1r.fill.dir(1)               GRASS GIS User's Manual              r.fill.dir(1)


6       r.fill.dir   - Filters and generates a depressionless elevation map and
7       a flow direction map from a given elevation raster map.


10       raster, hydrology, sink, fill sinks, depressions


13       r.fill.dir
14       r.fill.dir --help
15       r.fill.dir [-f]  input=name  output=name  direction=name   [areas=name]
16       [format=string]     [--overwrite]    [--help]   [--verbose]   [--quiet]
17       [--ui]
19   Flags:
20       -f
21           Find unresolved areas only
23       --overwrite
24           Allow output files to overwrite existing files
26       --help
27           Print usage summary
29       --verbose
30           Verbose module output
32       --quiet
33           Quiet module output
35       --ui
36           Force launching GUI dialog
38   Parameters:
39       input=name [required]
40           Name of input elevation raster map
42       output=name [required]
43           Name for output depressionless elevation raster map
45       direction=name [required]
46           Name for output flow direction  map  for  depressionless  elevation
47           raster map
49       areas=name
50           Name for output raster map of problem areas
52       format=string
53           Aspect direction format
54           Options: agnps, answers, grass
55           Default: grass


58       r.fill.dir  filters  and generates a depressionless elevation map and a
59       flow direction map from a  given  raster  elevation  map.   The  method
60       adopted  to filter the elevation map and rectify it is based on the pa‐
61       per titled "Extracting topographic  structure  from  digital  elevation
62       model  data  for geographic information system analysis" by S.K. Jenson
63       and J.O. Domingue (1988).
65       The procedure takes an elevation layer as input and initially fills all
66       the  depressions  with one pass across the layer. Next, the flow direc‐
67       tion algorithm tries to find a unique direction for each cell.  If  the
68       watershed program detects areas with pothholes, it delineates this area
69       from the rest of the area and once again the depressions are filled us‐
70       ing  the neighborhood technique used by the flow direction routine. The
71       final output will be a depressionless elevation layer and a unique flow
72       direction layer.
74       This  (D8)  flow algorithm performs as follows: At each raster cell the
75       code determines the slope to each of the 8 surrounding  cells  and  as‐
76       signs  the  flow  direction  to  the highest slope out of the cell.  If
77       there is more than one equal, non-zero slope then the  code  picks  one
78       direction  based  on  preferences that are hard-coded into the program.
79       If the highest slope is flat and in more than one  direction  then  the
80       code  first  tries to select an alternative based on flow directions in
81       the adjacent cells. r.fill.dir iterates that process, effectively prop‐
82       agating  flow directions from areas where the directions are known into
83       the area where the flow direction cannot otherwise be resolved.
85       The format parameter is the type of format at which the user wishes  to
86       create  the  flow direction map.  The flow direction map can be encoded
87       in GRASS GIS aspect format, ANSWERS (Beasley  et.al,  1982),  or  AGNPS
88       (Young  et.al, 1985) format, so that it can be readily used as input to
89       other GRASS GIS modules or the aforementioned hydrological models.  The
90       grass format gives the same category values as r.slope.aspect gives for
91       aspect, i.e. angles in degrees counter-clockwise from east in 45 degree
92       increments.   The  agnps  format gives category values from 1-8, with 1
93       facing north and increasing values in the clockwise direction.  The an‐
94       swers  format  gives category values from 0-360 degrees, with 0 (repre‐
95       sented as 360) facing east and values increasing in the  counter-clock‐
96       wise  direction  at 45 degree increments.  In all cases, NULL (no data)
97       values are used for cells where direction cannot be determined.
99       In case of local problems, those unfilled areas can be  stored  option‐
100       ally.   Each  unfilled  area  in this maps is numbered. The -f flag in‐
101       structs the program to fill single-cell pits but otherwise to just find
102       the  undrained  areas and exit. With the -f flag set the program writes
103       an elevation map with just single-cell pits  filled,  a  direction  map
104       with  unresolved  problems  and  a map of the undrained areas that were
105       found but not filled. This option was included because filling DEMs was
106       often  not  the best way to solve a drainage problem. These options let
107       the user get a partially-fixed elevation map,  identify  the  remaining
108       problems and fix the problems appropriately.
110       In  some  cases it may be necessary to run r.fill.dir repeatedly (using
111       output from one run as input to the next run) before all of problem ar‐
112       eas are filled.
114       The  resulting  depressionless elevation raster map can further be pro‐
115       cessed to derive slopes and other attributes required by  other  hydro‐
116       logical models.
118       As  any  GRASS GIS module, r.fill.dir is sensitive to the computational
119       region settings. Thus the module can be used to generate a flow  direc‐
120       tion  map  for any sub-area within the full map layer. Also, r.fill.dir
121       is sensitive to any raster MASK in effect.


