1Image::ExifTool::TagNamUesse(r3)Contributed Perl DocumenItmaatgieo:n:ExifTool::TagNames(3)


6       Image::ExifTool::TagNames - ExifTool tag name documentation


9       This document contains a complete list of ExifTool tag names, organized
10       into tables based on information type.  Tag names are used to reference
11       specific meta information extracted from or written to a file.


14       The tables listed below give the names of all tags recognized by
15       ExifTool.  They contain a total of 27401 tags, with 17199 unique tag
16       names.
18       Tag ID, Index# or Sequence is given in the first column of each table.
19       A Tag ID is the computer-readable equivalent of a tag name, and is the
20       identifier that is actually stored in the file.  Index# refers to the
21       offset of a value when found at a fixed position within a data block (#
22       is the multiplier for calculating a byte offset: 1, 2, 4 or 8).  These
23       offsets may have a decimal part which is used only to differentiate
24       tags with values stored at the same position.  (Note that writable tags
25       within binary data blocks are not individually deletable, and the usual
26       alternative is to set them to a value of zero.)  Sequence gives the
27       order of values for a serial data stream.
29       A Tag Name is the handle by which the information is accessed in
30       ExifTool.  In some instances, more than one name may correspond to a
31       single tag ID.  In these cases, the actual name used depends on the
32       context in which the information is found.  Valid characters in a tag
33       name are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen (-) and underline (_).  Case is not
34       significant.  A question mark ("?") after a tag name indicates that the
35       information is either not understood, not verified, or not very useful
36       -- these tags are not extracted by ExifTool unless the Unknown (-u)
37       option is enabled.  Be aware that some tag names are different than the
38       descriptions printed out by default when extracting information with
39       exiftool.  To see the tag names instead of the descriptions, use
40       "exiftool -s".
42       The Writable column indicates whether the tag is writable by ExifTool.
43       Anything but a "no" in this column means the tag is writable.  A "yes"
44       indicates writable information that is either unformatted or written
45       using the existing format.  Other expressions give details about the
46       format of the stored value, and vary depending on the general type of
47       information.  The format name may be followed by a number in square
48       brackets to indicate the number of values written, or the number of
49       characters in a fixed-length string (including a null terminator which
50       is added if required).
52       A plus sign ("+") after an entry in the Writable column indicates a
53       List tag which supports multiple values and allows individual values to
54       be added and deleted.  A slash ("/") indicates a tag that ExifTool will
55       Avoid when writing.  These will be edited but not created if another
56       same-named tag may be created instead.  To create these tags, the group
57       should be specified.  A tilde ("~") indicates a tag this is writable
58       only when the print conversion is disabled (by setting PrintConv to 0,
59       using the -n option, or suffixing the tag name with a "#" character).
60       An exclamation point ("!") indicates a tag that is considered Unsafe to
61       write under normal circumstances.  These tags are not written unless
62       specified explicitly (ie. not when wildcards or "all" are used), and
63       care should be taken when editing them manually since they may affect
64       the way an image is rendered.  An asterisk ("*") indicates a Protected
65       tag which is not writable directly, but is written automatically by
66       ExifTool (often when a corresponding Composite or Extra tag is
67       written). A colon (":") indicates a Mandatory tag which may be added
68       automatically when writing.  Normally MakerNotes tags may not be
69       deleted individually, but a caret ("^") indicates a Deletable
70       MakerNotes tag.
72       The HTML version of these tables also lists possible Values for
73       discrete-valued tags, as well as Notes for some tags.  The Values are
74       listed with the computer-readable values on the left of the equals sign
75       ("="), and the human-readable values on the right.  The human-readable
76       values are used by default when reading and writing, but the computer-
77       readable values may be accessed by disabling the value conversion with
78       the -n option on the command line, by setting the PrintConv option to 0
79       in the API, or or on a per-tag basis by adding a hash ("#") after the
80       tag name.
82       Note: If you are familiar with common meta-information tag names, you
83       may find that some ExifTool tag names are different than expected.  The
84       usual reason for this is to make the tag names more consistent across
85       different types of meta information.  To determine a tag name, either
86       consult this documentation or run "exiftool -s" on a file containing
87       the information in question.
89       (This documentation is the result of decades of research, testing and
90       reverse engineering, and is the most complete metadata tag list
91       available anywhere on the internet.  It is provided not only for
92       ExifTool users, but more importantly as a public service to help
93       augment the collective knowledge, and is often used as a primary source
94       of information in the development of other metadata software.  Please
95       help keep this documentation as accurate and complete as possible, and
96       feed any new discoveries back to ExifTool.  A big thanks to everyone
97       who has helped with this so far!)
99   JPEG Tags
100       This table lists information extracted by ExifTool from JPEG images.
101       See <https://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/jfif3.pdf> for the JPEG
102       specification.
104         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
105         ------       --------                         --------
106         'APP0'       JFIF                             JFIF
107                      JFXX                             JFIF Extension
108                      CIFF                             CanonRaw
109                      AVI1                             JPEG AVI1
110                      Ocad                             JPEG Ocad
111         'APP1'       EXIF                             EXIF
112                      ExtendedXMP                      XMP
113                      XMP                              XMP
114                      QVCI                             Casio QVCI
115                      FLIR                             FLIR FFF
116                      RawThermalImage                  no
117         'APP2'       ICC_Profile                      ICC_Profile
118                      FPXR                             FlashPix
119                      MPF                              MPF
120                      InfiRayVersion                   InfiRay Version
121                      PreviewImage                     no
122         'APP3'       Meta                             Kodak Meta
123                      Stim                             Stim
124                      JPS                              JPEG JPS
125                      ThermalData                      no
126                      ImagingData                      no
127                      PreviewImage                     no
128         'APP4'       Scalado                          Scalado
129                      FPXR                             FlashPix
130                      InfiRayFactory                   InfiRay Factory
131                      ThermalParams                    DJI ThermalParams
132                      ThermalParams2                   DJI ThermalParams2
133                      ThermalParams3                   DJI ThermalParams3
134                      PreviewImage                     no
135         'APP5'       RMETA                            Ricoh RMETA
136                      SamsungUniqueID                  Samsung APP5
137                      InfiRayPicture                   InfiRay Picture
138                      ThermalCalibration               no
139                      PreviewImage                     no
140         'APP6'       EPPIM                            JPEG EPPIM
141                      NITF                             JPEG NITF
142                      HP_TDHD                          HP TDHD
143                      GoPro                            GoPro GPMF
144                      InfiRayMixMode                   InfiRay MixMode
145                      DJI_DTAT                         no
146         'APP7'       Pentax                           Pentax
147                      Huawei                           Unknown
148                      Qualcomm                         Qualcomm
149                      InfiRayOpMode                    InfiRay OpMode
150                      DJI-DBG                          DJI Info
151         'APP8'       SPIFF                            JPEG SPIFF
152                      InfiRayIsothermal                InfiRay Isothermal
153         'APP9'       MediaJukebox                     JPEG MediaJukebox
154                      InfiRaySensor                    InfiRay Sensor
155         'APP10'      Comment                          no
156         'APP11'      JPEG-HDR                         JPEG HDR
157                      JUMBF                            Jpeg2000
158         'APP12'      PictureInfo                      APP12 PictureInfo
159                      Ducky                            APP12 Ducky
160         'APP13'      Photoshop                        Photoshop
161                      Adobe_CM                         JPEG AdobeCM
162         'APP14'      Adobe                            JPEG Adobe
163         'APP15'      GraphicConverter                 JPEG GraphConv
164         'COM'        Comment                          yes
165         'DQT'        DefineQuantizationTable          no
166         'SOF'        StartOfFrame                     JPEG SOF
167         'Trailer'    AFCP                             AFCP
168                      CanonVRD                         CanonVRD
169                      FotoStation                      FotoStation
170                      PhotoMechanic                    PhotoMechanic
171                      MIE                              MIE
172                      Samsung                          Samsung Trailer
173                      EmbeddedVideo                    no
174                      Insta360                         no
175                      NikonApp                         no
176                      PreviewImage                     yes
178       JPEG AVI1 Tags
180       This information may be found in APP0 of JPEG image data from AVI
181       videos.
183         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
184         ------   --------                             --------
185             0    InterleavedField                     no
187       JPEG Ocad Tags
189       Tags extracted from the JPEG APP0 "Ocad" segment (found in Photobucket
190       images).
192         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
193         ------   --------                             --------
194         'Rev'    OcadRevision                         no
196       JPEG JPS Tags
198       Tags found in JPEG Stereo (JPS) images.
200         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
201         ------   --------                             --------
202            10    JPSSeparation                        no
203            11    JPSFlags                             no
204            12    JPSLayout                            no
205            13    JPSType                              no
206            16    JPSComment                           no
208       JPEG EPPIM Tags
210       APP6 is used in by the Toshiba PDR-M700 to store a TIFF structure
211       containing PrintIM information.
213         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
214         ------   --------                             --------
215         0xc4a5   PrintIM                              PrintIM
217       JPEG NITF Tags
219       Information in APP6 used by the National Imagery Transmission Format.
220       See
221       <http://www.gwg.nga.mil/ntb/baseline/docs/n010697/bwcguide25aug98.pdf>
222       for the official specification.
224         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
225         ------   --------                             --------
226             0    NITFVersion                          no
227             2    ImageFormat                          no
228             3    BlocksPerRow                         no
229             5    BlocksPerColumn                      no
230             7    ImageColor                           no
231             8    BitDepth                             no
232             9    ImageClass                           no
233            10    JPEGProcess                          no
234            11    Quality                              no
235            12    StreamColor                          no
236            13    StreamBitDepth                       no
237            14    Flags                                no
239       JPEG SPIFF Tags
241       This information is found in APP8 of SPIFF-style JPEG images (the
242       "official" yet rarely used JPEG file format standard: Still Picture
243       Interchange File Format).  See <http://www.jpeg.org/public/spiff.pdf>
244       for the official specification.
246         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
247         ------   --------                             --------
248             0    SPIFFVersion                         no
249             2    ProfileID                            no
250             3    ColorComponents                      no
251             6    ImageHeight                          no
252            10    ImageWidth                           no
253            14    ColorSpace                           no
254            15    BitsPerSample                        no
255            16    Compression                          no
256            17    ResolutionUnit                       no
257            18    YResolution                          no
258            22    XResolution                          no
260       JPEG MediaJukebox Tags
262       Tags found in the XML metadata of the APP9 "Media Jukebox" segment.
264         Tag Name                                      Writable
265         --------                                      --------
266         Album                                         no
267         Caption                                       no
268         Date                                          no
269         Keywords                                      no
270         Name                                          no
271         People                                        no
272         Places                                        no
273         Tool_Name                                     no
274         Tool_Version                                  no
276       JPEG HDR Tags
278       Information extracted from APP11 of a JPEG-HDR image.
280         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
281         ------               --------                 --------
282         'RatioImage'         RatioImage               no
283         'alp'                Alpha                    no
284         'bet'                Beta                     no
285         'cor'                CorrectionMethod         no
286         'ln0'                Ln0                      no
287         'ln1'                Ln1                      no
288         's2n'                S2n                      no
289         'ver'                JPEG-HDRVersion          no
291       JPEG AdobeCM Tags
293       The APP13 "Adobe_CM" segment presumably contains color management
294       information, but the meaning of the data is currently unknown.  If
295       anyone has an idea about what this means, please let me know.
297         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
298         ------   --------                             --------
299             0    AdobeCMType                          no
301       JPEG Adobe Tags
303       The APP14 "Adobe" segment stores image encoding information for DCT
304       filters.  This segment may be copied or deleted as a block using the
305       Extra "Adobe" tag, but note that it is not deleted by default when
306       deleting all metadata because it may affect the appearance of the
307       image.
309         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
310         ------   --------                             --------
311             0    DCTEncodeVersion                     no
312             1    APP14Flags0                          no
313             2    APP14Flags1                          no
314             3    ColorTransform                       no
316       JPEG GraphConv Tags
318       APP15 is used by GraphicConverter to store JPEG quality.
320         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
321         ------   --------                             --------
322         'Q'      Quality                              no
324       JPEG SOF Tags
326       This information is extracted from the JPEG Start Of Frame segment.
328         Tag Name                                      Writable
329         --------                                      --------
330         BitsPerSample                                 no
331         ColorComponents                               no
332         EncodingProcess                               no
333         ImageHeight                                   no
334         ImageWidth                                    no
335         YCbCrSubSampling                              no
337   EXIF Tags
338       EXIF stands for "Exchangeable Image File Format".  This type of
339       information is formatted according to the TIFF specification, and may
340       be found in JPG, TIFF, PNG, JP2, PGF, MIFF, HDP, PSP and XCF images, as
341       well as many TIFF-based RAW images, and even some AVI and MOV videos.
343       The EXIF meta information is organized into different Image File
344       Directories (IFD's) within an image.  The names of these IFD's
345       correspond to the ExifTool family 1 group names.  When writing EXIF
346       information, the default Group listed below is used unless another
347       group is specified.
349       Mandatory tags (indicated by a colon after the Writable type) may be
350       added automatically with default values when creating a new IFD, and
351       the IFD is removed automatically when deleting tags if only default-
352       valued mandatory tags remain.
354       The table below lists all EXIF tags.  Also listed are TIFF, DNG, HDP
355       and other tags which are not part of the EXIF specification, but may
356       co-exist with EXIF tags in some images.  Tags which are part of the
357       EXIF 2.32 specification have an underlined Tag Name in the HTML version
358       of this documentation.  See
359       <https://web.archive.org/web/20190624045241if_/http://www.cipa.jp:80/std/documents/e/DC-008-Translation-2019-E.pdf>
360       for the official EXIF 2.32 specification.
362         Tag ID   Tag Name                  Group      Writable
363         ------   --------                  -----      --------
364         0x0001   InteropIndex              InteropIFD string!
365         0x0002   InteropVersion            InteropIFD undef!:
366         0x000b   ProcessingSoftware        IFD0       string
367         0x00fe   SubfileType               IFD0       int32u!
368         0x00ff   OldSubfileType            IFD0       int16u!
369         0x0100   ImageWidth                IFD0       int32u!
370         0x0101   ImageHeight               IFD0       int32u!
371         0x0102   BitsPerSample             IFD0       int16u[n]!
372         0x0103   Compression               IFD0       int16u!:
373         0x0106   PhotometricInterpretation IFD0       int16u!
374         0x0107   Thresholding              IFD0       int16u!
375         0x0108   CellWidth                 IFD0       int16u!
376         0x0109   CellLength                IFD0       int16u!
377         0x010a   FillOrder                 IFD0       int16u!
378         0x010d   DocumentName              IFD0       string
379         0x010e   ImageDescription          IFD0       string
380         0x010f   Make                      IFD0       string
381         0x0110   Model                     IFD0       string
382         0x0111   StripOffsets              -          no
383                  OtherImageStart           -          no
384                  StripOffsets              -          no
385                  PreviewImageStart         IFD0       int32u*
386                  PreviewImageStart         All        int32u*
387                  JpgFromRawStart           SubIFD2    int32u*
388         0x0112   Orientation               IFD0       int16u
389         0x0115   SamplesPerPixel           IFD0       int16u!
390         0x0116   RowsPerStrip              IFD0       int32u!
391         0x0117   StripByteCounts           -          no
392                  OtherImageLength          -          no
393                  StripByteCounts           -          no
394                  PreviewImageLength        IFD0       int32u*
395                  PreviewImageLength        All        int32u*
396                  JpgFromRawLength          SubIFD2    int32u*
397         0x0118   MinSampleValue            IFD0       int16u
398         0x0119   MaxSampleValue            IFD0       int16u
399         0x011a   XResolution               IFD0       rational64u:
400         0x011b   YResolution               IFD0       rational64u:
401         0x011c   PlanarConfiguration       IFD0       int16u!
402         0x011d   PageName                  IFD0       string
403         0x011e   XPosition                 IFD0       rational64u
404         0x011f   YPosition                 IFD0       rational64u
405         0x0120   FreeOffsets               -          no
406         0x0121   FreeByteCounts            -          no
407         0x0122   GrayResponseUnit          IFD0       int16u
408         0x0123   GrayResponseCurve         -          no
409         0x0124   T4Options                 -          no
410         0x0125   T6Options                 -          no
411         0x0128   ResolutionUnit            IFD0       int16u:
412         0x0129   PageNumber                IFD0       int16u[2]
413         0x012c   ColorResponseUnit         -          no
414         0x012d   TransferFunction          IFD0       int16u[768]!
415         0x0131   Software                  IFD0       string
416         0x0132   ModifyDate                IFD0       string
417         0x013b   Artist                    IFD0       string
418         0x013c   HostComputer              IFD0       string
419         0x013d   Predictor                 IFD0       int16u!
420         0x013e   WhitePoint                IFD0       rational64u[2]
421         0x013f   PrimaryChromaticities     IFD0       rational64u[6]
422         0x0140   ColorMap                  -          no
423         0x0141   HalftoneHints             IFD0       int16u[2]
424         0x0142   TileWidth                 IFD0       int32u!
425         0x0143   TileLength                IFD0       int32u!
426         0x0144   TileOffsets               -          no
427         0x0145   TileByteCounts            -          no
428         0x0146   BadFaxLines               -          no
429         0x0147   CleanFaxData              -          no
430         0x0148   ConsecutiveBadFaxLines    -          no
431         0x014a   SubIFD                    -          EXIF
432                  A100DataOffset            IFD0       no
433         0x014c   InkSet                    IFD0       int16u
434         0x014d   InkNames                  -          no
435         0x014e   NumberofInks              -          no
436         0x0150   DotRange                  -          no
437         0x0151   TargetPrinter             IFD0       string
438         0x0152   ExtraSamples              -          no
439         0x0153   SampleFormat              SubIFD     no
440         0x0154   SMinSampleValue           -          no
441         0x0155   SMaxSampleValue           -          no
442         0x0156   TransferRange             -          no
443         0x0157   ClipPath                  -          no
444         0x0158   XClipPathUnits            -          no
445         0x0159   YClipPathUnits            -          no
446         0x015a   Indexed                   -          no
447         0x015b   JPEGTables                -          no
448         0x015f   OPIProxy                  -          no
449         0x0190   GlobalParametersIFD       -          EXIF
450         0x0191   ProfileType               -          no
451         0x0192   FaxProfile                -          no
452         0x0193   CodingMethods             -          no
453         0x0194   VersionYear               -          no
454         0x0195   ModeNumber                -          no
455         0x01b1   Decode                    -          no
456         0x01b2   DefaultImageColor         -          no
457         0x01b3   T82Options                -          no
458         0x01b5   JPEGTables                -          no
459         0x0200   JPEGProc                  -          no
460         0x0201   ThumbnailOffset           IFD1       int32u*
461                  ThumbnailOffset           IFD0       int32u*
462                  ThumbnailOffset           SubIFD     int32u*
463                  PreviewImageStart         MakerNotes int32u*
464                  PreviewImageStart         IFD0       int32u*
465                  JpgFromRawStart           SubIFD     int32u*
466                  JpgFromRawStart           IFD2       int32u*
467                  OtherImageStart           SubIFD1    int32u*
468                  OtherImageStart           SubIFD2    int32u*
469                  OtherImageStart           -          no
470         0x0202   ThumbnailLength           IFD1       int32u*
471                  ThumbnailLength           IFD0       int32u*
472                  ThumbnailLength           SubIFD     int32u*
473                  PreviewImageLength        MakerNotes int32u*
474                  PreviewImageLength        IFD0       int32u*
475                  JpgFromRawLength          SubIFD     int32u*
476                  JpgFromRawLength          IFD2       int32u*
477                  OtherImageLength          SubIFD1    int32u*
478                  OtherImageLength          SubIFD2    int32u*
479                  OtherImageLength          -          no
480         0x0203   JPEGRestartInterval       -          no
481         0x0205   JPEGLosslessPredictors    -          no
482         0x0206   JPEGPointTransforms       -          no
483         0x0207   JPEGQTables               -          no
484         0x0208   JPEGDCTables              -          no
485         0x0209   JPEGACTables              -          no
486         0x0211   YCbCrCoefficients         IFD0       rational64u[3]!
487         0x0212   YCbCrSubSampling          IFD0       int16u[2]!
488         0x0213   YCbCrPositioning          IFD0       int16u!:
489         0x0214   ReferenceBlackWhite       IFD0       rational64u[6]
490         0x022f   StripRowCounts            -          no
491         0x02bc   ApplicationNotes          IFD0       XMP
492         0x03e7   USPTOMiscellaneous        -          no
493         0x1000   RelatedImageFileFormat    InteropIFD string!
494         0x1001   RelatedImageWidth         InteropIFD int16u!
495         0x1002   RelatedImageHeight        InteropIFD int16u!
496         0x4746   Rating                    IFD0       int16u/
497         0x4747   XP_DIP_XML                -          no
498         0x4748   StitchInfo                -          Microsoft Stitch
499         0x4749   RatingPercent             IFD0       int16u/
500         0x5001   ResolutionXUnit           -          no
501         0x5002   ResolutionYUnit           -          no
502         0x5003   ResolutionXLengthUnit     -          no
503         0x5004   ResolutionYLengthUnit     -          no
504         0x5005   PrintFlags                -          no
505         0x5006   PrintFlagsVersion         -          no
506         0x5007   PrintFlagsCrop            -          no
507         0x5008   PrintFlagsBleedWidth      -          no
508         0x5009   PrintFlagsBleedWidthScale -          no
509         0x500a   HalftoneLPI               -          no
510         0x500b   HalftoneLPIUnit           -          no
511         0x500c   HalftoneDegree            -          no
512         0x500d   HalftoneShape             -          no
513         0x500e   HalftoneMisc              -          no
514         0x500f   HalftoneScreen            -          no
515         0x5010   JPEGQuality               -          no
516         0x5011   GridSize                  -          no
517         0x5012   ThumbnailFormat           -          no
518         0x5013   ThumbnailWidth            -          no
519         0x5014   ThumbnailHeight           -          no
520         0x5015   ThumbnailColorDepth       -          no
521         0x5016   ThumbnailPlanes           -          no
522         0x5017   ThumbnailRawBytes         -          no
523         0x5018   ThumbnailLength           -          no
524         0x5019   ThumbnailCompressedSize   -          no
525         0x501a   ColorTransferFunction     -          no
526         0x501b   ThumbnailData             -          no
527         0x5020   ThumbnailImageWidth       -          no
528         0x5021   ThumbnailImageHeight      -          no
529         0x5022   ThumbnailBitsPerSample    -          no
530         0x5023   ThumbnailCompression      -          no
531         0x5024   ThumbnailPhotometricInterp -         no
532         0x5025   ThumbnailDescription      -          no
533         0x5026   ThumbnailEquipMake        -          no
534         0x5027   ThumbnailEquipModel       -          no
535         0x5028   ThumbnailStripOffsets     -          no
536         0x5029   ThumbnailOrientation      -          no
537         0x502a   ThumbnailSamplesPerPixel  -          no
538         0x502b   ThumbnailRowsPerStrip     -          no
539         0x502c   ThumbnailStripByteCounts  -          no
540         0x502d   ThumbnailResolutionX      -          no
541         0x502e   ThumbnailResolutionY      -          no
542         0x502f   ThumbnailPlanarConfig     -          no
543         0x5030   ThumbnailResolutionUnit   -          no
544         0x5031   ThumbnailTransferFunction -          no
545         0x5032   ThumbnailSoftware         -          no
546         0x5033   ThumbnailDateTime         -          no
547         0x5034   ThumbnailArtist           -          no
548         0x5035   ThumbnailWhitePoint       -          no
549         0x5036   ThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities -     no
550         0x5037   ThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients -         no
551         0x5038   ThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling -          no
552         0x5039   ThumbnailYCbCrPositioning -          no
553         0x503a   ThumbnailRefBlackWhite    -          no
554         0x503b   ThumbnailCopyright        -          no
555         0x5090   LuminanceTable            -          no
556         0x5091   ChrominanceTable          -          no
557         0x5100   FrameDelay                -          no
558         0x5101   LoopCount                 -          no
559         0x5102   GlobalPalette             -          no
560         0x5103   IndexBackground           -          no
561         0x5104   IndexTransparent          -          no
562         0x5110   PixelUnits                -          no
563         0x5111   PixelsPerUnitX            -          no
564         0x5112   PixelsPerUnitY            -          no
565         0x5113   PaletteHistogram          -          no
566         0x7000   SonyRawFileType           -          no
567         0x7010   SonyToneCurve             -          no
568         0x7031   VignettingCorrection      SubIFD     int16s!
569         0x7032   VignettingCorrParams      SubIFD     int16s[17]!
570         0x7034   ChromaticAberrationCorrection SubIFD int16s!
571         0x7035   ChromaticAberrationCorrParams SubIFD int16s[33]!
572         0x7036   DistortionCorrection      SubIFD     int16s!
573         0x7037   DistortionCorrParams      SubIFD     int16s[17]!
574         0x7038   SonyRawImageSize          SubIFD     int32u[2]!
575         0x7310   BlackLevel                SubIFD     int16u[4]!
576         0x7313   WB_RGGBLevels             SubIFD     int16s[4]!
577         0x74c7   SonyCropTopLeft           SubIFD     int32u[2]!
578         0x74c8   SonyCropSize              SubIFD     int32u[2]!
579         0x800d   ImageID                   -          no
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582         0x80a5   WangTag3                  -          no
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584         0x80b9   ImageReferencePoints      -          no
585         0x80ba   RegionXformTackPoint      -          no
586         0x80bb   WarpQuadrilateral         -          no
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588         0x80e3   Matteing                  -          no
589         0x80e4   DataType                  -          no
590         0x80e5   ImageDepth                -          no
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592         0x8214   ImageFullWidth            -          no
593         0x8215   ImageFullHeight           -          no
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598         0x821a   MatrixWorldToCamera       -          no
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600         0x828d   CFARepeatPatternDim       SubIFD     int16u[2]!
601         0x828e   CFAPattern2               SubIFD     int8u[n]!
602         0x828f   BatteryLevel              -          no
603         0x8290   KodakIFD                  -          Kodak IFD
604         0x8298   Copyright                 IFD0       string
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620         0x835e   UIC3Tag                   -          no
621         0x835f   UIC4Tag                   -          no
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628         0x84e0   Site                      -          no
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651         0x8606   LeafData                  -          Leaf
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657         0x8781   SharedData                -          no
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664         0x8822   ExposureProgram           ExifIFD    int16u
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674         0x8832   RecommendedExposureIndex  ExifIFD    int32u
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677         0x8835   ISOSpeedLatitudezzz       ExifIFD    int32u
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682         0x888a   LeafSubIFD                -          Leaf SubIFD
683         0x9000   ExifVersion               ExifIFD    undef:
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692         0x9201   ShutterSpeedValue         ExifIFD    rational64s
693         0x9202   ApertureValue             ExifIFD    rational64u
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702         0x920b   FlashEnergy               -          no
703         0x920c   SpatialFrequencyResponse  -          no
704         0x920d   Noise                     -          no
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707         0x9210   FocalPlaneResolutionUnit  -          no
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712         0x9215   ExposureIndex             -          no
713         0x9216   TIFF-EPStandardID         -          no
714         0x9217   SensingMethod             -          no
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724                  MakerNoteDJIInfo          ExifIFD    DJI Info
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727                  MakerNoteFujiFilm         ExifIFD    FujiFilm
728                  MakerNoteGE               ExifIFD    GE
729                  MakerNoteGE2              ExifIFD    FujiFilm
730                  MakerNoteHasselblad       ExifIFD    Unknown
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732                  MakerNoteHP2              ExifIFD    HP Type2
733                  MakerNoteHP4              ExifIFD    HP Type4
734                  MakerNoteHP6              ExifIFD    HP Type6
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737                  MakerNoteJVCText          ExifIFD    JVC Text
738                  MakerNoteKodak1a          ExifIFD    Kodak
739                  MakerNoteKodak1b          ExifIFD    Kodak
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741                  MakerNoteKodak3           ExifIFD    Kodak Type3
742                  MakerNoteKodak4           ExifIFD    Kodak Type4
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745                  MakerNoteKodak6b          ExifIFD    Kodak Type6
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748                  MakerNoteKodak8b          ExifIFD    Kodak Type8
749                  MakerNoteKodak8c          ExifIFD    Kodak Type8
750                  MakerNoteKodak9           ExifIFD    Kodak Type9
751                  MakerNoteKodak10          ExifIFD    Kodak Type10
752                  MakerNoteKodak11          ExifIFD    Kodak Type11
753                  MakerNoteKodak12          ExifIFD    Kodak Type11
754                  MakerNoteKodakUnknown     ExifIFD    Kodak Unknown
755                  MakerNoteKyocera          ExifIFD    Unknown
756                  MakerNoteMinolta          ExifIFD    Minolta
757                  MakerNoteMinolta2         ExifIFD    Olympus
758                  MakerNoteMinolta3         ExifIFD    undef
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761                  MakerNoteNikon3           ExifIFD    Nikon
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765                  MakerNoteOlympus3         ExifIFD    Olympus
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768                  MakerNoteLeica3           ExifIFD    Panasonic Leica3
769                  MakerNoteLeica4           ExifIFD    Panasonic Leica4
770                  MakerNoteLeica5           ExifIFD    Panasonic Leica5
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772                  MakerNoteLeica7           ExifIFD    Panasonic Leica6
773                  MakerNoteLeica8           ExifIFD    Panasonic Leica5
774                  MakerNoteLeica9           ExifIFD    Panasonic Leica9
775                  MakerNoteLeica10          ExifIFD    Panasonic
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778                  MakerNotePanasonic3       ExifIFD    Panasonic
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781                  MakerNotePentax3          ExifIFD    Casio Type2
782                  MakerNotePentax4          ExifIFD    Pentax Type4
783                  MakerNotePentax5          ExifIFD    Pentax
784                  MakerNotePentax6          ExifIFD    Pentax S1
785                  MakerNotePhaseOne         ExifIFD    PhaseOne
786                  MakerNoteReconyx          ExifIFD    Reconyx
787                  MakerNoteReconyx2         ExifIFD    Reconyx Type2
788                  MakerNoteReconyx3         ExifIFD    Reconyx Type3
789                  MakerNoteRicohPentax      ExifIFD    Pentax
790                  MakerNoteRicoh            ExifIFD    Ricoh
791                  MakerNoteRicoh2           ExifIFD    Ricoh Type2
792                  MakerNoteRicohText        ExifIFD    Ricoh Text
793                  MakerNoteSamsung1a        ExifIFD    undef
794                  MakerNoteSamsung1b        ExifIFD    Samsung
795                  MakerNoteSamsung2         ExifIFD    Samsung Type2
796                  MakerNoteSanyo            ExifIFD    Sanyo
797                  MakerNoteSanyoC4          ExifIFD    Sanyo
798                  MakerNoteSanyoPatch       ExifIFD    Sanyo
799                  MakerNoteSigma            ExifIFD    Sigma
800                  MakerNoteSony             ExifIFD    Sony
801                  MakerNoteSony2            ExifIFD    Olympus
802                  MakerNoteSony3            ExifIFD    Olympus
803                  MakerNoteSony4            ExifIFD    Sony PIC
804                  MakerNoteSony5            ExifIFD    Sony
805                  MakerNoteSonyEricsson     ExifIFD    Sony Ericsson
806                  MakerNoteSonySRF          ExifIFD    Sony SRF
807                  MakerNoteUnknownText      ExifIFD    undef
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810         0x9286   UserComment               ExifIFD    undef
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813         0x9292   SubSecTimeDigitized       ExifIFD    string
814         0x932f   MSDocumentText            -          no
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816         0x9331   MSDocumentTextPosition    -          no
817         0x935c   ImageSourceData           IFD0       Photoshop DocumentData
818         0x9400   AmbientTemperature        ExifIFD    rational64s
819         0x9401   Humidity                  ExifIFD    rational64u
820         0x9402   Pressure                  ExifIFD    rational64u
821         0x9403   WaterDepth                ExifIFD    rational64s
822         0x9404   Acceleration              ExifIFD    rational64u
823         0x9405   CameraElevationAngle      ExifIFD    rational64s
824         0x9c9b   XPTitle                   IFD0       int8u
825         0x9c9c   XPComment                 IFD0       int8u
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828         0x9c9f   XPSubject                 IFD0       int8u
829         0xa000   FlashpixVersion           ExifIFD    undef:
830         0xa001   ColorSpace                ExifIFD    int16u:
831         0xa002   ExifImageWidth            ExifIFD    int16u:
832         0xa003   ExifImageHeight           ExifIFD    int16u:
833         0xa004   RelatedSoundFile          ExifIFD    string
834         0xa005   InteropOffset             -          EXIF
835         0xa010   SamsungRawPointersOffset  -          no
836         0xa011   SamsungRawPointersLength  -          no
837         0xa101   SamsungRawByteOrder       -          no
838         0xa102   SamsungRawUnknown?        -          no
839         0xa20b   FlashEnergy               ExifIFD    rational64u
840         0xa20c   SpatialFrequencyResponse  -          no
841         0xa20d   Noise                     -          no
842         0xa20e   FocalPlaneXResolution     ExifIFD    rational64u
843         0xa20f   FocalPlaneYResolution     ExifIFD    rational64u
844         0xa210   FocalPlaneResolutionUnit  ExifIFD    int16u
845         0xa211   ImageNumber               -          no
846         0xa212   SecurityClassification    -          no
847         0xa213   ImageHistory              -          no
848         0xa214   SubjectLocation           ExifIFD    int16u[2]
849         0xa215   ExposureIndex             ExifIFD    rational64u
850         0xa216   TIFF-EPStandardID         -          no
851         0xa217   SensingMethod             ExifIFD    int16u
852         0xa300   FileSource                ExifIFD    undef
853         0xa301   SceneType                 ExifIFD    undef
854         0xa302   CFAPattern                ExifIFD    undef
855         0xa401   CustomRendered            ExifIFD    int16u
856         0xa402   ExposureMode              ExifIFD    int16u
857         0xa403   WhiteBalance              ExifIFD    int16u
858         0xa404   DigitalZoomRatio          ExifIFD    rational64u
859         0xa405   FocalLengthIn35mmFormat   ExifIFD    int16u
860         0xa406   SceneCaptureType          ExifIFD    int16u
861         0xa407   GainControl               ExifIFD    int16u
862         0xa408   Contrast                  ExifIFD    int16u
863         0xa409   Saturation                ExifIFD    int16u
864         0xa40a   Sharpness                 ExifIFD    int16u
865         0xa40b   DeviceSettingDescription  -          no
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867         0xa420   ImageUniqueID             ExifIFD    string
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870         0xa432   LensInfo                  ExifIFD    rational64u[4]
871         0xa433   LensMake                  ExifIFD    string
872         0xa434   LensModel                 ExifIFD    string
873         0xa435   LensSerialNumber          ExifIFD    string
874         0xa436   Title                     ExifIFD    string/
875         0xa437   Photographer              ExifIFD    string
876         0xa438   ImageEditor               ExifIFD    string
877         0xa439   CameraFirmware            ExifIFD    string
878         0xa43a   RAWDevelopingSoftware     ExifIFD    string
879         0xa43b   ImageEditingSoftware      ExifIFD    string
880         0xa43c   MetadataEditingSoftware   ExifIFD    string
881         0xa460   CompositeImage            ExifIFD    int16u
882         0xa461   CompositeImageCount       ExifIFD    int16u[2]
883         0xa462   CompositeImageExposureTimes ExifIFD  undef
884         0xa480   GDALMetadata              IFD0       string
885         0xa481   GDALNoData                IFD0       string
886         0xa500   Gamma                     ExifIFD    rational64u
887         0xafc0   ExpandSoftware            -          no
888         0xafc1   ExpandLens                -          no
889         0xafc2   ExpandFilm                -          no
890         0xafc3   ExpandFilterLens          -          no
891         0xafc4   ExpandScanner             -          no
892         0xafc5   ExpandFlashLamp           -          no
893         0xb4c3   HasselbladRawImage        -          no
894         0xbc01   PixelFormat               -          no
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896         0xbc03   Uncompressed              -          no
897         0xbc04   ImageType                 -          no
898         0xbc80   ImageWidth                -          no
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900         0xbc82   WidthResolution           -          no
901         0xbc83   HeightResolution          -          no
902         0xbcc0   ImageOffset               -          no
903         0xbcc1   ImageByteCount            -          no
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906         0xbcc4   ImageDataDiscard          -          no
907         0xbcc5   AlphaDataDiscard          -          no
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910         0xc429   OceIDNumber               -          no
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912         0xc44f   Annotations               -          no
913         0xc4a5   PrintIM                   IFD0       PrintIM
914         0xc519   HasselbladXML             -          PLIST
915         0xc51b   HasselbladExif            -          EXIF
916         0xc573   OriginalFileName          -          no
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919         0xc612   DNGVersion                IFD0       int8u[4]!
920         0xc613   DNGBackwardVersion        IFD0       int8u[4]!
921         0xc614   UniqueCameraModel         IFD0       string
922         0xc615   LocalizedCameraModel      IFD0       string
923         0xc616   CFAPlaneColor             SubIFD     no
924         0xc617   CFALayout                 SubIFD     no
925         0xc618   LinearizationTable        SubIFD     int16u[n]!
926         0xc619   BlackLevelRepeatDim       SubIFD     int16u[2]!
927         0xc61a   BlackLevel                SubIFD     rational64u[n]!
928         0xc61b   BlackLevelDeltaH          SubIFD     rational64s[n]!
929         0xc61c   BlackLevelDeltaV          SubIFD     rational64s[n]!
930         0xc61d   WhiteLevel                SubIFD     int32u[n]!
931         0xc61e   DefaultScale              SubIFD     rational64u[2]!
932         0xc61f   DefaultCropOrigin         SubIFD     int32u[2]!
933         0xc620   DefaultCropSize           SubIFD     int32u[2]!
934         0xc621   ColorMatrix1              IFD0       rational64s[n]!
935         0xc622   ColorMatrix2              IFD0       rational64s[n]!
936         0xc623   CameraCalibration1        IFD0       rational64s[n]!
937         0xc624   CameraCalibration2        IFD0       rational64s[n]!
938         0xc625   ReductionMatrix1          IFD0       rational64s[n]!
939         0xc626   ReductionMatrix2          IFD0       rational64s[n]!
940         0xc627   AnalogBalance             IFD0       rational64u[n]!
941         0xc628   AsShotNeutral             IFD0       rational64u[n]!
942         0xc629   AsShotWhiteXY             IFD0       rational64u[2]!
943         0xc62a   BaselineExposure          IFD0       rational64s!
944         0xc62b   BaselineNoise             IFD0       rational64u!
945         0xc62c   BaselineSharpness         IFD0       rational64u!
946         0xc62d   BayerGreenSplit           SubIFD     int32u!
947         0xc62e   LinearResponseLimit       IFD0       rational64u!
948         0xc62f   CameraSerialNumber        IFD0       string
949         0xc630   DNGLensInfo               IFD0       rational64u[4]
950         0xc631   ChromaBlurRadius          SubIFD     rational64u!
951         0xc632   AntiAliasStrength         SubIFD     rational64u!
952         0xc633   ShadowScale               IFD0       rational64u!
953         0xc634   SR2Private                IFD0       Sony SR2Private
954                  DNGAdobeData              IFD0       DNG AdobeData
955                  MakerNotePentax           IFD0       Pentax
956                  MakerNotePentax5          IFD0       Pentax
957                  MakerNoteRicohPentax      IFD0       Pentax
958                  MakerNoteDJIInfo          IFD0       DJI Info
959                  DNGPrivateData            IFD0       int8u!
960         0xc635   MakerNoteSafety           IFD0       int16u
961         0xc640   RawImageSegmentation      -          no
962         0xc65a   CalibrationIlluminant1    IFD0       int16u!
963         0xc65b   CalibrationIlluminant2    IFD0       int16u!
964         0xc65c   BestQualityScale          SubIFD     rational64u!
965         0xc65d   RawDataUniqueID           IFD0       int8u[16]!
966         0xc660   AliasLayerMetadata        -          no
967         0xc68b   OriginalRawFileName       IFD0       string!
968         0xc68c   OriginalRawFileData       IFD0       DNG OriginalRaw
969         0xc68d   ActiveArea                SubIFD     int32u[4]!
970         0xc68e   MaskedAreas               SubIFD     int32u[n]!
971         0xc68f   AsShotICCProfile          IFD0       ICC_Profile
972         0xc690   AsShotPreProfileMatrix    IFD0       rational64s[n]!
973         0xc691   CurrentICCProfile         IFD0       ICC_Profile
974         0xc692   CurrentPreProfileMatrix   IFD0       rational64s[n]!
975         0xc6bf   ColorimetricReference     IFD0       int16u!
976         0xc6c5   SRawType                  IFD0       no
977         0xc6d2   PanasonicTitle            IFD0       undef
978         0xc6d3   PanasonicTitle2           IFD0       undef
979         0xc6f3   CameraCalibrationSig      IFD0       string!
980         0xc6f4   ProfileCalibrationSig     IFD0       string!
981         0xc6f5   ProfileIFD                IFD0       EXIF
982         0xc6f6   AsShotProfileName         IFD0       string!
983         0xc6f7   NoiseReductionApplied     SubIFD     rational64u!
984         0xc6f8   ProfileName               IFD0       string!
985         0xc6f9   ProfileHueSatMapDims      IFD0       int32u[3]!
986         0xc6fa   ProfileHueSatMapData1     IFD0       float[n]!
987         0xc6fb   ProfileHueSatMapData2     IFD0       float[n]!
988         0xc6fc   ProfileToneCurve          IFD0       float[n]!
989         0xc6fd   ProfileEmbedPolicy        IFD0       int32u!
990         0xc6fe   ProfileCopyright          IFD0       string!
991         0xc714   ForwardMatrix1            IFD0       rational64s[n]!
992         0xc715   ForwardMatrix2            IFD0       rational64s[n]!
993         0xc716   PreviewApplicationName    IFD0       string!
994         0xc717   PreviewApplicationVersion IFD0       string!
995         0xc718   PreviewSettingsName       IFD0       string!
996         0xc719   PreviewSettingsDigest     IFD0       int8u!
997         0xc71a   PreviewColorSpace         IFD0       int32u!
998         0xc71b   PreviewDateTime           IFD0       string!
999         0xc71c   RawImageDigest            IFD0       int8u[16]!
1000         0xc71d   OriginalRawFileDigest     IFD0       int8u[16]!
1001         0xc71e   SubTileBlockSize          -          no
1002         0xc71f   RowInterleaveFactor       -          no
1003         0xc725   ProfileLookTableDims      IFD0       int32u[3]!
1004         0xc726   ProfileLookTableData      IFD0       float[n]!
1005         0xc740   OpcodeList1               SubIFD     undef~!
1006         0xc741   OpcodeList2               SubIFD     undef~!
1007         0xc74e   OpcodeList3               SubIFD     undef~!
1008         0xc761   NoiseProfile              SubIFD     double[n]!
1009         0xc763   TimeCodes                 IFD0       int8u[n]
1010         0xc764   FrameRate                 IFD0       rational64s
1011         0xc772   TStop                     IFD0       rational64u[n]
1012         0xc789   ReelName                  IFD0       string
1013         0xc791   OriginalDefaultFinalSize  IFD0       int32u[2]!
1014         0xc792   OriginalBestQualitySize   IFD0       int32u[2]!
1015         0xc793   OriginalDefaultCropSize   IFD0       rational64u[2]!
1016         0xc7a1   CameraLabel               IFD0       string
1017         0xc7a3   ProfileHueSatMapEncoding  IFD0       int32u!
1018         0xc7a4   ProfileLookTableEncoding  IFD0       int32u!
1019         0xc7a5   BaselineExposureOffset    IFD0       rational64s!
1020         0xc7a6   DefaultBlackRender        IFD0       int32u!
1021         0xc7a7   NewRawImageDigest         IFD0       int8u[16]!
1022         0xc7a8   RawToPreviewGain          IFD0       double!
1023         0xc7aa   CacheVersion              SubIFD2    int32u!
1024         0xc7b5   DefaultUserCrop           SubIFD     rational64u[4]!
1025         0xc7d5   NikonNEFInfo              -          Nikon NEFInfo
1026         0xc7e9   DepthFormat               IFD0       int16u!
1027         0xc7ea   DepthNear                 IFD0       rational64u!
1028         0xc7eb   DepthFar                  IFD0       rational64u!
1029         0xc7ec   DepthUnits                IFD0       int16u!
1030         0xc7ed   DepthMeasureType          IFD0       int16u!
1031         0xc7ee   EnhanceParams             IFD0       string!
1032         0xcd2d   ProfileGainTableMap       SubIFD     undef!
1033         0xcd2e   SemanticName              SubIFD     no
1034         0xcd30   SemanticInstanceID        SubIFD     no
1035         0xcd31   CalibrationIlluminant3    IFD0       int16u!
1036         0xcd32   CameraCalibration3        IFD0       rational64s[n]!
1037         0xcd33   ColorMatrix3              IFD0       rational64s[n]!
1038         0xcd34   ForwardMatrix3            IFD0       rational64s[n]!
1039         0xcd35   IlluminantData1           IFD0       undef!
1040         0xcd36   IlluminantData2           IFD0       undef!
1041         0xcd37   IlluminantData3           IFD0       undef!
1042         0xcd38   MaskSubArea               SubIFD     no
1043         0xcd39   ProfileHueSatMapData3     IFD0       float[n]!
1044         0xcd3a   ReductionMatrix3          IFD0       rational64s[n]!
1045         0xcd3b   RGBTables                 IFD0       undef!
1046         0xcd40   ProfileGainTableMap2      IFD0       undef!
1047         0xcd41   JUMBF                     -          Jpeg2000
1048         0xcd43   ColumnInterleaveFactor    SubIFD     int32u!
1049         0xcd44   ImageSequenceInfo         IFD0       DNG ImageSeq
1050         0xcd46   ImageStats                IFD0       undef!
1051         0xcd47   ProfileDynamicRange       IFD0       DNG ProfileDynamicRange
1052         0xcd48   ProfileGroupName          IFD0       string!
1053         0xea1c   Padding                   ExifIFD    undef!
1054         0xea1d   OffsetSchema              ExifIFD    int32s!
1055         0xfde8   OwnerName                 ExifIFD    string/
1056         0xfde9   SerialNumber              ExifIFD    string/
1057         0xfdea   Lens                      ExifIFD    string/
1058         0xfe00   KDC_IFD                   -          Kodak KDC_IFD
1059         0xfe4c   RawFile                   ExifIFD    string/
1060         0xfe4d   Converter                 ExifIFD    string/
1061         0xfe4e   WhiteBalance              ExifIFD    string/
1062         0xfe51   Exposure                  ExifIFD    string/
1063         0xfe52   Shadows                   ExifIFD    string/
1064         0xfe53   Brightness                ExifIFD    string/
1065         0xfe54   Contrast                  ExifIFD    string/
1066         0xfe55   Saturation                ExifIFD    string/
1067         0xfe56   Sharpness                 ExifIFD    string/
1068         0xfe57   Smoothness                ExifIFD    string/
1069         0xfe58   MoireFilter               ExifIFD    string/
1071   IPTC Tags
1072       The tags listed below are part of the International Press
1073       Telecommunications Council (IPTC) and the Newspaper Association of
1074       America (NAA) Information Interchange Model (IIM).  This is an older
1075       meta information format, slowly being phased out in favor of XMP -- the
1076       newer IPTCCore specification uses XMP format.  IPTC information may be
1077       found in JPG, TIFF, PNG, MIFF, PS, PDF, PSD, XCF and DNG images.
1079       IPTC information is separated into different records, each of which has
1080       its own set of tags.  See
1081       <http://www.iptc.org/std/IIM/4.1/specification/IIMV4.1.pdf> for the
1082       official IPTC IIM specification.
1084       This specification dictates a length for ASCII ("string" or "digits")
1085       and binary ("undef") values.  These lengths are given in square
1086       brackets after the Writable format name.  For tags where a range of
1087       lengths is allowed, the minimum and maximum lengths are separated by a
1088       comma within the brackets.  When writing, ExifTool issues a minor
1089       warning and truncates the value if it is longer than allowed by the
1090       IPTC specification.  Minor errors may be ignored with the
1091       IgnoreMinorErrors (-m) option, allowing longer values to be written,
1092       but beware that values like this may cause problems for some other IPTC
1093       readers. ExifTool will happily read IPTC values of any length.
1095       Separate IPTC date and time tags may be written with a combined
1096       date/time value and ExifTool automagically takes the appropriate part
1097       of the date/time string depending on whether a date or time tag is
1098       being written.  This is very useful when copying date/time values to
1099       IPTC from other metadata formats.
1101       IPTC time values include a timezone offset.  If written with a value
1102       which doesn't include a timezone then the current local timezone offset
1103       is used (unless written with a combined date/time, in which case the
1104       local timezone offset at the specified date/time is used, which may be
1105       different due to changes in daylight savings time).
1107       Note that it is not uncommon for IPTC to be found in non-standard
1108       locations in JPEG and TIFF-based images.  When reading, the family 1
1109       group name has a number added for non-standard IPTC ("IPTC2", "IPTC3",
1110       etc), but when writing only "IPTC" may be specified as the group.  To
1111       keep the IPTC consistent, ExifTool updates tags in all existing IPTC
1112       locations, but will create a new IPTC group only in the standard
1113       location.
1115         Record   Tag Name                             Writable
1116         ------   --------                             --------
1117             1    IPTCEnvelope                         IPTC EnvelopeRecord
1118             2    IPTCApplication                      IPTC ApplicationRecord
1119             3    IPTCNewsPhoto                        IPTC NewsPhoto
1120             7    IPTCPreObjectData                    IPTC PreObjectData
1121             8    IPTCObjectData                       IPTC ObjectData
1122             9    IPTCPostObjectData                   IPTC PostObjectData
1123           240    IPTCFotoStation                      IPTC FotoStation
1125       IPTC EnvelopeRecord Tags
1127         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
1128         ------   --------                             --------
1129             0    EnvelopeRecordVersion                int16u:
1130             5    Destination                          string[0,1024]+
1131            20    FileFormat                           int16u
1132            22    FileVersion                          int16u
1133            30    ServiceIdentifier                    string[0,10]
1134            40    EnvelopeNumber                       digits[8]
1135            50    ProductID                            string[0,32]+
1136            60    EnvelopePriority                     digits[1]
1137            70    DateSent                             digits[8]
1138            80    TimeSent                             string[11]
1139            90    CodedCharacterSet                    string[0,32]!
1140           100    UniqueObjectName                     string[14,80]
1141           120    ARMIdentifier                        int16u
1142           122    ARMVersion                           int16u
1144       IPTC ApplicationRecord Tags
1146         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
1147         ------   --------                             --------
1148             0    ApplicationRecordVersion             int16u:
1149             3    ObjectTypeReference                  string[3,67]
1150             4    ObjectAttributeReference             string[4,68]+
1151             5    ObjectName                           string[0,64]
1152             7    EditStatus                           string[0,64]
1153             8    EditorialUpdate                      digits[2]
1154            10    Urgency                              digits[1]
1155            12    SubjectReference                     string[13,236]+
1156            15    Category                             string[0,3]
1157            20    SupplementalCategories               string[0,32]+
1158            22    FixtureIdentifier                    string[0,32]
1159            25    Keywords                             string[0,64]+
1160            26    ContentLocationCode                  string[3]+
1161            27    ContentLocationName                  string[0,64]+
1162            30    ReleaseDate                          digits[8]
1163            35    ReleaseTime                          string[11]
1164            37    ExpirationDate                       digits[8]
1165            38    ExpirationTime                       string[11]
1166            40    SpecialInstructions                  string[0,256]
1167            42    ActionAdvised                        digits[2]
1168            45    ReferenceService                     string[0,10]+
1169            47    ReferenceDate                        digits[8]+
1170            50    ReferenceNumber                      digits[8]+
1171            55    DateCreated                          digits[8]
1172            60    TimeCreated                          string[11]
1173            62    DigitalCreationDate                  digits[8]
1174            63    DigitalCreationTime                  string[11]
1175            65    OriginatingProgram                   string[0,32]
1176            70    ProgramVersion                       string[0,10]
1177            75    ObjectCycle                          string[1]
1178            80    By-line                              string[0,32]+
1179            85    By-lineTitle                         string[0,32]+
1180            90    City                                 string[0,32]
1181            92    Sub-location                         string[0,32]
1182            95    Province-State                       string[0,32]
1183           100    Country-PrimaryLocationCode          string[3]
1184           101    Country-PrimaryLocationName          string[0,64]
1185           103    OriginalTransmissionReference        string[0,32]
1186           105    Headline                             string[0,256]
1187           110    Credit                               string[0,32]
1188           115    Source                               string[0,32]
1189           116    CopyrightNotice                      string[0,128]
1190           118    Contact                              string[0,128]+
1191           120    Caption-Abstract                     string[0,2000]
1192           121    LocalCaption                         string[0,256]
1193           122    Writer-Editor                        string[0,32]+
1194           125    RasterizedCaption                    undef[7360]
1195           130    ImageType                            string[2]
1196           131    ImageOrientation                     string[1]
1197           135    LanguageIdentifier                   string[2,3]
1198           150    AudioType                            string[2]
1199           151    AudioSamplingRate                    digits[6]
1200           152    AudioSamplingResolution              digits[2]
1201           153    AudioDuration                        digits[6]
1202           154    AudioOutcue                          string[0,64]
1203           184    JobID                                string[0,64]
1204           185    MasterDocumentID                     string[0,256]
1205           186    ShortDocumentID                      string[0,64]
1206           187    UniqueDocumentID                     string[0,128]
1207           188    OwnerID                              string[0,128]
1208           200    ObjectPreviewFileFormat              int16u
1209           201    ObjectPreviewFileVersion             int16u
1210           202    ObjectPreviewData                    undef[0,256000]
1211           221    Prefs                                string[0,64]
1212           225    ClassifyState                        string[0,64]
1213           228    SimilarityIndex                      string[0,32]
1214           230    DocumentNotes                        string[0,1024]
1215           231    DocumentHistory                      string[0,256]
1216           232    ExifCameraInfo                       string[0,4096]
1217           255    CatalogSets                          string[0,256]+
1219       IPTC NewsPhoto Tags
1221         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
1222         ------   --------                             --------
1223             0    NewsPhotoVersion                     int16u:
1224            10    IPTCPictureNumber                    string[16]
1225            20    IPTCImageWidth                       int16u
1226            30    IPTCImageHeight                      int16u
1227            40    IPTCPixelWidth                       int16u
1228            50    IPTCPixelHeight                      int16u
1229            55    SupplementalType                     int8u
1230            60    ColorRepresentation                  int16u
1231            64    InterchangeColorSpace                int8u
1232            65    ColorSequence                        int8u
1233            66    ICC_Profile                          no
1234            70    ColorCalibrationMatrix               no
1235            80    LookupTable                          no
1236            84    NumIndexEntries                      int16u
1237            85    ColorPalette                         no
1238            86    IPTCBitsPerSample                    int8u
1239            90    SampleStructure                      int8u
1240           100    ScanningDirection                    int8u
1241           102    IPTCImageRotation                    int8u
1242           110    DataCompressionMethod                int32u
1243           120    QuantizationMethod                   int8u
1244           125    EndPoints                            no
1245           130    ExcursionTolerance                   int8u
1246           135    BitsPerComponent                     int8u
1247           140    MaximumDensityRange                  int16u
1248           145    GammaCompensatedValue                int16u
1250       IPTC PreObjectData Tags
1252         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
1253         ------   --------                             --------
1254            10    SizeMode                             no
1255            20    MaxSubfileSize                       no
1256            90    ObjectSizeAnnounced                  no
1257            95    MaximumObjectSize                    no
1259       IPTC ObjectData Tags
1261         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
1262         ------   --------                             --------
1263            10    SubFile                              no+
1265       IPTC PostObjectData Tags
1267         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
1268         ------   --------                             --------
1269            10    ConfirmedObjectSize                  no
1271       IPTC FotoStation Tags
1273         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
1274         ------   --------                             --------
1275         [no tags known]
1277   XMP Tags
1278       XMP stands for "Extensible Metadata Platform", an XML/RDF-based
1279       metadata format which is being pushed by Adobe.  Information in this
1280       format can be embedded in many different image file types including
1282       MIFF, XCF, CRW, DNG and a variety of proprietary TIFF-based RAW images,
1283       as well as MOV, AVI, ASF, WMV, FLV, SWF and MP4 videos, and WMA and
1284       audio formats supporting ID3v2 information.
1286       The XMP Tag ID's aren't listed because in most cases they are identical
1287       to the Tag Name (aside from differences in case).  Tags with different
1288       ID's are mentioned in the Notes column of the HTML version of this
1289       document.
1291       All XMP information is stored as character strings.  The Writable
1292       column specifies the information format:  "string" is an unformatted
1293       string, "integer" is a string of digits (possibly beginning with a '+'
1294       or '-'), "real" is a floating point number, "rational" is entered as a
1295       floating point number but stored as two "integer" strings separated by
1296       a '/' character, "date" is a date/time string entered in the format
1297       "YYYY:mm:dd HH:MM:SS[.ss][+/-HH:MM]" but some partial date/time formats
1298       are also accepted (see <https://exiftool.org/faq.html#Q5>), "boolean"
1299       is either "True" or "False" (but "true" and "false" may be written as a
1300       ValueConv value for compatibility with non-conforming applications),
1301       "struct" indicates a structured tag, and "lang-alt" is a tag that
1302       supports alternate languages.
1304       When reading, "struct" tags are extracted only if the Struct (-struct)
1305       option is used.  Otherwise the corresponding Flattened tags, indicated
1306       by an underline ("_") after the Writable type, are extracted.  When
1307       copying, by default both structured and flattened tags are available,
1308       but the flattened tags are considered "unsafe" so they aren't copied
1309       unless specified explicitly.  The Struct option may be disabled by
1310       setting Struct to 0 via the API or with --struct on the command line to
1311       copy only flattened tags, or enabled by setting Struct to 1 via the API
1312       or with -struct on the command line to copy only as structures.  When
1313       writing, the Struct option has no effect, and both structured and
1314       flattened tags may be written.  See <https://exiftool.org/struct.html>
1315       for more details.
1317       Individual languages for "lang-alt" tags are accessed by suffixing the
1318       tag name with a '-', followed by an RFC 3066 language code (eg.
1319       "XMP:Title-fr", or "Rights-en-US").  (See
1320       <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt> for the RFC 3066 specification.)
1321       A "lang-alt" tag with no language code accesses the "x-default"
1322       language, but causes other languages for this tag to be deleted when
1323       writing.  The "x-default" language code may be specified when writing
1324       to preserve other existing languages (eg.
1325       "XMP-dc:Description-x-default").  When reading, "x-default" is not
1326       specified.
1328       The XMP tags are organized according to schema Namespace in the
1329       following tables.  The ExifTool family 1 group names are derived from
1330       the namespace prefixes by adding a leading "XMP-" (eg. "XMP-dc").  A
1331       few of the longer prefixes have been shortened (as mentioned in the
1332       documentation below) to avoid excessively long ExifTool group names.
1333       The tags of any namespace may be deleted as a group by specifying the
1334       family 1 group name (eg.  "-XMP-dc:all=" on the command line).  This
1335       includes namespaces which are not pre-defined by ExifTool.
1337       In cases where a tag name exists in more than one namespace, less
1338       common namespaces are avoided when writing.  However, a specific
1339       namespace may be written by providing a family 1 group name for the tag
1340       (eg. XMP-crs:Contrast or XMP-exif:Contrast).  When deciding on which
1341       tags to add to an image, using standard schemas such as dc, xmp,
1342       iptcCore and iptcExt is recommended if possible.
1344       For structures, the heading of the first column is Field Name.  Field
1345       names are very similar to tag names, except they are used to identify
1346       fields inside structures instead of stand-alone tags.  See
1347       <https://exiftool.org/struct.html#Fields> for more details.
1349       ExifTool will extract XMP information even if it is not listed in these
1350       tables, but other tags are not writable unless added as user-defined
1351       tags in the ExifTool config file.  For example, the "pdfx" namespace
1352       doesn't have a predefined set of tag names because it is used to store
1353       application-defined PDF information, so although this information will
1354       be extracted, it is only writable if the corresponding user-defined
1355       tags have been created.
1357       The tables below list tags from the official XMP specification (with an
1358       underlined Namespace in the HTML version of this documentation), as
1359       well as extensions from various other sources.  See
1360       <http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/> for the official XMP specification.
1362         Namespace                                     Writable
1363         ---------                                     --------
1364         aas                                           XMP aas
1365         acdsee                                        XMP acdsee
1366         album                                         XMP Album
1367         apple-fi                                      XMP apple_fi
1368         ast                                           Nikon ast
1369         aux                                           XMP aux
1370         cc                                            XMP cc
1371         cell                                          XMP cell
1372         crd                                           XMP crd
1373         creatorAtom                                   XMP creatorAtom
1374         crs                                           XMP crs
1375         dc                                            XMP dc
1376         Device                                        XMP Device
1377         dex                                           XMP dex
1378         DICOM                                         XMP DICOM
1379         digiKam                                       XMP digiKam
1380         drone-dji                                     DJI XMP
1381         dwc                                           DarwinCore
1382         et                                            XMP ExifTool
1383         exif                                          XMP exif
1384         exifEX                                        XMP exifEX
1385         expressionmedia                               XMP ExpressionMedia
1386         extensis                                      XMP extensis
1387         fpv                                           XMP fpv
1388         GAudio                                        XMP GAudio
1389         GCamera                                       XMP GCamera
1390         GCreations                                    XMP GCreations
1391         GDepth                                        XMP GDepth
1392         getty                                         XMP GettyImages
1393         GFocus                                        XMP GFocus
1394         GImage                                        XMP GImage
1395         GPano                                         XMP GPano
1396         GSpherical                                    XMP GSpherical
1397         hdr                                           XMP hdr
1398         hdrgm                                         XMP hdrgm
1399         ics                                           XMP ics
1400         iptcCore                                      XMP iptcCore
1401         iptcExt                                       XMP iptcExt
1402         LImage                                        XMP LImage
1403         lr                                            XMP Lightroom
1404         mediapro                                      XMP MediaPro
1405         microsoft                                     Microsoft XMP
1406         MP                                            Microsoft MP
1407         MP1                                           Microsoft MP1
1408         mwg-coll                                      MWG Collections
1409         mwg-kw                                        MWG Keywords
1410         mwg-rs                                        MWG Regions
1411         nine                                          Nikon nine
1412         panorama                                      XMP panorama
1413         pdf                                           XMP pdf
1414         pdfx                                          XMP pdfx
1415         photomech                                     PhotoMechanic XMP
1416         photoshop                                     XMP photoshop
1417         PixelLive                                     XMP PixelLive
1418         plus                                          PLUS XMP
1419         pmi                                           XMP pmi
1420         prism                                         XMP prism
1421         prl                                           XMP prl
1422         prm                                           XMP prm
1423         pur                                           XMP pur
1424         rdf                                           XMP rdf
1425         sdc                                           Nikon sdc
1426         swf                                           XMP swf
1427         tiff                                          XMP tiff
1428         x                                             XMP x
1429         xmp                                           XMP xmp
1430         xmpBJ                                         XMP xmpBJ
1431         xmpDM                                         XMP xmpDM
1432         xmpMM                                         XMP xmpMM
1433         xmpNote                                       XMP xmpNote
1434         xmpPLUS                                       XMP xmpPLUS
1435         xmpRights                                     XMP xmpRights
1436         xmpTPg                                        XMP xmpTPg
1438       XMP aas Tags
1440       Apple Adjustment Settings used by iPhone/iPad.
1442       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-aas family 1 group.
1444         Tag Name                                      Writable
1445         --------                                      --------
1446         AffineA                                       real
1447         AffineB                                       real
1448         AffineC                                       real
1449         AffineD                                       real
1450         AffineX                                       real
1451         AffineY                                       real
1452         CropH                                         integer/
1453         CropW                                         integer/
1454         CropX                                         integer/
1455         CropY                                         integer/
1456         Curve0x                                       real
1457         Curve0y                                       real
1458         Curve1x                                       real
1459         Curve1y                                       real
1460         Curve2x                                       real
1461         Curve2y                                       real
1462         Curve3x                                       real
1463         Curve3y                                       real
1464         Curve4x                                       real
1465         Curve4y                                       real
1466         FaceBalanceOrigI                              real
1467         FaceBalanceOrigQ                              real
1468         FaceBalanceStrength                           real
1469         FaceBalanceWarmth                             real
1470         Highlights                                    real/
1471         Shadows                                       real/
1472         Vibrance                                      real/
1474       XMP acdsee Tags
1476       ACD Systems ACDSee namespace tags.
1478       (A note to software developers: Re-inventing your own private tags
1479       instead of using the equivalent tags in standard XMP namespaces defeats
1480       one of the most valuable features of metadata: interoperability.  Your
1481       applications mumble to themselves instead of speaking out for the rest
1482       of the world to hear.)
1484       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-acdsee family 1 group.
1486         Tag Name                                      Writable
1487         --------                                      --------
1488         Author                                        string/
1489         Caption                                       string/
1490         Categories                                    string/
1491         Collections                                   string/
1492         DateTime                                      date/
1493         DPP                                           lang-alt/
1494         EditStatus                                    string/
1495         FixtureIdentifier                             string/
1496         Keywords                                      string/+
1497         Notes                                         string/
1498         ObjectCycle                                   string/
1499         OriginatingProgram                            string/
1500         Rating                                        real/
1501         Rawrppused                                    boolean/
1502         ReleaseDate                                   string/
1503         ReleaseTime                                   string/
1504         RPP                                           lang-alt/
1505         Snapshots                                     string/+
1506         Tagged                                        boolean/
1508       XMP Album Tags
1510       Adobe Album namespace tags.
1512       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-album family 1 group.
1514         Tag Name                                      Writable
1515         --------                                      --------
1516         Notes                                         string
1518       XMP apple_fi Tags
1520       Face information tags written by the Apple iPhone 5 inside the mwg-rs
1521       RegionExtensions.
1523       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-apple-fi family 1 group.
1525         Tag Name                                      Writable
1526         --------                                      --------
1527         AngleInfoRoll                                 integer
1528         AngleInfoYaw                                  integer
1529         ConfidenceLevel                               integer
1530         FaceID                                        integer
1531         TimeStamp                                     integer
1533       XMP aux Tags
1535       Adobe-defined auxiliary EXIF tags.  This namespace existed in the XMP
1536       specification until it was dropped in 2012, presumably due to the
1537       introduction of the EXIF 2.3 for XMP specification and the exifEX
1538       namespace at this time.  For this reason, tags below with equivalents
1539       in the exifEX namespace are avoided when writing.
1541       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-aux family 1 group.
1543         Tag Name                                      Writable
1544         --------                                      --------
1545         ApproximateFocusDistance                      rational
1546         DistortionCorrectionAlreadyApplied            boolean
1547         EnhanceDenoiseAlreadyApplied                  boolean
1548         EnhanceDenoiseLumaAmount                      string
1549         EnhanceDenoiseVersion                         string
1550         EnhanceDetailsAlreadyApplied                  boolean
1551         EnhanceDetailsVersion                         string
1552         EnhanceSuperResolutionAlreadyApplied          boolean
1553         EnhanceSuperResolutionScale                   rational
1554         EnhanceSuperResolutionVersion                 string
1555         Firmware                                      string
1556         FlashCompensation                             rational
1557         ImageNumber                                   string
1558         IsMergedHDR                                   boolean
1559         IsMergedPanorama                              boolean
1560         LateralChromaticAberrationCorrectionAlreadyApplied boolean
1561         Lens                                          string
1562         LensDistortInfo                               string
1563         LensID                                        string
1564         LensInfo                                      string/
1565         LensSerialNumber                              string/
1566         NeutralDensityFactor                          string
1567         OwnerName                                     string/
1568         SerialNumber                                  string/
1569         VignetteCorrectionAlreadyApplied              boolean
1571       XMP cc Tags
1573       Creative Commons namespace tags.  Note that the CC specification for
1574       XMP is non-existent, so ExifTool must make some assumptions about the
1575       format of the specific properties in XMP (see
1576       <http://creativecommons.org/ns>).
1578       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-cc family 1 group.
1580         Tag Name                                      Writable
1581         --------                                      --------
1582         AttributionName                               string
1583         AttributionURL                                string
1584         DeprecatedOn                                  date
1585         Jurisdiction                                  string
1586         LegalCode                                     string
1587         License                                       string
1588         MorePermissions                               string
1589         Permits                                       string+
1590         Prohibits                                     string+
1591         Requires                                      string+
1592         UseGuidelines                                 string
1594       XMP cell Tags
1596       Location tags written by some Sony Ericsson phones.
1598       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-cell family 1 group.
1600         Tag Name                                      Writable
1601         --------                                      --------
1602         CellTowerID                                   string
1603         CellGlobalID                                  string
1604         LocationAreaCode                              string
1605         MobileCountryCode                             string
1606         MobileNetworkCode                             string
1607         CellR                                         string
1609       XMP crd Tags
1611       Adobe Camera Raw Defaults tags.
1613       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-crd family 1 group.
1615         Tag Name                                      Writable
1616         --------                                      --------
1617         AlreadyApplied                                boolean/
1618         AutoBrightness                                boolean/
1619         AutoContrast                                  boolean/
1620         AutoExposure                                  boolean/
1621         AutoLateralCA                                 integer/
1622         AutoShadows                                   boolean/
1623         AutoTone                                      boolean/
1624         AutoToneDigest                                string/
1625         AutoToneDigestNoSat                           string/
1626         AutoWhiteVersion                              integer/
1627         Blacks2012                                    integer/
1628         BlueHue                                       integer/
1629         BlueSaturation                                integer/
1630         Brightness                                    integer/
1631         CameraModelRestriction                        string/
1632         CameraProfile                                 string/
1633         CameraProfileDigest                           string/
1634         ChromaticAberrationB                          integer/
1635         ChromaticAberrationR                          integer/
1636         CircularGradientBasedCorrections              Correction Struct+
1637         CircGradBasedCorrActive                       boolean/_
1638         CircGradBasedCorrAmount                       real/_
1639         CircGradBasedCorrMasks                        CorrectionMask Struct_+
1640         CircGradBasedCorrMaskAlpha                    real/_
1641         CircGradBasedCorrMaskAngle                    real/_
1642         CircGradBasedCorrMaskBottom                   real/_
1643         CircGradBasedCorrMaskCenterValue              real/_
1644         CircGradBasedCorrMaskCenterWeight             real/_
1645         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRange                    CorrRangeMask Struct_+
1646         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModels          AreaModels Struct_+
1647         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents string/_+
1648         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
1649         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeColorAmount         real/_+
1650         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthFeather        real/_+
1651         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMax            real/_+
1652         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMin            real/_+
1653         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeInvert              boolean/_+
1654         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLumFeather          real/_+
1655         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
1656         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMax              real/_+
1657         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMin              real/_+
1658         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLumRange            string/_+
1659         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeSampleType          integer/_+
1660         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeType                string/_+
1661         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeVersion             string/_+
1662         CircGradBasedCorrMaskDabs                     string/_
1663         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFeather                  real/_
1664         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFlipped                  boolean/_
1665         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFlow                     real/_
1666         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFullX                    real/_
1667         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFullY                    real/_
1668         CircGradBasedCorrMaskInputDigest              string/_
1669         CircGradBasedCorrMaskLeft                     real/_
1670         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskActive               boolean/_
1671         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskBlendMode            integer/_
1672         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskDigest               string/_
1673         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskInverted             boolean/_
1674         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskName                 string/_
1675         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasks                    CorrectionMask Struct_+
1676         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksAlpha               real/_
1677         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksAngle               real/_
1678         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksBottom              real/_
1679         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterValue         real/_
1680         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterWeight        real/_
1681         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksDabs                string/_+
1682         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFeather             real/_
1683         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFlipped             boolean/_
1684         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFlow                real/_
1685         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFullX               real/_
1686         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFullY               real/_
1687         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksInputDigest         string/_
1688         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksLeft                real/_
1689         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskActive          boolean/_
1690         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskBlendMode       integer/_
1691         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskDigest          string/_
1692         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskInverted        boolean/_
1693         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskName            string/_
1694         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSubType         string/_
1695         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSyncID          string/_
1696         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksValue               real/_
1697         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskVersion         string/_
1698         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMidpoint            real/_
1699         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksOrigin              string/_
1700         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksPerimeterValue      real/_
1701         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksRadius              real/_
1702         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksReferencePoint      string/_
1703         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksRight               real/_
1704         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksRoundness           real/_
1705         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeX               real/_
1706         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeY               real/_
1707         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksTop                 real/_
1708         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskSubType              string/_
1709         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksVersion             integer/_
1710         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksWhat                string/_
1711         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksWholeImageArea      string/_
1712         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksX                   real/_
1713         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksY                   real/_
1714         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskSyncID               string/_
1715         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroX               real/_
1716         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroY               real/_
1717         CircGradBasedCorrMaskValue                    real/_
1718         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskVersion              string/_
1719         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMidpoint                 real/_
1720         CircGradBasedCorrMaskOrigin                   string/_
1721         CircGradBasedCorrMaskPerimeterValue           real/_
1722         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRadius                   real/_
1723         CircGradBasedCorrMaskReferencePoint           string/_
1724         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRight                    real/_
1725         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRoundness                real/_
1726         CircGradBasedCorrMaskSizeX                    real/_
1727         CircGradBasedCorrMaskSizeY                    real/_
1728         CircGradBasedCorrMaskTop                      real/_
1729         CircGradBasedCorrMaskVersion                  integer/_
1730         CircGradBasedCorrMaskWhat                     string/_
1731         CircGradBasedCorrMaskWholeImageArea           string/_
1732         CircGradBasedCorrMaskX                        real/_
1733         CircGradBasedCorrMaskY                        real/_
1734         CircGradBasedCorrMaskZeroX                    real/_
1735         CircGradBasedCorrMaskZeroY                    real/_
1736         CircGradBasedCorrCorrectionName               string/_+
1737         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMask                    CorrRangeMask Struct_+
1738         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModels          AreaModels Struct_+
1739         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsComponents string/_+
1740         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
1741         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskColorAmount         real/_+
1742         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthFeather        real/_+
1743         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMax            real/_+
1744         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMin            real/_+
1745         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskInvert              boolean/_+
1746         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLumFeather          real/_+
1747         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
1748         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMax              real/_+
1749         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMin              real/_+
1750         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLumRange            string/_+
1751         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskSampleType          integer/_+
1752         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskType                string/_+
1753         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskVersion             string/_+
1754         CircGradBasedCorrCorrectionSyncID             string/_+
1755         CircGradBasedCorrBlacks2012                   real/_
1756         CircGradBasedCorrBrightness                   real/_
1757         CircGradBasedCorrClarity                      real/_
1758         CircGradBasedCorrClarity2012                  real/_
1759         CircGradBasedCorrContrast                     real/_
1760         CircGradBasedCorrContrast2012                 real/_
1761         CircGradBasedCorrDefringe                     real/_
1762         CircGradBasedCorrDehaze                       real/_
1763         CircGradBasedCorrExposure                     real/_
1764         CircGradBasedCorrExposure2012                 real/_
1765         CircGradBasedCorrHighlights2012               real/_
1766         CircGradBasedCorrHue                          real/_
1767         CircGradBasedCorrLuminanceNoise               real/_
1768         CircGradBasedCorrMoire                        real/_
1769         CircGradBasedCorrSaturation                   real/_
1770         CircGradBasedCorrShadows2012                  real/_
1771         CircGradBasedCorrSharpness                    real/_
1772         CircGradBasedCorrTemperature                  real/_
1773         CircGradBasedCorrTexture                      real/_
1774         CircGradBasedCorrTint                         real/_
1775         CircGradBasedCorrToningHue                    real/_
1776         CircGradBasedCorrToningSaturation             real/_
1777         CircGradBasedCorrWhites2012                   real/_
1778         CircGradBasedCorrWhat                         string/_
1779         Clarity                                       integer/
1780         Clarity2012                                   integer/
1781         ClipboardAspectRatio                          integer/
1782         ClipboardOrientation                          integer/
1783         Cluster                                       string/
1784         ColorGradeBlending                            integer/
1785         ColorGradeGlobalHue                           integer/
1786         ColorGradeGlobalLum                           integer/
1787         ColorGradeGlobalSat                           integer/
1788         ColorGradeHighlightLum                        integer/
1789         ColorGradeMidtoneHue                          integer/
1790         ColorGradeMidtoneLum                          integer/
1791         ColorGradeMidtoneSat                          integer/
1792         ColorGradeShadowLum                           integer/
1793         ColorNoiseReduction                           integer/
1794         ColorNoiseReductionDetail                     integer/
1795         ColorNoiseReductionSmoothness                 integer/
1796         CompatibleVersion                             string/
1797         ContactInfo                                   string/
1798         Contrast                                      integer/
1799         Contrast2012                                  integer/
1800         Converter                                     string/
1801         ConvertToGrayscale                            boolean/
1802         Copyright                                     string/
1803         CropAngle                                     real/
1804         CropBottom                                    real/
1805         CropConstrainToWarp                           integer/
1806         CropHeight                                    real/
1807         CropLeft                                      real/
1808         CropRight                                     real/
1809         CropTop                                       real/
1810         CropUnit                                      integer/
1811         CropUnits                                     integer/
1812         CropWidth                                     real/
1813         DefaultAutoGray                               boolean/
1814         DefaultAutoTone                               boolean/
1815         DefaultsSpecificToISO                         boolean/
1816         DefaultsSpecificToSerial                      boolean/
1817         Defringe                                      integer/
1818         DefringeGreenAmount                           integer/
1819         DefringeGreenHueHi                            integer/
1820         DefringeGreenHueLo                            integer/
1821         DefringePurpleAmount                          integer/
1822         DefringePurpleHueHi                           integer/
1823         DefringePurpleHueLo                           integer/
1824         Dehaze                                        real/
1825         DepthBasedCorrections                         DepthBasedCorr Struct+
1826         DepthBasedCorrCorrectionActive                boolean/_+
1827         DepthBasedCorrCorrectionAmount                real/_+
1828         DepthBasedCorrMask                            CorrectionMask Struct_+
1829         DepthBasedCorrMaskAlpha                       real/_
1830         DepthBasedCorrMaskAngle                       real/_
1831         DepthBasedCorrMaskBottom                      real/_
1832         DepthBasedCorrMaskCenterValue                 real/_
1833         DepthBasedCorrMaskCenterWeight                real/_
1834         DepthBasedCorrMaskRange                       CorrRangeMask Struct_+
1835         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModels             AreaModels Struct_+
1836         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents   string/_+
1837         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
1838         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeColorAmount            real/_+
1839         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthFeather           real/_+
1840         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMax               real/_+
1841         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMin               real/_+
1842         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeInvert                 boolean/_+
1843         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLumFeather             real/_+
1844         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
1845         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMax                 real/_+
1846         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMin                 real/_+
1847         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLumRange               string/_+
1848         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeSampleType             integer/_+
1849         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeType                   string/_+
1850         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeVersion                string/_+
1851         DepthBasedCorrMaskDabs                        string/_+
1852         DepthBasedCorrMaskFeather                     real/_
1853         DepthBasedCorrMaskFlipped                     boolean/_
1854         DepthBasedCorrMaskFlow                        real/_
1855         DepthBasedCorrMaskFullX                       real/_
1856         DepthBasedCorrMaskFullY                       real/_
1857         DepthBasedCorrMaskInputDigest                 string/_
1858         DepthBasedCorrMaskLeft                        real/_
1859         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskActive                  boolean/_
1860         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskBlendMode               integer/_
1861         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskDigest                  string/_
1862         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskInverted                boolean/_
1863         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskName                    string/_
1864         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasks                       CorrectionMask Struct_+
1865         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksAlpha                  real/_
1866         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksAngle                  real/_
1867         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksBottom                 real/_
1868         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterValue            real/_
1869         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterWeight           real/_
1870         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksDabs                   string/_+
1871         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFeather                real/_
1872         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFlipped                boolean/_
1873         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFlow                   real/_
1874         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFullX                  real/_
1875         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFullY                  real/_
1876         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksInputDigest            string/_
1877         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksLeft                   real/_
1878         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskActive             boolean/_
1879         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskBlendMode          integer/_
1880         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskDigest             string/_
1881         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskInverted           boolean/_
1882         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskName               string/_
1883         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSubType            string/_
1884         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSyncID             string/_
1885         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksValue                  real/_
1886         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskVersion            string/_
1887         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMidpoint               real/_
1888         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksOrigin                 string/_
1889         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksPerimeterValue         real/_
1890         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksRadius                 real/_
1891         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksReferencePoint         string/_
1892         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksRight                  real/_
1893         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksRoundness              real/_
1894         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeX                  real/_
1895         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeY                  real/_
1896         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksTop                    real/_
1897         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskSubType                 string/_
1898         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksVersion                integer/_
1899         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksWhat                   string/_
1900         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksWholeImageArea         string/_
1901         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksX                      real/_
1902         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksY                      real/_
1903         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskSyncID                  string/_
1904         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroX                  real/_
1905         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroY                  real/_
1906         DepthBasedCorrMaskValue                       real/_
1907         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskVersion                 string/_
1908         DepthBasedCorrMaskMidpoint                    real/_
1909         DepthBasedCorrMaskOrigin                      string/_
1910         DepthBasedCorrMaskPerimeterValue              real/_
1911         DepthBasedCorrMaskRadius                      real/_
1912         DepthBasedCorrMaskReferencePoint              string/_
1913         DepthBasedCorrMaskRight                       real/_
1914         DepthBasedCorrMaskRoundness                   real/_
1915         DepthBasedCorrMaskSizeX                       real/_
1916         DepthBasedCorrMaskSizeY                       real/_
1917         DepthBasedCorrMaskTop                         real/_
1918         DepthBasedCorrMaskVersion                     integer/_
1919         DepthBasedCorrMaskWhat                        string/_
1920         DepthBasedCorrMaskWholeImageArea              string/_
1921         DepthBasedCorrMaskX                           real/_
1922         DepthBasedCorrMaskY                           real/_
1923         DepthBasedCorrMaskZeroX                       real/_
1924         DepthBasedCorrMaskZeroY                       real/_
1925         DepthBasedCorrCorrectionSyncID                string/_+
1926         DepthBasedCorrLocalCorrectedDepth             real/_+
1927         DepthBasedCorrLocalCurveRefineSaturation      real/_+
1928         DepthBasedCorrWhat                            string/_+
1929         DepthMapInfo                                  DepthMapInfo Struct
1930         DepthMapInfoBaseHighlightGuideInputDigest     string/_
1931         DepthMapInfoBaseHighlightGuideTable           string/_
1932         DepthMapInfoBaseHighlightGuideVersion         string/_
1933         DepthMapInfoBaseLayeredDepthInputDigest       string/_
1934         DepthMapInfoBaseLayeredDepthTable             string/_
1935         DepthMapInfoBaseLayeredDepthVersion           string/_
1936         DepthMapInfoBaseRawDepthInputDigest           string/_
1937         DepthMapInfoBaseRawDepthTable                 string/_
1938         DepthMapInfoBaseRawDepthVersion               string/_
1939         DepthMapInfoDepthSource                       string/_
1940         Description                                   lang-alt/
1941         DNGIgnoreSidecars                             boolean/
1942         Exposure                                      real/
1943         Exposure2012                                  real/
1944         FillLight                                     integer/
1945         GradientBasedCorrections                      Correction Struct+
1946         GradientBasedCorrActive                       boolean/_
1947         GradientBasedCorrAmount                       real/_
1948         GradientBasedCorrMasks                        CorrectionMask Struct_+
1949         GradientBasedCorrMaskAlpha                    real/_
1950         GradientBasedCorrMaskAngle                    real/_
1951         GradientBasedCorrMaskBottom                   real/_
1952         GradientBasedCorrMaskCenterValue              real/_
1953         GradientBasedCorrMaskCenterWeight             real/_
1954         GradientBasedCorrMaskRange                    CorrRangeMask Struct_+
1955         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModels          AreaModels Struct_+
1956         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents string/_+
1957         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
1958         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeColorAmount         real/_+
1959         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthFeather        real/_+
1960         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMax            real/_+
1961         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMin            real/_+
1962         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeInvert              boolean/_+
1963         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLumFeather          real/_+
1964         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
1965         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMax              real/_+
1966         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMin              real/_+
1967         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLumRange            string/_+
1968         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeSampleType          integer/_+
1969         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeType                string/_+
1970         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeVersion             string/_+
1971         GradientBasedCorrMaskDabs                     string/_
1972         GradientBasedCorrMaskFeather                  real/_
1973         GradientBasedCorrMaskFlipped                  boolean/_
1974         GradientBasedCorrMaskFlow                     real/_
1975         GradientBasedCorrMaskFullX                    real/_
1976         GradientBasedCorrMaskFullY                    real/_
1977         GradientBasedCorrMaskInputDigest              string/_
1978         GradientBasedCorrMaskLeft                     real/_
1979         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskActive               boolean/_
1980         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskBlendMode            integer/_
1981         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskDigest               string/_
1982         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskInverted             boolean/_
1983         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskName                 string/_
1984         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasks                    CorrectionMask Struct_+
1985         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksAlpha               real/_
1986         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksAngle               real/_
1987         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksBottom              real/_
1988         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterValue         real/_
1989         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterWeight        real/_
1990         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksDabs                string/_+
1991         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFeather             real/_
1992         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFlipped             boolean/_
1993         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFlow                real/_
1994         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFullX               real/_
1995         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFullY               real/_
1996         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksInputDigest         string/_
1997         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksLeft                real/_
1998         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskActive          boolean/_
1999         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskBlendMode       integer/_
2000         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskDigest          string/_
2001         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskInverted        boolean/_
2002         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskName            string/_
2003         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSubType         string/_
2004         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSyncID          string/_
2005         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksValue               real/_
2006         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskVersion         string/_
2007         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMidpoint            real/_
2008         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksOrigin              string/_
2009         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksPerimeterValue      real/_
2010         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksRadius              real/_
2011         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksReferencePoint      string/_
2012         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksRight               real/_
2013         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksRoundness           real/_
2014         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeX               real/_
2015         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeY               real/_
2016         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksTop                 real/_
2017         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskSubType              string/_
2018         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksVersion             integer/_
2019         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksWhat                string/_
2020         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksWholeImageArea      string/_
2021         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksX                   real/_
2022         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksY                   real/_
2023         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskSyncID               string/_
2024         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroX               real/_
2025         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroY               real/_
2026         GradientBasedCorrMaskValue                    real/_
2027         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskVersion              string/_
2028         GradientBasedCorrMaskMidpoint                 real/_
2029         GradientBasedCorrMaskOrigin                   string/_
2030         GradientBasedCorrMaskPerimeterValue           real/_
2031         GradientBasedCorrMaskRadius                   real/_
2032         GradientBasedCorrMaskReferencePoint           string/_
2033         GradientBasedCorrMaskRight                    real/_
2034         GradientBasedCorrMaskRoundness                real/_
2035         GradientBasedCorrMaskSizeX                    real/_
2036         GradientBasedCorrMaskSizeY                    real/_
2037         GradientBasedCorrMaskTop                      real/_
2038         GradientBasedCorrMaskVersion                  integer/_
2039         GradientBasedCorrMaskWhat                     string/_
2040         GradientBasedCorrMaskWholeImageArea           string/_
2041         GradientBasedCorrMaskX                        real/_
2042         GradientBasedCorrMaskY                        real/_
2043         GradientBasedCorrMaskZeroX                    real/_
2044         GradientBasedCorrMaskZeroY                    real/_
2045         GradientBasedCorrCorrectionName               string/_+
2046         GradientBasedCorrRangeMask                    CorrRangeMask Struct_+
2047         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModels          AreaModels Struct_+
2048         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsComponents string/_+
2049         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
2050         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskColorAmount         real/_+
2051         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthFeather        real/_+
2052         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMax            real/_+
2053         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMin            real/_+
2054         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskInvert              boolean/_+
2055         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLumFeather          real/_+
2056         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
2057         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMax              real/_+
2058         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMin              real/_+
2059         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLumRange            string/_+
2060         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskSampleType          integer/_+
2061         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskType                string/_+
2062         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskVersion             string/_+
2063         GradientBasedCorrCorrectionSyncID             string/_+
2064         GradientBasedCorrBlacks2012                   real/_
2065         GradientBasedCorrBrightness                   real/_
2066         GradientBasedCorrClarity                      real/_
2067         GradientBasedCorrClarity2012                  real/_
2068         GradientBasedCorrContrast                     real/_
2069         GradientBasedCorrContrast2012                 real/_
2070         GradientBasedCorrDefringe                     real/_
2071         GradientBasedCorrDehaze                       real/_
2072         GradientBasedCorrExposure                     real/_
2073         GradientBasedCorrExposure2012                 real/_
2074         GradientBasedCorrHighlights2012               real/_
2075         GradientBasedCorrHue                          real/_
2076         GradientBasedCorrLuminanceNoise               real/_
2077         GradientBasedCorrMoire                        real/_
2078         GradientBasedCorrSaturation                   real/_
2079         GradientBasedCorrShadows2012                  real/_
2080         GradientBasedCorrSharpness                    real/_
2081         GradientBasedCorrTemperature                  real/_
2082         GradientBasedCorrTexture                      real/_
2083         GradientBasedCorrTint                         real/_
2084         GradientBasedCorrToningHue                    real/_
2085         GradientBasedCorrToningSaturation             real/_
2086         GradientBasedCorrWhites2012                   real/_
2087         GradientBasedCorrWhat                         string/_
2088         GrainAmount                                   integer/
2089         GrainFrequency                                integer/
2090         GrainSeed                                     integer/
2091         GrainSize                                     integer/
2092         GrayMixerAqua                                 integer/
2093         GrayMixerBlue                                 integer/
2094         GrayMixerGreen                                integer/
2095         GrayMixerMagenta                              integer/
2096         GrayMixerOrange                               integer/
2097         GrayMixerPurple                               integer/
2098         GrayMixerRed                                  integer/
2099         GrayMixerYellow                               integer/
2100         GreenHue                                      integer/
2101         GreenSaturation                               integer/
2102         Group                                         lang-alt/
2103         HasCrop                                       boolean/
2104         HasSettings                                   boolean/
2105         HDREditMode                                   integer/
2106         Highlight2012                                 integer/
2107         HighlightRecovery                             integer/
2108         Highlights2012                                integer/
2109         HueAdjustmentAqua                             integer/
2110         HueAdjustmentBlue                             integer/
2111         HueAdjustmentGreen                            integer/
2112         HueAdjustmentMagenta                          integer/
2113         HueAdjustmentOrange                           integer/
2114         HueAdjustmentPurple                           integer/
2115         HueAdjustmentRed                              integer/
2116         HueAdjustmentYellow                           integer/
2117         IncrementalTemperature                        integer/
2118         IncrementalTint                               integer/
2119         JPEGHandling                                  string/
2120         LensBlur                                      LensBlur Struct
2121         LensBlurActive                                boolean/_
2122         LensBlurAmount                                real/_
2123         LensBlurBokehAspect                           real/_
2124         LensBlurBokehRotation                         real/_
2125         LensBlurBokehShape                            real/_
2126         LensBlurBokehShapeDetail                      real/_
2127         LensBlurCatEyeAmount                          real/_
2128         LensBlurCatEyeScale                           real/_
2129         LensBlurFocalRange                            string/_
2130         LensBlurFocalRangeSource                      real/_
2131         LensBlurHighlightsBoost                       real/_
2132         LensBlurHighlightsThreshold                   real/_
2133         LensBlurSampledArea                           string/_
2134         LensBlurSampledRange                          string/_
2135         LensBlurSphericalAberration                   real/_
2136         LensBlurSubjectRange                          string/_
2137         LensBlurVersion                               string/_
2138         LensManualDistortionAmount                    integer/
2139         LensProfileChromaticAberrationScale           integer/
2140         LensProfileDigest                             string/
2141         LensProfileDistortionScale                    integer/
2142         LensProfileEnable                             integer/
2143         LensProfileFilename                           string/
2144         LensProfileIsEmbedded                         boolean/
2145         LensProfileMatchKeyCameraModelName            string/
2146         LensProfileMatchKeyExifMake                   string/
2147         LensProfileMatchKeyExifModel                  string/
2148         LensProfileMatchKeyIsRaw                      boolean/
2149         LensProfileMatchKeyLensID                     string/
2150         LensProfileMatchKeyLensInfo                   string/
2151         LensProfileMatchKeyLensName                   string/
2152         LensProfileMatchKeySensorFormatFactor         real/
2153         LensProfileName                               string/
2154         LensProfileSetup                              string/
2155         LensProfileVignettingScale                    integer/
2156         Look                                          Look Struct
2157         LookAmount                                    string/_
2158         LookCluster                                   string/_
2159         LookCopyright                                 string/_
2160         LookGroup                                     lang-alt/_
2161         LookName                                      string/
2162         LookParameters                                LookParms Struct_
2163         LookParametersCameraProfile                   string/_
2164         LookParametersClarity2012                     string/_
2165         LookParametersConvertToGrayscale              string/_
2166         LookParametersHighlights2012                  string/_
2167         LookParametersLookTable                       string/_
2168         LookParametersProcessVersion                  string/_
2169         LookParametersShadows2012                     string/_
2170         LookParametersToneCurvePV2012                 string/_+
2171         LookParametersToneCurvePV2012Blue             string/_+
2172         LookParametersToneCurvePV2012Green            string/_+
2173         LookParametersToneCurvePV2012Red              string/_+
2174         LookParametersVersion                         string/_
2175         LookSupportsAmount                            string/_
2176         LookSupportsMonochrome                        string/_
2177         LookSupportsOutputReferred                    string/_
2178         LookUUID                                      string/_
2179         LuminanceAdjustmentAqua                       integer/
2180         LuminanceAdjustmentBlue                       integer/
2181         LuminanceAdjustmentGreen                      integer/
2182         LuminanceAdjustmentMagenta                    integer/
2183         LuminanceAdjustmentOrange                     integer/
2184         LuminanceAdjustmentPurple                     integer/
2185         LuminanceAdjustmentRed                        integer/
2186         LuminanceAdjustmentYellow                     integer/
2187         LuminanceNoiseReductionContrast               integer/
2188         LuminanceNoiseReductionDetail                 integer/
2189         LuminanceSmoothing                            integer/
2190         MaskGroupBasedCorrections                     Correction Struct+
2191         MaskGroupBasedCorrActive                      boolean/_
2192         MaskGroupBasedCorrAmount                      real/_
2193         MaskGroupBasedCorrMask                        CorrectionMask Struct_+
2194         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskAlpha                   real/_
2195         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskAngle                   real/_
2196         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskBottom                  real/_
2197         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskCenterValue             real/_
2198         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskCenterWeight            real/_
2199         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRange                   CorrRangeMask Struct_+
2200         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModels         AreaModels Struct_+
2201         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents string/_+
2202         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
2203         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeColorAmount        real/_+
2204         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthFeather       real/_+
2205         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMax           real/_+
2206         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMin           real/_+
2207         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeInvert             boolean/_+
2208         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLumFeather         real/_+
2209         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
2210         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMax             real/_+
2211         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMin             real/_+
2212         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLumRange           string/_+
2213         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeSampleType         integer/_+
2214         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeType               string/_+
2215         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeVersion            string/_+
2216         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskDabs                    string/_+
2217         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFeather                 real/_
2218         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFlipped                 boolean/_
2219         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFlow                    real/_
2220         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFullX                   real/_
2221         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFullY                   real/_
2222         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskInputDigest             string/_
2223         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskLeft                    real/_
2224         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskActive              boolean/_
2225         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskBlendMode           integer/_
2226         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskDigest              string/_
2227         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskInverted            boolean/_
2228         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskName                string/_
2229         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasks                   CorrectionMask Struct_+
2230         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksAlpha              real/_
2231         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksAngle              real/_
2232         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksBottom             real/_
2233         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterValue        real/_
2234         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterWeight       real/_
2235         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksDabs               string/_+
2236         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFeather            real/_
2237         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFlipped            boolean/_
2238         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFlow               real/_
2239         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFullX              real/_
2240         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFullY              real/_
2241         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksInputDigest        string/_
2242         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksLeft               real/_
2243         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskActive         boolean/_
2244         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskBlendMode      integer/_
2245         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskDigest         string/_
2246         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskInverted       boolean/_
2247         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskName           string/_
2248         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSubType        string/_
2249         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSyncID         string/_
2250         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksValue              real/_
2251         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskVersion        string/_
2252         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMidpoint           real/_
2253         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksOrigin             string/_
2254         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksPerimeterValue     real/_
2255         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksRadius             real/_
2256         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksReferencePoint     string/_
2257         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksRight              real/_
2258         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksRoundness          real/_
2259         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeX              real/_
2260         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeY              real/_
2261         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksTop                real/_
2262         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskSubType             string/_
2263         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksVersion            integer/_
2264         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksWhat               string/_
2265         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksWholeImageArea     string/_
2266         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksX                  real/_
2267         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksY                  real/_
2268         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskSyncID              string/_
2269         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroX              real/_
2270         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroY              real/_
2271         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskValue                   real/_
2272         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskVersion             string/_
2273         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMidpoint                real/_
2274         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskOrigin                  string/_
2275         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskPerimeterValue          real/_
2276         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRadius                  real/_
2277         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskReferencePoint          string/_
2278         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRight                   real/_
2279         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRoundness               real/_
2280         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskSizeX                   real/_
2281         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskSizeY                   real/_
2282         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskTop                     real/_
2283         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskVersion                 integer/_
2284         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskWhat                    string/_
2285         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskWholeImageArea          string/_
2286         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskX                       real/_
2287         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskY                       real/_
2288         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskZeroX                   real/_
2289         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskZeroY                   real/_
2290         MaskGroupBasedCorrCorrectionName              string/_+
2291         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMask                   CorrRangeMask Struct_+
2292         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModels         AreaModels Struct_+
2293         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsComponents string/_+
2294         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
2295         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskColorAmount        real/_+
2296         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthFeather       real/_+
2297         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMax           real/_+
2298         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMin           real/_+
2299         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskInvert             boolean/_+
2300         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLumFeather         real/_+
2301         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
2302         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMax             real/_+
2303         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMin             real/_+
2304         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLumRange           string/_+
2305         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskSampleType         integer/_+
2306         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskType               string/_+
2307         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskVersion            string/_+
2308         MaskGroupBasedCorrCorrectionSyncID            string/_+
2309         MaskGroupBasedCorrBlacks2012                  real/_
2310         MaskGroupBasedCorrBrightness                  real/_
2311         MaskGroupBasedCorrClarity                     real/_
2312         MaskGroupBasedCorrClarity2012                 real/_
2313         MaskGroupBasedCorrContrast                    real/_
2314         MaskGroupBasedCorrContrast2012                real/_
2315         MaskGroupBasedCorrDefringe                    real/_
2316         MaskGroupBasedCorrDehaze                      real/_
2317         MaskGroupBasedCorrExposure                    real/_
2318         MaskGroupBasedCorrExposure2012                real/_
2319         MaskGroupBasedCorrHighlights2012              real/_
2320         MaskGroupBasedCorrHue                         real/_
2321         MaskGroupBasedCorrLuminanceNoise              real/_
2322         MaskGroupBasedCorrMoire                       real/_
2323         MaskGroupBasedCorrSaturation                  real/_
2324         MaskGroupBasedCorrShadows2012                 real/_
2325         MaskGroupBasedCorrSharpness                   real/_
2326         MaskGroupBasedCorrTemperature                 real/_
2327         MaskGroupBasedCorrTexture                     real/_
2328         MaskGroupBasedCorrTint                        real/_
2329         MaskGroupBasedCorrToningHue                   real/_
2330         MaskGroupBasedCorrToningSaturation            real/_
2331         MaskGroupBasedCorrWhites2012                  real/_
2332         MaskGroupBasedCorrWhat                        string/_
2333         MoireFilter                                   string/
2334         Name                                          lang-alt/
2335         NegativeCacheLargePreviewSize                 integer/
2336         NegativeCacheMaximumSize                      real/
2337         NegativeCachePath                             string/
2338         OverrideLookVignette                          boolean/
2339         PaintBasedCorrections                         Correction Struct+
2340         PaintCorrectionActive                         boolean/_
2341         PaintCorrectionAmount                         real/_
2342         PaintBasedCorrectionMasks                     CorrectionMask Struct_+
2343         PaintCorrectionMaskAlpha                      real/_
2344         PaintCorrectionMaskAngle                      real/_
2345         PaintCorrectionMaskBottom                     real/_
2346         PaintCorrectionMaskCenterValue                real/_
2347         PaintCorrectionMaskCenterWeight               real/_
2348         PaintCorrectionMaskRange                      CorrRangeMask Struct_+
2349         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeAreaModels            AreaModels Struct_+
2350         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents  string/_+
2351         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
2352         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeColorAmount           real/_+
2353         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeDepthFeather          real/_+
2354         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeDepthMax              real/_+
2355         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeDepthMin              real/_+
2356         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeInvert                boolean/_+
2357         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLumFeather            real/_+
2358         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
2359         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLumMax                real/_+
2360         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLumMin                real/_+
2361         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLumRange              string/_+
2362         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeSampleType            integer/_+
2363         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeType                  string/_+
2364         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeVersion               string/_+
2365         PaintCorrectionMaskDabs                       string/_
2366         PaintCorrectionMaskFeather                    real/_
2367         PaintCorrectionMaskFlipped                    boolean/_
2368         PaintCorrectionMaskFlow                       real/_
2369         PaintCorrectionMaskFullX                      real/_
2370         PaintCorrectionMaskFullY                      real/_
2371         PaintCorrectionMaskInputDigest                string/_
2372         PaintCorrectionMaskLeft                       real/_
2373         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskActive                 boolean/_
2374         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskBlendMode              integer/_
2375         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskDigest                 string/_
2376         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskInverted               boolean/_
2377         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskName                   string/_
2378         PaintCorrectionMaskMasks                      CorrectionMask Struct_+
2379         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksAlpha                 real/_
2380         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksAngle                 real/_
2381         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksBottom                real/_
2382         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksCenterValue           real/_
2383         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksCenterWeight          real/_
2384         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksDabs                  string/_+
2385         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFeather               real/_
2386         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFlipped               boolean/_
2387         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFlow                  real/_
2388         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFullX                 real/_
2389         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFullY                 real/_
2390         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksInputDigest           string/_
2391         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksLeft                  real/_
2392         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskActive            boolean/_
2393         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskBlendMode         integer/_
2394         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskDigest            string/_
2395         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskInverted          boolean/_
2396         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskName              string/_
2397         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskSubType           string/_
2398         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskSyncID            string/_
2399         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksValue                 real/_
2400         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskVersion           string/_
2401         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMidpoint              real/_
2402         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksOrigin                string/_
2403         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksPerimeterValue        real/_
2404         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksRadius                real/_
2405         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksReferencePoint        string/_
2406         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksRight                 real/_
2407         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksRoundness             real/_
2408         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksSizeX                 real/_
2409         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksSizeY                 real/_
2410         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksTop                   real/_
2411         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskSubType                string/_
2412         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksVersion               integer/_
2413         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksWhat                  string/_
2414         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksWholeImageArea        string/_
2415         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksX                     real/_
2416         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksY                     real/_
2417         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskSyncID                 string/_
2418         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksZeroX                 real/_
2419         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksZeroY                 real/_
2420         PaintCorrectionMaskValue                      real/_
2421         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskVersion                string/_
2422         PaintCorrectionMaskMidpoint                   real/_
2423         PaintCorrectionMaskOrigin                     string/_
2424         PaintCorrectionMaskPerimeterValue             real/_
2425         PaintCorrectionMaskRadius                     real/_
2426         PaintCorrectionMaskReferencePoint             string/_
2427         PaintCorrectionMaskRight                      real/_
2428         PaintCorrectionMaskRoundness                  real/_
2429         PaintCorrectionMaskSizeX                      real/_
2430         PaintCorrectionMaskSizeY                      real/_
2431         PaintCorrectionMaskTop                        real/_
2432         PaintCorrectionMaskVersion                    integer/_
2433         PaintCorrectionMaskWhat                       string/_
2434         PaintCorrectionMaskWholeImageArea             string/_
2435         PaintCorrectionMaskX                          real/_
2436         PaintCorrectionMaskY                          real/_
2437         PaintCorrectionMaskZeroX                      real/_
2438         PaintCorrectionMaskZeroY                      real/_
2439         PaintCorrectionCorrectionName                 string/_+
2440         PaintCorrectionRangeMask                      CorrRangeMask Struct_+
2441         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskAreaModels            AreaModels Struct_+
2442         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskAreaModelsComponents  string/_+
2443         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
2444         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskColorAmount           real/_+
2445         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskDepthFeather          real/_+
2446         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskDepthMax              real/_+
2447         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskDepthMin              real/_+
2448         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskInvert                boolean/_+
2449         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLumFeather            real/_+
2450         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string/_+
2451         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLumMax                real/_+
2452         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLumMin                real/_+
2453         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLumRange              string/_+
2454         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskSampleType            integer/_+
2455         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskType                  string/_+
2456         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskVersion               string/_+
2457         PaintCorrectionCorrectionSyncID               string/_+
2458         PaintCorrectionBlacks2012                     real/_
2459         PaintCorrectionBrightness                     real/_
2460         PaintCorrectionClarity                        real/_
2461         PaintCorrectionClarity2012                    real/_
2462         PaintCorrectionContrast                       real/_
2463         PaintCorrectionContrast2012                   real/_
2464         PaintCorrectionDefringe                       real/_
2465         PaintCorrectionDehaze                         real/_
2466         PaintCorrectionExposure                       real/_
2467         PaintCorrectionExposure2012                   real/_
2468         PaintCorrectionHighlights2012                 real/_
2469         PaintCorrectionHue                            real/_
2470         PaintCorrectionLuminanceNoise                 real/_
2471         PaintCorrectionMoire                          real/_
2472         PaintCorrectionSaturation                     real/_
2473         PaintCorrectionShadows2012                    real/_
2474         PaintCorrectionSharpness                      real/_
2475         PaintCorrectionTemperature                    real/_
2476         PaintCorrectionTexture                        real/_
2477         PaintCorrectionTint                           real/_
2478         PaintCorrectionToningHue                      real/_
2479         PaintCorrectionToningSaturation               real/_
2480         PaintCorrectionWhites2012                     real/_
2481         PaintCorrectionWhat                           string/_
2482         ParametricDarks                               integer/
2483         ParametricHighlights                          integer/
2484         ParametricHighlightSplit                      integer/
2485         ParametricLights                              integer/
2486         ParametricMidtoneSplit                        integer/
2487         ParametricShadows                             integer/
2488         ParametricShadowSplit                         integer/
2489         PerspectiveAspect                             integer/
2490         PerspectiveHorizontal                         integer/
2491         PerspectiveRotate                             real/
2492         PerspectiveScale                              integer/
2493         PerspectiveUpright                            integer/
2494         PerspectiveVertical                           integer/
2495         PerspectiveX                                  real/
2496         PerspectiveY                                  real/
2497         PostCropVignetteAmount                        integer/
2498         PostCropVignetteFeather                       integer/
2499         PostCropVignetteHighlightContrast             integer/
2500         PostCropVignetteMidpoint                      integer/
2501         PostCropVignetteRoundness                     integer/
2502         PostCropVignetteStyle                         integer/
2503         PresetType                                    string/
2504         ProcessVersion                                string/
2505         RangeMask                                     RangeMask Struct
2506         RangeMaskMapInfo                              MapInfo Struct_
2507         RangeMaskMapInfoLabMax                        string/_
2508         RangeMaskMapInfoLabMin                        string/_
2509         RangeMaskMapInfoLumEq                         string/_+
2510         RangeMaskMapInfoRGBMax                        string/_
2511         RangeMaskMapInfoRGBMin                        string/_
2512         RawFileName                                   string/
2513         RedEyeInfo                                    string/+
2514         RedHue                                        integer/
2515         RedSaturation                                 integer/
2516         RetouchAreas                                  RetouchArea Struct+
2517         RetouchAreaFeather                            real/_
2518         RetouchAreaMasks                              CorrectionMask Struct_+
2519         RetouchAreaMaskAlpha                          real/_
2520         RetouchAreaMaskAngle                          real/_
2521         RetouchAreaMaskBottom                         real/_
2522         RetouchAreaMaskCenterValue                    real/_
2523         RetouchAreaMaskCenterWeight                   real/_
2524         RetouchAreaMaskRange                          CorrRangeMask Struct_+
2525         RetouchAreaMaskRangeAreaModels                AreaModels Struct_+
2526         RetouchAreaMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents      string/_+
2527         RetouchAreaMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string/_+
2528         RetouchAreaMaskRangeColorAmount               real/_+
2529         RetouchAreaMaskRangeDepthFeather              real/_+
2530         RetouchAreaMaskRangeDepthMax                  real/_+
2531         RetouchAreaMaskRangeDepthMin                  real/_+
2532         RetouchAreaMaskRangeInvert                    boolean/_+
2533         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLumFeather                real/_+
2534         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo  string/_+
2535         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLumMax                    real/_+
2536         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLumMin                    real/_+
2537         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLumRange                  string/_+
2538         RetouchAreaMaskRangeSampleType                integer/_+
2539         RetouchAreaMaskRangeType                      string/_+
2540         RetouchAreaMaskRangeVersion                   string/_+
2541         RetouchAreaMaskDabs                           string/_
2542         RetouchAreaMaskFeather                        real/_
2543         RetouchAreaMaskFlipped                        boolean/_
2544         RetouchAreaMaskFlow                           real/_
2545         RetouchAreaMaskFullX                          real/_
2546         RetouchAreaMaskFullY                          real/_
2547         RetouchAreaMaskInputDigest                    string/_
2548         RetouchAreaMaskLeft                           real/_
2549         RetouchAreaMaskMaskActive                     boolean/_
2550         RetouchAreaMaskMaskBlendMode                  integer/_
2551         RetouchAreaMaskMaskDigest                     string/_
2552         RetouchAreaMaskMaskInverted                   boolean/_
2553         RetouchAreaMaskMaskName                       string/_
2554         RetouchAreaMaskMasks                          CorrectionMask Struct_+
2555         RetouchAreaMaskMasksAlpha                     real/_
2556         RetouchAreaMaskMasksAngle                     real/_
2557         RetouchAreaMaskMasksBottom                    real/_
2558         RetouchAreaMaskMasksCenterValue               real/_
2559         RetouchAreaMaskMasksCenterWeight              real/_
2560         RetouchAreaMaskMasksDabs                      string/_+
2561         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFeather                   real/_
2562         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFlipped                   boolean/_
2563         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFlow                      real/_
2564         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFullX                     real/_
2565         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFullY                     real/_
2566         RetouchAreaMaskMasksInputDigest               string/_
2567         RetouchAreaMaskMasksLeft                      real/_
2568         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskActive                boolean/_
2569         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskBlendMode             integer/_
2570         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskDigest                string/_
2571         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskInverted              boolean/_
2572         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskName                  string/_
2573         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskSubType               string/_
2574         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskSyncID                string/_
2575         RetouchAreaMaskMasksValue                     real/_
2576         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskVersion               string/_
2577         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMidpoint                  real/_
2578         RetouchAreaMaskMasksOrigin                    string/_
2579         RetouchAreaMaskMasksPerimeterValue            real/_
2580         RetouchAreaMaskMasksRadius                    real/_
2581         RetouchAreaMaskMasksReferencePoint            string/_
2582         RetouchAreaMaskMasksRight                     real/_
2583         RetouchAreaMaskMasksRoundness                 real/_
2584         RetouchAreaMaskMasksSizeX                     real/_
2585         RetouchAreaMaskMasksSizeY                     real/_
2586         RetouchAreaMaskMasksTop                       real/_
2587         RetouchAreaMaskMaskSubType                    string/_
2588         RetouchAreaMaskMasksVersion                   integer/_
2589         RetouchAreaMaskMasksWhat                      string/_
2590         RetouchAreaMaskMasksWholeImageArea            string/_
2591         RetouchAreaMaskMasksX                         real/_
2592         RetouchAreaMaskMasksY                         real/_
2593         RetouchAreaMaskMaskSyncID                     string/_
2594         RetouchAreaMaskMasksZeroX                     real/_
2595         RetouchAreaMaskMasksZeroY                     real/_
2596         RetouchAreaMaskValue                          real/_
2597         RetouchAreaMaskMaskVersion                    string/_
2598         RetouchAreaMaskMidpoint                       real/_
2599         RetouchAreaMaskOrigin                         string/_
2600         RetouchAreaMaskPerimeterValue                 real/_
2601         RetouchAreaMaskRadius                         real/_
2602         RetouchAreaMaskReferencePoint                 string/_
2603         RetouchAreaMaskRight                          real/_
2604         RetouchAreaMaskRoundness                      real/_
2605         RetouchAreaMaskSizeX                          real/_
2606         RetouchAreaMaskSizeY                          real/_
2607         RetouchAreaMaskTop                            real/_
2608         RetouchAreaMaskVersion                        integer/_
2609         RetouchAreaMaskWhat                           string/_
2610         RetouchAreaMaskWholeImageArea                 string/_
2611         RetouchAreaMaskX                              real/_
2612         RetouchAreaMaskY                              real/_
2613         RetouchAreaMaskZeroX                          real/_
2614         RetouchAreaMaskZeroY                          real/_
2615         RetouchAreaMethod                             string/_
2616         RetouchAreaOffsetY                            real/_
2617         RetouchAreaOpacity                            real/_
2618         RetouchAreaSeed                               integer/_
2619         RetouchAreaSourceState                        string/_
2620         RetouchAreaSourceX                            real/_
2621         RetouchAreaSpotType                           string/_
2622         RetouchInfo                                   string/+
2623         Saturation                                    integer/
2624         SaturationAdjustmentAqua                      integer/
2625         SaturationAdjustmentBlue                      integer/
2626         SaturationAdjustmentGreen                     integer/
2627         SaturationAdjustmentMagenta                   integer/
2628         SaturationAdjustmentOrange                    integer/
2629         SaturationAdjustmentPurple                    integer/
2630         SaturationAdjustmentRed                       integer/
2631         SaturationAdjustmentYellow                    integer/
2632         SDRBlend                                      real/
2633         SDRBrightness                                 real/
2634         SDRContrast                                   real/
2635         SDRHighlights                                 real/
2636         SDRShadows                                    real/
2637         SDRWhites                                     real/
2638         Shadows                                       integer/
2639         Shadows2012                                   integer/
2640         ShadowTint                                    integer/
2641         SharpenDetail                                 integer/
2642         SharpenEdgeMasking                            integer/
2643         SharpenRadius                                 real/
2644         Sharpness                                     integer/
2645         ShortName                                     lang-alt/
2646         Smoothness                                    integer/
2647         SortName                                      lang-alt/
2648         SplitToningBalance                            integer/
2649         SplitToningHighlightHue                       integer/
2650         SplitToningHighlightSaturation                integer/
2651         SplitToningShadowHue                          integer/
2652         SplitToningShadowSaturation                   integer/
2653         SupportsAmount                                boolean/
2654         SupportsColor                                 boolean/
2655         SupportsHighDynamicRange                      boolean/
2656         SupportsMonochrome                            boolean/
2657         SupportsNormalDynamicRange                    boolean/
2658         SupportsOutputReferred                        boolean/
2659         SupportsSceneReferred                         boolean/
2660         ColorTemperature                              integer/
2661         Texture                                       integer/
2662         TIFFHandling                                  string/
2663         Tint                                          integer/
2664         ToggleStyleAmount                             integer/
2665         ToggleStyleDigest                             string/
2666         ToneCurve                                     string/+
2667         ToneCurveBlue                                 string/+
2668         ToneCurveGreen                                string/+
2669         ToneCurveName                                 string/
2670         ToneCurveName2012                             string/
2671         ToneCurvePV2012                               string/+
2672         ToneCurvePV2012Blue                           string/+
2673         ToneCurvePV2012Green                          string/+
2674         ToneCurvePV2012Red                            string/+
2675         ToneCurveRed                                  string/+
2676         ToneMapStrength                               real/
2677         UprightCenterMode                             integer/
2678         UprightCenterNormX                            real/
2679         UprightCenterNormY                            real/
2680         UprightDependentDigest                        string/
2681         UprightFocalLength35mm                        real/
2682         UprightFocalMode                              integer/
2683         UprightFourSegments_0                         string/
2684         UprightFourSegments_1                         string/
2685         UprightFourSegments_2                         string/
2686         UprightFourSegments_3                         string/
2687         UprightFourSegmentsCount                      integer/
2688         UprightGuidedDependentDigest                  string/
2689         UprightPreview                                boolean/
2690         UprightTransform_0                            string/
2691         UprightTransform_1                            string/
2692         UprightTransform_2                            string/
2693         UprightTransform_3                            string/
2694         UprightTransform_4                            string/
2695         UprightTransform_5                            string/
2696         UprightTransformCount                         integer/
2697         UprightVersion                                integer/
2698         UUID                                          string/
2699         Version                                       string/
2700         Vibrance                                      integer/
2701         VignetteAmount                                integer/
2702         VignetteMidpoint                              integer/
2703         What                                          string/
2704         WhiteBalance                                  string/
2705         Whites2012                                    integer/
2707       XMP Correction Struct
2709         Field Name                                    Writable
2710         ----------                                    --------
2711         CorrectionActive                              boolean
2712         CorrectionAmount                              real
2713         CorrectionMasks                               CorrectionMask Struct+
2714         CorrectionName                                string
2715         CorrRangeMask                                 CorrRangeMask Struct
2716                                                       -
2717         CorrectionSyncID                              string
2718         LocalBlacks2012                               real
2719         LocalBrightness                               real
2720         LocalClarity                                  real
2721         LocalClarity2012                              real
2722         LocalContrast                                 real
2723         LocalContrast2012                             real
2724         LocalDefringe                                 real
2725         LocalDehaze                                   real
2726         LocalExposure                                 real
2727         LocalExposure2012                             real
2728         LocalHighlights2012                           real
2729         LocalHue                                      real
2730         LocalLuminanceNoise                           real
2731         LocalMoire                                    real
2732         LocalSaturation                               real
2733         LocalShadows2012                              real
2734         LocalSharpness                                real
2735         LocalTemperature                              real
2736         LocalTexture                                  real
2737         LocalTint                                     real
2738         LocalToningHue                                real
2739         LocalToningSaturation                         real
2740         LocalWhites2012                               real
2741         What                                          string
2743       XMP CorrectionMask Struct
2745         Field Name                                    Writable
2746         ----------                                    --------
2747         Alpha                                         real
2748         Angle                                         real
2749         Bottom                                        real
2750         CenterValue                                   real
2751         CenterWeight                                  real
2752         CorrRangeMask                                 CorrRangeMask Struct
2753                                                       -
2754         Dabs                                          string+
2755         Feather                                       real
2756         Flipped                                       boolean
2757         Flow                                          real
2758         FullX                                         real
2759         FullY                                         real
2760         InputDigest                                   string
2761         Left                                          real
2762         MaskActive                                    boolean
2763         MaskBlendMode                                 integer
2764         MaskDigest                                    string
2765         MaskInverted                                  boolean
2766         MaskName                                      string
2767         MaskSubType                                   string
2768         MaskSyncID                                    string
2769         MaskValue                                     real
2770         MaskVersion                                   string
2771         Masks                                         CorrectionMask Struct
2772         Midpoint                                      real
2773         Origin                                        string
2774         PerimeterValue                                real
2775         Radius                                        real
2776         ReferencePoint                                string
2777         Right                                         real
2778         Roundness                                     real
2779         SizeX                                         real
2780         SizeY                                         real
2781         Top                                           real
2782         Version                                       integer
2783         What                                          string
2784         WholeImageArea                                string
2785         X                                             real
2786         Y                                             real
2787         ZeroX                                         real
2788         ZeroY                                         real
2790       XMP CorrRangeMask Struct
2792       Called CorrectionRangeMask by the spec.
2794         Field Name                                    Writable
2795         ----------                                    --------
2796         AreaModels                                    AreaModels Struct+
2797         ColorAmount                                   real
2798         DepthFeather                                  real
2799         DepthMax                                      real
2800         DepthMin                                      real
2801         Invert                                        boolean
2802         LumFeather                                    real
2803         LumMax                                        real
2804         LumMin                                        real
2805         LumRange                                      string
2806         LuminanceDepthSampleInfo                      string
2807         SampleType                                    integer
2808         Type                                          string
2809         Version                                       string
2811       XMP AreaModels Struct
2813         Field Name                                    Writable
2814         ----------                                    --------
2815         AreaComponents                                string+
2816         ColorRangeMaskAreaSampleInfo                  string
2818       XMP DepthBasedCorr Struct
2820         Field Name                                    Writable
2821         ----------                                    --------
2822         CorrectionActive                              boolean
2823         CorrectionAmount                              real
2824         CorrectionMasks                               CorrectionMask Struct+
2825         CorrectionSyncID                              string
2826         LocalCorrectedDepth                           real
2827         LocalCurveRefineSaturation                    real
2828         What                                          string
2830       XMP DepthMapInfo Struct
2832         Field Name                                    Writable
2833         ----------                                    --------
2834         BaseHighlightGuideInputDigest                 string
2835         BaseHighlightGuideTable                       string
2836         BaseHighlightGuideVersion                     string
2837         BaseLayeredDepthInputDigest                   string
2838         BaseLayeredDepthTable                         string
2839         BaseLayeredDepthVersion                       string
2840         BaseRawDepthInputDigest                       string
2841         BaseRawDepthTable                             string
2842         BaseRawDepthVersion                           string
2843         DepthSource                                   string
2845       XMP LensBlur Struct
2847         Field Name                                    Writable
2848         ----------                                    --------
2849         Active                                        boolean
2850         BlurAmount                                    real
2851         BokehAspect                                   real
2852         BokehRotation                                 real
2853         BokehShape                                    real
2854         BokehShapeDetail                              real
2855         CatEyeAmount                                  real
2856         CatEyeScale                                   real
2857         FocalRange                                    string
2858         FocalRangeSource                              real
2859         HighlightsBoost                               real
2860         HighlightsThreshold                           real
2861         SampledArea                                   string
2862         SampledRange                                  string
2863         SphericalAberration                           real
2864         SubjectRange                                  string
2865         Version                                       string
2867       XMP Look Struct
2869         Field Name                                    Writable
2870         ----------                                    --------
2871         Amount                                        string
2872         Cluster                                       string
2873         Copyright                                     string
2874         Group                                         lang-alt
2875         Name                                          string
2876         Parameters                                    LookParms Struct
2877         SupportsAmount                                string
2878         SupportsMonochrome                            string
2879         SupportsOutputReferred                        string
2880         UUID                                          string
2882       XMP LookParms Struct
2884         Field Name                                    Writable
2885         ----------                                    --------
2886         CameraProfile                                 string
2887         Clarity2012                                   string
2888         ConvertToGrayscale                            string
2889         Highlights2012                                string
2890         LookTable                                     string
2891         ProcessVersion                                string
2892         Shadows2012                                   string
2893         ToneCurvePV2012                               string+
2894         ToneCurvePV2012Blue                           string+
2895         ToneCurvePV2012Green                          string+
2896         ToneCurvePV2012Red                            string+
2897         Version                                       string
2899       XMP RangeMask Struct
2901       This structure is actually called RangeMaskMapInfo, but it only
2902       contains one element which is a RangeMaskMapInfo structure (Yes,
2903       really!).  So these are renamed to RangeMask and MapInfo respectively
2904       to avoid confusion and redundancy in the tag names.
2906         Field Name                                    Writable
2907         ----------                                    --------
2908         RangeMaskMapInfo                              MapInfo Struct
2910       XMP MapInfo Struct
2912       Called RangeMaskMapInfo by the specification, the same as the
2913       containing structure.
2915         Field Name                                    Writable
2916         ----------                                    --------
2917         LabMax                                        string
2918         LabMin                                        string
2919         LumEq                                         string+
2920         RGBMax                                        string
2921         RGBMin                                        string
2923       XMP RetouchArea Struct
2925         Field Name                                    Writable
2926         ----------                                    --------
2927         Feather                                       real
2928         Masks                                         CorrectionMask Struct+
2929         Method                                        string
2930         OffsetY                                       real
2931         Opacity                                       real
2932         Seed                                          integer
2933         SourceState                                   string
2934         SourceX                                       real
2935         SpotType                                      string
2937       XMP creatorAtom Tags
2939       Adobe creatorAtom tags, written by After Effects.
2941       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-creatorAtom family 1 group.
2943         Tag Name                                      Writable
2944         --------                                      --------
2945         AeProjectLink                                 AEProjectLink Struct
2946         AeProjectLinkCompositionID                    string_
2947         AeProjectLinkFullPath                         string_
2948         AeProjectLinkRenderOutputModuleIndex          string_
2949         AeProjectLinkRenderQueueItemID                string_
2950         AeProjectLinkRenderTimeStamp                  integer_
2951         MacAtom                                       MacAtom Struct
2952         MacAtomApplicationCode                        string_
2953         MacAtomInvocationAppleEvent                   string_
2954         MacAtomPosixProjectPath                       string_
2955         WindowsAtom                                   WindowsAtom Struct
2956         WindowsAtomExtension                          string_
2957         WindowsAtomInvocationFlags                    string_
2958         WindowsAtomUncProjectPath                     string_
2960       XMP AEProjectLink Struct
2962         Field Name                                    Writable
2963         ----------                                    --------
2964         CompositionID                                 string
2965         FullPath                                      string
2966         RenderOutputModuleIndex                       string
2967         RenderQueueItemID                             string
2968         RenderTimeStamp                               integer
2970       XMP MacAtom Struct
2972         Field Name                                    Writable
2973         ----------                                    --------
2974         ApplicationCode                               string
2975         InvocationAppleEvent                          string
2976         PosixProjectPath                              string
2978       XMP WindowsAtom Struct
2980         Field Name                                    Writable
2981         ----------                                    --------
2982         Extension                                     string
2983         InvocationFlags                               string
2984         UncProjectPath                                string
2986       XMP crs Tags
2988       Photoshop Camera Raw namespace tags.  It is a shame that Adobe pollutes
2989       the metadata space with these incredibly bulky image editing
2990       parameters.
2992       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-crs family 1 group.
2994         Tag Name                                      Writable
2995         --------                                      --------
2996         AlreadyApplied                                boolean
2997         AutoBrightness                                boolean
2998         AutoContrast                                  boolean
2999         AutoExposure                                  boolean
3000         AutoLateralCA                                 integer
3001         AutoShadows                                   boolean
3002         AutoTone                                      boolean
3003         AutoToneDigest                                string
3004         AutoToneDigestNoSat                           string
3005         AutoWhiteVersion                              integer
3006         Blacks2012                                    integer
3007         BlueHue                                       integer
3008         BlueSaturation                                integer
3009         Brightness                                    integer
3010         CameraModelRestriction                        string
3011         CameraProfile                                 string
3012         CameraProfileDigest                           string
3013         ChromaticAberrationB                          integer
3014         ChromaticAberrationR                          integer
3015         CircularGradientBasedCorrections              Correction Struct+
3016         CircGradBasedCorrActive                       boolean_
3017         CircGradBasedCorrAmount                       real_
3018         CircGradBasedCorrMasks                        CorrectionMask Struct_+
3019         CircGradBasedCorrMaskAlpha                    real_
3020         CircGradBasedCorrMaskAngle                    real_
3021         CircGradBasedCorrMaskBottom                   real_
3022         CircGradBasedCorrMaskCenterValue              real_
3023         CircGradBasedCorrMaskCenterWeight             real_
3024         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRange                    CorrRangeMask Struct_+
3025         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModels          AreaModels Struct_+
3026         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents string_+
3027         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string_+
3028         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeColorAmount         real_+
3029         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthFeather        real_+
3030         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMax            real_+
3031         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMin            real_+
3032         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeInvert              boolean_+
3033         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLumFeather          real_+
3034         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string_+
3035         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMax              real_+
3036         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMin              real_+
3037         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeLumRange            string_+
3038         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeSampleType          integer_+
3039         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeType                string_+
3040         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRangeVersion             string_+
3041         CircGradBasedCorrMaskDabs                     string_
3042         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFeather                  real_
3043         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFlipped                  boolean_
3044         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFlow                     real_
3045         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFullX                    real_
3046         CircGradBasedCorrMaskFullY                    real_
3047         CircGradBasedCorrMaskInputDigest              string_
3048         CircGradBasedCorrMaskLeft                     real_
3049         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskActive               boolean_
3050         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskBlendMode            integer_
3051         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskDigest               string_
3052         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskInverted             boolean_
3053         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskName                 string_
3054         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasks                    CorrectionMask Struct_+
3055         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksAlpha               real_
3056         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksAngle               real_
3057         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksBottom              real_
3058         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterValue         real_
3059         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterWeight        real_
3060         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksDabs                string_+
3061         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFeather             real_
3062         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFlipped             boolean_
3063         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFlow                real_
3064         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFullX               real_
3065         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksFullY               real_
3066         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksInputDigest         string_
3067         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksLeft                real_
3068         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskActive          boolean_
3069         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskBlendMode       integer_
3070         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskDigest          string_
3071         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskInverted        boolean_
3072         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskName            string_
3073         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSubType         string_
3074         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSyncID          string_
3075         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksValue               real_
3076         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskVersion         string_
3077         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksMidpoint            real_
3078         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksOrigin              string_
3079         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksPerimeterValue      real_
3080         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksRadius              real_
3081         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksReferencePoint      string_
3082         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksRight               real_
3083         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksRoundness           real_
3084         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeX               real_
3085         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeY               real_
3086         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksTop                 real_
3087         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskSubType              string_
3088         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksVersion             integer_
3089         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksWhat                string_
3090         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksWholeImageArea      string_
3091         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksX                   real_
3092         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksY                   real_
3093         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskSyncID               string_
3094         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroX               real_
3095         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroY               real_
3096         CircGradBasedCorrMaskValue                    real_
3097         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMaskVersion              string_
3098         CircGradBasedCorrMaskMidpoint                 real_
3099         CircGradBasedCorrMaskOrigin                   string_
3100         CircGradBasedCorrMaskPerimeterValue           real_
3101         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRadius                   real_
3102         CircGradBasedCorrMaskReferencePoint           string_
3103         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRight                    real_
3104         CircGradBasedCorrMaskRoundness                real_
3105         CircGradBasedCorrMaskSizeX                    real_
3106         CircGradBasedCorrMaskSizeY                    real_
3107         CircGradBasedCorrMaskTop                      real_
3108         CircGradBasedCorrMaskVersion                  integer_
3109         CircGradBasedCorrMaskWhat                     string_
3110         CircGradBasedCorrMaskWholeImageArea           string_
3111         CircGradBasedCorrMaskX                        real_
3112         CircGradBasedCorrMaskY                        real_
3113         CircGradBasedCorrMaskZeroX                    real_
3114         CircGradBasedCorrMaskZeroY                    real_
3115         CircGradBasedCorrCorrectionName               string_+
3116         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMask                    CorrRangeMask Struct_+
3117         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModels          AreaModels Struct_+
3118         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsComponents string_+
3119         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string_+
3120         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskColorAmount         real_+
3121         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthFeather        real_+
3122         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMax            real_+
3123         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMin            real_+
3124         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskInvert              boolean_+
3125         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLumFeather          real_+
3126         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string_+
3127         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMax              real_+
3128         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMin              real_+
3129         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskLumRange            string_+
3130         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskSampleType          integer_+
3131         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskType                string_+
3132         CircGradBasedCorrRangeMaskVersion             string_+
3133         CircGradBasedCorrCorrectionSyncID             string_+
3134         CircGradBasedCorrBlacks2012                   real_
3135         CircGradBasedCorrBrightness                   real_
3136         CircGradBasedCorrClarity                      real_
3137         CircGradBasedCorrClarity2012                  real_
3138         CircGradBasedCorrContrast                     real_
3139         CircGradBasedCorrContrast2012                 real_
3140         CircGradBasedCorrDefringe                     real_
3141         CircGradBasedCorrDehaze                       real_
3142         CircGradBasedCorrExposure                     real_
3143         CircGradBasedCorrExposure2012                 real_
3144         CircGradBasedCorrHighlights2012               real_
3145         CircGradBasedCorrHue                          real_
3146         CircGradBasedCorrLuminanceNoise               real_
3147         CircGradBasedCorrMoire                        real_
3148         CircGradBasedCorrSaturation                   real_
3149         CircGradBasedCorrShadows2012                  real_
3150         CircGradBasedCorrSharpness                    real_
3151         CircGradBasedCorrTemperature                  real_
3152         CircGradBasedCorrTexture                      real_
3153         CircGradBasedCorrTint                         real_
3154         CircGradBasedCorrToningHue                    real_
3155         CircGradBasedCorrToningSaturation             real_
3156         CircGradBasedCorrWhites2012                   real_
3157         CircGradBasedCorrWhat                         string_
3158         Clarity                                       integer
3159         Clarity2012                                   integer
3160         ClipboardAspectRatio                          integer
3161         ClipboardOrientation                          integer
3162         Cluster                                       string
3163         ColorGradeBlending                            integer
3164         ColorGradeGlobalHue                           integer
3165         ColorGradeGlobalLum                           integer
3166         ColorGradeGlobalSat                           integer
3167         ColorGradeHighlightLum                        integer
3168         ColorGradeMidtoneHue                          integer
3169         ColorGradeMidtoneLum                          integer
3170         ColorGradeMidtoneSat                          integer
3171         ColorGradeShadowLum                           integer
3172         ColorNoiseReduction                           integer
3173         ColorNoiseReductionDetail                     integer
3174         ColorNoiseReductionSmoothness                 integer
3175         CompatibleVersion                             string
3176         ContactInfo                                   string
3177         Contrast                                      integer/
3178         Contrast2012                                  integer
3179         Converter                                     string
3180         ConvertToGrayscale                            boolean
3181         Copyright                                     string/
3182         CropAngle                                     real
3183         CropBottom                                    real
3184         CropConstrainToWarp                           integer
3185         CropHeight                                    real
3186         CropLeft                                      real
3187         CropRight                                     real
3188         CropTop                                       real
3189         CropUnit                                      integer
3190         CropUnits                                     integer
3191         CropWidth                                     real
3192         DefaultAutoGray                               boolean
3193         DefaultAutoTone                               boolean
3194         DefaultsSpecificToISO                         boolean
3195         DefaultsSpecificToSerial                      boolean
3196         Defringe                                      integer
3197         DefringeGreenAmount                           integer
3198         DefringeGreenHueHi                            integer
3199         DefringeGreenHueLo                            integer
3200         DefringePurpleAmount                          integer
3201         DefringePurpleHueHi                           integer
3202         DefringePurpleHueLo                           integer
3203         Dehaze                                        real
3204         DepthBasedCorrections                         DepthBasedCorr Struct+
3205         DepthBasedCorrCorrectionActive                boolean_+
3206         DepthBasedCorrCorrectionAmount                real_+
3207         DepthBasedCorrMask                            CorrectionMask Struct_+
3208         DepthBasedCorrMaskAlpha                       real_
3209         DepthBasedCorrMaskAngle                       real_
3210         DepthBasedCorrMaskBottom                      real_
3211         DepthBasedCorrMaskCenterValue                 real_
3212         DepthBasedCorrMaskCenterWeight                real_
3213         DepthBasedCorrMaskRange                       CorrRangeMask Struct_+
3214         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModels             AreaModels Struct_+
3215         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents   string_+
3216         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string_+
3217         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeColorAmount            real_+
3218         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthFeather           real_+
3219         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMax               real_+
3220         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMin               real_+
3221         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeInvert                 boolean_+
3222         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLumFeather             real_+
3223         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string_+
3224         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMax                 real_+
3225         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMin                 real_+
3226         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeLumRange               string_+
3227         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeSampleType             integer_+
3228         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeType                   string_+
3229         DepthBasedCorrMaskRangeVersion                string_+
3230         DepthBasedCorrMaskDabs                        string_+
3231         DepthBasedCorrMaskFeather                     real_
3232         DepthBasedCorrMaskFlipped                     boolean_
3233         DepthBasedCorrMaskFlow                        real_
3234         DepthBasedCorrMaskFullX                       real_
3235         DepthBasedCorrMaskFullY                       real_
3236         DepthBasedCorrMaskInputDigest                 string_
3237         DepthBasedCorrMaskLeft                        real_
3238         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskActive                  boolean_
3239         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskBlendMode               integer_
3240         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskDigest                  string_
3241         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskInverted                boolean_
3242         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskName                    string_
3243         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasks                       CorrectionMask Struct_+
3244         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksAlpha                  real_
3245         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksAngle                  real_
3246         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksBottom                 real_
3247         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterValue            real_
3248         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterWeight           real_
3249         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksDabs                   string_+
3250         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFeather                real_
3251         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFlipped                boolean_
3252         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFlow                   real_
3253         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFullX                  real_
3254         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksFullY                  real_
3255         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksInputDigest            string_
3256         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksLeft                   real_
3257         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskActive             boolean_
3258         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskBlendMode          integer_
3259         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskDigest             string_
3260         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskInverted           boolean_
3261         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskName               string_
3262         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSubType            string_
3263         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSyncID             string_
3264         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksValue                  real_
3265         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskVersion            string_
3266         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksMidpoint               real_
3267         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksOrigin                 string_
3268         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksPerimeterValue         real_
3269         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksRadius                 real_
3270         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksReferencePoint         string_
3271         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksRight                  real_
3272         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksRoundness              real_
3273         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeX                  real_
3274         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeY                  real_
3275         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksTop                    real_
3276         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskSubType                 string_
3277         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksVersion                integer_
3278         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksWhat                   string_
3279         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksWholeImageArea         string_
3280         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksX                      real_
3281         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksY                      real_
3282         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskSyncID                  string_
3283         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroX                  real_
3284         DepthBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroY                  real_
3285         DepthBasedCorrMaskValue                       real_
3286         DepthBasedCorrMaskMaskVersion                 string_
3287         DepthBasedCorrMaskMidpoint                    real_
3288         DepthBasedCorrMaskOrigin                      string_
3289         DepthBasedCorrMaskPerimeterValue              real_
3290         DepthBasedCorrMaskRadius                      real_
3291         DepthBasedCorrMaskReferencePoint              string_
3292         DepthBasedCorrMaskRight                       real_
3293         DepthBasedCorrMaskRoundness                   real_
3294         DepthBasedCorrMaskSizeX                       real_
3295         DepthBasedCorrMaskSizeY                       real_
3296         DepthBasedCorrMaskTop                         real_
3297         DepthBasedCorrMaskVersion                     integer_
3298         DepthBasedCorrMaskWhat                        string_
3299         DepthBasedCorrMaskWholeImageArea              string_
3300         DepthBasedCorrMaskX                           real_
3301         DepthBasedCorrMaskY                           real_
3302         DepthBasedCorrMaskZeroX                       real_
3303         DepthBasedCorrMaskZeroY                       real_
3304         DepthBasedCorrCorrectionSyncID                string_+
3305         DepthBasedCorrLocalCorrectedDepth             real_+
3306         DepthBasedCorrLocalCurveRefineSaturation      real_+
3307         DepthBasedCorrWhat                            string_+
3308         DepthMapInfo                                  DepthMapInfo Struct
3309         DepthMapInfoBaseHighlightGuideInputDigest     string_
3310         DepthMapInfoBaseHighlightGuideTable           string_
3311         DepthMapInfoBaseHighlightGuideVersion         string_
3312         DepthMapInfoBaseLayeredDepthInputDigest       string_
3313         DepthMapInfoBaseLayeredDepthTable             string_
3314         DepthMapInfoBaseLayeredDepthVersion           string_
3315         DepthMapInfoBaseRawDepthInputDigest           string_
3316         DepthMapInfoBaseRawDepthTable                 string_
3317         DepthMapInfoBaseRawDepthVersion               string_
3318         DepthMapInfoDepthSource                       string_
3319         Description                                   lang-alt/
3320         DNGIgnoreSidecars                             boolean
3321         Exposure                                      real
3322         Exposure2012                                  real
3323         FillLight                                     integer
3324         GradientBasedCorrections                      Correction Struct+
3325         GradientBasedCorrActive                       boolean_
3326         GradientBasedCorrAmount                       real_
3327         GradientBasedCorrMasks                        CorrectionMask Struct_+
3328         GradientBasedCorrMaskAlpha                    real_
3329         GradientBasedCorrMaskAngle                    real_
3330         GradientBasedCorrMaskBottom                   real_
3331         GradientBasedCorrMaskCenterValue              real_
3332         GradientBasedCorrMaskCenterWeight             real_
3333         GradientBasedCorrMaskRange                    CorrRangeMask Struct_+
3334         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModels          AreaModels Struct_+
3335         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents string_+
3336         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string_+
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3338         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthFeather        real_+
3339         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMax            real_+
3340         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMin            real_+
3341         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeInvert              boolean_+
3342         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLumFeather          real_+
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3344         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMax              real_+
3345         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMin              real_+
3346         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeLumRange            string_+
3347         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeSampleType          integer_+
3348         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeType                string_+
3349         GradientBasedCorrMaskRangeVersion             string_+
3350         GradientBasedCorrMaskDabs                     string_
3351         GradientBasedCorrMaskFeather                  real_
3352         GradientBasedCorrMaskFlipped                  boolean_
3353         GradientBasedCorrMaskFlow                     real_
3354         GradientBasedCorrMaskFullX                    real_
3355         GradientBasedCorrMaskFullY                    real_
3356         GradientBasedCorrMaskInputDigest              string_
3357         GradientBasedCorrMaskLeft                     real_
3358         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskActive               boolean_
3359         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskBlendMode            integer_
3360         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskDigest               string_
3361         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskInverted             boolean_
3362         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskName                 string_
3363         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasks                    CorrectionMask Struct_+
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3365         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksAngle               real_
3366         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksBottom              real_
3367         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterValue         real_
3368         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterWeight        real_
3369         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksDabs                string_+
3370         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFeather             real_
3371         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFlipped             boolean_
3372         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFlow                real_
3373         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFullX               real_
3374         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksFullY               real_
3375         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksInputDigest         string_
3376         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksLeft                real_
3377         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskActive          boolean_
3378         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskBlendMode       integer_
3379         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskDigest          string_
3380         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskInverted        boolean_
3381         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskName            string_
3382         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSubType         string_
3383         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSyncID          string_
3384         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksValue               real_
3385         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskVersion         string_
3386         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksMidpoint            real_
3387         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksOrigin              string_
3388         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksPerimeterValue      real_
3389         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksRadius              real_
3390         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksReferencePoint      string_
3391         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksRight               real_
3392         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksRoundness           real_
3393         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeX               real_
3394         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeY               real_
3395         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksTop                 real_
3396         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskSubType              string_
3397         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksVersion             integer_
3398         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksWhat                string_
3399         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksWholeImageArea      string_
3400         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksX                   real_
3401         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksY                   real_
3402         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskSyncID               string_
3403         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroX               real_
3404         GradientBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroY               real_
3405         GradientBasedCorrMaskValue                    real_
3406         GradientBasedCorrMaskMaskVersion              string_
3407         GradientBasedCorrMaskMidpoint                 real_
3408         GradientBasedCorrMaskOrigin                   string_
3409         GradientBasedCorrMaskPerimeterValue           real_
3410         GradientBasedCorrMaskRadius                   real_
3411         GradientBasedCorrMaskReferencePoint           string_
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3413         GradientBasedCorrMaskRoundness                real_
3414         GradientBasedCorrMaskSizeX                    real_
3415         GradientBasedCorrMaskSizeY                    real_
3416         GradientBasedCorrMaskTop                      real_
3417         GradientBasedCorrMaskVersion                  integer_
3418         GradientBasedCorrMaskWhat                     string_
3419         GradientBasedCorrMaskWholeImageArea           string_
3420         GradientBasedCorrMaskX                        real_
3421         GradientBasedCorrMaskY                        real_
3422         GradientBasedCorrMaskZeroX                    real_
3423         GradientBasedCorrMaskZeroY                    real_
3424         GradientBasedCorrCorrectionName               string_+
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3430         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthFeather        real_+
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3432         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMin            real_+
3433         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskInvert              boolean_+
3434         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLumFeather          real_+
3435         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string_+
3436         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMax              real_+
3437         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMin              real_+
3438         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskLumRange            string_+
3439         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskSampleType          integer_+
3440         GradientBasedCorrRangeMaskType                string_+
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3442         GradientBasedCorrCorrectionSyncID             string_+
3443         GradientBasedCorrBlacks2012                   real_
3444         GradientBasedCorrBrightness                   real_
3445         GradientBasedCorrClarity                      real_
3446         GradientBasedCorrClarity2012                  real_
3447         GradientBasedCorrContrast                     real_
3448         GradientBasedCorrContrast2012                 real_
3449         GradientBasedCorrDefringe                     real_
3450         GradientBasedCorrDehaze                       real_
3451         GradientBasedCorrExposure                     real_
3452         GradientBasedCorrExposure2012                 real_
3453         GradientBasedCorrHighlights2012               real_
3454         GradientBasedCorrHue                          real_
3455         GradientBasedCorrLuminanceNoise               real_
3456         GradientBasedCorrMoire                        real_
3457         GradientBasedCorrSaturation                   real_
3458         GradientBasedCorrShadows2012                  real_
3459         GradientBasedCorrSharpness                    real_
3460         GradientBasedCorrTemperature                  real_
3461         GradientBasedCorrTexture                      real_
3462         GradientBasedCorrTint                         real_
3463         GradientBasedCorrToningHue                    real_
3464         GradientBasedCorrToningSaturation             real_
3465         GradientBasedCorrWhites2012                   real_
3466         GradientBasedCorrWhat                         string_
3467         GrainAmount                                   integer
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3469         GrainSeed                                     integer
3470         GrainSize                                     integer
3471         GrayMixerAqua                                 integer
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3473         GrayMixerGreen                                integer
3474         GrayMixerMagenta                              integer
3475         GrayMixerOrange                               integer
3476         GrayMixerPurple                               integer
3477         GrayMixerRed                                  integer
3478         GrayMixerYellow                               integer
3479         GreenHue                                      integer
3480         GreenSaturation                               integer
3481         Group                                         lang-alt/
3482         HasCrop                                       boolean
3483         HasSettings                                   boolean
3484         HDREditMode                                   integer
3485         Highlight2012                                 integer
3486         HighlightRecovery                             integer
3487         Highlights2012                                integer
3488         HueAdjustmentAqua                             integer
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3494         HueAdjustmentRed                              integer
3495         HueAdjustmentYellow                           integer
3496         IncrementalTemperature                        integer
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3498         JPEGHandling                                  string
3499         LensBlur                                      LensBlur Struct
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3504         LensBlurBokehShape                            real_
3505         LensBlurBokehShapeDetail                      real_
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3508         LensBlurFocalRange                            string_
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3510         LensBlurHighlightsBoost                       real_
3511         LensBlurHighlightsThreshold                   real_
3512         LensBlurSampledArea                           string_
3513         LensBlurSampledRange                          string_
3514         LensBlurSphericalAberration                   real_
3515         LensBlurSubjectRange                          string_
3516         LensBlurVersion                               string_
3517         LensManualDistortionAmount                    integer
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3524         LensProfileMatchKeyCameraModelName            string
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3529         LensProfileMatchKeyLensInfo                   string
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3532         LensProfileName                               string
3533         LensProfileSetup                              string
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3535         Look                                          Look Struct
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3537         LookCluster                                   string_
3538         LookCopyright                                 string_
3539         LookGroup                                     lang-alt_
3540         LookName                                      string
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3542         LookParametersCameraProfile                   string_
3543         LookParametersClarity2012                     string_
3544         LookParametersConvertToGrayscale              string_
3545         LookParametersHighlights2012                  string_
3546         LookParametersLookTable                       string_
3547         LookParametersProcessVersion                  string_
3548         LookParametersShadows2012                     string_
3549         LookParametersToneCurvePV2012                 string_+
3550         LookParametersToneCurvePV2012Blue             string_+
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3552         LookParametersToneCurvePV2012Red              string_+
3553         LookParametersVersion                         string_
3554         LookSupportsAmount                            string_
3555         LookSupportsMonochrome                        string_
3556         LookSupportsOutputReferred                    string_
3557         LookUUID                                      string_
3558         LuminanceAdjustmentAqua                       integer
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3564         LuminanceAdjustmentRed                        integer
3565         LuminanceAdjustmentYellow                     integer
3566         LuminanceNoiseReductionContrast               integer
3567         LuminanceNoiseReductionDetail                 integer
3568         LuminanceSmoothing                            integer
3569         MaskGroupBasedCorrections                     Correction Struct+
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3571         MaskGroupBasedCorrAmount                      real_
3572         MaskGroupBasedCorrMask                        CorrectionMask Struct_+
3573         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskAlpha                   real_
3574         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskAngle                   real_
3575         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskBottom                  real_
3576         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskCenterValue             real_
3577         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskCenterWeight            real_
3578         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRange                   CorrRangeMask Struct_+
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3583         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthFeather       real_+
3584         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMax           real_+
3585         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeDepthMin           real_+
3586         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeInvert             boolean_+
3587         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLumFeather         real_+
3588         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string_+
3589         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMax             real_+
3590         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLumMin             real_+
3591         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeLumRange           string_+
3592         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeSampleType         integer_+
3593         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRangeType               string_+
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3595         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskDabs                    string_+
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3597         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFlipped                 boolean_
3598         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFlow                    real_
3599         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFullX                   real_
3600         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskFullY                   real_
3601         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskInputDigest             string_
3602         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskLeft                    real_
3603         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskActive              boolean_
3604         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskBlendMode           integer_
3605         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskDigest              string_
3606         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskInverted            boolean_
3607         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskName                string_
3608         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasks                   CorrectionMask Struct_+
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3610         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksAngle              real_
3611         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksBottom             real_
3612         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterValue        real_
3613         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksCenterWeight       real_
3614         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksDabs               string_+
3615         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFeather            real_
3616         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFlipped            boolean_
3617         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFlow               real_
3618         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFullX              real_
3619         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksFullY              real_
3620         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksInputDigest        string_
3621         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksLeft               real_
3622         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskActive         boolean_
3623         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskBlendMode      integer_
3624         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskDigest         string_
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3626         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskName           string_
3627         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSubType        string_
3628         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskSyncID         string_
3629         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksValue              real_
3630         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMaskVersion        string_
3631         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksMidpoint           real_
3632         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksOrigin             string_
3633         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksPerimeterValue     real_
3634         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksRadius             real_
3635         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksReferencePoint     string_
3636         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksRight              real_
3637         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksRoundness          real_
3638         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeX              real_
3639         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksSizeY              real_
3640         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksTop                real_
3641         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskSubType             string_
3642         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksVersion            integer_
3643         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksWhat               string_
3644         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksWholeImageArea     string_
3645         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksX                  real_
3646         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksY                  real_
3647         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskSyncID              string_
3648         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroX              real_
3649         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMasksZeroY              real_
3650         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskValue                   real_
3651         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMaskVersion             string_
3652         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskMidpoint                real_
3653         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskOrigin                  string_
3654         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskPerimeterValue          real_
3655         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRadius                  real_
3656         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskReferencePoint          string_
3657         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRight                   real_
3658         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskRoundness               real_
3659         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskSizeX                   real_
3660         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskSizeY                   real_
3661         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskTop                     real_
3662         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskVersion                 integer_
3663         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskWhat                    string_
3664         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskWholeImageArea          string_
3665         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskX                       real_
3666         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskY                       real_
3667         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskZeroX                   real_
3668         MaskGroupBasedCorrMaskZeroY                   real_
3669         MaskGroupBasedCorrCorrectionName              string_+
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3672         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskAreaModelsComponents string_+
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3675         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthFeather       real_+
3676         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMax           real_+
3677         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskDepthMin           real_+
3678         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskInvert             boolean_+
3679         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLumFeather         real_+
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3681         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMax             real_+
3682         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLumMin             real_+
3683         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskLumRange           string_+
3684         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskSampleType         integer_+
3685         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskType               string_+
3686         MaskGroupBasedCorrRangeMaskVersion            string_+
3687         MaskGroupBasedCorrCorrectionSyncID            string_+
3688         MaskGroupBasedCorrBlacks2012                  real_
3689         MaskGroupBasedCorrBrightness                  real_
3690         MaskGroupBasedCorrClarity                     real_
3691         MaskGroupBasedCorrClarity2012                 real_
3692         MaskGroupBasedCorrContrast                    real_
3693         MaskGroupBasedCorrContrast2012                real_
3694         MaskGroupBasedCorrDefringe                    real_
3695         MaskGroupBasedCorrDehaze                      real_
3696         MaskGroupBasedCorrExposure                    real_
3697         MaskGroupBasedCorrExposure2012                real_
3698         MaskGroupBasedCorrHighlights2012              real_
3699         MaskGroupBasedCorrHue                         real_
3700         MaskGroupBasedCorrLuminanceNoise              real_
3701         MaskGroupBasedCorrMoire                       real_
3702         MaskGroupBasedCorrSaturation                  real_
3703         MaskGroupBasedCorrShadows2012                 real_
3704         MaskGroupBasedCorrSharpness                   real_
3705         MaskGroupBasedCorrTemperature                 real_
3706         MaskGroupBasedCorrTexture                     real_
3707         MaskGroupBasedCorrTint                        real_
3708         MaskGroupBasedCorrToningHue                   real_
3709         MaskGroupBasedCorrToningSaturation            real_
3710         MaskGroupBasedCorrWhites2012                  real_
3711         MaskGroupBasedCorrWhat                        string_
3712         MoireFilter                                   string
3713         Name                                          lang-alt/
3714         NegativeCacheLargePreviewSize                 integer
3715         NegativeCacheMaximumSize                      real
3716         NegativeCachePath                             string
3717         OverrideLookVignette                          boolean
3718         PaintBasedCorrections                         Correction Struct+
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3720         PaintCorrectionAmount                         real_
3721         PaintBasedCorrectionMasks                     CorrectionMask Struct_+
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3723         PaintCorrectionMaskAngle                      real_
3724         PaintCorrectionMaskBottom                     real_
3725         PaintCorrectionMaskCenterValue                real_
3726         PaintCorrectionMaskCenterWeight               real_
3727         PaintCorrectionMaskRange                      CorrRangeMask Struct_+
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3729         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents  string_+
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3733         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeDepthMax              real_+
3734         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeDepthMin              real_+
3735         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeInvert                boolean_+
3736         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLumFeather            real_+
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3738         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLumMax                real_+
3739         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLumMin                real_+
3740         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeLumRange              string_+
3741         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeSampleType            integer_+
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3743         PaintCorrectionMaskRangeVersion               string_+
3744         PaintCorrectionMaskDabs                       string_
3745         PaintCorrectionMaskFeather                    real_
3746         PaintCorrectionMaskFlipped                    boolean_
3747         PaintCorrectionMaskFlow                       real_
3748         PaintCorrectionMaskFullX                      real_
3749         PaintCorrectionMaskFullY                      real_
3750         PaintCorrectionMaskInputDigest                string_
3751         PaintCorrectionMaskLeft                       real_
3752         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskActive                 boolean_
3753         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskBlendMode              integer_
3754         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskDigest                 string_
3755         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskInverted               boolean_
3756         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskName                   string_
3757         PaintCorrectionMaskMasks                      CorrectionMask Struct_+
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3759         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksAngle                 real_
3760         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksBottom                real_
3761         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksCenterValue           real_
3762         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksCenterWeight          real_
3763         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksDabs                  string_+
3764         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFeather               real_
3765         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFlipped               boolean_
3766         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFlow                  real_
3767         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFullX                 real_
3768         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksFullY                 real_
3769         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksInputDigest           string_
3770         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksLeft                  real_
3771         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskActive            boolean_
3772         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskBlendMode         integer_
3773         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskDigest            string_
3774         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskInverted          boolean_
3775         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskName              string_
3776         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskSubType           string_
3777         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskSyncID            string_
3778         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksValue                 real_
3779         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMaskVersion           string_
3780         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksMidpoint              real_
3781         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksOrigin                string_
3782         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksPerimeterValue        real_
3783         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksRadius                real_
3784         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksReferencePoint        string_
3785         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksRight                 real_
3786         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksRoundness             real_
3787         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksSizeX                 real_
3788         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksSizeY                 real_
3789         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksTop                   real_
3790         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskSubType                string_
3791         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksVersion               integer_
3792         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksWhat                  string_
3793         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksWholeImageArea        string_
3794         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksX                     real_
3795         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksY                     real_
3796         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskSyncID                 string_
3797         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksZeroX                 real_
3798         PaintCorrectionMaskMasksZeroY                 real_
3799         PaintCorrectionMaskValue                      real_
3800         PaintCorrectionMaskMaskVersion                string_
3801         PaintCorrectionMaskMidpoint                   real_
3802         PaintCorrectionMaskOrigin                     string_
3803         PaintCorrectionMaskPerimeterValue             real_
3804         PaintCorrectionMaskRadius                     real_
3805         PaintCorrectionMaskReferencePoint             string_
3806         PaintCorrectionMaskRight                      real_
3807         PaintCorrectionMaskRoundness                  real_
3808         PaintCorrectionMaskSizeX                      real_
3809         PaintCorrectionMaskSizeY                      real_
3810         PaintCorrectionMaskTop                        real_
3811         PaintCorrectionMaskVersion                    integer_
3812         PaintCorrectionMaskWhat                       string_
3813         PaintCorrectionMaskWholeImageArea             string_
3814         PaintCorrectionMaskX                          real_
3815         PaintCorrectionMaskY                          real_
3816         PaintCorrectionMaskZeroX                      real_
3817         PaintCorrectionMaskZeroY                      real_
3818         PaintCorrectionCorrectionName                 string_+
3819         PaintCorrectionRangeMask                      CorrRangeMask Struct_+
3820         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskAreaModels            AreaModels Struct_+
3821         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskAreaModelsComponents  string_+
3822         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string_+
3823         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskColorAmount           real_+
3824         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskDepthFeather          real_+
3825         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskDepthMax              real_+
3826         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskDepthMin              real_+
3827         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskInvert                boolean_+
3828         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLumFeather            real_+
3829         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLuminanceDepthSampleInfo string_+
3830         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLumMax                real_+
3831         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLumMin                real_+
3832         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskLumRange              string_+
3833         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskSampleType            integer_+
3834         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskType                  string_+
3835         PaintCorrectionRangeMaskVersion               string_+
3836         PaintCorrectionCorrectionSyncID               string_+
3837         PaintCorrectionBlacks2012                     real_
3838         PaintCorrectionBrightness                     real_
3839         PaintCorrectionClarity                        real_
3840         PaintCorrectionClarity2012                    real_
3841         PaintCorrectionContrast                       real_
3842         PaintCorrectionContrast2012                   real_
3843         PaintCorrectionDefringe                       real_
3844         PaintCorrectionDehaze                         real_
3845         PaintCorrectionExposure                       real_
3846         PaintCorrectionExposure2012                   real_
3847         PaintCorrectionHighlights2012                 real_
3848         PaintCorrectionHue                            real_
3849         PaintCorrectionLuminanceNoise                 real_
3850         PaintCorrectionMoire                          real_
3851         PaintCorrectionSaturation                     real_
3852         PaintCorrectionShadows2012                    real_
3853         PaintCorrectionSharpness                      real_
3854         PaintCorrectionTemperature                    real_
3855         PaintCorrectionTexture                        real_
3856         PaintCorrectionTint                           real_
3857         PaintCorrectionToningHue                      real_
3858         PaintCorrectionToningSaturation               real_
3859         PaintCorrectionWhites2012                     real_
3860         PaintCorrectionWhat                           string_
3861         ParametricDarks                               integer
3862         ParametricHighlights                          integer
3863         ParametricHighlightSplit                      integer
3864         ParametricLights                              integer
3865         ParametricMidtoneSplit                        integer
3866         ParametricShadows                             integer
3867         ParametricShadowSplit                         integer
3868         PerspectiveAspect                             integer
3869         PerspectiveHorizontal                         integer
3870         PerspectiveRotate                             real
3871         PerspectiveScale                              integer
3872         PerspectiveUpright                            integer
3873         PerspectiveVertical                           integer
3874         PerspectiveX                                  real
3875         PerspectiveY                                  real
3876         PostCropVignetteAmount                        integer
3877         PostCropVignetteFeather                       integer
3878         PostCropVignetteHighlightContrast             integer
3879         PostCropVignetteMidpoint                      integer
3880         PostCropVignetteRoundness                     integer
3881         PostCropVignetteStyle                         integer
3882         PresetType                                    string
3883         ProcessVersion                                string
3884         RangeMask                                     RangeMask Struct
3885         RangeMaskMapInfo                              MapInfo Struct_
3886         RangeMaskMapInfoLabMax                        string_
3887         RangeMaskMapInfoLabMin                        string_
3888         RangeMaskMapInfoLumEq                         string_+
3889         RangeMaskMapInfoRGBMax                        string_
3890         RangeMaskMapInfoRGBMin                        string_
3891         RawFileName                                   string
3892         RedEyeInfo                                    string+
3893         RedHue                                        integer
3894         RedSaturation                                 integer
3895         RetouchAreas                                  RetouchArea Struct+
3896         RetouchAreaFeather                            real_
3897         RetouchAreaMasks                              CorrectionMask Struct_+
3898         RetouchAreaMaskAlpha                          real_
3899         RetouchAreaMaskAngle                          real_
3900         RetouchAreaMaskBottom                         real_
3901         RetouchAreaMaskCenterValue                    real_
3902         RetouchAreaMaskCenterWeight                   real_
3903         RetouchAreaMaskRange                          CorrRangeMask Struct_+
3904         RetouchAreaMaskRangeAreaModels                AreaModels Struct_+
3905         RetouchAreaMaskRangeAreaModelsComponents      string_+
3906         RetouchAreaMaskRangeAreaModelsColorSampleInfo string_+
3907         RetouchAreaMaskRangeColorAmount               real_+
3908         RetouchAreaMaskRangeDepthFeather              real_+
3909         RetouchAreaMaskRangeDepthMax                  real_+
3910         RetouchAreaMaskRangeDepthMin                  real_+
3911         RetouchAreaMaskRangeInvert                    boolean_+
3912         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLumFeather                real_+
3913         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLuminanceDepthSampleInfo  string_+
3914         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLumMax                    real_+
3915         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLumMin                    real_+
3916         RetouchAreaMaskRangeLumRange                  string_+
3917         RetouchAreaMaskRangeSampleType                integer_+
3918         RetouchAreaMaskRangeType                      string_+
3919         RetouchAreaMaskRangeVersion                   string_+
3920         RetouchAreaMaskDabs                           string_
3921         RetouchAreaMaskFeather                        real_
3922         RetouchAreaMaskFlipped                        boolean_
3923         RetouchAreaMaskFlow                           real_
3924         RetouchAreaMaskFullX                          real_
3925         RetouchAreaMaskFullY                          real_
3926         RetouchAreaMaskInputDigest                    string_
3927         RetouchAreaMaskLeft                           real_
3928         RetouchAreaMaskMaskActive                     boolean_
3929         RetouchAreaMaskMaskBlendMode                  integer_
3930         RetouchAreaMaskMaskDigest                     string_
3931         RetouchAreaMaskMaskInverted                   boolean_
3932         RetouchAreaMaskMaskName                       string_
3933         RetouchAreaMaskMasks                          CorrectionMask Struct_+
3934         RetouchAreaMaskMasksAlpha                     real_
3935         RetouchAreaMaskMasksAngle                     real_
3936         RetouchAreaMaskMasksBottom                    real_
3937         RetouchAreaMaskMasksCenterValue               real_
3938         RetouchAreaMaskMasksCenterWeight              real_
3939         RetouchAreaMaskMasksDabs                      string_+
3940         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFeather                   real_
3941         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFlipped                   boolean_
3942         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFlow                      real_
3943         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFullX                     real_
3944         RetouchAreaMaskMasksFullY                     real_
3945         RetouchAreaMaskMasksInputDigest               string_
3946         RetouchAreaMaskMasksLeft                      real_
3947         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskActive                boolean_
3948         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskBlendMode             integer_
3949         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskDigest                string_
3950         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskInverted              boolean_
3951         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskName                  string_
3952         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskSubType               string_
3953         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskSyncID                string_
3954         RetouchAreaMaskMasksValue                     real_
3955         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMaskVersion               string_
3956         RetouchAreaMaskMasksMidpoint                  real_
3957         RetouchAreaMaskMasksOrigin                    string_
3958         RetouchAreaMaskMasksPerimeterValue            real_
3959         RetouchAreaMaskMasksRadius                    real_
3960         RetouchAreaMaskMasksReferencePoint            string_
3961         RetouchAreaMaskMasksRight                     real_
3962         RetouchAreaMaskMasksRoundness                 real_
3963         RetouchAreaMaskMasksSizeX                     real_
3964         RetouchAreaMaskMasksSizeY                     real_
3965         RetouchAreaMaskMasksTop                       real_
3966         RetouchAreaMaskMaskSubType                    string_
3967         RetouchAreaMaskMasksVersion                   integer_
3968         RetouchAreaMaskMasksWhat                      string_
3969         RetouchAreaMaskMasksWholeImageArea            string_
3970         RetouchAreaMaskMasksX                         real_
3971         RetouchAreaMaskMasksY                         real_
3972         RetouchAreaMaskMaskSyncID                     string_
3973         RetouchAreaMaskMasksZeroX                     real_
3974         RetouchAreaMaskMasksZeroY                     real_
3975         RetouchAreaMaskValue                          real_
3976         RetouchAreaMaskMaskVersion                    string_
3977         RetouchAreaMaskMidpoint                       real_
3978         RetouchAreaMaskOrigin                         string_
3979         RetouchAreaMaskPerimeterValue                 real_
3980         RetouchAreaMaskRadius                         real_
3981         RetouchAreaMaskReferencePoint                 string_
3982         RetouchAreaMaskRight                          real_
3983         RetouchAreaMaskRoundness                      real_
3984         RetouchAreaMaskSizeX                          real_
3985         RetouchAreaMaskSizeY                          real_
3986         RetouchAreaMaskTop                            real_
3987         RetouchAreaMaskVersion                        integer_
3988         RetouchAreaMaskWhat                           string_
3989         RetouchAreaMaskWholeImageArea                 string_
3990         RetouchAreaMaskX                              real_
3991         RetouchAreaMaskY                              real_
3992         RetouchAreaMaskZeroX                          real_
3993         RetouchAreaMaskZeroY                          real_
3994         RetouchAreaMethod                             string_
3995         RetouchAreaOffsetY                            real_
3996         RetouchAreaOpacity                            real_
3997         RetouchAreaSeed                               integer_
3998         RetouchAreaSourceState                        string_
3999         RetouchAreaSourceX                            real_
4000         RetouchAreaSpotType                           string_
4001         RetouchInfo                                   string+
4002         Saturation                                    integer/
4003         SaturationAdjustmentAqua                      integer
4004         SaturationAdjustmentBlue                      integer
4005         SaturationAdjustmentGreen                     integer
4006         SaturationAdjustmentMagenta                   integer
4007         SaturationAdjustmentOrange                    integer
4008         SaturationAdjustmentPurple                    integer
4009         SaturationAdjustmentRed                       integer
4010         SaturationAdjustmentYellow                    integer
4011         SDRBlend                                      real
4012         SDRBrightness                                 real
4013         SDRContrast                                   real
4014         SDRHighlights                                 real
4015         SDRShadows                                    real
4016         SDRWhites                                     real
4017         Shadows                                       integer
4018         Shadows2012                                   integer
4019         ShadowTint                                    integer
4020         SharpenDetail                                 integer
4021         SharpenEdgeMasking                            integer
4022         SharpenRadius                                 real
4023         Sharpness                                     integer/
4024         ShortName                                     lang-alt
4025         Smoothness                                    integer
4026         SortName                                      lang-alt
4027         SplitToningBalance                            integer
4028         SplitToningHighlightHue                       integer
4029         SplitToningHighlightSaturation                integer
4030         SplitToningShadowHue                          integer
4031         SplitToningShadowSaturation                   integer
4032         SupportsAmount                                boolean
4033         SupportsColor                                 boolean
4034         SupportsHighDynamicRange                      boolean
4035         SupportsMonochrome                            boolean
4036         SupportsNormalDynamicRange                    boolean
4037         SupportsOutputReferred                        boolean
4038         SupportsSceneReferred                         boolean
4039         ColorTemperature                              integer
4040         Texture                                       integer
4041         TIFFHandling                                  string
4042         Tint                                          integer
4043         ToggleStyleAmount                             integer
4044         ToggleStyleDigest                             string
4045         ToneCurve                                     string+
4046         ToneCurveBlue                                 string+
4047         ToneCurveGreen                                string+
4048         ToneCurveName                                 string
4049         ToneCurveName2012                             string
4050         ToneCurvePV2012                               string+
4051         ToneCurvePV2012Blue                           string+
4052         ToneCurvePV2012Green                          string+
4053         ToneCurvePV2012Red                            string+
4054         ToneCurveRed                                  string+
4055         ToneMapStrength                               real
4056         UprightCenterMode                             integer
4057         UprightCenterNormX                            real
4058         UprightCenterNormY                            real
4059         UprightDependentDigest                        string
4060         UprightFocalLength35mm                        real
4061         UprightFocalMode                              integer
4062         UprightFourSegments_0                         string
4063         UprightFourSegments_1                         string
4064         UprightFourSegments_2                         string
4065         UprightFourSegments_3                         string
4066         UprightFourSegmentsCount                      integer
4067         UprightGuidedDependentDigest                  string
4068         UprightPreview                                boolean
4069         UprightTransform_0                            string
4070         UprightTransform_1                            string
4071         UprightTransform_2                            string
4072         UprightTransform_3                            string
4073         UprightTransform_4                            string
4074         UprightTransform_5                            string
4075         UprightTransformCount                         integer
4076         UprightVersion                                integer
4077         UUID                                          string/
4078         Version                                       string
4079         Vibrance                                      integer
4080         VignetteAmount                                integer
4081         VignetteMidpoint                              integer
4082         What                                          string
4083         WhiteBalance                                  string/
4084         Whites2012                                    integer
4086       XMP dc Tags
4088       Dublin Core namespace tags.
4090       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-dc family 1 group.
4092         Tag Name                                      Writable
4093         --------                                      --------
4094         Contributor                                   string+
4095         Coverage                                      string
4096         Creator                                       string+
4097         Date                                          date+
4098         Description                                   lang-alt
4099         Format                                        string
4100         Identifier                                    string
4101         Language                                      string+
4102         Publisher                                     string+
4103         Relation                                      string+
4104         Rights                                        lang-alt
4105         Source                                        string/
4106         Subject                                       string+
4107         Title                                         lang-alt
4108         Type                                          string+
4110       XMP Device Tags
4112       Google depth-map Device tags.  See
4113       <https://developer.android.com/training/camera2/Dynamic-depth-v1.0.pdf>
4114       for the specification.
4116       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-Device family 1 group.
4118         Tag Name                                      Writable
4119         --------                                      --------
4120         AppInfo                                       AppInfo Struct
4121         AppInfoApplication                            string_
4122         AppInfoItemURI                                string_
4123         AppInfoVersion                                string_
4124         Cameras                                       DeviceCameras Struct+
4125         Camera                                        DeviceCamera Struct_+
4126         CameraAppInfo                                 AppInfo Struct_+
4127         CameraAppInfoApplication                      string_+
4128         CameraAppInfoItemURI                          string_+
4129         CameraAppInfoVersion                          string_+
4130         CameraDepthMap                                DeviceDepthMap Struct_+
4131         CameraDepthMapConfidenceURI                   string_+
4132         CameraDepthMapDepthURI                        string_+
4133         CameraDepthMapFar                             real_+
4134         CameraDepthMapFocalTable                      string_+
4135         CameraDepthMapFocalTableEntryCount            integer_+
4136         CameraDepthMapFormat                          string_+
4137         CameraDepthMapItemSemantic                    string_+
4138         CameraDepthMapMeasureType                     string_+
4139         CameraDepthMapNear                            real_+
4140         CameraDepthMapSoftware                        string_+
4141         CameraDepthMapUnits                           string_+
4142         CameraImage                                   DeviceImage Struct_+
4143         CameraImageItemSemantic                       string_+
4144         CameraImageItemURI                            string_+
4145         CameraImagingModel                            DeviceImagingModel Struct_+
4146         CameraImagingModelDistortion                  string_+
4147         CameraImagingModelDistortionCount             integer_+
4148         CameraImagingModelFocalLengthX                real_+
4149         CameraImagingModelFocalLengthY                real_+
4150         CameraImagingModelImageHeight                 integer_+
4151         CameraImagingModelImageWidth                  integer_+
4152         CameraImagingModelPixelAspectRatio            real_+
4153         CameraImagingModelPrincipalPointX             real_+
4154         CameraImagingModelPrincipalPointY             real_+
4155         CameraImagingModelSkew                        real_+
4156         CameraLightEstimate                           DeviceLightEstimate Struct_+
4157         CameraLightEstimateColorCorrectionB           real_+
4158         CameraLightEstimateColorCorrectionG           real_+
4159         CameraLightEstimateColorCorrectionR           real_+
4160         CameraLightEstimatePixelIntensity             real_+
4161         CameraPointCloud                              DevicePointCloud Struct_+
4162         CameraPointCloudMetric                        boolean_+
4163         CameraPointCloudPointCloud                    integer_+
4164         CameraPointCloudPoints                        string_+
4165         CameraPose                                    Pose Struct_+
4166         CameraPosePositionX                           real_+
4167         CameraPosePositionY                           real_+
4168         CameraPosePositionZ                           real_+
4169         CameraPoseRotationW                           real_+
4170         CameraPoseRotationX                           real_+
4171         CameraPoseRotationY                           real_+
4172         CameraPoseRotationZ                           real_+
4173         CameraPoseTimestamp                           integer_+
4174         CameraTrait                                   string_+
4175         CameraVendorInfo                              VendorInfo Struct_+
4176         CameraVendorInfoManufacturer                  string_+
4177         CameraVendorInfoModel                         string_+
4178         CameraVendorInfoNotes                         string_+
4179         Container                                     DeviceContainer Struct
4180         ContainerDirectory                            DeviceDirectory Struct_+
4181         ContainerDirectoryItem                        DeviceItem Struct_+
4182         ContainerDirectoryItemDataURI                 string_+
4183         ContainerDirectoryItemLength                  integer_+
4184         ContainerDirectoryItemMime                    string_+
4185         ContainerDirectoryItemPadding                 integer_+
4186         EarthPos                                      EarthPose Struct
4187         EarthPosAltitude                              real_
4188         EarthPosLatitude                              real_
4189         EarthPosLongitude                             real_
4190         EarthPosRotationW                             real_
4191         EarthPosRotationX                             real_
4192         EarthPosRotationY                             real_
4193         EarthPosRotationZ                             real_
4194         EarthPosTimestamp                             integer_
4195         Planes                                        DevicePlanes Struct+
4196         Plane                                         DevicePlane Struct_+
4197         PlaneBoundary                                 string_+
4198         PlaneBoundaryVertexCount                      integer_+
4199         PlaneExtentX                                  real_+
4200         PlaneExtentZ                                  real_+
4201         PlanePose                                     Pose Struct_+
4202         PlanePosePositionX                            real_+
4203         PlanePosePositionY                            real_+
4204         PlanePosePositionZ                            real_+
4205         PlanePoseRotationW                            real_+
4206         PlanePoseRotationX                            real_+
4207         PlanePoseRotationY                            real_+
4208         PlanePoseRotationZ                            real_+
4209         PlanePoseTimestamp                            integer_+
4210         Pose                                          Pose Struct
4211         PosePositionX                                 real_
4212         PosePositionY                                 real_
4213         PosePositionZ                                 real_
4214         PoseRotationW                                 real_
4215         PoseRotationX                                 real_
4216         PoseRotationY                                 real_
4217         PoseRotationZ                                 real_
4218         PoseTimestamp                                 integer_
4219         Profiles                                      DeviceProfiles Struct+
4220         Profile                                       DeviceProfile Struct_+
4221         ProfileCameraIndices                          integer_+
4222         ProfileType                                   string_+
4223         VendorInfo                                    VendorInfo Struct
4224         VendorInfoManufacturer                        string_
4225         VendorInfoModel                               string_
4226         VendorInfoNotes                               string_
4228       XMP AppInfo Struct
4230         Field Name                                    Writable
4231         ----------                                    --------
4232         Application                                   string
4233         ItemURI                                       string
4234         Version                                       string
4236       XMP DeviceCameras Struct
4238         Field Name                                    Writable
4239         ----------                                    --------
4240         Camera                                        DeviceCamera Struct
4242       XMP DeviceCamera Struct
4244         Field Name                                    Writable
4245         ----------                                    --------
4246         AppInfo                                       AppInfo Struct
4247         DepthMap                                      DeviceDepthMap Struct
4248         Image                                         DeviceImage Struct
4249         ImagingModel                                  DeviceImagingModel Struct
4250         LightEstimate                                 DeviceLightEstimate Struct
4251         PointCloud                                    DevicePointCloud Struct
4252         Pose                                          Pose Struct
4253         Trait                                         string
4254         VendorInfo                                    VendorInfo Struct
4256       XMP DeviceDepthMap Struct
4258         Field Name                                    Writable
4259         ----------                                    --------
4260         ConfidenceURI                                 string
4261         DepthURI                                      string
4262         Far                                           real
4263         FocalTable                                    string
4264         FocalTableEntryCount                          integer
4265         Format                                        string
4266         ItemSemantic                                  string
4267         MeasureType                                   string
4268         Near                                          real
4269         Software                                      string
4270         Units                                         string
4272       XMP DeviceImage Struct
4274         Field Name                                    Writable
4275         ----------                                    --------
4276         ItemSemantic                                  string
4277         ItemURI                                       string
4279       XMP DeviceImagingModel Struct
4281         Field Name                                    Writable
4282         ----------                                    --------
4283         Distortion                                    string
4284         DistortionCount                               integer
4285         FocalLengthX                                  real
4286         FocalLengthY                                  real
4287         ImageHeight                                   integer
4288         ImageWidth                                    integer
4289         PixelAspectRatio                              real
4290         PrincipalPointX                               real
4291         PrincipalPointY                               real
4292         Skew                                          real
4294       XMP DeviceLightEstimate Struct
4296         Field Name                                    Writable
4297         ----------                                    --------
4298         ColorCorrectionB                              real
4299         ColorCorrectionG                              real
4300         ColorCorrectionR                              real
4301         PixelIntensity                                real
4303       XMP DevicePointCloud Struct
4305         Field Name                                    Writable
4306         ----------                                    --------
4307         Metric                                        boolean
4308         PointCloud                                    integer
4309         Points                                        string
4311       XMP Pose Struct
4313         Field Name                                    Writable
4314         ----------                                    --------
4315         PositionX                                     real
4316         PositionY                                     real
4317         PositionZ                                     real
4318         RotationW                                     real
4319         RotationX                                     real
4320         RotationY                                     real
4321         RotationZ                                     real
4322         Timestamp                                     integer
4324       XMP VendorInfo Struct
4326         Field Name                                    Writable
4327         ----------                                    --------
4328         Manufacturer                                  string
4329         Model                                         string
4330         Notes                                         string
4332       XMP DeviceContainer Struct
4334         Field Name                                    Writable
4335         ----------                                    --------
4336         Directory                                     DeviceDirectory Struct+
4338       XMP DeviceDirectory Struct
4340         Field Name                                    Writable
4341         ----------                                    --------
4342         Item                                          DeviceItem Struct
4344       XMP DeviceItem Struct
4346         Field Name                                    Writable
4347         ----------                                    --------
4348         DataURI                                       string
4349         Length                                        integer
4350         Mime                                          string
4351         Padding                                       integer
4353       XMP EarthPose Struct
4355         Field Name                                    Writable
4356         ----------                                    --------
4357         Altitude                                      real
4358         Latitude                                      real
4359         Longitude                                     real
4360         RotationW                                     real
4361         RotationX                                     real
4362         RotationY                                     real
4363         RotationZ                                     real
4364         Timestamp                                     integer
4366       XMP DevicePlanes Struct
4368         Field Name                                    Writable
4369         ----------                                    --------
4370         Plane                                         DevicePlane Struct
4372       XMP DevicePlane Struct
4374         Field Name                                    Writable
4375         ----------                                    --------
4376         Boundary                                      string
4377         BoundaryVertexCount                           integer
4378         ExtentX                                       real
4379         ExtentZ                                       real
4380         Pose                                          Pose Struct
4382       XMP DeviceProfiles Struct
4384         Field Name                                    Writable
4385         ----------                                    --------
4386         Profile                                       DeviceProfile Struct
4388       XMP DeviceProfile Struct
4390         Field Name                                    Writable
4391         ----------                                    --------
4392         CameraIndices                                 integer+
4393         Type                                          string
4395       XMP dex Tags
4397       Description Explorer namespace tags.  These tags are not very common.
4398       The Source and Rating tags are avoided when writing due to name
4399       conflicts with other XMP tags.  (see
4400       <http://www.optimasc.com/products/fileid/>)
4402       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-dex family 1 group.
4404         Tag Name                                      Writable
4405         --------                                      --------
4406         CRC32                                         integer
4407         FFID                                          string
4408         LicenseType                                   string
4409         OS                                            integer
4410         Rating                                        string/
4411         Revision                                      string
4412         ShortDescription                              lang-alt
4413         Source                                        string/
4415       XMP DICOM Tags
4417       DICOM namespace tags.  These XMP tags allow some DICOM information to
4418       be stored in files of other than DICOM format.  See the DICOM Tags
4419       documentation for a list of tags available in DICOM-format files.
4421       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-DICOM family 1 group.
4423         Tag Name                                      Writable
4424         --------                                      --------
4425         EquipmentInstitution                          string
4426         EquipmentManufacturer                         string
4427         PatientBirthDate                              date
4428         PatientID                                     string
4429         PatientName                                   string
4430         PatientSex                                    string
4431         SeriesDateTime                                date
4432         SeriesDescription                             string
4433         SeriesModality                                string
4434         SeriesNumber                                  string
4435         StudyDateTime                                 date
4436         StudyDescription                              string
4437         StudyID                                       string
4438         StudyPhysician                                string
4440       XMP digiKam Tags
4442       DigiKam namespace tags.
4444       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-digiKam family 1 group.
4446         Tag Name                                      Writable
4447         --------                                      --------
4448         CaptionsAuthorNames                           lang-alt
4449         CaptionsDateTimeStamps                        lang-alt
4450         ColorLabel                                    string
4451         ImageHistory                                  string/
4452         ImageUniqueID                                 string/
4453         LensCorrectionSettings                        string
4454         PicasawebGPhotoId                             string
4455         PickLabel                                     string
4456         TagsList                                      string+
4458       XMP ExifTool Tags
4460       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-et family 1 group.
4462         Tag Name                                      Writable
4463         --------                                      --------
4464         OriginalImageHash                             string
4465         OriginalImageHashType                         string
4466         OriginalImageMD5                              string
4468       XMP exif Tags
4470       EXIF namespace for EXIF tags.  See
4471       <https://web.archive.org/web/20180921145139if_/http://www.cipa.jp:80/std/documents/e/DC-010-2017_E.pdf>
4472       for the specification.
4474       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-exif family 1 group.
