1BDWGC(3)                   Library Functions Manual                   BDWGC(3)


6       GC_malloc,  GC_malloc_atomic,  GC_free, GC_realloc, GC_enable_incremen‐
7       tal,    GC_register_finalizer,    GC_malloc_ignore_off_page,    GC_mal‐
8       loc_atomic_ignore_off_page,  GC_set_warn_proc - Garbage collecting mal‐
9       loc replacement


12       #include <gc.h>
13       void * GC_malloc(size_t size);
14       void * GC_malloc_atomic(size_t size);
15       void GC_free(void *ptr);
16       void * GC_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
17       void GC_enable_incremental(void);
18       void * GC_malloc_ignore_off_page(size_t size);
19       void * GC_malloc_atomic_ignore_off_page(size_t size);
20       void GC_set_warn_proc(void (*proc)(char *, GC_word));
22       cc ... -lgc


25       GC_malloc and GC_free are plug-in replacements for standard malloc  and
26       free.   However,  GC_malloc  will attempt to reclaim inaccessible space
27       automatically by invoking a conservative garbage collector at appropri‐
28       ate  points.  The collector traverses all data structures accessible by
29       following pointers from the machines registers, stack(s), data, and bss
30       segments.   Inaccessible  structures will be reclaimed.  A machine word
31       is considered to be a valid pointer if it is an address inside  an  ob‐
32       ject allocated by GC_malloc or friends.
34       In  most  cases it is preferable to call the macros GC_MALLOC, GC_FREE,
35       etc.  instead of calling GC_malloc and friends directly.   This  allows
36       debugging versions of the routines to be substituted by defining GC_DE‐
37       BUG before including gc.h.
39       See the documentation in the include files gc_cpp.h and gc_allocator.h,
40       as  well  as the gcinterface.md file in the distribution, for an alter‐
41       nate, C++ specific interface to the garbage collector.  Note  that  C++
42       programs generally need to be careful to ensure that all allocated mem‐
43       ory (whether via new, malloc, or STL  allocators)  that  may  point  to
44       garbage  collected  memory  is  either  itself garbage collected, or at
45       least traced by the collector.
47       Unlike the standard implementations of  malloc,  GC_malloc  clears  the
48       newly  allocated  storage.  GC_malloc_atomic does not.  Furthermore, it
49       informs the collector that the resulting object will never contain  any
50       pointers, and should therefore not be scanned by the collector.
52       GC_free can be used to deallocate objects, but its use is optional, and
53       generally discouraged.  GC_realloc has the standard realloc  semantics.
54       It  preserves pointer-free-ness.  GC_register_finalizer allows for reg‐
55       istration of functions that are invoked when an object becomes inacces‐
56       sible.
58       The  garbage  collector  tries  to avoid allocating memory at locations
59       that already appear to be referenced before allocation.  (Such apparent
60       ``pointers''  are  usually large integers and the like that just happen
61       to look like an address.)  This may make it hard to allocate very large
62       objects.  An attempt to do so may generate a warning.
64       GC_malloc_ignore_off_page  and  GC_malloc_atomic_ignore_off_page inform
65       the collector that the client code will always maintain  a  pointer  to
66       near the beginning of the object (within the first 512 bytes), and that
67       pointers beyond that can be ignored by the collector.   This  makes  it
68       much easier for the collector to place large objects.  These are recom‐
69       mended for large object allocation.  (Objects expected to be > ~100  KB
70       should be allocated this way.)
72       It  is also possible to use the collector to find storage leaks in pro‐
73       grams destined to be run with standard malloc/free.  The collector  can
74       be  compiled  for thread-safe operation.  Unlike standard malloc, it is
75       safe to call malloc after a previous malloc call was interrupted  by  a
76       signal, provided the original malloc call is not resumed.
78       The collector may, on rare occasion, produce warning messages.  On UNIX
79       machines these appear on stderr.  Warning  messages  can  be  filtered,
80       redirected,  or  ignored  with GC_set_warn_proc This is recommended for
81       production code.  See gc.h for details.
83       Fully portable code should call GC_INIT from the primordial  thread  of
84       the  main  program before making any other GC calls.  On most platforms
85       this does nothing and the collector is initialized on first use.  On  a
86       few  platforms  explicit initialization is necessary.  And it can never
87       hurt.
89       Debugging versions of many  of  the  above  routines  are  provided  as
90       macros.   Their  names  are  identical to the above, but consist of all
91       capital letters.  If GC_DEBUG is defined before gc.h is included, these
92       routines  do  additional checking, and allow the leak detecting version
93       of the collector to  produce  slightly  more  useful  output.   Without
94       GC_DEBUG defined, they behave exactly like the lower-case versions.
96       On  some  machines,  collection will be performed incrementally after a
97       call to GC_enable_incremental.   This  may  temporarily  write  protect
98       pages  in  the  heap.   See the README file for more information on how
99       this interacts with system calls that write to the heap.
101       Other facilities not discussed here include limited facilities to  sup‐
102       port incremental collection on machines without appropriate VM support,
103       provisions for providing more explicit object layout information to the
104       garbage  collector,  more direct support for ``weak'' pointers, support
105       for ``abortable'' garbage collections during idle time, etc.


108       The README and gc.h files in the distribution.  More  detailed  defini‐
109       tions of the functions exported by the collector are given there.  (The
110       above list is not complete.)
112       The web site at http://www.hboehm.info/gc/  (or  https://github.com/iv
113       mai/bdwgc/).
115       Boehm, H., and M. Weiser, "Garbage Collection in an Uncooperative Envi‐
116       ronment",  "Software  Practice  &  Experience",  September  1988,   pp.
117       807-820.
119       The malloc(3) man page.


122       Hans-J.  Boehm (boehm@acm.org).  Some of the code was written by others
123       (see the AUTHORS file for the details), most notably  by  Alan  Demers,
124       and, recently, Ivan Maidanski.
128                                  26 Mar 2019                         BDWGC(3)