1RPM-OSTREE(1)                     rpm-ostree                     RPM-OSTREE(1)


6       rpm-ostree - Hybrid image/package system for host operating system
7       updates


10       rpm-ostree {COMMAND} [OPTIONS...]


13       rpm-ostree is a hybrid image and package system; as the name suggests,
14       it uses OSTree for the image side, and RPM for the package side. It
15       supports composing RPMs server-side into an OSTree commit (like an
16       image), and clients can replicate that bit-for-bit, with fast
17       incremental updates. Additionally, the hybrid nature comes to the fore
18       with client-side package layering and overrides.
20       On an rpm-ostree managed system, the traditional yum (if installed) and
21       rpm tools operate in a read-only state; the RPM database is stored in
22       /usr/share/rpm which is underneath a read-only bind mount.
24       Instead of live package-by-package upgrades, the underlying OSTree
25       layer replicates a complete filesystem tree from a compose server into
26       a new deployment, available on the next reboot. One benefit of this is
27       that there will always be a previous deployment, available for
28       rollback. This also makes it easier to reliably "queue" an update
29       without destabilizing the running system at all. (Currently though
30       there's an experimental livefs command that supports changing the
31       running filesystem).
33       Note in this "pure replication" model, there is no per-client packaging
34       overhead. Dependency resolution, SELinux labeling, all of the scripts
35       etc. were run on the server side and captured in the OSTree commit.