4476         Tag Name                                      Writable
4477         --------                                      --------
4478         ApertureValue                                 rational
4479         BrightnessValue                               rational
4480         CFAPattern                                    CFAPattern Struct
4481         CFAPatternColumns                             integer_
4482         CFAPatternRows                                integer_
4483         CFAPatternValues                              integer_+
4484         ColorSpace                                    integer
4485         ComponentsConfiguration                       integer+
4486         CompressedBitsPerPixel                        rational
4487         Contrast                                      integer
4488         CustomRendered                                integer
4489         DateTimeDigitized                             date
4490         DateTimeOriginal                              date
4491         DeviceSettingDescription                      DeviceSettings Struct
4492         DeviceSettingDescriptionColumns               integer_
4493         DeviceSettingDescriptionRows                  integer_
4494         DeviceSettingDescriptionSettings              string_+
4495         DigitalZoomRatio                              rational
4496         ExifVersion                                   string
4497         ExposureCompensation                          rational
4498         ExposureIndex                                 rational
4499         ExposureMode                                  integer
4500         ExposureProgram                               integer
4501         ExposureTime                                  rational
4502         FileSource                                    integer
4503         Flash                                         Flash Struct
4504         FlashEnergy                                   rational
4505         FlashFired                                    boolean_
4506         FlashFunction                                 boolean_
4507         FlashMode                                     integer_
4508         FlashpixVersion                               string
4509         FlashRedEyeMode                               boolean_
4510         FlashReturn                                   integer_
4511         FNumber                                       rational
4512         FocalLength                                   rational
4513         FocalLengthIn35mmFormat                       integer
4514         FocalPlaneResolutionUnit                      integer
4515         FocalPlaneXResolution                         rational
4516         FocalPlaneYResolution                         rational
4517         GainControl                                   integer
4518         GPSAltitude                                   rational
4519         GPSAltitudeRef                                integer
4520         GPSAreaInformation                            string
4521         GPSDestBearing                                rational
4522         GPSDestBearingRef                             string
4523         GPSDestDistance                               rational
4524         GPSDestDistanceRef                            string
4525         GPSDestLatitude                               string
4526         GPSDestLongitude                              string
4527         GPSDifferential                               integer
4528         GPSDOP                                        rational
4529         GPSHPositioningError                          rational
4530         GPSImgDirection                               rational
4531         GPSImgDirectionRef                            string
4532         GPSLatitude                                   string
4533         GPSLongitude                                  string
4534         GPSMapDatum                                   string
4535         GPSMeasureMode                                integer
4536         GPSProcessingMethod                           string
4537         GPSSatellites                                 string
4538         GPSSpeed                                      rational
4539         GPSSpeedRef                                   string
4540         GPSStatus                                     string
4541         GPSDateTime                                   date
4542         GPSTrack                                      rational
4543         GPSTrackRef                                   string
4544         GPSVersionID                                  string
4545         ImageUniqueID                                 string
4546         ISO                                           integer+
4547         LightSource                                   string
4548         MakerNote                                     string
4549         MaxApertureValue                              rational
4550         MeteringMode                                  integer
4551         NativeDigest                                  string
4552         Opto-ElectricConvFactor                       OECF Struct
4553         OECFColumns                                   integer_
4554         OECFNames                                     string_+
4555         OECFRows                                      integer_
4556         OECFValues                                    rational_+
4557         ExifImageWidth                                integer
4558         ExifImageHeight                               integer
4559         RelatedSoundFile                              string
4560         Saturation                                    integer
4561         SceneCaptureType                              integer
4562         SceneType                                     integer
4563         SensingMethod                                 integer
4564         Sharpness                                     integer
4565         ShutterSpeedValue                             rational
4566         SpatialFrequencyResponse                      OECF Struct
4567         SpatialFrequencyResponseColumns               integer_
4568         SpatialFrequencyResponseNames                 string_+
4569         SpatialFrequencyResponseRows                  integer_
4570         SpatialFrequencyResponseValues                rational_+
4571         SpectralSensitivity                           string
4572         SubjectArea                                   integer+
4573         SubjectDistance                               rational
4574         SubjectDistanceRange                          integer
4575         SubjectLocation                               integer+
4576         UserComment                                   lang-alt
4577         WhiteBalance                                  integer
4579       XMP CFAPattern Struct
4581         Field Name                                    Writable
4582         ----------                                    --------
4583         Columns                                       integer
4584         Rows                                          integer
4585         Values                                        integer+
4587       XMP DeviceSettings Struct
4589         Field Name                                    Writable
4590         ----------                                    --------
4591         Columns                                       integer
4592         Rows                                          integer
4593         Settings                                      string+
4595       XMP Flash Struct
4597         Field Name                                    Writable
4598         ----------                                    --------
4599         Fired                                         boolean
4600         Function                                      boolean
4601         Mode                                          integer
4602         RedEyeMode                                    boolean
4603         Return                                        integer
4605       XMP OECF Struct
4607         Field Name                                    Writable
4608         ----------                                    --------
4609         Columns                                       integer
4610         Names                                         string+
4611         Rows                                          integer
4612         Values                                        rational+
4614       XMP exifEX Tags
4616       EXIF tags added by the EXIF 2.32 for XMP specification (see
4617       <https://cipa.jp/std/documents/download_e.html?DC-010-2020_E>).
4619       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-exifEX family 1 group.
4621         Tag Name                                      Writable
4622         --------                                      --------
4623         Acceleration                                  rational
4624         SerialNumber                                  string
4625         CameraElevationAngle                          rational
4626         OwnerName                                     string
4627         CompositeImage                                integer
4628         CompositeImageCount                           integer+
4629         CompositeImageExposureTimes                   CompImageExp Struct
4630         CompImageMaxExposureAll                       rational_
4631         CompImageMaxExposureUsed                      rational_
4632         CompImageMinExposureAll                       rational_
4633         CompImageMinExposureUsed                      rational_
4634         CompImageImagesPerSequence                    integer_
4635         CompImageNumSequences                         integer_
4636         CompImageSumExposureAll                       rational_
4637         CompImageSumExposureUsed                      rational_
4638         CompImageTotalExposurePeriod                  rational_
4639         CompImageValues                               rational_+
4640         Gamma                                         rational
4641         Humidity                                      rational
4642         InteropIndex                                  string
4643         ISOSpeed                                      integer
4644         ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy                           integer
4645         ISOSpeedLatitudezzz                           integer
4646         LensMake                                      string
4647         LensModel                                     string
4648         LensSerialNumber                              string
4649         LensInfo                                      rational+
4650         PhotographicSensitivity                       integer
4651         Pressure                                      rational
4652         RecommendedExposureIndex                      integer
4653         SensitivityType                               integer
4654         StandardOutputSensitivity                     integer
4655         AmbientTemperature                            rational
4656         WaterDepth                                    rational
4658       XMP CompImageExp Struct
4660         Field Name                                    Writable
4661         ----------                                    --------
4662         MaxExposureTimesOfAll                         rational
4663         MaxExposureTimesOfUsed                        rational
4664         MinExposureTimesOfAll                         rational
4665         MinExposureTimesOfUsed                        rational
4666         NumberOfImagesInSequences                     integer
4667         NumberOfSequences                             integer
4668         SumOfExposureTimesOfAll                       rational
4669         SumOfExposureTimesOfUsed                      rational
4670         TotalExposurePeriod                           rational
4671         Values                                        rational+
4673       XMP ExpressionMedia Tags
4675       Microsoft Expression Media namespace tags.  These tags are avoided when
4676       writing due to name conflicts with tags in other schemas.
4678       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-expressionmedia family 1 group.
4680         Tag Name                                      Writable
4681         --------                                      --------
4682         CatalogSets                                   string/+
4683         Event                                         string/
4684         People                                        string/+
4685         Status                                        string/
4687       XMP extensis Tags
4689       Tags used by Extensis Portfolio.
4691       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-extensis family 1 group.
4693         Tag Name                                      Writable
4694         --------                                      --------
4695         Approved                                      boolean
4696         ApprovedBy                                    string
4697         ClientName                                    string
4698         JobName                                       string
4699         JobStatus                                     string
4700         RoutedTo                                      string
4701         RoutingNotes                                  string
4702         WorkToDo                                      string
4704       XMP fpv Tags
4706       Fast Picture Viewer tags (see
4707       <http://www.fastpictureviewer.com/help/#rtfcomments>).
4709       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-fpv family 1 group.
4711         Tag Name                                      Writable
4712         --------                                      --------
4713         RichTextComment                               string
4715       XMP GAudio Tags
4717       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-GAudio family 1 group.
4719         Tag Name                                      Writable
4720         --------                                      --------
4721         AudioData                                     string
4722         AudioMimeType                                 string
4724       XMP GCamera Tags
4726       Camera information found in Google panorama images.
4728       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-GCamera family 1 group.
4730         Tag Name                                      Writable
4731         --------                                      --------
4732         BurstID                                       string
4733         BurstPrimary                                  string
4734         DisableAutoCreation                           string+
4735         HDRPMakerNote                                 string
4736         HdrPlusMakernote                              string
4737         MicroVideo                                    integer
4738         MicroVideoOffset                              integer
4739         MicroVideoPresentationTimestampUs             integer
4740         MicroVideoVersion                             integer
4741         PortraitNote                                  string
4742         PortraitRequest                               string
4743         PortraitVersion                               string
4744         ShotLogData                                   string
4745         SpecialTypeID                                 string+
4747       XMP GCreations Tags
4749       Google creations tags.
4751       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-GCreations family 1 group.
4753         Tag Name                                      Writable
4754         --------                                      --------
4755         CameraBurstID                                 string
4756         Type                                          string/
4758       XMP GDepth Tags
4760       Google depthmap information. See
4761       <https://developers.google.com/depthmap-metadata/> for the
4762       specification.
4764       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-GDepth family 1 group.
4766         Tag Name                                      Writable
4767         --------                                      --------
4768         Confidence                                    string/
4769         ConfidenceMime                                string/
4770         DepthImage                                    string/
4771         Far                                           real/
4772         Format                                        string/
4773         ImageHeight                                   real/
4774         ImageWidth                                    real/
4775         Manufacturer                                  string/
4776         MeasureType                                   string/
4777         Mime                                          string/
4778         Model                                         string/
4779         Near                                          real/
4780         Software                                      string/
4781         Units                                         string/
4783       XMP GettyImages Tags
4785       The actual Getty Images namespace prefix is "GettyImagesGIFT", which is
4786       the prefix recorded in the file, but ExifTool shortens this for the
4787       family 1 group name.
4789       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-getty family 1 group.
4791         Tag Name                                      Writable
4792         --------                                      --------
4793         AssetID                                       string
4794         CallForImage                                  string
4795         CameraFilename                                string
4796         CameraMakeModel                               string/
4797         CameraSerialNumber                            string/
4798         Composition                                   string
4799         ExclusiveCoverage                             string
4800         GIFTFtpPriority                               string
4801         ImageRank                                     string
4802         MediaEventIdDate                              string
4803         OriginalCreateDateTime                        date/
4804         OriginalFileName                              string
4805         ParentMediaEventID                            string
4806         ParentMEID                                    string
4807         Personality                                   string+
4808         PrimaryFTP                                    string+
4809         RoutingDestinations                           string+
4810         RoutingExclusions                             string+
4811         SecondaryFTP                                  string+
4812         TimeShot                                      string
4814       XMP GFocus Tags
4816       Focus information found in Google depthmap images.
4818       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-GFocus family 1 group.
4820         Tag Name                                      Writable
4821         --------                                      --------
4822         BlurAtInfinity                                real
4823         FocalDistance                                 real
4824         FocalPointX                                   real
4825         FocalPointY                                   real
4827       XMP GImage Tags
4829       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-GImage family 1 group.
4831         Tag Name                                      Writable
4832         --------                                      --------
4833         ImageData                                     string
4834         ImageMimeType                                 string
4836       XMP GPano Tags
4838       Panorama tags written by Google Photosphere. See
4839       <https://developers.google.com/panorama/metadata/> for the
4840       specification.
4842       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-GPano family 1 group.
4844         Tag Name                                      Writable
4845         --------                                      --------
4846         CaptureSoftware                               string
4847         CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels                  real
4848         CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels                   real
4849         CroppedAreaLeftPixels                         real
4850         CroppedAreaTopPixels                          real
4851         ExposureLockUsed                              boolean
4852         FirstPhotoDate                                date
4853         FullPanoHeightPixels                          real
4854         FullPanoWidthPixels                           real
4855         InitialCameraDolly                            real
4856         InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees                   real
4857         InitialVerticalFOVDegrees                     real
4858         InitialViewHeadingDegrees                     real
4859         InitialViewPitchDegrees                       real
4860         InitialViewRollDegrees                        real
4861         LargestValidInteriorRectHeight                real
4862         LargestValidInteriorRectLeft                  real
4863         LargestValidInteriorRectTop                   real
4864         LargestValidInteriorRectWidth                 real
4865         LastPhotoDate                                 date
4866         PoseHeadingDegrees                            real
4867         PosePitchDegrees                              real
4868         PoseRollDegrees                               real
4869         ProjectionType                                string
4870         SourcePhotosCount                             integer
4871         StitchingSoftware                             string
4872         UsePanoramaViewer                             boolean
4874       XMP GSpherical Tags
4876       Not actually XMP.  These RDF/XML tags are used in Google spherical MP4
4877       videos.  These tags are written into the video track of MOV/MP4 files,
4878       and not at the top level like other XMP tags.  See
4879       <https://github.com/google/spatial-media/blob/master/docs/spherical-video-rfc.md>
4880       for the specification.
4882       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-GSpherical family 1 group.
4884         Tag Name                                      Writable
4885         --------                                      --------
4886         CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels                  integer/
4887         CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels                   integer/
4888         CroppedAreaLeftPixels                         integer/
4889         CroppedAreaTopPixels                          integer/
4890         FullPanoHeightPixels                          integer/
4891         FullPanoWidthPixels                           integer/
4892         InitialViewHeadingDegrees                     real/
4893         InitialViewPitchDegrees                       real/
4894         InitialViewRollDegrees                        real/
4895         ProjectionType                                string/
4896         SourceCount                                   integer/
4897         Spherical                                     boolean/
4898         StereoMode                                    string/
4899         Stitched                                      boolean/
4900         StitchingSoftware                             string/
4901         TimeStamp                                     integer/
4903       XMP hdr Tags
4905       HDR metadata namespace tags written by ACR 15.1.  The actual namespace
4906       prefix is "hdr_metadata", which is the prefix recorded in the file, but
4907       ExifTool shortens this for the family 1 group name.
4909       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-hdr family 1 group.
4911         Tag Name                                      Writable
4912         --------                                      --------
4913         CCVAvgLuminanceNits                           real
4914         CCVMaxLuminanceNits                           real
4915         CCVMinLuminanceNits                           real
4916         CCVPrimariesXY                                string
4917         CCVWhiteXY                                    string
4918         SceneReferred                                 boolean
4920       XMP hdrgm Tags
4922       Tags used in Adobe gain map images.
4924       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-hdrgm family 1 group.
4926         Tag Name                                      Writable
4927         --------                                      --------
4928         BaseRenditionIsHDR                            boolean
4929         GainMapMax                                    real+
4930         GainMapMin                                    real+
4931         Gamma                                         real/+
4932         HDRCapacityMax                                real
4933         HDRCapacityMin                                real
4934         OffsetHDR                                     real+
4935         OffsetSDR                                     real+
4936         Version                                       string/
4938       XMP ics Tags
4940       Tags used by IDimager.  Nested TagStructure structures are unrolled to
4941       an arbitrary depth of 6 to avoid infinite recursion.
4943       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-ics family 1 group.
4945         Tag Name                                      Writable
4946         --------                                      --------
4947         AppVersion                                    string/
4948         ImageRef                                      string
4949         SubVersions                                   SubVersion Struct+
4950         SubVersionFileName                            string_+
4951         SubVersionReference                           string_+
4952         TagStructure                                  TagStructure Struct+
4953         LabelName1                                    string_+
4954         ParentReference1                              string_+
4955         Reference1                                    string_+
4956         SubLabels1                                    TagStructure Struct_+
4957         LabelName2                                    string_+
4958         ParentReference2                              string_+
4959         Reference2                                    string_+
4960         SubLabels2                                    TagStructure Struct_+
4961         LabelName3                                    string_+
4962         ParentReference3                              string_+
4963         Reference3                                    string_+
4964         SubLabels3                                    TagStructure Struct_+
4965         LabelName4                                    string_+
4966         ParentReference4                              string_+
4967         Reference4                                    string_+
4968         SubLabels4                                    TagStructure Struct_+
4969         LabelName5                                    string_+
4970         ParentReference5                              string_+
4971         Reference5                                    string_+
4972         SubLabels5                                    TagStructure Struct_+
4973         LabelName6                                    string_+
4974         ParentReference6                              string_+
4975         Reference6                                    string_+
4976         TimeStamp                                     date/
4978       XMP SubVersion Struct
4980         Field Name                                    Writable
4981         ----------                                    --------
4982         FileName                                      string
4983         VersRef                                       string
4985       XMP TagStructure Struct
4987         Field Name                                    Writable
4988         ----------                                    --------
4989         LabelName                                     string
4990         ParentReference                               string
4991         Reference                                     string
4992         SubLabels                                     TagStructure Struct+
4994       XMP iptcCore Tags
4996       IPTC Core namespace tags.  The actual IPTC Core namespace prefix is
4997       "Iptc4xmpCore", which is the prefix recorded in the file, but ExifTool
4998       shortens this for the family 1 group name. (see
4999       <http://www.iptc.org/IPTC4XMP/>)
5001       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-iptcCore family 1 group.
5003         Tag Name                                      Writable
5004         --------                                      --------
5005         AltTextAccessibility                          lang-alt
5006         CountryCode                                   string
5007         CreatorContactInfo                            ContactInfo Struct
5008         CreatorCity                                   string_
5009         CreatorCountry                                string_
5010         CreatorAddress                                string_
5011         CreatorPostalCode                             string_
5012         CreatorRegion                                 string_
5013         CreatorWorkEmail                              string_
5014         CreatorWorkTelephone                          string_
5015         CreatorWorkURL                                string_
5016         ExtDescrAccessibility                         lang-alt
5017         IntellectualGenre                             string
5018         Location                                      string
5019         Scene                                         string+
5020         SubjectCode                                   string+
5022       XMP ContactInfo Struct
5024         Field Name                                    Writable
5025         ----------                                    --------
5026         CiAdrCity                                     string
5027         CiAdrCtry                                     string
5028         CiAdrExtadr                                   string
5029         CiAdrPcode                                    string
5030         CiAdrRegion                                   string
5031         CiEmailWork                                   string
5032         CiTelWork                                     string
5033         CiUrlWork                                     string
5035       XMP iptcExt Tags
5037       This table contains tags defined by the IPTC Extension schema version
5038       1.7 and IPTC Video Metadata version 1.3. The actual namespace prefix is
5039       "Iptc4xmpExt", but ExifTool shortens this for the family 1 group name.
5040       (See <http://www.iptc.org/standards/photo-metadata/iptc-standard/> and
5041       <https://iptc.org/standards/video-metadata-hub/>.)
5043       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-iptcExt family 1 group.
5045         Tag Name                                      Writable
5046         --------                                      --------
5047         AboutCvTerm                                   CVTermDetails Struct+
5048         AboutCvTermCvId                               string_+
5049         AboutCvTermId                                 string_+
5050         AboutCvTermName                               lang-alt_+
5051         AboutCvTermRefinedAbout                       string_+
5052         AdditionalModelInformation                    string
5053         ArtworkOrObject                               ArtworkOrObjectDetails Struct+
5054         ArtworkCircaDateCreated                       string!_+
5055         ArtworkContentDescription                     lang-alt_+
5056         ArtworkContributionDescription                lang-alt_+
5057         ArtworkCopyrightNotice                        string_+
5058         ArtworkCreator                                string_+
5059         ArtworkCreatorID                              string_+
5060         ArtworkCopyrightOwnerID                       string_+
5061         ArtworkCopyrightOwnerName                     string_+
5062         ArtworkLicensorID                             string_+
5063         ArtworkLicensorName                           string_+
5064         ArtworkDateCreated                            date_+
5065         ArtworkPhysicalDescription                    lang-alt_+
5066         ArtworkSource                                 string_+
5067         ArtworkSourceInventoryNo                      string_+
5068         ArtworkSourceInvURL                           string_+
5069         ArtworkStylePeriod                            string_+
5070         ArtworkTitle                                  lang-alt_+
5071         AudioBitrate                                  integer
5072         AudioBitrateMode                              string
5073         AudioBitsPerSample                            integer
5074         AudioChannelCount                             integer
5075         CircaDateCreated                              string
5076         ContainerFormat                               Entity Struct
5077         ContainerFormatIdentifier                     string_+
5078         ContainerFormatName                           lang-alt_
5079         Contributor                                   EntityWithRole Struct+
5080         ContributorIdentifier                         string_+
5081         ContributorName                               lang-alt_+
5082         ContributorRole                               string_+
5083         CopyrightYear                                 integer
5084         Creator                                       EntityWithRole Struct+
5085         CreatorIdentifier                             string_+
5086         CreatorName                                   lang-alt_+
5087         CreatorRole                                   string_+
5088         ControlledVocabularyTerm                      string+
5089         DataOnScreen                                  TextRegion Struct+
5090         DataOnScreenRegion                            Area Struct_+
5091         DataOnScreenRegionD                           real_+
5092         DataOnScreenRegionH                           real_+
5093         DataOnScreenRegionText                        string_+
5094         DataOnScreenRegionUnit                        string_+
5095         DataOnScreenRegionW                           real_+
5096         DataOnScreenRegionX                           real_+
5097         DataOnScreenRegionY                           real_+
5098         DigitalImageGUID                              string
5099         DigitalSourceFileType                         string
5100         DigitalSourceType                             string
5101         Dopesheet                                     lang-alt
5102         DopesheetLink                                 QualifiedLink Struct+
5103         DopesheetLinkLink                             string_+
5104         DopesheetLinkLinkQualifier                    string_+
5105         EmbdEncRightsExpr                             EEREDetails Struct+
5106         EmbeddedEncodedRightsExpr                     string_+
5107         EmbeddedEncodedRightsExprType                 string_+
5108         EmbeddedEncodedRightsExprLangID               string_+
5109         Episode                                       EpisodeOrSeason Struct
5110         EpisodeIdentifier                             string_
5111         EpisodeName                                   string_
5112         EpisodeNumber                                 string_
5113         Event                                         lang-alt
5114         ShownEvent                                    Entity Struct+
5115         ShownEventIdentifier                          string_+
5116         ShownEventName                                lang-alt_+
5117         EventID                                       string+
5118         ExternalMetadataLink                          string+
5119         FeedIdentifier                                string
5120         Genre                                         CVTermDetails Struct+
5121         GenreCvId                                     string_+
5122         GenreCvTermId                                 string_+
5123         GenreCvTermName                               lang-alt_+
5124         GenreCvTermRefinedAbout                       string_+
5125         Headline                                      lang-alt/
5126         ImageRegion                                   ImageRegion Struct+
5127         ImageRegionName                               lang-alt_+
5128         ImageRegionCtype                              Entity Struct_+
5129         ImageRegionCtypeIdentifier                    string_+
5130         ImageRegionCtypeName                          lang-alt_+
5131         ImageRegionBoundary                           RegionBoundary Struct_+
5132         ImageRegionBoundaryH                          real_+
5133         ImageRegionBoundaryRx                         real_+
5134         ImageRegionBoundaryShape                      string_+
5135         ImageRegionBoundaryUnit                       string_+
5136         ImageRegionBoundaryVertices                   BoundaryPoint Struct_+
5137         ImageRegionBoundaryVerticesX                  real_+
5138         ImageRegionBoundaryVerticesY                  real_+
5139         ImageRegionBoundaryW                          real_+
5140         ImageRegionBoundaryX                          real_+
5141         ImageRegionBoundaryY                          real_+
5142         ImageRegionID                                 string_+
5143         ImageRegionRole                               Entity Struct_+
5144         ImageRegionRoleIdentifier                     string_+
5145         ImageRegionRoleName                           lang-alt_+
5146         IPTCLastEdited                                date
5147         LinkedEncRightsExpr                           LEREDetails Struct+
5148         LinkedEncodedRightsExpr                       string_+
5149         LinkedEncodedRightsExprType                   string_+
5150         LinkedEncodedRightsExprLangID                 string_+
5151         LocationCreated                               LocationDetails Struct+
5152         LocationCreatedCity                           string_+
5153         LocationCreatedCountryCode                    string_+
5154         LocationCreatedCountryName                    string_+
5155         LocationCreatedGPSAltitude                    rational_+
5156         LocationCreatedGPSLatitude                    string_+
5157         LocationCreatedGPSLongitude                   string_+
5158         LocationCreatedIdentifier                     string_+
5159         LocationCreatedLocationId                     string_+
5160         LocationCreatedLocationName                   lang-alt_+
5161         LocationCreatedProvinceState                  string_+
5162         LocationCreatedSublocation                    string_+
5163         LocationCreatedWorldRegion                    string_+
5164         LocationShown                                 LocationDetails Struct+
5165         LocationShownCity                             string_+
5166         LocationShownCountryCode                      string_+
5167         LocationShownCountryName                      string_+
5168         LocationShownGPSAltitude                      rational_+
5169         LocationShownGPSLatitude                      string_+
5170         LocationShownGPSLongitude                     string_+
5171         LocationShownIdentifier                       string_+
5172         LocationShownLocationId                       string_+
5173         LocationShownLocationName                     lang-alt_+
5174         LocationShownProvinceState                    string_+
5175         LocationShownSublocation                      string_+
5176         LocationShownWorldRegion                      string_+
5177         MaxAvailHeight                                integer
5178         MaxAvailWidth                                 integer
5179         MetadataAuthority                             Entity Struct
5180         MetadataAuthorityIdentifier                   string_+
5181         MetadataAuthorityName                         lang-alt_
5182         MetadataLastEdited                            date
5183         MetadataLastEditor                            Entity Struct
5184         MetadataLastEditorIdentifier                  string_+
5185         MetadataLastEditorName                        lang-alt_
5186         ModelAge                                      integer+
5187         OrganisationInImageCode                       string+
5188         OrganisationInImageName                       string+
5189         ParentID                                      string
5190         PersonHeard                                   Entity Struct+
5191         PersonHeardIdentifier                         string_+
5192         PersonHeardName                               lang-alt_+
5193         PersonInImage                                 string+
5194         PersonInImageWDetails                         PersonDetails Struct+
5195         PersonInImageCharacteristic                   CVTermDetails Struct_+
5196         PersonInImageCvTermCvId                       string_+
5197         PersonInImageCvTermId                         string_+
5198         PersonInImageCvTermName                       lang-alt_+
5199         PersonInImageCvTermRefinedAbout               string_+
5200         PersonInImageDescription                      lang-alt_+
5201         PersonInImageId                               string_+
5202         PersonInImageName                             lang-alt_+
5203         PlanningRef                                   EntityWithRole Struct+
5204         PlanningRefIdentifier                         string_+
5205         PlanningRefName                               lang-alt_+
5206         PlanningRefRole                               string_+
5207         ProductInImage                                ProductDetails Struct+
5208         ProductInImageDescription                     lang-alt_+
5209         ProductInImageGTIN                            string_+
5210         ProductInImageProductId                       string_+
5211         ProductInImageName                            lang-alt_+
5212         PublicationEvent                              PublicationEvent Struct+
5213         PublicationEventDate                          date_+
5214         PublicationEventIdentifier                    string_+
5215         PublicationEventName                          string_+
5216         Rating                                        Rating Struct+
5217         RatingRegion                                  LocationDetails Struct_+
5218         RatingRegionCity                              string_+
5219         RatingRegionCountryCode                       string_+
5220         RatingRegionCountryName                       string_+
5221         RatingRegionGPSAltitude                       rational_+
5222         RatingRegionGPSLatitude                       string_+
5223         RatingRegionGPSLongitude                      string_+
5224         RatingRegionIdentifier                        string_+
5225         RatingRegionLocationId                        string_+
5226         RatingRegionLocationName                      lang-alt_+
5227         RatingRegionProvinceState                     string_+
5228         RatingRegionSublocation                       string_+
5229         RatingRegionWorldRegion                       string_+
5230         RatingScaleMaxValue                           string_+
5231         RatingScaleMinValue                           string_+
5232         RatingSourceLink                              string_+
5233         RatingValue                                   string_+
5234         RatingValueLogoLink                           string_+
5235         RecDevice                                     Device Struct
5236         RecDeviceAttLensDescription                   string_
5237         RecDeviceManufacturer                         string_
5238         RecDeviceModelName                            string_
5239         RecDeviceOwnersDeviceId                       string_
5240         RecDeviceSerialNumber                         string_
5241         RegistryID                                    RegistryEntryDetails Struct+
5242         RegistryEntryRole                             string_+
5243         RegistryItemID                                string_+
5244         RegistryOrganisationID                        string_+
5245         ReleaseReady                                  boolean
5246         Season                                        EpisodeOrSeason Struct
5247         SeasonIdentifier                              string_
5248         SeasonName                                    string_
5249         SeasonNumber                                  string_
5250         Series                                        Series Struct
5251         SeriesIdentifier                              string_
5252         SeriesName                                    string_
5253         Snapshot                                      LinkedImage Struct+
5254         SnapshotFormat                                string_+
5255         SnapshotHeightPixels                          integer_+
5256         SnapshotImageRole                             string_+
5257         SnapshotLink                                  string_+
5258         SnapshotLinkQualifier                         string_+
5259         SnapshotUsedVideoFrame                        Timecode Struct_+
5260         SnapshotUsedVideoFrameTimeFormat              string_+
5261         SnapshotUsedVideoFrameTimeValue               string_+
5262         SnapshotUsedVideoFrameValue                   integer_+
5263         SnapshotWidthPixels                           integer_+
5264         StorylineIdentifier                           string+
5265         StreamReady                                   string
5266         StylePeriod                                   string
5267         SupplyChainSource                             Entity Struct+
5268         SupplyChainSourceIdentifier                   string_+
5269         SupplyChainSourceName                         lang-alt_+
5270         TemporalCoverage                              TemporalCoverage Struct
5271         TemporalCoverageFrom                          date_
5272         TemporalCoverageTo                            date_
5273         Transcript                                    lang-alt
5274         TranscriptLink                                QualifiedLink Struct+
5275         TranscriptLinkLink                            string_+
5276         TranscriptLinkLinkQualifier                   string_+
5277         VideoBitrate                                  integer
5278         VideoBitrateMode                              string
5279         VideoDisplayAspectRatio                       rational
5280         VideoEncodingProfile                          string
5281         VideoShotType                                 Entity Struct+
5282         VideoShotTypeIdentifier                       string_+
5283         VideoShotTypeName                             lang-alt_+
5284         VideoStreamsCount                             integer
5285         VisualColor                                   string
5286         WorkflowTag                                   CVTermDetails Struct
5287         WorkflowTagCvId                               string_
5288         WorkflowTagCvTermId                           string_
5289         WorkflowTagCvTermName                         lang-alt_
5290         WorkflowTagCvTermRefinedAbout                 string_
5292       XMP CVTermDetails Struct
5294         Field Name                                    Writable
5295         ----------                                    --------
5296         CvId                                          string
5297         CvTermId                                      string
5298         CvTermName                                    lang-alt
5299         CvTermRefinedAbout                            string
5301       XMP ArtworkOrObjectDetails Struct
5303         Field Name                                    Writable
5304         ----------                                    --------
5305         AOCircaDateCreated                            string
5306         AOContentDescription                          lang-alt
5307         AOContributionDescription                     lang-alt
5308         AOCopyrightNotice                             string
5309         AOCreator                                     string+
5310         AOCreatorId                                   string+
5311         AOCurrentCopyrightOwnerId                     string
5312         AOCurrentCopyrightOwnerName                   string
5313         AOCurrentLicensorId                           string
5314         AOCurrentLicensorName                         string
5315         AODateCreated                                 date
5316         AOPhysicalDescription                         lang-alt
5317         AOSource                                      string
5318         AOSourceInvNo                                 string
5319         AOSourceInvURL                                string
5320         AOStylePeriod                                 string+
5321         AOTitle                                       lang-alt
5323       XMP Entity Struct
5325         Field Name                                    Writable
5326         ----------                                    --------
5327         Identifier                                    string+
5328         Name                                          lang-alt
5330       XMP EntityWithRole Struct
5332         Field Name                                    Writable
5333         ----------                                    --------
5334         Identifier                                    string+
5335         Name                                          lang-alt
5336         Role                                          string+
5338       XMP TextRegion Struct
5340         Field Name                                    Writable
5341         ----------                                    --------
5342         Region                                        Area Struct
5343         RegionText                                    string
5345       XMP Area Struct
5347         Field Name                                    Writable
5348         ----------                                    --------
5349         D                                             real
5350         H                                             real
5351         Unit                                          string
5352         W                                             real
5353         X                                             real
5354         Y                                             real
5356       XMP QualifiedLink Struct
5358         Field Name                                    Writable
5359         ----------                                    --------
5360         Link                                          string
5361         LinkQualifier                                 string
5363       XMP EEREDetails Struct
5365         Field Name                                    Writable
5366         ----------                                    --------
5367         EncRightsExpr                                 string
5368         RightsExprEncType                             string
5369         RightsExprLangId                              string
5371       XMP EpisodeOrSeason Struct
5373         Field Name                                    Writable
5374         ----------                                    --------
5375         Identifier                                    string
5376         Name                                          string
5377         Number                                        string
5379       XMP ImageRegion Struct
5381       This structure is new in the IPTC Extension version 1.5 specification.
5382       As well as the fields defined below, this structure may contain any
5383       top-level XMP tags, but since they aren't pre-defined the only way to
5384       add these tags is to write ImageRegion as a structure with these tags
5385       as new fields.
5387         Field Name                                    Writable
5388         ----------                                    --------
5389         Name                                          lang-alt
5390         RegionBoundary                                RegionBoundary Struct
5391         RCtype                                        Entity Struct+
5392         RId                                           string
5393         RRole                                         Entity Struct+
5395       XMP RegionBoundary Struct
5397         Field Name                                    Writable
5398         ----------                                    --------
5399         RbH                                           real
5400         RbRx                                          real
5401         RbShape                                       string
5402         RbUnit                                        string
5403         RbVertices                                    BoundaryPoint Struct+
5404         RbW                                           real
5405         RbX                                           real
5406         RbY                                           real
5408       XMP BoundaryPoint Struct
5410         Field Name                                    Writable
5411         ----------                                    --------
5412         RbX                                           real
5413         RbY                                           real
5415       XMP LEREDetails Struct
5417         Field Name                                    Writable
5418         ----------                                    --------
5419         LinkedRightsExpr                              string
5420         RightsExprEncType                             string
5421         RightsExprLangId                              string
5423       XMP LocationDetails Struct
5425         Field Name                                    Writable
5426         ----------                                    --------
5427         City                                          string
5428         CountryCode                                   string
5429         CountryName                                   string
5430         GPSAltitude                                   rational
5431         GPSLatitude                                   string
5432         GPSLongitude                                  string
5433         Identifier                                    string+
5434         LocationId                                    string+
5435         LocationName                                  lang-alt
5436         ProvinceState                                 string
5437         Sublocation                                   string
5438         WorldRegion                                   string
5440       XMP PersonDetails Struct
5442         Field Name                                    Writable
5443         ----------                                    --------
5444         PersonCharacteristic                          CVTermDetails Struct+
5445         PersonDescription                             lang-alt
5446         PersonId                                      string+
5447         PersonName                                    lang-alt
5449       XMP ProductDetails Struct
5451         Field Name                                    Writable
5452         ----------                                    --------
5453         ProductDescription                            lang-alt
5454         ProductGTIN                                   string
5455         ProductId                                     string
5456         ProductName                                   lang-alt
5458       XMP PublicationEvent Struct
5460         Field Name                                    Writable
5461         ----------                                    --------
5462         Date                                          date
5463         Identifier                                    string
5464         Name                                          string
5466       XMP Rating Struct
5468         Field Name                                    Writable
5469         ----------                                    --------
5470         RatingRegion                                  LocationDetails Struct+
5471         RatingScaleMaxValue                           string
5472         RatingScaleMinValue                           string
5473         RatingSourceLink                              string
5474         RatingValue                                   string
5475         RatingValueLogoLink                           string
5477       XMP Device Struct
5479         Field Name                                    Writable
5480         ----------                                    --------
5481         AttLensDescription                            string
5482         Manufacturer                                  string
5483         ModelName                                     string
5484         OwnersDeviceId                                string
5485         SerialNumber                                  string
5487       XMP RegistryEntryDetails Struct
5489         Field Name                                    Writable
5490         ----------                                    --------
5491         RegEntryRole                                  string
5492         RegItemId                                     string
5493         RegOrgId                                      string
5495       XMP Series Struct
5497         Field Name                                    Writable
5498         ----------                                    --------
5499         Identifier                                    string
5500         Name                                          string
5502       XMP LinkedImage Struct
5504         Field Name                                    Writable
5505         ----------                                    --------
5506         HeightPixels                                  integer
5507         ImageRole                                     string
5508         Link                                          string
5509         LinkQualifier                                 string+
5510         UsedVideoFrame                                Timecode Struct
5511         WidthPixels                                   integer
5512         Format                                        string
5514       XMP Timecode Struct
5516         Field Name                                    Writable
5517         ----------                                    --------
5518         TimeFormat                                    string
5519         TimeValue                                     string
5520         Value                                         integer
5522       XMP TemporalCoverage Struct
5524         Field Name                                    Writable
5525         ----------                                    --------
5526         TempCoverageFrom                              date
5527         TempCoverageTo                                date
5529       XMP LImage Tags
5531       Tags written by RED smartphones.
5533       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-LImage family 1 group.
5535         Tag Name                                      Writable
5536         --------                                      --------
5537         MajorVersion                                  string
5538         MinorVersion                                  string
5539         RightAlbedo                                   string
5541       XMP Lightroom Tags
5543       Adobe Lightroom "lr" namespace tags.
5545       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-lr family 1 group.
5547         Tag Name                                      Writable
5548         --------                                      --------
5549         HierarchicalSubject                           string+
5550         PrivateRTKInfo                                string
5551         WeightedFlatSubject                           string+
5553       XMP MediaPro Tags
5555       iView MediaPro namespace tags.
5557       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-mediapro family 1 group.
5559         Tag Name                                      Writable
5560         --------                                      --------
5561         CatalogSets                                   string+
5562         Event                                         string/
5563         Location                                      string/
5564         People                                        string+
5565         Status                                        string
5566         UserFields                                    string+
5568       XMP panorama Tags
5570       Adobe Photoshop Panorama-profile tags.
5572       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-panorama family 1 group.
5574         Tag Name                                      Writable
5575         --------                                      --------
5576         Transformation                                string
5577         VirtualFocalLength                            real
5578         VirtualImageXCenter                           real
5579         VirtualImageYCenter                           real
5581       XMP pdf Tags
5583       Adobe PDF namespace tags.  The official XMP specification defines only
5584       Keywords, PDFVersion, Producer and Trapped.  The other tags are
5585       included because they have been observed in PDF files, but some are
5586       avoided when writing due to name conflicts with other XMP namespaces.
5588       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-pdf family 1 group.
5590         Tag Name                                      Writable
5591         --------                                      --------
5592         Author                                        string
5593         Copyright                                     string/
5594         CreationDate                                  date
5595         Creator                                       string/
5596         Keywords                                      string
5597         Marked                                        boolean/
5598         ModDate                                       date
5599         PDFVersion                                    string
5600         Producer                                      string
5601         Subject                                       string/
5602         Title                                         string/
5603         Trapped                                       string
5605       XMP pdfx Tags
5607       PDF extension tags.  This namespace is used to store application-
5608       defined PDF information, so there are no pre-defined tags.  User-
5609       defined tags must be created to enable writing of XMP-pdfx information.
5611       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-pdfx family 1 group.
5613         Tag Name                                      Writable
5614         --------                                      --------
5615         [no tags known]
5617       XMP photoshop Tags
5619       Adobe Photoshop namespace tags.
5621       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-photoshop family 1 group.
5623         Tag Name                                      Writable
5624         --------                                      --------
5625         AuthorsPosition                               string
5626         CameraProfiles                                Camera Struct+
5627         CameraProfilesApertureValue                   real_+
5628         CameraProfilesAuthor                          string_+
5629         CameraProfilesAutoScale                       boolean_+
5630         CameraProfilesCameraPrettyName                string_+
5631         CameraProfilesCameraRawProfile                boolean_+
5632         CameraProfilesFocalLength                     real_+
5633         CameraProfilesFocusDistance                   real_+
5634         CameraProfilesLens                            string_+
5635         CameraProfilesLensPrettyName                  string_+
5636         CameraProfilesMake                            string_+
5637         CameraProfilesModel                           string_+
5638         CameraProfilesPerspectiveModel                PerspectiveModel Struct_+
5639         CameraProfilesPerspectiveModelImageXCenter    real_+
5640         CameraProfilesPerspectiveModelImageYCenter    real_+
5641         CameraProfilesPerspectiveModelRadialDistortParam1 real_+
5642         CameraProfilesPerspectiveModelRadialDistortParam2 real_+
5643         CameraProfilesPerspectiveModelRadialDistortParam3 real_+
5644         CameraProfilesPerspectiveModelScaleFactor     real_+
5645         CameraProfilesPerspectiveModelVersion         string_+
5646         CameraProfilesProfileName                     string_+
5647         CameraProfilesSensorFormatFactor              real_+
5648         CameraProfilesUniqueCameraModel               string_+
5649         CaptionWriter                                 string
5650         Category                                      string
5651         City                                          string
5652         ColorMode                                     integer
5653         Country                                       string
5654         Credit                                        string
5655         DateCreated                                   date
5656         DocumentAncestors                             string+
5657         EmbeddedXMPDigest                             string
5658         Headline                                      string
5659         History                                       string
5660         ICCProfileName                                string
5661         Instructions                                  string
5662         LegacyIPTCDigest                              string
5663         SidecarForExtension                           string
5664         Source                                        string
5665         State                                         string
5666         SupplementalCategories                        string+
5667         TextLayers                                    Layer Struct+
5668         TextLayerName                                 string_+
5669         TextLayerText                                 string_+
5670         TransmissionReference                         string
5671         Urgency                                       integer
5673       XMP Camera Struct
5675         Field Name                                    Writable
5676         ----------                                    --------
5677         ApertureValue                                 real
5678         Author                                        string
5679         AutoScale                                     boolean
5680         CameraPrettyName                              string
5681         CameraRawProfile                              boolean
5682         FocalLength                                   real
5683         FocusDistance                                 real
5684         Lens                                          string
5685         LensPrettyName                                string
5686         Make                                          string
5687         Model                                         string
5688         PerspectiveModel                              PerspectiveModel Struct
5689         ProfileName                                   string
5690         SensorFormatFactor                            real
5691         UniqueCameraModel                             string
5693       XMP PerspectiveModel Struct
5695         Field Name                                    Writable
5696         ----------                                    --------
5697         ImageXCenter                                  real
5698         ImageYCenter                                  real
5699         RadialDistortParam1                           real
5700         RadialDistortParam2                           real
5701         RadialDistortParam3                           real
5702         ScaleFactor                                   real
5703         Version                                       string
5705       XMP Layer Struct
5707         Field Name                                    Writable
5708         ----------                                    --------
5709         LayerName                                     string
5710         LayerText                                     string
5712       XMP PixelLive Tags
5714       PixelLive namespace tags.  These tags are not writable because they are
5715       very uncommon and I haven't been able to locate a reference which gives
5716       the namespace URI.
5718       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-PixelLive family 1 group.
5720         Tag Name                                      Writable
5721         --------                                      --------
5722         Author                                        no
5723         Comments                                      no
5724         Copyright                                     no
5725         Date                                          no
5726         Genre                                         no
5727         Title                                         no
5729       XMP pmi Tags
5731       PRISM Metadata for Images 3.0 namespace tags.  (see
5732       <http://www.prismstandard.org/>)
5734       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-pmi family 1 group.
5736         Tag Name                                      Writable
5737         --------                                      --------
5738         Color                                         string/
5739         ContactInfo                                   string/
5740         DisplayName                                   string/
5741         DistributorProductID                          string/
5742         EventAlias                                    string/
5743         EventEnd                                      string/
5744         EventStart                                    string/
5745         EventSubtype                                  string/
5746         EventType                                     string/
5747         Field                                         string/
5748         Framing                                       string/
5749         Location                                      string/
5750         Make                                          string/
5751         Manufacturer                                  string/
5752         Model                                         string/
5753         ModelYear                                     string/
5754         ObjectDescription                             string/
5755         ObjectSubtype                                 string/
5756         ObjectType                                    string/
5757         Orientation                                   string/
5758         PositionDescriptor                            string/
5759         ProductID                                     string/
5760         ProductIDType                                 string/
5761         Season                                        string/
5762         SequenceName                                  string/
5763         SequenceNumber                                string/
5764         SequenceTotalNumber                           string/
5765         Setting                                       string/
5766         ShootID                                       string/
5767         SlideshowName                                 string/
5768         SlideshowNumber                               integer/
5769         SlideshowTotalNumber                          integer/
5770         Viewpoint                                     string/
5771         VisualTechnique                               string/
5773       XMP prism Tags
5775       Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata 3.0 namespace
5776       tags.  (see
5777       <https://www.w3.org/Submission/2020/SUBM-prism-20200910/prism-basic.html/>)
5779       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-prism family 1 group.
5781         Tag Name                                      Writable
5782         --------                                      --------
5783         AcademicField                                 string/
5784         AggregateIssueNumber                          integer/
5785         AggregationType                               string/+
5786         AlternateTitle                                prismAlternateTitle Struct+
5787         AlternateTitleA-lang                          string/_+
5788         AlternateTitleA-platform                      string/_+
5789         AlternateTitleText                            string/_+
5790         BlogTitle                                     string/
5791         BlogURL                                       string/
5792         BookEdition                                   string/
5793         ByteCount                                     integer/
5794         Channel                                       prismChannel Struct+
5795         ChannelA-lang                                 string/_+
5796         ChannelChannel                                string/_+
5797         ChannelSubchannel1                            string/_+
5798         ChannelSubchannel2                            string/_+
5799         ChannelSubchannel3                            string/_+
5800         ChannelSubchannel4                            string/_+
5801         ComplianceProfile                             string/
5802         ContentType                                   string/
5803         CopyrightYear                                 string/
5804         CorporateEntity                               string/+
5805         CoverDate                                     date/
5806         CoverDisplayDate                              string/
5807         CreationDate                                  date/
5808         DateRecieved                                  date/
5809         Device                                        string/
5810         Distributor                                   string/
5811         DOI                                           string/
5812         Edition                                       string/
5813         EIssn                                         string/
5814         EndingPage                                    string/
5815         Event                                         string/+
5816         Genre                                         string/+
5817         HasAlternative                                string/+
5818         HasCorrection                                 prismHasCorrection Struct
5819         HasCorrectionA-lang                           string/_
5820         HasCorrectionA-platform                       string/_
5821         HasCorrectionText                             string/_
5822         HasTranslation                                string/+
5823         Industry                                      string/+
5824         IsAlternativeOf                               string/+
5825         ISBN                                          string/+
5826         IsCorrectionOf                                string/+
5827         ISSN                                          string/
5828         IssueIdentifier                               string/
5829         IssueName                                     string/
5830         IssueTeaser                                   string/
5831         IssueType                                     string/
5832         IsTranslationOf                               string/
5833         Keyword                                       string/+
5834         KillDate                                      prismKillDate Struct
5835         KillDateA-platform                            string/_
5836         KillDateDate                                  date/_
5837         Link                                          string/+
5838         Location                                      string/+
5839         ModificationDate                              date/
5840         NationalCatalogNumber                         string/
5841         Number                                        string/
5842         Object                                        string/+
5843         OffSaleDate                                   prismOffSaleDate Struct+
5844         OffSaleDateA-platform                         string/_+
5845         OffSaleDateDate                               date/_+
5846         OnSaleDate                                    prismOnSaleDate Struct+
5847         OnSaleDateA-platform                          string/_+
5848         OnSaleDateDate                                date/_+
5849         OnSaleDay                                     prismOnSaleDay Struct+
5850         OnSaleDayA-platform                           string/_+
5851         OnSaleDayDay                                  string/_+
5852         Organization                                  string/+
5853         OriginPlatform                                string/+
5854         PageCount                                     integer/
5855         PageProgressionDirection                      string/
5856         PageRange                                     string/+
5857         Person                                        string/
5858         Platform                                      string/
5859         ProductCode                                   string/
5860         Profession                                    string/
5861         PublicationDate                               prismPublicationDate Struct+
5862         PublicationDateA-platform                     string/_+
5863         PublicationDateDate                           date/_+
5864         PublicationDisplayDate                        prismPublicationDate Struct+
5865         PublicationDisplayDateA-platform              string/_+
5866         PublicationDisplayDateDate                    date/_+
5867         PublicationName                               string/
5868         PublishingFrequency                           string/
5869         Rating                                        string/
5870         SamplePageRange                               string/
5871         Section                                       string/
5872         SellingAgency                                 string/
5873         SeriesNumber                                  integer/
5874         SeriesTitle                                   string/
5875         Sport                                         string/
5876         StartingPage                                  string/
5877         Subsection1                                   string/
5878         Subsection2                                   string/
5879         Subsection3                                   string/
5880         Subsection4                                   string/
5881         Subtitle                                      string/
5882         SupplementDisplayID                           string/
5883         SupplementStartingPage                        string/
5884         SupplementTitle                               string/
5885         Teaser                                        string/+
5886         Ticker                                        string/+
5887         TimePeriod                                    string/
5888         URL                                           prismUrl Struct+
5889         URLA-platform                                 string/_+
5890         URLUrl                                        string/_+
5891         UspsNumber                                    string/
5892         VersionIdentifier                             string/
5893         Volume                                        string/
5894         WordCount                                     integer/
5896       XMP prismAlternateTitle Struct
5898         Field Name                                    Writable
5899         ----------                                    --------
5900         A-lang                                        string
5901         A-platform                                    string
5902         Text                                          string
5904       XMP prismChannel Struct
5906         Field Name                                    Writable
5907         ----------                                    --------
5908         A-lang                                        string
5909         Channel                                       string
5910         Subchannel1                                   string
5911         Subchannel2                                   string
5912         Subchannel3                                   string
5913         Subchannel4                                   string
5915       XMP prismHasCorrection Struct
5917         Field Name                                    Writable
5918         ----------                                    --------
5919         A-lang                                        string
5920         A-platform                                    string
5921         Text                                          string
5923       XMP prismKillDate Struct
5925         Field Name                                    Writable
5926         ----------                                    --------
5927         A-platform                                    string
5928         Date                                          date
5930       XMP prismOffSaleDate Struct
5932         Field Name                                    Writable
5933         ----------                                    --------
5934         A-platform                                    string
5935         Date                                          date
5937       XMP prismOnSaleDate Struct
5939         Field Name                                    Writable
5940         ----------                                    --------
5941         A-platform                                    string
5942         Date                                          date
5944       XMP prismOnSaleDay Struct
5946         Field Name                                    Writable
5947         ----------                                    --------
5948         A-platform                                    string
5949         Day                                           string
5951       XMP prismPublicationDate Struct
5953         Field Name                                    Writable
5954         ----------                                    --------
5955         A-platform                                    string
5956         Date                                          date
5958       XMP prismUrl Struct
5960         Field Name                                    Writable
5961         ----------                                    --------
5962         A-platform                                    string
5963         Url                                           string
5965       XMP prl Tags
5967       PRISM Rights Language 2.1 namespace tags.  These tags have been
5968       deprecated since the release of the PRISM Usage Rights 3.0. (see
5969       <https://www.w3.org/submissions/2020/SUBM-prism-20200910/prism-image.html>)
5971       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-prl family 1 group.
5973         Tag Name                                      Writable
5974         --------                                      --------
5975         Geography                                     string/+
5976         Industry                                      string/+
5977         Usage                                         string/+
5979       XMP prm Tags
5981       PRISM Recipe Metadata 3.0 namespace tags.  (see
5982       <http://www.prismstandard.org/>)
5984       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-prm family 1 group.
5986         Tag Name                                      Writable
5987         --------                                      --------
5988         CookingEquipment                              string/
5989         CookingMethod                                 string/
5990         Course                                        string/
5991         Cuisine                                       string/
5992         DietaryNeeds                                  string/
5993         DishType                                      string/
5994         Duration                                      string/
5995         IngredientExclusion                           string/
5996         MainIngredient                                string/
5997         Meal                                          string/
5998         RecipeEndingPage                              string/
5999         RecipePageRange                               string/
6000         RecipeSource                                  string/
6001         RecipeStartingPage                            string/
6002         RecipeTitle                                   string/
6003         ServingSize                                   string/
6004         SkillLevel                                    string/
6005         SpecialOccasion                               string/
6006         Yield                                         string/
6008       XMP pur Tags
6010       PRISM Usage Rights 3.0 namespace tags.  (see
6011       <http://www.prismstandard.org/>)
6013       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-pur family 1 group.
6015         Tag Name                                      Writable
6016         --------                                      --------
6017         AdultContentWarning                           string/+
6018         Agreement                                     string/+
6019         Copyright                                     lang-alt/
6020         CreditLine                                    string/+
6021         EmbargoDate                                   date/+
6022         ExclusivityEndDate                            date/+
6023         ExpirationDate                                date/+
6024         ImageSizeRestriction                          string/
6025         OptionEndDate                                 date/+
6026         Permissions                                   string/+
6027         Restrictions                                  string/+
6028         ReuseProhibited                               boolean/
6029         RightsAgent                                   string/
6030         RightsOwner                                   string/
6032       XMP rdf Tags
6034       Most RDF attributes are handled internally, but the "about" attribute
6035       is treated specially to allow it to be set to a specific value if
6036       required.
6038       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-rdf family 1 group.
6040         Tag Name                                      Writable
6041         --------                                      --------
6042         About                                         string!
6044       XMP swf Tags
6046       Adobe SWF namespace tags.
6048       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-swf family 1 group.
6050         Tag Name                                      Writable
6051         --------                                      --------
6052         BackgroundAlpha                               integer
6053         ForwardLock                                   boolean
6054         MaxStorage                                    integer
6055         Type                                          string/
6057       XMP tiff Tags
6059       EXIF namespace for TIFF tags.  See
6060       <https://web.archive.org/web/20180921145139if_/http://www.cipa.jp:80/std/documents/e/DC-010-2017_E.pdf>
6061       for the specification.
6063       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-tiff family 1 group.
6065         Tag Name                                      Writable
6066         --------                                      --------
6067         Artist                                        string
6068         BitsPerSample                                 integer+
6069         Compression                                   integer
6070         Copyright                                     lang-alt
6071         DateTime                                      date
6072         ImageDescription                              lang-alt
6073         ImageHeight                                   integer
6074         ImageWidth                                    integer
6075         Make                                          string
6076         Model                                         string
6077         NativeDigest                                  string/
6078         Orientation                                   integer
6079         PhotometricInterpretation                     integer
6080         PlanarConfiguration                           integer
6081         PrimaryChromaticities                         rational+
6082         ReferenceBlackWhite                           rational+
6083         ResolutionUnit                                integer
6084         SamplesPerPixel                               integer
6085         Software                                      string
6086         TransferFunction                              integer+
6087         WhitePoint                                    rational+
6088         XResolution                                   rational
6089         YCbCrCoefficients                             rational+
6090         YCbCrPositioning                              integer
6091         YCbCrSubSampling                              integer+
6092         YResolution                                   rational
6094       XMP x Tags
6096       The "x" namespace is used for the "xmpmeta" wrapper, and may contain an
6097       "xmptk" attribute that is extracted as the XMPToolkit tag.  When
6098       writing, the XMPToolkit tag is generated automatically by ExifTool
6099       unless specifically set to another value.
6101       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-x family 1 group.
6103         Tag Name                                      Writable
6104         --------                                      --------
6105         XMPToolkit                                    string!
6107       XMP xmp Tags
6109       XMP namespace tags.  If the older "xap", "xapBJ", "xapMM" or
6110       "xapRights" namespace prefixes are found, they are translated to the
6111       newer "xmp", "xmpBJ", "xmpMM" and "xmpRights" prefixes for use in
6112       family 1 group names.
6114       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmp family 1 group.
6116         Tag Name                                      Writable
6117         --------                                      --------
6118         Advisory                                      string+
6119         Author                                        string/
6120         BaseURL                                       string
6121         CreateDate                                    date
6122         CreatorTool                                   string
6123         Description                                   lang-alt/
6124         Format                                        string/
6125         Identifier                                    string/+
6126         Keywords                                      string/
6127         Label                                         string
6128         MetadataDate                                  date
6129         ModifyDate                                    date
6130         Nickname                                      string
6131         PageInfo                                      PageInfo Struct+
6132         PageImageFormat                               string_+
6133         PageImageHeight                               integer_+
6134         PageImage                                     string_+
6135         PageImagePageNumber                           integer_+
6136         PageImageWidth                                integer_+
6137         Rating                                        real
6138         RatingPercent                                 real/
6139         Thumbnails                                    Thumbnail Struct+
6140         ThumbnailFormat                               string_+
6141         ThumbnailHeight                               integer_+
6142         ThumbnailImage                                string/_+
6143         ThumbnailWidth                                integer_+
6144         Title                                         lang-alt/
6146       XMP PageInfo Struct
6148         Field Name                                    Writable
6149         ----------                                    --------
6150         PageNumber                                    integer
6151         Format                                        string
6152         Height                                        integer
6153         Image                                         string
6154         Width                                         integer
6156       XMP Thumbnail Struct
6158         Field Name                                    Writable
6159         ----------                                    --------
6160         Format                                        string
6161         Height                                        integer
6162         Image                                         string
6163         Width                                         integer
6165       XMP xmpBJ Tags
6167       XMP Basic Job Ticket namespace tags.
6169       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmpBJ family 1 group.
6171         Tag Name                                      Writable
6172         --------                                      --------
6173         JobRef                                        JobRef Struct+
6174         JobRefId                                      string_+
6175         JobRefName                                    string_+
6176         JobRefUrl                                     string_+
6178       XMP JobRef Struct
6180         Field Name                                    Writable
6181         ----------                                    --------
6182         Id                                            string
6183         Name                                          string
6184         Url                                           string
6186       XMP xmpDM Tags
6188       XMP Dynamic Media namespace tags.
6190       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmpDM family 1 group.
6192         Tag Name                                      Writable
6193         --------                                      --------
6194         AbsPeakAudioFilePath                          string
6195         Album                                         string
6196         AltTapeName                                   string
6197         AltTimecode                                   Timecode Struct
6198         AltTimecodeTimeFormat                         string_
6199         AltTimecodeTimeValue                          string_
6200         AltTimecodeValue                              integer_
6201         Artist                                        string/
6202         AudioChannelType                              string
6203         AudioCompressor                               string
6204         AudioModDate                                  date
6205         AudioSampleRate                               integer
6206         AudioSampleType                               string
6207         BeatSpliceParams                              BeatSpliceStretch Struct
6208         BeatSpliceParamsRiseInDecibel                 real_
6209         BeatSpliceParamsRiseInTimeDuration            Time Struct_
6210         BeatSpliceParamsRiseInTimeDurationScale       rational_
6211         BeatSpliceParamsRiseInTimeDurationValue       integer_
6212         BeatSpliceParamsUseFileBeatsMarker            boolean_
6213         CameraAngle                                   string
6214         CameraLabel                                   string
6215         CameraModel                                   string
6216         CameraMove                                    string
6217         Client                                        string
6218         DMComment                                     string
6219         Composer                                      string
6220         ContributedMedia                              Media Struct+
6221         ContributedMediaDuration                      Time Struct_+
6222         ContributedMediaDurationScale                 rational_+
6223         ContributedMediaDurationValue                 integer_+
6224         ContributedMediaManaged                       boolean_+
6225         ContributedMediaPath                          string_+
6226         ContributedMediaStartTime                     Time Struct_+
6227         ContributedMediaStartTimeScale                rational_+
6228         ContributedMediaStartTimeValue                integer_+
6229         ContributedMediaTrack                         string_+
6230         ContributedMediaWebStatement                  string_+
6231         Copyright                                     string/
6232         Director                                      string
6233         DirectorPhotography                           string
6234         DiscNumber                                    string
6235         Duration                                      Time Struct
6236         DurationScale                                 rational_
6237         DurationValue                                 integer_
6238         Engineer                                      string
6239         FileDataRate                                  rational
6240         Genre                                         string
6241         Good                                          boolean
6242         Instrument                                    string
6243         IntroTime                                     Time Struct
6244         IntroTimeScale                                rational_
6245         IntroTimeValue                                integer_
6246         Key                                           string
6247         LogComment                                    string
6248         Loop                                          boolean
6249         Lyrics                                        string
6250         Markers                                       Marker Struct+
6251         MarkersComment                                string_+
6252         MarkersCuePointParams                         CuePointParam Struct_+
6253         MarkersCuePointParamsKey                      string_+
6254         MarkersCuePointParamsValue                    string_+
6255         MarkersCuePointType                           string_+
6256         MarkersDuration                               string_+
6257         MarkersLocation                               string_+
6258         MarkersName                                   string_+
6259         MarkersProbability                            real_+
6260         MarkersSpeaker                                string_+
6261         MarkersStartTime                              string_+
6262         MarkersTarget                                 string_+
6263         MarkersType                                   string_+
6264         MetadataModDate                               date
6265         NumberOfBeats                                 real
6266         OutCue                                        Time Struct
6267         OutCueScale                                   rational_
6268         OutCueValue                                   integer_
6269         PartOfCompilation                             boolean
6270         ProjectName                                   string
6271         ProjectRef                                    ProjectLink Struct
6272         ProjectRefPath                                string_
6273         ProjectRefType                                string_
6274         PullDown                                      string
6275         RelativePeakAudioFilePath                     string
6276         RelativeTimestamp                             Time Struct
6277         RelativeTimestampScale                        rational_
6278         RelativeTimestampValue                        integer_
6279         ReleaseDate                                   date
6280         ResampleParams                                ResampleStretch Struct
6281         ResampleParamsQuality                         string_
6282         ScaleType                                     string
6283         Scene                                         string/
6284         ShotDate                                      date
6285         ShotDay                                       string
6286         ShotLocation                                  string
6287         ShotName                                      string
6288         ShotNumber                                    string
6289         ShotSize                                      string
6290         SpeakerPlacement                              string
6291         StartTimecode                                 Timecode Struct
6292         StartTimecodeTimeFormat                       string_
6293         StartTimecodeTimeValue                        string_
6294         StartTimecodeValue                            integer_
6295         StartTimeSampleSize                           integer
6296         StartTimeScale                                string
6297         StretchMode                                   string
6298         TakeNumber                                    integer
6299         TapeName                                      string
6300         Tempo                                         real
6301         TimeScaleParams                               TimeScaleStretch Struct
6302         TimeScaleParamsFrameOverlappingPercentage     real_
6303         TimeScaleParamsFrameSize                      real_
6304         TimeScaleParamsQuality                        string_
6305         TimeSignature                                 string
6306         TrackNumber                                   integer
6307         Tracks                                        Track Struct+
6308         TracksFrameRate                               string_+
6309         TracksMarkers                                 Marker Struct_+
6310         TracksMarkersComment                          string_+
6311         TracksMarkersCuePointParams                   CuePointParam Struct_+
6312         TracksMarkersCuePointParamsKey                string_+
6313         TracksMarkersCuePointParamsValue              string_+
6314         TracksMarkersCuePointType                     string_+
6315         TracksMarkersDuration                         string_+
6316         TracksMarkersLocation                         string_+
6317         TracksMarkersName                             string_+
6318         TracksMarkersProbability                      real_+
6319         TracksMarkersSpeaker                          string_+
6320         TracksMarkersStartTime                        string_+
6321         TracksMarkersTarget                           string_+
6322         TracksMarkersType                             string_+
6323         TracksTrackName                               string_+
6324         TracksTrackType                               string_+
6325         VideoAlphaMode                                string
6326         VideoAlphaPremultipleColor                    Colorant Struct
6327         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorA                   integer_
6328         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorB                   integer_
6329         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorBlack               real_
6330         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorBlue                integer_
6331         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorCyan                real_
6332         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorGray                integer_
6333         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorGreen               integer_
6334         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorL                   real_
6335         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorMagenta             real_
6336         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorMode                string_
6337         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorRed                 integer_
6338         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorSwatchName          string_
6339         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorTint                integer_
6340         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorType                string_
6341         VideoAlphaPremultipleColorYellow              real_
6342         VideoAlphaUnityIsTransparent                  boolean
6343         VideoColorSpace                               string
6344         VideoCompressor                               string
6345         VideoFieldOrder                               string
6346         VideoFrameRate                                real
6347         VideoFrameSize                                Dimensions Struct
6348         VideoFrameSizeH                               real_
6349         VideoFrameSizeUnit                            string_
6350         VideoFrameSizeW                               real_
6351         VideoModDate                                  date
6352         VideoPixelAspectRatio                         rational
6353         VideoPixelDepth                               string
6355       XMP BeatSpliceStretch Struct
6357         Field Name                                    Writable
6358         ----------                                    --------
6359         RiseInDecibel                                 real
6360         RiseInTimeDuration                            Time Struct
6361         UseFileBeatsMarker                            boolean
6363       XMP Time Struct
6365         Field Name                                    Writable
6366         ----------                                    --------
6367         Scale                                         rational
6368         Value                                         integer
6370       XMP Media Struct
6372         Field Name                                    Writable
6373         ----------                                    --------
6374         Duration                                      Time Struct
6375         Managed                                       boolean
6376         Path                                          string
6377         StartTime                                     Time Struct
6378         Track                                         string
6379         WebStatement                                  string
6381       XMP Marker Struct
6383         Field Name                                    Writable
6384         ----------                                    --------
6385         Comment                                       string
6386         CuePointParams                                CuePointParam Struct+
6387         CuePointType                                  string
6388         Duration                                      string
6389         Location                                      string
6390         Name                                          string
6391         Probability                                   real
6392         Speaker                                       string
6393         StartTime                                     string
6394         Target                                        string
6395         Type                                          string
6397       XMP CuePointParam Struct
6399         Field Name                                    Writable
6400         ----------                                    --------
6401         Key                                           string
6402         Value                                         string
6404       XMP ProjectLink Struct
6406         Field Name                                    Writable
6407         ----------                                    --------
6408         Path                                          string
6409         Type                                          string
6411       XMP ResampleStretch Struct
6413         Field Name                                    Writable
6414         ----------                                    --------
6415         Quality                                       string
6417       XMP TimeScaleStretch Struct
6419         Field Name                                    Writable
6420         ----------                                    --------
6421         FrameOverlappingPercentage                    real
6422         FrameSize                                     real
6423         Quality                                       string
6425       XMP Track Struct
6427         Field Name                                    Writable
6428         ----------                                    --------
6429         FrameRate                                     string
6430         Markers                                       Marker Struct+
6431         TrackName                                     string
6432         TrackType                                     string
6434       XMP Colorant Struct
6436         Field Name                                    Writable
6437         ----------                                    --------
6438         A                                             integer
6439         B                                             integer
6440         L                                             real
6441         Black                                         real
6442         Blue                                          integer
6443         Cyan                                          real
6444         Gray                                          integer
6445         Green                                         integer
6446         Magenta                                       real
6447         Mode                                          string
6448         Red                                           integer
6449         SwatchName                                    string
6450         Tint                                          integer
6451         Type                                          string
6452         Yellow                                        real
6454       XMP Dimensions Struct
6456         Field Name                                    Writable
6457         ----------                                    --------
6458         H                                             real
6459         Unit                                          string
6460         W                                             real
6462       XMP xmpMM Tags
6464       XMP Media Management namespace tags.
6466       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmpMM family 1 group.
6468         Tag Name                                      Writable
6469         --------                                      --------
6470         DerivedFrom                                   ResourceRef Struct
6471         DerivedFromAlternatePaths                     string_+
6472         DerivedFromDocumentID                         string_
6473         DerivedFromFilePath                           string_
6474         DerivedFromFromPart                           string_
6475         DerivedFromInstanceID                         string_
6476         DerivedFromLastModifyDate                     date_
6477         DerivedFromLastURL                            string_
6478         DerivedFromLinkCategory                       string_
6479         DerivedFromLinkForm                           string_
6480         DerivedFromManager                            string_
6481         DerivedFromManagerVariant                     string_
6482         DerivedFromManageTo                           string_
6483         DerivedFromManageUI                           string_
6484         DerivedFromMaskMarkers                        string_
6485         DerivedFromOriginalDocumentID                 string_
6486         DerivedFromPartMapping                        string_
6487         DerivedFromPlacedResolutionUnit               string_
6488         DerivedFromPlacedXResolution                  string_
6489         DerivedFromPlacedYResolution                  string_
6490         DerivedFromRenditionClass                     string_
6491         DerivedFromRenditionParams                    string_
6492         DerivedFromToPart                             string_
6493         DerivedFromVersionID                          string_
6494         DocumentID                                    string
6495         History                                       ResourceEvent Struct+
6496         HistoryAction                                 string_+
6497         HistoryChanged                                string_+
6498         HistoryInstanceID                             string_+
6499         HistoryParameters                             string_+
6500         HistorySoftwareAgent                          string_+
6501         HistoryWhen                                   date_+
6502         Ingredients                                   ResourceRef Struct+
6503         IngredientsAlternatePaths                     string_+
6504         IngredientsDocumentID                         string_+
6505         IngredientsFilePath                           string_+
6506         IngredientsFromPart                           string_+
6507         IngredientsInstanceID                         string_+
6508         IngredientsLastModifyDate                     date_+
6509         IngredientsLastURL                            string_+
6510         IngredientsLinkCategory                       string_+
6511         IngredientsLinkForm                           string_+
6512         IngredientsManager                            string_+
6513         IngredientsManagerVariant                     string_+
6514         IngredientsManageTo                           string_+
6515         IngredientsManageUI                           string_+
6516         IngredientsMaskMarkers                        string_+
6517         IngredientsOriginalDocumentID                 string_+
6518         IngredientsPartMapping                        string_+
6519         IngredientsPlacedResolutionUnit               string_+
6520         IngredientsPlacedXResolution                  string_+
6521         IngredientsPlacedYResolution                  string_+
6522         IngredientsRenditionClass                     string_+
6523         IngredientsRenditionParams                    string_+
6524         IngredientsToPart                             string_+
6525         IngredientsVersionID                          string_+
6526         InstanceID                                    string
6527         LastURL                                       string
6528         ManagedFrom                                   ResourceRef Struct
6529         ManagedFromAlternatePaths                     string_+
6530         ManagedFromDocumentID                         string_
6531         ManagedFromFilePath                           string_
6532         ManagedFromFromPart                           string_
6533         ManagedFromInstanceID                         string_
6534         ManagedFromLastModifyDate                     date_
6535         ManagedFromLastURL                            string_
6536         ManagedFromLinkCategory                       string_
6537         ManagedFromLinkForm                           string_
6538         ManagedFromManager                            string_
6539         ManagedFromManagerVariant                     string_
6540         ManagedFromManageTo                           string_
6541         ManagedFromManageUI                           string_
6542         ManagedFromMaskMarkers                        string_
6543         ManagedFromOriginalDocumentID                 string_
6544         ManagedFromPartMapping                        string_
6545         ManagedFromPlacedResolutionUnit               string_
6546         ManagedFromPlacedXResolution                  string_
6547         ManagedFromPlacedYResolution                  string_
6548         ManagedFromRenditionClass                     string_
6549         ManagedFromRenditionParams                    string_
6550         ManagedFromToPart                             string_
6551         ManagedFromVersionID                          string_
6552         Manager                                       string
6553         ManagerVariant                                string
6554         ManageTo                                      string
6555         ManageUI                                      string
6556         Manifest                                      ManifestItem Struct+
6557         ManifestLinkForm                              string_+
6558         ManifestPlacedResolutionUnit                  string_+
6559         ManifestPlacedXResolution                     real_+
6560         ManifestPlacedYResolution                     real_+
6561         ManifestReference                             ResourceRef Struct_+
6562         ManifestReferenceAlternatePaths               string_+
6563         ManifestReferenceDocumentID                   string_+
6564         ManifestReferenceFilePath                     string_+
6565         ManifestReferenceFromPart                     string_+
6566         ManifestReferenceInstanceID                   string_+
6567         ManifestReferenceLastModifyDate               date_+
6568         ManifestReferenceLastURL                      string_+
6569         ManifestReferenceLinkCategory                 string_+
6570         ManifestReferenceLinkForm                     string_+
6571         ManifestReferenceManager                      string_+
6572         ManifestReferenceManagerVariant               string_+
6573         ManifestReferenceManageTo                     string_+
6574         ManifestReferenceManageUI                     string_+
6575         ManifestReferenceMaskMarkers                  string_+
6576         ManifestReferenceOriginalDocumentID           string_+
6577         ManifestReferencePartMapping                  string_+
6578         ManifestReferencePlacedResolutionUnit         string_+
6579         ManifestReferencePlacedXResolution            string_+
6580         ManifestReferencePlacedYResolution            string_+
6581         ManifestReferenceRenditionClass               string_+
6582         ManifestReferenceRenditionParams              string_+
6583         ManifestReferenceToPart                       string_+
6584         ManifestReferenceVersionID                    string_+
6585         OriginalDocumentID                            string
6586         Pantry                                        PantryItem Struct+
6587         PantryInstanceID                              string_
6588         PreservedFileName                             string
6589         RenditionClass                                string
6590         RenditionOf                                   ResourceRef Struct
6591         RenditionOfAlternatePaths                     string_+
6592         RenditionOfDocumentID                         string_
6593         RenditionOfFilePath                           string_
6594         RenditionOfFromPart                           string_
6595         RenditionOfInstanceID                         string_
6596         RenditionOfLastModifyDate                     date_
6597         RenditionOfLastURL                            string_
6598         RenditionOfLinkCategory                       string_
6599         RenditionOfLinkForm                           string_
6600         RenditionOfManager                            string_
6601         RenditionOfManagerVariant                     string_
6602         RenditionOfManageTo                           string_
6603         RenditionOfManageUI                           string_
6604         RenditionOfMaskMarkers                        string_
6605         RenditionOfOriginalDocumentID                 string_
6606         RenditionOfPartMapping                        string_
6607         RenditionOfPlacedResolutionUnit               string_
6608         RenditionOfPlacedXResolution                  string_
6609         RenditionOfPlacedYResolution                  string_
6610         RenditionOfRenditionClass                     string_
6611         RenditionOfRenditionParams                    string_
6612         RenditionOfToPart                             string_
6613         RenditionOfVersionID                          string_
6614         RenditionParams                               string
6615         SaveID                                        integer
6616         Subject                                       string/+
6617         VersionID                                     string
6618         Versions                                      Version Struct+
6619         VersionsComments                              string_+
6620         VersionsEvent                                 ResourceEvent Struct_+
6621         VersionsEventAction                           string_+
6622         VersionsEventChanged                          string_+
6623         VersionsEventInstanceID                       string_+
6624         VersionsEventParameters                       string_+
6625         VersionsEventSoftwareAgent                    string_+
6626         VersionsEventWhen                             date_+
6627         VersionsModifier                              string_+
6628         VersionsModifyDate                            date_+
6629         VersionsVersion                               string_+
6631       XMP ResourceRef Struct
6633         Field Name                                    Writable
6634         ----------                                    --------
6635         AlternatePaths                                string+
6636         DocumentID                                    string
6637         FilePath                                      string
6638         FromPart                                      string
6639         InstanceID                                    string
6640         LastModifyDate                                date
6641         LastURL                                       string
6642         LinkCategory                                  string
6643         LinkForm                                      string
6644         ManageTo                                      string
6645         ManageUI                                      string
6646         Manager                                       string
6647         ManagerVariant                                string
6648         MaskMarkers                                   string
6649         OriginalDocumentID                            string
6650         PartMapping                                   string
6651         PlacedResolutionUnit                          string
6652         PlacedXResolution                             string
6653         PlacedYResolution                             string
6654         RenditionClass                                string
6655         RenditionParams                               string
6656         ToPart                                        string
6657         VersionID                                     string
6659       XMP ResourceEvent Struct
6661         Field Name                                    Writable
6662         ----------                                    --------
6663         Action                                        string
6664         Changed                                       string
6665         InstanceID                                    string
6666         Parameters                                    string
6667         SoftwareAgent                                 string
6668         When                                          date
6670       XMP ManifestItem Struct
6672         Field Name                                    Writable
6673         ----------                                    --------
6674         LinkForm                                      string
6675         PlacedResolutionUnit                          string
6676         PlacedXResolution                             real
6677         PlacedYResolution                             real
6678         Reference                                     ResourceRef Struct
6680       XMP PantryItem Struct
6682       This structure must have an InstanceID field, but may also contain any
6683       other XMP properties.
6685         Field Name                                    Writable
6686         ----------                                    --------
6687         InstanceID                                    string
6689       XMP Version Struct
6691         Field Name                                    Writable
6692         ----------                                    --------
6693         Comments                                      string
6694         Event                                         ResourceEvent Struct
6695         Modifier                                      string
6696         ModifyDate                                    date
6697         Version                                       string
6699       XMP xmpNote Tags
6701       XMP Note namespace tags.
6703       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmpNote family 1 group.
6705         Tag Name                                      Writable
6706         --------                                      --------
6707         HasExtendedXMP                                string*
6709       XMP xmpPLUS Tags
6711       XMP Picture Licensing Universal System (PLUS) tags as written by some
6712       older Adobe applications.  See PLUS XMP Tags for the current PLUS tags.
6714       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmpPLUS family 1 group.
6716         Tag Name                                      Writable
6717         --------                                      --------
6718         CreditLineReq                                 boolean/
6719         ReuseAllowed                                  boolean/
6721       XMP xmpRights Tags
6723       XMP Rights Management namespace tags.
6725       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmpRights family 1 group.
6727         Tag Name                                      Writable
6728         --------                                      --------
6729         Certificate                                   string
6730         Marked                                        boolean
6731         Owner                                         string+
6732         UsageTerms                                    lang-alt
6733         WebStatement                                  string
6735       XMP xmpTPg Tags
6737       XMP Paged-Text namespace tags.
6739       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-xmpTPg family 1 group.
6741         Tag Name                                      Writable
6742         --------                                      --------
6743         Colorants                                     Colorant Struct+
6744         ColorantA                                     integer_+
6745         ColorantB                                     integer_+
6746         ColorantBlack                                 real_+
6747         ColorantBlue                                  integer_+
6748         ColorantCyan                                  real_+
6749         ColorantGray                                  integer_+
6750         ColorantGreen                                 integer_+
6751         ColorantL                                     real_+
6752         ColorantMagenta                               real_+
6753         ColorantMode                                  string_+
6754         ColorantRed                                   integer_+
6755         ColorantSwatchName                            string_+
6756         ColorantTint                                  integer_+
6757         ColorantType                                  string_+
6758         ColorantYellow                                real_+
6759         Fonts                                         Font Struct+
6760         ChildFontFiles                                string_+
6761         FontComposite                                 boolean_+
6762         FontFace                                      string_+
6763         FontFamily                                    string_+
6764         FontFileName                                  string_+
6765         FontName                                      string_+
6766         FontType                                      string_+
6767         FontVersion                                   string_+
6768         HasVisibleOverprint                           boolean
6769         HasVisibleTransparency                        boolean
6770         MaxPageSize                                   Dimensions Struct
6771         MaxPageSizeH                                  real_
6772         MaxPageSizeUnit                               string_
6773         MaxPageSizeW                                  real_
6774         NPages                                        integer
6775         PlateNames                                    string+
6776         SwatchGroups                                  SwatchGroup Struct+
6777         SwatchGroupsColorants                         Colorant Struct_+
6778         SwatchColorantA                               integer_+
6779         SwatchColorantB                               integer_+
6780         SwatchColorantBlack                           real_+
6781         SwatchColorantBlue                            integer_+
6782         SwatchColorantCyan                            real_+
6783         SwatchColorantGray                            integer_+
6784         SwatchColorantGreen                           integer_+
6785         SwatchColorantL                               real_+
6786         SwatchColorantMagenta                         real_+
6787         SwatchColorantMode                            string_+
6788         SwatchColorantRed                             integer_+
6789         SwatchColorantSwatchName                      string_+
6790         SwatchColorantTint                            integer_+
6791         SwatchColorantType                            string_+
6792         SwatchColorantYellow                          real_+
6793         SwatchGroupName                               string_+
6794         SwatchGroupType                               integer_+
6796       XMP Font Struct
6798         Field Name                                    Writable
6799         ----------                                    --------
6800         ChildFontFiles                                string+
6801         Composite                                     boolean
6802         FontFace                                      string
6803         FontFamily                                    string
6804         FontFileName                                  string
6805         FontName                                      string
6806         FontType                                      string
6807         VersionString                                 string
6809       XMP SwatchGroup Struct
6811         Field Name                                    Writable
6812         ----------                                    --------
6813         Colorants                                     Colorant Struct+
6814         GroupName                                     string
6815         GroupType                                     integer
6817       XMP XML Tags
6819         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
6820         ------               --------                 --------
6821         'dc'                 dc                       XMP dc
6822         'lastUpdate'         LastUpdate               no
6824       XMP SVG Tags
6826       SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image tags.  By default, only the top-
6827       level SVG and Metadata tags are extracted from these images, but all
6828       graphics tags may be extracted by setting the Unknown option to 2 (-U
6829       on the command line).  The SVG tags are not part of XMP as such, but
6830       are included with the XMP module for convenience.  (see
6831       <http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/>)
6833       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-svg family 1 group.
6835         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
6836         ------               --------                 --------
6837         'height'             ImageHeight              no
6838         'id'                 ID                       no
6839         'metadataId'         MetadataID               no
6840         'version'            SVGVersion               no
6841         'width'              ImageWidth               no
6843   GPS Tags
6844       These GPS tags are part of the EXIF standard, and are stored in a
6845       separate IFD within the EXIF information.
6847       ExifTool is very flexible about the input format when writing lat/long
6848       coordinates, and will accept from 1 to 3 floating point numbers (for
6849       decimal degrees, degrees and minutes, or degrees, minutes and seconds)
6850       separated by just about anything, and will format them properly
6851       according to the EXIF specification.
6853       Some GPS tags have values which are fixed-length strings. For these,
6854       the indicated string lengths include a null terminator which is added
6855       automatically by ExifTool.  Remember that the descriptive values are
6856       used when writing (eg. 'Above Sea Level', not '0') unless the print
6857       conversion is disabled (with '-n' on the command line or the PrintConv
6858       option in the API, or by suffixing the tag name with a "#" character).
6860       When adding GPS information to an image, it is important to set all of
6861       the following tags: GPSLatitude, GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLongitude,
6862       GPSLongitudeRef, and GPSAltitude and GPSAltitudeRef if the altitude is
6863       known.  ExifTool will write the required GPSVersionID tag automatically
6864       if new a GPS IFD is added to an image.
6866         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
6867         ------   --------                             --------
6868         0x0000   GPSVersionID                         int8u[4]:
6869         0x0001   GPSLatitudeRef                       string[2]
6870         0x0002   GPSLatitude                          rational64u[3]
6871         0x0003   GPSLongitudeRef                      string[2]
6872         0x0004   GPSLongitude                         rational64u[3]
6873         0x0005   GPSAltitudeRef                       int8u
6874         0x0006   GPSAltitude                          rational64u
6875         0x0007   GPSTimeStamp                         rational64u[3]
6876         0x0008   GPSSatellites                        string
6877         0x0009   GPSStatus                            string[2]
6878         0x000a   GPSMeasureMode                       string[2]
6879         0x000b   GPSDOP                               rational64u
6880         0x000c   GPSSpeedRef                          string[2]
6881         0x000d   GPSSpeed                             rational64u
6882         0x000e   GPSTrackRef                          string[2]
6883         0x000f   GPSTrack                             rational64u
6884         0x0010   GPSImgDirectionRef                   string[2]
6885         0x0011   GPSImgDirection                      rational64u
6886         0x0012   GPSMapDatum                          string
6887         0x0013   GPSDestLatitudeRef                   string[2]
6888         0x0014   GPSDestLatitude                      rational64u[3]
6889         0x0015   GPSDestLongitudeRef                  string[2]
6890         0x0016   GPSDestLongitude                     rational64u[3]
6891         0x0017   GPSDestBearingRef                    string[2]
6892         0x0018   GPSDestBearing                       rational64u
6893         0x0019   GPSDestDistanceRef                   string[2]
6894         0x001a   GPSDestDistance                      rational64u
6895         0x001b   GPSProcessingMethod                  undef
6896         0x001c   GPSAreaInformation                   undef
6897         0x001d   GPSDateStamp                         string[11]
6898         0x001e   GPSDifferential                      int16u
6899         0x001f   GPSHPositioningError                 rational64u
6901   GeoTiff Tags
6902       ExifTool extracts the following tags from GeoTIFF images.  See
6903       <https://web.archive.org/web/20070820121549/http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/spec/geotiffhome.html>
6904       for the complete GeoTIFF specification.  Also included in the table
6905       below are ChartTIFF tags (see
6906       <https://web.archive.org/web/20020828193928/http://www.charttiff.com/whitepapers.shtml>).
6907       GeoTIFF tags are not writable individually, but they may be copied en
6908       mass via the block tags GeoTiffDirectory, GeoTiffDoubleParams and
6909       GeoTiffAsciiParams.
6911         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
6912         ------   --------                             --------
6913         0x0001   GeoTiffVersion                       no
6914         0x0400   GTModelType                          no
6915         0x0401   GTRasterType                         no
6916         0x0402   GTCitation                           no
6917         0x0800   GeographicType                       no
6918         0x0801   GeogCitation                         no
6919         0x0802   GeogGeodeticDatum                    no
6920         0x0803   GeogPrimeMeridian                    no
6921         0x0804   GeogLinearUnits                      no
6922         0x0805   GeogLinearUnitSize                   no
6923         0x0806   GeogAngularUnits                     no
6924         0x0807   GeogAngularUnitSize                  no
6925         0x0808   GeogEllipsoid                        no
6926         0x0809   GeogSemiMajorAxis                    no
6927         0x080a   GeogSemiMinorAxis                    no
6928         0x080b   GeogInvFlattening                    no
6929         0x080c   GeogAzimuthUnits                     no
6930         0x080d   GeogPrimeMeridianLong                no
6931         0x080e   GeogToWGS84                          no
6932         0x0c00   ProjectedCSType                      no
6933         0x0c01   PCSCitation                          no
6934         0x0c02   Projection                           no
6935         0x0c03   ProjCoordTrans                       no
6936         0x0c04   ProjLinearUnits                      no
6937         0x0c05   ProjLinearUnitSize                   no
6938         0x0c06   ProjStdParallel1                     no
6939         0x0c07   ProjStdParallel2                     no
6940         0x0c08   ProjNatOriginLong                    no
6941         0x0c09   ProjNatOriginLat                     no
6942         0x0c0a   ProjFalseEasting                     no
6943         0x0c0b   ProjFalseNorthing                    no
6944         0x0c0c   ProjFalseOriginLong                  no
6945         0x0c0d   ProjFalseOriginLat                   no
6946         0x0c0e   ProjFalseOriginEasting               no
6947         0x0c0f   ProjFalseOriginNorthing              no
6948         0x0c10   ProjCenterLong                       no
6949         0x0c11   ProjCenterLat                        no
6950         0x0c12   ProjCenterEasting                    no
6951         0x0c13   ProjCenterNorthing                   no
6952         0x0c14   ProjScaleAtNatOrigin                 no
6953         0x0c15   ProjScaleAtCenter                    no
6954         0x0c16   ProjAzimuthAngle                     no
6955         0x0c17   ProjStraightVertPoleLong             no
6956         0x0c18   ProjRectifiedGridAngle               no
6957         0x1000   VerticalCSType                       no
6958         0x1001   VerticalCitation                     no
6959         0x1002   VerticalDatum                        no
6960         0x1003   VerticalUnits                        no
6961         0xb799   ChartFormat                          no
6962         0xb79a   ChartSource                          no
6963         0xb79b   ChartSourceEdition                   no
6964         0xb79c   ChartSourceDate                      no
6965         0xb79d   ChartCorrDate                        no
6966         0xb79e   ChartCountryOrigin                   no
6967         0xb79f   ChartRasterEdition                   no
6968         0xb7a0   ChartSoundingDatum                   no
6969         0xb7a1   ChartDepthUnits                      no
6970         0xb7a2   ChartMagVar                          no
6971         0xb7a3   ChartMagVarYear                      no
6972         0xb7a4   ChartMagVarAnnChange                 no
6973         0xb7a5   ChartWGSNSShift                      no
6974         0xb7a7   InsetNWPixelX                        no
6975         0xb7a8   InsetNWPixelY                        no
6976         0xb7a9   ChartContourInterval                 no
6978   PLUS Tags
6979       PLUS XMP Tags
6981       PLUS (Picture Licensing Universal System) License Data Format 2.0.1 XMP
6982       tags.  Note that all controlled-vocabulary tags in this table (ie. tags
6983       with a fixed set of values) have raw values which begin with
6984       "http://ns.useplus.org/ldf/vocab/", but to reduce clutter this prefix
6985       has been removed from the values shown below, and from the values read
6986       and written with the -n option.  See <http://ns.useplus.org/> for the
6987       complete specification.
6989       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-plus family 1 group.
6991         Tag Name                                      Writable
6992         --------                                      --------
6993         AdultContentWarning                           string
6994         CopyrightOwner                                CopyrightOwner Struct+
6995         CopyrightOwnerID                              string_+
6996         CopyrightOwnerName                            string_+
6997         CopyrightOwnerImageID                         string
6998         CopyrightRegistrationNumber                   string
6999         CopyrightStatus                               string
7000         CreditLineRequired                            string
7001         Custom1                                       lang-alt+
7002         Custom10                                      lang-alt+
7003         Custom2                                       lang-alt+
7004         Custom3                                       lang-alt+
7005         Custom4                                       lang-alt+
7006         Custom5                                       lang-alt+
7007         Custom6                                       lang-alt+
7008         Custom7                                       lang-alt+
7009         Custom8                                       lang-alt+
7010         Custom9                                       lang-alt+
7011         DataMining                                    string
7012         EndUser                                       EndUser Struct+
7013         EndUserID                                     string_+
7014         EndUserName                                   string_+
7015         FileNameAsDelivered                           string
7016         FirstPublicationDate                          date
7017         ImageAlterationConstraints                    string+
7018         ImageCreator                                  ImageCreator Struct+
7019         ImageCreatorID                                string_+
7020         ImageCreatorName                              string_+
7021         ImageCreatorImageID                           string
7022         ImageDuplicationConstraints                   string
7023         ImageFileConstraints                          string+
7024         ImageFileFormatAsDelivered                    string
7025         ImageFileSizeAsDelivered                      string
7026         ImageSupplier                                 ImageSupplier Struct+
7027         ImageSupplierImageID                          string
7028         ImageSupplierID                               string_+
7029         ImageSupplierName                             string_+
7030         ImageType                                     string
7031         Licensee                                      Licensee Struct+
7032         LicenseeImageID                               string
7033         LicenseeImageNotes                            lang-alt
7034         LicenseeID                                    string_+
7035         LicenseeName                                  string_+
7036         LicenseEndDate                                date
7037         LicenseeProjectReference                      string+
7038         LicenseeTransactionID                         string+
7039         LicenseID                                     string
7040         LicenseStartDate                              date
7041         LicenseTransactionDate                        date
7042         Licensor                                      Licensor Struct+
7043         LicensorImageID                               string
7044         LicensorCity                                  string_+
7045         LicensorCountry                               string_+
7046         LicensorEmail                                 string_+
7047         LicensorExtendedAddress                       string_+
7048         LicensorID                                    string_+
7049         LicensorName                                  string_+
7050         LicensorPostalCode                            string_+
7051         LicensorRegion                                string_+
7052         LicensorStreetAddress                         string_+
7053         LicensorTelephone1                            string_+
7054         LicensorTelephone2                            string_+
7055         LicensorTelephoneType1                        string_+
7056         LicensorTelephoneType2                        string_+
7057         LicensorURL                                   string_+
7058         LicensorNotes                                 lang-alt
7059         LicensorTransactionID                         string+
7060         MediaConstraints                              lang-alt
7061         MediaSummaryCode                              string
7062         MinorModelAgeDisclosure                       string
7063         ModelReleaseID                                string+
7064         ModelReleaseStatus                            string
7065         OtherConditions                               lang-alt
7066         OtherConstraints                              lang-alt
7067         OtherImageInfo                                lang-alt
7068         OtherLicenseDocuments                         string+
7069         OtherLicenseInfo                              lang-alt
7070         OtherLicenseRequirements                      lang-alt
7071         ProductOrServiceConstraints                   lang-alt
7072         PropertyReleaseID                             string+
7073         PropertyReleaseStatus                         string
7074         RegionConstraints                             lang-alt
7075         Reuse                                         string
7076         TermsAndConditionsText                        lang-alt
7077         TermsAndConditionsURL                         string
7078         PLUSVersion                                   string
7080       XMP CopyrightOwner Struct
7082         Field Name                                    Writable
7083         ----------                                    --------
7084         CopyrightOwnerID                              string
7085         CopyrightOwnerName                            string
7087       XMP EndUser Struct
7089         Field Name                                    Writable
7090         ----------                                    --------
7091         EndUserID                                     string
7092         EndUserName                                   string
7094       XMP ImageCreator Struct
7096         Field Name                                    Writable
7097         ----------                                    --------
7098         ImageCreatorID                                string
7099         ImageCreatorName                              string
7101       XMP ImageSupplier Struct
7103         Field Name                                    Writable
7104         ----------                                    --------
7105         ImageSupplierID                               string
7106         ImageSupplierName                             string
7108       XMP Licensee Struct
7110         Field Name                                    Writable
7111         ----------                                    --------
7112         LicenseeID                                    string
7113         LicenseeName                                  string
7115       XMP Licensor Struct
7117         Field Name                                    Writable
7118         ----------                                    --------
7119         LicensorCity                                  string
7120         LicensorCountry                               string
7121         LicensorEmail                                 string
7122         LicensorExtendedAddress                       string
7123         LicensorID                                    string
7124         LicensorName                                  string
7125         LicensorPostalCode                            string
7126         LicensorRegion                                string
7127         LicensorStreetAddress                         string
7128         LicensorTelephone1                            string
7129         LicensorTelephone2                            string
7130         LicensorTelephoneType1                        string
7131         LicensorTelephoneType2                        string
7132         LicensorURL                                   string
7134   ICC_Profile Tags
7135       ICC profile information is used in many different file types including
7136       JPEG, TIFF, PDF, PostScript, Photoshop, PNG, MIFF, PICT, QuickTime, XCF
7137       and some RAW formats.  While the tags listed below are not individually
7138       writable, the entire profile itself can be accessed via the extra
7139       'ICC_Profile' tag, but this tag is neither extracted nor written unless
7140       specified explicitly.  See <http://www.color.org/icc_specs2.xalter> for
7141       the official ICC specification.
7143         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
7144         ------   --------                             --------
7145         'A2B0'   AToB0                                no
7146         'A2B1'   AToB1                                no
7147         'A2B2'   AToB2                                no
7148         'A2B3'   AToB3                                no
7149         'A2M0'   AToM0                                no
7150         'B2A0'   BToA0                                no
7151         'B2A1'   BToA1                                no
7152         'B2A2'   BToA2                                no
7153         'B2A3'   BToA3                                no
7154         'B2D0'   BToD0                                no
7155         'B2D1'   BToD1                                no
7156         'B2D2'   BToD2                                no
7157         'B2D3'   BToD3                                no
7158         'CxF '   CXF                                  no
7159         'D2B0'   DToB0                                no
7160         'D2B1'   DToB1                                no
7161         'D2B2'   DToB2                                no
7162         'D2B3'   DToB3                                no
7163         'Header' ProfileHeader                        ICC_Profile Header
7164         'M2A0'   MToA0                                no
7165         'M2B0'   MToB0                                no
7166         'M2B1'   MToB1                                no
7167         'M2B2'   MToB2                                no
7168         'M2B3'   MToB3                                no
7169         'M2S0'   MToS0                                no
7170         'M2S1'   MToS1                                no
7171         'M2S2'   MToS2                                no
7172         'M2S3'   MToS3                                no
7173         'MS00'   WCSProfiles                          no
7174         'bAB0'   BRDFAToB0                            no
7175         'bAB1'   BRDFAToB1                            no
7176         'bAB2'   BRDFAToB2                            no
7177         'bAB3'   BRDFAToB3                            no
7178         'bBA0'   BRDFBToA0                            no
7179         'bBA1'   BRDFBToA1                            no
7180         'bBA2'   BRDFBToA2                            no
7181         'bBA3'   BRDFBToA3                            no
7182         'bBD0'   BRDFBToD0                            no
7183         'bBD1'   BRDFBToD1                            no
7184         'bBD2'   BRDFBToD2                            no
7185         'bBD3'   BRDFBToD3                            no
7186         'bDB0'   BRDFDToB0                            no
7187         'bDB1'   BRDFDToB1                            no
7188         'bDB2'   BRDFDToB2                            no
7189         'bDB3'   BRDFDToB3                            no
7190         'bMB0'   BRDFMToB0                            no
7191         'bMB1'   BRDFMToB1                            no
7192         'bMB2'   BRDFMToB2                            no
7193         'bMB3'   BRDFMToB3                            no
7194         'bMS0'   BRDFMToS0                            no
7195         'bMS1'   BRDFMToS1                            no
7196         'bMS2'   BRDFMToS2                            no
7197         'bMS3'   BRDFMToS3                            no
7198         'bTRC'   BlueTRC                              no
7199         'bXYZ'   BlueMatrixColumn                     no
7200         'bcp0'   BRDFColorimetricParam0               no
7201         'bcp1'   BRDFColorimetricParam1               no
7202         'bcp2'   BRDFColorimetricParam2               no
7203         'bcp3'   BRDFColorimetricParam3               no
7204         'bfd '   UCRBG                                no
7205         'bkpt'   MediaBlackPoint                      no
7206         'bsp0'   BRDFSpectralParam0                   no
7207         'bsp1'   BRDFSpectralParam1                   no
7208         'bsp2'   BRDFSpectralParam2                   no
7209         'bsp3'   BRDFSpectralParam3                   no
7210         'c2sp'   CustomToStandardPcc                  no
7211         'calt'   CalibrationDateTime                  no
7212         'cept'   ColorEncodingParams                  no
7213         'chad'   ChromaticAdaptation                  no
7214         'chrm'   Chromaticity                         ICC_Profile Chromaticity
7215         'ciis'   ColorimetricIntentImageState         no
7216         'clio'   ColorantInfoOut                      no
7217         'cloo'   ColorantOrderOut                     no
7218         'clot'   ColorantTableOut                     no
7219         'clro'   ColorantOrder                        no
7220         'clrt'   ColorantTable                        ICC_Profile ColorantTable
7221         'cprt'   ProfileCopyright                     no
7222         'crdi'   CRDInfo                              no
7223         'csnm'   ColorSpaceName                       no
7224         'dAB0'   DirectionalAToB0                     no
7225         'dAB1'   DirectionalAToB1                     no
7226         'dAB2'   DirectionalAToB2                     no
7227         'dAB3'   DirectionalAToB3                     no
7228         'dBA0'   DirectionalBToA0                     no
7229         'dBA1'   DirectionalBToA1                     no
7230         'dBA2'   DirectionalBToA2                     no
7231         'dBA3'   DirectionalBToA3                     no
7232         'dBD0'   DirectionalBToD0                     no
7233         'dBD1'   DirectionalBToD1                     no
7234         'dBD2'   DirectionalBToD2                     no
7235         'dBD3'   DirectionalBToD3                     no
7236         'dDB0'   DirectionalDToB0                     no
7237         'dDB1'   DirectionalDToB1                     no
7238         'dDB2'   DirectionalDToB2                     no
7239         'dDB3'   DirectionalDToB3                     no
7240         'desc'   ProfileDescription                   no
7241         'devs'   DeviceSettings                       no
7242         'dmdd'   DeviceModelDesc                      no
7243         'dmnd'   DeviceMfgDesc                        no
7244         'dscm'   ProfileDescriptionML                 no
7245         'fpce'   FocalPlaneColorimetryEstimates       no
7246         'gTRC'   GreenTRC                             no
7247         'gXYZ'   GreenMatrixColumn                    no
7248         'gamt'   Gamut                                no
7249         'gdb0'   GamutBoundaryDescription0            no
7250         'gdb1'   GamutBoundaryDescription1            no
7251         'gdb2'   GamutBoundaryDescription2            no
7252         'gdb3'   GamutBoundaryDescription3            no
7253         'kTRC'   GrayTRC                              no
7254         'lumi'   Luminance                            no
7255         'mcta'   MultiplexTypeArray                   no
7256         'mdv '   MultiplexDefaultValues               no
7257         'meas'   Measurement                          ICC_Profile Measurement
7258         'meta'   Metadata                             ICC_Profile Metadata
7259         'miin'   MeasurementInputInfo                 no
7260         'minf'   MeasurementInfo                      no
7261         'mmod'   MakeAndModel                         no
7262         'ncl2'   NamedColor2                          no
7263         'ncol'   NamedColor                           no
7264         'ndin'   NativeDisplayInfo                    no
7265         'nmcl'   NamedColor                           no
7266         'pre0'   Preview0                             no
7267         'pre1'   Preview1                             no
7268         'pre2'   Preview2                             no
7269         'ps2i'   PS2RenderingIntent                   no
7270         'ps2s'   PostScript2CSA                       no
7271         'psd0'   PostScript2CRD0                      no
7272         'psd1'   PostScript2CRD1                      no
7273         'psd2'   PostScript2CRD2                      no
7274         'psd3'   PostScript2CRD3                      no
7275         'pseq'   ProfileSequenceDesc                  no
7276         'psid'   ProfileSequenceIdentifier            no
7277         'psin'   ProfileSequenceInfo                  no
7278         'psvm'   PS2CRDVMSize                         no
7279         'rTRC'   RedTRC                               no
7280         'rXYZ'   RedMatrixColumn                      no
7281         'resp'   OutputResponse                       no
7282         'rfnm'   ReferenceName                        no
7283         'rhoc'   ReflectionHardcopyOrigColorimetry    no
7284         'rig0'   PerceptualRenderingIntentGamut       no
7285         'rig2'   SaturationRenderingIntentGamut       no
7286         'rpoc'   ReflectionPrintOutputColorimetry     no
7287         's2cp'   StandardToCustomPcc                  no
7288         'sape'   SceneAppearanceEstimates             no
7289         'scoe'   SceneColorimetryEstimates            no
7290         'scrd'   ScreeningDesc                        no
7291         'scrn'   Screening                            no
7292         'smap'   SurfaceMap                           no
7293         'svcn'   SpectralViewingConditions            no
7294         'swpt'   SpectralWhitePoint                   no
7295         'targ'   CharTarget                           no
7296         'tech'   Technology                           no
7297         'vcgt'   VideoCardGamma                       no
7298         'view'   ViewingConditions                    ICC_Profile ViewingConditions
7299         'vued'   ViewingCondDesc                      no
7300         'wtpt'   MediaWhitePoint                      no
7302       ICC_Profile Header Tags
7304         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7305         ------   --------                             --------
7306             4    ProfileCMMType                       no
7307             8    ProfileVersion                       no
7308            12    ProfileClass                         no
7309            16    ColorSpaceData                       no
7310            20    ProfileConnectionSpace               no
7311            24    ProfileDateTime                      no
7312            36    ProfileFileSignature                 no
7313            40    PrimaryPlatform                      no
7314            44    CMMFlags                             no
7315            48    DeviceManufacturer                   no
7316            52    DeviceModel                          no
7317            56    DeviceAttributes                     no
7318            64    RenderingIntent                      no
7319            68    ConnectionSpaceIlluminant            no
7320            80    ProfileCreator                       no
7321            84    ProfileID                            no
7323       ICC_Profile Chromaticity Tags
7325         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7326         ------   --------                             --------
7327             8    ChromaticityChannels                 no
7328            10    ChromaticityColorant                 no
7329            12    ChromaticityChannel1                 no
7330            20    ChromaticityChannel2                 no
7331            28    ChromaticityChannel3                 no
7332            36    ChromaticityChannel4                 no
7334       ICC_Profile ColorantTable Tags
7336         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7337         ------   --------                             --------
7338             8    ColorantCount                        no
7339            12    Colorant1Name                        no
7340            44    Colorant1Coordinates                 no
7341            50    Colorant2Name                        no
7342            82    Colorant2Coordinates                 no
7343            88    Colorant3Name                        no
7344           120    Colorant3Coordinates                 no
7346       ICC_Profile Measurement Tags
7348         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7349         ------   --------                             --------
7350             8    MeasurementObserver                  no
7351            12    MeasurementBacking                   no
7352            24    MeasurementGeometry                  no
7353            28    MeasurementFlare                     no
7354            32    MeasurementIlluminant                no
7356       ICC_Profile Metadata Tags
7358       Only these few tags have been pre-defined, but ExifTool will extract
7359       any Metadata tags that exist.
7361         Tag Name                                      Writable
7362         --------                                      --------
7363         CreatorApp                                    no
7364         ManufacturerName                              no
7365         MediaColor                                    no
7366         MediaWeight                                   no
7368       ICC_Profile ViewingConditions Tags
7370         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7371         ------   --------                             --------
7372             8    ViewingCondIlluminant                no
7373            20    ViewingCondSurround                  no
7374            32    ViewingCondIlluminantType            no
7376   PrintIM Tags
7377       The format of the PrintIM information is known, however no PrintIM tags
7378       have been decoded.  Use the Unknown (-u) option to extract PrintIM
7379       information.
7381         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
7382         ------               --------                 --------
7383         'PrintIMVersion'     PrintIMVersion           no
7385   Photoshop Tags
7386       Photoshop tags are found in PSD and PSB files, as well as inside
7387       embedded Photoshop information in many other file types (JPEG, TIFF,
7388       PDF, PNG to name a few).
7390       Many Photoshop tags are marked as Unknown (indicated by a question mark
7391       after the tag name) because the information they provide is not very
7392       useful under normal circumstances.  These unknown tags are not
7393       extracted unless the Unknown (-u) option is used.  See
7394       <http://www.adobe.com/devnet-apps/photoshop/fileformatashtml/> for the
7395       official specification
7397       Photoshop path tags (Tag ID's 0x7d0 to 0xbb5) are not defined by
7398       default, but a config file included in the full ExifTool distribution
7399       (config_files/photoshop_paths.config) contains the tag definitions to
7400       allow access to this information.
7402         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
7403         ------   --------                             --------
7404         0x03e8   Photoshop2Info?                      no
7405         0x03e9   MacintoshPrintInfo?                  no
7406         0x03ea   XMLData?                             no
7407         0x03eb   Photoshop2ColorTable?                no
7408         0x03ed   ResolutionInfo                       Photoshop Resolution
7409         0x03ee   AlphaChannelsNames                   no
7410         0x03ef   DisplayInfo?                         no
7411         0x03f0   PStringCaption?                      no
7412         0x03f1   BorderInformation?                   no
7413         0x03f2   BackgroundColor?                     no
7414         0x03f3   PrintFlags?                          no
7415         0x03f4   BW_HalftoningInfo?                   no
7416         0x03f5   ColorHalftoningInfo?                 no
7417         0x03f6   DuotoneHalftoningInfo?               no
7418         0x03f7   BW_TransferFunc?                     no
7419         0x03f8   ColorTransferFuncs?                  no
7420         0x03f9   DuotoneTransferFuncs?                no
7421         0x03fa   DuotoneImageInfo?                    no
7422         0x03fb   EffectiveBW?                         no
7423         0x03fc   ObsoletePhotoshopTag1?               no
7424         0x03fd   EPSOptions?                          no
7425         0x03fe   QuickMaskInfo?                       no
7426         0x03ff   ObsoletePhotoshopTag2?               no
7427         0x0400   TargetLayerID?                       no
7428         0x0401   WorkingPath?                         no
7429         0x0402   LayersGroupInfo?                     no
7430         0x0403   ObsoletePhotoshopTag3?               no
7431         0x0404   IPTCData                             IPTC
7432         0x0405   RawImageMode?                        no
7433         0x0406   JPEG_Quality                         Photoshop JPEG_Quality
7434         0x0408   GridGuidesInfo?                      no
7435         0x0409   PhotoshopBGRThumbnail                undef!
7436         0x040a   CopyrightFlag                        int8u
7437         0x040b   URL                                  string
7438         0x040c   PhotoshopThumbnail                   undef!
7439         0x040d   GlobalAngle                          int32u
7440         0x040e   ColorSamplersResource?               no
7441         0x040f   ICC_Profile                          ICC_Profile
7442         0x0410   Watermark?                           no
7443         0x0411   ICC_Untagged?                        no
7444         0x0412   EffectsVisible?                      no
7445         0x0413   SpotHalftone?                        no
7446         0x0414   IDsBaseValue?                        no
7447         0x0415   UnicodeAlphaNames?                   no
7448         0x0416   IndexedColorTableCount?              no
7449         0x0417   TransparentIndex?                    no
7450         0x0419   GlobalAltitude                       int32u
7451         0x041a   SliceInfo                            Photoshop SliceInfo
7452         0x041b   WorkflowURL                          no
7453         0x041c   JumpToXPEP?                          no
7454         0x041d   AlphaIdentifiers?                    no
7455         0x041e   URL_List                             no+
7456         0x0421   VersionInfo                          Photoshop VersionInfo
7457         0x0422   EXIFInfo                             EXIF
7458         0x0423   ExifInfo2?                           no
7459         0x0424   XMP                                  XMP
7460         0x0425   IPTCDigest                           string!
7461         0x0426   PrintScaleInfo                       Photoshop PrintScaleInfo
7462         0x0428   PixelInfo                            Photoshop PixelInfo
7463         0x0429   LayerComps?                          no
7464         0x042a   AlternateDuotoneColors?              no
7465         0x042b   AlternateSpotColors?                 no
7466         0x042d   LayerSelectionIDs?                   no
7467         0x042e   HDRToningInfo?                       no
7468         0x042f   PrintInfo?                           no
7469         0x0430   LayerGroupsEnabledID?                no
7470         0x0431   ColorSamplersResource2?              no
7471         0x0432   MeasurementScale?                    no
7472         0x0433   TimelineInfo?                        no
7473         0x0434   SheetDisclosure?                     no
7474         0x0435   DisplayInfo?                         no
7475         0x0436   OnionSkins?                          no
7476         0x0438   CountInfo?                           no
7477         0x043a   PrintInfo2?                          no
7478         0x043b   PrintStyle?                          no
7479         0x043c   MacintoshNSPrintInfo?                no
7480         0x043d   WindowsDEVMODE?                      no
7481         0x043e   AutoSaveFilePath?                    no
7482         0x043f   AutoSaveFormat?                      no
7483         0x0440   PathSelectionState?                  no
7484         0x0bb7   ClippingPathName                     no
7485         0x0bb8   OriginPathInfo?                      no
7486         0x1b58   ImageReadyVariables?                 no
7487         0x1b59   ImageReadyDataSets?                  no
7488         0x1f40   LightroomWorkflow?                   no
7489         0x2710   PrintFlagsInfo?                      no
7491       Photoshop Resolution Tags
7493         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
7494         ------   --------                             --------
7495             0    XResolution                          int32u
7496             2    DisplayedUnitsX                      int16u
7497             4    YResolution                          int32u
7498             6    DisplayedUnitsY                      int16u
7500       Photoshop JPEG_Quality Tags
7502         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
7503         ------   --------                             --------
7504             0    PhotoshopQuality                     int16s
7505             1    PhotoshopFormat                      no
7506             2    ProgressiveScans                     no
7508       Photoshop SliceInfo Tags
7510         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7511         ------   --------                             --------
7512            20    SlicesGroupName                      no
7513            24    NumSlices                            no
7515       Photoshop VersionInfo Tags
7517         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7518         ------   --------                             --------
7519             4    HasRealMergedData                    no
7520             5    WriterName                           no
7521             9    ReaderName                           no
7523       Photoshop PrintScaleInfo Tags
7525         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7526         ------   --------                             --------
7527             0    PrintStyle                           no
7528             2    PrintPosition                        no
7529            10    PrintScale                           no
7531       Photoshop PixelInfo Tags
7533         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7534         ------   --------                             --------
7535             4    PixelAspectRatio                     no
7537       Photoshop DocumentData Tags
7539         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
7540         ------   --------                             --------
7541         'Layr'   Layers                               Photoshop Layers
7542         'Lr16'   Layers                               Photoshop Layers
7544       Photoshop Layers Tags
7546       Tags extracted from Photoshop layer information.
7548         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
7549         ------   --------                             --------
7550         '_xbnd'  LayerBlendModes                      no+
7551         '_xcnt'  LayerCount                           no
7552         '_xnam'  LayerNames                           no+
7553         '_xopc'  LayerOpacities                       no+
7554         '_xrct'  LayerRectangles                      no+
7555         '_xvis'  LayerVisible                         no+
7556         'lclr'   LayerColors                          no+
7557         'lsct'   LayerSections                        no+
7558         'luni'   LayerUnicodeNames                    no+
7559         'lyid'   LayerIDs?                            no+
7560         'shmd'   LayerModifyDates                     no+
7562       Photoshop Header Tags
7564       This information is found in the PSD file header.
7566         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
7567         ------   --------                             --------
7568             6    NumChannels                          no
7569             7    ImageHeight                          no
7570             9    ImageWidth                           no
7571            11    BitDepth                             no
7572            12    ColorMode                            no
7574       Photoshop ImageData Tags
7576         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
7577         ------   --------                             --------
7578             0    Compression                          no
7580   Apple Tags
7581       Tags extracted from the maker notes of iPhone images.
7583         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
7584         ------   --------                             --------
7585         0x0001   MakerNoteVersion                     int32s
7586         0x0002   AEMatrix?                            no
7587         0x0003   RunTime                              Apple RunTime
7588         0x0004   AEStable                             int32s
7589         0x0005   AETarget                             int32s
7590         0x0006   AEAverage                            int32s
7591         0x0007   AFStable                             int32s
7592         0x0008   AccelerationVector                   rational64s[3]
7593         0x000a   HDRImageType                         int32s
7594         0x000b   BurstUUID                            string
7595         0x000c   FocusDistanceRange                   rational64s[2]
7596         0x000f   OISMode                              int32s
7597         0x0011   ContentIdentifier                    string
7598         0x0014   ImageCaptureType                     int32s
7599         0x0015   ImageUniqueID                        string
7600         0x0017   LivePhotoVideoIndex                  yes
7601         0x0019   ImageProcessingFlags?                int32s
7602         0x001a   QualityHint?                         string
7603         0x001d   LuminanceNoiseAmplitude              rational64s
7604         0x0020   ImageCaptureRequestID?               string
7605         0x0021   HDRHeadroom                          rational64s
7606         0x0025   SceneFlags?                          int32s
7607         0x0026   SignalToNoiseRatioType?              int32s
7608         0x0027   SignalToNoiseRatio                   rational64s
7609         0x002b   PhotoIdentifier                      string
7610         0x002f   FocusPosition                        int32s
7611         0x0030   HDRGain                              rational64s
7612         0x0038   AFMeasuredDepth                      int32s
7613         0x003d   AFConfidence                         int32s
7614         0x003e   ColorCorrectionMatrix?               no
7615         0x003f   GreenGhostMitigationStatus?          int32s
7616         0x0040   SemanticStyle                        no
7617         0x0041   SemanticStyleRenderingVer            no
7618         0x0042   SemanticStylePreset                  no
7619         0x0045   FrontFacingCamera                    int32s
7621       Apple RunTime Tags
7623       This PLIST-format information contains the elements of a CMTime
7624       structure representing the amount of time the phone has been running
7625       since the last boot, not including standby time.
7627         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
7628         ------               --------                 --------
7629         'epoch'              RunTimeEpoch             no
7630         'flags'              RunTimeFlags             no
7631         'timescale'          RunTimeScale             no
7632         'value'              RunTimeValue             no
7634   NikonSettings Tags
7635       User settings for newer Nikon models.  A number of the tags are marked
7636       as Unknown only to reduce the volume of the normal output.
7638         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
7639         ------   --------                             --------
7640         0x0001   ISOAutoHiLimit                       no
7641         0x0002   ISOAutoFlashLimit                    no
7642         0x0003   ISOAutoShutterTime                   no
7643         0x000b   FlickerReductionShooting             no
7644         0x000c   FlickerReductionIndicator            no
7645         0x000d   MovieISOAutoHiLimit                  no
7646         0x000e   MovieISOAutoControlManualMode        no
7647         0x000f   MovieWhiteBalanceSameAsPhoto         no
7648         0x001d   AF-CPrioritySel                      no
7649         0x001e   AF-SPrioritySel                      no
7650         0x0020   AFPointSel                           no
7651         0x0022   AFActivation                         no
7652         0x0023   FocusPointWrap                       no
7653         0x0025   ManualFocusPointIllumination         no
7654         0x0026   AF-AssistIlluminator                 no
7655         0x0027   ManualFocusRingInAFMode              no
7656         0x0029   ISOStepSize                          no
7657         0x002a   ExposureControlStepSize              no
7658         0x002b   EasyExposureCompensation             no
7659         0x002c   MatrixMetering                       no
7660         0x002d   CenterWeightedAreaSize               no
7661         0x002f   FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            no
7662         0x0030   FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            no
7663         0x0031   FineTuneOptSpotMetering              no
7664         0x0032   FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted         no
7665         0x0033   ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             no
7666         0x0034   StandbyMonitorOffTime                no
7667         0x0035   SelfTimerTime                        no
7668         0x0036   SelfTimerShotCount                   no
7669         0x0037   SelfTimerShotInterval                no
7670         0x0038   PlaybackMonitorOffTime               no
7671         0x0039   MenuMonitorOffTime                   no
7672         0x003a   ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           no
7673         0x003b   ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            no
7674         0x003c   LiveViewMonitorOffTime               no
7675         0x003e   CLModeShootingSpeed                  no
7676         0x003f   MaxContinuousRelease                 no
7677         0x0040   ExposureDelayMode                    no
7678         0x0041   ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter       no
7679         0x0042   FileNumberSequence                   no
7680         0x0043   FramingGridDisplay                   no
7681         0x0045   LCDIllumination                      no
7682         0x0046   OpticalVR                            no
7683         0x0047   FlashSyncSpeed                       no
7684         0x0048   FlashShutterSpeed                    no
7685         0x0049   FlashExposureCompArea                no
7686         0x004a   AutoFlashISOSensitivity              no
7687         0x0051   AssignBktButton                      no
7688         0x0052   AssignMovieRecordButton              no
7689         0x0053   MultiSelectorShootMode               no
7690         0x0054   MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            no
7691         0x0056   MultiSelectorLiveView                no
7692         0x0058   CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp?      no
7693         0x0059   CmdDialsChangeMainSubExposure?       no
7694         0x005a   CmdDialsChangeMainSub                no
7695         0x005b   CmdDialsMenuAndPlayback              no
7696         0x005c   SubDialFrameAdvance                  no
7697         0x005d   ReleaseButtonToUseDial               no
7698         0x005e   ReverseIndicators                    no
7699         0x0062   MovieShutterButton                   no
7700         0x0063   Language                             no
7701         0x006c   ShootingInfoDisplay                  no
7702         0x0074   FlickAdvanceDirection                no
7703         0x0075   HDMIOutputResolution                 no
7704         0x0077   HDMIOutputRange                      no
7705         0x0080   RemoteFuncButton                     no
7706         0x008b   CmdDialsReverseRotation              no
7707         0x008d   FocusPeakingHighlightColor           no
7708         0x008e   ContinuousModeDisplay                no
7709         0x008f   ShutterSpeedLock                     no
7710         0x0090   ApertureLock                         no
7711         0x0091   MovieHighlightDisplayThreshold       no
7712         0x0092   HDMIExternalRecorder                 no
7713         0x0093   BlockShotAFResponse                  no
7714         0x0094   SubjectMotion                        no
7715         0x0095   Three-DTrackingFaceDetection         no
7716         0x0097   StoreByOrientation                   no
7717         0x0099   DynamicAreaAFAssist                  no
7718         0x009a   ExposureCompStepSize                 no
7719         0x009b   SyncReleaseMode                      no
7720         0x009c   ModelingFlash                        no
7721         0x009d   AutoBracketModeM                     no
7722         0x009e   PreviewButton                        no
7723         0x00a0   Func1Button                          no
7724         0x00a2   Func2Button                          no
7725         0x00a3   AF-OnButton                          no
7726         0x00a4   SubSelector                          no
7727         0x00a5   SubSelectorCenter                    no
7728         0x00a7   LensFunc1Button                      no
7729         0x00a8   CmdDialsApertureSetting              no
7730         0x00a9   MultiSelector                        no
7731         0x00aa   LiveViewButtonOptions                no
7732         0x00ab   LightSwitch                          no
7733         0x00b1   MoviePreviewButton                   no
7734                  MovieFunc1Button                     no
7735         0x00b3   MovieFunc1Button                     no
7736                  MovieFunc2Button                     no
7737         0x00b5   MovieFunc2Button                     no
7738         0x00b6   AssignMovieSubselector               no
7739         0x00b8   LimitAFAreaModeSelD9?                no
7740         0x00b9   LimitAFAreaModeSelD25?               no
7741         0x00bc   LimitAFAreaModeSel3D?                no
7742         0x00bd   LimitAFAreaModeSelGroup?             no
7743         0x00be   LimitAFAreaModeSelAuto?              no
7744         0x00c1   LimitSelectableImageArea5To4?        no
7745         0x00c2   LimitSelectableImageArea1To1?        no
7746         0x00d4   PhotoShootingMenuBank                no
7747         0x00d5   CustomSettingsBank                   no
7748         0x00d6   LimitAF-AreaModeSelPinpoint?         no
7749         0x00d7   LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic?          no
7750         0x00d8   LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S?         no
7751         0x00d9   LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_L?         no
7752         0x00da   LowLightAF                           no
7753         0x00db   LimitSelectableImageAreaDX?          no
7754         0x00dc   LimitSelectableImageArea5To4?        no
7755         0x00dd   LimitSelectableImageArea1To1?        no
7756         0x00de   LimitSelectableImageArea16To9?       no
7757         0x00df   ApplySettingsToLiveView              no
7758         0x00e0   FocusPeakingLevel                    no
7759         0x00ea   LensControlRing                      no
7760         0x00ed   MovieMultiSelector                   no
7761         0x00ee   MovieAFSpeed                         no
7762         0x00ef   MovieAFSpeedApply                    no
7763         0x00f0   MovieAFTrackingSensitivity           no
7764         0x00f1   MovieHighlightDisplayPattern         no
7765         0x00f2   SubDialFrameAdvanceRating5?          no
7766         0x00f3   SubDialFrameAdvanceRating4?          no
7767         0x00f4   SubDialFrameAdvanceRating3?          no
7768         0x00f5   SubDialFrameAdvanceRating2?          no
7769         0x00f6   SubDialFrameAdvanceRating1?          no
7770         0x00f7   SubDialFrameAdvanceRating0?          no
7771         0x00f9   MovieAF-OnButton                     no
7772         0x00fb   SecondarySlotFunction                no
7773         0x00fc   SilentPhotography                    no
7774         0x00fd   ExtendedShutterSpeeds                no
7775         0x0102   HDMIBitDepth                         no
7776         0x0103   HDMIOutputHDR                        no
7777         0x0104   HDMIViewAssist                       no
7778         0x0109   BracketSet                           no
7779         0x010a   BracketProgram                       no
7780         0x010b   BracketIncrement                     no
7781         0x010c   BracketIncrement                     no
7782         0x010e   MonitorBrightness                    no
7783         0x0116   GroupAreaC1                          no
7784         0x0117   AutoAreaAFStartingPoint              no
7785         0x0118   FocusPointPersistence                no
7786         0x0119   LimitAFAreaModeSelD49?               no
7787         0x011a   LimitAFAreaModeSelD105?              no
7788         0x011b   LimitAFAreaModeSelGroupC1?           no
7789         0x011c   LimitAFAreaModeSelGroupC2?           no
7790         0x011d   AutoFocusModeRestrictions            no
7791         0x011e   FocusPointBrightness                 no
7792         0x011f   CHModeShootingSpeed                  no
7793         0x0120   CLModeShootingSpeed                  no
7794         0x0121   QuietShutterShootingSpeed            no
7795         0x0122   LimitReleaseModeSelCL?               no
7796         0x0123   LimitReleaseModeSelCH?               no
7797         0x0124   LimitReleaseModeSelQ?                no
7798         0x0125   LimitReleaseModeSelTimer?            no
7799         0x0126   LimitReleaseModeSelMirror-Up?        no
7800         0x0127   LimitSelectableImageArea16To9?       no
7801         0x0128   RearControPanelDisplay               no
7802         0x0129   FlashBurstPriority                   no
7803         0x012a   RecallShootFuncExposureMode          no
7804         0x012b   RecallShootFuncShutterSpeed          no
7805         0x012c   RecallShootFuncAperture              no
7806         0x012d   RecallShootFuncExposureComp          no
7807         0x012e   RecallShootFuncISO                   no
7808         0x012f   RecallShootFuncMeteringMode          no
7809         0x0130   RecallShootFuncWhiteBalance          no
7810         0x0131   RecallShootFuncAFAreaMode            no
7811         0x0132   RecallShootFuncFocusTracking         no
7812         0x0133   RecallShootFuncAF-On                 no
7813         0x0134   VerticalFuncButton                   no
7814         0x0135   Func3Button                          no
7815         0x0136   VerticalAF-OnButton                  no
7816         0x0137   VerticalMultiSelector                no
7817         0x0138   MeteringButton                       no
7818         0x0139   PlaybackFlickUp                      no
7819         0x013a   PlaybackFlickUpRating                no
7820         0x013b   PlaybackFlickDown                    no
7821         0x013c   PlaybackFlickDownRating              no
7822         0x013d   MovieFunc3Button                     no
7823         0x0150   ShutterType                          no
7824         0x0151   LensFunc2Button                      no
7825         0x0158   USBPowerDelivery                     no
7826         0x0159   EnergySavingMode                     no
7827         0x015c   BracketingBurstOptions               no
7828         0x015e   PrimarySlot                          no
7829         0x015f   ReverseFocusRing                     no
7830         0x0160   VerticalFuncButton                   no
7831         0x0161   VerticalAFOnButton                   no
7832         0x0162   VerticalMultiSelector                no
7833         0x0164   VerticalMovieFuncButton              no
7834         0x0165   VerticalMovieAFOnButton              no
7835         0x0169   LimitAF-AreaModeSelAutoPeople?       no
7836         0x016a   LimitAF-AreaModeSelAutoAnimals?      no
7837         0x016b   LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideLPeople?      no
7838         0x016c   LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideLAnimals?     no
7839         0x016d   SaveFocus                            no
7840         0x016e   AFAreaMode                           no
7841         0x016f   MovieAFAreaMode                      no
7842         0x0170   PreferSubSelectorCenter              no
7843         0x0171   KeepExposureWithTeleconverter        no
7844         0x0174   FocusPointSelectionSpeed             no
7846   Canon Tags
7847         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
7848         ------   --------                             --------
7849         0x0001   CanonCameraSettings                  Canon CameraSettings
7850         0x0002   CanonFocalLength                     Canon FocalLength
7851         0x0003   CanonFlashInfo?                      no
7852         0x0004   CanonShotInfo                        Canon ShotInfo
7853         0x0005   CanonPanorama                        Canon Panorama
7854         0x0006   CanonImageType                       string
7855         0x0007   CanonFirmwareVersion                 string
7856         0x0008   FileNumber                           int32u
7857         0x0009   OwnerName                            string
7858         0x000a   UnknownD30                           Canon UnknownD30
7859         0x000c   SerialNumber                         int32u
7860         0x000d   CanonCameraInfo1D                    Canon CameraInfo1D
7861                  CanonCameraInfo1DmkII                Canon CameraInfo1DmkII
7862                  CanonCameraInfo1DmkIIN               Canon CameraInfo1DmkIIN
7863                  CanonCameraInfo1DmkIII               Canon CameraInfo1DmkIII
7864                  CanonCameraInfo1DmkIV                Canon CameraInfo1DmkIV
7865                  CanonCameraInfo1DX                   Canon CameraInfo1DX
7866                  CanonCameraInfo5D                    Canon CameraInfo5D
7867                  CanonCameraInfo5DmkII                Canon CameraInfo5DmkII
7868                  CanonCameraInfo5DmkIII               Canon CameraInfo5DmkIII
7869                  CanonCameraInfo6D                    Canon CameraInfo6D
7870                  CanonCameraInfo7D                    Canon CameraInfo7D
7871                  CanonCameraInfo40D                   Canon CameraInfo40D
7872                  CanonCameraInfo50D                   Canon CameraInfo50D
7873                  CanonCameraInfo60D                   Canon CameraInfo60D
7874                  CanonCameraInfo70D                   Canon CameraInfo70D
7875                  CanonCameraInfo80D                   Canon CameraInfo80D
7876                  CanonCameraInfo450D                  Canon CameraInfo450D
7877                  CanonCameraInfo500D                  Canon CameraInfo500D
7878                  CanonCameraInfo550D                  Canon CameraInfo550D
7879                  CanonCameraInfo600D                  Canon CameraInfo600D
7880                  CanonCameraInfo650D                  Canon CameraInfo650D
7881                  CanonCameraInfo700D                  Canon CameraInfo650D
7882                  CanonCameraInfo750D                  Canon CameraInfo750D
7883                  CanonCameraInfo760D                  Canon CameraInfo750D
7884                  CanonCameraInfo1000D                 Canon CameraInfo1000D
7885                  CanonCameraInfo1100D                 Canon CameraInfo600D
7886                  CanonCameraInfo1200D                 Canon CameraInfo60D
7887                  CanonCameraInfoR6                    Canon CameraInfoR6
7888                  CanonCameraInfoG5XII                 Canon CameraInfoG5XII
7889                  CanonCameraInfoPowerShot             Canon CameraInfoPowerShot
7890                  CanonCameraInfoPowerShot2            Canon CameraInfoPowerShot2
7891                  CanonCameraInfoUnknown32             Canon CameraInfoUnknown32
7892                  CanonCameraInfoUnknown16             Canon CameraInfoUnknown16
7893                  CanonCameraInfoUnknown               Canon CameraInfoUnknown
7894         0x000e   CanonFileLength                      int32u
7895         0x000f   CustomFunctions1D                    CanonCustom Functions1D
7896                  CustomFunctions5D                    CanonCustom Functions5D
7897                  CustomFunctions10D                   CanonCustom Functions10D
7898                  CustomFunctions20D                   CanonCustom Functions20D
7899                  CustomFunctions30D                   CanonCustom Functions30D
7900                  CustomFunctions350D                  CanonCustom Functions350D
7901                  CustomFunctions400D                  CanonCustom Functions400D
7902                  CustomFunctionsD30                   CanonCustom FunctionsD30
7903                  CustomFunctionsD60                   CanonCustom FunctionsD30
7904                  CustomFunctionsUnknown               CanonCustom FuncsUnknown
7905         0x0010   CanonModelID                         int32u
7906         0x0011   MovieInfo                            Canon MovieInfo
7907         0x0012   CanonAFInfo                          Canon AFInfo
7908         0x0013   ThumbnailImageValidArea              int16u[4]
7909         0x0015   SerialNumberFormat                   int32u
7910         0x001a   SuperMacro                           int16u
7911         0x001c   DateStampMode                        int16u
7912         0x001d   MyColors                             Canon MyColors
7913         0x001e   FirmwareRevision                     int32u
7914         0x0023   Categories                           int32u[2]
7915         0x0024   FaceDetect1                          Canon FaceDetect1
7916         0x0025   FaceDetect2                          Canon FaceDetect2
7917         0x0026   CanonAFInfo2                         Canon AFInfo2
7918         0x0027   ContrastInfo                         Canon ContrastInfo
7919         0x0028   ImageUniqueID                        int8u
7920         0x0029   WBInfo                               Canon WBInfo
7921         0x002f   FaceDetect3                          Canon FaceDetect3
7922         0x0035   TimeInfo                             Canon TimeInfo
7923         0x0038   BatteryType                          undef
7924         0x003c   AFInfo3                              Canon AFInfo2
7925         0x0081   RawDataOffset                        no
7926         0x0082   RawDataLength                        no
7927         0x0083   OriginalDecisionDataOffset           int32u*
7928         0x0090   CustomFunctions1D                    CanonCustom Functions1D
7929         0x0091   PersonalFunctions                    CanonCustom PersonalFuncs
7930         0x0092   PersonalFunctionValues               CanonCustom PersonalFuncValues
7931         0x0093   CanonFileInfo                        Canon FileInfo
7932         0x0094   AFPointsInFocus1D                    no
7933         0x0095   LensModel                            string
7934         0x0096   SerialInfo                           Canon SerialInfo
7935                  InternalSerialNumber                 string
7936         0x0097   DustRemovalData                      undef!
7937         0x0098   CropInfo                             Canon CropInfo
7938         0x0099   CustomFunctions2                     CanonCustom Functions2
7939         0x009a   AspectInfo                           Canon AspectInfo
7940         0x00a0   ProcessingInfo                       Canon Processing
7941         0x00a1   ToneCurveTable                       no
7942         0x00a2   SharpnessTable                       no
7943         0x00a3   SharpnessFreqTable                   no
7944         0x00a4   WhiteBalanceTable                    no
7945         0x00a9   ColorBalance                         Canon ColorBalance
7946         0x00aa   MeasuredColor                        Canon MeasuredColor
7947         0x00ae   ColorTemperature                     int16u
7948         0x00b0   CanonFlags                           Canon Flags
7949         0x00b1   ModifiedInfo                         Canon ModifiedInfo
7950         0x00b2   ToneCurveMatching                    no
7951         0x00b3   WhiteBalanceMatching                 no
7952         0x00b4   ColorSpace                           int16u
7953         0x00b6   PreviewImageInfo                     Canon PreviewImageInfo
7954         0x00d0   VRDOffset                            int32u*
7955         0x00e0   SensorInfo                           Canon SensorInfo
7956         0x4001   ColorData1                           Canon ColorData1
7957                  ColorData2                           Canon ColorData2
7958                  ColorData3                           Canon ColorData3
7959                  ColorData4                           Canon ColorData4
7960                  ColorData5                           Canon ColorData5
7961                  ColorData6                           Canon ColorData6
7962                  ColorData7                           Canon ColorData7
7963                  ColorData8                           Canon ColorData8
7964                  ColorData9                           Canon ColorData9
7965                  ColorData10                          Canon ColorData10
7966                  ColorData11                          Canon ColorData11
7967                  ColorDataUnknown                     Canon ColorDataUnknown
7968         0x4002   CRWParam?                            no
7969         0x4003   ColorInfo                            Canon ColorInfo
7970         0x4005   Flavor?                              no
7971         0x4008   PictureStyleUserDef                  [Values 0-2]
7972                                                       Canon PictureStyle
7973         0x4009   PictureStylePC                       [Values 0-2]
7974                                                       Canon PictureStyle
7975         0x4010   CustomPictureStyleFileName           string
7976         0x4013   AFMicroAdj                           Canon AFMicroAdj
7977         0x4015   VignettingCorr                       Canon VignettingCorr
7978                  VignettingCorrUnknown1               Canon VignettingCorrUnknown
7979                  VignettingCorrUnknown2               Canon VignettingCorrUnknown
7980         0x4016   VignettingCorr2                      Canon VignettingCorr2
7981         0x4018   LightingOpt                          Canon LightingOpt
7982         0x4019   LensInfo                             Canon LensInfo
7983         0x4020   AmbienceInfo                         Canon Ambience
7984         0x4021   MultiExp                             Canon MultiExp
7985         0x4024   FilterInfo                           Canon FilterInfo
7986         0x4025   HDRInfo                              Canon HDRInfo
7987         0x4026   LogInfo                              Canon LogInfo
7988         0x4028   AFConfig                             Canon AFConfig
7989         0x403f   RawBurstModeRoll                     Canon RawBurstInfo
7991       Canon CameraSettings Tags
7993         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
7994         ------   --------                             --------
7995             1    MacroMode                            int16s
7996             2    SelfTimer                            int16s
7997             3    Quality                              int16s
7998             4    CanonFlashMode                       int16s
7999             5    ContinuousDrive                      int16s
8000             7    FocusMode                            int16s
8001             9    RecordMode                           int16s
8002            10    CanonImageSize                       int16s
8003            11    EasyMode                             int16s
8004            12    DigitalZoom                          int16s
8005            13    Contrast                             int16s
8006            14    Saturation                           int16s
8007            15    Sharpness                            int16s
8008            16    CameraISO                            int16s
8009            17    MeteringMode                         int16s
8010            18    FocusRange                           int16s
8011            19    AFPoint                              int16s
8012            20    CanonExposureMode                    int16s
8013            22    LensType                             int16u
8014            23    MaxFocalLength                       int16u
8015            24    MinFocalLength                       int16u
8016            25    FocalUnits                           int16s
8017            26    MaxAperture                          int16s
8018            27    MinAperture                          int16s
8019            28    FlashActivity                        int16s
8020            29    FlashBits                            int16s
8021            32    FocusContinuous                      int16s
8022            33    AESetting                            int16s
8023            34    ImageStabilization                   int16s
8024            35    DisplayAperture                      int16s
8025            36    ZoomSourceWidth                      int16s
8026            37    ZoomTargetWidth                      int16s
8027            39    SpotMeteringMode                     int16s
8028            40    PhotoEffect                          int16s
8029            41    ManualFlashOutput                    int16s
8030            42    ColorTone                            int16s
8031            46    SRAWQuality                          int16s
8033       Canon FocalLength Tags
8035         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
8036         ------   --------                             --------
8037             0    FocalType                            int16u
8038             1    FocalLength                          int16u
8039             2    FocalPlaneXSize                      int16u
8040                  FocalPlaneXUnknown?                  int16u
8041             3    FocalPlaneYSize                      int16u
8042                  FocalPlaneYUnknown?                  int16u
8044       Canon ShotInfo Tags
8046         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
8047         ------   --------                             --------
8048             1    AutoISO                              int16s
8049             2    BaseISO                              int16s
8050             3    MeasuredEV                           int16s
8051             4    TargetAperture                       int16s
8052             5    TargetExposureTime                   int16s
8053             6    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
8054             7    WhiteBalance                         int16s
8055             8    SlowShutter                          int16s
8056             9    SequenceNumber                       int16s
8057            10    OpticalZoomCode                      int16s
8058            12    CameraTemperature                    int16s
8059            13    FlashGuideNumber                     int16s
8060            14    AFPointsInFocus                      int16s
8061            15    FlashExposureComp                    int16s
8062            16    AutoExposureBracketing               int16s
8063            17    AEBBracketValue                      int16s
8064            18    ControlMode                          int16s
8065            19    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16u
8066            20    FocusDistanceLower                   int16u
8067            21    FNumber                              int16s
8068            22    ExposureTime                         int16s
8069            23    MeasuredEV2                          int16s
8070            24    BulbDuration                         int16s
8071            26    CameraType                           int16s
8072            27    AutoRotate                           int16s
8073            28    NDFilter                             int16s
8074            29    SelfTimer2                           int16s
8075            33    FlashOutput                          int16s
8077       Canon Panorama Tags
8079         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
8080         ------   --------                             --------
8081             2    PanoramaFrameNumber                  int16s
8082             5    PanoramaDirection                    int16s
8084       Canon UnknownD30 Tags
8086         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
8087         ------   --------                             --------
8088         [no tags known]
8090       Canon CameraInfo1D Tags
8092       Information in the "CameraInfo" records is tricky to decode because the
8093       encodings are very different than in other Canon records (even
8094       sometimes switching endianness between values within a single camera),
8095       plus there is considerable variation in format from model to model. The
8096       first table below lists CameraInfo tags for the 1D and 1DS.
8098         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8099         ------   --------                             --------
8100             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8101            10    FocalLength                          int16u
8102            13    LensType                             int16uRev
8103            14    MinFocalLength                       int16u
8104            16    MaxFocalLength                       int16u
8105            65    SharpnessFrequency                   int8u
8106            66    Sharpness                            int8s
8107            68    WhiteBalance                         int8u
8108            71    SharpnessFrequency                   int8u
8109            72    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8110                  Sharpness                            int8s
8111            74    WhiteBalance                         int8u
8112            75    PictureStyle                         int8u
8113            78    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8114            81    PictureStyle                         int8u
8116       Canon CameraInfo1DmkII Tags
8118       CameraInfo tags for the 1DmkII and 1DSmkII.
8120         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8121         ------   --------                             --------
8122             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8123             9    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8124            12    LensType                             int16uRev
8125            17    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8126            19    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8127            45    FocalType                            int8u
8128            54    WhiteBalance                         int8u
8129            55    ColorTemperature                     int16uRev
8130            57    CanonImageSize                       int16u
8131           102    JPEGQuality                          int8u
8132           108    PictureStyle                         int8u
8133           110    Saturation                           int8s
8134           111    ColorTone                            int8s
8135           114    Sharpness                            int8s
8136           115    Contrast                             int8s
8137           117    ISO                                  string[5]
8139       Canon CameraInfo1DmkIIN Tags
8141       CameraInfo tags for the 1DmkIIN.
8143         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8144         ------   --------                             --------
8145             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8146             9    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8147            12    LensType                             int16uRev
8148            17    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8149            19    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8150            54    WhiteBalance                         int8u
8151            55    ColorTemperature                     int16uRev
8152           115    PictureStyle                         int8u
8153           116    Sharpness                            int8s
8154           117    Contrast                             int8s
8155           118    Saturation                           int8s
8156           119    ColorTone                            int8s
8157           121    ISO                                  string[5]
8159       Canon CameraInfo1DmkIII Tags
8161       CameraInfo tags for the 1DmkIII and 1DSmkIII.
8163         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8164         ------   --------                             --------
8165             3    FNumber                              int8u
8166             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8167             6    ISO                                  int8u
8168            24    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8169            27    MacroMagnification                   int8u
8170            29    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8171            48    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8172            67    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8173            69    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8174            94    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8175            98    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8176           134    PictureStyle                         int8u
8177           273    LensType                             int16uRev
8178           275    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8179           277    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8180           310    FirmwareVersion                      string[6]
8181           370    FileIndex                            int32u
8182           374    ShutterCount                         int32u
8183           382    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8184           682    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8185          1114    TimeStamp1                           int32u
8186          1118    TimeStamp                            int32u
8188       Canon PSInfo Tags
8190       Custom picture style information for various models.
8192         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8193         ------   --------                             --------
8194             0    ContrastStandard                     int32s
8195             4    SharpnessStandard                    int32s
8196             8    SaturationStandard                   int32s
8197            12    ColorToneStandard                    int32s
8198            16    FilterEffectStandard?                int32s
8199            20    ToningEffectStandard?                int32s
8200            24    ContrastPortrait                     int32s
8201            28    SharpnessPortrait                    int32s
8202            32    SaturationPortrait                   int32s
8203            36    ColorTonePortrait                    int32s
8204            40    FilterEffectPortrait?                int32s
8205            44    ToningEffectPortrait?                int32s
8206            48    ContrastLandscape                    int32s
8207            52    SharpnessLandscape                   int32s
8208            56    SaturationLandscape                  int32s
8209            60    ColorToneLandscape                   int32s
8210            64    FilterEffectLandscape?               int32s
8211            68    ToningEffectLandscape?               int32s
8212            72    ContrastNeutral                      int32s
8213            76    SharpnessNeutral                     int32s
8214            80    SaturationNeutral                    int32s
8215            84    ColorToneNeutral                     int32s
8216            88    FilterEffectNeutral?                 int32s
8217            92    ToningEffectNeutral?                 int32s
8218            96    ContrastFaithful                     int32s
8219           100    SharpnessFaithful                    int32s
8220           104    SaturationFaithful                   int32s
8221           108    ColorToneFaithful                    int32s
8222           112    FilterEffectFaithful?                int32s
8223           116    ToningEffectFaithful?                int32s
8224           120    ContrastMonochrome                   int32s
8225           124    SharpnessMonochrome                  int32s
8226           128    SaturationMonochrome?                int32s
8227           132    ColorToneMonochrome?                 int32s
8228           136    FilterEffectMonochrome               int32s
8229           140    ToningEffectMonochrome               int32s
8230           144    ContrastUserDef1                     int32s
8231           148    SharpnessUserDef1                    int32s
8232           152    SaturationUserDef1                   int32s
8233           156    ColorToneUserDef1                    int32s
8234           160    FilterEffectUserDef1                 int32s
8235           164    ToningEffectUserDef1                 int32s
8236           168    ContrastUserDef2                     int32s
8237           172    SharpnessUserDef2                    int32s
8238           176    SaturationUserDef2                   int32s
8239           180    ColorToneUserDef2                    int32s
8240           184    FilterEffectUserDef2                 int32s
8241           188    ToningEffectUserDef2                 int32s
8242           192    ContrastUserDef3                     int32s
8243           196    SharpnessUserDef3                    int32s
8244           200    SaturationUserDef3                   int32s
8245           204    ColorToneUserDef3                    int32s
8246           208    FilterEffectUserDef3                 int32s
8247           212    ToningEffectUserDef3                 int32s
8248           216    UserDef1PictureStyle                 int16u
8249           218    UserDef2PictureStyle                 int16u
8250           220    UserDef3PictureStyle                 int16u
8252       Canon CameraInfo1DmkIV Tags
8254       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 1D Mark IV.  Indices shown are for firmware
8255       versions 1.0.x, but they may be different for other firmware versions.
8257         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8258         ------   --------                             --------
8259             3    FNumber                              int8u
8260             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8261             6    ISO                                  int8u
8262             7    HighlightTonePriority                int8u
8263             8    MeasuredEV2                          int8u
8264             9    MeasuredEV3                          int8u
8265            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8266            25    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8267            30    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8268            53    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8269            84    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8270            86    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8271           120    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8272           124    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8273           335    LensType                             int16uRev
8274           337    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8275           339    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8276           493    FirmwareVersion                      no
8277           556    FileIndex                            int32u
8278           568    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8279           872    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8281       Canon CameraInfo1DX Tags
8283       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 1D X.  Indices shown are for firmware
8284       version 1.0.2, but they may be different for other firmware versions.
8286         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8287         ------   --------                             --------
8288             3    FNumber                              int8u
8289             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8290             6    ISO                                  int8u
8291            27    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8292            35    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8293           125    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8294           140    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8295           142    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8296           188    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8297           192    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8298           244    PictureStyle                         int8u
8299           423    LensType                             int16uRev
8300           425    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8301           427    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8302           640    FirmwareVersion                      no
8303           720    FileIndex                            int32u
8304           732    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8305          1012    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo2
8307       Canon PSInfo2 Tags
8309       Custom picture style information for the EOS 5DmkIII, 60D, 600D and
8310       1100D.
8312         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8313         ------   --------                             --------
8314             0    ContrastStandard                     int32s
8315             4    SharpnessStandard                    int32s
8316             8    SaturationStandard                   int32s
8317            12    ColorToneStandard                    int32s
8318            16    FilterEffectStandard?                int32s
8319            20    ToningEffectStandard?                int32s
8320            24    ContrastPortrait                     int32s
8321            28    SharpnessPortrait                    int32s
8322            32    SaturationPortrait                   int32s
8323            36    ColorTonePortrait                    int32s
8324            40    FilterEffectPortrait?                int32s
8325            44    ToningEffectPortrait?                int32s
8326            48    ContrastLandscape                    int32s
8327            52    SharpnessLandscape                   int32s
8328            56    SaturationLandscape                  int32s
8329            60    ColorToneLandscape                   int32s
8330            64    FilterEffectLandscape?               int32s
8331            68    ToningEffectLandscape?               int32s
8332            72    ContrastNeutral                      int32s
8333            76    SharpnessNeutral                     int32s
8334            80    SaturationNeutral                    int32s
8335            84    ColorToneNeutral                     int32s
8336            88    FilterEffectNeutral?                 int32s
8337            92    ToningEffectNeutral?                 int32s
8338            96    ContrastFaithful                     int32s
8339           100    SharpnessFaithful                    int32s
8340           104    SaturationFaithful                   int32s
8341           108    ColorToneFaithful                    int32s
8342           112    FilterEffectFaithful?                int32s
8343           116    ToningEffectFaithful?                int32s
8344           120    ContrastMonochrome                   int32s
8345           124    SharpnessMonochrome                  int32s
8346           128    SaturationMonochrome?                int32s
8347           132    ColorToneMonochrome?                 int32s
8348           136    FilterEffectMonochrome               int32s
8349           140    ToningEffectMonochrome               int32s
8350           144    ContrastAuto                         int32s
8351           148    SharpnessAuto                        int32s
8352           152    SaturationAuto                       int32s
8353           156    ColorToneAuto                        int32s
8354           160    FilterEffectAuto                     int32s
8355           164    ToningEffectAuto                     int32s
8356           168    ContrastUserDef1                     int32s
8357           172    SharpnessUserDef1                    int32s
8358           176    SaturationUserDef1                   int32s
8359           180    ColorToneUserDef1                    int32s
8360           184    FilterEffectUserDef1                 int32s
8361           188    ToningEffectUserDef1                 int32s
8362           192    ContrastUserDef2                     int32s
8363           196    SharpnessUserDef2                    int32s
8364           200    SaturationUserDef2                   int32s
8365           204    ColorToneUserDef2                    int32s
8366           208    FilterEffectUserDef2                 int32s
8367           212    ToningEffectUserDef2                 int32s
8368           216    ContrastUserDef3                     int32s
8369           220    SharpnessUserDef3                    int32s
8370           224    SaturationUserDef3                   int32s
8371           228    ColorToneUserDef3                    int32s
8372           232    FilterEffectUserDef3                 int32s
8373           236    ToningEffectUserDef3                 int32s
8374           240    UserDef1PictureStyle                 int16u
8375           242    UserDef2PictureStyle                 int16u
8376           244    UserDef3PictureStyle                 int16u
8378       Canon CameraInfo5D Tags
8380       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 5D.
8382         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8383         ------   --------                             --------
8384             3    FNumber                              int8u
8385             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8386             6    ISO                                  int8u
8387            12    LensType                             int16uRev
8388            23    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8389            27    MacroMagnification                   int8s
8390            39    CameraOrientation                    int8s
8391            40    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8392            56    AFPointsInFocus5D                    int16uRev
8393            84    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8394            88    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8395           108    PictureStyle                         int8u
8396           147    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8397           149    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8398           151    LensType                             int16uRev
8399           164    FirmwareRevision                     string[8]
8400           172    ShortOwnerName                       string[16]
8401           204    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8402           208    FileIndex                            int16u
8403           232    ContrastStandard                     int8s
8404           233    ContrastPortrait                     int8s
8405           234    ContrastLandscape                    int8s
8406           235    ContrastNeutral                      int8s
8407           236    ContrastFaithful                     int8s
8408           237    ContrastMonochrome                   int8s
8409           238    ContrastUserDef1                     int8s
8410           239    ContrastUserDef2                     int8s
8411           240    ContrastUserDef3                     int8s
8412           241    SharpnessStandard                    int8s
8413           242    SharpnessPortrait                    int8s
8414           243    SharpnessLandscape                   int8s
8415           244    SharpnessNeutral                     int8s
8416           245    SharpnessFaithful                    int8s
8417           246    SharpnessMonochrome                  int8s
8418           247    SharpnessUserDef1                    int8s
8419           248    SharpnessUserDef2                    int8s
8420           249    SharpnessUserDef3                    int8s
8421           250    SaturationStandard                   int8s
8422           251    SaturationPortrait                   int8s
8423           252    SaturationLandscape                  int8s
8424           253    SaturationNeutral                    int8s
8425           254    SaturationFaithful                   int8s
8426           255    FilterEffectMonochrome               int8s
8427           256    SaturationUserDef1                   int8s
8428           257    SaturationUserDef2                   int8s
8429           258    SaturationUserDef3                   int8s
8430           259    ColorToneStandard                    int8s
8431           260    ColorTonePortrait                    int8s
8432           261    ColorToneLandscape                   int8s
8433           262    ColorToneNeutral                     int8s
8434           263    ColorToneFaithful                    int8s
8435           264    ToningEffectMonochrome               int8s
8436           265    ColorToneUserDef1                    int8s
8437           266    ColorToneUserDef2                    int8s
8438           267    ColorToneUserDef3                    int8s
8439           268    UserDef1PictureStyle                 int16u
8440           270    UserDef2PictureStyle                 int16u
8441           272    UserDef3PictureStyle                 int16u
8442           284    TimeStamp                            int32u
8444       Canon CameraInfo5DmkII Tags
8446       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 5D Mark II.  Indices shown are for firmware
8447       version 1.0.6, but they may be different for other firmware versions.
8449         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8450         ------   --------                             --------
8451             3    FNumber                              int8u
8452             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8453             6    ISO                                  int8u
8454             7    HighlightTonePriority                int8u
8455            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8456            25    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8457            27    MacroMagnification                   int8u
8458            30    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8459            49    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8460            80    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8461            82    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8462           111    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8463           115    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8464           167    PictureStyle                         int8u
8465           189    HighISONoiseReduction                int8u
8466           191    AutoLightingOptimizer                int8u
8467           230    LensType                             int16uRev
8468           232    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8469           234    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8470           382    FirmwareVersion                      no
8471           443    FileIndex                            int32u
8472           455    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8473           759    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8475       Canon CameraInfo5DmkIII Tags
8477       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 5D Mark III.  Indices shown are for
8478       firmware versions 1.0.x, but they may be different for other firmware
8479       versions.
8481         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8482         ------   --------                             --------
8483             3    FNumber                              int8u
8484             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8485             6    ISO                                  int8u
8486            27    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8487            35    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8488           125    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8489           140    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8490           142    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8491           188    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8492           192    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8493           244    PictureStyle                         int8u
8494           339    LensType                             int16uRev
8495           341    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8496           343    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8497           356    LensSerialNumber                     undef[5]
8498           572    FirmwareVersion                      no
8499           652    FileIndex                            int32u
8500           656    FileIndex2                           int32u
8501           664    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8502           668    DirectoryIndex2                      int32u
8503           944    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo2
8505       Canon CameraInfo6D Tags
8507       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 6D.
8509         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8510         ------   --------                             --------
8511             3    FNumber                              int8u
8512             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8513             6    ISO                                  int8u
8514            27    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8515            35    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8516           131    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8517           146    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8518           148    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8519           194    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8520           198    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8521           250    PictureStyle                         int8u
8522           353    LensType                             int16uRev
8523           355    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8524           357    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8525           598    FirmwareVersion                      no
8526           682    FileIndex                            int32u
8527           694    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8528           966    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo2
8530       Canon CameraInfo7D Tags
8532       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 7D.  Indices shown are for firmware
8533       versions 1.0.x, but they may be different for other firmware versions.
8535         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8536         ------   --------                             --------
8537             3    FNumber                              int8u
8538             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8539             6    ISO                                  int8u
8540             7    HighlightTonePriority                int8u
8541             8    MeasuredEV2                          int8u
8542             9    MeasuredEV                           int8u
8543            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8544            25    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8545            30    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8546            53    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8547            84    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8548            86    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8549           119    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8550           123    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8551           175    CameraPictureStyle                   int8u
8552           201    HighISONoiseReduction                int8u
8553           274    LensType                             int16uRev
8554           276    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8555           278    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8556           428    FirmwareVersion                      no
8557           491    FileIndex                            int32u
8558           503    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8559           807    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8561       Canon CameraInfo40D Tags
8563       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 40D.
8565         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8566         ------   --------                             --------
8567             3    FNumber                              int8u
8568             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8569             6    ISO                                  int8u
8570            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8571            24    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8572            27    MacroMagnification                   int8u
8573            29    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8574            48    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8575            67    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8576            69    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8577           111    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8578           115    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8579           214    LensType                             int16uRev
8580           216    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8581           218    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8582           255    FirmwareVersion                      string[6]
8583           307    FileIndex                            int32u
8584           319    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8585           603    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8586          2347    LensModel                            string[64]
8588       Canon CameraInfo50D Tags
8590       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 50D.  Indices shown are for firmware
8591       versions 1.0.x, but they may be different for other firmware versions.
8593         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8594         ------   --------                             --------
8595             3    FNumber                              int8u
8596             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8597             6    ISO                                  int8u
8598             7    HighlightTonePriority                int8u
8599            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8600            25    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8601            30    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8602            49    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8603            80    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8604            82    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8605           111    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8606           115    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8607           167    PictureStyle                         int8u
8608           189    HighISONoiseReduction                int8u
8609           191    AutoLightingOptimizer                int8u
8610           234    LensType                             int16uRev
8611           236    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8612           238    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8613           350    FirmwareVersion                      no
8614           411    FileIndex                            int32u
8615           423    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8616           727    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8618       Canon CameraInfo60D Tags
8620       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 60D and 1200D.
8622         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8623         ------   --------                             --------
8624             3    FNumber                              int8u
8625             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8626             6    ISO                                  int8u
8627            25    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8628            30    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8629            54    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8630            58    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8631            85    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8632            87    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8633           125    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8634           232    LensType                             int16uRev
8635           234    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8636           236    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8637           409    FirmwareVersion                      no
8638           473    FileIndex                            int32u
8639           485    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8640           761    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo2
8641           801    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo2
8643       Canon CameraInfo70D Tags
8645       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 70D.
8647         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8648         ------   --------                             --------
8649             3    FNumber                              int8u
8650             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8651             6    ISO                                  int8u
8652            27    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8653            35    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8654           132    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8655           147    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8656           149    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8657           199    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8658           358    LensType                             int16uRev
8659           360    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8660           362    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8661           606    FirmwareVersion                      no
8662           691    FileIndex                            int32u
8663           703    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8664           975    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo2
8666       Canon CameraInfo80D Tags
8668       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 80D.
8670         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8671         ------   --------                             --------
8672             3    FNumber                              int8u
8673             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8674             6    ISO                                  int8u
8675            27    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8676            35    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8677           150    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8678           165    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8679           167    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8680           314    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8681           393    LensType                             int16uRev
8682           395    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8683           397    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8684          1114    FirmwareVersion                      no
8685          1198    FileIndex                            int32u
8686          1210    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8688       Canon CameraInfo450D Tags
8690       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 450D.
8692         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8693         ------   --------                             --------
8694             3    FNumber                              int8u
8695             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8696             6    ISO                                  int8u
8697            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8698            24    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8699            27    MacroMagnification                   int8u
8700            29    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8701            48    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8702            67    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8703            69    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8704           111    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8705           115    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8706           222    LensType                             int16uRev
8707           263    FirmwareVersion                      string[6]
8708           271    OwnerName                            string[32]
8709           307    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8710           319    FileIndex                            int32u
8711           611    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8712          2355    LensModel                            string[64]
8714       Canon CameraInfo500D Tags
8716       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 500D.
8718         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8719         ------   --------                             --------
8720             3    FNumber                              int8u
8721             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8722             6    ISO                                  int8u
8723             7    HighlightTonePriority                int8u
8724            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8725            25    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8726            30    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8727            49    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8728            80    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8729            82    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8730           115    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8731           119    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8732           171    PictureStyle                         int8u
8733           188    HighISONoiseReduction                int8u
8734           190    AutoLightingOptimizer                int8u
8735           246    LensType                             int16uRev
8736           248    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8737           250    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8738           400    FirmwareVersion                      no
8739           467    FileIndex                            int32u
8740           479    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8741           779    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8743       Canon CameraInfo550D Tags
8745       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 550D.
8747         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8748         ------   --------                             --------
8749             3    FNumber                              int8u
8750             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8751             6    ISO                                  int8u
8752             7    HighlightTonePriority                int8u
8753            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8754            25    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8755            30    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8756            53    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8757            84    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8758            86    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8759           120    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8760           124    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8761           176    PictureStyle                         int8u
8762           255    LensType                             int16uRev
8763           257    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8764           259    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8765           420    FirmwareVersion                      no
8766           484    FileIndex                            int32u
8767           496    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8768           796    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8770       Canon CameraInfo600D Tags
8772       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 600D and 1100D.
8774         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8775         ------   --------                             --------
8776             3    FNumber                              int8u
8777             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8778             6    ISO                                  int8u
8779             7    HighlightTonePriority                int8u
8780            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8781            25    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8782            30    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8783            56    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8784            87    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8785            89    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8786           123    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8787           127    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8788           179    PictureStyle                         int8u
8789           234    LensType                             int16uRev
8790           236    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8791           238    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8792           411    FirmwareVersion                      no
8793           475    FileIndex                            int32u
8794           487    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8795           763    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo2
8797       Canon CameraInfo650D Tags
8799       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 650D and 700D.
8801         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8802         ------   --------                             --------
8803             3    FNumber                              int8u
8804             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8805             6    ISO                                  int8u
8806            27    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8807            35    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8808           125    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8809           140    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8810           142    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8811           188    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8812           192    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8813           244    PictureStyle                         int8u
8814           295    LensType                             int16uRev
8815           297    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8816           299    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8817           539    FirmwareVersion                      no
8818           544    FirmwareVersion                      no
8819           624    FileIndex                            int32u
8820           628    FileIndex                            int32u
8821           636    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8822           640    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8823           912    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo2
8825       Canon CameraInfo750D Tags
8827       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 750D and 760D.
8829         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8830         ------   --------                             --------
8831             3    FNumber                              int8u
8832             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8833             6    ISO                                  int8u
8834            27    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8835            35    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8836           150    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8837           165    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8838           167    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8839           305    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8840           309    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8841           361    PictureStyle                         int8u
8842           388    LensType                             int16uRev
8843           390    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8844           392    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8845          1085    FirmwareVersion                      no
8846          1097    FirmwareVersion                      no
8848       Canon CameraInfo1000D Tags
8850       CameraInfo tags for the EOS 1000D.
8852         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8853         ------   --------                             --------
8854             3    FNumber                              int8u
8855             4    ExposureTime                         int8u
8856             6    ISO                                  int8u
8857            21    FlashMeteringMode                    int8u
8858            24    CameraTemperature                    int8u
8859            27    MacroMagnification                   int8u
8860            29    FocalLength                          int16uRev
8861            48    CameraOrientation                    int8u
8862            67    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16uRev
8863            69    FocusDistanceLower                   int16uRev
8864           111    WhiteBalance                         int16u
8865           115    ColorTemperature                     int16u
8866           226    LensType                             int16uRev
8867           228    MinFocalLength                       int16uRev
8868           230    MaxFocalLength                       int16uRev
8869           267    FirmwareVersion                      string[6]
8870           311    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8871           323    FileIndex                            int32u
8872           615    PictureStyleInfo                     Canon PSInfo
8873          2359    LensModel                            string[64]
8875       Canon CameraInfoR6 Tags
8877       CameraInfo tags for the EOS R6.
8879         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8880         ------   --------                             --------
8881          2801    ShutterCount                         int32u
8883       Canon CameraInfoG5XII Tags
8885       CameraInfo tags for the EOS R6.
8887         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8888         ------   --------                             --------
8889           659    ShutterCount                         int32u
8890          2849    DirectoryIndex                       int32u
8891          2861    FileIndex                            int32u
8893       Canon CameraInfoPowerShot Tags
8895       CameraInfo tags for PowerShot models such as the A450, A460, A550,
8896       A560, A570, A630, A640, A650, A710, A720, G7, G9, S5, SD40, SD750,
8897       SD800, SD850, SD870, SD900, SD950, SD1000, SX100 and TX1.
8899         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
8900         ------   --------                             --------
8901             0    ISO                                  int32s
8902             5    FNumber                              int32s
8903             6    ExposureTime                         int32s
8904            23    Rotation                             int32s
8905           135    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8906           145    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8908       Canon CameraInfoPowerShot2 Tags
8910       CameraInfo tags for PowerShot models such as the A470, A480, A490,
8911       A495, A580, A590, A1000, A1100, A2000, A2100, A3000, A3100, D10, E1,
8912       G10, G11, S90, S95, SD770, SD780, SD790, SD880, SD890, SD940, SD960,
8913       SD970, SD980, SD990, SD1100, SD1200, SD1300, SD1400, SD3500, SD4000,
8914       SD4500, SX1, SX10, SX20, SX110, SX120, SX130, SX200 and SX210.
8916         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
8917         ------   --------                             --------
8918             1    ISO                                  int32s
8919             6    FNumber                              int32s
8920             7    ExposureTime                         int32s
8921            24    Rotation                             int32s
8922           153    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8923           159    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8924           164    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8925           168    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8926           261    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8928       Canon CameraInfoUnknown32 Tags
8930       Unknown CameraInfo tags are divided into 3 tables based on format size.
8932         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
8933         ------   --------                             --------
8934            71    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8935            83    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8936            91    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8937            92    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8938           100    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8939            -3    CameraTemperature                    int32s
8941       Canon CameraInfoUnknown16 Tags
8943         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
8944         ------   --------                             --------
8945         [no tags known]
8947       Canon CameraInfoUnknown Tags
8949         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
8950         ------   --------                             --------
8951           363    LensSerialNumber                     undef[5]
8952          1473    FirmwareVersion                      no
8954       Canon MovieInfo Tags
8956       Tags written by some Canon cameras when recording video.
8958         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
8959         ------   --------                             --------
8960             1    FrameRate                            int16u
8961             2    FrameCount                           int16u
8962             4    FrameCount                           int32u
8963             6    FrameRate                            rational32u
8964           106    Duration                             int32u
8965           108    AudioBitrate                         int32u
8966           110    AudioSampleRate                      int32u
8967           112    AudioChannels                        int32u
8968           116    VideoCodec                           undef[4]
8970       Canon AFInfo Tags
8972       Auto-focus information used by many older Canon models.  The values in
8973       this record are sequential, and some have variable sizes based on the
8974       value of NumAFPoints (which may be 1,5,7,9,15,45 or 53).  The AFArea
8975       coordinates are given in a system where the image has dimensions given
8976       by AFImageWidth and AFImageHeight, and 0,0 is the image center. The
8977       direction of the Y axis depends on the camera model, with positive Y
8978       upwards for EOS models, but apparently downwards for PowerShot models.
8980         Sequence Tag Name                             Writable
8981         -------- --------                             --------
8982             0    NumAFPoints                          no
8983             1    ValidAFPoints                        no
8984             2    CanonImageWidth                      no
8985             3    CanonImageHeight                     no
8986             4    AFImageWidth                         no
8987             5    AFImageHeight                        no
8988             6    AFAreaWidth                          no
8989             7    AFAreaHeight                         no
8990             8    AFAreaXPositions                     no
8991             9    AFAreaYPositions                     no
8992            10    AFPointsInFocus                      no
8993            11    PrimaryAFPoint                       no
8994                  Canon_AFInfo_0x000b?                 no
8995            12    PrimaryAFPoint                       no
8997       Canon MyColors Tags
8999         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9000         ------   --------                             --------
9001             2    MyColorMode                          int16u
9003       Canon FaceDetect1 Tags
9005         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9006         ------   --------                             --------
9007             2    FacesDetected                        int16u
9008             3    FaceDetectFrameSize                  int16u[2]
9009             8    Face1Position                        int16s[2]
9010            10    Face2Position                        int16s[2]
9011            12    Face3Position                        int16s[2]
9012            14    Face4Position                        int16s[2]
9013            16    Face5Position                        int16s[2]
9014            18    Face6Position                        int16s[2]
9015            20    Face7Position                        int16s[2]
9016            22    Face8Position                        int16s[2]
9017            24    Face9Position                        int16s[2]
9019       Canon FaceDetect2 Tags
9021         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
9022         ------   --------                             --------
9023             1    FaceWidth                            int8u
9024             2    FacesDetected                        int8u
9026       Canon AFInfo2 Tags
9028       Newer version of the AFInfo record containing much of the same
9029       information (and coordinate confusion) as the older version.  In this
9030       record, NumAFPoints may be 7, 9, 11, 19, 31, 45 or 61, depending on the
9031       camera model.
9033         Sequence Tag Name                             Writable
9034         -------- --------                             --------
9035             0    AFInfoSize?                          no
9036             1    AFAreaMode                           no
9037             2    NumAFPoints                          no
9038             3    ValidAFPoints                        no
9039             4    CanonImageWidth                      no
9040             5    CanonImageHeight                     no
9041             6    AFImageWidth                         no
9042             7    AFImageHeight                        no
9043             8    AFAreaWidths                         no
9044             9    AFAreaHeights                        no
9045            10    AFAreaXPositions                     no
9046            11    AFAreaYPositions                     no
9047            12    AFPointsInFocus                      no
9048            13    AFPointsSelected                     no
9049                  Canon_AFInfo2_0x000d?                no
9050            14    PrimaryAFPoint                       no
9052       Canon ContrastInfo Tags
9054         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9055         ------   --------                             --------
9056             4    IntelligentContrast                  int16u
9058       Canon WBInfo Tags
9060       WB tags for the Canon G9.
9062         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
9063         ------   --------                             --------
9064             2    WB_GRBGLevelsAuto                    int32s[4]
9065            10    WB_GRBGLevelsDaylight                int32s[4]
9066            18    WB_GRBGLevelsCloudy                  int32s[4]
9067            26    WB_GRBGLevelsTungsten                int32s[4]
9068            34    WB_GRBGLevelsFluorescent             int32s[4]
9069            42    WB_GRBGLevelsFluorHigh               int32s[4]
9070            50    WB_GRBGLevelsFlash                   int32s[4]
9071            58    WB_GRBGLevelsUnderwater              int32s[4]
9072            66    WB_GRBGLevelsCustom1                 int32s[4]
9073            74    WB_GRBGLevelsCustom2                 int32s[4]
9075       Canon FaceDetect3 Tags
9077         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9078         ------   --------                             --------
9079             3    FacesDetected                        int16u
9081       Canon TimeInfo Tags
9083         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
9084         ------   --------                             --------
9085             1    TimeZone                             int32s
9086             2    TimeZoneCity                         int32s
9087             3    DaylightSavings                      int32s
9089       Canon FileInfo Tags
9091         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9092         ------   --------                             --------
9093             1    FileNumber                           int32u
9094                  ShutterCount                         int32u
9095             3    BracketMode                          int16s
9096             4    BracketValue                         int16s
9097             5    BracketShotNumber                    int16s
9098             6    RawJpgQuality                        int16s
9099             7    RawJpgSize                           int16s
9100             8    LongExposureNoiseReduction2          int16s
9101             9    WBBracketMode                        int16s
9102            12    WBBracketValueAB                     int16s
9103            13    WBBracketValueGM                     int16s
9104            14    FilterEffect                         int16s
9105            15    ToningEffect                         int16s
9106            16    MacroMagnification                   int16s
9107            19    LiveViewShooting                     int16s
9108            20    FocusDistanceUpper                   int16u
9109            21    FocusDistanceLower                   int16u
9110            23    ShutterMode                          int16s
9111            25    FlashExposureLock                    int16s
9112            61    RFLensType                           int16u
9114       Canon SerialInfo Tags
9116         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
9117         ------   --------                             --------
9118             9    InternalSerialNumber                 string
9120       Canon CropInfo Tags
9122         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9123         ------   --------                             --------
9124             0    CropLeftMargin                       int16u
9125             1    CropRightMargin                      int16u
9126             2    CropTopMargin                        int16u
9127             3    CropBottomMargin                     int16u
9129       Canon AspectInfo Tags
9131         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
9132         ------   --------                             --------
9133             0    AspectRatio                          int32u
9134             1    CroppedImageWidth                    int32u
9135             2    CroppedImageHeight                   int32u
9136             3    CroppedImageLeft                     int32u
9137             4    CroppedImageTop                      int32u
9139       Canon Processing Tags
9141         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9142         ------   --------                             --------
9143             1    ToneCurve                            int16s
9144             2    Sharpness                            int16s
9145             3    SharpnessFrequency                   int16s
9146             4    SensorRedLevel                       int16s
9147             5    SensorBlueLevel                      int16s
9148             6    WhiteBalanceRed                      int16s
9149             7    WhiteBalanceBlue                     int16s
9150             8    WhiteBalance                         int16s
9151             9    ColorTemperature                     int16s
9152            10    PictureStyle                         int16s
9153            11    DigitalGain                          int16s
9154            12    WBShiftAB                            int16s
9155            13    WBShiftGM                            int16s
9157       Canon ColorBalance Tags
9159       These tags are used by the 10D and 300D.
9161         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9162         ------   --------                             --------
9163             1    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9164             5    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9165             9    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9166            13    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9167            17    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9168            21    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9169            25    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9170            29    WB_RGGBLevelsCustom                  int16s[4]
9171                  BlackLevels                          int16s[4]
9172            33    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9173            37    WB_RGGBBlackLevels                   int16s[4]
9175       Canon MeasuredColor Tags
9177         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9178         ------   --------                             --------
9179             1    MeasuredRGGB                         int16u[4]
9181       Canon Flags Tags
9183         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9184         ------   --------                             --------
9185             1    ModifiedParamFlag                    int16s
9187       Canon ModifiedInfo Tags
9189         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9190         ------   --------                             --------
9191             1    ModifiedToneCurve                    int16s
9192             2    ModifiedSharpness                    int16s
9193             3    ModifiedSharpnessFreq                int16s
9194             4    ModifiedSensorRedLevel               int16s
9195             5    ModifiedSensorBlueLevel              int16s
9196             6    ModifiedWhiteBalanceRed              int16s
9197             7    ModifiedWhiteBalanceBlue             int16s
9198             8    ModifiedWhiteBalance                 int16s
9199             9    ModifiedColorTemp                    int16s
9200            10    ModifiedPictureStyle                 int16s
9201            11    ModifiedDigitalGain                  int16s
9203       Canon PreviewImageInfo Tags
9205         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
9206         ------   --------                             --------
9207             1    PreviewQuality                       int32u
9208             2    PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
9209             3    PreviewImageWidth                    int32u
9210             4    PreviewImageHeight                   int32u
9211             5    PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
9213       Canon SensorInfo Tags
9215         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9216         ------   --------                             --------
9217             1    SensorWidth                          no
9218             2    SensorHeight                         no
9219             5    SensorLeftBorder                     no
9220             6    SensorTopBorder                      no
9221             7    SensorRightBorder                    no
9222             8    SensorBottomBorder                   no
9223             9    BlackMaskLeftBorder                  no
9224            10    BlackMaskTopBorder                   no
9225            11    BlackMaskRightBorder                 no
9226            12    BlackMaskBottomBorder                no
9228       Canon ColorData1 Tags
9230       These tags are used by the 20D and 350D.
9232         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9233         ------   --------                             --------
9234            25    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9235            29    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9236            30    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9237            34    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9238            35    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9239            39    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9240            40    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9241            44    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9242            45    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9243            49    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9244            50    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9245            54    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9246            55    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9247            59    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9248            60    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9249            64    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9250            65    WB_RGGBLevelsCustom1                 int16s[4]
9251            69    ColorTempCustom1                     int16s
9252            70    WB_RGGBLevelsCustom2                 int16s[4]
9253            74    ColorTempCustom2                     int16s
9254            75    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9256       Canon ColorCalib Tags
9258       Camera color calibration data.  For the 20D, 350D, 1DmkII and 1DSmkII
9259       the order of the coefficients is A, B, C, Temperature, but for newer
9260       models it is B, C, A, Temperature.  These tags are extracted only when
9261       the Unknown option is used.
9263         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9264         ------   --------                             --------
9265             0    CameraColorCalibration01?            int16s[4]
9266             4    CameraColorCalibration02?            int16s[4]
9267             8    CameraColorCalibration03?            int16s[4]
9268            12    CameraColorCalibration04?            int16s[4]
9269            16    CameraColorCalibration05?            int16s[4]
9270            20    CameraColorCalibration06?            int16s[4]
9271            24    CameraColorCalibration07?            int16s[4]
9272            28    CameraColorCalibration08?            int16s[4]
9273            32    CameraColorCalibration09?            int16s[4]
9274            36    CameraColorCalibration10?            int16s[4]
9275            40    CameraColorCalibration11?            int16s[4]
9276            44    CameraColorCalibration12?            int16s[4]
9277            48    CameraColorCalibration13?            int16s[4]
9278            52    CameraColorCalibration14?            int16s[4]
9279            56    CameraColorCalibration15?            int16s[4]
9281       Canon ColorData2 Tags
9283       These tags are used by the 1DmkII and 1DSmkII.
9285         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9286         ------   --------                             --------
9287            24    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9288            28    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9289            29    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9290            33    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9291            34    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9292            38    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9293            39    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9294            43    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9295            44    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9296            48    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9297            49    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9298            53    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9299            54    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9300            58    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9301            59    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9302            63    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9303            64    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9304            68    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9305            69    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9306            73    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9307            74    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9308            78    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9309            79    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9310            83    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
9311            84    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
9312            88    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
9313            89    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
9314            93    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
9315            94    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
9316            98    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
9317            99    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
9318           103    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
9319           104    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
9320           108    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
9321           109    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
9322           113    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
9323           114    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
9324           118    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
9325           119    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
9326           123    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
9327           124    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
9328           128    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
9329           129    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
9330           133    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
9331           134    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown14?              int16s[4]
9332           138    ColorTempUnknown14?                  int16s
9333           139    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown15?              int16s[4]
9334           143    ColorTempUnknown15?                  int16s
9335           144    WB_RGGBLevelsPC1                     int16s[4]
9336           148    ColorTempPC1                         int16s
9337           149    WB_RGGBLevelsPC2                     int16s[4]
9338           153    ColorTempPC2                         int16s
9339           154    WB_RGGBLevelsPC3                     int16s[4]
9340           158    ColorTempPC3                         int16s
9341           159    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown16?              int16s[4]
9342           163    ColorTempUnknown16?                  int16s
9343           164    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9344           618    RawMeasuredRGGB                      int32u[4]
9346       Canon ColorData3 Tags
9348       These tags are used by the 1DmkIIN, 5D, 30D and 400D.
9350         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9351         ------   --------                             --------
9352             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9353            63    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9354            67    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9355            68    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9356            72    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9357            73    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9358            77    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9359            78    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9360            82    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9361            83    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9362            87    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9363            88    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9364            92    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9365            93    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9366            97    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9367            98    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9368           102    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9369           103    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9370           107    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9371           108    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9372           112    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9373           113    WB_RGGBLevelsPC1                     int16s[4]
9374           117    ColorTempPC1                         int16s
9375           118    WB_RGGBLevelsPC2                     int16s[4]
9376           122    ColorTempPC2                         int16s
9377           123    WB_RGGBLevelsPC3                     int16s[4]
9378           127    ColorTempPC3                         int16s
9379           128    WB_RGGBLevelsCustom                  int16s[4]
9380           132    ColorTempCustom                      int16s
9381           133    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9382           196    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9383           584    FlashOutput                          int16s
9384           585    FlashBatteryLevel                    int16s
9385           586    ColorTempFlashData                   int16s
9386           647    MeasuredRGGBData                     int32u[4]
9388       Canon ColorData4 Tags
9390       These tags are used by the 1DmkIII, 1DSmkIII, 1DmkIV, 5DmkII, 7D, 40D,
9391       50D, 60D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 1000D and 1100D.
9393         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9394         ------   --------                             --------
9395             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9396            63    ColorCoefs                           Canon ColorCoefs
9397           168    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9398           231    AverageBlackLevel                    int16u[4]
9399           640    RawMeasuredRGGB                      int32u[4]
9400           692    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9401           696    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9402           697    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9403           698    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9404           715    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9405           719    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9406                  PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9407           720    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9408           721    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9409           723    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9410           724    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9411           725    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9413       Canon ColorCoefs Tags
9415         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9416         ------   --------                             --------
9417             0    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9418             4    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9419             5    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9420             9    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9421            10    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9422            14    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9423            15    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9424            19    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9425            20    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9426            24    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9427            25    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9428            29    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9429            30    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9430            34    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9431            35    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9432            39    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9433            40    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9434            44    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9435            45    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9436            49    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9437            50    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9438            54    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9439            55    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9440            59    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9441            60    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9442            64    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
9443            65    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
9444            69    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
9445            70    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
9446            74    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
9447            75    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
9448            79    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
9449            80    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
9450            84    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
9451            85    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
9452            89    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
9453            90    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
9454            94    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
9455            95    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
9456            99    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
9457           100    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
9458           104    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
9459           105    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
9460           109    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
9461           110    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
9462           114    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
9464       Canon ColorData5 Tags
9466       These tags are used by many EOS M and PowerShot models.
9468         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9469         ------   --------                             --------
9470             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9471            71    ColorCoefs                           Canon ColorCoefs
9472                  ColorCoefs2                          Canon ColorCoefs2
9473           186    ColorCalib2?                         Canon ColorCalib2
9474           255    ColorCalib2?                         Canon ColorCalib2
9475           264    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16s[4]
9476           333    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16s[4]
9477          1385    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9478          1386    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9480       Canon ColorCoefs2 Tags
9482         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9483         ------   --------                             --------
9484             0    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9485             7    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9486             8    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9487            15    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9488            16    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9489            23    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9490            24    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9491            31    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9492            32    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9493            39    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9494            40    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9495            47    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9496            48    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9497            55    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9498            56    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9499            63    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9500            64    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9501            71    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9502            72    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9503            79    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9504            80    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9505            87    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9506            88    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9507            95    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9508            96    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9509           103    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
9510           104    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
9511           111    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
9512           112    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
9513           119    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
9514           120    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
9515           127    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
9516           128    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
9517           135    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
9518           136    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
9519           143    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
9520           144    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
9521           151    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
9522           152    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
9523           159    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
9524           160    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
9525           167    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
9526           168    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
9527           175    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
9528           176    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
9529           183    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
9531       Canon ColorCalib2 Tags
9533       B, C, A, D, Temperature.
9535         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9536         ------   --------                             --------
9537             0    CameraColorCalibration01?            int16s[5]
9538             5    CameraColorCalibration02?            int16s[5]
9539            10    CameraColorCalibration03?            int16s[5]
9540            15    CameraColorCalibration04?            int16s[5]
9541            20    CameraColorCalibration05?            int16s[5]
9542            25    CameraColorCalibration06?            int16s[5]
9543            30    CameraColorCalibration07?            int16s[5]
9544            35    CameraColorCalibration08?            int16s[5]
9545            40    CameraColorCalibration09?            int16s[5]
9546            45    CameraColorCalibration10?            int16s[5]
9547            50    CameraColorCalibration11?            int16s[5]
9548            55    CameraColorCalibration12?            int16s[5]
9549            60    CameraColorCalibration13?            int16s[5]
9550            65    CameraColorCalibration14?            int16s[5]
9551            70    CameraColorCalibration15?            int16s[5]
9553       Canon ColorData6 Tags
9555       These tags are used by the EOS 600D and 1200D.
9557         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9558         ------   --------                             --------
9559             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9560            63    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9561            67    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9562            68    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9563            72    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9564            73    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9565            77    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9566            78    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9567            82    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9568            83    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9569            87    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9570            88    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9571            92    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
9572            93    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
9573            97    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
9574            98    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
9575           102    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
9576           103    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9577           107    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9578           108    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9579           112    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9580           113    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9581           117    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9582           118    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9583           122    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9584           123    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9585           127    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9586           128    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9587           132    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9588           133    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9589           137    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9590           138    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
9591           142    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
9592           143    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
9593           147    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
9594           148    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
9595           152    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
9596           153    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
9597           157    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
9598           158    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
9599           162    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
9600           163    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
9601           167    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
9602           168    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
9603           172    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
9604           173    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
9605           177    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
9606           178    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown14?              int16s[4]
9607           182    ColorTempUnknown14?                  int16s
9608           183    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown15?              int16s[4]
9609           187    ColorTempUnknown15?                  int16s
9610           188    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9611           251    AverageBlackLevel                    int16u[4]
9612           404    RawMeasuredRGGB                      int32u[4]
9613           479    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9614           483    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9615           484    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9616           485    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9618       Canon ColorData7 Tags
9620       These tags are used by the EOS 1DX, 5DmkIII, 6D, 7DmkII, 100D, 650D,
9621       700D, 8000D, M and M2.
9623         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9624         ------   --------                             --------
9625             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9626            63    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9627            67    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9628            68    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9629            72    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9630            73    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9631            77    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9632            78    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9633            82    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9634            83    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9635            87    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9636            88    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9637            92    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
9638            93    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
9639            97    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
9640            98    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
9641           102    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
9642           103    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
9643           107    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
9644           108    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
9645           112    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
9646           113    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
9647           117    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
9648           118    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
9649           122    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
9650           123    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
9651           127    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
9652           128    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9653           132    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9654           133    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9655           137    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9656           138    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9657           142    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9658           143    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9659           147    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9660           148    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9661           152    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9662           153    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9663           157    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9664           158    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9665           162    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9666           163    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
9667           167    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
9668           168    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
9669           172    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
9670           173    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
9671           177    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
9672           178    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown14?              int16s[4]
9673           182    ColorTempUnknown14?                  int16s
9674           183    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown15?              int16s[4]
9675           187    ColorTempUnknown15?                  int16s
9676           188    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown16?              int16s[4]
9677           192    ColorTempUnknown16?                  int16s
9678           193    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown17?              int16s[4]
9679           197    ColorTempUnknown17?                  int16s
9680           198    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown18?              int16s[4]
9681           202    ColorTempUnknown18?                  int16s
9682           203    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown19?              int16s[4]
9683           207    ColorTempUnknown19?                  int16s
9684           208    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown20?              int16s[4]
9685           212    ColorTempUnknown20?                  int16s
9686           213    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9687           276    AverageBlackLevel                    int16u[4]
9688           429    RawMeasuredRGGB                      int32u[4]
9689           504    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9690           508    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9691           509    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9692           510    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9693           619    RawMeasuredRGGB                      int32u[4]
9694           728    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9695           732    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9696           733    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9697           734    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9699       Canon ColorData8 Tags
9701       These tags are used by the EOS 1DXmkII, 5DS, 5DSR, 5DmkIV, 6DmkII, 77D,
9702       80D, 200D, 800D, 1300D, 2000D, 4000D and 9000D.
