1r.colors(1)                 GRASS GIS User's Manual                r.colors(1)


6       r.colors   -  Creates/modifies the color table associated with a raster
7       map.


10       raster, color table


13       r.colors
14       r.colors --help
15       r.colors     [-rwldngae]       [map=name[,name,...]]        [file=name]
16       [color=style]   [raster=name]   [raster_3d=name]   [rules=name]   [off‐
17       set=float]   [scale=float]   [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]
19   Flags:
20       -r
21           Remove existing color table
23       -w
24           Only write new color table if it does not already exist
26       -l
27           List available rules then exit
29       -d
30           List available rules with description then exit
31           If a color rule is given, only this rule is listed
33       -n
34           Invert colors
36       -g
37           Logarithmic scaling
39       -a
40           Logarithmic-absolute scaling
42       -e
43           Histogram equalization
45       --help
46           Print usage summary
48       --verbose
49           Verbose module output
51       --quiet
52           Quiet module output
54       --ui
55           Force launching GUI dialog
57   Parameters:
58       map=name[,name,...]
59           Name of raster map(s)
61       file=name
62           Input file with one map name per line
63           Input map names can be defined in an input file  in  case  a  large
64           amount  of  maps must be specified. This option is mutual exclusive
65           to the map option.
67       color=style
68           Name of color table
69           Options: aspect, aspectcolr, bcyr, bgyr, blues, byg, byr,  celsius,
70           corine, curvature, differences, elevation, etopo2, evi, fahrenheit,
71           forest_cover, gdd, grass, greens, grey, grey.eq, grey.log, grey1.0,
72           grey255,  gyr, haxby, inferno, kelvin, magma, ndvi, ndwi, nlcd, or‐
73           anges, plasma, population, population_dens, precipitation, precipi‐
74           tation_daily,  precipitation_monthly,  rainbow, ramp, random, reds,
75           roygbiv, rstcurv,  ryb,  ryg,  sepia,  slope,  soilmoisture,  srtm,
76           srtm_plus, terrain, viridis, water, wave
77            aspect: aspect oriented grey colors [range: map values]
78            aspectcolr: aspect oriented rainbow colors [range: 0 to 360]
79            bcyr: blue through cyan through yellow to red [range: map values]
80            bgyr: blue through green through yellow to red [range: map values]
81            blues: white to blue [range: map values]
82            byg: blue through yellow to green [range: map values]
83            byr: blue through yellow to red [range: map values]
84            celsius: blue to red for degree Celsius temperature [range: -80 to
85           80]
86            corine: EU Corine land cover colors [range: 111 to 995]
87            curvature: for terrain curvatures (from v.surf.rst and r.slope.as‐
88           pect) [range: map values]
89            differences: differences oriented colors [range: map values]
90            elevation:  maps  relative  ranges  of  raster values to elevation
91           color ramp [range: map values]
92            etopo2: colors for ETOPO2 worldwide bathymetry/topography  [range:
93           -11000 to 8850]
94            evi: enhanced vegetative index colors [range: -1 to 1]
95            fahrenheit: blue to red for Fahrenheit temperature [range: -112 to
96           176]
97            forest_cover: percentage of forest cover [range: 0 to 100]
98            gdd: accumulated growing degree days [range: 0 to 6000]
99            grass: GRASS GIS green (perceptually uniform) [range: map values]
100            greens: white to green [range: map values]
101            grey: grey scale [range: map values]
102            grey.eq: histogram-equalized grey scale [range: map values]
103            grey.log: histogram logarithmic transformed grey scale [range: map
104           values]
105            grey1.0: grey scale for raster values between 0.0-1.0 [range: 0 to
106           1]
107            grey255: grey scale for raster values between 0-255 [range:  0  to
108           255]
109            gyr: green through yellow to red [range: map values]
110            haxby:  relative  colors  for bathymetry or topography [range: map
111           values]
112            inferno:  perceptually  uniform  sequential  color  table  inferno
113           [range: map values]
114            kelvin: blue to red for temperature in Kelvin scale [range: 193.15
115           to 353.15]
116            magma: perceptually uniform sequential color table  magma  [range:
117           map values]
118            ndvi:  Normalized Difference Vegetation Index colors [range: -1 to
119           1]
120            ndwi: Normalized Difference Water Index  colors  [range:  -200  to
121           200]
122            nlcd: US National Land Cover Dataset colors [range: 0 to 95]
123            oranges: white to orange [range: map values]
124            plasma: perceptually uniform sequential color table plasma [range:
125           map values]
126            population: color table covering human  population  classification
127           breaks [range: 0 to 2e+09]
128            population_dens:  color  table  covering  human population density
129           classification breaks [range: 0 to 1e+09]
130            precipitation: precipitation color table (0..2000mm) [range: 0  to
131           7000]
132            precipitation_daily: precipitation color table (0..1000mm) [range:
133           0 to 10000]
134            precipitation_monthly:  precipitation  color   table   (0..1000mm)
135           [range: 0 to 1000]
136            rainbow: rainbow color table [range: map values]
137            ramp: color ramp [range: map values]
138            random: random color table [range: map values]
139            reds: white to red [range: map values]
140            roygbiv:  [range: map values]
141            rstcurv: terrain curvature (from r.resamp.rst) [range: map values]
142            ryb: red through yellow to blue [range: map values]
143            ryg: red through yellow to green [range: map values]
144            sepia: yellowish-brown through to white [range: map values]
145            slope:  r.slope.aspect-type  slope  colors  for raster values 0-90
146           [range: 0 to 90]
147            soilmoisture: soilmoisture color table (0.0-1.0) [range: 0 to 1]
148            srtm: color palette for Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation
149           [range: -11000 to 8850]
150            srtm_plus: color palette for Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ele‐
151           vation (with seafloor colors) [range: -11000 to 8850]
152            terrain: global elevation color table covering  -11000  to  +8850m
153           [range: -11000 to 8850]
154            viridis:  perceptually  uniform  sequential  color  table  viridis
155           [range: map values]
156            water: water depth [range: map values]
157            wave: color wave [range: map values]
159       raster=name
160           Raster map from which to copy color table
162       raster_3d=name
163           3D raster map from which to copy color table
165       rules=name
166           Path to rules file
167           "-" to read rules from stdin
169       offset=float
170           Offset for color rule values
171           New value = (old value + offset) * scale
172           Default: 0
174       scale=float
175           Scale for color rule values
176           New value = (old value + offset) * scale
177           Default: 1