38       cancel
39           Cancel a pending transaction. Exits successfully and does nothing
40           if no transaction is running. Note that it is fully safe to cancel
41           transactions such as upgrade in general.
43       db
44           Gives information pertaining to rpm data within the file system
45           trees within the ostree commits. There are three sub-commands:
47           diff to see how the packages are different between the trees in two
48           revs. If no revs are provided, the booted commit is compared to the
49           pending commit. If only a single rev is provided, the booted commit
50           is compared to that rev. The --format=diff option uses - for
51           removed packages, + for added packages, and finally !  for the old
52           version of an updated package, with a following = for the new
53           version.
55           list to see which packages are within the commit(s) (works like yum
56           list). At least one commit must be specified, but more than one or
57           a range will also work.
59           version to see the rpmdb version of the packages within the commit
60           (works like yum version nogroups). At least one commit must be
61           specified, but more than one or a range will also work.
63       deploy
64           Takes version, branch, or commit ID as an argument, and creates a
65           new deployment using it, setting it up as the default for the next
66           boot. Unlike most other commands, this will automatically fetch and
67           traverse the origin history to find the target. By design, this has
68           no effect on your running filesystem tree. You must reboot for any
69           changes to take effect.
71           This will also queue an update for any layered packages.
73            --unchanged-exit-77 to exit status 77 to indicate that the system
74           is already on the specified commit. This tristate return model is
75           intended to support idempotency-oriented systems automation tools
76           like Ansible.
78           --reboot or -r to initiate a reboot after the upgrade is prepared.
80           --preview download enough metadata to inspect the RPM diff, but do
81           not actually create a new deployment.
83           --cache-only or -C to perform the operation without trying to
84           download the target tree from the remote nor the latest packages.
86           --download-only to only download the target ostree and layered RPMs
87           without actually performing the deployment. This can be used with a
88           subsequent --cache-only invocation to perform the operation
89           completely offline.
91       install
92           Takes one or more packages as arguments. The packages are fetched
93           from the enabled repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/ and are
94           overlayed on top of a new deployment. It is also possible to
95           specify a local RPM package that resides on the host. Overlayed
96           packages can later be removed with the uninstall command.
98           If this is the first time a machine-local change is made, note that
99           this will change rpm-ostree to operate in full hybrid mode.
100           Concretely, rpm-ostree will also start fetching all enabled rpm-md
101           (yum) repositories and use those for package updates every time
102           rpm-ostree upgrade is invoked, as well as during other operations
103           such as rebase.
105           rpm-ostree remembers these requests even if a later host update
106           includes those packages already: if the packages are subsequently
107           dropped out again, rpm-ostree will go back to layering them.
109           Note that by default, specifying a package that is already in the
110           base layer is an error unless the --allow-inactive option is
111           provided. This can be useful when anticipating the removal of a
112           base package.
114           --idempotent to do nothing if a package request is already present
115           instead of erroring out.
117           --reboot or -r to initiate a reboot after the deployment is
118           prepared.
120           --dry-run or -n to exit after printing the transaction rather than
121           downloading the packages and creating a new deployment.
123           --allow-inactive to allow requests for packages that are already in
124           the base layer.
126           --cache-only or -C to perform the operation without trying to
127           download the latest packages.
129           --download-only to only download the target layered RPMs without
130           actually performing the deployment. This can be used with a
131           subsequent --cache-only invocation to perform the operation
132           completely offline.
134           --apply-live will perform a subsequent apply-live operation to
135           apply changes to the booted deployment.
137           --force-replacefiles allows one package to overwrite files from
138           another without having to rebuild the whole kernel package.
140       uninstall
141           Takes one or more packages as arguments. The packages are removed
142           from the set of packages that are currently overlayed. The
143           remaining packages in the set (if any) are fetched from the enabled
144           repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/ and are overlayed on top of a new
145           deployment.
147           --reboot or -r to initiate a reboot after the deployment is
148           prepared.
150           --dry-run or -n to exit after printing the transaction rather than
151           downloading the packages and creating a new deployment.
153       search
154           Takes one or more query terms as arguments. The packages are
155           searched within the enabled repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/.
156           Packages can be overlayed and removed using the install and
157           uninstall commands.
159       rebase
160           Switch to a different base image, while preserving all of the state
161           that upgrade does, such as /etc changes, any layered RPM packages,
162           etc.
164           For rebasing to container images, the syntax uses ostree container
165           image references, which combine container image transports (see man
166           skopeo) along with a required integrity scheme. The ostree model
167           encourages container images to be signed, because they must be
168           ultimately trusted.
170           ostree-image-signed:docker://quay.io/exampleos/custom:latest - this
171           will pull from a remote registry, and error out if the container
172           backend does not require signatures.
174           ostree-unverified-registry:quay.io/exampleos/custom:latest - this
175           will pull from a remote registry, and no signature will be
176           required. In practice, this is just a shorthand for
177           ostree-unverified-image:docker://quay.io/exampleos/custom:latest.
179           ostree-unverified-image:oci:/path/to/dir.oci Fetch from a local