9704         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9705         ------   --------                             --------
9706             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9707            63    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9708            67    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9709            68    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9710            72    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9711            73    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9712            77    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9713            78    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9714            82    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9715            83    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9716            87    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9717            88    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9718            92    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
9719            93    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
9720            97    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
9721            98    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
9722           102    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
9723           103    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
9724           107    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
9725           108    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
9726           112    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
9727           113    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
9728           117    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
9729           118    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
9730           122    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
9731           123    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
9732           127    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
9733           128    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
9734           132    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
9735           133    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9736           137    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9737           138    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9738           142    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9739           143    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9740           147    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9741           148    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9742           152    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9743           153    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9744           157    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9745           158    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9746           162    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9747           163    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9748           167    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9749           168    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
9750           172    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
9751           173    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
9752           177    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
9753           178    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown14?              int16s[4]
9754           182    ColorTempUnknown14?                  int16s
9755           183    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown15?              int16s[4]
9756           187    ColorTempUnknown15?                  int16s
9757           188    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown16?              int16s[4]
9758           192    ColorTempUnknown16?                  int16s
9759           193    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown17?              int16s[4]
9760           197    ColorTempUnknown17?                  int16s
9761           198    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown18?              int16s[4]
9762           202    ColorTempUnknown18?                  int16s
9763           203    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown19?              int16s[4]
9764           207    ColorTempUnknown19?                  int16s
9765           208    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown20?              int16s[4]
9766           212    ColorTempUnknown20?                  int16s
9767           213    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown21?              int16s[4]
9768           217    ColorTempUnknown21?                  int16s
9769           218    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown22?              int16s[4]
9770           222    ColorTempUnknown22?                  int16s
9771           223    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown23?              int16s[4]
9772           227    ColorTempUnknown23?                  int16s
9773           228    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown24?              int16s[4]
9774           232    ColorTempUnknown24?                  int16s
9775           233    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown25?              int16s[4]
9776           237    ColorTempUnknown25?                  int16s
9777           238    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown26?              int16s[4]
9778           242    ColorTempUnknown26?                  int16s
9779           243    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown27?              int16s[4]
9780           247    ColorTempUnknown27?                  int16s
9781           248    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown28?              int16s[4]
9782           252    ColorTempUnknown28?                  int16s
9783           253    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown29?              int16s[4]
9784           257    ColorTempUnknown29?                  int16s
9785           258    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown30?              int16s[4]
9786           262    ColorTempUnknown30?                  int16s
9787           263    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9788           326    AverageBlackLevel                    int16u[4]
9789           556    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9790           560    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9791           561    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9792           562    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9793           778    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9794           782    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9795           783    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9796           784    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9798       Canon ColorData9 Tags
9800       These tags are used by the M6mkII, M50, M200, EOS R, RP, 90D, 250D and
9801       850D
9803         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9804         ------   --------                             --------
9805             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9806            71    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9807            75    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9808            76    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9809            80    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9810            81    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9811            85    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9812            86    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9813            90    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9814            91    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9815            95    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9816            96    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9817           100    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
9818           101    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
9819           105    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
9820           106    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
9821           110    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
9822           111    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
9823           115    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
9824           116    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
9825           120    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
9826           121    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
9827           125    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
9828           126    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
9829           130    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
9830           131    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
9831           135    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
9832           136    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9833           140    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9834           141    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9835           145    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9836           146    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9837           150    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9838           151    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9839           155    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9840           156    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9841           160    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9842           161    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9843           165    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9844           166    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9845           170    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9846           171    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
9847           175    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
9848           176    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
9849           180    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
9850           181    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
9851           185    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
9852           186    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown14?              int16s[4]
9853           190    ColorTempUnknown14?                  int16s
9854           191    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown15?              int16s[4]
9855           195    ColorTempUnknown15?                  int16s
9856           196    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown16?              int16s[4]
9857           200    ColorTempUnknown16?                  int16s
9858           201    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown17?              int16s[4]
9859           205    ColorTempUnknown17?                  int16s
9860           206    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown18?              int16s[4]
9861           210    ColorTempUnknown18?                  int16s
9862           211    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown19?              int16s[4]
9863           215    ColorTempUnknown19?                  int16s
9864           216    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown20?              int16s[4]
9865           220    ColorTempUnknown20?                  int16s
9866           221    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown21?              int16s[4]
9867           225    ColorTempUnknown21?                  int16s
9868           226    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown22?              int16s[4]
9869           230    ColorTempUnknown22?                  int16s
9870           231    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown23?              int16s[4]
9871           235    ColorTempUnknown23?                  int16s
9872           236    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown24?              int16s[4]
9873           240    ColorTempUnknown24?                  int16s
9874           241    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown25?              int16s[4]
9875           245    ColorTempUnknown25?                  int16s
9876           246    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown26?              int16s[4]
9877           250    ColorTempUnknown26?                  int16s
9878           251    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown27?              int16s[4]
9879           255    ColorTempUnknown27?                  int16s
9880           256    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown28?              int16s[4]
9881           260    ColorTempUnknown28?                  int16s
9882           261    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown29?              int16s[4]
9883           265    ColorTempUnknown29?                  int16s
9884           266    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9885           329    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9886           796    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9887           797    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9888           798    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9890       Canon ColorData10 Tags
9892       These tags are used by the R5, R5 and EOS 1DXmkIII.
9894         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9895         ------   --------                             --------
9896             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9897            85    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9898            89    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9899            90    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9900            94    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9901            95    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9902            99    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9903           100    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9904           104    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9905           105    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9906           109    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9907           110    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9908           114    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
9909           115    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
9910           119    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
9911           120    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
9912           124    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
9913           125    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
9914           129    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
9915           130    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
9916           134    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
9917           135    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
9918           139    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
9919           140    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
9920           144    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
9921           145    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
9922           149    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
9923           150    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
9924           154    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
9925           155    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
9926           159    ColorTempShade                       int16s
9927           160    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
9928           164    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
9929           165    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
9930           169    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
9931           170    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
9932           174    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
9933           175    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
9934           179    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
9935           180    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
9936           184    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
9937           185    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
9938           189    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
9939           190    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
9940           194    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
9941           195    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
9942           199    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
9943           200    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown14?              int16s[4]
9944           204    ColorTempUnknown14?                  int16s
9945           205    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown15?              int16s[4]
9946           209    ColorTempUnknown15?                  int16s
9947           210    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown16?              int16s[4]
9948           214    ColorTempUnknown16?                  int16s
9949           215    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown17?              int16s[4]
9950           219    ColorTempUnknown17?                  int16s
9951           220    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown18?              int16s[4]
9952           224    ColorTempUnknown18?                  int16s
9953           225    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown19?              int16s[4]
9954           229    ColorTempUnknown19?                  int16s
9955           230    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown20?              int16s[4]
9956           234    ColorTempUnknown20?                  int16s
9957           235    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown21?              int16s[4]
9958           239    ColorTempUnknown21?                  int16s
9959           240    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown22?              int16s[4]
9960           244    ColorTempUnknown22?                  int16s
9961           245    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown23?              int16s[4]
9962           249    ColorTempUnknown23?                  int16s
9963           250    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown24?              int16s[4]
9964           254    ColorTempUnknown24?                  int16s
9965           255    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown25?              int16s[4]
9966           259    ColorTempUnknown25?                  int16s
9967           260    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown26?              int16s[4]
9968           264    ColorTempUnknown26?                  int16s
9969           265    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown27?              int16s[4]
9970           269    ColorTempUnknown27?                  int16s
9971           270    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown28?              int16s[4]
9972           274    ColorTempUnknown28?                  int16s
9973           275    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown29?              int16s[4]
9974           279    ColorTempUnknown29?                  int16s
9975           280    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
9976           343    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
9977           810    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
9978           811    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
9979           812    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
9981       Canon ColorData11 Tags
9983       These tags are used by the EOS R3, R7 and R6mkII
9985         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
9986         ------   --------                             --------
9987             0    ColorDataVersion                     int16s
9988           105    WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot                  int16s[4]
9989           109    ColorTempAsShot                      int16s
9990           110    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]
9991           114    ColorTempAuto                        int16s
9992           115    WB_RGGBLevelsMeasured                int16s[4]
9993           119    ColorTempMeasured                    int16s
9994           120    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16s[4]
9995           124    ColorTempUnknown?                    int16s
9996           125    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown2?               int16s[4]
9997           129    ColorTempUnknown2?                   int16s
9998           130    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown3?               int16s[4]
9999           134    ColorTempUnknown3?                   int16s
10000           135    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown4?               int16s[4]
10001           139    ColorTempUnknown4?                   int16s
10002           140    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown5?               int16s[4]
10003           144    ColorTempUnknown5?                   int16s
10004           145    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown6?               int16s[4]
10005           149    ColorTempUnknown6?                   int16s
10006           150    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown7?               int16s[4]
10007           154    ColorTempUnknown7?                   int16s
10008           155    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown8?               int16s[4]
10009           159    ColorTempUnknown8?                   int16s
10010           160    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown9?               int16s[4]
10011           164    ColorTempUnknown9?                   int16s
10012           165    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown10?              int16s[4]
10013           169    ColorTempUnknown10?                  int16s
10014           170    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
10015           174    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
10016           175    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown11?              int16s[4]
10017           179    ColorTempUnknown11?                  int16s
10018           180    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown12?              int16s[4]
10019           184    ColorTempUnknown12?                  int16s
10020           185    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown13?              int16s[4]
10021           189    ColorTempUnknown13?                  int16s
10022           190    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown14?              int16s[4]
10023           194    ColorTempUnknown14?                  int16s
10024           195    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown15?              int16s[4]
10025           199    ColorTempUnknown15?                  int16s
10026           200    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown16?              int16s[4]
10027           204    ColorTempUnknown16?                  int16s
10028           205    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16s[4]
10029           209    ColorTempDaylight                    int16s
10030           210    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16s[4]
10031           214    ColorTempShade                       int16s
10032           215    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16s[4]
10033           219    ColorTempCloudy                      int16s
10034           220    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16s[4]
10035           224    ColorTempTungsten                    int16s
10036           225    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent             int16s[4]
10037           229    ColorTempFluorescent                 int16s
10038           230    WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin                  int16s[4]
10039           234    ColorTempKelvin                      int16s
10040           235    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16s[4]
10041           239    ColorTempFlash                       int16s
10042           240    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown17?              int16s[4]
10043           244    ColorTempUnknown17?                  int16s
10044           245    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown18?              int16s[4]
10045           249    ColorTempUnknown18?                  int16s
10046           250    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown19?              int16s[4]
10047           254    ColorTempUnknown19?                  int16s
10048           255    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown20?              int16s[4]
10049           259    ColorTempUnknown20?                  int16s
10050           260    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown21?              int16s[4]
10051           264    ColorTempUnknown21?                  int16s
10052           265    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown22?              int16s[4]
10053           269    ColorTempUnknown22?                  int16s
10054           270    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown23?              int16s[4]
10055           274    ColorTempUnknown23?                  int16s
10056           275    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown24?              int16s[4]
10057           279    ColorTempUnknown24?                  int16s
10058           280    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown25?              int16s[4]
10059           284    ColorTempUnknown25?                  int16s
10060           285    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown26?              int16s[4]
10061           289    ColorTempUnknown26?                  int16s
10062           290    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown27?              int16s[4]
10063           294    ColorTempUnknown27?                  int16s
10064           300    ColorCalib?                          Canon ColorCalib
10065           363    PerChannelBlackLevel                 int16u[4]
10066           640    NormalWhiteLevel                     int16u
10067           641    SpecularWhiteLevel                   int16u
10068           642    LinearityUpperMargin                 int16u
10070       Canon ColorDataUnknown Tags
10072         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10073         ------   --------                             --------
10074             0    ColorDataVersion                     no
10076       Canon ColorInfo Tags
10078         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10079         ------   --------                             --------
10080             1    Saturation                           int16s
10081             2    ColorTone                            int16s
10082             3    ColorSpace                           int16s
10084       Canon AFMicroAdj Tags
10086         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10087         ------   --------                             --------
10088             1    AFMicroAdjMode                       int32s
10089             2    AFMicroAdjValue                      rational64s
10091       Canon VignettingCorr Tags
10093       This information is found in images from newer EOS models.
10095         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10096         ------   --------                             --------
10097             0    VignettingCorrVersion                no
10098             2    PeripheralLighting                   int16s
10099             3    DistortionCorrection                 int16s
10100             4    ChromaticAberrationCorr              int16s
10101             5    ChromaticAberrationCorr              int16s
10102             6    PeripheralLightingValue              int16s
10103             9    DistortionCorrectionValue            int16s
10104            11    OriginalImageWidth                   int16s
10105            12    OriginalImageHeight                  int16s
10107       Canon VignettingCorrUnknown Tags
10109       Vignetting correction from PowerShot models.
10111         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10112         ------   --------                             --------
10113             0    VignettingCorrVersion                no
10115       Canon VignettingCorr2 Tags
10117         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10118         ------   --------                             --------
10119             5    PeripheralLightingSetting            int32s
10120             6    ChromaticAberrationSetting           int32s
10121             7    DistortionCorrectionSetting          int32s
10122             9    DigitalLensOptimizerSetting          int32s
10124       Canon LightingOpt Tags
10126       This information is new in images from the EOS 7D.
10128         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10129         ------   --------                             --------
10130             1    PeripheralIlluminationCorr           int32s
10131             2    AutoLightingOptimizer                int32s
10132             3    HighlightTonePriority                int32s
10133             4    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int32s
10134             5    HighISONoiseReduction                int32s
10135            10    DigitalLensOptimizer                 int32s
10137       Canon LensInfo Tags
10139         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
10140         ------   --------                             --------
10141             0    LensSerialNumber                     undef[5]
10143       Canon Ambience Tags
10145         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10146         ------   --------                             --------
10147             1    AmbienceSelection                    int32s
10149       Canon MultiExp Tags
10151         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10152         ------   --------                             --------
10153             1    MultiExposure                        int32s
10154             2    MultiExposureControl                 int32s
10155             3    MultiExposureShots                   int32s
10157       Canon FilterInfo Tags
10159       Information about creative filter settings.
10161         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10162         ------   --------                             --------
10163         0x0101   GrainyBWFilter                       no
10164         0x0201   SoftFocusFilter                      no
10165         0x0301   ToyCameraFilter                      no
10166         0x0401   MiniatureFilter                      no
10167         0x0402   MiniatureFilterOrientation           no
10168         0x0403   MiniatureFilterPosition              no
10169         0x0404   MiniatureFilterParameter             no
10170         0x0501   FisheyeFilter                        no
10171         0x0601   PaintingFilter                       no
10172         0x0701   WatercolorFilter                     no
10174       Canon HDRInfo Tags
10176         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10177         ------   --------                             --------
10178             1    HDR                                  int32s
10179             2    HDREffect                            int32s
10181       Canon LogInfo Tags
10183         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10184         ------   --------                             --------
10185             4    CompressionFormat                    int32s
10186             6    Sharpness                            int32s
10187             7    Saturation                           int32s
10188             8    ColorTone                            int32s
10189             9    ColorSpace2                          int32s
10190            10    ColorMatrix                          int32s
10191            11    CanonLogVersion                      int32s
10193       Canon AFConfig Tags
10195         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10196         ------   --------                             --------
10197             1    AFConfigTool                         int32s
10198             2    AFTrackingSensitivity                int32s
10199             3    AFAccelDecelTracking                 int32s
10200             4    AFPointSwitching                     int32s
10201             5    AIServoFirstImage                    int32s
10202             6    AIServoSecondImage                   int32s
10203             7    USMLensElectronicMF                  int32s
10204             8    AFAssistBeam                         int32s
10205             9    OneShotAFRelease                     int32s
10206            10    AutoAFPointSelEOSiTRAF               int32s
10207            11    LensDriveWhenAFImpossible            int32s
10208            12    SelectAFAreaSelectionMode            int32s
10209            13    AFAreaSelectionMethod                int32s
10210            14    OrientationLinkedAF                  int32s
10211            15    ManualAFPointSelPattern              int32s
10212            16    AFPointDisplayDuringFocus            int32s
10213            17    VFDisplayIllumination                int32s
10214            18    AFStatusViewfinder                   int32s
10215            19    InitialAFPointInServo                int32s
10217       Canon RawBurstInfo Tags
10219         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10220         ------   --------                             --------
10221             1    RawBurstImageNum                     int32u
10222             2    RawBurstImageCount                   int32u
10224       Canon CTMD Tags
10226       Canon Timed MetaData tags found in CR3 images.  The ExtractEmbedded
10227       option is automatically applied when reading CR3 files to be able to
10228       extract this information.
10230         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10231         ------   --------                             --------
10232         0x0001   TimeStamp                            no
10233         0x0004   FocalInfo                            Canon FocalInfo
10234         0x0005   ExposureInfo                         Canon ExposureInfo
10235         0x0007   ExifInfo7                            Canon ExifInfo
10236         0x0008   ExifInfo8                            Canon ExifInfo
10237         0x0009   ExifInfo9                            Canon ExifInfo
10239       Canon FocalInfo Tags
10241         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10242         ------   --------                             --------
10243             0    FocalLength                          no
10245       Canon ExposureInfo Tags
10247         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
10248         ------   --------                             --------
10249             0    FNumber                              no
10250             1    ExposureTime                         no
10251             2    ISO                                  no
10253       Canon ExifInfo Tags
10255         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10256         ------   --------                             --------
10257         0x8769   ExifIFD                              EXIF
10258         0x927c   MakerNoteCanon                       Canon
10260       Canon CDI1 Tags
10262         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10263         ------   --------                             --------
10264         'IAD1'   IAD1                                 Canon IAD1
10266       Canon IAD1 Tags
10268         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10269         ------   --------                             --------
10270         [no tags known]
10272       Canon CMP1 Tags
10274         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10275         ------   --------                             --------
10276             8    ImageWidth                           no
10277            10    ImageHeight                          no
10279       Canon CNOP Tags
10281         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10282         ------   --------                             --------
10283         [no tags known]
10285       Canon CNTH Tags
10287       Canon-specific QuickTime tags found in the CNTH atom of MOV/MP4 videos
10288       from some cameras.
10290         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10291         ------   --------                             --------
10292         'CNDA'   ThumbnailImage                       undef
10294       Canon uuid Tags
10296       Tags extracted from the uuid atom of MP4 videos from cameras such as
10297       the SX280, and CR3 images from cameras such as the EOS M50.
10299         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10300         ------   --------                             --------
10301         'CCTP'   CanonCCTP                            Canon CCTP
10302         'CMT1'   IFD0                                 EXIF
10303         'CMT2'   ExifIFD                              EXIF
10304         'CMT3'   MakerNoteCanon                       Canon
10305         'CMT4'   GPSInfo                              GPS
10306         'CNCV'   CompressorVersion                    no
10307         'CNOP'   CanonCNOP                            Canon CNOP
10308         'CNTH'   CanonCNTH                            Canon CNTH
10309         'THMB'   ThumbnailImage                       no
10311       Canon CCTP Tags
10313         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10314         ------   --------                             --------
10315         [no tags known]
10317       Canon Skip Tags
10319       Information found in the "skip" atom of Canon MOV videos.
10321         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10322         ------   --------                             --------
10323         'CNDB'   Unknown_CNDB?                        no
10325       Canon uuid2 Tags
10327         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10328         ------   --------                             --------
10329         'CNOP'   CanonVRD                             CanonVRD
10331   CanonCustom Tags
10332       CanonCustom Functions1D Tags
10334       These custom functions are used by all 1D models up to but not
10335       including the Mark III.
10337         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10338         ------   --------                             --------
10339             0    FocusingScreen                       int8u
10340             1    FinderDisplayDuringExposure          int8u
10341             2    ShutterReleaseNoCFCard               int8u
10342             3    ISOSpeedExpansion                    int8u
10343             4    ShutterAELButton                     int8u
10344             5    ManualTv                             int8u
10345             6    ExposureLevelIncrements              int8u
10346             7    USMLensElectronicMF                  int8u
10347             8    LCDPanels                            int8u
10348             9    AEBSequenceAutoCancel                int8u
10349            10    AFPointIllumination                  int8u
10350            11    AFPointSelection                     int8u
10351            12    MirrorLockup                         int8u
10352            13    AFPointSpotMetering                  int8u
10353            14    FillFlashAutoReduction               int8u
10354            15    ShutterCurtainSync                   int8u
10355            16    SafetyShiftInAvOrTv                  int8u
10356            17    AFPointActivationArea                int8u
10357            18    SwitchToRegisteredAFPoint            int8u
10358            19    LensAFStopButton                     int8u
10359            20    AIServoTrackingSensitivity           int8u
10360            21    AIServoContinuousShooting            int8u
10362       CanonCustom Functions5D Tags
10364         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10365         ------   --------                             --------
10366             0    FocusingScreen                       int8u
10367             1    SetFunctionWhenShooting              int8u
10368             2    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
10369             3    FlashSyncSpeedAv                     int8u
10370             4    Shutter-AELock                       int8u
10371             5    AFAssistBeam                         int8u
10372             6    ExposureLevelIncrements              int8u
10373             7    FlashFiring                          int8u
10374             8    ISOExpansion                         int8u
10375             9    AEBSequenceAutoCancel                int8u
10376            10    SuperimposedDisplay                  int8u
10377            11    MenuButtonDisplayPosition            int8u
10378            12    MirrorLockup                         int8u
10379            13    AFPointSelectionMethod               int8u
10380            14    ETTLII                               int8u
10381            15    ShutterCurtainSync                   int8u
10382            16    SafetyShiftInAvOrTv                  int8u
10383            17    AFPointActivationArea                int8u
10384            18    LCDDisplayReturnToShoot              int8u
10385            19    LensAFStopButton                     int8u
10386            20    AddOriginalDecisionData              int8u
10388       CanonCustom Functions10D Tags
10390         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10391         ------   --------                             --------
10392             1    SetButtonWhenShooting                int8u
10393             2    ShutterReleaseNoCFCard               int8u
10394             3    FlashSyncSpeedAv                     int8u
10395             4    Shutter-AELock                       int8u
10396             5    AFAssist                             int8u
10397             6    ExposureLevelIncrements              int8u
10398             7    AFPointRegistration                  int8u
10399             8    RawAndJpgRecording                   int8u
10400             9    AEBSequenceAutoCancel                int8u
10401            10    SuperimposedDisplay                  int8u
10402            11    MenuButtonDisplayPosition            int8u
10403            12    MirrorLockup                         int8u
10404            13    AssistButtonFunction                 int8u
10405            14    FillFlashAutoReduction               int8u
10406            15    ShutterCurtainSync                   int8u
10407            16    SafetyShiftInAvOrTv                  int8u
10408            17    LensAFStopButton                     int8u
10410       CanonCustom Functions20D Tags
10412         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10413         ------   --------                             --------
10414             0    SetFunctionWhenShooting              int8u
10415             1    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
10416             2    FlashSyncSpeedAv                     int8u
10417             3    Shutter-AELock                       int8u
10418             4    AFAssistBeam                         int8u
10419             5    ExposureLevelIncrements              int8u
10420             6    FlashFiring                          int8u
10421             7    ISOExpansion                         int8u
10422             8    AEBSequenceAutoCancel                int8u
10423             9    SuperimposedDisplay                  int8u
10424            10    MenuButtonDisplayPosition            int8u
10425            11    MirrorLockup                         int8u
10426            12    AFPointSelectionMethod               int8u
10427            13    ETTLII                               int8u
10428            14    ShutterCurtainSync                   int8u
10429            15    SafetyShiftInAvOrTv                  int8u
10430            16    LensAFStopButton                     int8u
10431            17    AddOriginalDecisionData              int8u
10433       CanonCustom Functions30D Tags
10435         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10436         ------   --------                             --------
10437             1    SetFunctionWhenShooting              int8u
10438             2    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
10439             3    FlashSyncSpeedAv                     int8u
10440             4    Shutter-AELock                       int8u
10441             5    AFAssistBeam                         int8u
10442             6    ExposureLevelIncrements              int8u
10443             7    FlashFiring                          int8u
10444             8    ISOExpansion                         int8u
10445             9    AEBSequenceAutoCancel                int8u
10446            10    SuperimposedDisplay                  int8u
10447            11    MenuButtonDisplayPosition            int8u
10448            12    MirrorLockup                         int8u
10449            13    AFPointSelectionMethod               int8u
10450            14    ETTLII                               int8u
10451            15    ShutterCurtainSync                   int8u
10452            16    SafetyShiftInAvOrTv                  int8u
10453            17    MagnifiedView                        int8u
10454            18    LensAFStopButton                     int8u
10455            19    AddOriginalDecisionData              int8u
10457       CanonCustom Functions350D Tags
10459         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10460         ------   --------                             --------
10461             0    SetButtonCrossKeysFunc               int8u
10462             1    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
10463             2    FlashSyncSpeedAv                     int8u
10464             3    Shutter-AELock                       int8u
10465             4    AFAssistBeam                         int8u
10466             5    ExposureLevelIncrements              int8u
10467             6    MirrorLockup                         int8u
10468             7    ETTLII                               int8u
10469             8    ShutterCurtainSync                   int8u
10471       CanonCustom Functions400D Tags
10473         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10474         ------   --------                             --------
10475             0    SetButtonCrossKeysFunc               int8u
10476             1    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
10477             2    FlashSyncSpeedAv                     int8u
10478             3    Shutter-AELock                       int8u
10479             4    AFAssistBeam                         int8u
10480             5    ExposureLevelIncrements              int8u
10481             6    MirrorLockup                         int8u
10482             7    ETTLII                               int8u
10483             8    ShutterCurtainSync                   int8u
10484             9    MagnifiedView                        int8u
10485            10    LCDDisplayAtPowerOn                  int8u
10487       CanonCustom FunctionsD30 Tags
10489       Custom functions for the EOS D30 and D60.
10491         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10492         ------   --------                             --------
10493             1    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
10494             2    Shutter-AELock                       int8u
10495             3    MirrorLockup                         int8u
10496             4    ExposureLevelIncrements              int8u
10497             5    AFAssist                             int8u
10498             6    FlashSyncSpeedAv                     int8u
10499             7    AEBSequenceAutoCancel                int8u
10500             8    ShutterCurtainSync                   int8u
10501             9    LensAFStopButton                     int8u
10502            10    FillFlashAutoReduction               int8u
10503            11    MenuButtonReturn                     int8u
10504            12    SetButtonWhenShooting                int8u
10505            13    SensorCleaning                       int8u
10506            14    SuperimposedDisplay                  int8u
10507            15    ShutterReleaseNoCFCard               int8u
10509       CanonCustom FuncsUnknown Tags
10511         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10512         ------   --------                             --------
10513         [no tags known]
10515       CanonCustom PersonalFuncs Tags
10517       Personal function settings for the EOS-1D.
10519         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10520         ------   --------                             --------
10521             1    PF0CustomFuncRegistration            int16u
10522             2    PF1DisableShootingModes              int16u
10523             3    PF2DisableMeteringModes              int16u
10524             4    PF3ManualExposureMetering            int16u
10525             5    PF4ExposureTimeLimits                int16u
10526             6    PF5ApertureLimits                    int16u
10527             7    PF6PresetShootingModes               int16u
10528             8    PF7BracketContinuousShoot            int16u
10529             9    PF8SetBracketShots                   int16u
10530            10    PF9ChangeBracketSequence             int16u
10531            11    PF10RetainProgramShift               int16u
10532            14    PF13DrivePriority                    int16u
10533            15    PF14DisableFocusSearch               int16u
10534            16    PF15DisableAFAssistBeam              int16u
10535            17    PF16AutoFocusPointShoot              int16u
10536            18    PF17DisableAFPointSel                int16u
10537            19    PF18EnableAutoAFPointSel             int16u
10538            20    PF19ContinuousShootSpeed             int16u
10539            21    PF20LimitContinousShots              int16u
10540            22    PF21EnableQuietOperation             int16u
10541            24    PF23SetTimerLengths                  int16u
10542            25    PF24LightLCDDuringBulb               int16u
10543            26    PF25DefaultClearSettings             int16u
10544            27    PF26ShortenReleaseLag                int16u
10545            28    PF27ReverseDialRotation              int16u
10546            29    PF28NoQuickDialExpComp               int16u
10547            30    PF29QuickDialSwitchOff               int16u
10548            31    PF30EnlargementMode                  int16u
10549            32    PF31OriginalDecisionData             int16u
10551       CanonCustom PersonalFuncValues Tags
10553         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10554         ------   --------                             --------
10555             1    PF1Value                             int16u
10556             2    PF2Value                             int16u
10557             3    PF3Value                             int16u
10558             4    PF4ExposureTimeMin                   int16u
10559             5    PF4ExposureTimeMax                   int16u
10560             6    PF5ApertureMin                       int16u
10561             7    PF5ApertureMax                       int16u
10562             8    PF8BracketShots                      int16u
10563             9    PF19ShootingSpeedLow                 int16u
10564            10    PF19ShootingSpeedHigh                int16u
10565            11    PF20MaxContinousShots                int16u
10566            12    PF23ShutterButtonTime                int16u
10567            13    PF23FELockTime                       int16u
10568            14    PF23PostReleaseTime                  int16u
10569            15    PF25AEMode                           int16u
10570            16    PF25MeteringMode                     int16u
10571            17    PF25DriveMode                        int16u
10572            18    PF25AFMode                           int16u
10573            19    PF25AFPointSel                       int16u
10574            20    PF25ImageSize                        int16u
10575            21    PF25WBMode                           int16u
10576            22    PF25Parameters                       int16u
10577            23    PF25ColorMatrix                      int16u
10578            24    PF27Value                            int16u
10580       CanonCustom Functions2 Tags
10582       Beginning with the EOS 1D Mark III, Canon finally created a set of
10583       custom function tags which are (reasonably) consistent across models.
10584       The EOS 1D Mark III has 57 custom function tags divided into four main
10585       groups: 1.  Exposure (0x0101-0x010f), 2. Image (0x0201-0x0203), Flash
10586       Exposure (0x0304-0x0306) and Display (0x0407-0x0409), 3. Auto Focus
10587       (0x0501-0x050e) and Drive (0x060f-0x0611), and 4. Operation
10588       (0x0701-0x070a) and Others (0x080b-0x0810).  The table below lists tags
10589       used by the EOS 1D Mark III, as well as newer tags and values added by
10590       later models.
10592         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10593         ------   --------                             --------
10594         0x0101   ExposureLevelIncrements              int32s
10595         0x0102   ISOSpeedIncrements                   int32s
10596         0x0103   ISOSpeedRange                        int32s[3]
10597                  ISOExpansion                         int32s
10598         0x0104   AEBAutoCancel                        int32s
10599         0x0105   AEBSequence                          int32s
10600         0x0106   AEBShotCount                         int32s
10601                  AEBShotCount                         int32s[2]
10602         0x0107   SpotMeterLinkToAFPoint               int32s
10603         0x0108   SafetyShift                          int32s
10604         0x0109   UsableShootingModes                  int32s
10605                  UsableShootingModes                  int32s[2]
10606         0x010a   UsableMeteringModes                  int32s
10607                  UsableMeteringModes                  int32s[2]
10608         0x010b   ExposureModeInManual                 int32s
10609         0x010c   ShutterSpeedRange                    int32s[3]
10610                  ShutterSpeedRange                    int32s[4]
10611         0x010d   ApertureRange                        int32s[3]
10612                  ApertureRange                        int32s[4]
10613         0x010e   ApplyShootingMeteringMode            int32s[8]
10614         0x010f   FlashSyncSpeedAv                     int32s
10615         0x0110   AEMicroadjustment                    int32s[3]
10616         0x0111   FEMicroadjustment                    int32s[3]
10617         0x0112   SameExposureForNewAperture           int32s
10618         0x0113   ExposureCompAutoCancel               int32s
10619         0x0114   AELockMeterModeAfterFocus            int32s
10620         0x0201   LongExposureNoiseReduction           int32s
10621         0x0202   HighISONoiseReduction                int32s
10622         0x0203   HighlightTonePriority                int32s
10623         0x0204   AutoLightingOptimizer                int32s
10624         0x0304   ETTLII                               int32s
10625         0x0305   ShutterCurtainSync                   int32s
10626         0x0306   FlashFiring                          int32s
10627         0x0407   ViewInfoDuringExposure               int32s
10628         0x0408   LCDIlluminationDuringBulb            int32s
10629         0x0409   InfoButtonWhenShooting               int32s
10630         0x040a   ViewfinderWarnings                   int32s
10631         0x040b   LVShootingAreaDisplay                int32s
10632         0x040c   LVShootingAreaDisplay                int32s
10633         0x0501   USMLensElectronicMF                  int32s
10634         0x0502   AIServoTrackingSensitivity           int32s
10635         0x0503   AIServoImagePriority                 int32s
10636         0x0504   AIServoTrackingMethod                int32s
10637         0x0505   LensDriveNoAF                        int32s
10638         0x0506   LensAFStopButton                     int32s
10639         0x0507   AFMicroadjustment                    int32s[5]
10640         0x0508   AFPointAreaExpansion                 int32s
10641         0x0509   SelectableAFPoint                    int32s
10642         0x050a   SwitchToRegisteredAFPoint            int32s
10643         0x050b   AFPointAutoSelection                 int32s
10644         0x050c   AFPointDisplayDuringFocus            int32s
10645         0x050d   AFPointBrightness                    int32s
10646         0x050e   AFAssistBeam                         int32s
10647         0x050f   AFPointSelectionMethod               int32s
10648         0x0510   VFDisplayIllumination                int32s
10649                  SuperimposedDisplay                  int32s
10650         0x0511   AFDuringLiveView                     int32s
10651         0x0512   SelectAFAreaSelectMode               int32s
10652         0x0513   ManualAFPointSelectPattern           int32s
10653         0x0514   DisplayAllAFPoints                   int32s
10654         0x0515   FocusDisplayAIServoAndMF             int32s
10655         0x0516   OrientationLinkedAFPoint             int32s
10656         0x0517   MultiControllerWhileMetering         int32s
10657         0x0518   AccelerationTracking                 int32s
10658         0x0519   AIServoFirstImagePriority            int32s
10659         0x051a   AIServoSecondImagePriority           int32s
10660         0x051b   AFAreaSelectMethod                   int32s
10661         0x051c   AutoAFPointColorTracking             int32s
10662         0x051d   VFDisplayIllumination                int32s
10663         0x051e   InitialAFPointAIServoAF              int32s
10664         0x060f   MirrorLockup                         int32s
10665         0x0610   ContinuousShootingSpeed              int32s[6]
10666                  ContinuousShootingSpeed              int32s[5]
10667                  ContinuousShootingSpeed              int32s[3]
10668         0x0611   ContinuousShotLimit                  int32s[2]
10669         0x0612   RestrictDriveModes                   int32s
10670                  RestrictDriveModes                   int32s[2]
10671         0x0701   Shutter-AELock                       int32s
10672                  AFAndMeteringButtons                 int32s
10673                  ShutterButtonAFOnButton              int32s
10674         0x0702   AFOnAELockButtonSwitch               int32s
10675         0x0703   QuickControlDialInMeter              int32s
10676         0x0704   SetButtonWhenShooting                int32s
10677         0x0705   ManualTv                             int32s
10678         0x0706   DialDirectionTvAv                    int32s
10679         0x0707   AvSettingWithoutLens                 int32s
10680         0x0708   WBMediaImageSizeSetting              int32s
10681         0x0709   LockMicrophoneButton                 int32s
10682         0x070a   ButtonFunctionControlOff             int32s
10683         0x070b   AssignFuncButton                     int32s
10684         0x070c   CustomControls                       int32s
10685         0x070d   StartMovieShooting                   int32s
10686         0x070e   FlashButtonFunction                  int32s
10687         0x070f   MultiFunctionLock                    int32s
10688         0x0710   TrashButtonFunction                  int32s
10689         0x0711   ShutterReleaseWithoutLens            int32s
10690         0x0712   ControlRingRotation                  int32s
10691         0x0713   FocusRingRotation                    int32s
10692         0x0714   RFLensMFFocusRingSensitivity         int32s
10693         0x0715   CustomizeDials                       int32s
10694         0x080b   FocusingScreen                       int32s
10695         0x080c   TimerLength                          int32s[3]
10696                  TimerLength                          int32s[4]
10697         0x080d   ShortReleaseTimeLag                  int32s
10698         0x080e   AddAspectRatioInfo                   int32s
10699         0x080f   AddOriginalDecisionData              int32s
10700         0x0810   LiveViewExposureSimulation           int32s
10701         0x0811   LCDDisplayAtPowerOn                  int32s
10702         0x0812   MemoAudioQuality                     int32s
10703         0x0813   DefaultEraseOption                   int32s
10704         0x0814   RetractLensOnPowerOff                int32s
10705         0x0815   AddIPTCInformation                   int32s
10706         0x0816   AudioCompression                     int32s
10708   CanonVRD Tags
10709       Canon Digital Photo Professional writes VRD (Recipe Data) information
10710       as a trailer record to JPEG, TIFF, CRW and CR2 images, or as stand-
10711       alone VRD or DR4 files.  The tags listed below represent information
10712       found in these records.  The complete VRD/DR4 data record may be
10713       accessed as a block using the Extra 'CanonVRD' or 'CanonDR4' tag, but
10714       this tag is not extracted or copied unless specified explicitly.
10716         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
10717         ------       --------                         --------
10718         0xffff00f4   EditData                         CanonVRD Edit
10719         0xffff00f5   IHLData                          CanonVRD IHL
10720         0xffff00f6   XMP                              XMP
10721         0xffff00f7   Edit4Data                        CanonVRD Edit4
10723       CanonVRD Edit Tags
10725       Canon VRD edit information.
10727          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
10728          -----   --------                             --------
10729             0    VRD1                                 CanonVRD Ver1
10730             1    VRDStampTool                         CanonVRD StampTool
10731             2    VRD2                                 CanonVRD Ver2
10733       CanonVRD Ver1 Tags
10735         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
10736         ------   --------                             --------
10737             2    VRDVersion                           no
10738             6    WBAdjRGGBLevels                      int16u[4]
10739            24    WhiteBalanceAdj                      int16u
10740            26    WBAdjColorTemp                       int16u
10741            36    WBFineTuneActive                     int16u
10742            40    WBFineTuneSaturation                 int16u
10743            44    WBFineTuneTone                       int16u
10744            46    RawColorAdj                          int16u
10745            48    RawCustomSaturation                  int32s
10746            52    RawCustomTone                        int32s
10747            56    RawBrightnessAdj                     int32s
10748            60    ToneCurveProperty                    int16u
10749           122    DynamicRangeMin                      int16u
10750           124    DynamicRangeMax                      int16u
10751           272    ToneCurveActive                      int16u
10752           275    ToneCurveMode                        int8u
10753           276    BrightnessAdj                        int8s
10754           277    ContrastAdj                          int8s
10755           278    SaturationAdj                        int16s
10756           286    ColorToneAdj                         int32s
10757           294    LuminanceCurvePoints                 int16u[21]
10758           336    LuminanceCurveLimits                 int16u[4]
10759           345    ToneCurveInterpolation               int8u
10760           352    RedCurvePoints                       int16u[21]
10761           394    RedCurveLimits                       int16u[4]
10762           410    GreenCurvePoints                     int16u[21]
10763           452    GreenCurveLimits                     int16u[4]
10764           468    BlueCurvePoints                      int16u[21]
10765           510    BlueCurveLimits                      int16u[4]
10766           526    RGBCurvePoints                       int16u[21]
10767           568    RGBCurveLimits                       int16u[4]
10768           580    CropActive                           int16u
10769           582    CropLeft                             int16u
10770           584    CropTop                              int16u
10771           586    CropWidth                            int16u
10772           588    CropHeight                           int16u
10773           602    SharpnessAdj                         int16u
10774           608    CropAspectRatio                      int16u
10775           610    ConstrainedCropWidth                 float
10776           614    ConstrainedCropHeight                float
10777           618    CheckMark                            int16u
10778           622    Rotation                             int16u
10779           624    WorkColorSpace                       int16u
10781       CanonVRD StampTool Tags
10783         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
10784         ------   --------                             --------
10785             0    StampToolCount                       no
10787       CanonVRD Ver2 Tags
10789       Tags added in DPP version 2.0 and later.
10791         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10792         ------   --------                             --------
10793             2    PictureStyle                         int16s
10794             3    IsCustomPictureStyle                 int16s
10795            13    StandardRawColorTone                 int16s
10796            14    StandardRawSaturation                int16s
10797            15    StandardRawContrast                  int16s
10798            16    StandardRawLinear                    int16s
10799            17    StandardRawSharpness                 int16s
10800            18    StandardRawHighlightPoint            int16s
10801            19    StandardRawShadowPoint               int16s
10802            20    StandardOutputHighlightPoint         int16s
10803            21    StandardOutputShadowPoint            int16s
10804            22    PortraitRawColorTone                 int16s
10805            23    PortraitRawSaturation                int16s
10806            24    PortraitRawContrast                  int16s
10807            25    PortraitRawLinear                    int16s
10808            26    PortraitRawSharpness                 int16s
10809            27    PortraitRawHighlightPoint            int16s
10810            28    PortraitRawShadowPoint               int16s
10811            29    PortraitOutputHighlightPoint         int16s
10812            30    PortraitOutputShadowPoint            int16s
10813            31    LandscapeRawColorTone                int16s
10814            32    LandscapeRawSaturation               int16s
10815            33    LandscapeRawContrast                 int16s
10816            34    LandscapeRawLinear                   int16s
10817            35    LandscapeRawSharpness                int16s
10818            36    LandscapeRawHighlightPoint           int16s
10819            37    LandscapeRawShadowPoint              int16s
10820            38    LandscapeOutputHighlightPoint        int16s
10821            39    LandscapeOutputShadowPoint           int16s
10822            40    NeutralRawColorTone                  int16s
10823            41    NeutralRawSaturation                 int16s
10824            42    NeutralRawContrast                   int16s
10825            43    NeutralRawLinear                     int16s
10826            44    NeutralRawSharpness                  int16s
10827            45    NeutralRawHighlightPoint             int16s
10828            46    NeutralRawShadowPoint                int16s
10829            47    NeutralOutputHighlightPoint          int16s
10830            48    NeutralOutputShadowPoint             int16s
10831            49    FaithfulRawColorTone                 int16s
10832            50    FaithfulRawSaturation                int16s
10833            51    FaithfulRawContrast                  int16s
10834            52    FaithfulRawLinear                    int16s
10835            53    FaithfulRawSharpness                 int16s
10836            54    FaithfulRawHighlightPoint            int16s
10837            55    FaithfulRawShadowPoint               int16s
10838            56    FaithfulOutputHighlightPoint         int16s
10839            57    FaithfulOutputShadowPoint            int16s
10840            58    MonochromeFilterEffect               int16s
10841            59    MonochromeToningEffect               int16s
10842            60    MonochromeContrast                   int16s
10843            61    MonochromeLinear                     int16s
10844            62    MonochromeSharpness                  int16s
10845            63    MonochromeRawHighlightPoint          int16s
10846            64    MonochromeRawShadowPoint             int16s
10847            65    MonochromeOutputHighlightPoint       int16s
10848            66    MonochromeOutputShadowPoint          int16s
10849            69    UnknownContrast?                     int16s
10850            70    UnknownLinear?                       int16s
10851            71    UnknownSharpness?                    int16s
10852            72    UnknownRawHighlightPoint?            int16s
10853            73    UnknownRawShadowPoint?               int16s
10854            74    UnknownOutputHighlightPoint?         int16s
10855            75    UnknownOutputShadowPoint?            int16s
10856            76    CustomColorTone                      int16s
10857            77    CustomSaturation                     int16s
10858            78    CustomContrast                       int16s
10859            79    CustomLinear                         int16s
10860            80    CustomSharpness                      int16s
10861            81    CustomRawHighlightPoint              int16s
10862            82    CustomRawShadowPoint                 int16s
10863            83    CustomOutputHighlightPoint           int16s
10864            84    CustomOutputShadowPoint              int16s
10865            88    CustomPictureStyleData               no
10866            94    ChrominanceNoiseReduction            int16s
10867            95    LuminanceNoiseReduction              int16s
10868            96    ChrominanceNR_TIFF_JPEG              int16s
10869            98    ChromaticAberrationOn                int16s
10870            99    DistortionCorrectionOn               int16s
10871           100    PeripheralIlluminationOn             int16s
10872           101    ColorBlur                            int16s
10873           102    ChromaticAberration                  int16s
10874           103    DistortionCorrection                 int16s
10875           104    PeripheralIllumination               int16s
10876           105    AberrationCorrectionDistance         int16s
10877           106    ChromaticAberrationRed               int16s
10878           107    ChromaticAberrationBlue              int16s
10879           109    LuminanceNR_TIFF_JPEG                int16s
10880           110    AutoLightingOptimizerOn              int16s
10881           111    AutoLightingOptimizer                int16s
10882           117    StandardRawHighlight                 int16s
10883           118    PortraitRawHighlight                 int16s
10884           119    LandscapeRawHighlight                int16s
10885           120    NeutralRawHighlight                  int16s
10886           121    FaithfulRawHighlight                 int16s
10887           122    MonochromeRawHighlight               int16s
10888           123    UnknownRawHighlight?                 int16s
10889           124    CustomRawHighlight                   int16s
10890           126    StandardRawShadow                    int16s
10891           127    PortraitRawShadow                    int16s
10892           128    LandscapeRawShadow                   int16s
10893           129    NeutralRawShadow                     int16s
10894           130    FaithfulRawShadow                    int16s
10895           131    MonochromeRawShadow                  int16s
10896           132    UnknownRawShadow?                    int16s
10897           133    CustomRawShadow                      int16s
10898           139    AngleAdj                             int32s
10899           142    CheckMark2                           int16u
10900           144    UnsharpMask                          int16s
10901           146    StandardUnsharpMaskStrength          int16s
10902           148    StandardUnsharpMaskFineness          int16s
10903           150    StandardUnsharpMaskThreshold         int16s
10904           152    PortraitUnsharpMaskStrength          int16s
10905           154    PortraitUnsharpMaskFineness          int16s
10906           156    PortraitUnsharpMaskThreshold         int16s
10907           158    LandscapeUnsharpMaskStrength         int16s
10908           160    LandscapeUnsharpMaskFineness         int16s
10909           162    LandscapeUnsharpMaskThreshold        int16s
10910           164    NeutraUnsharpMaskStrength            int16s
10911           166    NeutralUnsharpMaskFineness           int16s
10912           168    NeutralUnsharpMaskThreshold          int16s
10913           170    FaithfulUnsharpMaskStrength          int16s
10914           172    FaithfulUnsharpMaskFineness          int16s
10915           174    FaithfulUnsharpMaskThreshold         int16s
10916           176    MonochromeUnsharpMaskStrength        int16s
10917           178    MonochromeUnsharpMaskFineness        int16s
10918           180    MonochromeUnsharpMaskThreshold       int16s
10919           182    CustomUnsharpMaskStrength            int16s
10920           184    CustomUnsharpMaskFineness            int16s
10921           186    CustomUnsharpMaskThreshold           int16s
10922           188    CustomDefaultUnsharpStrength         int16s
10923           190    CustomDefaultUnsharpFineness         int16s
10924           192    CustomDefaultUnsharpThreshold        int16s
10925           214    CropCircleActive                     int16s
10926           215    CropCircleX                          int16s
10927           216    CropCircleY                          int16s
10928           217    CropCircleRadius                     int16s
10929           220    DLOOn                                int16s
10930           221    DLOSetting                           int16s
10931           222    DLOShootingDistance                  int16s
10932           223    DLODataLength                        no
10933           224    DLOInfo                              CanonVRD DLOInfo
10934           225    CameraRawColorTone                   int16s
10935           226    CameraRawSaturation                  int16s
10936           227    CameraRawContrast                    int16s
10937           228    CameraRawLinear                      int16s
10938           229    CameraRawSharpness                   int16s
10939           230    CameraRawHighlightPoint              int16s
10940           231    CameraRawShadowPoint                 int16s
10941           232    CameraRawOutputHighlightPoint        int16s
10942           233    CameraRawOutputShadowPoint           int16s
10944       CanonVRD DLOInfo Tags
10946       Tags added when DLO (Digital Lens Optimizer) is on.
10948         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
10949         ------   --------                             --------
10950             4    DLOSettingApplied                    int16s
10951             5    DLOVersion                           string[10]
10952            10    DLOData                              no
10954       CanonVRD IHL Tags
10956         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
10957         ------   --------                             --------
10958         0x0001   IHL_EXIF                             EXIF
10959                  IHL_EXIF?                            no
10960         0x0003   ThumbnailImage                       no
10961         0x0004   PreviewImage                         no
10962         0x0005   RawCodecVersion                      no
10963         0x0006   CRCDevelParams?                      no
10965       CanonVRD Edit4 Tags
10967       Canon DPP version 4 edit information.
10969          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
10970          -----   --------                             --------
10971             0    DR4                                  CanonVRD DR4
10973       CanonVRD DR4 Tags
10975       Tags written by Canon DPP version 4 in CanonVRD trailers and DR4 files.
10976       Each tag has three associated flag words which are stored with the
10977       directory entry, some of which are extracted as a separate tag,
10978       indicated in the table below by a decimal appended to the tag ID (.0,
10979       .1 or .2).
10981         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
10982         ------       --------                         --------
10983         'header'     DR4Header                        CanonVRD DR4Header
10984         0x10002      Rotation                         yes
10985         0x10003      AngleAdj                         yes
10986         0x10021      CustomPictureStyle               yes
10987         0x10101      CheckMark                        yes
10988         0x10200      WorkColorSpace                   yes
10989         0x20001      RawBrightnessAdj                 yes
10990         0x20101      WhiteBalanceAdj                  yes
10991         0x20102      WBAdjColorTemp                   yes
10992         0x20105      WBAdjMagentaGreen                yes
10993         0x20106      WBAdjBlueAmber                   yes
10994         0x20125      WBAdjRGGBLevels                  yes
10995         0x20200      GammaLinear                      yes
10996         0x20301      PictureStyle                     yes
10997         0x20303      ContrastAdj                      yes
10998         0x20304      ColorToneAdj                     yes
10999         0x20305      ColorSaturationAdj               yes
11000         0x20306      MonochromeToningEffect           yes
11001         0x20307      MonochromeFilterEffect           yes
11002         0x20308      UnsharpMaskStrength              yes
11003         0x20309      UnsharpMaskFineness              yes
11004         0x2030a      UnsharpMaskThreshold             yes
11005         0x2030b      ShadowAdj                        yes
11006         0x2030c      HighlightAdj                     yes
11007         0x20310      SharpnessAdj                     yes
11008         0x20310.0    SharpnessAdjOn                   yes
11009         0x20311      SharpnessStrength                yes
11010         0x20400      ToneCurve                        CanonVRD ToneCurve
11011         0x20400.1    ToneCurveOriginal                yes
11012         0x20410      ToneCurveBrightness              yes
11013         0x20411      ToneCurveContrast                yes
11014         0x20500      AutoLightingOptimizer            yes
11015         0x20500.0    AutoLightingOptimizerOn          yes
11016         0x20600      LuminanceNoiseReduction          yes
11017         0x20601      ChrominanceNoiseReduction        yes
11018         0x20670      ColorMoireReduction              yes
11019         0x20670.0    ColorMoireReductionOn            yes
11020         0x20701      ShootingDistance                 yes
11021         0x20702      PeripheralIllumination           yes
11022         0x20702.0    PeripheralIlluminationOn         yes
11023         0x20703      ChromaticAberration              yes
11024         0x20703.0    ChromaticAberrationOn            yes
11025         0x20704      ColorBlurOn                      yes
11026         0x20705      DistortionCorrection             yes
11027         0x20705.0    DistortionCorrectionOn           yes
11028         0x20706      DLOSetting                       yes
11029         0x20706.0    DLOOn                            yes
11030         0x20707      ChromaticAberrationRed           yes
11031         0x20708      ChromaticAberrationBlue          yes
11032         0x20709      DistortionEffect                 yes
11033         0x2070b      DiffractionCorrectionOn          yes
11034         0x20900      ColorHue                         yes
11035         0x20901      SaturationAdj                    yes
11036         0x20910      RedHSL                           yes
11037         0x20911      OrangeHSL                        yes
11038         0x20912      YellowHSL                        yes
11039         0x20913      GreenHSL                         yes
11040         0x20914      AquaHSL                          yes
11041         0x20915      BlueHSL                          yes
11042         0x20916      PurpleHSL                        yes
11043         0x20917      MagentaHSL                       yes
11044         0x20a00      GammaInfo                        CanonVRD GammaInfo
11045         0x30101      CropAspectRatio                  yes
11046         0x30102      CropAspectRatioCustom            yes
11047         0xf0100      CropInfo                         CanonVRD CropInfo
11048         0xf0500      CustomPictureStyleData           yes
11049         0xf0510      StampInfo                        CanonVRD StampInfo
11050         0xf0511      DustInfo                         CanonVRD DustInfo
11051         0xf0512      LensFocalLength                  yes
11053       CanonVRD DR4Header Tags
11055         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11056         ------   --------                             --------
11057             3    DR4CameraModel                       int32u
11059       CanonVRD ToneCurve Tags
11061         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11062         ------   --------                             --------
11063             0    ToneCurveColorSpace                  int32u
11064             1    ToneCurveShape                       int32u
11065             3    ToneCurveInputRange                  int32u[2]
11066             5    ToneCurveOutputRange                 int32u[2]
11067             7    RGBCurvePoints                       int32u[21]
11068            10    ToneCurveX                           int32u
11069            11    ToneCurveY                           int32u
11070            45    RedCurvePoints                       int32u[21]
11071            83    GreenCurvePoints                     int32u[21]
11072           121    BlueCurvePoints                      int32u[21]
11074       CanonVRD GammaInfo Tags
11076         Index8   Tag Name                             Writable
11077         ------   --------                             --------
11078             2    GammaContrast                        double
11079             3    GammaColorTone                       double
11080             4    GammaSaturation                      double
11081             5    GammaUnsharpMaskStrength             double
11082             6    GammaUnsharpMaskFineness             double
11083             7    GammaUnsharpMaskThreshold            double
11084             8    GammaSharpnessStrength               double
11085             9    GammaShadow                          double
11086            10    GammaHighlight                       double
11087            12    GammaBlackPoint                      double
11088            13    GammaWhitePoint                      double
11089            14    GammaMidPoint                        double
11090            15    GammaCurveOutputRange                double[2]
11092       CanonVRD CropInfo Tags
11094         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11095         ------   --------                             --------
11096             0    CropActive                           int32s
11097             1    CropRotatedOriginalWidth             int32s
11098             2    CropRotatedOriginalHeight            int32s
11099             3    CropX                                int32s
11100             4    CropY                                int32s
11101             5    CropWidth                            int32s
11102             6    CropHeight                           int32s
11103             8    CropRotation                         double
11104            10    CropOriginalWidth                    int32s
11105            11    CropOriginalHeight                   int32s
11107       CanonVRD StampInfo Tags
11109         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11110         ------   --------                             --------
11111             2    StampToolCount                       no
11113       CanonVRD DustInfo Tags
11115         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11116         ------   --------                             --------
11117             2    DustDeleteApplied                    no
11119   Casio Tags
11120         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
11121         ------   --------                             --------
11122         0x0001   RecordingMode                        int16u
11123         0x0002   Quality                              int16u
11124         0x0003   FocusMode                            int16u
11125         0x0004   FlashMode                            int16u
11126         0x0005   FlashIntensity                       int16u
11127         0x0006   ObjectDistance                       int32u
11128         0x0007   WhiteBalance                         int16u
11129         0x000a   DigitalZoom                          int32u
11130         0x000b   Sharpness                            int16u
11131         0x000c   Contrast                             int16u
11132         0x000d   Saturation                           int16u
11133         0x0014   ISO                                  int16u
11134         0x0015   FirmwareDate                         string[18]
11135         0x0016   Enhancement                          int16u
11136         0x0017   ColorFilter                          int16u
11137         0x0018   AFPoint                              int16u
11138         0x0019   FlashIntensity                       int16u
11139         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
11141       Casio Type2 Tags
11143         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
11144         ------   --------                             --------
11145         0x0002   PreviewImageSize                     int16u[2]
11146         0x0003   PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
11147         0x0004   PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
11148         0x0008   QualityMode                          int16u
11149         0x0009   CasioImageSize                       int16u
11150         0x000d   FocusMode                            int16u
11151         0x0014   ISO                                  int16u
11152         0x0019   WhiteBalance                         int16u
11153         0x001d   FocalLength                          rational64u
11154         0x001f   Saturation                           int16u
11155         0x0020   Contrast                             int16u
11156         0x0021   Sharpness                            int16u
11157         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
11158         0x2000   PreviewImage                         undef
11159         0x2001   FirmwareDate                         string[18]
11160         0x2011   WhiteBalanceBias                     int16u[2]
11161         0x2012   WhiteBalance                         int16u
11162         0x2021   AFPointPosition                      int16u[4]~
11163         0x2022   ObjectDistance                       int32u
11164         0x2034   FlashDistance                        int16u
11165         0x2076   SpecialEffectMode                    int8u[3]
11166         0x2089   FaceInfo1                            Casio FaceInfo1
11167                  FaceInfo2                            Casio FaceInfo2
11168                  FaceInfoUnknown?                     yes
11169         0x211c   FacesDetected                        int8u
11170         0x3000   RecordMode                           int16u
11171         0x3001   ReleaseMode                          int16u
11172         0x3002   Quality                              int16u
11173         0x3003   FocusMode                            int16u
11174         0x3006   HometownCity                         string
11175         0x3007   BestShotMode                         int16u
11176         0x3008   AutoISO                              int16u
11177         0x3009   AFMode                               int16u
11178         0x3011   Sharpness                            undef[2]
11179         0x3012   Contrast                             undef[2]
11180         0x3013   Saturation                           undef[2]
11181         0x3014   ISO                                  int16u
11182         0x3015   ColorMode                            int16u
11183         0x3016   Enhancement                          int16u
11184         0x3017   ColorFilter                          int16u
11185         0x301b   ArtMode                              int16u
11186         0x301c   SequenceNumber                       int16u
11187         0x301d   BracketSequence                      int16u[2]
11188         0x3020   ImageStabilization                   int16u
11189         0x302a   LightingMode                         int16u
11190         0x302b   PortraitRefiner                      int16u
11191         0x3030   SpecialEffectLevel                   int16u
11192         0x3031   SpecialEffectSetting                 int16u
11193         0x3103   DriveMode                            int16u
11194         0x310b   ArtModeParameters                    int8u[3]
11195         0x4001   CaptureFrameRate                     int16u[n]
11196         0x4003   VideoQuality                         int16u
11198       Casio FaceInfo1 Tags
11200       Face-detect tags extracted from models such as the EX-H5.
11202         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11203         ------   --------                             --------
11204             0    FacesDetected                        int8u
11205             1    FaceDetectFrameSize                  int16u[2]
11206            13    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
11207           124    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
11208           235    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
11209           346    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
11210           457    Face5Position                        int16u[4]
11211           568    Face6Position                        int16u[4]
11212           679    Face7Position                        int16u[4]
11213           790    Face8Position                        int16u[4]
11214           901    Face9Position                        int16u[4]
11215          1012    Face10Position                       int16u[4]
11217       Casio FaceInfo2 Tags
11219       Face-detect tags extracted from models such as the EX-H20G and
11220       EX-ZR100.
11222         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11223         ------   --------                             --------
11224             2    FacesDetected                        int8u
11225             4    FaceDetectFrameSize                  int16u[2]
11226             8    FaceOrientation                      int8u
11227            24    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
11228            76    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
11229           128    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
11230           180    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
11231           232    Face5Position                        int16u[4]
11232           284    Face6Position                        int16u[4]
11233           336    Face7Position                        int16u[4]
11234           388    Face8Position                        int16u[4]
11235           440    Face9Position                        int16u[4]
11236           492    Face10Position                       int16u[4]
11238       Casio QVCI Tags
11240       This information is found in the APP1 QVCI segment of JPEG images from
11241       the Casio QV-7000SX.
11243         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11244         ------   --------                             --------
11245            44    CasioQuality                         no
11246            55    FocalRange?                          no
11247            77    DateTimeOriginal                     no
11248            98    ModelType                            no
11249           114    ManufactureIndex                     no
11250           124    ManufactureCode                      no
11252       Casio AVI Tags
11254       This information is found in Casio GV-10 AVI videos.
11256         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11257         ------   --------                             --------
11258             0    Software                             no
11260   DJI Tags
11261       This table lists tags found in the maker notes of images from some DJI
11262       Phantom drones.
11264         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
11265         ------   --------                             --------
11266         0x0001   Make                                 string
11267         0x0003   SpeedX                               float
11268         0x0004   SpeedY                               float
11269         0x0005   SpeedZ                               float
11270         0x0006   Pitch                                float
11271         0x0007   Yaw                                  float
11272         0x0008   Roll                                 float
11273         0x0009   CameraPitch                          float
11274         0x000a   CameraYaw                            float
11275         0x000b   CameraRoll                           float
11277       DJI XMP Tags
11279       XMP tags used by DJI for images from drones.
11281       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-drone-dji family 1 group.
11283         Tag Name                                      Writable
11284         --------                                      --------
11285         AbsoluteAltitude                              real
11286         CalibratedFocalLength                         real
11287         CalibratedOpticalCenterX                      real
11288         CalibratedOpticalCenterY                      real
11289         CamReverse                                    string
11290         DewarpData                                    string
11291         DewarpFlag                                    string
11292         FlightPitchDegree                             real
11293         FlightRollDegree                              real
11294         FlightXSpeed                                  real
11295         FlightYSpeed                                  real
11296         FlightYawDegree                               real
11297         FlightZSpeed                                  real
11298         GPSLatitude                                   real/
11299         GPSLongitude                                  real/
11300         GPSLongtitude                                 real/
11301         GimbalPitchDegree                             real
11302         GimbalReverse                                 string
11303         GimbalRollDegree                              real
11304         GimbalYawDegree                               real
11305         Latitude                                      real
11306         Longitude                                     real
11307         RelativeAltitude                              real
11308         RtkFlag                                       string
11309         RtkStdHgt                                     real
11310         RtkStdLat                                     real
11311         RtkStdLon                                     real
11312         SelfData                                      string
11314       DJI Info Tags
11316       Tags written by some DJI drones.
11318         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
11319         ------               --------                 --------
11320         'FlightDegree(Y,P,R)' FlightDegree            no
11321         'FlightSpeed(X,Y,Z)' FlightSpeed              no
11322         'GimbalDegree(Y,P,R)' GimbalDegree            no
11323         'adj_dbg_info'       ADJDebugInfo             no
11324         'ae_dbg_info'        AEDebugInfo              no
11325         'ae_histogram_info'  AEHistogramInfo          no
11326         'ae_liveview_histogram_info'
11327                              AELiveViewHistogramInfo  no
11328         'ae_liveview_local_histogram'
11329                              AELiveViewLocalHistogram no
11330         'ae_local_histogram' AELocalHistogram         no
11331         'af_dbg_info'        AFDebugInfo              no
11332         'awb_dbg_info'       AWBDebugInfo             no
11333         'hiso'               Histogram                no
11334         'hyperlapse_dbg_info' HyperlapsDebugInfo      no
11335         'sensor_id'          SensorID                 no
11336         'xidiri'             Xidiri                   no
11338       DJI ThermalParams Tags
11340       Thermal parameters extracted from APP4 of DJI RJPEG files from the
11341       ZH20T.
11343         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11344         ------   --------                             --------
11345            36    K1                                   no
11346            40    K2                                   no
11347            44    K3                                   no
11348            48    K4                                   no
11349            52    KF                                   no
11350            56    B1                                   no
11351            60    B2                                   no
11352            68    ObjectDistance                       no
11353            70    RelativeHumidity                     no
11354            72    Emissivity                           no
11355            74    Reflection                           no
11356            76    AmbientTemperature                   no
11357            80    D2                                   no
11358            84    KJ                                   no
11359            86    DB                                   no
11360            88    KK                                   no
11362       DJI ThermalParams2 Tags
11364       Thermal parameters extracted from APP4 of DJI M3T RJPEG files.
11366         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11367         ------   --------                             --------
11368             0    AmbientTemperature                   no
11369             4    ObjectDistance                       no
11370             8    Emissivity                           no
11371            12    RelativeHumidity                     no
11372            16    ReflectedTemperature                 no
11373           101    IDString                             no
11375       DJI ThermalParams3 Tags
11377       Thermal parameters extracted from APP4 of some DJI RJPEG files.
11379         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11380         ------   --------                             --------
11381             4    RelativeHumidity                     no
11382             6    ObjectDistance                       no
11383             8    Emissivity                           no
11384            10    ReflectedTemperature                 no
11386   FLIR Tags
11387       Information extracted from the maker notes of JPEG images from thermal
11388       imaging cameras by FLIR Systems Inc.
11390         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
11391         ------   --------                             --------
11392         0x0001   ImageTemperatureMax                  rational64u
11393         0x0002   ImageTemperatureMin                  rational64u
11394         0x0003   Emissivity                           rational64u
11395         0x0004   UnknownTemperature?                  rational64u
11396         0x0005   CameraTemperatureRangeMax?           rational64u
11397         0x0006   CameraTemperatureRangeMin?           rational64u
11399       FLIR FFF Tags
11401       Information extracted from FLIR FFF images and the APP1 FLIR segment of
11402       JPEG images.  These tags may also be extracted from the first frame of
11403       an FLIR SEQ file, or all frames if the ExtractEmbedded option is used.
11404       Setting ExtractEmbedded to 2 also the raw thermal data from all frames.
11406         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
11407         ------       --------                         --------
11408         '_header'    FFFHeader                        FLIR Header
11409         0x0001       RawData                          FLIR RawData
11410         0x0005       GainDeadData                     FLIR GainDeadData
11411         0x0006       CoarseData                       FLIR CoarseData
11412         0x000e       EmbeddedImage                    FLIR EmbeddedImage
11413         0x0020       CameraInfo                       FLIR CameraInfo
11414         0x0021       MeasurementInfo                  FLIR MeasInfo
11415         0x0022       PaletteInfo                      FLIR PaletteInfo
11416         0x0023       TextInfo                         FLIR TextInfo
11417         0x0024       EmbeddedAudioFile                no
11418         0x0028       PaintData                        FLIR PaintData
11419         0x002a       PiP                              FLIR PiP
11420         0x002b       GPSInfo                          FLIR GPSInfo
11421         0x002c       MeterLink                        FLIR MeterLink
11422         0x002e       ParameterInfo                    FLIR ParamInfo
11424       FLIR Header Tags
11426       Tags extracted from the FLIR FFF/AFF header.
11428         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11429         ------   --------                             --------
11430             4    CreatorSoftware                      no
11432       FLIR RawData Tags
11434       The thermal image data may be stored either as raw data, or in PNG
11435       format.  If stored as raw data, ExifTool adds a TIFF header to allow
11436       the data to be viewed as a TIFF image.  If stored in PNG format, the
11437       PNG image is extracted as-is.  Note that most FLIR cameras using the
11438       PNG format seem to write the 16-bit raw image data in the wrong byte
11439       order.
11441         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11442         ------   --------                             --------
11443             1    RawThermalImageWidth                 no
11444             2    RawThermalImageHeight                no
11445            16    RawThermalImageType                  no
11446          16.1    RawThermalImage                      no
11448       FLIR GainDeadData Tags
11450       Information found in FFF-format .GAN calibration image files.
11452         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11453         ------   --------                             --------
11454             1    GainDeadMapImageWidth                no
11455             2    GainDeadMapImageHeight               no
11456            16    GainDeadMapImageType                 no
11457          16.1    GainDeadMapImage                     no
11459       FLIR CoarseData Tags
11461       Information found in FFF-format .CRS correction image files.
11463         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11464         ------   --------                             --------
11465             1    CoarseMapImageWidth                  no
11466             2    CoarseMapImageHeight                 no
11467            16    CoarseMapImageType                   no
11468          16.1    CoarseMapImage                       no
11470       FLIR EmbeddedImage Tags
11472         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11473         ------   --------                             --------
11474             1    EmbeddedImageWidth                   no
11475             2    EmbeddedImageHeight                  no
11476            16    EmbeddedImageType                    no
11477          16.1    EmbeddedImage                        no
11479       FLIR CameraInfo Tags
11481       FLIR camera information.  The Planck tags are variables used in the
11482       temperature calculation.  See
11483       <https://exiftool.org/forum/index.php?topic=4898.msg23972#msg23972> for
11484       details.
11486         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11487         ------   --------                             --------
11488            32    Emissivity                           no
11489            36    ObjectDistance                       no
11490            40    ReflectedApparentTemperature         no
11491            44    AtmosphericTemperature               no
11492            48    IRWindowTemperature                  no
11493            52    IRWindowTransmission                 no
11494            60    RelativeHumidity                     no
11495            88    PlanckR1                             no
11496            92    PlanckB                              no
11497            96    PlanckF                              no
11498           112    AtmosphericTransAlpha1               no
11499           116    AtmosphericTransAlpha2               no
11500           120    AtmosphericTransBeta1                no
11501           124    AtmosphericTransBeta2                no
11502           128    AtmosphericTransX                    no
11503           144    CameraTemperatureRangeMax            no
11504           148    CameraTemperatureRangeMin            no
11505           152    CameraTemperatureMaxClip             no
11506           156    CameraTemperatureMinClip             no
11507           160    CameraTemperatureMaxWarn             no
11508           164    CameraTemperatureMinWarn             no
11509           168    CameraTemperatureMaxSaturated        no
11510           172    CameraTemperatureMinSaturated        no
11511           212    CameraModel                          no
11512           244    CameraPartNumber                     no
11513           260    CameraSerialNumber                   no
11514           276    CameraSoftware                       no
11515           368    LensModel                            no
11516           400    LensPartNumber                       no
11517           416    LensSerialNumber                     no
11518           436    FieldOfView                          no
11519           492    FilterModel                          no
11520           508    FilterPartNumber                     no
11521           540    FilterSerialNumber                   no
11522           776    PlanckO                              no
11523           780    PlanckR2                             no
11524           784    RawValueRangeMin                     no
11525           786    RawValueRangeMax                     no
11526           824    RawValueMedian                       no
11527           828    RawValueRange                        no
11528           900    DateTimeOriginal                     no
11529           912    FocusStepCount                       no
11530          1116    FocusDistance                        no
11531          1124    FrameRate                            no
11533       FLIR MeasInfo Tags
11535       Tags listed below are only for the first measurement tool, however
11536       multiple measurements may be added, and information is extracted for
11537       all of them.  Tags for subsequent measurements are generated as
11538       required with the prefixes "Meas2", "Meas3", etc.
11540         Tag Name                                      Writable
11541         --------                                      --------
11542         Meas1Label                                    no
11543         Meas1Params                                   no
11544         Meas1Type                                     no
11546       FLIR PaletteInfo Tags
11548         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11549         ------   --------                             --------
11550             0    PaletteColors                        no
11551             6    AboveColor                           no
11552             9    BelowColor                           no
11553            12    OverflowColor                        no
11554            15    UnderflowColor                       no
11555            18    Isotherm1Color                       no
11556            21    Isotherm2Color                       no
11557            26    PaletteMethod                        no
11558            27    PaletteStretch                       no
11559            48    PaletteFileName                      no
11560            80    PaletteName                          no
11561           112    Palette                              no
11563       FLIR TextInfo Tags
11565         Tag Name                                      Writable
11566         --------                                      --------
11567         Label0                                        no
11568         Label1                                        no
11569         Label2                                        no
11570         Label3                                        no
11571         Value0                                        no
11572         Value1                                        no
11573         Value2                                        no
11574         Value3                                        no
11576       FLIR PaintData Tags
11578       Information generated by FLIR Tools "Paint colors" tool.
11580         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11581         ------   --------                             --------
11582             5    PaintImageWidth                      no
11583             6    PaintImageHeight                     no
11584            20    PaintImageType                       no
11585          20.1    PaintImage                           no
11587       FLIR PiP Tags
11589       FLIR Picture in Picture tags.
11591         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11592         ------   --------                             --------
11593             0    Real2IR                              no
11594             2    OffsetX                              no
11595             3    OffsetY                              no
11596             4    PiPX1                                no
11597             5    PiPX2                                no
11598             6    PiPY1                                no
11599             7    PiPY2                                no
11601       FLIR GPSInfo Tags
11603         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11604         ------   --------                             --------
11605             0    GPSValid                             no
11606             4    GPSVersionID                         no
11607             8    GPSLatitudeRef                       no
11608            10    GPSLongitudeRef                      no
11609            16    GPSLatitude                          no
11610            24    GPSLongitude                         no
11611            32    GPSAltitude                          no
11612            64    GPSDOP                               no
11613            68    GPSSpeedRef                          no
11614            70    GPSTrackRef                          no
11615            72    GPSImgDirectionRef                   no
11616            76    GPSSpeed                             no
11617            80    GPSTrack                             no
11618            84    GPSImgDirection                      no
11619            88    GPSMapDatum                          no
11621       FLIR MeterLink Tags
11623       Tags containing Meterlink humidity meter information.
11625         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11626         ------   --------                             --------
11627            26    Reading1Units                        no
11628            28    Reading1Description                  no
11629            32    Reading1Device                       no
11630            96    Reading1Value                        no
11631           126    Reading2Units                        no
11632           128    Reading2Description                  no
11633           132    Reading2Device                       no
11634           196    Reading2Value                        no
11635           226    Reading3Units                        no
11636           228    Reading3Description                  no
11637           232    Reading3Device                       no
11638           296    Reading3Value                        no
11639           326    Reading4Units                        no
11640           328    Reading4Description                  no
11641           332    Reading4Device                       no
11642           396    Reading4Value                        no
11644       FLIR ParamInfo Tags
11646         Tag Name                                      Writable
11647         --------                                      --------
11648         DateTimeGenerated                             no
11649         Param0                                        no
11650         Param1                                        no
11651         Param2                                        no
11652         Param3                                        no
11654       FLIR UserData Tags
11656       Tags written by some FLIR cameras in a top-level (!) "udta" atom of MP4
11657       videos.
11659         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
11660         ------   --------                             --------
11661         'uuid'   FLIR_Parts                           FLIR Parts
11662                  FLIR_Serial                          FLIR SerialNums
11663                  FLIR_Params                          FLIR Params
11664                  FLIR_UnknownUUID                     FLIR UnknownUUID
11665                  FLIR_GPS                             FLIR GPS_UUID
11666                  FLIR_MoreInfo                        FLIR MoreInfo
11667                  SoftwareComponents?                  no
11668                  FLIR_Unknown?                        no
11669                  Units                                no+
11670                  ThumbnailImage                       no
11672       FLIR Parts Tags
11674       Tags extracted from the "uuid" box with ID
11675       43c3993b0f94424b82056b66513f485d in FLIR MP4 videos.
11677         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11678         ------   --------                             --------
11679             4    BAHPVer                              no
11680                  BALPVer                              no
11681                  Battery                              no
11682                  BAVPVer                              no
11683                  CamCore                              no
11684                  DetectorBoard                        no
11685                  Detector                             no
11686                  GIDCVer                              no
11687                  GIDPVer                              no
11688                  GIPC_CPLD                            no
11689                  GIPCVer                              no
11690                  GIXIVer                              no
11691                  MainBoard                            no
11692                  Optics                               no
11693                  PartNumber                           no
11695       FLIR SerialNums Tags
11697       Tags extracted from the "uuid" box with ID
11698       57f5b93e51e448afa0d9c3ef1b37f712 in FLIR MP4 videos.
11700         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11701         ------   --------                             --------
11702            12    UnknownSerial1?                      no
11703            45    UnknownSerial2?                      no
11704            78    UnknownSerial3?                      no
11705           111    UnknownSerial4?                      no
11706           123    UnknownNumber?                       no
11707           126    CameraSerialNumber                   no
11709       FLIR Params Tags
11711       Tags extracted from the "uuid" box with ID
11712       41e5dcf9e80a41ceadfe7f0c58082c19 in FLIR MP4 videos.
11714         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11715         ------   --------                             --------
11716             1    ReflectedApparentTemperature         no
11717             2    AtmosphericTemperature               no
11718             3    Emissivity                           no
11719             4    ObjectDistance                       no
11720             5    RelativeHumidity                     no
11721             6    EstimatedAtmosphericTrans            no
11722             7    IRWindowTemperature                  no
11723             8    IRWindowTransmission                 no
11725       FLIR UnknownUUID Tags
11727       Tags extracted from the "uuid" box with ID
11728       574520502cbb44adae5415e9b839d903 in FLIR MP4 videos.
11730         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11731         ------   --------                             --------
11732         [no tags known]
11734       FLIR GPS_UUID Tags
11736       Tags extracted from the "uuid" box with ID
11737       7f2e21008b464918afb1de709a74f6f5 in FLIR MP4 videos.
11739         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11740         ------   --------                             --------
11741             1    GPSLatitude                          no
11742             2    GPSLongitude                         no
11743             3    GPSAltitude                          no
11745       FLIR MoreInfo Tags
11747       Tags extracted from the "uuid" box with ID
11748       2b452fdc74354094baee22a6b23a7cf8 in FLIR MP4 videos.
11750         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11751         ------   --------                             --------
11752             5    LensModel                            no
11753            11    UnknownTemperature1?                 no
11754            15    UnknownTemperature2?                 no
11756       FLIR AFF Tags
11758       Tags extracted from FLIR "AFF" SEQ images.
11760         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
11761         ------       --------                         --------
11762         '_header'    AFFHeader                        FLIR Header
11763         0x0001       AFF1                             FLIR AFF1
11764         0x0005       AFF5                             FLIR AFF5
11766       FLIR AFF1 Tags
11768         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11769         ------   --------                             --------
11770             1    SensorWidth                          no
11771             2    SensorHeight                         no
11773       FLIR AFF5 Tags
11775         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11776         ------   --------                             --------
11777            19    SensorWidth                          no
11778            20    SensorHeight                         no
11780       FLIR FPF Tags
11782       Tags extracted from FLIR Public image Format (FPF) files.
11784         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
11785         ------   --------                             --------
11786            32    FPFVersion                           no
11787            36    ImageDataOffset                      no
11788            40    ImageType                            no
11789            42    ImagePixelFormat                     no
11790            44    ImageWidth                           no
11791            46    ImageHeight                          no
11792            48    ExternalTriggerCount                 no
11793            52    SequenceFrameNumber                  no
11794           120    CameraModel                          no
11795           152    CameraPartNumber                     no
11796           184    CameraSerialNumber                   no
11797           216    CameraTemperatureRangeMin            no
11798           220    CameraTemperatureRangeMax            no
11799           224    LensModel                            no
11800           256    LensPartNumber                       no
11801           288    LensSerialNumber                     no
11802           320    FilterModel                          no
11803           336    FilterPartNumber                     no
11804           384    FilterSerialNumber                   no
11805           480    Emissivity                           no
11806           484    ObjectDistance                       no
11807           488    ReflectedApparentTemperature         no
11808           492    AtmosphericTemperature               no
11809           496    RelativeHumidity                     no
11810           500    ComputedAtmosphericTrans             no
11811           504    EstimatedAtmosphericTrans            no
11812           508    ReferenceTemperature                 no
11813           512    IRWindowTemperature                  no
11814           516    IRWindowTransmission                 no
11815           584    DateTimeOriginal                     no
11816           676    CameraScaleMin                       no
11817           680    CameraScaleMax                       no
11818           684    CalculatedScaleMin                   no
11819           688    CalculatedScaleMax                   no
11820           692    ActualScaleMin                       no
11821           696    ActualScaleMax                       no
11823   FujiFilm Tags
11824         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
11825         ------   --------                             --------
11826         0x0000   Version                              undef
11827         0x0010   InternalSerialNumber                 string
11828         0x1000   Quality                              string
11829         0x1001   Sharpness                            int16u
11830         0x1002   WhiteBalance                         int16u
11831         0x1003   Saturation                           int16u
11832         0x1004   Contrast                             int16u
11833         0x1005   ColorTemperature                     int16u
11834         0x1006   Contrast                             int16u
11835         0x100a   WhiteBalanceFineTune                 int32s[2]
11836         0x100b   NoiseReduction                       int16u
11837         0x100e   NoiseReduction                       int16u
11838         0x100f   Clarity                              int32s
11839         0x1010   FujiFlashMode                        int16u
11840         0x1011   FlashExposureComp                    rational64s
11841         0x1020   Macro                                int16u
11842         0x1021   FocusMode                            int16u
11843         0x1022   AFMode                               int16u
11844         0x1023   FocusPixel                           int16u[2]
11845         0x102b   PrioritySettings                     FujiFilm PrioritySettings
11846         0x102d   FocusSettings                        FujiFilm FocusSettings
11847         0x102e   AFCSettings                          FujiFilm AFCSettings
11848         0x1030   SlowSync                             int16u
11849         0x1031   PictureMode                          int16u
11850         0x1032   ExposureCount                        int16u
11851         0x1033   EXRAuto                              int16u
11852         0x1034   EXRMode                              int16u
11853         0x1040   ShadowTone                           int32s
11854         0x1041   HighlightTone                        int32s
11855         0x1044   DigitalZoom                          int32u
11856         0x1045   LensModulationOptimizer              int32u
11857         0x1047   GrainEffectRoughness                 int32s
11858         0x1048   ColorChromeEffect                    int32s
11859         0x1049   BWAdjustment                         int8s
11860         0x104b   BWMagentaGreen                       int8s
11861         0x104c   GrainEffectSize                      int16u
11862         0x104d   CropMode                             int16u
11863         0x104e   ColorChromeFXBlue                    int32s
11864         0x1050   ShutterType                          int16u
11865         0x1100   AutoBracketing                       int16u
11866         0x1101   SequenceNumber                       int16u
11867         0x1103   DriveSettings                        FujiFilm DriveSettings
11868         0x1105   PixelShiftShots                      int16u
11869         0x1106   PixelShiftOffset                     rational64s[2]
11870         0x1153   PanoramaAngle                        int16u
11871         0x1154   PanoramaDirection                    int16u
11872         0x1201   AdvancedFilter                       int32u
11873         0x1210   ColorMode                            int16u
11874         0x1300   BlurWarning                          int16u
11875         0x1301   FocusWarning                         int16u
11876         0x1302   ExposureWarning                      int16u
11877         0x1304   GEImageSize                          string
11878         0x1400   DynamicRange                         int16u
11879         0x1401   FilmMode                             int16u
11880         0x1402   DynamicRangeSetting                  int16u
11881         0x1403   DevelopmentDynamicRange              int16u
11882         0x1404   MinFocalLength                       rational64s
11883         0x1405   MaxFocalLength                       rational64s
11884         0x1406   MaxApertureAtMinFocal                rational64s
11885         0x1407   MaxApertureAtMaxFocal                rational64s
11886         0x140b   AutoDynamicRange                     int16u
11887         0x1422   ImageStabilization                   int16u[3]
11888         0x1425   SceneRecognition                     int16u
11889         0x1431   Rating                               int32u
11890         0x1436   ImageGeneration                      int16u
11891         0x1438   ImageCount                           int16u
11892         0x1443   DRangePriority                       int16u
11893         0x1444   DRangePriorityAuto                   int16u
11894         0x1445   DRangePriorityFixed                  int16u
11895         0x1446   FlickerReduction                     int32u
11896         0x1447   FujiModel                            string
11897         0x1448   FujiModel2                           string
11898         0x144d   RollAngle                            rational64s
11899         0x3803   VideoRecordingMode                   int32u
11900         0x3804   PeripheralLighting                   int16u
11901         0x3806   VideoCompression                     int16u
11902         0x3820   FrameRate                            int16u
11903         0x3821   FrameWidth                           int16u
11904         0x3822   FrameHeight                          int16u
11905         0x3824   FullHDHighSpeedRec                   int32u
11906         0x4005   FaceElementSelected                  int16u[4]
11907         0x4100   FacesDetected                        int16u
11908         0x4103   FacePositions                        int16u[n]
11909         0x4200   NumFaceElements                      int16u
11910         0x4201   FaceElementTypes                     int8u[n]
11911         0x4203   FaceElementPositions                 int16u[n]
11912         0x4282   FaceRecInfo                          FujiFilm FaceRecInfo
11913         0x8000   FileSource                           string
11914         0x8002   OrderNumber                          int32u
11915         0x8003   FrameNumber                          int16u
11916         0xb211   Parallax                             rational64s
11918       FujiFilm PrioritySettings Tags
11920         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
11921         ------   --------                             --------
11922           0.1    AF-SPriority                         int16u & 0x0f
11923           0.2    AF-CPriority                         int16u & 0xf0
11925       FujiFilm FocusSettings Tags
11927         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11928         ------   --------                             --------
11929           0.1    FocusMode2                           int32u & 0x0f
11930           0.2    PreAF                                int32u & 0xf0
11931           0.3    AFAreaMode                           int32u & 0xf00
11932           0.4    AFAreaPointSize                      int32u & 0xf000
11933           0.5    AFAreaZoneSize                       int32u & 0xf0000
11935       FujiFilm AFCSettings Tags
11937         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11938         ------   --------                             --------
11939             0    AF-CSetting                          int32u
11940           0.1    AF-CTrackingSensitivity              int32u & 0x0f
11941           0.2    AF-CSpeedTrackingSensitivity         int32u & 0xf0
11942           0.3    AF-CZoneAreaSwitching                int32u & 0xf00
11944       FujiFilm DriveSettings Tags
11946         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
11947         ------   --------                             --------
11948           0.1    DriveMode                            int32u & 0xff
11949           0.2    DriveSpeed                           int32u & 0xff000000
11951       FujiFilm FaceRecInfo Tags
11953       Face recognition information.
11955         Tag Name                                      Writable
11956         --------                                      --------
11957         Face1Birthday                                 no
11958         Face1Category                                 no
11959         Face1Name                                     no
11960         Face2Birthday                                 no
11961         Face2Category                                 no
11962         Face2Name                                     no
11963         Face3Birthday                                 no
11964         Face3Category                                 no
11965         Face3Name                                     no
11966         Face4Birthday                                 no
11967         Face4Category                                 no
11968         Face4Name                                     no
11969         Face5Birthday                                 no
11970         Face5Category                                 no
11971         Face5Name                                     no
11972         Face6Birthday                                 no
11973         Face6Category                                 no
11974         Face6Name                                     no
11975         Face7Birthday                                 no
11976         Face7Category                                 no
11977         Face7Name                                     no
11978         Face8Birthday                                 no
11979         Face8Category                                 no
11980         Face8Name                                     no
11982       FujiFilm RAF Tags
11984       FujiFilm RAF images contain meta information stored in a proprietary
11985       FujiFilm RAF format, as well as EXIF information stored inside an
11986       embedded JPEG preview image.  The table below lists tags currently
11987       decoded from the RAF-format information.
11989         Tag ID  Tag Name                              Writable
11990         ------  --------                              --------
11991         0x0100  RawImageFullSize                      no
11992         0x0110  RawImageCropTopLeft                   no
11993         0x0111  RawImageCroppedSize                   no
11994         0x0115  RawImageAspectRatio                   no
11995         0x0121  RawImageSize                          no
11996         0x0130  FujiLayout                            no
11997         0x0131  XTransLayout                          no
11998         0x2000  WB_GRGBLevelsAuto                     no
11999         0x2100  WB_GRGBLevelsDaylight                 no
12000         0x2200  WB_GRGBLevelsCloudy                   no
12001         0x2300  WB_GRGBLevelsDaylightFluor            no
12002         0x2301  WB_GRGBLevelsDayWhiteFluor            no
12003         0x2302  WB_GRGBLevelsWhiteFluorescent         no
12004         0x2310  WB_GRGBLevelsWarmWhiteFluor           no
12005         0x2311  WB_GRGBLevelsLivingRoomWarmWhiteFluor no
12006         0x2400  WB_GRGBLevelsTungsten                 no
12007         0x2ff0  WB_GRGBLevels                         no
12008         0x9200  RelativeExposure                      no
12009         0x9650  RawExposureBias                       no
12010         0xc000  RAFData                               FujiFilm RAFData
12012       FujiFilm RAFData Tags
12014         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
12015         ------   --------                             --------
12016             0    RawImageWidth                        no
12017             4    RawImageWidth                        no
12018                  RawImageHeight                       no
12019             8    RawImageWidth                        no
12020                  RawImageHeight                       no
12021            12    RawImageHeight                       no
12023       FujiFilm IFD Tags
12025       Tags found in the FujiIFD information of RAF images from some models.
12027         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
12028         ------   --------                             --------
12029         0xf000   FujiIFD                              FujiFilm IFD
12030         0xf001   RawImageFullWidth                    no
12031         0xf002   RawImageFullHeight                   no
12032         0xf003   BitsPerSample                        no
12033         0xf007   StripOffsets                         no
12034         0xf008   StripByteCounts                      no
12035         0xf00a   BlackLevel                           no
12036         0xf00b   GeometricDistortionParams            no
12037         0xf00c   WB_GRBLevelsStandard                 no
12038         0xf00d   WB_GRBLevelsAuto                     no
12039         0xf00e   WB_GRBLevels                         no
12040         0xf00f   ChromaticAberrationParams            no
12041         0xf010   VignettingParams                     no
12043       FujiFilm MRAW Tags
12045       Tags extracted from the M-RAW header of multi-image RAF files.  The
12046       family 1 group name for these tags is "M-RAW".
12048         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
12049         ------   --------                             --------
12050         0x0001   RawImageNumber                       no
12052       FujiFilm FFMV Tags
12054       Information found in the FFMV atom of MOV videos.
12056         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
12057         ------   --------                             --------
12058             0    MovieStreamName                      no
12060       FujiFilm MOV Tags
12062       This information is found in MOV videos from some FujiFilm cameras.
12064         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
12065         ------   --------                             --------
12066             0    Make                                 no
12067            24    Model                                no
12068            46    ExposureTime                         no
12069            50    FNumber                              no
12070            58    ExposureCompensation                 no
12072   GE Tags
12073       This table lists tags found in the maker notes of some General Imaging
12074       camera models.
12076         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
12077         ------   --------                             --------
12078         0x0202   Macro                                int16u
12079         0x0207   GEModel                              string
12080         0x0300   GEMake                               string
12082   HP Tags
12083       These tables list tags found in the maker notes of some Hewlett-Packard
12084       camera models.
12086       The first table lists tags found in the EXIF-format maker notes of the
12087       PhotoSmart 720 (also used by the Vivitar ViviCam 3705, 3705B and 3715).
12089         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
12090         ------   --------                             --------
12091         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
12093       HP Type2 Tags
12095       These tags are used by the PhotoSmart E427.
12097         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
12098         ------               --------                 --------
12099         'Lens Shading'       LensShading              no
12100         'PreviewImage'       PreviewImage             no
12101         'Serial Number'      SerialNumber             no
12103       HP Type4 Tags
12105       These tags are used by the PhotoSmart M627.
12107         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
12108         ------   --------                             --------
12109            12    MaxAperture                          no
12110            16    ExposureTime                         no
12111            20    CameraDateTime                       no
12112            52    ISO                                  no
12113            92    SerialNumber                         no
12115       HP Type6 Tags
12117       These tags are used by the PhotoSmart M425, M525 and M527.
12119         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
12120         ------   --------                             --------
12121            12    FNumber                              no
12122            16    ExposureTime                         no
12123            20    CameraDateTime                       no
12124            52    ISO                                  no
12125            88    SerialNumber                         no
12127       HP TDHD Tags
12129       These tags are extracted from the APP6 "TDHD" segment of Photosmart
12130       R837 JPEG images.  Many other unknown tags exist in is data, and can be
12131       seen with the Unknown (-u) option.
12133         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
12134         ------   --------                             --------
12135         'CMSN'   SerialNumber                         no
12136         'FWRV'   FirmwareVersion                      no
12137         'LSLV'   LSLV                                 HP TDHD
12138         'TDHD'   TDHD                                 HP TDHD
12140   JVC Tags
12141       JVC EXIF maker note tags.
12143         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
12144         ------   --------                             --------
12145         0x0002   CPUVersions                          no
12146         0x0003   Quality                              no
12148       JVC Text Tags
12150       JVC/Victor text-based maker note tags.
12152         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
12153         ------   --------                             --------
12154         'QTY'    Quality                              no
12155         'VER'    MakerNoteVersion                     no
12157   Kodak Tags
12158       Many Kodak models don't store the maker notes in standard IFD format,
12159       and these formats vary with different models.  Some information has
12160       been decoded, but much of the Kodak information remains unknown.
12162       The table below contains the most common set of Kodak tags.  The
12163       following Kodak camera models have been tested and found to use these
12164       tags: C360, C663, C875, CX6330, CX6445, CX7330, CX7430, CX7525, CX7530,
12165       DC4800, DC4900, DX3500, DX3600, DX3900, DX4330, DX4530, DX4900, DX6340,
12166       DX6440, DX6490, DX7440, DX7590, DX7630, EasyShare-One, LS420, LS443,
12167       LS633, LS743, LS753, V530, V550, V570, V603, V610, V705, Z650, Z700,
12168       Z710, Z730, Z740, Z760 and Z7590.
12170         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
12171         ------   --------                             --------
12172             0    KodakModel                           string[8]
12173             9    Quality                              int8u
12174            10    BurstMode                            int8u
12175            12    KodakImageWidth                      int16u
12176            14    KodakImageHeight                     int16u
12177            16    YearCreated                          int16u
12178            18    MonthDayCreated                      int8u[2]
12179            20    TimeCreated                          int8u[4]
12180            24    BurstMode2?                          int16u
12181            27    ShutterMode                          int8u
12182            28    MeteringMode                         int8u
12183            29    SequenceNumber                       int8u
12184            30    FNumber                              int16u
12185            32    ExposureTime                         int32u
12186            36    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
12187            38    VariousModes?                        int16u
12188            40    Distance1?                           int32u
12189            44    Distance2?                           int32u
12190            48    Distance3?                           int32u
12191            52    Distance4?                           int32u
12192            56    FocusMode                            int8u
12193            58    VariousModes2?                       int16u
12194            60    PanoramaMode?                        int16u
12195            62    SubjectDistance?                     int16u
12196            64    WhiteBalance                         int8u
12197            92    FlashMode                            int8u
12198            93    FlashFired                           int8u
12199            94    ISOSetting                           int16u
12200            96    ISO                                  int16u
12201            98    TotalZoom                            int16u
12202           100    DateTimeStamp                        int16u
12203           102    ColorMode                            int16u
12204           104    DigitalZoom                          int16u
12205           107    Sharpness                            int8s
12207       Kodak IFD Tags
12209       These tags are found in a separate IFD of JPEG, TIFF, DCR and KDC
12210       images from some older Kodak models such as the DC50, DC120, DCS760C,
12211       DCS Pro 14N, 14nx, SLR/n, Pro Back and Canon EOS D2000.
12213         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
12214         ------   --------                             --------
12215         0x0000   KodakVersion                         int8u[4]
12216         0x0001   UnknownEV?                           rational64u
12217         0x0003   ExposureValue                        rational64u
12218         0x03e9   OriginalFileName                     string
12219         0x03ea   KodakTag                             int32u
12220         0x03eb   SensorLeftBorder                     int16u
12221         0x03ec   SensorTopBorder                      int16u
12222         0x03ed   SensorImageWidth                     int16u
12223         0x03ee   SensorImageHeight                    int16u
12224         0x03ef   BlackLevelTop                        int16u
12225         0x03f0   BlackLevelBottom                     int16u
12226         0x03f1   TextualInfo                          Kodak TextualInfo
12227         0x03f2   FlashMode?                           int16u
12228         0x03f3   FlashCompensation                    rational64s
12229         0x03f4   WindMode?                            int16u
12230         0x03f5   FocusMode?                           int16u
12231         0x03f8   MinAperture                          rational64u
12232         0x03f9   MaxAperture                          rational64u
12233         0x03fa   WhiteBalanceMode?                    int16u
12234         0x03fb   WhiteBalanceDetected?                int16u
12235         0x03fc   WhiteBalance                         int16u
12236         0x03fd   Processing                           Kodak Processing
12237                  ProcessingParameters                 no
12238         0x03fe   ImageAbsoluteX                       int16s
12239         0x03ff   ImageAbsoluteY                       int16s
12240         0x0400   ApplicationKeyString                 string
12241         0x0401   Time                                 string
12242         0x0402   GPSString                            string
12243         0x0403   EventLogCapture?                     no
12244         0x0404   ComponentTable?                      no
12245         0x0405   CustomIlluminant?                    int16u
12246         0x0406   CameraTemperature                    rational64s
12247                  CameraTemperature                    no
12248         0x0407   AdapterVoltage                       rational64u
12249         0x0408   BatteryVoltage                       rational64u
12250         0x0409   DacVoltages                          no
12251         0x040a   IlluminantDetectorData?              no
12252         0x040b   PixelClockFrequency                  int32u
12253         0x040c   CenterPixel                          int16u[3]
12254         0x040d   BurstCount                           int16u
12255         0x040e   BlackLevelRough                      int16u
12256         0x040f   OffsetMapHorizontal?                 no
12257         0x0410   OffsetMapVertical?                   no
12258         0x0411   Histogram?                           no
12259         0x0412   VerticalClockOverlaps                int16u[2]
12260         0x0413   SensorTemperature                    no
12261         0x0414   XilinxVersion                        string
12262         0x0415   FirmwareVersion                      int32u
12263         0x0416   BlackLevelRoughAfter                 int16u
12264         0x0417   BrightRowsTop                        no
12265         0x0418   EventLogProcess                      no
12266         0x0419   DacVoltagesFlush                     no
12267         0x041a   FlashUsed                            no
12268         0x041b   FlashType                            no
12269         0x041c   SelfTimer                            no
12270         0x041d   AFMode                               no
12271         0x041e   LensType                             no
12272         0x041f   ImageCropX                           int16s
12273         0x0420   ImageCropY                           int16s
12274         0x0421   AdjustedTbnImageWidth                no
12275         0x0422   AdjustedTbnImageHeight               no
12276         0x0423   IntegrationTime                      int32u
12277         0x0424   BracketingMode                       no
12278         0x0425   BracketingStep                       no
12279         0x0426   BracketingCounter                    no
12280         0x042e   HuffmanTableLength                   no
12281         0x042f   HuffmanTableValue                    no
12282         0x0438   MainBoardVersion                     int32u
12283         0x0439   ImagerBoardVersion                   int32u
12284         0x044c   FocusEdgeMap                         no
12285         0x05e6   IdleTiming                           no
12286         0x05e7   FlushTiming                          no
12287         0x05e8   IntegrateTiming                      no
12288         0x05e9   RegisterReadTiming                   no
12289         0x05ea   FirstLineTransferTiming              no
12290         0x05eb   ShiftTiming                          no
12291         0x05ec   NormalLineTransferTiming             no
12292         0x05ed   TestTransferTiming                   no
12293         0x05fa   MinimumFlushRows                     no
12294         0x05fd   ImagerPowerOnDelayMsec               int32u
12295         0x05fe   ImagerInitialTimingCode              no
12296         0x05ff   ImagerLogicProgram                   no
12297         0x0600   ImagerBiasSettlingDelayMsec          int32u
12298         0x0604   IdleSequence                         no
12299         0x0605   FirstFlushSequence                   no
12300         0x0606   FinalFlushSequence                   no
12301         0x0607   SampleBlackSequence                  no
12302         0x0608   TransferSequence                     no
12303         0x060e   DacCountsPerVolt                     no
12304         0x060f   BlackDacChannel                      no
12305         0x0610   BlackAdCountsPerDacVolt              no
12306         0x0611   BlackTarget                          no
12307         0x0612   BlackDacSettlingMsec                 no
12308         0x07d0   StandardMatrixDaylight               rational64s[9]
12309         0x07d1   StandardMatrixTungsten               rational64s[9]
12310         0x07d2   StandardMatrixFluorescent            rational64s[9]
12311         0x07d3   StandardMatrixFlash                  rational64s[9]
12312         0x07d4   StandardMatrixCustom                 rational64s[9]
12313         0x07da   DeviantMatrixDaylight                rational64s[9]
12314         0x07db   DeviantMatrixTungsten                rational64s[9]
12315         0x07dc   DeviantMatrixFluorescent             rational64s[9]
12316         0x07dd   DeviantMatrixFlash                   rational64s[9]
12317         0x07de   DeviantMatrixCustom                  rational64s[9]
12318         0x07e4   UniqueMatrixDaylight                 rational64s[9]
12319         0x07e5   UniqueMatrixTungsten                 rational64s[9]
12320         0x07e6   UniqueMatrixFluorescent              rational64s[9]
12321         0x07e7   UniqueMatrixFlash                    rational64s[9]
12322         0x07e8   UniqueMatrixCustom                   rational64s[9]
12323         0x07e9   UniqueMatrixAuto                     rational64s[9]
12324         0x0834   StandardWhiteDaylight                rational64s[3]
12325         0x0835   StandardWhiteTungsten                rational64s[3]
12326         0x0836   StandardWhiteFluorescent             rational64s[3]
12327         0x0837   StandardWhiteFlash                   rational64s[3]
12328         0x0838   StandardWhiteCustom                  rational64s[3]
12329         0x083e   DeviantWhiteDaylight                 rational64s[3]
12330         0x083f   DeviantWhiteTungsten                 rational64s[3]
12331         0x0840   DeviantWhiteFluorescent              rational64s[3]
12332         0x0841   DeviantWhiteFlash                    rational64s[3]
12333         0x0842   DeviantWhiteCustom                   rational64s[3]
12334         0x0846   ColorTemperature                     int16u
12335         0x0847   WB_RGBLevelsAsShot                   no
12336         0x0848   WB_RGBLevelsDaylight                 no
12337         0x0849   WB_RGBLevelsTungsten                 no
12338         0x084a   WB_RGBLevelsFluorescent              no
12339         0x084b   WB_RGBLevelsFlash                    no
12340         0x084c   WB_RGBLevelsCustom                   no
12341         0x084d   WB_RGBLevelsAuto                     no
12342         0x0852   WB_RGBMulDaylight                    rational64u[3]
12343         0x0853   WB_RGBMulTungsten                    rational64u[3]
12344         0x0854   WB_RGBMulFluorescent                 rational64u[3]
12345         0x0855   WB_RGBMulFlash                       rational64u[3]
12346         0x085c   WB_RGBCoeffsDaylight                 no
12347         0x085d   WB_RGBCoeffsTungsten                 no
12348         0x085e   WB_RGBCoeffsFluorescent              no
12349         0x085f   WB_RGBCoeffsFlash                    no
12350         0x0898   ExposureGainDaylight                 rational64s
12351         0x0899   ExposureGainTungsten                 rational64s
12352         0x089a   ExposureGainFluorescent              rational64s
12353         0x089b   ExposureGainFlash                    rational64s
12354         0x089c   ExposureGainCustom                   rational64s
12355         0x089d   AnalogISOTable                       rational64u[3]
12356         0x089e   AnalogCaptureISO                     int32u
12357         0x089f   ISOCalibrationGain                   rational64u
12358         0x08a0   ISOCalibrationGainTable              no
12359         0x08a1   ExposureHeadroomFactor               no
12360         0x08ab   LinearitySplineTags                  no
12361         0x08fc   MonitorMatrix                        rational64s[9]
12362         0x08fd   TonScaleTable                        no
12363         0x08fe   Gamma                                rational64u
12364         0x08ff   LogLinTable                          no
12365         0x0900   LinLogTable                          no
12366         0x0901   GammaTable                           no
12367         0x0902   LogScale                             rational64u
12368         0x0903   BaseISO                              rational64u
12369         0x0904   LinLogCoring                         int16u
12370         0x0905   PatternGainConversionTable           no
12371         0x0906   DefectCount                          no
12372         0x0907   DefectList                           no
12373         0x0908   DefectListPacked                     no
12374         0x0909   ImageSpace                           int16u
12375         0x090a   ThumbnailCompressionTable            no
12376         0x090b   ThumbnailExpansionTable              no
12377         0x090c   ImageCompressionTable                no
12378         0x090d   ImageExpansionTable                  no
12379         0x090e   EighteenPercentPoint                 no
12380         0x090f   DefectIsoCode                        int16u
12381         0x0910   BaseISODaylight                      rational64u
12382         0x0911   BaseISOTungsten                      rational64u
12383         0x0912   BaseISOFluorescent                   rational64u
12384         0x0913   BaseISOFlash                         rational64u
12385         0x091a   MatrixSelectThreshold                int16s
12386         0x091b   MatrixSelectK                        rational64u
12387         0x091c   IlluminantDetectTable                no
12388         0x091d   RGTable                              no
12389         0x091e   MatrixSelectThreshold1               int16s
12390         0x091f   MatrixSelectThreshold2               int16s
12391         0x0924   PortraitMatrix                       no
12392         0x0925   PortraitToneScaleTable               no
12393         0x092e   EnableSharpening                     int16u
12394         0x092f   SharpeningKernel                     int16s[25]
12395         0x0930   EdgeMapSlope                         int16u
12396         0x0931   EdgeMapX1                            int16u
12397         0x0932   EdgeMapX2                            int16u
12398         0x0933   KernelDenominators                   int16u[3]
12399         0x0934   EdgeMapX3                            int16u
12400         0x0935   EdgeMapX4                            int16u
12401         0x0936   SharpenForThumbnail                  no
12402         0x0937   EdgeSpline                           no
12403         0x0938   DownSampleBy2Hor                     no
12404         0x0939   DownSampleBy2Ver                     no
12405         0x093a   DownSampleBy4Hor                     no
12406         0x093b   DownSampleBy4Ver                     no
12407         0x093c   DownSampleBy3Hor                     no
12408         0x093d   DownSampleBy3Ver                     no
12409         0x093e   DownSampleBy6Hor                     no
12410         0x093f   DownSampleBy6Ver                     no
12411         0x0940   DownSampleBy2Hor3MPdcr               no
12412         0x0941   DownSampleBy2Ver3MPdcr               no
12413         0x0942   ThumbnailResizeRatio                 no
12414         0x0943   AtCaptureUserCrop                    int32u[4]
12415         0x0944   ImageResolution                      int32u
12416         0x0945   ImageResolutionJpg                   int32u
12417         0x094c   USMParametersLow                     no
12418         0x094d   USMParametersMed                     no
12419         0x094e   USMParametersHigh                    no
12420         0x094f   USMParametersHost                    no
12421         0x0950   EdgeSplineLow                        no
12422         0x0951   EdgeSplineMed                        no
12423         0x0952   EdgeSplineHigh                       no
12424         0x0953   USMParametersHost6MP                 no
12425         0x0954   USMParametersHost3MP                 no
12426         0x0960   PatternImagerWidth                   int16u
12427         0x0961   PatternImagerHeight                  int16u
12428         0x0962   PatternAreaWidth                     int16u
12429         0x0963   PatternAreaHeight                    int16u
12430         0x0964   PatternCorrectionGains               no
12431         0x0965   PatternCorrectionOffsets             no
12432         0x0966   PatternX                             int16u
12433         0x0967   PatternY                             int16u
12434         0x0968   PatternCorrectionFactors             no
12435         0x0969   PatternCorrectionFactorScale         int16u
12436         0x096a   PatternCropRows1                     int16u
12437         0x096b   PatternCropRows2                     int16u
12438         0x096c   PatternCropCols1                     int16u
12439         0x096d   PatternCropCols2                     int16u
12440         0x096e   PixelCorrectionGains                 no
12441         0x096f   StitchRows                           no
12442         0x0970   StitchColumns                        no
12443         0x0971   PixelCorrectionScale                 int16u
12444         0x0972   PixelCorrectionOffset                int16u
12445         0x0988   LensTableIndex                       no
12446         0x0992   DiffTileGains602832                  no
12447         0x0993   DiffTileGains24t852822               no
12448         0x099c   TileGainDeterminationTable           no
12449         0x099d   NemoBlurKernel                       no
12450         0x099e   NemoTileSize                         no
12451         0x099f   NemoGainFactors                      no
12452         0x09a0   NemoDarkLimit                        no
12453         0x09a1   NemoHighlight12Limit                 no
12454         0x09c4   ImagerFileProductionLevel            int16u
12455         0x09c5   ImagerFileDateCreated                int32u
12456         0x09c6   CalibrationVersion                   string
12457         0x09c7   ImagerFileTagsVersionStandard        int16u
12458         0x09c8   IFCameraModel                        string
12459         0x09c9   CalibrationHistory                   string
12460         0x09ca   CalibrationLog                       no
12461         0x09ce   SensorSerialNumber                   string
12462         0x09f6   DefectConcealArtCorrectThres         no
12463         0x09f7   SglColDCACThres1                     no
12464         0x09f8   SglColDCACThres2                     no
12465         0x09f9   SglColDCACTHres3                     no
12466         0x0a01   DblColDCACThres1                     no
12467         0x0a02   DblColDCACThres2                     no
12468         0x0a0a   DefectConcealThresTable              no
12469         0x0a28   MonoUniqueMatrix                     no
12470         0x0a29   MonoMonitorMatrix                    no
12471         0x0a2a   MonoToneScaleTable                   no
12472         0x0a5a   OmenInitialScaling                   no
12473         0x0a5b   OmenInitialRows                      no
12474         0x0a5c   OmenInitialColumns                   no
12475         0x0a5d   OmenInitialIPFStrength               int32s[4]
12476         0x0a5e   OmenEarlyStrength                    int32s[4]
12477         0x0a5f   OmenAutoStrength                     int32s[4]
12478         0x0a60   OmenAtCaptureStrength                int32s[4]
12479         0x0a61   OmenAtCaptureMode                    no
12480         0x0a62   OmenFocalLengthLimit                 int16s
12481         0x0a64   OmenSurfaceIndex                     int16s
12482         0x0a65   OmenPercentToRationalLimitsRed       no
12483         0x0a66   OmenPercentToRationalLimitsGoR       no
12484         0x0a67   OmenPercentToRationalLimitsBlue      no
12485         0x0a68   OmenPercentToRationalLimitsGoB       no
12486         0x0a6e   OmenEarlyGoBSurface                  no
12487         0x0a6f   OmenEarlyGoBRows                     no
12488         0x0a70   OmenEarlyGoBColumns                  no
12489         0x0a73   OmenSmoothingKernel                  no
12490         0x0a74   OmenGradientOffset                   no
12491         0x0a75   OmenGradientKernel                   no
12492         0x0a76   OmenGradientKernelTaps               no
12493         0x0a77   OmenRatioClipFactors                 no
12494         0x0a78   OmenRatioExclusionFactors            no
12495         0x0a79   OmenGradientExclusionLimits          no
12496         0x0a7a   OmenROICoordinates                   no
12497         0x0a7b   OmenROICoefficients                  no
12498         0x0a7c   OmenRangeWeighting                   no
12499         0x0a7d   OmenMeanToStrength                   no
12500         0x0bb8   FactoryWhiteGainsDaylight            no
12501         0x0bb9   FactoryWhiteOffsetsDaylight          no
12502         0x0bba   DacGainsCoarse                       no
12503         0x0bbb   DacGainsFine                         no
12504         0x0bbc   DigitalExposureGains                 no
12505         0x0bbd   DigitalExposureBiases                no
12506         0x0bbe   BlackClamp                           no
12507         0x0bbf   ChannelCoarseGainAdjust              no
12508         0x0bc0   BlackClampOffset                     no
12509         0x0bf4   DMPixelThresholdFactor               no
12510         0x0bf5   DMWindowThresholdFactor              no
12511         0x0bf6   DMTrimFraction                       no
12512         0x0bf7   DMSmoothRejThresh                    no
12513         0x0bf8   DMFillRejThresh                      no
12514         0x0bf9   VMWsize                              no
12515         0x0bfa   DMErodeRadius                        no
12516         0x0bfb   DMNumPatches                         no
12517         0x0bfc   DMNoiseScale                         no
12518         0x0bfe   BrightDefectThreshold                no
12519         0x0bff   BrightDefectIntegrationMS            no
12520         0x0c00   BrightDefectIsoCode                  no
12521         0x0c03   TopDarkRow1                          no
12522         0x0c04   TopDarkRow2                          no
12523         0x0c05   BottomDarkRow1                       no
12524         0x0c06   BottomDarkRow2                       no
12525         0x0c07   LeftDarkCol1                         no
12526         0x0c08   LeftDarkCol2                         no
12527         0x0c09   RightDarkCol1                        no
12528         0x0c0a   RightDarkCol2                        no
12529         0x0c0b   HMPixThresh                          no
12530         0x0c0c   HMColThresh                          no
12531         0x0c0d   HMWsize                              no
12532         0x0c0e   HMColRejThresh                       no
12533         0x0c0f   VMPixThresh                          no
12534         0x0c10   VMColThresh                          no
12535         0x0c11   VMNbands                             no
12536         0x0c12   VMColDropThresh                      no
12537         0x0c13   VMPatchResLimit                      no
12538         0x0c14   MapScale                             no
12539         0x0c1c   Klut                                 no
12540         0x0c1d   RimNonlinearity                      no
12541         0x0c1e   InverseRimNonlinearity               no
12542         0x0c1f   RembrandtToneScale                   no
12543         0x0c20   RimToNifColorTransform               no
12544         0x0c21   RimToNifScaleFactor                  no
12545         0x0c22   NifNonlinearity                      no
12546         0x0c23   SBALogTransform                      no
12547         0x0c24   InverseSBALogTransform               no
12548         0x0c25   SBABlack                             int16u
12549         0x0c26   SBAGray                              int16u
12550         0x0c27   SBAWhite                             int16u
12551         0x0c28   GaussianWeights                      no
12552         0x0c29   SfsBoundary                          no
12553         0x0c2a   CoringTableBest                      no
12554         0x0c2b   CoringTableBetter                    no
12555         0x0c2c   CoringTableGood                      no
12556         0x0c2d   ExposureReferenceGain                no
12557         0x0c2e   ExposureReferenceOffset              no
12558         0x0c2f   SBARedBalanceLut                     no
12559         0x0c30   SBAGreenBalanceLut                   no
12560         0x0c31   SBABlueBalanceLut                    no
12561         0x0c32   SBANeutralBAL                        int32s
12562         0x0c33   SBAGreenMagentaBAL                   int32s
12563         0x0c34   SBAIlluminantBAL                     int32s
12564         0x0c35   SBAAnalysisComplete                  int8u
12565         0x0c36   JPEGQTableBest                       no
12566         0x0c37   JPEGQTableBetter                     no
12567         0x0c38   JPEGQTableGood                       no
12568         0x0c39   RembrandtPortraitToneScale           no
12569         0x0c3a   RembrandtConsumerToneScale           no
12570         0x0c3b   CFAGreenThreshold1                   no
12571         0x0c3c   CFAGreenThreshold2                   no
12572         0x0c3d   QTableLarge50Pct                     no
12573         0x0c3e   QTableLarge67Pct                     no
12574         0x0c3f   QTableLarge100Pct                    no
12575         0x0c40   QTableMedium50Pct                    no
12576         0x0c41   QTableMedium67Pct                    no
12577         0x0c42   QTableMedium100Pct                   no
12578         0x0c43   QTableSmall50Pct                     no
12579         0x0c44   QTableSmall67Pct                     no
12580         0x0c45   QTableSmall100Pct                    no
12581         0x0c46   SBAHighGray                          int16u
12582         0x0c47   SBALowGray                           int16u
12583         0x0c48   CaptureLook                          int16u
12584         0x0c49   SBAIllOffset                         int16s
12585         0x0c4a   SBAGmOffset                          int16s
12586         0x0c4b   NifNonlinearity12Bit                 no
12587         0x0c4c   SharpeningOn                         no
12588         0x0c4d   NifNonlinearity16Bit                 no
12589         0x0c4e   RawHistogram                         no
12590         0x0c4f   RawCFAComponentAverages              no
12591         0x0c50   DisableFlagsPresent                  no
12592         0x0c51   DelayCols                            no
12593         0x0c52   DummyColsLeft                        no
12594         0x0c53   TrashColsRight                       no
12595         0x0c54   BlackColsRight                       no
12596         0x0c55   DummyColsRight                       no
12597         0x0c56   OverClockColsRight                   no
12598         0x0c57   UnusedBlackRowsTopOut                no
12599         0x0c58   TrashRowsBottom                      no
12600         0x0c59   BlackRowsBottom                      no
12601         0x0c5a   OverClockRowsBottom                  no
12602         0x0c5b   BlackColsLeft                        no
12603         0x0c5c   BlackRowsTop                         no
12604         0x0c5d   PartialActiveColsLeft                no
12605         0x0c5e   PartialActiveColsRight               no
12606         0x0c5f   PartialActiveRowsTop                 no
12607         0x0c60   PartialActiveRowsBottom              no
12608         0x0c61   ProcessBorderColsLeft                int16u
12609         0x0c62   ProcessBorderColsRight               int16u
12610         0x0c63   ProcessBorderRowsTop                 int16u
12611         0x0c64   ProcessBorderRowsBottom              int16u
12612         0x0c65   ActiveCols                           no
12613         0x0c66   ActiveRows                           no
12614         0x0c67   FirstLines                           no
12615         0x0c68   UnusedBlackRowsTopIn                 no
12616         0x0c69   UnusedBlackRowsBottomIn              no
12617         0x0c6a   UnusedBlackRowsBottomOut             no
12618         0x0c6b   UnusedBlackColsLeftOut               no
12619         0x0c6c   UnusedBlackColsLeftIn                no
12620         0x0c6d   UnusedBlackColsRightIn               no
12621         0x0c6e   UnusedBlackColsRightOut              no
12622         0x0c6f   CFAOffsetRows                        int32u
12623         0x0c70   ShiftCols                            int16s
12624         0x0c71   CFAOffsetCols                        int32u
12625         0x0c76   DarkMapScale                         no
12626         0x0c77   HMapHandling                         no
12627         0x0c78   VMapHandling                         no
12628         0x0c79   DarkThreshold                        no
12629         0x0c7a   DMDitherMatrix                       int16u
12630         0x0c7b   DMDitherMatrixWidth                  int16u
12631         0x0c7c   DMDitherMatrixHeight                 int16u
12632         0x0c7d   MaxPixelValueThreshold               int16u
12633         0x0c7e   HoleFillDeltaThreshold               int16u
12634         0x0c7f   DarkPedestal                         int16u
12635         0x0c80   ImageProcessingFileTagsVersionNumber int16u
12636         0x0c81   ImageProcessingFileDateCreated       string
12637         0x0c82   DoublingMicrovolts                   int32s
12638         0x0c83   DarkFrameShortExposure               int32u
12639         0x0c84   DarkFrameLongExposure                int32u
12640         0x0c85   DarkFrameCountFactor                 rational64u
12641         0x0c88   HoleFillDarkDeltaThreshold           int16u
12642         0x0c89   FarkleWhiteThreshold                 no
12643         0x0c8a   ColumnResetOffsets                   no
12644         0x0c8b   ColumnGainFactors                    no
12645         0x0c8c   Channel0LagKernel                    no
12646         0x0c8d   Channel1LagKernel                    no
12647         0x0c8e   Channel2LagKernel                    no
12648         0x0c8f   Channel3LagKernel                    no
12649         0x0c90   BluegrassTable                       no
12650         0x0c91   BluegrassScale1                      no
12651         0x0c92   BluegrassScale2                      no
12652         0x0ce4   FinishedFileProcessingRequest        no
12653         0x0ce5   FirmwareVersion                      string
12654         0x0ce6   HostSoftwareExportVersion            no
12655         0x0ce7   HostSoftwareRendering                int32u
12656         0x0dac   DCS3XXProcessingInfoIFD              no
12657         0x0dad   DCS3XXProcessingInfo                 no
12658         0x0dae   IPAVersion                           int32u
12659         0x0db6   FinishIPAVersion                     no
12660         0x0db7   FinishIPFVersion                     no
12661         0x0db8   FinishFileType                       int32u
12662         0x0db9   FinishResolution                     int32u
12663         0x0dba   FinishNoise                          int32u
12664         0x0dbb   FinishSharpening                     int32u
12665         0x0dbc   FinishLook                           int32u
12666         0x0dbd   FinishExposure                       int32u
12667         0x0e0b   SigmaScalingFactorLowRes             rational64u
12668         0x0e0c   SigmaScalingFactorCamera             rational64u
12669         0x0e0d   SigmaImpulseParameters               int16u[n]
12670         0x0e0e   SigmaNoiseThreshTableV2              no
12671         0x0e0f   SigmaSizeTable                       int16u[n]
12672         0x0e10   DacGainsCoarseAdjPreIF41             no
12673         0x0e11   SigmaNoiseFilterCalTableV1           no
12674         0x0e12   SigmaNoiseFilterTableV1              no
12675         0x0e13   Lin12ToKlut8                         no
12676         0x0e14   SigmaNoiseFilterTableV1Version       no
12677         0x0e15   Lin12ToKlut12                        no
12678         0x0e16   Klut12ToLin12                        no
12679         0x0e17   NifNonlinearity12To16                no
12680         0x0e18   SBALog12Transform                    no
12681         0x0e19   InverseSBALog12Transform             no
12682         0x0e1a   ToneScale0                           no
12683         0x0e1b   ToneScale1                           no
12684         0x0e1c   ToneScale2                           no
12685         0x0e1d   ToneScale3                           no
12686         0x0e1e   ToneScale4                           no
12687         0x0e1f   ToneScale5                           no
12688         0x0e20   ToneScale6                           no
12689         0x0e21   ToneScale7                           no
12690         0x0e22   ToneScale8                           no
12691         0x0e23   ToneScale9                           no
12692         0x0e24   DayMat0                              no
12693         0x0e25   DayMat1                              no
12694         0x0e26   DayMat2                              no
12695         0x0e27   DayMat3                              no
12696         0x0e28   DayMat4                              no
12697         0x0e29   DayMat5                              no
12698         0x0e2a   DayMat6                              no
12699         0x0e2b   DayMat7                              no
12700         0x0e2c   DayMat8                              no
12701         0x0e2d   DayMat9                              no
12702         0x0e2e   TungMat0                             no
12703         0x0e2f   TungMat1                             no
12704         0x0e30   TungMat2                             no
12705         0x0e31   TungMat3                             no
12706         0x0e32   TungMat4                             no
12707         0x0e33   TungMat5                             no
12708         0x0e34   TungMat6                             no
12709         0x0e35   TungMat7                             no
12710         0x0e36   TungMat8                             no
12711         0x0e37   TungMat9                             no
12712         0x0e38   FluorMat0                            no
12713         0x0e39   FluorMat1                            no
12714         0x0e3a   FluorMat2                            no
12715         0x0e3b   FluorMat3                            no
12716         0x0e3c   FluorMat4                            no
12717         0x0e3d   FluorMat5                            no
12718         0x0e3e   FluorMat6                            no
12719         0x0e3f   FluorMat7                            no
12720         0x0e40   FluorMat8                            no
12721         0x0e41   FluorMat9                            no
12722         0x0e42   FlashMat0                            no
12723         0x0e43   FlashMat1                            no
12724         0x0e44   FlashMat2                            no
12725         0x0e45   FlashMat3                            no
12726         0x0e46   FlashMat4                            no
12727         0x0e47   FlashMat5                            no
12728         0x0e48   FlashMat6                            no
12729         0x0e49   FlashMat7                            no
12730         0x0e4a   FlashMat8                            no
12731         0x0e4b   FlashMat9                            no
12732         0x0e4c   KodakLook                            string
12733         0x0e4d   IPFCameraModel                       string
12734         0x0e4e   AH2GreenInterpolationThreshold       int16u
12735         0x0e4f   ResamplingKernelDenominators067      int16u[3]
12736         0x0e50   ResamplingKernelDenominators050      int16u[3]
12737         0x0e51   ResamplingKernelDenominators100      int16u[3]
12738         0x0e56   LookMat0                             no
12739         0x0e57   LookMat1                             no
12740         0x0e58   LookMat2                             no
12741         0x0e59   LookMat3                             no
12742         0x0e5a   LookMat4                             no
12743         0x0e5b   LookMat5                             no
12744         0x0e5c   LookMat6                             no
12745         0x0e5d   LookMat7                             no
12746         0x0e5e   LookMat8                             no
12747         0x0e5f   LookMat9                             no
12748         0x0e60   CFAInterpolationAlgorithm            int16u
12749         0x0e61   CFAInterpolationMetric               int16u
12750         0x0e62   CFAZipperFixThreshold                int16u
12751         0x0e63   NoiseReductionParametersKhufuRGB     int16u[9]
12752         0x0e64   NoiseReductionParametersKhufu6MP     int16u[9]
12753         0x0e65   NoiseReductionParametersKhufu3MP     int16u[9]
12754         0x0e6a   ChromaNoiseHighFThresh               int32u[2]
12755         0x0e6b   ChromaNoiseLowFThresh                int32u[2]
12756         0x0e6c   ChromaNoiseEdgeMapThresh             int32u
12757         0x0e6d   ChromaNoiseColorSpace                int32u
12758         0x0e6e   EnableChromaNoiseReduction           int16u
12759         0x0e6f   NoiseReductionParametersHostRGB      int16u[9]
12760         0x0e70   NoiseReductionParametersHost6MP      int16u[9]
12761         0x0e71   NoiseReductionParametersHost3MP      int16u[9]
12762         0x0e72   NoiseReductionParametersCamera       int16u[6]
12763         0x0e73   NoiseReductionParametersAtCapture    int16u[6]
12764         0x0e74   LCDMatrix                            rational64s[9]
12765         0x0e75   LCDMatrixChickFix                    rational64s[9]
12766         0x0e76   LCDMatrixMarvin                      rational64s[9]
12767         0x0e7c   LCDGammaTableChickFix                no
12768         0x0e7d   LCDGammaTableMarvin                  no
12769         0x0e7e   LCDGammaTable                        no
12770         0x0e7f   LCDSharpeningF1                      no
12771         0x0e80   LCDSharpeningF2                      no
12772         0x0e81   LCDSharpeningF3                      no
12773         0x0e82   LCDSharpeningF4                      no
12774         0x0e83   LCDEdgeMapX1                         no
12775         0x0e84   LCDEdgeMapX2                         no
12776         0x0e85   LCDEdgeMapX3                         no
12777         0x0e86   LCDEdgeMapX4                         no
12778         0x0e87   LCDEdgeMapSlope                      no
12779         0x0e88   YCrCbMatrix                          no
12780         0x0e89   LCDEdgeSpline                        no
12781         0x0e92   Fac18Per                             int16u
12782         0x0e93   Fac170Per                            int16u
12783         0x0e94   Fac100Per                            int16u
12784         0x0e9b   ExtraTickLocations                   no
12785         0x0e9c   RGBtoeV0                             no
12786         0x0e9d   RGBtoeV1                             no
12787         0x0e9e   RGBtoeV2                             no
12788         0x0e9f   RGBtoeV3                             no
12789         0x0ea0   RGBtoeV4                             no
12790         0x0ea1   RGBtoeV5                             no
12791         0x0ea2   RGBtoeV6                             no
12792         0x0ea3   RGBtoeV7                             no
12793         0x0ea4   RGBtoeV8                             no
12794         0x0ea5   RGBtoeV9                             no
12795         0x0ea6   LCDHistLUT0                          no
12796         0x0ea7   LCDHistLUT1                          no
12797         0x0ea8   LCDHistLUT2                          no
12798         0x0ea9   LCDHistLUT3                          no
12799         0x0eaa   LCDHistLUT4                          no
12800         0x0eab   LCDHistLUT5                          no
12801         0x0eac   LCDHistLUT6                          no
12802         0x0ead   LCDHistLUT7                          no
12803         0x0eae   LCDHistLUT8                          no
12804         0x0eaf   LCDHistLUT9                          no
12805         0x0eb0   LCDLinearClipValue                   no
12806         0x0ece   LCDStepYvalues                       no
12807         0x0ecf   LCDStepYvaluesChickFix               no
12808         0x0ed0   LCDStepYvaluesMarvin                 no
12809         0x0ed8   InterpolationCoefficients            no
12810         0x0ed9   InterpolationCoefficients6MP         no
12811         0x0eda   InterpolationCoefficients3MP         no
12812         0x0f00   NoiseReductionParametersHostNormal   no
12813         0x0f01   NoiseReductionParametersHostStrong   no
12814         0x0f02   NoiseReductionParametersHostLow      no
12815         0x0f0a   MariahTextureThreshold               int16u
12816         0x0f0b   MariahMapLoThreshold                 int16u
12817         0x0f0c   MariahMapHiThreshold                 int16u
12818         0x0f0d   MariahChromaBlurSize                 int16u
12819         0x0f0e   MariahSigmaThreshold                 int16u
12820         0x0f0f   MariahThresholds                     no
12821         0x0f10   MariahThresholdsNormal               no
12822         0x0f11   MariahThresholdsStrong               no
12823         0x0f12   MariahThresholdsLow                  no
12824         0x0f14   KhufuLinearRedMixingCoefficient      no
12825         0x0f15   KhufuLinearGreenMixingCoefficient    no
12826         0x0f16   KhufuLinearBlueMixingCoefficient     no
12827         0x0f17   KhufuUSpaceC2MixingCoefficient       no
12828         0x0f18   KhufuSigmaGaussianWeights            no
12829         0x0f19   KhufuSigmaScalingFactors6MP          no
12830         0x0f1a   KhufuSigmaScalingFactors3MP          no
12831         0x0f1b   KhufuSigmaScalingFactors14MP         no
12832         0x0f32   KhufuI0Thresholds                    no
12833         0x0f33   KhufuI1Thresholds                    no
12834         0x0f34   KhufuI2Thresholds                    no
12835         0x0f35   KhufuI3Thresholds                    no
12836         0x0f36   KhufuI4Thresholds                    no
12837         0x0f37   KhufuI5Thresholds                    no
12838         0x0f3c   CondadoDayBVThresh                   int16u
12839         0x0f3d   CondadoNeuRange                      int16u
12840         0x0f3e   CondadoBVFactor                      int16s
12841         0x0f3f   CondadoIllFactor                     int16s
12842         0x0f40   CondadoTunThresh                     int16s
12843         0x0f41   CondadoFluThresh                     int16s
12844         0x0f42   CondadoDayOffsets                    int16s[2]
12845         0x0f43   CondadoTunOffsets                    int16s[2]
12846         0x0f44   CondadoFluOffsets                    int16s[2]
12847         0x0f5a   ERIMMToCRGB0Spline                   no
12848         0x0f5b   ERIMMToCRGB1Spline                   no
12849         0x0f5c   ERIMMToCRGB2Spline                   no
12850         0x0f5d   ERIMMToCRGB3Spline                   no
12851         0x0f5e   ERIMMToCRGB4Spline                   no
12852         0x0f5f   ERIMMToCRGB5Spline                   no
12853         0x0f60   ERIMMToCRGB6Spline                   no
12854         0x0f61   ERIMMToCRGB7Spline                   no
12855         0x0f62   ERIMMToCRGB8Spline                   no
12856         0x0f63   ERIMMToCRGB9Spline                   no
12857         0x0f64   CRGBToERIMM0Spline                   no
12858         0x0f65   CRGBToERIMM1Spline                   no
12859         0x0f66   CRGBToERIMM2Spline                   no
12860         0x0f67   CRGBToERIMM3Spline                   no
12861         0x0f68   CRGBToERIMM4Spline                   no
12862         0x0f69   CRGBToERIMM5Spline                   no
12863         0x0f6a   CRGBToERIMM6Spline                   no
12864         0x0f6b   CRGBToERIMM7Spline                   no
12865         0x0f6c   CRGBToERIMM8Spline                   no
12866         0x0f6d   CRGBToERIMM9Spline                   no
12867         0x0f6e   ERIMMNonLinearitySpline              no
12868         0x0f6f   Delta12To8Spline                     no
12869         0x0f70   Delta8To12Spline                     no
12870         0x0f71   InverseMonitorMatrix                 no
12871         0x0f72   NifNonlinearityExt                   no
12872         0x0f73   InvNifNonLinearity                   no
12873         0x0f74   RIMM13ToERIMM12Spline                no
12874         0x0f78   ToneScale0Spline                     no
12875         0x0f79   ToneScale1Spline                     no
12876         0x0f7a   ToneScale2Spline                     no
12877         0x0f7b   ToneScale3Spline                     no
12878         0x0f7c   ToneScale4Spline                     no
12879         0x0f7d   ToneScale5Spline                     no
12880         0x0f7e   ToneScale6Spline                     no
12881         0x0f7f   ToneScale7Spline                     no
12882         0x0f80   ToneScale8Spline                     no
12883         0x0f81   ToneScale9Spline                     no
12884         0x0f82   ERIMMToneScale0Spline                no
12885         0x0f83   ERIMMToneScale1Spline                no
12886         0x0f84   ERIMMToneScale2Spline                no
12887         0x0f85   ERIMMToneScale3Spline                no
12888         0x0f86   ERIMMToneScale4Spline                no
12889         0x0f87   ERIMMToneScale5Spline                no
12890         0x0f88   ERIMMToneScale6Spline                no
12891         0x0f89   ERIMMToneScale7Spline                no
12892         0x0f8a   ERIMMToneScale8Spline                no
12893         0x0f8b   ERIMMToneScale9Spline                no
12894         0x0f8c   RIMMToCRGB0Spline                    no
12895         0x0f8d   RIMMToCRGB1Spline                    no
12896         0x0f8e   RIMMToCRGB2Spline                    no
12897         0x0f8f   RIMMToCRGB3Spline                    no
12898         0x0f90   RIMMToCRGB4Spline                    no
12899         0x0f91   RIMMToCRGB5Spline                    no
12900         0x0f92   RIMMToCRGB6Spline                    no
12901         0x0f93   RIMMToCRGB7Spline                    no
12902         0x0f94   RIMMToCRGB8Spline                    no
12903         0x0f95   RIMMToCRGB9Spline                    no
12904         0x0fa0   QTableLarge25Pct                     no
12905         0x0fa1   QTableMedium25Pct                    no
12906         0x0fa2   QTableSmall25Pct                     no
12907         0x1130   NoiseReductionKernel                 no
12908         0x1388   UserMetaData                         no
12909         0x1389   InputProfile                         undef
12910         0x138a   KodakLookProfile                     undef
12911         0x138b   OutputProfile                        undef
12912         0x1390   SourceProfilePrefix                  string
12913         0x1391   ToneCurveProfileName                 string
12914         0x1392   InputProfile                         ICC_Profile
12915         0x1393   ProcessParametersV2                  no
12916         0x1394   ReservedBlob2                        no
12917         0x1395   ReservedBlob3                        no
12918         0x1396   ReservedBlob4                        no
12919         0x1397   ReservedBlob5                        no
12920         0x1398   ReservedBlob6                        no
12921         0x1399   ReservedBlob7                        no
12922         0x139a   ReservedBlob8                        no
12923         0x139b   ReservedBlob9                        no
12924         0x1770   ScriptVersion                        int32u
12925         0x177a   ImagerTimingData                     no
12926         0x1784   ISO                                  int32u
12927         0x17a2   Scav11Cols                           no
12928         0x17a3   Scav12Cols                           no
12929         0x17a4   Scav21Cols                           no
12930         0x17a5   Scav22Cols                           no
12931         0x17a6   ActiveCTEMonitor1Cols                no
12932         0x17a7   ActiveCTEMonitor2Cols                no
12933         0x17a8   ActiveCTEMonitorRows                 no
12934         0x17a9   ActiveBuf1Cols                       no
12935         0x17aa   ActiveBuf2Cols                       no
12936         0x17ab   ActiveBuf1Rows                       no
12937         0x17ac   ActiveBuf2Rows                       no
12938         0x17c0   HRNoiseLines                         no
12939         0x17c1   RNoiseLines                          no
12940         0x17c2   ANoiseLines                          no
12941         0x17d4   ImagerCols                           int16u
12942         0x17de   ImagerRows                           int16u
12943         0x17e8   PartialActiveCols1                   int32u
12944         0x17f2   PartialActiveCols2                   int32u
12945         0x17fc   PartialActiveRows1                   int32u
12946         0x1806   PartialActiveRows2                   int32u
12947         0x1810   ElectricalBlackColumns               int32u
12948         0x181a   ResetBlackSegRows                    int32u
12949         0x1838   CaptureWidthNormal                   int32u
12950         0x1839   CaptureHeightNormal                  int32u
12951         0x183a   CaptureWidthResetBlackSegNormal      no
12952         0x183b   CaptureHeightResetBlackSegNormal     no
12953         0x183c   DarkRefOffsetNormal                  no
12954         0x1842   CaptureWidthTest                     int32u
12955         0x1843   CaptureHeightTest                    no
12956         0x1844   CaptureWidthResetBlackSegTest        no
12957         0x1845   CaptureHeightResetBlackSegTest       no
12958         0x1846   DarkRefOffsetTest                    no
12959         0x184c   ImageSegmentStartLine                int32u
12960         0x184d   ImageSegmentLines                    int32u
12961         0x184e   SkipLineTime                         int32u
12962         0x1860   FastResetLineTime                    int32u
12963         0x186a   NormalLineTime                       int32u
12964         0x1874   MinIntegrationRows                   int32u
12965         0x187e   PreReadFastResetCount                int32u
12966         0x1888   TransferTimeNormal                   int32u
12967         0x1889   TransferTimeTest                     int32u
12968         0x188a   QuietTime                            int32u
12969         0x189c   OverClockCols                        int16u
12970         0x18a6   H2ResetBlackPixels                   int32u
12971         0x18b0   H3ResetBlackPixels                   int32u
12972         0x18ba   BlackAcquireRows                     int32u
12973         0x18c4   OverClockRows                        int16u
12974         0x18ce   H3ResetBlackColumns                  int32u
12975         0x18d8   DarkBlackSegRows                     int32u
12976         0x1900   CrossbarEnable                       no
12977         0x1901   FifoenOnePixelDelay                  int32u
12978         0x1902   ReadoutTypeRequested                 int32u
12979         0x1903   ReadoutTypeActual                    int32u
12980         0x190a   OffsetDacValue                       int32u
12981         0x1914   TempAmpGainX100                      int32u
12982         0x191e   VarrayDacNominalValues               int32u[3]
12983         0x1928   VddimDacNominalValues                no
12984         0x1964   C14Configuration                     int32u
12985         0x196e   TDA1Offset                           int32u[3]
12986         0x196f   TDA1Bandwidth                        int32u
12987         0x1970   TDA1Gain                             int32u[3]
12988         0x1971   TDA1EdgePolarity                     int32u
12989         0x1978   TDA2Offset                           int32u[3]
12990         0x1979   TDA2Bandwidth                        int32u
12991         0x197a   TDA2Gain                             int32u[3]
12992         0x197b   TDA2EdgePolarity                     int32u
12993         0x1982   TDA3Offset                           int32u[3]
12994         0x1983   TDA3Bandwidth                        int32u
12995         0x1984   TDA3Gain                             int32u[3]
12996         0x1985   TDA3EdgePolarity                     int32u
12997         0x198c   TDA4Offset                           int32u[3]
12998         0x198d   TDA4Bandwidth                        int32u
12999         0x198e   TDA4Gain                             int32u[3]
13000         0x198f   TDA4EdgePolarity                     int32u
13001         0xfde8   ComLenBlkSize                        int16u
13003       Kodak TextualInfo Tags
13005       Below is a list of tags which have been observed in the Kodak
13006       TextualInfo data, however ExifTool will extract information from any
13007       tags found here.
13009         Tag ID                Tag Name                Writable
13010         ------                --------                --------
13011         'AF Function'         AFMode                  no
13012         'Actual Compensation' ActualCompensation      no
13013         'Aperture'            Aperture                no
13014         'Auto Bracket'        AutoBracket             no
13015         'Brightness Value'    BrightnessValue         no
13016         'Camera'              CameraModel             no
13017         'Camera body'         CameraBody              no
13018         'Compensation'        ExposureCompensation    no
13019         'Date'                Date                    no
13020         'Exposure Bias'       ExposureBias            no
13021         'Exposure Mode'       ExposureMode            no
13022         'Firmware Version'    FirmwareVersion         no
13023         'Flash Compensation'  FlashExposureComp       no
13024         'Flash Fired'         FlashFired              no
13025         'Flash Sync Mode'     FlashSyncMode           no
13026         'Focal Length'        FocalLength             no
13027         'Height'              KodakImageHeight        no
13028         'ISO'                 ISO                     no
13029         'ISO Speed'           ISO                     no
13030         'Image Number'        ImageNumber             no
13031         'Lens'                Lens                    no
13032         'Max Aperture'        MaxAperture             no
13033         'Meter Mode'          MeterMode               no
13034         'Min Aperture'        MinAperture             no
13035         'Popup Flash'         PopupFlash              no
13036         'Serial Number'       SerialNumber            no
13037         'Shooting Mode'       ShootingMode            no
13038         'Shutter'             ShutterSpeed            no
13039         'Temperature'         Temperature             no
13040         'Time'                Time                    no
13041         'White balance'       WhiteBalance            no
13042         'Width'               KodakImageWidth         no
13043         '_other_info'         OtherInfo               no
13045       Kodak Processing Tags
13047         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
13048         ------   --------                             --------
13049            20    WB_RGBLevels                         no
13051       Kodak Type2 Tags
13053       These tags are used by the Kodak DC220, DC260, DC265 and DC290,
13054       Hewlett-Packard PhotoSmart 618, C500 and C912, Pentax EI-200 and
13055       EI-2000, and Minolta EX1500Z.
13057         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13058         ------   --------                             --------
13059             8    KodakMaker                           string[32]
13060            40    KodakModel                           string[32]
13061           108    KodakImageWidth                      int32u
13062           112    KodakImageHeight                     int32u
13064       Kodak Type3 Tags
13066       These tags are used by the DC240, DC280, DC3400 and DC5000.
13068         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13069         ------   --------                             --------
13070            12    YearCreated                          int16u
13071            14    MonthDayCreated                      int8u[2]
13072            16    TimeCreated                          int8u[4]
13073            30    OpticalZoom                          int16u
13074            55    Sharpness                            int8s
13075            56    ExposureTime                         int32u
13076            60    FNumber                              int16u
13077            78    ISO                                  int16u
13079       Kodak Type4 Tags
13081       These tags are used by the DC200 and DC215.
13083         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13084         ------   --------                             --------
13085            32    OriginalFileName                     string[12]
13087       Kodak Type5 Tags
13089       These tags are used by the CX4200, CX4210, CX4230, CX4300, CX4310,
13090       CX6200 and CX6230.
13092         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13093         ------   --------                             --------
13094            20    ExposureTime                         int32u
13095            26    WhiteBalance                         int8u
13096            28    FNumber                              int16u
13097            30    ISO                                  int16u
13098            32    OpticalZoom                          int16u
13099            34    DigitalZoom                          int16u
13100            39    FlashMode                            int8u
13101            42    ImageRotated                         int8u
13102            43    Macro                                int8u
13104       Kodak Type6 Tags
13106       These tags are used by the DX3215 and DX3700.
13108         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13109         ------   --------                             --------
13110            16    ExposureTime                         int32u
13111            20    ISOSetting?                          int32u
13112            24    FNumber                              int16u
13113            26    ISO                                  int16u
13114            28    OpticalZoom                          int16u
13115            30    DigitalZoom                          int16u
13116            34    Flash                                int16u
13118       Kodak Type7 Tags
13120       The maker notes of models such as the C340, C433, CC533, LS755, V803
13121       and V1003 seem to start with the camera serial number.  The C310, C315,
13122       C330, C643, C743, CD33, CD43, CX7220 and CX7300 maker notes are also
13123       decoded using this table, although the strings for these cameras don't
13124       conform to the usual Kodak serial number format, and instead have the
13125       model name followed by 8 digits.
13127         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13128         ------   --------                             --------
13129             0    SerialNumber                         string[16]
13131       Kodak Type8 Tags
13133       Kodak models such as the ZD710, P712, P850, P880, V1233, V1253, V1275,
13134       V1285, Z612, Z712, Z812, Z885 use standard TIFF IFD format for the
13135       maker notes.  In keeping with Kodak's strategy of inconsistent
13136       makernotes, models such as the M380, M1033, M1093, V1073, V1273, Z1012,
13137       Z1085 and Z8612 also use these tags, but these makernotes begin with a
13138       TIFF header instead of an IFD entry count and use relative instead of
13139       absolute offsets.  There is a large amount of information stored in
13140       these maker notes (apparently with much duplication), but relatively
13141       few tags have so far been decoded.
13143         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13144         ------   --------                             --------
13145         0xfc00   SubIFD0                              Kodak SubIFD0
13146                                                       Kodak SubIFD0
13147         0xfc01   SubIFD1                              Kodak SubIFD1
13148                                                       Kodak SubIFD1
13149         0xfc02   SubIFD2                              Kodak SubIFD2
13150                                                       Kodak SubIFD2
13151         0xfc03   SubIFD3                              Kodak SubIFD3
13152                                                       Kodak SubIFD3
13153         0xfc04   SubIFD4                              Kodak SubIFD4
13154                                                       Kodak SubIFD4
13155         0xfc05   SubIFD5                              Kodak SubIFD5
13156                                                       Kodak SubIFD5
13157         0xfc06   SubIFD6                              Kodak SubIFD6
13158                                                       Kodak SubIFD6
13159         0xfcff   SubIFD255                            Kodak SubIFD0
13160         0xff00   CameraInfo                           Kodak CameraInfo
13162       Kodak SubIFD0 Tags
13164       SubIFD0 through SubIFD5 tags are written a number of newer Kodak
13165       models.
13167         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13168         ------   --------                             --------
13169         0xfa02   SceneMode                            int16u
13170         0xfa19   SerialNumber                         string
13171         0xfa1d   KodakImageWidth                      int16u
13172         0xfa1e   KodakImageHeight                     int16u
13173         0xfa20   SensorWidth                          int16u
13174         0xfa21   SensorHeight                         int16u
13175         0xfa23   FNumber                              int16u
13176         0xfa24   ExposureTime                         int32u
13177         0xfa2e   ISO                                  int16u
13178         0xfa3d   OpticalZoom                          int16u
13179         0xfa46   ISO                                  int16u
13180         0xfa51   KodakImageWidth                      int16u
13181         0xfa52   KodakImageHeight                     int16u
13182         0xfa54   ThumbnailWidth                       int16u
13183         0xfa55   ThumbnailHeight                      int16u
13184         0xfa57   PreviewImageWidth                    int16u
13185         0xfa58   PreviewImageHeight                   int16u
13187       Kodak SubIFD1 Tags
13189         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13190         ------   --------                             --------
13191         0x0027   ISO                                  int16u
13192         0x0028   ISO                                  int16u
13194       Kodak SubIFD2 Tags
13196         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13197         ------   --------                             --------
13198         0x6002   SceneModeUsed                        int32u
13199         0x6006   OpticalZoom                          int32u
13200         0x6103   MaxAperture                          int32u
13201         0xf002   SceneModeUsed                        int32u
13202         0xf006   OpticalZoom                          int32u
13203         0xf103   FNumber                              int32u
13204         0xf104   ExposureTime                         int32u
13205         0xf105   ISO                                  int32u
13207       Kodak SubIFD3 Tags
13209         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13210         ------   --------                             --------
13211         0x1000   OpticalZoom                          int16u
13213       Kodak SubIFD4 Tags
13215         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13216         ------   --------                             --------
13217         [no tags known]
13219       Kodak SubIFD5 Tags
13221         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13222         ------   --------                             --------
13223         0x000f   OpticalZoom                          int16u
13225       Kodak SubIFD6 Tags
13227       SubIFD6 is written by the M580.
13229         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13230         ------   --------                             --------
13231         [no tags known]
13233       Kodak CameraInfo Tags
13235       These tags are used by the  P712, P850 and P880.
13237         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13238         ------   --------                             --------
13239         0xf900   SensorWidth                          int16u
13240         0xf901   SensorHeight                         int16u
13241         0xf902   BayerPattern                         string
13242         0xf903   SensorFullWidth                      int16u
13243         0xf904   SensorFullHeight                     int16u
13244         0xf907   KodakImageWidth                      int16u
13245         0xf908   KodakImageHeight                     int16u
13246         0xfa00   KodakInfoType                        string
13247         0xfa04   SerialNumber                         string
13248         0xfd04   FNumber                              int16u
13249         0xfd05   ExposureTime                         int32u
13250         0xfd06   ISO                                  int16u
13252       Kodak Type9 Tags
13254       These tags are used by the Kodak C140, C180, C913, C1013, M320, M340
13255       and M550, as well as various cameras marketed by other manufacturers.
13257         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13258         ------   --------                             --------
13259            12    FNumber                              int16u
13260            16    ExposureTime                         int32u
13261            20    DateTimeOriginal                     string[20]
13262            52    ISO                                  int16u
13263            87    FirmwareVersion                      string[16]
13264           168    UnknownNumber                        no
13265           196    UnknownNumber                        no
13267       Kodak Type10 Tags
13269       Another variation of the IFD-format type, this time with just a byte
13270       order indicator instead of a full TIFF header.  These tags are used by
13271       the Z980.
13273         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13274         ------   --------                             --------
13275         0x0002   PreviewImageSize                     int16u[2]
13276         0x0012   ExposureTime                         int32u
13277         0x0013   FNumber                              int16u
13278         0x0014   ISO                                  int16u
13279         0x001d   FocalLength                          int32u
13281       Kodak Type11 Tags
13283       These tags are found in models such as the PixPro S-1.  They are not
13284       writable because the inconsistency of Kodak maker notes is beginning to
13285       get on my nerves.
13287         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13288         ------   --------                             --------
13289         0x0104   FirmwareVersion                      no
13290         0x0203   PictureEffect                        no
13291         0x0207   KodakModel                           no
13292         0x0300   KodakMake                            no
13293         0x0308   LensSerialNumber                     no
13294         0x0309   LensModel                            no
13295         0x030d   LevelMeter?                          no
13296         0x0311   Pitch                                no
13297         0x0312   Yaw                                  no
13298         0x0313   Roll                                 no
13299         0x0314   CX?                                  no
13300         0x0315   CY?                                  no
13301         0x0316   Rads?                                no
13303       Kodak Unknown Tags
13305         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13306         ------   --------                             --------
13307         [no tags known]
13309       Kodak Meta Tags
13311       These tags are found in the APP3 "Meta" segment of JPEG images from
13312       Kodak cameras such as the DC280, DC3400, DC5000, MC3, M580, Z950 and
13313       Z981.  The structure of this segment is similar to the APP1 "Exif"
13314       segment, but a different set of tags is used.
13316         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13317         ------   --------                             --------
13318         0xc350   FilmProductCode                      no
13319         0xc351   ImageSourceEK                        no
13320         0xc352   CaptureConditionsPAR                 no
13321         0xc353   CameraOwner                          undef
13322         0xc354   SerialNumber                         undef
13323         0xc355   UserSelectGroupTitle                 no
13324         0xc356   DealerIDNumber                       no
13325         0xc357   CaptureDeviceFID                     no
13326         0xc358   EnvelopeNumber                       no
13327         0xc359   FrameNumber                          no
13328         0xc35a   FilmCategory                         no
13329         0xc35b   FilmGencode                          no
13330         0xc35c   ModelAndVersion                      no
13331         0xc35d   FilmSize                             no
13332         0xc35e   SBA_RGBShifts                        no
13333         0xc35f   SBAInputImageColorspace              no
13334         0xc360   SBAInputImageBitDepth                no
13335         0xc361   SBAExposureRecord                    no
13336         0xc362   UserAdjSBA_RGBShifts                 no
13337         0xc363   ImageRotationStatus                  no
13338         0xc364   RollGuidElements                     no
13339         0xc365   MetadataNumber                       no
13340         0xc366   EditTagArray                         no
13341         0xc367   Magnification                        no
13342         0xc36c   NativeXResolution                    no
13343         0xc36d   NativeYResolution                    no
13344         0xc36e   KodakEffectsIFD                      Kodak SpecialEffects
13345         0xc36f   KodakBordersIFD                      Kodak Borders
13346         0xc37a   NativeResolutionUnit                 no
13347         0xc418   SourceImageDirectory                 no
13348         0xc419   SourceImageFileName                  no
13349         0xc41a   SourceImageVolumeName                no
13350         0xc46c   PrintQuality                         no
13351         0xc46e   ImagePrintStatus                     no
13353       Kodak SpecialEffects Tags
13355       The Kodak SpecialEffects and Borders tags are found in sub-IFD's within
13356       the Kodak JPEG APP3 "Meta" segment.
13358         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13359         ------   --------                             --------
13360         0x0000   DigitalEffectsVersion                no
13361         0x0001   DigitalEffectsName                   no
13362         0x0002   DigitalEffectsType                   no
13364       Kodak Borders Tags
13366         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13367         ------   --------                             --------
13368         0x0000   BordersVersion                       no
13369         0x0001   BorderName                           no
13370         0x0002   BorderID                             no
13371         0x0003   BorderLocation                       no
13372         0x0004   BorderType                           no
13373         0x0008   WatermarkType                        no
13375       Kodak KDC_IFD Tags
13377       These tags are found in a separate IFD of KDC images from some newer
13378       Kodak models such as the P880 and Z1015IS.
13380         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13381         ------   --------                             --------
13382         0xfa00   SerialNumber                         string
13383         0xfa0d   WhiteBalance                         int8u
13384         0xfa25   WB_RGBLevelsAuto                     no
13385         0xfa27   WB_RGBLevelsTungsten                 no
13386         0xfa28   WB_RGBLevelsFluorescent              no
13387         0xfa29   WB_RGBLevelsDaylight                 no
13388         0xfa2a   WB_RGBLevelsShade                    no
13390       Kodak frea Tags
13392       Information stored in the "frea" atom of Kodak PixPro SP360 MP4 videos.
13394         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13395         ------   --------                             --------
13396         'scra'   PreviewImage                         no
13397         'thma'   ThumbnailImage                       no
13398         'tima'   Duration                             no
13399         'ver '   KodakVersion                         no
13401       Kodak Free Tags
13403       Information stored in the "free" atom of Kodak MP4 videos. (VERY bad
13404       form for Kodak to store useful information in an atom intended for
13405       unused space!)
13407         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13408         ------   --------                             --------
13409         'AprV'   ApertureValue                        no
13410         'BrtV'   BrightnessValue                      no
13411         'Expc'   ExposureCompensation                 no
13412         'Expo'   ExposureTime                         no
13413         'FL35'   FocalLengthIn35mmFormat              no
13414         'FNum'   FNumber                              no
13415         'FoLn'   FocalLength                          no
13416         'ISOS'   ISO                                  no
13417         'SVer'   FirmwareVersion                      no
13418         'Scrn'   PreviewInfo                          Kodak Scrn
13419         'Seri'   SerialNumber                         no
13420         'StSV'   ShutterSpeedValue                    no
13422       Kodak Scrn Tags
13424         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
13425         ------   --------                             --------
13426             0    PreviewImageWidth                    no
13427             1    PreviewImageHeight                   no
13428             2    PreviewImageLength                   no
13429             4    PreviewImage                         no
13431       Kodak DcMD Tags
13433       Metadata directory found in MOV and MP4 videos from some Kodak cameras.
13435         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13436         ------   --------                             --------
13437         'CMbo'   CameraByteOrder                      no
13438         'Cmbo'   CameraByteOrder                      no
13439         'DcEM'   DcEM                                 Kodak DcEM
13440         'DcME'   DcME                                 Kodak DcME
13442       Kodak DcEM Tags
13444         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13445         ------   --------                             --------
13446         [no tags known]
13448       Kodak DcME Tags
13450         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13451         ------   --------                             --------
13452         [no tags known]
13454       Kodak MOV Tags
13456       This information is found in the TAGS atom of MOV videos from Kodak
13457       models such as the P880.
13459         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13460         ------   --------                             --------
13461             0    Make                                 no
13462            22    Model                                no
13463            64    ModelType                            no
13464            78    ExposureTime                         no
13465            82    FNumber                              no
13466            90    ExposureCompensation                 no
13467           112    FocalLength                          no
13469       Kodak pose Tags
13471       Streamed orientation information from the PixPro 4KVR360, extracted as
13472       sub-documents when the Duplicates option is used.
13474         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13475         ------               --------                 --------
13476         'Accelerometer'      Accelerometer            no
13477         'AngularVelocity'    AngularVelocity          no
13479   Leaf Tags
13480       These tags are found in .MOS images from Leaf digital camera backs as
13481       written by Creo Leaf Capture.  They exist within the Leaf-specific
13482       directory structure of EXIF tag 0x8606.  The tables below list observed
13483       Leaf tags, however ExifTool will extract any tags found in the Leaf
13484       directories even if they don't appear in these tables.
13486         Tag ID                          Tag Name      Writable
13487         ------                          --------      --------
13488         'JPEG_preview_data'             PreviewImage  no
13489         'JPEG_preview_info'             PreviewInfo   no
13490         'PDA_histogram_data'            PDAHistogram  no
13491         'back_serial_number'            BackSerial    no
13492         'camera_profile'                CameraProfile Leaf CameraProfile
13493         'icc_camera_profile'            ICC_Profile   ICC_Profile
13494         'icc_camera_to_tone_matrix'     ToneMatrix    no
13495         'icc_camera_to_tone_space_flow' ToneSpaceFlow no
13496         'icc_rgb_ws_profile'            RGB_Profile   ICC_Profile
13497         'image_offset'                  ImageOffset   no
13498         'pattern_ratation_angle'        PatternAngle  no
13500       Leaf CameraProfile Tags
13502       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'CamProf_' which has
13503       been removed.
13505         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13506         ------               --------                 --------
13507         'back_type'          CameraBackType           no
13508         'capture_profile'    CaptureProfile           Leaf CaptureProfile
13509         'image_profile'      ImageProfile             Leaf ImageProfile
13510         'name'               CameraName               no
13511         'type'               CameraType               no
13512         'version'            CameraProfileVersion     no
13514       Leaf CaptureProfile Tags
13516       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'CaptProf_' which
13517       has been removed.
13519         Tag ID                 Tag Name               Writable
13520         ------                 --------               --------
13521         'CCD_rect'             CCDRect                no
13522         'CCD_valid_rect'       CCDValidRect           no
13523         'CCD_video_rect'       CCDVideoRect           no
13524         'back_type'            CaptProfBackType       no
13525         'center_dark_rect'     CenterDarkRect         no
13526         'color_averages'       ColorAverages          no
13527         'color_matrix'         ColorMatrix            no
13528         'dark_correction_type' DarkCorrectionType     no
13529         'image_bounds'         ImageBounds            no
13530         'image_fields'         ImageFields            no
13531         'image_offset'         ImageOffset            no
13532         'left_dark_rect'       LeftDarkRect           no
13533         'luminance_consts'     LuminanceConsts        no
13534         'mosaic_pattern'       MosaicPattern          no
13535         'name'                 CaptProfName           no
13536         'number_of_planes'     NumberOfPlanes         no
13537         'raw_data_rotation'    RawDataRotation        no
13538         'reconstruction_type'  ReconstructionType     no
13539         'right_dark_rect'      RightDarkRect          no
13540         'serial_number'        CaptureSerial          no
13541         'type'                 CaptProfType           no
13542         'version'              CaptProfVersion        no
13543         'xy_offset_info'       XYOffsetInfo           no
13545       Leaf ImageProfile Tags
13547       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'ImgProf_' which has
13548       been removed.
13550         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13551         ------               --------                 --------
13552         'back_type'          ImgProfBackType          no
13553         'image_status'       ImageStatus              no
13554         'name'               ImgProfName              no
13555         'rotation_angle'     RotationAngle            no
13556         'shoot_setup'        ShootSetup               Leaf ShootSetup
13557         'type'               ImgProfType              no
13558         'version'            ImgProfVersion           no
13560       Leaf ShootSetup Tags
13562       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'ShootObj_' which
13563       has been removed.
13565         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13566         ------               --------                 --------
13567         'back_type'          ShootObjBackType         no
13568         'camera_setup'       CameraSetup              Leaf CameraSetup
13569         'capture_setup'      CaptureSetup             Leaf CaptureSetup
13570         'color_setup'        ColorSetup               Leaf ColorSetup
13571         'look_header'        LookHeader               Leaf LookHeader
13572         'name'               ShootObjName             no
13573         'save_setup'         SaveSetup                Leaf SaveSetup
13574         'type'               ShootObjType             no
13575         'version'            ShootObjVersion          no
13577       Leaf CameraSetup Tags
13579       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'CameraObj_' which
13580       has been removed.
13582         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13583         ------               --------                 --------
13584         'ISO_speed'          ISOSpeed                 no
13585         'back_type'          CameraObjBackType        no
13586         'camera_type'        CameraType               no
13587         'lens_ID'            LensID                   no
13588         'lens_type'          LensType                 no
13589         'name'               CameraObjName            no
13590         'strobe'             Strobe                   no
13591         'type'               CameraObjType            no
13592         'version'            CameraObjVersion         no
13594       Leaf CaptureSetup Tags
13596       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'CaptureObj_' which
13597       has been removed.
13599         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13600         ------               --------                 --------
13601         'Multi_quality'      MultiQuality             no
13602         'back_type'          CaptureObjBackType       no
13603         'name'               CaptureObjName           no
13604         'neutals'            Neutals                  Leaf Neutrals
13605         'selection'          Selection                Leaf Selection
13606         'sharpness'          Sharpness                Leaf Sharpness
13607         'single_quality'     SingleQuality            no
13608         'tone_curve'         ToneCurve                Leaf ToneCurve
13609         'type'               CaptureObjType           no
13610         'version'            CaptureObjVersion        no
13612       Leaf Neutrals Tags
13614       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'NeutObj_' which has
13615       been removed.
13617         Tag ID                 Tag Name               Writable
13618         ------                 --------               --------
13619         'back_type'            NeutObjBackType        no
13620         'color_casts'          ColorCasts             no
13621         'highlight_end_points' HighlightEndPoints     no
13622         'name'                 NeutObjName            no
13623         'neutrals'             Neutrals               no
13624         'shadow_end_points'    ShadowEndPoints        no
13625         'type'                 NeutObjType            no
13626         'version'              NeutObjVersion         no
13628       Leaf Selection Tags
13630       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'SelObj_' which has
13631       been removed.
13633         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13634         ------               --------                 --------
13635         'back_type'          SelObjBackType           no
13636         'locks'              Locks                    no
13637         'name'               SelObjName               no
13638         'orientation'        Orientation              no
13639         'rect'               Rect                     no
13640         'resolution'         Resolution               no
13641         'scale'              Scale                    no
13642         'type'               SelObjType               no
13643         'version'            SelObjVersion            no
13645       Leaf Sharpness Tags
13647       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'SharpObj_' which
13648       has been removed.
13650         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13651         ------               --------                 --------
13652         'back_type'          SharpObjBackType         no
13653         'data_len'           DataLen                  no
13654         'name'               SharpObjName             no
13655         'sharp_info'         SharpInfo                no
13656         'sharp_method'       SharpMethod              no
13657         'type'               SharpObjType             no
13658         'version'            SharpObjVersion          no
13660       Leaf ToneCurve Tags
13662       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'ToneObj_' which has
13663       been removed.
13665         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13666         ------               --------                 --------
13667         'back_type'          ToneObjBackType          no
13668         'gamma'              Gamma                    no
13669         'name'               ToneObjName              no
13670         'npts'               Npts                     no
13671         'tones'              Tones                    no
13672         'type'               ToneObjType              no
13673         'version'            ToneObjVersion           no
13675       Leaf ColorSetup Tags
13677       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'ColorObj_' which
13678       has been removed.
13680         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13681         ------               --------                 --------
13682         'back_type'          ColorObjBackType         no
13683         'color_mode'         ColorMode                no
13684         'color_type'         ColorType                no
13685         'has_ICC'            HasICC                   no
13686         'input_profile'      InputProfile             no
13687         'name'               ColorObjName             no
13688         'output_profile'     OutputProfile            no
13689         'type'               ColorObjType             no
13690         'version'            ColorObjVersion          no
13692       Leaf LookHeader Tags
13694       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'LookHead_' which
13695       has been removed.
13697         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
13698         ------               --------                 --------
13699         'back_type'          LookHeadBackType         no
13700         'name'               LookHeadName             no
13701         'type'               LookHeadType             no
13702         'version'            LookHeadVersion          no
13704       Leaf SaveSetup Tags
13706       All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'SaveObj_' which has
13707       been removed.
13709         Tag ID                  Tag Name              Writable
13710         ------                  --------              --------
13711         'back_type'             SaveObjBackType       no
13712         'leaf_auto_active'      LeafAutoActive        no
13713         'leaf_auto_base_name'   LeafAutoBaseName      no
13714         'leaf_hot_folder'       LeafHotFolder         no
13715         'leaf_open_proc_HDR'    LeafOpenProcHDR       no
13716         'leaf_output_file_type' LeafOutputFileType    no
13717         'leaf_save_selection'   LeafSaveSelection     no
13718         'name'                  SaveObjName           no
13719         'std_auto_active'       StdAutoActive         no
13720         'std_base_name'         StdBaseName           no
13721         'std_hot_folder'        StdHotFolder          no
13722         'std_open_in_photoshop' StdOpenInPhotoshop    no
13723         'std_output_bit_depth'  StdOutputBitDepth     no
13724         'std_output_color_mode' StdOutputColorMode    no
13725         'std_output_file_type'  StdOutputFileType     no
13726         'std_oxygen'            StdOxygen             no
13727         'std_save_selection'    StdSaveSelection      no
13728         'std_scaled_output'     StdScaledOutput       no
13729         'std_sharpen_output'    StdSharpenOutput      no
13730         'type'                  SaveObjType           no
13731         'version'               SaveObjVersion        no
13733       Leaf SubIFD Tags
13735       Leaf writes a TIFF-format sub-IFD inside IFD0 of a MOS image.  No tags
13736       in this sub-IFD are currently known, except for tags 0x8602 and 0x8606
13737       which really shouldn't be here anyway (so they don't appear in the
13738       table below) because they duplicate references to the same data from
13739       tags with the same ID in IFD0.
13741         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13742         ------   --------                             --------
13743         [no tags known]
13745   Minolta Tags
13746       These tags are used by Minolta, Konica/Minolta as well as some Sony
13747       cameras.  Minolta doesn't make things easy for decoders because the
13748       meaning of some tags and the location where some information is stored
13749       is different for different camera models.  (Take MinoltaQuality for
13750       example, which may be located in 5 different places.)
13752         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
13753         ------   --------                             --------
13754         0x0000   MakerNoteVersion                     undef[4]
13755         0x0001   MinoltaCameraSettingsOld             Minolta CameraSettings
13756         0x0003   MinoltaCameraSettings                Minolta CameraSettings
13757         0x0004   MinoltaCameraSettings7D              Minolta CameraSettings7D
13758         0x0010   CameraInfoA100                       Minolta CameraInfoA100
13759         0x0018   ISInfoA100                           Minolta ISInfoA100
13760                  ImageStabilization                   no
13761         0x0020   WBInfoA100                           Minolta WBInfoA100
13762         0x0040   CompressedImageSize                  int32u
13763         0x0081   PreviewImage                         undef
13764         0x0088   PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
13765         0x0089   PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
13766         0x0100   SceneMode                            int32u
13767         0x0101   ColorMode                            int32u
13768         0x0102   MinoltaQuality                       int32u
13769         0x0103   MinoltaQuality                       int32u
13770                  MinoltaImageSize                     int32u
13771         0x0104   FlashExposureComp                    rational64s
13772         0x0105   Teleconverter                        int32u
13773         0x0107   ImageStabilization                   int32u
13774         0x0109   RawAndJpgRecording                   int32u
13775         0x010a   ZoneMatching                         int32u
13776         0x010b   ColorTemperature                     int32u
13777         0x010c   LensType                             int32u
13778         0x0111   ColorCompensationFilter              int32s
13779         0x0112   WhiteBalanceFineTune                 int32u
13780         0x0113   ImageStabilization                   int32u
13781         0x0114   MinoltaCameraSettings5D              Minolta CameraSettings5D
13782                  CameraSettingsA100                   Minolta CameraSettingsA100
13783         0x0115   WhiteBalance                         int32u
13784         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
13785         0x0f00   MinoltaCameraSettings2               no
13787       Minolta CameraSettings Tags
13789       There is some variability in CameraSettings information between
13790       different models (and sometimes even between different firmware
13791       versions), so this information may not be as reliable as it should be.
13792       Because of this, tags in the following tables are set to lower priority
13793       to prevent them from superseding the values of same-named tags in other
13794       locations when duplicate tags are disabled.
13796         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
13797         ------   --------                             --------
13798             1    ExposureMode                         int32u
13799             2    FlashMode                            int32u
13800             3    WhiteBalance                         int32u~
13801             4    MinoltaImageSize                     int32u
13802             5    MinoltaQuality                       int32u
13803             6    DriveMode                            int32u
13804             7    MeteringMode                         int32u
13805             8    ISO                                  int32u
13806             9    ExposureTime                         int32u
13807            10    FNumber                              int32u
13808            11    MacroMode                            int32u
13809            12    DigitalZoom                          int32u
13810            13    ExposureCompensation                 int32u
13811            14    BracketStep                          int32u
13812            16    IntervalLength                       int32u
13813            17    IntervalNumber                       int32u
13814            18    FocalLength                          int32u
13815            19    FocusDistance                        int32u
13816            20    FlashFired                           int32u
13817            21    MinoltaDate                          int32u
13818            22    MinoltaTime                          int32u
13819            23    MaxAperture                          int32u
13820            26    FileNumberMemory                     int32u
13821            27    LastFileNumber                       int32u
13822            28    ColorBalanceRed                      int32u
13823            29    ColorBalanceGreen                    int32u
13824            30    ColorBalanceBlue                     int32u
13825            31    Saturation                           int32u
13826            32    Contrast                             int32u
13827            33    Sharpness                            int32u
13828            34    SubjectProgram                       int32u
13829            35    FlashExposureComp                    int32u
13830            36    ISOSetting                           int32u
13831            37    MinoltaModelID                       int32u
13832            38    IntervalMode                         int32u
13833            39    FolderName                           int32u
13834            40    ColorMode                            int32u
13835            41    ColorFilter                          int32u
13836            42    BWFilter                             int32u
13837            43    InternalFlash                        int32u
13838            44    Brightness                           int32u
13839            45    SpotFocusPointX                      int32u
13840            46    SpotFocusPointY                      int32u
13841            47    WideFocusZone                        int32u
13842            48    FocusMode                            int32u
13843            49    FocusArea                            int32u
13844            50    DECPosition                          int32u
13845            51    ColorProfile                         int32u
13846            52    DataImprint                          int32u
13847            63    FlashMetering                        int32u
13849       Minolta CameraSettings7D Tags
13851         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
13852         ------   --------                             --------
13853             0    ExposureMode                         int16u
13854             2    MinoltaImageSize                     int16u
13855             3    MinoltaQuality                       int16u
13856             4    WhiteBalance                         int16u
13857            14    FocusMode                            int16u
13858            16    AFPoints                             int16u
13859            21    Flash                                int16u
13860            22    FlashMode                            int16u
13861            28    ISOSetting                           int16u
13862            30    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
13863            37    ColorSpace                           int16u
13864            38    Sharpness                            int16u
13865            39    Contrast                             int16u
13866            40    Saturation                           int16u
13867            45    FreeMemoryCardImages                 int16u
13868            63    ColorTemperature                     int16s
13869            64    HueAdjustment                        int16u
13870            70    Rotation                             int16u
13871            71    FNumber                              int16u
13872            72    ExposureTime                         int16u
13873            74    FreeMemoryCardImages                 int16u
13874            94    ImageNumber                          int16u
13875            96    NoiseReduction                       int16u
13876            98    ImageNumber2                         int16u
13877           113    ImageStabilization                   int16u
13878           117    ZoneMatchingOn                       int16u
13880       Minolta CameraInfoA100 Tags
13882       Camera information for the Sony DSLR-A100.
13884         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13885         ------   --------                             --------
13886             1    AFSensorActive                       int8u
13887             2    AFStatusActiveSensor                 int16s
13888             4    AFStatusTop-right                    int16s
13889             6    AFStatusBottom-right                 int16s
13890             8    AFStatusBottom                       int16s
13891            10    AFStatusMiddleHorizontal             int16s
13892            12    AFStatusCenterVertical               int16s
13893            14    AFStatusTop                          int16s
13894            16    AFStatusTop-left                     int16s
13895            18    AFStatusBottom-left                  int16s
13896            20    FocusLocked                          int8u
13897            21    AFPoint                              int8u
13898            22    AFMode                               int8u
13899            45    AFStatusLeft                         int16s
13900            47    AFStatusCenterHorizontal             int16s
13901            49    AFStatusRight                        int16s
13902            51    AFAreaMode                           int8u
13904       Minolta ISInfoA100 Tags
13906       Image stabilization information for the Sony DSLR-A100.
13908         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13909         ------   --------                             --------
13910             0    ImageStabilization                   int16u
13912       Minolta WBInfoA100 Tags
13914       White balance information for the Sony DSLR-A100.
13916         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
13917         ------   --------                             --------
13918            14    DriveMode                            int8u
13919            16    Rotation                             int8u
13920            20    ImageStabilizationSetting            int8u
13921            21    DynamicRangeOptimizerMode            int8u
13922            42    ExposureCompensationMode             int8u
13923            43    WBBracketShotNumber                  int8u
13924            44    WhiteBalanceBracketing               int8u
13925            45    ExposureBracketShotNumber            int8u
13926            49    FlashFunction                        int16u
13927            52    ExposureMode                         int16u
13928            54    ColorMode                            int16u
13929            56    AverageLV                            int16u
13930            60    FrameNumber                          int8u
13931           150    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
13932           174    WB_GBRGLevels                        int16u[4]
13933           192    WB_RedLevelsTungsten                 int16u[7]
13934           206    WB_BlueLevelsTungsten                int16u[7]
13935           220    WB_RedLevelsDaylight                 int16u[7]
13936           234    WB_BlueLevelsDaylight                int16u[7]
13937           248    WB_RedLevelsCloudy                   int16u[7]
13938           262    WB_BlueLevelsCloudy                  int16u[7]
13939           276    WB_RedLevelsFlash                    int16u[7]
13940           290    WB_BlueLevelsFlash                   int16u[7]
13941           332    WB_RedLevelsFluorescent              int16u[7]
13942           346    WB_BlueLevelsFluorescent             int16u[7]
13943           360    WB_RedLevelsShade                    int16u[7]
13944           374    WB_BlueLevelsShade                   int16u[7]
13945           392    WB_RedLevel6500K                     int16u
13946           394    WB_BlueLevel6500K                    int16u
13947           396    WB_RedLevelCustom                    int16u
13948           398    WB_BlueLevelCustom                   int16u
13949           408    WB_RedLevel3500K                     int16u
13950           410    WB_BlueLevel3500K                    int16u
13951           446    WB_RedLevelsKelvin                   int16u[75]
13952           596    WB_BlueLevelsKelvin                  int16u[75]
13953           772    WB_RBLevelsFlash                     int16u[2]
13954           776    WB_RBLevelsCoolWhiteF                int16u[2]
13955          1000    WB_RBLevelsTungsten                  int16u[2]
13956          1004    WB_RBLevelsDaylight                  int16u[2]
13957          1008    WB_RBLevelsCloudy                    int16u[2]
13958          1012    WB_RBLevelsFlash                     int16u[2]
13959          1020    WB_RedLevelsFluorescent              int16u[7]
13960          1034    WB_BlueLevelsFluorescent             int16u[7]
13961          1048    WB_RBLevelsShade                     int16u[2]
13962          1056    WB_RBLevels6500K                     int16u[2]
13963          1060    WB_RBLevelsCustom                    int16u[2]
13964          1072    WB_RBLevels3500K                     int16u[2]
13965          1320    WB_RBLevelsDaylight                  int16u[2]
13966          1350    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
13967          1576    AEMeteringSegments                   int8u[40]
13968          1680    MeasuredLV                           int8u
13969          1681    BrightnessValue                      int8u
13970          4172    TiffMeteringImage                    no
13971         18872    ExposureTime                         int8u
13972         18874    ISO                                  int8u
13973         18875    FocusDistance                        int8u
13974         18877    LensType                             int16uRev
13975         18880    ExposureCompensation                 int8s
13976         18881    FlashExposureComp                    int8s
13977         18882    ImageStabilization                   int8u
13978         18883    BrightnessValue                      int8u
13979         18885    MaxAperture                          int8u
13980         18887    FNumber                              int8u
13981         18908    InternalSerialNumber                 string[12]
13983       Minolta CameraSettings5D Tags
13985         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
13986         ------   --------                             --------
13987            10    ExposureMode                         int16u
13988            12    MinoltaImageSize                     int16u
13989            13    MinoltaQuality                       int16u
13990            14    WhiteBalance                         int16u
13991            31    Flash                                int16u
13992            32    FlashMode                            int16u
13993            37    MeteringMode                         int16u
13994            38    ISOSetting                           int16u
13995            47    ColorSpace                           int16u
13996            48    Sharpness                            int16u
13997            49    Contrast                             int16u
13998            50    Saturation                           int16u
13999            53    ExposureTime                         int16u
14000            54    FNumber                              int16u
14001            55    FreeMemoryCardImages                 int16u
14002            73    ColorTemperature                     int16s
14003            74    HueAdjustment                        int16u
14004            80    Rotation                             int16u
14005            83    ExposureCompensation                 int16u
14006            84    FreeMemoryCardImages                 int16u
14007           101    Rotation                             int16u
14008           110    ColorTemperature                     int16s
14009           113    PictureFinish                        int16u
14010           174    ImageNumber                          int16u
14011           176    NoiseReduction                       int16u
14012           189    ImageStabilization                   int16u
14014       Minolta CameraSettingsA100 Tags
14016       Camera settings information for the Sony DSLR-A100.
14018         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
14019         ------   --------                             --------
14020             0    ExposureMode                         int16u
14021             1    ExposureCompensationSetting          int16u
14022             5    HighSpeedSync                        int16u
14023             6    ShutterSpeedSetting                  int16u
14024             7    ApertureSetting                      int16u
14025             8    ExposureTime                         int16u
14026             9    FNumber                              int16u
14027            10    DriveMode2                           int16u
14028            11    WhiteBalance                         int16u
14029            12    FocusMode                            int16u
14030            13    AFPointSelected                      int16u
14031            14    AFAreaMode                           int16u
14032            15    FlashMode                            int16u
14033            16    FlashExposureCompSet                 int16u
14034            18    MeteringMode                         int16u
14035            19    ISOSetting                           int16u
14036            20    ZoneMatchingMode                     int16u
14037            21    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int16u
14038            22    ColorMode                            int16u
14039            23    ColorSpace                           int16u
14040            24    Sharpness                            int16u
14041            25    Contrast                             int16u
14042            26    Saturation                           int16u
14043            28    FlashMetering                        int16u
14044            29    PrioritySetupShutterRelease          int16u
14045            30    DriveMode                            int16u
14046            31    SelfTimerTime                        int16u
14047            32    ContinuousBracketing                 int16u
14048            33    SingleFrameBracketing                int16u
14049            34    WhiteBalanceBracketing               int16u
14050            35    WhiteBalanceSetting                  int16u
14051            36    PresetWhiteBalance                   int16u
14052            37    ColorTemperatureSetting              int16u
14053            38    CustomWBSetting                      int16u
14054            39    DynamicRangeOptimizerSetting         int16u
14055            50    FreeMemoryCardImages                 int16u
14056            52    CustomWBRedLevel                     int16u
14057            53    CustomWBGreenLevel                   int16u
14058            54    CustomWBBlueLevel                    int16u
14059            55    CustomWBError                        int16u
14060            56    WhiteBalanceFineTune                 int16s
14061            57    ColorTemperature                     int16u
14062            58    ColorCompensationFilter              int16s
14063            59    SonyImageSize                        int16u
14064            60    SonyQuality                          int16u
14065            61    InstantPlaybackTime                  int16u
14066            62    InstantPlaybackSetup                 int16u
14067            63    NoiseReduction                       int16u
14068            64    EyeStartAF                           int16u
14069            65    RedEyeReduction                      int16u
14070            66    FlashDefault                         int16u
14071            67    AutoBracketOrder                     int16u
14072            68    FocusHoldButton                      int16u
14073            69    AELButton                            int16u
14074            70    ControlDialSet                       int16u
14075            71    ExposureCompensationMode             int16u
14076            72    AFAssist                             int16u
14077            73    CardShutterLock                      int16u
14078            74    LensShutterLock                      int16u
14079            75    AFAreaIllumination                   int16u
14080            76    MonitorDisplayOff                    int16u
14081            77    RecordDisplay                        int16u
14082            78    PlayDisplay                          int16u
14083            80    ExposureIndicator                    int16u
14084            81    AELExposureIndicator                 int16u
14085            82    ExposureBracketingIndicatorLast      int16u
14086            83    MeteringOffScaleIndicator            int16u
14087            84    FlashExposureIndicator               int16u
14088            85    FlashExposureIndicatorNext           int16u
14089            86    FlashExposureIndicatorLast           int16u
14090            87    ImageStabilization                   int16u
14091            88    FocusModeSwitch                      int16u
14092            89    FlashType                            int16u
14093            90    Rotation                             int16u
14094            91    AELock                               int16u
14095            94    ColorTemperature                     int16u
14096            95    ColorCompensationFilter              int16s
14097            96    BatteryState                         int16u
14099       Minolta MMA Tags
14101       This information is found in MOV videos from Minolta models such as the
14102       DiMAGE A2, S414 and 7Hi.
14104         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14105         ------   --------                             --------
14106             0    Make                                 no
14107            20    SoftwareVersion                      no
14109       Minolta MOV1 Tags
14111       This information is found in MOV videos from some Konica Minolta models
14112       such as the DiMage Z10 and X50.
14114         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14115         ------   --------                             --------
14116             0    Make                                 no
14117            32    ModelType                            no
14118            46    ExposureTime                         no
14119            50    FNumber                              no
14120            58    ExposureCompensation                 no
14121            80    FocalLength                          no
14123       Minolta MOV2 Tags
14125       This information is found in MOV videos from some Minolta models such
14126       as the DiMAGE X and Xt.
14128         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14129         ------   --------                             --------
14130             0    Make                                 no
14131            24    ModelType                            no
14132            38    ExposureTime                         no
14133            42    FNumber                              no
14134            50    ExposureCompensation                 no
14135            72    FocalLength                          no
14137   Motorola Tags
14138         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
14139         ------   --------                             --------
14140         0x5500   BuildNumber                          string
14141         0x5501   SerialNumber                         string
14142         0x6420   CustomRendered                       string
14143         0x64d0   DriveMode                            string
14144         0x665e   Sensor                               string
14145         0x6705   ManufactureDate                      string
14147   Nikon Tags
14148         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
14149         ------   --------                             --------
14150         0x0001   MakerNoteVersion                     undef[4]
14151         0x0002   ISO                                  int16u[2]
14152         0x0003   ColorMode                            string
14153         0x0004   Quality                              string
14154         0x0005   WhiteBalance                         string
14155         0x0006   Sharpness                            string
14156         0x0007   FocusMode                            string
14157         0x0008   FlashSetting                         string
14158         0x0009   FlashType                            string
14159         0x000b   WhiteBalanceFineTune                 int16s[n]
14160         0x000c   WB_RBLevels                          rational64u[4]
14161         0x000d   ProgramShift                         undef[4]
14162         0x000e   ExposureDifference                   undef[4]
14163         0x000f   ISOSelection                         string
14164         0x0010   DataDump                             no
14165         0x0011   PreviewIFD                           Nikon PreviewIFD
14166         0x0012   FlashExposureComp                    undef[4]
14167         0x0013   ISOSetting                           int16u[2]
14168         0x0014   ColorBalanceA                        Nikon ColorBalanceA
14169                  NRWData                              Nikon ColorBalanceB
14170                                                       Nikon ColorBalanceC
14171         0x0016   ImageBoundary                        int16u[4]
14172         0x0017   ExternalFlashExposureComp            undef[4]
14173         0x0018   FlashExposureBracketValue            undef[4]
14174         0x0019   ExposureBracketValue                 rational64s
14175         0x001a   ImageProcessing                      string
14176         0x001b   CropHiSpeed                          int16u[7]
14177         0x001c   ExposureTuning                       undef[3]
14178         0x001d   SerialNumber                         string!
