RAM and the number of CPUs. Only PBS-style re‐
140 source requests are supported. resource_spec is a comma sepa‐
141 rated list of key/value pairs. Each pair is of the form re‐
142 source_name=value. resource_name and value may be
143 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
144 | resource_name | value | Description
145 |
146 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
147 | arch | string | Sets
148 Arch machine | | |
149 | attribute. Enclose in | | |
150 | double quotes. |
151 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
152 | file | size | Disk
153 space requested. |
154 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
155 | host | string | Host
156 machine on which | | |
157 | the job must run. |
158 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
159 | mem | size |
160 Amount of memory | | |
161 | requested. |
162 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
163 | nodes | {<node_count> | <hostn | Number
164 and/or properties | | | ame>}
165 [:ppn=<ppn>] [:gpu | of nodes to be used. For | |
166 | s=<gpu>] [:<property> [: | examples, please see | |
167 | <property>] ...] [+ ...] | http://docs.adaptivecom | |
168 | | puting.com/torque/4-1-3/ | |
169 | | Content/topics/2-jobs/re | |
170 | | questingRes.htm#qsub |
171 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
172 | opsys | string | Sets
173 OpSys machine | | |
174 | attribute. Enclose in | | |
175 | double quotes. |
176 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
177 | procs | integer | Num‐
178 ber of CPUs | | |
179 | requested. |
180 +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
182 A size value is an integer specified in bytes, following the
183 PBS/Torque default. Append Kb, Mb, Gb, or Tb to specify the
184 value in powers of two quantities greater than bytes.
186 -m a|e|n
187 (Notification option) Identify when HTCondor sends notifica‐
188 tion e-mail. If a, send e-mail when the job terminates abnor‐
189 mally. If e, send e-mail when the job terminates. If n, never
190 send e-mail.
192 -M e-mail_address
193 (Notification option) Sets the destination address for HTCon‐
194 dor e-mail.
196 -o filename
197 (File option) Specifies the condor_submit command output ,
198 the file where stdout is written. If not specified, set to
199 the default name of `` <commandfile>.o<ClusterId>``, where
200 <commandfile> is the condor_qsub argument, and `` <Clus‐
201 terId>`` is the job attribute ClusterId assigned for the job.
203 -p integer
204 (Status option) Sets the priority submit command for the
205 job, with 0 being the default. Jobs with higher numerical
206 priority will run before jobs with lower numerical priority.
208 -print (Specific option) Send to stdout the contents of the HTCondor
209 submit description file that condor_qsub generates.
211 -r y|n (Status option) The default value of y implements the default
212 HTCondor policy of assuming that jobs that do not complete
213 are placed back in the queue to be run again. When n, job
214 submission is restricted to only running the job if the job
215 ClassAd attribute NumJobStarts is currently 0. This identi‐
216 fies the job as not re-runnable, limiting it to start once.
218 -S shell
219 (Submission option) Specifies the path and executable name of
220 a shell. Alters the HTCondor submit description file pro‐
221 duced, such that the executable becomes a wrapper script.
222 Within the submit description file will be executable =
223 <shell> and arguments = <commandfile>.
225 -t start [-stop:step]
226 (Submission option) Queues a set of nearly identical jobs.
227 The SGE-style syntax is supported. start, stop, and step are
228 all integers. start is the starting index of the jobs, stop
229 is the ending index (inclusive) of the jobs, and step is the
230 step size through the indices. Note that using more than one
231 processor or node in a job will not work with this option.
233 -test (Specific option) With the intention of testing a potential
234 job submission, parse files and commands to generate error
235 output. Produces, but then removes the HTCondor submit de‐
236 scription file. Never submits the job, even if no errors are
237 encountered.
239 -v variable list
240 (Environmental option) Used to set the submit command envi‐
241 ronment for the job. variable list is as that defined for
242 the submit command. Note that the syntax needed is special‐
243 ized to deal with quote marks and white space characters.
245 -V (Environmental option) Sets getenv = True in the submit de‐
246 scription file.
248 -W attr_name=attr_value[,attr_name=attr_value...]
249 (File option) PBS/Torque supports a number of attributes.
250 However, condor_qsub only supports the names stagein and sta‐
251 geout for attr_name. The format of attr_value for stagein and
252 stageout is local_file@hostname:remote_file[,...] and we
253 strip it to remote_file[,...]. HTCondor's file transfer mech‐
254 anism is then used if needed.
256 -version
257 (Specific option) Print version information for the con‐
258 dor_qsub program and exit. Note that condor_qsub has its own
259 version numbers which are separate from those of HTCondor.
262 condor_qsub will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and
263 it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure to submit a job.
266 HTCondor Team
269 1990-2023, Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences De‐
270 partment, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, US. Licensed
271 under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
276 Oct 02, 2023 CONDOR_QSUB(1)