180           unsigned OCI directory (integrity of this directory may have been
181           verified out of band).
183           For rebasing to OSTree branches, the full syntax is rebase
184           REMOTENAME:BRANCHNAME. Alternatively, you can use the --branch or
185           --remote options mentioned below. With the argument syntax,
186           specifying just BRANCHNAME will reuse the same remote. You may also
187           omit one of REMOTENAME or BRANCHNAME (keeping the colon). In the
188           former case, the branch refers to a local branch; in the latter
189           case, the same branch will be used on a different remote.
191           This will also queue an update for any layered packages.
193           --branch or -b to pick a branch name.
195           --remote or -m to pick a remote name.
197           --cache-only or -C to perform the rebase without trying to download
198           the target tree from the remote nor the latest packages.
200           --download-only to only download the target ostree and layered RPMs
201           without actually performing the deployment. This can be used with a
202           subsequent --cache-only invocation to perform the operation
203           completely offline.
205       rollback
206           OSTree manages an ordered list of bootloader entries, called
207           "deployments". The entry at index 0 is the default bootloader
208           entry. Each entry has a separate /etc, but they all share a single
209           /var. You can use the bootloader to choose between entries by
210           pressing Tab to interrupt startup.
212           This command then changes the default bootloader entry. If the
213           current default is booted, then set the default to the previous
214           entry. Otherwise, make the currently booted tree the default.
216           --reboot or -r to initiate a reboot after rollback is prepared.
218       status
219           Gives information pertaining to the current deployment in use.
220           Lists the names and refspecs of all possible deployments in order,
221           such that the first deployment in the list is the default upon
222           boot. The deployment marked with * is the current booted
223           deployment, and marking with 'r' indicates the most recent upgrade
224           (the newest deployment version).
226           --verbose or -v to display more information, such as package diff,
227           advisories, GPG signature user IDs, and StateRoot names.
229           --advisories or -a to expand the advisories listing, if any.
231           --booted or -b to only print information about the booted
232           deployment.
234           --pending-exit-77 to exit status 77 if a pending deployment is
235           available. This can be useful in scripting.
237           --json to output the status information in JSON format for easier
238           scripting.
240           --jsonpath=EXPRESSION or -J to filter JSON output by JSONPath
241           expression.
243       upgrade
244           Download the latest version of the current tree, and deploy it,
245           setting it up as the default for the next boot. By design, this has
246           no effect on your running filesystem tree. You must reboot for any
247           changes to take effect.
249            --unchanged-exit-77 to exit status 77 to indicate that the system
250           is already up to date. This tristate return model is intended to
251           support idempotency-oriented systems automation tools like Ansible.
253           --reboot or -r to initiate a reboot after upgrade is prepared.
255           --allow-downgrade to permit deployment of chronologically older
256           trees.
258           --preview to download only /usr/share/rpm in order to do a
259           package-level diff between the two versions.
261           --check to just check if an upgrade is available, without
262           downloading it or performing a package-level diff. Using this flag
263           will force an update of the RPM metadata from the enabled repos in
264           /etc/yum.repos.d/, if there are any layered packages.
266           --cache-only or -C to perform the upgrade without trying to
267           download the latest tree from the remote nor the latest packages.
269           --download-only to only download the target ostree and layered RPMs
270           without actually performing the deployment. This can be used with a
271           subsequent --cache-only invocation to perform the operation
272           completely offline.
274       override
275           Provides subcommands for overriding (modifying) the base OSTree
276           layer. Such modifications should be done with care and are normally
277           not intended to be long-lasting. For example, one might replace a
278           base package with its older version to avoid a regression.
279           Overrides are automatically carried over during new deployments.
280           The subcommands are:
282           remove to remove base packages.
284           replace to replace base packages. Requires explicitly specifying a
285           set of RPMs to install via HTTP or local file paths. On Fedora
286           systems, it is also supported to pull from the Fedora Koji/Bodhi
287           systems. For example, rpm-ostree override replace
288           https://objstore.int.example.com/hotfixes/kernel.rpm, rpm-ostree
289           override replace ./podman.rpm, rpm-ostree override replace
290           https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-XXXXXXX or
291           rpm-ostree override replace
292           https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=XXXXXXX
294           reset to reset previous overrides. Currently, the full NEVRA of the
295           target packages must be specified.
297       refresh-md
298           Download the latest rpm repo metadata if necessary and generate the
299           cache.
301       kargs
302           Without options, display current default kernel arguments. Modify
303           arguments using the following parameters which will create a new
304           deployment with the modified kernel arguments. Previous deployments
305           are never changed.
307            --editor to use an editor to modify the kernel arguments.
309            --append to append a kernel argument. For example,
310           --append=panic=1.
312            --append-if-missing to append a kernel argument if it is not
313           present.
315            --delete to delete a kernel argument. For example,
316           --delete=panic=1.
318            --delete-if-present to delete a kernel argument if it is already
319           present. For example, --delete-if-present=panic=1.
321            --replace to replace an existing kernel argument, it allows you to
322           pass a KEY=VALUE. Also, it supports "KEY=VALUE=NEWVALUE" to replace
323           the value of an argumnet only if one value exist for that argument.
324           For example, --replace=panic=1. or --replace=panic=1=0.
326            --unchanged-exit-77 to exit status 77 to indicate that the kernel
327           arguments have not changed.