14179         0x001e   ColorSpace                           int16u
14180         0x001f   VRInfo                               Nikon VRInfo
14181         0x0020   ImageAuthentication                  int8u
14182         0x0021   FaceDetect                           Nikon FaceDetect
14183         0x0022   ActiveD-Lighting                     int16u
14184         0x0023   PictureControlData                   Nikon PictureControl
14185                                                       Nikon PictureControl2
14186                                                       Nikon PictureControl3
14187                                                       Nikon PictureControlUnknown
14188         0x0024   WorldTime                            Nikon WorldTime
14189         0x0025   ISOInfo                              Nikon ISOInfo
14190         0x002a   VignetteControl                      int16u
14191         0x002b   DistortInfo                          Nikon DistortInfo
14192         0x002c   UnknownInfo                          Nikon UnknownInfo
14193         0x0032   UnknownInfo2                         Nikon UnknownInfo2
14194         0x0034   ShutterMode                          int16u
14195         0x0035   HDRInfo                              Nikon HDRInfo
14196                  HDRInfo2                             Nikon HDRInfo2
14197         0x0037   MechanicalShutterCount               int32u
14198         0x0039   LocationInfo                         Nikon LocationInfo
14199         0x003d   BlackLevel                           int16u[4]
14200         0x003e   ImageSizeRAW                         yes
14201         0x003f   WhiteBalanceFineTune                 rational64s[2]
14202         0x0044   JPGCompression                       yes
14203         0x0045   CropArea                             int16u[4]
14204         0x004e   NikonSettings                        NikonSettings
14205         0x004f   ColorTemperatureAuto                 int16u
14206         0x0080   ImageAdjustment                      string
14207         0x0081   ToneComp                             string
14208         0x0082   AuxiliaryLens                        string
14209         0x0083   LensType                             int8u
14210         0x0084   Lens                                 rational64u[4]
14211         0x0085   ManualFocusDistance                  rational64u
14212         0x0086   DigitalZoom                          rational64u
14213         0x0087   FlashMode                            int8u
14214         0x0088   AFInfo                               Nikon AFInfo
14215                                                       Nikon AFInfo
14216         0x0089   ShootingMode                         int16u~
14217         0x008b   LensFStops                           undef[4]
14218         0x008c   ContrastCurve                        undef!
14219         0x008d   ColorHue                             string
14220         0x008f   SceneMode                            string
14221         0x0090   LightSource                          string
14222         0x0091   ShotInfoD40                          Nikon ShotInfoD40
14223                  ShotInfoD80                          Nikon ShotInfoD80
14224                  ShotInfoD90                          Nikon ShotInfoD90
14225                  ShotInfoD3a                          Nikon ShotInfoD3a
14226                  ShotInfoD3b                          Nikon ShotInfoD3b
14227                  ShotInfoD3X                          Nikon ShotInfoD3X
14228                  ShotInfoD3S                          Nikon ShotInfoD3S
14229                  ShotInfoD300a                        Nikon ShotInfoD300a
14230                  ShotInfoD300b                        Nikon ShotInfoD300b
14231                  ShotInfoD300S                        Nikon ShotInfoD300S
14232                  ShotInfoD700                         Nikon ShotInfoD700
14233                  ShotInfoD780                         Nikon ShotInfoD780
14234                  ShotInfoD7500                        Nikon ShotInfoD7500
14235                  ShotInfoD800                         Nikon ShotInfoD800
14236                  ShotInfoD810                         Nikon ShotInfoD810
14237                  ShotInfoD850                         Nikon ShotInfoD850
14238                  ShotInfoD5000                        Nikon ShotInfoD5000
14239                  ShotInfoD5100                        Nikon ShotInfoD5100
14240                  ShotInfoD5200                        Nikon ShotInfoD5200
14241                  ShotInfoD7000                        Nikon ShotInfoD7000
14242                  ShotInfoD4                           Nikon ShotInfoD4
14243                  ShotInfoD4S                          Nikon ShotInfoD4S
14244                  ShotInfoD500                         Nikon ShotInfoD500
14245                  ShotInfoD6                           Nikon ShotInfoD6
14246                  ShotInfoD610                         Nikon ShotInfoD610
14247                  ShotInfoZ7II                         Nikon ShotInfoZ7II
14248                  ShotInfoZ8                           Nikon ShotInfoZ8
14249                  ShotInfoZ9                           Nikon ShotInfoZ9
14250                  ShotInfo02xx                         Nikon ShotInfo
14251                  ShotInfoUnknown                      Nikon ShotInfo
14252         0x0092   HueAdjustment                        int16s
14253         0x0093   NEFCompression                       int16u
14254         0x0094   SaturationAdj                        int16s
14255         0x0095   NoiseReduction                       string
14256         0x0096   NEFLinearizationTable                undef!
14257         0x0097   ColorBalance0100                     Nikon ColorBalance1
14258                  ColorBalance0102                     Nikon ColorBalance2
14259                  ColorBalance0103                     Nikon ColorBalance3
14260                  ColorBalance0205                     Nikon ColorBalance2
14261                  ColorBalance0209                     Nikon ColorBalance4
14262                  ColorBalance02                       Nikon ColorBalance2
14263                  ColorBalance0211                     Nikon ColorBalance4
14264                  ColorBalance0213                     Nikon ColorBalance2
14265                  ColorBalance0215                     Nikon ColorBalance4
14266                  ColorBalance0219                     Nikon ColorBalance2
14267                  ColorBalanceUnknown1                 Nikon ColorBalanceUnknown
14268                  ColorBalanceUnknown2                 Nikon ColorBalanceUnknown2
14269                  ColorBalanceUnknown                  Nikon ColorBalanceUnknown
14270         0x0098   LensData0100                         Nikon LensData00
14271                  LensData0101                         Nikon LensData01
14272                  LensData0201                         Nikon LensData01
14273                  LensData0204                         Nikon LensData0204
14274                  LensData0400                         Nikon LensData0400
14275                  LensData0402                         Nikon LensData0402
14276                  LensData0403                         Nikon LensData0403
14277                  LensData0800                         Nikon LensData0800
14278                  LensDataUnknown                      Nikon LensDataUnknown
14279         0x0099   RawImageCenter                       int16u[2]
14280         0x009a   SensorPixelSize                      rational64u[2]
14281         0x009c   SceneAssist                          string
14282         0x009d   DateStampMode                        int16u
14283         0x009e   RetouchHistory                       int16u[10]
14284         0x00a0   SerialNumber                         string
14285         0x00a2   ImageDataSize                        int32u
14286         0x00a5   ImageCount                           int32u
14287         0x00a6   DeletedImageCount                    int32u
14288         0x00a7   ShutterCount                         int32u!
14289         0x00a8   FlashInfo0100                        Nikon FlashInfo0100
14290                  FlashInfo0102                        Nikon FlashInfo0102
14291                  FlashInfo0103                        Nikon FlashInfo0103
14292                  FlashInfo0106                        Nikon FlashInfo0106
14293                  FlashInfo0107                        Nikon FlashInfo0107
14294                  FlashInfo0300                        Nikon FlashInfo0300
14295                  FlashInfoUnknown                     Nikon FlashInfoUnknown
14296         0x00a9   ImageOptimization                    string
14297         0x00aa   Saturation                           string
14298         0x00ab   VariProgram                          string
14299         0x00ac   ImageStabilization                   string
14300         0x00ad   AFResponse                           string
14301         0x00b0   MultiExposure                        Nikon MultiExposure
14302                  MultiExposure2                       Nikon MultiExposure
14303                                                       Nikon MultiExposure2
14304         0x00b1   HighISONoiseReduction                int16u
14305         0x00b3   ToningEffect                         string
14306         0x00b6   PowerUpTime                          undef
14307         0x00b7   AFInfo2                              Nikon AFInfo2V0400
14308                                                       Nikon AFInfo2
14309         0x00b8   FileInfo                             Nikon FileInfo
14310                                                       Nikon FileInfo
14311         0x00b9   AFTune                               Nikon AFTune
14312         0x00bb   RetouchInfo                          Nikon RetouchInfo
14313         0x00bd   PictureControlData                   Nikon PictureControl
14314         0x00bf   SilentPhotography                    yes
14315         0x00c3   BarometerInfo                        Nikon BarometerInfo
14316         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
14317         0x0e01   NikonCaptureData                     NikonCapture
14318         0x0e09   NikonCaptureVersion                  string^
14319         0x0e0e   NikonCaptureOffsets                  Nikon CaptureOffsets
14320         0x0e10   NikonScanIFD                         Nikon Scan
14321         0x0e13   NikonCaptureEditVersions             NikonCapture
14322                  NikonCaptureEditVersions             undef!^
14323         0x0e1d   NikonICCProfile                      ICC_Profile
14324         0x0e1e   NikonCaptureOutput                   Nikon CaptureOutput
14325         0x0e22   NEFBitDepth                          int16u[4]!
14327       Nikon ast Tags
14329       Tags used by Nikon NX Studio in Nikon NKSC sidecar files and trailers.
14331       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-ast family 1 group.
14333         Tag Name                                      Writable
14334         --------                                      --------
14335         About                                         no
14336         GPSAltitude                                   no
14337         GPSAltitudeRef                                no
14338         GPSImgDirection                               no
14339         GPSImgDirectionRef                            no
14340         GPSLatitude                                   no
14341         GPSLatitudeRef                                no
14342         GPSLongitude                                  no
14343         GPSLongitudeRef                               no
14344         GPSMapDatum                                   no
14345         GPSVersionID                                  no
14346         IPTC                                          IPTC
14347         Version                                       no
14348         XMLPackets                                    XMP
14350       Nikon nine Tags
14352       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-nine family 1 group.
14354         Tag Name                                      Writable
14355         --------                                      --------
14356         About                                         no
14357         Label                                         no
14358         NineEdits                                     Nikon NineEdits
14359         Rating                                        no
14360         Trim                                          no
14361         Version                                       no
14363       Nikon NineEdits Tags
14365       XML-based tags used to store editing information.
14367         Tag Name                                      Writable
14368         --------                                      --------
14369         FilterParametersBinary                        no
14370         FilterParametersCustomCustomData              no
14371         FilterParametersExportExportData              no
14373       Nikon sdc Tags
14375       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-sdc family 1 group.
14377         Tag Name                                      Writable
14378         --------                                      --------
14379         About                                         no
14380         AppName                                       no
14381         AppVersion                                    no
14382         Version                                       no
14384       Nikon PreviewIFD Tags
14386         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
14387         ------   --------                             --------
14388         0x00fe   SubfileType                          no
14389         0x0103   Compression                          no
14390         0x011a   XResolution                          no
14391         0x011b   YResolution                          no
14392         0x0128   ResolutionUnit                       no
14393         0x0201   PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
14394         0x0202   PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
14395         0x0213   YCbCrPositioning                     no
14397       Nikon ColorBalanceA Tags
14399         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
14400         ------   --------                             --------
14401           624    WB_RBLevels                          int16u[2]!
14402           626    WB_RBLevelsAuto                      int16u[2]!
14403           628    WB_RBLevelsDaylight                  int16u[14]!
14404           642    WB_RBLevelsIncandescent              int16u[14]!
14405           656    WB_RBLevelsFluorescent               int16u[6]!
14406           662    WB_RBLevelsCloudy                    int16u[14]!
14407           676    WB_RBLevelsFlash                     int16u[14]!
14408           690    WB_RBLevelsShade                     int16u[14]!
14410       Nikon ColorBalanceB Tags
14412       Color balance tags used by the P6000.
14414         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14415         ------   --------                             --------
14416             4    ColorBalanceVersion                  undef[4]
14417          5096    WB_RGGBLevels                        int32u[4]!
14418          5112    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int32u[4]!
14419          5128    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int32u[4]!
14420          5160    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int32u[4]!
14421          5176    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentW            int32u[4]!
14422          5192    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int32u[4]!
14423          5224    WB_RGGBLevelsCustom                  int32u[4]!
14424          5240    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int32u[4]!
14426       Nikon ColorBalanceC Tags
14428       Color balance tags used by the P1000, P7000, P7100 and B700.
14430         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14431         ------   --------                             --------
14432             4    ColorBalanceVersion                  undef[4]
14433            32    BlackLevel                           int16u
14434            56    WB_RGGBLevels                        int32u[4]!
14435            76    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int32u[4]!
14436            96    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int32u[4]!
14437           116    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int32u[4]!
14438           136    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int32u[4]!
14439           156    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentW            int32u[4]!
14440           176    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentN            int32u[4]!
14441           196    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentD            int32u[4]!
14442           216    WB_RGGBLevelsHTMercury               int32u[4]!
14443           256    WB_RGGBLevelsCustom                  int32u[4]!
14444           276    WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int32u[4]!
14446       Nikon VRInfo Tags
14448         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14449         ------   --------                             --------
14450             0    VRInfoVersion                        no
14451             4    VibrationReduction                   int8u
14452             6    VRMode                               int8u
14453             8    VRType                               int8u
14455       Nikon FaceDetect Tags
14457         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
14458         ------   --------                             --------
14459             1    FaceDetectFrameSize                  int16u[2]
14460             3    FacesDetected                        int16u
14461             4    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
14462             8    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
14463            12    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
14464            16    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
14465            20    Face5Position                        int16u[4]
14466            24    Face6Position                        int16u[4]
14467            28    Face7Position                        int16u[4]
14468            32    Face8Position                        int16u[4]
14469            36    Face9Position                        int16u[4]
14470            40    Face10Position                       int16u[4]
14471            44    Face11Position                       int16u[4]
14472            48    Face12Position                       int16u[4]
14474       Nikon PictureControl Tags
14476         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14477         ------   --------                             --------
14478             0    PictureControlVersion                no
14479             4    PictureControlName                   string[20]
14480            24    PictureControlBase                   string[20]
14481            48    PictureControlAdjust                 int8u
14482            49    PictureControlQuickAdjust            int8u
14483            50    Sharpness                            int8u
14484            51    Contrast                             int8u
14485            52    Brightness                           int8u
14486            53    Saturation                           int8u
14487            54    HueAdjustment                        int8u
14488            55    FilterEffect                         int8u
14489            56    ToningEffect                         int8u
14490            57    ToningSaturation                     int8u
14492       Nikon PictureControl2 Tags
14494         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14495         ------   --------                             --------
14496             0    PictureControlVersion                no
14497             4    PictureControlName                   string[20]
14498            24    PictureControlBase                   string[20]
14499            48    PictureControlAdjust                 int8u
14500            49    PictureControlQuickAdjust            int8u
14501            51    Sharpness                            int8u
14502            53    Clarity                              int8u
14503            55    Contrast                             int8u
14504            57    Brightness                           int8u
14505            59    Saturation                           int8u
14506            61    Hue                                  int8u
14507            63    FilterEffect                         int8u
14508            64    ToningEffect                         int8u
14509            65    ToningSaturation                     int8u
14511       Nikon PictureControl3 Tags
14513         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14514         ------   --------                             --------
14515             0    PictureControlVersion                no
14516             8    PictureControlName                   string[20]
14517            28    PictureControlBase                   string[20]
14518            54    PictureControlAdjust                 int8u
14519            55    PictureControlQuickAdjust            int8u
14520            57    Sharpness                            int8u
14521            59    MidRangeSharpness                    int8u
14522            61    Clarity                              int8u
14523            63    Contrast                             int8u
14524            65    Brightness                           int8u
14525            67    Saturation                           int8u
14526            69    Hue                                  int8u
14527            71    FilterEffect                         int8u
14528            72    ToningEffect                         int8u
14529            73    ToningSaturation                     int8u
14531       Nikon PictureControlUnknown Tags
14533         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14534         ------   --------                             --------
14535             0    PictureControlVersion                no
14537       Nikon WorldTime Tags
14539         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14540         ------   --------                             --------
14541             0    TimeZone                             int16s
14542             2    DaylightSavings                      int8u
14543             3    DateDisplayFormat                    int8u
14545       Nikon ISOInfo Tags
14547         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14548         ------   --------                             --------
14549             0    ISO                                  int8u
14550             4    ISOExpansion                         int16u
14551             6    ISO2                                 int8u
14552            10    ISOExpansion2                        int16u
14554       Nikon DistortInfo Tags
14556         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14557         ------   --------                             --------
14558             0    DistortionVersion?                   no
14559             4    AutoDistortionControl                int8u
14561       Nikon UnknownInfo Tags
14563         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
14564         ------   --------                             --------
14565             0    UnknownInfoVersion?                  no
14567       Nikon UnknownInfo2 Tags
14569         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
14570         ------   --------                             --------
14571             0    UnknownInfo2Version?                 no
14573       Nikon HDRInfo Tags
14575         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14576         ------   --------                             --------
14577             0    HDRInfoVersion                       no
14578             4    HDR                                  int8u
14579             5    HDRLevel                             int8u
14580             6    HDRSmoothing                         int8u
14581             7    HDRLevel2                            int8u
14583       Nikon HDRInfo2 Tags
14585         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14586         ------   --------                             --------
14587             0    HDRInfoVersion                       no
14588             4    HDR                                  int8u
14589             5    HDRLevel                             int8u
14591       Nikon LocationInfo Tags
14593       Tags written by some Nikon GPS-equipped cameras like the AW100.
14595         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14596         ------   --------                             --------
14597             0    LocationInfoVersion                  undef[4]
14598             4    TextEncoding                         int8u
14599             5    CountryCode                          undef[3]
14600             8    POILevel                             int8u
14601             9    Location                             undef[70]
14603       Nikon MakerNotes0x51 Tags
14605         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14606         ------   --------                             --------
14607             0    FirmwareVersion51                    no
14608            10    NEFCompression                       int16u[0.5]
14610       Nikon MakerNotes0x56 Tags
14612         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14613         ------   --------                             --------
14614             0    FirmwareVersion                      no
14615             4    BurstGroupID                         int16u
14617       Nikon AFInfo Tags
14619         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14620         ------   --------                             --------
14621             0    AFAreaMode                           int8u
14622             1    AFPoint                              int8u
14623             2    AFPointsInFocus                      int16u
14625       Nikon ShotInfoD40 Tags
14627       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in D40 and D40X images.
14629          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14630          -----   --------                             --------
14631             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14632           582    ShutterCount                         int32u
14633         586.1    VibrationReduction                   int8u & 0x08
14634           729    CustomSettingsD40                    NikonCustom SettingsD40
14636       Nikon ShotInfoD80 Tags
14638       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in D80 images.
14640          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14641          -----   --------                             --------
14642             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14643           586    ShutterCount                         int32u
14644         590.1    Rotation                             int8u & 0x07
14645         590.2    VibrationReduction                   int8u & 0x18
14646         590.3    FlashFired                           int8u & 0xe0
14647           708    NikonImageSize                       int8u & 0xf0
14648         708.1    ImageQuality                         int8u & 0x0f
14649           748    CustomSettingsD80                    NikonCustom SettingsD80
14651       Nikon ShotInfoD90 Tags
14653       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D90
14654       with firmware 1.00.
14656          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14657          -----   --------                             --------
14658             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14659             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14660           693    ISO2                                 int8u
14661           725    ShutterCount                         int32u
14662           884    CustomSettingsD90                    NikonCustom SettingsD90
14664       Nikon ShotInfoD3a Tags
14666       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D3 with
14667       firmware 1.00 and earlier.
14669          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14670          -----   --------                             --------
14671             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14672           598    ISO2                                 int8u
14673           630    ShutterCount                         int32u
14674         723.1    NikonImageSize                       int8u & 0x18
14675         723.2    ImageQuality                         int8u & 0x07
14676           769    CustomSettingsD3                     NikonCustom SettingsD3
14678       Nikon ShotInfoD3b Tags
14680       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D3 with
14681       firmware 1.10, 2.00, 2.01 and 2.02.
14683          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14684          -----   --------                             --------
14685             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14686             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14687            16    ImageArea                            int8u
14688           605    ISO2                                 int8u
14689           637    ShutterCount                         int32u
14690           639    ShutterCount                         int32u
14691           650    PreFlashReturnStrength               int8u
14692         732.1    NikonImageSize                       int8u & 0x18
14693         732.2    ImageQuality                         int8u & 0x07
14694           778    CustomSettingsD3                     NikonCustom SettingsD3
14696       Nikon ShotInfoD3X Tags
14698       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D3X
14699       with firmware 1.00.
14701          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14702          -----   --------                             --------
14703             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14704             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14705           605    ISO2                                 int8u
14706           640    ShutterCount                         int32u
14707           779    CustomSettingsD3X                    NikonCustom SettingsD3
14709       Nikon ShotInfoD3S Tags
14711       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D3S
14712       with firmware 1.00 and earlier.
14714          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14715          -----   --------                             --------
14716             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14717             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14718            16    ImageArea                            int8u
14719           545    ISO2                                 int8u
14720           578    ShutterCount                         int32u
14721         671.1    JPGCompression                       int8u & 0x40
14722           718    CustomSettingsD3S                    NikonCustom SettingsD3
14724       Nikon ShotInfoD300a Tags
14726       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D300
14727       with firmware 1.00 and earlier.
14729          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14730          -----   --------                             --------
14731             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14732           604    ISO2                                 int8u
14733           633    ShutterCount                         int32u
14734           721    AFFineTuneAdj                        int16u
14735           790    CustomSettingsD300                   NikonCustom SettingsD3
14737       Nikon ShotInfoD300b Tags
14739       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D300
14740       with firmware 1.10.
14742          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14743          -----   --------                             --------
14744             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14745             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14746           613    ISO2                                 int8u
14747           644    ShutterCount                         int32u
14748           732    AFFineTuneAdj                        int16u
14749           802    CustomSettingsD300                   NikonCustom SettingsD3
14751       Nikon ShotInfoD300S Tags
14753       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D300S
14754       with firmware 1.00.
14756          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14757          -----   --------                             --------
14758             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14759             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14760           613    ISO2                                 int8u
14761           646    ShutterCount                         int32u
14762           804    CustomSettingsD300S                  NikonCustom SettingsD3
14764       Nikon ShotInfoD700 Tags
14766       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D700
14767       with firmware 1.02f.
14769          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14770          -----   --------                             --------
14771             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14772             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14773           613    ISO2                                 int8u
14774           647    ShutterCount                         int32u
14775           804    CustomSettingsD700                   NikonCustom SettingsD700
14777       Nikon ShotInfoD780 Tags
14779       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D780.
14781          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14782          -----   --------                             --------
14783             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14784             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14785           156    OrientOffset                         Nikon OrientationInfo
14787       Nikon OrientationInfo Tags
14789         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14790         ------   --------                             --------
14791             0    RollAngle                            fixed32u
14792             4    PitchAngle                           fixed32u
14793             8    YawAngle                             fixed32u
14795       Nikon ShotInfoD7500 Tags
14797       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D7500.
14799          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14800          -----   --------                             --------
14801             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14802             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14803           160    OrientOffset                         Nikon OrientationInfo
14805       Nikon ShotInfoD800 Tags
14807       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D800.
14809          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14810          -----   --------                             --------
14811             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14812             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14813          1216    RepeatingFlashOutputExternal         int8u
14814          1218    RepeatingFlashRateExternal           int8u
14815          1219    RepeatingFlashCountExternal          int8u
14816          1234    FlashExposureComp2                   int8s
14817          1242    RepeatingFlashRateBuilt-in           int8u
14818          1243    RepeatingFlashCountBuilt-in          int8u
14819          1308    SequenceNumber                       int8u
14820          1531    ShutterCount                         int32u
14821          1772    CustomSettingsD800                   NikonCustom SettingsD800
14823       Nikon ShotInfoD810 Tags
14825       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D810.
14827          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14828          -----   --------                             --------
14829             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14830             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14831            16    SettingsOffset                       Nikon SettingsInfoD810
14832            36    BracketingOffset                     Nikon BracketingInfoD810
14833            56    ISOAutoOffset                        Nikon ISOAutoInfoD810
14834            64    CustomSettingsOffset                 NikonCustom SettingsD810
14835           132    OrientationOffset                    Nikon OrientationInfo
14837       Nikon SettingsInfoD810 Tags
14839         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14840         ------   --------                             --------
14841           316    SecondarySlotFunction                int8u & 0x03
14843       Nikon BracketingInfoD810 Tags
14845         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14846         ------   --------                             --------
14847            15    AEBracketingSteps                    int8u & 0xff
14848            16    WBBracketingSteps                    int8u & 0xff
14849            23    NikonMeteringMode                    int8u & 0x03
14851       Nikon ISOAutoInfoD810 Tags
14853         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14854         ------   --------                             --------
14855             4    ISOAutoShutterTime                   int8u & 0x3f
14856             5    ISOAutoHiLimit                       int8u & 0xff
14858       Nikon ShotInfoD850 Tags
14860       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D850.
14862          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14863          -----   --------                             --------
14864             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14865             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14866            16    MenuSettingsOffset                   Nikon MenuSettingsD850
14867            76    MoreSettingsOffset                   Nikon MoreSettingsD850
14868            88    CustomSettingsOffset                 NikonCustom SettingsD850
14869           160    OrientationOffset                    Nikon OrientationInfo
14871       Nikon MenuSettingsD850 Tags
14873         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14874         ------   --------                             --------
14875          1757    PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea       int8u & 0x07
14877       Nikon MoreSettingsD850 Tags
14879         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14880         ------   --------                             --------
14881            36    PhotoShootingMenuBank                int8u & 0x03
14882            37    PrimarySlot                          int8u & 0x80
14884       Nikon ShotInfoD5000 Tags
14886       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D5000
14887       with firmware 1.00.
14889          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14890          -----   --------                             --------
14891             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14892             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14893           693    ISO2                                 int8u
14894           726    ShutterCount                         int32u
14895           888    CustomSettingsD5000                  NikonCustom SettingsD5000
14897       Nikon ShotInfoD5100 Tags
14899          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14900          -----   --------                             --------
14901             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14902             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14903           801    ShutterCount                         int32u
14904          1031    CustomSettingsD5100                  NikonCustom SettingsD5100
14906       Nikon ShotInfoD5200 Tags
14908          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14909          -----   --------                             --------
14910             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14911             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14912          3032    ShutterCount                         int32u
14913          3285    CustomSettingsD5200                  NikonCustom SettingsD5200
14915       Nikon ShotInfoD7000 Tags
14917       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D7000
14918       with firmware 1.01b.
14920          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14921          -----   --------                             --------
14922             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14923             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14924           800    ShutterCount                         int32u
14925          1028    CustomSettingsD7000                  NikonCustom SettingsD7000
14927       Nikon ShotInfoD4 Tags
14929       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D4.
14931          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14932          -----   --------                             --------
14933             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14934             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14935          1873    CustomSettingsD4                     NikonCustom SettingsD4
14937       Nikon ShotInfoD4S Tags
14939       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D4S.
14941          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14942          -----   --------                             --------
14943             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14944             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14945           464    SecondarySlotFunction                int8u & 0x03
14946          5964    AEBracketingSteps                    int8u & 0xff
14947          5965    WBBracketingSteps                    int8u & 0xff
14948          6221    ReleaseMode                          int8u & 0xff
14949          6301    CustomSettingsD4S                    NikonCustom SettingsD4
14950          6338    MultiSelectorLiveViewMode            int8u & 0xc0
14951          6378    ISOAutoShutterTime                   int8u & 0x3f
14952          6379    ISOAutoHiLimit                       int8u & 0xff
14953          6461    CustomSettingsD4S                    NikonCustom SettingsD4
14954         13579    OrientationInfo                      Nikon OrientationInfo
14955         13971    Rotation                             int8u & 0x30
14957       Nikon ShotInfoD500 Tags
14959       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D5 and
14960       D500.
14962          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
14963          -----   --------                             --------
14964             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
14965             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
14966            16    RotationInfoOffset                   Nikon RotationInfoD500
14967            20    JPGInfoOffset                        Nikon JPGInfoD500
14968            44    BracketingOffset                     Nikon BracketingInfoD500
14969            80    ShootingMenuOffset                   Nikon ShootingMenuD500
14970            88    CustomSettingsOffset                 Nikon CustomSettingsD500
14971           160    OrientationOffset                    Nikon OrientationInfo
14972           168    OtherOffset                          Nikon OtherInfoD500
14974       Nikon RotationInfoD500 Tags
14976         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14977         ------   --------                             --------
14978            26    Rotation                             int8u & 0x03
14979            32    Interval                             int8u~
14980            36    IntervalFrame                        int8u~
14981          1330    FlickerReductionIndicator            int8u & 0x01
14983       Nikon JPGInfoD500 Tags
14985         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14986         ------   --------                             --------
14987            36    JPGCompression                       int8u & 0x01
14989       Nikon BracketingInfoD500 Tags
14991         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
14992         ------   --------                             --------
14993            15    AEBracketingSteps                    int8u & 0xff
14994            16    WBBracketingSteps                    int8u & 0xff
14995            23    ADLBracketingStep                    int8u & 0xf0
14996            24    ADLBracketingType                    int8u & 0x0f
14998       Nikon ShootingMenuD500 Tags
15000         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15001         ------   --------                             --------
15002             0    PhotoShootingMenuBank                int8u & 0x03
15003             2    PrimarySlot                          int8u & 0x80
15004             4    ISOAutoShutterTime                   int8u & 0x3f
15005             5    ISOAutoHiLimit                       int8u & 0xff
15006             7    FlickerReduction                     int8u & 0x20
15007           7.1    PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea       int8u & 0x07
15009       Nikon CustomSettingsD500 Tags
15011         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15012         ------   --------                             --------
15013             0    CustomSettingsD5                     NikonCustom SettingsD5
15014                  CustomSettingsD500                   NikonCustom SettingsD500
15016       Nikon OtherInfoD500 Tags
15018         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15019         ------   --------                             --------
15020           532    NikonMeteringMode                    int8u & 0x03
15022       Nikon ShotInfoD6 Tags
15024       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D6.
15026          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
15027          -----   --------                             --------
15028             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
15029             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
15030            48    SequenceOffset                       Nikon SeqInfoD6
15031           156    OrientationOffset                    Nikon OrientationInfo
15032           164    IntervalOffset                       Nikon IntervalInfoD6
15034       Nikon SeqInfoD6 Tags
15036         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15037         ------   --------                             --------
15038            36    IntervalShooting                     int16u~
15040       Nikon IntervalInfoD6 Tags
15042         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15043         ------   --------                             --------
15044           380    Intervals                            int32u
15045           384    ShotsPerInterval                     int32u
15046           388    IntervalExposureSmoothing            int8u
15047           390    IntervalPriority                     int8u
15048           424    FocusShiftNumberShots                int8u
15049           428    FocusShiftStepWidth                  int8u
15050           432    FocusShiftInterval                   int8u~
15051           436    FocusShiftExposureLock               int8u
15052           526    DiffractionCompensation              int8u
15053           532    FlashControlMode                     int8u
15054           538    FlashGNDistance?                     no
15055           542    FlashOutput?                         int8u
15056           552    FlashRemoteControl?                  int8u
15057           556    FlashMasterControlMode               int8u
15058           558    FlashMasterCompensation?             int8s
15059           562    FlashMasterOutput?                   int8u
15060           564    FlashWirelessOption?                 int8u
15061           714    MovieType?                           int8u
15063       Nikon ShotInfoD610 Tags
15065       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the D610.
15067          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
15068          -----   --------                             --------
15069             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
15070             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
15071          1999    CustomSettingsD610                   NikonCustom SettingsD610
15073       Nikon ShotInfoZ7II Tags
15075       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the Z7II.
15077          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
15078          -----   --------                             --------
15079             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
15080             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
15081            48    IntervalOffset                       Nikon IntervalInfoZ7II
15082            56    PortraitOffset                       Nikon PortraitInfoZ7II
15083           136    OrientationOffset                    Nikon OrientationInfo
15084           152    OrientationOffset                    Nikon OrientationInfo
15085           160    MenuOffset                           Nikon MenuInfoZ7II
15087       Nikon IntervalInfoZ7II Tags
15089         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15090         ------   --------                             --------
15091            36    IntervalShooting                     int16u~
15093       Nikon PortraitInfoZ7II Tags
15095         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15096         ------   --------                             --------
15097           160    PortraitImpressionBalance            int8u[2]~
15099       Nikon MenuInfoZ7II Tags
15101         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15102         ------   --------                             --------
15103            16    MenuSettingsOffsetZ7II               Nikon MenuSettingsZ7II
15105       Nikon MenuSettingsZ7II Tags
15107       These tags are used by the Z5, Z6, Z7, Z6II, Z7II, Z50, Zfc and Zf.
15109         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15110         ------   --------                             --------
15111            92    ReleaseMode                          no
15112           160    IntervalDurationHours                int32u
15113           164    IntervalDurationMinutes              int32u
15114           168    IntervalDurationSeconds              int32u
15115           176    Intervals                            int32u
15116           180    ShotsPerInterval                     int32u
15117           184    IntervalExposureSmoothing            int8u
15118           186    IntervalPriority                     int8u
15119           220    FocusShiftNumberShots                int8u
15120           224    FocusShiftStepWidth                  int8u
15121           228    FocusShiftInterval                   int8u~
15122           232    FocusShiftExposureLock               int8u
15123           322    DiffractionCompensation              int8u
15124           323    AutoDistortionControl                int8u
15125           326    NikonMeteringMode                    int8u
15126           328    FlashControlMode                     int8u
15127           334    FlashGNDistance?                     no
15128           338    FlashOutput?                         int8u
15129           346    FlashWirelessOption?                 int8u
15130           348    FlashRemoteControl?                  int8u
15131           352    FlashMasterControlMode               int8u
15132           354    FlashMasterCompensation?             int8s
15133           358    FlashMasterOutput?                   int8u
15134           502    MovieFrameSize?                      int8u
15135           504    MovieFrameRate?                      int8u
15136           506    MovieSlowMotion?                     int8u
15137           510    MovieType?                           int8u
15138           516    MovieISOAutoManualMode?              int16u
15139           568    MovieActiveD-Lighting?               int8u
15140           572    MovieHighISONoiseReduction?          int8u
15141           574    MovieVignetteControl?                int8u
15142           576    MovieVignetteControlSameAsPhoto?     int8u
15143           577    MovieDiffractionCompensation?        int8u
15144           578    MovieAutoDistortionControl?          int8u
15145           584    MovieFocusMode?                      int8u
15146           590    MovieVibrationReduction?             int8u
15147           591    MovieVibrationReductionSameAsPhoto?  int8u
15148           858    HDMIOutputN-Log?                     int8u
15150       Nikon ShotInfoZ8 Tags
15152       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the Z8.
15154          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
15155          -----   --------                             --------
15156             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
15157             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
15158            48    SequenceOffset                       Nikon SeqInfoZ9
15159           132    OrientOffset                         Nikon OrientationInfo
15160           140    MenuOffset                           Nikon MenuInfoZ8
15162       Nikon SeqInfoZ9 Tags
15164         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15165         ------   --------                             --------
15166            32    FocusShiftShooting                   int8u~
15167            40    IntervalShooting                     int16u~
15169       Nikon MenuInfoZ8 Tags
15171         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15172         ------   --------                             --------
15173            16    MenuSettingsOffsetZ8                 Nikon MenuSettingsZ8
15175       Nikon MenuSettingsZ8 Tags
15177       These tags are used by the Z8 firmware 1.00.
15179         Index1 Tag Name                               Writable
15180         ---------------                               --------
15181          72    HighFrameRate                          int8u
15182         152    MultipleExposureMode                   int8u
15183         154    MultiExposureShots                     int8u
15184         184    IntervalDurationHours                  int32u
15185         188    IntervalDurationMinutes                int32u
15186         192    IntervalDurationSeconds                int32u
15187         200    Intervals                              int32u
15188         204    ShotsPerInterval                       int32u
15189         208    IntervalExposureSmoothing              int8u
15190         210    IntervalPriority                       int8u
15191         244    FocusShiftNumberShots                  int8u
15192         248    FocusShiftStepWidth                    int8u
15193         252    FocusShiftInterval                     int8u~
15194         256    FocusShiftExposureLock?                int8u
15195         286    PhotoShootingMenuBank                  int8u
15196         288    ExtendedMenuBanks                      int8u
15197         324    PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea         int8u
15198         338    AutoISO                                int8u
15199         340    ISOAutoHiLimit?                        int16u
15200         342    ISOAutoFlashLimit?                     int16u
15201         350    ISOAutoShutterTime                     no
15202         432    MovieVignetteControl?                  int8u
15203         434    DiffractionCompensation                int8u
15204         436    FlickerReductionShooting               int8u
15205         440    FlashControlMode                       int8u
15206         548    AFAreaMode                             int8u
15207         550    VRMode                                 int8u
15208         554    BracketSet                             int8u
15209         556    BracketProgram                         int8u
15210         558    BracketIncrement                       int8u
15211         570    HDR                                    int8u
15212         576    SecondarySlotFunction                  int8u
15213         582    HDRLevel                               int8u
15214         586    Slot2JpgSize?                          int8u
15215         592    DXCropAlert                            int8u
15216         594    SubjectDetection                       int8u
15217         596    DynamicAFAreaSize                      int8u
15218         618    ToneMap?                               int8u
15219         622    PortraitImpressionBalance              int8u
15220         636    HighFrequencyFlickerReductionShooting? int8u
15221         730    MovieImageArea?                        int8u & 0x01
15222         740    MovieType?                             int8u
15223         742    MovieISOAutoHiLimit?                   int16u
15224         744    MovieISOAutoControlManualMode?         int8u
15225         746    MovieISOAutoManualMode?                int16u
15226         820    MovieActiveD-Lighting?                 int8u
15227         822    MovieHighISONoiseReduction?            int8u
15228         828    MovieFlickerReduction                  int8u
15229         830    MovieMeteringMode?                     int8u
15230         832    MovieFocusMode?                        int8u
15231         834    MovieAFAreaMode                        int8u
15232         836    MovieVRMode?                           int8u
15233         840    MovieElectronicVR?                     int8u
15234         842    MovieSoundRecording?                   int8u
15235         844    MicrophoneSensitivity?                 int8u
15236         846    MicrophoneAttenuator?                  int8u
15237         848    MicrophoneFrequencyResponse?           int8u
15238         850    WindNoiseReduction?                    int8u
15239         882    MovieFrameSize?                        int8u
15240         884    MovieFrameRate?                        int8u
15241         886    MicrophoneJackPower?                   int8u
15242         887    MovieDXCropAlert?                      int8u
15243         888    MovieSubjectDetection?                 int8u
15244         896    MovieHighResZoom?                      int8u
15245         943    CustomSettingsZ8                       NikonCustom SettingsZ8
15246         1682   Language?                              int8u
15247         1684   TimeZone                               int8u
15248         1690   MonitorBrightness?                     int8u
15249         1712   AFFineTune?                            int8u
15250         1716   NonCPULens1FocalLength?                int16u~
15251         1718   NonCPULens2FocalLength?                int16u~
15252         1720   NonCPULens3FocalLength?                int16u~
15253         1722   NonCPULens4FocalLength?                int16u~
15254         1724   NonCPULens5FocalLength?                int16u~
15255         1726   NonCPULens6FocalLength?                int16u~
15256         1728   NonCPULens7FocalLength?                int16u~
15257         1730   NonCPULens8FocalLength?                int16u~
15258         1732   NonCPULens9FocalLength?                int16u~
15259         1734   NonCPULens10FocalLength?               int16u~
15260         1736   NonCPULens11FocalLength?               int16u~
15261         1738   NonCPULens12FocalLength?               int16u~
15262         1740   NonCPULens13FocalLength?               int16u~
15263         1742   NonCPULens14FocalLength?               int16u~
15264         1744   NonCPULens15FocalLength?               int16u~
15265         1746   NonCPULens16FocalLength?               int16u~
15266         1748   NonCPULens17FocalLength?               int16u~
15267         1750   NonCPULens18FocalLength?               int16u~
15268         1752   NonCPULens19FocalLength?               int16u~
15269         1754   NonCPULens20FocalLength?               int16u~
15270         1756   NonCPULens1MaxAperture?                int16u
15271         1758   NonCPULens2MaxAperture?                int16u
15272         1760   NonCPULens3MaxAperture?                int16u
15273         1762   NonCPULens4MaxAperture?                int16u
15274         1764   NonCPULens5MaxAperture?                int16u
15275         1766   NonCPULens6MaxAperture?                int16u
15276         1768   NonCPULens7MaxAperture?                int16u
15277         1770   NonCPULens8MaxAperture?                int16u
15278         1772   NonCPULens9MaxAperture?                int16u
15279         1774   NonCPULens10MaxAperture?               int16u
15280         1776   NonCPULens11MaxAperture?               int16u
15281         1778   NonCPULens12MaxAperture?               int16u
15282         1780   NonCPULens13MaxAperture?               int16u
15283         1782   NonCPULens14MaxAperture?               int16u
15284         1784   NonCPULens15MaxAperture?               int16u
15285         1786   NonCPULens16MaxAperture?               int16u
15286         1788   NonCPULens17MaxAperture?               int16u
15287         1790   NonCPULens18MaxAperture?               int16u
15288         1792   NonCPULens19MaxAperture?               int16u
15289         1794   NonCPULens20MaxAperture?               int16u
15290         1808   HDMIOutputResolution                   int8u
15291         1826   AirplaneMode?                          int8u
15292         1827   EmptySlotRelease?                      int8u
15293         1862   EnergySavingMode?                      int8u
15294         1890   USBPowerDelivery?                      int8u
15295         1899   SensorShield?                          int8u
15297       Nikon ShotInfoZ9 Tags
15299       These tags are extracted from encrypted data in images from the Z9.
15301          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
15302          -----   --------                             --------
15303             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
15304             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
15305            48    SequenceOffset                       Nikon SeqInfoZ9
15306            88    Offset13                             Nikon Offset13InfoZ9
15307           128    AutoCaptureOffset                    Nikon AutoCaptureInfo
15308           132    OrientOffset                         Nikon OrientationInfo
15309           140    MenuOffset                           Nikon MenuInfoZ9
15311       Nikon Offset13InfoZ9 Tags
15313         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15314         ------   --------                             --------
15315          3048    AFAreaInitialXPosition               int8s~
15316          3049    AFAreaInitialYPosition               int8s~
15317          3050    AFAreaInitialWidth                   no
15318          3051    AFAreaInitialHeight                  no
15320       Nikon AutoCaptureInfo Tags
15322         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15323         ------   --------                             --------
15324             0    AutoCapturedFrame                    int8u
15325             1    AutoCaptureCriteria                  int8u~
15326            55    AutoCaptureRecordingTime             int8u
15327            56    AutoCaptureWaitTime                  int8u
15328            74    AutoCaptureDistanceFar               int8u~
15329            78    AutoCaptureDistanceNear              int8u~
15330            95    AutoCaptureCriteriaMotionDirection   int8u~
15331            99    AutoCaptureCriteriaMotionSpeed       int8u
15332           100    AutoCaptureCriteriaMotionSize        int8u
15333           105    AutoCaptureCriteriaSubjectSize       int8u
15334           106    AutoCaptureCriteriaSubjectType       int8u
15336       Nikon MenuInfoZ9 Tags
15338         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15339         ------   --------                             --------
15340            16    MenuSettingsOffsetZ9                 Nikon MenuSettingsZ9
15341                  MenuSettingsOffsetZ9v3               -
15342                  MenuSettingsOffsetZ9v4               Nikon MenuSettingsZ9v3
15343                                                       -
15344                                                       Nikon MenuSettingsZ9v4
15346       Nikon MenuSettingsZ9 Tags
15348       These tags are used by the Z9.
15350         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15351         ------   --------                             --------
15352           140    MultipleExposureMode                 int8u
15353           142    MultiExposureShots                   int8u
15354           188    Intervals                            int32u
15355           192    ShotsPerInterval                     int32u
15356           232    FocusShiftNumberShots                int8u
15357           236    FocusShiftStepWidth                  int8u
15358           240    FocusShiftInterval                   int8u~
15359           244    FocusShiftExposureLock?              int8u
15360           274    PhotoShootingMenuBank                int8u
15361           276    ExtendedMenuBanks                    int8u
15362           308    PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea       int8u
15363           322    AutoISO                              int8u
15364           324    ISOAutoHiLimit?                      int16u
15365           326    ISOAutoFlashLimit?                   int16u
15366           334    ISOAutoShutterTime                   no
15367           416    MovieVignetteControl?                int8u
15368           418    DiffractionCompensation              int8u
15369           420    FlickerReductionShooting             int8u
15370           424    FlashControlMode                     int8u
15371           426    FlashMasterCompensation?             int8s
15372           430    FlashGNDistance?                     no
15373           434    FlashOutput?                         int8u
15374           444    FlashRemoteControl?                  int8u
15375           456    FlashWirelessOption?                 int8u
15376           528    AFAreaMode                           int8u
15377           530    VRMode                               int8u
15378           534    BracketSet                           int8u
15379           536    BracketProgram                       int8u
15380           538    BracketIncrement                     int8u
15381           556    SecondarySlotFunction                int8u
15382           572    DXCropAlert                          int8u
15383           574    SubjectDetection                     int8u
15384           576    DynamicAFAreaSize                    int8u
15385           604    MovieImageArea?                      int8u & 0x01
15386           614    MovieType?                           int8u
15387           616    MovieISOAutoHiLimit?                 int16u
15388           618    MovieISOAutoControlManualMode?       int8u
15389           620    MovieISOAutoManualMode?              int16u
15390           696    MovieActiveD-Lighting?               int8u
15391           698    MovieHighISONoiseReduction?          int8u
15392           704    MovieFlickerReduction                int8u
15393           706    MovieMeteringMode?                   int8u
15394           708    MovieFocusMode?                      int8u
15395           710    MovieAFAreaMode                      int8u
15396           712    MovieVRMode?                         int8u
15397           716    MovieElectronicVR?                   int8u
15398           718    MovieSoundRecording?                 int8u
15399           720    MicrophoneSensitivity?               int8u
15400           722    MicrophoneAttenuator?                int8u
15401           724    MicrophoneFrequencyResponse?         int8u
15402           726    WindNoiseReduction?                  int8u
15403           748    MovieToneMap?                        int8u
15404           754    MovieFrameSize?                      int8u
15405           756    MovieFrameRate?                      int8u
15406           762    MicrophoneJackPower?                 int8u
15407           763    MovieDXCropAlert?                    int8u
15408           764    MovieSubjectDetection?               int8u
15409           799    CustomSettingsZ9                     NikonCustom SettingsZ9
15410          1426    Language?                            int8u
15411          1428    TimeZone                             int8u
15412          1434    MonitorBrightness?                   no
15413          1456    AFFineTune?                          int8u
15414          1552    HDMIOutputResolution                 int8u
15415          1565    SetClockFromLocationData?            int8u
15416          1572    AirplaneMode?                        int8u
15417          1573    EmptySlotRelease?                    int8u
15418          1608    EnergySavingMode?                    int8u
15419          1632    RecordLocationData?                  int8u
15420          1636    USBPowerDelivery?                    int8u
15421          1645    SensorShield?                        int8u
15423       Nikon MenuSettingsZ9v3 Tags
15425       These tags are used by the Z9 firmware 3.00.
15427         Index1 Tag Name                               Writable
15428         ---------------                               --------
15429          72    HighFrameRate                          int8u
15430         154    MultipleExposureMode                   int8u
15431         156    MultiExposureShots                     int8u
15432         204    Intervals                              int32u
15433         208    ShotsPerInterval                       int32u
15434         248    FocusShiftNumberShots                  int8u
15435         252    FocusShiftStepWidth                    int8u
15436         256    FocusShiftInterval                     int8u~
15437         260    FocusShiftExposureLock?                int8u
15438         290    PhotoShootingMenuBank                  int8u
15439         292    ExtendedMenuBanks                      int8u
15440         328    PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea         int8u
15441         342    AutoISO                                int8u
15442         344    ISOAutoHiLimit?                        int16u
15443         346    ISOAutoFlashLimit?                     int16u
15444         354    ISOAutoShutterTime                     no
15445         436    MovieVignetteControl?                  int8u
15446         438    DiffractionCompensation                int8u
15447         440    FlickerReductionShooting               int8u
15448         444    FlashControlMode                       int8u
15449         446    FlashMasterCompensation?               int8s
15450         450    FlashGNDistance?                       no
15451         454    FlashOutput?                           int8u
15452         548    AFAreaMode                             int8u
15453         550    VRMode                                 int8u
15454         554    BracketSet                             int8u
15455         556    BracketProgram                         int8u
15456         558    BracketIncrement                       int8u
15457         576    SecondarySlotFunction                  int8u
15458         592    DXCropAlert                            int8u
15459         594    SubjectDetection                       int8u
15460         596    DynamicAFAreaSize                      int8u
15461         636    HighFrequencyFlickerReductionShooting? int8u
15462         646    MovieImageArea?                        int8u & 0x01
15463         656    MovieType?                             int8u
15464         658    MovieISOAutoHiLimit?                   int16u
15465         660    MovieISOAutoControlManualMode?         int8u
15466         662    MovieISOAutoManualMode?                int16u
15467         736    MovieActiveD-Lighting?                 int8u
15468         738    MovieHighISONoiseReduction?            int8u
15469         744    MovieFlickerReduction                  int8u
15470         746    MovieMeteringMode?                     int8u
15471         748    MovieFocusMode?                        int8u
15472         750    MovieAFAreaMode                        int8u
15473         752    MovieVRMode?                           int8u
15474         756    MovieElectronicVR?                     int8u
15475         758    MovieSoundRecording?                   int8u
15476         760    MicrophoneSensitivity?                 int8u
15477         762    MicrophoneAttenuator?                  int8u
15478         764    MicrophoneFrequencyResponse?           int8u
15479         766    WindNoiseReduction?                    int8u
15480         788    MovieToneMap?                          int8u
15481         794    MovieFrameSize?                        int8u
15482         796    MovieFrameRate?                        int8u
15483         802    MicrophoneJackPower?                   int8u
15484         803    MovieDXCropAlert?                      int8u
15485         804    MovieSubjectDetection?                 int8u
15486         812    MovieHighResZoom?                      int8u
15487         847    CustomSettingsZ9                       NikonCustom SettingsZ9
15488         1474   Language?                              int8u
15489         1476   TimeZone                               int8u
15490         1482   MonitorBrightness?                     int8u
15491         1504   AFFineTune?                            int8u
15492         1600   HDMIOutputResolution                   int8u
15493         1613   SetClockFromLocationData?              int8u
15494         1620   AirplaneMode?                          int8u
15495         1621   EmptySlotRelease?                      int8u
15496         1656   EnergySavingMode?                      int8u
15497         1680   RecordLocationData?                    int8u
15498         1684   USBPowerDelivery?                      int8u
15499         1693   SensorShield?                          int8u
15500         1754   FocusShiftAutoReset?                   int8u
15501         1810   PreReleaseBurstLength                  int8u
15502         1812   PostReleaseBurstLength                 int8u
15504       Nikon MenuSettingsZ9v4 Tags
15506       These tags are used by the Z9 firmware 3.00.
15508         Index1 Tag Name                               Writable
15509         ---------------                               --------
15510          72    HighFrameRate                          int8u
15511         154    MultipleExposureMode                   int8u
15512         156    MultiExposureShots                     int8u
15513         204    Intervals                              int32u
15514         208    ShotsPerInterval                       int32u
15515         248    FocusShiftNumberShots                  int8u
15516         252    FocusShiftStepWidth                    int8u
15517         256    FocusShiftInterval                     int8u~
15518         260    FocusShiftExposureLock?                int8u
15519         290    PhotoShootingMenuBank                  int8u
15520         292    ExtendedMenuBanks                      int8u
15521         328    PhotoShootingMenuBankImageArea         int8u
15522         342    AutoISO                                int8u
15523         344    ISOAutoHiLimit?                        int16u
15524         346    ISOAutoFlashLimit?                     int16u
15525         354    ISOAutoShutterTime                     no
15526         436    MovieVignetteControl?                  int8u
15527         438    DiffractionCompensation                int8u
15528         440    FlickerReductionShooting               int8u
15529         444    FlashControlMode                       int8u
15530         446    FlashMasterCompensation?               int8s
15531         450    FlashGNDistance?                       no
15532         454    FlashOutput?                           int8u
15533         548    AFAreaMode                             int8u
15534         550    VRMode                                 int8u
15535         554    BracketSet                             int8u
15536         556    BracketProgram                         int8u
15537         558    BracketIncrement                       int8u
15538         570    HDR                                    int8u
15539         576    SecondarySlotFunction                  int8u
15540         582    HDRLevel                               int8u
15541         586    Slot2JpgSize?                          int8u
15542         592    DXCropAlert                            int8u
15543         594    SubjectDetection                       int8u
15544         596    DynamicAFAreaSize                      int8u
15545         636    HighFrequencyFlickerReductionShooting? int8u
15546         646    MovieImageArea?                        int8u & 0x01
15547         656    MovieType?                             int8u
15548         658    MovieISOAutoHiLimit?                   int16u
15549         660    MovieISOAutoControlManualMode?         int8u
15550         662    MovieISOAutoManualMode?                int16u
15551         736    MovieActiveD-Lighting?                 int8u
15552         738    MovieHighISONoiseReduction?            int8u
15553         744    MovieFlickerReduction                  int8u
15554         746    MovieMeteringMode?                     int8u
15555         748    MovieFocusMode?                        int8u
15556         750    MovieAFAreaMode                        int8u
15557         752    MovieVRMode?                           int8u
15558         756    MovieElectronicVR?                     int8u
15559         758    MovieSoundRecording?                   int8u
15560         760    MicrophoneSensitivity?                 int8u
15561         762    MicrophoneAttenuator?                  int8u
15562         764    MicrophoneFrequencyResponse?           int8u
15563         766    WindNoiseReduction?                    int8u
15564         788    MovieToneMap?                          int8u
15565         794    MovieFrameSize?                        int8u
15566         796    MovieFrameRate?                        int8u
15567         802    MicrophoneJackPower?                   int8u
15568         803    MovieDXCropAlert?                      int8u
15569         804    MovieSubjectDetection?                 int8u
15570         812    MovieHighResZoom?                      int8u
15571         847    CustomSettingsZ9v4                     NikonCustom SettingsZ9v4
15572         1498   Language?                              int8u
15573         1500   TimeZone                               int8u
15574         1506   MonitorBrightness?                     int8u
15575         1528   AFFineTune?                            int8u
15576         1532   NonCPULens1FocalLength?                int16s~
15577         1536   NonCPULens2FocalLength?                int16s~
15578         1540   NonCPULens3FocalLength?                int16s~
15579         1544   NonCPULens4FocalLength?                int16s~
15580         1548   NonCPULens5FocalLength?                int16s~
15581         1552   NonCPULens6FocalLength?                int16s~
15582         1556   NonCPULens7FocalLength?                int16s~
15583         1560   NonCPULens8FocalLength?                int16s~
15584         1564   NonCPULens9FocalLength?                int16s~
15585         1568   NonCPULens10FocalLength?               int16s~
15586         1572   NonCPULens11FocalLength?               int16s~
15587         1576   NonCPULens12FocalLength?               int16s~
15588         1580   NonCPULens13FocalLength?               int16s~
15589         1584   NonCPULens14FocalLength?               int16s~
15590         1588   NonCPULens15FocalLength?               int16s~
15591         1592   NonCPULens16FocalLength?               int16s~
15592         1596   NonCPULens17FocalLength?               int16s~
15593         1600   NonCPULens18FocalLength?               int16s~
15594         1604   NonCPULens19FocalLength?               int16s~
15595         1608   NonCPULens20FocalLength?               int16s~
15596         1612   NonCPULens1MaxAperture?                int16s~
15597         1616   NonCPULens2MaxAperture?                int16s~
15598         1620   NonCPULens3MaxAperture?                int16s~
15599         1624   NonCPULens4MaxAperture?                int16s~
15600         1628   NonCPULens5MaxAperture?                int16s~
15601         1632   NonCPULens6MaxAperture?                int16s~
15602         1636   NonCPULens7MaxAperture?                int16s~
15603         1640   NonCPULens8MaxAperture?                int16s~
15604         1644   NonCPULens9MaxAperture?                int16s~
15605         1648   NonCPULens10MaxAperture?               int16s~
15606         1652   NonCPULens11MaxAperture?               int16s~
15607         1656   NonCPULens12MaxAperture?               int16s~
15608         1660   NonCPULens13MaxAperture?               int16s~
15609         1664   NonCPULens14MaxAperture?               int16s~
15610         1668   NonCPULens15MaxAperture?               int16s~
15611         1672   NonCPULens16MaxAperture?               int16s~
15612         1676   NonCPULens17MaxAperture?               int16s~
15613         1680   NonCPULens18MaxAperture?               int16s~
15614         1684   NonCPULens19MaxAperture?               int16s~
15615         1688   NonCPULens20MaxAperture?               int16s~
15616         1704   HDMIOutputResolution                   int8u
15617         1717   SetClockFromLocationData?              int8u
15618         1724   AirplaneMode?                          int8u
15619         1725   EmptySlotRelease?                      int8u
15620         1760   EnergySavingMode?                      int8u
15621         1784   RecordLocationData?                    int8u
15622         1788   USBPowerDelivery?                      int8u
15623         1797   SensorShield?                          int8u
15624         1862   AutoCapturePreset                      int8u
15625         1864   FocusShiftAutoReset?                   int8u
15626         1922   PreReleaseBurstLength                  int8u
15627         1924   PostReleaseBurstLength                 int8u
15628         1938   VerticalISOButton                      int8u
15629         1940   ExposureCompensationButton             int8u
15630         1942   ISOButton                              int8u
15631         2002   ViewModeShowEffectsOfSettings?         int8u
15632         2004   DispButton                             int8u
15633         2048   ExposureDelay                          fixed32u~
15634         2056   PlaybackButton                         int8u
15635         2058   WBButton                               int8u
15636         2060   BracketButton                          int8u
15637         2062   FlashModeButton                        int8u
15638         2064   LensFunc1ButtonPlaybackMode            int8u
15639         2066   LensFunc2ButtonPlaybackMode            int8u
15640         2068   PlaybackButtonPlaybackMode             int8u
15641         2070   BracketButtonPlaybackMode              int8u
15642         2072   FlashModeButtonPlaybackMode            int8u
15644       Nikon ShotInfo Tags
15646       This information is encrypted for ShotInfoVersion 02xx, and some tags
15647       are only valid for specific models.
15649         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15650         ------   --------                             --------
15651             0    ShotInfoVersion                      no
15652             4    FirmwareVersion                      no
15653            16    DistortionControl                    int8u
15654           102    VR_0x66?                             int8u
15655           106    ShutterCount                         int32u
15656           110    DeletedImageCount                    int32u
15657           117    VibrationReduction                   int8u
15658           130    VibrationReduction                   int8u
15659           343    ShutterCount                         undef[2]
15660           430    VibrationReduction                   int8u
15661           589    ShutterCount                         int32u
15663       Nikon ColorBalance1 Tags
15665         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
15666         ------   --------                             --------
15667             0    WB_RBGGLevels                        int16u[4]!
15669       Nikon ColorBalance2 Tags
15671       This information is encrypted for most camera models.
15673         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
15674         ------   --------                             --------
15675             0    WB_RGGBLevels                        int16u[4]!
15677       Nikon ColorBalance3 Tags
15679         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
15680         ------   --------                             --------
15681             0    WB_RGBGLevels                        int16u[4]!
15683       Nikon ColorBalance4 Tags
15685         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
15686         ------   --------                             --------
15687             0    WB_GRBGLevels                        int16u[4]!
15689       Nikon ColorBalanceUnknown Tags
15691         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15692         ------   --------                             --------
15693             0    ColorBalanceVersion                  undef[4]
15695       Nikon ColorBalanceUnknown2 Tags
15697         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
15698         ------   --------                             --------
15699             0    ColorBalanceVersion                  undef[4]
15701       Nikon LensData00 Tags
15703       This structure is used by the D100, and D1X with firmware version 1.1.
15705         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15706         ------   --------                             --------
15707             0    LensDataVersion                      no
15708             6    LensIDNumber                         int8u
15709             7    LensFStops                           int8u
15710             8    MinFocalLength                       int8u
15711             9    MaxFocalLength                       int8u
15712            10    MaxApertureAtMinFocal                int8u
15713            11    MaxApertureAtMaxFocal                int8u
15714            12    MCUVersion                           int8u
15716       Nikon LensData01 Tags
15718       Nikon encrypts the LensData information below if LensDataVersion is
15719       0201 or higher, but  the decryption algorithm is known so the
15720       information can be extracted.
15722         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15723         ------   --------                             --------
15724             0    LensDataVersion                      no
15725             4    ExitPupilPosition                    int8u
15726             5    AFAperture                           int8u
15727             8    FocusPosition                        int8u
15728             9    FocusDistance                        int8u
15729            10    FocalLength                          int8u
15730            11    LensIDNumber                         int8u
15731            12    LensFStops                           int8u
15732            13    MinFocalLength                       int8u
15733            14    MaxFocalLength                       int8u
15734            15    MaxApertureAtMinFocal                int8u
15735            16    MaxApertureAtMaxFocal                int8u
15736            17    MCUVersion                           int8u
15737            18    EffectiveMaxAperture                 int8u
15739       Nikon LensData0204 Tags
15741       Nikon encrypts the LensData information below if LensDataVersion is
15742       0201 or higher, but  the decryption algorithm is known so the
15743       information can be extracted.
15745         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15746         ------   --------                             --------
15747             0    LensDataVersion                      no
15748             4    ExitPupilPosition                    int8u
15749             5    AFAperture                           int8u
15750             8    FocusPosition                        int8u
15751            10    FocusDistance                        int8u
15752            11    FocalLength                          int8u
15753            12    LensIDNumber                         int8u
15754            13    LensFStops                           int8u
15755            14    MinFocalLength                       int8u
15756            15    MaxFocalLength                       int8u
15757            16    MaxApertureAtMinFocal                int8u
15758            17    MaxApertureAtMaxFocal                int8u
15759            18    MCUVersion                           int8u
15760            19    EffectiveMaxAperture                 int8u
15762       Nikon LensData0400 Tags
15764       Tags extracted from the encrypted lens data of the Nikon 1J1/1V1/1J2.
15766         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15767         ------   --------                             --------
15768             0    LensDataVersion                      no
15769           394    LensModel                            string[64]
15771       Nikon LensData0402 Tags
15773       Tags extracted from the encrypted lens data of the Nikon 1J3/1S1/1V2.
15775         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15776         ------   --------                             --------
15777             0    LensDataVersion                      no
15778           395    LensModel                            string[64]
15780       Nikon LensData0403 Tags
15782       Tags extracted from the encrypted lens data of the Nikon 1J4/1J5.
15784         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15785         ------   --------                             --------
15786             0    LensDataVersion                      no
15787           684    LensModel                            string[64]
15789       Nikon LensData0800 Tags
15791       Tags found in the encrypted LensData from cameras such as the Z6 and
15792       Z7.
15794         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15795         ------   --------                             --------
15796             0    LensDataVersion                      no
15797             4    ExitPupilPosition                    int8u
15798             5    AFAperture                           int8u
15799            11    FocusDistance                        int8u
15800            12    FocalLength                          int8u
15801            13    LensIDNumber                         int8u
15802            14    LensFStops                           int8u
15803            15    MinFocalLength                       int8u
15804            16    MaxFocalLength                       int8u
15805            17    MaxApertureAtMinFocal                int8u
15806            18    MaxApertureAtMaxFocal                int8u
15807            19    MCUVersion                           int8u
15808            20    EffectiveMaxAperture                 int8u
15809            47    NewLensData                          undef[17]
15810            48    LensID                               int16u
15811            53    LensMountType                        int8u
15812            54    MaxAperture                          int16u
15813            56    FNumber                              int16u
15814            60    FocalLength                          int16u
15815            76    FocusDistanceRangeWidth?             int8u
15816            78    FocusDistance                        int16u~
15817            86    LensDriveEnd?                        int8u
15818            88    FocusStepsFromInfinity?              int8u
15819            90    LensPositionAbsolute                 int32s
15821       Nikon LensDataUnknown Tags
15823         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15824         ------   --------                             --------
15825             0    LensDataVersion                      no
15827       Nikon FlashInfo0100 Tags
15829       These tags are used by the D2H, D2Hs, D2X, D2Xs, D50, D70, D70s, D80
15830       and D200.
15832         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15833         ------   --------                             --------
15834             0    FlashInfoVersion                     no
15835             4    FlashSource                          int8u
15836             6    ExternalFlashFirmware                int8u[2]
15837             8    ExternalFlashFlags                   int8u
15838           9.1    FlashCommanderMode                   int8u & 0x80
15839           9.2    FlashControlMode                     int8u & 0x7f
15840            10    FlashOutput                          int8u
15841                  FlashCompensation                    int8s
15842            11    FlashFocalLength                     int8u
15843            12    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u
15844            13    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u
15845            14    FlashGNDistance                      int8u
15846            15    FlashGroupAControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15847            16    FlashGroupBControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15848            17    FlashGroupAOutput                    int8u
15849                  FlashGroupACompensation              int8s
15850            18    FlashGroupBOutput                    int8u
15851                  FlashGroupBCompensation              int8s
15853       Nikon FlashInfo0102 Tags
15855       These tags are used by the D3 (firmware 1.x), D40, D40X, D60 and D300
15856       (firmware 1.00).
15858         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15859         ------   --------                             --------
15860             0    FlashInfoVersion                     no
15861             4    FlashSource                          int8u
15862             6    ExternalFlashFirmware                int8u[2]
15863             8    ExternalFlashFlags                   int8u
15864           9.1    FlashCommanderMode                   int8u & 0x80
15865           9.2    FlashControlMode                     int8u & 0x7f
15866            10    FlashOutput                          int8u
15867                  FlashCompensation                    int8s
15868            12    FlashFocalLength                     int8u
15869            13    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u
15870            14    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u
15871            15    FlashGNDistance                      int8u
15872          16.1    FlashGroupAControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15873          17.1    FlashGroupBControlMode               int8u & 0xf0
15874          17.2    FlashGroupCControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15875            18    FlashGroupAOutput                    int8u
15876                  FlashGroupACompensation              int8s
15877            19    FlashGroupBOutput                    int8u
15878                  FlashGroupBCompensation              int8s
15879            20    FlashGroupCOutput                    int8u
15880                  FlashGroupCCompensation              int8s
15882       Nikon FlashInfo0103 Tags
15884       These tags are used by the D3 (firmware 2.x), D3X, D3S, D4, D90, D300
15885       (firmware 1.10), D300S, D600, D700, D800, D3000, D3100, D3200, D5000,
15886       D5100, D5200, D7000.
15888         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15889         ------   --------                             --------
15890             0    FlashInfoVersion                     no
15891             4    FlashSource                          int8u
15892             6    ExternalFlashFirmware                int8u[2]
15893             8    ExternalFlashFlags                   int8u
15894           9.1    FlashCommanderMode                   int8u & 0x80
15895           9.2    FlashControlMode                     int8u & 0x7f
15896            10    FlashOutput                          int8u
15897                  FlashCompensation                    int8s
15898            12    FlashFocalLength                     int8u
15899            13    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u
15900            14    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u
15901            15    FlashGNDistance                      int8u
15902            16    FlashColorFilter                     int8u
15903          17.1    FlashGroupAControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15904          18.1    FlashGroupBControlMode               int8u & 0xf0
15905          18.2    FlashGroupCControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15906            19    FlashGroupAOutput                    int8u
15907                  FlashGroupACompensation              int8s
15908            20    FlashGroupBOutput                    int8u
15909                  FlashGroupBCompensation              int8s
15910            21    FlashGroupCOutput                    int8u
15911                  FlashGroupCCompensation              int8s
15912            27    ExternalFlashCompensation            int8s
15913            29    FlashExposureComp3                   int8s
15914            39    FlashExposureComp4                   int8s
15916       Nikon FlashInfo0106 Tags
15918       These tags are used by the Df, D610, D3300, D5300, D7100 and Coolpix A.
15920         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15921         ------   --------                             --------
15922             0    FlashInfoVersion                     no
15923             4    FlashSource                          int8u
15924             6    ExternalFlashFirmware                int8u[2]
15925             8    ExternalFlashFlags                   int8u
15926           9.1    FlashCommanderMode                   int8u & 0x80
15927           9.2    FlashControlMode                     int8u & 0x7f
15928            12    FlashFocalLength                     int8u
15929            13    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u
15930            14    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u
15931            15    FlashGNDistance                      int8u
15932            16    FlashColorFilter                     int8u
15933          17.1    FlashGroupAControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15934          18.1    FlashGroupBControlMode               int8u & 0xf0
15935          18.2    FlashGroupCControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15936            39    FlashOutput                          int8u
15937                  FlashCompensation                    int8s
15938            40    FlashGroupAOutput                    int8u
15939                  FlashGroupACompensation              int8s
15940            41    FlashGroupBOutput                    int8u
15941                  FlashGroupBCompensation              int8s
15942            42    FlashGroupCOutput                    int8u
15943                  FlashGroupCCompensation              int8s
15945       Nikon FlashInfo0107 Tags
15947       These tags are used by the D4S, D750, D810, D5500, D7200
15948       (FlashInfoVersion 0107) and the D5, D500, D850 and D3400
15949       (FlashInfoVersion 0108).
15951         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15952         ------   --------                             --------
15953             0    FlashInfoVersion                     no
15954             4    FlashSource                          int8u
15955             6    ExternalFlashFirmware                int8u[2]
15956           8.1    ExternalFlashZoomOverride            int8u & 0x80
15957           8.2    ExternalFlashStatus                  int8u & 0x01
15958           9.1    ExternalFlashReadyState              int8u & 0x07
15959            10    FlashCompensation                    int8s
15960            12    FlashFocalLength                     int8u
15961            13    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u
15962            14    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u
15963            15    FlashGNDistance                      int8u
15964          17.1    FlashGroupAControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15965          18.1    FlashGroupBControlMode               int8u & 0xf0
15966          18.2    FlashGroupCControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15967            40    FlashGroupAOutput                    int8u
15968                  FlashGroupACompensation              int8s
15969            41    FlashGroupBOutput                    int8u
15970                  FlashGroupBCompensation              int8s
15971            42    FlashGroupCOutput                    int8u
15972                  FlashGroupCCompensation              int8s
15974       Nikon FlashInfo0300 Tags
15976         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
15977         ------   --------                             --------
15978             0    FlashInfoVersion                     no
15979             4    FlashSource                          int8u
15980             6    ExternalFlashFirmware                int8u[2]
15981             8    ExternalFlashFlags                   int8u
15982           9.1    FlashCommanderMode                   int8u & 0x80
15983           9.2    FlashControlMode                     int8u & 0x7f
15984            10    FlashCompensation                    int8s
15985            13    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u
15986            14    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u
15987            15    FlashGNDistance                      int8u
15988            16    FlashColorFilter                     int8u
15989          17.1    FlashGroupAControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15990          18.1    FlashGroupBControlMode               int8u & 0xf0
15991          18.2    FlashGroupCControlMode               int8u & 0x0f
15992            33    FlashOutput                          int8u
15993            37    FlashIlluminationPattern             int8u
15994            38    FlashFocalLength                     int8u
15995            40    FlashGroupAOutput                    int8u
15996                  FlashGroupACompensation              int8s
15997            41    FlashGroupBOutput                    int8u
15998                  FlashGroupBCompensation              int8s
15999            42    FlashGroupCOutput                    int8u
16000                  FlashGroupCCompensation              int8s
16002       Nikon FlashInfoUnknown Tags
16004         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16005         ------   --------                             --------
16006             0    FlashInfoVersion                     no
16008       Nikon MultiExposure Tags
16010         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
16011         ------   --------                             --------
16012             0    MultiExposureVersion                 no
16013             1    MultiExposureMode                    int32u
16014             2    MultiExposureShots                   int32u
16015             3    MultiExposureAutoGain                int32u
16017       Nikon MultiExposure2 Tags
16019         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
16020         ------   --------                             --------
16021             0    MultiExposureVersion                 no
16022             1    MultiExposureMode                    int32u
16023             2    MultiExposureShots                   int32u
16024             3    MultiExposureOverlayMode             int32u
16026       Nikon AFInfo2V0400 Tags
16028         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16029         ------   --------                             --------
16030             0    AFInfo2Version                       no
16031             5    AFAreaMode                           int8u
16032            10    AFPointsUsed                         undef[51]
16033            62    AFImageWidth                         int16u
16034            64    AFImageHeight                        int16u
16035            66    AFAreaXPosition                      int16u
16036            67    FocusPositionHorizontal              int8u~
16037            68    AFAreaYPosition                      int16u
16038            69    FocusPositionVertical                int8u~
16039            70    AFAreaWidth                          int16u
16040            72    AFAreaHeight                         int16u
16041            74    FocusResult                          int8u
16043       Nikon AFInfo2 Tags
16045       These tags are written by Nikon DSLR's which have the live view
16046       feature.
16048         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16049         ------   --------                             --------
16050             0    AFInfo2Version                       no
16051             4    ContrastDetectAF                     int8u
16052             5    AFAreaMode                           int8u
16053             6    PhaseDetectAF                        int8u
16054             7    PrimaryAFPoint                       int8u
16055             8    AFPointsUsed                         undef[7]
16056                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[2]
16057                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[5]
16058                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[17]
16059                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[21]
16060                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[29]
16061                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[20]
16062                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[7]
16063                  PrimaryAFPoint                       int8u
16064            10    AFPointsUsed                         undef[7]
16065                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[11]
16066                  AFPointsUsed                         undef[14]
16067            16    AFImageWidth                         int16u
16068            18    AFImageHeight                        int16u
16069            20    AFAreaXPosition                      int16u
16070            22    AFAreaYPosition                      int16u
16071            24    AFAreaWidth                          int16u
16072            26    AFAreaHeight                         int16u
16073            28    ContrastDetectAFInFocus              int8u
16074                  AFPointsSelected                     undef[20]
16075            42    AFImageWidth                         int16u
16076            44    AFImageHeight                        int16u
16077            46    AFAreaXPosition                      int16u
16078            47    FocusPositionHorizontal              int8u~
16079            48    AFAreaYPosition                      int16u
16080                  AFPointsInFocus                      undef[20]
16081            49    FocusPositionVertical                int8u~
16082            50    AFAreaWidth                          int16u
16083            52    AFAreaHeight                         int16u
16084            56    PrimaryAFPoint                       int8u
16085            68    PrimaryAFPoint                       int8u
16086            70    AFImageWidth                         int16u
16087            72    AFImageHeight                        int16u
16088            74    AFAreaXPosition                      int16u
16089            76    AFAreaYPosition                      int16u
16090            78    AFAreaWidth                          int16u
16091            80    AFAreaHeight                         int16u
16092            82    ContrastDetectAFInFocus              int8u
16094       Nikon FileInfo Tags
16096         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
16097         ------   --------                             --------
16098             0    FileInfoVersion                      no
16099             2    MemoryCardNumber                     int16u
16100             3    DirectoryNumber                      int16u
16101             4    FileNumber                           int16u
16103       Nikon AFTune Tags
16105         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16106         ------   --------                             --------
16107             0    AFFineTune                           int8u
16108             1    AFFineTuneIndex                      int8u
16109             2    AFFineTuneAdj                        int8s
16110             3    AFFineTuneAdjTele                    int8s
16112       Nikon RetouchInfo Tags
16114         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16115         ------   --------                             --------
16116             0    RetouchInfoVersion                   no
16117             5    RetouchNEFProcessing                 int8s
16119       Nikon BarometerInfo Tags
16121         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16122         ------   --------                             --------
16123             0    BarometerInfoVersion                 no
16124             6    Altitude                             int32s
16126       Nikon CaptureOffsets Tags
16128         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16129         ------   --------                             --------
16130         0x0001   IFD0_Offset                          no
16131         0x0002   PreviewIFD_Offset                    no
16132         0x0003   SubIFD_Offset                        no
16134       Nikon Scan Tags
16136       This information is written by the Nikon Scan software.
16138         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16139         ------   --------                             --------
16140         0x0002   FilmType                             string
16141         0x0040   MultiSample                          string
16142         0x0041   BitDepth                             int16u
16143         0x0050   MasterGain                           rational64s
16144         0x0051   ColorGain                            rational64s[3]
16145         0x0060   ScanImageEnhancer                    int32u
16146         0x0100   DigitalICE                           string
16147         0x0110   ROCInfo                              Nikon ROC
16148         0x0120   GEMInfo                              Nikon GEM
16149         0x0200   DigitalDEEShadowAdj                  int32u
16150         0x0201   DigitalDEEThreshold                  int32u
16151         0x0202   DigitalDEEHighlightAdj               int32u
16153       Nikon ROC Tags
16155         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
16156         ------   --------                             --------
16157             0    DigitalROC                           int32u
16159       Nikon GEM Tags
16161         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
16162         ------   --------                             --------
16163             0    DigitalGEM                           int32u
16165       Nikon CaptureOutput Tags
16167         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
16168         ------   --------                             --------
16169             2    OutputImageWidth                     int32u
16170             3    OutputImageHeight                    int32u
16171             4    OutputResolution                     int32u
16173       Nikon Type2 Tags
16175         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16176         ------   --------                             --------
16177         0x0003   Quality                              yes
16178         0x0004   ColorMode                            yes
16179         0x0005   ImageAdjustment                      yes
16180         0x0006   CCDSensitivity                       yes
16181         0x0007   WhiteBalance                         yes
16182         0x0008   Focus                                yes
16183         0x000a   DigitalZoom                          yes
16184         0x000b   Converter                            yes
16186       Nikon NEFInfo Tags
16188       As-yet unknown information found in SubIFD1 tag 0xc7d5 of NEF images
16189       from cameras such as the Z6 and Z7, and NRW images from some Coolpix
16190       cameras.
16192         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16193         ------   --------                             --------
16194         [no tags known]
16196       Nikon AVI Tags
16198       Nikon-specific RIFF tags found in AVI videos.
16200         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16201         ------   --------                             --------
16202         'nctg'   NikonTags                            Nikon AVITags
16203         'ncth'   ThumbnailImage                       no
16204         'ncvr'   NikonVers                            Nikon AVIVers
16205         'ncvw'   PreviewImage                         no
16207       Nikon AVITags Tags
16209       These tags and the AVIVer tags below are found in proprietary-format
16210       records of Nikon AVI videos.
16212         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16213         ------   --------                             --------
16214         0x0003   Make                                 no
16215         0x0004   Model                                no
16216         0x0005   Software                             no
16217         0x0006   Equipment                            no
16218         0x0007   Orientation                          no
16219         0x0008   ExposureTime                         no
16220         0x0009   FNumber                              no
16221         0x000a   ExposureCompensation                 no
16222         0x000b   MaxApertureValue                     no
16223         0x000c   MeteringMode                         no
16224         0x000f   FocalLength                          no
16225         0x0010   XResolution                          no
16226         0x0011   YResolution                          no
16227         0x0012   ResolutionUnit                       no
16228         0x0013   DateTimeOriginal                     no
16229         0x0014   CreateDate                           no
16230         0x0016   Duration                             no
16231         0x0018   FocusMode                            no
16232         0x001b   DigitalZoom                          no
16233         0x001d   ColorMode                            no
16234         0x001e   Sharpness                            no
16235         0x001f   WhiteBalance                         no
16236         0x0020   NoiseReduction                       no
16238       Nikon AVIVers Tags
16240         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16241         ------   --------                             --------
16242         0x0001   MakerNoteType                        no
16243         0x0002   MakerNoteVersion                     no
16245       Nikon NCDT Tags
16247       Nikon-specific QuickTime tags found in the NCDT atom of MOV videos from
16248       various Nikon models.
16250         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16251         ------   --------                             --------
16252         'NCDB'   NikonNCDB                            Nikon NCDB
16253         'NCHD'   MakerNoteVersion                     no
16254         'NCM1'   PreviewImage1                        no
16255         'NCM2'   PreviewImage2                        no
16256         'NCTG'   NikonTags                            Nikon NCTG
16257         'NCTH'   ThumbnailImage                       no
16258         'NCVW'   PreviewImage                         no
16260       Nikon NCDB Tags
16262         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
16263         ------   --------                             --------
16264         [no tags known]
16266       Nikon NCTG Tags
16268       These tags are found in proprietary-format records of the NCTG atom in
16269       MOV videos from some Nikon cameras.
16271         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
16272         ------       --------                         --------
16273         0x0001       Make                             no
16274         0x0002       Model                            no
16275         0x0003       Software                         no
16276         0x0011       CreateDate                       no
16277         0x0012       DateTimeOriginal                 no
16278         0x0013       FrameCount                       no
16279         0x0016       FrameRate                        no
16280         0x0019       TimeZone                         no
16281         0x0022       FrameWidth                       no
16282         0x0023       FrameHeight                      no
16283         0x0032       AudioChannels                    no
16284         0x0033       AudioBitsPerSample               no
16285         0x0034       AudioSampleRate                  no
16286         0x1002       NikonDateTime                    no
16287         0x1013       ElectronicVR                     no
16288         0x110829a    ExposureTime                     no
16289         0x110829d    FNumber                          no
16290         0x1108822    ExposureProgram                  no
16291         0x1109204    ExposureCompensation             no
16292         0x1109207    MeteringMode                     no
16293         0x110920a    FocalLength                      no
16294         0x110a431    SerialNumber                     no
16295         0x110a432    LensInfo                         no
16296         0x110a433    LensMake                         no
16297         0x110a434    LensModel                        no
16298         0x110a435    LensSerialNumber                 no
16299         0x1200000    GPSVersionID                     no
16300         0x1200001    GPSLatitudeRef                   no
16301         0x1200002    GPSLatitude                      no
16302         0x1200003    GPSLongitudeRef                  no
16303         0x1200004    GPSLongitude                     no
16304         0x1200005    GPSAltitudeRef                   no
16305         0x1200006    GPSAltitude                      no
16306         0x1200007    GPSTimeStamp                     no
16307         0x1200008    GPSSatellites                    no
16308         0x1200010    GPSImgDirectionRef               no
16309         0x1200011    GPSImgDirection                  no
16310         0x1200012    GPSMapDatum                      no
16311         0x120001d    GPSDateStamp                     no
16312         0x2000001    MakerNoteVersion                 no
16313         0x2000005    WhiteBalance                     no
16314         0x2000007    FocusMode                        no
16315         0x200000b    WhiteBalanceFineTune             no
16316         0x200001b    CropHiSpeed                      no
16317         0x200001e    ColorSpace                       no
16318         0x200001f    VRInfo                           Nikon VRInfo
16319         0x2000022    ActiveD-Lighting                 no
16320         0x2000023    PictureControlData               Nikon PictureControl
16321                                                       Nikon PictureControl2
16322                                                       Nikon PictureControl3
16323                                                       Nikon PictureControlUnknown
16324         0x2000024    WorldTime                        Nikon WorldTime
16325         0x2000025    ISOInfo                          Nikon ISOInfo
16326         0x200002a    VignetteControl                  no
16327         0x200002c    UnknownInfo                      Nikon UnknownInfo
16328         0x2000032    UnknownInfo2                     Nikon UnknownInfo2
16329         0x2000039    LocationInfo                     Nikon LocationInfo
16330         0x200003f    WhiteBalanceFineTune             no
16331         0x200004e    NikonSettings                    NikonSettings
16332         0x2000083    LensType                         no
16333         0x2000084    Lens                             no
16334         0x2000087    FlashMode                        no
16335         0x2000098    LensData0100                     Nikon LensData00
16336                      LensData0101                     Nikon LensData01
16337                      LensData0201                     Nikon LensData01
16338                      LensData0204                     Nikon LensData0204
16339                      LensData0400                     Nikon LensData0400
16340                      LensData0402                     Nikon LensData0402
16341                      LensData0403                     Nikon LensData0403
16342                      LensData0800                     Nikon LensData0800
16343                      LensDataUnknown                  Nikon LensDataUnknown
16344         0x20000a7    ShutterCount                     no
16345         0x20000a8    FlashInfo0100                    Nikon FlashInfo0100
16346                      FlashInfo0102                    Nikon FlashInfo0102
16347                      FlashInfo0103                    Nikon FlashInfo0103
16348                      FlashInfo0106                    Nikon FlashInfo0106
16349                      FlashInfo0107                    Nikon FlashInfo0107
16350                      FlashInfoUnknown                 Nikon FlashInfoUnknown
16351         0x20000ab    VariProgram                      no
16352         0x20000b1    HighISONoiseReduction            no
16353         0x20000b7    AFInfo2                          Nikon AFInfo2
16354         0x20000c3    BarometerInfo                    Nikon BarometerInfo
16356       Nikon MOV Tags
16358       This information is found in MOV and QT videos from some Nikon cameras.
16360         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16361         ------   --------                             --------
16362             0    Make                                 no
16363            24    Model                                no
16364            38    ExposureTime                         no
16365            42    FNumber                              no
16366            50    ExposureCompensation                 no
16367            68    WhiteBalance                         no
16368            72    FocalLength                          no
16369           175    Software                             no
16370           223    ISO                                  no
16372   NikonCustom Tags
16373       Unfortunately, the NikonCustom settings are stored in a binary data
16374       block which changes from model to model.  This means that significant
16375       effort must be spent in decoding these for each model, usually
16376       requiring hundreds of test images from a dedicated Nikon owner.  For
16377       this reason, the NikonCustom settings have not been decoded for all
16378       models.  The tables below list the custom settings for the currently
16379       supported models.
16381       NikonCustom SettingsD40 Tags
16383       Custom settings for the Nikon D40.
16385         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16386         ------   --------                             --------
16387           0.1    Beep                                 int8u & 0x80
16388           0.2    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x40
16389           0.3    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
16390           0.4    ImageReview                          int8u & 0x10
16391           1.1    AutoISO                              int8u & 0x80
16392           1.2    AutoISOMax                           int8u & 0x30
16393           1.3    AutoISOMinShutterSpeed               int8u & 0x07
16394           2.1    ImageReviewTime                      int8u & 0x07
16395           3.1    MonitorOffTime                       int8u & 0xe0
16396           3.2    MeteringTime                         int8u & 0x1c
16397           3.3    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0x03
16398           3.4    RemoteOnDuration                     int8u & 0xc0
16399           4.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0x0e
16400           4.2    AELock                               int8u & 0x01
16401           5.1    ShootingModeSetting                  int8u & 0x70
16402           5.2    TimerFunctionButton                  int8u & 0x07
16403           6.1    Metering                             int8u & 0x03
16404           8.1    InternalFlash                        int8u & 0x10
16405           8.2    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x07
16406             9    FlashLevel                           int8s
16407          10.1    FocusModeSetting                     int8u & 0xc0
16408          11.1    AFAreaModeSetting                    int8u & 0x30
16410       NikonCustom SettingsD80 Tags
16412       Custom settings for the Nikon D80.
16414         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16415         ------   --------                             --------
16416           0.1    Beep                                 int8u & 0x80
16417           0.2    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x40
16418           0.3    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
16419           0.4    ImageReview                          int8u & 0x10
16420           0.5    Illumination                         int8u & 0x08
16421           0.6    MainDialExposureComp                 int8u & 0x04
16422           0.7    EVStepSize                           int8u & 0x01
16423           1.1    AutoISO                              int8u & 0x40
16424           1.2    AutoISOMax                           int8u & 0x30
16425           1.3    AutoISOMinShutterSpeed               int8u & 0x0f
16426           2.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xc0
16427           2.2    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x20
16428           3.1    MonitorOffTime                       int8u & 0xe0
16429           3.2    MeteringTime                         int8u & 0x1c
16430           3.3    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0x03
16431           4.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0x1e
16432           4.2    AELock                               int8u & 0x01
16433           4.3    RemoteOnDuration                     int8u & 0xc0
16434           5.1    CommandDials                         int8u & 0x80
16435           5.2    FunctionButton                       int8u & 0x78
16436           6.1    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x80
16437           6.2    ViewfinderWarning                    int8u & 0x40
16438           6.3    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0x0c
16439           6.4    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0x20
16440           6.5    MB-D80Batteries                      int8u & 0x03
16441           7.1    FlashWarning                         int8u & 0x80
16442           7.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x78
16443           7.3    AutoFP                               int8u & 0x04
16444           7.4    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x02
16445           8.1    InternalFlash                        int8u & 0xc0
16446           8.2    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x07
16447           9.1    RepeatingFlashOutput                 int8u & 0x70
16448           9.2    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u & 0x0f
16449          10.1    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u & 0xf0
16450          10.2    CommanderChannel                     int8u & 0x03
16451          11.1    CommanderInternalFlash               int8u & 0xc0
16452          11.2    CommanderGroupAMode                  int8u & 0x30
16453          11.3    CommanderGroupBMode                  int8u & 0x0c
16454          12.1    CommanderInternalTTLComp             int8u & 0x1f
16455          12.2    CommanderInternalManualOutput        int8u & 0xe0
16456          13.1    CommanderGroupA_TTL-AAComp           int8u & 0x1f
16457          13.2    CommanderGroupAManualOutput          int8u & 0xe0
16458          14.1    CommanderGroupB_TTL-AAComp           int8u & 0x1f
16459          14.2    CommanderGroupBManualOutput          int8u & 0xe0
16460          15.1    CenterAFArea                         int8u & 0x80
16461          15.2    FocusAreaSelection                   int8u & 0x04
16462          15.3    AFAreaIllumination                   int8u & 0x03
16463          16.1    AFAreaModeSetting                    int8u & 0xc0
16465       NikonCustom SettingsD90 Tags
16467       Custom settings for the D90.
16469         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16470         ------   --------                             --------
16471           0.1    LightSwitch                          int8u & 0x08
16472           2.1    AFAreaModeSetting                    int8u & 0x60
16473           2.2    CenterFocusPoint                     int8u & 0x10
16474           2.3    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
16475           2.4    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x06
16476           2.5    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
16477           3.1    AELockForMB-D80                      int8u & 0x1c
16478           3.2    MB-D80BatteryType                    int8u & 0x03
16479           4.1    Beep                                 int8u & 0x40
16480           4.2    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
16481           4.3    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x0c
16482           4.4    ViewfinderWarning                    int8u & 0x01
16483           4.5    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
16484           5.1    ScreenTips                           int8u & 0x04
16485           5.2    FileNumberSequence                   int8u & 0x08
16486           5.3    ShootingInfoDisplay                  int8u & 0xc0
16487           5.4    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x20
16488           6.1    EasyExposureComp                     int8u & 0x01
16489           6.2    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
16490           7.1    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u & 0x40
16491           8.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0x60
16492           8.2    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0x0f
16493           9.1    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8u & 0xf0
16494           9.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
16495          11.1    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x07
16496          11.2    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0x40
16497          13.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xe0
16498          13.2    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x10
16499          14.1    FuncButton                           int8u & 0x78
16500          16.1    OKButton                             int8u & 0x18
16501          17.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0x38
16502          18.1    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x80
16503          18.2    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
16504          19.1    MeteringTime                         int8u & 0xf0
16505          19.2    RemoteOnDuration                     int8u & 0x03
16506          20.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
16507          20.2    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x1e
16508          21.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
16509          21.2    ImageReviewTime                      int8u & 0xe0
16510          22.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
16511          22.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
16512          23.1    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
16513          24.1    InternalFlash                        int8u & 0xc0
16514          24.2    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x1f
16515          25.1    RepeatingFlashOutput                 int8u & 0x70
16516          25.2    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u & 0x0f
16517          26.1    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u & 0xf0
16518          31.1    FlashWarning                         int8u & 0x80
16519          31.2    CommanderInternalTTLComp             int8u & 0x1f
16520          31.3    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x20
16521          31.4    AutoFP                               int8u & 0x40
16522          32.1    CommanderGroupA_TTLComp              int8u & 0x1f
16523          33.1    CommanderGroupB_TTLComp              int8u & 0x1f
16524          34.1    LiveViewAF                           int8u & 0xc0
16526       NikonCustom SettingsD3 Tags
16528       Custom settings for the D3, D3S, D3X, D300 and D300S.
16530         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16531         ------   --------                             --------
16532           0.1    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u & 0x03
16533           0.2    CustomSettingsAllDefault             int8u & 0x80
16534           1.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0xc0
16535           1.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
16536           1.3    AFPointSelection                     int8u & 0x10
16537           1.4    DynamicAFArea                        int8u & 0x0c
16538           1.5    FocusTrackingLockOn                  int8u & 0x03
16539           2.1    AFActivation                         int8u & 0x80
16540           2.2    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
16541           2.3    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x60
16542                  AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x06
16543           2.4    AFPointBrightness                    int8u & 0x06
16544           2.5    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
16545           3.1    AFOnButton                           int8u & 0x07
16546           3.2    VerticalAFOnButton                   int8u & 0x70
16547           3.3    AF-OnForMB-D10                       int8u & 0x70
16548           4.1    FocusTrackingLockOn                  int8u & 0x07
16549           4.2    AssignBktButton                      int8u & 0x08
16550           4.3    MultiSelectorLiveView                int8u & 0xc0
16551           4.4    InitialZoomLiveView                  int8u & 0x30
16552           6.1    ISOStepSize                          int8u & 0xc0
16553           6.2    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u & 0x30
16554           6.3    ExposureCompStepSize                 int8u & 0x0c
16555           6.4    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
16556           7.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0xe0
16557           7.2    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8u & 0x0f
16558           8.1    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0xf0
16559           8.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
16560           9.1    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u & 0xc0
16561           9.2    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u & 0x30
16562           9.3    InitialZoomSetting                   int8u & 0x0c
16563           9.4    MultiSelector                        int8u & 0x01
16564          10.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0x40
16565          10.2    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x07
16566          10.3    CHModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x30
16567            11    MaxContinuousRelease                 int8u
16568          12.1    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x20
16569          12.2    FileNumberSequence                   int8u & 0x02
16570                  FileNumberSequence                   int8u & 0x08
16571          12.3    RearDisplay                          int8u & 0x80
16572          12.4    ViewfinderDisplay                    int8u & 0x40
16573          12.5    BatteryOrder                         int8u & 0x04
16574          12.6    MB-D10Batteries                      int8u & 0x03
16575          12.7    ScreenTips                           int8u & 0x10
16576          13.1    Beep                                 int8u & 0xc0
16577          13.2    ShootingInfoDisplay                  int8u & 0x30
16578          13.3    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
16579          13.4    ViewfinderWarning                    int8u & 0x01
16580          13.5    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u & 0x03
16581          14.1    PreviewButton                        int8u & 0xf8
16582                  FuncButton                           int8u & 0xf8
16583          14.2    PreviewButtonPlusDials               int8u & 0x07
16584                  FuncButtonPlusDials                  int8u & 0x07
16585          15.1    FuncButton                           int8u & 0xf8
16586                  PreviewButton                        int8u & 0xf8
16587          15.2    FuncButtonPlusDials                  int8u & 0x07
16588                  PreviewButtonPlusDials               int8u & 0x07
16589          16.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0xf8
16590          16.2    AELockButtonPlusDials                int8u & 0x07
16591          17.1    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x80
16592          17.2    CommandDialsChangeMainSub            int8u & 0x40
16593          17.3    CommandDialsApertureSetting          int8u & 0x20
16594          17.4    CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback          int8u & 0x10
16595          17.5    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x08
16596          17.6    PhotoInfoPlayback                    int8u & 0x04
16597          17.7    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
16598          17.8    ReleaseButtonToUseDial               int8u & 0x01
16599          18.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0x18
16600          18.2    MonitorOffTime                       int8u & 0x07
16601          20.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xe0
16602                  FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
16603          20.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
16604          21.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xc0
16605                  AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xe0
16606          21.2    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u & 0x30
16607                  AutoBracketModeM                     int8u & 0x18
16608          21.3    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x08
16609                  AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x04
16610          21.4    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x01
16611          22.1    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x80
16612          22.2    MeteringTime                         int8u & 0x0f
16613          23.1    InternalFlash                        int8u & 0xc0
16614          25.1    ImageReviewTime                      int8u & 0xe0
16615          25.2    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
16616          26.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
16617          26.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
16619       NikonCustom SettingsD700 Tags
16621       Custom settings for the D700.
16623         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16624         ------   --------                             --------
16625           0.1    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u & 0x03
16626           0.2    CustomSettingsAllDefault             int8u & 0x80
16627           1.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0xc0
16628           1.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
16629           1.3    AFPointSelection                     int8u & 0x10
16630           1.4    DynamicAFArea                        int8u & 0x0c
16631           2.1    AFActivation                         int8u & 0x80
16632           2.2    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
16633           2.3    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x06
16634           2.4    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
16635           3.1    FocusTrackingLockOn                  int8u & 0x07
16636           3.2    AF-OnForMB-D10                       int8u & 0x70
16637           4.1    ISOStepSize                          int8u & 0xc0
16638           4.2    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u & 0x30
16639           4.3    ExposureCompStepSize                 int8u & 0x0c
16640           4.4    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
16641           5.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0x70
16642           6.1    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0xf0
16643           6.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
16644           7.1    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x80
16645           7.2    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0x30
16646           7.3    MeteringTime                         int8u & 0x0f
16647           8.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x38
16648           8.2    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0x07
16649           9.1    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x38
16650           9.2    ImageReviewTime                      int8u & 0x07
16651          10.1    Beep                                 int8u & 0xc0
16652          10.2    ShootingInfoDisplay                  int8u & 0x30
16653          10.3    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x08
16654          10.4    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0x04
16655          10.5    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
16656          11.1    FileNumberSequence                   int8u & 0x40
16657          11.2    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x07
16658            12    MaxContinuousRelease                 int8u
16659          13.1    ScreenTips                           int8u & 0x08
16660          13.2    BatteryOrder                         int8u & 0x04
16661          13.3    MB-D10BatteryType                    int8u & 0x03
16662          15.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
16663          15.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
16664          16.1    FlashControlBuilt-in                 int8u & 0xc0
16665          16.2    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x1f
16666          17.1    RepeatingFlashOutput                 int8u & 0x70
16667          17.2    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u & 0x0f
16668          18.1    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u & 0xf0
16669          18.2    CommanderInternalTTLChannel          int8u & 0x03
16670          20.1    CommanderInternalTTLCompBuiltin      int8u & 0x1f
16671          21.1    CommanderInternalTTLCompGroupA       int8u & 0x1f
16672          22.1    CommanderInternalTTLCompGroupB       int8u & 0x1f
16673          26.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xc0
16674          26.2    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u & 0x30
16675          26.3    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x08
16676          26.4    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x01
16677          27.1    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u & 0xc0
16678          27.2    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u & 0x30
16679          27.3    InitialZoomSetting                   int8u & 0x0c
16680          27.4    MultiSelector                        int8u & 0x01
16681          28.1    FuncButton                           int8u & 0xf8
16682          29.1    PreviewButton                        int8u & 0xf8
16683          30.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0xf8
16684          31.1    FuncButtonPlusDials                  int8u & 0x70
16685          31.2    PreviewButtonPlusDials               int8u & 0x07
16686          32.1    AELockButtonPlusDials                int8u & 0x70
16687          33.1    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x80
16688          33.2    CommandDialsChangeMainSub            int8u & 0x40
16689          33.3    CommandDialsApertureSetting          int8u & 0x20
16690          33.4    CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback          int8u & 0x10
16691          33.5    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x08
16692          33.6    PhotoInfoPlayback                    int8u & 0x04
16693          33.7    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x02
16694          33.8    ReleaseButtonToUseDial               int8u & 0x01
16696       NikonCustom SettingsD800 Tags
16698       Custom settings for the D800 and D800E.
16700         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16701         ------   --------                             --------
16702          12.1    AutoBracketingSet                    int8u & 0xe0
16703          12.2    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x10
16704          12.3    AutoBracketingMode                   int8u & 0x0c
16705          22.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
16706          22.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
16707          23.1    FlashControlBuilt-in                 int8u & 0xc0
16708          23.2    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x1f
16709          24.1    RepeatingFlashOutput                 int8u & 0x70
16710          24.2    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u & 0x0f
16711          25.1    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u & 0xf0
16712          25.2    CommanderChannel                     int8u & 0x03
16713          27.1    CommanderInternalFlash               int8u & 0xc0
16714          27.2    CommanderInternalManualOutput        int8u & 0x1f
16715          28.1    CommanderGroupAMode                  int8u & 0xc0
16716          28.2    CommanderGroupAManualOutput          int8u & 0x1f
16717          29.1    CommanderGroupBMode                  int8u & 0xc0
16718          29.2    CommanderGroupBManualOutput          int8u & 0x1f
16719          30.1    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x20
16720          30.2    CommanderInternalTTLComp             int8u & 0x1f
16721          31.1    CommanderGroupA_TTL-AAComp           int8u & 0x1f
16722          32.1    CommanderGroupB_TTL-AAComp           int8u & 0x1f
16724       NikonCustom SettingsD810 Tags
16726       Custom settings for the D810.
16728         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16729         ------   --------                             --------
16730           0.1    LightSwitch                          int8u & 0x08
16731           0.2    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u & 0x03
16732           1.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0xc0
16733           1.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
16734           1.3    AFPointSelection                     int8u & 0x10
16735           1.4    FocusTrackingLockOn                  int8u & 0x07
16736           2.1    AFActivation                         int8u & 0x80
16737           2.2    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
16738           2.3    AFPointBrightness                    int8u & 0x06
16739           2.4    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
16740           3.1    BatteryOrder                         int8u & 0x40
16741           3.2    MB-D12BatteryType                    int8u & 0x03
16742           4.1    Pitch                                int8u & 0x40
16743           4.2    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
16744           4.3    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x0c
16745           4.4    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
16746           5.1    ShootingInfoDisplay                  int8u & 0xc0
16747           5.2    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x20
16748           5.3    ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter       int8u & 0x08
16749           5.4    ScreenTips                           int8u & 0x04
16750           5.5    Beep                                 int8u & 0x03
16751           6.1    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
16752           6.2    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x18
16753           6.3    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
16754           7.1    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u & 0xc0
16755           7.2    ISOStepSize                          int8u & 0x30
16756           7.3    ExposureCompStepSize                 int8u & 0x0c
16757           8.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0xe0
16758           8.2    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0x0f
16759           9.1    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8u & 0xf0
16760           9.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
16761          10.1    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u & 0xc0
16762          10.2    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u & 0x30
16763          10.3    MultiSelector                        int8u & 0x01
16764          11.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0xc0
16765          11.2    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x0f
16766          12.1    MaxContinuousRelease                 int8u
16767          13.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xe0
16768          13.2    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x10
16769          13.3    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u & 0x0c
16770          14.1    FuncButton                           int8u & 0x1f
16771          15.1    PreviewButton                        int8u & 0x1f
16772          16.1    AssignBktButton                      int8u & 0x07
16773          17.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0x1f
16774          18.1    CommandDialsChangeMainSub            int8u & 0xe0
16775          18.2    CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback          int8u & 0x18
16776          18.3    CommandDialsApertureSetting          int8u & 0x04
16777          18.4    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
16778          18.5    ReleaseButtonToUseDial               int8u & 0x01
16779          19.1    StandbyTimer                         int8u & 0xf0
16780          20.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
16781          20.2    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u & 0x30
16782          20.3    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
16783          21.1    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u & 0xe0
16784          21.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
16785          22.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
16786          22.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
16787          23.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
16788          23.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
16789          24.1    FlashControlBuilt-in                 int8u & 0xc0
16790          31.1    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x20
16791          36.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0xe0
16792          37.1    MultiSelectorLiveView                int8u & 0xc0
16793          38.1    ShutterSpeedLock                     int8u & 0x80
16794          38.2    ApertureLock                         int8u & 0x40
16795          38.3    MovieShutterButton                   int8u & 0x20
16796          38.4    FlashExposureCompArea                int8u & 0x04
16797          40.1    MovieAELockButtonAssignment          int8u & 0x0f
16798          41.1    MovieFunctionButton                  int8u & 0x70
16799          41.2    MoviePreviewButton                   int8u & 0x07
16800          42.1    FuncButtonPlusDials                  int8u & 0x0f
16801          43.1    PreviewButtonPlusDials               int8u & 0x0f
16802          44.1    AELockButtonPlusDials                int8u & 0x0f
16803          45.1    AssignMovieRecordButton              int8u & 0x0f
16804          46.1    FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted         int8u & 0x0f
16805          47.1    DynamicAreaAFDisplay                 int8u & 0x80
16806          47.2    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x40
16807          47.3    StoreByOrientation                   int8u & 0x18
16808          47.4    GroupAreaAFIllumination              int8u & 0x04
16809          48.1    MatrixMetering                       int8u & 0x80
16810          48.2    LiveViewButtonOptions                int8u & 0x30
16811          48.3    AFModeRestrictions                   int8u & 0x03
16812          49.1    LimitAFAreaModeSelection             int8u & 0x7e
16813          50.1    AF-OnForMB-D12                       int8u & 0x07
16814          51.1    AssignRemoteFnButton                 int8u & 0x1f
16815          52.1    LensFocusFunctionButtons             int8u & 0x3f
16817       NikonCustom SettingsD850 Tags
16819       Custom settings for the D850.
16821         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16822         ------   --------                             --------
16823           0.2    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u & 0x03
16824           1.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0xc0
16825           1.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
16826           1.3    AFPointSelection                     int8u & 0x10
16827           1.4    Three-DTrackingFaceDetection         int8u & 0x08
16828           1.5    BlockShotAFResponse                  int8u & 0x07
16829           2.1    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
16830           2.2    AFPointBrightness                    int8u & 0x06
16831           4.1    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x08
16832           4.2    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
16833           5.1    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x20
16834           5.2    ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter       int8u & 0x08
16835           6.1    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
16836           6.2    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x18
16837           6.3    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
16838           7.1    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u & 0xc0
16839           7.2    ISOStepSize                          int8u & 0x30
16840           7.3    ExposureCompStepSize                 int8u & 0x0c
16841           8.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0xe0
16842           8.2    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0x0f
16843           9.1    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8u & 0xf0
16844           9.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
16845          10.1    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u & 0xe0
16846          10.2    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u & 0x0c
16847          10.3    MultiSelector                        int8u & 0x01
16848          11.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0xe0
16849          11.2    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x0f
16850          12.1    MaxContinuousRelease                 int8u
16851          13.1    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x10
16852          13.2    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u & 0x0c
16853          14.1    Func1Button                          int8u & 0x3f
16854          15.1    PreviewButton                        int8u & 0x3f
16855          16.1    AssignBktButton                      int8u & 0x07
16856          18.1    CommandDialsChangeMainSub            int8u & 0xe0
16857          18.2    CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback          int8u & 0x18
16858          18.3    CommandDialsApertureSetting          int8u & 0x04
16859          18.4    ReleaseButtonToUseDial               int8u & 0x01
16860          19.1    StandbyTimer                         int8u & 0xf0
16861          20.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
16862          20.2    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u & 0x30
16863          20.3    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
16864          21.1    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u & 0xe0
16865          21.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
16866          22.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
16867          22.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
16868          23.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
16869          23.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
16870          31.1    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x20
16871          36.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0xe0
16872          37.1    MultiSelectorLiveView                int8u & 0xc0
16873          38.1    ShutterSpeedLock                     int8u & 0x80
16874          38.2    ApertureLock                         int8u & 0x40
16875          38.3    MovieShutterButton                   int8u & 0x10
16876          38.4    FlashExposureCompArea                int8u & 0x04
16877          38.5    AutoFlashISOSensitivity              int8u & 0x02
16878          41.1    MovieFunc1Button                     int8u & 0xf0
16879          41.2    MoviePreviewButton                   int8u & 0x0f
16880          42.1    Func1ButtonPlusDials                 int8u & 0x0f
16881          43.1    PreviewButtonPlusDials               int8u & 0x0f
16882          45.1    AssignMovieRecordButtonPlusDials     int8u & 0x0f
16883          46.1    FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted         int8u & 0x0f
16884          47.1    DynamicAreaAFDisplay                 int8u & 0x80
16885          47.2    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x40
16886          47.3    StoreByOrientation                   int8u & 0x18
16887          48.1    MatrixMetering                       int8u & 0x80
16888          48.2    LiveViewButtonOptions                int8u & 0x30
16889          48.3    AFModeRestrictions                   int8u & 0x03
16890          49.1    LimitAFAreaModeSelection             int8u & 0x7e
16891          52.1    LensFocusFunctionButtons             int8u & 0x3f
16892          66.1    VerticalMultiSelector                int8u & 0xff
16893          67.1    AssignMB-D18FuncButton               int8u & 0x3f
16894          68.1    AssignMB-D18FuncButtonPlusDials      int8u & 0x0f
16895          70.1    AF-OnButton                          int8u & 0x3f
16896          71.1    SubSelector                          int8u & 0x80
16897          72.1    SubSelectorCenter                    int8u & 0x3f
16898          73.1    SubSelectorPlusDials                 int8u & 0x0f
16899          74.1    AssignMovieSubselector               int8u & 0xf0
16900          75.1    AssignMovieFunc1ButtonPlusDials      int8u & 0x10
16901          75.2    AssignMoviePreviewButtonPlusDials    int8u & 0x01
16902          76.1    AssignMovieSubselectorPlusDials      int8u & 0x10
16903          77.1    SyncReleaseMode                      int8u & 0x80
16904          77.2    ContinuousModeLiveView               int8u & 0x40
16905          78.1    Three-DTrackingWatchArea             int8u & 0x80
16906          78.2    SubjectMotion                        int8u & 0x60
16907          78.3    AFActivation                         int8u & 0x08
16908          78.4    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x03
16909          79.1    AssignMB-D18AF-OnButton              int8u & 0x7f
16910          80.1    Func2Button                          int8u & 0x3f
16911          82.1    AssignMovieFunc2Button               int8u & 0x70
16913       NikonCustom SettingsD5000 Tags
16915       Custom settings for the D5000.
16917         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16918         ------   --------                             --------
16919           0.1    AFAreaModeSetting                    int8u & 0x60
16920           0.2    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
16921           2.1    Beep                                 int8u & 0xc0
16922           2.2    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
16923           2.3    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x08
16924           2.4    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
16925           3.1    FileNumberSequence                   int8u & 0x08
16926           4.1    RangeFinder                          int8u & 0x10
16927           4.2    DateImprint                          int8u & 0x08
16928           4.3    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
16929           5.1    EVStepSize                           int8u & 0x40
16930           9.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0x40
16931          11.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xc0
16932          12.1    TimerFunctionButton                  int8u & 0x38
16933          15.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0x38
16934          16.1    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
16935          16.2    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x80
16936          17.1    MeteringTime                         int8u & 0x70
16937          17.2    RemoteOnDuration                     int8u & 0x03
16938          18.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
16939          18.2    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x1e
16940          19.1    ImageReviewTime                      int8u & 0xe0
16941          20.1    PlaybackMenusTime                    int8u & 0xe0
16942          22.1    InternalFlash                        int8u & 0xc0
16943          22.2    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x1f
16944          32.1    LiveViewAF                           int8u & 0x60
16946       NikonCustom SettingsD5100 Tags
16948       Custom settings for the D5100.
16950         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16951         ------   --------                             --------
16952           0.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x80
16953           1.1    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
16954           3.1    Beep                                 int8u & 0xc0
16955           3.2    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
16956           3.3    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x08
16957           4.1    FileNumberSequence                   int8u & 0x08
16958           5.1    RangeFinder                          int8u & 0x10
16959           5.2    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
16960           6.1    EVStepSize                           int8u & 0x40
16961          10.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0x40
16962          12.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xc0
16963          13.1    TimerFunctionButton                  int8u & 0x38
16964          16.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0x38
16965          17.1    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
16966          17.2    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x80
16967          18.1    MeteringTime                         int8u & 0x70
16968          18.2    RemoteOnDuration                     int8u & 0x03
16969          19.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
16970          19.2    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
16971          20.1    ImageReviewTime                      int8u & 0xe0
16972          20.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
16973          21.1    PlaybackMenusTime                    int8u & 0xe0
16974          23.1    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x1f
16976       NikonCustom SettingsD5200 Tags
16978       Custom settings for the D5200.
16980         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
16981         ------   --------                             --------
16982           0.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x80
16983           0.2    NumberOfFocusPoints                  int8u & 0x10
16984           1.1    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
16985           3.1    Beep                                 int8u & 0xc0
16986           3.2    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
16987           3.3    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x08
16988           4.1    FileNumberSequence                   int8u & 0x08
16989           5.1    RangeFinder                          int8u & 0x04
16990           5.2    ReverseExposureCompDial              int8u & 0x10
16991           5.3    ReverseShutterSpeedAperture          int8u & 0x08
16992           5.4    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
16993           6.1    EVStepSize                           int8u & 0x40
16994          10.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0x40
16995          12.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xc0
16996          13.1    FunctionButton                       int8u & 0x1f
16997          16.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0x0f
16998          17.1    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
16999          18.1    StandbyTimer                         int8u & 0xe0
17000          18.2    RemoteOnDuration                     int8u & 0x03
17001          19.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
17002          19.2    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
17003          20.1    ImageReviewTime                      int8u & 0xe0
17004          20.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
17005          21.1    PlaybackMenusTime                    int8u & 0xe0
17006          23.1    InternalFlash                        int8u & 0xc0
17007          23.2    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x1f
17009       NikonCustom SettingsD7000 Tags
17011       Custom settings for the D7000.
17013         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17014         ------   --------                             --------
17015           0.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x80
17016           0.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
17017           0.3    NumberOfFocusPoints                  int8u & 0x10
17018           0.4    FocusTrackingLockOn                  int8u & 0x07
17019           1.1    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
17020           1.2    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x06
17021           1.3    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
17022           2.1    BatteryOrder                         int8u & 0x40
17023           2.2    AF-OnForMB-D11                       int8u & 0x1c
17024           2.3    MB-D11BatteryType                    int8u & 0x03
17025           3.1    BeepPitch                            int8u & 0xc0
17026           3.2    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
17027           3.3    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x0c
17028           3.4    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
17029           3.5    ViewfinderWarning                    int8u & 0x01
17030           4.1    ShootingInfoDisplay                  int8u & 0xc0
17031           4.2    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x20
17032           4.3    FileNumberSequence                   int8u & 0x08
17033           4.4    ScreenTips                           int8u & 0x04
17034           4.5    BeepVolume                           int8u & 0x03
17035           5.1    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
17036           5.2    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
17037           6.1    ExposureControlStep                  int8u & 0x40
17038           6.2    ISOSensitivityStep                   int8u & 0x10
17039           7.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0xe0
17040          10.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0x40
17041          10.2    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x07
17042            11    MaxContinuousRelease                 int8u
17043          12.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xe0
17044          12.2    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x10
17045          13.1    FuncButton                           int8u & 0xf8
17046          14.1    PreviewButton                        int8u & 0xf8
17047          15.1    OKButton                             int8u & 0x18
17048          16.1    AELockButton                         int8u & 0x38
17049          17.1    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x80
17050          17.2    CommandDialsChangeMainSub            int8u & 0x60
17051          17.3    CommandDialsApertureSetting          int8u & 0x04
17052          17.4    CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback          int8u & 0x18
17053          17.5    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
17054          17.6    ReleaseButtonToUseDial               int8u & 0x01
17055          18.1    MeteringTime                         int8u & 0xf0
17056          18.2    RemoteOnDuration                     int8u & 0x03
17057          19.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
17058          19.2    SelfTimerInterval                    int8u & 0x30
17059          19.3    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
17060          20.1    ImageReviewTime                      int8u & 0xe0
17061          20.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
17062          21.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
17063          21.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
17064          22.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
17065          22.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
17066          23.1    FlashControlBuilt-in                 int8u & 0xc0
17067          23.2    ManualFlashOutput                    int8u & 0x1f
17068          24.1    RepeatingFlashOutput                 int8u & 0x70
17069          24.2    RepeatingFlashCount                  int8u & 0x0f
17070          25.1    RepeatingFlashRate                   int8u & 0xf0
17071          26.1    CommanderInternalTTLCompBuiltin      int8u & 0x1f
17072          27.1    CommanderInternalTTLCompGroupA       int8u & 0x1f
17073          28.1    CommanderInternalTTLCompGroupB       int8u & 0x1f
17074          30.1    FlashWarning                         int8u & 0x80
17075          30.2    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x20
17076          34.1    LiveViewAFAreaMode                   int8u & 0x60
17077          34.2    LiveViewAFMode                       int8u & 0x02
17078          35.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0xe0
17080       NikonCustom SettingsD4 Tags
17082       Custom settings for the D4 and D4S.
17084         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17085         ------   --------                             --------
17086           0.1    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u & 0x03
17087           1.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0xc0
17088           1.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
17089           1.3    AFPointSelection                     int8u & 0x10
17090           1.4    FocusTrackingLockOn                  int8u & 0x07
17091           2.1    AFActivation                         int8u & 0x80
17092           2.2    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
17093           4.1    Pitch                                int8u & 0x40
17094           4.2    NoMemoryCard                         int8u & 0x20
17095           4.3    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
17096           5.1    ShootingInfoDisplay                  int8u & 0xc0
17097           5.2    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x20
17098           5.3    ScreenTips                           int8u & 0x04
17099           5.4    Beep                                 int8u & 0x03
17100           6.1    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
17101           6.2    RearDisplay                          int8u & 0x40
17102           6.3    ViewfinderDisplay                    int8u & 0x20
17103           6.4    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x18
17104           6.5    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
17105           7.1    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u & 0xc0
17106           7.2    ISOStepSize                          int8u & 0x30
17107           7.3    ExposureCompStepSize                 int8u & 0x0c
17108           8.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0xe0
17109           8.2    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0x0f
17110           9.1    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8u & 0xf0
17111           9.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
17112          10.1    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u & 0xc0
17113          10.2    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u & 0x30
17114          10.3    MultiSelector                        int8u & 0x01
17115          11.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0xc0
17116          11.2    CHModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x10
17117          11.3    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x0f
17118            12    MaxContinuousRelease                 int8u
17119          13.1    AutoBracketSet                       int8u & 0xe0
17120          13.2    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x10
17121          13.3    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u & 0x0c
17122          14.1    FuncButton                           int8u & 0xf8
17123          14.2    FuncButtonPlusDials                  int8u & 0x07
17124          15.1    PreviewButton                        int8u & 0xf8
17125          15.2    PreviewButtonPlusDials               int8u & 0x07
17126          16.1    AssignBktButton                      int8u & 0x07
17127          18.1    CommandDialsChangeMainSub            int8u & 0xe0
17128          18.2    CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback          int8u & 0x18
17129          18.3    CommandDialsApertureSetting          int8u & 0x04
17130          18.4    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
17131          18.5    ReleaseButtonToUseDial               int8u & 0x01
17132          19.1    StandbyTimer                         int8u & 0xf0
17133          20.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
17134          20.2    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
17135          20.3    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u & 0x30
17136          21.1    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u & 0xe0
17137          21.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
17138          22.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
17139          22.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
17140          23.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
17141          23.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
17142          31.1    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x20
17143          36.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0xe0
17144          37.1    PlaybackZoom                         int8u & 0x01
17145          38.1    ShutterSpeedLock                     int8u & 0x80
17146          38.2    ApertureLock                         int8u & 0x40
17147          38.3    MovieShutterButton                   int8u & 0x30
17148          38.4    FlashExposureCompArea                int8u & 0x04
17149          41.1    MovieFunctionButton                  int8u & 0x70
17150          41.2    MoviePreviewButton                   int8u & 0x07
17151          42.1    VerticalMultiSelector                int8u & 0x60
17152          42.2    VerticalFuncButton                   int8u & 0x1f
17153          43.1    VerticalFuncButtonPlusDials          int8u & 0xf0
17154          43.2    AssignMovieRecordButton              int8u & 0x07
17155          46.1    DynamicAreaAFDisplay                 int8u & 0x80
17156          46.2    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x60
17157          46.3    StoreByOrientation                   int8u & 0x18
17158          46.4    GroupAreaAFIllumination              int8u & 0x04
17159          46.5    AFPointBrightness                    int8u & 0x03
17160          47.1    AFOnButton                           int8u & 0x70
17161          47.2    VerticalAFOnButton                   int8u & 0x07
17162          48.1    SubSelectorAssignment                int8u & 0x80
17163          48.2    MovieSubSelectorAssignment           int8u & 0x07
17164          49.1    SubSelector                          int8u & 0xf8
17165          49.2    SubSelectorPlusDials                 int8u & 0x07
17166          50.1    MatrixMetering                       int8u & 0x80
17167          50.2    LiveViewButtonOptions                int8u & 0x30
17168          50.3    AFModeRestrictions                   int8u & 0x03
17169          51.1    LimitAFAreaModeSelection             int8u & 0x7e
17170          52.1    MovieFunctionButtonPlusDials         int8u & 0x10
17171          52.2    MoviePreviewButtonPlusDials          int8u & 0x01
17172          53.1    MovieSubSelectorAssignmentPlusDials  int8u & 0x10
17173          54.1    AssignRemoteFnButton                 int8u & 0x1f
17174          55.1    LensFocusFunctionButtons             int8u & 0x3f
17176       NikonCustom SettingsD5 Tags
17178       Custom settings for the D5.
17180         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17181         ------   --------                             --------
17182           0.1    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u & 0x03
17183           1.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0xc0
17184           1.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
17185           1.3    NumberOfFocusPoints                  int8u & 0x10
17186           1.4    Three-DTrackingFaceDetection         int8u & 0x08
17187           1.5    BlockShotAFResponse                  int8u & 0x07
17188           2.1    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
17189           2.2    AFPointBrightness                    int8u & 0x06
17190           4.1    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x08
17191           4.2    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
17192           5.1    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x20
17193           5.2    ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter       int8u & 0x08
17194           6.1    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
17195           6.2    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x18
17196           6.3    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
17197           7.1    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u & 0xc0
17198           7.2    ISOStepSize                          int8u & 0x30
17199           7.3    ExposureCompStepSize                 int8u & 0x0c
17200           8.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0xe0
17201           8.2    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0x0f
17202           9.1    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8u & 0xf0
17203           9.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
17204          10.1    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u & 0xe0
17205          10.3    MultiSelector                        int8u & 0x01
17206          11.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0xc0
17207          11.2    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x0f
17208          12.1    MaxContinuousRelease                 int8u
17209          13.1    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x10
17210          13.2    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u & 0x0c
17211          14.1    Func1Button                          int8u & 0x3f
17212          15.1    PreviewButton                        int8u & 0x3f
17213          16.1    AssignBktButton                      int8u & 0x07
17214          18.1    CommandDialsChangeMainSub            int8u & 0xe0
17215          18.2    CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback          int8u & 0x18
17216          18.3    CommandDialsApertureSetting          int8u & 0x04
17217          18.4    ReleaseButtonToUseDial               int8u & 0x01
17218          19.1    StandbyTimer                         int8u & 0xf0
17219          20.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
17220          20.2    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u & 0x30
17221          20.3    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
17222          21.1    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u & 0xe0
17223          21.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
17224          22.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
17225          22.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
17226          23.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
17227          23.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
17228          31.1    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x20
17229          36.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0xe0
17230          37.1    MultiSelectorLiveView                int8u & 0xc0
17231          38.1    ShutterSpeedLock                     int8u & 0x80
17232          38.2    ApertureLock                         int8u & 0x40
17233          38.3    MovieShutterButton                   int8u & 0x10
17234          38.4    FlashExposureCompArea                int8u & 0x04
17235          38.5    AutoFlashISOSensitivity              int8u & 0x02
17236          41.1    MovieFunc1Button                     int8u & 0xf0
17237          41.2    MoviePreviewButton                   int8u & 0x0f
17238          42.1    Func1ButtonPlusDials                 int8u & 0x0f
17239          43.1    PreviewButtonPlusDials               int8u & 0x0f
17240          45.1    AssignMovieRecordButtonPlusDials     int8u & 0x0f
17241          46.1    FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted         int8u & 0x0f
17242          47.1    DynamicAreaAFDisplay                 int8u & 0x80
17243          47.2    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x40
17244          47.3    StoreByOrientation                   int8u & 0x18
17245          48.1    MatrixMetering                       int8u & 0x80
17246          48.2    LiveViewButtonOptions                int8u & 0x30
17247          48.3    AFModeRestrictions                   int8u & 0x03
17248          49.1    LimitAFAreaModeSelection             int8u & 0x7e
17249          52.1    LensFocusFunctionButtons             int8u & 0x3f
17250          66.1    VerticalMultiSelector                int8u & 0xff
17251          67.1    VerticalFuncButton                   int8u & 0x3f
17252          68.1    VerticalFuncPlusDials                int8u & 0x0f
17253          70.1    AF-OnButton                          int8u & 0x3f
17254          71.1    SubSelector                          int8u & 0x80
17255          72.1    SubSelectorCenter                    int8u & 0x3f
17256          73.1    SubSelectorPlusDials                 int8u & 0x0f
17257          74.1    AssignMovieSubselector               int8u & 0xf0
17258          75.1    AssignMovieFunc1ButtonPlusDials      int8u & 0x10
17259          75.2    AssignMoviePreviewButtonPlusDials    int8u & 0x01
17260          76.1    AssignMovieSubselectorPlusDials      int8u & 0x10
17261          77.1    SyncReleaseMode                      int8u & 0x80
17262          78.1    Three-DTrackingWatchArea             int8u & 0x80
17263          78.2    SubjectMotion                        int8u & 0x60
17264          78.3    AFActivation                         int8u & 0x08
17265          78.4    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x03
17266          79.1    VerticalAFOnButton                   int8u & 0x7f
17267          80.1    Func2Button                          int8u & 0x3f
17268          81.1    Func2ButtonPlusDials                 int8u & 0x0f
17269          82.1    AssignMovieFunc2Button               int8u & 0x70
17270          83.1    Func3Button                          int8u & 0x03
17272       NikonCustom SettingsD500 Tags
17274       Custom settings for the D500.
17276         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17277         ------   --------                             --------
17278           0.1    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u & 0x03
17279           1.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0xc0
17280           1.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
17281           1.3    NumberOfFocusPoints                  int8u & 0x10
17282           1.4    Three-DTrackingFaceDetection         int8u & 0x08
17283           1.5    BlockShotAFResponse                  int8u & 0x07
17284           2.1    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
17285           2.2    AFPointBrightness                    int8u & 0x06
17286           4.1    ISODisplay                           int8u & 0x08
17287           4.2    GridDisplay                          int8u & 0x02
17288           5.1    LCDIllumination                      int8u & 0x20
17289           5.2    ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter       int8u & 0x08
17290           6.1    ReverseIndicators                    int8u & 0x80
17291           6.2    CommandDialsReverseRotation          int8u & 0x18
17292           6.3    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
17293           7.1    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u & 0xc0
17294           7.2    ISOStepSize                          int8u & 0x30
17295           7.3    ExposureCompStepSize                 int8u & 0x0c
17296           8.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0xe0
17297           8.2    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0x0f
17298           9.1    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8u & 0xf0
17299           9.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
17300          10.1    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u & 0xe0
17301          10.2    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u & 0x0c
17302          10.3    MultiSelector                        int8u & 0x01
17303          11.1    ExposureDelayMode                    int8u & 0xc0
17304          11.2    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u & 0x0f
17305          12.1    MaxContinuousRelease                 int8u
17306          13.1    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u & 0x10
17307          13.2    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u & 0x0c
17308          14.1    Func1Button                          int8u & 0x3f
17309          15.1    PreviewButton                        int8u & 0x3f
17310          16.1    AssignBktButton                      int8u & 0x07
17311          18.1    CommandDialsChangeMainSub            int8u & 0xe0
17312          18.2    CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback          int8u & 0x18
17313          18.3    CommandDialsApertureSetting          int8u & 0x04
17314          18.4    ReleaseButtonToUseDial               int8u & 0x01
17315          19.1    StandbyTimer                         int8u & 0xf0
17316          20.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
17317          20.2    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u & 0x30
17318          20.3    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
17319          21.1    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u & 0xe0
17320          21.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
17321          22.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
17322          22.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
17323          23.1    FlashSyncSpeed                       int8u & 0xf0
17324          23.2    FlashShutterSpeed                    int8u & 0x0f
17325          31.1    ModelingFlash                        int8u & 0x20
17326          36.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0xe0
17327          37.1    MultiSelectorLiveView                int8u & 0xc0
17328          38.1    ShutterSpeedLock                     int8u & 0x80
17329          38.2    ApertureLock                         int8u & 0x40
17330          38.3    MovieShutterButton                   int8u & 0x10
17331          38.4    FlashExposureCompArea                int8u & 0x04
17332          38.5    AutoFlashISOSensitivity              int8u & 0x02
17333          41.1    MovieFunc1Button                     int8u & 0xf0
17334          41.2    MoviePreviewButton                   int8u & 0x0f
17335          42.1    Func1ButtonPlusDials                 int8u & 0x0f
17336          43.1    PreviewButtonPlusDials               int8u & 0x0f
17337          45.1    AssignMovieRecordButtonPlusDials     int8u & 0x0f
17338          46.1    FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted         int8u & 0x0f
17339          47.1    DynamicAreaAFDisplay                 int8u & 0x80
17340          47.2    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x40
17341          47.3    StoreByOrientation                   int8u & 0x18
17342          47.4    GroupAreaAFIllumination              int8u & 0x04
17343          48.1    MatrixMetering                       int8u & 0x80
17344          48.2    LiveViewButtonOptions                int8u & 0x30
17345          48.3    AFModeRestrictions                   int8u & 0x03
17346          49.1    LimitAFAreaModeSelection             int8u & 0x7e
17347          52.1    LensFocusFunctionButtons             int8u & 0x3f
17348          66.1    VerticalMultiSelector                int8u & 0xff
17349          67.1    AssignMB-D17FuncButton               int8u & 0x3f
17350          68.1    AssignMB-D17FuncButtonPlusDials      int8u & 0x0f
17351          70.1    AF-OnButton                          int8u & 0x3f
17352          71.1    SubSelector                          int8u & 0x80
17353          72.1    SubSelectorCenter                    int8u & 0x3f
17354          73.1    SubSelectorPlusDials                 int8u & 0x0f
17355          74.1    AssignMovieSubselector               int8u & 0xf0
17356          75.1    AssignMovieFunc1ButtonPlusDials      int8u & 0x10
17357          75.2    AssignMoviePreviewButtonPlusDials    int8u & 0x01
17358          76.1    AssignMovieSubselectorPlusDials      int8u & 0x10
17359          77.1    SyncReleaseMode                      int8u & 0x80
17360          78.1    Three-DTrackingWatchArea             int8u & 0x80
17361          78.2    SubjectMotion                        int8u & 0x60
17362          78.3    AFActivation                         int8u & 0x08
17363          78.4    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x03
17364          79.1    AssignMB-D17AF-OnButton              int8u & 0x7f
17365          80.1    Func2Button                          int8u & 0x3f
17366          82.1    AssignMovieFunc2Button               int8u & 0x70
17368       NikonCustom SettingsD610 Tags
17370       Custom settings for the D610.
17372         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17373         ------   --------                             --------
17374           0.1    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x80
17375           0.2    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u & 0x20
17376           0.3    NumberOfFocusPoints                  int8u & 0x10
17377           0.4    FocusTrackingLockOn                  int8u & 0x07
17378           1.1    FocusPointWrap                       int8u & 0x08
17379           1.2    AFPointIllumination                  int8u & 0x06
17380           1.3    AFAssist                             int8u & 0x01
17381           5.1    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u & 0x03
17382           6.1    ExposureControlStep                  int8u & 0x40
17383           6.2    ISOSensitivityStep                   int8u & 0x10
17384           7.1    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u & 0xe0
17385           7.2    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8u & 0x0f
17386           8.1    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8u & 0xf0
17387           8.2    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8u & 0x0f
17388          17.1    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u & 0x02
17389          18.1    StandbyTimer                         int8u & 0xf0
17390          18.2    RemoteOnDuration                     int8u & 0x03
17391          19.1    SelfTimerTime                        int8u & 0xc0
17392          19.2    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u & 0x30
17393          19.3    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u & 0x0f
17394          20.1    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u & 0xe0
17395          20.2    LiveViewMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0x1c
17396          21.1    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u & 0xe0
17397          21.2    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u & 0x1c
17398          35.1    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u & 0xe0
17400       NikonCustom SettingsZ8 Tags
17402       Custom settings for the Z8.
17404         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17405         ------   --------                             --------
17406             1    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u
17407             3    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u
17408             5    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u
17409             7    BlockShotAFResponse                  int8u
17410            11    AFPointSel                           int8u
17411            13    StoreByOrientation                   int8u
17412            15    AFActivation                         int8u
17413            16    AF-OnOutOfFocusRelease?              int8u
17414            17    LimitAF-AreaModeSelPinpoint?         int8u
17415            19    LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S?         int8u
17416            20    LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_L?         int8u
17417            21    LimitAFAreaModeSelAuto?              int8u
17418            22    FocusPointWrap?                      int8u
17419            23    ManualFocusPointIllumination?        int8u
17420            24    DynamicAreaAFAssist?                 int8u
17421            25    AF-AssistIlluminator                 int8u
17422            26    ManualFocusRingInAFMode              int8u
17423            27    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u
17424            29    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u
17425            31    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u
17426            33    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8s
17427            35    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8s
17428            37    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8s
17429            39    FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted         int8s
17430            41    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u
17431            43    SelfTimerTime                        int8u
17432            45    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u
17433            49    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u
17434            51    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u
17435            53    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u
17436            55    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u
17437            57    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u
17438            59    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u
17439            61    MaxContinuousRelease                 no
17440            65    SyncReleaseMode?                     int8u
17441            69    LimitSelectableImageAreaDX?          int8u
17442            70    LimitSelectableImageArea1To1?        int8u
17443            71    LimitSelectableImageArea16To9?       int8u
17444            72    FileNumberSequence                   int8u
17445            73    FocusPeakingLevel?                   int8u
17446            75    FocusPeakingHighlightColor?          int8u
17447            81    ContinuousModeDisplay                int8u
17448            83    FlashSyncSpeed                       no
17449            85    HighSpeedSync                        int8u
17450            87    FlashShutterSpeed                    no
17451            89    FlashExposureCompArea                int8u
17452            91    AutoFlashISOSensitivity              int8u
17453            93    ModelingFlash                        int8u
17454            95    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u
17455            97    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u
17456            99    Func1Button                          int8u
17457           115    Func2Button                          int8u
17458           131    AFOnButton                           int8u
17459           143    SubSelector?                         int8u
17460           155    AssignMovieRecordButton?             int8u
17461           159    LensFunc1Button                      int8u
17462           167    LensFunc2Button                      int8u
17463           173    LensControlRing                      int8u
17464           175    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u
17465           179    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u
17466           183    ShutterSpeedLock                     int8u
17467           184    ApertureLock                         int8u
17468           186    CmdDialsReverseRotation              int8u
17469           191    UseDialWithoutHold?                  int8u
17470           193    ReverseIndicators?                   int8u
17471           195    MovieFunc1Button                     int8u
17472           199    MovieFunc2Button                     int8u
17473           203    MovieAF-OnButton                     int8u
17474           215    MovieLensControlRing                 int8u
17475           217    MovieMultiSelector?                  int8u
17476           221    MovieAFSpeed                         int8u
17477           223    MovieAFSpeedApply                    int8u
17478           225    MovieAFTrackingSensitivity           int8u
17479           257    LCDIllumination?                     int8u
17480           258    ExtendedShutterSpeeds                int8u
17481           259    SubjectMotion                        int8u
17482           261    FocusPointPersistence                int8u
17483           263    AutoFocusModeRestrictions?           int8u
17484           267    CHModeShootingSpeed                  int8u
17485           273    FlashBurstPriority?                  int8u
17486           335    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_S?        int8u
17487           336    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_M?        int8u
17488           337    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_L?        int8u
17489           339    LimitAF-AreaModeSel3DTracking?       int8u
17490           341    PlaybackFlickUp?                     int8u
17491           345    PlaybackFlickDown?                   int8u
17492           349    ISOStepSize                          int8u
17493           355    ReverseFocusRing                     int8u
17494           356    EVFImageFrame?                       int8u
17495           357    EVFGrid?                             int8u
17496           359    VirtualHorizonStyle?                 int8u
17497           421    Func1ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17498           423    Func2ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17499           437    MovieRecordButtonPlaybackMode?       int8u
17500           459    CommandDialPlaybackMode?             int8u
17501           463    SubCommandDialPlaybackMode?          int8u
17502           467    FocusPointLock?                      int8u
17503           469    ControlRingResponse                  int8u
17504           515    MovieAFAreaMode?                     int8u
17505           529    ZebraPatternToneRange?               int8u
17506           531    MovieZebraPattern?                   int8u
17507           533    MovieHighlightDisplayThreshold?      int8u
17508           535    MovieMidtoneDisplayValue?            int8u
17509           537    MovieMidtoneDisplayRange?            int8u~
17510           541    MovieEVFGrid?                        int8u
17511           549    MovieShutterSpeedLock?               int8u
17512           550    MovieFocusPointLock?                 int8u
17513           563    MatrixMetering?                      int8u
17514           564    AF-CFocusDisplay                     int8u
17515           565    FocusPeakingDisplay?                 int8u
17516           567    KeepExposure                         int8u
17517           585    StarlightView?                       int8u
17518           587    EVFWarmDisplayMode?                  int8u
17519           589    EVFWarmDisplayBrightness?            int8s
17520           591    EVFReleaseIndicator?                 int8u
17521           601    MovieApertureLock?                   int8u
17522           607    FlickAdvanceDirection?               int8u
17523           647    PreReleaseBurstLength                int8u
17524           649    PostReleaseBurstLength               int8u
17525           681    ViewModeShowEffectsOfSettings?       int8u
17526           683    DispButton                           int8u
17528       NikonCustom SettingsZ9 Tags
17530       Custom settings for the Z9.
17532         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17533         ------   --------                             --------
17534             1    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u
17535             3    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u
17536             5    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u
17537             7    BlockShotAFResponse                  int8u
17538            11    AFPointSel                           int8u
17539            13    StoreByOrientation                   int8u
17540            15    AFActivation                         int8u
17541            16    AF-OnOutOfFocusRelease?              int8u
17542            17    LimitAF-AreaModeSelPinpoint?         int8u
17543            19    LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S?         int8u
17544            20    LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_L?         int8u
17545            21    LimitAFAreaModeSelAuto?              int8u
17546            22    FocusPointWrap?                      int8u
17547            23    ManualFocusPointIllumination?        int8u
17548            24    DynamicAreaAFAssist?                 int8u
17549            25    AF-AssistIlluminator                 int8u
17550            26    ManualFocusRingInAFMode              int8u
17551            27    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u
17552            29    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u
17553            31    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u
17554            33    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8s
17555            35    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8s
17556            37    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8s
17557            39    FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted         int8s
17558            41    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u
17559            43    SelfTimerTime                        int8u
17560            45    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u
17561            49    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u
17562            51    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u
17563            53    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u
17564            55    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u
17565            57    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u
17566            59    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u
17567            61    MaxContinuousRelease                 no
17568            65    SyncReleaseMode?                     int8u
17569            69    LimitSelectableImageAreaDX?          int8u
17570            70    LimitSelectableImageArea1To1?        int8u
17571            71    LimitSelectableImageArea16To9?       int8u
17572            72    FileNumberSequence                   int8u
17573            73    FocusPeakingLevel?                   int8u
17574            75    FocusPeakingHighlightColor?          int8u
17575            81    ContinuousModeDisplay                int8u
17576            83    FlashSyncSpeed                       no
17577            85    HighSpeedSync                        int8u
17578            87    FlashShutterSpeed                    no
17579            89    FlashExposureCompArea                int8u
17580            91    AutoFlashISOSensitivity              int8u
17581            93    ModelingFlash                        int8u
17582            95    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u
17583            97    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u
17584            99    Func1Button                          int8u
17585           115    Func2Button                          int8u
17586           131    AFOnButton                           int8u
17587           143    SubSelector?                         int8u
17588           155    AssignMovieRecordButton?             int8u
17589           159    LensFunc1Button                      int8u
17590           167    LensFunc2Button                      int8u
17591           173    LensControlRing                      int8u
17592           175    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u
17593           179    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u
17594           183    ShutterSpeedLock                     int8u
17595           184    ApertureLock                         int8u
17596           186    CmdDialsReverseRotation              int8u
17597           191    UseDialWithoutHold?                  int8u
17598           193    ReverseIndicators?                   int8u
17599           195    MovieFunc1Button                     int8u
17600           199    MovieFunc2Button                     int8u
17601           203    MovieAF-OnButton                     int8u
17602           207    MovieMultiSelector?                  int8u
17603           215    MovieLensControlRing                 int8u
17604           221    MovieAFSpeed                         int8u
17605           223    MovieAFSpeedApply                    int8u
17606           225    MovieAFTrackingSensitivity           int8u
17607           257    LCDIllumination?                     int8u
17608           258    ExtendedShutterSpeeds                int8u
17609           259    SubjectMotion                        int8u
17610           261    FocusPointPersistence                int8u
17611           263    AutoFocusModeRestrictions?           int8u
17612           267    CHModeShootingSpeed                  int8u
17613         269.1    LimitReleaseModeSelCL?               int8u & 0x02
17614         269.2    LimitReleaseModeSelCH?               int8u & 0x04
17615         269.3    LimitReleaseModeSelC30?              int8u & 0x10
17616         269.4    LimitReleaseModeSelC120?             int8u & 0x40
17617         269.5    LimitReleaseModeSelSelf?             int8u & 0x80
17618           273    FlashBurstPriority?                  int8u
17619           277    VerticalFuncButton                   int8u
17620           281    Func3Button                          int8u
17621           285    VerticalAFOnButton                   int8u
17622           293    VerticalMultiSelectorPlaybackMode?   int8u
17623           295    MovieFunc3Button                     int8u
17624           335    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_S?        int8u
17625           336    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_M?        int8u
17626           337    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_L?        int8u
17627           339    LimitAF-AreaModeSel3DTracking?       int8u
17628           341    PlaybackFlickUp?                     int8u
17629           345    PlaybackFlickDown?                   int8u
17630           349    ISOStepSize                          int8u
17631           355    ReverseFocusRing                     int8u
17632           356    EVFImageFrame?                       int8u
17633           357    EVFGrid?                             int8u
17634           359    VirtualHorizonStyle?                 int8u
17635           373    Func4Button?                         int8u
17636           379    AudioButton?                         int8u
17637           381    QualityButton?                       int8u
17638           399    VerticalMultiSelector?               int8u
17639           421    Func1ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17640           423    Func2ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17641           425    Func3ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17642           431    Func4ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17643           437    MovieRecordButtonPlaybackMode?       int8u
17644           439    VerticalFuncButtonPlaybackMode?      int8u
17645           441    AudioButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17646           447    QualityButtonPlaybackMode?           int8u
17647           453    WhiteBalanceButtonPlaybackMode?      int8u
17648           459    CommandDialPlaybackMode?             int8u
17649           463    SubCommandDialPlaybackMode?          int8u
17650           467    FocusPointLock?                      int8u
17651           469    ControlRingResponse                  int8u
17652           481    VerticalMovieFuncButton?             int8u
17653           505    VerticalMovieAFOnButton?             int8u
17654           515    MovieAFAreaMode?                     int8u
17655           527    HDMIViewAssist?                      int8u
17656           529    ZebraPatternToneRange?               int8u
17657           531    MovieZebraPattern?                   int8u
17658           533    MovieHighlightDisplayThreshold?      int8u
17659           535    MovieMidtoneDisplayValue?            int8u
17660           537    MovieMidtoneDisplayRange?            int8u~
17661           541    MovieEVFGrid?                        int8u
17662           549    MovieShutterSpeedLock?               int8u
17663           550    MovieFocusPointLock?                 int8u
17664           563    MatrixMetering?                      int8u
17665           564    AF-CFocusDisplay                     int8u
17666           565    FocusPeakingDisplay?                 int8u
17667           567    KeepExposure                         int8u
17668           585    StarlightView?                       int8u
17669           587    EVFWarmDisplayMode?                  int8u
17670           589    EVFWarmDisplayBrightness?            int8s
17671           591    EVFReleaseIndicator?                 int8u
17672           601    MovieApertureLock?                   int8u
17673           607    FlickAdvanceDirection?               int8u
17675       NikonCustom SettingsZ9v4 Tags
17677       Custom settings for the Z9.
17679         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17680         ------   --------                             --------
17681             1    CustomSettingsBank                   int8u
17682             3    AF-CPrioritySelection                int8u
17683             5    AF-SPrioritySelection                int8u
17684             7    BlockShotAFResponse                  int8u
17685            11    AFPointSel                           int8u
17686            13    StoreByOrientation                   int8u
17687            15    AFActivation                         int8u
17688            16    AF-OnOutOfFocusRelease?              int8u
17689            17    LimitAF-AreaModeSelPinpoint?         int8u
17690            19    LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S?         int8u
17691            20    LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_L?         int8u
17692            21    LimitAFAreaModeSelAuto?              int8u
17693            22    FocusPointWrap?                      int8u
17694            23    ManualFocusPointIllumination?        int8u
17695            24    DynamicAreaAFAssist?                 int8u
17696            25    AF-AssistIlluminator                 int8u
17697            26    ManualFocusRingInAFMode              int8u
17698            27    ExposureControlStepSize              int8u
17699            29    EasyExposureCompensation             int8u
17700            31    CenterWeightedAreaSize               int8u
17701            33    FineTuneOptMatrixMetering            int8s
17702            35    FineTuneOptCenterWeighted            int8s
17703            37    FineTuneOptSpotMetering              int8s
17704            39    FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted         int8s
17705            41    ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L             int8u
17706            43    SelfTimerTime                        int8u
17707            45    SelfTimerShotCount                   int8u
17708            49    SelfTimerShotInterval                int8u
17709            51    PlaybackMonitorOffTime               int8u
17710            53    MenuMonitorOffTime                   int8u
17711            55    ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime           int8u
17712            57    ImageReviewMonitorOffTime            int8u
17713            59    CLModeShootingSpeed                  int8u
17714            61    MaxContinuousRelease                 no
17715            65    SyncReleaseMode?                     int8u
17716            69    LimitSelectableImageAreaDX?          int8u
17717            70    LimitSelectableImageArea1To1?        int8u
17718            71    LimitSelectableImageArea16To9?       int8u
17719            72    FileNumberSequence                   int8u
17720            73    FocusPeakingLevel?                   int8u
17721            75    FocusPeakingHighlightColor?          int8u
17722            81    ContinuousModeDisplay                int8u
17723            83    FlashSyncSpeed                       no
17724            85    HighSpeedSync                        int8u
17725            87    FlashShutterSpeed                    no
17726            89    FlashExposureCompArea                int8u
17727            91    AutoFlashISOSensitivity              int8u
17728            93    ModelingFlash                        int8u
17729            95    AutoBracketModeM                     int8u
17730            97    AutoBracketOrder                     int8u
17731            99    Func1Button                          int8u
17732           115    Func2Button                          int8u
17733           131    AFOnButton                           int8u
17734           143    SubSelector?                         int8u
17735           155    AssignMovieRecordButton?             int8u
17736           159    LensFunc1Button                      int8u
17737           167    LensFunc2Button                      int8u
17738           173    LensControlRing                      int8u
17739           175    MultiSelectorShootMode               int8u
17740           179    MultiSelectorPlaybackMode            int8u
17741           183    ShutterSpeedLock                     int8u
17742           184    ApertureLock                         int8u
17743           186    CmdDialsReverseRotation              int8u
17744           191    UseDialWithoutHold?                  int8u
17745           193    ReverseIndicators?                   int8u
17746           195    MovieFunc1Button                     int8u
17747           199    MovieFunc2Button                     int8u
17748           203    MovieAF-OnButton                     int8u
17749           207    MovieMultiSelector?                  int8u
17750           215    MovieLensControlRing                 int8u
17751           221    MovieAFSpeed                         int8u
17752           223    MovieAFSpeedApply                    int8u
17753           225    MovieAFTrackingSensitivity           int8u
17754           279    LCDIllumination?                     int8u
17755           280    ExtendedShutterSpeeds                int8u
17756           281    SubjectMotion                        int8u
17757           283    FocusPointPersistence                int8u
17758           285    AutoFocusModeRestrictions?           int8u
17759           289    CHModeShootingSpeed                  int8u
17760         293.1    LimitReleaseModeSelCL?               int8u & 0x02
17761         293.2    LimitReleaseModeSelCH?               int8u & 0x04
17762         293.3    LimitReleaseModeSelC30?              int8u & 0x10
17763         293.4    LimitReleaseModeSelC120?             int8u & 0x40
17764         293.5    LimitReleaseModeSelSelf?             int8u & 0x80
17765           297    FlashBurstPriority?                  int8u
17766           301    VerticalFuncButton                   int8u
17767           305    Func3Button                          int8u
17768           309    VerticalAFOnButton                   int8u
17769           317    VerticalMultiSelectorPlaybackMode?   int8u
17770           319    MovieFunc3Button                     int8u
17771           359    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_S?        int8u
17772           360    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_M?        int8u
17773           361    LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_L?        int8u
17774           363    LimitAF-AreaModeSel3DTracking?       int8u
17775           365    PlaybackFlickUp?                     int8u
17776           369    PlaybackFlickDown?                   int8u
17777           373    ISOStepSize                          int8u
17778           379    ReverseFocusRing                     int8u
17779           380    EVFImageFrame?                       int8u
17780           381    EVFGrid?                             int8u
17781           383    VirtualHorizonStyle?                 int8u
17782           397    Func4Button?                         int8u
17783           403    AudioButton?                         int8u
17784           405    QualityButton?                       int8u
17785           423    VerticalMultiSelector?               int8u
17786           445    Func1ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17787           447    Func2ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17788           449    Func3ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17789           455    Func4ButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17790           461    MovieRecordButtonPlaybackMode?       int8u
17791           463    VerticalFuncButtonPlaybackMode?      int8u
17792           465    AudioButtonPlaybackMode?             int8u
17793           471    QualityButtonPlaybackMode?           int8u
17794           477    WhiteBalanceButtonPlaybackMode?      int8u
17795           483    CommandDialPlaybackMode?             int8u
17796           487    SubCommandDialPlaybackMode?          int8u
17797           491    FocusPointLock?                      int8u
17798           493    ControlRingResponse                  int8u
17799           505    VerticalMovieFuncButton?             int8u
17800           529    VerticalMovieAFOnButton?             int8u
17801           539    MovieAFAreaMode?                     int8u
17802           551    HDMIViewAssist?                      int8u
17803           553    ZebraPatternToneRange?               int8u
17804           555    MovieZebraPattern?                   int8u
17805           557    MovieHighlightDisplayThreshold?      int8u
17806           559    MovieMidtoneDisplayValue?            int8u
17807           561    MovieMidtoneDisplayRange?            int8u~
17808           565    MovieEVFGrid?                        int8u
17809           573    MovieShutterSpeedLock?               int8u
17810           574    MovieFocusPointLock?                 int8u
17811           587    MatrixMetering?                      int8u
17812           588    AF-CFocusDisplay                     int8u
17813           589    FocusPeakingDisplay?                 int8u
17814           591    KeepExposure                         int8u
17815           609    StarlightView?                       int8u
17816           611    EVFWarmDisplayMode?                  int8u
17817           613    EVFWarmDisplayBrightness?            int8s
17818           615    EVFReleaseIndicator?                 int8u
17819           625    MovieApertureLock?                   int8u
17820           631    FlickAdvanceDirection?               int8u
17822   NikonCapture Tags
17823       This information is written by the Nikon Capture software in tag 0x0e01
17824       of the maker notes of NEF images.
17826         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
17827         ------       --------                         --------
17828         0x8ae85e     LCHEditor                        int8u
17829         0x83a1a25    HistogramXML                     undef
17830         0xc89224b    ColorAberrationControl           int8u
17831         0x116fea21   HighlightData                    NikonCapture HighlightData
17832         0x2175eb78   D-LightingHQ                     int8u
17833         0x2fc08431   StraightenAngle                  double
17834         0x374233e0   CropData                         NikonCapture CropData
17835         0x39c456ac   PictureCtrl                      NikonCapture PictureCtrl
17836         0x3cfc73c6   RedEyeData                       NikonCapture RedEyeData
17837         0x3d136244   EditVersionName                  string
17838         0x416391c6   QuickFix                         int8u
17839         0x56a54260   Exposure                         NikonCapture Exposure
17840         0x5f0e7d23   ColorBooster                     int8u
17841         0x6a6e36b6   D-LightingHQSelected             int8u
17842         0x753dcbc0   NoiseReduction                   int8u
17843         0x76a43200   UnsharpMask                      int8u
17844         0x76a43201   Curves                           int8u
17845         0x76a43202   ColorBalanceAdj                  int8u
17846         0x76a43203   AdvancedRaw                      int8u
17847         0x76a43204   WhiteBalanceAdj                  int8u
17848         0x76a43205   VignetteControl                  int8u
17849         0x76a43206   FlipHorizontal                   int8u
17850         0x76a43207   Rotation                         int16u
17851         0x84589434   BrightnessData                   NikonCapture Brightness
17852         0x890ff591   D-LightingHQData                 NikonCapture DLightingHQ
17853         0x926f13e0   NoiseReductionData               NikonCapture NoiseReduction
17854         0x9ef5f6e0   IPTCData                         IPTC
17855         0xab5eca5e   PhotoEffects                     int8u
17856         0xac6bd5c0   VignetteControlIntensity         int16s
17857         0xb0384e1e   PhotoEffectsData                 NikonCapture PhotoEffects
17858         0xb999a36f   ColorBoostData                   NikonCapture ColorBoost
17859         0xbf3c6c20   WBAdjData                        NikonCapture WBAdjData
17860         0xce5554aa   D-LightingHS                     int8u
17861         0xe2173c47   PictureControl                   int8u
17862         0xe37b4337   D-LightingHSData                 NikonCapture DLightingHS
17863         0xe42b5161   UnsharpData                      NikonCapture UnsharpData
17864         0xe9651831   PhotoEffectHistoryXML            undef
17865         0xfe28a44f   AutoRedEye                       int8u
17866         0xfe443a45   ImageDustOff                     int8u
17868       NikonCapture HighlightData Tags
17870         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17871         ------   --------                             --------
17872             0    ShadowProtection                     int8s
17873             1    SaturationAdj                        int8s
17874             6    HighlightProtection                  int8s
17876       NikonCapture CropData Tags
17878         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17879         ------   --------                             --------
17880            30    CropLeft                             double
17881            38    CropTop                              double
17882            46    CropRight                            double
17883            54    CropBottom                           double
17884           142    CropOutputWidthInches                double
17885           150    CropOutputHeightInches               double
17886           158    CropScaledResolution                 double
17887           174    CropSourceResolution                 double
17888           182    CropOutputResolution                 double
17889           190    CropOutputScale                      double
17890           198    CropOutputWidth                      double
17891           206    CropOutputHeight                     double
17892           214    CropOutputPixels                     double
17894       NikonCapture PictureCtrl Tags
17896         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17897         ------   --------                             --------
17898             0    PictureControlActive                 int8u
17899            19    PictureControlMode                   string[16]
17900            42    QuickAdjust                          int8u
17901            43    SharpeningAdj                        int8u
17902            44    ContrastAdj                          int8u
17903            45    BrightnessAdj                        int8u
17904            46    SaturationAdj                        int8u
17905            47    HueAdj                               int8u
17907       NikonCapture RedEyeData Tags
17909         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17910         ------   --------                             --------
17911             0    RedEyeCorrection                     int8u
17913       NikonCapture Exposure Tags
17915         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17916         ------   --------                             --------
17917             0    ExposureAdj                          int16s
17918            18    ExposureAdj2                         double
17919            36    ActiveD-Lighting                     int8u
17920            37    ActiveD-LightingMode                 int8u
17922       NikonCapture Brightness Tags
17924         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17925         ------   --------                             --------
17926             0    BrightnessAdj                        double
17927             8    EnhanceDarkTones                     int8u
17929       NikonCapture DLightingHQ Tags
17931         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
17932         ------   --------                             --------
17933             0    D-LightingHQShadow                   int32u
17934             1    D-LightingHQHighlight                int32u
17935             2    D-LightingHQColorBoost               int32u
17937       NikonCapture NoiseReduction Tags
17939         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17940         ------   --------                             --------
17941             4    EdgeNoiseReduction                   int8u
17942             5    ColorMoireReductionMode              int8u
17943             9    NoiseReductionIntensity              int32u
17944            13    NoiseReductionSharpness              int32u
17945            17    NoiseReductionMethod                 int16u
17946            21    ColorMoireReduction                  int8u
17947            23    NoiseReduction                       int8u
17948            24    ColorNoiseReductionIntensity         int32u
17949            28    ColorNoiseReductionSharpness         int32u
17951       NikonCapture PhotoEffects Tags
17953         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17954         ------   --------                             --------
17955             0    PhotoEffectsType                     int8u
17956             4    PhotoEffectsRed                      int16s
17957             6    PhotoEffectsGreen                    int16s
17958             8    PhotoEffectsBlue                     int16s
17960       NikonCapture ColorBoost Tags
17962         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17963         ------   --------                             --------
17964             0    ColorBoostType                       int8u
17965             1    ColorBoostLevel                      int32u
17967       NikonCapture WBAdjData Tags
17969         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17970         ------   --------                             --------
17971             0    WBAdjRedBalance                      double
17972             8    WBAdjBlueBalance                     double
17973            16    WBAdjMode                            int8u
17974            20    WBAdjLighting                        int16u
17975            24    WBAdjTemperature                     int16u
17976            37    WBAdjTint                            int32s
17978       NikonCapture DLightingHS Tags
17980         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
17981         ------   --------                             --------
17982             0    D-LightingHSAdjustment               int32u
17983             1    D-LightingHSColorBoost               int32u
17985       NikonCapture UnsharpData Tags
17987         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
17988         ------   --------                             --------
17989             0    UnsharpCount                         int8u
17990            19    Unsharp1Color                        int16u
17991            23    Unsharp1Intensity                    int16u
17992            25    Unsharp1HaloWidth                    int16u
17993            27    Unsharp1Threshold                    int8u
17994            46    Unsharp2Color                        int16u
17995            50    Unsharp2Intensity                    int16u
17996            52    Unsharp2HaloWidth                    int16u
17997            54    Unsharp2Threshold                    int8u
17998            73    Unsharp3Color                        int16u
17999            77    Unsharp3Intensity                    int16u
18000            79    Unsharp3HaloWidth                    int16u
18001            81    Unsharp3Threshold                    int8u
18002           100    Unsharp4Color                        int16u
18003           104    Unsharp4Intensity                    int16u
18004           106    Unsharp4HaloWidth                    int16u
18005           108    Unsharp4Threshold                    int8u
18007   Nintendo Tags
18008         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18009         ------   --------                             --------
18010         0x1101   CameraInfo                           Nintendo CameraInfo
18012       Nintendo CameraInfo Tags
18014         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18015         ------   --------                             --------
18016             0    ModelID                              undef[4]
18017             8    TimeStamp                            int32u
18018            24    InternalSerialNumber                 undef[4]
18019            40    Parallax                             float
18020            48    Category                             int16u
18022   Olympus Tags
18023       Tags 0x0000 through 0x0103 are used by some older Olympus cameras, and
18024       are the same as Konica/Minolta tags.  These tags are also used for some
18025       models from other brands such as Acer, BenQ, Epson, Hitachi, HP,
18026       Maginon, Minolta, Pentax, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, SeaLife, Sony, Supra
18027       and Vivitar.
18029         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18030         ------   --------                             --------
18031         0x0000   MakerNoteVersion                     undef
18032         0x0001   MinoltaCameraSettingsOld             Minolta CameraSettings
18033         0x0003   MinoltaCameraSettings                Minolta CameraSettings
18034         0x0040   CompressedImageSize                  int32u
18035         0x0081   PreviewImageData                     no
18036         0x0088   PreviewImageStart                    no
18037         0x0089   PreviewImageLength                   no
18038         0x0100   ThumbnailImage                       undef
18039         0x0104   BodyFirmwareVersion                  string
18040         0x0200   SpecialMode                          int32u[3]~
18041         0x0201   Quality                              int16u~
18042         0x0202   Macro                                int16u
18043         0x0203   BWMode                               int16u
18044         0x0204   DigitalZoom                          rational64u
18045         0x0205   FocalPlaneDiagonal                   rational64u
18046         0x0206   LensDistortionParams                 int16s[6]
18047         0x0207   CameraType                           string
18048         0x0208   TextInfo                             Olympus TextInfo
18049         0x0209   CameraID                             string
18050         0x020b   EpsonImageWidth                      int32u
18051         0x020c   EpsonImageHeight                     int32u
18052         0x020d   EpsonSoftware                        string
18053         0x0280   PreviewImage                         int8u
18054         0x0300   PreCaptureFrames                     int16u
18055         0x0301   WhiteBoard                           int16u
18056         0x0302   OneTouchWB                           int16u
18057         0x0303   WhiteBalanceBracket                  int16u
18058         0x0304   WhiteBalanceBias                     int16u
18059         0x0400   SensorArea                           undef[8]
18060         0x0401   BlackLevel                           int32u[4]
18061         0x0403   SceneMode                            int16u
18062         0x0404   SerialNumber                         string
18063         0x0405   Firmware                             string
18064         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
18065         0x0f00   DataDump                             no
18066         0x0f01   DataDump2                            no
18067         0x0f04   ZoomedPreviewStart                   int32u*
18068         0x0f05   ZoomedPreviewLength                  int32u*
18069         0x0f06   ZoomedPreviewSize                    int16u[2]
18070         0x1000   ShutterSpeedValue                    rational64s
18071         0x1001   ISOValue                             rational64s
18072         0x1002   ApertureValue                        rational64s
18073         0x1003   BrightnessValue                      rational64s
18074         0x1004   FlashMode                            int16u
18075         0x1005   FlashDevice                          int16u
18076         0x1006   ExposureCompensation                 rational64s
18077         0x1007   SensorTemperature                    int16s
18078         0x1008   LensTemperature                      int16s
18079         0x1009   LightCondition                       int16u
18080         0x100a   FocusRange                           int16u
18081         0x100b   FocusMode                            int16u
18082         0x100c   ManualFocusDistance                  rational64u
18083         0x100d   ZoomStepCount                        int16u
18084         0x100e   FocusStepCount                       int16u
18085         0x100f   Sharpness                            int16u
18086         0x1010   FlashChargeLevel                     int16u
18087         0x1011   ColorMatrix                          int16u[9]
18088         0x1012   BlackLevel                           int16u[4]
18089         0x1013   ColorTemperatureBG?                  int16u
18090         0x1014   ColorTemperatureRG?                  int16u
18091         0x1015   WBMode                               int16u[2]
18092         0x1017   RedBalance                           int16u[2]
18093         0x1018   BlueBalance                          int16u[2]
18094         0x1019   ColorMatrixNumber                    int16u
18095         0x101a   SerialNumber                         string
18096         0x101b   ExternalFlashAE1_0?                  int32u
18097         0x101c   ExternalFlashAE2_0?                  int32u
18098         0x101d   InternalFlashAE1_0?                  int32u
18099         0x101e   InternalFlashAE2_0?                  int32u
18100         0x101f   ExternalFlashAE1?                    int32u
18101         0x1020   ExternalFlashAE2?                    int32u
18102         0x1021   InternalFlashAE1?                    int32u
18103         0x1022   InternalFlashAE2?                    int32u
18104         0x1023   FlashExposureComp                    rational64s
18105         0x1024   InternalFlashTable                   int16u
18106         0x1025   ExternalFlashGValue                  rational64s
18107         0x1026   ExternalFlashBounce                  int16u
18108         0x1027   ExternalFlashZoom                    int16u
18109         0x1028   ExternalFlashMode                    int16u
18110         0x1029   Contrast                             int16u
18111         0x102a   SharpnessFactor                      int16u
18112         0x102b   ColorControl                         int16u[6]
18113         0x102c   ValidBits                            int16u[2]
18114         0x102d   CoringFilter                         int16u
18115         0x102e   OlympusImageWidth                    int32u
18116         0x102f   OlympusImageHeight                   int32u
18117         0x1030   SceneDetect                          int16u
18118         0x1031   SceneArea?                           int32u[8]
18119         0x1033   SceneDetectData?                     int32u[720]
18120         0x1034   CompressionRatio                     rational64u
18121         0x1035   PreviewImageValid                    int32u
18122         0x1036   PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
18123         0x1037   PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
18124         0x1038   AFResult                             int16u
18125         0x1039   CCDScanMode                          int16u
18126         0x103a   NoiseReduction                       int16u
18127         0x103b   FocusStepInfinity                    int16u
18128         0x103c   FocusStepNear                        int16u
18129         0x103d   LightValueCenter                     rational64s
18130         0x103e   LightValuePeriphery                  rational64s
18131         0x103f   FieldCount?                          int16u
18132         0x2010   Equipment                            Olympus Equipment
18133                  EquipmentIFD                         Olympus Equipment
18134         0x2020   CameraSettings                       Olympus CameraSettings
18135                  CameraSettingsIFD                    Olympus CameraSettings
18136         0x2030   RawDevelopment                       Olympus RawDevelopment
18137                  RawDevelopmentIFD                    Olympus RawDevelopment
18138         0x2031   RawDev2                              Olympus RawDevelopment2
18139                  RawDev2IFD                           Olympus RawDevelopment2
18140         0x2040   ImageProcessing                      Olympus ImageProcessing
18141                  ImageProcessingIFD                   Olympus ImageProcessing
18142         0x2050   FocusInfo                            Olympus FocusInfo
18143                  FocusInfoIFD                         Olympus FocusInfo
18144                  CameraParameters                     undef
18145         0x2100   Olympus2100                          Olympus FE
18146                  Olympus2100IFD                       Olympus FE
18147         0x2200   Olympus2200                          Olympus FE
18148                  Olympus2200IFD                       Olympus FE
18149         0x2300   Olympus2300                          Olympus FE
18150                  Olympus2300IFD                       Olympus FE
18151         0x2400   Olympus2400                          Olympus FE
18152                  Olympus2400IFD                       Olympus FE
18153         0x2500   Olympus2500                          Olympus FE
18154                  Olympus2500IFD                       Olympus FE
18155         0x2600   Olympus2600                          Olympus FE
18156                  Olympus2600IFD                       Olympus FE
18157         0x2700   Olympus2700                          Olympus FE
18158                  Olympus2700IFD                       Olympus FE
18159         0x2800   Olympus2800                          Olympus FE
18160                  Olympus2800IFD                       Olympus FE
18161         0x2900   Olympus2900                          Olympus FE
18162                  Olympus2900IFD                       Olympus FE
18163         0x3000   RawInfo                              Olympus RawInfo
18164                  RawInfoIFD                           Olympus RawInfo
18165         0x4000   MainInfo                             Olympus
18166                  MainInfoIFD                          Olympus
18167         0x5000   UnknownInfo                          Olympus UnknownInfo
18168                  UnknownInfoIFD                       Olympus UnknownInfo
18170       Olympus TextInfo Tags
18172       This information is in text format (similar to APP12 information, but
18173       with spaces instead of linefeeds).  Below are tags which have been
18174       observed, but any information found here will be extracted, even if the
18175       tag is not listed.
18177         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
18178         ------               --------                 --------
18179         'Resolution'         Resolution               no
18180         'Type'               CameraType               no
18182       Olympus Equipment Tags
18184         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18185         ------   --------                             --------
18186         0x0000   EquipmentVersion                     undef[4]
18187         0x0100   CameraType2                          string[6]
18188         0x0101   SerialNumber                         string[32]
18189         0x0102   InternalSerialNumber                 string[32]
18190         0x0103   FocalPlaneDiagonal                   rational64u
18191         0x0104   BodyFirmwareVersion                  int32u
18192         0x0201   LensType                             int8u[6]
18193         0x0202   LensSerialNumber                     string[32]
18194         0x0203   LensModel                            string
18195         0x0204   LensFirmwareVersion                  int32u
18196         0x0205   MaxApertureAtMinFocal                int16u
18197         0x0206   MaxApertureAtMaxFocal                int16u
18198         0x0207   MinFocalLength                       int16u
18199         0x0208   MaxFocalLength                       int16u
18200         0x020a   MaxAperture                          int16u
18201         0x020b   LensProperties                       int16u
18202         0x0301   Extender                             int8u[6]
18203         0x0302   ExtenderSerialNumber                 string[32]
18204         0x0303   ExtenderModel                        string
18205         0x0304   ExtenderFirmwareVersion              int32u
18206         0x0403   ConversionLens                       string
18207         0x1000   FlashType                            int16u
18208         0x1001   FlashModel                           int16u
18209         0x1002   FlashFirmwareVersion                 int32u
18210         0x1003   FlashSerialNumber                    string[32]
18212       Olympus CameraSettings Tags
18214         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18215         ------   --------                             --------
18216         0x0000   CameraSettingsVersion                undef[4]
18217         0x0100   PreviewImageValid                    int32u
18218         0x0101   PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
18219         0x0102   PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
18220         0x0200   ExposureMode                         int16u
18221         0x0201   AELock                               int16u
18222         0x0202   MeteringMode                         int16u
18223         0x0203   ExposureShift                        rational64s
18224         0x0204   NDFilter                             yes
18225         0x0300   MacroMode                            int16u
18226         0x0301   FocusMode                            int16u[n]
18227         0x0302   FocusProcess                         int16u[n]
18228         0x0303   AFSearch                             int16u
18229         0x0304   AFAreas                              int32u[64]~
18230         0x0305   AFPointSelected                      rational64s[5]
18231         0x0306   AFFineTune                           int8u
18232         0x0307   AFFineTuneAdj                        int16s[3]
18233         0x0308   FocusBracketStepSize                 int8u
18234         0x0309   AISubjectTrackingMode                int16u
18235         0x0400   FlashMode                            int16u
18236         0x0401   FlashExposureComp                    rational64s
18237         0x0403   FlashRemoteControl                   int16u
18238         0x0404   FlashControlMode                     int16u[n]
18239         0x0405   FlashIntensity                       rational64s[n]
18240         0x0406   ManualFlashStrength                  rational64s[n]
18241         0x0500   WhiteBalance2                        int16u
18242         0x0501   WhiteBalanceTemperature              int16u
18243         0x0502   WhiteBalanceBracket                  int16s
18244         0x0503   CustomSaturation                     int16s[3]~
18245         0x0504   ModifiedSaturation                   int16u
18246         0x0505   ContrastSetting                      int16s[3]
18247         0x0506   SharpnessSetting                     int16s[3]
18248         0x0507   ColorSpace                           int16u
18249         0x0509   SceneMode                            int16u
18250         0x050a   NoiseReduction                       int16u
18251         0x050b   DistortionCorrection                 int16u
18252         0x050c   ShadingCompensation                  int16u
18253         0x050d   CompressionFactor                    rational64u
18254         0x050f   Gradation                            int16s[n]
18255         0x0520   PictureMode                          int16u[n]
18256         0x0521   PictureModeSaturation                int16s[3]
18257         0x0522   PictureModeHue?                      int16s
18258         0x0523   PictureModeContrast                  int16s[3]
18259         0x0524   PictureModeSharpness                 int16s[3]
18260         0x0525   PictureModeBWFilter                  int16s
18261         0x0526   PictureModeTone                      int16s
18262         0x0527   NoiseFilter                          int16s[3]
18263         0x0529   ArtFilter                            int16u[4]
18264         0x052c   MagicFilter                          int16u[4]
18265         0x052d   PictureModeEffect                    int16s[3]
18266         0x052e   ToneLevel                            yes
18267         0x052f   ArtFilterEffect                      int16u[20]
18268         0x0532   ColorCreatorEffect                   int16s[6]
18269         0x0537   MonochromeProfileSettings            int16s[6]
18270         0x0538   FilmGrainEffect                      int16s
18271         0x0539   ColorProfileSettings                 int16s[14]
18272         0x053a   MonochromeVignetting                 int16s
18273         0x053b   MonochromeColor                      int16s
18274         0x0600   DriveMode                            int16u[n]~
18275         0x0601   PanoramaMode                         int16u~
18276         0x0603   ImageQuality2                        int16u
18277         0x0604   ImageStabilization                   int32u
18278         0x0804   StackedImage                         int32u[2]
18279         0x0900   ManometerPressure                    int16u
18280         0x0901   ManometerReading                     int32s[2]
18281         0x0902   ExtendedWBDetect                     int16u
18282         0x0903   RollAngle                            int16s[2]
18283         0x0904   PitchAngle                           int16s[2]
18284         0x0908   DateTimeUTC                          string
18286       Olympus RawDevelopment Tags
18288         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18289         ------   --------                             --------
18290         0x0000   RawDevVersion                        undef[4]
18291         0x0100   RawDevExposureBiasValue              rational64s
18292         0x0101   RawDevWhiteBalanceValue              int16u
18293         0x0102   RawDevWBFineAdjustment               int16s
18294         0x0103   RawDevGrayPoint                      int16u[3]
18295         0x0104   RawDevSaturationEmphasis             int16s[3]
18296         0x0105   RawDevMemoryColorEmphasis            int16u
18297         0x0106   RawDevContrastValue                  int16s[3]
18298         0x0107   RawDevSharpnessValue                 int16s[3]
18299         0x0108   RawDevColorSpace                     int16u
18300         0x0109   RawDevEngine                         int16u
18301         0x010a   RawDevNoiseReduction                 int16u
18302         0x010b   RawDevEditStatus                     int16u
18303         0x010c   RawDevSettings                       int16u
18305       Olympus RawDevelopment2 Tags
18307         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18308         ------   --------                             --------
18309         0x0000   RawDevVersion                        undef[4]
18310         0x0100   RawDevExposureBiasValue              rational64s
18311         0x0101   RawDevWhiteBalance                   int16u
18312         0x0102   RawDevWhiteBalanceValue              int16u
18313         0x0103   RawDevWBFineAdjustment               int16s
18314         0x0104   RawDevGrayPoint                      int16u[3]
18315         0x0105   RawDevContrastValue                  int16s[3]
18316         0x0106   RawDevSharpnessValue                 int16s[3]
18317         0x0107   RawDevSaturationEmphasis             int16s[3]
18318         0x0108   RawDevMemoryColorEmphasis            int16u
18319         0x0109   RawDevColorSpace                     int16u
18320         0x010a   RawDevNoiseReduction                 int16u
18321         0x010b   RawDevEngine                         int16u
18322         0x010c   RawDevPictureMode                    int16u
18323         0x010d   RawDevPMSaturation                   int16s[3]
18324         0x010e   RawDevPMContrast                     int16s[3]
18325         0x010f   RawDevPMSharpness                    int16s[3]
18326         0x0110   RawDevPM_BWFilter                    int16u
18327         0x0111   RawDevPMPictureTone                  int16u
18328         0x0112   RawDevGradation                      int16s[3]
18329         0x0113   RawDevSaturation3                    int16s[3]
18330         0x0119   RawDevAutoGradation                  int16u
18331         0x0120   RawDevPMNoiseFilter                  int16u
18332         0x0121   RawDevArtFilter                      int16u[4]
18334       Olympus ImageProcessing Tags
18336         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18337         ------   --------                             --------
18338         0x0000   ImageProcessingVersion               undef[4]
18339         0x0100   WB_RBLevels                          int16u[2]
18340         0x0102   WB_RBLevels3000K                     int16u[2]
18341         0x0103   WB_RBLevels3300K                     int16u[2]
18342         0x0104   WB_RBLevels3600K                     int16u[2]
18343         0x0105   WB_RBLevels3900K                     int16u[2]
18344         0x0106   WB_RBLevels4000K                     int16u[2]
18345         0x0107   WB_RBLevels4300K                     int16u[2]
18346         0x0108   WB_RBLevels4500K                     int16u[2]
18347         0x0109   WB_RBLevels4800K                     int16u[2]
18348         0x010a   WB_RBLevels5300K                     int16u[2]
18349         0x010b   WB_RBLevels6000K                     int16u[2]
18350         0x010c   WB_RBLevels6600K                     int16u[2]
18351         0x010d   WB_RBLevels7500K                     int16u[2]
18352         0x010e   WB_RBLevelsCWB1                      int16u[2]
18353         0x010f   WB_RBLevelsCWB2                      int16u[2]
18354         0x0110   WB_RBLevelsCWB3                      int16u[2]
18355         0x0111   WB_RBLevelsCWB4                      int16u[2]
18356         0x0113   WB_GLevel3000K                       int16u
18357         0x0114   WB_GLevel3300K                       int16u
18358         0x0115   WB_GLevel3600K                       int16u
18359         0x0116   WB_GLevel3900K                       int16u
18360         0x0117   WB_GLevel4000K                       int16u
18361         0x0118   WB_GLevel4300K                       int16u
18362         0x0119   WB_GLevel4500K                       int16u
18363         0x011a   WB_GLevel4800K                       int16u
18364         0x011b   WB_GLevel5300K                       int16u
18365         0x011c   WB_GLevel6000K                       int16u
18366         0x011d   WB_GLevel6600K                       int16u
18367         0x011e   WB_GLevel7500K                       int16u
18368         0x011f   WB_GLevel                            int16u
18369         0x0200   ColorMatrix                          int16u[9]
18370         0x0300   Enhancer                             int16u
18371         0x0301   EnhancerValues                       int16u[7]
18372         0x0310   CoringFilter                         int16u
18373         0x0311   CoringValues                         int16u[7]
18374         0x0600   BlackLevel2                          int16u[4]
18375         0x0610   GainBase                             int16u
18376         0x0611   ValidBits                            int16u[2]
18377         0x0612   CropLeft                             int16u[2]
18378         0x0613   CropTop                              int16u[2]
18379         0x0614   CropWidth                            int32u
18380         0x0615   CropHeight                           int32u
18381         0x0635   UnknownBlock1?                       undef
18382         0x0636   UnknownBlock2?                       undef
18383         0x0805   SensorCalibration                    int16s[2]
18384         0x1010   NoiseReduction2                      int16u
18385         0x1011   DistortionCorrection2                int16u
18386         0x1012   ShadingCompensation2                 int16u
18387         0x101c   MultipleExposureMode                 int16u[2]
18388         0x1103   UnknownBlock3?                       undef
18389         0x1104   UnknownBlock4?                       undef
18390         0x1112   AspectRatio                          int8u[2]
18391         0x1113   AspectFrame                          int16u[4]
18392         0x1200   FacesDetected                        int32u[n]
18393         0x1201   FaceDetectArea                       int16s[n]
18394         0x1202   MaxFaces                             int32u[3]
18395         0x1203   FaceDetectFrameSize                  int16u[6]
18396         0x1207   FaceDetectFrameCrop                  int16s[12]
18397         0x1306   CameraTemperature                    no
18398         0x1900   KeystoneCompensation                 int8u[2]
18399         0x1901   KeystoneDirection                    int8u[2]
18400         0x1906   KeystoneValue                        int16s[3]
18402       Olympus FocusInfo Tags
18404         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18405         ------   --------                             --------
18406         0x0000   FocusInfoVersion                     undef[4]
18407         0x0209   AutoFocus?                           int16u
18408         0x0210   SceneDetect                          int16u
18409         0x0211   SceneArea?                           int32u[8]
18410         0x0212   SceneDetectData?                     int32u[720]
18411         0x0300   ZoomStepCount                        int16u
18412         0x0301   FocusStepCount                       int16u
18413         0x0303   FocusStepInfinity                    int16u
18414         0x0304   FocusStepNear                        int16u
18415         0x0305   FocusDistance                        rational64u
18416         0x0308   AFPoint                              int16u
18417         0x031b   AFPointDetails                       no
18418                  AFPointDetails                       int16u
18419         0x0328   AFInfo                               Olympus AFInfo
18420         0x1201   ExternalFlash                        int16u[2]
18421         0x1203   ExternalFlashGuideNumber?            rational64s
18422         0x1204   ExternalFlashBounce                  int16u
18423         0x1205   ExternalFlashZoom                    rational64u
18424         0x1208   InternalFlash                        int16u[n]
18425         0x1209   ManualFlash                          int16u[2]~
18426         0x120a   MacroLED                             int16u
18427         0x1500   SensorTemperature                    int16s
18428         0x1600   ImageStabilization                   undef~
18430       Olympus AFInfo Tags
18432         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18433         ------   --------                             --------
18434         [no tags known]
18436       Olympus FE Tags
18438       Some FE models write a large number of tags here, but most of this
18439       information remains unknown.
18441         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18442         ------   --------                             --------
18443         0x0100   BodyFirmwareVersion                  string
18445       Olympus RawInfo Tags
18447       These tags are found only in ORF images of some models (eg. C8080WZ).
18449         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18450         ------   --------                             --------
18451         0x0000   RawInfoVersion                       undef[4]
18452         0x0100   WB_RBLevelsUsed                      int16u[2]
18453         0x0110   WB_RBLevelsAuto                      int16u[2]
18454         0x0120   WB_RBLevelsShade                     int16u[2]
18455         0x0121   WB_RBLevelsCloudy                    int16u[2]
18456         0x0122   WB_RBLevelsFineWeather               int16u[2]
18457         0x0123   WB_RBLevelsTungsten                  int16u[2]
18458         0x0124   WB_RBLevelsEveningSunlight           int16u[2]
18459         0x0130   WB_RBLevelsDaylightFluor             int16u[2]
18460         0x0131   WB_RBLevelsDayWhiteFluor             int16u[2]
18461         0x0132   WB_RBLevelsCoolWhiteFluor            int16u[2]
18462         0x0133   WB_RBLevelsWhiteFluorescent          int16u[2]
18463         0x0200   ColorMatrix2                         int16u[9]
18464         0x0310   CoringFilter                         int16u
18465         0x0311   CoringValues                         int16u[11]
18466         0x0600   BlackLevel2                          int16u[4]
18467         0x0601   YCbCrCoefficients                    no
18468         0x0611   ValidPixelDepth                      int16u[2]
18469         0x0612   CropLeft                             int16u
18470         0x0613   CropTop                              int16u
18471         0x0614   CropWidth                            int32u
18472         0x0615   CropHeight                           int32u
18473         0x1000   LightSource                          int16u
18474         0x1001   WhiteBalanceComp                     int16s[3]
18475         0x1010   SaturationSetting                    int16s[3]
18476         0x1011   HueSetting                           int16s[3]
18477         0x1012   ContrastSetting                      int16s[3]
18478         0x1013   SharpnessSetting                     int16s[3]
18479         0x2000   CMExposureCompensation               rational64s
18480         0x2001   CMWhiteBalance                       int16u
18481         0x2002   CMWhiteBalanceComp                   int16s
18482         0x2010   CMWhiteBalanceGrayPoint              int16u[3]
18483         0x2020   CMSaturation                         int16s[3]
18484         0x2021   CMHue                                int16s[3]
18485         0x2022   CMContrast                           int16s[3]
18486         0x2023   CMSharpness                          int16s[3]
18488       Olympus UnknownInfo Tags
18490         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18491         ------   --------                             --------
18492         [no tags known]
18494       Olympus DSS Tags
18496       Information extracted from DSS/DS2 files and the ID3 XOLY frame of MP3
18497       files written by some Olympus voice recorders.
18499         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18500         ------   --------                             --------
18501            12    Model                                no
18502            38    StartTime                            no
18503            50    EndTime                              no
18504            62    Duration                             no
18505           798    Comment                              no
18507       Olympus AVI Tags
18509       This information is found in Olympus AVI videos.
18511         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18512         ------   --------                             --------
18513            18    Make                                 no
18514            44    Model                                no
18515            94    FNumber                              no
18516           131    DateTime1                            no
18517           157    DateTime2                            no
18518           297    ThumbInfo                            Olympus thmb2
18520       Olympus thmb2 Tags
18522         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18523         ------   --------                             --------
18524             0    ThumbnailWidth                       no
18525             2    ThumbnailHeight                      no
18526             4    ThumbnailLength                      no
18527             8    ThumbnailImage                       no
18529       Olympus WAV Tags
18531       This information is found in WAV files from Olympus PCM linear
18532       recorders like the LS-5, LS-10, LS-11.
18534         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18535         ------   --------                             --------
18536            12    Model                                no
18537            28    FileNumber                           no
18538            38    DateTimeOriginal                     no
18539            50    DateTimeEnd                          no
18540            62    RecordingTime                        no
18541           512    Duration                             no
18542           522    Index01                              no
18543           532    Index02                              no
18544           542    Index03                              no
18545           552    Index04                              no
18546           562    Index05                              no
18547           572    Index06                              no
18548           582    Index07                              no
18549           592    Index08                              no
18550           602    Index09                              no
18551           612    Index10                              no
18552           622    Index11                              no
18553           632    Index12                              no
18554           642    Index13                              no
18555           652    Index14                              no
18556           662    Index15                              no
18557           672    Index16                              no
18559       Olympus MOV1 Tags
18561       This information is found in MOV videos from Olympus models such as the
18562       D540Z, D595Z, FE100, FE110, FE115, FE170 and FE200.
18564         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18565         ------   --------                             --------
18566             0    Make                                 no
18567            24    Model                                no
18568            38    ExposureUnknown?                     no
18569            42    FNumber                              no
18570            50    ExposureCompensation                 no
18571            72    FocalLength                          no
18573       Olympus MOV2 Tags
18575       This information is found in MOV videos from Olympus models such as the
18576       FE120, FE140 and FE190.
18578         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18579         ------   --------                             --------
18580             0    Make                                 no
18581            24    Model                                no
18582            54    ExposureTime                         no
18583            58    FNumber                              no
18584            66    ExposureCompensation                 no
18585            88    FocalLength                          no
18586           193    ISO                                  no
18588       Olympus MP4 Tags
18590       This information is found in MP4 videos from Olympus models such as the
18591       u7040 and u9010.
