1r.import(1)                 GRASS GIS User's Manual                r.import(1)


6       r.import   - Imports raster data into a GRASS raster map using GDAL li‐
7       brary and reprojects on the fly.


10       raster, import, projection


13       r.import
14       r.import --help
15       r.import  [-enlo]  input=name    [band=integer[,integer,...]]     [mem‐
16       ory=memory in MB]   [output=name]   [resample=string]   [extent=string]
17       [resolution=string]       [resolution_value=float]       [title=phrase]
18       [--overwrite]  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]
20   Flags:
21       -e
22           Estimate resolution only
24       -n
25           Do not perform region cropping optimization
27       -l
28           Force  Lat/Lon  maps  to  fit  into  geographic coordinates (90N,S;
29           180E,W)
31       -o
32           Override projection check (use current location’s projection)
33           Assume that the dataset has the same projection as the current  lo‐
34           cation
36       --overwrite
37           Allow output files to overwrite existing files
39       --help
40           Print usage summary
42       --verbose
43           Verbose module output
45       --quiet
46           Quiet module output
48       --ui
49           Force launching GUI dialog
51   Parameters:
52       input=name [required]
53           Name of GDAL dataset to be imported
55       band=integer[,integer,...]
56           Input band(s) to select (default is all bands)
58       memory=memory in MB
59           Maximum memory to be used (in MB)
60           Cache size for raster rows
61           Default: 300
63       output=name
64           Name for output raster map
66       resample=string
67           Resampling method to use for reprojection
68           Options:  nearest,  bilinear,  bicubic,  lanczos, bilinear_f, bicu‐
69           bic_f, lanczos_f
70           Default: nearest
71           nearest: nearest neighbor
72           bilinear: bilinear interpolation
73           bicubic: bicubic interpolation
74           lanczos: lanczos filter
75           bilinear_f: bilinear interpolation with fallback
76           bicubic_f: bicubic interpolation with fallback
77           lanczos_f: lanczos filter with fallback
79       extent=string
80           Output raster map extent
81           Options: input, region
82           Default: input
83           input: extent of input map
84           region: extent of current region
86       resolution=string
87           Resolution of output raster map (default: estimated)
88           Options: estimated, value, region
89           Default: estimated
90           estimated: estimated resolution
91           value: user-specified resolution
92           region: current region resolution
94       resolution_value=float
95           Resolution of output raster map (use with option resolution=value)
97       title=phrase
98           Title for resultant raster map


101       r.import imports a map or selected bands from a GDAL raster  datasource
102       into  the  current  location and mapset. If the projection of the input
103       does not match the projection of the location, the input is reprojected
104       into  the  current  location. If the projection of the input does match
105       the projection of the location, the input  is  imported  directly  with
106       r.in.gdal.


109       r.import  checks  the projection metadata of the dataset to be imported
110       against the current location’s projection. If not identical  a  related
111       error message is shown.
112       To  override this projection check (i.e. to use current location’s pro‐
113       jection) by assuming that the dataset has the same  projection  as  the
114       current location the -o flag can be used. This is also useful when geo‐
115       data to be imported do not contain any projection metadata at all.  The
116       user must be sure that the projection is identical in order to avoid to
117       introduce data errors.
119   Resolution
120       r.import reports the estimated target resolution for each  input  band.
121       The  estimated  resolution  will usually be some floating point number,
122       e.g. 271.301. In case option resolution is set to estimated  (default),
123       this floating point number will be used as target resolution. Since the
124       target resolution should be typically the rounded estimated resolution,
125       e.g. 250 or 300 instead of 271.301, flag -e can be used first to obtain
126       the estimate without importing the raster bands.  Then the desired res‐
127       olution   is  set  with  option  resolution_value  and  option  resolu‐
128       tion=value.  For latlong locations, the resolution might be set to  arc
129       seconds, e.g. 1, 3, 7.5, 15, and 30 arc seconds are commonly used reso‐
130       lutions.
132   Resampling methods
133       When reprojecting a map to a new spatial  reference  system,  the  pro‐
134       jected  data  is  resampled with one of four different methods: nearest
135       neighbor, bilinear, bicubic interpolation or lanczos.
137       In the following, common use cases are:
139       nearest is the simplest method and the only possible method  for  cate‐
140       gorical data.
142       bilinear  does  linear  interpolation and provides smoother output than
143       nearest. bilinear is recommended when reprojecting a DEM for hydrologi‐
144       cal  analysis  or  for  surfaces where overshoots must be avoided, e.g.
145       precipitation should not become negative.
147       bicubic produces smoother output than bilinear, at the  cost  of  over‐
148       shoots.  Here,  valid  pixels  that are adjacent to NULL pixels or edge
149       pixels are set to NULL.
151       lanczos produces the smoothest output of all methods and preserves con‐
152       trast best. lanczos is recommended for imagery.  Both bicubic and lanc‐
153       zos preserve linear features. With nearest or bilinear, linear features
154       can become zigzag features after reprojection.
156       In the bilinear, bicubic and lanczos methods, if any of the surrounding
157       cells used to interpolate the new cell value are  NULL,  the  resulting
158       cell  will  be  NULL,  even  if the nearest cell is not NULL. This will
159       cause some thinning along NULL borders, such as the coasts of land  ar‐
160       eas  in  a  DEM.  The bilinear_f, bicubic_f and lanczos_f interpolation
161       methods can be used if thinning along NULL edges is not desired.  These
162       methods  "fall  back"  to simpler interpolation methods along NULL bor‐
163       ders.  That is, from lanczos to bicubic to bilinear to nearest.
165       For explanation of the -l flag, please refer to the r.in.gdal manual.
167       When importing whole-world maps the user  should  disable  map-trimming
168       with the -n flag. For further explanations of -n flag, please refer the
169       to r.proj manual.