180       r.colors allows the user to create and/or modify the color table for  a
181       raster  map or several raster maps at once.  The raster maps (specified
182       on the command line by map or as file using an input file with one  map
183       name per line) must exist in the user’s current mapset search path.
185       The  raster  option allows user to specify a raster map name from which
186       to copy the color map.
188       The raster_3d option allows user to specify a 3D raster map  name  from
189       which to copy the color map.
191       The  -e  flag  equalizes the original raster’s color table. It can pre‐
192       clude the need for grey.eq rule, when used as -e color=grey. Note  how‐
193       ever,   that   this   will   not  yield  a  color  table  identical  to
194       color=grey.eq, because grey.eq scales the fraction by 256 to get a grey
195       level, while -e uses it to interpolate the original color table. If the
196       original color table is a 0-255 grey scale, -e is  effectively  scaling
197       the  fraction  by 255. Different algorithms are used. -e is designed to
198       work with any color table, both the  floating  point  and  the  integer
199       raster maps.
201       The  -g flag divides the raster’s grey value range into 100 logarithmi‐
202       cally equal steps (where "step" is a rule with the same grey level  for
203       the  start and end points). It can preclude the need for grey.log rule,
204       when used as -g color=grey. Note however, that this will  not  yield  a
205       color table identical to color=grey.log. Different algorithms are used.
206       Unlike color=grey.log, -g is designed to work with both floating  point
207       and integer rasters, without performance issues with large datasets, of
208       any original color table. Logarithmic scaling doesn’t work on  negative
209       values.  In the case when the value range includes zero, there’s no re‐
210       alistic solution.
212       The -e and -g flags are not mutually exclusive.
214       offset and scale modify color rules to match the values of a raster map
215       using  the  formula new_value = (old_value + offset) x scale. For exam‐
216       ple, if the units of a raster map are Kelvin x 50, the color rules cel‐
217       sius can be applied with offset=273.15 and scale=50.
219       If the user specifies the -w flag, the current color table file for the
220       input map will not be overwritten. This means that the color  table  is
221       created  only  if  the map does not already have a color table. If this
222       option is not specified, the color table will be created  if  one  does
223       not exist, or modified if it does.
225       Color  table  types  aspect,  grey,  grey.eq  (histogram-equalized grey
226       scale), byg (blue-yellow-green), byr (blue-yellow-red), gyr (green-yel‐
227       low-red),  rainbow,  ramp, ryg (red-yellow-green), random, and wave are
228       pre-defined color tables that r.colors knows how to create without  any
229       further input.
231       In  case several input raster maps are provided the range (min, max) of
232       all maps will be used for color table creation. Hence the created color
233       table  will span from the smallest minimum to the largest maximum value
234       of all input raster maps and will be applied to all input raster maps.
236       In general, tables which associate  colors  with  percentages  (aspect,
237       bcyr, byg, byr, elevation, grey, gyr, rainbow, ramp, ryb, ryg and wave)
238       can be applied to any data, while those which use absolute values  (as‐
239       pectcolr,  curvature,  etopo2,  evi, ndvi, population, slope, srtm, and
240       terrain) only make sense for data with certain ranges.  One can  get  a
241       rough idea of the applicability of a colour table by reading the corre‐
242       sponding rules  file  ($GISBASE/etc/colors/<name>).   For  example  the
243       slope rule is defined as:
244       0  255:255:255
245       2  255:255:0