18593         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18594         ------   --------                             --------
18595             0    Make                                 no
18596            24    Model                                no
18597            40    FNumber                              no
18598            48    ExposureCompensation                 no
18599           104    MovableInfo                          Olympus MovableInfo
18600           114    MovableInfo                          Olympus MovableInfo
18602       Olympus MovableInfo Tags
18604         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18605         ------   --------                             --------
18606             4    ISO                                  no
18607            44    EncoderVersion                       no
18608            60    DecoderVersion                       no
18609           131    Thumbnail                            Olympus Thumbnail
18611       Olympus Thumbnail Tags
18613         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
18614         ------   --------                             --------
18615             1    ThumbnailWidth                       no
18616             2    ThumbnailHeight                      no
18617             3    ThumbnailLength                      no
18618             4    ThumbnailOffset                      no
18620       Olympus MOV3 Tags
18622       QuickTime information found in the TAGS atom of MOV videos from the
18623       E-M5.
18625         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18626         ------   --------                             --------
18627         'OLYM'   OlympusAtom                          Olympus OLYM2
18629       Olympus OLYM2 Tags
18631         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18632         ------   --------                             --------
18633         'prms'   MakerNotes                           Olympus prms
18634         'scrn'   PreviewInfo                          Olympus scrn2
18635         'thmb'   ThumbInfo                            Olympus thmb2
18637       Olympus prms Tags
18639       Information extracted from the "prms" atom in MOV videos from Olympus
18640       models such as the OM E-M5.
18642         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18643         ------   --------                             --------
18644            18    Make                                 no
18645            44    Model                                no
18646           131    DateTime1                            no
18647           157    DateTime2                            no
18648           383    LensModel                            no
18650       Olympus scrn2 Tags
18652         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18653         ------   --------                             --------
18654             2    OlympusPreview                       Olympus scrn
18656       Olympus scrn Tags
18658       Information extracted from the "scrn" atom of Olympus MP4 videos.
18660         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18661         ------   --------                             --------
18662             0    PreviewImageLength                   no
18663             4    PreviewImage                         no
18665       Olympus thmb Tags
18667       Information extracted from the "thmb" atom of Olympus MP4 videos.
18669         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18670         ------   --------                             --------
18671             0    ThumbnailLength                      no
18672             4    ThumbnailImage                       no
18674       Olympus OLYM Tags
18676       Tags found in the OLYM atom of MP4 videos from the TG-810.
18678         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
18679         ------   --------                             --------
18680            14    Make                                 no
18681            40    Model                                no
18682            90    FNumber                              no
18683           127    DateTimeOriginal                     no
18684           153    DateTime2                            no
18685           265    ThumbnailWidth                       no
18686           267    ThumbnailHeight                      no
18688   PanasonicRaw Tags
18689       These tags are found in IFD0 of Panasonic/Leica RAW, RW2 and RWL
18690       images.
18692         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18693         ------   --------                             --------
18694         0x0001   PanasonicRawVersion                  undef
18695         0x0002   SensorWidth                          no
18696         0x0003   SensorHeight                         no
18697         0x0004   SensorTopBorder                      no
18698         0x0005   SensorLeftBorder                     no
18699         0x0006   SensorBottomBorder                   no
18700         0x0007   SensorRightBorder                    no
18701         0x0008   SamplesPerPixel                      int16u!
18702         0x0009   CFAPattern                           int16u!
18703         0x000a   BitsPerSample                        int16u!
18704         0x000b   Compression                          int16u!
18705         0x000e   LinearityLimitRed                    int16u
18706         0x000f   LinearityLimitGreen                  int16u
18707         0x0010   LinearityLimitBlue                   int16u
18708         0x0011   RedBalance                           int16u
18709         0x0012   BlueBalance                          int16u
18710         0x0013   WBInfo                               PanasonicRaw WBInfo
18711         0x0017   ISO                                  int16u
18712         0x0018   HighISOMultiplierRed                 int16u
18713         0x0019   HighISOMultiplierGreen               int16u
18714         0x001a   HighISOMultiplierBlue                int16u
18715         0x001b   NoiseReductionParams                 undef[n]!
18716         0x001c   BlackLevelRed                        int16u
18717         0x001d   BlackLevelGreen                      int16u
18718         0x001e   BlackLevelBlue                       int16u
18719         0x0024   WBRedLevel                           int16u
18720         0x0025   WBGreenLevel                         int16u
18721         0x0026   WBBlueLevel                          int16u
18722         0x0027   WBInfo2                              PanasonicRaw WBInfo2
18723         0x002d   RawFormat                            int16u!
18724         0x002e   JpgFromRaw                           JPEG
18725         0x002f   CropTop                              int16u
18726         0x0030   CropLeft                             int16u
18727         0x0031   CropBottom                           int16u
18728         0x0032   CropRight                            int16u
18729         0x010f   Make                                 string
18730         0x0110   Model                                string
18731         0x0111   StripOffsets                         no
18732         0x0112   Orientation                          int16u
18733         0x0116   RowsPerStrip                         no
18734         0x0117   StripByteCounts                      no
18735         0x0118   RawDataOffset                        no
18736         0x0119   DistortionInfo                       PanasonicRaw DistortionInfo
18737         0x011c   Gamma                                int16u
18738         0x0120   CameraIFD                            PanasonicRaw CameraIFD
18739         0x0121   Multishot                            int32u
18740         0x0127   JpgFromRaw2                          no
18741         0x013b   Artist                               string
18742         0x02bc   ApplicationNotes                     XMP
18743         0x8298   Copyright                            string
18744         0x83bb   IPTC-NAA                             IPTC
18745         0x8769   ExifOffset                           EXIF
18746         0x8825   GPSInfo                              GPS
18748       PanasonicRaw CameraIFD Tags
18750         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18751         ------   --------                             --------
18752         0x1001   MultishotOn                          no
18753         0x1100   FocusStepNear                        no
18754         0x1101   FocusStepCount                       no
18755         0x1102   FlashFired                           no
18756         0x1105   ZoomPosition                         no
18757         0x1200   LensAttached                         no
18758         0x1201   LensTypeMake                         no
18759         0x1202   LensTypeModel                        no
18760         0x1203   FocalLengthIn35mmFormat              no
18761         0x1301   ApertureValue                        no
18762         0x1302   ShutterSpeedValue                    no
18763         0x1303   SensitivityValue                     no
18764         0x1305   HighISOMode                          no
18765         0x1412   FacesDetected                        no
18766         0x3200   WB_CFA0_LevelDaylight                no
18767         0x3201   WB_CFA1_LevelDaylight                no
18768         0x3202   WB_CFA2_LevelDaylight                no
18769         0x3203   WB_CFA3_LevelDaylight                no
18770         0x3300   WhiteBalanceSet                      no
18771         0x3420   WB_RedLevelAuto                      no
18772         0x3421   WB_BlueLevelAuto                     no
18773         0x3501   Orientation                          no
18774         0x3600   WhiteBalanceDetected                 no
18776       PanasonicRaw WBInfo Tags
18778         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
18779         ------   --------                             --------
18780             0    NumWBEntries                         int16u
18781             1    WBType1                              int16u
18782             2    WB_RBLevels1                         int16u[2]
18783             4    WBType2                              int16u
18784             5    WB_RBLevels2                         int16u[2]
18785             7    WBType3                              int16u
18786             8    WB_RBLevels3                         int16u[2]
18787            10    WBType4                              int16u
18788            11    WB_RBLevels4                         int16u[2]
18789            13    WBType5                              int16u
18790            14    WB_RBLevels5                         int16u[2]
18791            16    WBType6                              int16u
18792            17    WB_RBLevels6                         int16u[2]
18793            19    WBType7                              int16u
18794            20    WB_RBLevels7                         int16u[2]
18796       PanasonicRaw WBInfo2 Tags
18798         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
18799         ------   --------                             --------
18800             0    NumWBEntries                         int16u
18801             1    WBType1                              int16u
18802             2    WB_RGBLevels1                        int16u[3]
18803             5    WBType2                              int16u
18804             6    WB_RGBLevels2                        int16u[3]
18805             9    WBType3                              int16u
18806            10    WB_RGBLevels3                        int16u[3]
18807            13    WBType4                              int16u
18808            14    WB_RGBLevels4                        int16u[3]
18809            17    WBType5                              int16u
18810            18    WB_RGBLevels5                        int16u[3]
18811            21    WBType6                              int16u
18812            22    WB_RGBLevels6                        int16u[3]
18813            25    WBType7                              int16u
18814            26    WB_RGBLevels7                        int16u[3]
18816       PanasonicRaw DistortionInfo Tags
18818       Lens distortion correction information.
18820         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18821         ------   --------                             --------
18822         0x0002   DistortionParam02                    int16s
18823         0x0004   DistortionParam04                    int16s
18824         0x0005   DistortionScale                      int16s
18825           7.1    DistortionCorrection                 int16s & 0x0f
18826         0x0008   DistortionParam08                    int16s
18827         0x0009   DistortionParam09                    int16s
18828         0x000b   DistortionParam11                    int16s
18829         0x000c   DistortionN?                         int16s
18831   SigmaRaw Tags
18832       These tags are used in Sigma and Foveon RAW (.X3F) images.  Metadata is
18833       also extracted from the JpgFromRaw image if it exists (all models but
18834       the SD9 and SD10).  Currently, metadata may only be written to the
18835       embedded JpgFromRaw.
18837         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
18838         ------               --------                 --------
18839         'Header'             Header                   SigmaRaw Header
18840         'Header4'            Header4                  SigmaRaw Header4
18841         'HeaderExt'          HeaderExt                SigmaRaw HeaderExt
18842         'IMA2'               PreviewImage             no
18843                              JpgFromRaw               no
18844         'IMAG'               PreviewImage             no
18845         'PROP'               Properties               SigmaRaw Properties
18847       SigmaRaw Header Tags
18849       Information extracted from the header of an X3F file.
18851         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18852         ------   --------                             --------
18853         0x0001   FileVersion                          no
18854         0x0002   ImageUniqueID                        no
18855         0x0006   MarkBits                             no
18856         0x0007   ImageWidth                           no
18857         0x0008   ImageHeight                          no
18858         0x0009   Rotation                             no
18859         0x000a   WhiteBalance                         no
18860         0x0012   SceneCaptureType                     no
18862       SigmaRaw Header4 Tags
18864       Header information for version 4.0 or greater X3F.
18866         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
18867         ------   --------                             --------
18868             1    FileVersion                          no
18869            10    ImageWidth                           no
18870            11    ImageHeight                          no
18871            12    Rotation                             no
18873       SigmaRaw HeaderExt Tags
18875       Extended header data found in version 2.1 and 2.2 files
18877         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18878         ------   --------                             --------
18879         0x0000   Unused                               no
18880         0x0001   ExposureAdjust                       no
18881         0x0002   Contrast                             no
18882         0x0003   Shadow                               no
18883         0x0004   Highlight                            no
18884         0x0005   Saturation                           no
18885         0x0006   Sharpness                            no
18886         0x0007   RedAdjust                            no
18887         0x0008   GreenAdjust                          no
18888         0x0009   BlueAdjust                           no
18889         0x000a   X3FillLight                          no
18891       SigmaRaw Properties Tags
18893         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
18894         ------               --------                 --------
18895         'AEMODE'             MeteringMode             no
18896         'AFAREA'             AFArea                   no
18897         'AFINFOCUS'          AFInFocus                no
18898         'AFMODE'             FocusMode                no
18899         'APERTURE'           FNumber                  no
18900         'AP_DESC'            ApertureDisplayed        no
18901         'BRACKET'            BracketShot              no
18902         'BURST'              BurstShot                no
18903         'CAMMANUF'           Make                     no
18904         'CAMMODEL'           Model                    no
18905         'CAMNAME'            CameraName               no
18906         'CAMSERIAL'          SerialNumber             no
18907         'CM_DESC'            SceneCaptureType         no
18908         'COLORSPACE'         ColorSpace               no
18909         'DRIVE'              DriveMode                no
18910         'EVAL_STATE'         EvalState                no
18911         'EXPCOMP'            ExposureCompensation     no
18912         'EXPNET'             NetExposureCompensation  no
18913         'EXPTIME'            IntegrationTime          no
18914         'FIRMVERS'           FirmwareVersion          no
18915         'FLASH'              FlashMode                no
18916         'FLASHEXPCOMP'       FlashExpComp             no
18917         'FLASHPOWER'         FlashPower               no
18918         'FLASHTTLMODE'       FlashTTLMode             no
18919         'FLASHTYPE'          FlashType                no
18920         'FLENGTH'            FocalLength              no
18921         'FLEQ35MM'           FocalLengthIn35mmFormat  no
18922         'FOCUS'              Focus                    no
18923         'IMAGEBOARDID'       ImageBoardID             no
18924         'IMAGERBOARDID'      ImagerBoardID            no
18925         'IMAGERTEMP'         SensorTemperature        no
18926         'ISO'                ISO                      no
18927         'LENSARANGE'         LensApertureRange        no
18928         'LENSFRANGE'         LensFocalRange           no
18929         'LENSMODEL'          LensType                 no
18930         'PMODE'              ExposureProgram          no
18931         'RESOLUTION'         Quality                  no
18932         'SENSORID'           SensorID                 no
18933         'SHUTTER'            ExposureTime             no
18934         'SH_DESC'            ShutterSpeedDisplayed    no
18935         'TIME'               DateTimeOriginal         no
18936         'VERSION_BF'         VersionBF                no
18937         'WB_DESC'            WhiteBalance             no
18939   Lytro Tags
18940       Tag definitions for Lytro Light Field Picture (LFP) files.  ExifTool
18941       extracts the full JSON metadata blocks, as well as breaking them down
18942       into individual tags.  All available tags are extracted from the JSON
18943       metadata, even if they don't appear in the table below.
18945         Tag Name                                      Writable
18946         --------                                      --------
18947         AccelerometerTime                             no
18948         AccelerometerX                                no
18949         AccelerometerY                                no
18950         AccelerometerZ                                no
18951         CameraType                                    no
18952         DateTimeOriginal                              no
18953         EmbeddedImage                                 no
18954         ExposureTime                                  no
18955         FNumber                                       no
18956         FirmwareVersion                               no
18957         FocalLength                                   no
18958         FocalPlaneXResolution                         no
18959         FrameExposureTime                             no
18960         ISO                                           no
18961         ImageLimitExposureBias                        no
18962         ImageModulationExposureBias                   no
18963         JSONMetadata                                  no+
18964         LensTemperature                               no
18965         Make                                          no
18966         Model                                         no
18967         Orientation                                   no
18968         SensorSerialNumber                            no
18969         SerialNumber                                  no
18970         SocTemperature                                no
18972   Panasonic Tags
18973       These tags are used in Panasonic/Leica cameras.
18975         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
18976         ------   --------                             --------
18977         0x0001   ImageQuality                         int16u
18978         0x0002   FirmwareVersion                      undef
18979         0x0003   WhiteBalance                         int16u
18980         0x0007   FocusMode                            int16u
18981         0x000f   AFAreaMode                           int8u[2]
18982         0x001a   ImageStabilization                   int16u
18983         0x001c   MacroMode                            int16u
18984         0x001f   ShootingMode                         int16u
18985         0x0020   Audio                                int16u
18986         0x0021   DataDump                             no
18987         0x0023   WhiteBalanceBias                     int16s
18988         0x0024   FlashBias                            int16s
18989         0x0025   InternalSerialNumber                 undef[16]
18990         0x0026   PanasonicExifVersion                 undef
18991         0x0027   VideoFrameRate                       int16u
18992         0x0028   ColorEffect                          int16u
18993         0x0029   TimeSincePowerOn                     int32u
18994         0x002a   BurstMode                            int16u
18995         0x002b   SequenceNumber                       int32u
18996         0x002c   ContrastMode                         int16u
18997         0x002d   NoiseReduction                       int16u
18998         0x002e   SelfTimer                            int16u
18999         0x0030   Rotation                             int16u
19000         0x0031   AFAssistLamp                         int16u
19001         0x0032   ColorMode                            int16u
19002         0x0033   BabyAge                              string
19003         0x0034   OpticalZoomMode                      int16u
19004         0x0035   ConversionLens                       int16u
19005         0x0036   TravelDay                            int16u
19006         0x0038   BatteryLevel                         int16u
19007         0x0039   Contrast                             int16u
19008         0x003a   WorldTimeLocation                    int16u
19009         0x003b   TextStamp                            int16u
19010         0x003c   ProgramISO                           int16u
19011         0x003d   AdvancedSceneType                    int16u
19012         0x003e   TextStamp                            int16u
19013         0x003f   FacesDetected                        int16u
19014         0x0040   Saturation                           int16u
19015         0x0041   Sharpness                            int16u
19016         0x0042   FilmMode                             int16u
19017         0x0043   JPEGQuality                          int16u
19018         0x0044   ColorTempKelvin                      int16u
19019         0x0045   BracketSettings                      int16u
19020         0x0046   WBShiftAB                            int16u
19021         0x0047   WBShiftGM                            int16u
19022         0x0048   FlashCurtain                         int16u
19023         0x0049   LongExposureNoiseReduction           int16u
19024         0x004b   PanasonicImageWidth                  int32u
19025         0x004c   PanasonicImageHeight                 int32u
19026         0x004d   AFPointPosition                      rational64u[2]
19027         0x004e   FaceDetInfo                          Panasonic FaceDetInfo
19028         0x0051   LensType                             string
19029         0x0052   LensSerialNumber                     string
19030         0x0053   AccessoryType                        string
19031         0x0054   AccessorySerialNumber                string
19032         0x0059   Transform                            undef[4]
19033         0x005d   IntelligentExposure                  int16u
19034         0x0060   LensFirmwareVersion                  undef[4]
19035         0x0061   FaceRecInfo                          Panasonic FaceRecInfo
19036         0x0062   FlashWarning                         int16u
19037         0x0063   RecognizedFaceFlags?                 undef[4]
19038         0x0065   Title                                undef
19039         0x0066   BabyName                             undef
19040         0x0067   Location                             undef
19041         0x0069   Country                              undef
19042         0x006b   State                                undef
19043         0x006d   City                                 undef
19044         0x006f   Landmark                             undef
19045         0x0070   IntelligentResolution                int8u
19046         0x0076   MergedImages                         int16u
19047         0x0077   BurstSpeed                           int16u
19048         0x0079   IntelligentD-Range                   int16u
19049         0x007c   ClearRetouch                         int16u
19050         0x0080   City2                                undef
19051         0x0086   ManometerPressure                    int16u
19052         0x0089   PhotoStyle                           int16u
19053         0x008a   ShadingCompensation                  int16u
19054         0x008b   WBShiftIntelligentAuto               int16u
19055         0x008c   AccelerometerZ                       int16u
19056         0x008d   AccelerometerX                       int16u
19057         0x008e   AccelerometerY                       int16u
19058         0x008f   CameraOrientation                    int8u
19059         0x0090   RollAngle                            int16u
19060         0x0091   PitchAngle                           int16u
19061         0x0092   WBShiftCreativeControl               int8u
19062         0x0093   SweepPanoramaDirection               int8u
19063         0x0094   SweepPanoramaFieldOfView             int16u
19064         0x0096   TimerRecording                       int8u
19065         0x009d   InternalNDFilter                     rational64u
19066         0x009e   HDR                                  int16u
19067         0x009f   ShutterType                          int16u
19068         0x00a1   FilterEffect                         rational64u[0.5]
19069         0x00a3   ClearRetouchValue                    rational64u
19070         0x00a7   OutputLUT                            yes
19071         0x00ab   TouchAE                              int16u
19072         0x00ac   MonochromeFilterEffect               int16u
19073         0x00ad   HighlightShadow                      int16u[2]
19074         0x00af   TimeStamp                            string
19075         0x00b3   VideoBurstResolution                 int16u
19076         0x00b4   MultiExposure                        int16u
19077         0x00b9   RedEyeRemoval                        int16u
19078         0x00bb   VideoBurstMode                       int32u
19079         0x00bc   DiffractionCorrection                int16u
19080         0x00bd   FocusBracket                         int16u
19081         0x00be   LongExposureNRUsed                   int16u
19082         0x00bf   PostFocusMerging                     int32u[2]
19083         0x00c1   VideoPreburst                        int16u
19084         0x00c4   LensTypeMake                         int16u
19085         0x00c5   LensTypeModel                        int16u
19086         0x00ca   SensorType                           int16u
19087         0x00d1   ISO                                  int32u
19088         0x00d2   MonochromeGrainEffect                int16u
19089         0x00d6   NoiseReductionStrength               rational64s
19090         0x00e4   LensTypeModel                        int16u
19091         0x00e8   MinimumISO                           int32u
19092         0x00ee   DynamicRangeBoost                    int16u
19093         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
19094         0x2003   TimeInfo                             Panasonic TimeInfo
19095         0x8000   MakerNoteVersion                     undef
19096         0x8001   SceneMode                            int16u
19097         0x8002   HighlightWarning                     int16u
19098         0x8003   DarkFocusEnvironment                 int16u
19099         0x8004   WBRedLevel                           int16u
19100         0x8005   WBGreenLevel                         int16u
19101         0x8006   WBBlueLevel                          int16u
19102         0x8008   TextStamp                            int16u
19103         0x8009   TextStamp                            int16u
19104         0x8010   BabyAge                              string
19105         0x8012   Transform                            undef[4]
19107       Panasonic FaceDetInfo Tags
19109       Face detection position information.
19111         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
19112         ------   --------                             --------
19113             0    NumFacePositions                     int16u
19114             1    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
19115             5    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
19116             9    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
19117            13    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
19118            17    Face5Position                        int16u[4]
19120       Panasonic FaceRecInfo Tags
19122       Tags written by cameras with facial recognition.  These cameras not
19123       only detect faces in an image, but also recognize specific people based
19124       a user-supplied set of known faces.
19126         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19127         ------   --------                             --------
19128             0    FacesRecognized                      int16u
19129             4    RecognizedFace1Name                  string[20]
19130            24    RecognizedFace1Position              int16u[4]
19131            32    RecognizedFace1Age                   string[20]
19132            52    RecognizedFace2Name                  string[20]
19133            72    RecognizedFace2Position              int16u[4]
19134            80    RecognizedFace2Age                   string[20]
19135           100    RecognizedFace3Name                  string[20]
19136           120    RecognizedFace3Position              int16u[4]
19137           128    RecognizedFace3Age                   string[20]
19139       Panasonic TimeInfo Tags
19141         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19142         ------   --------                             --------
19143             0    PanasonicDateTime                    undef[8]
19144            16    TimeLapseShotNumber                  int32u
19146       Panasonic Leica2 Tags
19148       These tags are used by the Leica M8.
19150         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
19151         ------   --------                             --------
19152         0x0300   Quality                              int16u
19153         0x0302   UserProfile                          int32u
19154         0x0303   SerialNumber                         int32u
19155         0x0304   WhiteBalance                         int16u
19156         0x0310   LensType                             int32u
19157         0x0311   ExternalSensorBrightnessValue        rational64s
19158         0x0312   MeasuredLV                           rational64s
19159         0x0313   ApproximateFNumber                   rational64u
19160         0x0320   CameraTemperature                    int32s
19161         0x0321   ColorTemperature                     int32u
19162         0x0322   WBRedLevel                           rational64u
19163         0x0323   WBGreenLevel                         rational64u
19164         0x0324   WBBlueLevel                          rational64u
19165         0x0325   UV-IRFilterCorrection                int32u
19166         0x0330   CCDVersion                           int32u
19167         0x0331   CCDBoardVersion                      int32u
19168         0x0332   ControllerBoardVersion               int32u
19169         0x0333   M16CVersion                          int32u
19170         0x0340   ImageIDNumber                        int32u
19172       Panasonic Leica3 Tags
19174       These tags are used by the Leica R8 and R9 digital backs.
19176         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
19177         ------   --------                             --------
19178         0x000b   SerialInfo                           Panasonic SerialInfo
19179         0x000d   WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
19181       Panasonic SerialInfo Tags
19183         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19184         ------   --------                             --------
19185             4    SerialNumber                         no
19187       Panasonic Leica4 Tags
19189       This information is written by the M9.
19191         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
19192         ------   --------                             --------
19193         0x3000   Subdir3000                           Panasonic Subdir
19194         0x3100   Subdir3100                           Panasonic Subdir
19195         0x3400   Subdir3400                           Panasonic Subdir
19196         0x3900   Subdir3900                           Panasonic Subdir
19198       Panasonic Subdir Tags
19200         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
19201         ------   --------                             --------
19202         0x300a   Contrast                             int32u
19203         0x300b   Sharpening                           int32u
19204         0x300d   Saturation                           int32u
19205         0x3033   WhiteBalance                         int32u
19206         0x3034   JPEGQuality                          int32u
19207         0x3036   WB_RGBLevels                         rational64u[3]
19208         0x3038   UserProfile                          string
19209         0x303a   JPEGSize                             int32u
19210         0x3103   SerialNumber                         string
19211         0x3109   FirmwareVersion                      string
19212         0x312a   BaseISO                              int32u
19213         0x312b   SensorWidth                          int32u
19214         0x312c   SensorHeight                         int32u
19215         0x312d   SensorBitDepth                       int32u
19216         0x3402   CameraTemperature                    int32s
19217         0x3405   LensType                             int32u
19218         0x3406   ApproximateFNumber                   rational64u
19219         0x3407   MeasuredLV                           int32s
19220         0x3408   ExternalSensorBrightnessValue        int32s
19221         0x3901   Data1                                Panasonic Data1
19222         0x3902   Data2                                Panasonic Data2
19224       Panasonic Data1 Tags
19226         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19227         ------   --------                             --------
19228            22    LensType                             int32u
19230       Panasonic Data2 Tags
19232         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19233         ------   --------                             --------
19234         [no tags known]
19236       Panasonic Leica5 Tags
19238       This information is written by the X1, X2, X VARIO and T.
19240         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
19241         ------   --------                             --------
19242         0x0303   LensType                             string
19243         0x0305   SerialNumber                         int32u
19244         0x0407   OriginalFileName                     string
19245         0x0408   OriginalDirectory                    string
19246         0x040a   FocusInfo                            Panasonic FocusInfo
19247         0x040d   ExposureMode                         int8u[4]
19248         0x0410   ShotInfo                             Panasonic ShotInfo
19249         0x0412   FilmMode                             string
19250         0x0413   WB_RGBLevels                         rational64u[3]
19251         0x0500   InternalSerialNumber                 undef
19252         0x05ff   CameraIFD                            PanasonicRaw CameraIFD
19254       Panasonic FocusInfo Tags
19256         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
19257         ------   --------                             --------
19258             0    FocusDistance                        int16u
19259             1    FocalLength                          int16u
19261       Panasonic ShotInfo Tags
19263         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19264         ------   --------                             --------
19265             0    FileIndex                            int16u
19267       Panasonic Leica6 Tags
19269       This information is written by the S2 and M (Typ 240), as a trailer in
19270       JPEG images.
19272         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
19273         ------   --------                             --------
19274         0x0300   PreviewImage                         undef
19275         0x0301   UnknownBlock?                        no
19276         0x0303   LensType                             string
19277         0x0304   FocusDistance                        int32u
19278         0x0311   ExternalSensorBrightnessValue        rational64s
19279         0x0312   MeasuredLV                           rational64s
19280         0x0320   FirmwareVersion                      int8u[4]
19281         0x0321   LensSerialNumber                     int32u
19283       Panasonic Leica9 Tags
19285       This information is written by the Leica S (Typ 007) and M10 models.
19287         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
19288         ------   --------                             --------
19289         0x0304   FocusDistance                        int32u
19290         0x0311   ExternalSensorBrightnessValue        rational64s
19291         0x0312   MeasuredLV                           rational64s
19292         0x034c   UserProfile                          string
19293         0x0359   ISOSelected                          int32s
19294         0x035a   FNumber                              int32s
19295         0x035b   CorrelatedColorTemp                  int16u
19296         0x035c   ColorTint                            int16s
19297         0x035d   WhitePoint                           rational64u[2]
19299       Panasonic Type2 Tags
19301       This type of maker notes is used by models such as the NV-DS65,
19302       PV-D2002, PV-DC3000, PV-DV203, PV-DV401, PV-DV702, PV-L2001, PV-SD4090,
19303       PV-SD5000 and iPalm.
19305         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
19306         ------   --------                             --------
19307             0    MakerNoteType                        no
19308             3    Gain                                 no
19310       Panasonic PANA Tags
19312       Tags extracted from the PANA and LEIC user data found in MP4 videos
19313       from various Panasonic and Leica models.
19315         Index1       Tag Name                         Writable
19316         ------       --------                         --------
19317                 0    Make                             no
19318                 4    Model                            no
19319                12    Model                            no
19320                16    JPEG-likeData                    EXIF
19321                22    Model                            no
19322                52    Version1                         no
19323                62    Version2                         no
19324                80    MakerNoteLeica5                  Panasonic Leica5
19325                88    ThumbnailWidth                   no
19326                90    ThumbnailHeight                  no
19327                92    ThumbnailImage                   no
19328              1334    ThumbnailWidth                   no
19329              1338    ThumbnailHeight                  no
19330              1342    ThumbnailLength                  no
19331              1350    ThumbnailImage                   no
19332              1358    ThumbnailWidth                   no
19333              1362    ThumbnailHeight                  no
19334              1366    ThumbnailLength                  no
19335              1374    ThumbnailImage                   no
19336             16488    ExifData                         EXIF
19337             16512    ExifData                         EXIF
19338         0x00200080   ExifData                         EXIF
19340   Pentax Tags
19341       These tags are used in Pentax/Asahi cameras.
19343         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
19344         ------   --------                             --------
19345         0x0000   PentaxVersion                        int8u[4]
19346         0x0001   PentaxModelType                      int16u
19347         0x0002   PreviewImageSize                     int16u[2]
19348         0x0003   PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
19349         0x0004   PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
19350         0x0005   PentaxModelID                        int32u
19351         0x0006   Date                                 undef[4]
19352         0x0007   Time                                 undef[3]
19353         0x0008   Quality                              int16u
19354         0x0009   PentaxImageSize                      int16u
19355         0x000b   PictureMode                          int16u[n]
19356         0x000c   FlashMode                            int16u[n]
19357         0x000d   FocusMode                            int16u
19358         0x000e   AFPointSelected                      int16u
19359         0x000f   AFPointsInFocus                      int32u
19360                  AFPointsInFocus                      int16u
19361         0x0010   FocusPosition                        int16u
19362         0x0012   ExposureTime                         int32u
19363         0x0013   FNumber                              int16u
19364         0x0014   ISO                                  int16u
19365         0x0015   LightReading                         int16u
19366         0x0016   ExposureCompensation                 int16u
19367                  ExposureCompensation                 int16u[2]
19368         0x0017   MeteringMode                         int16u
19369         0x0018   AutoBracketing                       int16u[n]
19370         0x0019   WhiteBalance                         int16u
19371         0x001a   WhiteBalanceMode                     int16u
19372         0x001b   BlueBalance                          int16u
19373         0x001c   RedBalance                           int16u
19374         0x001d   FocalLength                          int32u
19375         0x001e   DigitalZoom                          int16u
19376         0x001f   Saturation                           int16u[n]
19377         0x0020   Contrast                             int16u[n]
19378         0x0021   Sharpness                            int16u[n]
19379         0x0022   WorldTimeLocation                    int16u
19380         0x0023   HometownCity                         int16u
19381         0x0024   DestinationCity                      int16u
19382         0x0025   HometownDST                          int16u
19383         0x0026   DestinationDST                       int16u
19384         0x0027   DSPFirmwareVersion                   undef
19385         0x0028   CPUFirmwareVersion                   undef
19386         0x0029   FrameNumber                          int32u
19387         0x002d   EffectiveLV                          int16u
19388                  EffectiveLV                          int32u
19389         0x0032   ImageEditing                         undef[4]
19390         0x0033   PictureMode                          int8u[3]
19391         0x0034   DriveMode                            int8u[4]
19392         0x0035   SensorSize                           int16u[2]
19393         0x0037   ColorSpace                           int16u
19394         0x0038   ImageAreaOffset                      int16u[2]
19395         0x0039   RawImageSize                         int16u[2]~
19396         0x003c   AFPointsInFocus                      no
19397         0x003d   DataScaling                          int16u
19398         0x003e   PreviewImageBorders                  int8u[4]
19399         0x003f   LensRec                              Pentax LensRec
19400         0x0040   SensitivityAdjust                    int16u
19401         0x0041   ImageEditCount                       int16u
19402         0x0047   CameraTemperature                    int8s
19403         0x0048   AELock                               int16u
19404         0x0049   NoiseReduction                       int16u
19405         0x004d   FlashExposureComp                    int32s
19406                  FlashExposureComp                    int8s[2]
19407         0x004f   ImageTone                            int16u
19408         0x0050   ColorTemperature                     int16u
19409         0x0053   ColorTempDaylight                    undef[4]
19410         0x0054   ColorTempShade                       undef[4]
19411         0x0055   ColorTempCloudy                      undef[4]
19412         0x0056   ColorTempTungsten                    undef[4]
19413         0x0057   ColorTempFluorescentD                undef[4]
19414         0x0058   ColorTempFluorescentN                undef[4]
19415         0x0059   ColorTempFluorescentW                undef[4]
19416         0x005a   ColorTempFlash                       undef[4]
19417         0x005c   ShakeReductionInfo                   Pentax SRInfo
19418                                                       Pentax SRInfo2
19419         0x005d   ShutterCount                         undef[4]
19420         0x0060   FaceInfo                             Pentax FaceInfo
19421         0x0062   RawDevelopmentProcess                int16u
19422         0x0067   Hue                                  int16u
19423         0x0068   AWBInfo                              Pentax AWBInfo
19424         0x0069   DynamicRangeExpansion                undef[4]
19425         0x006b   TimeInfo                             Pentax TimeInfo
19426         0x006c   HighLowKeyAdj                        int16s[2]
19427         0x006d   ContrastHighlight                    int16s[2]
19428         0x006e   ContrastShadow                       int16s[2]
19429         0x006f   ContrastHighlightShadowAdj           int8u
19430         0x0070   FineSharpness                        int8u[n]
19431         0x0071   HighISONoiseReduction                int8u
19432         0x0072   AFAdjustment                         int16s
19433         0x0073   MonochromeFilterEffect               int16u
19434         0x0074   MonochromeToning                     int16u
19435         0x0076   FaceDetect                           int8u[2]
19436         0x0077   FaceDetectFrameSize                  int16u[2]
19437         0x0079   ShadowCorrection                     int8u[n]
19438         0x007a   ISOAutoParameters                    int8u[2]
19439         0x007b   CrossProcess                         int8u
19440         0x007d   LensCorr                             Pentax LensCorr
19441         0x007e   WhiteLevel                           int32u
19442         0x007f   BleachBypassToning                   int16u
19443         0x0080   AspectRatio                          yes
19444         0x0082   BlurControl                          int8u[4]
19445         0x0085   HDR                                  int8u[4]
19446         0x0087   ShutterType                          int8u
19447         0x0088   NeutralDensityFilter                 int8u[n]
19448         0x008b   ISO                                  int32u
19449         0x0092   IntervalShooting                     int16u[2]
19450         0x0095   SkinToneCorrection                   int8s[2]
19451                  SkinToneCorrection                   int8s[3]
19452         0x0096   ClarityControl                       int8s[2]
19453         0x0200   BlackPoint                           int16u[4]
19454         0x0201   WhitePoint                           int16u[4]
19455         0x0203   ColorMatrixA                         int16s[9]
19456         0x0204   ColorMatrixB                         int16s[9]
19457         0x0205   CameraSettings                       Pentax CameraSettings
19458                  CameraSettingsUnknown                Pentax CameraSettingsUnknown
19459         0x0206   AEInfo                               Pentax AEInfo
19460                  AEInfo2                              Pentax AEInfo2
19461                  AEInfo3                              Pentax AEInfo3
19462                  AEInfoUnknown                        Pentax AEInfoUnknown
19463         0x0207   LensInfo                             Pentax LensInfo
19464                                                       Pentax LensInfo2
19465                                                       Pentax LensInfo3
19466                                                       Pentax LensInfo4
19467                                                       Pentax LensInfo5
19468         0x0208   FlashInfo                            Pentax FlashInfo
19469                  FlashInfoUnknown                     Pentax FlashInfoUnknown
19470         0x0209   AEMeteringSegments                   int8u[n]
19471         0x020a   FlashMeteringSegments                int8u[n]
19472         0x020b   SlaveFlashMeteringSegments           int8u[n]
19473         0x020d   WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16u[4]
19474         0x020e   WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16u[4]
19475         0x020f   WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16u[4]
19476         0x0210   WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16u[4]
19477         0x0211   WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentD            int16u[4]
19478         0x0212   WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentN            int16u[4]
19479         0x0213   WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentW            int16u[4]
19480         0x0214   WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16u[4]
19481         0x0215   CameraInfo                           Pentax CameraInfo
19482         0x0216   BatteryInfo                          Pentax BatteryInfo
19483         0x021b   SaturationInfo?                      no
19484         0x021c   ColorMatrixA2                        undef[18]
19485         0x021d   ColorMatrixB2                        undef[18]
19486         0x021f   AFInfo                               Pentax AFInfo
19487         0x0220   HuffmanTable?                        no
19488         0x0221   KelvinWB                             Pentax KelvinWB
19489         0x0222   ColorInfo                            Pentax ColorInfo
19490         0x0224   EVStepInfo                           Pentax EVStepInfo
19491         0x0226   ShotInfo                             Pentax ShotInfo
19492         0x0227   FacePos                              Pentax FacePos
19493         0x0228   FaceSize                             Pentax FaceSize
19494         0x0229   SerialNumber                         string
19495         0x022a   FilterInfo                           Pentax FilterInfo
19496                                                       Pentax FilterInfo
19497         0x022b   LevelInfo                            Pentax LevelInfo
19498         0x022d   WBLevels                             Pentax WBLevels
19499         0x022e   Artist                               string
19500         0x022f   Copyright                            string
19501         0x0230   FirmwareVersion                      string
19502         0x0231   ContrastDetectAFArea                 int16u[4]
19503         0x0235   CrossProcessParams                   undef[10]
19504         0x0239   LensInfoQ                            Pentax LensInfoQ
19505         0x023f   Model                                string
19506         0x0243   PixelShiftInfo                       Pentax PixelShiftInfo
19507         0x0245   AFPointInfo                          Pentax AFPointInfo
19508         0x03fe   DataDump                             no
19509         0x03ff   TempInfo                             Pentax TempInfo
19510                  UnknownInfo                          Pentax UnknownInfo
19511         0x0402   ToneCurve                            yes~
19512         0x0403   ToneCurves                           yes~
19513         0x0405   UnknownBlock?                        undef
19514         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
19516       Pentax LensRec Tags
19518       This record stores the LensType, plus one or two unknown bytes for some
19519       models.
19521         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19522         ------   --------                             --------
19523             0    LensType                             int8u[2]
19524             3    ExtenderStatus                       int8u
19526       Pentax SRInfo Tags
19528       Shake reduction information.
19530         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19531         ------   --------                             --------
19532             0    SRResult                             int8u
19533             1    ShakeReduction                       int8u
19534             2    SRHalfPressTime                      int8u
19535             3    SRFocalLength                        int8u
19537       Pentax SRInfo2 Tags
19539       Shake reduction information for the K-3.
19541         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19542         ------   --------                             --------
19543             0    SRResult?                            int8u
19544             1    ShakeReduction                       int8u
19546       Pentax FaceInfo Tags
19548         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19549         ------   --------                             --------
19550             0    FacesDetected                        int8u
19551             2    FacePosition                         int8u[2]
19553       Pentax AWBInfo Tags
19555         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19556         ------   --------                             --------
19557             0    WhiteBalanceAutoAdjustment           int8u
19558             1    TungstenAWB                          int8u
19560       Pentax TimeInfo Tags
19562         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19563         ------   --------                             --------
19564           0.1    WorldTimeLocation                    int8u & 0x01
19565           0.2    HometownDST                          int8u & 0x02
19566           0.3    DestinationDST                       int8u & 0x04
19567             2    HometownCity                         int8u
19568             3    DestinationCity                      int8u
19570       Pentax LensCorr Tags
19572         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19573         ------   --------                             --------
19574             0    DistortionCorrection                 int8u
19575             1    ChromaticAberrationCorrection        int8u
19576             2    PeripheralIlluminationCorr           int8u
19577             3    DiffractionCorrection                int8u
19579       Pentax CameraSettings Tags
19581       Camera settings information written by Pentax DSLR cameras.
19583         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19584         ------   --------                             --------
19585             0    PictureMode2                         int8u
19586           1.1    ProgramLine                          int8u & 0x03
19587           1.2    EVSteps                              int8u & 0x20
19588           1.3    E-DialInProgram                      int8u & 0x40
19589           1.4    ApertureRingUse                      int8u & 0x80
19590             2    FlashOptions                         int8u & 0xf0
19591           2.1    MeteringMode2                        int8u & 0x0f
19592             3    AFPointMode                          int8u & 0xf0
19593           3.1    FocusMode2                           int8u & 0x0f
19594             4    AFPointSelected2                     int16u
19595             6    ISOFloor                             int8u
19596             7    DriveMode2                           int8u
19597             8    ExposureBracketStepSize              int8u
19598             9    BracketShotNumber                    int8u
19599            10    WhiteBalanceSet                      int8u & 0xf0
19600          10.1    MultipleExposureSet                  int8u & 0x0f
19601            13    RawAndJpgRecording                   int8u
19602          14.1    JpgRecordedPixels                    int8u & 0x03
19603          14.2    LinkAEToAFPoint                      int8u & 0x01
19604          14.3    SensitivitySteps                     int8u & 0x02
19605          14.4    ISOAuto                              int8u & 0x04
19606            16    FlashOptions2                        int8u & 0xf0
19607          16.1    MeteringMode3                        int8u & 0x0f
19608          17.1    SRActive                             int8u & 0x80
19609          17.2    Rotation                             int8u & 0x60
19610          17.3    ISOSetting                           int8u & 0x04
19611          17.4    SensitivitySteps                     int8u & 0x02
19612            18    TvExposureTimeSetting                int8u
19613            19    AvApertureSetting                    int8u
19614            20    SvISOSetting                         int8u
19615            21    BaseExposureCompensation             int8u
19617       Pentax CameraSettingsUnknown Tags
19619       This information has not yet been decoded for models such as the K-01.
19621         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19622         ------   --------                             --------
19623         [no tags known]
19625       Pentax AEInfo Tags
19627       Auto-exposure information for most Pentax models.
19629         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19630         ------   --------                             --------
19631             0    AEExposureTime                       int8u
19632             1    AEAperture                           int8u
19633             2    AE_ISO                               int8u
19634             3    AEXv                                 int8u
19635             4    AEBXv                                int8s
19636             5    AEMinExposureTime                    int8u
19637             6    AEProgramMode                        int8u
19638             7    AEFlags                              no
19639             8    AEApertureSteps                      int8u
19640             9    AEMaxAperture                        int8u
19641            10    AEMaxAperture2                       int8u
19642            11    AEMinAperture                        int8u
19643            12    AEMeteringMode                       int8u
19644            13    AEWhiteBalance                       int8u & 0xf0
19645          13.1    AEMeteringMode2                      int8u & 0x0f
19646            14    FlashExposureCompSet                 int8s
19647            21    LevelIndicator                       int8u
19649       Pentax AEInfo2 Tags
19651       Auto-exposure information for the K-01.
19653         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19654         ------   --------                             --------
19655             2    AEExposureTime                       int8u
19656             3    AEAperture                           int8u
19657             4    AE_ISO                               int8u
19658             5    AEXv                                 int8u
19659             6    AEBXv                                int8s
19660             8    AEError                              int8s
19661            11    AEApertureSteps                      int8u
19662            15    SceneMode                            int8u
19663            16    AEMaxAperture                        int8u
19664            17    AEMaxAperture2                       int8u
19665            18    AEMinAperture                        int8u
19666            19    AEMinExposureTime                    int8u
19668       Pentax AEInfo3 Tags
19670       Auto-exposure information for the K-3, K-30, K-50 and K-500.
19672         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19673         ------   --------                             --------
19674            16    AEExposureTime                       int8u
19675            17    AEAperture                           int8u
19676            18    AE_ISO                               int8u
19677            28    AEMaxAperture                        int8u
19678            29    AEMaxAperture2                       int8u
19679            30    AEMinAperture                        int8u
19680            31    AEMinExposureTime                    int8u
19682       Pentax AEInfoUnknown Tags
19684         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19685         ------   --------                             --------
19686         [no tags known]
19688       Pentax LensInfo Tags
19690       Pentax lens information structure for models such as the *istD.
19692         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19693         ------   --------                             --------
19694             0    LensType                             int8u[2]
19695             3    LensData                             Pentax LensData
19697       Pentax LensInfo2 Tags
19699       Pentax lens information structure for models such as the K10D and K20D.
19701         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19702         ------   --------                             --------
19703             0    LensType                             int8u[4]
19704             4    LensData                             Pentax LensData
19706       Pentax LensData Tags
19708       Pentax lens data information.  Some of these tags require interesting
19709       binary gymnastics to decode them into useful values.
19711         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19712         ------   --------                             --------
19713           0.1    AutoAperture                         int8u & 0x01
19714           0.2    MinAperture                          int8u & 0x06
19715           0.3    LensFStops                           int8u & 0x70
19716             1    LensKind?                            int8u
19717             2    LC1?                                 int8u
19718             3    MinFocusDistance                     int8u & 0xf8
19719           3.1    FocusRangeIndex                      int8u & 0x07
19720             4    LC3?                                 int8u
19721             5    LC4?                                 int8u
19722             6    LC5?                                 int8u
19723             7    LC6?                                 int8u
19724             8    LC7?                                 int8u
19725             9    LensFocalLength                      int8u
19726                  LC8?                                 int8u
19727            10    NominalMaxAperture                   int8u & 0xf0
19728          10.1    NominalMinAperture                   int8u & 0x0f
19729            11    LC10?                                int8u
19730            12    LC11?                                int8u
19731            13    LC12?                                int8u
19732          14.1    MaxAperture                          int8u & 0x7f
19733            15    LC14?                                int8u
19734            16    LC15?                                int8u
19736       Pentax LensInfo3 Tags
19738       Pentax lens information structure for 645D.
19740         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19741         ------   --------                             --------
19742             1    LensType                             int8u[4]
19743            13    LensData                             Pentax LensData
19745       Pentax LensInfo4 Tags
19747       Pentax lens information structure for models such as the K-5 and K-r.
19749         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19750         ------   --------                             --------
19751             1    LensType                             int8u[4]
19752            12    LensData                             Pentax LensData
19754       Pentax LensInfo5 Tags
19756       Pentax lens information structure for the K-01 and newer models.
19758         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19759         ------   --------                             --------
19760             1    LensType                             int8u[5]
19761            15    LensData                             Pentax LensData
19763       Pentax FlashInfo Tags
19765       Flash information tags for the K10D, K20D and K200D.
19767         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19768         ------   --------                             --------
19769             0    FlashStatus                          int8u
19770             1    InternalFlashMode                    int8u
19771             2    ExternalFlashMode                    int8u
19772             3    InternalFlashStrength                int8u
19773             4    TTL_DA_AUp                           int8u
19774             5    TTL_DA_ADown                         int8u
19775             6    TTL_DA_BUp                           int8u
19776             7    TTL_DA_BDown                         int8u
19777          24.1    ExternalFlashGuideNumber             int8u & 0x1f
19778            25    ExternalFlashExposureComp            int8u
19779            26    ExternalFlashBounce                  int8u
19781       Pentax FlashInfoUnknown Tags
19783         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19784         ------   --------                             --------
19785         [no tags known]
19787       Pentax CameraInfo Tags
19789         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
19790         ------   --------                             --------
19791             0    PentaxModelID                        int32u
19792             1    ManufactureDate                      int32u
19793             2    ProductionCode                       int32u[2]
19794             4    InternalSerialNumber                 int32u
19796       Pentax BatteryInfo Tags
19798         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19799         ------   --------                             --------
19800           0.1    PowerSource                          int8u & 0x0f
19801           1.1    BodyBatteryState                     int8u & 0xf0
19802           1.2    GripBatteryState                     int8u & 0x0f
19803                  GripBatteryState?                    int8u & 0x0f
19804             2    BodyBatteryADNoLoad                  int8u
19805                  BodyBatteryVoltage1                  int16u
19806             3    BodyBatteryADLoad                    int8u
19807             4    GripBatteryADNoLoad                  int8u
19808                  BodyBatteryVoltage2                  int16u
19809             5    GripBatteryADLoad                    int8u
19810             6    BodyBatteryVoltage3                  int16u
19811             8    BodyBatteryVoltage4                  int16u
19813       Pentax AFInfo Tags
19815         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19816         ------   --------                             --------
19817             0    AFPointsUnknown1?                    int16u
19818             2    AFPointsUnknown2?                    int16u
19819             4    AFPredictor                          int16s
19820             6    AFDefocus                            int8u
19821             7    AFIntegrationTime                    int8u
19822            11    AFPointsInFocus                      int8u
19823           509    AFHold                               int8u
19825       Pentax KelvinWB Tags
19827       White balance Blue/Red gains as a function of color temperature.
19829         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
19830         ------   --------                             --------
19831             1    KelvinWB_Daylight                    int16u[4]
19832             5    KelvinWB_01                          int16u[4]
19833             9    KelvinWB_02                          int16u[4]
19834            13    KelvinWB_03                          int16u[4]
19835            17    KelvinWB_04                          int16u[4]
19836            21    KelvinWB_05                          int16u[4]
19837            25    KelvinWB_06                          int16u[4]
19838            29    KelvinWB_07                          int16u[4]
19839            33    KelvinWB_08                          int16u[4]
19840            37    KelvinWB_09                          int16u[4]
19841            41    KelvinWB_10                          int16u[4]
19842            45    KelvinWB_11                          int16u[4]
19843            49    KelvinWB_12                          int16u[4]
19844            53    KelvinWB_13                          int16u[4]
19845            57    KelvinWB_14                          int16u[4]
19846            61    KelvinWB_15                          int16u[4]
19847            65    KelvinWB_16                          int16u[4]
19849       Pentax ColorInfo Tags
19851         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19852         ------   --------                             --------
19853            16    WBShiftAB                            int8s
19854            17    WBShiftGM                            int8s
19856       Pentax EVStepInfo Tags
19858         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19859         ------   --------                             --------
19860             0    EVSteps                              int8u
19861             1    SensitivitySteps                     int8u
19863       Pentax ShotInfo Tags
19865         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19866         ------   --------                             --------
19867             1    CameraOrientation                    int8u
19869       Pentax FacePos Tags
19871         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
19872         ------   --------                             --------
19873             0    Face1Position                        int16u[2]
19874             2    Face2Position                        int16u[2]
19875             4    Face3Position                        int16u[2]
19876             6    Face4Position                        int16u[2]
19877             8    Face5Position                        int16u[2]
19878            10    Face6Position                        int16u[2]
19879            12    Face7Position                        int16u[2]
19880            14    Face8Position                        int16u[2]
19881            16    Face9Position                        int16u[2]
19882            18    Face10Position                       int16u[2]
19883            20    Face11Position                       int16u[2]
19884            22    Face12Position                       int16u[2]
19885            24    Face13Position                       int16u[2]
19886            26    Face14Position                       int16u[2]
19887            28    Face15Position                       int16u[2]
19888            30    Face16Position                       int16u[2]
19889            32    Face17Position                       int16u[2]
19890            34    Face18Position                       int16u[2]
19891            36    Face19Position                       int16u[2]
19892            38    Face20Position                       int16u[2]
19893            40    Face21Position                       int16u[2]
19894            42    Face22Position                       int16u[2]
19895            44    Face23Position                       int16u[2]
19896            46    Face24Position                       int16u[2]
19897            48    Face25Position                       int16u[2]
19898            50    Face26Position                       int16u[2]
19899            52    Face27Position                       int16u[2]
19900            54    Face28Position                       int16u[2]
19901            56    Face29Position                       int16u[2]
19902            58    Face30Position                       int16u[2]
19903            60    Face31Position                       int16u[2]
19904            62    Face32Position                       int16u[2]
19906       Pentax FaceSize Tags
19908         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
19909         ------   --------                             --------
19910             0    Face1Size                            int16u[2]
19911             2    Face2Size                            int16u[2]
19912             4    Face3Size                            int16u[2]
19913             6    Face4Size                            int16u[2]
19914             8    Face5Size                            int16u[2]
19915            10    Face6Size                            int16u[2]
19916            12    Face7Size                            int16u[2]
19917            14    Face8Size                            int16u[2]
19918            16    Face9Size                            int16u[2]
19919            18    Face10Size                           int16u[2]
19920            20    Face11Size                           int16u[2]
19921            22    Face12Size                           int16u[2]
19922            24    Face13Size                           int16u[2]
19923            26    Face14Size                           int16u[2]
19924            28    Face15Size                           int16u[2]
19925            30    Face16Size                           int16u[2]
19926            32    Face17Size                           int16u[2]
19927            34    Face18Size                           int16u[2]
19928            36    Face19Size                           int16u[2]
19929            38    Face20Size                           int16u[2]
19930            40    Face21Size                           int16u[2]
19931            42    Face22Size                           int16u[2]
19932            44    Face23Size                           int16u[2]
19933            46    Face24Size                           int16u[2]
19934            48    Face25Size                           int16u[2]
19935            50    Face26Size                           int16u[2]
19936            52    Face27Size                           int16u[2]
19937            54    Face28Size                           int16u[2]
19938            56    Face29Size                           int16u[2]
19939            58    Face30Size                           int16u[2]
19940            60    Face31Size                           int16u[2]
19941            62    Face32Size                           int16u[2]
19943       Pentax FilterInfo Tags
19945       The parameters associated with each type of digital filter are unique,
19946       and these settings are also extracted with the DigitalFilter tag.
19947       Information is not extracted for filters that are "Off" unless the
19948       Unknown option is used.
19950         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19951         ------   --------                             --------
19952             0    SourceDirectoryIndex                 int16u
19953             2    SourceFileIndex                      int16u
19954             5    DigitalFilter01                      undef[17]
19955            22    DigitalFilter02                      undef[17]
19956            39    DigitalFilter03                      undef[17]
19957            56    DigitalFilter04                      undef[17]
19958            73    DigitalFilter05                      undef[17]
19959            90    DigitalFilter06                      undef[17]
19960           107    DigitalFilter07                      undef[17]
19961           124    DigitalFilter08                      undef[17]
19962           141    DigitalFilter09                      undef[17]
19963           158    DigitalFilter10                      undef[17]
19964           175    DigitalFilter11                      undef[17]
19965           192    DigitalFilter12                      undef[17]
19966           209    DigitalFilter13                      undef[17]
19967           226    DigitalFilter14                      undef[17]
19968           243    DigitalFilter15                      undef[17]
19969           260    DigitalFilter16                      undef[17]
19970           277    DigitalFilter17                      undef[17]
19971           294    DigitalFilter18                      undef[17]
19972           311    DigitalFilter19                      undef[17]
19973           328    DigitalFilter20                      undef[17]
19975       Pentax LevelInfo Tags
19977       Tags decoded from the electronic level information for the K-5.  May
19978       not be valid for other models.
19980         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19981         ------   --------                             --------
19982             0    LevelOrientation                     int8s & 0x0f
19983           0.1    CompositionAdjust                    int8s & 0xf0
19984             1    RollAngle                            int8s
19985             2    PitchAngle                           int8s
19986             5    CompositionAdjustX                   int8s
19987             6    CompositionAdjustY                   int8s
19988             7    CompositionAdjustRotation            int8s
19990       Pentax WBLevels Tags
19992         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
19993         ------   --------                             --------
19994             2    WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight                int16u[4]
19995            11    WB_RGGBLevelsShade                   int16u[4]
19996            20    WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy                  int16u[4]
19997            29    WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten                int16u[4]
19998            38    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentD            int16u[4]
19999            47    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentN            int16u[4]
20000            56    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentW            int16u[4]
20001            65    WB_RGGBLevelsFlash                   int16u[4]
20002            74    WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescentL            int16u[4]
20003            83    WB_RGGBLevelsUnknown?                int16u[4]
20004            92    WB_RGGBLevelsUserSelected            int16u[4]
20006       Pentax LensInfoQ Tags
20008       More lens information stored by the Pentax Q.
20010         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20011         ------   --------                             --------
20012            12    LensModel                            string[30]
20013            42    LensInfo                             string[20]
20015       Pentax PixelShiftInfo Tags
20017       Pixel shift information stored by the K-3 II.
20019         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20020         ------   --------                             --------
20021             0    PixelShiftResolution                 int8u
20023       Pentax AFPointInfo Tags
20025       AF point information written by the K-1.
20027         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20028         ------   --------                             --------
20029             2    NumAFPoints                          int16u
20030             4    AFPointsInFocus                      int8u[9]~
20031           4.1    AFPointsSelected                     int8u[9]~
20032           4.2    AFPointsSpecial                      int8u[9]~
20034       Pentax TempInfo Tags
20036       A number of additional temperature readings are extracted from this
20037       256-byte binary-data block in images from models such as the K-01, K-3,
20038       K-5, K-50 and K-500.  It is currently not known where the corresponding
20039       temperature sensors are located in the camera.
20041         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20042         ------   --------                             --------
20043            12    SensorTemperature                    int16s
20044            14    SensorTemperature2                   int16s
20045            20    CameraTemperature4                   int16s
20046            22    CameraTemperature5                   int16s
20048       Pentax UnknownInfo Tags
20050         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20051         ------   --------                             --------
20052         [no tags known]
20054       Pentax Type2 Tags
20056       These tags are used by the Pentax Optio 330 and 430, and are similar to
20057       the tags used by Casio.
20059         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20060         ------   --------                             --------
20061         0x0001   RecordingMode                        int16u
20062         0x0002   Quality                              int16u
20063         0x0003   FocusMode                            int16u
20064         0x0004   FlashMode                            int16u
20065         0x0007   WhiteBalance                         int16u
20066         0x000a   DigitalZoom                          int32u
20067         0x000b   Sharpness                            int16u
20068         0x000c   Contrast                             int16u
20069         0x000d   Saturation                           int16u
20070         0x0014   ISO                                  int16u
20071         0x0017   ColorFilter                          int16u
20072         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
20073         0x1000   HometownCityCode                     undef[4]
20074         0x1001   DestinationCityCode                  undef[4]
20076       Pentax Type4 Tags
20078       The following few tags are extracted from the wealth of information
20079       available in maker notes of the Optio E20 and E25.  These maker notes
20080       are stored as ASCII text in a format very similar to some HP models.
20082         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
20083         ------               --------                 --------
20084         'F/W Version'        FirmwareVersion          no
20086       Pentax S1 Tags
20088       Tags extracted from the maker notes of AVI videos from the Optio S1.
20090         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20091         ------   --------                             --------
20092         0x0000   MakerNoteVersion                     no
20094       Pentax Junk Tags
20096       Tags found in the JUNK chunk of AVI videos from the RS1000.
20098         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20099         ------   --------                             --------
20100            12    Model                                no
20102       Pentax Junk2 Tags
20104       This information is found in AVI videos from the Optio RZ18.
20106         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20107         ------   --------                             --------
20108            18    Make                                 no
20109            44    Model                                no
20110            94    FNumber                              no
20111           131    DateTime1                            no
20112           157    DateTime2                            no
20113           299    ThumbnailWidth                       no
20114           301    ThumbnailHeight                      no
20115           303    ThumbnailLength                      no
20116           307    ThumbnailImage                       no
20118       Pentax AVI Tags
20120       Pentax-specific RIFF tags found in AVI videos.
20122         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20123         ------   --------                             --------
20124         'hymn'   MakerNotes                           Pentax
20125         'mknt'   MakerNotes                           Pentax
20127       Pentax PENT Tags
20129       Tags found in the PENT atom of MOV videos from the Optio WG-2 GPS.
20131         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20132         ------   --------                             --------
20133             0    Make                                 no
20134            26    Model                                no
20135            56    ExposureTime                         no
20136            60    FNumber                              no
20137            68    ExposureCompensation                 no
20138            84    FocalLength                          no
20139           113    DateTime1                            no
20140           139    DateTime2                            no
20141           167    ISO                                  no
20142           199    GPSVersionID                         no
20143           207    GPSLatitudeRef                       no
20144           209    GPSLatitude                          no
20145           233    GPSLongitudeRef                      no
20146           235    GPSLongitude                         no
20147           259    GPSAltitudeRef                       no
20148           260    GPSAltitude                          no
20149           284    GPSTimeStamp                         no
20150           308    GPSSatellites                        no
20151           311    GPSStatus                            no
20152           313    GPSMeasureMode                       no
20153           315    GPSMapDatum                          no
20154           322    GPSDateStamp                         no
20155           371    AudioCodecID                         no
20156          2003    PreviewImage                         no
20158       Pentax PXTH Tags
20160       Tags found in the PXTH atom of MOV videos from the K-01.
20162         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20163         ------   --------                             --------
20164             0    PreviewImageLength                   no
20165             4    PreviewImage                         no
20167       Pentax MOV Tags
20169       This information is found in MOV videos from cameras such as the Optio
20170       WP.
20172         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20173         ------   --------                             --------
20174             0    Make                                 no
20175            38    ExposureTime                         no
20176            42    FNumber                              no
20177            50    ExposureCompensation                 no
20178            68    WhiteBalance                         no
20179            72    FocalLength                          no
20180           175    ISO                                  no
20182   PhaseOne Tags
20183       These tags are extracted from the maker notes of Phase One images.
20185         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20186         ------   --------                             --------
20187         0x0100   CameraOrientation                    no
20188         0x0102   SerialNumber                         string
20189         0x0105   ISO                                  int32s
20190         0x0106   ColorMatrix1                         float[9]
20191         0x0107   WB_RGBLevels                         float[3]
20192         0x0108   SensorWidth                          int32s
20193         0x0109   SensorHeight                         int32s
20194         0x010a   SensorLeftMargin                     int32s
20195         0x010b   SensorTopMargin                      int32s
20196         0x010c   ImageWidth                           int32s
20197         0x010d   ImageHeight                          int32s
20198         0x010e   RawFormat                            int32s
20199         0x010f   RawData                              no
20200         0x0110   SensorCalibration                    PhaseOne SensorCalibration
20201         0x0112   DateTimeOriginal                     no
20202         0x0113   ImageNumber                          int32s
20203         0x0203   Software                             string
20204         0x0204   System                               string
20205         0x0210   SensorTemperature                    float
20206         0x0211   SensorTemperature2                   float
20207         0x0212   UnknownDate?                         int32u
20208         0x021c   StripOffsets                         no
20209         0x021d   BlackLevel                           int32s
20210         0x0222   SplitColumn                          int32s
20211         0x0223   BlackLevelData                       int16u[n]
20212         0x0226   ColorMatrix2                         float[9]
20213         0x0267   AFAdjustment                         float
20214         0x0301   FirmwareVersions                     string
20215         0x0400   ShutterSpeedValue                    float
20216         0x0401   ApertureValue                        float
20217         0x0402   ExposureCompensation                 float
20218         0x0403   FocalLength                          float
20219         0x0410   CameraModel                          string
20220         0x0412   LensModel                            string
20221         0x0414   MaxApertureValue                     float
20222         0x0415   MinApertureValue                     float
20223         0x0455   Viewfinder                           string
20225       PhaseOne SensorCalibration Tags
20227         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20228         ------   --------                             --------
20229         0x0400   SensorDefects                        no
20230         0x0401   AllColorFlatField1?                  no
20231         0x0407   SerialNumber                         string
20232         0x040b   RedBlueFlatField?                    no
20233         0x0410   AllColorFlatField2?                  no
20234         0x0416   AllColorFlatField3?                  no
20235         0x0419   LinearizationCoefficients1           no
20236         0x041a   LinearizationCoefficients2           no
20238   Reconyx Tags
20239       The following tags are extracted from the maker notes of Reconyx
20240       Hyperfire cameras such as the HC500, HC600 and PC900.
20242         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
20243         ------   --------                             --------
20244             0    MakerNoteVersion                     no
20245             1    FirmwareVersion                      no
20246             4    FirmwareDate                         int16u[2]
20247             6    TriggerMode                          string[2]
20248             7    Sequence                             int16u[2]
20249             9    EventNumber                          int16u[2]
20250            11    DateTimeOriginal                     int16u[6]
20251            18    MoonPhase                            int16u
20252            19    AmbientTemperatureFahrenheit         int16s
20253            20    AmbientTemperature                   int16s
20254            21    SerialNumber                         undef[30]
20255            36    Contrast                             int16u
20256            37    Brightness                           int16u
20257            38    Sharpness                            int16u
20258            39    Saturation                           int16u
20259            40    InfraredIlluminator                  int16u
20260            41    MotionSensitivity                    int16u
20261            42    BatteryVoltage                       int16u
20262            43    UserLabel                            string[22]
20264       Reconyx Type2 Tags
20266       Tags extracted from models such as the UltraFire.
20268         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20269         ------   --------                             --------
20270            24    FirmwareVersion                      undef[7]
20271            31    Micro1Version                        undef[7]
20272            38    BootLoaderVersion                    undef[7]
20273            45    Micro2Version                        undef[7]
20274            52    TriggerMode                          undef[1]
20275            53    Sequence                             int8u[2]
20276            55    EventNumber                          int32u
20277            59    DateTimeOriginal                     int8u[7]
20278            66    DayOfWeek                            int8u
20279            67    MoonPhase                            int8u
20280            68    AmbientTemperatureFahrenheit         int16s
20281            70    AmbientTemperature                   int16s
20282            72    Illumination                         int8u
20283            73    BatteryVoltage                       int16u
20284            75    SerialNumber                         string[15]
20285            90    UserLabel                            string[21]
20287       Reconyx Type3 Tags
20289       Tags extracted from models such as the HF2 PRO.
20291         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20292         ------   --------                             --------
20293            16    FileNumber                           int16u
20294            18    DirectoryNumber                      int16u
20295            42    FirmwareVersion                      int16u[3]
20296            48    FirmwareDate                         int16u[2]
20297            52    TriggerMode                          string[2]
20298            54    Sequence                             int16u[2]
20299            58    EventNumber                          int16u[2]
20300            62    DateTimeOriginal                     int16u[6]
20301            74    DayOfWeek                            int16u
20302            76    MoonPhase                            int16u
20303            78    AmbientTemperatureFahrenheit         int16s
20304            80    AmbientTemperature                   int16s
20305            82    Contrast                             int16u
20306            84    Brightness                           int16u
20307            86    Sharpness                            int16u
20308            88    Saturation                           int16u
20309            90    Flash                                int16u
20310            92    AmbientInfrared                      int16u
20311            94    AmbientLight                         int16u
20312            96    MotionSensitivity                    int16u
20313            98    BatteryVoltage                       int16u
20314           100    BatteryVoltageAvg                    int16u
20315           102    BatteryType                          int16u
20316           104    UserLabel                            string[22]
20317           126    SerialNumber                         unicode[15]
20319   Sanyo Tags
20320         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20321         ------   --------                             --------
20322         0x00ff   MakerNoteOffset                      int32u
20323         0x0100   SanyoThumbnail                       undef
20324         0x0200   SpecialMode                          int32u[3]
20325         0x0201   SanyoQuality                         int16u
20326         0x0202   Macro                                int16u
20327         0x0204   DigitalZoom                          rational64u
20328         0x0207   SoftwareVersion                      yes
20329         0x0208   PictInfo                             yes
20330         0x0209   CameraID                             yes
20331         0x020e   SequentialShot                       int16u
20332         0x020f   WideRange                            int16u
20333         0x0210   ColorAdjustmentMode                  int16u
20334         0x0213   QuickShot                            int16u
20335         0x0214   SelfTimer                            int16u
20336         0x0216   VoiceMemo                            int16u
20337         0x0217   RecordShutterRelease                 int16u
20338         0x0218   FlickerReduce                        int16u
20339         0x0219   OpticalZoomOn                        int16u
20340         0x021b   DigitalZoomOn                        int16u
20341         0x021d   LightSourceSpecial                   int16u
20342         0x021e   Resaved                              int16u
20343         0x021f   SceneSelect                          int16u
20344         0x0223   ManualFocusDistance                  rational64u
20345                  FaceInfo                             -
20346         0x0224   SequenceShotInterval                 int16u
20347         0x0225   FlashMode                            int16u
20348         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
20349         0x0f00   DataDump                             no
20351       Sanyo FaceInfo Tags
20353         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
20354         ------   --------                             --------
20355             0    FacesDetected                        int32u
20356             4    FacePosition                         int32u[4]
20358       Sanyo MOV Tags
20360       This information is found in Sanyo MOV videos.
20362         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20363         ------   --------                             --------
20364             0    Make                                 no
20365            24    Model                                no
20366            38    ExposureTime                         no
20367            42    FNumber                              no
20368            50    ExposureCompensation                 no
20369            68    WhiteBalance                         no
20370            72    FocalLength                          no
20372       Sanyo MP4 Tags
20374       This information is found in Sanyo MP4 videos.
20376         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20377         ------   --------                             --------
20378             0    Make                                 no
20379            24    Model                                no
20380            50    FNumber                              no
20381            58    ExposureCompensation                 no
20382           106    ISO                                  no
20383           209    Software                             no
20384           210    Software                             no
20385           241    Thumbnail                            Sanyo Thumbnail
20386           242    Thumbnail                            Sanyo Thumbnail
20388       Sanyo Thumbnail Tags
20390         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
20391         ------   --------                             --------
20392             1    ThumbnailWidth                       no
20393             2    ThumbnailHeight                      no
20394             3    ThumbnailLength                      no
20395             4    ThumbnailOffset                      no
20397   Samsung Tags
20398       Tags found in the binary "STMN" format maker notes written by a number
20399       of Samsung models.
20401         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
20402         ------   --------                             --------
20403             0    MakerNoteVersion                     undef[8]
20404             2    PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
20405             3    PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
20406            11    SamsungIFD                           Samsung IFD
20408       Samsung IFD Tags
20410       This is a standard-format IFD found in the maker notes of some Samsung
20411       models, except that the entry count is a 4-byte integer and the offsets
20412       are relative to the end of the IFD.  Currently, no tags in this IFD are
20413       known, so the Unknown (-u) or Verbose (-v) option must be used to see
20414       this information.
20416         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20417         ------   --------                             --------
20418         [no tags known]
20420       Samsung Type2 Tags
20422       Tags found in the EXIF-format maker notes of newer Samsung models.
20424         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20425         ------   --------                             --------
20426         0x0001   MakerNoteVersion                     undef[4]
20427         0x0002   DeviceType                           int32u
20428         0x0003   SamsungModelID                       int32u
20429         0x0011   OrientationInfo                      Samsung OrientationInfo
20430         0x0020   SmartAlbumColor                      int16u[2]
20431         0x0021   PictureWizard                        Samsung PictureWizard
20432         0x0030   LocalLocationName                    string
20433         0x0031   LocationName                         string
20434         0x0035   PreviewIFD                           Nikon PreviewIFD
20435                                                       Nikon PreviewIFD
20436         0x0040   RawDataByteOrder                     yes
20437         0x0041   WhiteBalanceSetup                    int32u
20438         0x0043   CameraTemperature                    rational64s
20439         0x0050   RawDataCFAPattern                    yes
20440         0x0100   FaceDetect                           int16u
20441         0x0120   FaceRecognition                      int32u
20442         0x0123   FaceName                             string
20443         0xa001   FirmwareName                         string
20444         0xa002   SerialNumber                         string
20445         0xa003   LensType                             int16u[n]
20446         0xa004   LensFirmware                         string
20447         0xa005   InternalLensSerialNumber             string
20448         0xa010   SensorAreas                          int32u[8]
20449         0xa011   ColorSpace                           int16u
20450         0xa012   SmartRange                           int16u
20451         0xa013   ExposureCompensation                 rational64s
20452         0xa014   ISO                                  int32u
20453         0xa018   ExposureTime                         rational64u
20454         0xa019   FNumber                              rational64u
20455         0xa01a   FocalLengthIn35mmFormat              int32u
20456         0xa020   EncryptionKey                        int32u[11]!
20457         0xa021   WB_RGGBLevelsUncorrected             int32u[4]
20458         0xa022   WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int32u[4]
20459         0xa023   WB_RGGBLevelsIlluminator1            int32u[4]
20460         0xa024   WB_RGGBLevelsIlluminator2            int32u[4]
20461         0xa025   HighlightLinearityLimit              int32u
20462         0xa028   WB_RGGBLevelsBlack                   int32s[4]
20463         0xa030   ColorMatrix                          int32s[9]
20464         0xa031   ColorMatrixSRGB                      int32s[9]
20465         0xa032   ColorMatrixAdobeRGB                  int32s[9]
20466         0xa033   CbCrMatrixDefault                    int32s[4]
20467         0xa034   CbCrMatrix                           int32s[4]
20468         0xa035   CbCrGainDefault                      int32u[2]
20469         0xa036   CbCrGain                             int32u[2]
20470         0xa040   ToneCurveSRGBDefault                 int32u[23]
20471         0xa041   ToneCurveAdobeRGBDefault             int32u[23]
20472         0xa042   ToneCurveSRGB                        int32u[23]
20473         0xa043   ToneCurveAdobeRGB                    int32u[23]
20474         0xa048   RawData?                             int32s[12]
20475         0xa050   Distortion?                          int32s[8]
20476         0xa051   ChromaticAberration?                 int16u[22]
20477         0xa052   Vignetting?                          int16u[15]
20478         0xa053   VignettingCorrection?                int16u[15]
20479         0xa054   VignettingSetting?                   int16u[15]
20481       Samsung OrientationInfo Tags
20483       Camera orientation information written by the Gear 360 (SM-C200).
20485         Index8   Tag Name                             Writable
20486         ------   --------                             --------
20487             0    YawAngle?                            rational64s
20488             1    PitchAngle                           rational64s
20489             2    RollAngle                            rational64s
20491       Samsung PictureWizard Tags
20493         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
20494         ------   --------                             --------
20495             0    PictureWizardMode                    int16u
20496             1    PictureWizardColor                   int16u
20497             2    PictureWizardSaturation              int16u
20498             3    PictureWizardSharpness               int16u
20499             4    PictureWizardContrast                int16u
20501       Samsung APP5 Tags
20503         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
20504         ------               --------                 --------
20505         'ssuniqueid'         UniqueID                 no
20507       Samsung Trailer Tags
20509       Tags extracted from the trailer of JPEG images written when using
20510       certain features (such as "Sound & Shot" or "Shot & More") from Samsung
20511       models such as the Galaxy S4 and Tab S, and from the 'sefd' atom in
20512       HEIC images from the Samsung S10+.
20514         Tag Name                                      Writable
20515         --------                                      --------
20516         DepthMapData                                  no
20517         DepthMapData2                                 no
20518         DepthMapName                                  no
20519         DualCameraImage                               no
20520         DualCameraImageName                           no
20521         DualShotExtra                                 Samsung DualShotExtra
20522         EmbeddedAudioFile                             no
20523         EmbeddedAudioFileName                         no
20524         EmbeddedImage                                 no
20525         EmbeddedImage2                                no
20526         EmbeddedImageName                             no
20527         EmbeddedVideoFile                             no
20528         EmbeddedVideoType                             no
20529         MCCData                                       no
20530         SingleShotDepthMap                            no
20531         SingleShotMeta                                Samsung SingleShotMeta
20532         SurroundShotVideo                             no
20533         SurroundShotVideoName                         no
20534         TimeStamp                                     no
20536       Samsung DualShotExtra Tags
20538         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
20539         ------   --------                             --------
20540            16    DepthMapWidth                        no
20541            17    DepthMapHeight                       no
20543       Samsung SingleShotMeta Tags
20545         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
20546         ------               --------                 --------
20547         'beautyColorLevel'   BeautyColorLevel         no
20548         'beautyRetouchLevel' BeautyRetouchLevel       no
20549         'blurStrength'       BlurStrength             no
20550         'bokehShape'         BokehShape               no
20551         'colorpopStrength'   ColorpopStrength         no
20552         'depthHWHeight'      DepthHWHeight            no
20553         'depthHWWidth'       DepthHWWidth             no
20554         'depthSWHeight'      DepthSWHeight            no
20555         'depthSWWidth'       DepthSWWidth             no
20556         'deviceOrientation'  DeviceOrientation        no
20557         'effectStrength'     EffectStrength           no
20558         'effectType'         EffectType               no
20559         'flipStatus'         FlipStatus               no
20560         'inputHeight'        InputHeight              no
20561         'inputWidth'         InputWidth               no
20562         'isArtBokeh'         IsArtBokeh               no
20563         'lensFacing'         LensFacing               no
20564         'monoStrength'       MonoStrength             no
20565         'objectOrientation'  ObjectOrientation        no
20566         'outputHeight'       OutputHeight             no
20567         'outputWidth'        OutputWidth              no
20568         'perfMode'           PerfMode                 no
20569         'segHeight'          SegHeight                no
20570         'segWidth'           SegWidth                 no
20571         'sidelightStrength'  SidelightStrength        no
20572         'spinStrength'       SpinStrength             no
20573         'vintageStrength'    VintageStrength          no
20574         'zoomStrength'       ZoomStrength             no
20576       Samsung sec Tags
20578       This information is found in the @sec atom of Samsung MP4 videos from
20579       models such as the WB30F.
20581         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20582         ------   --------                             --------
20583             0    Make                                 no
20584            32    Model                                no
20585           512    ThumbnailWidth                       no
20586           516    ThumbnailHeight                      no
20587           520    ThumbnailLength                      no
20588           524    ThumbnailImage                       no
20590       Samsung INFO Tags
20592       This information is found in MP4 videos from Samsung models such as the
20593       SMX-C20N.
20595         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20596         ------   --------                             --------
20597         'EFCT'   Effect                               no
20598         'QLTY'   Quality                              no
20600       Samsung MP4 Tags
20602       This information is found in Samsung MP4 videos from models such as the
20603       WP10.
20605         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20606         ------   --------                             --------
20607             0    Make                                 no
20608            24    Model                                no
20609            46    ExposureTime                         no
20610            50    FNumber                              no
20611            58    ExposureCompensation                 no
20612           106    ISO                                  no
20613           125    Software                             no
20614           244    Thumbnail                            Samsung Thumbnail
20616       Samsung Thumbnail Tags
20618         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
20619         ------   --------                             --------
20620             1    ThumbnailWidth                       no
20621             2    ThumbnailHeight                      no
20622             3    ThumbnailLength                      no
20623             4    ThumbnailOffset                      no
20625       Samsung smta Tags
20627       This information is found in the smta atom of Samsung MP4 videos from
20628       models such as the Galaxy S4.
20630         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20631         ------   --------                             --------
20632         'svss'   SamsungSvss                          Samsung svss
20634       Samsung svss Tags
20636       This information is found in the svss atom of Samsung MP4 videos from
20637       models such as the Galaxy S4.
20639         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20640         ------   --------                             --------
20641         [no tags known]
20643   Ricoh Tags
20644         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20645         ------   --------                             --------
20646         0x0001   MakerNoteType                        string
20647         0x0002   FirmwareVersion                      string
20648         0x0005   SerialNumber                         undef[16]
20649                  InternalSerialNumber                 undef[16]
20650         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
20651         0x1000   RecordingFormat                      int16u
20652         0x1001   ImageInfo                            Ricoh ImageInfo
20653                  ExposureProgram                      int16u
20654         0x1002   DriveMode                            int16u
20655         0x1003   Sharpness                            int32u
20656                  WhiteBalance                         int16u
20657         0x1004   WhiteBalanceFineTune                 int16u
20658         0x1006   FocusMode                            int16u
20659         0x1007   AutoBracketing                       int16u
20660         0x1009   MacroMode                            int16u
20661         0x100a   FlashMode                            int16u
20662         0x100b   FlashExposureComp                    rational64s
20663         0x100c   ManualFlashOutput                    rational64s
20664         0x100d   FullPressSnap                        int16u
20665         0x100e   DynamicRangeExpansion                int16u
20666         0x100f   NoiseReduction                       int16u
20667         0x1010   ImageEffects                         int16u
20668         0x1011   Vignetting                           int16u
20669         0x1012   Contrast                             int32u
20670         0x1013   Saturation                           int32u
20671         0x1014   Sharpness                            int32u
20672         0x1015   ToningEffect                         int16u
20673         0x1016   HueAdjust                            int16u
20674         0x1017   WideAdapter                          int16u
20675         0x1018   CropMode                             int16u
20676         0x1019   NDFilter                             int16u
20677         0x101a   WBBracketShotNumber                  int16u
20678         0x1200   AFStatus                             int16u
20679         0x1201   AFAreaXPosition1                     int32u
20680         0x1202   AFAreaYPosition1                     int32u
20681         0x1203   AFAreaXPosition                      int32u
20682         0x1204   AFAreaYPosition                      int32u
20683         0x1205   AFAreaMode                           int16u
20684         0x1307   ColorTempKelvin                      int32u
20685         0x1308   ColorTemperature                     int32u
20686         0x1500   FocalLength                          rational64u
20687         0x1601   SensorWidth                          int32u
20688         0x1602   SensorHeight                         int32u
20689         0x1603   CroppedImageWidth                    int32u
20690         0x1604   CroppedImageHeight                   int32u
20691         0x2001   RicohSubdir                          Ricoh Subdir
20692                  RicohSubdirIFD                       Ricoh Subdir
20693                  RicohRR1Subdir                       Ricoh Subdir
20694         0x4001   ThetaSubdir                          Ricoh ThetaSubdir
20696       Ricoh ImageInfo Tags
20698         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20699         ------   --------                             --------
20700             0    RicohImageWidth                      int16u
20701             2    RicohImageHeight                     int16u
20702             6    RicohDate                            int8u[7]
20703            28    PreviewImageStart                    int16u*
20704            30    PreviewImageLength                   int16u*
20705            32    FlashMode                            int8u
20706            33    Macro                                int8u
20707            34    Sharpness                            int8u
20708            38    WhiteBalance                         int8u
20709            39    ISOSetting                           int8u
20710            40    Saturation                           int8u
20712       Ricoh Subdir Tags
20714         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20715         ------   --------                             --------
20716         0x0004   ManufactureDate1                     string[20]
20717         0x0005   ManufactureDate2                     string[20]
20718         0x001a   FaceInfo                             Ricoh FaceInfo
20719         0x0029   FirmwareInfo                         Ricoh FirmwareInfo
20720         0x002a   NoiseReduction                       int32u
20721         0x002c   SerialInfo                           Ricoh SerialInfo
20723       Ricoh FaceInfo Tags
20725         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20726         ------   --------                             --------
20727           181    FacesDetected                        int8u
20728           182    FaceDetectFrameSize                  int16u[2]
20729           188    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
20730           200    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
20731           212    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
20732           224    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
20733           236    Face5Position                        int16u[4]
20734           248    Face6Position                        int16u[4]
20735           260    Face7Position                        int16u[4]
20736           272    Face8Position                        int16u[4]
20738       Ricoh FirmwareInfo Tags
20740         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20741         ------   --------                             --------
20742             0    FirmwareRevision                     string[12]
20743            12    FirmwareRevision2                    string[12]
20745       Ricoh SerialInfo Tags
20747       This information is found in images from the GXR.
20749         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
20750         ------   --------                             --------
20751             0    BodyFirmware                         string[16]
20752            16    BodySerialNumber                     string[16]
20753            32    LensFirmware                         string[16]
20754            48    LensSerialNumber                     string[16]
20756       Ricoh ThetaSubdir Tags
20758         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20759         ------   --------                             --------
20760         0x0003   Accelerometer                        rational64s[2]
20761         0x0004   Compass                              rational64u
20762         0x000a   TimeZone                             string
20764       Ricoh Type2 Tags
20766       Tags written by models such as the Ricoh HZ15 and the Pentax XG-1.
20767       These are not writable due to numerous formatting errors as written by
20768       these cameras.
20770         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20771         ------   --------                             --------
20772         0x0207   RicohModel                           no
20773         0x0300   RicohMake                            no
20775       Ricoh Text Tags
20777       Some Ricoh DC and RDC models use a text-based format for their maker
20778       notes instead of the IFD format used by the Caplio models.  Below is a
20779       list of known tags in this information.
20781         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20782         ------   --------                             --------
20783         'Bg'     BlueGain                             no
20784         'Gg'     GreenGain                            no
20785         'Rev'    FirmwareVersion                      no
20786         'Rg'     RedGain                              no
20787         'Rv'     FirmwareVersion                      no
20789       Ricoh RMETA Tags
20791       The Ricoh Caplio Pro G3 has the ability to add custom fields to the
20792       APP5 "RMETA" segment of JPEG images.  While only a few observed tags
20793       have been defined below, ExifTool will extract any information found
20794       here.
20796         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
20797         ------               --------                 --------
20798         'Azimuth'            Azimuth                  no
20799         'Condition'          Condition                no
20800         'Lit'                Lit                      no
20801         'Location'           Location                 no
20802         'Sign type'          SignType                 no
20803         '_audio'             SoundFile                no
20804         '_barcode'           Barcodes                 no+
20806       Ricoh AVI Tags
20808         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20809         ------   --------                             --------
20810         'mnrt'   MakerNoteRicoh                       Ricoh
20811         'rdc2'   RicohRDC2?                           no
20812         'thum'   ThumbnailImage                       no
20813         'ucmt'   Comment                              no
20815   Sigma Tags
20816       These tags are written by Sigma/Foveon cameras.  In the early days
20817       Sigma was a class leader by releasing their maker note specification to
20818       the public, but since then they have deviated from this standard and
20819       newer camera models are less than consistent about their metadata
20820       formats.
20822         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20823         ------   --------                             --------
20824         0x0002   SerialNumber                         string
20825         0x0003   DriveMode                            string
20826         0x0004   ResolutionMode                       string
20827         0x0005   AFMode                               string
20828         0x0006   FocusSetting                         string
20829         0x0007   WhiteBalance                         string
20830         0x0008   ExposureMode                         string
20831         0x0009   MeteringMode                         string
20832         0x000a   LensFocalRange                       string
20833         0x000b   ColorSpace                           string
20834         0x000c   ExposureCompensation                 string
20835                  ExposureAdjust?                      rational64s
20836         0x000d   Contrast                             string
20837                  Contrast                             rational64s
20838         0x000e   Shadow                               string
20839                  Shadow                               rational64s
20840         0x000f   Highlight                            string
20841                  Highlight                            rational64s
20842         0x0010   Saturation                           string
20843                  Saturation                           rational64s
20844         0x0011   Sharpness                            string
20845                  Sharpness                            rational64s
20846         0x0012   X3FillLight                          string
20847                  X3FillLight                          rational64s
20848         0x0014   ColorAdjustment                      string
20849                  ColorAdjustment                      rational64s[3]
20850         0x0015   AdjustmentMode                       string
20851         0x0016   Quality                              string
20852         0x0017   Firmware                             string
20853         0x0018   Software                             string
20854         0x0019   AutoBracket                          string
20855         0x001a   PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
20856                  ChrominanceNoiseReduction            string
20857         0x001b   PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
20858                  LuminanceNoiseReduction              string
20859         0x001c   PreviewImageSize                     int16u[2]
20860                  PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
20861         0x001d   MakerNoteVersion                     undef
20862                  PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
20863         0x001e   PreviewImageSize                     int16u[2]
20864         0x001f   AFPoint                              string
20865                  MakerNoteVersion                     undef
20866         0x0022   FileFormat                           string
20867         0x0024   Calibration                          string
20868         0x0026   FileFormat                           string
20869         0x0027   LensType                             string
20870                  LensType                             -
20871                                                       Sigma LensType
20872         0x002a   LensFocalRange                       rational64u[2]
20873         0x002b   LensMaxApertureRange                 rational64u[2]
20874         0x002c   ColorMode                            int32u
20875         0x0030   LensApertureRange                    string
20876                  Calibration                          string
20877         0x0031   FNumber                              rational64u
20878         0x0032   ExposureTime                         rational64u
20879         0x0033   ExposureTime2                        string
20880         0x0034   BurstShot                            int32u
20881         0x0035   ExposureCompensation                 rational64s
20882         0x0039   SensorTemperature                    string
20883         0x003a   FlashExposureComp                    rational64s
20884         0x003b   Firmware                             string
20885         0x003c   WhiteBalance                         string
20886         0x003d   PictureMode                          string
20887         0x0048   LensApertureRange                    string
20888         0x0049   FNumber                              rational64u
20889         0x004a   ExposureTime                         rational64u
20890         0x004b   ExposureTime2                        string
20891         0x004d   ExposureCompensation                 rational64s
20892         0x0055   SensorTemperature                    string
20893         0x0056   FlashExposureComp                    rational64s
20894         0x0057   Firmware2                            string
20895         0x0058   WhiteBalance                         string
20896         0x0059   DigitalFilter                        string
20897         0x0084   Model                                string
20898         0x0086   ISO                                  int16u
20899         0x0087   ResolutionMode                       string
20900         0x0088   WhiteBalance                         string
20901         0x008c   Firmware                             string
20902         0x011f   CameraCalibration                    float[9]
20903         0x0120   WBSettings                           Sigma WBSettings
20904         0x0121   WBSettings2                          Sigma WBSettings2
20906       Sigma WBSettings Tags
20908         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
20909         ------   --------                             --------
20910             0    WB_RGBLevelsAuto                     float[3]
20911             3    WB_RGBLevelsDaylight                 float[3]
20912             6    WB_RGBLevelsShade                    float[3]
20913             9    WB_RGBLevelsOvercast                 float[3]
20914            12    WB_RGBLevelsIncandescent             float[3]
20915            15    WB_RGBLevelsFluorescent              float[3]
20916            18    WB_RGBLevelsFlash                    float[3]
20917            21    WB_RGBLevelsCustom1                  float[3]
20918            24    WB_RGBLevelsCustom2                  float[3]
20919            27    WB_RGBLevelsCustom3                  float[3]
20921       Sigma WBSettings2 Tags
20923         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
20924         ------   --------                             --------
20925             0    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown0?                float[3]
20926             3    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown1?                float[3]
20927             6    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown2?                float[3]
20928             9    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown3?                float[3]
20929            12    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown4?                float[3]
20930            15    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown5?                float[3]
20931            18    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown6?                float[3]
20932            21    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown7?                float[3]
20933            24    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown8?                float[3]
20934            27    WB_RGBLevelsUnknown9?                float[3]
20936   Sony Tags
20937       The following information has been decoded from the MakerNotes of Sony
20938       cameras.  Some of these tags have been inherited from the Minolta
20939       MakerNotes.
20941         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
20942         ------   --------                             --------
20943         0x0010   CameraInfo                           Sony CameraInfo
20944                  CameraInfo2                          Sony CameraInfo2
20945                  CameraInfo3                          Sony CameraInfo3
20946                  CameraInfoUnknown                    Sony CameraInfoUnknown
20947         0x0020   FocusInfo                            Sony FocusInfo
20948                  MoreInfo                             Sony MoreInfo
20949         0x0102   Quality                              int32u
20950         0x0104   FlashExposureComp                    rational64s
20951         0x0105   Teleconverter                        int32u
20952         0x0112   WhiteBalanceFineTune                 int32u
20953         0x0114   CameraSettings                       Sony CameraSettings
20954                  CameraSettings2                      Sony CameraSettings2
20955                  CameraSettings3                      Sony CameraSettings3
20956                  CameraSettingsUnknown                Sony CameraSettingsUnknown
20957         0x0115   WhiteBalance                         int32u
20958         0x0116   ExtraInfo                            Sony ExtraInfo
20959                  ExtraInfo2                           Sony ExtraInfo2
20960                  ExtraInfo3                           Sony ExtraInfo3
20961         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
20962         0x1000   MultiBurstMode                       undef
20963         0x1001   MultiBurstImageWidth                 int16u
20964         0x1002   MultiBurstImageHeight                int16u
20965         0x1003   Panorama                             Sony Panorama
20966         0x2001   PreviewImage                         undef
20967         0x2002   Rating                               int32u
20968         0x2004   Contrast                             int32s
20969         0x2005   Saturation                           int32s
20970         0x2006   Sharpness                            int32s
20971         0x2007   Brightness                           int32s
20972         0x2008   LongExposureNoiseReduction           int32u
20973         0x2009   HighISONoiseReduction                int16u
20974         0x200a   HDR                                  int32u
20975         0x200b   MultiFrameNoiseReduction             int32u
20976         0x200e   PictureEffect                        int16u
20977         0x200f   SoftSkinEffect                       int32u
20978         0x2010   Tag2010a                             Sony Tag2010a
20979                  Tag2010b                             Sony Tag2010b
20980                  Tag2010c                             Sony Tag2010c
20981                  Tag2010d                             Sony Tag2010d
20982                  Tag2010e                             Sony Tag2010e
20983                  Tag2010f                             Sony Tag2010f
20984                  Tag2010g                             Sony Tag2010g
20985                  Tag2010h                             Sony Tag2010h
20986                  Tag2010i                             Sony Tag2010i
20987         0x2011   VignettingCorrection                 int32u
20988         0x2012   LateralChromaticAberration           int32u
20989         0x2013   DistortionCorrectionSetting          int32u
20990         0x2014   WBShiftAB_GM                         int32s[2]
20991         0x2016   AutoPortraitFramed                   int16u
20992         0x2017   FlashAction                          int32u
20993         0x201a   ElectronicFrontCurtainShutter        int32u
20994         0x201b   FocusMode                            int8u
20995         0x201c   AFAreaModeSetting                    int8u
20996         0x201d   FlexibleSpotPosition                 int16u[2]
20997         0x201e   AFPointSelected                      int8u
20998         0x2020   AFPointsUsed                         no
20999         0x2021   AFTracking                           int8u
21000         0x2022   FocalPlaneAFPointsUsed               no
21001         0x2023   MultiFrameNREffect                   int32u
21002         0x2026   WBShiftAB_GM_Precise                 int32s[2]~
21003         0x2027   FocusLocation                        int16u[4]
21004         0x2028   VariableLowPassFilter                int16u[2]
21005         0x2029   RAWFileType                          int16u
21006         0x202a   Tag202a                              Sony Tag202a
21007         0x202b   PrioritySetInAWB                     int8u
21008         0x202c   MeteringMode2                        int16u
21009         0x202d   ExposureStandardAdjustment           rational64s
21010         0x202e   Quality                              int16u[2]
21011         0x202f   PixelShiftInfo                       undef
21012         0x2031   SerialNumber                         string
21013         0x2032   Shadows                              int32s
21014         0x2033   Highlights                           int32s
21015         0x2034   Fade                                 int32s
21016         0x2035   SharpnessRange                       int32s
21017         0x2036   Clarity                              int32s
21018         0x2037   FocusFrameSize                       no
21019         0x2039   JPEG-HEIFSwitch                      int16u
21020         0x204a   FocusLocation2                       int16u[4]
21021         0x3000   ShotInfo                             Sony ShotInfo
21022         0x900b   Tag900b                              Sony Tag900b
21023         0x9050   Tag9050a                             Sony Tag9050a
21024                  Tag9050b                             Sony Tag9050b
21025                  Tag9050c                             Sony Tag9050c
21026                  Tag9050d                             Sony Tag9050d
21027         0x9400   Tag9400a                             Sony Tag9400a
21028                  Tag9400b                             Sony Tag9400b
21029                  Tag9400c                             Sony Tag9400c
21030         0x9401   Tag9401                              Sony Tag9401
21031         0x9402   Tag9402                              Sony Tag9402
21032         0x9403   Tag9403                              Sony Tag9403
21033         0x9404   Tag9404a                             Sony Tag9404a
21034                  Tag9404b                             Sony Tag9404b
21035                  Tag9404c                             Sony Tag9404c
21036         0x9405   Tag9405a                             Sony Tag9405a
21037                  Tag9405b                             Sony Tag9405b
21038         0x9406   Tag9406                              Sony Tag9406
21039                  Tag9406b                             Sony Tag9406b
21040         0x940a   Tag940a                              Sony Tag940a
21041         0x940c   Tag940c                              Sony Tag940c
21042         0x940e   AFInfo                               Sony AFInfo
21043                  Tag940e                              Sony Tag940e
21044         0x9416   Sony_0x9416                          Sony Tag9416
21045         0xb000   FileFormat                           int8u[4]
21046         0xb001   SonyModelID                          int16u
21047         0xb020   CreativeStyle                        string
21048         0xb021   ColorTemperature                     int32u
21049         0xb022   ColorCompensationFilter              int32u
21050         0xb023   SceneMode                            int32u
21051         0xb024   ZoneMatching                         int32u
21052         0xb025   DynamicRangeOptimizer                int32u
21053         0xb026   ImageStabilization                   int32u
21054         0xb027   LensType                             int32u
21055         0xb028   MinoltaMakerNote                     Minolta
21056         0xb029   ColorMode                            int32u
21057         0xb02a   LensSpec                             int8u[8]
21058         0xb02b   FullImageSize                        int32u[2]
21059         0xb02c   PreviewImageSize                     int32u[2]
21060         0xb040   Macro                                int16u
21061         0xb041   ExposureMode                         int16u
21062         0xb042   FocusMode                            int16u
21063         0xb043   AFAreaMode                           int16u
21064         0xb044   AFIlluminator                        int16u
21065         0xb047   JPEGQuality                          int16u
21066         0xb048   FlashLevel                           int16s
21067         0xb049   ReleaseMode                          int16u
21068         0xb04a   SequenceNumber                       int16u
21069         0xb04b   Anti-Blur                            int16u
21070         0xb04e   FocusMode                            int16u
21071         0xb04f   DynamicRangeOptimizer                int16u
21072         0xb050   HighISONoiseReduction2               int16u
21073         0xb052   IntelligentAuto                      int16u
21074         0xb054   WhiteBalance                         int16u
21076       Sony CameraInfo Tags
21078       Camera information for the A700, A850 and A900.
21080         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21081         ------   --------                             --------
21082             0    LensSpec                             undef[8]
21083            20    FocusModeSetting                     int8u
21084            21    AFPointSelected                      int8u
21085            25    AFPoint                              int8u
21086            30    AFStatusActiveSensor                 int16s
21087            32    AFStatusUpper-left                   int16s
21088            34    AFStatusLeft                         int16s
21089            36    AFStatusLower-left                   int16s
21090            38    AFStatusFarLeft                      int16s
21091            40    AFStatusBottomAssist-left            int16s
21092            42    AFStatusBottom                       int16s
21093            44    AFStatusBottomAssist-right           int16s
21094            46    AFStatusCenter-7                     int16s
21095            48    AFStatusCenter-horizontal            int16s
21096            50    AFStatusCenter-9                     int16s
21097            52    AFStatusCenter-10                    int16s
21098            54    AFStatusCenter-11                    int16s
21099            56    AFStatusCenter-12                    int16s
21100            58    AFStatusCenter-vertical              int16s
21101            60    AFStatusCenter-14                    int16s
21102            62    AFStatusTopAssist-left               int16s
21103            64    AFStatusTop                          int16s
21104            66    AFStatusTopAssist-right              int16s
21105            68    AFStatusFarRight                     int16s
21106            70    AFStatusUpper-right                  int16s
21107            72    AFStatusRight                        int16s
21108            74    AFStatusLower-right                  int16s
21109            76    AFStatusCenterF2-8                   int16s
21110           304    AFMicroAdjValue                      int8u
21111           305    AFMicroAdjMode                       int8u & 0x80
21112         305.1    AFMicroAdjRegisteredLenses           int8u & 0x7f
21114       Sony CameraInfo2 Tags
21116       Camera information for the DSLR-A200, A230, A290, A300, A330, A350,
21117       A380 and A390.
21119         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21120         ------   --------                             --------
21121             0    LensSpec                             undef[8]
21122            20    AFPointSelected                      int8u
21123            21    FocusModeSetting                     int8u
21124            24    AFPoint                              int8u
21125            27    AFStatusActiveSensor                 int16s
21126            29    AFStatusTop-right                    int16s
21127            31    AFStatusBottom-right                 int16s
21128            33    AFStatusBottom                       int16s
21129            35    AFStatusMiddleHorizontal             int16s
21130            37    AFStatusCenterVertical               int16s
21131            39    AFStatusTop                          int16s
21132            41    AFStatusTop-left                     int16s
21133            43    AFStatusBottom-left                  int16s
21134            45    AFStatusLeft                         int16s
21135            47    AFStatusCenterHorizontal             int16s
21136            49    AFStatusRight                        int16s
21138       Sony CameraInfo3 Tags
21140       Camera information stored by the A33, A35, A55, A450, A500, A550, A560,
21141       A580, NEX-3/5/5C/C3 and VG10E.  Some tags are valid only for some of
21142       these models.
21144         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21145         ------   --------                             --------
21146             0    LensSpec                             undef[8]
21147            14    FocalLength                          int16u
21148            16    FocalLengthTeleZoom                  int16u
21149            20    AFPointSelected                      int8u
21150            21    FocusMode                            int8u
21151            24    AFPoint                              int8u
21152            25    FocusStatus                          int8u
21153            27    AFStatusActiveSensor                 int16s
21154            28    AFPointSelected                      int8u
21155            29    FocusMode                            int8u
21156                  AFStatusTop-right                    int16s
21157            31    AFStatusBottom-right                 int16s
21158            32    AFPoint                              int8u
21159            33    AFStatusActiveSensor                 int16s
21160                  AFStatusBottom                       int16s
21161            35    AFStatus15                           Sony AFStatus15
21162                  AFStatusMiddleHorizontal             int16s
21163            37    AFStatusCenterVertical               int16s
21164            39    AFStatusTop                          int16s
21165            41    AFStatusTop-left                     int16s
21166            43    AFStatusBottom-left                  int16s
21167            45    AFStatusLeft                         int16s
21168            47    AFStatusCenterHorizontal             int16s
21169            49    AFStatusRight                        int16s
21171       Sony AFStatus15 Tags
21173       AF Status information for models with 15-point AF.
21175         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21176         ------   --------                             --------
21177             0    AFStatusUpper-left                   int16s
21178             2    AFStatusLeft                         int16s
21179             4    AFStatusLower-left                   int16s
21180             6    AFStatusFarLeft                      int16s
21181             8    AFStatusTopHorizontal                int16s
21182            10    AFStatusNearRight                    int16s
21183            12    AFStatusCenterHorizontal             int16s
21184            14    AFStatusNearLeft                     int16s
21185            16    AFStatusBottomHorizontal             int16s
21186            18    AFStatusTopVertical                  int16s
21187            20    AFStatusCenterVertical               int16s
21188            22    AFStatusBottomVertical               int16s
21189            24    AFStatusFarRight                     int16s
21190            26    AFStatusUpper-right                  int16s
21191            28    AFStatusRight                        int16s
21192            30    AFStatusLower-right                  int16s
21193            32    AFStatusUpper-middle                 int16s
21194            34    AFStatusLower-middle                 int16s
21196       Sony CameraInfoUnknown Tags
21198         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21199         ------   --------                             --------
21200         [no tags known]
21202       Sony FocusInfo Tags
21204       More camera settings and focus information decoded for models such as
21205       the A200, A230, A290, A300, A330, A350, A380, A390, A700, A850 and
21206       A900.
21208         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21209         ------   --------                             --------
21210            14    DriveMode2                           int8u
21211            16    Rotation                             int8u
21212            20    ImageStabilizationSetting            int8u
21213            21    DynamicRangeOptimizerMode            int8u
21214            43    BracketShotNumber                    int8u
21215            44    WhiteBalanceBracketing               int8u
21216            45    BracketShotNumber2                   int8u
21217            46    DynamicRangeOptimizerBracket         int8u
21218            47    ExposureBracketShotNumber            int8u
21219            63    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21220            65    CreativeStyle                        int8u
21221           109    ISOSetting                           int8u
21222           111    ISO                                  int8u
21223           119    DynamicRangeOptimizerMode            int8u
21224           121    DynamicRangeOptimizerLevel           int8u
21225          2118    ShutterCount                         int32u
21226          2491    FocusPosition                        int8u
21227          4368    TiffMeteringImage                    no
21229       Sony MoreInfo Tags
21231       More camera settings information decoded for the A450, A500, A550,
21232       A560, A580, A33, A35, A55, NEX-3/5/C3 and VG10E.
21234         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
21235         ------   --------                             --------
21236         0x0001   MoreSettings                         Sony MoreSettings
21237         0x0002   FaceInfo                             Sony FaceInfo
21238                  FaceInfoA                            Sony FaceInfoA
21239         0x0107   TiffMeteringImage                    no
21240         0x0201   MoreInfo0201                         Sony MoreInfo0201
21241         0x0401   MoreInfo0401                         Sony MoreInfo0401
21243       Sony MoreSettings Tags
21245         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21246         ------   --------                             --------
21247             1    DriveMode2                           int8u
21248             2    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21249             3    MeteringMode                         int8u
21250             4    DynamicRangeOptimizerSetting         int8u
21251             5    DynamicRangeOptimizerLevel           int8u
21252             6    ColorSpace                           int8u
21253             7    CreativeStyleSetting                 int8u
21254             8    ContrastSetting                      int8s
21255             9    SaturationSetting                    int8s
21256            10    SharpnessSetting                     int8s
21257            13    WhiteBalanceSetting                  int8u
21258            14    ColorTemperatureSetting              int8u
21259            15    ColorCompensationFilterSet           int8s
21260            16    FlashMode                            int8u
21261            17    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
21262            18    HighISONoiseReduction                int8u
21263            19    FocusMode                            int8u
21264            21    MultiFrameNoiseReduction             int8u
21265            22    HDRSetting                           int8u
21266            23    HDRLevel                             int8u
21267            24    ViewingMode                          int8u
21268            25    FaceDetection                        int8u
21269            26    CustomWB_RBLevels                    int16uRev[2]
21270            30    BrightnessValue                      int8u
21271                  ExposureCompensationSet              int8u
21272            31    ISO                                  int8u
21273                  FlashExposureCompSet                 int8u
21274            32    FNumber                              int8u
21275                  LiveViewAFMethod                     int8u
21276            33    ExposureTime                         int8u
21277                  ISO                                  int8u
21278            34    FNumber                              int8u
21279            35    FocalLength2                         int8u
21280                  ExposureTime                         int8u
21281            36    ExposureCompensation2                int16s
21282            37    FocalLength2                         int8u
21283                  ISO                                  int8u
21284            38    FlashExposureCompSet2                int16s
21285                  ExposureCompensation2                int16s
21286                  FNumber                              int8u
21287            39    ExposureTime                         int8u
21288            40    Orientation2                         int8u
21289            41    FocusPosition2                       int8u
21290                  FocalLength2                         int8u
21291            42    FlashAction                          int8u
21292                  ExposureCompensation2                int16s
21293            43    FocusPosition2                       int8u
21294            44    FocusMode2                           int8u
21295                  FlashAction                          int8u
21296                  FlashExposureCompSet2                int16s
21297            46    FocusMode2                           int8u
21298                  Orientation2                         int8u
21299            47    FocusPosition2                       int8u
21300            48    FlashAction                          int8u
21301            50    FocusMode2                           int8u
21302           119    FlashAction2                         int8u
21303           120    FlashActionExternal                  int8u
21304           124    FlashActionExternal                  int8u
21305           130    FlashStatus                          int8u
21306           134    FlashStatus                          int8u
21308       Sony FaceInfo Tags
21310         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
21311         ------   --------                             --------
21312             0    FacesDetected                        int16s
21313             1    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
21314             6    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
21315            11    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
21316            16    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
21317            21    Face5Position                        int16u[4]
21318            26    Face6Position                        int16u[4]
21319            31    Face7Position                        int16u[4]
21320            36    Face8Position                        int16u[4]
21322       Sony FaceInfoA Tags
21324         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
21325         ------   --------                             --------
21326             3    FacesDetected                        no
21327            11    PotentialFace1Position               int16u[4]
21328            21    PotentialFace2Position               int16u[4]
21329            31    PotentialFace3Position               int16u[4]
21330            41    PotentialFace4Position               int16u[4]
21331            51    PotentialFace5Position               int16u[4]
21332            61    PotentialFace6Position               int16u[4]
21333            71    PotentialFace7Position               int16u[4]
21334            81    PotentialFace8Position               int16u[4]
21335            91    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
21336           101    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
21337           111    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
21338           121    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
21340       Sony MoreInfo0201 Tags
21342         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21343         ------   --------                             --------
21344           283    ImageCount                           int32u
21345           293    ShutterCount                         int32u
21346           330    ShutterCount                         int32u
21348       Sony MoreInfo0401 Tags
21350         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21351         ------   --------                             --------
21352          1102    ShotNumberSincePowerUp               int32u
21354       Sony CameraSettings Tags
21356       Camera settings for the A200, A300, A350, A700, A850 and A900.
21358         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
21359         ------   --------                             --------
21360             0    ExposureTime                         int16u
21361             1    FNumber                              int16u
21362             2    HighSpeedSync                        int16u
21363             3    ExposureCompensationSet              int16u
21364             4    DriveMode                            int16u & 0xff
21365             5    WhiteBalanceSetting                  int16u
21366             6    WhiteBalanceFineTune                 int16u
21367             7    ColorTemperatureSet                  int16u
21368             8    ColorCompensationFilterSet           int16u
21369            12    ColorTemperatureCustom               int16u
21370            13    ColorCompensationFilterCustom        int16u
21371            15    WhiteBalance                         int16u
21372            16    FocusModeSetting                     int16u
21373            17    AFAreaMode                           int16u
21374            18    AFPointSetting                       int16u
21375            19    FlashMode                            int16u
21376            20    FlashExposureCompSet                 int16u
21377            21    MeteringMode                         int16u
21378            22    ISOSetting                           int16u
21379            24    DynamicRangeOptimizerMode            int16u
21380            25    DynamicRangeOptimizerLevel           int16u
21381            26    CreativeStyle                        int16u
21382            27    ColorSpace                           int16u
21383            28    Sharpness                            int16u
21384            29    Contrast                             int16u
21385            30    Saturation                           int16u
21386            31    ZoneMatchingValue                    int16u
21387            34    Brightness                           int16u
21388            35    FlashControl                         int16u
21389            40    PrioritySetupShutterRelease          int16u
21390            41    AFIlluminator                        int16u
21391            42    AFWithShutter                        int16u
21392            43    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int16u
21393            44    HighISONoiseReduction                int16u
21394            45    ImageStyle                           int16u
21395            46    FocusModeSwitch                      int16u
21396            47    ShutterSpeedSetting                  int16u
21397            48    ApertureSetting                      int16u
21398            60    ExposureProgram                      int16u
21399            61    ImageStabilizationSetting            int16u
21400            62    FlashAction                          int16u
21401            63    Rotation                             int16u
21402            64    AELock                               int16u
21403            76    FlashAction2                         int16u
21404            77    FocusMode                            int16u
21405            80    BatteryState                         int16u
21406            81    BatteryLevel                         int16u
21407            83    FocusStatus                          int16u
21408            84    SonyImageSize                        int16u
21409            85    AspectRatio                          int16u
21410            86    Quality                              int16u
21411            88    ExposureLevelIncrements              int16u
21412           106    RedEyeReduction                      int16u
21413           154    FolderNumber                         int16u & 0x3ff
21414           155    ImageNumber                          int16u & 0x3fff
21416       Sony CameraSettings2 Tags
21418       Camera settings for the A230, A290, A330, A380 and A390.
21420         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
21421         ------   --------                             --------
21422             0    ExposureTime                         int16u
21423             1    FNumber                              int16u
21424             2    HighSpeedSync                        int16u
21425             3    ExposureCompensationSet              int16u
21426             4    WhiteBalanceSetting                  int16u
21427             5    WhiteBalanceFineTune                 int16u
21428             6    ColorTemperatureSet                  int16u
21429             7    ColorCompensationFilterSet           int16u
21430             8    CustomWB_RGBLevels                   int16u[3]
21431            11    ColorTemperatureCustom               int16u
21432            12    ColorCompensationFilterCustom        int16u
21433            14    WhiteBalance                         int16u
21434            15    FocusModeSetting                     int16u
21435            16    AFAreaMode                           int16u
21436            17    AFPointSetting                       int16u
21437            18    FlashExposureCompSet                 int16u
21438            19    MeteringMode                         int16u
21439            20    ISOSetting                           int16u
21440            22    DynamicRangeOptimizerMode            int16u
21441            23    DynamicRangeOptimizerLevel           int16u
21442            24    CreativeStyle                        int16u
21443            25    Sharpness                            int16u
21444            26    Contrast                             int16u
21445            27    Saturation                           int16u
21446            31    FlashControl                         int16u
21447            37    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int16u
21448            38    HighISONoiseReduction                int16u
21449            39    ImageStyle                           int16u
21450            40    ShutterSpeedSetting                  int16u
21451            41    ApertureSetting                      int16u
21452            60    ExposureProgram                      int16u
21453            61    ImageStabilizationSetting            int16u
21454            62    FlashAction                          int16u
21455            63    Rotation                             int16u
21456            64    AELock                               int16u
21457            76    FlashAction2                         int16u
21458            77    FocusMode                            int16u
21459            83    FocusStatus                          int16u
21460            84    SonyImageSize                        int16u
21461            85    AspectRatio                          int16u
21462            86    Quality                              int16u
21463            88    ExposureLevelIncrements              int16u
21464           126    DriveMode                            int16u & 0xff
21465           127    FlashMode                            int16u
21466           131    ColorSpace                           int16u
21468       Sony CameraSettings3 Tags
21470       Camera settings for models such as the A33, A35, A55, A450, A500, A550,
21471       A560, A580, NEX-3, NEX-5, NEX-C3 and NEX-VG10E.
21473         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21474         ------   --------                             --------
21475             0    ShutterSpeedSetting                  int8u
21476             1    ApertureSetting                      int8u
21477             2    ISOSetting                           int8u
21478             3    ExposureCompensationSet              int8u
21479             4    DriveModeSetting                     int8u
21480             5    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21481             6    FocusModeSetting                     int8u
21482             7    MeteringMode                         int8u
21483             9    SonyImageSize                        int8u
21484            10    AspectRatio                          int8u
21485            11    Quality                              int8u
21486            12    DynamicRangeOptimizerSetting         int8u
21487            13    DynamicRangeOptimizerLevel           int8u
21488            14    ColorSpace                           int8u
21489            15    CreativeStyleSetting                 int8u
21490            16    ContrastSetting                      int8s
21491            17    SaturationSetting                    int8s
21492            18    SharpnessSetting                     int8s
21493            22    WhiteBalanceSetting                  int8u
21494            23    ColorTemperatureSetting              int8u
21495            24    ColorCompensationFilterSet           int8s
21496            25    CustomWB_RGBLevels                   int16uRev[3]
21497            32    FlashMode                            int8u
21498            33    FlashControl                         int8u
21499            35    FlashExposureCompSet                 int8u
21500            36    AFAreaMode                           int8u
21501            37    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
21502            38    HighISONoiseReduction                int8u
21503            39    SmileShutterMode                     int8u
21504            40    RedEyeReduction                      int8u
21505            45    HDRSetting                           int8u
21506            46    HDRLevel                             int8u
21507            47    ViewingMode                          int8u
21508            48    FaceDetection                        int8u
21509            49    SmileShutter                         int8u
21510            50    SweepPanoramaSize                    int8u
21511            51    SweepPanoramaDirection               int8u
21512            52    DriveMode                            int8u
21513            53    MultiFrameNoiseReduction             int8u
21514            54    LiveViewAFSetting                    int8u
21515            56    PanoramaSize3D                       int8u
21516           131    AFButtonPressed                      int8u
21517           132    LiveViewMetering                     int8u
21518           133    ViewingMode2                         int8u
21519           134    AELock                               int8u
21520           135    FlashStatusBuilt-in                  int8u
21521           136    FlashStatusExternal                  int8u
21522           139    LiveViewFocusMode                    int8u
21523           153    LensMount                            int8u
21524           268    SequenceNumber                       int8u
21525           276    FolderNumber                         int32u & 0xffc000
21526         276.1    ImageNumber                          int32u & 0x3fff
21527           512    ShotNumberSincePowerUp2              int32u
21528           643    AFButtonPressed                      int8u
21529           644    LiveViewMetering                     int8u
21530           645    ViewingMode2                         int8u
21531           646    AELock                               int8u
21532           647    FlashStatusBuilt-in                  int8u
21533           648    FlashStatusExternal                  int8u
21534           651    LiveViewFocusMode                    int8u
21535           780    SequenceNumber                       int8u
21536           788    ImageNumber                          int16u & 0x3fff
21537           790    FolderNumber                         int16u & 0x3ff
21538          1008    LensE-mountVersion                   int16u
21539          1011    LensFirmwareVersion                  int16u~
21540          1015    LensType2                            int16u
21541          1024    ImageNumber                          int16u & 0x3fff
21542          1026    FolderNumber                         int16u & 0x3ff
21544       Sony CameraSettingsUnknown Tags
21546         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
21547         ------   --------                             --------
21548         [no tags known]
21550       Sony ExtraInfo Tags
21552       Extra hardware information for the A850 and A900.
21554         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21555         ------   --------                             --------
21556             1    BatteryTemperature                   int8u
21557             2    BatteryUnknown?                      no
21558             8    BatteryVoltage?                      no
21559            10    ImageStabilization2?                 int8u
21560            12    BatteryLevel                         int8u
21561            26    ExtraInfoVersion                     int8u[4]
21563       Sony ExtraInfo2 Tags
21565       Extra hardware information for the A230/290/330/380/390.
21567         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21568         ------   --------                             --------
21569             4    BatteryLevel                         int8u
21570            18    ImageStabilization                   int8u
21572       Sony ExtraInfo3 Tags
21574       Extra hardware information for the A33, A35, A55, A450, A500, A550,
21575       A560, A580 and NEX-3/5/C3/VG10.
21577         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21578         ------   --------                             --------
21579             0    BatteryUnknown?                      int16u
21580             2    BatteryTemperature                   int8u
21581             4    BatteryLevel                         int8u
21582             6    BatteryVoltage1                      int16u
21583             8    BatteryVoltage2                      int16u
21584            17    ImageStabilization                   int8u
21585            20    BatteryState                         int8u
21586                  ExposureProgram                      int8u
21587                  ModeDialPosition                     int8u
21588            22    MemoryCardConfiguration              int8u & 0xc0
21589                  CameraOrientation                    int8u
21590            24    CameraOrientation                    int8u & 0x30
21592       Sony Panorama Tags
21594       Tags found in panorama images from various Sony DSC, NEX, SLT and DSLR
21595       cameras.  The width/height values of these tags are not affected by
21596       camera rotation -- the width is always the longer dimension.
21598         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
21599         ------   --------                             --------
21600             1    PanoramaFullWidth                    int32u
21601             2    PanoramaFullHeight                   int32u
21602             3    PanoramaDirection                    int32u
21603             4    PanoramaCropLeft                     int32u
21604             5    PanoramaCropTop                      int32u
21605             6    PanoramaCropRight                    int32u
21606             7    PanoramaCropBottom                   int32u
21607             8    PanoramaFrameWidth                   int32u
21608             9    PanoramaFrameHeight                  int32u
21609            10    PanoramaSourceWidth                  int32u
21610            11    PanoramaSourceHeight                 int32u
21612       Sony Tag2010a Tags
21614       Valid for NEX-5N.
21616         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21617         ------   --------                             --------
21618          1200    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21619          4392    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21620          4396    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21621          4404    SelfTimer                            int8u
21622          4408    FlashMode                            int8u
21623          4414    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21624          4416    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21625          4420    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21626          4424    HDRSetting                           int8u
21627          4428    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
21628          4446    PictureProfile                       int8u
21629          4447    PictureProfile                       int8u
21630          4451    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21631          4464    Quality2                             int8u
21632          4468    MeteringMode                         int8u
21633          4469    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21634          4476    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21636       Sony MeterInfo Tags
21638       Information possibly related to metering.  Extracted only if the
21639       Unknown option is used.
21641         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21642         ------   --------                             --------
21643             0    MeterInfo1Row1                       int32u[27]
21644           108    MeterInfo1Row2                       int32u[27]
21645           216    MeterInfo1Row3                       int32u[27]
21646           324    MeterInfo1Row4                       int32u[27]
21647           432    MeterInfo1Row5                       int32u[27]
21648           540    MeterInfo1Row6                       int32u[27]
21649           648    MeterInfo1Row7                       int32u[27]
21650           756    MeterInfo2Row1                       int32u[33]
21651           888    MeterInfo2Row2                       int32u[33]
21652          1020    MeterInfo2Row3                       int32u[33]
21653          1152    MeterInfo2Row4                       int32u[33]
21654          1284    MeterInfo2Row5                       int32u[33]
21655          1416    MeterInfo2Row6                       int32u[33]
21656          1548    MeterInfo2Row7                       int32u[33]
21657          1680    MeterInfo2Row8                       int32u[33]
21658          1812    MeterInfo2Row9                       int32u[33]
21660       Sony Tag2010b Tags
21662       Valid for SLT-A65/A77, NEX-7/VG20E.
21664         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21665         ------   --------                             --------
21666             0    SequenceImageNumber                  int32u
21667             4    SequenceFileNumber                   int32u
21668             8    ReleaseMode2                         int32u
21669           438    SonyDateTime                         undef[7]
21670           804    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21671          1204    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21672          4392    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21673          4396    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21674          4404    SelfTimer                            int8u
21675          4408    FlashMode                            int8u
21676          4414    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21677          4416    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21678          4420    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21679          4424    HDRSetting                           int8u
21680          4428    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
21681          4450    PictureProfile                       int8u
21682          4451    PictureProfile                       int8u
21683          4455    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21684          4468    Quality2                             int8u
21685          4472    MeteringMode                         int8u
21686          4473    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21687          4480    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21688          4632    SonyISO                              int16u
21689          6691    DistortionCorrParams                 int16s[16]
21691       Sony Tag2010c Tags
21693       Valid for SLT-A37/A57 and NEX-F3.
21695         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21696         ------   --------                             --------
21697             0    SequenceImageNumber                  int32u
21698             4    SequenceFileNumber                   int32u
21699             8    ReleaseMode2                         int32u
21700           512    DigitalZoomRatio                     int8u
21701           528    SonyDateTime                         undef[7]
21702           768    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21703          1168    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21704          4356    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21705          4360    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21706          4368    SelfTimer                            int8u
21707          4372    FlashMode                            int8u
21708          4378    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21709          4380    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21710          4384    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21711          4388    HDRSetting                           int8u
21712          4392    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
21713          4414    PictureProfile                       int8u
21714          4415    PictureProfile                       int8u
21715          4419    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21716          4432    Quality2                             int8u
21717          4436    MeteringMode                         int8u
21718          4437    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21719          4444    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21720          4596    SonyISO                              int16u
21722       Sony Tag2010d Tags
21724       Valid for DSC-HX10V/HX20V/HX200V/TX66/TX200V/TX300V/WX50/WX100/WX150,
21725       but not valid for panorama images.
21727         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21728         ------   --------                             --------
21729             0    SequenceImageNumber                  int32u
21730             4    SequenceFileNumber                   int32u
21731             8    ReleaseMode2                         int32u
21732           510    SonyDateTime                         undef[7]
21733           892    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21734          1292    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21735          4480    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21736          4484    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21737          4492    SelfTimer                            int8u
21738          4496    FlashMode                            int8u
21739          4502    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21740          4504    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21741          4508    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21742          4512    HDRSetting                           int8u
21743          4538    PictureProfile                       int8u
21744          4539    PictureProfile                       int8u
21745          4543    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21746          4560    MeteringMode                         int8u
21747          4561    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21748          4568    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21749          4720    SonyISO                              int16u
21751       Sony Tag2010e Tags
21753       Valid for SLT-A58/A99, ILCE-3000/3500, NEX-3N/5R/5T/6/VG30E/VG900,
21754       DSC-RX100, DSC-RX1/RX1R. Also valid for
21755       DSC-HX300/HX50V/TX30/WX60/WX200/ WX300, but not for panorama images.
21757         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21758         ------   --------                             --------
21759             0    SequenceImageNumber                  int32u
21760             4    SequenceFileNumber                   int32u
21761             8    ReleaseMode2                         int32u
21762           540    DigitalZoomRatio                     int8u
21763           556    SonyDateTime                         undef[7]
21764           808    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21765          1208    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21766          4444    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21767          4448    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21768          4456    SelfTimer                            int8u
21769          4460    FlashMode                            int8u
21770          4466    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21771          4468    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21772          4472    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21773          4476    HDRSetting                           int8u
21774          4480    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
21775          4502    PictureProfile                       int8u
21776          4503    PictureProfile                       int8u
21777          4507    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21778          4520    Quality2                             int8u
21779          4524    MeteringMode                         int8u
21780          4525    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21781          4532    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21782          4692    SonyISO                              int16u
21783          4696    SonyISO                              int16u
21784          4728    FocalLength                          int16u
21785          4730    MinFocalLength                       int16u
21786          4732    MaxFocalLength                       int16u
21787          4736    SonyISO                              int16u
21788          6256    DistortionCorrParams                 int16s[16]
21789          6289    LensFormat                           int8u
21790          6290    LensMount                            int8u
21791          6291    LensType2                            int16u
21792          6294    LensType                             int16u
21793          6296    DistortionCorrParamsPresent          int8u
21794          6297    DistortionCorrParamsNumber           int8u
21795          6444    AspectRatio                          int8u
21796          6792    AspectRatio                          int8u
21798       Sony Tag2010f Tags
21800       Valid for DSC-RX100M2, DSC-QX10/QX100.
21802         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21803         ------   --------                             --------
21804             4    ReleaseMode2                         int32u
21805            80    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21806           480    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21807          4116    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21808          4120    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21809          4128    SelfTimer                            int8u
21810          4132    FlashMode                            int8u
21811          4138    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21812          4140    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21813          4144    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21814          4148    HDRSetting                           int8u
21815          4152    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
21816          4174    PictureProfile                       int8u
21817          4175    PictureProfile                       int8u
21818          4179    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21819          4192    Quality2                             int8u
21820          4196    MeteringMode                         int8u
21821          4197    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21822          4204    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21823          4404    FocalLength                          int16u
21824          4406    MinFocalLength                       int16u
21825          4408    MaxFocalLength                       int16u
21826          4412    SonyISO                              int16u
21827          6444    AspectRatio                          int8u
21829       Sony Tag2010g Tags
21831       Valid for DSC-HX60V/HX350/HX400V/QX30/RX10/RX100M3/WX220/WX350,
21832       ILCE-7/7R/7S/7M2/5000/5100/6000/QX1, ILCA-68/77M2.
21834         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21835         ------   --------                             --------
21836             4    ReleaseMode2                         int32u
21837            80    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21838           524    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21839           528    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21840           536    SelfTimer                            int8u
21841           540    FlashMode                            int8u
21842           546    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21843           548    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21844           552    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21845           556    HDRSetting                           int8u
21846           560    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
21847           582    PictureProfile                       int8u
21848           583    PictureProfile                       int8u
21849           587    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21850           600    Quality2                             int8u
21851           604    MeteringMode                         int8u
21852           605    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21853           612    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21854           812    FocalLength                          int16u
21855           814    MinFocalLength                       int16u
21856           816    MaxFocalLength                       int16u
21857           836    SonyISO                              int16u
21858           904    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21859          6300    DistortionCorrParams                 int16s[16]
21860          6333    LensFormat                           int8u
21861          6334    LensMount                            int8u
21862          6335    LensType2                            int16u
21863          6338    LensType                             int16u
21864          6340    DistortionCorrParamsPresent          int8u
21865          6341    DistortionCorrParamsNumber           int8u
21866          6488    AspectRatio                          int8u
21868       Sony Tag2010h Tags
21870       Valid for
21871       DSC-HX80/HX90V/RX0/RX1RM2/RX10M2/RX10M3/RX100M4/RX100M5/WX500,
21872       ILCE-6300/6500/7RM2/7SM2, ILCA-99M2.
21874         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21875         ------   --------                             --------
21876             4    ReleaseMode2                         int32u
21877            80    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21878           524    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21879           528    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21880           536    SelfTimer                            int8u
21881           540    FlashMode                            int8u
21882           546    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21883           548    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21884           552    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21885           556    HDRSetting                           int8u
21886           560    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
21887           582    PictureProfile                       int8u
21888           583    PictureProfile                       int8u
21889           587    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21890           600    Quality2                             int8u
21891           604    MeteringMode                         int8u
21892           605    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21893           612    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21894           812    FocalLength                          int16u
21895           814    MinFocalLength                       int16u
21896           816    MaxFocalLength                       int16u
21897           838    SonyISO                              int16u
21898           904    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21899           920    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo
21900          6348    DistortionCorrParams                 int16s[16]
21901          6381    LensFormat                           int8u
21902          6382    LensMount                            int8u
21903          6383    LensType2                            int16u
21904          6386    LensType                             int16u
21905          6388    DistortionCorrParamsPresent          int8u
21906          6389    DistortionCorrParamsNumber           int8u
21907          6444    AspectRatio                          int8u
21909       Sony Tag2010i Tags
21911       Valid for ILCE-6100/6400/6600/7C/7M3/7RM3/7RM4/9/9M2,
21912       DSC-RX0M2/RX10M4/RX100M6/ RX100M5A/RX100M7/HX99.
21914         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21915         ------   --------                             --------
21916             4    ReleaseMode2                         int32u
21917            78    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21918           516    ReleaseMode3                         int8u
21919           520    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
21920           528    SelfTimer                            int8u
21921           529    FlashMode                            int8u
21922           535    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
21923           537    BrightnessValue                      int16u
21924           539    DynamicRangeOptimizer                int8u
21925           543    HDRSetting                           int8u
21926           547    ExposureCompensation                 int16s
21927           567    PictureProfile                       int8u
21928           568    PictureProfile                       int8u
21929           572    PictureEffect2                       int8u
21930           583    Quality2                             int8u
21931           587    MeteringMode                         int8u
21932           588    ExposureProgram                      int8u
21933           594    WB_RGBLevels                         int16u[3]
21934           778    FocalLength                          int16u
21935           780    MinFocalLength                       int16u
21936           782    MaxFocalLength                       int16u
21937           800    SonyISO                              int16u
21938           877    MeterInfo?                           Sony MeterInfo9
21939          6096    DistortionCorrParams                 int16s[16]
21940          6129    LensFormat                           int8u
21941          6130    LensMount                            int8u
21942          6131    LensType2                            int16u
21943          6134    LensType                             int16u
21944          6136    DistortionCorrParamsPresent          int8u
21945          6137    DistortionCorrParamsNumber           int8u
21946          6284    AspectRatio                          int8u
21948       Sony MeterInfo9 Tags
21950       Information possibly related to metering.  Extracted only if the
21951       Unknown option is used.
21953         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21954         ------   --------                             --------
21955             0    MeterInfo1Row1                       no
21956            90    MeterInfo1Row2                       no
21957           180    MeterInfo1Row3                       no
21958           270    MeterInfo1Row4                       no
21959           360    MeterInfo1Row5                       no
21960           450    MeterInfo1Row6                       no
21961           540    MeterInfo1Row7                       no
21962           630    MeterInfo2Row1                       no
21963           740    MeterInfo2Row2                       no
21964           850    MeterInfo2Row3                       no
21965           960    MeterInfo2Row4                       no
21966          1070    MeterInfo2Row5                       no
21967          1180    MeterInfo2Row6                       no
21968          1290    MeterInfo2Row7                       no
21969          1400    MeterInfo2Row8                       no
21970          1510    MeterInfo2Row9                       no
21972       Sony Tag202a Tags
21974         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21975         ------   --------                             --------
21976             1    FocalPlaneAFPointsUsed               int8u
21977             2    FocalPlaneAFPointArea                int16u[2]
21978             6    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation1           int16u[2]
21979            10    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation2           int16u[2]
21980            14    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation3           int16u[2]
21981            18    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation4           int16u[2]
21982            22    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation5           int16u[2]
21983            26    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation6           int16u[2]
21984            30    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation7           int16u[2]
21985            34    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation8           int16u[2]
21986            38    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation9           int16u[2]
21987            42    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation10          int16u[2]
21988            46    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation11          int16u[2]
21989            50    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation12          int16u[2]
21990            54    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation13          int16u[2]
21991            58    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation14          int16u[2]
21992            62    FocalPlaneAFPointLocation15          int16u[2]
21994       Sony ShotInfo Tags
21996         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
21997         ------   --------                             --------
21998             2    FaceInfoOffset                       no
21999             6    SonyDateTime                         string[20]
22000            26    SonyImageHeight                      int16u
22001            28    SonyImageWidth                       int16u
22002            48    FacesDetected                        int16u
22003            50    FaceInfoLength                       no
22004            52    MetaVersion                          string[16]
22005            72    FaceInfo1                            Sony FaceInfo1
22006            94    FaceInfo2                            Sony FaceInfo2
22008       Sony FaceInfo1 Tags
22010         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22011         ------   --------                             --------
22012             0    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
22013            32    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
22014            64    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
22015            96    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
22016           128    Face5Position                        int16u[4]
22017           160    Face6Position                        int16u[4]
22018           192    Face7Position                        int16u[4]
22019           224    Face8Position                        int16u[4]
22021       Sony FaceInfo2 Tags
22023         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22024         ------   --------                             --------
22025             0    Face1Position                        int16u[4]
22026            37    Face2Position                        int16u[4]
22027            74    Face3Position                        int16u[4]
22028           111    Face4Position                        int16u[4]
22029           148    Face5Position                        int16u[4]
22030           185    Face6Position                        int16u[4]
22031           222    Face7Position                        int16u[4]
22032           259    Face8Position                        int16u[4]
22034       Sony Tag900b Tags
22036         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22037         ------   --------                             --------
22038             2    FacesDetected                        no
22039           189    FaceDetection                        no
22041       Sony Tag9050a Tags
22043       Data for tags 0x9050, 0x94xx and 0x2010 is encrypted by a simple
22044       substitution cipher, but the deciphered values are listed below.
22046         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22047         ------   --------                             --------
22048             0    SonyMaxAperture                      int8u
22049             1    SonyMinAperture                      int8u
22050            32    Shutter                              int16u[3]
22051            49    FlashStatus                          int8u
22052            50    ShutterCount                         int32u
22053            58    SonyExposureTime                     int16u
22054            60    SonyFNumber                          int16u
22055            63    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22056            76    ShutterCount2                        int32u
22057            81    SonyDateTime2                        undef[6]
22058           103    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22059           124    InternalSerialNumber                 int8u[4]~
22060           240    InternalSerialNumber                 int8u[5]
22061           261    LensMount                            int8u
22062           262    LensFormat                           int8u
22063           263    LensType2                            int16u
22064           265    LensType                             int16u
22065           267    DistortionCorrParamsPresent          int8u
22066           276    APS-CSizeCapture                     int8u
22067           277    LensSpecFeatures                     undef[2]
22068           278    LensSpecFeatures                     undef[2]
22069           416    ShutterCount3                        int32u
22070           426    ShutterCount3                        int32u
22071           445    ShutterCount3                        int32u
22073       Sony Tag9050b Tags
22075       Valid from July 2015 for
22076       ILCE-6100/6300/6400/6500/6600/7C/7M3/7RM2/7RM3/7RM4/ 7SM2/9/9M2,
22077       ILCA-99M2.
22079         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22080         ------   --------                             --------
22081             0    SonyMaxAperture                      int8u
22082             1    SonyMinAperture                      int8u
22083            38    Shutter                              int16u[3]
22084            57    FlashStatus                          int8u
22085            58    ShutterCount                         int32u
22086            70    SonyExposureTime                     int16u
22087            72    SonyFNumber                          int16u
22088            75    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22089            80    ShutterCount2                        int32u
22090            82    ShutterCount2                        int32u
22091            88    ShutterCount2                        int32u
22092            97    SonyTimeMinSec                       no
22093           107    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22094           109    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22095           115    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22096           136    InternalSerialNumber                 int8u[6]~
22097           261    LensMount                            int8u
22098           262    LensFormat                           int8u
22099           263    LensType2                            int16u
22100           265    LensType                             int16u
22101           267    DistortionCorrParamsPresent          int8u
22102           276    APS-CSizeCapture                     int8u
22103           278    LensSpecFeatures                     undef[2]
22104           415    ShutterCount3                        int32u
22105           459    ShutterCount3                        int32u
22106           461    ShutterCount3                        int32u
22107           491    APS-CSizeCapture                     int8u
22108           493    LensSpecFeatures                     undef[2]
22109           494    APS-CSizeCapture                     int8u
22110           496    LensSpecFeatures                     undef[2]
22111           538    APS-CSizeCapture                     int8u
22112           540    LensSpecFeatures                     undef[2]
22113                  APS-CSizeCapture                     int8u
22114           542    LensSpecFeatures                     undef[2]
22116       Sony Tag9050c Tags
22118       Valid from July 2020 for ILCE-1/7SM3, ILME-FX3.
22120         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22121         ------   --------                             --------
22122            38    Shutter                              int16u[3]
22123            57    FlashStatus                          int8u
22124            58    ShutterCount                         int32u~
22125            70    SonyExposureTime                     int16u
22126            72    SonyFNumber                          int16u
22127            75    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22128            80    ShutterCount2                        int32u
22129           102    SonyExposureTime                     int16u
22130           104    SonyFNumber                          int16u
22131           107    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22132           136    InternalSerialNumber                 int8u[6]~
22133           138    InternalSerialNumber                 int8u[6]~
22135       Sony Tag9050d Tags
22137       Valid for ILCE-6700/7CM2/7CR/ZV-E1.
22139         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22140         ------   --------                             --------
22141            10    ShutterCount                         int32u
22142            26    SonyExposureTime                     int16u
22143            28    SonyFNumber                          int16u
22144            31    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22145            56    InternalSerialNumber                 int8u[6]~
22147       Sony Tag9400a Tags
22149       Valid for many DSC, NEX and SLT models
22151         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22152         ------   --------                             --------
22153             8    SequenceImageNumber                  int32u
22154            12    SequenceFileNumber                   int32u
22155            16    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22156            18    DigitalZoom                          int8u
22157            26    ShotNumberSincePowerUp               int32u
22158            34    SequenceLength                       int8u
22159            40    CameraOrientation                    int8u
22160            41    Quality2                             int8u
22161            68    SonyImageHeight                      int16u~
22162            82    ModelReleaseYear                     int8u~
22164       Sony Tag9400b Tags
22166       Valid for NEX-3N, ILCE-3000/3500, SLT-A58, DSC-WX60, DSC-WX300,
22167       DSC-RX100M2, DSC-HX50V, DSC-QX10/QX100.
22169         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22170         ------   --------                             --------
22171             8    SequenceImageNumber                  int32u
22172            12    SequenceFileNumber                   int32u
22173            16    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22174            18    DigitalZoom                          int8u
22175            22    ShotNumberSincePowerUp               int32u
22176            30    SequenceLength                       int8u
22177            36    CameraOrientation                    int8u
22178            37    Quality2                             int8u
22179            63    SonyImageHeight                      int16u~
22180            70    ModelReleaseYear                     int8u~
22182       Sony Tag9400c Tags
22184       Valid for DSC-HX60V/HX80/HX90V/HX99/HX350/HX400V/QX30/RX0/RX1RM2/RX10/
22185       RX10M2/RX10M3/RX10M4/RX100M3/RX100M4/RX100M5/RX100M5A/RX100M6/RX100M7/WX220/
22186       WX350/WX500,
22187       ILCE-1/7/7C/7R/7S/7M2/7M3/7RM2/7RM3/7RM4/7SM2/7SM3/9/9M2/5000/
22188       5100/6000/6100/6300/6400/6500/6600/QX1, ILCA-68/77M2/99M2.
22190         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22191         ------   --------                             --------
22192             9    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22193            10    ShotNumberSincePowerUp               int32u
22194            18    SequenceImageNumber                  int32u
22195            22    SequenceLength                       int8u
22196            26    SequenceFileNumber                   int32u
22197            30    SequenceLength                       int8u
22198            41    CameraOrientation                    int8u
22199            42    Quality2                             int8u
22200            83    ModelReleaseYear                     int8u~
22201           307    ShutterType                          int8u
22202           313    ShutterType                          int8u
22203           319    ShutterType                          int8u
22205       Sony Tag9401 Tags
22207         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22208         ------   --------                             --------
22209           994    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22210          1012    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22211          1102    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22212          1176    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22213          1181    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22214          1185    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22215          1186    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22216          1210    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22217          1437    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22218          1588    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22219          1590    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22220          1612    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22221          1619    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22222          1656    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22223          1720    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22224          1758    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22225          1767    ISOInfo                              Sony ISOInfo
22227       Sony ISOInfo Tags
22229         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22230         ------   --------                             --------
22231             0    ISOSetting                           int8u
22232             2    ISOAutoMin                           int8u
22233             4    ISOAutoMax                           int8u
22235       Sony Tag9402 Tags
22237         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22238         ------   --------                             --------
22239             4    AmbientTemperature                   int8s
22240            22    FocusMode                            int8u & 0x7f
22241            23    AFAreaMode                           int8u
22242            45    FocusPosition2                       int8u
22244       Sony Tag9403 Tags
22246         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22247         ------   --------                             --------
22248             5    CameraTemperature                    int8s
22250       Sony Tag9404a Tags
22252         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22253         ------   --------                             --------
22254            11    ExposureProgram                      int8u
22255            13    IntelligentAuto                      int8u
22256            25    LensZoomPosition                     int16u
22258       Sony Tag9404b Tags
22260         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22261         ------   --------                             --------
22262            12    ExposureProgram                      int8u
22263            14    IntelligentAuto                      int8u
22264            30    LensZoomPosition                     int16u
22265            32    FocusPosition2                       int8u
22267       Sony Tag9404c Tags
22269         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22270         ------   --------                             --------
22271            11    ExposureProgram                      int8u
22272            13    IntelligentAuto                      int8u
22274       Sony Tag9405a Tags
22276       Valid for SLT, NEX, ILCE-3000/3500 and several DSC models.
22278         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22279         ------   --------                             --------
22280          1536    DistortionCorrParamsPresent          int8u
22281          1537    DistortionCorrection                 int8u
22282          1539    LensFormat                           int8u
22283          1540    LensMount                            int8u
22284          1541    LensType2                            int16u
22285          1544    LensType                             int16u
22286          1610    VignettingCorrParams                 int16s[16]
22287          1642    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        int16s[32]
22288          1738    DistortionCorrParams                 int16s[16]
22290       Sony Tag9405b Tags
22292       Valid for DSC-HX60V/HX80/HX90V/HX99/HX350/HX400V/QX30/RX0/RX10/RX10M2/
22293       RX10M3/RX10M4/RX100M3/RX100M4/RX100M5/RX100M5A/RX100M6/RX100M7/WX220/WX350,
22294       ILCE-7/7M2/7M3/7R/7RM2/7RM3/7RM4/7S/7SM2/9/9M2/5000/5100/6000/6100/6300/
22295       6400/6500/6600/QX1, ILCA-68/77M2/99M2.
22297         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22298         ------   --------                             --------
22299             4    SonyISO                              int16u
22300             6    BaseISO                              int16u
22301            10    StopsAboveBaseISO                    int16u
22302            14    SonyExposureTime2                    int16u
22303            16    ExposureTime                         rational32u
22304            20    SonyFNumber                          int16u
22305            22    SonyMaxApertureValue                 int16u
22306            36    SequenceImageNumber                  int32u
22307            52    ReleaseMode2                         int8u
22308            62    SonyImageWidthMax                    int16u
22309            64    SonyImageHeightMax                   int16u
22310            66    HighISONoiseReduction                int8u
22311            68    LongExposureNoiseReduction           int8u
22312            70    PictureEffect2                       int8u
22313            72    ExposureProgram                      int8u
22314            74    CreativeStyle                        int8u
22315            82    Sharpness                            int8s
22316            90    DistortionCorrParamsPresent          int8u
22317            91    DistortionCorrection                 int8u
22318            93    LensFormat                           int8u
22319            94    LensMount                            int8u
22320            96    LensType2                            int16u
22321            98    LensType                             int16u
22322           100    DistortionCorrParams                 int16s[16]
22323           834    LensZoomPosition                     int16u
22324           842    VignettingCorrParams                 int16s[16]
22325           846    LensZoomPosition                     int16u
22326           848    VignettingCorrParams                 int16s[16]
22327           858    LensZoomPosition                     int16u
22328           860    VignettingCorrParams                 int16s[16]
22329           872    VignettingCorrParams                 int16s[16]
22330           892    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        int16s[32]
22331           900    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        int16s[32]
22332           924    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        int16s[32]
22333           944    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        int16s[32]
22334           952    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        int16s[32]
22336       Sony Tag9406 Tags
22338         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22339         ------   --------                             --------
22340             5    BatteryTemperature                   int8u
22341             6    BatteryLevelGrip1                    int8u
22342             7    BatteryLevel                         int8u
22343             8    BatteryLevelGrip2                    int8u
22345       Sony Tag9406b Tags
22347         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22348         ------   --------                             --------
22349             5    BatteryLevel                         int8u
22350             7    BatteryLevel2                        int8u
22352       Sony Tag940a Tags
22354       These tags are currently extracted for SLT models only.
22356         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22357         ------   --------                             --------
22358             4    AFPointsSelected                     int32u
22360       Sony Tag940c Tags
22362       E-mount cameras only.
22364         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22365         ------   --------                             --------
22366             8    LensMount2                           int8u
22367             9    LensType3                            int16u
22368            11    CameraE-mountVersion                 int16u
22369            13    LensE-mountVersion                   int16u
22370            20    LensFirmwareVersion                  int16u~
22372       Sony AFInfo Tags
22374       These tags are currently extracted for SLT models only.
22376         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22377         ------   --------                             --------
22378             2    AFType                               int8u
22379             4    AFStatusActiveSensor                 int16s
22380             5    FocusMode                            int8u
22381             7    AFPoint                              int8u
22382             8    AFPointInFocus                       int8u
22383             9    AFPointAtShutterRelease              int8u
22384            10    AFAreaMode                           int8u
22385            11    FocusMode                            int8u
22386            16    AFPointsUsed                         int8u[10]
22387            17    AFStatus15                           Sony AFStatus15
22388                  AFStatus19                           Sony AFStatus19
22389            55    AFPoint                              int8u
22390            56    AFPointInFocus                       int8u
22391            57    AFPointAtShutterRelease              int8u
22392            58    AFAreaMode                           int8u
22393            59    AFStatusActiveSensor                 int16s
22394            67    ExposureProgram                      int8u
22395            80    AFMicroAdj                           int8s
22396           125    AFStatus79                           Sony AFStatus79
22397           366    AFPointsUsed                         int32u
22398           381    AFMicroAdj                           int8s
22399           382    ExposureProgram                      int8u
22401       Sony AFStatus19 Tags
22403       AF Status information for models with 19-point AF.
22405         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22406         ------   --------                             --------
22407             0    AFStatusUpperFarLeft                 int16s
22408             2    AFStatusUpper-leftHorizontal         int16s
22409             4    AFStatusFarLeftHorizontal            int16s
22410             6    AFStatusLeftHorizontal               int16s
22411             8    AFStatusLowerFarLeft                 int16s
22412            10    AFStatusLower-leftHorizontal         int16s
22413            12    AFStatusUpper-leftVertical           int16s
22414            14    AFStatusLeftVertical                 int16s
22415            16    AFStatusLower-leftVertical           int16s
22416            18    AFStatusFarLeftVertical              int16s
22417            20    AFStatusTopHorizontal                int16s
22418            22    AFStatusNearRight                    int16s
22419            24    AFStatusCenterHorizontal             int16s
22420            26    AFStatusNearLeft                     int16s
22421            28    AFStatusBottomHorizontal             int16s
22422            30    AFStatusTopVertical                  int16s
22423            32    AFStatusUpper-middle                 int16s
22424            34    AFStatusCenterVertical               int16s
22425            36    AFStatusLower-middle                 int16s
22426            38    AFStatusBottomVertical               int16s
22427            40    AFStatusUpperFarRight                int16s
22428            42    AFStatusUpper-rightHorizontal        int16s
22429            44    AFStatusFarRightHorizontal           int16s
22430            46    AFStatusRightHorizontal              int16s
22431            48    AFStatusLowerFarRight                int16s
22432            50    AFStatusLower-rightHorizontal        int16s
22433            52    AFStatusFarRightVertical             int16s
22434            54    AFStatusUpper-rightVertical          int16s
22435            56    AFStatusRightVertical                int16s
22436            58    AFStatusLower-rightVertical          int16s
22438       Sony AFStatus79 Tags
22440       AF Status information for models with 79-point AF.
22442         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22443         ------   --------                             --------
22444             0    AFStatus_00_B4                       int16s
22445             2    AFStatus_01_C4                       int16s
22446             4    AFStatus_02_D4                       int16s
22447             6    AFStatus_03_E4                       int16s
22448             8    AFStatus_04_F4                       int16s
22449            10    AFStatus_05_G4                       int16s
22450            12    AFStatus_06_H4                       int16s
22451            14    AFStatus_07_B3                       int16s
22452            16    AFStatus_08_C3                       int16s
22453            18    AFStatus_09_D3                       int16s
22454            20    AFStatus_10_E3                       int16s
22455            22    AFStatus_11_F3                       int16s
22456            24    AFStatus_12_G3                       int16s
22457            26    AFStatus_13_H3                       int16s
22458            28    AFStatus_14_B2                       int16s
22459            30    AFStatus_15_C2                       int16s
22460            32    AFStatus_16_D2                       int16s
22461            34    AFStatus_17_E2                       int16s
22462            36    AFStatus_18_F2                       int16s
22463            38    AFStatus_19_G2                       int16s
22464            40    AFStatus_20_H2                       int16s
22465            42    AFStatus_21_C1                       int16s
22466            44    AFStatus_22_D1                       int16s
22467            46    AFStatus_23_E1                       int16s
22468            48    AFStatus_24_F1                       int16s
22469            50    AFStatus_25_G1                       int16s
22470            52    AFStatus_26_A7_Vertical              int16s
22471            54    AFStatus_27_A6_Vertical              int16s
22472            56    AFStatus_28_A5_Vertical              int16s
22473            58    AFStatus_29_C7_Vertical              int16s
22474            60    AFStatus_30_C6_Vertical              int16s
22475            62    AFStatus_31_C5_Vertical              int16s
22476            64    AFStatus_32_E7_Vertical              int16s
22477            66    AFStatus_33_E6_Center_Vertical       int16s
22478            68    AFStatus_34_E5_Vertical              int16s
22479            70    AFStatus_35_G7_Vertical              int16s
22480            72    AFStatus_36_G6_Vertical              int16s
22481            74    AFStatus_37_G5_Vertical              int16s
22482            76    AFStatus_38_I7_Vertical              int16s
22483            78    AFStatus_39_I6_Vertical              int16s
22484            80    AFStatus_40_I5_Vertical              int16s
22485            82    AFStatus_41_A7                       int16s
22486            84    AFStatus_42_B7                       int16s
22487            86    AFStatus_43_C7                       int16s
22488            88    AFStatus_44_D7                       int16s
22489            90    AFStatus_45_E7                       int16s
22490            92    AFStatus_46_F7                       int16s
22491            94    AFStatus_47_G7                       int16s
22492            96    AFStatus_48_H7                       int16s
22493            98    AFStatus_49_I7                       int16s
22494           100    AFStatus_50_A6                       int16s
22495           102    AFStatus_51_B6                       int16s
22496           104    AFStatus_52_C6                       int16s
22497           106    AFStatus_53_D6                       int16s
22498           108    AFStatus_54_E6_Center                int16s
22499           110    AFStatus_55_F6                       int16s
22500           112    AFStatus_56_G6                       int16s
22501           114    AFStatus_57_H6                       int16s
22502           116    AFStatus_58_I6                       int16s
22503           118    AFStatus_59_A5                       int16s
22504           120    AFStatus_60_B5                       int16s
22505           122    AFStatus_61_C5                       int16s
22506           124    AFStatus_62_D5                       int16s
22507           126    AFStatus_63_E5                       int16s
22508           128    AFStatus_64_F5                       int16s
22509           130    AFStatus_65_G5                       int16s
22510           132    AFStatus_66_H5                       int16s
22511           134    AFStatus_67_I5                       int16s
22512           136    AFStatus_68_C11                      int16s
22513           138    AFStatus_69_D11                      int16s
22514           140    AFStatus_70_E11                      int16s
22515           142    AFStatus_71_F11                      int16s
22516           144    AFStatus_72_G11                      int16s
22517           146    AFStatus_73_B10                      int16s
22518           148    AFStatus_74_C10                      int16s
22519           150    AFStatus_75_D10                      int16s
22520           152    AFStatus_76_E10                      int16s
22521           154    AFStatus_77_F10                      int16s
22522           156    AFStatus_78_G10                      int16s
22523           158    AFStatus_79_H10                      int16s
22524           160    AFStatus_80_B9                       int16s
22525           162    AFStatus_81_C9                       int16s
22526           164    AFStatus_82_D9                       int16s
22527           166    AFStatus_83_E9                       int16s
22528           168    AFStatus_84_F9                       int16s
22529           170    AFStatus_85_G9                       int16s
22530           172    AFStatus_86_H9                       int16s
22531           174    AFStatus_87_B8                       int16s
22532           176    AFStatus_88_C8                       int16s
22533           178    AFStatus_89_D8                       int16s
22534           180    AFStatus_90_E8                       int16s
22535           182    AFStatus_91_F8                       int16s
22536           184    AFStatus_92_G8                       int16s
22537           186    AFStatus_93_H8                       int16s
22538           188    AFStatus_94_E6_Center_F2-8           int16s
22540       Sony Tag940e Tags
22542       E-mount models.
22544         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22545         ------   --------                             --------
22546          6662    TiffMeteringImageWidth               no
22547          6663    TiffMeteringImageHeight              no
22548          6664    TiffMeteringImage                    no
22550       Sony Tag9416 Tags
22552       Valid for the ILCE-1/6700/7CM2/7CR/7M4/7RM5/7SM3/9M3, ILME-FX3/FX30,
22553       ZV-E1.
22555         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22556         ------   --------                             --------
22557             0    Tag9416_0000                         no
22558             4    SonyISO                              no
22559             6    StopsAboveBaseISO                    no
22560            10    SonyExposureTime2                    no
22561            12    ExposureTime                         no
22562            16    SonyFNumber2                         no
22563            18    SonyMaxApertureValue                 no
22564            29    SequenceImageNumber                  no
22565            43    ReleaseMode2                         no
22566            53    ExposureProgram                      no
22567            55    CreativeStyle                        no
22568            72    LensMount                            no
22569            73    LensFormat                           no
22570            74    LensMount                            no
22571            75    LensType2                            no
22572            77    LensType                             no
22573            79    DistortionCorrParams                 no
22574           112    PictureProfile                       no
22575           113    FocalLength                          no
22576           115    MinFocalLength                       no
22577           117    MaxFocalLength                       no
22578          2191    VignettingCorrParams                 no
22579          2193    VignettingCorrParams                 no
22580          2205    VignettingCorrParams                 no
22581          2229    APS-CSizeCapture                     no
22582          2231    APS-CSizeCapture                     no
22583          2277    APS-CSizeCapture                     no
22584          2324    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        no
22585          2326    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        no
22586          2373    ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        no
22588       Sony PIC Tags
22590       The TextInfo data is extracted as a block to preserve the formatting,
22591       and some of the more interesting information is extracted as separate
22592       tags.
22594         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
22595         ------               --------                 --------
22596         'BC:'                Barcode                  no
22597         'BarCode:'           Barcode                  no
22598         'Capt:'              SensorTemperature        no
22599         'FWVer:'             FirmwareVersion          no
22600         'IFD'                PIC_IFD                  Sony
22601         'Temp:'              CameraTemperature        no
22602         'Temp:Clbt:'         BoardTemperature         no
22603         'TextInfo1'          TextInfo1                no
22604         'TextInfo2'          TextInfo2                no
22605         'VR Enable C:'       VibrationReduction       no
22606         'barcode:'           Barcode                  no
22608       Sony Ericsson Tags
22610       Maker notes found in images from some Sony Ericsson phones.
22612         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22613         ------   --------                             --------
22614         0x0201   PreviewImageStart                    int32u*
22615         0x0202   PreviewImageLength                   int32u*
22616         0x2000   MakerNoteVersion                     undef[4]
22618       Sony SRF Tags
22620       The maker notes in SRF (Sony Raw Format) images contain 7 IFD's with
22621       family 1 group names SRF0 through SRF6.  SRF0 and SRF1 use the tags in
22622       this table, while SRF2 through SRF5 use the tags in the next table, and
22623       SRF6 uses standard EXIF tags.  All information other than SRF0 is
22624       encrypted, but thanks to Dave Coffin the decryption algorithm is known.
22625       SRF images are written by the Sony DSC-F828 and DSC-V3.
22627         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22628         ------   --------                             --------
22629         0x0000   SRF2Key                              no
22630         0x0001   DataKey                              no
22632       Sony SRF2 Tags
22634       These tags are found in the SRF2 through SRF5 IFD's.
22636         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22637         ------   --------                             --------
22638         0x0002   SRF6Offset                           no
22639         0x0003   SRFDataOffset?                       no
22640         0x0004   RawDataOffset                        no
22641         0x0005   RawDataLength                        no
22642         0x0043   MaxApertureAtMaxFocal                no
22643         0x0044   MaxApertureAtMinFocal                no
22644         0x0045   MinFocalLength                       no
22645         0x0046   MaxFocalLength                       no
22646         0x00c0   WBRedDaylight                        no
22647         0x00c1   WBGreenDaylight                      no
22648         0x00c2   WBBlueDaylight                       no
22649         0x00c3   WBRedCloudy                          no
22650         0x00c4   WBGreenCloudy                        no
22651         0x00c5   WBBlueCloudy                         no
22652         0x00c6   WBRedFluorescent                     no
22653         0x00c7   WBGreenFluorescent                   no
22654         0x00c8   WBBlueFluorescent                    no
22655         0x00c9   WBRedTungsten                        no
22656         0x00ca   WBGreenTungsten                      no
22657         0x00cb   WBBlueTungsten                       no
22658         0x00cc   WBRedFlash                           no
22659         0x00cd   WBGreenFlash                         no
22660         0x00ce   WBBlueFlash                          no
22661         0x00d0   WBRedAsShot                          no
22662         0x00d1   WBGreenAsShot                        no
22663         0x00d2   WBBlueAsShot                         no
22665       Sony SR2Private Tags
22667       The SR2 format uses the DNGPrivateData tag to reference a private IFD
22668       containing these tags.  SR2 images are written by the Sony DSC-R1, but
22669       this information is also written to ARW images by other models.
22671         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22672         ------   --------                             --------
22673         0x7200   SR2SubIFDOffset                      no
22674         0x7201   SR2SubIFDLength                      no
22675         0x7221   SR2SubIFDKey                         no
22676         0x7240   IDC_IFD                              SonyIDC
22677         0x7241   IDC2_IFD                             SonyIDC
22678         0x7250   MRWInfo                              MinoltaRaw
22680       Sony SR2SubIFD Tags
22682       Tags in the encrypted SR2SubIFD
22684         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22685         ------   --------                             --------
22686         0x7300   BlackLevel                           int16u[4]!
22687         0x7302   WB_GRBGLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]!
22688         0x7303   WB_GRBGLevels                        int16s[4]!
22689         0x7310   BlackLevel                           int16u[4]!
22690         0x7312   WB_RGGBLevelsAuto                    int16s[4]!
22691         0x7313   WB_RGGBLevels                        int16s[4]!
22692         0x7480   WB_RGBLevelsDaylight                 int16s[4]!
22693         0x7481   WB_RGBLevelsCloudy                   int16s[4]!
22694         0x7482   WB_RGBLevelsTungsten                 int16s[4]!
22695         0x7483   WB_RGBLevelsFlash                    int16s[4]!
22696         0x7484   WB_RGBLevels4500K                    int16s[4]!
22697         0x7486   WB_RGBLevelsFluorescent              int16s[4]!
22698         0x74a0   MaxApertureAtMaxFocal                no
22699         0x74a1   MaxApertureAtMinFocal                no
22700         0x74a2   MaxFocalLength                       no
22701         0x74a3   MinFocalLength                       no
22702         0x74c0   SR2DataIFD                           Sony SR2DataIFD
22703         0x7800   ColorMatrix                          no
22704         0x7820   WB_RGBLevelsDaylight                 int16s[3]!
22705         0x7821   WB_RGBLevelsCloudy                   int16s[3]!
22706         0x7822   WB_RGBLevelsTungsten                 int16s[3]!
22707         0x7823   WB_RGBLevelsFlash                    int16s[3]!
22708         0x7824   WB_RGBLevels4500K                    int16s[3]!
22709         0x7825   WB_RGBLevelsShade                    int16s[3]!
22710         0x7826   WB_RGBLevelsFluorescent              int16s[3]!
22711         0x7827   WB_RGBLevelsFluorescentP1            int16s[3]!
22712         0x7828   WB_RGBLevelsFluorescentP2            int16s[3]!
22713         0x7829   WB_RGBLevelsFluorescentM1            int16s[3]!
22714         0x782a   WB_RGBLevels8500K                    int16s[3]!
22715         0x782b   WB_RGBLevels6000K                    int16s[3]!
22716         0x782c   WB_RGBLevels3200K                    int16s[3]!
22717         0x782d   WB_RGBLevels2500K                    int16s[3]!
22718         0x787f   WhiteLevel                           int16u[3]!
22719         0x797d   VignettingCorrParams                 no
22720         0x7980   ChromaticAberrationCorrParams        no
22721         0x7982   DistortionCorrParams                 no
22723       Sony SR2DataIFD Tags
22725         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22726         ------   --------                             --------
22727         0x7770   ColorMode                            no
22729       Sony PMP Tags
22731       These tags are written in the proprietary-format header of PMP images
22732       from the DSC-F1.
22734         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22735         ------   --------                             --------
22736             8    JpgFromRawStart                      no
22737            12    JpgFromRawLength                     no
22738            22    SonyImageWidth                       no
22739            24    SonyImageHeight                      no
22740            27    Orientation                          no
22741            29    ImageQuality                         no
22742            52    Comment                              no
22743            76    DateTimeOriginal                     no
22744            84    ModifyDate                           no
22745           102    ExposureTime                         no
22746           106    FNumber                              no
22747           108    ExposureCompensation                 no
22748           112    FocalLength                          no
22749           118    Flash                                no
22751       Sony rtmd Tags
22753       These tags are extracted from the 'rtmd' timed metadata of MP4 videos
22754       from some models when the ExtractEmbedded option is used.
22756         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22757         ------   --------                             --------
22758         0x8000   FNumber                              no
22759         0x8109   ExposureTime                         no
22760         0x810a   MasterGainAdjustment                 no
22761         0x810b   ISO                                  no
22762         0x810c   ElectricalExtenderMagnification      no
22763         0x8500   GPSVersionID                         no
22764         0x8501   GPSLatitudeRef                       no
22765         0x8502   GPSLatitude                          no
22766         0x8503   GPSLongitudeRef                      no
22767         0x8504   GPSLongitude                         no
22768         0x8507   GPSTimeStamp                         no
22769         0x8509   GPSStatus                            no
22770         0x850a   GPSMeasureMode                       no
22771         0x8512   GPSMapDatum                          no
22772         0x851d   GPSDateStamp                         no
22773         0xe303   WhiteBalance                         no
22774         0xe304   DateTime                             no
22775         0xe43b   PitchRollYaw                         no
22776         0xe44b   Accelerometer                        no
22778   SonyIDC Tags
22779       Tags written by the Sony Image Data Converter utility in ARW images.
22781         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22782         ------   --------                             --------
22783         0x0201   IDCPreviewStart                      int32u*
22784         0x0202   IDCPreviewLength                     int32u*
22785         0x8000   IDCCreativeStyle                     int32u
22786         0x8001   CreativeStyleWasChanged              int32u
22787         0x8002   PresetWhiteBalance                   int32u
22788         0x8013   ColorTemperatureAdj                  int16u
22789         0x8014   PresetWhiteBalanceAdj                int32s
22790         0x8015   ColorCorrection                      int32s
22791         0x8016   SaturationAdj                        int32s
22792         0x8017   ContrastAdj                          int32s
22793         0x8018   BrightnessAdj                        int32s
22794         0x8019   HueAdj                               int32s
22795         0x801a   SharpnessAdj                         int32s
22796         0x801b   SharpnessOvershoot                   int32s
22797         0x801c   SharpnessUndershoot                  int32s
22798         0x801d   SharpnessThreshold                   int32s
22799         0x801e   NoiseReductionMode                   int16u
22800         0x8021   GrayPoint                            int16u[4]
22801         0x8022   D-RangeOptimizerMode                 int16u
22802         0x8023   D-RangeOptimizerValue                int32s
22803         0x8024   D-RangeOptimizerHighlight            int32s
22804         0x8026   HighlightColorDistortReduct          int16u
22805         0x8027   NoiseReductionValue                  int32s
22806         0x8028   EdgeNoiseReduction                   int32s
22807         0x8029   ColorNoiseReduction                  int32s
22808         0x802d   D-RangeOptimizerShadow               int32s
22809         0x8030   PeripheralIllumCentralRadius         int32s
22810         0x8031   PeripheralIllumCentralValue          int32s
22811         0x8032   PeripheralIllumPeriphValue           int32s
22812         0x8040   DistortionCompensation               int32s
22813         0x9000   ToneCurveBrightnessX                 int16u[n]
22814         0x9001   ToneCurveRedX                        int16u[n]
22815         0x9002   ToneCurveGreenX                      int16u[n]
22816         0x9003   ToneCurveBlueX                       int16u[n]
22817         0x9004   ToneCurveBrightnessY                 int16u[n]
22818         0x9005   ToneCurveRedY                        int16u[n]
22819         0x9006   ToneCurveGreenY                      int16u[n]
22820         0x9007   ToneCurveBlueY                       int16u[n]
22821         0x900d   ChromaticAberrationCorrection        int32s
22822         0x900e   InclinationCorrection                int32u
22823         0x900f   InclinationAngle                     int32s
22824         0x9010   Cropping                             int32u
22825         0x9011   CropArea                             int32u[4]
22826         0x9012   PreviewImageSize                     int32u[2]
22827         0x9013   PxShiftPeriphEdgeNR                  int32s
22828         0x9014   PxShiftPeriphEdgeNRValue             int32s
22829         0x9017   WhitesAdj                            int32s
22830         0x9018   BlacksAdj                            int32s
22831         0x9019   HighlightsAdj                        int32s
22832         0x901a   ShadowsAdj                           int32s
22833         0xd000   CurrentVersion                       int32u
22834         0xd001   VersionIFD                           SonyIDC
22835         0xd100   VersionCreateDate                    string
22836         0xd101   VersionModifyDate                    string
22838   Unknown Tags
22839       The following tags are decoded in unsupported maker notes.  Use the
22840       Unknown (-u) option to display other unknown tags.
22842         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22843         ------   --------                             --------
22844         0x0e00   PrintIM                              PrintIM
22846   DNG Tags
22847       The main DNG tags are found in the EXIF table.  The tables below define
22848       only information found within structures of these main DNG tag values.
22849       See <http://www.adobe.com/products/dng/> for the official DNG
22850       specification.
22852       DNG AdobeData Tags
22854       This information is found in the "Adobe" DNGPrivateData.
22856       The maker notes ('MakN') are processed by ExifTool, but some
22857       information may have been lost by the Adobe DNG Converter.  This is
22858       because the Adobe DNG Converter (as of version 6.3) doesn't properly
22859       handle information referenced from inside the maker notes that lies
22860       outside the original maker notes block.  This information is lost when
22861       only the maker note block is copied to the DNG image.   While this
22862       doesn't effect all makes of cameras, it is a problem for some major
22863       brands such as Olympus and Sony.
22865       Other entries in this table represent proprietary information that is
22866       extracted from the original RAW image and restructured to a different
22867       (but still proprietary) Adobe format.
22869         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22870         ------   --------                             --------
22871         'CRW '   AdobeCRW                             CanonRaw
22872         'Koda'   AdobeKoda                            Kodak IFD
22873         'Leaf'   AdobeLeaf                            Leaf SubIFD
22874         'MRW '   AdobeMRW                             MinoltaRaw
22875         'MakN'   MakerNoteApple                       Apple
22876                  MakerNoteNikon                       Nikon
22877                  MakerNoteCanon                       Canon
22878                  MakerNoteCasio                       Casio
22879                  MakerNoteCasio2                      Casio Type2
22880                  MakerNoteDJIInfo                     DJI Info
22881                  MakerNoteDJI                         DJI
22882                  MakerNoteFLIR                        FLIR
22883                  MakerNoteFujiFilm                    FujiFilm
22884                  MakerNoteGE                          GE
22885                  MakerNoteGE2                         FujiFilm
22886                  MakerNoteHasselblad                  Unknown
22887                  MakerNoteHP                          HP
22888                  MakerNoteHP2                         HP Type2
22889                  MakerNoteHP4                         HP Type4
22890                  MakerNoteHP6                         HP Type6
22891                  MakerNoteISL                         Unknown
22892                  MakerNoteJVC                         JVC
22893                  MakerNoteJVCText                     JVC Text
22894                  MakerNoteKodak1a                     Kodak
22895                  MakerNoteKodak1b                     Kodak
22896                  MakerNoteKodak2                      Kodak Type2
22897                  MakerNoteKodak3                      Kodak Type3
22898                  MakerNoteKodak4                      Kodak Type4
22899                  MakerNoteKodak5                      Kodak Type5
22900                  MakerNoteKodak6a                     Kodak Type6
22901                  MakerNoteKodak6b                     Kodak Type6
22902                  MakerNoteKodak7                      Kodak Type7
22903                  MakerNoteKodak8a                     Kodak Type8
22904                  MakerNoteKodak8b                     Kodak Type8
22905                  MakerNoteKodak8c                     Kodak Type8
22906                  MakerNoteKodak9                      Kodak Type9
22907                  MakerNoteKodak10                     Kodak Type10
22908                  MakerNoteKodak11                     Kodak Type11
22909                  MakerNoteKodak12                     Kodak Type11
22910                  MakerNoteKodakUnknown                Kodak Unknown
22911                  MakerNoteKyocera                     Unknown
22912                  MakerNoteMinolta                     Minolta
22913                  MakerNoteMinolta2                    Olympus
22914                  MakerNoteMinolta3                    undef
22915                  MakerNoteMotorola                    Motorola
22916                  MakerNoteNikon2                      Nikon Type2
22917                  MakerNoteNikon3                      Nikon
22918                  MakerNoteNintendo                    Nintendo
22919                  MakerNoteOlympus                     Olympus
22920                  MakerNoteOlympus2                    Olympus
22921                  MakerNoteOlympus3                    Olympus
22922                  MakerNoteLeica                       Panasonic
22923                  MakerNoteLeica2                      Panasonic Leica2
22924                  MakerNoteLeica3                      Panasonic Leica3
22925                  MakerNoteLeica4                      Panasonic Leica4
22926                  MakerNoteLeica5                      Panasonic Leica5
22927                  MakerNoteLeica6                      Panasonic Leica6
22928                  MakerNoteLeica7                      Panasonic Leica6
22929                  MakerNoteLeica8                      Panasonic Leica5
22930                  MakerNoteLeica9                      Panasonic Leica9
22931                  MakerNoteLeica10                     Panasonic
22932                  MakerNotePanasonic                   Panasonic
22933                  MakerNotePanasonic2                  Panasonic Type2
22934                  MakerNotePanasonic3                  Panasonic
22935                  MakerNotePentax                      Pentax
22936                  MakerNotePentax2                     Pentax Type2
22937                  MakerNotePentax3                     Casio Type2
22938                  MakerNotePentax4                     Pentax Type4
22939                  MakerNotePentax5                     Pentax
22940                  MakerNotePentax6                     Pentax S1
22941                  MakerNotePhaseOne                    PhaseOne
22942                  MakerNoteReconyx                     Reconyx
22943                  MakerNoteReconyx2                    Reconyx Type2
22944                  MakerNoteReconyx3                    Reconyx Type3
22945                  MakerNoteRicohPentax                 Pentax
22946                  MakerNoteRicoh                       Ricoh
22947                  MakerNoteRicoh2                      Ricoh Type2
22948                  MakerNoteRicohText                   Ricoh Text
22949                  MakerNoteSamsung1a                   undef
22950                  MakerNoteSamsung1b                   Samsung
22951                  MakerNoteSamsung2                    Samsung Type2
22952                  MakerNoteSanyo                       Sanyo
22953                  MakerNoteSanyoC4                     Sanyo
22954                  MakerNoteSanyoPatch                  Sanyo
22955                  MakerNoteSigma                       Sigma
22956                  MakerNoteSony                        Sony
22957                  MakerNoteSony2                       Olympus
22958                  MakerNoteSony3                       Olympus
22959                  MakerNoteSony4                       Sony PIC
22960                  MakerNoteSony5                       Sony
22961                  MakerNoteSonyEricsson                Sony Ericsson
22962                  MakerNoteSonySRF                     Sony SRF
22963                  MakerNoteUnknownText                 undef
22964                  MakerNoteUnknownBinary               undef
22965                  MakerNoteUnknown                     Unknown
22966         'Pano'   AdobePano                            PanasonicRaw
22967         'RAF '   AdobeRAF                             FujiFilm RAF
22968         'SR2 '   AdobeSR2                             Sony SR2Private
22970       DNG OriginalRaw Tags
22972       This table defines tags extracted from the DNG OriginalRawFileData
22973       information.
22975         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
22976         ------   --------                             --------
22977         0x0000   OriginalRawImage                     no
22978         0x0001   OriginalRawResource                  no
22979         0x0002   OriginalRawFileType                  no
22980         0x0003   OriginalRawCreator                   no
22981         0x0004   OriginalTHMImage                     no
22982         0x0005   OriginalTHMResource                  no
22983         0x0006   OriginalTHMFileType                  no
22984         0x0007   OriginalTHMCreator                   no
22986       DNG ImageSeq Tags
22988         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
22989         ------   --------                             --------
22990             0    SeqID                                no
22991             1    SeqType                              no
22992             2    SeqFrameInfo                         no
22993             3    SeqIndex                             no
22994             7    SeqCount                             no
22995            11    SeqFinal                             no
22997       DNG ProfileDynamicRange Tags
22999         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23000         ------   --------                             --------
23001             0    PDRVersion                           no
23002             2    DynamicRange                         no
23003             4    HintMaxOutputValue                   no
23005   PLIST Tags
23006       Apple Property List tags.  ExifTool reads both XML and binary-format
23007       PLIST files, and will extract any existing tags even if they aren't
23008       listed below.  These tags belong to the family 0 "PLIST" group, but
23009       family 1 group may be either "XML" or "PLIST" depending on whether the
23010       format is XML or binary.
23012         Tag ID                       Tag Name         Writable
23013         ------                       --------         --------
23014         'MetaDataList//DateTimeOriginal'
23015                                      DateTimeOriginal no
23016         'MetaDataList//Duration'     Duration         no
23017         'MetaDataList//Geolocation/Latitude'
23018                                      GPSLatitude      no
23019         'MetaDataList//Geolocation/Longitude'
23020                                      GPSLongitude     no
23021         'MetaDataList//Geolocation/MapDatum'
23022                                      GPSMapDatum      no
23023         'XMLFileType'                XMLFileType      no
23024         'cast//name'                 Cast             no+
23025         'codirectors//name'          Codirectors      no+
23026         'directors//name'            Directors        no+
23027         'producers//name'            Producers        no+
23028         'screenwriters//name'        Screenwriters    no+
23029         'studio//name'               Studio           no+
23031   CanonRaw Tags
23032       These tags apply to CRW-format Canon RAW files and information in the
23033       APP0 "CIFF" segment of JPEG images.  When writing CanonRaw/CIFF
23034       information, the length of the information is preserved (and the new
23035       information is truncated or padded as required) unless Writable is
23036       "resize". Currently, only JpgFromRaw and ThumbnailImage are allowed to
23037       change size.  See <https://exiftool.org/canon_raw.html> for a
23038       description of the Canon CRW format.
23040       CRW images also support the addition of a CanonVRD trailer, which in
23041       turn supports XMP.  This trailer is created automatically if necessary
23042       when ExifTool is used to write XMP to a CRW image.
23044         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23045         ------   --------                             --------
23046         0x0000   NullRecord                           undef
23047         0x0001   FreeBytes                            undef
23048         0x0032   CanonColorInfo1                      no
23049         0x0805   CanonFileDescription                 string[32]
23050                  UserComment                          string[256]
23051         0x080a   CanonRawMakeModel                    CanonRaw MakeModel
23052         0x080b   CanonFirmwareVersion                 string[32]
23053         0x080c   ComponentVersion                     string
23054         0x080d   ROMOperationMode                     string[8]
23055         0x0810   OwnerName                            string[32]
23056         0x0815   CanonImageType                       string[32]
23057         0x0816   OriginalFileName                     string[32]
23058         0x0817   ThumbnailFileName                    string[32]
23059         0x100a   TargetImageType                      int16u
23060         0x1010   ShutterReleaseMethod                 int16u
23061         0x1011   ShutterReleaseTiming                 int16u
23062         0x1016   ReleaseSetting                       int16u
23063         0x101c   BaseISO                              int16u
23064         0x1028   CanonFlashInfo?                      int16u[4]
23065         0x1029   CanonFocalLength                     Canon FocalLength
23066         0x102a   CanonShotInfo                        Canon ShotInfo
23067         0x102c   CanonColorInfo2                      no
23068         0x102d   CanonCameraSettings                  Canon CameraSettings
23069         0x1030   WhiteSample                          CanonRaw WhiteSample
23070         0x1031   SensorInfo                           Canon SensorInfo
23071         0x1033   CustomFunctions10D                   CanonCustom Functions10D
23072                  CustomFunctionsD30                   CanonCustom FunctionsD30
23073                  CustomFunctionsD60                   CanonCustom FunctionsD30
23074                  CustomFunctionsUnknown               CanonCustom FuncsUnknown
23075         0x1038   CanonAFInfo                          Canon AFInfo
23076         0x1093   CanonFileInfo                        Canon FileInfo
23077         0x10a9   ColorBalance                         Canon ColorBalance
23078         0x10ae   ColorTemperature                     int16u
23079         0x10b4   ColorSpace                           int16u
23080         0x10b5   RawJpgInfo                           CanonRaw RawJpgInfo
23081         0x1803   ImageFormat                          CanonRaw ImageFormat
23082         0x1804   RecordID                             int32u
23083         0x1806   SelfTimerTime                        int32u
23084         0x1807   TargetDistanceSetting                float
23085         0x180b   SerialNumber                         int32u
23086                  UnknownNumber?                       yes
23087         0x180e   TimeStamp                            CanonRaw TimeStamp
23088         0x1810   ImageInfo                            CanonRaw ImageInfo
23089         0x1813   FlashInfo                            CanonRaw FlashInfo
23090         0x1814   MeasuredEV                           float
23091         0x1817   FileNumber                           int32u
23092         0x1818   ExposureInfo                         CanonRaw ExposureInfo
23093         0x1834   CanonModelID                         int32u
23094         0x1835   DecoderTable                         CanonRaw DecoderTable
23095         0x183b   SerialNumberFormat                   int32u
23096         0x2005   RawData                              no
23097         0x2007   JpgFromRaw                           resize^
23098         0x2008   ThumbnailImage                       resize^
23099         0x2804   ImageDescription                     CanonRaw
23100         0x2807   CameraObject                         CanonRaw
23101         0x3002   ShootingRecord                       CanonRaw
23102         0x3003   MeasuredInfo                         CanonRaw
23103         0x3004   CameraSpecification                  CanonRaw
23104         0x300a   ImageProps                           CanonRaw
23105         0x300b   ExifInformation                      CanonRaw
23107       CanonRaw MakeModel Tags
23109         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23110         ------   --------                             --------
23111             0    Make                                 string[6]
23112             6    Model                                string
23114       CanonRaw WhiteSample Tags
23116         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
23117         ------   --------                             --------
23118             1    WhiteSampleWidth                     no
23119             2    WhiteSampleHeight                    no
23120             3    WhiteSampleLeftBorder                no
23121             4    WhiteSampleTopBorder                 no
23122             5    WhiteSampleBits                      no
23124       CanonRaw RawJpgInfo Tags
23126         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
23127         ------   --------                             --------
23128             1    RawJpgQuality                        int16u
23129             2    RawJpgSize                           int16u
23130             3    RawJpgWidth                          int16u
23131             4    RawJpgHeight                         int16u
23133       CanonRaw ImageFormat Tags
23135         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
23136         ------   --------                             --------
23137             0    FileFormat                           int32u
23138             1    TargetCompressionRatio               float
23140       CanonRaw TimeStamp Tags
23142         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
23143         ------   --------                             --------
23144             0    DateTimeOriginal                     int32u
23145             1    TimeZoneCode                         int32s
23146             2    TimeZoneInfo                         int32u
23148       CanonRaw ImageInfo Tags
23150         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
23151         ------   --------                             --------
23152             0    ImageWidth                           no
23153             1    ImageHeight                          no
23154             2    PixelAspectRatio                     no
23155             3    Rotation                             int32s
23156             4    ComponentBitDepth                    no
23157             5    ColorBitDepth                        no
23158             6    ColorBW                              no
23160       CanonRaw FlashInfo Tags
23162         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
23163         ------   --------                             --------
23164             0    FlashGuideNumber                     float
23165             1    FlashThreshold                       float
23167       CanonRaw ExposureInfo Tags
23169         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
23170         ------   --------                             --------
23171             0    ExposureCompensation                 float
23172             1    ShutterSpeedValue                    float
23173             2    ApertureValue                        float
23175       CanonRaw DecoderTable Tags
23177         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
23178         ------   --------                             --------
23179             0    DecoderTableNumber                   no
23180             2    CompressedDataOffset                 no
23181             3    CompressedDataLength                 no
23183   KyoceraRaw Tags
23184       Tags for Kyocera Contax N Digital RAW images.
23186         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23187         ------   --------                             --------
23188             1    FirmwareVersion                      no
23189            12    Model                                no
23190            25    Make                                 no
23191            33    DateTimeOriginal                     no
23192            52    ISO                                  no
23193            56    ExposureTime                         no
23194            60    WB_RGGBLevels                        no
23195            88    FNumber                              no
23196           104    MaxAperture                          no
23197           112    FocalLength                          no
23198           124    Lens                                 no
23200   MinoltaRaw Tags
23201       These tags are used in Minolta RAW format (MRW) images.
23203         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23204         ------   --------                             --------
23205         "\0PRD"  MinoltaPRD                           MinoltaRaw PRD
23206         "\0RIF"  MinoltaRIF                           MinoltaRaw RIF
23207         "\0TTW"  MinoltaTTW                           EXIF
23208         "\0WBG"  MinoltaWBG                           MinoltaRaw WBG
23210       MinoltaRaw PRD Tags
23212         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23213         ------   --------                             --------
23214             0    FirmwareID                           string[8]
23215             8    SensorHeight                         int16u
23216            10    SensorWidth                          int16u
23217            12    ImageHeight                          int16u
23218            14    ImageWidth                           int16u
23219            16    RawDepth                             int8u
23220            17    BitDepth                             int8u
23221            18    StorageMethod                        int8u
23222            23    BayerPattern                         int8u
23224       MinoltaRaw RIF Tags
23226         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23227         ------   --------                             --------
23228             1    Saturation                           int8s
23229             2    Contrast                             int8s
23230             3    Sharpness                            int8s
23231             4    WBMode                               int8u~
23232             5    ProgramMode                          int8u
23233             6    ISOSetting                           int8u
23234             7    ColorMode                            int32u[0.25]
23235             8    WB_RBLevelsTungsten                  int16u[2]
23236            12    WB_RBLevelsDaylight                  int16u[2]
23237            16    WB_RBLevelsCloudy                    int16u[2]
23238            20    WB_RBLevelsCoolWhiteF                int16u[2]
23239            24    WB_RBLevelsFlash                     int16u[2]
23240            28    WB_RBLevelsCustom                    int16u[2]
23241            32    WB_RBLevelsShade                     int16u[2]
23242            36    WB_RBLevelsDaylightF                 int16u[2]
23243            40    WB_RBLevelsDayWhiteF                 int16u[2]
23244            44    WB_RBLevelsWhiteF                    int16u[2]
23245            56    ColorFilter                          int8s
23246            57    BWFilter                             int8u
23247            58    ZoneMatching                         int8u
23248            59    Hue                                  int8s
23249            60    ColorTemperature                     int8u
23250            74    ZoneMatching                         int8u
23251            76    ColorTemperature                     int8u
23252            77    ColorFilter                          int8u
23253            78    ColorTemperature                     int8u
23254            79    ColorFilter                          int8u
23255            80    RawDataLength                        no
23257       MinoltaRaw WBG Tags
23259         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23260         ------   --------                             --------
23261             0    WBScale                              int8u[4]
23262             4    WB_GBRGLevels                        int16u[4]
23263                  WB_RGGBLevels                        int16u[4]
23265   JFIF Tags
23266       The following information is extracted from the JPEG JFIF header.  See
23267       <https://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/jfif3.pdf> for the JFIF 1.02
23268       specification.