124           •   The r.fill.dir module can be used not only to fill  depression,
125               but also to detect water bodies or potential water bodies based
126               on the nature of the terrain and the  digital  elevation  model
127               used.
129           •   Not  all depressions are errors in digital elevation models. In
130               fact, many are wetlands and as Jenkins and McCauley (2006) note
131               careless  use of depression filling may lead to unintended con‐
132               sequences such as loss of wetlands.
134           •   Although many hydrological algorithms require depression  fill‐
135               ing,  advanced algorithms such as those implemented in r.water‐
136               shed and r.sim.water do not require depressionless digital ele‐
137               vation model to work.
139           •   The flow direction map can be visualized with d.rast.arrow.


142       Generic  example:  create  a  depressionless  (sinkless)  elevation map
143       ansi.fill.elev and a flow direction map ansi.asp for the type "grass":
144       r.fill.dir input=ansi.elev output=ansi.fill.elev direction=ansi.asp
146       North Carolina sample dataset example: The LiDAR derived  1m  elevation
147       map is sink-filled. The outcome are a depressionless elevation map, the
148       flow direction map and an error map.
149       # set computational region to elevation map
150       g.region raster=elev_lid792_1m -p
151       # generate depressionless DEM and related maps
152       r.fill.dir input=elev_lid792_1m output=elev_lid792_1m_filled \
153                  direction=elev_lid792_1m_dir areas=elev_lid792_1m_error
154       # generate elevation map of pixelwise differences to see obtained terrain alterations
155       r.mapcalc "elev_lid792_1m_diff = elev_lid792_1m_filled - elev_lid792_1m"
156       r.colors elev_lid792_1m_diff color=differences
157       # assess univariate statistics of differences
158       r.univar -e elev_lid792_1m_diff
159       # vectorize filled areas (here all fills are of positive value, see r.univar output)
160       r.mapcalc "elev_lid792_1m_fill_area = if(elev_lid792_1m_diff > 0.0, 1, null() )"
161       r.to.vect input=elev_lid792_1m_fill_area output=elev_lid792_1m_fill_area type=area
162       # generate shaded terrain for better visibility of results
163       r.relief input=elev_lid792_1m_filled output=elev_lid792_1m_filled_shade
164       d.mon wx0
165       d.shade shade=elev_lid792_1m_filled_shade color=elev_lid792_1m_filled
166       d.vect elev_lid792_1m_fill_area type=boundary color=red
167       Figure: Sink-filled DEM (shown as shaded terrain) with areas of filling
168       shown as vector polygons


171           •   Beasley,  D.B.  and L.F. Huggins. 1982. ANSWERS (areal nonpoint
172               source watershed  environmental  response  simulation):  User’s
173               manual. U.S. EPA-905/9-82-001, Chicago, IL, 54 p.
175           •   Jenkins,  D.  G.,  and McCauley, L. A. 2006.  GIS, SINKS, FILL,
176               and disappearing wetlands: unintended consequences in algorithm
177               development  and use.  In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium
178               on applied computing (pp. 277-282).
180           •   Jenson, S.K., and J.O. Domingue. 1988.  Extracting  topographic
181               structure  from digital elevation model data for geographic in‐
182               formation system analysis. Photogram.  Engr. and  Remote  Sens.
183               54: 1593-1600.
185           •   Young,  R.A.,  C.A. Onstad, D.D. Bosch and W.P. Anderson. 1985.
186               Agricultural nonpoint surface pollution models (AGNPS) I and II
187               model  documentation.  St. Paul: Minn. Pollution control Agency
188               and Washington D.C., USDA-Agricultural Research Service.


191        d.rast.arrow, d.shade, g.region, r.fillnulls, r.relief, r.slope.aspect


194       Fortran version: Raghavan Srinivasan, Agricultural Engineering  Depart‐
195       ment, Purdue University
196       Rewrite to C with enhancements: Roger S. Miller


199       Available at: r.fill.dir source code (history)
201       Accessed: Saturday Oct 28 18:17:32 2023
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204       index | Full index
206       © 2003-2023 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.3.1 Reference Manual
210GRASS 8.3.1                                                      r.fill.dir(1)