246       5  0:255:0
247       10 0:255 255
248       15 0:0:255
249       30 255:0:255
250       50 255:0:0
251       90 0:0:0
253       This  is  designed for the slope map generated by r.slope.aspect, where
254       the value is a slope angle between 0 and 90 degrees.
256       Similarly, the aspectcolr rule:
257       0 white
258       1 yellow
259       90 green
260       180 cyan
261       270 red
262       360 yellow
264       is designed for the aspect maps produced by r.slope.aspect,  where  the
265       value is a heading between 0 and 360 degrees.
267       The  rules  color  table  type  will cause r.colors to read color table
268       specifications from standard input (stdin) and will build the color ta‐
269       ble accordingly.
271       Using  color  table type rules, there are two ways to build a color ta‐
272       ble:  by category values and by "percent" values.
274       To build a color table by category values’ indices, the user should de‐
275       termine  the  range of category values in the raster map with which the
276       color table will be used. Specific category values will then be associ‐
277       ated  with  specific  colors. Note that a color does not have to be as‐
278       signed for every valid category value because r.colors will interpolate
279       a  color ramp to fill in where color specification rules have been left
280       out. The format of such a specification is as follows:
281       category_value color_name
282       category_value color_name
283       .. ..
284       .. ..
285       category_value color_name
286       end
288       Each category value must be valid for the raster map,  category  values
289       must  be  in  ascending  order  and only use standard GRASS color names
290       (aqua, black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green,  grey,  indigo,  magenta,
291       orange, purple, red, violet, white, yellow).
293       Colors  can also be specified by color numbers each in the range 0-255.
294       The format of a category value color table  specification  using  color
295       numbers instead of color names is as follows:
296       category_value red_number:green_number:blue_number
297       category_value red_number:green_number:blue_number
298       .. .. .. ..
299       .. .. .. ..
300       category_value red_number:green_number:blue_number
301       end
303       Specifying  a  color  table  by  "percent" values allows one to treat a
304       color table as if it were numbered from 0 to 100. The format of a "per‐
305       cent"  value  color  table  specification is the same as for a category
306       value color specification, except that the category values are replaced
307       by "percent" values, each from 0-100, in ascending order. The format is
308       as follows:
309       percent_value% color_name
310       percent_value% color_name
311       .. ..
312       .. ..
313       percent_value% color_name
314       end
316       Using "percent" value color table specification rules, colors can  also
317       be  specified by color numbers each in the range 0-255. The format of a
318       percent value color table specification using color numbers instead  of
319       color names is as follows:
320       percent_value% red_number:green_number:blue_number
321       percent_value% red_number:green_number:blue_number
322       .. .. .. ..
323       .. .. .. ..
324       percent_value% red_number:green_number:blue_number
325       end
327       Note  that you can also mix these two methods of color table specifica‐
328       tion; for example:
329       0 black
330       10% yellow
331       78 blue
332       100% 0:255:230
333       end
335       To set the NULL (no data) color, use the "nv" (null values) parameter:
336       0 black
337       10% yellow
338       nv white
339       end
341       To set the color to used for undefined values (beyond the range of  the
342       color rules) use the "default" parameter:
343       0 red
344       1 blue
345       default grey
346       end