23270         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23271         ------   --------                             --------
23272             0    JFIFVersion                          no:
23273             2    ResolutionUnit                       int8u:
23274             3    XResolution                          int16u:
23275             5    YResolution                          int16u:
23276             7    ThumbnailWidth                       no
23277             8    ThumbnailHeight                      no
23278             9    ThumbnailTIFF                        no
23280       JFIF Extension Tags
23282       Thumbnail images extracted from the JFXX segment.
23284         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23285         ------   --------                             --------
23286         0x0010   ThumbnailImage                       no
23287         0x0011   ThumbnailTIFF                        no
23288         0x0013   ThumbnailTIFF                        no
23290   FlashPix Tags
23291       The FlashPix file format, introduced in 1996, was developed by Kodak,
23292       Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft.  Internally the FPX file structure
23293       mimics that of an old DOS disk with fixed-sized "sectors" (usually 512
23294       bytes) and a "file allocation table" (FAT).  No wonder this image
23295       format never became popular.  However, some of the structures used in
23296       FlashPix streams are part of the EXIF specification, and are still
23297       being used in the APP2 FPXR segment of JPEG images by some digital
23298       cameras from manufacturers such as FujiFilm, Hewlett-Packard, Kodak and
23299       Sanyo.
23301       ExifTool extracts FlashPix information from both FPX images and the
23302       APP2 FPXR segment of JPEG images.  As well, FlashPix information is
23303       extracted from DOC, PPT, XLS (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel)
23304       documents, VSD (Microsoft Visio) drawings, and FLA (Macromedia/Adobe
23305       Flash project) files since these are based on the same file format as
23306       FlashPix (the Windows Compound Binary File format).  Note that ExifTool
23307       identifies any unrecognized Windows Compound Binary file as a FlashPix
23308       (FPX) file.  See <http://graphcomp.com/info/specs/livepicture/fpx.pdf>
23309       for the FlashPix specification.
23311       Note that Microsoft is not consistent with the time zone used for some
23312       date/time tags, and it may be either UTC or local time depending on the
23313       software used to create the file.
23315         Tag ID                 Tag Name               Writable
23316         ------                 --------               --------
23317         "\x01CompObj"          CompObj                FlashPix CompObj
23318         "\x05Audio Info"       AudioInfo              FlashPix AudioInfo
23319         "\x05Data Object"      DataObject             FlashPix DataObject
23320         "\x05DocumentSummaryInformation" DocumentInfo FlashPix DocumentInfo
23321         "\x05Extension List"   Extensions             FlashPix Extensions
23322         "\x05Global Info"      GlobalInfo             FlashPix GlobalInfo
23323         "\x05Image Contents"   Image                  FlashPix Image
23324         "\x05Image Info"       ImageInfo              FlashPix ImageInfo
23325         "\x05Operation"        Operation              FlashPix Operation
23326         "\x05Screen Nail"      ScreenNail             no
23327         "\x05SummaryInformation" SummaryInfo          FlashPix SummaryInfo
23328         "\x05Transform"        Transform              FlashPix Transform
23329         'Audio Stream'         AudioStream            no
23330         'BasicFileInfo'        BasicFileInfo          no
23331         'Contents'             Contents               XMP
23332         'Current User'         CurrentUser            no
23333         'ICC Profile 0001'     ICC_Profile            ICC_Profile
23334         'IeImg'                EmbeddedImage          no
23335         'IeImg_class'          EmbeddedImageClass     no
23336         'IeImg_rect'           EmbeddedImageRectangle no
23337         'Preview'              PreviewImage           no
23338         'Property'             PreviewInfo            FlashPix PreviewInfo
23339         'Subimage 0000 Header' SubimageHdr            FlashPix SubimageHdr
23340         'WordDocument'         WordDocument           FlashPix WordDocument
23342       FlashPix CompObj Tags
23344         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
23345         ------   --------                             --------
23346             0    CompObjUserTypeLen                   no
23347             1    CompObjUserType                      no
23349       FlashPix AudioInfo Tags
23351         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23352         ------   --------                             --------
23353         [no tags known]
23355       FlashPix DataObject Tags
23357         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
23358         ------       --------                         --------
23359         0x10000      DataObjectID                     no
23360         0x10002      LockedPropertyList               no
23361         0x10003      DataObjectTitle                  no
23362         0x10004      LastModifier                     no
23363         0x10005      RevisionNumber                   no
23364         0x10006      DataCreateDate                   no
23365         0x10007      DataModifyDate                   no
23366         0x10008      CreatingApplication              no
23367         0x10100      DataObjectStatus                 no
23368         0x10101      CreatingTransform                no
23369         0x10102      UsingTransforms                  no
23370         0x10000000   CachedImageHeight                no
23371         0x10000001   CachedImageWidth                 no
23373       FlashPix DocumentInfo Tags
23375       The DocumentSummaryInformation property set includes a UserDefined
23376       property set for which only the Hyperlinks and HyperlinkBase tags are
23377       pre-defined.  However, ExifTool will also extract any other information
23378       found in the UserDefined properties.
23380         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
23381         ------               --------                 --------
23382         0x0002               Category                 no
23383         0x0003               PresentationTarget       no
23384         0x0004               Bytes                    no
23385         0x0005               Lines                    no
23386         0x0006               Paragraphs               no
23387         0x0007               Slides                   no
23388         0x0008               Notes                    no
23389         0x0009               HiddenSlides             no
23390         0x000a               MMClips                  no
23391         0x000b               ScaleCrop                no
23392         0x000c               HeadingPairs             no
23393         0x000d               TitleOfParts             no
23394         0x000e               Manager                  no
23395         0x000f               Company                  no
23396         0x0010               LinksUpToDate            no
23397         0x0011               CharCountWithSpaces      no
23398         0x0013               SharedDoc                no
23399         0x0016               HyperlinksChanged        no
23400         0x0017               AppVersion               no
23401         0x001a               ContentType              no
23402         0x001b               ContentStatus            no
23403         0x001c               Language                 no
23404         0x001d               DocVersion               no
23405         '_PID_HLINKS'        Hyperlinks               no
23406         '_PID_LINKBASE'      HyperlinkBase            no
23408       FlashPix Extensions Tags
23410         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
23411         ------       --------                         --------
23412         0x0001       ExtensionName                    no
23413         0x0002       ExtensionClassID                 no
23414         0x0003       ExtensionPersistence             no
23415         0x0004       ExtensionCreateDate              no
23416         0x0005       ExtensionModifyDate              no
23417         0x0006       CreatingApplication              no
23418         0x0007       ExtensionDescription             no
23419         0x1000       Storage-StreamPathname           no
23420         0x2000       FlashPixStreamPathname           no
23421         0x2001       FlashPixStreamFieldOffset        no
23422         0x3000       PropertySetPathname              no
23423         0x3001       PropertySetIDCodes               no
23424         0x3002       PropertyVectorElements           no
23425         0x4000       SubimageResolutions              no
23426         0x10000000   UsedExtensionNumbers             no
23428       FlashPix GlobalInfo Tags
23430         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23431         ------   --------                             --------
23432         0x10002  LockedPropertyList                   no
23433         0x10003  TransformedImageTitle                no
23434         0x10004  LastModifier                         no
23435         0x10100  VisibleOutputs                       no
23436         0x10101  MaximumImageIndex                    no
23437         0x10102  MaximumTransformIndex                no
23438         0x10103  MaximumOperationIndex                no
23440       FlashPix Image Tags
23442         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
23443         ------       --------                         --------
23444         0x1000000    NumberOfResolutions              no
23445         0x1000002    ImageWidth                       no
23446         0x1000003    ImageHeight                      no
23447         0x1000004    DefaultDisplayHeight             no
23448         0x1000005    DefaultDisplayWidth              no
23449         0x1000006    DisplayUnits                     no
23450         0x2000000    SubimageWidth                    no
23451         0x2000001    SubimageHeight                   no
23452         0x2000002    SubimageColor                    no
23453         0x2000003    SubimageNumericalFormat          no
23454         0x2000004    DecimationMethod                 no
23455         0x2000005    DecimationPrefilterWidth         no
23456         0x2000007    SubimageICC_Profile              no
23457         0x3000001    JPEGTables                       no
23458         0x3000002    MaxJPEGTableIndex                no
23460       FlashPix ImageInfo Tags
23462         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
23463         ------       --------                         --------
23464         0x21000000   FileSource                       no
23465         0x21000001   SceneType                        no
23466         0x21000002   CreationPathVector               no
23467         0x21000003   SoftwareRelease                  no
23468         0x21000004   UserDefinedID                    no
23469         0x21000005   SharpnessApproximation           no
23470         0x22000000   Copyright                        no
23471         0x22000001   OriginalImageBroker              no
23472         0x22000002   DigitalImageBroker               no
23473         0x22000003   Authorship                       no
23474         0x22000004   IntellectualPropertyNotes        no
23475         0x23000000   TestTarget                       no
23476         0x23000002   GroupCaption                     no
23477         0x23000003   CaptionText                      no
23478         0x23000004   People                           no
23479         0x23000007   Things                           no
23480         0x2300000a   DateTimeOriginal                 no
23481         0x2300000b   Events                           no
23482         0x2300000c   Places                           no
23483         0x2300000f   ContentDescriptionNotes          no
23484         0x24000000   Make                             no
23485         0x24000001   Model                            no
23486         0x24000002   SerialNumber                     no
23487         0x25000000   CreateDate                       no
23488         0x25000001   ExposureTime                     no
23489         0x25000002   FNumber                          no
23490         0x25000003   ExposureProgram                  no
23491         0x25000004   BrightnessValue                  no
23492         0x25000005   ExposureCompensation             no
23493         0x25000006   SubjectDistance                  no
23494         0x25000007   MeteringMode                     no
23495         0x25000008   LightSource                      no
23496         0x25000009   FocalLength                      no
23497         0x2500000a   MaxApertureValue                 no
23498         0x2500000b   Flash                            no
23499         0x2500000c   FlashEnergy                      no
23500         0x2500000d   FlashReturn                      no
23501         0x2500000e   BackLight                        no
23502         0x2500000f   SubjectLocation                  no
23503         0x25000010   ExposureIndex                    no
23504         0x25000011   SpecialEffectsOpticalFilter      no
23505         0x25000012   PerPictureNotes                  no
23506         0x26000000   SensingMethod                    no
23507         0x26000001   FocalPlaneXResolution            no
23508         0x26000002   FocalPlaneYResolution            no
23509         0x26000003   FocalPlaneResolutionUnit         no
23510         0x26000004   SpatialFrequencyResponse         no
23511         0x26000005   CFAPattern                       no
23512         0x26000007   ISO                              no
23513         0x26000008   Opto-ElectricConvFactor          no
23514         0x27000000   FilmBrand                        no
23515         0x27000001   FilmCategory                     no
23516         0x27000002   FilmSize                         no
23517         0x27000003   FilmRollNumber                   no
23518         0x27000004   FilmFrameNumber                  no
23519         0x28000000   ScannerMake                      no
23520         0x28000001   ScannerModel                     no
23521         0x28000002   ScannerSerialNumber              no
23522         0x28000003   ScanSoftware                     no
23523         0x28000004   ScanSoftwareRevisionDate         no
23524         0x28000005   ServiceOrganizationName          no
23525         0x28000006   ScanOperatorID                   no
23526         0x28000008   ScanDate                         no
23527         0x28000009   ModifyDate                       no
23528         0x2800000a   ScannerPixelSize                 no
23529         0x29000000   OriginalScannedImageSize         no
23530         0x29000001   OriginalDocumentSize             no
23531         0x29000002   OriginalMedium                   no
23532         0x29000003   TypeOfOriginal                   no
23534       FlashPix Operation Tags
23536         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23537         ------   --------                             --------
23538         0x10000  OperationID                          no
23540       FlashPix SummaryInfo Tags
23542       The Dictionary, CodePage and LocalIndicator tags are common to all
23543       FlashPix property tables, even though they are only listed in the
23544       SummaryInfo table.
23546         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
23547         ------       --------                         --------
23548         0x0000       Dictionary                       no
23549         0x0001       CodePage                         no
23550         0x0002       Title                            no
23551         0x0003       Subject                          no
23552         0x0004       Author                           no
23553         0x0005       Keywords                         no
23554         0x0006       Comments                         no
23555         0x0007       Template                         no
23556         0x0008       LastModifiedBy                   no
23557         0x0009       RevisionNumber                   no
23558         0x000a       TotalEditTime                    no
23559         0x000b       LastPrinted                      no
23560         0x000c       CreateDate                       no
23561         0x000d       ModifyDate                       no
23562         0x000e       Pages                            no
23563         0x000f       Words                            no
23564         0x0010       Characters                       no
23565         0x0011       ThumbnailClip                    no
23566         0x0012       Software                         no
23567         0x0013       Security                         no
23568         0x0022       CreatedBy                        no
23569         0x0023       DocumentID                       no
23570         0x80000000   LocaleIndicator                  no
23572       FlashPix Transform Tags
23574         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
23575         ------       --------                         --------
23576         0x10000      TransformNodeID                  no
23577         0x10001      OperationClassID                 no
23578         0x10002      LockedPropertyList               no
23579         0x10003      TransformTitle                   no
23580         0x10004      LastModifier                     no
23581         0x10005      RevisionNumber                   no
23582         0x10006      TransformCreateDate              no
23583         0x10007      TransformModifyDate              no
23584         0x10008      CreatingApplication              no
23585         0x10100      InputDataObjectList              no
23586         0x10101      OutputDataObjectList             no
23587         0x10102      OperationNumber                  no
23588         0x10000000   ResultAspectRatio                no
23589         0x10000001   RectangleOfInterest              no
23590         0x10000002   Filtering                        no
23591         0x10000003   SpatialOrientation               no
23592         0x10000004   ColorTwistMatrix                 no
23593         0x10000005   ContrastAdjustment               no
23595       FlashPix PreviewInfo Tags
23597       Preview information written by some FujiFilm models.
23599         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23600         ------   --------                             --------
23601            13    PreviewImageWidth                    no
23602            23    PreviewImageHeight                   no
23604       FlashPix SubimageHdr Tags
23606         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
23607         ------   --------                             --------
23608             1    SubimageWidth                        no
23609             2    SubimageHeight                       no
23610             3    SubimageTileCount                    no
23611             4    SubimageTileWidth                    no
23612             5    SubimageTileHeight                   no
23613             6    NumChannels                          no
23615       FlashPix WordDocument Tags
23617       Tags extracted from the Microsoft Word document stream.
23619         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23620         ------   --------                             --------
23621         0x0000   Identification                       no
23622         0x0003   LanguageCode                         no
23623         0x0005   DocFlags                             no
23624           9.1    System                               no
23625           9.2    Word97                               no
23627       FlashPix DocTable Tags
23629       Tags extracted from the Microsoft Word document table.
23631         Tag Name                                      Writable
23632         --------                                      --------
23633         CommentBy                                     no
23634         DOP                                           FlashPix DOP
23635         LastSavedBy                                   no
23636         ModifyDate                                    no
23638       FlashPix DOP Tags
23640       Microsoft office document properties.
23642         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23643         ------   --------                             --------
23644            20    CreateDate                           no
23645            24    ModifyDate                           no
23646            28    LastPrinted                          no
23647            32    RevisionNumber                       no
23648            34    TotalEditTime                        no
23649            38    Words                                no
23650            42    Characters                           no
23651            46    Pages                                no
23652            48    Paragraphs                           no
23653            56    Lines                                no
23655   MPF Tags
23656       These tags are part of the CIPA Multi-Picture Format specification, and
23657       are found in the APP2 "MPF" segment of JPEG images.  MPImage data
23658       referenced from this segment is stored as a JPEG trailer.  The MPF tags
23659       are not writable, however the MPF segment may be deleted as a group
23660       (with "MPF:All") but then the JPEG trailer should also be deleted (with
23661       "Trailer:All").  See
23662       <https://web.archive.org/web/20190713230858/http://www.cipa.jp/std/documents/e/DC-007_E.pdf>
23663       for the official specification.
23665         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23666         ------   --------                             --------
23667         0xb000   MPFVersion                           no
23668         0xb001   NumberOfImages                       no
23669         0xb002   MPImageList                          MPF MPImage
23670         0xb003   ImageUIDList                         no
23671         0xb004   TotalFrames                          no
23672         0xb101   MPIndividualNum                      no
23673         0xb201   PanOrientation                       no
23674         0xb202   PanOverlapH                          no
23675         0xb203   PanOverlapV                          no
23676         0xb204   BaseViewpointNum                     no
23677         0xb205   ConvergenceAngle                     no
23678         0xb206   BaselineLength                       no
23679         0xb207   VerticalDivergence                   no
23680         0xb208   AxisDistanceX                        no
23681         0xb209   AxisDistanceY                        no
23682         0xb20a   AxisDistanceZ                        no
23683         0xb20b   YawAngle                             no
23684         0xb20c   PitchAngle                           no
23685         0xb20d   RollAngle                            no
23687       MPF MPImage Tags
23689       The first MPF "Large Thumbnail" image is extracted as PreviewImage, and
23690       the rest of the embedded MPF images are extracted as MPImage#.  The
23691       ExtractEmbedded (-ee) option may be used to extract information from
23692       these embedded images.
23694         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23695         ------   --------                             --------
23696           0.1    MPImageFlags                         no
23697           0.2    MPImageFormat                        no
23698           0.3    MPImageType                          no
23699             4    MPImageLength                        no
23700             8    MPImageStart                         no
23701            12    DependentImage1EntryNumber           no
23702            14    DependentImage2EntryNumber           no
23704   InfiRay Tags
23705       InfiRay Version Tags
23707       This table lists tags found in the InfiRay APP2 IJPEG version header,
23708       found in JPEGs taken with the P2 Pro camera app.
23710         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23711         ------   --------                             --------
23712             0    IJPEGVersion                         no
23713            12    IJPEGOrgType                         no
23714            13    IJPEGDispType                        no
23715            14    IJPEGRotate                          no
23716            15    IJPEGMirrorFlip                      no
23717            16    ImageColorSwitchable                 no
23718            17    ThermalColorPalette                  no
23719            32    IRDataSize                           no
23720            40    IRDataFormat                         no
23721            42    IRImageWidth                         no
23722            44    IRImageHeight                        no
23723            46    IRImageBpp                           no
23724            48    TempDataSize                         no
23725            56    TempDataFormat                       no
23726            58    TempImageWidth                       no
23727            60    TempImageHeight                      no
23728            62    TempImageBpp                         no
23729            64    VisibleDataSize                      no
23730            72    VisibleDataFormat                    no
23731            74    VisibleImageWidth                    no
23732            76    VisibleImageHeight                   no
23733            78    VisibleImageBpp                      no
23735   Stim Tags
23736       These tags are part of the CIPA Stereo Still Image specification, and
23737       are found in the APP3 "Stim" segment of JPEG images.  See
23738       <https://web.archive.org/web/20190718152459/http://www.cipa.jp/std/documents/e/DC-006_E.pdf>
23739       for the official specification.
23741         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23742         ------   --------                             --------
23743         0x0000   StimVersion                          no
23744         0x0001   ApplicationData                      no
23745         0x0002   ImageArrangement                     no
23746         0x0003   ImageRotation                        no
23747         0x0004   ScalingFactor                        no
23748         0x0005   CropXSize                            no
23749         0x0006   CropYSize                            no
23750         0x0007   CropX                                Stim CropX
23751         0x0008   CropY                                Stim CropY
23752         0x0009   ViewType                             no
23753         0x000a   RepresentativeImage                  no
23754         0x000b   ConvergenceBaseImage                 no
23755         0x000c   AssumedDisplaySize                   no
23756         0x000d   AssumedDistanceView                  no
23757         0x000e   RepresentativeDisparityNear          no
23758         0x000f   RepresentativeDisparityFar           no
23759         0x0010   InitialDisplayEffect                 no
23760         0x0011   ConvergenceDistance                  no
23761         0x0012   CameraArrangementInterval            no
23762         0x0013   ShootingCount                        no
23764       Stim CropX Tags
23766         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23767         ------   --------                             --------
23768             0    CropXCommonOffset                    no
23769             2    CropXViewpointNumber                 no
23770             3    CropXOffset                          no
23771             7    CropXViewpointNumber2                no
23772             8    CropXOffset2                         no
23774       Stim CropY Tags
23776         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23777         ------   --------                             --------
23778             0    CropYCommonOffset                    no
23779             2    CropYViewpointNumber                 no
23780             3    CropYOffset                          no
23781             7    CropYViewpointNumber2                no
23782             8    CropYOffset2                         no
23784   Scalado Tags
23785       Tags extracted from the JPEG APP4 "SCALADO" segment found in images
23786       from HTC, LG and Samsung phones.  (Presumably written by Scalado mobile
23787       software, <http://www.scalado.com/>.)
23789         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23790         ------   --------                             --------
23791         'HGHT'   PreviewImageHeight                   no
23792         'QUAL'   PreviewQuality                       no
23793         'SPMO'   DataLength?                          no
23794         'WDTH'   PreviewImageWidth                    no
23796   InfiRay Tags
23797       InfiRay Factory Tags
23799       This table lists tags found in the InfiRay APP4 IJPEG camera factory
23800       defaults and calibration data.
23802         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23803         ------   --------                             --------
23804             0    IJPEGTempVersion                     no
23805             4    FactDefEmissivity                    no
23806             5    FactDefTau                           no
23807             6    FactDefTa                            no
23808             8    FactDefTu                            no
23809            10    FactDefDist                          no
23810            12    FactDefA0                            no
23811            16    FactDefB0                            no
23812            20    FactDefA1                            no
23813            24    FactDefB1                            no
23814            28    FactDefP0                            no
23815            32    FactDefP1                            no
23816            36    FactDefP2                            no
23817            68    FactRelSensorTemp                    no
23818            70    FactRelShutterTemp                   no
23819            72    FactRelLensTemp                      no
23820           100    FactStatusGain                       no
23821           101    FactStatusEnvOK                      no
23822           102    FactStatusDistOK                     no
23823           103    FactStatusTempMap                    no
23825       InfiRay Picture Tags
23827       This table lists tags found in the InfiRay APP5 IJPEG picture
23828       temperature information.
23830         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23831         ------   --------                             --------
23832             0    EnvironmentTemp                      no
23833             4    Distance                             no
23834             8    Emissivity                           no
23835            12    Humidity                             no
23836            16    ReferenceTemp                        no
23837            32    TempUnit                             no
23838            33    ShowCenterTemp                       no
23839            34    ShowMaxTemp                          no
23840            35    ShowMinTemp                          no
23841            36    TempMeasureCount                     no
23843   GoPro Tags
23844       GoPro GPMF Tags
23846       Tags extracted from the GPMF box of GoPro MP4 videos, the APP6 "GoPro"
23847       segment of JPEG files, and from the "gpmd" timed metadata if the
23848       ExtractEmbedded (-ee) option is enabled.  Many more tags exist, but are
23849       currently unknown and extracted only with the Unknown (-u) option.
23850       Please let me know if you discover the meaning of any of these unknown
23851       tags. See <https://github.com/gopro/gpmf-parser> for details about this
23852       format.
23854         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
23855         ------   --------                             --------
23856         'ACCL'   Accelerometer                        no
23857         'ALLD'   AutoLowLightDuration                 no
23858         'ATTD'   Attitude                             no
23859         'ATTR'   AttitudeTarget                       no
23860         'AUDO'   AudioSetting                         no
23861         'BPOS'   Controller?                          no
23862         'CASN'   CameraSerialNumber                   no
23863         'CSEN'   CoyoteSense                          no
23864         'CYTS'   CoyoteStatus                         no
23865         'DEVC'   DeviceContainer                      GoPro GPMF
23866         'DVID'   DeviceID?                            no
23867         'DVNM'   DeviceName                           no
23868         'DZOM'   DigitalZoom                          no
23869         'EISA'   ElectronicImageStabilization         no
23870         'EMPT'   Empty?                               no
23871         'ESCS'   EscapeStatus?                        no
23872         'EXPT'   MaximumShutterAngle                  no
23873         'FACE'   FaceDetected                         no
23874         'FCNM'   FaceNumbers                          no
23875         'FMWR'   FirmwareVersion                      no
23876         'FWVS'   OtherFirmware                        no
23877         'GLPI'   GPSPos                               GoPro GLPI
23878         'GPRI'   GPSRaw?                              GoPro GPRI
23879         'GPS5'   GPSInfo                              GoPro GPS5
23880         'GPSF'   GPSMeasureMode                       no
23881         'GPSP'   GPSHPositioningError                 no
23882         'GPSU'   GPSDateTime                          no
23883         'GYRO'   Gyroscope                            no
23884         'ISOE'   ISOSpeeds                            no
23885         'ISOG'   ImageSensorGain                      no
23886         'KBAT'   BatteryStatus                        GoPro KBAT
23887         'LNED'   LocalPositionNED                     no
23888         'MAGN'   Magnetometer                         no
23889         'MINF'   Model                                no
23890         'MTRX'   AccelerometerMatrix                  no
23891         'MUID'   MediaUniqueID                        no
23892         'OREN'   AutoRotation                         no
23893         'ORIN'   InputOrientation                     no
23894         'ORIO'   OutputOrientation                    no
23895         'PHDR'   HDRSetting                           no
23896         'PIMN'   AutoISOMin                           no
23897         'PIMX'   AutoISOMax                           no
23898         'PRES'   PhotoResolution                      no
23899         'PRTN'   ProTune                              no
23900         'PTCL'   ColorMode                            no
23901         'PTEV'   ExposureCompensation                 no
23902         'PTSH'   Sharpness                            no
23903         'PTWB'   WhiteBalance                         no
23904         'RATE'   Rate                                 no
23905         'RMRK'   Comments                             no
23906         'SCAL'   ScaleFactor?                         no
23907         'SCPR'   ScaledPressure                       no
23908         'SHUT'   ExposureTimes                        no
23909         'SIMU'   ScaledIMU                            no
23910         'SIUN'   SIUnits?                             no
23911         'SROT'   SensorReadoutTime                    no
23912         'STMP'   TimeStamp                            no
23913         'STNM'   StreamName?                          no
23914         'STRM'   NestedSignalStream                   GoPro GPMF
23915         'SYST'   SystemTime                           no
23916         'TMPC'   CameraTemperature                    no
23917         'TSMP'   TotalSamples?                        no
23918         'TYPE'   StructureType?                       no
23919         'UNIF'   InputUniformity                      no
23920         'UNIT'   Units?                               no
23921         'VERS'   MetadataVersion                      no
23922         'VFOV'   FieldOfView                          no
23923         'VFRH'   VisualFlightRulesHUD                 no
23924         'WBAL'   ColorTemperatures                    no
23925         'WRGB'   WhiteBalanceRGB                      no
23927       GoPro GLPI Tags
23929          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
23930          -----   --------                             --------
23931             0    GPSDateTime                          no
23932             1    GPSLatitude                          no
23933             2    GPSLongitude                         no
23934             3    GPSAltitude                          no
23935             5    GPSSpeedX                            no
23936             6    GPSSpeedY                            no
23937             7    GPSSpeedZ                            no
23938             8    GPSTrack                             no
23940       GoPro GPRI Tags
23942          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
23943          -----   --------                             --------
23944             0    GPSDateTimeRaw                       no
23945             1    GPSLatitudeRaw                       no
23946             2    GPSLongitudeRaw                      no
23947             3    GPSAltitudeRaw                       no
23948             6    GPSSpeedRaw                          no
23949             7    GPSTrackRaw                          no
23951       GoPro GPS5 Tags
23953          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
23954          -----   --------                             --------
23955             0    GPSLatitude                          no
23956             1    GPSLongitude                         no
23957             2    GPSAltitude                          no
23958             3    GPSSpeed                             no
23959             4    GPSSpeed3D                           no
23961       GoPro KBAT Tags
23963       Battery status information found in GoPro Karma videos.
23965          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
23966          -----   --------                             --------
23967             0    BatteryCurrent                       no
23968             1    BatteryCapacity                      no
23969             3    BatteryTemperature                   no
23970             4    BatteryVoltage1                      no
23971             5    BatteryVoltage2                      no
23972             6    BatteryVoltage3                      no
23973             7    BatteryVoltage4                      no
23974             8    BatteryTime                          no
23975            14    BatteryLevel                         no
23977       GoPro fdsc Tags
23979       Tags extracted from the MP4 "fdsc" timed metadata when the
23980       ExtractEmbedded (-ee) option is used.
23982         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23983         ------   --------                             --------
23984             8    FirmwareVersion                      no
23985            23    SerialNumber                         no
23986            87    OtherSerialNumber                    no
23987           102    Model                                no
23989   InfiRay Tags
23990       InfiRay MixMode Tags
23992       This table lists tags found in the InfiRay APP6 IJPEG visual-infrared
23993       mixing mode section.
23995         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
23996         ------   --------                             --------
23997             0    MixMode                              no
23998             1    FusionIntensity                      no
23999             5    OffsetAdjustment                     no
24000             9    CorrectionAsix                       no
24002   Qualcomm Tags
24003       The tags below have been observed in the JPEG APP7 "Qualcomm Camera
24004       Attributes" segment written by some cameras such as the HP iPAQ Voice
24005       Messenger.  ExifTool will extract any information found from this
24006       segment, even if it is not listed in this table.
24008         Tag Name                                      Writable
24009         --------                                      --------
24010         AECAggressiveness                             no
24011         AECCurrentExpIndex                            no
24012         AECCurrentSensorLuma                          no
24013         AECEnable                                     no
24014         AECExposureIndexAdjStep                       no
24015         AECHighLumaRegionCount                        no
24016         AECHighLumaRegionThreshold                    no
24017         AECIndoorIdx                                  no
24018         AECLumaTarget                                 no
24019         AECLumaTolerance                              no
24020         AECMode                                       no
24021         AECOdoorIdx                                   no
24022         AECOutdoorBrightDiscarded                     no
24023         AECOutdoorBrightEnable                        no
24024         AECOutdoorBrightReduction                     no
24025         AECOutdoorBrightThresholdHI                   no
24026         AECOutdoorBrightThresholdLO                   no
24027         AECOutdoorGammaIndex                          no
24028         AECSnapshotDigitalGain                        no
24029         AECSnapshotExposureTimeMs                     no
24030         AECSnapshotLineCount                          no
24031         AECSnapshotSensorGain                         no
24032         AECVfeLuma                                    no
24033         AFBoundary                                    no
24034         AFCollectEndStat                              no
24035         AFEnable                                      no
24036         AFFarEnd                                      no
24037         AFFineSrchPoints                              no
24038         AFFineStep                                    no
24039         AFFocusTime                                   no
24040         AFGrossStep                                   no
24041         AFMode                                        no
24042         AFNearEnd                                     no
24043         AFPosDefMacro                                 no
24044         AFPosDefNorm                                  no
24045         AFPosition                                    no
24046         AFProcess                                     no
24047         AFREnable                                     no
24048         AFRFaster0ExpMod                              no
24049         AFRFaster0Trigger                             no
24050         AFRFaster1ExpMod                              no
24051         AFRFaster1Trigger                             no
24052         AFRFaster2ExpMod                              no
24053         AFRFaster2Trigger                             no
24054         AFRFaster3ExpMod                              no
24055         AFRFaster3Trigger                             no
24056         AFRFaster4ExpMod                              no
24057         AFRFaster4Trigger                             no
24058         AFRPossibleFrameCnt                           no
24059         AFRSlower0ExpMod                              no
24060         AFRSlower0Trigger                             no
24061         AFRSlower1ExpMod                              no
24062         AFRSlower1Trigger                             no
24063         AFRSlower2ExpMod                              no
24064         AFRSlower2Trigger                             no
24065         AFRSlower3ExpMod                              no
24066         AFRSlower3Trigger                             no
24067         AFRSlower4ExpMod                              no
24068         AFRSlower4Trigger                             no
24069         AFResetLensAfterSnap                          no
24070         AFStepsNearFar                                no
24071         AFStepsNearInfinity                           no
24072         AFTestMode                                    no
24073         AFTracePositions00                            no
24074         AFTracePositions01                            no
24075         AFTracePositions02                            no
24076         AFTracePositions03                            no
24077         AFTracePositions04                            no
24078         AFTracePositions05                            no
24079         AFTracePositions06                            no
24080         AFTracePositions07                            no
24081         AFTracePositions08                            no
24082         AFTracePositions09                            no
24083         AFTracePositions10                            no
24084         AFTracePositions11                            no
24085         AFTracePositions12                            no
24086         AFTracePositions13                            no
24087         AFTracePositions14                            no
24088         AFTracePositions15                            no
24089         AFTracePositions16                            no
24090         AFTracePositions17                            no
24091         AFTracePositions18                            no
24092         AFTracePositions19                            no
24093         AFTracePositions20                            no
24094         AFTracePositions21                            no
24095         AFTracePositions22                            no
24096         AFTracePositions23                            no
24097         AFTracePositions24                            no
24098         AFTracePositions25                            no
24099         AFTracePositions26                            no
24100         AFTracePositions27                            no
24101         AFTracePositions28                            no
24102         AFTracePositions29                            no
24103         AFTracePositions30                            no
24104         AFTracePositions31                            no
24105         AFTracePositions32                            no
24106         AFTracePositions33                            no
24107         AFTracePositions34                            no
24108         AFTracePositions35                            no
24109         AFTracePositions36                            no
24110         AFTracePositions37                            no
24111         AFTracePositions38                            no
24112         AFTracePositions39                            no
24113         AFTracePositions40                            no
24114         AFTracePositions41                            no
24115         AFTracePositions42                            no
24116         AFTracePositions43                            no
24117         AFTracePositions44                            no
24118         AFTracePositions45                            no
24119         AFTracePositions46                            no
24120         AFTracePositions47                            no
24121         AFTracePositions48                            no
24122         AFTracePositions49                            no
24123         AFTraceStats00                                no
24124         AFTraceStats01                                no
24125         AFTraceStats02                                no
24126         AFTraceStats03                                no
24127         AFTraceStats04                                no
24128         AFTraceStats05                                no
24129         AFTraceStats06                                no
24130         AFTraceStats07                                no
24131         AFTraceStats08                                no
24132         AFTraceStats09                                no
24133         AFTraceStats10                                no
24134         AFTraceStats11                                no
24135         AFTraceStats12                                no
24136         AFTraceStats13                                no
24137         AFTraceStats14                                no
24138         AFTraceStats15                                no
24139         AFTraceStats16                                no
24140         AFTraceStats17                                no
24141         AFTraceStats18                                no
24142         AFTraceStats19                                no
24143         AFTraceStats20                                no
24144         AFTraceStats21                                no
24145         AFTraceStats22                                no
24146         AFTraceStats23                                no
24147         AFTraceStats24                                no
24148         AFTraceStats25                                no
24149         AFTraceStats26                                no
24150         AFTraceStats27                                no
24151         AFTraceStats28                                no
24152         AFTraceStats29                                no
24153         AFTraceStats30                                no
24154         AFTraceStats31                                no
24155         AFTraceStats32                                no
24156         AFTraceStats33                                no
24157         AFTraceStats34                                no
24158         AFTraceStats35                                no
24159         AFTraceStats36                                no
24160         AFTraceStats37                                no
24161         AFTraceStats38                                no
24162         AFTraceStats39                                no
24163         AFTraceStats40                                no
24164         AFTraceStats41                                no
24165         AFTraceStats42                                no
24166         AFTraceStats43                                no
24167         AFTraceStats44                                no
24168         AFTraceStats45                                no
24169         AFTraceStats46                                no
24170         AFTraceStats47                                no
24171         AFTraceStats48                                no
24172         AFTraceStats49                                no
24173         AFUndershootProtect                           no
24174         AFVfeHorzOffset                               no
24175         AFVfeHorzWidth                                no
24176         AFVfeMetricMax                                no
24177         AFVfeVertHeight                               no
24178         AFVfeVertOffset                               no
24179         ASF3EdgeDetect                                no
24180         ASF3EdgeFilterA11                             no
24181         ASF3EdgeFilterA12                             no
24182         ASF3EdgeFilterA13                             no
24183         ASF3EdgeFilterA21                             no
24184         ASF3EdgeFilterA22                             no
24185         ASF3EdgeFilterA23                             no
24186         ASF3EdgeFilterA31                             no
24187         ASF3EdgeFilterA32                             no
24188         ASF3EdgeFilterA33                             no
24189         ASF3Enable                                    no
24190         ASF3LowerThreshold                            no
24191         ASF3NoiseFilterA11                            no
24192         ASF3NoiseFilterA12                            no
24193         ASF3NoiseFilterA13                            no
24194         ASF3NoiseFilterA21                            no
24195         ASF3NoiseFilterA22                            no
24196         ASF3NoiseFilterA23                            no
24197         ASF3NoiseFilterA31                            no
24198         ASF3NoiseFilterA32                            no
24199         ASF3NoiseFilterA33                            no
24200         ASF3UpperThreshold                            no
24201         ASF5BrtLoThres                                no
24202         ASF5BrtShrpDegF1                              no
24203         ASF5BrtShrpDegF2                              no
24204         ASF5BrtSmthPercent                            no
24205         ASF5BrtUpThres                                no
24206         ASF5Enable                                    no
24207         ASF5ExposureIndex1                            no
24208         ASF5ExposureIndex2                            no
24209         ASF5Filter1A11                                no
24210         ASF5Filter1A12                                no
24211         ASF5Filter1A13                                no
24212         ASF5Filter1A14                                no
24213         ASF5Filter1A15                                no
24214         ASF5Filter1A21                                no
24215         ASF5Filter1A22                                no
24216         ASF5Filter1A23                                no
24217         ASF5Filter1A24                                no
24218         ASF5Filter1A25                                no
24219         ASF5Filter1A31                                no
24220         ASF5Filter1A32                                no
24221         ASF5Filter1A33                                no
24222         ASF5Filter1A34                                no
24223         ASF5Filter1A35                                no
24224         ASF5Filter1A41                                no
24225         ASF5Filter1A42                                no
24226         ASF5Filter1A43                                no
24227         ASF5Filter1A44                                no
24228         ASF5Filter1A45                                no
24229         ASF5Filter1A51                                no
24230         ASF5Filter1A52                                no
24231         ASF5Filter1A53                                no
24232         ASF5Filter1A54                                no
24233         ASF5Filter1A55                                no
24234         ASF5Filter2A11                                no
24235         ASF5Filter2A12                                no
24236         ASF5Filter2A13                                no
24237         ASF5Filter2A14                                no
24238         ASF5Filter2A15                                no
24239         ASF5Filter2A21                                no
24240         ASF5Filter2A22                                no
24241         ASF5Filter2A23                                no
24242         ASF5Filter2A24                                no
24243         ASF5Filter2A25                                no
24244         ASF5Filter2A31                                no
24245         ASF5Filter2A32                                no
24246         ASF5Filter2A33                                no
24247         ASF5Filter2A34                                no
24248         ASF5Filter2A35                                no
24249         ASF5Filter2A41                                no
24250         ASF5Filter2A42                                no
24251         ASF5Filter2A43                                no
24252         ASF5Filter2A44                                no
24253         ASF5Filter2A45                                no
24254         ASF5Filter2A51                                no
24255         ASF5Filter2A52                                no
24256         ASF5Filter2A53                                no
24257         ASF5Filter2A54                                no
24258         ASF5Filter2A55                                no
24259         ASF5FilterMode                                no
24260         ASF5LowLoThres                                no
24261         ASF5LowShrpDegF1                              no
24262         ASF5LowShrpDegF2                              no
24263         ASF5LowSmthPrcnt                              no
24264         ASF5LowUpThres                                no
24265         ASF5LumaFilter00                              no
24266         ASF5LumaFilter01                              no
24267         ASF5LumaFilter02                              no
24268         ASF5LumaFilter03                              no
24269         ASF5LumaFilter04                              no
24270         ASF5LumaFilter05                              no
24271         ASF5LumaFilter06                              no
24272         ASF5LumaFilter07                              no
24273         ASF5LumaFilter08                              no
24274         ASF5MaxExposureIndex                          no
24275         ASF5NrmLoThres                                no
24276         ASF5NrmShrpDegF1                              no
24277         ASF5NrmShrpDegF2                              no
24278         ASF5NrmSmthPrcnt                              no
24279         ASF5NrmUpThres                                no
24280         ASF5NrmizeFactor1                             no
24281         ASF5NrmizeFactor2                             no
24282         AWBAggressiveness                             no
24283         AWBAgwGridDist2Thresh                         no
24284         AWBAlgorithm                                  no
24285         AWBAveBgRatio                                 no
24286         AWBAveRgRatio                                 no
24287         AWBBlueGainAdjRef1                            no
24288         AWBBlueGainAdjRef2                            no
24289         AWBBlueGainAdjRef3                            no
24290         AWBBlueGainAdjRef4                            no
24291         AWBBlueGainAdjRef5                            no
24292         AWBBlueGainAdjRef6                            no
24293         AWBBlueGainAdjRef7                            no
24294         AWBBlueGainAdjRef8                            no
24295         AWBBlueGainRef1                               no
24296         AWBBlueGainRef2                               no
24297         AWBBlueGainRef3                               no
24298         AWBBlueGainRef4                               no
24299         AWBBlueGainRef5                               no
24300         AWBBlueGainRef6                               no
24301         AWBBlueGainRef7                               no
24302         AWBBlueGainRef8                               no
24303         AWBCcBias                                     no
24304         AWBCompactClusterR2                           no
24305         AWBEnable                                     no
24306         AWBGreenOffsetBg                              no
24307         AWBGreenOffsetRg                              no
24308         AWBIndoorSampleInfluence                      no
24309         AWBLoVfeC1                                    no
24310         AWBLoVfeC2                                    no
24311         AWBLoVfeC3                                    no
24312         AWBLoVfeC4                                    no
24313         AWBLoVfeM1                                    no
24314         AWBLoVfeM2                                    no
24315         AWBLoVfeM3                                    no
24316         AWBLoVfeM4                                    no
24317         AWBLoVfeMaxY                                  no
24318         AWBLoVfeMinY                                  no
24319         AWBLowLigColCorEna                            no
24320         AWBMaxBGain                                   no
24321         AWBMaxGGain                                   no
24322         AWBMaxRGain                                   no
24323         AWBMinBGain                                   no
24324         AWBMinGGain                                   no
24325         AWBMinRGain                                   no
24326         AWBNormVfeC1                                  no
24327         AWBNormVfeC2                                  no
24328         AWBNormVfeC3                                  no
24329         AWBNormVfeC4                                  no
24330         AWBNormVfeM1                                  no
24331         AWBNormVfeM2                                  no
24332         AWBNormVfeM3                                  no
24333         AWBNormVfeM4                                  no
24334         AWBNormVfeMaxY                                no
24335         AWBNormVfeMinY                                no
24336         AWBOudorVfeC1                                 no
24337         AWBOudorVfeC2                                 no
24338         AWBOudorVfeC3                                 no
24339         AWBOudorVfeC4                                 no
24340         AWBOudorVfeM1                                 no
24341         AWBOudorVfeM2                                 no
24342         AWBOudorVfeM3                                 no
24343         AWBOudorVfeM4                                 no
24344         AWBOudorVfeMaxY                               no
24345         AWBOudorVfeMinY                               no
24346         AWBOutdoorSampleInfluence                     no
24347         AWBPrevWbBgain                                no
24348         AWBPrevWbGgain                                no
24349         AWBPrevWbRgain                                no
24350         AWBRedGainAdjRef1                             no
24351         AWBRedGainAdjRef2                             no
24352         AWBRedGainAdjRef3                             no
24353         AWBRedGainAdjRef4                             no
24354         AWBRedGainAdjRef5                             no
24355         AWBRedGainAdjRef6                             no
24356         AWBRedGainAdjRef7                             no
24357         AWBRedGainAdjRef8                             no
24358         AWBRedGainRef1                                no
24359         AWBRedGainRef2                                no
24360         AWBRedGainRef3                                no
24361         AWBRedGainRef4                                no
24362         AWBRedGainRef5                                no
24363         AWBRedGainRef6                                no
24364         AWBRedGainRef7                                no
24365         AWBRedGainRef8                                no
24366         AWBSampleDecision                             no
24367         AWBSnapshotBGain                              no
24368         AWBSnapshotRGain                              no
24369         AntiBadingPixelClk                            no
24370         AntiBadingPixelClkPerLine                     no
24371         AntibandingEnable                             no
24372         BlckLvlEvenCols                               no
24373         BlckLvlOddCols                                no
24374         CamMclkHz                                     no
24375         ChroSupChroThres1                             no
24376         ChroSupChroThres2                             no
24377         ChroSupLumaThres1                             no
24378         ChroSupLumaThres2                             no
24379         ChroSupLumaThres3                             no
24380         ChroSupLumaThres4                             no
24381         ChromSupress                                  no
24382         ClipToAfRato                                  no
24383         CurrResol                                     no
24384         DayltConvChrmA_M                              no
24385         DayltConvChrmA_P                              no
24386         DayltConvChrmB_M                              no
24387         DayltConvChrmB_P                              no
24388         DayltConvChrmC_M                              no
24389         DayltConvChrmC_P                              no
24390         DayltConvChrmD_M                              no
24391         DayltConvChrmD_P                              no
24392         DayltConvChrmKCb                              no
24393         DayltConvChrmKCr                              no
24394         DayltConvLumaK                                no
24395         DayltConvLumaV0                               no
24396         DayltConvLumaV1                               no
24397         DayltConvLumaV2                               no
24398         DefConvChrmA_M                                no
24399         DefConvChrmA_P                                no
24400         DefConvChrmB_M                                no
24401         DefConvChrmB_P                                no
24402         DefConvChrmC_M                                no
24403         DefConvChrmC_P                                no
24404         DefConvChrmD_M                                no
24405         DefConvChrmD_P                                no
24406         DefConvChrmKCb                                no
24407         DefConvChrmKCr                                no
24408         DefConvLumaK                                  no
24409         DefConvLumaV0                                 no
24410         DefConvLumaV1                                 no
24411         DefConvLumaV2                                 no
24412         DefCorC0                                      no
24413         DefCorC1                                      no
24414         DefCorC2                                      no
24415         DefCorC3                                      no
24416         DefCorC4                                      no
24417         DefCorC5                                      no
24418         DefCorC6                                      no
24419         DefCorC7                                      no
24420         DefCorC8                                      no
24421         DefCorK0                                      no
24422         DefCorK1                                      no
24423         DefCorK2                                      no
24424         DefLumaGammaMode                              no
24425         DefRgbGammaMode                               no
24426         DefectPixCorEnable                            no
24427         DefectPixMaxThresh                            no
24428         DefectPixMinThresh                            no
24429         DiscardFrstFrm                                no
24430         FrmSkipPttrn                                  no
24431         GammaEnable                                   no
24432         HJREnable                                     no
24433         HJRMaxNumFrames                               no
24434         HJROneToTwoOffset                             no
24435         HJRTextureThreshold                           no
24436         HJR_NReductionFlat                            no
24437         HJR_NReductionTexture                         no
24438         IncandConvChrmA_M                             no
24439         IncandConvChrmA_P                             no
24440         IncandConvChrmB_M                             no
24441         IncandConvChrmB_P                             no
24442         IncandConvChrmC_M                             no
24443         IncandConvChrmC_P                             no
24444         IncandConvChrmD_M                             no
24445         IncandConvChrmD_P                             no
24446         IncandConvChrmKCb                             no
24447         IncandConvChrmKCr                             no
24448         IncandConvLumaK                               no
24449         IncandConvLumaV0                              no
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24465         R2ABlueCtbl03                                 no
24466         R2ABlueCtbl04                                 no
24467         R2ABlueCtbl05                                 no
24468         R2ABlueCtbl06                                 no
24469         R2ABlueCtbl07                                 no
24470         R2ABlueCtbl08                                 no
24471         R2ABlueCtbl09                                 no
24472         R2ABlueCtbl10                                 no
24473         R2ABlueCtbl11                                 no
24474         R2ABlueCtbl12                                 no
24475         R2ABlueCtbl13                                 no
24476         R2ABlueCtbl14                                 no
24477         R2ABlueCtbl15                                 no
24478         R2ABlueCtbl16                                 no
24479         R2ABlueCtbl17                                 no
24480         R2ABlueCtbl18                                 no
24481         R2ABlueCtbl19                                 no
24482         R2ABlueCtbl20                                 no
24483         R2ABlueCtbl21                                 no
24484         R2ABlueCtbl22                                 no
24485         R2ABlueCtbl23                                 no
24486         R2ABlueCtbl24                                 no
24487         R2ABlueCtbl25                                 no
24488         R2ABlueCtbl26                                 no
24489         R2ABlueCtbl27                                 no
24490         R2ABlueCtbl28                                 no
24491         R2ABlueCtbl29                                 no
24492         R2ABlueCtbl30                                 no
24493         R2ABlueCtbl31                                 no
24494         R2ABlueStbl00                                 no
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24496         R2ABlueStbl02                                 no
24497         R2ABlueStbl03                                 no
24498         R2ABlueStbl04                                 no
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24502         R2ABlueStbl08                                 no
24503         R2ABlueStbl09                                 no
24504         R2ABlueStbl10                                 no
24505         R2ABlueStbl11                                 no
24506         R2ABlueStbl12                                 no
24507         R2ABlueStbl13                                 no
24508         R2ABlueStbl14                                 no
24509         R2ABlueStbl15                                 no
24510         R2ABlueStbl16                                 no
24511         R2ABlueStbl17                                 no
24512         R2ABlueStbl18                                 no
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24516         R2ABlueStbl22                                 no
24517         R2ABlueStbl23                                 no
24518         R2ABlueStbl24                                 no
24519         R2ABlueStbl25                                 no
24520         R2ABlueStbl26                                 no
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24536         R2AGreenCtbl08                                no
24537         R2AGreenCtbl09                                no
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24543         R2AGreenCtbl15                                no
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24552         R2AGreenCtbl24                                no
24553         R2AGreenCtbl25                                no
24554         R2AGreenCtbl26                                no
24555         R2AGreenCtbl27                                no
24556         R2AGreenCtbl28                                no
24557         R2AGreenCtbl29                                no
24558         R2AGreenCtbl30                                no
24559         R2AGreenCtbl31                                no
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24562         R2AGreenStbl02                                no
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24572         R2AGreenStbl12                                no
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24574         R2AGreenStbl14                                no
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24576         R2AGreenStbl16                                no
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24579         R2AGreenStbl19                                no
24580         R2AGreenStbl20                                no
24581         R2AGreenStbl21                                no
24582         R2AGreenStbl22                                no
24583         R2AGreenStbl23                                no
24584         R2AGreenStbl24                                no
24585         R2AGreenStbl25                                no
24586         R2AGreenStbl26                                no
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24588         R2AGreenStbl28                                no
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24598         R2ARedCtbl04                                  no
24599         R2ARedCtbl05                                  no
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24602         R2ARedCtbl08                                  no
24603         R2ARedCtbl09                                  no
24604         R2ARedCtbl10                                  no
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24606         R2ARedCtbl12                                  no
24607         R2ARedCtbl13                                  no
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24616         R2ARedCtbl22                                  no
24617         R2ARedCtbl23                                  no
24618         R2ARedCtbl24                                  no
24619         R2ARedCtbl25                                  no
24620         R2ARedCtbl26                                  no
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24634         R2ARedStbl08                                  no
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24636         R2ARedStbl10                                  no
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24638         R2ARedStbl12                                  no
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24652         R2ARedStbl26                                  no
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24654         R2ARedStbl28                                  no
24655         R2ARedStbl29                                  no
24656         R2ARedStbl30                                  no
24657         R2ARedStbl31                                  no
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24662         R2ATbl04                                      no
24663         R2ATbl05                                      no
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24673         R2ATbl15                                      no
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24682         R2ATbl24                                      no
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24695         R2D65BlueCtbl04                               no
24696         R2D65BlueCtbl05                               no
24697         R2D65BlueCtbl06                               no
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24699         R2D65BlueCtbl08                               no
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24702         R2D65BlueCtbl11                               no
24703         R2D65BlueCtbl12                               no
24704         R2D65BlueCtbl13                               no
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24707         R2D65BlueCtbl16                               no
24708         R2D65BlueCtbl17                               no
24709         R2D65BlueCtbl18                               no
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24716         R2D65BlueCtbl25                               no
24717         R2D65BlueCtbl26                               no
24718         R2D65BlueCtbl27                               no
24719         R2D65BlueCtbl28                               no
24720         R2D65BlueCtbl29                               no
24721         R2D65BlueCtbl30                               no
24722         R2D65BlueCtbl31                               no
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24725         R2D65BlueStbl02                               no
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24732         R2D65BlueStbl09                               no
24733         R2D65BlueStbl10                               no
24734         R2D65BlueStbl11                               no
24735         R2D65BlueStbl12                               no
24736         R2D65BlueStbl13                               no
24737         R2D65BlueStbl14                               no
24738         R2D65BlueStbl15                               no
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24741         R2D65BlueStbl18                               no
24742         R2D65BlueStbl19                               no
24743         R2D65BlueStbl20                               no
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24752         R2D65BlueStbl29                               no
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24754         R2D65BlueStbl31                               no
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24757         R2D65GreenCtbl00                              no
24758         R2D65GreenCtbl01                              no
24759         R2D65GreenCtbl02                              no
24760         R2D65GreenCtbl03                              no
24761         R2D65GreenCtbl04                              no
24762         R2D65GreenCtbl05                              no
24763         R2D65GreenCtbl06                              no
24764         R2D65GreenCtbl07                              no
24765         R2D65GreenCtbl08                              no
24766         R2D65GreenCtbl09                              no
24767         R2D65GreenCtbl10                              no
24768         R2D65GreenCtbl11                              no
24769         R2D65GreenCtbl12                              no
24770         R2D65GreenCtbl13                              no
24771         R2D65GreenCtbl14                              no
24772         R2D65GreenCtbl15                              no
24773         R2D65GreenCtbl16                              no
24774         R2D65GreenCtbl17                              no
24775         R2D65GreenCtbl18                              no
24776         R2D65GreenCtbl19                              no
24777         R2D65GreenCtbl20                              no
24778         R2D65GreenCtbl21                              no
24779         R2D65GreenCtbl22                              no
24780         R2D65GreenCtbl23                              no
24781         R2D65GreenCtbl24                              no
24782         R2D65GreenCtbl25                              no
24783         R2D65GreenCtbl26                              no
24784         R2D65GreenCtbl27                              no
24785         R2D65GreenCtbl28                              no
24786         R2D65GreenCtbl29                              no
24787         R2D65GreenCtbl30                              no
24788         R2D65GreenCtbl31                              no
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24790         R2D65GreenStbl01                              no
24791         R2D65GreenStbl02                              no
24792         R2D65GreenStbl03                              no
24793         R2D65GreenStbl04                              no
24794         R2D65GreenStbl05                              no
24795         R2D65GreenStbl06                              no
24796         R2D65GreenStbl07                              no
24797         R2D65GreenStbl08                              no
24798         R2D65GreenStbl09                              no
24799         R2D65GreenStbl10                              no
24800         R2D65GreenStbl11                              no
24801         R2D65GreenStbl12                              no
24802         R2D65GreenStbl13                              no
24803         R2D65GreenStbl14                              no
24804         R2D65GreenStbl15                              no
24805         R2D65GreenStbl16                              no
24806         R2D65GreenStbl17                              no
24807         R2D65GreenStbl18                              no
24808         R2D65GreenStbl19                              no
24809         R2D65GreenStbl20                              no
24810         R2D65GreenStbl21                              no
24811         R2D65GreenStbl22                              no
24812         R2D65GreenStbl23                              no
24813         R2D65GreenStbl24                              no
24814         R2D65GreenStbl25                              no
24815         R2D65GreenStbl26                              no
24816         R2D65GreenStbl27                              no
24817         R2D65GreenStbl28                              no
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24827         R2D65RedCtbl04                                no
24828         R2D65RedCtbl05                                no
24829         R2D65RedCtbl06                                no
24830         R2D65RedCtbl07                                no
24831         R2D65RedCtbl08                                no
24832         R2D65RedCtbl09                                no
24833         R2D65RedCtbl10                                no
24834         R2D65RedCtbl11                                no
24835         R2D65RedCtbl12                                no
24836         R2D65RedCtbl13                                no
24837         R2D65RedCtbl14                                no
24838         R2D65RedCtbl15                                no
24839         R2D65RedCtbl16                                no
24840         R2D65RedCtbl17                                no
24841         R2D65RedCtbl18                                no
24842         R2D65RedCtbl19                                no
24843         R2D65RedCtbl20                                no
24844         R2D65RedCtbl21                                no
24845         R2D65RedCtbl22                                no
24846         R2D65RedCtbl23                                no
24847         R2D65RedCtbl24                                no
24848         R2D65RedCtbl25                                no
24849         R2D65RedCtbl26                                no
24850         R2D65RedCtbl27                                no
24851         R2D65RedCtbl28                                no
24852         R2D65RedCtbl29                                no
24853         R2D65RedCtbl30                                no
24854         R2D65RedCtbl31                                no
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24856         R2D65RedStbl01                                no
24857         R2D65RedStbl02                                no
24858         R2D65RedStbl03                                no
24859         R2D65RedStbl04                                no
24860         R2D65RedStbl05                                no
24861         R2D65RedStbl06                                no
24862         R2D65RedStbl07                                no
24863         R2D65RedStbl08                                no
24864         R2D65RedStbl09                                no
24865         R2D65RedStbl10                                no
24866         R2D65RedStbl11                                no
24867         R2D65RedStbl12                                no
24868         R2D65RedStbl13                                no
24869         R2D65RedStbl14                                no
24870         R2D65RedStbl15                                no
24871         R2D65RedStbl16                                no
24872         R2D65RedStbl17                                no
24873         R2D65RedStbl18                                no
24874         R2D65RedStbl19                                no
24875         R2D65RedStbl20                                no
24876         R2D65RedStbl21                                no
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24879         R2D65RedStbl24                                no
24880         R2D65RedStbl25                                no
24881         R2D65RedStbl26                                no
24882         R2D65RedStbl27                                no
24883         R2D65RedStbl28                                no
24884         R2D65RedStbl29                                no
24885         R2D65RedStbl30                                no
24886         R2D65RedStbl31                                no
24887         R2D65Tbl00                                    no
24888         R2D65Tbl01                                    no
24889         R2D65Tbl02                                    no
24890         R2D65Tbl03                                    no
24891         R2D65Tbl04                                    no
24892         R2D65Tbl05                                    no
24893         R2D65Tbl06                                    no
24894         R2D65Tbl07                                    no
24895         R2D65Tbl08                                    no
24896         R2D65Tbl09                                    no
24897         R2D65Tbl10                                    no
24898         R2D65Tbl11                                    no
24899         R2D65Tbl12                                    no
24900         R2D65Tbl13                                    no
24901         R2D65Tbl14                                    no
24902         R2D65Tbl15                                    no
24903         R2D65Tbl16                                    no
24904         R2D65Tbl17                                    no
24905         R2D65Tbl18                                    no
24906         R2D65Tbl19                                    no
24907         R2D65Tbl20                                    no
24908         R2D65Tbl21                                    no
24909         R2D65Tbl22                                    no
24910         R2D65Tbl23                                    no
24911         R2D65Tbl24                                    no
24912         R2D65Tbl25                                    no
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24914         R2D65Tbl27                                    no
24915         R2D65Tbl28                                    no
24916         R2D65Tbl29                                    no
24917         R2D65Tbl30                                    no
24918         R2D65Tbl31                                    no
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24921         R2TL84BlueCtbl01                              no
24922         R2TL84BlueCtbl02                              no
24923         R2TL84BlueCtbl03                              no
24924         R2TL84BlueCtbl04                              no
24925         R2TL84BlueCtbl05                              no
24926         R2TL84BlueCtbl06                              no
24927         R2TL84BlueCtbl07                              no
24928         R2TL84BlueCtbl08                              no
24929         R2TL84BlueCtbl09                              no
24930         R2TL84BlueCtbl10                              no
24931         R2TL84BlueCtbl11                              no
24932         R2TL84BlueCtbl12                              no
24933         R2TL84BlueCtbl13                              no
24934         R2TL84BlueCtbl14                              no
24935         R2TL84BlueCtbl15                              no
24936         R2TL84BlueCtbl16                              no
24937         R2TL84BlueCtbl17                              no
24938         R2TL84BlueCtbl18                              no
24939         R2TL84BlueCtbl19                              no
24940         R2TL84BlueCtbl20                              no
24941         R2TL84BlueCtbl21                              no
24942         R2TL84BlueCtbl22                              no
24943         R2TL84BlueCtbl23                              no
24944         R2TL84BlueCtbl24                              no
24945         R2TL84BlueCtbl25                              no
24946         R2TL84BlueCtbl26                              no
24947         R2TL84BlueCtbl27                              no
24948         R2TL84BlueCtbl28                              no
24949         R2TL84BlueCtbl29                              no
24950         R2TL84BlueCtbl30                              no
24951         R2TL84BlueCtbl31                              no
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24953         R2TL84BlueStbl01                              no
24954         R2TL84BlueStbl02                              no
24955         R2TL84BlueStbl03                              no
24956         R2TL84BlueStbl04                              no
24957         R2TL84BlueStbl05                              no
24958         R2TL84BlueStbl06                              no
24959         R2TL84BlueStbl07                              no
24960         R2TL84BlueStbl08                              no
24961         R2TL84BlueStbl09                              no
24962         R2TL84BlueStbl10                              no
24963         R2TL84BlueStbl11                              no
24964         R2TL84BlueStbl12                              no
24965         R2TL84BlueStbl13                              no
24966         R2TL84BlueStbl14                              no
24967         R2TL84BlueStbl15                              no
24968         R2TL84BlueStbl16                              no
24969         R2TL84BlueStbl17                              no
24970         R2TL84BlueStbl18                              no
24971         R2TL84BlueStbl19                              no
24972         R2TL84BlueStbl20                              no
24973         R2TL84BlueStbl21                              no
24974         R2TL84BlueStbl22                              no
24975         R2TL84BlueStbl23                              no
24976         R2TL84BlueStbl24                              no
24977         R2TL84BlueStbl25                              no
24978         R2TL84BlueStbl26                              no
24979         R2TL84BlueStbl27                              no
24980         R2TL84BlueStbl28                              no
24981         R2TL84BlueStbl29                              no
24982         R2TL84BlueStbl30                              no
24983         R2TL84BlueStbl31                              no
24984         R2TL84Cx                                      no
24985         R2TL84Cy                                      no
24986         R2TL84GreenCtbl00                             no
24987         R2TL84GreenCtbl01                             no
24988         R2TL84GreenCtbl02                             no
24989         R2TL84GreenCtbl03                             no
24990         R2TL84GreenCtbl04                             no
24991         R2TL84GreenCtbl05                             no
24992         R2TL84GreenCtbl06                             no
24993         R2TL84GreenCtbl07                             no
24994         R2TL84GreenCtbl08                             no
24995         R2TL84GreenCtbl09                             no
24996         R2TL84GreenCtbl10                             no
24997         R2TL84GreenCtbl11                             no
24998         R2TL84GreenCtbl12                             no
24999         R2TL84GreenCtbl13                             no
25000         R2TL84GreenCtbl14                             no
25001         R2TL84GreenCtbl15                             no
25002         R2TL84GreenCtbl16                             no
25003         R2TL84GreenCtbl17                             no
25004         R2TL84GreenCtbl18                             no
25005         R2TL84GreenCtbl19                             no
25006         R2TL84GreenCtbl20                             no
25007         R2TL84GreenCtbl21                             no
25008         R2TL84GreenCtbl22                             no
25009         R2TL84GreenCtbl23                             no
25010         R2TL84GreenCtbl24                             no
25011         R2TL84GreenCtbl25                             no
25012         R2TL84GreenCtbl26                             no
25013         R2TL84GreenCtbl27                             no
25014         R2TL84GreenCtbl28                             no
25015         R2TL84GreenCtbl29                             no
25016         R2TL84GreenCtbl30                             no
25017         R2TL84GreenCtbl31                             no
25018         R2TL84GreenStbl00                             no
25019         R2TL84GreenStbl01                             no
25020         R2TL84GreenStbl02                             no
25021         R2TL84GreenStbl03                             no
25022         R2TL84GreenStbl04                             no
25023         R2TL84GreenStbl05                             no
25024         R2TL84GreenStbl06                             no
25025         R2TL84GreenStbl07                             no
25026         R2TL84GreenStbl08                             no
25027         R2TL84GreenStbl09                             no
25028         R2TL84GreenStbl10                             no
25029         R2TL84GreenStbl11                             no
25030         R2TL84GreenStbl12                             no
25031         R2TL84GreenStbl13                             no
25032         R2TL84GreenStbl14                             no
25033         R2TL84GreenStbl15                             no
25034         R2TL84GreenStbl16                             no
25035         R2TL84GreenStbl17                             no
25036         R2TL84GreenStbl18                             no
25037         R2TL84GreenStbl19                             no
25038         R2TL84GreenStbl20                             no
25039         R2TL84GreenStbl21                             no
25040         R2TL84GreenStbl22                             no
25041         R2TL84GreenStbl23                             no
25042         R2TL84GreenStbl24                             no
25043         R2TL84GreenStbl25                             no
25044         R2TL84GreenStbl26                             no
25045         R2TL84GreenStbl27                             no
25046         R2TL84GreenStbl28                             no
25047         R2TL84GreenStbl29                             no
25048         R2TL84GreenStbl30                             no
25049         R2TL84GreenStbl31                             no
25050         R2TL84Height                                  no
25051         R2TL84Intervals                               no
25052         R2TL84RedCtbl00                               no
25053         R2TL84RedCtbl01                               no
25054         R2TL84RedCtbl02                               no
25055         R2TL84RedCtbl03                               no
25056         R2TL84RedCtbl04                               no
25057         R2TL84RedCtbl05                               no
25058         R2TL84RedCtbl06                               no
25059         R2TL84RedCtbl07                               no
25060         R2TL84RedCtbl08                               no
25061         R2TL84RedCtbl09                               no
25062         R2TL84RedCtbl10                               no
25063         R2TL84RedCtbl11                               no
25064         R2TL84RedCtbl12                               no
25065         R2TL84RedCtbl13                               no
25066         R2TL84RedCtbl14                               no
25067         R2TL84RedCtbl15                               no
25068         R2TL84RedCtbl16                               no
25069         R2TL84RedCtbl17                               no
25070         R2TL84RedCtbl18                               no
25071         R2TL84RedCtbl19                               no
25072         R2TL84RedCtbl20                               no
25073         R2TL84RedCtbl21                               no
25074         R2TL84RedCtbl22                               no
25075         R2TL84RedCtbl23                               no
25076         R2TL84RedCtbl24                               no
25077         R2TL84RedCtbl25                               no
25078         R2TL84RedCtbl26                               no
25079         R2TL84RedCtbl27                               no
25080         R2TL84RedCtbl28                               no
25081         R2TL84RedCtbl29                               no
25082         R2TL84RedCtbl30                               no
25083         R2TL84RedCtbl31                               no
25084         R2TL84RedStbl00                               no
25085         R2TL84RedStbl01                               no
25086         R2TL84RedStbl02                               no
25087         R2TL84RedStbl03                               no
25088         R2TL84RedStbl04                               no
25089         R2TL84RedStbl05                               no
25090         R2TL84RedStbl06                               no
25091         R2TL84RedStbl07                               no
25092         R2TL84RedStbl08                               no
25093         R2TL84RedStbl09                               no
25094         R2TL84RedStbl10                               no
25095         R2TL84RedStbl11                               no
25096         R2TL84RedStbl12                               no
25097         R2TL84RedStbl13                               no
25098         R2TL84RedStbl14                               no
25099         R2TL84RedStbl15                               no
25100         R2TL84RedStbl16                               no
25101         R2TL84RedStbl17                               no
25102         R2TL84RedStbl18                               no
25103         R2TL84RedStbl19                               no
25104         R2TL84RedStbl20                               no
25105         R2TL84RedStbl21                               no
25106         R2TL84RedStbl22                               no
25107         R2TL84RedStbl23                               no
25108         R2TL84RedStbl24                               no
25109         R2TL84RedStbl25                               no
25110         R2TL84RedStbl26                               no
25111         R2TL84RedStbl27                               no
25112         R2TL84RedStbl28                               no
25113         R2TL84RedStbl29                               no
25114         R2TL84RedStbl30                               no
25115         R2TL84RedStbl31                               no
25116         R2TL84Tbl00                                   no
25117         R2TL84Tbl01                                   no
25118         R2TL84Tbl02                                   no
25119         R2TL84Tbl03                                   no
25120         R2TL84Tbl04                                   no
25121         R2TL84Tbl05                                   no
25122         R2TL84Tbl06                                   no
25123         R2TL84Tbl07                                   no
25124         R2TL84Tbl08                                   no
25125         R2TL84Tbl09                                   no
25126         R2TL84Tbl10                                   no
25127         R2TL84Tbl11                                   no
25128         R2TL84Tbl12                                   no
25129         R2TL84Tbl13                                   no
25130         R2TL84Tbl14                                   no
25131         R2TL84Tbl15                                   no
25132         R2TL84Tbl16                                   no
25133         R2TL84Tbl17                                   no
25134         R2TL84Tbl18                                   no
25135         R2TL84Tbl19                                   no
25136         R2TL84Tbl20                                   no
25137         R2TL84Tbl21                                   no
25138         R2TL84Tbl22                                   no
25139         R2TL84Tbl23                                   no
25140         R2TL84Tbl24                                   no
25141         R2TL84Tbl25                                   no
25142         R2TL84Tbl26                                   no
25143         R2TL84Tbl27                                   no
25144         R2TL84Tbl28                                   no
25145         R2TL84Tbl29                                   no
25146         R2TL84Tbl30                                   no
25147         R2TL84Tbl31                                   no
25148         R2TL84Width                                   no
25149         RolloffEnable                                 no
25150         SensorFmt                                     no
25151         SensorType                                    no
25152         SensrFulHght                                  no
25153         SensrFulWdth                                  no
25154         SensrQtrHght                                  no
25155         SensrQtrWdth                                  no
25156         SnapshotResol                                 no
25157         TL84ConvChrmA_M                               no
25158         TL84ConvChrmA_P                               no
25159         TL84ConvChrmB_M                               no
25160         TL84ConvChrmB_P                               no
25161         TL84ConvChrmC_M                               no
25162         TL84ConvChrmC_P                               no
25163         TL84ConvChrmD_M                               no
25164         TL84ConvChrmD_P                               no
25165         TL84ConvChrmKCb                               no
25166         TL84ConvChrmKCr                               no
25167         TL84ConvLumaK                                 no
25168         TL84ConvLumaV0                                no
25169         TL84ConvLumaV1                                no
25170         TL84ConvLumaV2                                no
25171         VideoFps                                      no
25172         YhiYloConvChrmA_M                             no
25173         YhiYloConvChrmA_P                             no
25174         YhiYloConvChrmB_M                             no
25175         YhiYloConvChrmB_P                             no
25176         YhiYloConvChrmC_M                             no
25177         YhiYloConvChrmC_P                             no
25178         YhiYloConvChrmD_M                             no
25179         YhiYloConvChrmD_P                             no
25180         YhiYloConvChrmKCb                             no
25181         YhiYloConvChrmKCr                             no
25182         YhiYloConvLumaK                               no
25183         YhiYloConvLumaV0                              no
25184         YhiYloConvLumaV1                              no
25185         YhiYloConvLumaV2                              no
25186         YhiYloCorC0                                   no
25187         YhiYloCorC1                                   no
25188         YhiYloCorC2                                   no
25189         YhiYloCorC3                                   no
25190         YhiYloCorC4                                   no
25191         YhiYloCorC5                                   no
25192         YhiYloCorC6                                   no
25193         YhiYloCorC7                                   no
25194         YhiYloCorC8                                   no
25195         YhiYloCorK0                                   no
25196         YhiYloCorK1                                   no
25197         YhiYloCorK2                                   no
25199   InfiRay Tags
25200       InfiRay OpMode Tags
25202       This table lists tags found in the InfiRay APP7 IJPEG camera operation
25203       mode section.
25205         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
25206         ------   --------                             --------
25207             0    WorkingMode                          no
25208             1    IntegralTime                         no
25209             5    IntegratTimeHdr                      no
25210             9    GainStable                           no
25211            10    TempControlEnable                    no
25212            11    DeviceTemp                           no
25214       InfiRay Isothermal Tags
25216       This table lists tags found in the InfiRay APP8 IJPEG picture
25217       isothermal information.
25219         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
25220         ------   --------                             --------
25221             0    IsothermalMax                        no
25222             4    IsothermalMin                        no
25223             8    ChromaBarMax                         no
25224            12    ChromaBarMin                         no
25226       InfiRay Sensor Tags
25228       This table lists tags found in the InfiRay APP9 IJPEG sensor
25229       information chunk.
25231         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
25232         ------   --------                             --------
25233             0    IRSensorManufacturer                 no
25234            64    IRSensorName                         no
25235           128    IRSensorPartNumber                   no
25236           192    IRSensorSerialNumber                 no
25237           256    IRSensorFirmware                     no
25238           320    IRSensorAperture                     no
25239           324    IRFocalLength                        no
25240           384    VisibleSensorManufacturer            no
25241           448    VisibleSensorName                    no
25242           512    VisibleSensorPartNumber              no
25243           576    VisibleSensorSerialNumber            no
25244           640    VisibleSensorFirmware                no
25245           704    VisibleSensorAperture                no
25246           708    VisibleFocalLength                   no
25248   Jpeg2000 Tags
25249       The tags below are found in JPEG 2000 images and the C2PA CAI JUMBF
25250       metadata in various file types (see below).  Note that ExifTool
25251       currently writes only EXIF, IPTC and XMP tags in Jpeg2000 images, and
25252       EXIF and XMP in JXL images.  ExifTool will read/write Brotli-compressed
25253       EXIF and XMP in JXL images, but the API Compress option must be set to
25254       create new EXIF and XMP in compressed format.
25256       C2PA (Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity) CAI (Content
25257       Authenticity Initiative) JUMBF (JPEG Universal Metadata Box Format)
25258       metdata is currently extracted from JPEG, PNG, TIFF-based (eg. TIFF,
25259       DNG), QuickTime-based (eg. MP4, MOV, HEIF, AVIF), RIFF-based (eg. WAV,
25260       AVI, WebP), GIF files and ID3v2 metadata.  The suggested ExifTool
25261       command-line arguments for reading C2PA metadata are "-jumbf:all -G3 -b
25262       -j -u -struct".  This metadata may be deleted from writable JPEG, PNG,
25263       WebP, TIFF-based, and QuickTime-based files by deleting the JUMBF group
25264       with "-jumbf:all=".
25266         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
25267         ------   --------                             --------
25268         'Exif'   EXIF                                 EXIF
25269         'asoc'   Association                          Jpeg2000
25270         'bfdb'   BinaryDataType                       no
25271         'bfil'   BinaryFilter                         no
25272         'bidb'   BinaryData                           no
25273         'bpcc'   BitsPerComponent                     no
25274         'brob'   BrotliXMP                            XMP
25275                  BrotliEXIF                           EXIF
25276                  BrotliJUMB                           Jpeg2000
25277         'c2sh'   C2PASaltHash                         no
25278         'cbor'   CBORData                             CBOR
25279         'cdef'   ComponentDefinition                  no
25280         'cgrp'   ColorGroup                           no
25281         'chck'   DigitalSignature                     no
25282         'cmap'   ComponentMapping                     no
25283         'colr'   ColorSpecification                   Jpeg2000 ColorSpec
25284         'comp'   Composition                          no
25285         'copt'   CompositionOptions                   no
25286         'cref'   Cross-Reference                      no
25287         'creg'   CodestreamRegistration               no
25288         'drep'   DesiredReproductions                 no
25289         'dtbl'   DataReference                        no
25290         'flst'   FragmentList                         no
25291         'free'   Free                                 no
25292         'ftbl'   FragmentTable                        no
25293         'ftyp'   FileType                             Jpeg2000 FileType
25294         'gtso'   GraphicsTechnologyStandardOutput     no
25295         'hrgm'   GainMapImage                         no
25296         'ihdr'   ImageHeader                          Jpeg2000 ImageHeader
25297         'inst'   InstructionSet                       no
25298         'jP  '   JP2Signature                         no
25299         'jp2c'   ContiguousCodestream                 no
25300                  PreviewImage                         no
25301         'jp2h'   JP2Header                            Jpeg2000
25302         'jp2i'   IntellectualProperty                 XMP
25303         'jpch'   CodestreamHeader                     Jpeg2000
25304         'jplh'   CompositingLayerHeader               Jpeg2000
25305         'json'   JSONData                             JSON
25306         'jumb'   JUMBFBox                             Jpeg2000
25307         'jumd'   JUMBFDescr                           Jpeg2000 JUMD
25308         'jxlc'   JXLCodestream                        no
25309         'jxlp'   PartialJXLCodestream                 no
25310         'lbl '   Label                                no
25311         'mdat'   MediaData                            no
25312         'mp7b'   MPEG7Binary                          no
25313         'nlst'   NumberList                           no
25314         'opct'   Opacity                              no
25315         'pclr'   Palette                              no
25316         'prfl'   Profile                              no
25317         'res '   Resolution                           Jpeg2000
25318         'resc'   CaptureResolution                    Jpeg2000 CaptureResolution
25319         'resd'   DisplayResolution                    Jpeg2000 DisplayResolution
25320         'roid'   ROIDescription                       no
25321         'rreq'   ReaderRequirements                   no
25322         'uinf'   UUIDInfo                             Jpeg2000
25323         'ulst'   UUIDList                             no
25324         'url '   URL                                  no
25325         'uuid'   UUID-EXIF                            EXIF
25326                  UUID-EXIF2                           EXIF
25327                  UUID-EXIF_bad                        EXIF
25328                  UUID-IPTC                            IPTC
25329                  UUID-IPTC2                           IPTC
25330                  UUID-XMP                             XMP
25331                  UUID-GeoJP2                          EXIF
25332                  UUID-Photoshop                       Photoshop
25333                  UUID-C2PAClaimSignature              CBOR
25334                  UUID-Signature                       no
25335                  UUID-Unknown                         no
25336         'xml '   XML                                  XMP XML
25337                  XMP                                  -
25338                                                       XMP
25340       Jpeg2000 ColorSpec Tags
25342       The table below contains tags in the color specification (colr) box.
25343       This box may be rewritten by writing either ICC_Profile, ColorSpace or
25344       ColorSpecData.  When writing, any existing colr boxes are replaced with
25345       the newly created colr box.
25347       NOTE: Care must be taken when writing this color specification because
25348       writing a specification that is incompatible with the image data may
25349       make the image undisplayable.
25351         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
25352         ------   --------                             --------
25353             0    ColorSpecMethod                      int8s!
25354             1    ColorSpecPrecedence                  int8s!
25355             2    ColorSpecApproximation               int8s!
25356             3    ICC_Profile                          ICC_Profile
25357                  ColorSpace                           int32u!
25358                  ColorSpecData                        undef!
25360       Jpeg2000 FileType Tags
25362         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
25363         ------   --------                             --------
25364             0    MajorBrand                           no
25365             1    MinorVersion                         no
25366             2    CompatibleBrands                     no
25368       Jpeg2000 ImageHeader Tags
25370         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
25371         ------   --------                             --------
25372             0    ImageHeight                          no
25373             4    ImageWidth                           no
25374             8    NumberOfComponents                   no
25375            10    BitsPerComponent                     no
25376            11    Compression                          no
25378       Jpeg2000 JUMD Tags
25380       Information extracted from the JUMBF description box.
25382         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
25383         ------       --------                         --------
25384         'id'         JUMDID                           no
25385         'label'      JUMDLabel                        no
25386         'sig'        JUMDSignature                    no
25387         'toggles'    JUMDToggles?                     no
25388         'type'       JUMDType                         no
25390       Jpeg2000 CaptureResolution Tags
25392         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
25393         ------   --------                             --------
25394             0    CaptureYResolution                   no
25395             4    CaptureXResolution                   no
25396             8    CaptureYResolutionUnit               no
25397             9    CaptureXResolutionUnit               no
25399       Jpeg2000 DisplayResolution Tags
25401         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
25402         ------   --------                             --------
25403             0    DisplayYResolution                   no
25404             4    DisplayXResolution                   no
25405             8    DisplayYResolutionUnit               no
25406             9    DisplayXResolutionUnit               no
25408   JSON Tags
25409       Other than a few tags in the table below, JSON tags have not been pre-
25410       defined.  However, ExifTool will read any existing tags from basic
25411       JSON-formatted files.
25413         Tag Name                                      Writable
25414         --------                                      --------
25415         ON1_SettingsData                              PLIST
25416         ON1_SettingsMetadataCreated                   no
25417         ON1_SettingsMetadataModified                  no
25418         ON1_SettingsMetadataName                      no
25419         ON1_SettingsMetadataPluginID                  no
25420         ON1_SettingsMetadataTimestamp                 no
25421         ON1_SettingsMetadataUsage                     no
25422         ON1_SettingsMetadataVisibleToUser             no
25424   CBOR Tags
25425       The tags below are extracted from CBOR (Concise Binary Object
25426       Representation) metadata.  The C2PA specification uses this format for
25427       some metadata.  As well as these tags, ExifTool will read any existing
25428       tags.
25430         Tag Name                                      Writable
25431         --------                                      --------
25432         AuthorIdentifier                              no
25433         AuthorName                                    no
25434         DocumentID                                    no
25435         Format                                        no
25436         InstanceID                                    no
25437         Relationship                                  no
25438         ThumbnailHash                                 no+
25439         ThumbnailURL                                  no
25440         Title                                         no
25442   APP12 Tags
25443       APP12 PictureInfo Tags
25445       The JPEG APP12 "Picture Info" segment was used by some older cameras,
25446       and contains ASCII-based meta information.  Below are some tags which
25447       have been observed Agfa and Polaroid images, however ExifTool will
25448       extract information from any tags found in this segment.
25450         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
25451         ------               --------                 --------
25452         'Aperture'           Aperture                 no
25453         'ColorMode'          ColorMode                no
25454         'ConTake'            ConTake                  no
25455         'ExpBias'            ExposureCompensation     no
25456         'FNumber'            FNumber                  no
25457         'FWare'              FirmwareVersion          no
25458         'Flash'              Flash                    no
25459         'FocusMode'          FocusMode                no
25460         'FocusPos'           FocusPos                 no
25461         'ID'                 ID                       no
25462         'ImageSize'          ImageSize                no
25463         'LightS'             LightS                   no
25464         'Macro'              Macro                    no
25465         'Protect'            Protect                  no
25466         'Quality'            Quality                  no
25467         'Resolution'         Resolution               no
25468         'Serial#'            SerialNumber             no
25469         'Shutter'            ExposureTime             no
25470         'StrobeTime'         StrobeTime               no
25471         'TimeDate'           DateTimeOriginal         no
25472         'Type'               CameraType               no
25473         'Version'            Version                  no
25474         'Ytarget'            YTarget                  no
25475         'Zoom'               Zoom                     no
25476         'ZoomPos'            ZoomPos                  no
25477         'shtr'               ExposureTime             no
25478         'ylevel'             YLevel                   no
25480       APP12 Ducky Tags
25482       Photoshop uses the JPEG APP12 "Ducky" segment to store some information
25483       in "Save for Web" images.
25485         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
25486         ------   --------                             --------
25487         0x0001   Quality                              int32u/
25488         0x0002   Comment                              string/
25489         0x0003   Copyright                            string/
25491   AFCP Tags
25492       AFCP stands for AXS File Concatenation Protocol, and is a poorly
25493       designed protocol for appending information to the end of files.  This
25494       can be used as an auxiliary technique to store IPTC information in
25495       images, but is incompatible with some file formats.
25497       ExifTool will read and write (but not create) AFCP IPTC information in
25498       JPEG and TIFF images.
25500       See
25501       <http://web.archive.org/web/20080828211305/http://www.tocarte.com/media/axs_afcp_spec.pdf>
25502       for the AFCP specification.
25504         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
25505         ------   --------                             --------
25506         'IPTC'   IPTC                                 IPTC
25507         'Nail'   ThumbnailImage                       no
25508         'PrVw'   PreviewImage                         no
25509         'TEXT'   Text                                 no
25511   DarwinCore Tags
25512       Tags defined in the Darwin Core (dwc) XMP namespace.  See
25513       <http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/index.htm> for the official specification.
25515       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-dwc family 1 group.
25517         Tag Name                                      Writable
25518         --------                                      --------
25519         DCTermsLocation                               DarwinCore DCTermsLocation Struct
25520         DCContinent                                   string_
25521         DCCoordinatePrecision                         string_
25522         DCCoordinateUncertaintyInMeters               string_
25523         DCCountry                                     string_
25524         DCCountryCode                                 string_
25525         DCCounty                                      string_
25526         DCDecimalLatitude                             string_
25527         DCDecimalLongitude                            string_
25528         DCFootprintSpatialFit                         string_
25529         DCFootprintSRS                                string_
25530         DCFootprintWKT                                string_
25531         DCGeodeticDatum                               string_
25532         DCGeoreferencedBy                             string_
25533         DCGeoreferencedDate                           string_
25534         DCGeoreferenceProtocol                        string_
25535         DCGeoreferenceRemarks                         string_
25536         DCGeoreferenceSources                         string_
25537         DCGeoreferenceVerificationStatus              string_
25538         DCHigherGeography                             string_
25539         DCHigherGeographyID                           string_
25540         DCIsland                                      string_
25541         DCIslandGroup                                 string_
25542         DCLocality                                    string_
25543         DCLocationAccordingTo                         string_
25544         DCLocationID                                  string_
25545         DCLocationRemarks                             string_
25546         DCMaximumDepthInMeters                        string_
25547         DCMaximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters         string_
25548         DCMaximumElevationInMeters                    string_
25549         DCMinimumDepthInMeters                        string_
25550         DCMinimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters         string_
25551         DCMinimumElevationInMeters                    string_
25552         DCMunicipality                                string_
25553         DCPointRadiusSpatialFit                       string_
25554         DCStateProvince                               string_
25555         DCVerbatimCoordinates                         string_
25556         DCVerbatimCoordinateSystem                    string_
25557         DCVerbatimDepth                               string_
25558         DCVerbatimElevation                           string_
25559         DCVerbatimLatitude                            string_
25560         DCVerbatimLocality                            string_
25561         DCVerbatimLongitude                           string_
25562         DCVerbatimSRS                                 string_
25563         DCVerticalDatum                               string_
25564         DCWaterBody                                   string_
25565         DCEvent                                       DarwinCore Event Struct
25566         EventDay                                      integer_
25567         EventEarliestDate                             date_
25568         EventEndDayOfYear                             integer_
25569         EventDate                                     date_
25570         EventID                                       string/_
25571         EventRemarks                                  lang-alt_
25572         EventTime                                     string_
25573         EventFieldNotes                               string_
25574         EventFieldNumber                              string_
25575         EventHabitat                                  string_
25576         EventLatestDate                               date_
25577         EventMonth                                    integer_
25578         EventParentEventID                            string_
25579         EventSampleSizeUnit                           string_
25580         EventSampleSizeValue                          string_
25581         EventSamplingEffort                           string_
25582         EventSamplingProtocol                         string_
25583         EventStartDayOfYear                           integer_
25584         EventVerbatimEventDate                        string_
25585         EventYear                                     integer_
25586         FossilSpecimen                                DarwinCore MaterialSample Struct
25587         FossilSpecimenMaterialSampleID                string_
25588         GeologicalContext                            DarwinCore GeologicalContext Struct
25589         GeologicalContextBed                          string_
25590         EarliestAgeOrLowestStage                      string_
25591         EarliestEonOrLowestEonothem                   string_
25592         EarliestEpochOrLowestSeries                   string_
25593         EarliestEraOrLowestErathem                    string_
25594         EarliestPeriodOrLowestSystem                  string_
25595         GeologicalContextFormation                    string_
25596         GeologicalContextID                           string_
25597         GeologicalContextGroup                        string_
25598         HighestBiostratigraphicZone                   string_
25599         LatestAgeOrHighestStage                       string_
25600         LatestEonOrHighestEonothem                    string_
25601         LatestEpochOrHighestSeries                    string_
25602         LatestEraOrHighestErathem                     string_
25603         LatestPeriodOrHighestSystem                   string_
25604         LithostratigraphicTerms                       string_
25605         LowestBiostratigraphicZone                    string_
25606         GeologicalContextMember                       string_
25607         HumanObservation                              DarwinCore Event Struct
25608         HumanObservationDay                           integer_
25609         HumanObservationEarliestDate                  date_
25610         HumanObservationEndDayOfYear                  integer_
25611         HumanObservationEventDate                     date_
25612         HumanObservationEventID                       string/_
25613         HumanObservationEventRemarks                  lang-alt_
25614         HumanObservationEventTime                     string_
25615         HumanObservationFieldNotes                    string_
25616         HumanObservationFieldNumber                   string_
25617         HumanObservationHabitat                       string_
25618         HumanObservationLatestDate                    date_
25619         HumanObservationMonth                         integer_
25620         HumanObservationParentEventID                 string_
25621         HumanObservationSampleSizeUnit                string_
25622         HumanObservationSampleSizeValue               string_
25623         HumanObservationSamplingEffort                string_
25624         HumanObservationSamplingProtocol              string_
25625         HumanObservationStartDayOfYear                integer_
25626         HumanObservationVerbatimEventDate             string_
25627         HumanObservationYear                          integer_
25628         Identification                                DarwinCore Identification Struct
25629         DateIdentified                                date_
25630         IdentificationID                              string_
25631         IdentificationQualifier                       string_
25632         IdentificationReferences                      string_
25633         IdentificationRemarks                         string_
25634         IdentificationVerificationStatus              string_
25635         IdentifiedBy                                  string_
25636         IdentifiedByID                                string_
25637         TypeStatus                                    string_
25638         VerbatimIdentification                        string_
25639         LivingSpecimen                                DarwinCore MaterialSample Struct
25640         LivingSpecimenMaterialSampleID                string_
25641         MachineObservation                            DarwinCore Event Struct
25642         MachineObservationDay                         integer_
25643         MachineObservationEarliestDate                date_
25644         MachineObservationEndDayOfYear                integer_
25645         MachineObservationEventDate                   date_
25646         MachineObservationEventID                     string/_
25647         MachineObservationEventRemarks                lang-alt_
25648         MachineObservationEventTime                   string_
25649         MachineObservationFieldNotes                  string_
25650         MachineObservationFieldNumber                 string_
25651         MachineObservationHabitat                     string_
25652         MachineObservationLatestDate                  date_
25653         MachineObservationMonth                       integer_
25654         MachineObservationParentEventID               string_
25655         MachineObservationSampleSizeUnit              string_
25656         MachineObservationSampleSizeValue             string_
25657         MachineObservationSamplingEffort              string_
25658         MachineObservationSamplingProtocol            string_
25659         MachineObservationStartDayOfYear              integer_
25660         MachineObservationVerbatimEventDate           string_
25661         MachineObservationYear                        integer_
25662         MaterialSample                                DarwinCore MaterialSample Struct
25663         MaterialSampleID                              string_
25664         MeasurementOrFact                            DarwinCore MeasurementOrFact Struct
25665         MeasurementAccuracy                           string_
25666         MeasurementDeterminedBy                       string_
25667         MeasurementDeterminedDate                     date_
25668         MeasurementID                                 string_
25669         MeasurementMethod                             string_
25670         MeasurementRemarks                            string_
25671         MeasurementType                               string_
25672         MeasurementUnit                               string_
25673         MeasurementValue                              string_
25674         Occurrence                                    DarwinCore Occurrence Struct
25675         OccurrenceAssociatedMedia                     string_
25676         OccurrenceAssociatedOccurrences               string_
25677         OccurrenceAssociatedReferences                string_
25678         OccurrenceAssociatedSequences                 string_
25679         OccurrenceAssociatedTaxa                      string_
25680         OccurrenceBehavior                            string_
25681         OccurrenceCatalogNumber                       string_
25682         OccurrenceDegreeOfEstablishment               string_
25683         OccurrenceDisposition                         string_
25684         OccurrenceEstablishmentMeans                  string_
25685         OccurrenceGeoreferenceVerificationStatus      string_
25686         OccurrenceIndividualCount                     string_
25687         OccurrenceIndividualID                        string_
25688         OccurrenceLifeStage                           string_
25689         OccurrenceDetails                             string_
25690         OccurrenceID                                  string_
25691         OccurrenceRemarks                             string_
25692         OccurrenceStatus                              string_
25693         OccurrenceOrganismQuantity                    string_
25694         OccurrenceOrganismQuantityType                string_
25695         OccurrenceOtherCatalogNumbers                 string_
25696         OccurrencePathway                             string_
25697         OccurrencePreparations                        string_
25698         OccurrencePreviousIdentifications             string_
25699         OccurrenceRecordedBy                          string_
25700         OccurrenceRecordedByID                        string_
25701         OccurrenceRecordNumber                        string_
25702         OccurrenceReproductiveCondition               string_
25703         OccurrenceSex                                 string_
25704         Organism                                      DarwinCore Organism Struct
25705         OrganismAssociatedOccurrences                 string_
25706         OrganismAssociatedOrganisms                   string_
25707         OrganismID                                    string_
25708         OrganismName                                  string_
25709         OrganismRemarks                               string_
25710         OrganismScope                                 string_
25711         OrganismPreviousIdentifications               string_
25712         PreservedSpecimen                             DarwinCore MaterialSample Struct
25713         PreservedSpecimenMaterialSampleID             string_
25714         Record                                        DarwinCore Record Struct
25715         RecordBasisOfRecord                           string_
25716         RecordCollectionCode                          string_
25717         RecordCollectionID                            string_
25718         RecordDataGeneralizations                     string_
25719         RecordDatasetID                               string_
25720         RecordDatasetName                             string_
25721         RecordDynamicProperties                       string_
25722         RecordInformationWithheld                     string_
25723         RecordInstitutionCode                         string_
25724         RecordInstitutionID                           string_
25725         RecordOwnerInstitutionCode                    string_
25726         ResourceRelationship                      DarwinCore ResourceRelationship Struct
25727         RelatedResourceID                             string_
25728         RelationshipAccordingTo                       string_
25729         RelationshipEstablishedDate                   date_
25730         RelationshipOfResource                        string_
25731         RelationshipOfResourceID                      string_
25732         RelationshipRemarks                           string_
25733         ResourceID                                    string_
25734         ResourceRelationshipID                        string_
25735         Taxon                                         DarwinCore Taxon Struct
25736         TaxonAcceptedNameUsage                        string_
25737         TaxonAcceptedNameUsageID                      string_
25738         TaxonClass                                    string_
25739         TaxonCultivarEpithet                          string_
25740         TaxonFamily                                   string_
25741         TaxonGenus                                    string_
25742         TaxonHigherClassification                     string_
25743         TaxonInfraspecificEpithet                     string_
25744         TaxonKingdom                                  string_
25745         TaxonNameAccordingTo                          string_
25746         TaxonNameAccordingToID                        string_
25747         TaxonNamePublishedIn                          string_
25748         TaxonNamePublishedInID                        string_
25749         TaxonNamePublishedInYear                      string_
25750         TaxonNomenclaturalCode                        string_
25751         TaxonNomenclaturalStatus                      string_
25752         TaxonOrder                                    string_
25753         TaxonOriginalNameUsage                        string_
25754         TaxonOriginalNameUsageID                      string_
25755         TaxonParentNameUsage                          string_
25756         TaxonParentNameUsageID                        string_
25757         TaxonPhylum                                   string_
25758         TaxonScientificName                           string_
25759         TaxonScientificNameAuthorship                 string_
25760         TaxonScientificNameID                         string_
25761         TaxonSpecificEpithet                          string_
25762         TaxonSubgenus                                 string_
25763         TaxonConceptID                                string_
25764         TaxonID                                       string_
25765         TaxonTaxonomicStatus                          string_
25766         TaxonRank                                     string_
25767         TaxonRemarks                                  string_
25768         TaxonVerbatimTaxonRank                        string_
25769         TaxonVernacularName                           lang-alt_
25771       DarwinCore DCTermsLocation Struct
25773         Field Name                                    Writable
25774         ----------                                    --------
25775         Continent                                     string
25776         CoordinatePrecision                           string
25777         CoordinateUncertaintyInMeters                 string
25778         Country                                       string
25779         CountryCode                                   string
25780         County                                        string
25781         DecimalLatitude                               string
25782         DecimalLongitude                              string
25783         FootprintSRS                                  string
25784         FootprintSpatialFit                           string
25785         FootprintWKT                                  string
25786         GeodeticDatum                                 string
25787         GeoreferenceProtocol                          string
25788         GeoreferenceRemarks                           string
25789         GeoreferenceSources                           string
25790         GeoreferenceVerificationStatus                string
25791         GeoreferencedBy                               string
25792         GeoreferencedDate                             string
25793         HigherGeography                               string
25794         HigherGeographyID                             string
25795         Island                                        string
25796         IslandGroup                                   string
25797         Locality                                      string
25798         LocationAccordingTo                           string
25799         LocationID                                    string
25800         LocationRemarks                               string
25801         MaximumDepthInMeters                          string
25802         MaximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters           string
25803         MaximumElevationInMeters                      string
25804         MinimumDepthInMeters                          string
25805         MinimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters           string
25806         MinimumElevationInMeters                      string
25807         Municipality                                  string
25808         PointRadiusSpatialFit                         string
25809         StateProvince                                 string
25810         VerbatimCoordinateSystem                      string
25811         VerbatimCoordinates                           string
25812         VerbatimDepth                                 string
25813         VerbatimElevation                             string
25814         VerbatimLatitude                              string
25815         VerbatimLocality                              string
25816         VerbatimLongitude                             string
25817         VerbatimSRS                                   string
25818         VerticalDatum                                 string
25819         WaterBody                                     string
25821       DarwinCore Event Struct
25823         Field Name                                    Writable
25824         ----------                                    --------
25825         Day                                           integer
25826         EarliestDate                                  date
25827         EndDayOfYear                                  integer
25828         EventDate                                     date
25829         EventID                                       string
25830         EventRemarks                                  lang-alt
25831         EventTime                                     string
25832         FieldNotes                                    string
25833         FieldNumber                                   string
25834         Habitat                                       string
25835         LatestDate                                    date
25836         Month                                         integer
25837         ParentEventID                                 string
25838         SampleSizeUnit                                string
25839         SampleSizeValue                               string
25840         SamplingEffort                                string
25841         SamplingProtocol                              string
25842         StartDayOfYear                                integer
25843         VerbatimEventDate                             string
25844         Year                                          integer
25846       DarwinCore MaterialSample Struct
25848         Field Name                                    Writable
25849         ----------                                    --------
25850         MaterialSampleID                              string
25852       DarwinCore GeologicalContext Struct
25854         Field Name                                    Writable
25855         ----------                                    --------
25856         Bed                                           string
25857         EarliestAgeOrLowestStage                      string
25858         EarliestEonOrLowestEonothem                   string
25859         EarliestEpochOrLowestSeries                   string
25860         EarliestEraOrLowestErathem                    string
25861         EarliestPeriodOrLowestSystem                  string
25862         Formation                                     string
25863         GeologicalContextID                           string
25864         Group                                         string
25865         HighestBiostratigraphicZone                   string
25866         LatestAgeOrHighestStage                       string
25867         LatestEonOrHighestEonothem                    string
25868         LatestEpochOrHighestSeries                    string
25869         LatestEraOrHighestErathem                     string
25870         LatestPeriodOrHighestSystem                   string
25871         LithostratigraphicTerms                       string
25872         LowestBiostratigraphicZone                    string
25873         Member                                        string
25875       DarwinCore Identification Struct
25877         Field Name                                    Writable
25878         ----------                                    --------
25879         DateIdentified                                date
25880         IdentificationID                              string
25881         IdentificationQualifier                       string
25882         IdentificationReferences                      string
25883         IdentificationRemarks                         string
25884         IdentificationVerificationStatus              string
25885         IdentifiedBy                                  string
25886         IdentifiedByID                                string
25887         TypeStatus                                    string
25888         VerbatimIdentification                        string
25890       DarwinCore MeasurementOrFact Struct
25892         Field Name                                    Writable
25893         ----------                                    --------
25894         MeasurementAccuracy                           string
25895         MeasurementDeterminedBy                       string
25896         MeasurementDeterminedDate                     date
25897         MeasurementID                                 string
25898         MeasurementMethod                             string
25899         MeasurementRemarks                            string
25900         MeasurementType                               string
25901         MeasurementUnit                               string
25902         MeasurementValue                              string
25904       DarwinCore Occurrence Struct
25906         Field Name                                    Writable
25907         ----------                                    --------
25908         AssociatedMedia                               string
25909         AssociatedOccurrences                         string
25910         AssociatedReferences                          string
25911         AssociatedSequences                           string
25912         AssociatedTaxa                                string
25913         Behavior                                      string
25914         CatalogNumber                                 string
25915         DegreeOfEstablishment                         string
25916         Disposition                                   string
25917         EstablishmentMeans                            string
25918         GeoreferenceVerificationStatus                string
25919         IndividualCount                               string
25920         IndividualID                                  string
25921         LifeStage                                     string
25922         OccurrenceDetails                             string
25923         OccurrenceID                                  string
25924         OccurrenceRemarks                             string
25925         OccurrenceStatus                              string
25926         OrganismQuantity                              string
25927         OrganismQuantityType                          string
25928         OtherCatalogNumbers                           string
25929         Pathway                                       string
25930         Preparations                                  string
25931         PreviousIdentifications                       string
25932         RecordNumber                                  string
25933         RecordedBy                                    string
25934         RecordedByID                                  string
25935         ReproductiveCondition                         string
25936         Sex                                           string
25938       DarwinCore Organism Struct
25940         Field Name                                    Writable
25941         ----------                                    --------
25942         AssociatedOccurrences                         string
25943         AssociatedOrganisms                           string
25944         OrganismID                                    string
25945         OrganismName                                  string
25946         OrganismRemarks                               string
25947         OrganismScope                                 string
25948         PreviousIdentifications                       string
25950       DarwinCore Record Struct
25952         Field Name                                    Writable
25953         ----------                                    --------
25954         BasisOfRecord                                 string
25955         CollectionCode                                string
25956         CollectionID                                  string
25957         DataGeneralizations                           string
25958         DatasetID                                     string
25959         DatasetName                                   string
25960         DynamicProperties                             string
25961         InformationWithheld                           string
25962         InstitutionCode                               string
25963         InstitutionID                                 string
25964         OwnerInstitutionCode                          string
25966       DarwinCore ResourceRelationship Struct
25968         Field Name                                    Writable
25969         ----------                                    --------
25970         RelatedResourceID                             string
25971         RelationshipAccordingTo                       string
25972         RelationshipEstablishedDate                   date
25973         RelationshipOfResource                        string
25974         RelationshipOfResourceID                      string
25975         RelationshipRemarks                           string
25976         ResourceID                                    string
25977         ResourceRelationshipID                        string
25979       DarwinCore Taxon Struct
25981         Field Name                                    Writable
25982         ----------                                    --------
25983         AcceptedNameUsage                             string
25984         AcceptedNameUsageID                           string
25985         Class                                         string
25986         CultivarEpithet                               string
25987         Family                                        string
25988         Genus                                         string
25989         HigherClassification                          string
25990         InfraspecificEpithet                          string
25991         Kingdom                                       string
25992         NameAccordingTo                               string
25993         NameAccordingToID                             string
25994         NamePublishedIn                               string
25995         NamePublishedInID                             string
25996         NamePublishedInYear                           string
25997         NomenclaturalCode                             string
25998         NomenclaturalStatus                           string
25999         Order                                         string
26000         OriginalNameUsage                             string
26001         OriginalNameUsageID                           string
26002         ParentNameUsage                               string
26003         ParentNameUsageID                             string
26004         Phylum                                        string
26005         ScientificName                                string
26006         ScientificNameAuthorship                      string
26007         ScientificNameID                              string
26008         SpecificEpithet                               string
26009         Subgenus                                      string
26010         TaxonConceptID                                string
26011         TaxonID                                       string
26012         TaxonRank                                     string
26013         TaxonRemarks                                  string
26014         TaxonomicStatus                               string
26015         VerbatimTaxonRank                             string
26016         VernacularName                                lang-alt
26018   FotoStation Tags
26019       The following tables define information found in the FotoWare
26020       FotoStation trailer.
26022         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
26023         ------   --------                             --------
26024         0x0001   IPTC                                 IPTC
26025         0x0002   SoftEdit                             FotoStation SoftEdit
26026         0x0003   ThumbnailImage                       yes
26027         0x0004   PreviewImage                         yes
26029       FotoStation SoftEdit Tags
26031         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
26032         ------   --------                             --------
26033             0    OriginalImageWidth                   int32s
26034             1    OriginalImageHeight                  int32s
26035             2    ColorPlanes                          int32s
26036             3    XYResolution                         int32s
26037             4    Rotation                             int32s
26038             6    CropLeft                             int32s
26039             7    CropTop                              int32s
26040             8    CropRight                            int32s
26041             9    CropBottom                           int32s
26042            11    CropRotation                         int32s
26044   PhotoMechanic Tags
26045       The Photo Mechanic trailer contains data in an IPTC-format structure,
26046       with soft edit information stored under record number 2.
26048         Record   Tag Name                             Writable
26049         ------   --------                             --------
26050             2    SoftEdit                             PhotoMechanic SoftEdit
26052       PhotoMechanic SoftEdit Tags
26054         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
26055         ------   --------                             --------
26056           209    RawCropLeft                          int32s
26057           210    RawCropTop                           int32s
26058           211    RawCropRight                         int32s
26059           212    RawCropBottom                        int32s
26060           213    ConstrainedCropWidth                 int32s
26061           214    ConstrainedCropHeight                int32s
26062           215    FrameNum                             int32s
26063           216    Rotation                             int32s
26064           217    CropLeft                             int32s
26065           218    CropTop                              int32s
26066           219    CropRight                            int32s
26067           220    CropBottom                           int32s
26068           221    Tagged                               int32s
26069           222    ColorClass                           int32s
26070           223    Rating                               int32s
26071           236    PreviewCropLeft                      int32s
26072           237    PreviewCropTop                       int32s
26073           238    PreviewCropRight                     int32s
26074           239    PreviewCropBottom                    int32s
26076       PhotoMechanic XMP Tags
26078       Below is a list of the observed PhotoMechanic XMP tags.  The actual
26079       namespace prefix is "photomechanic" but ExifTool shortens this in the
26080       family 1 group name.
26082       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-photomech family 1 group.
26084         Tag Name                                      Writable
26085         --------                                      --------
26086         ColorClass                                    integer
26087         CountryCode                                   string/
26088         CreatorIdentity                               string+
26089         EditStatus                                    string
26090         PMVersion                                     string
26091         Prefs                                         string
26092         Tagged                                        boolean
26093         TimeCreated                                   string/
26095   Microsoft Tags
26096       Microsoft XMP Tags
26098       Microsoft Photo 1.0 schema XMP tags.  This is likely not a complete
26099       list, but represents tags which have been observed in sample images.
26100       The actual namespace prefix is "MicrosoftPhoto", but ExifTool shortens
26101       this in the family 1 group name.
26103       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-microsoft family 1 group.
26105         Tag Name                                      Writable
26106         --------                                      --------
26107         CameraSerialNumber                            string
26108         CreatorAppID                                  string
26109         CreatorOpenWithUIOptions                      string
26110         DateAcquired                                  date
26111         FlashManufacturer                             string
26112         FlashModel                                    string
26113         ItemSubType                                   string
26114         LastKeywordIPTC                               string+
26115         LastKeywordXMP                                string+
26116         LensManufacturer                              string
26117         LensModel                                     string/
26118         RatingPercent                                 string
26120       Microsoft MP1 Tags
26122       Microsoft Photo 1.1 schema XMP tags which have been observed.
26124       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-MP1 family 1 group.
26126         Tag Name                                      Writable
26127         --------                                      --------
26128         Brightness                                    string/
26129         CameraModelID                                 string/
26130         Contrast                                      string/
26131         ExposureCompensation                          string/
26132         PanoramicStitchCameraMotion                   string
26133         PanoramicStitchMapType                        string
26134         PanoramicStitchPhi0                           real
26135         PanoramicStitchPhi1                           real
26136         PanoramicStitchTheta0                         real
26137         PanoramicStitchTheta1                         real
26138         PipelineVersion                               string
26139         StreamType                                    string
26140         WhiteBalance0                                 real
26141         WhiteBalance1                                 real
26142         WhiteBalance2                                 real
26144       Microsoft MP Tags
26146       Microsoft Photo 1.2 schema XMP tags which have been observed.
26148       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-MP family 1 group.
26150         Tag Name                                      Writable
26151         --------                                      --------
26152         RegionInfoDateRegionsValid                    date_
26153         RegionInfoMP                                  Microsoft RegionInfo Struct
26154         RegionInfoRegions                             Microsoft Regions Struct_+
26155         RegionPersonDisplayName                       string_+
26156         RegionPersonEmailDigest                       string_+
26157         RegionPersonLiveIdCID                         string_+
26158         RegionPersonSourceID                          string_+
26159         RegionRectangle                               string_+
26161       Microsoft RegionInfo Struct
26163         Field Name                                    Writable
26164         ----------                                    --------
26165         DateRegionsValid                              date
26166         Regions                                       Microsoft Regions Struct+
26168       Microsoft Regions Struct
26170       Note that PersonLiveIdCID element is called PersonLiveCID according to
26171       the Microsoft specification, but in practice their software actually
26172       writes PersonLiveIdCID, so ExifTool uses this too.
26174         Field Name                                    Writable
26175         ----------                                    --------
26176         PersonDisplayName                             string
26177         PersonEmailDigest                             string
26178         PersonLiveIdCID                               string
26179         PersonSourceID                                string
26180         Rectangle                                     string
26182       Microsoft Stitch Tags
26184       Information found in the Microsoft custom EXIF tag 0x4748, as written
26185       by Windows Live Photo Gallery.
26187         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
26188         ------   --------                             --------
26189             0    PanoramicStitchVersion               int32u
26190             1    PanoramicStitchCameraMotion          int32u
26191             2    PanoramicStitchMapType               int32u
26192             3    PanoramicStitchTheta0                float
26193             4    PanoramicStitchTheta1                float
26194             5    PanoramicStitchPhi0                  float
26195             6    PanoramicStitchPhi1                  float
26197       Microsoft Xtra Tags
26199       Tags found in the Microsoft "Xtra" atom of QuickTime videos.  Tag ID's
26200       are not shown because some are unruly GUID's.  Currently most of these
26201       tags are not writable because the Microsoft documentation is poor and
26202       samples were not available, but more tags may be made writable in the
26203       future if samples are provided.  Note that writable tags in this table
26204       are are flagged to "Avoid", which means that other more common tags
26205       will be written instead if possible unless the Microsoft group is
26206       specified explicitly.
26208         Tag Name                                      Writable
26209         --------                                      --------
26210         Abstract                                      no
26211         AccountName                                   no
26212         AcquisitionTime                               no
26213         AcquisitionTimeDay                            no
26214         AcquisitionTimeMonth                          no
26215         AcquisitionTimeYear                           no
26216         AcquisitionTimeYearMonth                      no
26217         AcquisitionTimeYearMonthDay                   no
26218         AlbumArtist                                   Unicode/
26219         AlbumArtist                                   no
26220         AlbumArtistSortOrder                          no
26221         AlbumCoverURL                                 Unicode/
26222         AlbumID                                       no
26223         AlbumIDAlbumArtist                            no
26224         AlbumTitle                                    Unicode/
26225         AlbumTitle                                    no
26226         AlbumTitleSortOrder                           no
26227         AlternateSourceURL                            no
26228         Anniversary                                   no
26229         Artist                                        no
26230         AssistantsName                                no
26231         AssistantsPhone                               no
26232         Attachments                                   no
26233         Attributes                                    no
26234         AudioBitrate                                  no
26235         AudioFormat                                   no
26236         AudioSampleRate                               no
26237         AudioSampleSize                               no
26238         Author                                        no
26239         Author                                        no
26240         AuthorSortOrder                               no
26241         AuthorURL                                     Unicode/
26242         AutoSummary                                   no
26243         AverageLevel                                  no
26244         BccAddresses                                  no
26245         BccNames                                      no
26246         Beats-per-minute                              no
26247         BeatsPerMinute                                no
26248         BillingInformation                            no
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26393         Genre                                         no
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26400         HomeCity                                      no
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26402         HomeFax                                       no
26403         HomePOBox                                     no
26404         HomePhone                                     no
26405         HomePostalCode                                no
26406         HomeStateOrProvince                           no
26407         HomeStreet                                    no
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26409         IMAddresses                                   no
26410         ISOSpeed                                      no
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26414         InitialKey                                    no
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26416         IsAttachment                                  no
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26427         Label                                         no
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26429         Language                                      no
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26431         LastPrinted                                   no
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26433         LegalTrademarks                               no
26434         LensMaker                                     no
26435         LensModel                                     no
26436         LibraryID                                     no
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26438         LightSource                                   no
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26442         Location                                      no
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26447         MediaClassPrimaryID                           GUID/
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26459         Mood                                          Unicode/
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26472         OriginalAlbumTitle                            Unicode/
26473         OriginalArtist                                Unicode/
26474         OriginalLyricist                              Unicode/
26475         OtherAddress                                  no
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26497         Period                                        no
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26507         Producers                                     no
26508         ProductName                                   no
26509         ProductVersion                                no
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26511         ProgramDescription                            no
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26513         ProgramName                                   no
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26520         ProviderLogoURL                               no
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26525         Publisher                                     no
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26527         RadioFormat                                   no
26528         Rating                                        no
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26558         SharedUserRating                              int64u/
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26602         TTY-TTDPhone                                  no
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26657         WordCount                                     no
26658         Writer                                        Unicode/
26659         Writers                                       no
26660         Year                                          no
26661         Year                                          no
26663   GIMP Tags
26664       The GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) writes these tags in its
26665       native XCF (eXperimental Computing Facilty) images.
26667         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
26668         ------   --------                             --------
26669         'header' Header                               GIMP Header
26670         0x0011   Compression                          no
26671         0x0013   Resolution                           GIMP Resolution
26672         0x0014   Tattoo                               no
26673         0x0015   Parasites                            GIMP Parasite
26674         0x0016   Units                                no
26676       GIMP Header Tags
26678         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
26679         ------   --------                             --------
26680             9    XCFVersion                           no
26681            14    ImageWidth                           no
26682            18    ImageHeight                          no
26683            22    ColorMode                            no
26685       GIMP Resolution Tags
26687         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
26688         ------   --------                             --------
26689             0    XResolution                          no
26690             1    YResolution                          no
26692       GIMP Parasite Tags
26694         Tag ID                Tag Name                Writable
26695         ------                --------                --------
26696         'exif-data'           ExifData                EXIF
26697         'gimp-comment'        Comment                 no
26698         'gimp-image-metadata' XML                     XMP XML
26699         'gimp-metadata'       XMP                     XMP
26700         'icc-profile'         ICC_Profile             ICC_Profile
26701         'icc-profile-name'    ICCProfileName          no
26702         'iptc-data'           IPTCData                IPTC
26703         'jpeg-exif-data'      JPEGExifData            EXIF
26705   MIE Tags
26706       MIE is a flexible format which may be used as a stand-alone meta
26707       information format, for encapsulation of other files and information,
26708       or as a trailer appended to other file formats.  The tables below
26709       represent currently defined MIE tags, however ExifTool will also
26710       extract any other information present in a MIE file.
26712       When writing MIE information, some special features are supported:
26714       1) String values may be written as ASCII (ISO 8859-1) or UTF-8.
26715       ExifTool automatically detects the presence of wide characters and
26716       treats the string appropriately. Internally, UTF-8 text may be
26717       converted to UTF-16 or UTF-32 and stored in this format in the file if
26718       it is more compact.
26720       2) All MIE string-value tags support localized text.  Localized values
26721       are written by adding a language/country code to the tag name in the
26722       form "TAG-xx_YY", where "TAG" is the tag name, "xx" is a 2-character
26723       lower case ISO 639-1 language code, and "YY" is a 2-character upper
26724       case ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code (eg. "Title-en_US").  But as
26725       usual, the user interface is case-insensitive, and ExifTool will write
26726       the correct case to the file.
26728       3) Some numerical MIE tags allow units of measurement to be specified.
26729       For these tags, units may be added in brackets immediately following
26730       the value (eg. 55(mi/h)).  If no units are specified, the default units
26731       are written.
26733       4) ExifTool writes compressed metadata to MIE files if the Compress
26734       (-z) option is used and Compress::Zlib is available.
26736       See <https://exiftool.org/MIE1.1-20070121.pdf> for the official MIE
26737       specification.
26739         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26740         ------               --------                 --------
26741         '0Type'              SubfileType              string
26742         '0Vers'              MIEVersion               string
26743         '1Directory'         SubfileDirectory         string
26744         '1Name'              SubfileName              string
26745         '2MIME'              SubfileMIMEType          string
26746         'Meta'               Meta                     MIE Meta
26747         'data'               SubfileData              undef
26748         'rsrc'               SubfileResource          undef
26749         'zmd5'               MD5Digest                string
26750         'zmie'               TrailerSignature         undef
26752       MIE Meta Tags
26754         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26755         ------               --------                 --------
26756         'Audio'              Audio                    MIE Audio
26757         'Camera'             Camera                   MIE Camera
26758         'Document'           Document                 MIE Doc
26759         'EXIF'               EXIF                     EXIF
26760         'Geo'                Geo                      MIE Geo
26761         'ICCProfile'         ICC_Profile              ICC_Profile
26762         'ID3'                ID3                      ID3
26763         'IPTC'               IPTC                     IPTC
26764         'Image'              Image                    MIE Image
26765         'MakerNotes'         MakerNotes               MIE MakerNotes
26766         'Preview'            Preview                  MIE Preview
26767         'Thumbnail'          Thumbnail                MIE Thumbnail
26768         'Video'              Video                    MIE Video
26769         'XMP'                XMP                      XMP
26771       MIE Audio Tags
26773       For the Audio group (and any other group containing a 'data' element),
26774       tags refer to the contained data if present, otherwise they refer to
26775       the main SubfileData.  The "0Type" and "1Name" elements should exist
26776       only if "data" is present.
26778         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26779         ------               --------                 --------
26780         '0Type'              RelatedAudioFileType     string
26781         '1Name'              RelatedAudioFileName     string
26782         'Channels'           Channels                 int8u
26783         'Compression'        AudioCompression         string
26784         'Duration'           Duration                 rational64u~
26785         'SampleBits'         SampleBits               int16u
26786         'SampleRate'         SampleRate               int32u
26787         'data'               RelatedAudioFile         undef
26789       MIE Camera Tags
26791         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26792         ------               --------                 --------
26793         'Brightness'         Brightness               int8s
26794         'ColorBalance'       ColorBalance             rational64u[3]
26795         'ColorTemperature'   ColorTemperature         int32u
26796         'Contrast'           Contrast                 int8s
26797         'DigitalZoom'        DigitalZoom              rational64u
26798         'ExposureComp'       ExposureCompensation     rational64s
26799         'ExposureMode'       ExposureMode             string
26800         'ExposureTime'       ExposureTime             rational64u
26801         'FirmwareVersion'    FirmwareVersion          string
26802         'Flash'              Flash                    MIE Flash
26803         'FocusMode'          FocusMode                string
26804         'ISO'                ISO                      int16u
26805         'ISOSetting'         ISOSetting               int16u
26806         'ImageNumber'        ImageNumber              int32u
26807         'ImageQuality'       ImageQuality             string
26808         'ImageStabilization' ImageStabilization       int8u
26809         'Lens'               Lens                     MIE Lens
26810         'Make'               Make                     string
26811         'MeasuredEV'         MeasuredEV               rational64s
26812         'Model'              Model                    string
26813         'Orientation'        Orientation              MIE Orient
26814         'OwnerName'          OwnerName                string
26815         'Saturation'         Saturation               int8s
26816         'SensorSize'         SensorSize               rational64u[2]
26817         'SerialNumber'       SerialNumber             string
26818         'Sharpness'          Sharpness                int8s
26819         'ShootingMode'       ShootingMode             string
26821       MIE Flash Tags
26823         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26824         ------               --------                 --------
26825         'ExposureComp'       FlashExposureComp        rational64s
26826         'Fired'              FlashFired               int8u
26827         'GuideNumber'        FlashGuideNumber         string
26828         'Make'               FlashMake                string
26829         'Mode'               FlashMode                string
26830         'Model'              FlashModel               string
26831         'SerialNumber'       FlashSerialNumber        string
26832         'Type'               FlashType                string
26834       MIE Lens Tags
26836       All recorded lens parameters (focal length, aperture, etc) include the
26837       effects of the extender if present.
26839         Tag ID                  Tag Name              Writable
26840         ------                  --------              --------
26841         'Extender'              Extender              MIE Extender
26842         'FNumber'               FNumber               rational64u
26843         'FocalLength'           FocalLength           rational64u
26844         'FocusDistance'         FocusDistance         rational64u
26845         'Make'                  LensMake              string
26846         'MaxAperture'           MaxAperture           rational64u
26847         'MaxApertureAtMaxFocal' MaxApertureAtMaxFocal rational64u
26848         'MaxFocalLength'        MaxFocalLength        rational64u
26849         'MinAperture'           MinAperture           rational64u
26850         'MinFocalLength'        MinFocalLength        rational64u
26851         'Model'                 LensModel             string
26852         'OpticalZoom'           OpticalZoom           rational64u
26853         'SerialNumber'          LensSerialNumber      string
26855       MIE Extender Tags
26857         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26858         ------               --------                 --------
26859         'Magnification'      ExtenderMagnification    rational64s
26860         'Make'               ExtenderMake             string
26861         'Model'              ExtenderModel            string
26862         'SerialNumber'       ExtenderSerialNumber     string
26864       MIE Orient Tags
26866       These tags describe the camera orientation.
26868         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26869         ------               --------                 --------
26870         'Azimuth'            Azimuth                  rational64s
26871         'Declination'        Declination              rational64s
26872         'Elevation'          Elevation                rational64s
26873         'RightAscension'     RightAscension           rational64s
26874         'Rotation'           Rotation                 rational64s
26876       MIE Doc Tags
26878       Information describing the main document, image or file.
26880         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26881         ------               --------                 --------
26882         'Author'             Author                   string
26883         'Comment'            Comment                  string
26884         'Contributors'       Contributors             string+
26885         'Copyright'          Copyright                string
26886         'CreateDate'         CreateDate               string
26887         'EMail'              Email                    string
26888         'Keywords'           Keywords                 string+
26889         'ModifyDate'         ModifyDate               string
26890         'OriginalDate'       DateTimeOriginal         string
26891         'Phone'              PhoneNumber              string
26892         'References'         References               string+
26893         'Software'           Software                 string
26894         'Title'              Title                    string
26895         'URL'                URL                      string
26897       MIE Geo Tags
26899       Information related to geographic location.
26901         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26902         ------               --------                 --------
26903         'Address'            Address                  string
26904         'City'               City                     string
26905         'Country'            Country                  string
26906         'GPS'                GPS                      MIE GPS
26907         'PostalCode'         PostalCode               string
26908         'State'              State                    string
26909         'UTM'                UTM                      MIE UTM
26911       MIE GPS Tags
26913         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26914         ------               --------                 --------
26915         'Altitude'           GPSAltitude              rational64s
26916         'Bearing'            GPSDestBearing           rational64s
26917         'DateTime'           GPSDateTime              string
26918         'Datum'              GPSMapDatum              string
26919         'Differential'       GPSDifferential          int8u
26920         'Distance'           GPSDestDistance          rational64s
26921         'Heading'            GPSTrack                 rational64s
26922         'Latitude'           GPSLatitude              rational64s[n]
26923         'Longitude'          GPSLongitude             rational64s[n]
26924         'MeasureMode'        GPSMeasureMode           int8u
26925         'Satellites'         GPSSatellites            string
26926         'Speed'              GPSSpeed                 rational64s
26928       MIE UTM Tags
26930         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
26931         ------       --------                         --------
26932         'Datum'      UTMMapDatum                      string
26933         'Easting'    UTMEasting                       string
26934         'Northing'   UTMNorthing                      string
26935         'Zone'       UTMZone                          int8s
26937       MIE Image Tags
26939         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26940         ------               --------                 --------
26941         '0Type'              FullSizeImageType        string
26942         '1Name'              FullSizeImageName        string
26943         'BitDepth'           BitDepth                 int16u
26944         'ColorSpace'         ColorSpace               string
26945         'Components'         ComponentsConfiguration  string
26946         'Compression'        CompressionRatio         rational32u
26947         'ImageSize'          ImageSize                int16u[n]
26948         'OriginalImageSize'  OriginalImageSize        int16u[n]
26949         'Resolution'         Resolution               rational64u[n]
26950         'data'               FullSizeImage            undef
26952       MIE MakerNotes Tags
26954       MIE maker notes are contained within separate groups for each
26955       manufacturer to avoid name conflicts.
26957         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26958         ------               --------                 --------
26959         'Canon'              Canon                    MIE Canon
26960         'Casio'              Casio                    MIE Unknown
26961         'FujiFilm'           FujiFilm                 MIE Unknown
26962         'Kodak'              Kodak                    MIE Unknown
26963         'KonicaMinolta'      KonicaMinolta            MIE Unknown
26964         'Nikon'              Nikon                    MIE Unknown
26965         'Olympus'            Olympus                  MIE Unknown
26966         'Panasonic'          Panasonic                MIE Unknown
26967         'Pentax'             Pentax                   MIE Unknown
26968         'Ricoh'              Ricoh                    MIE Unknown
26969         'Sigma'              Sigma                    MIE Unknown
26970         'Sony'               Sony                     MIE Unknown
26972       MIE Canon Tags
26974         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
26975         ------   --------                             --------
26976         'VRD'    CanonVRD                             CanonVRD
26978       MIE Unknown Tags
26980         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
26981         ------   --------                             --------
26982         [no tags known]
26984       MIE Preview Tags
26986         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26987         ------               --------                 --------
26988         '0Type'              PreviewImageType         string
26989         '1Name'              PreviewImageName         string
26990         'ImageSize'          PreviewImageSize         int16u[n]
26991         'data'               PreviewImage             undef
26993       MIE Thumbnail Tags
26995         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
26996         ------               --------                 --------
26997         '0Type'              ThumbnailImageType       string
26998         '1Name'              ThumbnailImageName       string
26999         'ImageSize'          ThumbnailImageSize       int16u[n]
27000         'data'               ThumbnailImage           undef
27002       MIE Video Tags
27004         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
27005         ------       --------                         --------
27006         '0Type'      RelatedVideoFileType             string
27007         '1Name'      RelatedVideoFileName             string
27008         'Codec'      Codec                            string
27009         'Duration'   Duration                         rational64u~
27010         'data'       RelatedVideoFile                 undef
27012   GIF Tags
27013       This table lists information extracted from GIF images. See
27014       <http://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif89a.txt> for the official
27015       GIF89a specification.
27017         Tag Name                                      Writable
27018         --------                                      --------
27019         Comment                                       yes
27020         Duration                                      no
27021         Extensions                                    GIF Extensions
27022         FrameCount                                    no
27023         GIFVersion                                    no
27024         ScreenDescriptor                              GIF Screen
27025         Text                                          no
27026         TransparentColor                              no
27028       GIF Extensions Tags
27030       Tags extracted from GIF89a application extensions.
27032         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
27033         ------               --------                 --------
27034         'C2PA_GIF/'          JUMBF                    Jpeg2000
27035         'ICCRGBG1/012'       ICC_Profile              ICC_Profile
27036         'MIDICTRL/Jon'       MIDIControl              GIF MIDIControl
27037         'MIDISONG/Dm7'       MIDISong                 no
27038         'NETSCAPE/2.0'       Animation                GIF Animation
27039         'XMP Data/XMP'       XMP                      XMP
27041       GIF MIDIControl Tags
27043       Information extracted from the MIDI control block extension.
27045         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27046         ------   --------                             --------
27047             0    MIDIControlVersion                   no
27048             1    SequenceNumber                       no
27049             2    MelodicPolyphony                     no
27050             3    PercussivePolyphony                  no
27051             4    ChannelUsage                         no
27052             6    DelayTime                            no
27054       GIF Animation Tags
27056       Information extracted from the "NETSCAPE2.0" animation extension.
27058         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27059         ------   --------                             --------
27060             1    AnimationIterations                  no
27062       GIF Screen Tags
27064       Information extracted from the GIF logical screen descriptor.
27066         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27067         ------   --------                             --------
27068             0    ImageWidth                           no
27069             2    ImageHeight                          no
27070           4.1    HasColorMap                          no
27071           4.2    ColorResolutionDepth                 no
27072           4.3    BitsPerPixel                         no
27073             5    BackgroundColor                      no
27074             6    PixelAspectRatio                     no
27076   BMP Tags
27077       There really isn't much meta information in a BMP file as such, just a
27078       bit of image related information.
27080         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27081         ------   --------                             --------
27082             0    BMPVersion                           no
27083             4    ImageWidth                           no
27084             8    ImageHeight                          no
27085            12    Planes                               no
27086            14    BitDepth                             no
27087            16    Compression                          no
27088            20    ImageLength                          no
27089            24    PixelsPerMeterX                      no
27090            28    PixelsPerMeterY                      no
27091            32    NumColors                            no
27092            36    NumImportantColors                   no
27093            40    RedMask                              no
27094            44    GreenMask                            no
27095            48    BlueMask                             no
27096            52    AlphaMask                            no
27097            56    ColorSpace                           no
27098            60    RedEndpoint                          no
27099            72    GreenEndpoint                        no
27100            84    BlueEndpoint                         no
27101            96    GammaRed                             no
27102           100    GammaGreen                           no
27103           104    GammaBlue                            no
27104           108    RenderingIntent                      no
27105           112    ProfileDataOffset                    no
27106           116    ProfileSize                          no
27108       BMP OS2 Tags
27110       Information extracted from OS/2-format BMP images.
27112         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27113         ------   --------                             --------
27114             0    BMPVersion                           no
27115             4    ImageWidth                           no
27116             6    ImageHeight                          no
27117             8    Planes                               no
27118            10    BitDepth                             no
27120       BMP Extra Tags
27122       Extra information extracted from some BMP images.
27124         Tag Name                                      Writable
27125         --------                                      --------
27126         EmbeddedJPG                                   no
27127         EmbeddedPNG                                   no
27128         ICC_Profile                                   ICC_Profile
27129         LinkedProfileName                             no
27131   BPG Tags
27132       The information listed below is extracted from BPG (Better Portable
27133       Graphics) images.  See <http://bellard.org/bpg/> for the specification.
27135         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27136         ------   --------                             --------
27137             4    PixelFormat                          no
27138           4.1    Alpha                                no
27139           4.2    BitDepth                             no
27140           4.3    ColorSpace                           no
27141           4.4    Flags                                no
27142             6    ImageWidth                           no
27143             7    ImageHeight                          no
27144             8    ImageLength                          no
27146       BPG Extensions Tags
27148         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
27149         ------   --------                             --------
27150         0x0001   EXIF                                 EXIF
27151         0x0002   ICC_Profile                          ICC_Profile
27152         0x0003   XMP                                  XMP
27153         0x0004   ThumbnailBPG                         no
27154         0x0005   AnimationControl?                    no
27156   WPG Tags
27157       Tags extracted from WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) images.
27159         Tag Name                                      Writable
27160         --------                                      --------
27161         ImageHeightInches                             no
27162         ImageWidthInches                              no
27163         Records                                       no+
27164         RecordsV2                                     no+
27165         WPGVersion                                    no
27167   ICO Tags
27168       Information extracted from Windows ICO (icon) and CUR (cursor) files.
27170         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27171         ------   --------                             --------
27172             2    ImageType                            no
27173             4    ImageCount                           no
27174             6    IconDir                              ICO IconDir
27176       ICO IconDir Tags
27178         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27179         ------   --------                             --------
27180             0    ImageWidth                           no
27181             1    ImageHeight                          no
27182             2    NumColors                            no
27183             4    ColorPlanes                          no
27184                  HotspotX                             no
27185             6    BitsPerPixel                         no
27186                  HotspotY                             no
27187             8    ImageLength                          no
27189   PICT Tags
27190       The PICT format contains no true meta information, except for the
27191       possible exception of the LongComment opcode.  By default, only
27192       ImageWidth, ImageHeight and X/YResolution are extracted from a PICT
27193       image.  Tags in the following table represent image opcodes.
27194       Extraction of these tags is experimental, and is only enabled with the
27195       Verbose or Unknown options.
27197         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
27198         ------   --------                             --------
27199         0x0000   Nop                                  no
27200         0x0001   ClipRgn                              no
27201         0x0002   BkPat                                no
27202         0x0003   TxFont                               no
27203         0x0004   TxFace                               no
27204         0x0005   TxMode                               no
27205         0x0006   SpExtra                              no
27206         0x0007   PnSize                               no
27207         0x0008   PnMode                               no
27208         0x0009   PnPat                                no
27209         0x000a   FillPat                              no
27210         0x000b   OvSize                               no
27211         0x000c   Origin                               no
27212         0x000d   TxSize                               no
27213         0x000e   FgColor                              no
27214         0x000f   BkColor                              no
27215         0x0010   TxRatio                              no
27216         0x0011   VersionOp                            no
27217         0x0012   BkPixPat                             no
27218         0x0013   PnPixPat                             no
27219         0x0014   FillPixPat                           no
27220         0x0015   PnLocHFrac                           no
27221         0x0016   ChExtra                              no
27222         0x0017   Reserved                             no
27223         0x001a   RGBFgCol                             no
27224         0x001b   RGBBkCol                             no
27225         0x001c   HiliteMode                           no
27226         0x001d   HiliteColor                          no
27227         0x001e   DefHilite                            no
27228         0x001f   OpColor                              no
27229         0x0020   Line                                 no
27230         0x0021   LineFrom                             no
27231         0x0022   ShortLine                            no
27232         0x0023   ShortLineFrom                        no
27233         0x0024   Reserved                             no
27234         0x0028   LongText                             no
27235         0x0029   DHText                               no
27236         0x002a   DVText                               no
27237         0x002b   DHDVText                             no
27238         0x002c   FontName                             no
27239         0x002d   LineJustify                          no
27240         0x002e   GlyphState                           no
27241         0x002f   Reserved                             no
27242         0x0030   FrameRect                            no
27243         0x0031   PaintRect                            no
27244         0x0032   EraseRect                            no
27245         0x0033   InvertRect                           no
27246         0x0034   FillRect                             no
27247         0x0035   Reserved                             no
27248         0x0038   FrameSameRect                        no
27249         0x0039   PaintSameRect                        no
27250         0x003a   EraseSameRect                        no
27251         0x003b   InvertSameRect                       no
27252         0x003c   FillSameRect                         no
27253         0x003d   Reserved                             no
27254         0x0040   FrameRRect                           no
27255         0x0041   PaintRRect                           no
27256         0x0042   EraseRRect                           no
27257         0x0043   InvertRRect                          no
27258         0x0044   FillRRect                            no
27259         0x0045   Reserved                             no
27260         0x0048   FrameSameRRect                       no
27261         0x0049   PaintSameRRect                       no
27262         0x004a   EraseSameRRect                       no
27263         0x004b   InvertSameRRect                      no
27264         0x004c   FillSameRRect                        no
27265         0x004d   Reserved                             no
27266         0x0050   FrameOval                            no
27267         0x0051   PaintOval                            no
27268         0x0052   EraseOval                            no
27269         0x0053   InvertOval                           no
27270         0x0054   FillOval                             no
27271         0x0055   Reserved                             no
27272         0x0058   FrameSameOval                        no
27273         0x0059   PaintSameOval                        no
27274         0x005a   EraseSameOval                        no
27275         0x005b   InvertSameOval                       no
27276         0x005c   FillSameOval                         no
27277         0x005d   Reserved                             no
27278         0x0060   FrameArc                             no
27279         0x0061   PaintArc                             no
27280         0x0062   EraseArc                             no
27281         0x0063   InvertArc                            no
27282         0x0064   FillArc                              no
27283         0x0065   Reserved                             no
27284         0x0068   FrameSameArc                         no
27285         0x0069   PaintSameArc                         no
27286         0x006a   EraseSameArc                         no
27287         0x006b   InvertSameArc                        no
27288         0x006c   FillSameArc                          no
27289         0x006d   Reserved                             no
27290         0x0070   FramePoly                            no
27291         0x0071   PaintPoly                            no
27292         0x0072   ErasePoly                            no
27293         0x0073   InvertPoly                           no
27294         0x0074   FillPoly                             no
27295         0x0075   Reserved                             no
27296         0x0078   FrameSamePoly                        no
27297         0x0079   PaintSamePoly                        no
27298         0x007a   EraseSamePoly                        no
27299         0x007b   InvertSamePoly                       no
27300         0x007c   FillSamePoly                         no
27301         0x007d   Reserved                             no
27302         0x0080   FrameRgn                             no
27303         0x0081   PaintRgn                             no
27304         0x0082   EraseRgn                             no
27305         0x0083   InvertRgn                            no
27306         0x0084   FillRgn                              no
27307         0x0085   Reserved                             no
27308         0x0088   FrameSameRgn                         no
27309         0x0089   PaintSameRgn                         no
27310         0x008a   EraseSameRgn                         no
27311         0x008b   InvertSameRgn                        no
27312         0x008c   FillSameRgn                          no
27313         0x008d   Reserved                             no
27314         0x0090   BitsRect                             no
27315         0x0091   BitsRgn                              no
27316         0x0092   Reserved                             no
27317         0x0098   PackBitsRect                         no
27318         0x0099   PackBitsRgn                          no
27319         0x009a   DirectBitsRect                       no
27320         0x009b   DirectBitsRgn                        no
27321         0x009c   Reserved                             no
27322         0x009d   Reserved                             no
27323         0x009e   Reserved                             no
27324         0x009f   Reserved                             no
27325         0x00a0   ShortComment                         no
27326         0x00a1   LongComment                          Photoshop
27327                                                       ICC_Profile
27328         0x00a2   Reserved                             no
27329         0x00b0   Reserved                             no
27330         0x00d0   Reserved                             no
27331         0x00ff   OpEndPic                             no
27332         0x0100   Reserved                             no
27333         0x0200   Reserved                             no
27334         0x02ff   Version                              no
27335         0x0300   Reserved                             no
27336         0x0bff   Reserved                             no
27337         0x0c00   HeaderOp                             no
27338         0x0c01   Reserved                             no
27339         0x7f00   Reserved                             no
27340         0x8000   Reserved                             no
27341         0x8100   Reserved                             no
27342         0x8200   CompressedQuickTime                  no
27343         0x8201   UncompressedQuickTime                no
27344         0xffff   Reserved                             no
27346   PNG Tags
27347       Tags extracted from PNG images.  See
27348       <http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2/> for the official PNG 1.2
27349       specification.
27351       According to the specification, a PNG file should end at the IEND
27352       chunk, however ExifTool will preserve any data found after this when
27353       writing unless it is specifically deleted with "-Trailer:All=".  When
27354       reading, a minor warning is issued if this trailer exists, and ExifTool
27355       will attempt to parse this data as additional PNG chunks.
27357       Also according to the PNG specification, there is no restriction on the
27358       location of text-type chunks (tEXt, zTXt and iTXt).  However, certain
27359       utilities (including some Apple and Adobe utilities) won't read the XMP
27360       iTXt chunk if it comes after the IDAT chunk, and at least one utility
27361       won't read other text chunks here.  For this reason, when writing,
27362       ExifTool 11.63 and later create new text chunks (including XMP) before
27363       IDAT, and move existing text chunks to before IDAT.
27365       The PNG format contains CRC checksums that are validated when reading
27366       with either the Verbose or Validate option.  When writing, these
27367       checksums are validated by default, but the FastScan option may be used
27368       to bypass this check if speed is more of a concern.
27370         Tag ID             Tag Name                   Writable
27371         ------             --------                   --------
27372         'IHDR'             ImageHeader                PNG ImageHeader
27373         'PLTE'             Palette                    no
27374         'acTL'             AnimationControl           PNG AnimationControl
27375         'bKGD'             BackgroundColor            no
27376         'cHRM'             PrimaryChromaticities      PNG PrimaryChromaticities
27377         'cICP'             CICodePoints               PNG CICodePoints
27378         'caBX'             JUMBF                      Jpeg2000
27379         'dSIG'             DigitalSignature           no
27380         'eXIf'             eXIf                       EXIF
27381         'fRAc'             FractalParameters          no
27382         'gAMA'             Gamma                      yes!
27383         'gIFg'             GIFGraphicControlExtension no
27384         'gIFt'             GIFPlainTextExtension      no
27385         'gIFx'             GIFApplicationExtension    no
27386         'hIST'             PaletteHistogram           no
27387         'iCCP'             ICC_Profile                ICC_Profile
27388         'iCCP-name'        ProfileName                yes
27389         'iDOT'             AppleDataOffsets           no
27390         'iTXt'             InternationalText          PNG TextualData
27391         'oFFs'             ImageOffset                no
27392         'pCAL'             PixelCalibration           no
27393         'pHYs'             PhysicalPixel              PNG PhysicalPixel
27394         'sBIT'             SignificantBits            no
27395         'sCAL'             SubjectScale               PNG SubjectScale
27396         'sPLT'             SuggestedPalette           no
27397         'sRGB'             SRGBRendering              yes!
27398         'sTER'             StereoImage                PNG StereoImage
27399         'tEXt'             TextualData                PNG TextualData
27400         'tIME'             ModifyDate                 yes
27401         'tRNS'             Transparency               no
27402         'tXMP'             XMP                        XMP
27403         'vpAg'             VirtualPage                PNG VirtualPage
27404         'zTXt'             CompressedText             PNG TextualData
27405         'zxIf'             zxIf                       EXIF
27407       PNG ImageHeader Tags
27409         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27410         ------   --------                             --------
27411             0    ImageWidth                           no
27412             4    ImageHeight                          no
27413             8    BitDepth                             no
27414             9    ColorType                            no
27415            10    Compression                          no
27416            11    Filter                               no
27417            12    Interlace                            no
27419       PNG AnimationControl Tags
27421       Tags found in the Animation Control chunk.  See
27422       <https://wiki.mozilla.org/APNG_Specification> for details.
27424         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
27425         ------   --------                             --------
27426             0    AnimationFrames                      no
27427             1    AnimationPlays                       no
27429       PNG PrimaryChromaticities Tags
27431         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
27432         ------   --------                             --------
27433             0    WhitePointX                          no
27434             1    WhitePointY                          no
27435             2    RedX                                 no
27436             3    RedY                                 no
27437             4    GreenX                               no
27438             5    GreenY                               no
27439             6    BlueX                                no
27440             7    BlueY                                no
27442       PNG CICodePoints Tags
27444       These tags are found in the PNG cICP chunk and belong to the PNG-cICP
27445       family 1 group.
27447         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27448         ------   --------                             --------
27449             0    ColorPrimaries                       no
27450             1    TransferCharacteristics              no
27451             2    MatrixCoefficients                   no
27452             3    VideoFullRangeFlag                   no
27454       PNG TextualData Tags
27456       The PNG TextualData format allows arbitrary tag names to be used.  The
27457       tags listed below are the only ones that can be written (unless new
27458       user-defined tags are added via the configuration file), however
27459       ExifTool will extract any other TextualData tags that are found.  All
27460       TextualData tags (including tags not listed below) are removed when
27461       deleting all PNG tags.
27463       These tags may be stored as tEXt, zTXt or iTXt chunks in the PNG image.
27464       By default ExifTool writes new string-value tags as as uncompressed
27465       tEXt, or compressed zTXt if the Compress (-z) option is used and
27466       Compress::Zlib is available.  Alternate language tags and values
27467       containing special characters (unless the Latin character set is used)
27468       are written as iTXt, and compressed if the Compress option is used and
27469       Compress::Zlib is available.  Raw profile information is always created
27470       as compressed zTXt if Compress::Zlib is available, or tEXt otherwise.
27471       Standard XMP is written as uncompressed iTXt.  User-defined tags may
27472       set an 'iTXt' flag in the tag definition to be written only as iTXt.
27474       Alternate languages are accessed by suffixing the tag name with a '-',
27475       followed by an RFC 3066 language code (eg. "PNG:Comment-fr", or "Title-
27476       en-US").  See <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt> for the RFC 3066
27477       specification.
27479       Some of the tags below are not registered as part of the PNG
27480       specification, but are included here because they are generated by
27481       other software such as ImageMagick.
27483         Tag ID                  Tag Name              Writable
27484         ------                  --------              --------
27485         'Artist'                Artist                string
27486         'Author'                Author                string
27487         'Collection'            Collection            string
27488         'Comment'               Comment               string
27489         'Copyright'             Copyright             string
27490         'Creation Time'         CreationTime          string
27491         'Description'           Description           string
27492         'Disclaimer'            Disclaimer            string
27493         'Document'              Document              string
27494         'Label'                 Label                 string
27495         'Make'                  Make                  string
27496         'Model'                 Model                 string
27497         'Raw profile type 8bim' Photoshop_Profile     Photoshop
27498         'Raw profile type APP1' APP1_Profile          EXIF
27499                                                       XMP
27500         'Raw profile type exif' EXIF_Profile          EXIF
27501         'Raw profile type icc'  ICC_Profile           ICC_Profile
27502         'Raw profile type icm'  ICC_Profile           ICC_Profile
27503         'Raw profile type iptc' IPTC_Profile          Photoshop
27504         'Raw profile type xmp'  XMP_Profile           XMP
27505         'Software'              Software              string
27506         'Source'                Source                string
27507         'TimeStamp'             TimeStamp             string
27508         'Title'                 Title                 string
27509         'URL'                   URL                   string
27510         'Warning'               PNGWarning            string
27511         'XML:com.adobe.xmp'     XMP                   XMP
27512         'create-date'           CreateDate            string
27513         'modify-date'           ModDate               string
27515       PNG PhysicalPixel Tags
27517       These tags are found in the PNG pHYs chunk and belong to the PNG-pHYs
27518       family 1 group.  They are all created together with default values if
27519       necessary when any of these tags is written, and may only be deleted as
27520       a group.
27522         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27523         ------   --------                             --------
27524             0    PixelsPerUnitX                       int32u
27525             4    PixelsPerUnitY                       int32u
27526             8    PixelUnits                           int8u
27528       PNG SubjectScale Tags
27530         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27531         ------   --------                             --------
27532             0    SubjectUnits                         no
27533             1    SubjectPixelWidth                    no
27534             2    SubjectPixelHeight                   no
27536       PNG StereoImage Tags
27538         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27539         ------   --------                             --------
27540             0    StereoMode                           no
27542       PNG VirtualPage Tags
27544         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
27545         ------   --------                             --------
27546             0    VirtualImageWidth                    no
27547             1    VirtualImageHeight                   no
27548             2    VirtualPageUnits                     no
27550   MNG Tags
27551       This table contains definitions for tags found in MNG and JNG images.
27552       MNG is a superset of PNG and JNG, so a MNG image may contain any of
27553       these tags as well as any PNG tags.  Conversely, only some of these
27554       tags are valid for JNG images.
27556         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
27557         ------   --------                             --------
27558         'BACK'   Background                           MNG Background
27559         'BASI'   BasisObject                          MNG BasisObject
27560         'CLIP'   ClipObjects                          MNG ClipObjects
27561         'CLON'   CloneObject                          MNG CloneObject
27562         'DBYK'   DropByKeyword                        no
27563         'DEFI'   DefineObject                         MNG DefineObject
27564         'DHDR'   DeltaPNGHeader                       MNG DeltaPNGHeader
27565         'DISC'   DiscardObjects                       no
27566         'DROP'   DropChunks                           no
27567         'FRAM'   Frame                                no
27568         'JHDR'   JNGHeader                            MNG JNGHeader
27569         'LOOP'   Loop                                 MNG Loop
27570         'MAGN'   MagnifyObject                        MNG MagnifyObject
27571         'MHDR'   MNGHeader                            MNG MNGHeader
27572         'MOVE'   MoveObjects                          MNG MoveObjects
27573         'ORDR'   OrderingRestrictions                 no
27574         'PAST'   PasteImage                           MNG PasteImage
27575         'PPLT'   PartialPalette                       no
27576         'PROM'   PromoteParent                        MNG PromoteParent
27577         'SAVE'   SaveObjects                          no
27578         'SEEK'   SeekPoint                            no
27579         'SHOW'   ShowObjects                          MNG ShowObjects
27580         'TERM'   TerminationAction                    MNG TerminationAction
27581         'eXPi'   ExportImage                          MNG ExportImage
27582         'fPRI'   FramePriority                        MNG FramePriority
27583         'nEED'   ResourcesNeeded                      no
27584         'pHYg'   GlobalPixelSize                      PNG PhysicalPixel
27586       MNG Background Tags
27588         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27589         ------   --------                             --------
27590             0    BackgroundColor                      no
27591             6    MandatoryBackground                  no
27592             7    BackgroundImageID                    no
27593             9    BackgroundTiling                     no
27595       MNG BasisObject Tags
27597         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27598         ------   --------                             --------
27599             0    ImageWidth                           no
27600             4    ImageHeight                          no
27601             8    BitDepth                             no
27602             9    ColorType                            no
27603            10    Compression                          no
27604            11    Filter                               no
27605            12    Interlace                            no
27606            13    RedSample                            no
27607            17    GreenSample                          no
27608            21    BlueSample                           no
27609            25    AlphaSample                          no
27610            26    Viewable                             no
27612       MNG ClipObjects Tags
27614         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27615         ------   --------                             --------
27616             0    FirstObject                          no
27617             2    LastObject                           no
27618             4    DeltaType                            no
27619             5    ClipBoundary                         no
27621       MNG CloneObject Tags
27623         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27624         ------   --------                             --------
27625             0    SourceID                             no
27626             2    CloneID                              no
27627             4    CloneType                            no
27628             5    DoNotShow                            no
27629             6    ConcreteFlag                         no
27630             7    LocalDeltaType                       no
27631             8    DeltaXY                              no
27633       MNG DefineObject Tags
27635         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27636         ------   --------                             --------
27637             0    ObjectID                             no
27638             2    DoNotShow                            no
27639             3    ConcreteFlag                         no
27640             4    XYLocation                           no
27641            12    ClippingBoundary                     no
27643       MNG DeltaPNGHeader Tags
27645         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27646         ------   --------                             --------
27647             0    ObjectID                             no
27648             2    ImageType                            no
27649             3    DeltaType                            no
27650             4    BlockSize                            no
27651            12    BlockLocation                        no
27653       MNG JNGHeader Tags
27655         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27656         ------   --------                             --------
27657             0    ImageWidth                           no
27658             4    ImageHeight                          no
27659             8    ColorType                            no
27660             9    BitDepth                             no
27661            10    Compression                          no
27662            11    Interlace                            no
27663            12    AlphaBitDepth                        no
27664            13    AlphaCompression                     no
27665            14    AlphaFilter                          no
27666            15    AlphaInterlace                       no
27668       MNG Loop Tags
27670         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27671         ------   --------                             --------
27672             0    NestLevel                            no
27673             1    IterationCount                       no
27674             5    TerminationCondition                 no
27675             6    IterationMinMax                      no
27676            14    SignalNumber                         no
27678       MNG MagnifyObject Tags
27680         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27681         ------   --------                             --------
27682             0    FirstObjectID                        no
27683             2    LastObjectID                         no
27684             4    XMethod                              no
27685             5    XMag                                 no
27686             7    YMag                                 no
27687             9    LeftMag                              no
27688            11    RightMag                             no
27689            13    TopMag                               no
27690            15    BottomMag                            no
27691            17    YMethod                              no
27693       MNG MNGHeader Tags
27695         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
27696         ------   --------                             --------
27697             0    ImageWidth                           no
27698             1    ImageHeight                          no
27699             2    TicksPerSecond                       no
27700             3    NominalLayerCount                    no
27701             4    NominalFrameCount                    no
27702             5    NominalPlayTime                      no
27703             6    SimplicityProfile                    no
27705       MNG MoveObjects Tags
27707         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27708         ------   --------                             --------
27709             0    FirstObject                          no
27710             2    LastObject                           no
27711             4    DeltaType                            no
27712             5    DeltaXY                              no
27714       MNG PasteImage Tags
27716         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27717         ------   --------                             --------
27718             0    DestinationID                        no
27719             2    TargetDeltaType                      no
27720             3    TargetXY                             no
27721            11    SourceID                             no
27722            13    CompositionMode                      no
27723            14    Orientation                          no
27724            15    OffsetOrigin                         no
27725            16    OffsetXY                             no
27726            24    BoundaryOrigin                       no
27727            25    PastClippingBoundary                 no
27729       MNG PromoteParent Tags
27731         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27732         ------   --------                             --------
27733             0    NewColorType                         no
27734             1    NewBitDepth                          no
27735             2    FillMethod                           no
27737       MNG ShowObjects Tags
27739         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27740         ------   --------                             --------
27741             0    FirstObject                          no
27742             2    LastObject                           no
27743             4    ShowMode                             no
27745       MNG TerminationAction Tags
27747         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27748         ------   --------                             --------
27749             0    TerminationAction                    no
27750             1    IterationEndAction                   no
27751             2    Delay                                no
27752             6    IterationMax                         no
27754       MNG ExportImage Tags
27756         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27757         ------   --------                             --------
27758             0    SnapshotID                           no
27759             2    SnapshotName                         no
27761       MNG FramePriority Tags
27763         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27764         ------   --------                             --------
27765             0    DeltaType                            no
27766             2    Priority                             no
27768   FLIF Tags
27769       Information extracted from Free Lossless Image Format files.  See
27770       <http://flif.info/> for more information.
27772         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
27773         ------   --------                             --------
27774             0    ImageType                            no
27775             1    BitDepth                             no
27776             2    ImageWidth                           no
27777             3    ImageHeight                          no
27778             4    AnimationFrames                      no
27779             5    Encoding                             no
27780         'eXif'   EXIF                                 EXIF
27781         'eXmp'   XMP                                  XMP
27782         'iCCP'   ICC_Profile                          ICC_Profile
27784   DjVu Tags
27785       Information is extracted from the following chunks in DjVu images. See
27786       <http://www.djvu.org/> for the DjVu specification.
27788         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
27789         ------   --------                             --------
27790         'ANTa'   ANTa                                 DjVu Ant
27791         'ANTz'   CompressedAnnotation                 DjVu Ant
27792         'FORM'   FORM                                 DjVu Form
27793         'INCL'   IncludedFileID                       no
27794         'INFO'   INFO                                 DjVu Info
27796       DjVu Ant Tags
27798       Information extracted from annotation chunks.
27800         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
27801         ------       --------                         --------
27802         'metadata'   Metadata                         DjVu Meta
27803         'xmp'        XMP                              XMP
27805       DjVu Meta Tags
27807       This table lists the standard DjVu metadata tags, but ExifTool will
27808       extract any tags that exist even if they don't appear here.  The DjVu
27809       v3 documentation endorses tags borrowed from two standards: 1) BibTeX
27810       bibliography system tags (all lowercase Tag ID's in the table below),
27811       and 2) PDF DocInfo tags (capitalized Tag ID's).
27813         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
27814         ------               --------                 --------
27815         'Author'             Author                   no
27816         'CreationDate'       CreateDate               no
27817         'Creator'            Creator                  no
27818         'Keywords'           Keywords                 no
27819         'ModDate'            ModifyDate               no
27820         'Producer'           Producer                 no
27821         'Subject'            Subject                  no
27822         'Title'              Title                    no
27823         'Trapped'            Trapped                  no
27824         'address'            Address                  no
27825         'annote'             Annotation               no
27826         'author'             Author                   no
27827         'booktitle'          BookTitle                no
27828         'chapter'            Chapter                  no
27829         'crossref'           CrossRef                 no
27830         'edition'            Edition                  no
27831         'eprint'             EPrint                   no
27832         'howpublished'       HowPublished             no
27833         'institution'        Institution              no
27834         'journal'            Journal                  no
27835         'key'                Key                      no
27836         'month'              Month                    no
27837         'note'               Note                     no
27838         'number'             Number                   no
27839         'organization'       Organization             no
27840         'pages'              Pages                    no
27841         'publisher'          Publisher                no
27842         'school'             School                   no
27843         'series'             Series                   no
27844         'title'              Title                    no
27845         'type'               Type                     no
27846         'url'                URL                      no
27847         'volume'             Volume                   no
27848         'year'               Year                     no
27850       DjVu Form Tags
27852         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27853         ------   --------                             --------
27854             0    SubfileType                          no
27856       DjVu Info Tags
27858         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27859         ------   --------                             --------
27860             0    ImageWidth                           no
27861             2    ImageHeight                          no
27862             4    DjVuVersion                          no
27863             6    SpatialResolution                    no
27864             8    Gamma                                no
27865             9    Orientation                          no
27867   DPX Tags
27868       Tags extracted from DPX (Digital Picture Exchange) images.
27870         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27871         ------   --------                             --------
27872             0    ByteOrder                            no
27873             8    HeaderVersion                        no
27874            16    DPXFileSize                          no
27875            20    DittoKey                             no
27876            36    ImageFileName                        no
27877           136    CreateDate                           no
27878           160    Creator                              no
27879           260    Project                              no
27880           460    Copyright                            no
27881           660    EncryptionKey                        no
27882           768    Orientation                          no
27883           770    ImageElements                        no
27884           772    ImageWidth                           no
27885           776    ImageHeight                          no
27886           780    DataSign                             no
27887           800    ComponentsConfiguration              no
27888           801    TransferCharacteristic               no
27889           802    ColorimetricSpecification            no
27890           803    BitDepth                             no
27891           820    ImageDescription                     no
27892           892    Image2Description                    no
27893           964    Image3Description                    no
27894          1036    Image4Description                    no
27895          1108    Image5Description                    no
27896          1180    Image6Description                    no
27897          1252    Image7Description                    no
27898          1324    Image8Description                    no
27899          1432    SourceFileName                       no
27900          1532    SourceCreateDate                     no
27901          1556    InputDeviceName                      no
27902          1588    InputDeviceSerialNumber              no
27903          1628    AspectRatio                          no
27904          1724    OriginalFrameRate                    no
27905          1728    ShutterAngle                         no
27906          1732    FrameID                              no
27907          1764    SlateInformation                     no
27908          1920    TimeCode                             no
27909          1940    FrameRate                            no
27910          1972    Reserved5?                           no
27911          2048    UserID                               no
27913   OpenEXR Tags
27914       Information extracted from EXR images.  Use the ExtractEmbedded option
27915       to extract information from all frames of a multipart image.  See
27916       <http://www.openexr.com/> for the official specification.
27918         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
27919         ------               --------                 --------
27920         '_flags'             Flags                    no
27921         '_ver'               EXRVersion               no
27922         'adoptedNeutral'     AdoptedNeutral           no
27923         'altitude'           GPSAltitude              no
27924         'aperture'           Aperture                 no
27925         'capDate'            DateTimeOriginal         no
27926         'channels'           Channels                 no
27927         'chromaticities'     Chromaticities           no
27928         'chunkCount'         ChunkCount               no
27929         'comments'           Comments                 no
27930         'compression'        Compression              no
27931         'dataWindow'         DataWindow               no
27932         'displayWindow'      DisplayWindow            no
27933         'envmap'             EnvironmentMap           no
27934         'expTime'            ExposureTime             no
27935         'focus'              FocusDistance            no
27936         'framesPerSecond'    FramesPerSecond          no
27937         'isoSpeed'           ISO                      no
27938         'keyCode'            KeyCode                  no
27939         'latitude'           GPSLatitude              no
27940         'lineOrder'          LineOrder                no
27941         'longitude'          GPSLongitude             no
27942         'lookModTransform'   LookModTransform         no
27943         'multiView'          MultiView                no
27944         'name'               Name                     no
27945         'owner'              Owner                    no
27946         'pixelAspectRatio'   PixelAspectRatio         no
27947         'preview'            Preview                  no
27948         'renderingTransform' RenderingTransform       no
27949         'screenWindowCenter' ScreenWindowCenter       no
27950         'screenWindowWidth'  ScreenWindowWidth        no
27951         'tiles'              Tiles                    no
27952         'timeCode'           TimeCode                 no
27953         'type'               Type                     no
27954         'utcOffset'          TimeZone                 no
27955         'version'            Version                  no
27956         'whiteLuminance'     WhiteLuminance           no
27957         'worldToCamera'      WorldToCamera            no
27958         'worldToNDC'         WorldToNDC               no
27959         'wrapmodes'          WrapModes                no
27960         'xDensity'           XResolution              no
27962   ZISRAW Tags
27963       As well as the header information listed below, ExifTool also extracts
27964       the top-level XML-based metadata from Zeiss Integrated Software RAW
27965       (ZISRAW) CZI files.
27967         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
27968         ------   --------                             --------
27969            32    ZISRAWVersion                        no
27970            48    PrimaryFileGUID                      no
27971            64    FileGUID                             no
27973   MRC Tags
27974       Tags extracted from Medical Research Council (MRC) format imaging
27975       files.  See <https://www.ccpem.ac.uk/mrc_format/mrc2014.php> for the
27976       specification.
27978         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
27979         ------   --------                             --------
27980             0    ImageWidth                           no
27981             1    ImageHeight                          no
27982             2    ImageDepth                           no
27983             3    ImageMode                            no
27984             4    StartPoint                           no
27985             7    GridSize                             no
27986            10    CellWidth                            no
27987            11    CellHeight                           no
27988            12    CellDepth                            no
27989            13    CellAlpha                            no
27990            14    CellBeta                             no
27991            15    CellGamma                            no
27992            16    ImageWidthAxis                       no
27993            17    ImageHeightAxis                      no
27994            18    ImageDepthAxis                       no
27995            19    DensityMin                           no
27996            20    DensityMax                           no
27997            21    DensityMean                          no
27998            22    SpaceGroupNumber                     no
27999            23    ExtendedHeaderSize                   no
28000            26    ExtendedHeaderType                   no
28001            27    MRCVersion                           no
28002            49    Origin                               no
28003            53    MachineStamp                         no
28004            54    RMSDeviation                         no
28005            55    NumberOfLabels                       no
28006            56    Label0                               no
28007            76    Label1                               no
28008            96    Label2                               no
28009           116    Label3                               no
28010           136    Label4                               no
28011           156    Label5                               no
28012           176    Label6                               no
28013           196    Label7                               no
28014           216    Label8                               no
28015           236    Label9                               no
28017       MRC FEI12 Tags
28019       Tags extracted from FEI1 and FEI2 extended headers.
28021         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
28022         ------   --------                             --------
28023             0    MetadataSize                         no
28024             4    MetadataVersion                      no
28025             8    Bitmask1                             no
28026            12    TimeStamp                            no
28027            20    MicroscopeType                       no
28028            36    MicroscopeID                         no
28029            52    Application                          no
28030            68    AppVersion                           no
28031            84    HighTension                          no
28032            92    Dose                                 no
28033           100    AlphaTilt                            no
28034           108    BetaTilt                             no
28035           116    XStage                               no
28036           124    YStage                               no
28037           132    ZStage                               no
28038           140    TiltAxisAngle                        no
28039           148    DualAxisRot                          no
28040           156    PixelSizeX                           no
28041           164    PixelSizeY                           no
28042           220    Defocus                              no
28043           228    STEMDefocus                          no
28044           236    AppliedDefocus                       no
28045           244    InstrumentMode                       no
28046           248    ProjectionMode                       no
28047           252    ObjectiveLens                        no
28048           268    HighMagnificationMode                no
28049           284    ProbeMode                            no
28050           288    EFTEMOn                              no
28051           289    Magnification                        no
28052           297    Bitmask2                             no
28053           301    CameraLength                         no
28054           309    SpotIndex                            no
28055           313    IlluminationArea                     no
28056           321    Intensity                            no
28057           329    ConvergenceAngle                     no
28058           337    IlluminationMode                     no
28059           353    WideConvergenceAngleRange            no
28060           354    SlitInserted                         no
28061           355    SlitWidth                            no
28062           363    AccelVoltOffset                      no
28063           371    DriftTubeVolt                        no
28064           379    EnergyShift                          no
28065           387    ShiftOffsetX                         no
28066           395    ShiftOffsetY                         no
28067           403    ShiftX                               no
28068           411    ShiftY                               no
28069           419    IntegrationTime                      no
28070           427    BinningWidth                         no
28071           431    BinningHeight                        no
28072           435    CameraName                           no
28073           451    ReadoutAreaLeft                      no
28074           455    ReadoutAreaTop                       no
28075           459    ReadoutAreaRight                     no
28076           463    ReadoutAreaBottom                    no
28077           467    CetaNoiseReduct                      no
28078           468    CetaFramesSummed                     no
28079           472    DirectDetElectronCounting            no
28080           473    DirectDetAlignFrames                 no
28081           490    Bitmask3                             no
28082           518    PhasePlate                           no
28083           519    STEMDetectorName                     no
28084           535    Gain                                 no
28085           543    Offset                               no
28086           571    DwellTime                            no
28087           579    FrameTime                            no
28088           587    ScanSizeLeft                         no
28089           591    ScanSizeTop                          no
28090           595    ScanSizeRight                        no
28091           599    ScanSizeBottom                       no
28092           603    FullScanFOV_X                        no
28093           611    FullScanFOV_Y                        no
28094           619    Element                              no
28095           635    EnergyIntervalLower                  no
28096           643    EnergyIntervalHigher                 no
28097           651    Method                               no
28098           655    IsDoseFraction                       no
28099           656    FractionNumber                       no
28100           660    StartFrame                           no
28101           664    EndFrame                             no
28102           668    InputStackFilename                   no
28103           748    Bitmask4                             no
28104           752    AlphaTiltMin                         no
28105           760    AlphaTiltMax                         no
28106           768    ScanRotation                         no
28107           776    DiffractionPatternRotation           no
28108           784    ImageRotation                        no
28109           792    ScanModeEnumeration                  no
28110           796    AcquisitionTimeStamp                 no
28111           804    DetectorCommercialName               no
28112           820    StartTiltAngle                       no
28113           828    EndTiltAngle                         no
28114           836    TiltPerImage                         no
28115           844    TitlSpeed                            no
28116           852    BeamCenterX                          no
28117           856    BeamCenterY                          no
28118           860    CFEGFlashTimeStamp                   no
28119           868    PhasePlatePosition                   no
28120           872    ObjectiveAperture                    no
28122   LIF Tags
28123       Tags extracted from Leica Image Format (LIF) imaging files.  As well as
28124       the tags listed below, all available information is extracted from the
28125       XML-format metadata in the LIF header.
28127         Tag Name                                      Writable
28128         --------                                      --------
28129         TimeStampList                                 no
28131   MIFF Tags
28132       The MIFF (Magick Image File Format) format allows aribrary tag names to
28133       be used.  Only the standard tag names are listed below, however
28134       ExifTool will decode any tags found in the image.
28136         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28137         ------               --------                 --------
28138         'background-color'   BackgroundColor          no
28139         'blue-primary'       BluePrimary              no
28140         'border-color'       BorderColor              no
28141         'class'              Class                    no
28142         'colors'             Colors                   no
28143         'colorspace'         ColorSpace               no
28144         'columns'            ImageWidth               no
28145         'compression'        Compression              no
28146         'delay'              Delay                    no
28147         'depth'              Depth                    no
28148         'dispose'            Dispose                  no
28149         'gamma'              Gamma                    no
28150         'green-primary'      GreenPrimary             no
28151         'id'                 ID                       no
28152         'iterations'         Iterations               no
28153         'label'              Label                    no
28154         'matt-color'         MattColor                no
28155         'matte'              Matte                    no
28156         'montage'            Montage                  no
28157         'packets'            Packets                  no
28158         'page'               Page                     no
28159         'profile-APP1'       APP1_Profile             EXIF
28160                                                       XMP
28161         'profile-exif'       EXIF_Profile             EXIF
28162         'profile-icc'        ICC_Profile              ICC_Profile
28163         'profile-iptc'       IPTC_Profile             Photoshop
28164         'profile-xmp'        XMP_Profile              XMP
28165         'red-primary'        RedPrimary               no
28166         'rendering-intent'   RenderingIntent          no
28167         'resolution'         Resolution               no
28168         'rows'               ImageHeight              no
28169         'scene'              Scene                    no
28170         'signature'          Signature                no
28171         'units'              Units                    no
28172         'white-point'        WhitePoint               no
28174   PCX Tags
28175       Tags extracted from PC Paintbrush images.
28177         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
28178         ------   --------                             --------
28179             0    Manufacturer                         no
28180             1    Software                             no
28181             2    Encoding                             no
28182             3    BitsPerPixel                         no
28183             4    LeftMargin                           no
28184             6    TopMargin                            no
28185             8    ImageWidth                           no
28186            10    ImageHeight                          no
28187            12    XResolution                          no
28188            14    YResolution                          no
28189            65    ColorPlanes                          no
28190            66    BytesPerLine                         no
28191            68    ColorMode                            no
28192            70    ScreenWidth                          no
28193            72    ScreenHeight                         no
28195   PGF Tags
28196       The following table lists information extracted from the header of
28197       Progressive Graphics File (PGF) images.  As well, information is
28198       extracted from the embedded PNG metadata image if it exists.  See
28199       <http://www.libpgf.org/> for the PGF specification.
28201         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
28202         ------   --------                             --------
28203             3    PGFVersion                           no
28204             8    ImageWidth                           no
28205            12    ImageHeight                          no
28206            16    PyramidLevels                        no
28207            17    Quality                              no
28208            18    BitsPerPixel                         no
28209            19    ColorComponents                      no
28210            20    ColorMode                            no
28211            21    BackgroundColor                      no
28213   PSP Tags
28214       Tags extracted from Paint Shop Pro images (PSP, PSPIMAGE, PSPFRAME,
28215       PSPSHAPE, PSPTUBE and TUB extensions).
28217         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28218         ------               --------                 --------
28219         'FileVersion'        FileVersion              no
28220         0x0000               ImageInfo                PSP Image
28221                                                       PSP Image
28222         0x0001               CreatorInfo              PSP Creator
28223         0x000a               ExtendedInfo             PSP Ext
28225       PSP Image Tags
28227         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
28228         ------   --------                             --------
28229             0    ImageWidth                           no
28230             4    ImageHeight                          no
28231             8    ImageResolution                      no
28232            16    ResolutionUnit                       no
28233            17    Compression                          no
28234            19    BitsPerSample                        no
28235            21    Planes                               no
28236            23    NumColors                            no
28238       PSP Creator Tags
28240         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28241         ------   --------                             --------
28242         0x0000   Title                                no
28243         0x0001   CreateDate                           no
28244         0x0002   ModifyDate                           no
28245         0x0003   Artist                               no
28246         0x0004   Copyright                            no
28247         0x0005   Description                          no
28248         0x0006   CreatorAppID                         no
28249         0x0007   CreatorAppVersion                    no
28251       PSP Ext Tags
28253         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28254         ------   --------                             --------
28255         0x0003   EXIFInfo                             EXIF
28257   PhotoCD Tags
28258       Tags extracted from Kodak Photo CD Image Pac (PCD) files.
28260         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
28261         ------   --------                             --------
28262             7    SpecificationVersion                 no
28263             9    AuthoringSoftwareRelease             no
28264            11    ImageMagnificationDescriptor         no
28265            13    CreateDate                           no
28266            17    ModifyDate                           no
28267            21    ImageMedium                          no
28268            22    ProductType                          no
28269            42    ScannerVendorID                      no
28270            62    ScannerProductID                     no
28271            78    ScannerFirmwareVersion               no
28272            82    ScannerFirmwareDate                  no
28273            90    ScannerSerialNumber                  no
28274           110    ScannerPixelSize                     no
28275           112    ImageWorkstationMake                 no
28276           132    CharacterSet                         no
28277           133    CharacterEscapeSequence?             no
28278           165    PhotoFinisherName                    no
28279           228    SceneBalanceAlgorithmRevision        no
28280           230    SceneBalanceAlgorithmCommand         no
28281           325    SceneBalanceAlgorithmFilmID          no
28282           331    CopyrightStatus                      no
28283           332    CopyrightFileName                    no
28284          1538    Orientation                          no
28285         1538.1   ImageWidth                           no
28286         1538.2   ImageHeight                          no
28287         1538.3   CompressionClass                     no
28289   Radiance Tags
28290       Information extracted from Radiance RGBE HDR images.  Tag ID's are all
28291       uppercase as stored in the file, but converted to lowercase by when
28292       extracting to avoid conflicts with internal ExifTool variables.  See
28293       <http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/refer/filefmts.pdf> and
28294       <http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/online/formats/rgbe/> for the
28295       specification.
28297         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28298         ------               --------                 --------
28299         '_command'           Command                  no
28300         '_comment'           Comment                  no
28301         '_orient'            Orientation              no
28302         'colorcorr'          ColorCorrection          no
28303         'exposure'           Exposure                 no
28304         'format'             Format                   no
28305         'gamma'              Gamma                    no
28306         'pixaspect'          PixelAspectRatio         no
28307         'primaries'          ColorPrimaries           no
28308         'software'           Software                 no
28309         'view'               View                     no
28311       Other PFM Tags
28313       Tags extracted from Portable FloatMap images. See
28314       <http://www.pauldebevec.com/Research/HDR/PFM/> for the specification.
28316         Tag Name                                      Writable
28317         --------                                      --------
28318         ByteOrder                                     no
28319         ColorSpace                                    no
28320         ImageHeight                                   no
28321         ImageWidth                                    no
28323   PDF Tags
28324       The tags listed in the PDF tables below are those which are used by
28325       ExifTool to extract meta information, but they are only a small
28326       fraction of the total number of available PDF tags.  See
28327       <http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html> for the official
28328       PDF specification.
28330       ExifTool supports reading and writing PDF documents up to version 2.0,
28331       including support for RC4, AES-128 and AES-256 encryption.  A Password
28332       option is provided to allow processing of password-protected PDF files.
28334       ExifTool may be used to write native PDF and XMP metadata to PDF files.
28335       It uses an incremental update technique that has the advantages of
28336       being both fast and reversible.  If ExifTool was used to modify a PDF
28337       file, the original may be recovered by deleting the "PDF-update"
28338       pseudo-group (with "-PDF-update:all=" on the command line).  However,
28339       there are two main disadvantages to this technique:
28341       1) A linearized PDF file is no longer linearized after the update, so
28342       it must be subsequently re-linearized if this is required.
28344       2) All metadata edits are reversible.  While this would normally be
28345       considered an advantage, it is a potential security problem because old
28346       information is never actually deleted from the file.  (However, after
28347       running ExifTool the old information may be removed permanently using
28348       the "qpdf" utility with this command: "qpdf --linearize in.pdf
28349       out.pdf".)
28351         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28352         ------               --------                 --------
28353         'Encrypt'            Encrypt                  PDF Encrypt
28354         'Info'               Info                     PDF Info
28355         'Root'               Root                     PDF Root
28356         '_linearized'        Linearized               no
28358       PDF Encrypt Tags
28360       Tags extracted from the document Encrypt dictionary.
28362         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28363         ------   --------                             --------
28364         'Filter' Encryption                           no
28365         'P'      UserAccess                           no
28367       PDF Info Tags
28369       As well as the tags listed below, the PDF specification allows for
28370       user-defined tags to exist in the Info dictionary.  These tags, which
28371       should have corresponding XMP-pdfx entries in the XMP of the PDF XML
28372       Metadata object, are also extracted by ExifTool.
28374       Writable specifies the value format, and may be "string", "date",
28375       "integer", "real", "boolean" or "name" for PDF tags.
28377         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28378         ------               --------                 --------
28379         'AAPL:Keywords'      AppleKeywords            string+
28380         'Author'             Author                   string
28381         'CreationDate'       CreateDate               date
28382         'Creator'            Creator                  string
28383         'Keywords'           Keywords                 string+
28384         'ModDate'            ModifyDate               date
28385         'Producer'           Producer                 string
28386         'Subject'            Subject                  string
28387         'Title'              Title                    string
28388         'Trapped'            Trapped                  string!
28390       PDF Root Tags
28392       This is the PDF document catalog.
28394         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28395         ------               --------                 --------
28396         'AcroForm'           AcroForm                 PDF AcroForm
28397         'Lang'               Language                 no
28398         'MarkInfo'           MarkInfo                 PDF MarkInfo
28399         'Metadata'           Metadata                 PDF Metadata
28400         'PageLayout'         PageLayout               no
28401         'PageMode'           PageMode                 no
28402         'Pages'              Pages                    PDF Pages
28403         'Perms'              Perms                    PDF Perms
28404         'Version'            PDFVersion               no
28406       PDF AcroForm Tags
28408         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28409         ------       --------                         --------
28410         '_has_xfa'   HasXFA                           no
28412       PDF MarkInfo Tags
28414         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28415         ------   --------                             --------
28416         'Marked' TaggedPDF                            no
28418       PDF Metadata Tags
28420         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28421         ------               --------                 --------
28422         'XML_stream'         XMP                      XMP
28424       PDF Pages Tags
28426         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28427         ------   --------                             --------
28428         'Count'  PageCount                            no
28429         'Kids'   Kids                                 PDF Kids
28431       PDF Kids Tags
28433         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28434         ------               --------                 --------
28435         'Kids'               Kids                     PDF Kids
28436         'Metadata'           Metadata                 PDF Metadata
28437         'PieceInfo'          PieceInfo                PDF PieceInfo
28438         'Resources'          Resources                PDF Resources
28440       PDF PieceInfo Tags
28442         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28443         ------               --------                 --------
28444         'AdobePhotoshop'     AdobePhotoshop           PDF AdobePhotoshop
28445         'Illustrator'        Illustrator              PDF Illustrator
28447       PDF AdobePhotoshop Tags
28449         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28450         ------       --------                         --------
28451         'Private'    Private                          PDF Private
28453       PDF Private Tags
28455         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28456         ------               --------                 --------
28457         'ImageResources'     ImageResources           PDF ImageResources
28459       PDF ImageResources Tags
28461         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28462         ------       --------                         --------
28463         '_stream'    _stream                          Photoshop
28465       PDF Illustrator Tags
28467         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28468         ------       --------                         --------
28469         'Private'    Private                          PDF AIPrivate
28471       PDF AIPrivate Tags
28473         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28474         ------               --------                 --------
28475         'AIMetaData'         AIMetaData               PDF AIMetaData
28476         'AIPDFPrivateData'   AIPDFPrivateData         PostScript
28477         'AIPrivateData'      AIPrivateData            PostScript
28478         'ContainerVersion'   ContainerVersion         no
28479         'CreatorVersion'     CreatorVersion           no
28480         'RoundTripVersion'   RoundTripVersion         no
28482       PDF AIMetaData Tags
28484         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28485         ------       --------                         --------
28486         '_stream'    _stream                          PostScript
28488       PDF Resources Tags
28490         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28491         ------               --------                 --------
28492         'ColorSpace'         ColorSpace               PDF ColorSpace
28493         'Properties'         Properties               PDF Properties
28494         'XObject'            XObject                  PDF XObject
28496       PDF ColorSpace Tags
28498         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28499         ------               --------                 --------
28500         'CS0'                CS0                      PDF DefaultRGB
28501         'Cs1'                Cs1                      PDF DefaultRGB
28502         'DefaultCMYK'        DefaultCMYK              PDF DefaultRGB
28503         'DefaultRGB'         DefaultRGB               PDF DefaultRGB
28505       PDF DefaultRGB Tags
28507         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28508         ------       --------                         --------
28509         'ICCBased'   ICCBased                         PDF ICCBased
28511       PDF ICCBased Tags
28513         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28514         ------       --------                         --------
28515         '_stream'    _stream                          ICC_Profile
28517       PDF Properties Tags
28519         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28520         ------   --------                             --------
28521         'MC'     MC                                   PDF MC
28523       PDF MC Tags
28525         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28526         ------       --------                         --------
28527         'Metadata'   Metadata                         PDF Metadata
28529       PDF XObject Tags
28531         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28532         ------   --------                             --------
28533         'Im'     Im                                   PDF Im
28535       PDF Im Tags
28537       Information extracted from embedded images with the ExtractEmbedded
28538       option.  The EmbeddedImage and its metadata are extracted only for JPEG
28539       and Jpeg2000 image formats.
28541         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28542         ------               --------                 --------
28543         'ColorSpace'         EmbeddedImageColorSpace  no+
28544         'Filter'             EmbeddedImageFilter      no+
28545         'Height'             EmbeddedImageHeight      no
28546         'Image_stream'       EmbeddedImage            no
28547         'Width'              EmbeddedImageWidth       no
28549       PDF Perms Tags
28551       Additional document permissions imposed by digital signatures.
28553         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
28554         ------       --------                         --------
28555         'DocMDP'     DocMDP                           PDF Signature
28556         'FieldMDP'   FieldMDP                         PDF Signature
28557         'UR3'        UR3                              PDF Signature
28559       PDF Signature Tags
28561         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28562         ------               --------                 --------
28563         'ContactInfo'        SignerContactInfo        no
28564         'Location'           SigningLocation          no
28565         'M'                  SigningDate              no
28566         'Name'               SigningAuthority         no
28567         'Prop_AuthTime'      AuthenticationTime       no
28568         'Prop_AuthType'      AuthenticationType       no
28569         'Reason'             SigningReason            no
28570         'Reference'          Reference                PDF Reference
28572       PDF Reference Tags
28574         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28575         ------               --------                 --------
28576         'TransformParams'    TransformParams          PDF TransformParams
28578       PDF TransformParams Tags
28580         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
28581         ------               --------                 --------
28582         'Action'             FieldPermissions         no
28583         'Annots'             AnnotationUsageRights    no+
28584         'Document'           DocumentUsageRights      no+
28585         'EF'                 EmbeddedFileUsageRights  no+
28586         'Fields'             FormFields               no+
28587         'Form'               FormUsageRights          no+
28588         'FormEX'             FormExtraUsageRights     no+
28589         'Msg'                UsageRightsMessage       no
28590         'P'                  ModificationPermissions  no
28591         'Signature'          SignatureUsageRights     no+
28593   PostScript Tags
28594         Tag ID                 Tag Name               Writable
28595         ------                 --------               --------
28596         'AI12_BuildNumber'     AIBuildNumber          no
28597         'AI3_ColorUsage'       AIColorUsage           no
28598         'AI5_FileFormat'       AIFileFormat           no
28599         'AI5_NumLayers'        AINumLayers            no
28600         'AI5_RulerUnits'       AIRulerUnits           no
28601         'AI5_TargetResolution' AITargetResolution     no
28602         'AI8_CreatorVersion'   AICreatorVersion       no
28603         'AI9_ColorModel'       AIColorModel           no
28604         'Author'               Author                 string
28605         'BeginDocument'        EmbeddedFile           PostScript
28606         'BeginICCProfile'      ICC_Profile            ICC_Profile
28607         'BeginPhotoshop'       PhotoshopData          Photoshop
28608         'BoundingBox'          BoundingBox            no
28609         'Copyright'            Copyright              string
28610         'CreationDate'         CreateDate             string
28611         'Creator'              Creator                string
28612         'EmbeddedFileName'     EmbeddedFileName       no
28613         'For'                  For                    string
28614         'ImageData'            ImageData              no
28615         'Keywords'             Keywords               string
28616         'ModDate'              ModifyDate             string
28617         'Pages'                Pages                  no
28618         'Routing'              Routing                string
28619         'Subject'              Subject                string
28620         'TIFFPreview'          TIFFPreview            no
28621         'Title'                Title                  string
28622         'Version'              Version                string
28623         'begin_xml_packet'     XMP                    XMP
28625   ID3 Tags
28626       ExifTool extracts ID3 and Lyrics3 information from MP3, MPEG, WAV,
28627       AIFF, OGG, FLAC, APE, MPC and RealAudio files.  ID3v2 tags which
28628       support multiple languages (eg. Comment and Lyrics) are extracted by
28629       specifying the tag name, followed by a dash ('-'), then a 3-character
28630       ISO 639-2 language code (eg.  "Comment-spa"). See <https://id3.org/>
28631       for the official ID3 specification and
28632       <http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php> for a list of
28633       ISO 639-2 language codes.
28635         Tag Name                                      Writable
28636         --------                                      --------
28637         ID3v1                                         ID3 v1
28638         ID3v1_Enh                                     ID3 v1_Enh
28639         ID3v2_2                                       ID3 v2_2
28640         ID3v2_3                                       ID3 v2_3
28641         ID3v2_4                                       ID3 v2_4
28643       ID3 v1 Tags
28645         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
28646         ------   --------                             --------
28647             3    Title                                no
28648            33    Artist                               no
28649            63    Album                                no
28650            93    Year                                 no
28651            97    Comment                              no
28652           125    Track                                no
28653           127    Genre                                no
28655       ID3 v1_Enh Tags
28657       ID3 version 1 "Enhanced TAG" information (not part of the official
28658       spec).