329           By default, modifications are applied to the kernel arguments of
330           the default deployment to get the final arguments. Use
331           --deploy-index or --import-proc-cmdline to instead base them off of
332           a specific deployment or the current boot.
334       cleanup
335           Commands such as upgrade create new deployments, which affect the
336           next boot, and take up additional storage space. In some cases, you
337           may want to undo and clean up these operations. This command
338           supports both removing additional deployments such as the "pending"
339           deployment (the next boot) as well as the default rollback
340           deployment. Use -p/--pending to remove the pending deployment, and
341           -r/--rollback to remove the rollback.
343           The -b/--base option does not affect finished deployments, but will
344           clean up any transient allocated space that may result from
345           interrupted operations. If you want to free up disk space safely,
346           use this option first.
348           The -m/--repomd option cleans up cached RPM repodata and any
349           partially downloaded (but not imported) packages.
351           NOTE: the cleanup will not affect any deployments that have been
352           "pinned" via the ostree admin pin operation.
354       reload
355           Some configuration and state data such as /etc/ostree/remotes.d
356           changes may not be reflected until a daemon reload is invoked. Use
357           this command to initiate a reload.
359       usroverlay
360           Mount a writable overlay filesystem on /usr which is active only
361           for the remainder of the system boot. This is intended for
362           development, testing, and debugging. Changes will not persist
363           across upgrades, or rebooting in general.
365           One important goal of this is to support traditional rpm -Uvh
366           /path/to/rpms or equivalent where changes are applied live.
367           However, an intended future feature for rpm-ostree will be a
368           variant of rpm-ostree override which also supports applying changes
369           live, for the cases which one wants persistence as well.
371           This command is equivalent to ostree admin unlock.
373       initramfs
374           By default, the primary use case mode for rpm-ostree is to
375           replicate an initramfs as part of a base layer. However, some use
376           cases require locally regenerating it to add configuration or
377           drivers. Use rpm-ostree initramfs to inspect the current status.
379           Use --enable to turn on client side initramfs regeneration. This
380           runs dracut to create the new initramfs. A new deployment will be
381           generated with this new initramfs, and after reboot, further
382           upgrades will continue regenerating. You must reboot for the new
383           initramfs to take effect.
385           To append additional custom arguments to the initramfs program
386           (currently dracut), use --arg. For example, --arg=-I
387           --arg=/etc/someconfigfile.
389           The --disable option will disable regeneration. You must reboot for
390           the change to take effect.
392           Note that for the simpler use case of adding a few files to the
393           initramfs, you can use rpm-ostree initramfs-etc instead. It is more
394           lightweight and does not involve running dracut.
396       initramfs-etc
397           Add configuration (/etc) files into the initramfs without
398           regenerating the entire initramfs. This is useful to be able to
399           configure services backing the root block device as well as
400           early-boot services like systemd and journald.
402           Use --track to start tracking a specific file. Can be specified
403           multiple times. A new deployment will be generated. Use --untrack
404           or --untrack-all to stop tracking files.
406           When there are tracked files, any future created deployment (e.g.
407           when doing an upgrade) will ensure that they are synced. You can
408           additionally use --force-sync to simply generate a new deployment
409           with the latest versions of tracked files without upgrading.
411       apply-live
412           Given a target OSTree commit (defaults to the pending deployment),
413           create a transient overlayfs filesystem for the booted /usr, and
414           synchronize the changes from the source to the booted filesystem
415           tree. By default, to ensure safety, only package additions are
416           allowed.
418           --reset to reset the filesystem tree to the booted commit.
420           --target may be used to target an arbitrary OSTree commit. This is
421           an advanced feature, exposed mainly for testing.
423           --allow-replacement enables live updates and removals for existing
424           packages.
426           Example 1. Install postgresql live
428               $ rpm-ostree install postgresql-server
429               $ rpm-ostree apply-live
430               $ systemctl start postgresql  # Some setup required
433           This is also the same as:
435               $ rpm-ostree install -A postgresql-server
437           Currently, this just synchronizes the filesystem; no systemd units
438           are restarted for example.
440           A major implicit benefit of the overlayfs approach is that if
441           something goes wrong in the middle of a apply-live operation, a
442           system reboot will implicitly remove the overlay, restoring the
443           system to the pristine deployment state.
445       ex
446           This command offers access to experimental features; command line
447           stability is not guaranteed. The available subcommands will be
448           listed by invoking rpm-ostree ex.


451       compose
452           Entrypoint for tree composition; most typically used on servers to
453           prepare trees for replication by client systems. The tree
454           subcommand processes a treefile, installs packages, and commits the
455           result to an OSTree repository. There are also split commands
456           install, postprocess, and commit.


459       rpm-ostree uses the libdnf shared library, which honors
460       /etc/yum.repos.d. Note that rpm-md (yum/dnf) repositories are only
461       checked if client-side package layering is enabled.
463       However, the behavior for GPG keys is slightly different from a
464       traditional rpm system. Essentially, all GPG keys in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg
465       are loaded and trusted. The .repo file should reference the file path
466       in there.
468       The rpm --import /path/to/key.gpg command will not function today on a
469       live/booted system because rpm tries to write directly to the RPM
470       database.
472       However, during a container build process, the RPM database is writable
473       and such changes will persist.


476       rpm-ostreed.conf(5) ostree(1), rpm(8)
480rpm-ostree                                                       RPM-OSTREE(1)