349       All  color  tables are stored in $GISBASE/etc/colors/. Further user-de‐
350       fined color tables can also be stored in this directory for access from
351       the  color  parameter  or in a user defined directory.  See also r.col‐
352       ors.out for printing color tables easily to the terminal.
354       The color table assigned to a raster map is stored  in  $GISDBASE/loca‐
355       tion/mapset/colr/.


358       The below example shows how you can specify colors for a three category
359       map, assigning red to category 1, green to category 2, and blue to cat‐
360       egory  3.  Start  by  using a text editor to create the following rules
361       specification file (save it with the name rules.file):
362       1 red
363       2 green
364       3 blue
365       end
367       The color table can then by assigned to map threecats by the  following
368       GRASS commands (two ways are available):
369       # read input from stdin
370       cat rules.file | r.colors map=threecats rules=-
371       # read directly from file
372       r.colors map=threecats rules=rules.file
374       To  create a natural looking lookup table (LUT) for true map layer ele‐
375       vation, use the following rules  specification  file.  It  will  assign
376       light  green shades to the lower elevations (first 20% of the LUT), and
377       then darker greens (next 15%, and next 20%) and light browns (next 20%)
378       for  middle  elevations, and darker browns (next 15%) for higher eleva‐
379       tions, and finally yellow for the highest peaks (last 10% of LUT).
380       0% 0:230:0
381       20% 0:160:0
382       35% 50:130:0
383       55% 120:100:30
384       75% 120:130:40
385       90% 170:160:50
386       100% 255:255:100
388       To invert the current rules:
389       r.colors map=current_raster -n rast=current_raster


392        d.colortable,  d.histogram,  d.legend,  r.colors.out  r.colors.stddev,
393       r.support, r.univar, v.colors, v.colors.out, r3.colors, r3.colors.out
395       See also wiki page Color tables (from GRASS User Wiki)
397       ColorBrewer is an online tool designed to help people select good color
398       schemes for maps and other graphics.


401       Michael Shapiro and David Johnson
402       Support for 3D rasters by Soeren Gebbert


405       Available at: r.colors source code (history)
407       Accessed: Saturday Oct 28 18:17:28 2023
409       Main index | Raster index | Topics index | Keywords index  |  Graphical
410       index | Full index
412       © 2003-2023 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.3.1 Reference Manual
416GRASS 8.3.1                                                        r.colors(1)