172   Import of SRTM V3 global data at 1 arc-seconds resolution
173       The SRTM V3 1 arc-second global data (~30 meters resolution) are avail‐
174       able  from  EarthExplorer  (http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/).   The SRTM
175       collections are located under the "Digital Elevation" category.
177       Example  for  North  Carolina  sample  dataset  (the   tile   name   is
178       "n35_w079_1arc_v3.tif"):
179       # set computational region to e.g. 10m elevation model:
180       g.region raster=elevation -p
181       # Import with reprojection on the fly. Recommended parameters:
182       # resample   Resampling method to use for reprojection - bilinear
183       # extent     Output raster map extent - region: extent of current region
184       # resolution Resolution of output raster map
185       #  - region: current region resolution - limit to g.region setting from above
186       r.import input=n35_w079_1arc_v3.tif output=srtmv3_resamp10m resample=bilinear \
187         extent=region resolution=region title="SRTM V3 resampled to 10m resolution"
188       # beautify colors:
189       r.colors srtmv3_resamp10m color=elevation
191   Import of WorldClim data
192       Import  of  a subset from WorldClim Bioclim data set, to be reprojected
193       to current location projection (North Carolina sample  dataset).   Dif‐
194       ferent  resolutions  are  available,  in  this  example  we use the 2.5
195       arc-minutes resolution data. During import,  we  spatially  subset  the
196       world data to the North Carolina region using the extent parameter:
197       # download selected Bioclim data (2.5 arc-minutes resolution)
198       # optionally tiles are available for the 30 arc-sec resolution
199       wget http://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/climate/worldclim/1_4/grid/cur/bio_2-5m_bil.zip
200       # extract BIO1 from package (BIO1 = Annual Mean Temperature):
201       unzip bio_2-5m_bil.zip bio1.bil bio1.hdr
202       # prior to import, fix broken WorldClim extent using GDAL tool
203       gdal_translate -a_ullr -180 90 180 -60 bio1.bil bio1_fixed.tif
204       # set computational region to North Carolina, 4000 m target pixel resolution
205       g.region -d res=4000 -ap
206       # subset to current region and reproject on the fly to current location projection,
207       # using -n since whole-world map is imported:
208       r.import input=bio1_fixed.tif output=bioclim01 resample=bilinear \
209                extent=region resolution=region -n
210       # temperature data are in °C * 10
211       r.info bioclim01
212       r.univar -e bioclim01


215        r.in.gdal, r.proj


218       Markus Metz
219       Improvements: Martin Landa, Anna Petrasova


222       Available at: r.import source code (history)
224       Accessed: Saturday Oct 28 18:19:20 2023
226       Main  index  | Raster index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical
227       index | Full index
229       © 2003-2023 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.3.1 Reference Manual
233GRASS 8.3.1                                                        r.import(1)