28660         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
28661         ------   --------                             --------
28662             4    Title2                               no
28663            64    Artist2                              no
28664           124    Album2                               no
28665           184    Speed                                no
28666           185    Genre                                no
28667           215    StartTime                            no
28668           221    EndTime                              no
28670       ID3 v2_2 Tags
28672       ExifTool extracts mainly text-based tags from ID3v2 information.  The
28673       tags in the tables below are those extracted by ExifTool, and don't
28674       represent a complete list of available ID3v2 tags.
28676       ID3 version 2.2 tags.  (These are the tags written by iTunes 5.0.)
28678         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28679         ------   --------                             --------
28680         'CNT'    PlayCounter                          no
28681         'COM'    Comment                              no
28682         'GP1'    Grouping                             no
28683         'IPL'    InvolvedPeople                       no
28684         'ITU'    iTunesU?                             no
28685         'MVI'    MovementNumber                       no
28686         'MVN'    MovementName                         no
28687         'PCS'    Podcast?                             no
28688         'PIC'    Picture                              no
28689         'PIC-1'  PictureFormat                        no
28690         'PIC-2'  PictureType                          no
28691         'PIC-3'  PictureDescription                   no
28692         'POP'    Popularimeter                        no
28693         'RVA'    RelativeVolumeAdjustment             no
28694         'SLT'    SynLyrics                            ID3 SynLyrics
28695         'TAL'    Album                                no
28696         'TBP'    BeatsPerMinute                       no
28697         'TCM'    Composer                             no
28698         'TCO'    Genre                                no
28699         'TCP'    Compilation                          no
28700         'TCR'    Copyright                            no
28701         'TDA'    Date                                 no
28702         'TDY'    PlaylistDelay                        no
28703         'TEN'    EncodedBy                            no
28704         'TFT'    FileType                             no
28705         'TIM'    Time                                 no
28706         'TKE'    InitialKey                           no
28707         'TLA'    Language                             no
28708         'TLE'    Length                               no
28709         'TMT'    Media                                no
28710         'TOA'    OriginalArtist                       no
28711         'TOF'    OriginalFileName                     no
28712         'TOL'    OriginalLyricist                     no
28713         'TOR'    OriginalReleaseYear                  no
28714         'TOT'    OriginalAlbum                        no
28715         'TP1'    Artist                               no
28716         'TP2'    Band                                 no
28717         'TP3'    Conductor                            no
28718         'TP4'    InterpretedBy                        no
28719         'TPA'    PartOfSet                            no
28720         'TPB'    Publisher                            no
28721         'TRC'    ISRC                                 no
28722         'TRD'    RecordingDates                       no
28723         'TRK'    Track                                no
28724         'TS2'    AlbumArtistSortOrder                 no
28725         'TSA'    AlbumSortOrder                       no
28726         'TSC'    ComposerSortOrder                    no
28727         'TSI'    Size                                 no
28728         'TSP'    PerformerSortOrder                   no
28729         'TSS'    EncoderSettings                      no
28730         'TST'    TitleSortOrder                       no
28731         'TT1'    Grouping                             no
28732         'TT2'    Title                                no
28733         'TT3'    Subtitle                             no
28734         'TXT'    Lyricist                             no
28735         'TXX'    UserDefinedText                      no
28736         'TYE'    Year                                 no
28737         'ULT'    Lyrics                               no
28738         'WAF'    FileURL                              no
28739         'WAR'    ArtistURL                            no
28740         'WAS'    SourceURL                            no
28741         'WCM'    CommercialURL                        no
28742         'WCP'    CopyrightURL                         no
28743         'WPB'    PublisherURL                         no
28744         'WXX'    UserDefinedURL                       no
28746       ID3 SynLyrics Tags
28748       The following tags are extracted from synchronized lyrics/text frames.
28750         Tag Name                                      Writable
28751         --------                                      --------
28752         SynchronizedLyricsDescription                 no
28753         SynchronizedLyricsText                        no+
28754         SynchronizedLyricsType                        no
28756       ID3 v2_3 Tags
28758       ID3 version 2.3 tags.  Includes some non-standard tags written by other
28759       software.
28761         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28762         ------   --------                             --------
28763         'APIC'   Picture                              no
28764         'APIC-1' PictureMIMEType                      no
28765         'APIC-2' PictureType                          no
28766         'APIC-3' PictureDescription                   no
28767         'COMM'   Comment                              no
28768         'GEOB'   GeneralEncapsulatedObject            ID3 GEOB
28769         'GRP1'   Grouping                             no
28770         'IPLS'   InvolvedPeople                       no
28771         'ITNU'   iTunesU?                             no
28772         'MCDI'   MusicCDIdentifier                    no
28773         'MVIN'   MovementNumber                       no
28774         'MVNM'   MovementName                         no
28775         'OWNE'   Ownership                            no
28776         'PCNT'   PlayCounter                          no
28777         'PCST'   Podcast?                             no
28778         'POPM'   Popularimeter                        no
28779         'PRIV'   Private                              ID3 Private
28780         'SYLT'   SynLyrics                            ID3 SynLyrics
28781         'TALB'   Album                                no
28782         'TBPM'   BeatsPerMinute                       no
28783         'TCAT'   PodcastCategory                      no
28784         'TCMP'   Compilation                          no
28785         'TCOM'   Composer                             no
28786         'TCON'   Genre                                no
28787         'TCOP'   Copyright                            no
28788         'TDAT'   Date                                 no
28789         'TDES'   PodcastDescription                   no
28790         'TDLY'   PlaylistDelay                        no
28791         'TENC'   EncodedBy                            no
28792         'TEXT'   Lyricist                             no
28793         'TFLT'   FileType                             no
28794         'TGID'   PodcastID                            no
28795         'TIME'   Time                                 no
28796         'TIT1'   Grouping                             no
28797         'TIT2'   Title                                no
28798         'TIT3'   Subtitle                             no
28799         'TKEY'   InitialKey                           no
28800         'TKWD'   PodcastKeywords                      no
28801         'TLAN'   Language                             no
28802         'TLEN'   Length                               no
28803         'TMED'   Media                                no
28804         'TOAL'   OriginalAlbum                        no
28805         'TOFN'   OriginalFileName                     no
28806         'TOLY'   OriginalLyricist                     no
28807         'TOPE'   OriginalArtist                       no
28808         'TORY'   OriginalReleaseYear                  no
28809         'TOWN'   FileOwner                            no
28810         'TPE1'   Artist                               no
28811         'TPE2'   Band                                 no
28812         'TPE3'   Conductor                            no
28813         'TPE4'   InterpretedBy                        no
28814         'TPOS'   PartOfSet                            no
28815         'TPUB'   Publisher                            no
28816         'TRCK'   Track                                no
28817         'TRDA'   RecordingDates                       no
28818         'TRSN'   InternetRadioStationName             no
28819         'TRSO'   InternetRadioStationOwner            no
28820         'TSIZ'   Size                                 no
28821         'TSO2'   AlbumArtistSortOrder                 no
28822         'TSOC'   ComposerSortOrder                    no
28823         'TSRC'   ISRC                                 no
28824         'TSSE'   EncoderSettings                      no
28825         'TXXX'   UserDefinedText                      no
28826         'TYER'   Year                                 no
28827         'USER'   TermsOfUse                           no
28828         'USLT'   Lyrics                               no
28829         'WCOM'   CommercialURL                        no
28830         'WCOP'   CopyrightURL                         no
28831         'WFED'   PodcastURL                           no
28832         'WOAF'   FileURL                              no
28833         'WOAR'   ArtistURL                            no
28834         'WOAS'   SourceURL                            no
28835         'WORS'   InternetRadioStationURL              no
28836         'WPAY'   PaymentURL                           no
28837         'WPUB'   PublisherURL                         no
28838         'WXXX'   UserDefinedURL                       no
28839         'XDOR'   OriginalReleaseTime                  no
28840         'XOLY'   OlympusDSS                           Olympus DSS
28841         'XSOA'   AlbumSortOrder                       no
28842         'XSOP'   PerformerSortOrder                   no
28843         'XSOT'   TitleSortOrder                       no
28845       ID3 GEOB Tags
28847         Tag ID                              Tag Name  Writable
28848         ------                              --------  --------
28849         'GEOB-Data'                         GEOB-Data no
28850         'GEOB-Desc'                         GEOB-Desc no
28851         'GEOB-File'                         GEOB-File no
28852         'GEOB-Mime'                         GEOB-Mime no
28853         'application/x-c2pa-manifest-store' JUMBF     Jpeg2000
28855       ID3 Private Tags
28857       ID3 private (PRIV) tags.  ExifTool will decode any private tags found,
28858       even if they do not appear in this table.
28860         Tag Name                                      Writable
28861         --------                                      --------
28862         AverageLevel                                  no
28863         PeakValue                                     no
28864         WM_CollectionGroupID                          no
28865         WM_CollectionID                               no
28866         WM_ContentID                                  no
28867         WM_MediaClassPrimaryID                        no
28868         WM_MediaClassSecondaryID                      no
28869         WM_Provider                                   no
28870         XMP                                           XMP
28872       ID3 v2_4 Tags
28874       ID3 version 2.4 tags.  Includes some non-standard tags written by other
28875       software.
28877         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28878         ------   --------                             --------
28879         'APIC'   Picture                              no
28880         'APIC-1' PictureMIMEType                      no
28881         'APIC-2' PictureType                          no
28882         'APIC-3' PictureDescription                   no
28883         'COMM'   Comment                              no
28884         'GEOB'   GeneralEncapsulatedObject            ID3 GEOB
28885         'GRP1'   Grouping                             no
28886         'ITNU'   iTunesU?                             no
28887         'MCDI'   MusicCDIdentifier                    no
28888         'MVIN'   MovementNumber                       no
28889         'MVNM'   MovementName                         no
28890         'OWNE'   Ownership                            no
28891         'PCNT'   PlayCounter                          no
28892         'PCST'   Podcast?                             no
28893         'POPM'   Popularimeter                        no
28894         'PRIV'   Private                              ID3 Private
28895         'RVA2'   RelativeVolumeAdjustment             no
28896         'SYLT'   SynLyrics                            ID3 SynLyrics
28897         'TALB'   Album                                no
28898         'TBPM'   BeatsPerMinute                       no
28899         'TCAT'   PodcastCategory                      no
28900         'TCMP'   Compilation                          no
28901         'TCOM'   Composer                             no
28902         'TCON'   Genre                                no
28903         'TCOP'   Copyright                            no
28904         'TDEN'   EncodingTime                         no
28905         'TDES'   PodcastDescription                   no
28906         'TDLY'   PlaylistDelay                        no
28907         'TDOR'   OriginalReleaseTime                  no
28908         'TDRC'   RecordingTime                        no
28909         'TDRL'   ReleaseTime                          no
28910         'TDTG'   TaggingTime                          no
28911         'TENC'   EncodedBy                            no
28912         'TEXT'   Lyricist                             no
28913         'TFLT'   FileType                             no
28914         'TGID'   PodcastID                            no
28915         'TIPL'   InvolvedPeople                       no
28916         'TIT1'   Grouping                             no
28917         'TIT2'   Title                                no
28918         'TIT3'   Subtitle                             no
28919         'TKEY'   InitialKey                           no
28920         'TKWD'   PodcastKeywords                      no
28921         'TLAN'   Language                             no
28922         'TLEN'   Length                               no
28923         'TMCL'   MusicianCredits                      no
28924         'TMED'   Media                                no
28925         'TMOO'   Mood                                 no
28926         'TOAL'   OriginalAlbum                        no
28927         'TOFN'   OriginalFileName                     no
28928         'TOLY'   OriginalLyricist                     no
28929         'TOPE'   OriginalArtist                       no
28930         'TOWN'   FileOwner                            no
28931         'TPE1'   Artist                               no
28932         'TPE2'   Band                                 no
28933         'TPE3'   Conductor                            no
28934         'TPE4'   InterpretedBy                        no
28935         'TPOS'   PartOfSet                            no
28936         'TPRO'   ProducedNotice                       no
28937         'TPUB'   Publisher                            no
28938         'TRCK'   Track                                no
28939         'TRSN'   InternetRadioStationName             no
28940         'TRSO'   InternetRadioStationOwner            no
28941         'TSO2'   AlbumArtistSortOrder                 no
28942         'TSOA'   AlbumSortOrder                       no
28943         'TSOC'   ComposerSortOrder                    no
28944         'TSOP'   PerformerSortOrder                   no
28945         'TSOT'   TitleSortOrder                       no
28946         'TSRC'   ISRC                                 no
28947         'TSSE'   EncoderSettings                      no
28948         'TSST'   SetSubtitle                          no
28949         'TXXX'   UserDefinedText                      no
28950         'USER'   TermsOfUse                           no
28951         'USLT'   Lyrics                               no
28952         'WCOM'   CommercialURL                        no
28953         'WCOP'   CopyrightURL                         no
28954         'WFED'   PodcastURL                           no
28955         'WOAF'   FileURL                              no
28956         'WOAR'   ArtistURL                            no
28957         'WOAS'   SourceURL                            no
28958         'WORS'   InternetRadioStationURL              no
28959         'WPAY'   PaymentURL                           no
28960         'WPUB'   PublisherURL                         no
28961         'WXXX'   UserDefinedURL                       no
28962         'XDOR'   OriginalReleaseTime                  no
28963         'XOLY'   OlympusDSS                           Olympus DSS
28964         'XSOA'   AlbumSortOrder                       no
28965         'XSOP'   PerformerSortOrder                   no
28966         'XSOT'   TitleSortOrder                       no
28968       ID3 Lyrics3 Tags
28970       ExifTool extracts Lyrics3 version 1.00 and 2.00 tags from any file that
28971       supports ID3.  See <https://id3.org/Lyrics3> for the specification.
28973         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28974         ------   --------                             --------
28975         'AUT'    Author                               no
28976         'CRC'    CRC                                  no
28977         'EAL'    ExtendedAlbumName                    no
28978         'EAR'    ExtendedArtistName                   no
28979         'ETT'    ExtendedTrackTitle                   no
28980         'IMG'    AssociatedImageFile                  no
28981         'IND'    Indications                          no
28982         'INF'    AdditionalInfo                       no
28983         'LYR'    Lyrics                               no
28985   ITC Tags
28986       This information is found in iTunes Cover Flow data files.
28988         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
28989         ------   --------                             --------
28990         'data'   ImageData                            no
28991         'itch'   Itch                                 ITC Header
28992         'item'   Item                                 ITC Item
28994       ITC Header Tags
28996         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
28997         ------   --------                             --------
28998            16    DataType                             no
29000       ITC Item Tags
29002         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
29003         ------   --------                             --------
29004             0    LibraryID                            no
29005             2    TrackID                              no
29006             4    DataLocation                         no
29007             5    ImageType                            no
29008             7    ImageWidth                           no
29009             8    ImageHeight                          no
29011   QuickTime Tags
29012       The QuickTime format is used for many different types of audio, video
29013       and image files (most notably, MOV/MP4 videos and HEIC/CR3 images).
29014       ExifTool extracts standard meta information and a variety of audio,
29015       video and image parameters, as well as proprietary information written
29016       by many camera models.  Tags with a question mark after their name are
29017       not extracted unless the Unknown option is set.
29019       When writing, ExifTool creates both QuickTime and XMP tags by default,
29020       but the group may be specified to write one or the other separately.
29021       If no location is specified, newly created QuickTime tags are added in
29022       the ItemList location if possible, otherwise in UserData, and finally
29023       in Keys, but this order may be changed by setting the PREFERRED level
29024       of the appropriate table in the config file (see example.config in the
29025       full distribution for an example).  Note that some tags with the same
29026       name but different ID's may exist in the same location, but the family
29027       7 group names may be used to differentiate these.  ExifTool currently
29028       writes only top-level metadata in QuickTime-based files; it extracts
29029       other track-specific and timed metadata, but can not yet edit tags in
29030       these locations (with the exception of track-level date/time tags).
29032       Beware that the Keys tags are actually stored inside the ItemList in
29033       the file, so deleting the ItemList group as a block (ie.
29034       "-ItemList:all=") also deletes Keys tags.  Instead, to preserve Keys
29035       tags the ItemList tags may be deleted individually with
29036       "-QuickTime:ItemList:all=".
29038       Alternate language tags may be accessed for ItemList and Keys tags by
29039       adding a 3-character ISO 639-2 language code and an optional ISO 3166-1
29040       alpha 2 country code to the tag name (eg. "ItemList:Artist-deu" or
29041       "ItemList::Artist-deu-DE").  Most UserData tags support a language
29042       code, but without a country code.  If no language code is specified
29043       when writing, the default language is written and alternate languages
29044       for the tag are deleted.  Use the "und" language code to write the
29045       default language without deleting alternate languages.  Note that "eng"
29046       is treated as a default language when reading, but not when writing.
29048       According to the specification, integer-format QuickTime date/time tags
29049       should be stored as UTC.  Unfortunately, digital cameras often store
29050       local time values instead (presumably because they don't know the time
29051       zone).  For this reason, by default ExifTool does not assume a time
29052       zone for these values.  However, if the API QuickTimeUTC option is set,
29053       then ExifTool will assume these values are properly stored as UTC, and
29054       will convert them to local time when extracting.
29056       When writing string-based date/time tags, the system time zone is added
29057       if the PrintConv option is enabled and no time zone is specified.  This
29058       is because Apple software may display crazy values if the time zone is
29059       missing for some tags.
29061       By default ExifTool will remove null padding from some QuickTime
29062       containers in Canon CR3 files when writing, but the QuickTimePad option
29063       may be used to preserve the original size by padding with nulls if
29064       necessary.
29066       See
29067       <https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/>
29068       for the official specification.
29070         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
29071         ------               --------                 --------
29072         'GPS '               GPSDataList2?            no
29073         'IDIT'               DateTimeOriginal         string
29074         'PICT'               PreviewPICT              no
29075         '_htc'               HTCInfo                  QuickTime HTCInfo
29076         'ardt'               ARDroneFile              no
29077         'frea'               Kodak_frea               Kodak frea
29078         'free'               KodakFree                Kodak Free
29079                              Pittasoft                QuickTime Pittasoft
29080                              ThumbnailImage           no
29081                              Free?                    no
29082         'ftyp'               FileType                 QuickTime FileType
29083         'gps0'               GPSTrack                 QuickTime Stream
29084         'gsen'               GSensor                  QuickTime Stream
29085         'junk'               Junk?                    no
29086         'mdat'               MediaData?               no
29087         'mdat-offset'        MediaDataOffset          no
29088         'mdat-size'          MediaDataSize            no
29089         'meco'               OtherMeta                QuickTime OtherMeta
29090         'meta'               Meta                     QuickTime Meta
29091         'moof'               MovieFragment            QuickTime MovieFragment
29092         'moov'               Movie                    QuickTime Movie
29093         'mpvd'               MotionPhotoVideo         yes
29094         'pict'               PreviewPICT              no
29095         'pnot'               Preview                  QuickTime Preview
29096         'prrt'               ARDroneTelemetry         no
29097         'sefd'               SamsungTrailer           Samsung Trailer
29098         'skip'               CanonSkip                Canon Skip
29099                              PreviewImage             no
29100                              SkipInfo                 -
29101                              Skip?                    no
29102         'thm '               ThumbnailImage           no
29103         'thum'               ThumbnailImage           no
29104         'udat'               GPSLog                   no
29105         'udta'               KenwoodData              QuickTime Stream
29106                              FLIRData                 FLIR UserData
29107         'uuid'               XMP                      XMP
29108                              UUID-PROF                QuickTime Profile
29109                              UUID-Flip                QuickTime Flip
29110                              UUID-Canon2              Canon uuid2
29111                              SensorData               QuickTime Tags360Fly
29112                              JUMBF                    Jpeg2000
29113                              CBOR                     CBOR
29114                              SensorData               no
29115                              PreviewImage             no
29116                              UUID-Unknown?            no
29117         'wide'               Wide?                    no
29119       QuickTime Stream Tags
29121       The tags below are extracted from timed metadata in QuickTime and other
29122       formats of video files when the ExtractEmbedded option is used.
29123       Although most of these tags are combined into the single table below,
29124       ExifTool currently reads 66 different formats of timed GPS metadata
29125       from video files.
29127         Tag Name                                      Writable
29128         --------                                      --------
29129         Accelerometer                                 no
29130         AccelerometerData                             no
29131         AngularVelocity                               no
29132         CTMD                                          Canon CTMD
29133         CameraDateTime                                no
29134         Car                                           no
29135         Distance                                      no
29136         ExposureCompensation                          no
29137         ExposureTime                                  no
29138         FNumber                                       no
29139         FrameNumber                                   no
29140         GPSAltitude                                   no
29141         GPSDOP                                        no
29142         GPSDateTime                                   no
29143         GPSLatitude                                   no
29144         GPSLongitude                                  no
29145         GPSSatellites                                 no
29146         GPSSpeed                                      no
29147         GPSSpeedRef                                   no
29148         GPSTimeStamp                                  no
29149         GPSTrack                                      no
29150         GPSTrackRef                                   no
29151         GSensor                                       no
29152         INSV                                          QuickTime INSV_MakerNotes
29153         ISO                                           no
29154         JpgFromRaw                                    no
29155         KiloCalories                                  no
29156         PreviewInfo                                   QuickTime PreviewInfo
29157         RVMI_gReV                                     QuickTime RVMI_gReV
29158         RVMI_sReV                                     QuickTime RVMI_sReV
29159         RawGSensor                                    no
29160         SampleDateTime                                no
29161         SampleDuration                                no
29162         SampleTime                                    no
29163         Text                                          no
29164         TimeCode                                      no
29165         Unknown00?                                    no
29166         Unknown01?                                    no
29167         Unknown02?                                    no
29168         Unknown03?                                    no
29169         UserLabel                                     no
29170         VerticalSpeed                                 no
29171         VideoTimeStamp                                no
29172         camm0                                         QuickTime camm0
29173         camm1                                         QuickTime camm1
29174         camm2                                         QuickTime camm2
29175         camm3                                         QuickTime camm3
29176         camm4                                         QuickTime camm4
29177         camm5                                         QuickTime camm5
29178         camm6                                         QuickTime camm6
29179         camm7                                         QuickTime camm7
29180         fdsc                                          GoPro fdsc
29181         gpmd_Kingslim                                 QuickTime Stream
29182         gpmd_Rove                                     QuickTime Stream
29183         gpmd_FMAS                                     QuickTime Stream
29184         gpmd_GoPro                                    GoPro GPMF
29185         marl                                          QuickTime marl
29186         mebx                                          QuickTime Keys
29187         mett                                          Parrot mett
29188         rtmd                                          Sony rtmd
29189         tx3g                                          QuickTime tx3g
29191       QuickTime INSV_MakerNotes Tags
29193         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29194         ------   --------                             --------
29195         0x000a   SerialNumber                         no
29196         0x0012   Model                                no
29197         0x001a   Firmware                             no
29198         0x002a   Parameters                           no
29200       QuickTime PreviewInfo Tags
29202       Preview stored by TomTom Bandit ActionCam.
29204         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29205         ------   --------                             --------
29206             8    PreviewImage                         no
29208       QuickTime RVMI_gReV Tags
29210       GPS information extracted from the RVMI box of MOV videos.
29212         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29213         ------   --------                             --------
29214             4    GPSLatitude                          no
29215             8    GPSLongitude                         no
29216            16    GPSSpeed                             no
29217            18    GPSTrack                             no
29219       QuickTime RVMI_sReV Tags
29221       G-sensor information extracted from the RVMI box of MOV videos.
29223         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29224         ------   --------                             --------
29225             4    GSensor                              no
29227       QuickTime camm0 Tags
29229       The camm0 through camm7 tables define tags extracted from the Google
29230       Street View Camera Motion Metadata of MP4 videos.  See
29231       <https://developers.google.com/streetview/publish/camm-spec> for the
29232       specification.
29234         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29235         ------   --------                             --------
29236         0x0004   AngleAxis                            no
29238       QuickTime camm1 Tags
29240         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29241         ------   --------                             --------
29242         0x0004   PixelExposureTime                    no
29243         0x0008   RollingShutterSkewTime               no
29245       QuickTime camm2 Tags
29247         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29248         ------   --------                             --------
29249         0x0004   AngularVelocity                      no
29251       QuickTime camm3 Tags
29253         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29254         ------   --------                             --------
29255         0x0004   Acceleration                         no
29257       QuickTime camm4 Tags
29259         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29260         ------   --------                             --------
29261         0x0004   Position                             no
29263       QuickTime camm5 Tags
29265         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29266         ------   --------                             --------
29267         0x0004   GPSLatitude                          no
29268         0x000c   GPSLongitude                         no
29269         0x0014   GPSAltitude                          no
29271       QuickTime camm6 Tags
29273         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29274         ------   --------                             --------
29275         0x0004   GPSDateTime                          no
29276         0x000c   GPSMeasureMode                       no
29277         0x0010   GPSLatitude                          no
29278         0x0018   GPSLongitude                         no
29279         0x0020   GPSAltitude                          no
29280         0x0024   GPSHorizontalAccuracy                no
29281         0x0028   GPSVerticalAccuracy                  no
29282         0x002c   GPSVelocityEast                      no
29283         0x0030   GPSVelocityNorth                     no
29284         0x0034   GPSVelocityUp                        no
29285         0x0038   GPSSpeedAccuracy                     no
29287       QuickTime camm7 Tags
29289         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29290         ------   --------                             --------
29291         0x0004   MagneticField                        no
29293       QuickTime marl Tags
29295       Tags extracted from the marl ctbx timed metadata of GM cars.
29297         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29298         ------   --------                             --------
29299         [no tags known]
29301       QuickTime Keys Tags
29303       This directory contains a list of key names which are used to decode
29304       tags written by the "mdta" handler.  Also in this table are a few tags
29305       found in timed metadata that are not yet writable by ExifTool.  The
29306       prefix of "com.apple.quicktime." has been removed from the TagID's
29307       below.  These tags support alternate languages in the same way as the
29308       ItemList tags.  Note that by default, ItemList and UserData tags are
29309       preferred when writing, so to create a tag when a same-named tag exists
29310       in either of these tables, either the "Keys" location must be specified
29311       (eg.  "-Keys:Author=Phil" on the command line), or the PREFERRED level
29312       must be changed via the config file.
29314         Tag ID        Tag Name                        Writable
29315         ------        --------                        --------
29316         'Encoded_With' EncodedWith                    yes
29317         'album'       Album                           yes
29318         'apple.photos.variation-identifier'
29319                       ApplePhotosVariationIdentifier  int64s
29320         'artist'      Artist                          yes
29321         'artwork'     Artwork                         yes
29322         'author'      Author                          yes
29323         'camera.framereadouttimeinmicroseconds'
29324                       FrameReadoutTime                yes
29325         'camera.identifier' CameraIdentifier          yes
29326         'collection.user' UserCollection              yes
29327         'com.android.version' AndroidVersion          yes
29328         'com.apple.photos.captureMode' CaptureMode    yes
29329         'comment'     Comment                         yes
29330         'content.identifier' ContentIdentifier        yes
29331         'copyright'   Copyright                       yes
29332         'creationdate' CreationDate                   yes
29333         'description' Description                     yes
29334         'detected-face' FaceInfo                      QuickTime FaceInfo
29335         'detected-face.bounds' DetectedFaceBounds     no
29336         'detected-face.face-id' DetectedFaceID        no
29337         'detected-face.roll-angle'
29338                       DetectedFaceRollAngle           no
29339         'detected-face.yaw-angle'
29340                       DetectedFaceYawAngle            no
29341         'direction.facing' CameraDirection            yes
29342         'direction.motion' CameraMotion               yes
29343         'director'    Director                        yes
29344         'displayname' DisplayName                     yes
29345         'genre'       Genre                           yes
29346         'information' Information                     yes
29347         'keywords'    Keywords                        yes
29348         'live-photo-info' LivePhotoInfo               no
29349         'live-photo.auto' LivePhotoAuto               int8u
29350         'live-photo.vitality-score'
29351                       LivePhotoVitalityScore          float
29352         'live-photo.vitality-scoring-version'
29353                       LivePhotoVitalityScoringVersion int64s
29354         'location.ISO6709' GPSCoordinates             yes
29355         'location.accuracy.horizontal'
29356                       LocationAccuracyHorizontal      yes
29357         'location.body' LocationBody                  yes
29358         'location.date' LocationDate                  yes
29359         'location.name' LocationName                  yes
29360         'location.note' LocationNote                  yes
29361         'location.role' LocationRole                  yes
29362         'make'        Make                            yes
29363         'model'       Model                           yes
29364         'player.movie.audio.balance' Balance          yes
29365         'player.movie.audio.bass' Bass                yes
29366         'player.movie.audio.gain' AudioGain           yes
29367         'player.movie.audio.mute' Mute                int8u
29368         'player.movie.audio.pitchshift' PitchShift    yes
29369         'player.movie.audio.treble' Treble            yes
29370         'player.movie.visual.brightness' Brightness   yes
29371         'player.movie.visual.color' Color             yes
29372         'player.movie.visual.contrast' Contrast       yes
29373         'player.movie.visual.tint' Tint               yes
29374         'player.version' PlayerVersion                yes
29375         'producer'    Producer                        yes
29376         'publisher'   Publisher                       yes
29377         'rating.user' UserRating                      yes
29378         'software'    Software                        yes
29379         'still-image-time' StillImageTime             no
29380         'title'       Title                           yes
29381         'version'     Version                         yes
29382         'video-orientation' VideoOrientation          no
29383         'year'        Year                            yes
29385       QuickTime FaceInfo Tags
29387         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29388         ------   --------                             --------
29389         'crec'   FaceRec                              QuickTime FaceRec
29391       QuickTime FaceRec Tags
29393         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29394         ------   --------                             --------
29395         'cits'   FaceItem                             QuickTime Keys
29397       QuickTime tx3g Tags
29399       Tags extracted from the tx3g sbtl timed metadata of Yuneec drones, and
29400       subtitle text in some other videos.
29402         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
29403         ------       --------                         --------
29404         'Alt'        GPSAltitude                      no
29405         'DateTime'   DateTime                         no
29406         'GimPitch'   GimbalPitch                      no
29407         'GimRoll'    GimbalRoll                       no
29408         'GimYaw'     GimbalYaw                        no
29409         'Lat'        GPSLatitude                      no
29410         'Lon'        GPSLongitude                     no
29411         'Pitch'      Pitch                            no
29412         'Roll'       Roll                             no
29413         'Text'       Text                             no
29414         'Yaw'        Yaw                              no
29416       QuickTime HTCInfo Tags
29418       Tags written by some HTC camera phones.
29420         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29421         ------   --------                             --------
29422         'slmt'   Unknown_slmt?                        no
29424       QuickTime Pittasoft Tags
29426       Tags found in Pittasoft Blackvue dashcam "free" data.
29428         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29429         ------   --------                             --------
29430         '3gf '   AccelData                            QuickTime Stream
29431         'cprt'   Copyright                            no
29432         'gps '   GPSLog                               no
29433         'ptnm'   OriginalFileName                     no
29434         'ptrh'   Ptrh                                 QuickTime Pittasoft
29435         'sttm'   StartTime                            no
29436         'thum'   PreviewImage                         no
29438       QuickTime FileType Tags
29440         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
29441         ------   --------                             --------
29442             0    MajorBrand                           no
29443             1    MinorVersion                         no
29444             2    CompatibleBrands                     no
29446       QuickTime OtherMeta Tags
29448         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29449         ------   --------                             --------
29450         'mere'   MetaRelation                         QuickTime MetaRelation
29451         'meta'   Meta                                 QuickTime Meta
29453       QuickTime MetaRelation Tags
29455         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
29456         ------   --------                             --------
29457         [no tags known]
29459       QuickTime Meta Tags
29461         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29462         ------   --------                             --------
29463         'bxml'   BinaryXML?                           no
29464         'dinf'   DataInfo                             QuickTime DataInfo
29465         'free'   Free?                                no
29466         'hdlr'   Handler                              QuickTime Handler
29467         'idat'   MetaImageSize                        no
29468         'iinf'   ItemInformation                      QuickTime ItemInfo
29469                                                       QuickTime ItemInfo
29470         'iloc'   ItemLocation                         no
29471         'ilst'   ItemList                             QuickTime ItemList
29472         'ipmc'   IPMPControl?                         no
29473         'ipro'   ItemProtection?                      no
29474         'iprp'   ItemProperties                       QuickTime ItemProp
29475         'iref'   ItemReference                        QuickTime ItemRef
29476         'keys'   Keys                                 QuickTime Keys
29477         'pitm'   PrimaryItemReference                 no
29478         'uuid'   MetaVersion                          no
29479                  UUID-Unknown?                        no
29480         'xml '   XML                                  XMP XML
29482       QuickTime DataInfo Tags
29484       MP4 data information box.
29486         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29487         ------   --------                             --------
29488         'dref'   DataRef                              QuickTime DataRef
29490       QuickTime DataRef Tags
29492       MP4 data reference box.
29494         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29495         ------   --------                             --------
29496         "url\0"  URL                                  no
29497         'url '   URL                                  no
29498         'urn '   URN                                  no
29500       QuickTime Handler Tags
29502         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29503         ------   --------                             --------
29504             4    HandlerClass                         no
29505             8    HandlerType                          no
29506            12    HandlerVendorID                      no
29507            24    HandlerDescription                   no
29509       QuickTime ItemInfo Tags
29511         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29512         ------   --------                             --------
29513         'infe'   ItemInfoEntry                        no
29515       QuickTime ItemList Tags
29517       This is the preferred location for creating new QuickTime tags.  Tags
29518       in this table support alternate languages which are accessed by adding
29519       a 3-character ISO 639-2 language code and an optional ISO 3166-1 alpha
29520       2 country code to the tag name (eg. "ItemList:Title-fra" or
29521       "ItemList::Title-fra-FR").  When creating a new Meta box to contain the
29522       ItemList directory, by default ExifTool adds an 'mdir' (Metadata)
29523       Handler box because Apple software may ignore ItemList tags otherwise,
29524       but the API QuickTimeHandler option may be set to 0 to avoid this.
29526         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
29527         ------       --------                         --------
29528         '----'       iTunesInfo                       QuickTime iTunesInfo
29529         '@PST'       ParentShortTitle                 string
29530         '@ppi'       ParentProductID                  string
29531         '@pti'       ParentTitle                      string
29532         '@sti'       ShortTitle                       string
29533         'AACR'       Unknown_AACR?                    string
29534         'CDEK'       Unknown_CDEK?                    string
29535         'CDET'       Unknown_CDET?                    string
29536         'GUID'       GUID                             string
29537         'VERS'       ProductVersion                   string
29538         'aART'       AlbumArtist                      string
29539         'akID'       AppleStoreAccountType            int8s
29540         'albm'       Album                            string/
29541         'apID'       AppleStoreAccount                string
29542         'atID'       ArtistID                         int32s
29543         'auth'       Author                           string
29544         'catg'       Category                         string
29545         'cmID'       ComposerID                       string
29546         'cnID'       AppleStoreCatalogID              int32s
29547         'covr'       CoverArt                         string
29548         'cpil'       Compilation                      int8s
29549         'cprt'       Copyright                        string
29550         'desc'       Description                      string/
29551         'disk'       DiskNumber                       undef
29552         'dscp'       Description                      string/
29553         'egid'       EpisodeGlobalUniqueID            string
29554         'geID'       GenreID                          int32s
29555         'gnre'       Genre                            undef/
29556         'grup'       Grouping                         string/
29557         'gshh'       GoogleHostHeader                 string
29558         'gspm'       GooglePingMessage                string
29559         'gspu'       GooglePingURL                    string
29560         'gssd'       GoogleSourceData                 string
29561         'gsst'       GoogleStartTime                  string
29562         'gstd'       GoogleTrackDuration              string
29563         'hdvd'       HDVideo                          int8s
29564         'itnu'       iTunesU                          int8s
29565         'keyw'       Keyword                          string
29566         'ldes'       LongDescription                  string
29567         'ownr'       Owner                            string
29568         'pcst'       Podcast                          int8s
29569         'perf'       Performer                        string
29570         'pgap'       PlayGap                          int8s
29571         'plID'       AlbumID                          int32s[2]
29572         'prID'       ProductID                        string
29573         'purd'       PurchaseDate                     string
29574         'purl'       PodcastURL                       string
29575         'rate'       RatingPercent                    string
29576         'rldt'       ReleaseDate                      string
29577         'rtng'       Rating                           int8s
29578         'sdes'       StoreDescription                 string
29579         'sfID'       AppleStoreCountry                int32s
29580         'shwm'       ShowMovement                     int8s
29581         'soaa'       SortAlbumArtist                  string
29582         'soal'       SortAlbum                        string
29583         'soar'       SortArtist                       string
29584         'soco'       SortComposer                     string
29585         'sonm'       SortName                         string
29586         'sosn'       SortShow                         string
29587         'stik'       MediaType                        int8s
29588         'titl'       Title                            string/
29589         'tmpo'       BeatsPerMinute                   int16s
29590         'trkn'       TrackNumber                      undef
29591         'tven'       TVEpisodeID                      string
29592         'tves'       TVEpisode                        int32s
29593         'tvnn'       TVNetworkName                    string
29594         'tvsh'       TVShow                           string
29595         'tvsn'       TVSeason                         int32u
29596         'xid '       ISRC                             string
29597         'yrrc'       Year                             string
29598         "\xa9ART"    Artist                           string
29599         "\xa9alb"    Album                            string
29600         "\xa9ard"    ArtDirector                      string
29601         "\xa9arg"    Arranger                         string
29602         "\xa9aut"    Author                           string/
29603         "\xa9cmt"    Comment                          string
29604         "\xa9com"    Composer                         string/
29605         "\xa9con"    Conductor                        string
29606         "\xa9cpy"    Copyright                        string/
29607         "\xa9day"    ContentCreateDate                string
29608         "\xa9des"    Description                      string
29609         "\xa9dir"    Director                         string
29610         "\xa9enc"    EncodedBy                        string
29611         "\xa9gen"    Genre                            string
29612         "\xa9grp"    Grouping                         string
29613         "\xa9lyr"    Lyrics                           string
29614         "\xa9mvc"    MovementCount                    int16s
29615         "\xa9mvi"    MovementNumber                   int16s
29616         "\xa9mvn"    MovementName                     string
29617         "\xa9nam"    Title                            string
29618         "\xa9nrt"    Narrator                         string
29619         "\xa9ope"    OriginalArtist                   string
29620         "\xa9prd"    Producer                         string
29621         "\xa9pub"    Publisher                        string
29622         "\xa9sne"    SoundEngineer                    string
29623         "\xa9sol"    Soloist                          string
29624         "\xa9st3"    Subtitle                         string
29625         "\xa9too"    Encoder                          string
29626         "\xa9trk"    Track                            string
29627         "\xa9wrk"    Work                             string
29628         "\xa9wrt"    Composer                         string
29629         "\xa9xpd"    ExecutiveProducer                string
29630         "\xa9xyz"    GPSCoordinates                   string
29632       QuickTime iTunesInfo Tags
29634       ExifTool will extract any iTunesInfo tags that exist, even if they are
29635       not defined in this table.  These tags belong to the family 1 "iTunes"
29636       group, and are not currently writable.
29638         Tag ID                    Tag Name            Writable
29639         ------                    --------            --------
29640         'ARTISTS'                 Artists             no
29641         'BARCODE'                 Barcode             no
29642         'CATALOGNUMBER'           CatalogNumber       no
29643         'DISCNUMBER'              DiscNumber          no
29644         'Dynamic Range (DR)'      DynamicRange        no
29645         'Dynamic Range (R128)'    DynamicRangeR128    no
29646         'Encoding Params'         EncodingParams      QuickTime EncodingParams
29647         'LABEL'                   Label               no
29648         'MEDIA'                   Media               no
29649         'MOOD'                    Mood                no
29650         'Peak Level (R128)'       PeakLevelR128       no
29651         'Peak Level (Sample)'     PeakLevelSample     no
29652         'RATING'                  Rating              no
29653         'SCRIPT'                  Script              no
29654         'TRACKNUMBER'             TrackNumber         no
29655         'Volume Level (R128)'     VolumeLevelR128     no
29656         'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' ReplayVolumeLevel no
29657         'iTunEXTC'                ContentRating       no
29658         'iTunMOVI'                iTunMOVI            PLIST
29659         'iTunNORM'                VolumeNormalization no
29660         'iTunSMPB'                iTunSMPB            no
29661         'iTunes_CDDB_1'           CDDB1Info           no
29662         'iTunes_CDDB_TrackNumber' CDDBTrackNumber     no
29663         'initialkey'              InitialKey          no
29664         'originaldate'            OriginalDate        no
29665         'originalyear'            OriginalYear        no
29666         'popularimeter'           Popularimeter       no
29667         'replaygain_track_gain'   ReplayTrackGain     no
29668         'replaygain_track_peak'   ReplayTrackPeak     no
29669         'tool'                    iTunTool            no
29670         '~length'                 Length              no
29672       QuickTime EncodingParams Tags
29674         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29675         ------   --------                             --------
29676         'abrt'   AudioAvailableBitRateRange           no
29677         'acbf'   AudioBitRateControlMode              no
29678         'acef'   AudioExtendFrequencies               no
29679         'brat'   AudioCurrentTargetBitRate            no
29680         'cdcv'   AudioComponentVersion                no
29681         'cmnc'   AudioAvailableNumberChannels         no
29682         'init'   AudioIsInitialized                   no
29683         'lmrc'   AudioDoesSampleRateConversion        no
29684         'mdel'   AudioMinimumDelayMode                no
29685         'mnip'   AudioMinimumNumberInputPackets       no
29686         'mnop'   AudioMinimumNumberOutputPackets      no
29687         'oppr'   AudioOutputPrecedence                no
29688         'pad0'   AudioZeroFramesPadded                no
29689         'pakb'   AudioMaximumPacketByteSize           no
29690         'pakd'   AudioRequiresPacketDescription       no
29691         'pakf'   AudioPacketFrameSize                 no
29692         'prmm'   AudioCodecPrimeMethod                no
29693         'srcq'   AudioQualitySetting                  no
29694         'tbuf'   AudioInputBufferSize                 no
29695         'ubuf'   AudioUsedInputBufferSize             no
29696         'ursr'   AudioUseRecommendedSampleRate        no
29697         'vbrq'   AudioVBRQuality                      no
29698         'vers'   AudioEncodingParamsVersion           no
29699         'vpk?'   AudioHasVariablePacketByteSizes      no
29701       QuickTime ItemProp Tags
29703         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29704         ------   --------                             --------
29705         'ipco'   ItemPropertyContainer                QuickTime ItemPropCont
29706         'ipma'   ItemPropertyAssociation              no
29708       QuickTime ItemPropCont Tags
29710         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29711         ------   --------                             --------
29712         'auxC'   AuxiliaryImageType                   no
29713         'av1C'   AV1Configuration                     QuickTime AV1Config
29714         'clap'   CleanAperture                        no
29715         'clli'   ContentLightLevel                    QuickTime ContentLightLevel
29716         'colr'   ICC_Profile                          ICC_Profile
29717                  ColorRepresentation                  QuickTime ColorRep
29718         'hvcC'   HEVCConfiguration                    QuickTime HEVCConfig
29719         'irot'   Rotation                             int8u!
29720         'ispe'   ImageSpatialExtent                   no
29721         'pasp'   PixelAspectRatio                     int32u!
29722         'pixi'   ImagePixelDepth                      no
29723         'rloc'   RelativeLocation                     no
29725       QuickTime AV1Config Tags
29727         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29728         ------   --------                             --------
29729             0    AV1ConfigurationVersion              no
29730             1    SeqProfile?                          no
29731           1.1    SeqLevelIdx0?                        no
29732             2    SeqTier0?                            no
29733           2.1    HighBitDepth?                        no
29734           2.2    TwelveBit?                           no
29735           2.3    ChromaFormat                         no
29736           2.4    ChromaSamplePosition                 no
29737             3    InitialDelaySamples?                 no
29739       QuickTime ContentLightLevel Tags
29741         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
29742         ------   --------                             --------
29743             0    MaxContentLightLevel                 no
29744             1    MaxPicAverageLightLevel              no
29746       QuickTime ColorRep Tags
29748         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29749         ------   --------                             --------
29750             0    ColorProfiles                        no
29751             4    ColorPrimaries                       no
29752             6    TransferCharacteristics              no
29753             8    MatrixCoefficients                   no
29754            10    VideoFullRangeFlag                   no
29756       QuickTime HEVCConfig Tags
29758         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29759         ------   --------                             --------
29760             0    HEVCConfigurationVersion             no
29761             1    GeneralProfileSpace                  no
29762           1.1    GeneralTierFlag                      no
29763           1.2    GeneralProfileIDC                    no
29764             2    GenProfileCompatibilityFlags         no
29765             6    ConstraintIndicatorFlags             no
29766            12    GeneralLevelIDC                      no
29767            13    MinSpatialSegmentationIDC            no
29768            15    ParallelismType                      no
29769            16    ChromaFormat                         no
29770            17    BitDepthLuma                         no
29771            18    BitDepthChroma                       no
29772            19    AverageFrameRate                     no
29773            21    ConstantFrameRate                    no
29774          21.1    NumTemporalLayers                    no
29775          21.2    TemporalIDNested                     no
29777       QuickTime ItemRef Tags
29779       The Item reference entries listed in the table below contain
29780       information about the associations between items in the file.  This
29781       information is used by ExifTool, but these entries are not extracted as
29782       tags.
29784         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29785         ------   --------                             --------
29786         'auxl'   AuxiliaryImageRef                    no
29787         'cdsc'   ContentDescribes                     no
29788         'dimg'   DerivedImageRef                      no
29789         'thmb'   ThumbnailRef                         no
29791       QuickTime MovieFragment Tags
29793         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29794         ------   --------                             --------
29795         'meta'   Meta                                 QuickTime Meta
29796         'mfhd'   MovieFragmentHeader                  QuickTime MovieFragHdr
29797         'traf'   TrackFragment                        QuickTime TrackFragment
29799       QuickTime MovieFragHdr Tags
29801         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
29802         ------   --------                             --------
29803             1    MovieFragmentSequence                no
29805       QuickTime TrackFragment Tags
29807         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29808         ------   --------                             --------
29809         'meta'   Meta                                 QuickTime Meta
29811       QuickTime Movie Tags
29813         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29814         ------   --------                             --------
29815         'cmov'   CompressedMovie                      QuickTime CMovie
29816         'gps '   GPSDataList?                         no
29817         'htka'   HTCTrack                             QuickTime Track
29818         'iods'   InitialObjectDescriptor?             no
29819         'meco'   OtherMeta                            QuickTime OtherMeta
29820         'meta'   Meta                                 QuickTime Meta
29821         'mvhd'   MovieHeader                          QuickTime MovieHeader
29822         'trak'   Track                                QuickTime Track
29823         'udta'   UserData                             QuickTime UserData
29824         'uuid'   UUID-USMT                            QuickTime UserMedia
29825                  UUID-Canon                           Canon uuid
29826                  GarminGPS                            QuickTime Stream
29827                  GarminGPS                            no
29828                  UUID-Unknown?                        no
29830       QuickTime CMovie Tags
29832         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29833         ------   --------                             --------
29834         'dcom'   Compression                          no
29836       QuickTime Track Tags
29838         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29839         ------   --------                             --------
29840         'mdia'   Media                                QuickTime Media
29841         'meco'   OtherMeta                            QuickTime OtherMeta
29842         'meta'   Meta                                 QuickTime Meta
29843         'tapt'   TrackAperture                        QuickTime TrackAperture
29844         'tkhd'   TrackHeader                          QuickTime TrackHeader
29845         'tref'   TrackRef                             QuickTime TrackRef
29846         'udta'   UserData                             QuickTime UserData
29847         'uuid'   UUID-USMT                            QuickTime UserMedia
29848                  SphericalVideoXML                    XMP
29849                  UUID-Unknown?                        no
29851       QuickTime Media Tags
29853       MP4 media box.
29855         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29856         ------   --------                             --------
29857         'hdlr'   Handler                              QuickTime Handler
29858         'mdhd'   MediaHeader                          QuickTime MediaHeader
29859         'minf'   MediaInfo                            QuickTime MediaInfo
29861       QuickTime MediaHeader Tags
29863         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
29864         ------   --------                             --------
29865             0    MediaHeaderVersion                   no
29866             1    MediaCreateDate                      int32u
29867             2    MediaModifyDate                      int32u
29868             3    MediaTimeScale                       no
29869             4    MediaDuration                        no
29870             5    MediaLanguageCode                    no
29872       QuickTime MediaInfo Tags
29874       MP4 media info box.
29876         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29877         ------   --------                             --------
29878         'dinf'   DataInfo                             QuickTime DataInfo
29879         'gmhd'   GenMediaHeader                       QuickTime GenMediaHeader
29880         'hdlr'   Handler                              QuickTime Handler
29881         'hmhd'   HintHeader                           QuickTime HintHeader
29882         'nmhd'   NullMediaHeader?                     no
29883         'smhd'   AudioHeader                          QuickTime AudioHeader
29884         'stbl'   SampleTable                          QuickTime SampleTable
29885         'vmhd'   VideoHeader                          QuickTime VideoHeader
29887       QuickTime GenMediaHeader Tags
29889         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29890         ------   --------                             --------
29891         'gmin'   GenMediaInfo                         QuickTime GenMediaInfo
29892         'text'   Text?                                no
29893         'tmcd'   TimeCode                             QuickTime TimeCode
29895       QuickTime GenMediaInfo Tags
29897         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29898         ------   --------                             --------
29899             0    GenMediaVersion                      no
29900             1    GenFlags                             no
29901             4    GenGraphicsMode                      no
29902             6    GenOpColor                           no
29903            12    GenBalance                           no
29905       QuickTime TimeCode Tags
29907         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29908         ------   --------                             --------
29909         'tcmi'   TCMediaInfo                          QuickTime TCMediaInfo
29911       QuickTime TCMediaInfo Tags
29913         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29914         ------   --------                             --------
29915             4    TextFont                             no
29916             6    TextFace                             no
29917             8    TextSize                             no
29918            12    TextColor                            no
29919            18    BackgroundColor                      no
29920            24    FontName                             no
29922       QuickTime HintHeader Tags
29924       MP4 hint media header.
29926         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
29927         ------   --------                             --------
29928             2    MaxPDUSize                           no
29929             3    AvgPDUSize                           no
29930             4    MaxBitrate                           no
29931             6    AvgBitrate                           no
29933       QuickTime AudioHeader Tags
29935       MP4 audio media header.
29937         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
29938         ------   --------                             --------
29939             2    Balance                              no
29941       QuickTime SampleTable Tags
29943       MP4 sample table box.
29945         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
29946         ------   --------                             --------
29947         'co64'   ChunkOffset64?                       no
29948         'cslg'   CompositionToDecodeTimelineMapping?  no
29949         'ctts'   CompositionTimeToSample?             no
29950         'padb'   SamplePaddingBits?                   no
29951         'sbgp'   SampleToGroup?                       no
29952         'sdtp'   IdependentAndDisposableSamples?      no
29953         'sgpd'   SampleGroupDescription?              no
29954         'stco'   ChunkOffset?                         no
29955         'stdp'   SampleDegradationPriority?           no
29956         'stps'   PartialSyncSamples                   no
29957         'stsc'   SampleToChunk?                       no
29958         'stsd'   AudioSampleDesc                      QuickTime AudioSampleDesc
29959                  VideoSampleDesc                      QuickTime ImageDesc
29960                  HintSampleDesc                       QuickTime HintSampleDesc
29961                  MetaSampleDesc                       QuickTime MetaSampleDesc
29962                  OtherSampleDesc                      QuickTime OtherSampleDesc
29963         'stsh'   ShadowSyncSampleTable?               no
29964         'stss'   SyncSampleTable?                     no
29965         'stsz'   SampleSizes?                         no
29966         'stts'   VideoFrameRate                       no
29967                  TimeToSampleTable?                   no
29968         'stz2'   CompactSampleSizes?                  no
29969         'subs'   Sub-sampleInformation?               no
29971       QuickTime AudioSampleDesc Tags
29973       MP4 audio sample description.  This hybrid atom contains both data and
29974       child atoms.
29976         ID/Index Tag Name                             Writable
29977         -------- --------                             --------
29978             4    AudioFormat                          no
29979            20    AudioVendorID                        no
29980            24    AudioChannels                        no
29981            26    AudioBitsPerSample                   no
29982            32    AudioSampleRate                      no
29983         'SA3D'   SpatialAudio                         QuickTime SpatialAudio
29984         'chan'   AudioChannelLayout                   QuickTime ChannelLayout
29985         'damr'   DecodeConfig                         QuickTime DecodeConfig
29986         'pinf'   PurchaseInfo                         QuickTime ProtectionInfo
29987         'sinf'   ProtectionInfo                       QuickTime ProtectionInfo
29988         'wave'   Wave                                 QuickTime Wave
29990       QuickTime SpatialAudio Tags
29992       Spatial Audio tags.
29994         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
29995         ------   --------                             --------
29996             0    SpatialAudioVersion                  no
29997             1    AmbisonicType                        no
29998             2    AmbisonicOrder                       no
29999             6    AmbisonicChannelOrdering             no
30000             7    AmbisonicNormalization               no
30001             8    AmbisonicChannels                    no
30002            12    AmbisonicChannelMap                  no
30004       QuickTime ChannelLayout Tags
30006       Audio channel layout.
30008         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30009         ------   --------                             --------
30010             4    LayoutFlags                          no
30011             6    AudioChannels                        no
30012             8    AudioChannelTypes                    no
30013            12    NumChannelDescriptions               no
30014            16    Channel1Label                        no
30015            20    Channel1Flags                        no
30016            24    Channel1Coordinates                  no
30017            36    Channel2Label                        no
30018            40    Channel2Flags                        no
30019            44    Channel2Coordinates                  no
30020            56    Channel3Label                        no
30021            60    Channel3Flags                        no
30022            64    Channel3Coordinates                  no
30023            76    Channel4Label                        no
30024            80    Channel4Flags                        no
30025            84    Channel4Coordinates                  no
30026            96    Channel5Label                        no
30027           100    Channel5Flags                        no
30028           104    Channel5Coordinates                  no
30029           116    Channel6Label                        no
30030           120    Channel6Flags                        no
30031           124    Channel6Coordinates                  no
30032           136    Channel7Label                        no
30033           140    Channel7Flags                        no
30034           144    Channel7Coordinates                  no
30035           156    Channel8Label                        no
30036           160    Channel8Flags                        no
30037           164    Channel8Coordinates                  no
30039       QuickTime DecodeConfig Tags
30041         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30042         ------   --------                             --------
30043             0    EncoderVendor                        no
30044             4    EncoderVersion                       no
30046       QuickTime ProtectionInfo Tags
30048       Child atoms found in "sinf" and/or "pinf" atoms.
30050         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30051         ------   --------                             --------
30052         'enda'   Endianness                           no
30053         'frma'   OriginalFormat                       no
30054         'schi'   SchemeInfo                           QuickTime SchemeInfo
30055         'schm'   SchemeType                           QuickTime SchemeType
30057       QuickTime SchemeInfo Tags
30059         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30060         ------   --------                             --------
30061         'cert'   Certificate                          no
30062         'iviv'   InitializationVector                 no
30063         'key '   KeyID                                no
30064         'name'   UserName                             no
30065         'righ'   Rights                               QuickTime Rights
30066         'user'   UserID                               no
30068       QuickTime Rights Tags
30070         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30071         ------   --------                             --------
30072         'aver'   VersionRestrictions                  no
30073         'medi'   MediaFlags                           no
30074         'mode'   ModeFlags                            no
30075         'plat'   Platform                             no
30076         'song'   ItemID                               no
30077         'tool'   ItemTool                             no
30078         'tran'   TransactionID                        no
30079         'veID'   ItemVendorID                         no
30081       QuickTime SchemeType Tags
30083         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30084         ------   --------                             --------
30085             4    SchemeType                           no
30086             8    SchemeVersion                        no
30087            10    SchemeURL                            no
30089       QuickTime Wave Tags
30091         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30092         ------   --------                             --------
30093         'enda'   Endianness                           no
30094         'frma'   PurchaseFileFormat                   no
30096       QuickTime ImageDesc Tags
30098         ID/Index Tag Name                             Writable
30099         -------- --------                             --------
30100             2    CompressorID                         no
30101            10    VendorID                             no
30102            16    SourceImageWidth                     no
30103            17    SourceImageHeight                    no
30104            18    XResolution                          no
30105            20    YResolution                          no
30106            25    CompressorName                       no
30107            41    BitDepth                             no
30108         'CDI1'   CDI1                                 Canon CDI1
30109         'CMP1'   CMP1                                 Canon CMP1
30110         'JPEG'   JPEGInfo?                            no
30111         'avcC'   AVCConfiguration?                    no
30112         'btrt'   BitrateInfo                          QuickTime Bitrate
30113         'clap'   CleanAperture                        QuickTime CleanAperture
30114         'colr'   ColorRepresentation                  QuickTime ColorRep
30115         'fiel'   VideoFieldOrder                      no
30116         'gama'   Gamma                                no
30117         'pasp'   PixelAspectRatio                     no
30118         'st3d'   Stereoscopic3D                       no
30119         'sv3d'   SphericalVideo                       QuickTime sv3d
30121       QuickTime Bitrate Tags
30123         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30124         ------   --------                             --------
30125             0    BufferSize                           no
30126             1    MaxBitrate                           no
30127             2    AverageBitrate                       no
30129       QuickTime CleanAperture Tags
30131         Index8   Tag Name                             Writable
30132         ------   --------                             --------
30133             0    CleanApertureWidth                   no
30134             1    CleanApertureHeight                  no
30135             2    CleanApertureOffsetX                 no
30136             3    CleanApertureOffsetY                 no
30138       QuickTime sv3d Tags
30140       Tags defined by the Spherical Video V2 specification.  See
30141       <https://github.com/google/spatial-media/blob/master/docs/spherical-video-v2-rfc.md>
30142       for the specification.
30144         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30145         ------   --------                             --------
30146         'proj'   Projection                           QuickTime proj
30147         'svhd'   MetadataSource                       no
30149       QuickTime proj Tags
30151         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30152         ------   --------                             --------
30153         'cbmp'   CubemapProj                          QuickTime cbmp
30154         'equi'   EquirectangularProj                  QuickTime equi
30155         'prhd'   ProjectionHeader                     QuickTime prhd
30157       QuickTime cbmp Tags
30159         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30160         ------   --------                             --------
30161             1    Layout                               no
30162             2    Padding                              no
30164       QuickTime equi Tags
30166         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30167         ------   --------                             --------
30168             1    ProjectionBoundsTop                  no
30169             2    ProjectionBoundsBottom               no
30170             3    ProjectionBoundsLeft                 no
30171             4    ProjectionBoundsRight                no
30173       QuickTime prhd Tags
30175         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30176         ------   --------                             --------
30177             1    PoseYawDegrees                       no
30178             2    PosePitchDegrees                     no
30179             3    PoseRollDegrees                      no
30181       QuickTime HintSampleDesc Tags
30183       MP4 hint sample description.
30185         ID/Index Tag Name                             Writable
30186         -------- --------                             --------
30187             4    HintFormat                           no
30188            16    HintTrackVersion                     no
30189            20    MaxPacketSize                        no
30190         'snro'   SequenceNumberRandomOffset           no
30191         'tims'   RTPTimeScale                         no
30192         'tsro'   TimestampRandomOffset                no
30194       QuickTime MetaSampleDesc Tags
30196       MP4 metadata sample description.
30198         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30199         ------   --------                             --------
30200         0x0004   MetaFormat                           no
30201         0x0008   MetaType                             no
30202         'btrt'   BitrateInfo                          QuickTime Bitrate
30203         'keys'   Keys                                 QuickTime Keys
30205       QuickTime OtherSampleDesc Tags
30207         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30208         ------   --------                             --------
30209         0x0004   OtherFormat                          no
30210         0x0018   PlaybackFrameRate                    no
30211         'ftab'   FontTable                            no
30212         'name'   OtherName                            no
30214       QuickTime VideoHeader Tags
30216       MP4 video media header.
30218         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
30219         ------   --------                             --------
30220             2    GraphicsMode                         no
30221             3    OpColor                              no
30223       QuickTime TrackAperture Tags
30225         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30226         ------   --------                             --------
30227         'clef'   CleanApertureDimensions              no
30228         'enof'   EncodedPixelsDimensions              no
30229         'prof'   ProductionApertureDimensions         no
30231       QuickTime TrackHeader Tags
30233         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30234         ------   --------                             --------
30235             0    TrackHeaderVersion                   no
30236             1    TrackCreateDate                      int32u
30237             2    TrackModifyDate                      int32u
30238             3    TrackID                              no
30239             5    TrackDuration                        no
30240             8    TrackLayer                           no
30241             9    TrackVolume                          no
30242            10    MatrixStructure                      fixed32s[9]!
30243            19    ImageWidth                           no
30244            20    ImageHeight                          no
30246       QuickTime TrackRef Tags
30248         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30249         ------   --------                             --------
30250         'cdsc'   ContentDescribes                     no
30251         'chap'   ChapterListTrackID                   no
30252         'mpod'   ElementaryStreamTrack                no
30253         'tmcd'   TimeCode                             no
30255       QuickTime UserData Tags
30257       Tag ID's beginning with the copyright symbol (hex 0xa9) are multi-
30258       language text.  Alternate language tags are accessed by adding a dash
30259       followed by a 3-character ISO 639-2 language code to the tag name.
30260       ExifTool will extract any multi-language user data tags found, even if
30261       they aren't in this table.  Note when creating new tags, ItemList tags
30262       are preferred over these, so to create the tag when a same-named
30263       ItemList tag exists, either "UserData" must be specified (eg.
30264       "-UserData:Artist=Monet" on the command line), or the PREFERRED level
30265       must be changed via the config file.
30267         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
30268         ------       --------                         --------
30269         '@day'       ContentCreateDate                string/
30270         '@mak'       Make                             string/
30271         '@mod'       Model                            string/
30272         '@sec'       SamsungSec                       Samsung sec
30273         '@swr'       SoftwareVersion                  string/
30274         '@xyz'       GPSCoordinates                   string/
30275         'AllF'       PlayAllFrames                    int8u
30276         'CAME'       SerialNumberHash                 string
30277         'CNCV'       CompressorVersion                string
30278         'CNFV'       FirmwareVersion                  string
30279         'CNMN'       Model                            string/
30280         'CNOP'       CanonCNOP                        Canon CNOP
30281         'CNTH'       CanonCNTH                        Canon CNTH
30282         'DcMD'       KodakDcMD                        Kodak DcMD
30283         'FFMV'       FujiFilmFFMV                     FujiFilm FFMV
30284         'FIRM'       FirmwareVersion                  string/
30285         "FOV\0"      FieldOfView                      string
30286         'GPMF'       GoProGPMF                        GoPro GPMF
30287         'GoPr'       GoProType                        string
30288         'INFO'       SamsungINFO                      Samsung INFO
30289         'LEIC'       LeicaLEIC                        Panasonic PANA
30290         'LENS'       LensSerialNumber                 string
30291         'LOOP'       LoopStyle                        int32u
30292         'Lvlm'       LevelMeter?                      rational64s
30293         'MMA0'       MinoltaMMA0                      Minolta MMA
30294         'MMA1'       MinoltaMMA1                      Minolta MMA
30295         'MVTG'       FujiFilmMVTG                     EXIF
30296         'NCDT'       NikonNCDT                        Nikon NCDT
30297         'PANA'       PanasonicPANA                    Panasonic PANA
30298         'PENT'       PentaxPENT                       Pentax PENT
30299         'PXMN'       MakerNotePentax5b                Pentax
30300                      MakerNotePentax5c                Pentax
30301                      MakerNotePentaxUnknown           string
30302         'PXTH'       PentaxPreview                    Pentax PXTH
30303         'QVMI'       CasioQVMI                        EXIF
30304         'RMKN'       RicohRMKN                        EXIF
30305         'RTHU'       PreviewImage                     no
30306         'SDLN'       PlayMode                         string
30307         'SNum'       SerialNumber                     string/
30308         'SelO'       PlaySelection                    int8u
30309         'TAGS'       FujiFilmTags                     FujiFilm MOV
30310                      KodakTags                        Kodak MOV
30311                      KonicaMinoltaTags                Minolta MOV1
30312                      MinoltaTags                      Minolta MOV2
30313                      NikonTags                        Nikon MOV
30314                      OlympusTags1                     Olympus MOV1
30315                      OlympusTags2                     Olympus MOV2
30316                      OlympusTags3                     Olympus MP4
30317                      OlympusTags4                     Olympus MOV3
30318                      PentaxTags                       Pentax MOV
30319                      SamsungTags                      Samsung MP4
30320                      SanyoMOV                         Sanyo MOV
30321                      SanyoMP4                         Sanyo MP4
30322                      UnknownTags?                     string
30323         'TTMD'       TomTomMetaData                   QuickTime TomTom
30324         'WLOC'       WindowLocation                   int16u
30325         'XMP_'       XMP                              XMP
30326         'Xtra'       MicrosoftXtra                    Microsoft Xtra
30327         '_cx_'       CX?                              rational64s
30328         '_cy_'       CY?                              rational64s
30329         '_yaw'       Yaw                              rational64s/
30330         'albm'       Album                            string/
30331         'albr'       AlbumArtist                      string
30332         'angl'       CameraAngle                      string
30333         'apmd'       ApertureMode                     undef
30334         'auth'       Author                           string/
30335         'ccid'       ContentID                        string
30336         'cdis'       ContentDistributorID             string
30337         'chpl'       ChapterList                      no
30338         'clfn'       ClipFileName                     string
30339         'clid'       ClipID                           string
30340         'clsf'       Classification                   undef/
30341         'cmid'       CameraID                         string
30342         'cmnm'       Model                            string/
30343         'coll'       CollectionName                   string/
30344         'cprt'       Copyright                        string/
30345         'cver'       CodeVersion                      string
30346         'cvru'       CoverURI                         string
30347         'date'       DateTimeOriginal                 string
30348         'dscp'       Description                      string/
30349         'gnre'       Genre                            string/
30350         'hinf'       HintTrackInfo                    QuickTime HintTrackInfo
30351         'hinv'       HintVersion                      string
30352         'hnti'       HintInfo                         QuickTime HintInfo
30353         'htcb'       HTCBinary                        QuickTime HTCBinary
30354         'icnu'       IconURI                          string
30355         'infu'       InfoURL                          string
30356         'kgtt'       TrackType                        string
30357         'kywd'       Keywords                         no
30358         'loci'       LocationInformation              undef/
30359         'lrcu'       LyricsURI                        string
30360         'lvlm'       LevelMeter?                      rational64s
30361         'manu'       Make                             no
30362         'mcvr'       PreviewImage                     string
30363         'meta'       Meta                             QuickTime Meta
30364         'modl'       Model                            no
30365         'name'       Name                             string
30366         'perf'       Performer                        string/
30367         'pmcc'       GarminSettings                   string
30368         'pose'       pose                             Kodak pose
30369         'ptch'       Pitch                            rational64s/
30370         'ptv '       PrintToVideo                     QuickTime Video
30371         'rads'       Rads?                            rational64s
30372         'reel'       ReelName                         string
30373         'roll'       Roll                             rational64s/
30374         'rtng'       Rating                           undef/
30375         'scen'       Scene                            string
30376         'scrn'       OlympusPreview                   Olympus scrn
30377         'shot'       ShotName                         string
30378         'slno'       SerialNumber                     string
30379         'smta'       SamsungSmta                      Samsung smta
30380         'tags'       Audible_tags                     Audible tags
30381         'thmb'       MakerNotePentax5a                Pentax
30382                      OlympusThumbnail                 Olympus thmb
30383                      ThumbnailImage                   string
30384                      ThumbnailPNG                     string
30385                      UnknownThumbnail                 string
30386         'titl'       Title                            string/
30387         'urat'       UserRating                       undef/
30388         'uuid'       GarminSoftware                   string
30389                      UUID-Unknown?                    no
30390         'vndr'       Vendor                           string
30391         'vrot'       AccelerometerData                no
30392         'yrrc'       Year                             undef/
30393         "\xa9ART"    Artist                           string
30394         "\xa9TIM"    StartTimecode                    string
30395         "\xa9TSC"    StartTimeScale                   string
30396         "\xa9TSZ"    StartTimeSampleSize              string
30397         "\xa9alb"    Album                            string
30398         "\xa9arg"    Arranger                         string
30399         "\xa9ark"    ArrangerKeywords                 string
30400         "\xa9cmt"    Comment                          string
30401         "\xa9cok"    ComposerKeywords                 string
30402         "\xa9com"    Composer                         string
30403         "\xa9cpy"    Copyright                        string
30404         "\xa9day"    ContentCreateDate                string
30405         "\xa9dir"    Director                         string
30406         "\xa9ed1"    Edit1                            string
30407         "\xa9ed2"    Edit2                            string
30408         "\xa9ed3"    Edit3                            string
30409         "\xa9ed4"    Edit4                            string
30410         "\xa9ed5"    Edit5                            string
30411         "\xa9ed6"    Edit6                            string
30412         "\xa9ed7"    Edit7                            string
30413         "\xa9ed8"    Edit8                            string
30414         "\xa9ed9"    Edit9                            string
30415         "\xa9enc"    EncoderID                        string
30416         "\xa9fmt"    Format                           string
30417         "\xa9fpt"    Pitch                            string
30418         "\xa9frl"    Roll                             string
30419         "\xa9fyw"    Yaw                              string
30420         "\xa9gen"    Genre                            string
30421         "\xa9gpt"    CameraPitch                      string
30422         "\xa9grl"    CameraRoll                       string
30423         "\xa9grp"    Grouping                         string
30424         "\xa9gyw"    CameraYaw                        string
30425         "\xa9inf"    Information                      string
30426         "\xa9isr"    ISRCCode                         string
30427         "\xa9lab"    RecordLabelName                  string
30428         "\xa9lal"    RecordLabelURL                   string
30429         "\xa9lyr"    Lyrics                           string
30430         "\xa9mak"    Make                             string
30431         "\xa9mal"    MakerURL                         string
30432         "\xa9mdl"    Model                            string/
30433         "\xa9mod"    Model                            string
30434         "\xa9nam"    Title                            string
30435         "\xa9pdk"    ProducerKeywords                 string
30436         "\xa9phg"    RecordingCopyright               string
30437         "\xa9prd"    Producer                         string
30438         "\xa9prf"    Performers                       string
30439         "\xa9prk"    PerformerKeywords                string
30440         "\xa9prl"    PerformerURL                     string
30441         "\xa9req"    Requirements                     string
30442         "\xa9snk"    SubtitleKeywords                 string
30443         "\xa9snm"    Subtitle                         string
30444         "\xa9src"    SourceCredits                    string
30445         "\xa9swf"    SongWriter                       string
30446         "\xa9swk"    SongWriterKeywords               string
30447         "\xa9swr"    SoftwareVersion                  string
30448         "\xa9too"    Encoder                          string
30449         "\xa9trk"    Track                            string
30450         "\xa9wrt"    Composer                         string/
30451         "\xa9xsp"    SpeedX                           string
30452         "\xa9xyz"    GPSCoordinates                   string
30453         "\xa9ysp"    SpeedY                           string
30454         "\xa9zsp"    SpeedZ                           string
30456       QuickTime TomTom Tags
30458       Tags found in TomTom Bandit Action Cam MP4 videos.
30460         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30461         ------   --------                             --------
30462         'TTAD'   TomTomAD                             QuickTime Stream
30463         'TTHL'   TomTomHL?                            no
30464         'TTID'   TomTomID                             no
30465         'TTVD'   TomTomVD                             no
30466         'TTVI'   TomTomVI?                            no
30468       QuickTime HintTrackInfo Tags
30470         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30471         ------   --------                             --------
30472         'dimm'   ImmediateDataBytes                   no
30473         'dmax'   LargestPacketDuration                no
30474         'dmed'   MediaTrackBytes                      no
30475         'drep'   RepeatedDataBytes                    no
30476         'maxr'   MaxDataRate                          no
30477         'npck'   NumPackets                           no
30478         'nump'   NumPackets                           no
30479         'payt'   PayloadType                          no
30480         'pmax'   LargestPacketSize                    no
30481         'tmax'   MaxTransmissionTime                  no
30482         'tmin'   MinTransmissionTime                  no
30483         'totl'   TotalBytes                           no
30484         'tpaY'   TotalBytesNoRTPHeaders               no
30485         'tpay'   TotalBytesNoRTPHeaders               no
30486         'tpyl'   TotalBytesNoRTPHeaders               no
30487         'trpY'   TotalBytes                           no
30488         'trpy'   TotalBytes                           no
30490       QuickTime HintInfo Tags
30492         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30493         ------   --------                             --------
30494         'rtp '   RealtimeStreamingProtocol            no
30495         'sdp '   StreamingDataProtocol                no
30497       QuickTime HTCBinary Tags
30499         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30500         ------   --------                             --------
30501         [no tags known]
30503       QuickTime Video Tags
30505         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30506         ------   --------                             --------
30507             0    DisplaySize                          no
30508             6    SlideShow                            no
30510       QuickTime UserMedia Tags
30512         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30513         ------   --------                             --------
30514         'MTDT'   MetaData                             QuickTime MetaData
30516       QuickTime MetaData Tags
30518         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30519         ------   --------                             --------
30520         0x0001   Title                                no
30521         0x0003   ProductionDate                       no
30522         0x0004   Software                             no
30523         0x0005   Product                              no
30524         0x000a   TrackProperty                        no
30525         0x000b   TimeZone                             no
30526         0x000c   ModifyDate                           no
30528       QuickTime MovieHeader Tags
30530         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30531         ------   --------                             --------
30532             0    MovieHeaderVersion                   no
30533             1    CreateDate                           int32u
30534             2    ModifyDate                           int32u
30535             3    TimeScale                            no
30536             4    Duration                             no
30537             5    PreferredRate                        no
30538             6    PreferredVolume                      no
30539             9    MatrixStructure                      no
30540            18    PreviewTime                          no
30541            19    PreviewDuration                      no
30542            20    PosterTime                           no
30543            21    SelectionTime                        no
30544            22    SelectionDuration                    no
30545            23    CurrentTime                          no
30546            24    NextTrackID                          no
30548       QuickTime Preview Tags
30550         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
30551         ------   --------                             --------
30552             0    PreviewDate                          int32u
30553             2    PreviewVersion                       no
30554             3    PreviewAtomType                      no
30555             5    PreviewAtomIndex                     no
30557       QuickTime SkipInfo Tags
30559         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30560         ------   --------                             --------
30561         'thma'   ThumbnailImage                       no
30562         'ver '   Version                              no
30564       QuickTime Profile Tags
30566         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30567         ------   --------                             --------
30568         'APRF'   AudioProfile                         QuickTime AudioProf
30569         'FPRF'   FileGlobalProfile                    QuickTime FileProf
30570         'OLYM'   OlympusOLYM                          Olympus OLYM
30571         'VPRF'   VideoProfile                         QuickTime VideoProf
30573       QuickTime AudioProf Tags
30575         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30576         ------   --------                             --------
30577             0    AudioProfileVersion?                 no
30578             1    AudioTrackID                         no
30579             2    AudioCodec                           no
30580             3    AudioCodecInfo?                      no
30581             4    AudioAttributes                      no
30582             5    AudioAvgBitrate                      no
30583             6    AudioMaxBitrate                      no
30584             7    AudioSampleRate                      no
30585             8    AudioChannels                        no
30587       QuickTime FileProf Tags
30589         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30590         ------   --------                             --------
30591             0    FileProfileVersion?                  no
30592             1    FileFunctionFlags                    no
30594       QuickTime VideoProf Tags
30596         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30597         ------   --------                             --------
30598             0    VideoProfileVersion?                 no
30599             1    VideoTrackID                         no
30600             2    VideoCodec                           no
30601             3    VideoCodecInfo?                      no
30602             4    VideoAttributes                      no
30603             5    VideoAvgBitrate                      no
30604             6    VideoMaxBitrate                      no
30605             7    VideoAvgFrameRate                    no
30606             8    VideoMaxFrameRate                    no
30607             9    VideoSize                            no
30608            10    PixelAspectRatio                     no
30610       QuickTime Flip Tags
30612       Found in MP4 files from Flip Video cameras.
30614         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30615         ------   --------                             --------
30616             1    PreviewImageWidth                    no
30617             2    PreviewImageHeight                   no
30618            13    PreviewImageLength                   no
30619            14    SerialNumber                         no
30620            28    PreviewImage                         no
30622       QuickTime Tags360Fly Tags
30624       Timed metadata found in MP4 videos from the 360Fly.
30626         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30627         ------   --------                             --------
30628         0x0001   Accel360Fly                          QuickTime Accel360Fly
30629         0x0002   Gyro360Fly                           QuickTime Gyro360Fly
30630         0x0003   Mag360Fly                            QuickTime Mag360Fly
30631         0x0005   GPS360Fly                            QuickTime GPS360Fly
30632         0x0006   Rot360Fly                            QuickTime Rot360Fly
30633         0x00fa   Fusion360Fly                         QuickTime Fusion360Fly
30635       QuickTime Accel360Fly Tags
30637         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30638         ------   --------                             --------
30639             1    AccelMode?                           no
30640             2    SampleTime                           no
30641            10    AccelYPR                             no
30643       QuickTime Gyro360Fly Tags
30645         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30646         ------   --------                             --------
30647             1    GyroMode?                            no
30648             2    SampleTime                           no
30649            10    GyroYPR                              no
30651       QuickTime Mag360Fly Tags
30653         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30654         ------   --------                             --------
30655             1    MagMode?                             no
30656             2    SampleTime                           no
30657            10    MagnetometerXYZ                      no
30659       QuickTime GPS360Fly Tags
30661         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30662         ------   --------                             --------
30663             1    GPSMode?                             no
30664             2    SampleTime                           no
30665            10    GPSLatitude                          no
30666            14    GPSLongitude                         no
30667            18    GPSAltitude                          no
30668            22    GPSSpeed                             no
30669            24    GPSTrack                             no
30670            26    Acceleration                         no
30672       QuickTime Rot360Fly Tags
30674         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30675         ------   --------                             --------
30676             1    RotMode?                             no
30677             2    SampleTime                           no
30678            10    RotationXYZ                          no
30680       QuickTime Fusion360Fly Tags
30682         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30683         ------   --------                             --------
30684             1    FusionMode?                          no
30685             2    SampleTime                           no
30686            10    FusionYPR                            no
30688       QuickTime ImageFile Tags
30690       Tags used in QTIF QuickTime Image Files.
30692         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30693         ------   --------                             --------
30694         'idat'   ImageData                            no
30695         'idsc'   ImageDescription                     QuickTime ImageDesc
30696         'iicc'   ICC_Profile                          ICC_Profile
30698   RIFF Tags
30699       The RIFF container format is used various types of fines including AVI,
30700       WAV, WEBP, LA, OFR, PAC and WV.  According to the EXIF specification,
30701       Meta information is embedded in two types of RIFF "LIST" chunks: "INFO"
30702       and "exif", and information about the audio content is stored in the
30703       "fmt " chunk.  As well as this information, some video information and
30704       proprietary manufacturer-specific information is also extracted.
30706       Large AVI videos may be a concatenation of two or more RIFF chunks.
30707       For these files, information is extracted from subsequent RIFF chunks
30708       as sub-documents, but the Duration is calculated for the full video.
30710       ExifTool currently has the ability to write EXIF, XMP and ICC_Profile
30711       metadata to WEBP images, but can't yet write to other RIFF-based
30712       formats.
30714         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
30715         ------               --------                 --------
30716         'ALPH'               ALPH                     RIFF ALPH
30717         'ANIM'               ANIM                     RIFF ANIM
30718         'ANMF'               ANMF                     RIFF ANMF
30719         'C2PA'               JUMBF                    Jpeg2000
30720         'CSET'               CharacterSet             RIFF CSET
30721         'EXIF'               EXIF                     EXIF
30722                              UnknownEXIF              no
30723         'ICCP'               ICC_Profile              ICC_Profile
30724         'IDIT'               DateTimeOriginal         no
30725         'JUNK'               OlympusJunk              Olympus AVI
30726                              CasioJunk                EXIF
30727                              RicohJunk                Ricoh AVI
30728                              PentaxJunk               Pentax Junk
30729                              PentaxJunk2              Pentax Junk2
30730                              LucasJunk                QuickTime Stream
30731                              TextJunk                 no
30732         'JUNQ'               OldXMP                   no
30733         'LIST_INF0'          Info                     RIFF Info
30734         'LIST_INFO'          Info                     RIFF Info
30735         'LIST_Tdat'          Tdat                     RIFF Tdat
30736         'LIST_adtl'          AssociatedDataList       RIFF
30737         'LIST_exif'          Exif                     RIFF Exif
30738         'LIST_hdrl'          Hdrl                     RIFF Hdrl
30739         'LIST_hydt'          PentaxData               Pentax AVI
30740         'LIST_ncdt'          NikonData                Nikon AVI
30741         'LIST_pntx'          PentaxData2              Pentax AVI
30742         'SGLT'               BikeBroAccel             QuickTime Stream
30743         'SLLT'               BikeBroGPS               QuickTime Stream
30744         'VP8 '               VP8Bitstream             RIFF VP8
30745         'VP8L'               VP8L                     RIFF VP8L
30746         'VP8X'               VP8X                     RIFF VP8X
30747         "XMP\0"              XMP                      XMP
30748         'XMP '               XMP                      XMP
30749         '_PMX'               XMP                      XMP
30750         'aXML'               AXML                     XMP XML
30751         'acid'               Acidizer                 RIFF Acidizer
30752         'afsp'               Afsp                     no
30753         'bext'               BroadcastExtension       RIFF BroadcastExt
30754         'cue '               CuePoints                no
30755         'ds64'               DataSize64               RIFF DS64
30756         'fact'               NumberOfSamples          no
30757         'fmt '               AudioFormat              RIFF AudioFormat
30758         'gps0'               GPSTrack                 QuickTime Stream
30759         'gsen'               GSensor                  QuickTime Stream
30760         'guan'               Guano                    no
30761         'iXML'               IXML                     XMP XML
30762         'id3 '               ID3                      ID3
30763         'inst'               Instrument               RIFF Instrument
30764         'labl'               CuePointLabel            no
30765         'list'               ListType                 no
30766         'ltxt'               LabeledText              no
30767         'note'               CuePointNote             no
30768         'olym'               Olym                     Olympus WAV
30769         'plst'               Playlist                 no
30770         'smpl'               Sampler                  RIFF Sampler
30771         'tx_USER'            UserText                 RIFF UserText
30772         'tx_Unknown'         Text                     no
30774       RIFF ALPH Tags
30776       WebP alpha chunk.
30778         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30779         ------   --------                             --------
30780             0    AlphaPreprocessing                   no
30781           0.1    AlphaFiltering                       no
30782           0.2    AlphaCompression                     no
30784       RIFF ANIM Tags
30786       WebP animation chunk.
30788         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30789         ------   --------                             --------
30790             0    BackgroundColor                      no
30791             4    AnimationLoopCount                   no
30793       RIFF ANMF Tags
30795       WebP animation frame chunk.
30797         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
30798         ------   --------                             --------
30799            12    Duration                             no
30801       RIFF CSET Tags
30803         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
30804         ------   --------                             --------
30805             0    CodePage                             no
30806             1    CountryCode                          no
30807             2    LanguageCode                         no
30808             3    Dialect                              no
30810       RIFF Info Tags
30812       RIFF INFO tags found in AVI video and WAV audio files.  Tags which are
30813       part of the EXIF 2.3 specification have an underlined Tag Name in the
30814       HTML version of this documentation.  Other tags are found in AVI files
30815       generated by some software.
30817         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30818         ------   --------                             --------
30819         'AGES'   Rated                                no
30820         'CMNT'   Comment                              no
30821         'CODE'   EncodedBy                            no
30822         'COMM'   Comments                             no
30823         'DIRC'   Directory                            no
30824         'DISP'   SoundSchemeTitle                     no
30825         'DTIM'   DateTimeOriginal                     no
30826         'GENR'   Genre                                no
30827         'IARL'   ArchivalLocation                     no
30828         'IART'   Artist                               no
30829         'IAS1'   FirstLanguage                        no
30830         'IAS2'   SecondLanguage                       no
30831         'IAS3'   ThirdLanguage                        no
30832         'IAS4'   FourthLanguage                       no
30833         'IAS5'   FifthLanguage                        no
30834         'IAS6'   SixthLanguage                        no
30835         'IAS7'   SeventhLanguage                      no
30836         'IAS8'   EighthLanguage                       no
30837         'IAS9'   NinthLanguage                        no
30838         'IBSU'   BaseURL                              no
30839         'ICAS'   DefaultAudioStream                   no
30840         'ICDS'   CostumeDesigner                      no
30841         'ICMS'   Commissioned                         no
30842         'ICMT'   Comment                              no
30843         'ICNM'   Cinematographer                      no
30844         'ICNT'   Country                              no
30845         'ICOP'   Copyright                            no
30846         'ICRD'   DateCreated                          no
30847         'ICRP'   Cropped                              no
30848         'IDIM'   Dimensions                           no
30849         'IDIT'   DateTimeOriginal                     no
30850         'IDPI'   DotsPerInch                          no
30851         'IDST'   DistributedBy                        no
30852         'IEDT'   EditedBy                             no
30853         'IENC'   EncodedBy                            no
30854         'IENG'   Engineer                             no
30855         'IGNR'   Genre                                no
30856         'IKEY'   Keywords                             no
30857         'ILGT'   Lightness                            no
30858         'ILGU'   LogoURL                              no
30859         'ILIU'   LogoIconURL                          no
30860         'ILNG'   Language                             no
30861         'IMBI'   MoreInfoBannerImage                  no
30862         'IMBU'   MoreInfoBannerURL                    no
30863         'IMED'   Medium                               no
30864         'IMIT'   MoreInfoText                         no
30865         'IMIU'   MoreInfoURL                          no
30866         'IMUS'   MusicBy                              no
30867         'INAM'   Title                                no
30868         'IPDS'   ProductionDesigner                   no
30869         'IPLT'   NumColors                            no
30870         'IPRD'   Product                              no
30871         'IPRO'   ProducedBy                           no
30872         'IRIP'   RippedBy                             no
30873         'IRTD'   Rating                               no
30874         'ISBJ'   Subject                              no
30875         'ISFT'   Software                             no
30876         'ISGN'   SecondaryGenre                       no
30877         'ISHP'   Sharpness                            no
30878         'ISMP'   TimeCode                             no
30879         'ISRC'   Source                               no
30880         'ISRF'   SourceForm                           no
30881         'ISTD'   ProductionStudio                     no
30882         'ISTR'   Starring                             no
30883         'ITCH'   Technician                           no
30884         'ITRK'   TrackNumber                          no
30885         'IWMU'   WatermarkURL                         no
30886         'IWRI'   WrittenBy                            no
30887         'LANG'   Language                             no
30888         'LOCA'   Location                             no
30889         'PRT1'   Part                                 no
30890         'PRT2'   NumberOfParts                        no
30891         'RATE'   Rate                                 no
30892         'STAR'   Starring                             no
30893         'STAT'   Statistics                           no
30894         'TAPE'   TapeName                             no
30895         'TCDO'   EndTimecode                          no
30896         'TCOD'   StartTimecode                        no
30897         'TITL'   Title                                no
30898         'TLEN'   Length                               no
30899         'TORG'   Organization                         no
30900         'TRCK'   TrackNumber                          no
30901         'TURL'   URL                                  no
30902         'TVER'   Version                              no
30903         'VMAJ'   VegasVersionMajor                    no
30904         'VMIN'   VegasVersionMinor                    no
30905         'YEAR'   Year                                 no
30907       RIFF Tdat Tags
30909         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30910         ------   --------                             --------
30911         [no tags known]
30913       RIFF Exif Tags
30915       These tags are part of the EXIF 2.3 specification for WAV audio files.
30917         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30918         ------   --------                             --------
30919         'ecor'   Make                                 no
30920         'emdl'   Model                                no
30921         'emnt'   MakerNotes                           no
30922         'erel'   RelatedImageFile                     no
30923         'etim'   TimeCreated                          no
30924         'eucm'   UserComment                          no
30925         'ever'   ExifVersion                          no
30927       RIFF Hdrl Tags
30929         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
30930         ------               --------                 --------
30931         'IDIT'               DateTimeOriginal         no
30932         'ISMP'               TimeCode                 no
30933         'LIST_odml'          OpenDML                  RIFF OpenDML
30934         'LIST_strl'          Stream                   RIFF Stream
30935         'avih'               AVIHeader                RIFF AVIHeader
30937       RIFF OpenDML Tags
30939         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30940         ------   --------                             --------
30941         'dmlh'   ExtendedAVIHeader                    RIFF ExtAVIHdr
30943       RIFF ExtAVIHdr Tags
30945         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30946         ------   --------                             --------
30947             0    TotalFrameCount                      no
30949       RIFF Stream Tags
30951         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
30952         ------   --------                             --------
30953         'strd'   StreamData                           RIFF StreamData
30954         'strf'   AudioFormat                          RIFF AudioFormat
30955                  VideoFormat                          BMP
30956         'strh'   StreamHeader                         RIFF StreamHeader
30957         'strn'   StreamName                           no
30959       RIFF StreamData Tags
30961       This chunk is used to store proprietary information in AVI videos from
30962       some cameras.  The first 4 characters of the data are used as the Tag
30963       ID below.
30965         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
30966         ------       --------                         --------
30967         'AVIF'       AVIF                             EXIF
30968         'CASI'       CasioData                        Casio AVI
30969         'Zora'       VendorName                       no
30970         'unknown'    UnknownData                      no
30972       RIFF AudioFormat Tags
30974         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
30975         ------   --------                             --------
30976             0    Encoding                             no
30977             1    NumChannels                          no
30978             2    SampleRate                           no
30979             4    AvgBytesPerSec                       no
30980             7    BitsPerSample                        no
30982       RIFF StreamHeader Tags
30984         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
30985         ------   --------                             --------
30986             0    StreamType                           no
30987             1    AudioCodec                           no
30988                  VideoCodec                           no
30989                  Codec                                no
30990             5    AudioSampleRate                      no
30991                  VideoFrameRate                       no
30992                  StreamSampleRate                     no
30993             8    AudioSampleCount                     no
30994                  VideoFrameCount                      no
30995                  StreamSampleCount                    no
30996            10    Quality                              no
30997            11    SampleSize                           no
30999       RIFF AVIHeader Tags
31001         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
31002         ------   --------                             --------
31003             0    FrameRate                            no
31004             1    MaxDataRate                          no
31005             4    FrameCount                           no
31006             6    StreamCount                          no
31007             8    ImageWidth                           no
31008             9    ImageHeight                          no
31010       RIFF VP8 Tags
31012       This chunk is found in simple-format (lossy) WebP files. See
31013       <https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/riff_container> for the
31014       WebP container specification.
31016         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31017         ------   --------                             --------
31018             0    VP8Version                           no
31019             6    ImageWidth                           no
31020           6.1    HorizontalScale                      no
31021             8    ImageHeight                          no
31022           8.1    VerticalScale                        no
31024       RIFF VP8L Tags
31026       This chunk is found in lossless WebP files.
31028         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31029         ------   --------                             --------
31030             1    ImageWidth                           no
31031             2    ImageHeight                          no
31033       RIFF VP8X Tags
31035       This chunk is found in extended WebP files.
31037         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31038         ------   --------                             --------
31039             0    WebP_Flags                           no
31040             4    ImageWidth                           no
31041             6    ImageHeight                          no
31043       RIFF Acidizer Tags
31045         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31046         ------   --------                             --------
31047             0    AcidizerFlags                        no
31048             4    RootNote                             no
31049            12    Beats                                no
31050            16    Meter                                no
31051            20    Tempo                                no
31053       RIFF BroadcastExt Tags
31055       Information found in the Broadcast Audio Extension chunk (see
31056       <http://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3285.pdf>).
31058         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31059         ------   --------                             --------
31060             0    Description                          no
31061           256    Originator                           no
31062           288    OriginatorReference                  no
31063           320    DateTimeOriginal                     no
31064           338    TimeReference                        no
31065           346    BWFVersion                           no
31066           348    BWF_UMID                             no
31067           602    CodingHistory                        no
31069       RIFF DS64 Tags
31071       64-bit data sizes for MBWF/RF64 files.  See
31072       <https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3306-2009.pdf> for the
31073       specification.
31075         Index8   Tag Name                             Writable
31076         ------   --------                             --------
31077             0    RIFFSize64                           no
31078             1    DataSize64                           no
31079             2    NumberOfSamples64                    no
31081       RIFF Instrument Tags
31083         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31084         ------   --------                             --------
31085             0    UnshiftedNote                        no
31086             1    FineTune                             no
31087             2    Gain                                 no
31088             3    LowNote                              no
31089             4    HighNote                             no
31090             5    LowVelocity                          no
31091             6    HighVelocity                         no
31093       RIFF Sampler Tags
31095         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
31096         ------   --------                             --------
31097             0    Manufacturer                         no
31098             1    Product                              no
31099             2    SamplePeriod                         no
31100             3    MIDIUnityNote                        no
31101             4    MIDIPitchFraction                    no
31102             5    SMPTEFormat                          no
31103             6    SMPTEOffset                          no
31104             7    NumSampleLoops                       no
31105             8    SamplerDataLen                       no
31106             9    SamplerData                          no
31108       RIFF UserText Tags
31110       Tags decoded from the USER-format txts stream written by Momento M6
31111       dashcam.  Extracted only if the ExtractEmbedded option is used.
31113         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31114         ------   --------                             --------
31115            28    GPSAltitude                          no
31116            40    Accelerometer                        no
31117            56    GPSSpeed                             no
31118            60    GPSLatitude                          no
31119            64    GPSLongitude                         no
31120            68    GPSDateTime                          no
31122   FLAC Tags
31123       Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) meta information.  ExifTool also
31124       extracts ID3 information from these files.
31126         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31127         ------   --------                             --------
31128         0x0000   StreamInfo                           FLAC StreamInfo
31129         0x0001   Padding?                             no
31130         0x0002   Application_riff                     RIFF
31131                  ApplicationUnknown?                  no
31132         0x0003   SeekTable?                           no
31133         0x0004   VorbisComment                        Vorbis Comments
31134         0x0005   CueSheet?                            no
31135         0x0006   Picture                              FLAC Picture
31137       FLAC StreamInfo Tags
31139       FLAC is big-endian, so bit 0 is the high-order bit in this table.
31141         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
31142         ------               --------                 --------
31143         'Bit000-015'         BlockSizeMin             no
31144         'Bit016-031'         BlockSizeMax             no
31145         'Bit032-055'         FrameSizeMin             no
31146         'Bit056-079'         FrameSizeMax             no
31147         'Bit080-099'         SampleRate               no
31148         'Bit100-102'         Channels                 no
31149         'Bit103-107'         BitsPerSample            no
31150         'Bit108-143'         TotalSamples             no
31151         'Bit144-271'         MD5Signature             no
31153       FLAC Picture Tags
31155         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
31156         ------   --------                             --------
31157             0    PictureType                          no
31158             1    PictureMIMEType                      no
31159             2    PictureDescription                   no
31160             3    PictureWidth                         no
31161             4    PictureHeight                        no
31162             5    PictureBitsPerPixel                  no
31163             6    PictureIndexedColors                 no
31164             7    PictureLength                        no
31165             8    Picture                              no
31167   Parrot Tags
31168       Parrot mett Tags
31170       Streaming metadata found in Parrot drone videos. See
31171       <https://developer.parrot.com/docs/pdraw/metadata.html> for the
31172       specification.
31174         Tag ID                       Tag Name         Writable
31175         ------                       --------         --------
31176         'P1'                         ParrotV1         Parrot V1
31177         'P2'                         ParrotV2         Parrot V2
31178         'P3'                         ParrotV3         Parrot V3
31179         'E1'                         ParrotTimeStamp  Parrot TimeStamp
31180         'E2'                         ParrotFollowMe   Parrot FollowMe
31181         'E3'                         ParrotAutomation Parrot Automation
31182         'application/arcore-accel'   ARCoreAccel      Parrot ARCoreAccel
31183         'application/arcore-custom-event'
31184                                      ARCoreCustom     Parrot ARCoreCustom
31185         'application/arcore-gyro'    ARCoreGyro       Parrot ARCoreGyro
31186         'application/arcore-video-0' ARCoreVideo      Parrot ARCoreVideo
31188       Parrot V1 Tags
31190       Parrot version 1 streaming metadata.
31192         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31193         ------   --------                             --------
31194             4    DroneYaw                             no
31195             6    DronePitch                           no
31196             8    DroneRoll                            no
31197            10    CameraPan                            no
31198            12    CameraTilt                           no
31199            14    FrameView                            no
31200            22    ExposureTime                         no
31201            24    ISO                                  no
31202            26    WifiRSSI                             no
31203            27    Battery                              no
31204            28    GPSLatitude                          no
31205            32    GPSLongitude                         no
31206            36    GPSAltitude                          no
31207          36.1    GPSSatellites                        no
31208            40    AltitudeFromTakeOff                  no
31209            44    DistanceFromHome                     no
31210            48    SpeedX                               no
31211            50    SpeedY                               no
31212            52    SpeedZ                               no
31213            54    Binning                              no
31214          54.1    FlyingState                          no
31215            55    Animation                            no
31216          55.1    PilotingMode                         no
31218       Parrot V2 Tags
31220       Parrot version 2 basic streaming metadata.
31222         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31223         ------   --------                             --------
31224             4    Elevation                            no
31225             8    GPSLatitude                          no
31226            12    GPSLongitude                         no
31227            16    GPSAltitude                          no
31228          16.1    GPSSatellites                        no
31229            20    GPSVelocityNorth                     no
31230            22    GPSVelocityEast                      no
31231            24    GPSVelocityDown                      no
31232            26    AirSpeed                             no
31233            28    DroneQuaternion                      no
31234            36    FrameView                            no
31235            44    CameraPan                            no
31236            46    CameraTilt                           no
31237            48    ExposureTime                         no
31238            50    ISO                                  no
31239            52    Binning                              no
31240          52.1    FlyingState                          no
31241            53    Animation                            no
31242          53.1    PilotingMode                         no
31243            54    WifiRSSI                             no
31244            55    Battery                              no
31245         'Groups' Groups                               no
31247       Parrot V3 Tags
31249       Parrot version 3 basic streaming metadata.
31251         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31252         ------   --------                             --------
31253             4    Elevation                            no
31254             8    GPSLatitude                          no
31255            12    GPSLongitude                         no
31256            16    GPSAltitude                          no
31257          16.1    GPSSatellites                        no
31258            20    GPSVelocityNorth                     no
31259            22    GPSVelocityEast                      no
31260            24    GPSVelocityDown                      no
31261            26    AirSpeed                             no
31262            28    DroneQuaternion                      no
31263            36    FrameBaseView                        no
31264            44    FrameView                            no
31265            52    ExposureTime                         no
31266            54    ISO                                  no
31267            56    RedBalance                           no
31268            58    BlueBalance                          no
31269            60    FOV                                  no
31270            64    LinkGoodput                          no
31271          64.1    LinkQuality                          no
31272            68    WifiRSSI                             no
31273            69    Battery                              no
31274            70    Binning                              no
31275          70.1    FlyingState                          no
31276            71    Animation                            no
31277          71.1    PilotingMode                         no
31279       Parrot TimeStamp Tags
31281       Parrot streaming metadata timestamp extension.
31283         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31284         ------   --------                             --------
31285             4    TimeStamp                            no
31287       Parrot FollowMe Tags
31289       Parrot streaming metadata follow-me extension.
31291         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31292         ------   --------                             --------
31293             4    GPSTargetLatitude                    no
31294             8    GPSTargetLongitude                   no
31295            12    GPSTargetAltitude                    no
31296            16    Follow-meMode                        no
31297            17    Follow-meAnimation                   no
31299       Parrot Automation Tags
31301       Parrot streaming metadata automation extension.
31303         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31304         ------   --------                             --------
31305             4    GPSFramingLatitude                   no
31306             8    GPSFramingLongitude                  no
31307            12    GPSFramingAltitude                   no
31308            16    GPSDestLatitude                      no
31309            20    GPSDestLongitude                     no
31310            24    GPSDestAltitude                      no
31311            28    AutomationAnimation                  no
31312            29    AutomationFlags                      no
31314       Parrot ARCoreAccel Tags
31316       ARCore accelerometer data.
31318         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31319         ------   --------                             --------
31320             4    AccelerometerUnknown?                no
31321             5    Accelerometer                        no
31323       Parrot ARCoreCustom Tags
31325         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31326         ------   --------                             --------
31327         [no tags known]
31329       Parrot ARCoreGyro Tags
31331       ARCore accelerometer data.
31333         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31334         ------   --------                             --------
31335             4    GyroscopeUnknown?                    no
31336             5    Gyroscope                            no
31338       Parrot ARCoreVideo Tags
31340         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31341         ------   --------                             --------
31342         [no tags known]
31344   Ogg Tags
31345       ExifTool extracts the following types of information from Ogg files.
31346       See <http://www.xiph.org/vorbis/doc/> for the Ogg specification.
31348         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31349         ------   --------                             --------
31350         'FLAC'   FLAC                                 FLAC
31351         'ID3'    ID3                                  ID3
31352         'Opus'   Opus                                 Opus
31353         'theora' Theora                               Theora
31354         'vorbis' Vorbis                               Vorbis
31356   Vorbis Tags
31357       Information extracted from Ogg Vorbis files.  See
31358       <http://www.xiph.org/vorbis/doc/> for the Vorbis specification.
31360         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31361         ------   --------                             --------
31362         0x0001   Identification                       Vorbis Identification
31363         0x0003   Comments                             Vorbis Comments
31365       Vorbis Comments Tags
31367       The tags below are only some common tags found in the Vorbis comments
31368       of Ogg Vorbis and Ogg FLAC audio files, however ExifTool will extract
31369       values from any tag found, even if not listed here.
31371         Tag ID                   Tag Name             Writable
31372         ------                   --------             --------
31373         'ACTOR'                  Actor                no
31374         'ALBUM'                  Album                no
31375         'ARTIST'                 Artist               no+
31376         'COMMENT'                Comment              no
31377         'COMPOSER'               Composer             no
31378         'CONTACT'                Contact              no+
31379         'COPYRIGHT'              Copyright            no
31380         'COVERART'               CoverArt             no
31381         'COVERARTMIME'           CoverArtMIMEType     no
31382         'DATE'                   Date                 no
31383         'DESCRIPTION'            Description          no
31384         'DIRECTOR'               Director             no
31385         'ENCODED_BY'             EncodedBy            no
31386         'ENCODED_USING'          EncodedUsing         no
31387         'ENCODER'                Encoder              no
31388         'ENCODER_OPTIONS'        EncoderOptions       no
31389         'GENRE'                  Genre                no
31390         'ISRC'                   ISRCNumber           no
31391         'LICENSE'                License              no
31392         'LOCATION'               Location             no
31393         'METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE' Picture              FLAC Picture
31394         'ORGANIZATION'           Organization         no
31395         'PERFORMER'              Performer            no+
31396         'PRODUCER'               Producer             no
31397         'REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN'  ReplayGainAlbumGain  no
31398         'REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK'  ReplayGainAlbumPeak  no
31399         'REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN'  ReplayGainTrackGain  no
31400         'REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK'  ReplayGainTrackPeak  no
31401         'TITLE'                  Title                no
31402         'TRACKNUMBER'            TrackNumber          no
31403         'VERSION'                Version              no
31404         'vendor'                 Vendor               no
31406       Vorbis Identification Tags
31408         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31409         ------   --------                             --------
31410             0    VorbisVersion                        no
31411             4    AudioChannels                        no
31412             5    SampleRate                           no
31413             9    MaximumBitrate                       no
31414            13    NominalBitrate                       no
31415            17    MinimumBitrate                       no
31417   Opus Tags
31418       Information extracted from Ogg Opus files.  See
31419       <https://www.opus-codec.org/docs/> for the specification.
31421         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
31422         ------       --------                         --------
31423         'OpusHead'   Header                           Opus Header
31424         'OpusTags'   Comments                         Vorbis Comments
31426       Opus Header Tags
31428         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31429         ------   --------                             --------
31430             0    OpusVersion                          no
31431             1    AudioChannels                        no
31432             4    SampleRate                           no
31433             8    OutputGain                           no
31435   Theora Tags
31436       Information extracted from Ogg Theora video files.  See
31437       <http://www.theora.org/doc/Theora.pdf> for the Theora specification.
31439         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31440         ------   --------                             --------
31441         0x0080   Identification                       Theora Identification
31442         0x0081   Comments                             Vorbis Comments
31444       Theora Identification Tags
31446       Tags extracted from the Theora identification header.
31448         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31449         ------   --------                             --------
31450             0    TheoraVersion                        no
31451             7    ImageWidth                           no
31452            10    ImageHeight                          no
31453            13    XOffset                              no
31454            14    YOffset                              no
31455            15    FrameRate                            no
31456            23    PixelAspectRatio                     no
31457            29    ColorSpace                           no
31458            30    NominalVideoBitrate                  no
31459            33    Quality                              no
31460            34    PixelFormat                          no
31462   APE Tags
31463       Tags found in Monkey's Audio (APE) information.  Only a few common tags
31464       are listed below, but ExifTool will extract any tag found.  ExifTool
31465       supports APEv1 and APEv2 tags, as well as ID3 information in APE files,
31466       and will also read APE metadata from MP3 and MPC files.
31468         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
31469         ------               --------                 --------
31470         'Album'              Album                    no
31471         'Artist'             Artist                   no
31472         'DURATION'           Duration                 no
31473         'Genre'              Genre                    no
31474         'Title'              Title                    no
31475         'Tool Name'          ToolName                 no
31476         'Tool Version'       ToolVersion              no
31477         'Track'              Track                    no
31478         'Year'               Year                     no
31480       APE NewHeader Tags
31482       APE MAC audio header for version 3.98 or later.
31484         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
31485         ------   --------                             --------
31486             0    CompressionLevel                     no
31487             2    BlocksPerFrame                       no
31488             4    FinalFrameBlocks                     no
31489             6    TotalFrames                          no
31490             8    BitsPerSample                        no
31491             9    Channels                             no
31492            10    SampleRate                           no
31494       APE OldHeader Tags
31496       APE MAC audio header for version 3.97 or earlier.
31498         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
31499         ------   --------                             --------
31500             0    APEVersion                           no
31501             1    CompressionLevel                     no
31502             3    Channels                             no
31503             4    SampleRate                           no
31504            10    TotalFrames                          no
31505            12    FinalFrameBlocks                     no
31507   Audible Tags
31508       ExifTool will extract any information found in the metadata dictionary
31509       of Audible .AA files, even if not listed in the table below.
31511         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
31512         ------               --------                 --------
31513         '_chapter_count'     ChapterCount             no
31514         '_cover_art'         CoverArt                 no
31515         'author'             Author                   no
31516         'copyright'          Copyright                no
31517         'pub_date_start'     PublishDateStart         no
31518         'pubdate'            PublishDate              no
31520       Audible tags Tags
31522       Information found in "tags" atom of Audible M4B audio books.
31524         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31525         ------   --------                             --------
31526         'cvrx'   Audible_cvrx                         Audible cvrx
31527         'meta'   Audible_meta                         Audible meta
31528         'tseg'   Audible_tseg                         Audible tseg
31530       Audible cvrx Tags
31532       Audible cover art information in M4B audio books.
31534         Tag Name                                      Writable
31535         --------                                      --------
31536         CoverArt                                      no
31537         CoverArtType                                  no
31539       Audible meta Tags
31541       Information found in Audible M4B "meta" atom.
31543         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
31544         ------               --------                 --------
31545         'ALBUMARTIST'        AlbumArtist              no
31546         'Album'              Album                    no
31547         'Artist'             Artist                   no
31548         'Comment'            Comment                  no
31549         'Genre'              Genre                    no
31550         'SUBTITLE'           Subtitle                 no
31551         'TOOL'               CreatorTool              no
31552         'Title'              Title                    no
31553         'Year'               Year                     no
31554         'itunesmediatype'    iTunesMediaType          no
31555         'track'              ChapterName              no
31557       Audible tseg Tags
31559         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31560         ------   --------                             --------
31561         'meta'   Audible_meta2                        Audible meta
31562         'tshd'   ChapterNumber                        no
31564   MPC Tags
31565       Tags used in Musepack (MPC) audio files.  ExifTool also extracts ID3
31566       and APE information from these files.
31568         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
31569         ------               --------                 --------
31570         'Bit032-063'         TotalFrames              no
31571         'Bit080-081'         SampleRate               no
31572         'Bit084-087'         Quality                  no
31573         'Bit088-093'         MaxBand                  no
31574         'Bit096-111'         ReplayGainTrackPeak      no
31575         'Bit112-127'         ReplayGainTrackGain      no
31576         'Bit128-143'         ReplayGainAlbumPeak      no
31577         'Bit144-159'         ReplayGainAlbumGain      no
31578         'Bit179'             FastSeek                 no
31579         'Bit191'             Gapless                  no
31580         'Bit216-223'         EncoderVersion           no
31582   MPEG Tags
31583       The MPEG format doesn't specify any file-level meta information.  In
31584       lieu of this, information is extracted from the first audio and video
31585       frame headers in the file.
31587       MPEG Audio Tags
31589         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
31590         ------       --------                         --------
31591         'Bit11-12'   MPEGAudioVersion                 no
31592         'Bit13-14'   AudioLayer                       no
31593         'Bit16-19'   AudioBitrate                     no
31594         'Bit20-21'   SampleRate                       no
31595         'Bit24-25'   ChannelMode                      no
31596         'Bit26'      MSStereo                         no
31597         'Bit26-27'   ModeExtension                    no
31598         'Bit27'      IntensityStereo                  no
31599         'Bit28'      CopyrightFlag                    no
31600         'Bit29'      OriginalMedia                    no
31601         'Bit30-31'   Emphasis                         no
31603       MPEG Video Tags
31605         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
31606         ------       --------                         --------
31607         'Bit00-11'   ImageWidth                       no
31608         'Bit12-23'   ImageHeight                      no
31609         'Bit24-27'   AspectRatio                      no
31610         'Bit28-31'   FrameRate                        no
31611         'Bit32-49'   VideoBitrate                     no
31613       MPEG Xing Tags
31615       These tags are extracted from the Xing/Info frame.
31617         Tag Name                                      Writable
31618         --------                                      --------
31619         Encoder                                       no
31620         LameHeader                                    MPEG Lame
31621         LameQuality                                   no
31622         LameVBRQuality                                no
31623         VBRBytes                                      no
31624         VBRFrames                                     no
31625         VBRScale                                      no
31627       MPEG Lame Tags
31629       Tags extracted from Lame 3.90 or later header.
31631         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31632         ------   --------                             --------
31633             9    LameMethod                           no
31634            10    LameLowPassFilter                    no
31635            20    LameBitrate                          no
31636            24    LameStereoMode                       no
31638   M2TS Tags
31639       The MPEG-2 transport stream is used as a container for many different
31640       audio/video formats (including AVCHD).  This table lists information
31641       extracted from M2TS files.
31643         Tag Name                                      Writable
31644         --------                                      --------
31645         AudioStreamType                               no
31646         Duration                                      no
31647         VideoStreamType                               no
31648         _AC3                                          M2TS AC3
31649         _H264                                         H264
31650         _MISB                                         MISB
31652       M2TS AC3 Tags
31654       Tags extracted from AC-3 audio streams.
31656         Tag Name                                      Writable
31657         --------                                      --------
31658         AudioBitrate                                  no
31659         AudioChannels                                 no
31660         AudioSampleRate                               no
31661         SurroundMode                                  no
31663   H264 Tags
31664       Tags extracted from H.264 video streams.  The metadata for AVCHD videos
31665       is stored in this stream.
31667         Tag Name                                      Writable
31668         --------                                      --------
31669         ImageHeight                                   no
31670         ImageWidth                                    no
31671         MDPM                                          H264 MDPM
31673       H264 MDPM Tags
31675       The following tags are decoded from the Modified Digital Video Pack
31676       Metadata (MDPM) of the unregistered user data with UUID
31677       17ee8c60f84d11d98cd60800200c9a66 in the H.264 Supplemental Enhancement
31678       Information (SEI).  [Yes, this description is confusing, but nothing
31679       compared to the challenge of actually decoding the data!]  This
31680       information may exist at regular intervals through the entire video,
31681       but only the first occurrence is extracted unless the ExtractEmbedded
31682       (-ee) option is used (in which case subsequent occurrences are
31683       extracted as sub-documents).
31685         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31686         ------   --------                             --------
31687         0x0013   TimeCode                             no
31688         0x0018   DateTimeOriginal                     no
31689         0x0070   Camera1                              H264 Camera1
31690         0x0071   Camera2                              H264 Camera2
31691         0x007f   Shutter                              H264 Shutter
31692         0x00a0   ExposureTime                         no
31693         0x00a1   FNumber                              no
31694         0x00a2   ExposureProgram                      no
31695         0x00a3   BrightnessValue                      no
31696         0x00a4   ExposureCompensation                 no
31697         0x00a5   MaxApertureValue                     no
31698         0x00a6   Flash                                no
31699         0x00a7   CustomRendered                       no
31700         0x00a8   WhiteBalance                         no
31701         0x00a9   FocalLengthIn35mmFormat              no
31702         0x00aa   SceneCaptureType                     no
31703         0x00b0   GPSVersionID                         no
31704         0x00b1   GPSLatitudeRef                       no
31705         0x00b2   GPSLatitude                          no
31706         0x00b5   GPSLongitudeRef                      no
31707         0x00b6   GPSLongitude                         no
31708         0x00b9   GPSAltitudeRef                       no
31709         0x00ba   GPSAltitude                          no
31710         0x00bb   GPSTimeStamp                         no
31711         0x00be   GPSStatus                            no
31712         0x00bf   GPSMeasureMode                       no
31713         0x00c0   GPSDOP                               no
31714         0x00c1   GPSSpeedRef                          no
31715         0x00c2   GPSSpeed                             no
31716         0x00c3   GPSTrackRef                          no
31717         0x00c4   GPSTrack                             no
31718         0x00c5   GPSImgDirectionRef                   no
31719         0x00c6   GPSImgDirection                      no
31720         0x00c7   GPSMapDatum                          no
31721         0x00ca   GPSDateStamp                         no
31722         0x00e0   MakeModel                            H264 MakeModel
31723         0x00e1   RecInfo                              H264 RecInfo
31724         0x00e4   Model                                no
31725         0x00ee   FrameInfo                            H264 FrameInfo
31727       H264 Camera1 Tags
31729         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31730         ------   --------                             --------
31731             0    ApertureSetting                      no
31732             1    Gain                                 no
31733           1.1    ExposureProgram                      no
31734           2.1    WhiteBalance                         no
31735             3    Focus                                no
31737       H264 Camera2 Tags
31739         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31740         ------   --------                             --------
31741             1    ImageStabilization                   no
31743       H264 Shutter Tags
31745         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
31746         ------   --------                             --------
31747           1.1    ExposureTime                         no
31749       H264 MakeModel Tags
31751         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
31752         ------   --------                             --------
31753             0    Make                                 no
31755       H264 RecInfo Tags
31757       Recording information stored by some Canon video cameras.
31759         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31760         ------   --------                             --------
31761             0    RecordingMode                        no
31763       H264 FrameInfo Tags
31765       Frame rate information stored by some Canon video cameras.
31767         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
31768         ------   --------                             --------
31769             0    CaptureFrameRate                     no
31770             1    VideoFrameRate                       no
31772   MISB Tags
31773       These tags are extracted from STANAG-4609 MISB (Motion Industry
31774       Standards Board) KLV-format metadata in M2TS videos.
31776         Tag ID                           Tag Name     Writable
31777         ------                           --------     --------
31778         '060E2B34030101010E01030302000000' Security   MISB Security
31779         '060e2b3402030101434e415644494147'
31780                                          ChurchillNav MISB ChurchillNav
31781         '060e2b34020b01010e01030101000000'
31782                                          UASDataLink  MISB UASDatalink
31783         '<other>'                        Unknown      MISB Unknown
31785       MISB Security Tags
31787       Tags extracted from the MISB ST 0102.11 Security Metadata local set.
31789         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31790         ------   --------                             --------
31791         0x0001   SecurityClassification               no
31792         0x0002   ClassifyingCountryCodeMethod         no
31793         0x0003   ClassifyingCountry                   no
31794         0x0004   SecuritySCI-SHIInformation           no
31795         0x0005   Caveats                              no
31796         0x0006   ReleasingInstructions                no
31797         0x0007   ClassifiedBy                         no
31798         0x0008   DerivedFrom                          no
31799         0x0009   ClassificationReason                 no
31800         0x000a   DeclassificationDate                 no
31801         0x000b   ClassificationAndMarkingSystem       no
31802         0x000c   ObjectCountryCodingMethod            no
31803         0x000d   ObjectCountryCodes                   no
31804         0x000e   ClassificationComments               no
31805         0x000f   UMID                                 no
31806         0x0010   StreamID                             no
31807         0x0011   TransportStreamID                    no
31808         0x0015   ItemDesignatorID                     no
31809         0x0016   SecurityVersion                      no
31810         0x0017   ClassifyingCountryCodingMethodDate   no
31811         0x0018   ObjectCountryCodingMethodDate        no
31813       MISB ChurchillNav Tags
31815       Proprietary tags used by Churchill Navigation units.  These tags are
31816       all currently unknown, but extracted with the Unknown option.
31818         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31819         ------   --------                             --------
31820         [no tags known]
31822       MISB UASDatalink Tags
31824       Tags extracted from the MISB ST 0601.11 UAS Datalink local set.
31826         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31827         ------   --------                             --------
31828         0x0001   Checksum                             no
31829         0x0002   GPSDateTime                          no
31830         0x0003   MissionID                            no
31831         0x0004   TailNumber                           no
31832         0x0005   GPSTrack                             no
31833         0x0006   PitchAngle                           no
31834         0x0007   RollAngle                            no
31835         0x0008   TrueAirspeed                         no
31836         0x0009   IndicatedAirspeed                    no
31837         0x000a   ProjectIDCode                        no
31838         0x000b   SensorName                           no
31839         0x000c   ImageCoordinateSystem                no
31840         0x000d   GPSLatitude                          no
31841         0x000e   GPSLongitude                         no
31842         0x000f   GPSAltitude                          no
31843         0x0010   HorizontalFieldOfView                no
31844         0x0011   VerticalFieldOfView                  no
31845         0x0012   SensorRelativeAzimuthAngle           no
31846         0x0013   SensorRelativeElevationAngle         no
31847         0x0014   SensorRelativeRollAngle              no
31848         0x0015   SlantRange                           no
31849         0x0016   TargetWidth                          no
31850         0x0017   FrameCenterLatitude                  no
31851         0x0018   FrameCenterLongitude                 no
31852         0x0019   FrameCenterElevation                 no
31853         0x001a   OffsetCornerLatitude1                no
31854         0x001b   OffsetCornerLongitude1               no
31855         0x001c   OffsetCornerLatitude2                no
31856         0x001d   OffsetCornerLongitude2               no
31857         0x001e   OffsetCornerLatitude3                no
31858         0x001f   OffsetCornerLongitude3               no
31859         0x0020   OffsetCornerLatitude4                no
31860         0x0021   OffsetCornerLongitude4               no
31861         0x0022   IcingDetected                        no
31862         0x0023   WindDirection                        no
31863         0x0024   WindSpeed                            no
31864         0x0025   StaticPressure                       no
31865         0x0026   DensityAltitude                      no
31866         0x0027   AirTemperature                       no
31867         0x0028   TargetLocationLatitude               no
31868         0x0029   TargetLocationLongitude              no
31869         0x002a   TargetLocationElevation              no
31870         0x002b   TargetTrackGateWidth                 no
31871         0x002c   TargetTrackGateHeight                no
31872         0x002d   TargetErrorEstimateCE90              no
31873         0x002e   TargetErrorEstimateLE90              no
31874         0x002f   GenericFlagData01                    no
31875         0x0030   SecurityLocalMetadataSet             MISB Security
31876         0x0031   DifferentialPressure                 no
31877         0x0032   AngleOfAttack                        no
31878         0x0033   VerticalSpeed                        no
31879         0x0034   SideslipAngle                        no
31880         0x0035   AirfieldBarometricPressure           no
31881         0x0036   AirfieldElevation                    no
31882         0x0037   RelativeHumidity                     no
31883         0x0038   GPSSpeed                             no
31884         0x0039   GroundRange                          no
31885         0x003a   FuelRemaining                        no
31886         0x003b   CallSign                             no
31887         0x003c   WeaponLoad                           no
31888         0x003d   WeaponFired                          no
31889         0x003e   LaserPRFCode                         no
31890         0x003f   SensorFieldOfViewName                no
31891         0x0040   MagneticHeading                      no
31892         0x0041   UAS_LSVersionNumber                  no
31893         0x0042   TargetLocationCovarianceMatrix       no
31894         0x0043   AlternateLatitude                    no
31895         0x0044   AlternateLongitude                   no
31896         0x0045   AlternateAltitude                    no
31897         0x0046   AlternateName                        no
31898         0x0047   AlternateHeading                     no
31899         0x0048   EventStartTime                       no
31900         0x0049   RVTLocalSet                          MISB Unknown
31901         0x004a   VMTIDataSet                          MISB Unknown
31902         0x004b   SensorEllipsoidHeight                no
31903         0x004c   AlternateEllipsoidHeight             no
31904         0x004d   OperationalMode                      no
31905         0x004e   FrameCenterHeightAboveEllipsoid      no
31906         0x004f   SensorVelocityNorth                  no
31907         0x0050   SensorVelocityEast                   no
31908         0x0051   ImageHorizonPixelPack                no
31909         0x0052   CornerLatitude1                      no
31910         0x0053   CornerLongitude1                     no
31911         0x0054   CornerLatitude2                      no
31912         0x0055   CornerLongitude2                     no
31913         0x0056   CornerLatitude3                      no
31914         0x0057   CornerLongitude3                     no
31915         0x0058   CornerLatitude4                      no
31916         0x0059   CornerLongitude4                     no
31917         0x005a   FullPitchAngle                       no
31918         0x005b   FullRollAngle                        no
31919         0x005c   FullAngleOfAttack                    no
31920         0x005d   FullSideslipAngle                    no
31921         0x005e   MIISCoreIdentifier                   no
31922         0x005f   SARMotionImageryData                 MISB Unknown
31923         0x0060   TargetWidthExtended                  no
31924         0x0061   RangeImageLocalSet                   MISB Unknown
31925         0x0062   GeoregistrationLocalSet              MISB Unknown
31926         0x0063   CompositeImagingLocalSet             MISB Unknown
31927         0x0064   SegmentLocalSet                      MISB Unknown
31928         0x0065   AmendLocalSet                        MISB Unknown
31929         0x0066   SDCC-FLP                             no
31930         0x0067   DensityAltitudeExtended              no
31931         0x0068   SensorEllipsoidHeightExtended        no
31932         0x0069   AlternateEllipsoidHeightExtended     no
31934       MISB Unknown Tags
31936       Other tags are extracted with the Unknown option.
31938         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
31939         ------   --------                             --------
31940         [no tags known]
31942   Matroska Tags
31943       The following tags are extracted from Matroska multimedia container
31944       files.  This container format is used by file types such as MKA, MKV,
31945       MKS and WEBM.  For speed, by default ExifTool extracts tags only up to
31946       the first Cluster.  However, the Verbose (-v) and Unknown = 2 (-U)
31947       options force processing of Cluster data, and the ExtractEmbedded (-ee)
31948       option skips over Clusters to read subsequent tags.  See
31949       <http://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html> for the official
31950       Matroska specification.
31952         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
31953         ------       --------                         --------
31954         0x0000       ChapterDisplay                   Matroska
31955         0x0003       TrackType                        no
31956         0x0005       ChapterString                    no
31957         0x0006       VideoCodecID                     no
31958                      AudioCodecID                     no
31959                      CodecID                          no
31960         0x0008       TrackDefault                     no
31961         0x0009       ChapterTrackNumber?              no
31962         0x000e       Slices                           Matroska
31963         0x000f       ChapterTrack                     Matroska
31964         0x0011       ChapterTimeStart                 no
31965         0x0012       ChapterTimeEnd                   no
31966         0x0016       CueRefTime?                      no
31967         0x0017       CueRefCluster?                   no
31968         0x0018       ChapterFlagHidden?               no
31969         0x001a       VideoScanType                    no
31970         0x001b       BlockDuration?                   no
31971         0x001c       TrackLacing?                     no
31972         0x001f       AudioChannels                    no
31973         0x0020       BlockGroup                       Matroska
31974         0x0021       Block?                           no
31975         0x0022       BlockVirtual?                    no
31976         0x0023       SimpleBlock?                     no
31977         0x0024       CodecState?                      no
31978         0x0025       BlockAdditional?                 no
31979         0x0026       BlockMore                        Matroska
31980         0x0027       Position                         no
31981         0x002a       CodecDecodeAll                   no
31982         0x002b       PrevSize                         no
31983         0x002e       TrackEntry                       Matroska
31984         0x002f       EncryptedBlock?                  no
31985         0x0030       ImageWidth                       no
31986         0x0033       CueTime?                         no
31987         0x0035       AudioSampleRate                  no
31988         0x0036       ChapterAtom                      Matroska
31989         0x0037       CueTrackPositions                Matroska
31990         0x0039       TrackUsed                        no
31991         0x003a       ImageHeight                      no
31992         0x003b       CuePoint                         Matroska
31993         0x003f       CRC-32?                          no
31994         0x004b       BlockAdditionalID?               no
31995         0x004c       LaceNumber?                      no
31996         0x004d       FrameNumber?                     no
31997         0x004e       Delay?                           no
31998         0x004f       ClusterDuration?                 no
31999         0x0057       TrackNumber                      no
32000         0x005b       CueReference                     Matroska
32001         0x0060       Video                            Matroska
32002         0x0061       Audio                            Matroska
32003         0x0067       TimeCode?                        no
32004         0x0068       TimeSlice                        Matroska
32005         0x006a       CueCodecState?                   no
32006         0x006b       CueRefCodecState?                no
32007         0x006c       Void?                            no
32008         0x006e       BlockAddID?                      no
32009         0x0071       CueClusterPosition?              no
32010         0x0077       CueTrack?                        no
32011         0x007a       ReferencePriority?               no
32012         0x007b       ReferenceBlock?                  no
32013         0x007d       ReferenceVirtual?                no
32014         0x0254       ContentCompressionAlgorithm      no
32015         0x0255       ContentCompressionSettings?      no
32016         0x0282       DocType                          no
32017         0x0285       DocTypeReadVersion               no
32018         0x0286       EBMLVersion                      no
32019         0x0287       DocTypeVersion                   no
32020         0x02f2       EBMLMaxIDLength?                 no
32021         0x02f3       EBMLMaxSizeLength?               no
32022         0x02f7       EBMLReadVersion                  no
32023         0x037c       ChapterLanguage                  no
32024         0x037e       ChapterCountry                   no
32025         0x0444       SegmentFamily?                   no
32026         0x0461       DateTimeOriginal                 no
32027         0x047a       TagLanguageBCP47                 no
32028         0x0484       TagDefault                       no
32029         0x0485       TagBinary                        no
32030         0x0487       TagString                        no
32031         0x0489       Duration                         no
32032         0x050d       ChapterProcessPrivate?           no
32033         0x0598       ChapterFlagEnabled?              no
32034         0x05a3       TagName                          no
32035         0x05b9       EditionEntry                     Matroska
32036         0x05bc       EditionUID?                      no
32037         0x05bd       EditionFlagHidden?               no
32038         0x05db       EditionFlagDefault?              no
32039         0x05dd       EditionFlagOrdered?              no
32040         0x065c       AttachedFileData                 no
32041         0x0660       AttachedFileMIMEType             no
32042         0x066e       AttachedFileName                 no
32043         0x0675       AttachedFileReferral?            no
32044         0x067e       AttachedFileDescription          no
32045         0x06ae       AttachedFileUID                  no
32046         0x07e1       ContentEncryptionAlgorithm       no
32047         0x07e2       ContentEncryptionKeyID?          no
32048         0x07e3       ContentSignature?                no
32049         0x07e4       ContentSignatureKeyID?           no
32050         0x07e5       ContentSignatureAlgorithm        no
32051         0x07e6       ContentSignatureHashAlgorithm    no
32052         0x0d80       MuxingApp                        no
32053         0x0dbb       Seek                             Matroska
32054         0x1031       ContentEncodingOrder?            no
32055         0x1032       ContentEncodingScope?            no
32056         0x1033       ContentEncodingType              no
32057         0x1034       ContentCompression               Matroska
32058         0x1035       ContentEncryption                Matroska
32059         0x135f       CueRefNumber?                    no
32060         0x136e       TrackName                        no
32061         0x1378       CueBlockNumber?                  no
32062         0x137f       TrackOffset?                     no
32063         0x13ab       SeekID?                          no
32064         0x13ac       SeekPosition?                    no
32065         0x13b8       Stereo3DMode                     no
32066         0x14aa       CropBottom                       no
32067         0x14b0       DisplayWidth                     no
32068         0x14b2       DisplayUnit                      no
32069         0x14b3       AspectRatioType                  no
32070         0x14ba       DisplayHeight                    no
32071         0x14bb       CropTop                          no
32072         0x14cc       CropLeft                         no
32073         0x14dd       CropRight                        no
32074         0x15aa       TrackForced                      no
32075         0x15ee       MaxBlockAdditionID?              no
32076         0x1741       WritingApp                       no
32077         0x1854       SilentTracks                     Matroska
32078         0x18d7       SilentTrackNumber                no
32079         0x21a7       AttachedFile                     Matroska
32080         0x2240       ContentEncoding                  Matroska
32081         0x2264       AudioBitsPerSample               no
32082         0x23a2       CodecPrivate?                    no
32083         0x23c0       Targets                          Matroska
32084         0x23c3       ChapterPhysicalEquivalent        no
32085         0x23c4       TagChapterUID                    no
32086         0x23c5       TagTrackUID                      no
32087         0x23c6       TagAttachmentUID                 no
32088         0x23c9       TagEditionUID                    no
32089         0x23ca       TargetType                       no
32090         0x2532       SignedElement?                   no
32091         0x2624       TrackTranslate                   Matroska
32092         0x26a5       TrackTranslateTrackID?           no
32093         0x26bf       TrackTranslateCodec              no
32094         0x26fc       TrackTranslateEditionUID?        no
32095         0x27c8       SimpleTag                        Matroska
32096         0x28ca       TargetTypeValue                  no
32097         0x2911       ChapterProcessCommand            Matroska
32098         0x2922       ChapterProcessTime?              no
32099         0x2924       ChapterTranslate                 Matroska
32100         0x2933       ChapterProcessData?              no
32101         0x2944       ChapterProcess                   Matroska
32102         0x2955       ChapterProcessCodecID?           no
32103         0x29a5       ChapterTranslateID?              no
32104         0x29bf       ChapterTranslateCodec            no
32105         0x29fc       ChapterTranslateEditionUID?      no
32106         0x2d80       ContentEncodings                 Matroska
32107         0x2de7       MinCache?                        no
32108         0x2df8       MaxCache?                        no
32109         0x2e67       ChapterSegmentUID?               no
32110         0x2ebc       ChapterSegmentEditionUID?        no
32111         0x2fab       TrackOverlay?                    no
32112         0x3373       Tag                              Matroska
32113         0x3384       SegmentFileName                  no
32114         0x33a4       SegmentUID?                      no
32115         0x33c4       ChapterUID?                      no
32116         0x33c5       TrackUID                         no
32117         0x3446       TrackAttachmentUID               no
32118         0x35a1       BlockAdditions                   Matroska
32119         0x38b5       OutputAudioSampleRate            no
32120         0x3ba9       Title                            no
32121         0x3d7b       ChannelPositions?                no
32122         0x3e5b       SignatureElements                Matroska
32123         0x3e7b       SignatureElementList             Matroska
32124         0x3e8a       SignatureAlgo                    no
32125         0x3e9a       SignatureHash                    no
32126         0x3ea5       SignaturePublicKey?              no
32127         0x3eb5       Signature?                       no
32128         0x7670       Projection                       Matroska Projection
32129         0x2b59c      TrackLanguage                    no
32130         0x2b59d      TrackLanguageIETF                no
32131         0x3314f      TrackTimecodeScale               no
32132         0x383e3      FrameRate                        no
32133         0x3e383      VideoFrameRate                   no
32134                      DefaultDuration                  no
32135         0x58688      VideoCodecName                   no
32136                      AudioCodecName                   no
32137                      CodecName                        no
32138         0x6b240      CodecDownloadURL                 no
32139         0xad7b1      TimecodeScale                    no
32140         0xeb524      ColorSpace?                      no
32141         0xfb523      Gamma                            no
32142         0x1a9697     CodecSettings                    no
32143         0x1b4040     CodecInfoURL                     no
32144         0x1c83ab     PrevFileName                     no
32145         0x1cb923     PrevUID?                         no
32146         0x1e83bb     NextFileName                     no
32147         0x1eb923     NextUID?                         no
32148         0x43a770     Chapters                         Matroska
32149         0x14d9b74    SeekHead                         Matroska
32150         0x254c367    Tags                             Matroska
32151         0x549a966    Info                             Matroska
32152         0x654ae6b    Tracks                           Matroska
32153         0x8538067    SegmentHeader                    Matroska
32154         0x941a469    Attachments                      Matroska
32155         0xa45dfa3    EBMLHeader                       Matroska
32156         0xb538667    SignatureSlot                    Matroska
32157         0xc53bb6b    Cues                             Matroska
32158         0xf43b675    Cluster                          Matroska
32160       Matroska Projection Tags
32162       Projection tags defined by the Spherical Video V2 specification.  See
32163       <https://github.com/google/spatial-media/blob/master/docs/spherical-video-v2-rfc.md>
32164       for the specification.
32166         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
32167         ------   --------                             --------
32168         0x7671   ProjectionType                       no
32169         0x7672   EquirectangularProj                  QuickTime equi
32170                  CubemapProj                          QuickTime cbmp
32171                  ProjectionPrivate                    no
32172         0x7673   ProjectionPoseYaw                    no
32173         0x7674   ProjectionPosePitch                  no
32174         0x7675   ProjectionPoseRoll                   no
32176       Matroska StdTag Tags
32178       Standardized Matroska tags, stored in a SimpleTag structure (see
32179       <https://www.matroska.org/technical/tagging.html>).
32181         Tag ID                  Tag Name              Writable
32182         ------                  --------              --------
32183         'ACCOMPANIMENT'         Accompaniment         no
32184         'ACTOR'                 Actor                 no
32185         'ADDRESS'               Address               no
32186         'ARRANGER'              Arranger              no
32187         'ARTIST'                Artist                no
32188         'ART_DIRECTOR'          ArtDirector           no
32189         'ASSISTANT_DIRECTOR'    AssistantDirector     no
32190         'BARCODE'               Barcode               no
32191         'BPM'                   BPM                   no
32192         'BPS'                   BPS                   no
32193         'CATALOG_NUMBER'        CatalogNumber         no
32194         'CHARACTER'             Character             no
32195         'CHOREGRAPHER'          Choregrapher          no
32196         'COMMENT'               Comment               no
32197         'COMPOSER'              Composer              no
32198         'COMPOSER_NATIONALITY'  ComposerNationality   no
32199         'COMPOSITION_LOCATION'  CompositionLocation   no
32200         'CONDUCTOR'             Conductor             no
32201         'CONTENT_TYPE'          ContentType           no
32202         'COPRODUCER'            Coproducer            no
32203         'COPYRIGHT'             Copyright             no
32204         'COSTUME_DESIGNER'      CostumeDesigner       no
32205         'COUNTRY'               Country               no
32206         'DATE_DIGITIZED'        CreateDate            no
32207         'DATE_ENCODED'          DateEncoded           no
32208         'DATE_PURCHASED'        DatePurchased         no
32209         'DATE_RECORDED'         DateTimeOriginal      no
32210         'DATE_RELEASED'         DateReleased          no
32211         'DATE_TAGGED'           DateTagged            no
32212         'DATE_WRITTEN'          DateWritten           no
32213         'DESCRIPTION'           Description           no
32214         'DIRECTOR'              Director              no
32216                                 DirectorOfPhotography no
32217         'DISTRIBUTED_BY'        DistributedBy         no
32218         'EDITED_BY'             EditedBy              no
32219         'EMAIL'                 Email                 no
32220         'ENCODED_BY'            EncodedBy             no
32221         'ENCODER'               Encoder               no
32222         'ENCODER_SETTINGS'      EncoderSettings       no
32223         'EXECUTIVE_PRODUCER'    ExecutiveProducer     no
32224         'FAX'                   FAX                   no
32225         'FPS'                   FPS                   no
32226         'GENRE'                 Genre                 no
32227         'IMDB'                  IMDB                  no
32228         'INITIAL_KEY'           InitialKey            no
32229         'INSTRUMENTS'           Instruments           no
32230         'ISBN'                  ISBN                  no
32231         'ISRC'                  ISRC                  no
32232         'KEYWORDS'              Keywords              no
32233         'LABEL'                 Label                 no
32234         'LABEL_CODE'            LabelCode             no
32235         'LAW_RATING'            LawRating             no
32236         'LCCN'                  Lccn                  no
32237         'LEAD_PERFORMER'        LeadPerformer         no
32238         'LICENSE'               License               no
32239         'LYRICIST'              Lyricist              no
32240         'LYRICS'                Lyrics                no
32241         'MASTERED_BY'           MasteredBy            no
32242         'MCDI'                  MCDI                  no
32243         'MEASURE'               Measure               no
32244         'MIXED_BY'              MixedBy               no
32245         'MOOD'                  Mood                  no
32246         'ORIGINAL'              Original              no
32247         'ORIGINAL_MEDIA_TYPE'   OriginalMediaType     no
32248         'PART_NUMBER'           PartNumber            no
32249         'PART_OFFSET'           PartOffset            no
32250         'PERIOD'                Period                no
32251         'PHONE'                 Phone                 no
32252         'PLAY_COUNTER'          PlayCounter           no
32253         'PRODUCER'              Producer              no
32254         'PRODUCTION_COPYRIGHT'  ProductionCopyright   no
32255         'PRODUCTION_DESIGNER'   ProductionDesigner    no
32256         'PRODUCTION_STUDIO'     ProductionStudio      no
32257         'PUBLISHER'             Publisher             no
32258         'PURCHASE_CURRENCY'     PurchaseCurrency      no
32259         'PURCHASE_INFO'         PurchaseInfo          no
32260         'PURCHASE_ITEM'         PurchaseItem          no
32261         'PURCHASE_OWNER'        PurchaseOwner         no
32262         'PURCHASE_PRICE'        PurchasePrice         no
32263         'RATING'                Rating                no
32264         'RECORDING_LOCATION'    RecordingLocation     no
32265         'REMIXED_BY'            RemixedBy             no
32266         'REPLAYGAIN_GAIN'       ReplaygainGain        no
32267         'REPLAYGAIN_PEAK'       ReplaygainPeak        no
32268         'SAMPLE'                Sample                no
32269         'SCREENPLAY_BY'         ScreenplayBy          no
32270         'SORT_WITH'             SortWith              no
32271         'SOUND_ENGINEER'        SoundEngineer         no
32272         'SPHERICAL-VIDEO'       SphericalVideoXML     XMP
32273         'SUBJECT'               Subject               no
32274         'SUBTITLE'              Subtitle              no
32275         'SUMMARY'               Summary               no
32276         'SYNOPSIS'              Synopsis              no
32277         'TERMS_OF_USE'          TermsOfUse            no
32278         'THANKS_TO'             ThanksTo              no
32279         'TITLE'                 Title                 no
32280         'TMDB'                  TMDB                  no
32281         'TOTAL_PARTS'           TotalParts            no
32282         'TUNING'                Tuning                no
32283         'TVDB'                  TVDB                  no
32284         'URL'                   URL                   no
32285         'WRITTEN_BY'            WrittenBy             no
32286         'spherical-video'       SphericalVideoXML     XMP
32288   MOI Tags
32289       MOI files store information about associated MOD or TOD files, and are
32290       written by some JVC, Canon and Panasonic camcorders.
32292         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
32293         ------   --------                             --------
32294             0    MOIVersion                           no
32295             6    DateTimeOriginal                     no
32296            14    Duration                             no
32297           128    AspectRatio                          no
32298           132    AudioCodec                           no
32299           134    AudioBitrate                         no
32300           218    VideoBitrate                         no
32302   MXF Tags
32303       Tags extracted from Material Exchange Format files.  Tag ID's are not
32304       listed because they are bulky 16-byte binary values.
32306         Tag Name                                      Writable
32307         --------                                      --------
32308         AAFManufacturerID?                            no
32309         AES3PCMDescriptor                             MXF
32310         AFDAndBarData?                                no
32311         AGICOAID?                                     no
32312         AICI?                                         no
32313         AIFCSummary?                                  no
32314         ANCPacketCount                                no
32315         ANCPayloadByteArray                           no
32316         ANCPayloadSampleCoding                        no
32317         ANCPayloadSampleCount                         no
32318         ANCWrappingType                               no
32319         Abstract                                      no
32320         Abstract                                      no
32321         AccountingReferenceNumber                     no
32322         ActiveFormatDescriptor                        no
32323         ActiveLinesperFrame                           no
32324         ActiveSamplesperLine                          no
32325         ActiveState                                   no
32326         Ad-ID?                                        no
32327         Address                                       MXF
32328         AddressLine                                   no
32329         AddressLine                                   no
32330         AddressNameValueSets?                         no
32331         AddressSets?                                  no
32332         AdvertisingMaterialReference                  no
32333         AestheticValue                                no
32334         AlphaMaximumRef                               no
32335         AlphaMinimumRef                               no
32336         AlphaSampleDepth                              no
32337         AlphaTransparency                             no
32338         AlternateName                                 no
32339         AlternateName                                 no
32340         Alternates?                                   no
32341         AnalogDataCodingKind                          no
32342         AnalogMetadataCarrier                         no
32343         AnalogMonitoringAndControlCodingKind          no
32344         AnalogSystem                                  no
32345         AnalogVideoSystemName                         no
32346         AnalogVideoSystemName?                        no
32347         AnamorphicLensCharacteristic                  no
32348         AnchorOffset                                  no
32349         AncillaryResourceID?                          no
32350         AngleToNorth                                  no
32351         AngularUnitKind                               no
32352         Annotation?                                   no
32353         Annotation                                    MXF
32354         AnnotationCueWordsSet?                        no
32355         AnnotationDescription                         no
32356         AnnotationDescription                         no
32357         AnnotationKind                                no
32358         AnnotationKind                                no
32359         AnnotationParticipantSets?                    no
32360         AnnotationSets?                               no
32361         AnnotationSynopsis                            no
32362         AnnotationSynopsis                            no
32363         ApplicationEnvironmentID                      no
32364         ApplicationInformationArray?                  no
32365         ApplicationName                               no
32366         ApplicationName                               no
32367         ApplicationPlatform                           no
32368         ApplicationPlatform                           no
32369         ApplicationPlug-InBatch?                      no
32370         ApplicationPlug-InInstanceID?                 no
32371         ApplicationProductID?                         no
32372         ApplicationScheme?                            no
32373         ApplicationSchemeBatch?                       no
32374         ApplicationSupplierName                       no
32375         ApplicationSupplierName                       no
32376         ApplicationVersionNumber                      no
32377         ApplicationVersionString                      no
32378         ApplicationVersionString                      no
32379         ApproximateImageContainerSize                 no
32380         ArchiveID                                     no
32381         AssetValue                                    no
32382         AssignedCategoryName                          no
32383         AssignedCategoryName                          no
32384         AssignedCategoryValue                         no
32385         AssignedCategoryValue                         no
32386         AssociatedMetadataDefinition?                 no
32387         AstronomicalBodyName                          no
32388         AstronomicalBodyName                          no
32389         AudienceAppreciation                          no
32390         AudienceRating                                no
32391         AudienceReach                                 no
32392         AudienceShare                                 no
32393         AudioAverageBitrate                           no
32394         AudioCodingSchemeCode                         no
32395         AudioCodingSchemeID?                          no
32396         AudioCodingSchemeName                         no
32397         AudioCompressionAlgorithm                     no
32398         AudioDeviceKind                               no
32399         AudioDeviceParameter                          no
32400         AudioDeviceParameterSetting                   no
32401         AudioEnhancementOrModificationDescription     no
32402         AudioFirstMix-DownProcess                     no
32403         AudioFixedBitrateFlag                         no
32404         AudioMonoChannelCount                         no
32405         AudioNoiseReductionAlgorithm                  no
32406         AudioReferenceLevel                           no
32407         AudioReferenceLevel                           no
32408         AudioSampleRate                               no
32409         AudioSampleRate                               no
32410         AudioStereoChannelCount                       no
32411         AudioWatermarkKind                            no
32412         AuthenticationFlag                            no
32413         AuxiliaryBitsMode                             no
32414         AvailableRepresentations?                     no
32415         AverageBytesPerSecond                         no
32416         Award                                         MXF
32417         AwardCategory                                 no
32418         AwardCategory                                 no
32419         AwardName                                     no
32420         AwardName                                     no
32421         AwardParticipantSets?                         no
32422         AwardSets?                                    no
32423         BICI?                                         no
32424         BackgroundMusicFlag                           no
32425         BankDetailsSet?                               no
32426         BeginAnchor                                   no
32427         BeginAnchor                                   no
32428         BextCodingHistory                             no
32429         BextCodingHistory                             no
32430         Bitrate                                       no
32431         BitsPerAudioSample                            no
32432         BitsPerPixel                                  no
32433         BitsPerPixel                                  no
32434         BitsPerSample                                 no
32435         BlackReferenceLevel                           no
32436         BlockAlign                                    no
32437         BlockContinuityCount                          no
32438         BlockStartOffset                              no
32439         BoundingRectangle?                            no
32440         BrandMainTitle                                no
32441         BrandMainTitle                                no
32442         BrandOriginalTitle                            no
32443         BrandOriginalTitle                            no
32444         Branding                                      MXF
32445         BrandingSets?                                 no
32446         BroadcastChannel                              no
32447         BroadcastDate                                 no
32448         BroadcastMediumCode                           no
32449         BroadcastMediumKind                           no
32450         BroadcastOrganizationName                     no
32451         BroadcastOrganizationName                     no
32452         BroadcastRegion                               no
32453         BroadcastRegion                               no
32454         BroadcastServiceName                          no
32455         BroadcastTime                                 no
32456         BroadcasterRightsToCopy                       no
32457         BufferDelay?                                  no
32458         BuildingName                                  no
32459         BuildingName                                  no
32460         Bypass                                        no
32461         BypassOverride                                no
32462         ByteOffset                                    no
32463         ByteOrder                                     no
32464         CBEStartOffset                                no
32465         CDCIEssenceDescriptor                         MXF
32466         CISACLegalEntityID?                           no
32467         CaptionDescription                            MXF
32468         CaptionDescriptionSets?                       no
32469         CaptionKind                                   no
32470         CaptionKind                                   no
32471         CaptionTitles                                 no
32472         CaptionsDescriptionParticipantSets?           no
32473         CaptionsViaTeletext                           no
32474         CaptureAspectRatio                            no
32475         CaptureFilmFrameRate                          no
32476         CaptureGammaEquation                          no
32477         CaptureGammaEquation                          no
32478         CaptureGammaEquation?                         no
32479         CatalogDataStatus                             no
32480         CatalogDataStatus                             no
32481         CatalogPrefixNumber                           no
32482         CatalogingSystemName                          no
32483         CentralTelephoneNumber                        no
32484         ChannelAssignment?                            no
32485         ChannelCount                                  no
32486         ChannelHandle                                 no
32487         ChannelID                                     no
32488         ChannelIDs                                    no
32489         ChannelStatusMode                             no
32490         CipherAlgorithm?                              no
32491         CipherAlgorithmAES128CBC?                     no
32492         Citizenship                                   no
32493         Citizenship                                   no
32494         CityName                                      no
32495         CityName                                      no
32496         ClassDefinitions?                             no
32497         Classification                                MXF
32498         ClassificationAndMarkingSystem                no
32499         ClassificationComment                         no
32500         ClassificationComment                         no
32501         ClassificationNameValueSets?                  no
32502         ClassificationReason                          no
32503         ClassificationSets?                           no
32504         ClassifiedBy                                  no
32505         ClassifyingCountryCode                        no
32506         ClipCreationDateTime                          no
32507         ClipFramework                                 MXF
32508         ClipID                                        no
32509         ClipIDArray?                                  no
32510         ClipKind                                      no
32511         ClipNumber                                    no
32512         ClipNumber                                    no
32513         ClipShotSets?                                 no
32514         CloneCount                                    no
32515         ClosedBodyPartition?                          no
32516         ClosedCaptionSubtitlesFlag                    no
32517         ClosedCompleteBodyPartition?                  no
32518         ClosedCompleteHeader                          MXF Header
32519         ClosedGOPIndicator                            no
32520         ClosedHeader                                  MXF Header
32521         CodecDefinition?                              no
32522         CodecDefinition?                              no
32523         CodecDefinitions?                             no
32524         CodecEssenceDescriptor?                       no
32525         CodecEssenceKinds?                            no
32526         CodedContentScanningKind                      no
32527         CodingLawKind                                 no
32528         CodingLawName                                 no
32529         CodingStyleDefault?                           no
32530         CollectionName                                no
32531         CollectionName                                no
32532         ColorDescriptor                               no
32533         ColorDescriptor                               no
32534         ColorFieldCode                                no
32535         ColorPrimaries                                no
32536         ColorPrimaries?                               no
32537         ColorRangeLevels                              no
32538         ColorSiting                                   no
32539         ColorimetryCode                               no
32540         ColorimetryCode?                              no
32541         CommunicationSets?                            no
32542         Communications                                MXF
32543         CompleteFooter?                               no
32544         ComponentAttributes?                          no
32545         ComponentDataDefinition                       no
32546         ComponentDepth                                no
32547         ComponentKLVData?                             no
32548         ComponentMaximumRef                           no
32549         ComponentMinimumRef                           no
32550         ComponentUserComments?                        no
32551         ComponentsInSequence?                         no
32552         CompositionRendering?                         no
32553         ComputedKeyData                               no
32554         ComputedKeyFrames                             no
32555         ComputedKeySounds                             no
32556         ComputedKeywords                              no
32557         ComputedKeywords                              no
32558         ComputedObjectKind                            no
32559         ComputedObjectKind                            no
32560         ComputedStratumKind                           no
32561         ConstantBPictureFlag                          no
32562         ConsumerRightsToCopy                          no
32563         ContactDepartmentName                         no
32564         ContactDepartmentName                         no
32565         ContactID?                                    no
32566         ContactKind                                   no
32567         ContactKind                                   no
32568         ContactNameValueSets?                         no
32569         ContactsList                                  MXF
32570         ContactsListSet?                              no
32571         ContainerDefinitions?                         no
32572         ContainerLastModifyDate                       no
32573         ContainerVersion                              no
32574         ContentClassification                         no
32575         ContentClassification                         no
32576         ContentCodingSystem                           no
32577         ContentMaturityDescription                    no
32578         ContentMaturityGraphic                        no
32579         ContentMaturityRating                         no
32580         ContentPackageIndexArray?                     no
32581         ContentPackageMetadataLink                    no
32582         ContentStorage?                               no
32583         ContentStorageSet                             MXF
32584         ContentValue                                  no
32585         ContextDescription                            no
32586         ContiguousDataFlag                            no
32587         Contract                                      MXF
32588         ContractClauseDescription                     no
32589         ContractClauseDescription                     no
32590         ContractDateTime                              no
32591         ContractEntity                                no
32592         ContractInstallmentPercentage                 no
32593         ContractLineCode                              no
32594         ContractLineName                              no
32595         ContractLineName                              no
32596         ContractParticipantSets?                      no
32597         ContractSets?                                 no
32598         ContractTermsOfBusiness                       no
32599         ContractTermsOfBusiness                       no
32600         ContractType                                  no
32601         ContractType                                  no
32602         ContractTypeCode                              no
32603         ContractTypeLink                              no
32604         ContributionStatus                            no
32605         ContributionStatus                            no
32606         ControlPointList?                             no
32607         ControlPointTime                              no
32608         CopyCount                                     no
32609         CopyrightLicenseCountryCode                   no
32610         CopyrightLicenseRegionCode                    no
32611         CopyrightLicenseRegionName                    no
32612         CopyrightOwnerName                            no
32613         CopyrightOwnerName                            no
32614         CopyrightStatus                               no
32615         CopyrightStatus                               no
32616         CornerLatitudePoint1                          no
32617         CornerLatitudePoint1                          no
32618         CornerLatitudePoint2                          no
32619         CornerLatitudePoint2                          no
32620         CornerLatitudePoint3                          no
32621         CornerLatitudePoint3                          no
32622         CornerLatitudePoint4                          no
32623         CornerLatitudePoint4                          no
32624         CornerLongitudePoint1                         no
32625         CornerLongitudePoint1                         no
32626         CornerLongitudePoint2                         no
32627         CornerLongitudePoint2                         no
32628         CornerLongitudePoint3                         no
32629         CornerLongitudePoint3                         no
32630         CornerLongitudePoint4                         no
32631         CornerLongitudePoint4                         no
32632         CountryCodeMethod                             no
32633         CountryCodeMethod                             no
32634         CountryName                                   no
32635         CountryName                                   no
32636         CountryName                                   no
32637         CountryName                                   no
32638         CreateDate                                    no
32639         CryptographicContext                          MXF
32640         CryptographicContextID?                       no
32641         CryptographicContextLink?                     no
32642         CryptographicContextObject?                   no
32643         CryptographicFramework                        MXF
32644         CryptographicFrameworkLabel?                  no
32645         CryptographicKeyID?                           no
32646         Csiz                                          no
32647         Cue-InWords                                   no
32648         Cue-InWords                                   no
32649         Cue-OutWords                                  no
32650         Cue-OutWords                                  no
32651         CueWords                                      MXF
32652         CulturalValue                                 no
32653         CurrencyCode                                  no
32654         CurrencyName                                  no
32655         CurrentNumberInSequence                       no
32656         CurrentNumberInSequence                       no
32657         CurrentRepeatNumber                           no
32658         CutPoint                                      no
32659         DMFramework                                   MXF
32660         DMSegment                                     MXF
32661         DMSet                                         MXF
32662         DMSourceClip                                  MXF
32663         DOI?                                          no
32664         DVBParentalRating                             no
32665         DataDefinition?                               no
32666         DataDefinitions?                              no
32667         DataDeviceKind                                no
32668         DataDeviceParameterName                       no
32669         DataDeviceParameterSetting                    no
32670         DataEnhancementOrModificationDescription      no
32671         DataEssenceCoding                             no
32672         DataEssenceCodingID?                          no
32673         DateTimeDropFrameFlag                         no
32674         DateTimeEmbeddedFlag                          no
32675         DateTimeKind?                                 no
32676         DateTimeRate                                  no
32677         DeclassificationDate                          no
32678         DefaultDataValue?                             no
32679         DefaultFadeDuration                           no
32680         DefaultFadeEditRate                           no
32681         DefaultFadeType?                              no
32682         DefaultNamespaceURI                           no
32683         DefaultNamespaceURI                           no
32684         DefaultObject?                                no
32685         DefinedName                                   no
32686         DefinedName                                   no
32687         DefinitionObjectID?                           no
32688         DefinitionObjectName                          no
32689         DefinitionObjectName                          no
32690         DegradedEffects?                              no
32691         DeltaEntryArray?                              no
32692         DerivedFrom                                   no
32693         Description                                   no
32694         Description                                   no
32695         DescriptionKind                               no
32696         DescriptionKind                               no
32697         DescriptiveComment                            no
32698         DescriptiveComment                            no
32699         DescriptiveMetadataApplicationEnvironmentID   no
32700         DescriptiveMetadataFramework?                 no
32701         DescriptiveMetadataPlug-InID?                 no
32702         DescriptiveMetadataScheme?                    no
32703         DescriptiveMetadataSchemes?                   no
32704         DescriptiveMetadataSetReferences?             no
32705         DescriptiveMetadataSets?                      no
32706         DescriptiveMetadataTrackIDs                   no
32707         DeviceAbsoluteHeading                         no
32708         DeviceAbsolutePositionalAccuracy              no
32709         DeviceAbsoluteSpeed                           no
32710         DeviceAltitude                                no
32711         DeviceAltitude                                no
32712         DeviceAssetNumber                             no
32713         DeviceDesignation                             no
32714         DeviceIDKind                                  no
32715         DeviceKind                                    no
32716         DeviceKind                                    no
32717         DeviceKindCode                                no
32718         DeviceLatitude                                no
32719         DeviceLatitude                                no
32720         DeviceLatitude                                no
32721         DeviceLongitude                               no
32722         DeviceLongitude                               no
32723         DeviceLongitude                               no
32724         DeviceManufacturerName                        no
32725         DeviceManufacturerName                        no
32726         DeviceModel                                   no
32727         DeviceParameterNameValueSets?                 no
32728         DeviceParameters                              MXF
32729         DeviceParametersSets?                         no
32730         DeviceRelativeHeading                         no
32731         DeviceRelativePositionX                       no
32732         DeviceRelativePositionY                       no
32733         DeviceRelativePositionZ                       no
32734         DeviceRelativePositionalAccuracy              no
32735         DeviceRelativeSpeed                           no
32736         DeviceSerialNumber                            no
32737         DeviceUsageDescription                        no
32738         DeviceUsageDescription                        no
32739         DeviceXDimension                              no
32740         DeviceYDimension                              no
32741         DialNorm                                      no
32742         Dictionary?                                   no
32743         DictionaryDescription                         no
32744         DictionaryDescription                         no
32745         DictionaryIdentifier?                         no
32746         DigitalEncodingBitrate                        no
32747         DigitalMetadataCarrier                        no
32748         DigitalOrAnalogOrigination                    no
32749         DigitalVideoFileFormat                        no
32750         DirectorName                                  no
32751         DiscPartitionCapacity                         no
32752         DisplayF2Offset                               no
32753         DisplayHeight                                 no
32754         DisplayUnits                                  no
32755         DisplayUnits                                  no
32756         DisplayWidth                                  no
32757         DisplayXOffset                                no
32758         DisplayYOffset                                no
32759         Dither                                        no
32760         DropFrame                                     no
32761         Duration                                      no
32762         DynamicSourcePackageID?                       no
32763         DynamicSourceTrackIDs                         no
32764         E-mailAddress                                 no
32765         E-mailAddress                                 no
32766         EPGProgramSynopsis                            no
32767         EdgeCode                                      no
32768         EdgeCodeFilmGauge?                            no
32769         EdgeCodeFormat?                               no
32770         EdgeCodeHeader?                               no
32771         EdgeCodeStart                                 no
32772         EditHint?                                     no
32773         EditRate                                      no
32774         EditUnitFlags                                 no
32775         EditUnitLength                                no
32776         EditingEventComment                           no
32777         EditingEventComment                           no
32778         EffectRendering?                              no
32779         ElectrospatialFormulation                     no
32780         ElementCount                                  no
32781         ElementDelta                                  no
32782         ElementLength                                 no
32783         ElementNameList                               no
32784         Emphasis                                      no
32785         EncryptedContainerLabel?                      no
32786         EncryptedSourceValue?                         no
32787         EncryptedTrackFileID?                         no
32788         EndAnchor                                     no
32789         EndAnchor                                     no
32790         EnhancementOrModificationDescription          no
32791         EnumerationUnderlyingIntegerType?             no
32792         EpisodeEndNumber                              no
32793         EpisodeNumber                                 no
32794         EpisodeNumber                                 no
32795         EpisodeStartNumber                            no
32796         EpisodicItemSets?                             no
32797         EssenceContainerArray?                        no
32798         EssenceContainerDataSet                       MXF
32799         EssenceContainerFormat?                       no
32800         EssenceContainerFormat?                       no
32801         EssenceContainers?                            no
32802         EssenceData?                                  no
32803         EssenceDescription?                           no
32804         EssenceIsIdentified                           no
32805         EssenceLength                                 no
32806         EssenceLocators?                              no
32807         EssenceStreamID                               no
32808         Event                                         MXF
32809         EventAbsoluteDuration                         no
32810         EventAbsoluteDuration?                        no
32811         EventAbsoluteDurationFrameCount               no
32812         EventAnnotationSets?                          no
32813         EventElapsedTimeToEnd                         no
32814         EventElapsedTimeToStart                       no
32815         EventEndTimeOffset                            no
32816         EventEndTimecodeOffset?                       no
32817         EventIndication                               no
32818         EventIndication                               no
32819         EventOrigin                                   no
32820         EventSets?                                    no
32821         EventStart                                    no
32822         EventStartTimeOffset                          no
32823         EventStartTimecodeOffset?                     no
32824         EventTrack                                    MXF
32825         EventTrackEditRate                            no
32826         ExCCIData?                                    no
32827         ExposedAspectRatio                            no
32828         ExtendedCaptionsLanguageCode                  no
32829         ExtendedClipID                                no
32830         ExtendedClipIDArray?                          no
32831         ExtendedTextLanguageCode                      no
32832         ExtendibleElementNameList                     no
32833         FNumber                                       no
32834         Fade-InDuration                               no
32835         Fade-InType?                                  no
32836         Fade-OutDuration                              no
32837         Fade-OutType?                                 no
32838         FamilyName                                    no
32839         FamilyName                                    no
32840         FaxNumber                                     no
32841         FaxNumber                                     no
32842         FemaleLeadActressName                         no
32843         FestivalName                                  no
32844         FestivalName                                  no
32845         FieldDominance                                no
32846         FieldFrameTypeCode                            no
32847         FieldOfViewHorizontal                         no
32848         FieldOfViewHorizontal                         no
32849         FieldOfViewVertical                           no
32850         FieldOfViewVerticalFP                         no
32851         FieldRate                                     no
32852         FileDescriptor                                MXF
32853         FileDescriptors?                              no
32854         FileSecurityReport                            no
32855         FileSecurityWave                              no
32856         FillerData?                                   no
32857         FilmBatchNumber                               no
32858         FilmBatchNumber                               no
32859         FilmCaptureAperture                           no
32860         FilmColorProcess                              no
32861         FilmFormatName                                no
32862         FilmFormatName                                no
32863         FilmFormatName?                               no
32864         FilmGauge?                                    no
32865         FilmStockKind                                 no
32866         FilmStockKind                                 no
32867         FilmStockManufacturerName                     no
32868         FilmStockManufacturerName                     no
32869         FilmTestParameter                             no
32870         FilmTestResult                                no
32871         FilmTestResult?                               no
32872         FilmToVideoTransferDirection?                 no
32873         FilmToVideoTransferKind?                      no
32874         FilmToVideoTransferPhase?                     no
32875         FilteringApplied                              no
32876         FilteringCode                                 no
32877         FirstBroadcastFlag                            no
32878         FirstGivenName                                no
32879         FirstGivenName                                no
32880         FirstNumberInSequence                         no
32881         FirstNumberInSequence                         no
32882         FirstTransmissionInfo                         no
32883         FixedArrayElementType?                        no
32884         FixedChannelStatusData?                       no
32885         FixedUserData?                                no
32886         FocalLength                                   no
32887         FocalLength                                   no
32888         Footer?                                       no
32889         FormatDescriptor                              no
32890         FormatDescriptor                              no
32891         FormerFamilyName                              no
32892         FormerFamilyName                              no
32893         FrameCenterElevation                          no
32894         FrameCenterLatitude                           no
32895         FrameCenterLatitude                           no
32896         FrameCenterLatitude                           no
32897         FrameCenterLatitudeLongitude                  no
32898         FrameCenterLongitude                          no
32899         FrameCenterLongitude                          no
32900         FrameCenterLongitude                          no
32901         FrameCode                                     no
32902         FrameCount                                    no
32903         FrameCountOffset                              no
32904         FrameLayout                                   no
32905         FramePositionalAccuracy                       no
32906         FrameRate                                     no
32907         FrameworkExtendedTextLanguageCode             no
32908         FrameworkTextLanguageCode                     no
32909         FrameworkThesaurusName                        no
32910         FrameworkThesaurusName                        no
32911         FrameworkTitle                                no
32912         FrameworkTitle                                no
32913         GenerationCloneNumber                         no
32914         GenerationCopyNumber                          no
32915         GenerationID?                                 no
32916         GenericDataEssenceDescriptor                  MXF
32917         GenericPackage                                MXF
32918         GenericPayloads?                              no
32919         GenericPictureEssenceDescriptor               MXF
32920         GenericSoundEssenceDescriptor                 MXF
32921         GenericTrack                                  MXF
32922         Genre                                         no
32923         Genre                                         no
32924         GeographicAreaNorthwest?                      no
32925         GeographicAreaSourceDatum                     no
32926         GeographicAreaSoutheast?                      no
32927         GeographicLocation?                           no
32928         GeographicPolygonCoordinates?                 no
32929         GeographicPolygonSourceDatum                  no
32930         GeographicalCoordinates?                      no
32931         GlobalNumber                                  no
32932         GraphicKind                                   no
32933         GraphicUsageKind                              no
32934         GraphicUsageKind                              no
32935         GroupRelationship                             MXF
32936         GroupSet?                                     no
32937         GroupSets?                                    no
32938         GroupSynopsis                                 no
32939         GroupSynopsis                                 no
32940         HMACAlgorithmSHA1128?                         no
32941         HTMLDOCTYPE                                   no
32942         HTMLDOCTYPE                                   no
32943         HTMLMetaDescription                           no
32944         HTMLMetaDescription                           no
32945         HardwareAcceleratorFlag                       no
32946         HasAudioWatermark                             no
32947         HasVideoWatermark                             no
32948         HeaderByteCount                               no
32949         HistoricalValue                               no
32950         HonorsAndQualifications                       no
32951         HonorsAndQualifications                       no
32952         HorizontalActionSafePercentage                no
32953         HorizontalDatum                               no
32954         HorizontalGraphicsSafePercentage              no
32955         HorizontalSubsampling                         no
32956         IBTN?                                         no
32957         IEEEDeviceID                                  no
32958         IEEEManufacturerID                            no
32959         ISAN?                                         no
32960         ISBD?                                         no
32961         ISBN?                                         no
32962         ISCI?                                         no
32963         ISMN?                                         no
32964         ISO3166CountryCode                            no
32965         ISO639-1LanguageCode                          no
32966         ISO639-1LanguageCode                          no
32967         ISO639CaptionsLanguageCode                    no
32968         ISO639TextLanguageCode                        no
32969         ISRC?                                         no
32970         ISRN?                                         no
32971         ISSN?                                         no
32972         ISTC?                                         no
32973         ISWC?                                         no
32974         IdenticalGOPIndicator                         no
32975         Identification                                MXF
32976         Identification                                MXF
32977         IdentificationList?                           no
32978         IdentificationSets?                           no
32979         IdentificationUL?                             no
32980         IdentifierIssuingAuthority                    no
32981         IdentifierIssuingAuthority                    no
32982         IdentifierKind                                no
32983         IdentifierValue                               no
32984         ImageAlignmentOffset                          no
32985         ImageCategory                                 no
32986         ImageCoordinateSystem                         no
32987         ImageEndOffset                                no
32988         ImageFormatSet?                               no
32989         ImageHeight                                   no
32990         ImageSourceDeviceKind                         no
32991         ImageSourceDeviceKind                         no
32992         ImageStartOffset                              no
32993         ImageWidth                                    no
32994         IncludeSync                                   no
32995         IndexByteCount                                no
32996         IndexDuration                                 no
32997         IndexEditRate                                 no
32998         IndexEntryArray?                              no
32999         IndexStreamID                                 no
33000         IndexTableSegment?                            no
33001         IndexingStartPosition                         no
33002         IndividualAwardName                           no
33003         InkNumber                                     no
33004         InputSegment?                                 no
33005         InputSegmentCount                             no
33006         InputSegments?                                no
33007         InsertMusicFlag                               no
33008         InstallmentNumber                             no
33009         InstanceUID?                                  no
33010         IntegrationIndication                         no
33011         IntegrationIndication                         no
33012         IntellectualPropertyDescription               no
33013         IntellectualPropertyDescription               no
33014         IntellectualPropertyLicenseCountryCode        no
33015         IntellectualPropertyLicenseRegionCode         no
33016         IntellectualPropertyLicenseRegionName         no
33017         IntellectualPropertyRights                    no
33018         IntellectualPropertyRights                    no
33019         IntendedAFD                                   no
33020         IntentDescriptor                              no
33021         IntentDescriptor                              no
33022         InterestedPartyName                           no
33023         Interpolation?                                no
33024         InterpolationDefinitions?                     no
33025         IsConcrete                                    no
33026         IsDubbed                                      no
33027         IsLiveProduction                              no
33028         IsLiveTransmission                            no
33029         IsOptional                                    no
33030         IsRecording                                   no
33031         IsRepeat                                      no
33032         IsSearchable                                  no
33033         IsSigned                                      no
33034         IsUniqueIdentifier                            no
33035         IsVoiceover                                   no
33036         ItemDesignatorID?                             no
33037         ItemID                                        no
33038         ItemName                                      no
33039         ItemName                                      no
33040         ItemValue                                     no
33041         ItemValue                                     no
33042         JFIFMarkerDescription                         no
33043         JFIFMarkerDescription                         no
33044         JPEG2000PictureSubDescriptor                  MXF
33045         JPEGTableID?                                  no
33046         JobFunctionCode                               no
33047         JobFunctionName                               no
33048         JobFunctionName                               no
33049         JobTitle                                      no
33050         JobTitle                                      no
33051         Jurisdiction                                  no
33052         Jurisdiction                                  no
33053         KAGSize                                       no
33054         KLVDataDefinitions?                           no
33055         KLVDataParentProperties?                      no
33056         KLVDataType?                                  no
33057         KLVDataValue?                                 no
33058         KLVMetadataSequence?                          no
33059         KeyCode?                                      no
33060         KeyData                                       no
33061         KeyDataOrProgram                              no
33062         KeyFrame                                      no
33063         KeyFrameSampleCount                           no
33064         KeyFrames                                     no
33065         KeyPoint                                      MXF
33066         KeyPointSets?                                 no
33067         KeySound                                      no
33068         KeySounds                                     no
33069         KeyText                                       no
33070         KeyTimePoint                                  no
33071         KeypointKind                                  no
33072         KeypointKind                                  no
33073         KeypointValue                                 no
33074         KeypointValue                                 no
33075         Keywords                                      no
33076         Keywords                                      no
33077         LUID                                          no
33078         LanguageName                                  no
33079         LanguageName                                  no
33080         LastNumberInSequence                          no
33081         LastNumberInSequence                          no
33082         LayerNumber                                   no
33083         LeadingLines                                  no
33084         LengthSystemName                              no
33085         LengthUnitKind                                no
33086         LicenseOptionsDescription                     no
33087         LineNumber                                    no
33088         LinkedApplicationPlug-InInstanceID?           no
33089         LinkedDescriptiveFrameworkPlug-InID?          no
33090         LinkedDescriptiveObjectPlug-InID?             no
33091         LinkedGenerationID?                           no
33092         LinkedPackageID?                              no
33093         LinkedTimecodeTrackID?                        no
33094         LinkedTrackID                                 no
33095         LinkingName                                   no
33096         LinkingName                                   no
33097         LocalCreationDateTime                         no
33098         LocalDatumAbsolutePositionAccuracy            no
33099         LocalDatumRelativePositionAccuracy            no
33100         LocalEndDateTime                              no
33101         LocalEventEndDateTime                         no
33102         LocalEventEndDateTime                         no
33103         LocalEventStartDateTime                       no
33104         LocalEventStartDateTime                       no
33105         LocalFestivalDateTime                         no
33106         LocalFilePath                                 no
33107         LocalFilePath                                 no
33108         LocalID                                       no
33109         LocalLastModifyDate                           no
33110         LocalModifyDate                               no
33111         LocalStartDateTime                            no
33112         LocalTagEntries?                              no
33113         LocalTagUniqueID?                             no
33114         LocalTagValue                                 no
33115         LocalTapeNumber                               no
33116         LocalTargetID                                 no
33117         LocalTargetID                                 no
33118         LocalUserDateTime                             no
33119         Location                                      MXF
33120         LocationDescription                           no
33121         LocationDescription                           no
33122         LocationKind                                  no
33123         LocationKind                                  no
33124         LocationSets?                                 no
33125         LockedIndicator                               no
33126         LogoFlag                                      no
33127         LowDelayIndicator                             no
33128         LumaEquation                                  no
33129         LuminanceSampleRate                           no
33130         MIC?                                          no
33131         MICAlgorithm?                                 no
33132         MIMECharSet                                   no
33133         MIMECharSet                                   no
33134         MIMEEncoding                                  no
33135         MIMEEncoding                                  no
33136         MIMEMediaType                                 no
33137         MIMEMediaType                                 no
33138         MPEG2VideoDescriptor                          MXF
33139         MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame1?                     no
33140         MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame2?                     no
33141         MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame3?                     no
33142         MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame4?                     no
33143         MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame5?                     no
33144         MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame6?                     no
33145         MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame7?                     no
33146         MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame8?                     no
33147         MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame1?                    no
33148         MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame2?                    no
33149         MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame3?                    no
33150         MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame4?                    no
33151         MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame5?                    no
33152         MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame6?                    no
33153         MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame7?                    no
33154         MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame8?                    no
33155         MPEGAudioBitrate                              no
33156         MPEGAudioRecodingDataset?                     no
33157         MPEGVideoRecodingDataset?                     no
33158         MagneticDiskNumber                            no
33159         MagneticTrack                                 no
33160         MainCatalogNumber                             no
33161         MainName                                      no
33162         MainName                                      no
33163         MainSponsorName                               no
33164         MainTitle                                     no
33165         MainTitle                                     no
33166         MajorVersion                                  no
33167         MaleLeadActorName                             no
33168         ManufacturerID?                               no
33169         ManufacturerInformationObject?                no
33170         MapDatumUsed                                  no
33171         MarkIn                                        no
33172         MarkOut                                       no
33173         MaterialAbsoluteDuration                      no
33174         MaterialAbsoluteDuration?                     no
33175         MaterialEndTimeOffset                         no
33176         MaterialEndTimecodeOffset?                    no
33177         MaterialPackage                               MXF
33178         MaximumAPIVersion                             no
33179         MaximumBPictureCount                          no
33180         MaximumGOPSize                                no
33181         MaximumSupportedEngineVersion                 no
33182         MaximumSupportedPlatformVersion               no
33183         MaximumUseCount                               no
33184         MediaLocation                                 no
33185         MemberNameList                                no
33186         MemberTypes?                                  no
33187         MetadataEncodingSchemeCode                    no
33188         MetadataItemName                              no
33189         MetadataItemName                              no
33190         MetadataServerLocators?                       no
33191         MicrophonePlacementTechniques                 no
33192         MinimumAPIVersion                             no
33193         MinimumSupportedEngineVersion                 no
33194         MinimumSupportedPlatformVersion               no
33195         MinorVersion                                  no
33196         MissionID                                     no
33197         MissionID                                     no
33198         MobileTelephoneNumber                         no
33199         ModifyDate                                    no
33200         MonoSourceTrackIDs                            no
33201         MultipleDescriptor                            MXF
33202         NITFLayerTargetID                             no
33203         NITFLayerTargetID                             no
33204         NMEADocumentText                              no
33205         NOLACode                                      no
33206         NameSuffix                                    no
33207         NameSuffix                                    no
33208         NameValue                                     MXF
33209         NamespacePrefix                               no
33210         NamespacePrefix                               no
33211         NamespacePrefixes                             no
33212         NamespacePrefixes                             no
33213         NamespaceURI                                  no
33214         NamespaceURI                                  no
33215         NamespaceURIs                                 no
33216         NamespaceURIs                                 no
33217         Nationality                                   no
33218         Nationality                                   no
33219         NatureOfPersonality                           no
33220         NatureOfPersonality                           no
33221         NetworkLocator                                MXF
33222         NextNumberInSequence                          no
33223         NextNumberInSequence                          no
33224         NielsenStreamIdentifier                       no
33225         NominationCategory                            no
33226         NominationCategory                            no
33227         Non-USClassifyingCountryCode                  no
33228         ObjectAreaDimension                           no
33229         ObjectClass?                                  no
33230         ObjectClassDefinition?                        no
33231         ObjectCountryCode                             no
33232         ObjectCountryCode                             no
33233         ObjectCountryCodeMethod                       no
33234         ObjectDescription                             no
33235         ObjectDescription                             no
33236         ObjectDescriptionCode                         no
33237         ObjectHorizontalAverageDimension              no
33238         ObjectIdentificationConfidence                no
33239         ObjectKind                                    no
33240         ObjectKind                                    no
33241         ObjectModelVersion                            no
33242         ObjectName                                    no
33243         ObjectRegionCode                              no
33244         ObjectRegionName                              no
33245         ObjectVerticalAverageDimension                no
33246         ObliquityAngle                                no
33247         OffsetToIndexTable                            no
33248         OffsetToIndexTable                            no
33249         OffsetToMetadata                              no
33250         OffsetToMetadata                              no
33251         OpenBodyPartition?                            no
33252         OpenCompleteBodyPartition?                    no
33253         OpenCompleteHeader                            MXF Header
33254         OpenHeader                                    MXF Header
33255         OperatingSystemInterpretations                no
33256         OperationCategory?                            no
33257         OperationDataDefinition?                      no
33258         OperationDefinitionID?                        no
33259         OperationDefinitions?                         no
33260         OperationParameters?                          no
33261         OperationalPatternUL?                         no
33262         OpticalDiscNumber                             no
33263         OpticalTestParameterName                      no
33264         OpticalTestResult                             no
33265         OpticalTestResult                             no
33266         OpticalTrack                                  no
33267         Organisation                                  MXF
33268         OrganizationCode                              no
33269         OrganizationCode                              no
33270         OrganizationID                                no
33271         OrganizationID                                no
33272         OrganizationIDKind                            no
33273         OrganizationIDKind                            no
33274         OrganizationKind                              no
33275         OrganizationKind                              no
33276         OrganizationMainName                          no
33277         OrganizationMainName                          no
33278         OrganizationSets?                             no
33279         OrganizationalProgramNumber                   no
33280         OrganizationalProgramNumber                   no
33281         Origin                                        no
33282         OriginCode                                    no
33283         OriginalExtendedSpokenPrimaryLanguageCode     no
33284         OriginalProducerName                          no
33285         OriginalProducerName                          no
33286         OriginalTitle                                 no
33287         OriginalTitle                                 no
33288         OtherGivenNames                               no
33289         OtherGivenNames                               no
33290         OtherValues                                   no
33291         PII?                                          no
33292         POSIXMicroseconds                             no
33293         PURL                                          no
33294         PackLength                                    no
33295         PackageAttributes?                            no
33296         PackageID?                                    no
33297         PackageKLVData?                               no
33298         PackageLastModifyDate                         no
33299         PackageMarkInPosition                         no
33300         PackageMarkOutPosition                        no
33301         PackageMarker?                                no
33302         PackageName                                   no
33303         PackageName                                   no
33304         PackageTimelineMarkerRef?                     no
33305         PackageTracks?                                no
33306         PackageUsageKind?                             no
33307         PackageUserComments?                          no
33308         Packages?                                     no
33309         PaddingBits                                   no
33310         Palette?                                      no
33311         PaletteLayout?                                no
33312         PanScanInformation?                           no
33313         ParameterDataType?                            no
33314         ParameterDefinition?                          no
33315         ParameterDefinitions?                         no
33316         Parameters?                                   no
33317         ParentClass?                                  no
33318         Participant                                   MXF
33319         ParticipantID?                                no
33320         ParticipantOrganizationSets?                  no
33321         PartitionMetadata?                            no
33322         Password                                      no
33323         Password                                      no
33324         PayeeAccountName                              no
33325         PayeeAccountNumber                            no
33326         PayeeAccountSortCode                          no
33327         PayerAccountName                              no
33328         PayerAccountNumber                            no
33329         PayerAccountSortCode                          no
33330         PaymentDueDateTime                            no
33331         PaymentsSets?                                 no
33332         PeakChannelCount                              no
33333         PeakEnvelope                                  no
33334         PeakEnvelopeBlockSize                         no
33335         PeakEnvelopeData?                             no
33336         PeakEnvelopeData?                             no
33337         PeakEnvelopeFormat                            no
33338         PeakEnvelopeTimestamp                         no
33339         PeakEnvelopeVersion                           no
33340         PeakFrameCount                                no
33341         PeakOfPeaksPosition                           no
33342         PerceivedDisplayFormatCode                    no
33343         PerceivedDisplayFormatName                    no
33344         PerforationsPerFrame                          no
33345         PerforationsPerFrame                          no
33346         Person                                        MXF
33347         PersonDescription                             no
33348         PersonDescription                             no
33349         PersonOrganizationSets?                       no
33350         PersonSets?                                   no
33351         PhysicalInstanceKind                          no
33352         PhysicalMediaLength?                          no
33353         PhysicalMediaLocation                         no
33354         PictureComponentSizing?                       no
33355         PictureDisplayRate                            no
33356         PictureFormat                                 MXF
33357         PixelLayout?                                  no
33358         PlaceKeyword                                  no
33359         PlaceKeyword                                  no
33360         PlaceName                                     no
33361         PlaceName                                     no
33362         PlaintextOffset                               no
33363         PlatformDesignation                           no
33364         PlatformDesignation                           no
33365         PlatformHeadingAngle                          no
33366         PlatformModel                                 no
33367         PlatformPitchAngle                            no
33368         PlatformRollAngle                             no
33369         PlatformSerialNumber                          no
33370         Plug-InAPIID?                                 no
33371         Plug-InCategoryID?                            no
33372         Plug-InDefinitions?                           no
33373         Plug-InEngineID?                              no
33374         Plug-InLocatorSet?                            no
33375         Plug-InPlatformID?                            no
33376         PointsPerPeakValue                            no
33377         PolarCharacteristic                           no
33378         PosTableArray?                                no
33379         PositionInSequence                            no
33380         PositionTable?                                no
33381         PositionTableCount                            no
33382         PositionTableIndexing                         no
33383         PositionWithinViewportImageXCoordinate        no
33384         PositionWithinViewportImageYCoordinate        no
33385         PostCodeForPostbox                            no
33386         PostalCode                                    no
33387         PostalCode                                    no
33388         PostalTown                                    no
33389         PostalTown                                    no
33390         PostboxNumber                                 no
33391         Preface                                       MXF
33392         PresentationAspectRatio                       no
33393         PresentationGammaEquation                     no
33394         PresentationGammaEquation?                    no
33395         PresenterName                                 no
33396         PreviousNumberInSequence                      no
33397         PreviousNumberInSequence                      no
33398         PreviousRepeatNumber                          no
33399         PrimaryExtendedSpokenLanguageCode             no
33400         PrimaryOriginalLanguageCode                   no
33401         PrimaryPackage?                               no
33402         PrimarySpokenLanguageCode                     no
33403         Primer                                        MXF
33404         Processing                                    MXF
33405         ProcessingSet?                                no
33406         ProducerName                                  no
33407         ProductFormat                                 no
33408         ProductFormat                                 no
33409         ProductionFramework                           MXF
33410         ProductionOrganizationRole                    no
33411         ProductionOrganizationRole                    no
33412         ProductionScriptReference                     no
33413         ProductionScriptReference                     no
33414         ProductionSettingPeriodSets?                  no
33415         ProfileAndLevel                               no
33416         ProgramAwardName                              no
33417         ProgramCommercialMaterialReference            no
33418         ProgramIdentifier                             no
33419         ProgramIdentifierString                       no
33420         ProgramKind                                   no
33421         ProgramMaterialClassificationCode             no
33422         ProgramNumber                                 no
33423         ProgramSupportMaterialReference               no
33424         ProgrammingGroupKind                          no
33425         ProgrammingGroupKind                          no
33426         ProgrammingGroupTitle                         no
33427         ProgrammingGroupTitle                         no
33428         ProjectName                                   no
33429         ProjectName                                   no
33430         ProjectNumber                                 no
33431         ProjectSet?                                   no
33432         Projects                                      MXF
33433         Properties?                                   no
33434         PropertyType?                                 no
33435         Publication                                   MXF
33436         PublicationSets?                              no
33437         PublishingMediumName                          no
33438         PublishingMediumName                          no
33439         PublishingOrganizationName                    no
33440         PublishingOrganizationName                    no
33441         PublishingRegionName                          no
33442         PublishingRegionName                          no
33443         PublishingServiceName                         no
33444         PublishingServiceName                         no
33445         PulldownFieldDominance                        no
33446         PulldownSequence?                             no
33447         PurchaserAccountName                          no
33448         PurchaserAccountName                          no
33449         PurchaserAccountNumber                        no
33450         PurchaserIdentificationKind                   no
33451         PurchaserIdentificationValue                  no
33452         PurchasingDepartment                          no
33453         PurchasingOrganizationName                    no
33454         Purpose                                       no
33455         Purpose                                       no
33456         QltyBasicData                                 no
33457         QltyBasicData                                 no
33458         QltyCueSheet                                  no
33459         QltyCueSheet                                  no
33460         QltyEndOfModulation                           no
33461         QltyEndOfModulation                           no
33462         QltyOperatorComment                           no
33463         QltyOperatorComment                           no
33464         QltyQualityEvent                              no
33465         QltyQualityEvent                              no
33466         QltyQualityParameter                          no
33467         QltyQualityParameter                          no
33468         QltyStartOfModulation                         no
33469         QltyStartOfModulation                         no
33470         QualityFlag                                   no
33471         QuantizationDefault?                          no
33472         RGBAEssenceDescriptor                         MXF
33473         RIFFChunkData?                                no
33474         RIFFChunkID                                   no
33475         RIFFChunkLength                               no
33476         RP217DataStreamPID                            no
33477         RP217VideoStreamPID                           no
33478         RandomIndexMetadata?                          no
33479         RandomIndexMetadataV10?                       no
33480         Rating                                        no
33481         RecordedFormat                                no
33482         RecordedFormat                                no
33483         RecordedTrackNumber                           no
33484         RecordingLabelName                            no
33485         RecordingLabelName                            no
33486         ReelOrRollNumber                              no
33487         RegionCode                                    no
33488         RegionName                                    no
33489         RegionName                                    no
33490         RegisterAction                                no
33491         RegisterAdministrationArray?                  no
33492         RegisterAdministrationNotes                   no
33493         RegisterAdministrationObject?                 no
33494         RegisterApproverName                          no
33495         RegisterChildEntryArray?                      no
33496         RegisterCreationTime                          no
33497         RegisterEditorName                            no
33498         RegisterEntryAdministrationObject?            no
33499         RegisterEntryArray?                           no
33500         RegisterEntryStatus?                          no
33501         RegisterItemDefiningDocumentName              no
33502         RegisterItemDefinition                        no
33503         RegisterItemHierarchyLevel                    no
33504         RegisterItemIntroductionVersion               no
33505         RegisterItemName                              no
33506         RegisterItemNotes                             no
33507         RegisterItemOriginatorName                    no
33508         RegisterItemStatusChangeDateTime              no
33509         RegisterItemSymbol?                           no
33510         RegisterItemUL?                               no
33511         RegisterKind?                                 no
33512         RegisterReleaseDateTime                       no
33513         RegisterStatusKind?                           no
33514         RegisterUserName                              no
33515         RegisterUserTime                              no
33516         RegisterVersion                               no
33517         RegistrantName                                no
33518         RelatedMaterialDescription                    no
33519         RelatedMaterialDescription                    no
33520         RelatedMaterialLocators?                      no
33521         RelativePositionInSequenceName                no
33522         RelativePositionInSequenceOffset              no
33523         RelativeScope                                 no
33524         RelativeTrack                                 no
33525         ReleasableCountryCode                         no
33526         ReleasableCountryCode                         no
33527         RenamedType?                                  no
33528         ResourceID?                                   no
33529         RestrictionsonUse                             no
33530         ReversePlay                                   no
33531         ReversedByteOrder                             no
33532         Rights                                        MXF
33533         RightsComment                                 no
33534         RightsComment                                 no
33535         RightsConditionDescription                    no
33536         RightsConditionDescription                    no
33537         RightsManagementAuthority                     no
33538         RightsManagementAuthority                     no
33539         RightsSets?                                   no
33540         RightsStartDateTime                           no
33541         RightsStopDateTime                            no
33542         Rightsholder                                  no
33543         Rightsholder                                  no
33544         RoleName                                      no
33545         RoleName                                      no
33546         RoomNumber                                    no
33547         RoomNumber                                    no
33548         RoomOrSuiteName                               no
33549         RoomOrSuiteName                               no
33550         RootFormatVersion                             no
33551         RootMetaDictionary?                           no
33552         RootObjectDirectory?                          no
33553         RootPreface?                                  no
33554         RoundedCaptureFilmFrameRate                   no
33555         RoundedTimecodeTimebase                       no
33556         RoundingLaw                                   no
33557         RoundingMethodCode                            no
33558         RoyaltyIncomeInformation                      no
33559         RoyaltyPaymentInformation                     no
33560         Rsiz                                          no
33561         SDKVersion                                    no
33562         SICI?                                         no
33563         SMPTE12MUserDateTime?                         no
33564         SMPTE309MUserDateTime?                        no
33565         SMPTE337MDataStreamNumber                     no
33566         SMPTEUL?                                      no
33567         SalesContractNumber                           no
33568         Salutation                                    no
33569         Salutation                                    no
33570         SampleIndex?                                  no
33571         SampleRate                                    no
33572         SampledHeight                                 no
33573         SampledWidth                                  no
33574         SampledXOffset                                no
33575         SampledYOffset                                no
33576         SamplingHierarchyCode                         no
33577         SamplingStructureCode                         no
33578         ScanningDirection                             no
33579         SceneFramework                                MXF
33580         SceneNumber                                   no
33581         SceneNumber                                   no
33582         SceneSettingPeriodSets?                       no
33583         SceneShotSets?                                no
33584         ScramblingKeyKind                             no
33585         ScramblingKeyValue                            no
33586         Scripting                                     MXF
33587         ScriptingKind                                 no
33588         ScriptingKind                                 no
33589         ScriptingLocators?                            no
33590         ScriptingSets?                                no
33591         ScriptingText                                 no
33592         ScriptingText                                 no
33593         SeasonEpisodeNumber                           no
33594         SeasonEpisodeTitle                            no
33595         SecondGivenName                               no
33596         SecondGivenName                               no
33597         SecondaryExtendedSpokenLanguageCode           no
33598         SecondaryOriginalExtendedSpokenLanguageCode   no
33599         SecondaryOriginalLanguageCode                 no
33600         SecondarySpokenLanguageCode                   no
33601         SecondaryTitle                                no
33602         SecondaryTitle                                no
33603         SectorSize                                    no
33604         SecurityClassification                        no
33605         SecurityClassification                        no
33606         SecurityClassificationCaveats                 no
33607         SecurityClassificationCaveats                 no
33608         Selected?                                     no
33609         SensorMode                                    no
33610         SensorRollAngle                               no
33611         SensorSize                                    no
33612         SensorType                                    no
33613         SensorTypeCode                                no
33614         Sequence?                                     no
33615         SequenceOffset                                no
33616         SequenceSet                                   MXF
33617         SeriesNumber                                  no
33618         SeriesNumber                                  no
33619         SeriesinaSeriesGroupCount                     no
33620         SetElementType?                               no
33621         SettingCityName                               no
33622         SettingCityName                               no
33623         SettingCountryCode                            no
33624         SettingCountryName                            no
33625         SettingCountryName                            no
33626         SettingDateTime                               no
33627         SettingDescription                            no
33628         SettingDescription                            no
33629         SettingPeriod                                 MXF
33630         SettingPeriodDescription                      no
33631         SettingPeriodDescription                      no
33632         SettingPostalCode                             no
33633         SettingPostalCode                             no
33634         SettingRegionCode                             no
33635         SettingRegionName                             no
33636         SettingRoomNumber                             no
33637         SettingRoomNumber                             no
33638         SettingStateOrProvinceOrCountyName            no
33639         SettingStateOrProvinceOrCountyName            no
33640         SettingStreetName                             no
33641         SettingStreetName                             no
33642         SettingStreetNumberOrBuildingName             no
33643         SettingStreetNumberOrBuildingName             no
33644         SettingTownName                               no
33645         SettingTownName                               no
33646         ShimName                                      no
33647         ShootingCountryCode                           no
33648         ShootingRegionCode                            no
33649         ShootingRegionName                            no
33650         Shot                                          MXF
33651         ShotComment                                   no
33652         ShotComment                                   no
33653         ShotCommentKind                               no
33654         ShotCommentKind                               no
33655         ShotCueWordsSet?                              no
33656         ShotDescription                               no
33657         ShotDescription                               no
33658         ShotDuration                                  no
33659         ShotList                                      no
33660         ShotLocationSets?                             no
33661         ShotParticipantRoleSets?                      no
33662         ShotPersonSets?                               no
33663         ShotStartPosition                             no
33664         ShotTrackIDs                                  no
33665         SideNumber                                    no
33666         Signal-to-NoiseRatio                          no
33667         SignalFormCode                                no
33668         SignalStandard                                no
33669         SignalStandard                                no
33670         SignatureTuneFlag                             no
33671         SimpleFlaggingCount                           no
33672         SingleSequenceFlag                            no
33673         Size                                          no
33674         SlantRange                                    no
33675         SlateInformation                              no
33676         SlateTitle                                    no
33677         SliceCount                                    no
33678         SliceNumber                                   no
33679         SliceOffsetList?                              no
33680         Software-OnlySupportFlag                      no
33681         SourceClip?                                   no
33682         SourceContainerFormat?                        no
33683         SourceImageCenterXCoordinate                  no
33684         SourceImageCenterYCoordinate                  no
33685         SourceIndex?                                  no
33686         SourceKey?                                    no
33687         SourceLength                                  no
33688         SourceOrganization                            no
33689         SourceOrganization                            no
33690         SourcePackage                                 MXF
33691         SourcePackageID?                              no
33692         SourceSpecies?                                no
33693         SourceTrackID                                 no
33694         SourceTrackIDs                                no
33695         SourceValue?                                  no
33696         SpeedChangeEffectFlag                         no
33697         SplicingMetadata?                             no
33698         StartTimeRelativeToReference                  no
33699         StartTimeRelativeToReference                  no
33700         StartTimecode                                 no
33701         StartTimecodeRelativeToReference?             no
33702         StateOrProvinceOrCountyName                   no
33703         StateOrProvinceOrCountyName                   no
33704         StaticTrack                                   MXF
33705         StillFrame?                                   no
33706         StorageDeviceKind                             no
33707         StorageKind                                   no
33708         StorageKind                                   no
33709         StorageKindCode                               no
33710         StorageMediaID                                no
33711         StorageMediaKind                              no
33712         StoredANCLineNumber                           no
33713         StoredF2Offset                                no
33714         StoredVBILineNumber                           no
33715         StratumKind                                   no
33716         StreamData?                                   no
33717         StreamElementType?                            no
33718         StreamID                                      no
33719         StreamOffset                                  no
33720         StreamPositionIndicator                       no
33721         StreamPositionIndicator                       no
33722         StreamPositionIndicator                       no
33723         StreamPositionIndicator                       no
33724         StreetName                                    no
33725         StreetName                                    no
33726         StreetNumber                                  no
33727         StreetNumber                                  no
33728         StringElementType?                            no
33729         StructuralComponent                           MXF
33730         Sub-descriptors?                              no
33731         SubDescriptor?                                no
33732         SubDescriptors?                               no
33733         SubjectAbsoluteHeading                        no
33734         SubjectAbsoluteSpeed                          no
33735         SubjectDistance                               no
33736         SubjectName                                   no
33737         SubjectName                                   no
33738         SubjectRelativeHeading                        no
33739         SubjectRelativePositionalAccuracy             no
33740         SubjectRelativeSpeed                          no
33741         SubtitleDatafileFlag                          no
33742         SubtitlesPresent                              no
33743         SupplementaryName                             no
33744         SupplementaryName                             no
33745         SupplementaryOrganizationName                 no
33746         SupplementaryOrganizationName                 no
33747         SupplierAccountName                           no
33748         SupplierAccountName                           no
33749         SupplierAccountNumber                         no
33750         SupplierIdentificationKind                    no
33751         SupplierIdentificationValue                   no
33752         SupplyContractNumber                          no
33753         SupplyingDepartmentName                       no
33754         SupportOrAdministrationStatus                 no
33755         SupportOrAdministrationStatus                 no
33756         SupportOrganizationRole                       no
33757         SupportOrganizationRole                       no
33758         SystemNameOrNumber                            no
33759         TIFFSummary?                                  no
33760         TaggedValueDefinitions?                       no
33761         TaggedValueParentProperties?                  no
33762         TakeNumber                                    no
33763         TapeBatchNumber                               no
33764         TapeBatchNumber                               no
33765         TapeCapacity                                  no
33766         TapeFormat?                                   no
33767         TapeFormulation                               no
33768         TapeFormulation                               no
33769         TapeManufacturer                              no
33770         TapeManufacturer                              no
33771         TapePartitionCapacity                         no
33772         TapeShellKind                                 no
33773         TapeShellKind                                 no
33774         TapeStock                                     no
33775         TapeStock                                     no
33776         TargetAudience                                no
33777         TargetAudience                                no
33778         TargetClassOfStrongReference?                 no
33779         TargetClassOfWeakReference?                   no
33780         TargetSet?                                    no
33781         TargetWidth                                   no
33782         TechnicalValue                                no
33783         TelephoneNumber                               no
33784         TelephoneNumber                               no
33785         TeletextSubtitlesAvailable                    no
33786         TeletextSubtitlesFlag                         no
33787         TemporalOffset                                no
33788         TerminatingFillerData                         no
33789         TextLocator                                   MXF
33790         TextlessBlackDuration                         no
33791         TextlessMaterial                              no
33792         TextualDescriptionKind                        no
33793         TextualDescriptionKind                        no
33794         Theme                                         no
33795         Theme                                         no
33796         ThemeMusicFlag                                no
33797         ThesaurusName                                 no
33798         ThesaurusName                                 no
33799         ThirdGivenName                                no
33800         ThirdGivenName                                no
33801         TimePeriodName                                no
33802         TimePeriodName                                no
33803         TimeSystemOffset                              no
33804         TimeUnitKind                                  no
33805         TimebaseReferenceTrackID                      no
33806         TimecodeArray?                                no
33807         TimecodeComponent                             MXF
33808         TimecodeCreationDateTime?                     no
33809         TimecodeEndDateTime?                          no
33810         TimecodeEventEndDateTime?                     no
33811         TimecodeEventStartDateTime?                   no
33812         TimecodeKind                                  no
33813         TimecodeLastModifyDate?                       no
33814         TimecodeModifyDate?                           no
33815         TimecodeSourceKind                            no
33816         TimecodeStartDateTime?                        no
33817         TimecodeStreamData?                           no
33818         TimecodeTimebase                              no
33819         TimecodeTimebase                              no
33820         TimecodeUserBitsFlag                          no
33821         TimepointValue?                               no
33822         TimingBiasCorrection                          no
33823         TimingBiasCorrectionDescription               no
33824         TitleKind                                     no
33825         TitleKind                                     no
33826         Titles                                        MXF
33827         TitlesSets?                                   no
33828         ToleranceInterpolationMethod?                 no
33829         ToleranceMode?                                no
33830         ToleranceWindow?                              no
33831         ToolkitVersion                                no
33832         TotalCurrencyAmount                           no
33833         TotalEpisodeCount                             no
33834         TotalIncome                                   no
33835         TotalLinesperFrame                            no
33836         TotalNumberInSequence                         no
33837         TotalPayment                                  no
33838         TotalSamplesperLine                           no
33839         Track                                         MXF
33840         TrackID                                       no
33841         TrackName                                     no
33842         TrackName                                     no
33843         TrackNumber                                   no
33844         TrackNumberBatch                              no
33845         Tracks?                                       no
33846         TrafficID                                     no
33847         TrailingLines                                 no
33848         TranscriptReference                           no
33849         TranscriptReference                           no
33850         TransferFilmFrameRate                         no
33851         TransitionEffect?                             no
33852         TransmissionID                                no
33853         TransportStreamID                             no
33854         TripletSequenceNumber                         no
33855         TypeDefinitionElementValueList                no
33856         TypeDefinitionExtendibleElementValues?        no
33857         TypeDefinitions?                              no
33858         UCSEncoding                                   no
33859         UPID?                                         no
33860         UPN?                                          no
33861         URL                                           no
33862         URL                                           no
33863         URL                                           no
33864         URL                                           no
33865         URN                                           no
33866         UTCEndDateTime                                no
33867         UTCEventEndDateTime                           no
33868         UTCEventEndDateTime                           no
33869         UTCEventStartDateTime                         no
33870         UTCEventStartDateTime                         no
33871         UTCInstantDateTime                            no
33872         UTCInstantDateTime                            no
33873         UTCLastModifyDate                             no
33874         UTCLastModifyDate                             no
33875         UTCStartDateTime                              no
33876         UTCStartDateTime                              no
33877         UTCUserDateTime                               no
33878         UniformDataFlag                               no
33879         UnknownBWFChunks?                             no
33880         UpstreamAudioCompressionAlgorithm             no
33881         UseDefaultValue                               no
33882         UserDataMode?                                 no
33883         UserName                                      no
33884         UserName                                      no
33885         UserPosition                                  no
33886         V10IndexTableSegment?                         no
33887         VBEEndOffset                                  no
33888         VBIDataDescriptor                             MXF
33889         VBILineCount                                  no
33890         VBIPayloadByteArray                           no
33891         VBIPayloadSampleCoding                        no
33892         VBIPayloadSampleCount                         no
33893         VBIWrappingType                               no
33894         VC-1AverageBitrate                            no
33895         VC-1BPictureCount                             no
33896         VC-1CodedContentType                          no
33897         VC-1IdenticalGOP                              no
33898         VC-1InitializationMetadata?                   no
33899         VC-1Level                                     no
33900         VC-1MaximumBitrate                            no
33901         VC-1MaximumGOP                                no
33902         VC-1Profile                                   no
33903         VC-1SingleSequence                            no
33904         Value?                                        no
33905         VariableArrayElementType?                     no
33906         VersionNumber                                 no
33907         VersionNumberString                           no
33908         VersionNumberString                           no
33909         VersionTitle                                  no
33910         VersionTitle                                  no
33911         VerticalActionSafePercentage                  no
33912         VerticalDatum                                 no
33913         VerticalGraphicsSafePercentage                no
33914         VerticalSub-sampling                          no
33915         VideoAndFilmFrameRelationship                 no
33916         VideoAverageBitrate                           no
33917         VideoClipDuration                             no
33918         VideoCodingSchemeID                           no
33919         VideoColorKind                                no
33920         VideoCompressionAlgorithm                     no
33921         VideoDeviceKind                               no
33922         VideoDeviceParameterName                      no
33923         VideoDeviceParameterSetting                   no
33924         VideoFixedBitrate                             no
33925         VideoIndexArray?                              no
33926         VideoLineMap                                  no
33927         VideoNoiseReductionAlgorithm                  no
33928         VideoOrImageCompressionAlgorithm              no
33929         VideoPayloadIdentifier                        no
33930         VideoPayloadIdentifier2002                    no
33931         VideoTestParameter                            no
33932         VideoTestResult                               no
33933         VideoTestResult                               no
33934         VideoWatermarkKind                            no
33935         ViewportAspectRatio                           no
33936         ViewportHeight                                no
33937         ViewportImageCenterCCoordinate                no
33938         ViewportImageCenterYCoordinate                no
33939         ViewportWidth                                 no
33940         VoiceTalentName                               no
33941         WAVESummary?                                  no
33942         WaveAudioDescriptor                           MXF
33943         Weighting                                     no
33944         WhiteReferenceLevel                           no
33945         Work-in-ProgressFlag                          no
33946         WorkingTitle                                  no
33947         WorkingTitle                                  no
33948         XMLDocumentText?                              no
33949         XMLDocumentText                               no
33950         XMLDocumentText                               no
33951         XMLDocumentText?                              no
33952         XOsiz                                         no
33953         XTOsiz                                        no
33954         XTsiz                                         no
33955         Xsiz                                          no
33956         YOsiz                                         no
33957         YTOsiz                                        no
33958         YTsiz                                         no
33959         Ysiz                                          no
33961       MXF Header Tags
33963         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
33964         ------   --------                             --------
33965             0    MXFVersion                           no
33966            24    FooterPosition                       no
33967            32    HeaderSize                           no
33969   DV Tags
33970       The following tags are extracted from DV videos.
33972         Tag Name                                      Writable
33973         --------                                      --------
33974         AspectRatio                                   no
33975         AudioBitsPerSample                            no
33976         AudioChannels                                 no
33977         AudioSampleRate                               no
33978         Colorimetry                                   no
33979         DateTimeOriginal                              no
33980         Duration                                      no
33981         FrameRate                                     no
33982         ImageHeight                                   no
33983         ImageWidth                                    no
33984         TotalBitrate                                  no
33985         VideoFormat                                   no
33986         VideoScanType                                 no
33988   Flash Tags
33989       The information below is extracted from SWF (Shockwave Flash) files.
33990       Tags with string ID's represent information extracted from the file
33991       header.
33993         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
33994         ------               --------                 --------
33995         'Compressed'         Compressed               no
33996         'Duration'           Duration                 no
33997         'FlashVersion'       FlashVersion             no
33998         'FrameCount'         FrameCount               no
33999         'FrameRate'          FrameRate                no
34000         'ImageHeight'        ImageHeight              no
34001         'ImageWidth'         ImageWidth               no
34002         0x0045               FlashAttributes          no
34003         0x004d               XMP                      XMP
34005       Flash FLV Tags
34007       Information is extracted from the following packets in FLV (Flash
34008       Video) files.
34010         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34011         ------   --------                             --------
34012         0x0008   Audio                                Flash Audio
34013         0x0009   Video                                Flash Video
34014         0x0012   Meta                                 Flash Meta
34016       Flash Audio Tags
34018       Information extracted from the Flash Audio header.
34020         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34021         ------   --------                             --------
34022         'Bit0-3' AudioEncoding                        no
34023         'Bit4-5' AudioSampleRate                      no
34024         'Bit6'   AudioBitsPerSample                   no
34025         'Bit7'   AudioChannels                        no
34027       Flash Video Tags
34029       Information extracted from the Flash Video header.
34031         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34032         ------   --------                             --------
34033         'Bit4-7' VideoEncoding                        no
34035       Flash Meta Tags
34037       Below are a few observed FLV Meta tags, but ExifTool will attempt to
34038       extract information from any tag found.
34040         Tag ID                   Tag Name             Writable
34041         ------                   --------             --------
34042         'audiocodecid'           AudioCodecID         no
34043         'audiodatarate'          AudioBitrate         no
34044         'audiodelay'             AudioDelay           no
34045         'audiosamplerate'        AudioSampleRate      no
34046         'audiosamplesize'        AudioSampleSize      no
34047         'audiosize'              AudioSize            no
34048         'bytelength'             ByteLength           no
34049         'canSeekToEnd'           CanSeekToEnd         no
34050         'canseekontime'          CanSeekOnTime        no
34051         'createdby'              CreatedBy            no
34052         'creationdate'           CreateDate           no
34053         'cuePoints'              CuePoint             Flash CuePoint
34054         'datasize'               DataSize             no
34055         'duration'               Duration             no
34056         'filesize'               FileSizeBytes        no
34057         'framerate'              FrameRate            no
34058         'hasAudio'               HasAudio             no
34059         'hasCuePoints'           HasCuePoints         no
34060         'hasKeyframes'           HasKeyFrames         no
34061         'hasMetadata'            HasMetadata          no
34062         'hasVideo'               HasVideo             no
34063         'height'                 ImageHeight          no
34064         'httphostheader'         HTTPHostHeader       no
34065         'keyframesFilepositions' KeyFramePositions    no
34066         'keyframesTimes'         KeyFramesTimes       no
34067         'lastkeyframetimestamp'  LastKeyFrameTime     no
34068         'lasttimestamp'          LastTimeStamp        no
34069         'liveXML'                XMP                  XMP
34070         'metadatacreator'        MetadataCreator      no
34071         'metadatadate'           MetadataDate         no
34072         'pmsg'                   Message              no
34073         'purl'                   URL                  no
34074         'sourcedata'             SourceData           no
34075         'starttime'              StartTime            no
34076         'stereo'                 Stereo               no
34077         'totaldatarate'          TotalDataRate        no
34078         'totalduration'          TotalDuration        no
34079         'videocodecid'           VideoCodecID         no
34080         'videodatarate'          VideoBitrate         no
34081         'videosize'              VideoSize            no
34082         'width'                  ImageWidth           no
34084       Flash CuePoint Tags
34086       These tag names are added to the CuePoint name to generate complete tag
34087       names like "CuePoint0Name".
34089         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
34090         ------               --------                 --------
34091         'name'               Name                     no
34092         'parameters'         Parameter                Flash Parameter
34093         'time'               Time                     no
34094         'type'               Type                     no
34096       Flash Parameter Tags
34098       There are no pre-defined parameter tags, but ExifTool will extract any
34099       existing parameters, with tag names like "CuePoint0ParameterXxx".
34101         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34102         ------   --------                             --------
34103         [no tags known]
34105   Real Tags
34106       ExifTool recognizes three basic types of Real audio/video files: 1)
34107       RealMedia (RM, RV and RMVB), 2) RealAudio (RA), and 3) Real Metafile
34108       (RAM and RPM).
34110       Real Media Tags
34112       These Tag ID's are Chunk ID's used in RealMedia and RealVideo (RM, RV
34113       and RMVB) files.
34115         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34116         ------   --------                             --------
34117         'CONT'   CONT                                 Real ContentDescr
34118         'MDPR'   MDPR                                 Real MediaProps
34119         'PROP'   PROP                                 Real Properties
34120         'RJMD'   RJMD                                 Real Metadata
34122       Real ContentDescr Tags
34124         Sequence Tag Name                             Writable
34125         -------- --------                             --------
34126             0    TitleLen?                            no
34127             1    Title                                no
34128             2    AuthorLen?                           no
34129             3    Author                               no
34130             4    CopyrightLen?                        no
34131             5    Copyright                            no
34132             6    CommentLen?                          no
34133             7    Comment                              no
34135       Real MediaProps Tags
34137         Sequence Tag Name                             Writable
34138         -------- --------                             --------
34139             0    StreamNumber                         no
34140             1    StreamMaxBitrate                     no
34141             2    StreamAvgBitrate                     no
34142             3    StreamMaxPacketSize                  no
34143             4    StreamAvgPacketSize                  no
34144             5    StreamStartTime                      no
34145             6    StreamPreroll                        no
34146             7    StreamDuration                       no
34147             8    StreamNameLen?                       no
34148             9    StreamName                           no
34149            10    StreamMimeLen?                       no
34150            11    StreamMimeType                       no
34151            12    FileInfoLen?                         no
34152            13    FileInfoLen2?                        no
34153            14    FileInfoVersion                      no
34154            15    PhysicalStreams?                     no
34155            16    PhysicalStreamNumbers?               no
34156            17    DataOffsets?                         no
34157            18    NumRules?                            no
34158            19    PhysicalStreamNumberMap?             no
34159            20    NumProperties?                       no
34160            21    FileInfoProperties                   Real FileInfo
34162       Real FileInfo Tags
34164       The following tags have been observed in the FileInfo properties, but
34165       any other existing information will also be extracted.
34167         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
34168         ------               --------                 --------
34169         'Audiences'          Audiences                no
34170         'Audio Format'       AudioFormat              no
34171         'Content Rating'     ContentRating            no
34172         'Creation Date'      CreateDate               no
34173         'Description'        Description              no
34174         'File ID'            FileID                   no
34175         'Generated By'       Software                 no
34176         'Indexable'          Indexable                no
34177         'Keywords'           Keywords                 no
34178         'Modification Date'  ModifyDate               no
34179         'Target Audiences'   TargetAudiences          no
34180         'Video Quality'      VideoQuality             no
34181         'audioMode'          AudioMode                no
34182         'videoMode'          VideoMode                no
34184       Real Properties Tags
34186         Sequence Tag Name                             Writable
34187         -------- --------                             --------
34188             0    MaxBitrate                           no
34189             1    AvgBitrate                           no
34190             2    MaxPacketSize                        no
34191             3    AvgPacketSize                        no
34192             4    NumPackets                           no
34193             5    Duration                             no
34194             6    Preroll                              no
34195             7    IndexOffset?                         no
34196             8    DataOffset?                          no
34197             9    NumStreams                           no
34198            10    Flags                                no
34200       Real Metadata Tags
34202       The tags below represent information which has been observed in the
34203       Real Metadata format, but ExifTool will extract any information it
34204       finds in this format.  (As far as I can tell from the referenced
34205       documentation, string values should be plain text, but this is not the
34206       case for the only sample file I have been able to obtain containing
34207       this information.  These tags could also be split into separate sub-
34208       directories, but this will wait until I have better documentation or a
34209       more complete set of samples.)
34211         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
34212         ------               --------                 --------
34213         'Album/Name'         AlbumName                no
34214         'Track/Category'     TrackCategory            no
34215         'Track/Comments'     TrackComments            no
34216         'Track/Lyrics'       TrackLyrics              no
34218       Real Audio Tags
34220       Tags in the following table reference information extracted from
34221       various versions of RealAudio (RA) files.
34223         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34224         ------   --------                             --------
34225         '.ra3'   RA3                                  Real AudioV3
34226         '.ra4'   RA4                                  Real AudioV4
34227         '.ra5'   RA5                                  Real AudioV5
34229       Real AudioV3 Tags
34231         Sequence Tag Name                             Writable
34232         -------- --------                             --------
34233             0    Channels                             no
34234             1    Unknown?                             no
34235             2    BytesPerMinute                       no
34236             3    AudioBytes                           no
34237             4    TitleLen?                            no
34238             5    Title                                no
34239             6    ArtistLen?                           no
34240             7    Artist                               no
34241             8    CopyrightLen?                        no
34242             9    Copyright                            no
34243            10    CommentLen?                          no
34244            11    Comment                              no
34246       Real AudioV4 Tags
34248         Sequence Tag Name                             Writable
34249         -------- --------                             --------
34250             0    FourCC1?                             no
34251             1    AudioFileSize?                       no
34252             2    Version2?                            no
34253             3    HeaderSize?                          no
34254             4    CodecFlavorID?                       no
34255             5    CodedFrameSize?                      no
34256             6    AudioBytes                           no
34257             7    BytesPerMinute                       no
34258             8    Unknown?                             no
34259             9    SubPacketH?                          no
34260            10    AudioFrameSize                       no
34261            11    SubPacketSize?                       no
34262            12    Unknown?                             no
34263            13    SampleRate                           no
34264            14    Unknown?                             no
34265            15    BitsPerSample                        no
34266            16    Channels                             no
34267            17    FourCC2Len?                          no
34268            18    FourCC2?                             no
34269            19    FourCC3Len?                          no
34270            20    FourCC3?                             no
34271            21    Unknown?                             no
34272            22    Unknown?                             no
34273            23    TitleLen?                            no
34274            24    Title                                no
34275            25    ArtistLen?                           no
34276            26    Artist                               no
34277            27    CopyrightLen?                        no
34278            28    Copyright                            no
34279            29    CommentLen?                          no
34280            30    Comment                              no
34282       Real AudioV5 Tags
34284         Sequence Tag Name                             Writable
34285         -------- --------                             --------
34286             0    FourCC1?                             no
34287             1    AudioFileSize?                       no
34288             2    Version2?                            no
34289             3    HeaderSize?                          no
34290             4    CodecFlavorID?                       no
34291             5    CodedFrameSize?                      no
34292             6    AudioBytes                           no
34293             7    BytesPerMinute                       no
34294             8    Unknown?                             no
34295             9    SubPacketH?                          no
34296            10    FrameSize?                           no
34297            11    SubPacketSize?                       no
34298            12    SampleRate                           no
34299            13    SampleRate2?                         no
34300            14    BitsPerSample                        no
34301            15    Channels                             no
34302            16    Genr?                                no
34303            17    FourCC3?                             no
34305       Real Metafile Tags
34307       Tags representing information extracted from Real Audio Metafile and
34308       RealMedia Plug-in Metafile (RAM and RPM) files.
34310         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34311         ------   --------                             --------
34312         'txt'    Text                                 no
34313         'url'    URL                                  no
34315   Red Tags
34316       Tags extracted from Redcode R3D video files.
34318         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34319         ------   --------                             --------
34320         'RED1'   Red1Header                           Red RED1
34321         'RED2'   Red2Header                           Red RED2
34322         0x1000   StartEdgeCode                        no
34323         0x1001   StartTimecode                        no
34324         0x1002   OtherDate1                           no
34325         0x1003   OtherDate2                           no
34326         0x1004   OtherDate3                           no
34327         0x1005   DateTimeOriginal                     no
34328         0x1006   SerialNumber                         no
34329         0x1019   CameraType                           no
34330         0x101a   ReelNumber                           no
34331         0x101b   Take                                 no
34332         0x1023   DateCreated                          no
34333         0x1024   TimeCreated                          no
34334         0x1025   FirmwareVersion                      no
34335         0x1029   ReelTimecode                         no
34336         0x102a   StorageType                          no
34337         0x1030   StorageFormatDate                    no
34338         0x1031   StorageFormatTime                    no
34339         0x1032   StorageSerialNumber                  no
34340         0x1033   StorageModel                         no
34341         0x1036   AspectRatio                          no
34342         0x1042   Revision                             no
34343         0x1056   OriginalFileName                     no
34344         0x106e   LensMake                             no
34345         0x106f   LensNumber                           no
34346         0x1070   LensModel                            no
34347         0x1071   Model                                no
34348         0x107c   CameraOperator                       no
34349         0x1086   VideoFormat                          no
34350         0x1096   Filter                               no
34351         0x10a0   Brain                                no
34352         0x10a1   Sensor                               no
34353         0x200d   ColorTemperature                     no
34354         0x204b   RGBCurves                            no
34355         0x2066   OriginalFrameRate                    no
34356         0x4037   CropArea                             no
34357         0x403b   ISO                                  no
34358         0x406a   FNumber                              no
34359         0x406b   FocalLength                          no
34360         0x606c   FocusDistance                        no
34362       Red RED1 Tags
34364       Redcode version 1 header.
34366         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
34367         ------   --------                             --------
34368             7    RedcodeVersion                       no
34369            54    ImageWidth                           no
34370            58    ImageHeight                          no
34371            62    FrameRate                            no
34372            67    OriginalFileName                     no
34374       Red RED2 Tags
34376       Redcode version 2 header.
34378         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
34379         ------   --------                             --------
34380             7    RedcodeVersion                       no
34381            76    ImageWidth                           no
34382            80    ImageHeight                          no
34383            86    FrameRate                            no
34385   AIFF Tags
34386       Tags extracted from Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) files.  See
34387       <http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/AIFF/AIFF.html>
34388       for the AIFF specification.
34390         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34391         ------   --------                             --------
34392         '(c) '   Copyright                            no
34393         'ANNO'   Annotation                           no
34394         'APPL'   ApplicationData                      no
34395         'AUTH'   Author                               no
34396         'COMM'   Common                               AIFF Common
34397         'COMT'   Comment                              AIFF Comment
34398         'FVER'   FormatVersion                        AIFF FormatVers
34399         'ID3 '   ID3                                  ID3
34400         'NAME'   Name                                 no
34402       AIFF Common Tags
34404         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
34405         ------   --------                             --------
34406             0    NumChannels                          no
34407             1    NumSampleFrames                      no
34408             3    SampleSize                           no
34409             4    SampleRate                           no
34410             9    CompressionType                      no
34411            11    CompressorName                       no
34413       AIFF Comment Tags
34415         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
34416         ------   --------                             --------
34417         0x0000   CommentTime                          no
34418         0x0001   MarkerID                             no
34419         0x0002   Comment                              no
34421       AIFF FormatVers Tags
34423         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
34424         ------   --------                             --------
34425             0    FormatVersionTime                    no
34427   ASF Tags
34428       The ASF format is used by Windows WMA and WMV files, and DIVX videos.
34429       Tag ID's aren't listed because they are huge 128-bit GUID's that would
34430       ruin the formatting of this table.
34432         Tag Name                                      Writable
34433         --------                                      --------
34434         SimpleIndex                                   no
34435         TimecodeIndex                                 no
34436         Header                                        ASF Header
34437         Data                                          no
34438         XMP                                           XMP
34439         Index                                         no
34440         MediaIndex                                    no
34442       ASF Header Tags
34444         Tag Name                                      Writable
34445         --------                                      --------
34446         Padding                                       no
34447         ScriptCommand                                 no
34448         ContentBranding                               ASF ContentBranding
34449         ContentEncryption                             no
34450         DigitalSignature                              no
34451         ExtendedContentEncryption                     no
34452         HeaderExtension                               ASF HeaderExtension
34453         ContentDescription                            ASF ContentDescr
34454         ErrorCorrection                               no
34455         StreamBitrateProps                            no
34456         CodecList                                     ASF CodecList
34457         FileProperties                                ASF FileProperties
34458         StreamProperties                              ASF StreamProperties
34459         ExtendedContentDescr                          ASF ExtendedDescr
34460         BitrateMutualExclusion                        no
34461         Marker                                        no
34463       ASF ContentBranding Tags
34465         Tag Name                                      Writable
34466         --------                                      --------
34467         BannerImageType                               no
34468         BannerImage                                   no
34469         BannerImageURL                                no
34470         CopyrightURL                                  no
34472       ASF HeaderExtension Tags
34474         Tag Name                                      Writable
34475         --------                                      --------
34476         ExtendedStreamProps                           no
34477         AdvancedContentEncryption                     no
34478         MetadataLibrary                               ASF ExtendedDescr
34479         TimecodeIndexParms                            no
34480         Compatibility                                 no
34481         LanguageList                                  no
34482         AdvancedMutualExcl                            no
34483         BandwidthSharing                              no
34484         Reserved1                                     no
34485         Metadata                                      ASF ExtendedDescr
34486         GroupMutualExclusion                          no
34487         StreamPrioritization                          no
34488         IndexParameters                               no
34490       ASF ExtendedDescr Tags
34492         Tag Name                                      Writable
34493         --------                                      --------
34494         ASFLeakyBucketPairs                           no
34495         ASFPacketCount                                no
34496         ASFSecurityObjectsSize                        no
34497         AlbumArtist                                   no
34498         AlbumCoverURL                                 no
34499         AlbumTitle                                    no
34500         AspectRatioX                                  no
34501         AspectRatioY                                  no
34502         AudioFileURL                                  no
34503         AudioSourceURL                                no
34504         Author                                        no
34505         AuthorURL                                     no
34506         AverageLevel                                  no
34507         BannerImageData                               no
34508         BannerImageType                               no
34509         BannerImageURL                                no
34510         BeatsPerMinute                                no
34511         Bitrate                                       no
34512         Broadcast                                     no
34513         BufferAverage                                 no
34514         Can_Skip_Backward                             no
34515         Can_Skip_Forward                              no
34516         Category                                      no
34517         Codec                                         no
34518         Composer                                      no
34519         Conductor                                     no
34520         ContainerFormat                               no
34521         ContentDistributor                            no
34522         ContentGroupDescription                       no
34523         Copyright                                     no
34524         CopyrightURL                                  no
34525         CurrentBitrate                                no
34526         DRM                                           no
34527         DRM_ContentID                                 no
34528         DRM_DRMHeader                                 no
34529         DRM_DRMHeader_ContentDistributor              no
34530         DRM_DRMHeader_ContentID                       no
34531         DRM_DRMHeader_IndividualizedVersion           no
34532         DRM_DRMHeader_KeyID                           no
34533         DRM_DRMHeader_LicenseAcqURL                   no
34534         DRM_DRMHeader_SubscriptionContentID           no
34535         DRM_IndividualizedVersion                     no
34536         DRM_KeyID                                     no
34537         DRM_LASignatureCert                           no
34538         DRM_LASignatureLicSrvCert                     no
34539         DRM_LASignaturePrivKey                        no
34540         DRM_LASignatureRootCert                       no
34541         DRM_LicenseAcqURL                             no
34542         DRM_V1LicenseAcqURL                           no
34543         DVDID                                         no
34544         Description                                   no
34545         Director                                      no
34546         Duration                                      no
34547         EncodedBy                                     no
34548         EncodingSettings                              no
34549         EncodingTime                                  no
34550         FileSize                                      no
34551         Genre                                         no
34552         GenreID                                       no
34553         HasArbitraryDataStream                        no
34554         HasAttachedImages                             no
34555         HasAudio                                      no
34556         HasFileTransferStream                         no
34557         HasImage                                      no
34558         HasScript                                     no
34559         HasVideo                                      no
34560         ISRC                                          no
34561         InitialKey                                    no
34562         IsVBR                                         no
34563         Is_Protected                                  no
34564         Is_Trusted                                    no
34565         Language                                      no
34566         Lyrics                                        no
34567         Lyrics_Synchronised                           no
34568         MCDI                                          no
34569         MediaClassPrimaryID                           no
34570         MediaClassSecondaryID                         no
34571         MediaCredits                                  no
34572         MediaIsDelay                                  no
34573         MediaIsFinale                                 no
34574         MediaIsLive                                   no
34575         MediaIsPremiere                               no
34576         MediaIsRepeat                                 no
34577         MediaIsSAP                                    no
34578         MediaIsStereo                                 no
34579         MediaIsSubtitled                              no
34580         MediaIsTape                                   no
34581         MediaNetworkAffiliation                       no
34582         MediaOriginalBroadcastDateTime                no
34583         MediaOriginalChannel                          no
34584         MediaStationCallSign                          no
34585         MediaStationName                              no
34586         ModifiedBy                                    no
34587         Mood                                          no
34588         NSC_Address                                   no
34589         NSC_Description                               no
34590         NSC_Email                                     no
34591         NSC_Name                                      no
34592         NSC_Phone                                     no
34593         NumberOfFrames                                no
34594         OptimalBitrate                                no
34595         OriginalAlbumTitle                            no
34596         OriginalArtist                                no
34597         OriginalFileName                              no
34598         OriginalLyricist                              no
34599         OriginalReleaseTime                           no
34600         OriginalReleaseYear                           no
34601         ParentalRating                                no
34602         ParentalRatingReason                          no
34603         PartOfSet                                     no
34604         PeakBitrate                                   no
34605         PeakValue                                     no
34606         Period                                        no
34607         Picture                                       ASF Picture
34608         PlaylistDelay                                 no
34609         Producer                                      no
34610         PromotionURL                                  no
34611         ProtectionType                                no
34612         Provider                                      no
34613         ProviderCopyright                             no
34614         ProviderRating                                no
34615         ProviderStyle                                 no
34616         Publisher                                     no
34617         RadioStationName                              no
34618         RadioStationOwner                             no
34619         Rating                                        no
34620         Seekable                                      no
34621         SharedUserRating                              no
34622         Signature_Name                                no
34623         StreamTypeInfo                                no
34624         Stridable                                     no
34625         Subtitle                                      no
34626         SubtitleDescription                           no
34627         SubscriptionContentID                         no
34628         Text                                          no
34629         Title                                         no
34630         ToolName                                      no
34631         ToolVersion                                   no
34632         Track                                         no
34633         TrackNumber                                   no
34634         UniqueFileIdentifier                          no
34635         UserWebURL                                    no
34636         VBRPeak                                       no
34637         VideoClosedCaptioning                         no
34638         VideoFrameRate                                no
34639         VideoHeight                                   no
34640         VideoWidth                                    no
34641         WMADRCAverageReference                        no
34642         WMADRCAverageTarget                           no
34643         WMADRCPeakReference                           no
34644         WMADRCPeakTarget                              no
34645         WMCollectionGroupID                           no
34646         WMCollectionID                                no
34647         WMContentID                                   no
34648         Writer                                        no
34649         Year                                          no
34651       ASF Picture Tags
34653         Tag Name                                      Writable
34654         --------                                      --------
34655         PictureType                                   no
34656         PictureMIMEType                               no
34657         PictureDescription                            no
34658         Picture                                       no
34660       ASF ContentDescr Tags
34662         Tag Name                                      Writable
34663         --------                                      --------
34664         Title                                         no
34665         Author                                        no
34666         Copyright                                     no
34667         Description                                   no
34668         Rating                                        no
34670       ASF CodecList Tags
34672         Tag Name                                      Writable
34673         --------                                      --------
34674         AudioCodecDescription                         no
34675         AudioCodecName                                no
34676         OtherCodecDescription                         no
34677         OtherCodecName                                no
34678         VideoCodecDescription                         no
34679         VideoCodecName                                no
34681       ASF FileProperties Tags
34683         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
34684         ------   --------                             --------
34685             0    FileID                               no
34686            16    FileLength                           no
34687            24    CreationDate                         no
34688            32    DataPackets                          no
34689            40    Duration                             no
34690            48    SendDuration                         no
34691            56    Preroll                              no
34692            64    Flags                                no
34693            68    MinPacketSize                        no
34694            72    MaxPacketSize                        no
34695            76    MaxBitrate                           no
34697       ASF StreamProperties Tags
34699       Tags with index 54 and greater are conditional based on the StreamType.
34701         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
34702         ------   --------                             --------
34703             0    StreamType                           no
34704            16    ErrorCorrectionType                  no
34705            32    TimeOffset                           no
34706            48    StreamNumber                         no
34707            54    AudioCodecID                         no
34708                  ImageWidth                           no
34709            56    AudioChannels                        no
34710            58    AudioSampleRate                      no
34711                  ImageHeight                          no
34713   WTV Tags
34714       Tags found in Windows recorded TV (WTV) videos.
34716         Tag ID                          Tag Name      Writable
34717         ------                          --------      --------
34718         'table.0.entries.legacy_attrib' Metdata       WTV Metadata
34720       WTV Metadata Tags
34722       ExifTool will extract any tag found, even if not in this table.
34724         Tag Name                                      Writable
34725         --------                                      --------
34726         ATSCContent                                   no
34727         ActualSoftPostPadding                         no
34728         ActualSoftPrePadding                          no
34729         Bitrate?                                      no
34730         BrandingImageID                               no
34731         BrandingName                                  no
34732         ContentProtected                              no
34733         ContentProtectedPercent                       no
34734         DTVContent                                    no
34735         Duration                                      no
34736         EncodeTime                                    no
34737         EndTime                                       no
34738         ExpirationDate?                               no
34739         ExpirationSpan?                               no
34740         Genre                                         no
34741         HDContent                                     no
34742         HardPostPadding                               no
34743         HardPrePadding                                no
34744         InBandRatingAttributes                        no
34745         InBandRatingLevel                             no
34746         InBandRatingSystem                            no
34747         KeepUntil                                     no
34748         Language                                      no
34749         MediaClassPrimaryID                           no
34750         MediaClassSecondaryID                         no
34751         MediaCredits                                  no
34752         MediaIsDelay                                  no
34753         MediaIsFinale                                 no
34754         MediaIsLive                                   no
34755         MediaIsMovie                                  no
34756         MediaIsPremiere                               no
34757         MediaIsRepeat                                 no
34758         MediaIsSAP                                    no
34759         MediaIsSport                                  no
34760         MediaIsStereo                                 no
34761         MediaIsSubtitled                              no
34762         MediaIsTape                                   no
34763         MediaNetworkAffiliation                       no
34764         MediaOriginalBroadcastDateTime                no
34765         MediaOriginalChannel                          no
34766         MediaOriginalChannelSubNumber                 no
34767         MediaOriginalRunTime                          no
34768         MediaStationCallSign                          no
34769         MediaStationName                              no
34770         MediaThumbAspectRatioX                        no
34771         MediaThumbAspectRatioY                        no
34772         MediaThumbHeight                              no
34773         MediaThumbRatingAttributes                    no
34774         MediaThumbRatingLevel                         no
34775         MediaThumbRatingSystem                        no
34776         MediaThumbRet                                 no
34777         MediaThumbStride                              no
34778         MediaThumbTimeStamp?                          no
34779         MediaThumbWidth                               no
34780         OriginalReleaseTime                           no
34781         OriginalSoftPostPadding                       no
34782         OriginalSoftPrePadding                        no
34783         ParentalRating                                no
34784         ParentalRatingReason                          no
34785         ProgramID                                     no
34786         Provider                                      no
34787         ProviderCopyright                             no
34788         ProviderRating                                no
34789         Quality                                       no
34790         RequestID                                     no
34791         ScheduleItemID                                no
34792         SeriesUID                                     no
34793         ServiceID                                     no
34794         Subtitle                                      no
34795         SubtitleDescription                           no
34796         Title                                         no
34797         VideoClosedCaptioning                         no
34798         Watched                                       no
34800   DICOM Tags
34801       The DICOM format is based on the ACR-NEMA specification, but adds a
34802       file header and a number of new tags.  ExifTool will extract
34803       information from either type of file.  The Tag ID's in the following
34804       table are the tag group and element numbers in hexadecimal, as given in
34805       the DICOM specification (see <http://medical.nema.org/>).  The table
34806       below contains tags from the DICOM 2009 and earlier specifications plus
34807       some vendor-specific private tags.
34809       Note that DICOM information may be saved in other file formats using
34810       the XMP DICOM Tags.
34812         Tag ID     Tag Name                           Writable
34813         ------     --------                           --------
34814         0002,0000  FileMetaInfoGroupLength            no
34815         0002,0001  FileMetaInfoVersion                no
34816         0002,0002  MediaStorageSOPClassUID            no
34817         0002,0003  MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID         no
34818         0002,0010  TransferSyntaxUID                  no
34819         0002,0012  ImplementationClassUID             no
34820         0002,0013  ImplementationVersionName          no
34821         0002,0016  SourceApplicationEntityTitle       no
34822         0002,0100  PrivateInformationCreatorUID       no
34823         0002,0102  PrivateInformation                 no
34824         0004,1130  FileSetID                          no
34825         0004,1141  FileSetDescriptorFileID            no
34826         0004,1142  SpecificCharacterSetOfFile         no
34827         0004,1200  FirstDirectoryRecordOffset         no
34828         0004,1202  LastDirectoryRecordOffset          no
34829         0004,1212  FileSetConsistencyFlag             no
34830         0004,1220  DirectoryRecordSequence            no
34831         0004,1400  OffsetOfNextDirectoryRecord        no
34832         0004,1410  RecordInUseFlag                    no
34833         0004,1420  LowerLevelDirectoryEntityOffset    no
34834         0004,1430  DirectoryRecordType                no
34835         0004,1432  PrivateRecordUID                   no
34836         0004,1500  ReferencedFileID                   no
34837         0004,1504  MRDRDirectoryRecordOffset          no
34838         0004,1510  ReferencedSOPClassUIDInFile        no
34839         0004,1511  ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDInFile     no
34840         0004,1512  ReferencedTransferSyntaxUIDInFile  no
34841         0004,151A  ReferencedRelatedSOPClassUIDInFile no
34842         0004,1600  NumberOfReferences                 no
34843         0008,0000  IdentifyingGroupLength             no
34844         0008,0001  LengthToEnd                        no
34845         0008,0005  SpecificCharacterSet               no
34846         0008,0006  LanguageCodeSequence               no
34847         0008,0008  ImageType                          no
34848         0008,0010  RecognitionCode                    no
34849         0008,0012  InstanceCreationDate               no
34850         0008,0013  InstanceCreationTime               no
34851         0008,0014  InstanceCreatorUID                 no
34852         0008,0016  SOPClassUID                        no
34853         0008,0018  SOPInstanceUID                     no
34854         0008,001A  RelatedGeneralSOPClassUID          no
34855         0008,001B  OriginalSpecializedSOPClassUID     no
34856         0008,0020  StudyDate                          no
34857         0008,0021  SeriesDate                         no
34858         0008,0022  AcquisitionDate                    no
34859         0008,0023  ContentDate                        no
34860         0008,0024  OverlayDate                        no
34861         0008,0025  CurveDate                          no
34862         0008,002A  AcquisitionDateTime                no
34863         0008,0030  StudyTime                          no
34864         0008,0031  SeriesTime                         no
34865         0008,0032  AcquisitionTime                    no
34866         0008,0033  ContentTime                        no
34867         0008,0034  OverlayTime                        no
34868         0008,0035  CurveTime                          no
34869         0008,0040  DataSetType                        no
34870         0008,0041  DataSetSubtype                     no
34871         0008,0042  NuclearMedicineSeriesType          no
34872         0008,0050  AccessionNumber                    no
34873         0008,0052  QueryRetrieveLevel                 no
34874         0008,0054  RetrieveAETitle                    no
34875         0008,0056  InstanceAvailability               no
34876         0008,0058  FailedSOPInstanceUIDList           no
34877         0008,0060  Modality                           no
34878         0008,0061  ModalitiesInStudy                  no
34879         0008,0062  SOPClassesInStudy                  no
34880         0008,0064  ConversionType                     no
34881         0008,0068  PresentationIntentType             no
34882         0008,0070  Manufacturer                       no
34883         0008,0080  InstitutionName                    no
34884         0008,0081  InstitutionAddress                 no
34885         0008,0082  InstitutionCodeSequence            no
34886         0008,0090  ReferringPhysicianName             no
34887         0008,0092  ReferringPhysicianAddress          no
34888         0008,0094  ReferringPhysicianTelephoneNumber  no
34889         0008,0096  ReferringPhysicianIDSequence       no
34890         0008,0100  CodeValue                          no
34891         0008,0102  CodingSchemeDesignator             no
34892         0008,0103  CodingSchemeVersion                no
34893         0008,0104  CodeMeaning                        no
34894         0008,0105  MappingResource                    no
34895         0008,0106  ContextGroupVersion                no
34896         0008,0107  ContextGroupLocalVersion           no
34897         0008,010B  ContextGroupExtensionFlag          no
34898         0008,010C  CodingSchemeUID                    no
34899         0008,010D  ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID    no
34900         0008,010F  ContextIdentifier                  no
34901         0008,0110  CodingSchemeIDSequence             no
34902         0008,0112  CodingSchemeRegistry               no
34903         0008,0114  CodingSchemeExternalID             no
34904         0008,0115  CodingSchemeName                   no
34905         0008,0116  ResponsibleOrganization            no
34906         0008,0117  ContextUID                         no
34907         0008,0201  TimezoneOffsetFromUTC              no
34908         0008,1000  NetworkID                          no
34909         0008,1010  StationName                        no
34910         0008,1030  StudyDescription                   no
34911         0008,1032  ProcedureCodeSequence              no
34912         0008,103E  SeriesDescription                  no
34913         0008,1040  InstitutionalDepartmentName        no
34914         0008,1048  PhysiciansOfRecord                 no
34915         0008,1049  PhysiciansOfRecordIDSequence       no
34916         0008,1050  PerformingPhysicianName            no
34917         0008,1052  PerformingPhysicianIDSequence      no
34918         0008,1060  NameOfPhysicianReadingStudy        no
34919         0008,1062  PhysicianReadingStudyIDSequence    no
34920         0008,1070  OperatorsName                      no
34921         0008,1072  OperatorIDSequence                 no
34922         0008,1080  AdmittingDiagnosesDescription      no
34923         0008,1084  AdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence     no
34924         0008,1090  ManufacturersModelName             no
34925         0008,1100  ReferencedResultsSequence          no
34926         0008,1110  ReferencedStudySequence            no
34927         0008,1111  ReferencedProcedureStepSequence    no
34928         0008,1115  ReferencedSeriesSequence           no
34929         0008,1120  ReferencedPatientSequence          no
34930         0008,1125  ReferencedVisitSequence            no
34931         0008,1130  ReferencedOverlaySequence          no
34932         0008,113A  ReferencedWaveformSequence         no
34933         0008,1140  ReferencedImageSequence            no
34934         0008,1145  ReferencedCurveSequence            no
34935         0008,114A  ReferencedInstanceSequence         no
34936         0008,1150  ReferencedSOPClassUID              no
34937         0008,1155  ReferencedSOPInstanceUID           no
34938         0008,115A  SOPClassesSupported                no
34939         0008,1160  ReferencedFrameNumber              no
34940         0008,1161  SimpleFrameList                    no
34941         0008,1162  CalculatedFrameList                no
34942         0008,1163  TimeRange                          no
34943         0008,1164  FrameExtractionSequence            no
34944         0008,1195  TransactionUID                     no
34945         0008,1197  FailureReason                      no
34946         0008,1198  FailedSOPSequence                  no
34947         0008,1199  ReferencedSOPSequence              no
34948         0008,1200  OtherReferencedStudiesSequence     no
34949         0008,1250  RelatedSeriesSequence              no
34950         0008,2110  LossyImageCompression              no
34951         0008,2111  DerivationDescription              no
34952         0008,2112  SourceImageSequence                no
34953         0008,2120  StageName                          no
34954         0008,2122  StageNumber                        no
34955         0008,2124  NumberOfStages                     no
34956         0008,2127  ViewName                           no
34957         0008,2128  ViewNumber                         no
34958         0008,2129  NumberOfEventTimers                no
34959         0008,212A  NumberOfViewsInStage               no
34960         0008,2130  EventElapsedTimes                  no
34961         0008,2132  EventTimerNames                    no
34962         0008,2133  EventTimerSequence                 no
34963         0008,2134  EventTimeOffset                    no
34964         0008,2135  EventCodeSequence                  no
34965         0008,2142  StartTrim                          no
34966         0008,2143  StopTrim                           no
34967         0008,2144  RecommendedDisplayFrameRate        no
34968         0008,2200  TransducerPosition                 no
34969         0008,2204  TransducerOrientation              no
34970         0008,2208  AnatomicStructure                  no
34971         0008,2218  AnatomicRegionSequence             no
34972         0008,2220  AnatomicRegionModifierSequence     no
34973         0008,2228  PrimaryAnatomicStructureSequence   no
34974         0008,2229  AnatomicStructureOrRegionSequence  no
34975         0008,2230  AnatomicStructureModifierSequence  no
34976         0008,2240  TransducerPositionSequence         no
34977         0008,2242  TransducerPositionModifierSequence no
34978         0008,2244  TransducerOrientationSequence      no
34979         0008,2246  TransducerOrientationModifierSeq   no
34980         0008,2253  AnatomicEntrancePortalCodeSeqTrial no
34981         0008,2255  AnatomicApproachDirCodeSeqTrial    no
34982         0008,2256  AnatomicPerspectiveDescrTrial      no
34983         0008,2257  AnatomicPerspectiveCodeSeqTrial    no
34984         0008,3001  AlternateRepresentationSequence    no
34985         0008,3010  IrradiationEventUID                no
34986         0008,4000  IdentifyingComments                no
34987         0008,9007  FrameType                          no
34988         0008,9092  ReferencedImageEvidenceSequence    no
34989         0008,9121  ReferencedRawDataSequence          no
34990         0008,9123  CreatorVersionUID                  no
34991         0008,9124  DerivationImageSequence            no
34992         0008,9154  SourceImageEvidenceSequence        no
34993         0008,9205  PixelPresentation                  no
34994         0008,9206  VolumetricProperties               no
34995         0008,9207  VolumeBasedCalculationTechnique    no
34996         0008,9208  ComplexImageComponent              no
34997         0008,9209  AcquisitionContrast                no
34998         0008,9215  DerivationCodeSequence             no
34999         0008,9237  GrayscalePresentationStateSequence no
35000         0008,9410  ReferencedOtherPlaneSequence       no
35001         0008,9458  FrameDisplaySequence               no
35002         0008,9459  RecommendedDisplayFrameRateInFloat no
35003         0008,9460  SkipFrameRangeFlag                 no
35004         0009,1001  FullFidelity                       no
35005         0009,1002  SuiteID                            no
35006         0009,1004  ProductID                          no
35007         0009,1027  ImageActualDate                    no
35008         0009,1030  ServiceID                          no
35009         0009,1031  MobileLocationNumber               no
35010         0009,10E3  EquipmentUID                       no
35011         0009,10E6  GenesisVersionNow                  no
35012         0009,10E7  ExamRecordChecksum                 no
35013         0009,10E9  ActualSeriesDataTimeStamp          no
35014         0010,0000  PatientGroupLength                 no
35015         0010,0010  PatientName                        no
35016         0010,0020  PatientID                          no
35017         0010,0021  IssuerOfPatientID                  no
35018         0010,0022  TypeOfPatientID                    no
35019         0010,0030  PatientBirthDate                   no
35020         0010,0032  PatientBirthTime                   no
35021         0010,0040  PatientSex                         no
35022         0010,0050  PatientInsurancePlanCodeSequence   no
35023         0010,0101  PatientPrimaryLanguageCodeSeq      no
35024         0010,0102  PatientPrimaryLanguageCodeModSeq   no
35025         0010,1000  OtherPatientIDs                    no
35026         0010,1001  OtherPatientNames                  no
35027         0010,1002  OtherPatientIDsSequence            no
35028         0010,1005  PatientBirthName                   no
35029         0010,1010  PatientAge                         no
35030         0010,1020  PatientSize                        no
35031         0010,1030  PatientWeight                      no
35032         0010,1040  PatientAddress                     no
35033         0010,1050  InsurancePlanIdentification        no
35034         0010,1060  PatientMotherBirthName             no
35035         0010,1080  MilitaryRank                       no
35036         0010,1081  BranchOfService                    no
35037         0010,1090  MedicalRecordLocator               no
35038         0010,2000  MedicalAlerts                      no
35039         0010,2110  Allergies                          no
35040         0010,2150  CountryOfResidence                 no
35041         0010,2152  RegionOfResidence                  no
35042         0010,2154  PatientTelephoneNumbers            no
35043         0010,2160  EthnicGroup                        no
35044         0010,2180  Occupation                         no
35045         0010,21A0  SmokingStatus                      no
35046         0010,21B0  AdditionalPatientHistory           no
35047         0010,21C0  PregnancyStatus                    no
35048         0010,21D0  LastMenstrualDate                  no
35049         0010,21F0  PatientReligiousPreference         no
35050         0010,2201  PatientSpeciesDescription          no
35051         0010,2202  PatientSpeciesCodeSequence         no
35052         0010,2203  PatientSexNeutered                 no
35053         0010,2210  AnatomicalOrientationType          no
35054         0010,2292  PatientBreedDescription            no
35055         0010,2293  PatientBreedCodeSequence           no
35056         0010,2294  BreedRegistrationSequence          no
35057         0010,2295  BreedRegistrationNumber            no
35058         0010,2296  BreedRegistryCodeSequence          no
35059         0010,2297  ResponsiblePerson                  no
35060         0010,2298  ResponsiblePersonRole              no
35061         0010,2299  ResponsibleOrganization            no
35062         0010,4000  PatientComments                    no
35063         0010,9431  ExaminedBodyThickness              no
35064         0011,1010  PatientStatus                      no
35065         0012,0010  ClinicalTrialSponsorName           no
35066         0012,0020  ClinicalTrialProtocolID            no
35067         0012,0021  ClinicalTrialProtocolName          no
35068         0012,0030  ClinicalTrialSiteID                no
35069         0012,0031  ClinicalTrialSiteName              no
35070         0012,0040  ClinicalTrialSubjectID             no
35071         0012,0042  ClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID      no
35072         0012,0050  ClinicalTrialTimePointID           no
35073         0012,0051  ClinicalTrialTimePointDescription  no
35074         0012,0060  ClinicalTrialCoordinatingCenter    no
35075         0012,0062  PatientIdentityRemoved             no
35076         0012,0063  DeidentificationMethod             no
35077         0012,0064  DeidentificationMethodCodeSequence no
35078         0012,0071  ClinicalTrialSeriesID              no
35079         0012,0072  ClinicalTrialSeriesDescription     no
35080         0012,0084  DistributionType                   no
35081         0012,0085  ConsentForDistributionFlag         no
35082         0018,0000  AcquisitionGroupLength             no
35083         0018,0010  ContrastBolusAgent                 no
35084         0018,0012  ContrastBolusAgentSequence         no
35085         0018,0014  ContrastBolusAdministrationRoute   no
35086         0018,0015  BodyPartExamined                   no
35087         0018,0020  ScanningSequence                   no
35088         0018,0021  SequenceVariant                    no
35089         0018,0022  ScanOptions                        no
35090         0018,0023  MRAcquisitionType                  no
35091         0018,0024  SequenceName                       no
35092         0018,0025  AngioFlag                          no
35093         0018,0026  InterventionDrugInformationSeq     no
35094         0018,0027  InterventionDrugStopTime           no
35095         0018,0028  InterventionDrugDose               no
35096         0018,0029  InterventionDrugSequence           no
35097         0018,002A  AdditionalDrugSequence             no
35098         0018,0030  Radionuclide                       no
35099         0018,0031  Radiopharmaceutical                no
35100         0018,0032  EnergyWindowCenterline             no
35101         0018,0033  EnergyWindowTotalWidth             no
35102         0018,0034  InterventionDrugName               no
35103         0018,0035  InterventionDrugStartTime          no
35104         0018,0036  InterventionSequence               no
35105         0018,0037  TherapyType                        no
35106         0018,0038  InterventionStatus                 no
35107         0018,0039  TherapyDescription                 no
35108         0018,003A  InterventionDescription            no
35109         0018,0040  CineRate                           no
35110         0018,0042  InitialCineRunState                no
35111         0018,0050  SliceThickness                     no
35112         0018,0060  KVP                                no
35113         0018,0070  CountsAccumulated                  no
35114         0018,0071  AcquisitionTerminationCondition    no
35115         0018,0072  EffectiveDuration                  no
35116         0018,0073  AcquisitionStartCondition          no
35117         0018,0074  AcquisitionStartConditionData      no
35118         0018,0075  AcquisitionEndConditionData        no
35119         0018,0080  RepetitionTime                     no
35120         0018,0081  EchoTime                           no
35121         0018,0082  InversionTime                      no
35122         0018,0083  NumberOfAverages                   no
35123         0018,0084  ImagingFrequency                   no
35124         0018,0085  ImagedNucleus                      no
35125         0018,0086  EchoNumber                         no
35126         0018,0087  MagneticFieldStrength              no
35127         0018,0088  SpacingBetweenSlices               no
35128         0018,0089  NumberOfPhaseEncodingSteps         no
35129         0018,0090  DataCollectionDiameter             no
35130         0018,0091  EchoTrainLength                    no
35131         0018,0093  PercentSampling                    no
35132         0018,0094  PercentPhaseFieldOfView            no
35133         0018,0095  PixelBandwidth                     no
35134         0018,1000  DeviceSerialNumber                 no
35135         0018,1002  DeviceUID                          no
35136         0018,1003  DeviceID                           no
35137         0018,1004  PlateID                            no
35138         0018,1005  GeneratorID                        no
35139         0018,1006  GridID                             no
35140         0018,1007  CassetteID                         no
35141         0018,1008  GantryID                           no
35142         0018,1010  SecondaryCaptureDeviceID           no
35143         0018,1011  HardcopyCreationDeviceID           no
35144         0018,1012  DateOfSecondaryCapture             no
35145         0018,1014  TimeOfSecondaryCapture             no
35146         0018,1016  SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer no
35147         0018,1017  HardcopyDeviceManufacturer         no
35148         0018,1018  SecondaryCaptureDeviceModelName    no
35149         0018,1019  SecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVers no
35150         0018,101A  HardcopyDeviceSoftwareVersion      no
35151         0018,101B  HardcopyDeviceModelName            no
35152         0018,1020  SoftwareVersion                    no
35153         0018,1022  VideoImageFormatAcquired           no
35154         0018,1023  DigitalImageFormatAcquired         no
35155         0018,1030  ProtocolName                       no
35156         0018,1040  ContrastBolusRoute                 no
35157         0018,1041  ContrastBolusVolume                no
35158         0018,1042  ContrastBolusStartTime             no
35159         0018,1043  ContrastBolusStopTime              no
35160         0018,1044  ContrastBolusTotalDose             no
35161         0018,1045  SyringeCounts                      no
35162         0018,1046  ContrastFlowRate                   no
35163         0018,1047  ContrastFlowDuration               no
35164         0018,1048  ContrastBolusIngredient            no
35165         0018,1049  ContrastBolusConcentration         no
35166         0018,1050  SpatialResolution                  no
35167         0018,1060  TriggerTime                        no
35168         0018,1061  TriggerSourceOrType                no
35169         0018,1062  NominalInterval                    no
35170         0018,1063  FrameTime                          no
35171         0018,1064  CardiacFramingType                 no
35172         0018,1065  FrameTimeVector                    no
35173         0018,1066  FrameDelay                         no
35174         0018,1067  ImageTriggerDelay                  no
35175         0018,1068  MultiplexGroupTimeOffset           no
35176         0018,1069  TriggerTimeOffset                  no
35177         0018,106A  SynchronizationTrigger             no
35178         0018,106C  SynchronizationChannel             no
35179         0018,106E  TriggerSamplePosition              no
35180         0018,1070  RadiopharmaceuticalRoute           no
35181         0018,1071  RadiopharmaceuticalVolume          no
35182         0018,1072  RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime       no
35183         0018,1073  RadiopharmaceuticalStopTime        no
35184         0018,1074  RadionuclideTotalDose              no
35185         0018,1075  RadionuclideHalfLife               no
35186         0018,1076  RadionuclidePositronFraction       no
35187         0018,1077  RadiopharmaceuticalSpecActivity    no
35188         0018,1078  RadiopharmaceuticalStartDateTime   no
35189         0018,1079  RadiopharmaceuticalStopDateTime    no
35190         0018,1080  BeatRejectionFlag                  no
35191         0018,1081  LowRRValue                         no
35192         0018,1082  HighRRValue                        no
35193         0018,1083  IntervalsAcquired                  no
35194         0018,1084  IntervalsRejected                  no
35195         0018,1085  PVCRejection                       no
35196         0018,1086  SkipBeats                          no
35197         0018,1088  HeartRate                          no
35198         0018,1090  CardiacNumberOfImages              no
35199         0018,1094  TriggerWindow                      no
35200         0018,1100  ReconstructionDiameter             no
35201         0018,1110  DistanceSourceToDetector           no
35202         0018,1111  DistanceSourceToPatient            no
35203         0018,1114  EstimatedRadiographicMagnification no
35204         0018,1120  GantryDetectorTilt                 no
35205         0018,1121  GantryDetectorSlew                 no
35206         0018,1130  TableHeight                        no
35207         0018,1131  TableTraverse                      no
35208         0018,1134  TableMotion                        no
35209         0018,1135  TableVerticalIncrement             no
35210         0018,1136  TableLateralIncrement              no
35211         0018,1137  TableLongitudinalIncrement         no
35212         0018,1138  TableAngle                         no
35213         0018,113A  TableType                          no
35214         0018,1140  RotationDirection                  no
35215         0018,1141  AngularPosition                    no
35216         0018,1142  RadialPosition                     no
35217         0018,1143  ScanArc                            no
35218         0018,1144  AngularStep                        no
35219         0018,1145  CenterOfRotationOffset             no
35220         0018,1146  RotationOffset                     no
35221         0018,1147  FieldOfViewShape                   no
35222         0018,1149  FieldOfViewDimensions              no
35223         0018,1150  ExposureTime                       no
35224         0018,1151  XRayTubeCurrent                    no
35225         0018,1152  Exposure                           no
35226         0018,1153  ExposureInMicroAmpSec              no
35227         0018,1154  AveragePulseWidth                  no
35228         0018,1155  RadiationSetting                   no
35229         0018,1156  RectificationType                  no
35230         0018,115A  RadiationMode                      no
35231         0018,115E  ImageAreaDoseProduct               no
35232         0018,1160  FilterType                         no
35233         0018,1161  TypeOfFilters                      no
35234         0018,1162  IntensifierSize                    no
35235         0018,1164  ImagerPixelSpacing                 no
35236         0018,1166  Grid                               no
35237         0018,1170  GeneratorPower                     no
35238         0018,1180  CollimatorGridName                 no
35239         0018,1181  CollimatorType                     no
35240         0018,1182  FocalDistance                      no
35241         0018,1183  XFocusCenter                       no
35242         0018,1184  YFocusCenter                       no
35243         0018,1190  FocalSpots                         no
35244         0018,1191  AnodeTargetMaterial                no
35245         0018,11A0  BodyPartThickness                  no
35246         0018,11A2  CompressionForce                   no
35247         0018,1200  DateOfLastCalibration              no
35248         0018,1201  TimeOfLastCalibration              no
35249         0018,1210  ConvolutionKernel                  no
35250         0018,1240  UpperLowerPixelValues              no
35251         0018,1242  ActualFrameDuration                no
35252         0018,1243  CountRate                          no
35253         0018,1244  PreferredPlaybackSequencing        no
35254         0018,1250  ReceiveCoilName                    no
35255         0018,1251  TransmitCoilName                   no
35256         0018,1260  PlateType                          no
35257         0018,1261  PhosphorType                       no
35258         0018,1300  ScanVelocity                       no
35259         0018,1301  WholeBodyTechnique                 no
35260         0018,1302  ScanLength                         no
35261         0018,1310  AcquisitionMatrix                  no
35262         0018,1312  InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection      no
35263         0018,1314  FlipAngle                          no
35264         0018,1315  VariableFlipAngleFlag              no
35265         0018,1316  SAR                                no
35266         0018,1318  DB-Dt                              no
35267         0018,1400  AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescr   no
35268         0018,1401  AcquisitionDeviceProcessingCode    no
35269         0018,1402  CassetteOrientation                no
35270         0018,1403  CassetteSize                       no
35271         0018,1404  ExposuresOnPlate                   no
35272         0018,1405  RelativeXRayExposure               no
35273         0018,1450  ColumnAngulation                   no
35274         0018,1460  TomoLayerHeight                    no
35275         0018,1470  TomoAngle                          no
35276         0018,1480  TomoTime                           no
35277         0018,1490  TomoType                           no
35278         0018,1491  TomoClass                          no
35279         0018,1495  NumberOfTomosynthesisSourceImages  no
35280         0018,1500  PositionerMotion                   no
35281         0018,1508  PositionerType                     no
35282         0018,1510  PositionerPrimaryAngle             no
35283         0018,1511  PositionerSecondaryAngle           no
35284         0018,1520  PositionerPrimaryAngleIncrement    no
35285         0018,1521  PositionerSecondaryAngleIncrement  no
35286         0018,1530  DetectorPrimaryAngle               no
35287         0018,1531  DetectorSecondaryAngle             no
35288         0018,1600  ShutterShape                       no
35289         0018,1602  ShutterLeftVerticalEdge            no
35290         0018,1604  ShutterRightVerticalEdge           no
35291         0018,1606  ShutterUpperHorizontalEdge         no
35292         0018,1608  ShutterLowerHorizontalEdge         no
35293         0018,1610  CenterOfCircularShutter            no
35294         0018,1612  RadiusOfCircularShutter            no
35295         0018,1620  VerticesOfPolygonalShutter         no
35296         0018,1622  ShutterPresentationValue           no
35297         0018,1623  ShutterOverlayGroup                no
35298         0018,1624  ShutterPresentationColorCIELabVal  no
35299         0018,1700  CollimatorShape                    no
35300         0018,1702  CollimatorLeftVerticalEdge         no
35301         0018,1704  CollimatorRightVerticalEdge        no
35302         0018,1706  CollimatorUpperHorizontalEdge      no
35303         0018,1708  CollimatorLowerHorizontalEdge      no
35304         0018,1710  CenterOfCircularCollimator         no
35305         0018,1712  RadiusOfCircularCollimator         no
35306         0018,1720  VerticesOfPolygonalCollimator      no
35307         0018,1800  AcquisitionTimeSynchronized        no
35308         0018,1801  TimeSource                         no
35309         0018,1802  TimeDistributionProtocol           no
35310         0018,1803  NTPSourceAddress                   no
35311         0018,2001  PageNumberVector                   no
35312         0018,2002  FrameLabelVector                   no
35313         0018,2003  FramePrimaryAngleVector            no
35314         0018,2004  FrameSecondaryAngleVector          no
35315         0018,2005  SliceLocationVector                no
35316         0018,2006  DisplayWindowLabelVector           no
35317         0018,2010  NominalScannedPixelSpacing         no
35318         0018,2020  DigitizingDeviceTransportDirection no
35319         0018,2030  RotationOfScannedFilm              no
35320         0018,3100  IVUSAcquisition                    no
35321         0018,3101  IVUSPullbackRate                   no
35322         0018,3102  IVUSGatedRate                      no
35323         0018,3103  IVUSPullbackStartFrameNumber       no
35324         0018,3104  IVUSPullbackStopFrameNumber        no
35325         0018,3105  LesionNumber                       no
35326         0018,4000  AcquisitionComments                no
35327         0018,5000  OutputPower                        no
35328         0018,5010  TransducerData                     no
35329         0018,5012  FocusDepth                         no
35330         0018,5020  ProcessingFunction                 no
35331         0018,5021  PostprocessingFunction             no
35332         0018,5022  MechanicalIndex                    no
35333         0018,5024  BoneThermalIndex                   no
35334         0018,5026  CranialThermalIndex                no
35335         0018,5027  SoftTissueThermalIndex             no
35336         0018,5028  SoftTissueFocusThermalIndex        no
35337         0018,5029  SoftTissueSurfaceThermalIndex      no
35338         0018,5030  DynamicRange                       no
35339         0018,5040  TotalGain                          no
35340         0018,5050  DepthOfScanField                   no
35341         0018,5100  PatientPosition                    no
35342         0018,5101  ViewPosition                       no
35343         0018,5104  ProjectionEponymousNameCodeSeq     no
35344         0018,5210  ImageTransformationMatrix          no
35345         0018,5212  ImageTranslationVector             no
35346         0018,6000  Sensitivity                        no
35347         0018,6011  SequenceOfUltrasoundRegions        no
35348         0018,6012  RegionSpatialFormat                no
35349         0018,6014  RegionDataType                     no
35350         0018,6016  RegionFlags                        no
35351         0018,6018  RegionLocationMinX0                no
35352         0018,601A  RegionLocationMinY0                no
35353         0018,601C  RegionLocationMaxX1                no
35354         0018,601E  RegionLocationMaxY1                no
35355         0018,6020  ReferencePixelX0                   no
35356         0018,6022  ReferencePixelY0                   no
35357         0018,6024  PhysicalUnitsXDirection            no
35358         0018,6026  PhysicalUnitsYDirection            no
35359         0018,6028  ReferencePixelPhysicalValueX       no
35360         0018,602A  ReferencePixelPhysicalValueY       no
35361         0018,602C  PhysicalDeltaX                     no
35362         0018,602E  PhysicalDeltaY                     no
35363         0018,6030  TransducerFrequency                no
35364         0018,6031  TransducerType                     no
35365         0018,6032  PulseRepetitionFrequency           no
35366         0018,6034  DopplerCorrectionAngle             no
35367         0018,6036  SteeringAngle                      no
35368         0018,6038  DopplerSampleVolumeXPosRetired     no
35369         0018,6039  DopplerSampleVolumeXPosition       no
35370         0018,603A  DopplerSampleVolumeYPosRetired     no
35371         0018,603B  DopplerSampleVolumeYPosition       no
35372         0018,603C  TMLinePositionX0Retired            no
35373         0018,603D  TMLinePositionX0                   no
35374         0018,603E  TMLinePositionY0Retired            no
35375         0018,603F  TMLinePositionY0                   no
35376         0018,6040  TMLinePositionX1Retired            no
35377         0018,6041  TMLinePositionX1                   no
35378         0018,6042  TMLinePositionY1Retired            no
35379         0018,6043  TMLinePositionY1                   no
35380         0018,6044  PixelComponentOrganization         no
35381         0018,6046  PixelComponentMask                 no
35382         0018,6048  PixelComponentRangeStart           no
35383         0018,604A  PixelComponentRangeStop            no
35384         0018,604C  PixelComponentPhysicalUnits        no
35385         0018,604E  PixelComponentDataType             no
35386         0018,6050  NumberOfTableBreakPoints           no
35387         0018,6052  TableOfXBreakPoints                no
35388         0018,6054  TableOfYBreakPoints                no
35389         0018,6056  NumberOfTableEntries               no
35390         0018,6058  TableOfPixelValues                 no
35391         0018,605A  TableOfParameterValues             no
35392         0018,6060  RWaveTimeVector                    no
35393         0018,7000  DetectorConditionsNominalFlag      no
35394         0018,7001  DetectorTemperature                no
35395         0018,7004  DetectorType                       no
35396         0018,7005  DetectorConfiguration              no
35397         0018,7006  DetectorDescription                no
35398         0018,7008  DetectorMode                       no
35399         0018,700A  DetectorID                         no
35400         0018,700C  DateOfLastDetectorCalibration      no
35401         0018,700E  TimeOfLastDetectorCalibration      no
35402         0018,7010  DetectorExposuresSinceCalibration  no
35403         0018,7011  DetectorExposuresSinceManufactured no
35404         0018,7012  DetectorTimeSinceLastExposure      no
35405         0018,7014  DetectorActiveTime                 no
35406         0018,7016  DetectorActiveOffsetFromExposure   no
35407         0018,701A  DetectorBinning                    no
35408         0018,7020  DetectorElementPhysicalSize        no
35409         0018,7022  DetectorElementSpacing             no
35410         0018,7024  DetectorActiveShape                no
35411         0018,7026  DetectorActiveDimensions           no
35412         0018,7028  DetectorActiveOrigin               no
35413         0018,702A  DetectorManufacturerName           no
35414         0018,702B  DetectorManufacturersModelName     no
35415         0018,7030  FieldOfViewOrigin                  no
35416         0018,7032  FieldOfViewRotation                no
35417         0018,7034  FieldOfViewHorizontalFlip          no
35418         0018,7040  GridAbsorbingMaterial              no
35419         0018,7041  GridSpacingMaterial                no
35420         0018,7042  GridThickness                      no
35421         0018,7044  GridPitch                          no
35422         0018,7046  GridAspectRatio                    no
35423         0018,7048  GridPeriod                         no
35424         0018,704C  GridFocalDistance                  no
35425         0018,7050  FilterMaterial                     no
35426         0018,7052  FilterThicknessMinimum             no
35427         0018,7054  FilterThicknessMaximum             no
35428         0018,7060  ExposureControlMode                no
35429         0018,7062  ExposureControlModeDescription     no
35430         0018,7064  ExposureStatus                     no
35431         0018,7065  PhototimerSetting                  no
35432         0018,8150  ExposureTimeInMicroSec             no
35433         0018,8151  XRayTubeCurrentInMicroAmps         no
35434         0018,9004  ContentQualification               no
35435         0018,9005  PulseSequenceName                  no
35436         0018,9006  MRImagingModifierSequence          no
35437         0018,9008  EchoPulseSequence                  no
35438         0018,9009  InversionRecovery                  no
35439         0018,9010  FlowCompensation                   no
35440         0018,9011  MultipleSpinEcho                   no
35441         0018,9012  MultiPlanarExcitation              no
35442         0018,9014  PhaseContrast                      no
35443         0018,9015  TimeOfFlightContrast               no
35444         0018,9016  Spoiling                           no
35445         0018,9017  SteadyStatePulseSequence           no
35446         0018,9018  EchoPlanarPulseSequence            no
35447         0018,9019  TagAngleFirstAxis                  no
35448         0018,9020  MagnetizationTransfer              no
35449         0018,9021  T2Preparation                      no
35450         0018,9022  BloodSignalNulling                 no
35451         0018,9024  SaturationRecovery                 no
35452         0018,9025  SpectrallySelectedSuppression      no
35453         0018,9026  SpectrallySelectedExcitation       no
35454         0018,9027  SpatialPresaturation               no
35455         0018,9028  Tagging                            no
35456         0018,9029  OversamplingPhase                  no
35457         0018,9030  TagSpacingFirstDimension           no
35458         0018,9032  GeometryOfKSpaceTraversal          no
35459         0018,9033  SegmentedKSpaceTraversal           no
35460         0018,9034  RectilinearPhaseEncodeReordering   no
35461         0018,9035  TagThickness                       no
35462         0018,9036  PartialFourierDirection            no
35463         0018,9037  CardiacSynchronizationTechnique    no
35464         0018,9041  ReceiveCoilManufacturerName        no
35465         0018,9042  MRReceiveCoilSequence              no
35466         0018,9043  ReceiveCoilType                    no
35467         0018,9044  QuadratureReceiveCoil              no
35468         0018,9045  MultiCoilDefinitionSequence        no
35469         0018,9046  MultiCoilConfiguration             no
35470         0018,9047  MultiCoilElementName               no
35471         0018,9048  MultiCoilElementUsed               no
35472         0018,9049  MRTransmitCoilSequence             no
35473         0018,9050  TransmitCoilManufacturerName       no
35474         0018,9051  TransmitCoilType                   no
35475         0018,9052  SpectralWidth                      no
35476         0018,9053  ChemicalShiftReference             no
35477         0018,9054  VolumeLocalizationTechnique        no
35478         0018,9058  MRAcquisitionFrequencyEncodeSteps  no
35479         0018,9059  Decoupling                         no
35480         0018,9060  DecoupledNucleus                   no
35481         0018,9061  DecouplingFrequency                no
35482         0018,9062  DecouplingMethod                   no
35483         0018,9063  DecouplingChemicalShiftReference   no
35484         0018,9064  KSpaceFiltering                    no
35485         0018,9065  TimeDomainFiltering                no
35486         0018,9066  NumberOfZeroFills                  no
35487         0018,9067  BaselineCorrection                 no
35488         0018,9069  ParallelReductionFactorInPlane     no
35489         0018,9070  CardiacRRIntervalSpecified         no
35490         0018,9073  AcquisitionDuration                no
35491         0018,9074  FrameAcquisitionDateTime           no
35492         0018,9075  DiffusionDirectionality            no
35493         0018,9076  DiffusionGradientDirectionSequence no
35494         0018,9077  ParallelAcquisition                no
35495         0018,9078  ParallelAcquisitionTechnique       no
35496         0018,9079  InversionTimes                     no
35497         0018,9080  MetaboliteMapDescription           no
35498         0018,9081  PartialFourier                     no
35499         0018,9082  EffectiveEchoTime                  no
35500         0018,9083  MetaboliteMapCodeSequence          no
35501         0018,9084  ChemicalShiftSequence              no
35502         0018,9085  CardiacSignalSource                no
35503         0018,9087  DiffusionBValue                    no
35504         0018,9089  DiffusionGradientOrientation       no
35505         0018,9090  VelocityEncodingDirection          no
35506         0018,9091  VelocityEncodingMinimumValue       no
35507         0018,9093  NumberOfKSpaceTrajectories         no
35508         0018,9094  CoverageOfKSpace                   no
35509         0018,9095  SpectroscopyAcquisitionPhaseRows   no
35510         0018,9096  ParallelReductFactorInPlaneRetired no
35511         0018,9098  TransmitterFrequency               no
35512         0018,9100  ResonantNucleus                    no
35513         0018,9101  FrequencyCorrection                no
35514         0018,9103  MRSpectroscopyFOV-GeometrySequence no
35515         0018,9104  SlabThickness                      no
35516         0018,9105  SlabOrientation                    no
35517         0018,9106  MidSlabPosition                    no
35518         0018,9107  MRSpatialSaturationSequence        no
35519         0018,9112  MRTimingAndRelatedParametersSeq    no
35520         0018,9114  MREchoSequence                     no
35521         0018,9115  MRModifierSequence                 no
35522         0018,9117  MRDiffusionSequence                no
35523         0018,9118  CardiacTriggerSequence             no
35524         0018,9119  MRAveragesSequence                 no
35525         0018,9125  MRFOV-GeometrySequence             no
35526         0018,9126  VolumeLocalizationSequence         no
35527         0018,9127  SpectroscopyAcquisitionDataColumns no
35528         0018,9147  DiffusionAnisotropyType            no
35529         0018,9151  FrameReferenceDateTime             no
35530         0018,9152  MRMetaboliteMapSequence            no
35531         0018,9155  ParallelReductionFactorOutOfPlane  no
35532         0018,9159  SpectroscopyOutOfPlanePhaseSteps   no
35533         0018,9166  BulkMotionStatus                   no
35534         0018,9168  ParallelReductionFactSecondInPlane no
35535         0018,9169  CardiacBeatRejectionTechnique      no
35536         0018,9170  RespiratoryMotionCompTechnique     no
35537         0018,9171  RespiratorySignalSource            no
35538         0018,9172  BulkMotionCompensationTechnique    no
35539         0018,9173  BulkMotionSignalSource             no
35540         0018,9174  ApplicableSafetyStandardAgency     no
35541         0018,9175  ApplicableSafetyStandardDescr      no
35542         0018,9176  OperatingModeSequence              no
35543         0018,9177  OperatingModeType                  no
35544         0018,9178  OperatingMode                      no
35545         0018,9179  SpecificAbsorptionRateDefinition   no
35546         0018,9180  GradientOutputType                 no
35547         0018,9181  SpecificAbsorptionRateValue        no
35548         0018,9182  GradientOutput                     no
35549         0018,9183  FlowCompensationDirection          no
35550         0018,9184  TaggingDelay                       no
35551         0018,9185  RespiratoryMotionCompTechDescr     no
35552         0018,9186  RespiratorySignalSourceID          no
35553         0018,9195  ChemicalShiftsMinIntegrateLimitHz  no
35554         0018,9196  ChemicalShiftsMaxIntegrateLimitHz  no
35555         0018,9197  MRVelocityEncodingSequence         no
35556         0018,9198  FirstOrderPhaseCorrection          no
35557         0018,9199  WaterReferencedPhaseCorrection     no
35558         0018,9200  MRSpectroscopyAcquisitionType      no
35559         0018,9214  RespiratoryCyclePosition           no
35560         0018,9217  VelocityEncodingMaximumValue       no
35561         0018,9218  TagSpacingSecondDimension          no
35562         0018,9219  TagAngleSecondAxis                 no
35563         0018,9220  FrameAcquisitionDuration           no
35564         0018,9226  MRImageFrameTypeSequence           no
35565         0018,9227  MRSpectroscopyFrameTypeSequence    no
35566         0018,9231  MRAcqPhaseEncodingStepsInPlane     no
35567         0018,9232  MRAcqPhaseEncodingStepsOutOfPlane  no
35568         0018,9234  SpectroscopyAcqPhaseColumns        no
35569         0018,9236  CardiacCyclePosition               no
35570         0018,9239  SpecificAbsorptionRateSequence     no
35571         0018,9240  RFEchoTrainLength                  no
35572         0018,9241  GradientEchoTrainLength            no
35573         0018,9295  ChemicalShiftsMinIntegrateLimitPPM no
35574         0018,9296  ChemicalShiftsMaxIntegrateLimitPPM no
35575         0018,9301  CTAcquisitionTypeSequence          no
35576         0018,9302  AcquisitionType                    no
35577         0018,9303  TubeAngle                          no
35578         0018,9304  CTAcquisitionDetailsSequence       no
35579         0018,9305  RevolutionTime                     no
35580         0018,9306  SingleCollimationWidth             no
35581         0018,9307  TotalCollimationWidth              no
35582         0018,9308  CTTableDynamicsSequence            no
35583         0018,9309  TableSpeed                         no
35584         0018,9310  TableFeedPerRotation               no
35585         0018,9311  SpiralPitchFactor                  no
35586         0018,9312  CTGeometrySequence                 no
35587         0018,9313  DataCollectionCenterPatient        no
35588         0018,9314  CTReconstructionSequence           no
35589         0018,9315  ReconstructionAlgorithm            no
35590         0018,9316  ConvolutionKernelGroup             no
35591         0018,9317  ReconstructionFieldOfView          no
35592         0018,9318  ReconstructionTargetCenterPatient  no
35593         0018,9319  ReconstructionAngle                no
35594         0018,9320  ImageFilter                        no
35595         0018,9321  CTExposureSequence                 no
35596         0018,9322  ReconstructionPixelSpacing         no
35597         0018,9323  ExposureModulationType             no
35598         0018,9324  EstimatedDoseSaving                no
35599         0018,9325  CTXRayDetailsSequence              no
35600         0018,9326  CTPositionSequence                 no
35601         0018,9327  TablePosition                      no
35602         0018,9328  ExposureTimeInMilliSec             no
35603         0018,9329  CTImageFrameTypeSequence           no
35604         0018,9330  XRayTubeCurrentInMilliAmps         no
35605         0018,9332  ExposureInMilliAmpSec              no
35606         0018,9333  ConstantVolumeFlag                 no
35607         0018,9334  FluoroscopyFlag                    no
35608         0018,9335  SourceToDataCollectionCenterDist   no
35609         0018,9337  ContrastBolusAgentNumber           no
35610         0018,9338  ContrastBolusIngredientCodeSeq     no
35611         0018,9340  ContrastAdministrationProfileSeq   no
35612         0018,9341  ContrastBolusUsageSequence         no
35613         0018,9342  ContrastBolusAgentAdministered     no
35614         0018,9343  ContrastBolusAgentDetected         no
35615         0018,9344  ContrastBolusAgentPhase            no
35616         0018,9345  CTDIvol                            no
35617         0018,9346  CTDIPhantomTypeCodeSequence        no
35618         0018,9351  CalciumScoringMassFactorPatient    no
35619         0018,9352  CalciumScoringMassFactorDevice     no
35620         0018,9353  EnergyWeightingFactor              no
35621         0018,9360  CTAdditionalXRaySourceSequence     no
35622         0018,9401  ProjectionPixelCalibrationSequence no
35623         0018,9402  DistanceSourceToIsocenter          no
35624         0018,9403  DistanceObjectToTableTop           no
35625         0018,9404  ObjectPixelSpacingInCenterOfBeam   no
35626         0018,9405  PositionerPositionSequence         no
35627         0018,9406  TablePositionSequence              no
35628         0018,9407  CollimatorShapeSequence            no
35629         0018,9412  XA-XRFFrameCharacteristicsSequence no
35630         0018,9417  FrameAcquisitionSequence           no
35631         0018,9420  XRayReceptorType                   no
35632         0018,9423  AcquisitionProtocolName            no
35633         0018,9424  AcquisitionProtocolDescription     no
35634         0018,9425  ContrastBolusIngredientOpaque      no
35635         0018,9426  DistanceReceptorPlaneToDetHousing  no
35636         0018,9427  IntensifierActiveShape             no
35637         0018,9428  IntensifierActiveDimensions        no
35638         0018,9429  PhysicalDetectorSize               no
35639         0018,9430  PositionOfIsocenterProjection      no
35640         0018,9432  FieldOfViewSequence                no
35641         0018,9433  FieldOfViewDescription             no
35642         0018,9434  ExposureControlSensingRegionsSeq   no
35643         0018,9435  ExposureControlSensingRegionShape  no
35644         0018,9436  ExposureControlSensRegionLeftEdge  no
35645         0018,9437  ExposureControlSensRegionRightEdge no
35646         0018,9440  CenterOfCircExposControlSensRegion no
35647         0018,9441  RadiusOfCircExposControlSensRegion no
35648         0018,9447  ColumnAngulationPatient            no
35649         0018,9449  BeamAngle                          no
35650         0018,9451  FrameDetectorParametersSequence    no
35651         0018,9452  CalculatedAnatomyThickness         no
35652         0018,9455  CalibrationSequence                no
35653         0018,9456  ObjectThicknessSequence            no
35654         0018,9457  PlaneIdentification                no
35655         0018,9461  FieldOfViewDimensionsInFloat       no
35656         0018,9462  IsocenterReferenceSystemSequence   no
35657         0018,9463  PositionerIsocenterPrimaryAngle    no
35658         0018,9464  PositionerIsocenterSecondaryAngle  no
35659         0018,9465  PositionerIsocenterDetRotAngle     no
35660         0018,9466  TableXPositionToIsocenter          no
35661         0018,9467  TableYPositionToIsocenter          no
35662         0018,9468  TableZPositionToIsocenter          no
35663         0018,9469  TableHorizontalRotationAngle       no
35664         0018,9470  TableHeadTiltAngle                 no
35665         0018,9471  TableCradleTiltAngle               no
35666         0018,9472  FrameDisplayShutterSequence        no
35667         0018,9473  AcquiredImageAreaDoseProduct       no
35668         0018,9474  CArmPositionerTabletopRelationship no
35669         0018,9476  XRayGeometrySequence               no
35670         0018,9477  IrradiationEventIDSequence         no
35671         0018,9504  XRay3DFrameTypeSequence            no
35672         0018,9506  ContributingSourcesSequence        no
35673         0018,9507  XRay3DAcquisitionSequence          no
35674         0018,9508  PrimaryPositionerScanArc           no
35675         0018,9509  SecondaryPositionerScanArc         no
35676         0018,9510  PrimaryPositionerScanStartAngle    no
35677         0018,9511  SecondaryPositionerScanStartAngle  no
35678         0018,9514  PrimaryPositionerIncrement         no
35679         0018,9515  SecondaryPositionerIncrement       no
35680         0018,9516  StartAcquisitionDateTime           no
35681         0018,9517  EndAcquisitionDateTime             no
35682         0018,9524  ApplicationName                    no
35683         0018,9525  ApplicationVersion                 no
35684         0018,9526  ApplicationManufacturer            no
35685         0018,9527  AlgorithmType                      no
35686         0018,9528  AlgorithmDescription               no
35687         0018,9530  XRay3DReconstructionSequence       no
35688         0018,9531  ReconstructionDescription          no
35689         0018,9538  PerProjectionAcquisitionSequence   no
35690         0018,9601  DiffusionBMatrixSequence           no
35691         0018,9602  DiffusionBValueXX                  no
35692         0018,9603  DiffusionBValueXY                  no
35693         0018,9604  DiffusionBValueXZ                  no
35694         0018,9605  DiffusionBValueYY                  no
35695         0018,9606  DiffusionBValueYZ                  no
35696         0018,9607  DiffusionBValueZZ                  no
35697         0018,9701  DecayCorrectionDateTime            no
35698         0018,9715  StartDensityThreshold              no
35699         0018,9722  TerminationTimeThreshold           no
35700         0018,9725  DetectorGeometry                   no
35701         0018,9727  AxialDetectorDimension             no
35702         0018,9735  PETPositionSequence                no
35703         0018,9739  NumberOfIterations                 no
35704         0018,9740  NumberOfSubsets                    no
35705         0018,9751  PETFrameTypeSequence               no
35706         0018,9756  ReconstructionType                 no
35707         0018,9758  DecayCorrected                     no
35708         0018,9759  AttenuationCorrected               no
35709         0018,9760  ScatterCorrected                   no
35710         0018,9761  DeadTimeCorrected                  no
35711         0018,9762  GantryMotionCorrected              no
35712         0018,9763  PatientMotionCorrected             no
35713         0018,9765  RandomsCorrected                   no
35714         0018,9767  SensitivityCalibrated              no
35715         0018,9801  DepthsOfFocus                      no
35716         0018,9804  ExclusionStartDatetime             no
35717         0018,9805  ExclusionDuration                  no
35718         0018,9807  ImageDataTypeSequence              no
35719         0018,9808  DataType                           no
35720         0018,980B  AliasedDataType                    no
35721         0018,A001  ContributingEquipmentSequence      no
35722         0018,A002  ContributionDateTime               no
35723         0018,A003  ContributionDescription            no
35724         0019,1002  NumberOfCellsIInDetector           no
35725         0019,1003  CellNumberAtTheta                  no
35726         0019,1004  CellSpacing                        no
35727         0019,100F  HorizFrameOfRef                    no
35728         0019,1011  SeriesContrast                     no
35729         0019,1012  LastPseq                           no
35730         0019,1013  StartNumberForBaseline             no
35731         0019,1014  EndNumberForBaseline               no
35732         0019,1015  StartNumberForEnhancedScans        no
35733         0019,1016  EndNumberForEnhancedScans          no
35734         0019,1017  SeriesPlane                        no
35735         0019,1018  FirstScanRas                       no
35736         0019,1019  FirstScanLocation                  no
35737         0019,101A  LastScanRas                        no
35738         0019,101B  LastScanLoc                        no
35739         0019,101E  DisplayFieldOfView                 no
35740         0019,1023  TableSpeed                         no
35741         0019,1024  MidScanTime                        no
35742         0019,1025  MidScanFlag                        no
35743         0019,1026  DegreesOfAzimuth                   no
35744         0019,1027  GantryPeriod                       no
35745         0019,102A  XRayOnPosition                     no
35746         0019,102B  XRayOffPosition                    no
35747         0019,102C  NumberOfTriggers                   no
35748         0019,102E  AngleOfFirstView                   no
35749         0019,102F  TriggerFrequency                   no
35750         0019,1039  ScanFOVType                        no
35751         0019,1040  StatReconFlag                      no
35752         0019,1041  ComputeType                        no
35753         0019,1042  SegmentNumber                      no
35754         0019,1043  TotalSegmentsRequested             no
35755         0019,1044  InterscanDelay                     no
35756         0019,1047  ViewCompressionFactor              no
35757         0019,104A  TotalNoOfRefChannels               no
35758         0019,104B  DataSizeForScanData                no
35759         0019,1052  ReconPostProcflag                  no
35760         0019,1057  CTWaterNumber                      no
35761         0019,1058  CTBoneNumber                       no
35762         0019,105A  AcquisitionDuration                no
35763         0019,105E  NumberOfChannels                   no
35764         0019,105F  IncrementBetweenChannels           no
35765         0019,1060  StartingView                       no
35766         0019,1061  NumberOfViews                      no
35767         0019,1062  IncrementBetweenViews              no
35768         0019,106A  DependantOnNoViewsProcessed        no
35769         0019,106B  FieldOfViewInDetectorCells         no
35770         0019,1070  ValueOfBackProjectionButton        no
35771         0019,1071  SetIfFatqEstimatesWereUsed         no
35772         0019,1072  ZChanAvgOverViews                  no
35773         0019,1073  AvgOfLeftRefChansOverViews         no
35774         0019,1074  MaxLeftChanOverViews               no
35775         0019,1075  AvgOfRightRefChansOverViews        no
35776         0019,1076  MaxRightChanOverViews              no
35777         0019,107D  SecondEcho                         no
35778         0019,107E  NumberOfEchoes                     no
35779         0019,107F  TableDelta                         no
35780         0019,1081  Contiguous                         no
35781         0019,1084  PeakSAR                            no
35782         0019,1085  MonitorSAR                         no
35783         0019,1087  CardiacRepetitionTime              no
35784         0019,1088  ImagesPerCardiacCycle              no
35785         0019,108A  ActualReceiveGainAnalog            no
35786         0019,108B  ActualReceiveGainDigital           no
35787         0019,108D  DelayAfterTrigger                  no
35788         0019,108F  Swappf                             no
35789         0019,1090  PauseInterval                      no
35790         0019,1091  PulseTime                          no
35791         0019,1092  SliceOffsetOnFreqAxis              no
35792         0019,1093  CenterFrequency                    no
35793         0019,1094  TransmitGain                       no
35794         0019,1095  AnalogReceiverGain                 no
35795         0019,1096  DigitalReceiverGain                no
35796         0019,1097  BitmapDefiningCVs                  no
35797         0019,1098  CenterFreqMethod                   no
35798         0019,109B  PulseSeqMode                       no
35799         0019,109C  PulseSeqName                       no
35800         0019,109D  PulseSeqDate                       no
35801         0019,109E  InternalPulseSeqName               no
35802         0019,109F  TransmittingCoil                   no
35803         0019,10A0  SurfaceCoilType                    no
35804         0019,10A1  ExtremityCoilFlag                  no
35805         0019,10A2  RawDataRunNumber                   no
35806         0019,10A3  CalibratedFieldStrength            no
35807         0019,10A4  SATFatWaterBone                    no
35808         0019,10A5  ReceiveBandwidth                   no
35809         0019,10A7  UserData01                         no
35810         0019,10A8  UserData02                         no
35811         0019,10A9  UserData03                         no
35812         0019,10AA  UserData04                         no
35813         0019,10AB  UserData05                         no
35814         0019,10AC  UserData06                         no
35815         0019,10AD  UserData07                         no
35816         0019,10AE  UserData08                         no
35817         0019,10AF  UserData09                         no
35818         0019,10B0  UserData10                         no
35819         0019,10B1  UserData11                         no
35820         0019,10B2  UserData12                         no
35821         0019,10B3  UserData13                         no
35822         0019,10B4  UserData14                         no
35823         0019,10B5  UserData15                         no
35824         0019,10B6  UserData16                         no
35825         0019,10B7  UserData17                         no
35826         0019,10B8  UserData18                         no
35827         0019,10B9  UserData19                         no
35828         0019,10BA  UserData20                         no
35829         0019,10BB  UserData21                         no
35830         0019,10BC  UserData22                         no
35831         0019,10BD  UserData23                         no
35832         0019,10BE  ProjectionAngle                    no
35833         0019,10C0  SaturationPlanes                   no
35834         0019,10C1  SurfaceCoilIntensity               no
35835         0019,10C2  SATLocationR                       no
35836         0019,10C3  SATLocationL                       no
35837         0019,10C4  SATLocationA                       no
35838         0019,10C5  SATLocationP                       no
35839         0019,10C6  SATLocationH                       no
35840         0019,10C7  SATLocationF                       no
35841         0019,10C8  SATThicknessR-L                    no
35842         0019,10C9  SATThicknessA-P                    no
35843         0019,10CA  SATThicknessH-F                    no
35844         0019,10CB  PrescribedFlowAxis                 no
35845         0019,10CC  VelocityEncoding                   no
35846         0019,10CD  ThicknessDisclaimer                no
35847         0019,10CE  PrescanType                        no
35848         0019,10CF  PrescanStatus                      no
35849         0019,10D0  RawDataType                        no
35850         0019,10D2  ProjectionAlgorithm                no
35851         0019,10D3  ProjectionAlgorithm                no
35852         0019,10D5  FractionalEcho                     no
35853         0019,10D6  PrepPulse                          no
35854         0019,10D7  CardiacPhases                      no
35855         0019,10D8  VariableEchoflag                   no
35856         0019,10D9  ConcatenatedSAT                    no
35857         0019,10DA  ReferenceChannelUsed               no
35858         0019,10DB  BackProjectorCoefficient           no
35859         0019,10DC  PrimarySpeedCorrectionUsed         no
35860         0019,10DD  OverrangeCorrectionUsed            no
35861         0019,10DE  DynamicZAlphaValue                 no
35862         0019,10DF  UserData                           no
35863         0019,10E0  UserData                           no
35864         0019,10E2  VelocityEncodeScale                no
35865         0019,10F2  FastPhases                         no
35866         0019,10F9  TransmissionGain                   no
35867         0020,0000  RelationshipGroupLength            no
35868         0020,000D  StudyInstanceUID                   no
35869         0020,000E  SeriesInstanceUID                  no
35870         0020,0010  StudyID                            no
35871         0020,0011  SeriesNumber                       no
35872         0020,0012  AcquisitionNumber                  no
35873         0020,0013  InstanceNumber                     no
35874         0020,0014  IsotopeNumber                      no
35875         0020,0015  PhaseNumber                        no
35876         0020,0016  IntervalNumber                     no
35877         0020,0017  TimeSlotNumber                     no
35878         0020,0018  AngleNumber                        no
35879         0020,0019  ItemNumber                         no
35880         0020,0020  PatientOrientation                 no
35881         0020,0022  OverlayNumber                      no
35882         0020,0024  CurveNumber                        no
35883         0020,0026  LookupTableNumber                  no
35884         0020,0030  ImagePosition                      no
35885         0020,0032  ImagePositionPatient               no
35886         0020,0035  ImageOrientation                   no
35887         0020,0037  ImageOrientationPatient            no
35888         0020,0050  Location                           no
35889         0020,0052  FrameOfReferenceUID                no
35890         0020,0060  Laterality                         no
35891         0020,0062  ImageLaterality                    no
35892         0020,0070  ImageGeometryType                  no
35893         0020,0080  MaskingImage                       no
35894         0020,0100  TemporalPositionIdentifier         no
35895         0020,0105  NumberOfTemporalPositions          no
35896         0020,0110  TemporalResolution                 no
35897         0020,0200  SynchronizationFrameOfReferenceUID no
35898         0020,1000  SeriesInStudy                      no
35899         0020,1001  AcquisitionsInSeries               no
35900         0020,1002  ImagesInAcquisition                no
35901         0020,1003  ImagesInSeries                     no
35902         0020,1004  AcquisitionsInStudy                no
35903         0020,1005  ImagesInStudy                      no
35904         0020,1020  Reference                          no
35905         0020,1040  PositionReferenceIndicator         no
35906         0020,1041  SliceLocation                      no
35907         0020,1070  OtherStudyNumbers                  no
35908         0020,1200  NumberOfPatientRelatedStudies      no
35909         0020,1202  NumberOfPatientRelatedSeries       no
35910         0020,1204  NumberOfPatientRelatedInstances    no
35911         0020,1206  NumberOfStudyRelatedSeries         no
35912         0020,1208  NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances      no
35913         0020,1209  NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances     no
35914         0020,31xx  SourceImageIDs                     no
35915         0020,3401  ModifyingDeviceID                  no
35916         0020,3402  ModifiedImageID                    no
35917         0020,3403  ModifiedImageDate                  no
35918         0020,3404  ModifyingDeviceManufacturer        no
35919         0020,3405  ModifiedImageTime                  no
35920         0020,3406  ModifiedImageDescription           no
35921         0020,4000  ImageComments                      no
35922         0020,5000  OriginalImageIdentification        no
35923         0020,5002  OriginalImageIdentNomenclature     no
35924         0020,9056  StackID                            no
35925         0020,9057  InStackPositionNumber              no
35926         0020,9071  FrameAnatomySequence               no
35927         0020,9072  FrameLaterality                    no
35928         0020,9111  FrameContentSequence               no
35929         0020,9113  PlanePositionSequence              no
35930         0020,9116  PlaneOrientationSequence           no
35931         0020,9128  TemporalPositionIndex              no
35932         0020,9153  TriggerDelayTime                   no
35933         0020,9156  FrameAcquisitionNumber             no
35934         0020,9157  DimensionIndexValues               no
35935         0020,9158  FrameComments                      no
35936         0020,9161  ConcatenationUID                   no
35937         0020,9162  InConcatenationNumber              no
35938         0020,9163  InConcatenationTotalNumber         no
35939         0020,9164  DimensionOrganizationUID           no
35940         0020,9165  DimensionIndexPointer              no
35941         0020,9167  FunctionalGroupPointer             no
35942         0020,9213  DimensionIndexPrivateCreator       no
35943         0020,9221  DimensionOrganizationSequence      no
35944         0020,9222  DimensionIndexSequence             no
35945         0020,9228  ConcatenationFrameOffsetNumber     no
35946         0020,9238  FunctionalGroupPrivateCreator      no
35947         0020,9241  NominalPercentageOfCardiacPhase    no
35948         0020,9245  NominalPercentOfRespiratoryPhase   no
35949         0020,9246  StartingRespiratoryAmplitude       no
35950         0020,9247  StartingRespiratoryPhase           no
35951         0020,9248  EndingRespiratoryAmplitude         no
35952         0020,9249  EndingRespiratoryPhase             no
35953         0020,9250  RespiratoryTriggerType             no
35954         0020,9251  RRIntervalTimeNominal              no
35955         0020,9252  ActualCardiacTriggerDelayTime      no
35956         0020,9253  RespiratorySynchronizationSequence no
35957         0020,9254  RespiratoryIntervalTime            no
35958         0020,9255  NominalRespiratoryTriggerDelayTime no
35959         0020,9256  RespiratoryTriggerDelayThreshold   no
35960         0020,9257  ActualRespiratoryTriggerDelayTime  no
35961         0020,9301  ImagePositionVolume                no
35962         0020,9302  ImageOrientationVolume             no
35963         0020,9308  ApexPosition                       no
35964         0020,9421  DimensionDescriptionLabel          no
35965         0020,9450  PatientOrientationInFrameSequence  no
35966         0020,9453  FrameLabel                         no
35967         0020,9518  AcquisitionIndex                   no
35968         0020,9529  ContributingSOPInstancesRefSeq     no
35969         0020,9536  ReconstructionIndex                no
35970         0021,1003  SeriesFromWhichPrescribed          no
35971         0021,1005  GenesisVersionNow                  no
35972         0021,1007  SeriesRecordChecksum               no
35973         0021,1018  GenesisVersionNow                  no
35974         0021,1019  AcqreconRecordChecksum             no
35975         0021,1020  TableStartLocation                 no
35976         0021,1035  SeriesFromWhichPrescribed          no
35977         0021,1036  ImageFromWhichPrescribed           no
35978         0021,1037  ScreenFormat                       no
35979         0021,104A  AnatomicalReferenceForScout        no
35980         0021,104F  LocationsInAcquisition             no
35981         0021,1050  GraphicallyPrescribed              no
35982         0021,1051  RotationFromSourceXRot             no
35983         0021,1052  RotationFromSourceYRot             no
35984         0021,1053  RotationFromSourceZRot             no
35985         0021,1054  ImagePosition                      no
35986         0021,1055  ImageOrientation                   no
35987         0021,1056  IntegerSlop                        no
35988         0021,1057  IntegerSlop                        no
35989         0021,1058  IntegerSlop                        no
35990         0021,1059  IntegerSlop                        no
35991         0021,105A  IntegerSlop                        no
35992         0021,105B  FloatSlop                          no
35993         0021,105C  FloatSlop                          no
35994         0021,105D  FloatSlop                          no
35995         0021,105E  FloatSlop                          no
35996         0021,105F  FloatSlop                          no
35997         0021,1081  AutoWindowLevelAlpha               no
35998         0021,1082  AutoWindowLevelBeta                no
35999         0021,1083  AutoWindowLevelWindow              no
36000         0021,1084  ToWindowLevelLevel                 no
36001         0021,1090  TubeFocalSpotPosition              no
36002         0021,1091  BiopsyPosition                     no
36003         0021,1092  BiopsyTLocation                    no
36004         0021,1093  BiopsyRefLocation                  no
36005         0022,0001  LightPathFilterPassThroughWavelen  no
36006         0022,0002  LightPathFilterPassBand            no
36007         0022,0003  ImagePathFilterPassThroughWavelen  no
36008         0022,0004  ImagePathFilterPassBand            no
36009         0022,0005  PatientEyeMovementCommanded        no
36010         0022,0006  PatientEyeMovementCommandCodeSeq   no
36011         0022,0007  SphericalLensPower                 no
36012         0022,0008  CylinderLensPower                  no
36013         0022,0009  CylinderAxis                       no
36014         0022,000A  EmmetropicMagnification            no
36015         0022,000B  IntraOcularPressure                no
36016         0022,000C  HorizontalFieldOfView              no
36017         0022,000D  PupilDilated                       no
36018         0022,000E  DegreeOfDilation                   no
36019         0022,0010  StereoBaselineAngle                no
36020         0022,0011  StereoBaselineDisplacement         no
36021         0022,0012  StereoHorizontalPixelOffset        no
36022         0022,0013  StereoVerticalPixelOffset          no
36023         0022,0014  StereoRotation                     no
36024         0022,0015  AcquisitionDeviceTypeCodeSequence  no
36025         0022,0016  IlluminationTypeCodeSequence       no
36026         0022,0017  LightPathFilterTypeStackCodeSeq    no
36027         0022,0018  ImagePathFilterTypeStackCodeSeq    no
36028         0022,0019  LensesCodeSequence                 no
36029         0022,001A  ChannelDescriptionCodeSequence     no
36030         0022,001B  RefractiveStateSequence            no
36031         0022,001C  MydriaticAgentCodeSequence         no
36032         0022,001D  RelativeImagePositionCodeSequence  no
36033         0022,0020  StereoPairsSequence                no
36034         0022,0021  LeftImageSequence                  no
36035         0022,0022  RightImageSequence                 no
36036         0022,0030  AxialLengthOfTheEye                no
36037         0022,0031  OphthalmicFrameLocationSequence    no
36038         0022,0032  ReferenceCoordinates               no
36039         0022,0035  DepthSpatialResolution             no
36040         0022,0036  MaximumDepthDistortion             no
36041         0022,0037  AlongScanSpatialResolution         no
36042         0022,0038  MaximumAlongScanDistortion         no
36043         0022,0039  OphthalmicImageOrientation         no
36044         0022,0041  DepthOfTransverseImage             no
36045         0022,0042  MydriaticAgentConcUnitsSeq         no
36046         0022,0048  AcrossScanSpatialResolution        no
36047         0022,0049  MaximumAcrossScanDistortion        no
36048         0022,004E  MydriaticAgentConcentration        no
36049         0022,0055  IlluminationWaveLength             no
36050         0022,0056  IlluminationPower                  no
36051         0022,0057  IlluminationBandwidth              no
36052         0022,0058  MydriaticAgentSequence             no
36053         0023,1001  NumberOfSeriesInStudy              no
36054         0023,1002  NumberOfUnarchivedSeries           no
36055         0023,1010  ReferenceImageField                no
36056         0023,1050  SummaryImage                       no
36057         0023,1070  StartTimeSecsInFirstAxial          no
36058         0023,1074  NoofUpdatesToHeader                no
36059         0023,107D  IndicatesIfTheStudyHasCompleteInfo no
36060         0025,1006  LastPulseSequenceUsed              no
36061         0025,1007  ImagesInSeries                     no
36062         0025,1010  LandmarkCounter                    no
36063         0025,1011  NumberOfAcquisitions               no
36064         0025,1014  IndicatesNoofUpdatesToHeader       no
36065         0025,1017  SeriesCompleteFlag                 no
36066         0025,1018  NumberOfImagesArchived             no
36067         0025,1019  LastImageNumberUsed                no
36068         0025,101A  PrimaryReceiverSuiteAndHost        no
36069         0027,1006  ImageArchiveFlag                   no
36070         0027,1010  ScoutType                          no
36071         0027,101C  VmaMamp                            no
36072         0027,101D  VmaPhase                           no
36073         0027,101E  VmaMod                             no
36074         0027,101F  VmaClip                            no
36075         0027,1020  SmartScanOnOffFlag                 no
36076         0027,1030  ForeignImageRevision               no
36077         0027,1031  ImagingMode                        no
36078         0027,1032  PulseSequence                      no
36079         0027,1033  ImagingOptions                     no
36080         0027,1035  PlaneType                          no
36081         0027,1036  ObliquePlane                       no
36082         0027,1040  RASLetterOfImageLocation           no
36083         0027,1041  ImageLocation                      no
36084         0027,1042  CenterRCoordOfPlaneImage           no
36085         0027,1043  CenterACoordOfPlaneImage           no
36086         0027,1044  CenterSCoordOfPlaneImage           no
36087         0027,1045  NormalRCoord                       no
36088         0027,1046  NormalACoord                       no
36089         0027,1047  NormalSCoord                       no
36090         0027,1048  RCoordOfTopRightCorner             no
36091         0027,1049  ACoordOfTopRightCorner             no
36092         0027,104A  SCoordOfTopRightCorner             no
36093         0027,104B  RCoordOfBottomRightCorner          no
36094         0027,104C  ACoordOfBottomRightCorner          no
36095         0027,104D  SCoordOfBottomRightCorner          no
36096         0027,1050  TableStartLocation                 no
36097         0027,1051  TableEndLocation                   no
36098         0027,1052  RASLetterForSideOfImage            no
36099         0027,1053  RASLetterForAnteriorPosterior      no
36100         0027,1054  RASLetterForScoutStartLoc          no
36101         0027,1055  RASLetterForScoutEndLoc            no
36102         0027,1060  ImageDimensionX                    no
36103         0027,1061  ImageDimensionY                    no
36104         0027,1062  NumberOfExcitations                no
36105         0028,0000  ImagePresentationGroupLength       no
36106         0028,0002  SamplesPerPixel                    no
36107         0028,0003  SamplesPerPixelUsed                no
36108         0028,0004  PhotometricInterpretation          no
36109         0028,0005  ImageDimensions                    no
36110         0028,0006  PlanarConfiguration                no
36111         0028,0008  NumberOfFrames                     no
36112         0028,0009  FrameIncrementPointer              no
36113         0028,000A  FrameDimensionPointer              no
36114         0028,0010  Rows                               no
36115         0028,0011  Columns                            no
36116         0028,0012  Planes                             no
36117         0028,0014  UltrasoundColorDataPresent         no
36118         0028,0030  PixelSpacing                       no
36119         0028,0031  ZoomFactor                         no
36120         0028,0032  ZoomCenter                         no
36121         0028,0034  PixelAspectRatio                   no
36122         0028,0040  ImageFormat                        no
36123         0028,0050  ManipulatedImage                   no
36124         0028,0051  CorrectedImage                     no
36125         0028,005F  CompressionRecognitionCode         no
36126         0028,0060  CompressionCode                    no
36127         0028,0061  CompressionOriginator              no
36128         0028,0062  CompressionLabel                   no
36129         0028,0063  CompressionDescription             no
36130         0028,0065  CompressionSequence                no
36131         0028,0066  CompressionStepPointers            no
36132         0028,0068  RepeatInterval                     no
36133         0028,0069  BitsGrouped                        no
36134         0028,0070  PerimeterTable                     no
36135         0028,0071  PerimeterValue                     no
36136         0028,0080  PredictorRows                      no
36137         0028,0081  PredictorColumns                   no
36138         0028,0082  PredictorConstants                 no
36139         0028,0090  BlockedPixels                      no
36140         0028,0091  BlockRows                          no
36141         0028,0092  BlockColumns                       no
36142         0028,0093  RowOverlap                         no
36143         0028,0094  ColumnOverlap                      no
36144         0028,0100  BitsAllocated                      no
36145         0028,0101  BitsStored                         no
36146         0028,0102  HighBit                            no
36147         0028,0103  PixelRepresentation                no
36148         0028,0104  SmallestValidPixelValue            no
36149         0028,0105  LargestValidPixelValue             no
36150         0028,0106  SmallestImagePixelValue            no
36151         0028,0107  LargestImagePixelValue             no
36152         0028,0108  SmallestPixelValueInSeries         no
36153         0028,0109  LargestPixelValueInSeries          no
36154         0028,0110  SmallestImagePixelValueInPlane     no
36155         0028,0111  LargestImagePixelValueInPlane      no
36156         0028,0120  PixelPaddingValue                  no
36157         0028,0121  PixelPaddingRangeLimit             no
36158         0028,0200  ImageLocation                      no
36159         0028,0300  QualityControlImage                no
36160         0028,0301  BurnedInAnnotation                 no
36161         0028,0400  TransformLabel                     no
36162         0028,0401  TransformVersionNumber             no
36163         0028,0402  NumberOfTransformSteps             no
36164         0028,0403  SequenceOfCompressedData           no
36165         0028,0404  DetailsOfCoefficients              no
36166         0028,04x2  CoefficientCoding                  no
36167         0028,04x3  CoefficientCodingPointers          no
36168         0028,0700  DCTLabel                           no
36169         0028,0701  DataBlockDescription               no
36170         0028,0702  DataBlock                          no
36171         0028,0710  NormalizationFactorFormat          no
36172         0028,0720  ZonalMapNumberFormat               no
36173         0028,0721  ZonalMapLocation                   no
36174         0028,0722  ZonalMapFormat                     no
36175         0028,0730  AdaptiveMapFormat                  no
36176         0028,0740  CodeNumberFormat                   no
36177         0028,08x0  CodeLabel                          no
36178         0028,08x2  NumberOfTables                     no
36179         0028,08x3  CodeTableLocation                  no
36180         0028,08x4  BitsForCodeWord                    no
36181         0028,08x8  ImageDataLocation                  no
36182         0028,0A02  PixelSpacingCalibrationType        no
36183         0028,0A04  PixelSpacingCalibrationDescription no
36184         0028,1040  PixelIntensityRelationship         no
36185         0028,1041  PixelIntensityRelationshipSign     no
36186         0028,1050  WindowCenter                       no
36187         0028,1051  WindowWidth                        no
36188         0028,1052  RescaleIntercept                   no
36189         0028,1053  RescaleSlope                       no
36190         0028,1054  RescaleType                        no
36191         0028,1055  WindowCenterAndWidthExplanation    no
36192         0028,1056  VOI_LUTFunction                    no
36193         0028,1080  GrayScale                          no
36194         0028,1090  RecommendedViewingMode             no
36195         0028,1100  GrayLookupTableDescriptor          no
36196         0028,1101  RedPaletteColorTableDescriptor     no
36197         0028,1102  GreenPaletteColorTableDescriptor   no
36198         0028,1103  BluePaletteColorTableDescriptor    no
36199         0028,1111  LargeRedPaletteColorTableDescr     no
36200         0028,1112  LargeGreenPaletteColorTableDescr   no
36201         0028,1113  LargeBluePaletteColorTableDescr    no
36202         0028,1199  PaletteColorTableUID               no
36203         0028,1200  GrayLookupTableData                no
36204         0028,1201  RedPaletteColorTableData           no
36205         0028,1202  GreenPaletteColorTableData         no
36206         0028,1203  BluePaletteColorTableData          no
36207         0028,1211  LargeRedPaletteColorTableData      no
36208         0028,1212  LargeGreenPaletteColorTableData    no
36209         0028,1213  LargeBluePaletteColorTableData     no
36210         0028,1214  LargePaletteColorLookupTableUID    no
36211         0028,1221  SegmentedRedColorTableData         no
36212         0028,1222  SegmentedGreenColorTableData       no
36213         0028,1223  SegmentedBlueColorTableData        no
36214         0028,1300  BreastImplantPresent               no
36215         0028,1350  PartialView                        no
36216         0028,1351  PartialViewDescription             no
36217         0028,1352  PartialViewCodeSequence            no
36218         0028,135A  SpatialLocationsPreserved          no
36219         0028,1402  DataPathAssignment                 no
36220         0028,1404  BlendingLUT1Sequence               no
36221         0028,1406  BlendingWeightConstant             no
36222         0028,1408  BlendingLookupTableData            no
36223         0028,140C  BlendingLUT2Sequence               no
36224         0028,140E  DataPathID                         no
36225         0028,140F  RGBLUTTransferFunction             no
36226         0028,1410  AlphaLUTTransferFunction           no
36227         0028,2000  ICCProfile                         no
36228         0028,2110  LossyImageCompression              no
36229         0028,2112  LossyImageCompressionRatio         no
36230         0028,2114  LossyImageCompressionMethod        no
36231         0028,3000  ModalityLUTSequence                no
36232         0028,3002  LUTDescriptor                      no
36233         0028,3003  LUTExplanation                     no
36234         0028,3004  ModalityLUTType                    no
36235         0028,3006  LUTData                            no
36236         0028,3010  VOILUTSequence                     no
36237         0028,3110  SoftcopyVOILUTSequence             no
36238         0028,4000  ImagePresentationComments          no
36239         0028,5000  BiPlaneAcquisitionSequence         no
36240         0028,6010  RepresentativeFrameNumber          no
36241         0028,6020  FrameNumbersOfInterest             no
36242         0028,6022  FrameOfInterestDescription         no
36243         0028,6023  FrameOfInterestType                no
36244         0028,6030  MaskPointers                       no
36245         0028,6040  RWavePointer                       no
36246         0028,6100  MaskSubtractionSequence            no
36247         0028,6101  MaskOperation                      no
36248         0028,6102  ApplicableFrameRange               no
36249         0028,6110  MaskFrameNumbers                   no
36250         0028,6112  ContrastFrameAveraging             no
36251         0028,6114  MaskSubPixelShift                  no
36252         0028,6120  TIDOffset                          no
36253         0028,6190  MaskOperationExplanation           no
36254         0028,7FE0  PixelDataProviderURL               no
36255         0028,9001  DataPointRows                      no
36256         0028,9002  DataPointColumns                   no
36257         0028,9003  SignalDomainColumns                no
36258         0028,9099  LargestMonochromePixelValue        no
36259         0028,9108  DataRepresentation                 no
36260         0028,9110  PixelMeasuresSequence              no
36261         0028,9132  FrameVOILUTSequence                no
36262         0028,9145  PixelValueTransformationSequence   no
36263         0028,9235  SignalDomainRows                   no
36264         0028,9411  DisplayFilterPercentage            no
36265         0028,9415  FramePixelShiftSequence            no
36266         0028,9416  SubtractionItemID                  no
36267         0028,9422  PixelIntensityRelationshipLUTSeq   no
36268         0028,9443  FramePixelDataPropertiesSequence   no
36269         0028,9444  GeometricalProperties              no
36270         0028,9445  GeometricMaximumDistortion         no
36271         0028,9446  ImageProcessingApplied             no
36272         0028,9454  MaskSelectionMode                  no
36273         0028,9474  LUTFunction                        no
36274         0028,9478  MaskVisibilityPercentage           no
36275         0028,9501  PixelShiftSequence                 no
36276         0028,9502  RegionPixelShiftSequence           no
36277         0028,9503  VerticesOfTheRegion                no
36278         0028,9506  PixelShiftFrameRange               no
36279         0028,9507  LUTFrameRange                      no
36280         0028,9520  ImageToEquipmentMappingMatrix      no
36281         0028,9537  EquipmentCoordinateSystemID        no
36282         0029,1004  LowerRangeOfPixels1a               no
36283         0029,1005  LowerRangeOfPixels1b               no
36284         0029,1006  LowerRangeOfPixels1c               no
36285         0029,1007  LowerRangeOfPixels1d               no
36286         0029,1008  LowerRangeOfPixels1e               no
36287         0029,1009  LowerRangeOfPixels1f               no
36288         0029,100A  LowerRangeOfPixels1g               no
36289         0029,1015  LowerRangeOfPixels1h               no
36290         0029,1016  LowerRangeOfPixels1i               no
36291         0029,1017  LowerRangeOfPixels2                no
36292         0029,1018  UpperRangeOfPixels2                no
36293         0029,101A  LenOfTotHdrInBytes                 no
36294         0029,1026  VersionOfTheHdrStruct              no
36295         0029,1034  AdvantageCompOverflow              no
36296         0029,1035  AdvantageCompUnderflow             no
36297         0032,0000  StudyGroupLength                   no
36298         0032,000A  StudyStatusID                      no
36299         0032,000C  StudyPriorityID                    no
36300         0032,0012  StudyIDIssuer                      no
36301         0032,0032  StudyVerifiedDate                  no
36302         0032,0033  StudyVerifiedTime                  no
36303         0032,0034  StudyReadDate                      no
36304         0032,0035  StudyReadTime                      no
36305         0032,1000  ScheduledStudyStartDate            no
36306         0032,1001  ScheduledStudyStartTime            no
36307         0032,1010  ScheduledStudyStopDate             no
36308         0032,1011  ScheduledStudyStopTime             no
36309         0032,1020  ScheduledStudyLocation             no
36310         0032,1021  ScheduledStudyLocationAETitle      no
36311         0032,1030  ReasonForStudy                     no
36312         0032,1031  RequestingPhysicianIDSequence      no
36313         0032,1032  RequestingPhysician                no
36314         0032,1033  RequestingService                  no
36315         0032,1040  StudyArrivalDate                   no
36316         0032,1041  StudyArrivalTime                   no
36317         0032,1050  StudyCompletionDate                no
36318         0032,1051  StudyCompletionTime                no
36319         0032,1055  StudyComponentStatusID             no
36320         0032,1060  RequestedProcedureDescription      no
36321         0032,1064  RequestedProcedureCodeSequence     no
36322         0032,1070  RequestedContrastAgent             no
36323         0032,4000  StudyComments                      no
36324         0038,0004  ReferencedPatientAliasSequence     no
36325         0038,0008  VisitStatusID                      no
36326         0038,0010  AdmissionID                        no
36327         0038,0011  IssuerOfAdmissionID                no
36328         0038,0016  RouteOfAdmissions                  no
36329         0038,001A  ScheduledAdmissionDate             no
36330         0038,001B  ScheduledAdmissionTime             no
36331         0038,001C  ScheduledDischargeDate             no
36332         0038,001D  ScheduledDischargeTime             no
36333         0038,001E  ScheduledPatientInstitResidence    no
36334         0038,0020  AdmittingDate                      no
36335         0038,0021  AdmittingTime                      no
36336         0038,0030  DischargeDate                      no
36337         0038,0032  DischargeTime                      no
36338         0038,0040  DischargeDiagnosisDescription      no
36339         0038,0044  DischargeDiagnosisCodeSequence     no
36340         0038,0050  SpecialNeeds                       no
36341         0038,0060  ServiceEpisodeID                   no
36342         0038,0061  IssuerOfServiceEpisodeID           no
36343         0038,0062  ServiceEpisodeDescription          no
36344         0038,0100  PertinentDocumentsSequence         no
36345         0038,0300  CurrentPatientLocation             no
36346         0038,0400  PatientInstitutionResidence        no
36347         0038,0500  PatientState                       no
36348         0038,0502  PatientClinicalTrialParticipSeq    no
36349         0038,4000  VisitComments                      no
36350         003A,0004  WaveformOriginality                no
36351         003A,0005  NumberOfWaveformChannels           no
36352         003A,0010  NumberOfWaveformSamples            no
36353         003A,001A  SamplingFrequency                  no
36354         003A,0020  MultiplexGroupLabel                no
36355         003A,0200  ChannelDefinitionSequence          no
36356         003A,0202  WaveformChannelNumber              no
36357         003A,0203  ChannelLabel                       no
36358         003A,0205  ChannelStatus                      no
36359         003A,0208  ChannelSourceSequence              no
36360         003A,0209  ChannelSourceModifiersSequence     no
36361         003A,020A  SourceWaveformSequence             no
36362         003A,020C  ChannelDerivationDescription       no
36363         003A,0210  ChannelSensitivity                 no
36364         003A,0211  ChannelSensitivityUnitsSequence    no
36365         003A,0212  ChannelSensitivityCorrectionFactor no
36366         003A,0213  ChannelBaseline                    no
36367         003A,0214  ChannelTimeSkew                    no
36368         003A,0215  ChannelSampleSkew                  no
36369         003A,0218  ChannelOffset                      no
36370         003A,021A  WaveformBitsStored                 no
36371         003A,0220  FilterLowFrequency                 no
36372         003A,0221  FilterHighFrequency                no
36373         003A,0222  NotchFilterFrequency               no
36374         003A,0223  NotchFilterBandwidth               no
36375         003A,0230  WaveformDataDisplayScale           no
36376         003A,0231  WaveformDisplayBkgCIELabValue      no
36377         003A,0240  WaveformPresentationGroupSequence  no
36378         003A,0241  PresentationGroupNumber            no
36379         003A,0242  ChannelDisplaySequence             no
36380         003A,0244  ChannelRecommendDisplayCIELabValue no
36381         003A,0245  ChannelPosition                    no
36382         003A,0246  DisplayShadingFlag                 no
36383         003A,0247  FractionalChannelDisplayScale      no
36384         003A,0248  AbsoluteChannelDisplayScale        no
36385         003A,0300  MultiplexAudioChannelsDescrCodeSeq no
36386         003A,0301  ChannelIdentificationCode          no
36387         003A,0302  ChannelMode                        no
36388         0040,0001  ScheduledStationAETitle            no
36389         0040,0002  ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate    no
36390         0040,0003  ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime    no
36391         0040,0004  ScheduledProcedureStepEndDate      no
36392         0040,0005  ScheduledProcedureStepEndTime      no
36393         0040,0006  ScheduledPerformingPhysiciansName  no
36394         0040,0007  ScheduledProcedureStepDescription  no
36395         0040,0008  ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence      no
36396         0040,0009  ScheduledProcedureStepID           no
36397         0040,000A  StageCodeSequence                  no
36398         0040,000B  ScheduledPerformingPhysicianIDSeq  no
36399         0040,0010  ScheduledStationName               no
36400         0040,0011  ScheduledProcedureStepLocation     no
36401         0040,0012  PreMedication                      no
36402         0040,0020  ScheduledProcedureStepStatus       no
36403         0040,0031  LocalNamespaceEntityID             no
36404         0040,0032  UniversalEntityID                  no
36405         0040,0033  UniversalEntityIDType              no
36406         0040,0035  IdentifierTypeCode                 no
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36408         0040,0100  ScheduledProcedureStepSequence     no
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36410         0040,0241  PerformedStationAETitle            no
36411         0040,0242  PerformedStationName               no
36412         0040,0243  PerformedLocation                  no
36413         0040,0244  PerformedProcedureStepStartDate    no
36414         0040,0245  PerformedProcedureStepStartTime    no
36415         0040,0250  PerformedProcedureStepEndDate      no
36416         0040,0251  PerformedProcedureStepEndTime      no
36417         0040,0252  PerformedProcedureStepStatus       no
36418         0040,0253  PerformedProcedureStepID           no
36419         0040,0254  PerformedProcedureStepDescription  no
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36421         0040,0260  PerformedProtocolCodeSequence      no
36422         0040,0261  PerformedProtocolType              no
36423         0040,0270  ScheduledStepAttributesSequence    no
36424         0040,0275  RequestAttributesSequence          no
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36428         0040,0294  Quantity                           no
36429         0040,0295  MeasuringUnitsSequence             no
36430         0040,0296  BillingItemSequence                no
36431         0040,0300  TotalTimeOfFluoroscopy             no
36432         0040,0301  TotalNumberOfExposures             no
36433         0040,0302  EntranceDose                       no
36434         0040,0303  ExposedArea                        no
36435         0040,0306  DistanceSourceToEntrance           no
36436         0040,0307  DistanceSourceToSupport            no
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36438         0040,0310  CommentsOnRadiationDose            no
36439         0040,0312  XRayOutput                         no
36440         0040,0314  HalfValueLayer                     no
36441         0040,0316  OrganDose                          no
36442         0040,0318  OrganExposed                       no
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36457         0040,0553  SpecimenDescriptionTrial           no
36458         0040,0554  SpecimenUID                        no
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36460         0040,0556  AcquisitionContextDescription      no
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36472         0040,1001  RequestedProcedureID               no
36473         0040,1002  ReasonForRequestedProcedure        no
36474         0040,1003  RequestedProcedurePriority         no
36475         0040,1004  PatientTransportArrangements       no
36476         0040,1005  RequestedProcedureLocation         no
36477         0040,1006  PlacerOrderNumber-Procedure        no
36478         0040,1007  FillerOrderNumber-Procedure        no
36479         0040,1008  ConfidentialityCode                no
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36484         0040,1101  PersonIdentificationCodeSequence   no
36485         0040,1102  PersonAddress                      no
36486         0040,1103  PersonTelephoneNumbers             no
36487         0040,1400  RequestedProcedureComments         no
36488         0040,2001  ReasonForImagingServiceRequest     no
36489         0040,2004  IssueDateOfImagingServiceRequest   no
36490         0040,2005  IssueTimeOfImagingServiceRequest   no
36491         0040,2006  PlacerOrderNum-ImagingServiceReq   no
36492         0040,2007  FillerOrderNum-ImagingServiceReq   no
36493         0040,2008  OrderEnteredBy                     no
36494         0040,2009  OrderEntererLocation               no
36495         0040,2010  OrderCallbackPhoneNumber           no
36496         0040,2016  PlacerOrderNum-ImagingServiceReq   no
36497         0040,2017  FillerOrderNum-ImagingServiceReq   no
36498         0040,2400  ImagingServiceRequestComments      no
36499         0040,3001  ConfidentialityOnPatientDataDescr  no
36500         0040,4001  GenPurposeScheduledProcStepStatus  no
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36504         0040,4005  SchedProcedureStepStartDateAndTime no
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36506         0040,4007  PerformedProcessingAppsCodeSeq     no
36507         0040,4009  HumanPerformerCodeSequence         no
36508         0040,4010  SchedProcStepModificationDateTime  no
36509         0040,4011  ExpectedCompletionDateAndTime      no
36510         0040,4015  ResultingGenPurposePerfProcStepSeq no
36511         0040,4016  RefGenPurposeSchedProcStepSeq      no
36512         0040,4018  ScheduledWorkitemCodeSequence      no
36513         0040,4019  PerformedWorkitemCodeSequence      no
36514         0040,4020  InputAvailabilityFlag              no
36515         0040,4021  InputInformationSequence           no
36516         0040,4022  RelevantInformationSequence        no
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36519         0040,4026  ScheduledStationClassCodeSequence  no
36520         0040,4027  SchedStationGeographicLocCodeSeq   no
36521         0040,4028  PerformedStationNameCodeSequence   no
36522         0040,4029  PerformedStationClassCodeSequence  no
36523         0040,4030  PerformedStationGeogLocCodeSeq     no
36524         0040,4031  RequestedSubsequentWorkItemCodeSeq no
36525         0040,4032  NonDICOMOutputCodeSequence         no
36526         0040,4033  OutputInformationSequence          no
36527         0040,4034  ScheduledHumanPerformersSequence   no
36528         0040,4035  ActualHumanPerformersSequence      no
36529         0040,4036  HumanPerformersOrganization        no
36530         0040,4037  HumanPerformerName                 no
36531         0040,4040  RawDataHandling                    no
36532         0040,8302  EntranceDoseInMilliGy              no
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36553         0040,A07C  CustodialOrganizationSequence      no
36554         0040,A080  ParticipationType                  no
36555         0040,A082  ParticipationDateTime              no
36556         0040,A084  ObserverType                       no
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36558         0040,A090  EquivalentCDADocumentSequence      no
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36562         0040,A122  Time                               no
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36575         0040,A300  MeasuredValueSequence              no
36576         0040,A301  NumericValueQualifierCodeSequence  no
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36578         0040,A353  AddressTrial                       no
36579         0040,A354  TelephoneNumberTrial               no
36580         0040,A360  PredecessorDocumentsSequence       no
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36582         0040,A372  PerformedProcedureCodeSequence     no
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36616         0043,1005  ImgIsOriginalOrUnoriginal          no
36617         0043,1006  NumberOfEPIShots                   no
36618         0043,1007  ViewsPerSegment                    no
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36882         0064,0008  GridResolution                     no
36883         0064,0009  VectorGridData                     no
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36885         0064,0010  PostDeformationMatrixRegistSeq     no
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36901         0066,001C  CenterOfRotation                   no
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36908         0066,0025  VertexPointIndexList               no
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36923         0070,0005  GraphicAnnotationUnits             no
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36928         0070,0011  BoundingBoxBottomRightHandCorner   no
36929         0070,0012  BoundingBoxTextHorizJustification  no
36930         0070,0014  AnchorPoint                        no
36931         0070,0015  AnchorPointVisibility              no
36932         0070,0020  GraphicDimensions                  no
36933         0070,0021  NumberOfGraphicPoints              no
36934         0070,0022  GraphicData                        no
36935         0070,0023  GraphicType                        no
36936         0070,0024  GraphicFilled                      no
36937         0070,0040  ImageRotationRetired               no
36938         0070,0041  ImageHorizontalFlip                no
36939         0070,0042  ImageRotation                      no
36940         0070,0050  DisplayedAreaTopLeftTrial          no
36941         0070,0051  DisplayedAreaBottomRightTrial      no
36942         0070,0052  DisplayedAreaTopLeft               no
36943         0070,0053  DisplayedAreaBottomRight           no
36944         0070,005A  DisplayedAreaSelectionSequence     no
36945         0070,0060  GraphicLayerSequence               no
36946         0070,0062  GraphicLayerOrder                  no
36947         0070,0066  GraphicLayerRecDisplayGraysclValue no
36948         0070,0067  GraphicLayerRecDisplayRGBValue     no
36949         0070,0068  GraphicLayerDescription            no
36950         0070,0080  ContentLabel                       no
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36953         0070,0083  PresentationCreationTime           no
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36957         0070,0101  PresentationPixelSpacing           no
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36959         0070,0103  PresentationPixelMagRatio          no
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36962         0070,0309  MatrixRegistrationSequence         no
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36971         0070,0318  GraphicCoordinatesDataSequence     no
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36974         0070,031E  FiducialSequence                   no
36975         0070,0401  GraphicLayerRecomDisplayCIELabVal  no
36976         0070,0402  BlendingSequence                   no
36977         0070,0403  RelativeOpacity                    no
36978         0070,0404  ReferencedSpatialRegistrationSeq   no
36979         0070,0405  BlendingPosition                   no
36980         0072,0002  HangingProtocolName                no
36981         0072,0004  HangingProtocolDescription         no
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36986         0072,000E  HangingProtocolUserIDCodeSequence  no
36987         0072,0010  HangingProtocolUserGroupName       no
36988         0072,0012  SourceHangingProtocolSequence      no
36989         0072,0014  NumberOfPriorsReferenced           no
36990         0072,0020  ImageSetsSequence                  no
36991         0072,0022  ImageSetSelectorSequence           no
36992         0072,0024  ImageSetSelectorUsageFlag          no
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36994         0072,0028  SelectorValueNumber                no
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36996         0072,0032  ImageSetNumber                     no
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37003         0072,0050  SelectorAttributeVR                no
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37008         0072,0062  SelectorCSValue                    no
37009         0072,0064  SelectorISValue                    no
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37016         0072,0072  SelectorDSValue                    no
37017         0072,0074  SelectorFDValue                    no
37018         0072,0076  SelectorFLValue                    no
37019         0072,0078  SelectorULValue                    no
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37021         0072,007C  SelectorSLValue                    no
37022         0072,007E  SelectorSSValue                    no
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37031         0072,010E  ApplicationMaximumRepaintTime      no
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37042         0072,0218  ReferenceDisplaySets               no
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37052         0072,0318  ImageBoxLargeScrollAmount          no
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37074         0072,0710  ShowImageTrueSizeFlag              no
37075         0072,0712  ShowGraphicAnnotationFlag          no
37076         0072,0714  ShowPatientDemographicsFlag        no
37077         0072,0716  ShowAcquisitionTechniquesFlag      no
37078         0072,0717  DisplaySetHorizontalJustification  no
37079         0072,0718  DisplaySetVerticalJustification    no
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37093         0074,1036  DoubleExposureOrdering             no
37094         0074,1038  DoubleExposureMeterset             no
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37185         2000,0510  ReferencedStoredPrintSequence      no
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37205         2010,0154  MaximumCollatedFilms               no
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37208         2010,0376  PrinterPixelSpacing                no
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37210         2010,0510  ReferencedImageBoxSequence         no
37211         2010,0520  ReferencedBasicAnnotationBoxSeq    no
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37220         2020,0111  BasicColorImageSequence            no
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37222         2020,0140  ReferencedVOILUTBoxSequence        no
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37263         2130,0080  PresentationLUTContentSequence     no
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37287         3002,000D  XRayImageReceptorTranslation       no
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37337         3006,0016  ContourImageSequence               no
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37369         3006,00B4  ROIPhysicalPropertyValue           no
37370         3006,00B6  ROIElementalCompositionSequence    no
37371         3006,00B7  ROIElementalCompAtomicNumber       no
37372         3006,00B8  ROIElementalCompAtomicMassFraction no
37373         3006,00C0  FrameOfReferenceRelationshipSeq    no
37374         3006,00C2  RelatedFrameOfReferenceUID         no
37375         3006,00C4  FrameOfReferenceTransformType      no
37376         3006,00C6  FrameOfReferenceTransformMatrix    no
37377         3006,00C8  FrameOfReferenceTransformComment   no
37378         3008,0010  MeasuredDoseReferenceSequence      no
37379         3008,0012  MeasuredDoseDescription            no
37380         3008,0014  MeasuredDoseType                   no
37381         3008,0016  MeasuredDoseValue                  no
37382         3008,0020  TreatmentSessionBeamSequence       no
37383         3008,0021  TreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence    no
37384         3008,0022  CurrentFractionNumber              no
37385         3008,0024  TreatmentControlPointDate          no
37386         3008,0025  TreatmentControlPointTime          no
37387         3008,002A  TreatmentTerminationStatus         no
37388         3008,002B  TreatmentTerminationCode           no
37389         3008,002C  TreatmentVerificationStatus        no
37390         3008,0030  ReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence  no
37391         3008,0032  SpecifiedPrimaryMeterset           no
37392         3008,0033  SpecifiedSecondaryMeterset         no
37393         3008,0036  DeliveredPrimaryMeterset           no
37394         3008,0037  DeliveredSecondaryMeterset         no
37395         3008,003A  SpecifiedTreatmentTime             no
37396         3008,003B  DeliveredTreatmentTime             no
37397         3008,0040  ControlPointDeliverySequence       no
37398         3008,0041  IonControlPointDeliverySequence    no
37399         3008,0042  SpecifiedMeterset                  no
37400         3008,0044  DeliveredMeterset                  no
37401         3008,0045  MetersetRateSet                    no
37402         3008,0046  MetersetRateDelivered              no
37403         3008,0047  ScanSpotMetersetsDelivered         no
37404         3008,0048  DoseRateDelivered                  no
37405         3008,0050  TreatmentSummaryCalcDoseRefSeq     no
37406         3008,0052  CumulativeDoseToDoseReference      no
37407         3008,0054  FirstTreatmentDate                 no
37408         3008,0056  MostRecentTreatmentDate            no
37409         3008,005A  NumberOfFractionsDelivered         no
37410         3008,0060  OverrideSequence                   no
37411         3008,0061  ParameterSequencePointer           no
37412         3008,0062  OverrideParameterPointer           no
37413         3008,0063  ParameterItemIndex                 no
37414         3008,0064  MeasuredDoseReferenceNumber        no
37415         3008,0065  ParameterPointer                   no
37416         3008,0066  OverrideReason                     no
37417         3008,0068  CorrectedParameterSequence         no
37418         3008,006A  CorrectionValue                    no
37419         3008,0070  CalculatedDoseReferenceSequence    no
37420         3008,0072  CalculatedDoseReferenceNumber      no
37421         3008,0074  CalculatedDoseReferenceDescription no
37422         3008,0076  CalculatedDoseReferenceDoseValue   no
37423         3008,0078  StartMeterset                      no
37424         3008,007A  EndMeterset                        no
37425         3008,0080  ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSeq no
37426         3008,0082  ReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceNum no
37427         3008,0090  ReferencedCalculatedDoseRefSeq     no
37428         3008,0092  ReferencedCalculatedDoseRefNumber  no
37429         3008,00A0  BeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSeq     no
37430         3008,00B0  RecordedWedgeSequence              no
37431         3008,00C0  RecordedCompensatorSequence        no
37432         3008,00D0  RecordedBlockSequence              no
37433         3008,00E0  TreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseRefSeq no
37434         3008,00F0  RecordedSnoutSequence              no
37435         3008,00F2  RecordedRangeShifterSequence       no
37436         3008,00F4  RecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSeq  no
37437         3008,00F6  RecordedRangeModulatorSequence     no
37438         3008,0100  RecordedSourceSequence             no
37439         3008,0105  SourceSerialNumber                 no
37440         3008,0110  TreatmentSessionAppSetupSeq        no
37441         3008,0116  ApplicationSetupCheck              no
37442         3008,0120  RecordedBrachyAccessoryDeviceSeq   no
37443         3008,0122  ReferencedBrachyAccessoryDeviceNum no
37444         3008,0130  RecordedChannelSequence            no
37445         3008,0132  SpecifiedChannelTotalTime          no
37446         3008,0134  DeliveredChannelTotalTime          no
37447         3008,0136  SpecifiedNumberOfPulses            no
37448         3008,0138  DeliveredNumberOfPulses            no
37449         3008,013A  SpecifiedPulseRepetitionInterval   no
37450         3008,013C  DeliveredPulseRepetitionInterval   no
37451         3008,0140  RecordedSourceApplicatorSequence   no
37452         3008,0142  ReferencedSourceApplicatorNumber   no
37453         3008,0150  RecordedChannelShieldSequence      no
37454         3008,0152  ReferencedChannelShieldNumber      no
37455         3008,0160  BrachyControlPointDeliveredSeq     no
37456         3008,0162  SafePositionExitDate               no
37457         3008,0164  SafePositionExitTime               no
37458         3008,0166  SafePositionReturnDate             no
37459         3008,0168  SafePositionReturnTime             no
37460         3008,0200  CurrentTreatmentStatus             no
37461         3008,0202  TreatmentStatusComment             no
37462         3008,0220  FractionGroupSummarySequence       no
37463         3008,0223  ReferencedFractionNumber           no
37464         3008,0224  FractionGroupType                  no
37465         3008,0230  BeamStopperPosition                no
37466         3008,0240  FractionStatusSummarySequence      no
37467         3008,0250  TreatmentDate                      no
37468         3008,0251  TreatmentTime                      no
37469         300A,0002  RTPlanLabel                        no
37470         300A,0003  RTPlanName                         no
37471         300A,0004  RTPlanDescription                  no
37472         300A,0006  RTPlanDate                         no
37473         300A,0007  RTPlanTime                         no
37474         300A,0009  TreatmentProtocols                 no
37475         300A,000A  PlanIntent                         no
37476         300A,000B  TreatmentSites                     no
37477         300A,000C  RTPlanGeometry                     no
37478         300A,000E  PrescriptionDescription            no
37479         300A,0010  DoseReferenceSequence              no
37480         300A,0012  DoseReferenceNumber                no
37481         300A,0013  DoseReferenceUID                   no
37482         300A,0014  DoseReferenceStructureType         no
37483         300A,0015  NominalBeamEnergyUnit              no
37484         300A,0016  DoseReferenceDescription           no
37485         300A,0018  DoseReferencePointCoordinates      no
37486         300A,001A  NominalPriorDose                   no
37487         300A,0020  DoseReferenceType                  no
37488         300A,0021  ConstraintWeight                   no
37489         300A,0022  DeliveryWarningDose                no
37490         300A,0023  DeliveryMaximumDose                no
37491         300A,0025  TargetMinimumDose                  no
37492         300A,0026  TargetPrescriptionDose             no
37493         300A,0027  TargetMaximumDose                  no
37494         300A,0028  TargetUnderdoseVolumeFraction      no
37495         300A,002A  OrganAtRiskFullVolumeDose          no
37496         300A,002B  OrganAtRiskLimitDose               no
37497         300A,002C  OrganAtRiskMaximumDose             no
37498         300A,002D  OrganAtRiskOverdoseVolumeFraction  no
37499         300A,0040  ToleranceTableSequence             no
37500         300A,0042  ToleranceTableNumber               no
37501         300A,0043  ToleranceTableLabel                no
37502         300A,0044  GantryAngleTolerance               no
37503         300A,0046  BeamLimitingDeviceAngleTolerance   no
37504         300A,0048  BeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSeq     no
37505         300A,004A  BeamLimitingDevicePositionTol      no
37506         300A,004B  SnoutPositionTolerance             no
37507         300A,004C  PatientSupportAngleTolerance       no
37508         300A,004E  TableTopEccentricAngleTolerance    no
37509         300A,004F  TableTopPitchAngleTolerance        no
37510         300A,0050  TableTopRollAngleTolerance         no
37511         300A,0051  TableTopVerticalPositionTolerance  no
37512         300A,0052  TableTopLongitudinalPositionTol    no
37513         300A,0053  TableTopLateralPositionTolerance   no
37514         300A,0055  RTPlanRelationship                 no
37515         300A,0070  FractionGroupSequence              no
37516         300A,0071  FractionGroupNumber                no
37517         300A,0072  FractionGroupDescription           no
37518         300A,0078  NumberOfFractionsPlanned           no
37519         300A,0079  NumberFractionPatternDigitsPerDay  no
37520         300A,007A  RepeatFractionCycleLength          no
37521         300A,007B  FractionPattern                    no
37522         300A,0080  NumberOfBeams                      no
37523         300A,0082  BeamDoseSpecificationPoint         no
37524         300A,0084  BeamDose                           no
37525         300A,0086  BeamMeterset                       no
37526         300A,0088  BeamDosePointDepth                 no
37527         300A,0089  BeamDosePointEquivalentDepth       no
37528         300A,008A  BeamDosePointSSD                   no
37529         300A,00A0  NumberOfBrachyApplicationSetups    no
37530         300A,00A2  BrachyAppSetupDoseSpecPoint        no
37531         300A,00A4  BrachyApplicationSetupDose         no
37532         300A,00B0  BeamSequence                       no
37533         300A,00B2  TreatmentMachineName               no
37534         300A,00B3  PrimaryDosimeterUnit               no
37535         300A,00B4  SourceAxisDistance                 no
37536         300A,00B6  BeamLimitingDeviceSequence         no
37537         300A,00B8  RTBeamLimitingDeviceType           no
37538         300A,00BA  SourceToBeamLimitingDeviceDistance no
37539         300A,00BB  IsocenterToBeamLimitingDeviceDist  no
37540         300A,00BC  NumberOfLeafJawPairs               no
37541         300A,00BE  LeafPositionBoundaries             no
37542         300A,00C0  BeamNumber                         no
37543         300A,00C2  BeamName                           no
37544         300A,00C3  BeamDescription                    no
37545         300A,00C4  BeamType                           no
37546         300A,00C6  RadiationType                      no
37547         300A,00C7  HighDoseTechniqueType              no
37548         300A,00C8  ReferenceImageNumber               no
37549         300A,00CA  PlannedVerificationImageSequence   no
37550         300A,00CC  ImagingDeviceSpecificAcqParams     no
37551         300A,00CE  TreatmentDeliveryType              no
37552         300A,00D0  NumberOfWedges                     no
37553         300A,00D1  WedgeSequence                      no
37554         300A,00D2  WedgeNumber                        no
37555         300A,00D3  WedgeType                          no
37556         300A,00D4  WedgeID                            no
37557         300A,00D5  WedgeAngle                         no
37558         300A,00D6  WedgeFactor                        no
37559         300A,00D7  TotalWedgeTrayWaterEquivThickness  no
37560         300A,00D8  WedgeOrientation                   no
37561         300A,00D9  IsocenterToWedgeTrayDistance       no
37562         300A,00DA  SourceToWedgeTrayDistance          no
37563         300A,00DB  WedgeThinEdgePosition              no
37564         300A,00DC  BolusID                            no
37565         300A,00DD  BolusDescription                   no
37566         300A,00E0  NumberOfCompensators               no
37567         300A,00E1  MaterialID                         no
37568         300A,00E2  TotalCompensatorTrayFactor         no
37569         300A,00E3  CompensatorSequence                no
37570         300A,00E4  CompensatorNumber                  no
37571         300A,00E5  CompensatorID                      no
37572         300A,00E6  SourceToCompensatorTrayDistance    no
37573         300A,00E7  CompensatorRows                    no
37574         300A,00E8  CompensatorColumns                 no
37575         300A,00E9  CompensatorPixelSpacing            no
37576         300A,00EA  CompensatorPosition                no
37577         300A,00EB  CompensatorTransmissionData        no
37578         300A,00EC  CompensatorThicknessData           no
37579         300A,00ED  NumberOfBoli                       no
37580         300A,00EE  CompensatorType                    no
37581         300A,00F0  NumberOfBlocks                     no
37582         300A,00F2  TotalBlockTrayFactor               no
37583         300A,00F3  TotalBlockTrayWaterEquivThickness  no
37584         300A,00F4  BlockSequence                      no
37585         300A,00F5  BlockTrayID                        no
37586         300A,00F6  SourceToBlockTrayDistance          no
37587         300A,00F7  IsocenterToBlockTrayDistance       no
37588         300A,00F8  BlockType                          no
37589         300A,00F9  AccessoryCode                      no
37590         300A,00FA  BlockDivergence                    no
37591         300A,00FB  BlockMountingPosition              no
37592         300A,00FC  BlockNumber                        no
37593         300A,00FE  BlockName                          no
37594         300A,0100  BlockThickness                     no
37595         300A,0102  BlockTransmission                  no
37596         300A,0104  BlockNumberOfPoints                no
37597         300A,0106  BlockData                          no
37598         300A,0107  ApplicatorSequence                 no
37599         300A,0108  ApplicatorID                       no
37600         300A,0109  ApplicatorType                     no
37601         300A,010A  ApplicatorDescription              no
37602         300A,010C  CumulativeDoseReferenceCoefficient no
37603         300A,010E  FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight      no
37604         300A,0110  NumberOfControlPoints              no
37605         300A,0111  ControlPointSequence               no
37606         300A,0112  ControlPointIndex                  no
37607         300A,0114  NominalBeamEnergy                  no
37608         300A,0115  DoseRateSet                        no
37609         300A,0116  WedgePositionSequence              no
37610         300A,0118  WedgePosition                      no
37611         300A,011A  BeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence no
37612         300A,011C  LeafJawPositions                   no
37613         300A,011E  GantryAngle                        no
37614         300A,011F  GantryRotationDirection            no
37615         300A,0120  BeamLimitingDeviceAngle            no
37616         300A,0121  BeamLimitingDeviceRotateDirection  no
37617         300A,0122  PatientSupportAngle                no
37618         300A,0123  PatientSupportRotationDirection    no
37619         300A,0124  TableTopEccentricAxisDistance      no
37620         300A,0125  TableTopEccentricAngle             no
37621         300A,0126  TableTopEccentricRotateDirection   no
37622         300A,0128  TableTopVerticalPosition           no
37623         300A,0129  TableTopLongitudinalPosition       no
37624         300A,012A  TableTopLateralPosition            no
37625         300A,012C  IsocenterPosition                  no
37626         300A,012E  SurfaceEntryPoint                  no
37627         300A,0130  SourceToSurfaceDistance            no
37628         300A,0134  CumulativeMetersetWeight           no
37629         300A,0140  TableTopPitchAngle                 no
37630         300A,0142  TableTopPitchRotationDirection     no
37631         300A,0144  TableTopRollAngle                  no
37632         300A,0146  TableTopRollRotationDirection      no
37633         300A,0148  HeadFixationAngle                  no
37634         300A,014A  GantryPitchAngle                   no
37635         300A,014C  GantryPitchRotationDirection       no
37636         300A,014E  GantryPitchAngleTolerance          no
37637         300A,0180  PatientSetupSequence               no
37638         300A,0182  PatientSetupNumber                 no
37639         300A,0183  PatientSetupLabel                  no
37640         300A,0184  PatientAdditionalPosition          no
37641         300A,0190  FixationDeviceSequence             no
37642         300A,0192  FixationDeviceType                 no
37643         300A,0194  FixationDeviceLabel                no
37644         300A,0196  FixationDeviceDescription          no
37645         300A,0198  FixationDevicePosition             no
37646         300A,0199  FixationDevicePitchAngle           no
37647         300A,019A  FixationDeviceRollAngle            no
37648         300A,01A0  ShieldingDeviceSequence            no
37649         300A,01A2  ShieldingDeviceType                no
37650         300A,01A4  ShieldingDeviceLabel               no
37651         300A,01A6  ShieldingDeviceDescription         no
37652         300A,01A8  ShieldingDevicePosition            no
37653         300A,01B0  SetupTechnique                     no
37654         300A,01B2  SetupTechniqueDescription          no
37655         300A,01B4  SetupDeviceSequence                no
37656         300A,01B6  SetupDeviceType                    no
37657         300A,01B8  SetupDeviceLabel                   no
37658         300A,01BA  SetupDeviceDescription             no
37659         300A,01BC  SetupDeviceParameter               no
37660         300A,01D0  SetupReferenceDescription          no
37661         300A,01D2  TableTopVerticalSetupDisplacement  no
37662         300A,01D4  TableTopLongitudinalSetupDisplace  no
37663         300A,01D6  TableTopLateralSetupDisplacement   no
37664         300A,0200  BrachyTreatmentTechnique           no
37665         300A,0202  BrachyTreatmentType                no
37666         300A,0206  TreatmentMachineSequence           no
37667         300A,0210  SourceSequence                     no
37668         300A,0212  SourceNumber                       no
37669         300A,0214  SourceType                         no
37670         300A,0216  SourceManufacturer                 no
37671         300A,0218  ActiveSourceDiameter               no
37672         300A,021A  ActiveSourceLength                 no
37673         300A,0222  SourceEncapsulationNomThickness    no
37674         300A,0224  SourceEncapsulationNomTransmission no
37675         300A,0226  SourceIsotopeName                  no
37676         300A,0228  SourceIsotopeHalfLife              no
37677         300A,0229  SourceStrengthUnits                no
37678         300A,022A  ReferenceAirKermaRate              no
37679         300A,022B  SourceStrength                     no
37680         300A,022C  SourceStrengthReferenceDate        no
37681         300A,022E  SourceStrengthReferenceTime        no
37682         300A,0230  ApplicationSetupSequence           no
37683         300A,0232  ApplicationSetupType               no
37684         300A,0234  ApplicationSetupNumber             no
37685         300A,0236  ApplicationSetupName               no
37686         300A,0238  ApplicationSetupManufacturer       no
37687         300A,0240  TemplateNumber                     no
37688         300A,0242  TemplateType                       no
37689         300A,0244  TemplateName                       no
37690         300A,0250  TotalReferenceAirKerma             no
37691         300A,0260  BrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence      no
37692         300A,0262  BrachyAccessoryDeviceNumber        no
37693         300A,0263  BrachyAccessoryDeviceID            no
37694         300A,0264  BrachyAccessoryDeviceType          no
37695         300A,0266  BrachyAccessoryDeviceName          no
37696         300A,026A  BrachyAccessoryDeviceNomThickness  no
37697         300A,026C  BrachyAccessoryDevNomTransmission  no
37698         300A,0280  ChannelSequence                    no
37699         300A,0282  ChannelNumber                      no
37700         300A,0284  ChannelLength                      no
37701         300A,0286  ChannelTotalTime                   no
37702         300A,0288  SourceMovementType                 no
37703         300A,028A  NumberOfPulses                     no
37704         300A,028C  PulseRepetitionInterval            no
37705         300A,0290  SourceApplicatorNumber             no
37706         300A,0291  SourceApplicatorID                 no
37707         300A,0292  SourceApplicatorType               no
37708         300A,0294  SourceApplicatorName               no
37709         300A,0296  SourceApplicatorLength             no
37710         300A,0298  SourceApplicatorManufacturer       no
37711         300A,029C  SourceApplicatorWallNomThickness   no
37712         300A,029E  SourceApplicatorWallNomTrans       no
37713         300A,02A0  SourceApplicatorStepSize           no
37714         300A,02A2  TransferTubeNumber                 no
37715         300A,02A4  TransferTubeLength                 no
37716         300A,02B0  ChannelShieldSequence              no
37717         300A,02B2  ChannelShieldNumber                no
37718         300A,02B3  ChannelShieldID                    no
37719         300A,02B4  ChannelShieldName                  no
37720         300A,02B8  ChannelShieldNominalThickness      no
37721         300A,02BA  ChannelShieldNominalTransmission   no
37722         300A,02C8  FinalCumulativeTimeWeight          no
37723         300A,02D0  BrachyControlPointSequence         no
37724         300A,02D2  ControlPointRelativePosition       no
37725         300A,02D4  ControlPoint3DPosition             no
37726         300A,02D6  CumulativeTimeWeight               no
37727         300A,02E0  CompensatorDivergence              no
37728         300A,02E1  CompensatorMountingPosition        no
37729         300A,02E2  SourceToCompensatorDistance        no
37730         300A,02E3  TotalCompTrayWaterEquivThickness   no
37731         300A,02E4  IsocenterToCompensatorTrayDistance no
37732         300A,02E5  CompensatorColumnOffset            no
37733         300A,02E6  IsocenterToCompensatorDistances    no
37734         300A,02E7  CompensatorRelStoppingPowerRatio   no
37735         300A,02E8  CompensatorMillingToolDiameter     no
37736         300A,02EA  IonRangeCompensatorSequence        no
37737         300A,02EB  CompensatorDescription             no
37738         300A,0302  RadiationMassNumber                no
37739         300A,0304  RadiationAtomicNumber              no
37740         300A,0306  RadiationChargeState               no
37741         300A,0308  ScanMode                           no
37742         300A,030A  VirtualSourceAxisDistances         no
37743         300A,030C  SnoutSequence                      no
37744         300A,030D  SnoutPosition                      no
37745         300A,030F  SnoutID                            no
37746         300A,0312  NumberOfRangeShifters              no
37747         300A,0314  RangeShifterSequence               no
37748         300A,0316  RangeShifterNumber                 no
37749         300A,0318  RangeShifterID                     no
37750         300A,0320  RangeShifterType                   no
37751         300A,0322  RangeShifterDescription            no
37752         300A,0330  NumberOfLateralSpreadingDevices    no
37753         300A,0332  LateralSpreadingDeviceSequence     no
37754         300A,0334  LateralSpreadingDeviceNumber       no
37755         300A,0336  LateralSpreadingDeviceID           no
37756         300A,0338  LateralSpreadingDeviceType         no
37757         300A,033A  LateralSpreadingDeviceDescription  no
37758         300A,033C  LateralSpreadingDevWaterEquivThick no
37759         300A,0340  NumberOfRangeModulators            no
37760         300A,0342  RangeModulatorSequence             no
37761         300A,0344  RangeModulatorNumber               no
37762         300A,0346  RangeModulatorID                   no
37763         300A,0348  RangeModulatorType                 no
37764         300A,034A  RangeModulatorDescription          no
37765         300A,034C  BeamCurrentModulationID            no
37766         300A,0350  PatientSupportType                 no
37767         300A,0352  PatientSupportID                   no
37768         300A,0354  PatientSupportAccessoryCode        no
37769         300A,0356  FixationLightAzimuthalAngle        no
37770         300A,0358  FixationLightPolarAngle            no
37771         300A,035A  MetersetRate                       no
37772         300A,0360  RangeShifterSettingsSequence       no
37773         300A,0362  RangeShifterSetting                no
37774         300A,0364  IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance    no
37775         300A,0366  RangeShifterWaterEquivThickness    no
37776         300A,0370  LateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSeq  no
37777         300A,0372  LateralSpreadingDeviceSetting      no
37778         300A,0374  IsocenterToLateralSpreadingDevDist no
37779         300A,0380  RangeModulatorSettingsSequence     no
37780         300A,0382  RangeModulatorGatingStartValue     no
37781         300A,0384  RangeModulatorGatingStopValue      no
37782         300A,038A  IsocenterToRangeModulatorDistance  no
37783         300A,0390  ScanSpotTuneID                     no
37784         300A,0392  NumberOfScanSpotPositions          no
37785         300A,0394  ScanSpotPositionMap                no
37786         300A,0396  ScanSpotMetersetWeights            no
37787         300A,0398  ScanningSpotSize                   no
37788         300A,039A  NumberOfPaintings                  no
37789         300A,03A0  IonToleranceTableSequence          no
37790         300A,03A2  IonBeamSequence                    no
37791         300A,03A4  IonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence      no
37792         300A,03A6  IonBlockSequence                   no
37793         300A,03A8  IonControlPointSequence            no
37794         300A,03AA  IonWedgeSequence                   no
37795         300A,03AC  IonWedgePositionSequence           no
37796         300A,0401  ReferencedSetupImageSequence       no
37797         300A,0402  SetupImageComment                  no
37798         300A,0410  MotionSynchronizationSequence      no
37799         300A,0412  ControlPointOrientation            no
37800         300A,0420  GeneralAccessorySequence           no
37801         300A,0421  GeneralAccessoryID                 no
37802         300A,0422  GeneralAccessoryDescription        no
37803         300A,0423  GeneralAccessoryType               no
37804         300A,0424  GeneralAccessoryNumber             no
37805         300C,0002  ReferencedRTPlanSequence           no
37806         300C,0004  ReferencedBeamSequence             no
37807         300C,0006  ReferencedBeamNumber               no
37808         300C,0007  ReferencedReferenceImageNumber     no
37809         300C,0008  StartCumulativeMetersetWeight      no
37810         300C,0009  EndCumulativeMetersetWeight        no
37811         300C,000A  ReferencedBrachyAppSetupSeq        no
37812         300C,000C  ReferencedBrachyAppSetupNumber     no
37813         300C,000E  ReferencedSourceNumber             no
37814         300C,0020  ReferencedFractionGroupSequence    no
37815         300C,0022  ReferencedFractionGroupNumber      no
37816         300C,0040  ReferencedVerificationImageSeq     no
37817         300C,0042  ReferencedReferenceImageSequence   no
37818         300C,0050  ReferencedDoseReferenceSequence    no
37819         300C,0051  ReferencedDoseReferenceNumber      no
37820         300C,0055  BrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSeq   no
37821         300C,0060  ReferencedStructureSetSequence     no
37822         300C,006A  ReferencedPatientSetupNumber       no
37823         300C,0080  ReferencedDoseSequence             no
37824         300C,00A0  ReferencedToleranceTableNumber     no
37825         300C,00B0  ReferencedBolusSequence            no
37826         300C,00C0  ReferencedWedgeNumber              no
37827         300C,00D0  ReferencedCompensatorNumber        no
37828         300C,00E0  ReferencedBlockNumber              no
37829         300C,00F0  ReferencedControlPointIndex        no
37830         300C,00F2  ReferencedControlPointSequence     no
37831         300C,00F4  ReferencedStartControlPointIndex   no
37832         300C,00F6  ReferencedStopControlPointIndex    no
37833         300C,0100  ReferencedRangeShifterNumber       no
37834         300C,0102  ReferencedLateralSpreadingDevNum   no
37835         300C,0104  ReferencedRangeModulatorNumber     no
37836         300E,0002  ApprovalStatus                     no
37837         300E,0004  ReviewDate                         no
37838         300E,0005  ReviewTime                         no
37839         300E,0008  ReviewerName                       no
37840         4000,0000  TextGroupLength                    no
37841         4000,0010  Arbitrary                          no
37842         4000,4000  TextComments                       no
37843         4008,0040  ResultsID                          no
37844         4008,0042  ResultsIDIssuer                    no
37845         4008,0050  ReferencedInterpretationSequence   no
37846         4008,0100  InterpretationRecordedDate         no
37847         4008,0101  InterpretationRecordedTime         no
37848         4008,0102  InterpretationRecorder             no
37849         4008,0103  ReferenceToRecordedSound           no
37850         4008,0108  InterpretationTranscriptionDate    no
37851         4008,0109  InterpretationTranscriptionTime    no
37852         4008,010A  InterpretationTranscriber          no
37853         4008,010B  InterpretationText                 no
37854         4008,010C  InterpretationAuthor               no
37855         4008,0111  InterpretationApproverSequence     no
37856         4008,0112  InterpretationApprovalDate         no
37857         4008,0113  InterpretationApprovalTime         no
37858         4008,0114  PhysicianApprovingInterpretation   no
37859         4008,0115  InterpretationDiagnosisDescription no
37860         4008,0117  InterpretationDiagnosisCodeSeq     no
37861         4008,0118  ResultsDistributionListSequence    no
37862         4008,0119  DistributionName                   no
37863         4008,011A  DistributionAddress                no
37864         4008,0200  InterpretationID                   no
37865         4008,0202  InterpretationIDIssuer             no
37866         4008,0210  InterpretationTypeID               no
37867         4008,0212  InterpretationStatusID             no
37868         4008,0300  Impressions                        no
37869         4008,4000  ResultsComments                    no
37870         4FFE,0001  MACParametersSequence              no
37871         50xx,0005  CurveDimensions                    no
37872         50xx,0010  NumberOfPoints                     no
37873         50xx,0020  TypeOfData                         no
37874         50xx,0022  CurveDescription                   no
37875         50xx,0030  AxisUnits                          no
37876         50xx,0040  AxisLabels                         no
37877         50xx,0103  DataValueRepresentation            no
37878         50xx,0104  MinimumCoordinateValue             no
37879         50xx,0105  MaximumCoordinateValue             no
37880         50xx,0106  CurveRange                         no
37881         50xx,0110  CurveDataDescriptor                no
37882         50xx,0112  CoordinateStartValue               no
37883         50xx,0114  CoordinateStepValue                no
37884         50xx,1001  CurveActivationLayer               no
37885         50xx,2000  AudioType                          no
37886         50xx,2002  AudioSampleFormat                  no
37887         50xx,2004  NumberOfChannels                   no
37888         50xx,2006  NumberOfSamples                    no
37889         50xx,2008  SampleRate                         no
37890         50xx,200A  TotalTime                          no
37891         50xx,200C  AudioSampleData                    no
37892         50xx,200E  AudioComments                      no
37893         50xx,2500  CurveLabel                         no
37894         50xx,2600  ReferencedOverlaySequence          no
37895         50xx,2610  ReferencedOverlayGroup             no
37896         50xx,3000  CurveData                          no
37897         5200,9229  SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence     no
37898         5200,9230  PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence   no
37899         5400,0100  WaveformSequence                   no
37900         5400,0110  ChannelMinimumValue                no
37901         5400,0112  ChannelMaximumValue                no
37902         5400,1004  WaveformBitsAllocated              no
37903         5400,1006  WaveformSampleInterpretation       no
37904         5400,100A  WaveformPaddingValue               no
37905         5400,1010  WaveformData                       no
37906         5600,0010  FirstOrderPhaseCorrectionAngle     no
37907         5600,0020  SpectroscopyData                   no
37908         6000,0000  OverlayGroupLength                 no
37909         60xx,0010  OverlayRows                        no
37910         60xx,0011  OverlayColumns                     no
37911         60xx,0012  OverlayPlanes                      no
37912         60xx,0015  NumberOfFramesInOverlay            no
37913         60xx,0022  OverlayDescription                 no
37914         60xx,0040  OverlayType                        no
37915         60xx,0045  OverlaySubtype                     no
37916         60xx,0050  OverlayOrigin                      no
37917         60xx,0051  ImageFrameOrigin                   no
37918         60xx,0052  OverlayPlaneOrigin                 no
37919         60xx,0060  OverlayCompressionCode             no
37920         60xx,0061  OverlayCompressionOriginator       no
37921         60xx,0062  OverlayCompressionLabel            no
37922         60xx,0063  OverlayCompressionDescription      no
37923         60xx,0066  OverlayCompressionStepPointers     no
37924         60xx,0068  OverlayRepeatInterval              no
37925         60xx,0069  OverlayBitsGrouped                 no
37926         60xx,0100  OverlayBitsAllocated               no
37927         60xx,0102  OverlayBitPosition                 no
37928         60xx,0110  OverlayFormat                      no
37929         60xx,0200  OverlayLocation                    no
37930         60xx,0800  OverlayCodeLabel                   no
37931         60xx,0802  OverlayNumberOfTables              no
37932         60xx,0803  OverlayCodeTableLocation           no
37933         60xx,0804  OverlayBitsForCodeWord             no
37934         60xx,1001  OverlayActivationLayer             no
37935         60xx,1100  OverlayDescriptorGray              no
37936         60xx,1101  OverlayDescriptorRed               no
37937         60xx,1102  OverlayDescriptorGreen             no
37938         60xx,1103  OverlayDescriptorBlue              no
37939         60xx,1200  OverlaysGray                       no
37940         60xx,1201  OverlaysRed                        no
37941         60xx,1202  OverlaysGreen                      no
37942         60xx,1203  OverlaysBlue                       no
37943         60xx,1301  ROIArea                            no
37944         60xx,1302  ROIMean                            no
37945         60xx,1303  ROIStandardDeviation               no
37946         60xx,1500  OverlayLabel                       no
37947         60xx,3000  OverlayData                        no
37948         60xx,4000  OverlayComments                    no
37949         7Fxx,0000  PixelDataGroupLength               no
37950         7Fxx,0010  PixelData                          no
37951         7Fxx,0011  VariableNextDataGroup              no
37952         7Fxx,0020  VariableCoefficientsSDVN           no
37953         7Fxx,0030  VariableCoefficientsSDHN           no
37954         7Fxx,0040  VariableCoefficientsSDDN           no
37955         FFFA,FFFA  DigitalSignaturesSequence          no
37956         FFFC,FFFC  DataSetTrailingPadding             no
37957         FFFE,E000  StartOfItem                        no
37958         FFFE,E00D  EndOfItems                         no
37959         FFFE,E0DD  EndOfSequence                      no
37961   FITS Tags
37962       This table lists some standard Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
37963       tags, but ExifTool will extract any other tags found.  See
37964       <https://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_standard.html> for the specification.
37966         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
37967         ------       --------                         --------
37968         'AUTHOR'     Author                           no
37969         'BACKGRND'   Background                       no
37970         'COMMENT'    Comment                          no
37971         'DATE'       CreateDate                       no
37972         'DATE-END'   ObservationDateEnd               no
37973         'DATE-OBS'   ObservationDate                  no
37974         'HISTORY'    History                          no
37975         'INSTRUME'   Instrument                       no
37976         'OBJECT'     Object                           no
37977         'OBSERVER'   Observer                         no
37978         'REFERENC'   Reference                        no
37979         'TELESCOP'   Telescope                        no
37980         'TIME-END'   ObservationTimeEnd               no
37981         'TIME-OBS'   ObservationTime                  no
37983   XISF Tags
37984       This table lists some standard Extensible Image Serialization Format
37985       (XISF) tags, but ExifTool will extract any other tags found.  See
37986       <https://pixinsight.com/xisf/> for the specification.
37988         Tag ID                Tag Name                Writable
37989         ------                --------                --------
37990         'Abstract'            Abstract                no
37991         'AccessRights'        AccessRights            no
37992         'Authors'             Authors                 no
37993         'BibliographicReferences'
37994                               BibliographicReferences no
37995         'BriefDescription'    BriefDescription        no
37996         'CompressionCodecs'   CompressionCodecs       no
37997         'CompressionLevel'    CompressionLevel        no
37998         'Contributors'        Contributors            no
37999         'Copyright'           Copyright               no
38000         'CreationTime'        CreateDate              no
38001         'CreatorApplication'  CreatorApplication      no
38002         'CreatorModule'       CreatorModule           no
38003         'CreatorOS'           CreatorOS               no
38004         'Description'         Description             no
38005         'ImageBounds'         ImageBounds             no
38006         'ImageColorSpace'     ColorSpace              no
38007         'ImageData'           ImageData               no
38008         'ImageGeometry'       ImageGeometry           no
38009         'ImageICCProfile'     ICC_Profile             no
38010         'ImageICCProfileLocation' ICCProfileLocation  no
38011         'ImageId'             ImageID                 no
38012         'ImageImageType'      ImageType               no
38013         'ImageLocation'       ImageLocation           no
38014         'ImageOffset'         ImagePixelOffset        no
38015         'ImageOrientation'    Orientation             no
38016         'ImagePixelStorage'   ImagePixelStorage       no
38017         'ImageResolutionHorizontal' XResolution       no
38018         'ImageResolutionUnit' ResolutionUnit          no
38019         'ImageResolutionVertical' YResolution         no
38020         'ImageSampleFormat'   ImageSampleFormat       no
38021         'ImageUuid'           UUID                    no
38022         'Keywords'            Keywords                no
38023         'Languages'           Languages               no
38024         'License'             License                 no
38025         'OriginalCreationTime' DateTimeOriginal       no
38026         'RelatedResources'    RelatedResources        no
38027         'Title'               Title                   no
38029   HTML Tags
38030       Meta information extracted from the header of HTML and XHTML files.
38031       This is a mix of information found in the "META" elements, "XML"
38032       element, and the "TITLE" element.
38034         Tag ID                      Tag Name          Writable
38035         ------                      --------          --------
38036         'abstract'                  Abstract          no
38037         'author'                    Author            no
38038         'classification'            Classification    no
38039         'content-language'          ContentLanguage   no
38040         'copyright'                 Copyright         no
38041         'dc'                        DC                HTML dc
38042         'description'               Description       no
38043         'distribution'              Distribution      no
38044         'doc-class'                 DocClass          no
38045         'doc-rights'                DocRights         no
38046         'doc-type'                  DocType           no
38047         'formatter'                 Formatter         no
38048         'generator'                 Generator         no
38049         'generatorversion'          GeneratorVersion  no
38050         'googlebot'                 GoogleBot         no
38051         'http-equiv'                HTTP-equiv        HTML equiv
38052         'keywords'                  Keywords          no+
38053         'mssmarttagspreventparsing' NoMSSmartTags     no
38054         'ncc'                       NCC               HTML ncc
38055         'o'                         Office            HTML Office
38056         'originator'                Originator        no
38057         'owner'                     Owner             no
38058         'prod'                      Prod              HTML prod
38059         'progid'                    ProgID            no
38060         'rating'                    Rating            no
38061         'refresh'                   Refresh           no
38062         'resource-type'             ResourceType      no
38063         'revisit-after'             RevisitAfter      no
38064         'robots'                    Robots            no+
38065         'title'                     Title             no
38066         'vw96'                      VW96              HTML vw96
38068       HTML dc Tags
38070       Dublin Core schema tags (also used in XMP).
38072         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38073         ------               --------                 --------
38074         'contributor'        Contributor              no+
38075         'coverage'           Coverage                 no
38076         'creator'            Creator                  no+
38077         'date'               Date                     no+
38078         'description'        Description              no
38079         'format'             Format                   no
38080         'identifier'         Identifier               no
38081         'language'           Language                 no+
38082         'publisher'          Publisher                no+
38083         'relation'           Relation                 no+
38084         'rights'             Rights                   no
38085         'source'             Source                   no
38086         'subject'            Subject                  no+
38087         'title'              Title                    no
38088         'type'               Type                     no+
38090       HTML equiv Tags
38092       These tags have a family 1 group name of "HTTP-equiv".
38094         Tag ID                Tag Name                Writable
38095         ------                --------                --------
38096         'cache-control'       CacheControl            no
38097         'content-disposition' ContentDisposition      no
38098         'content-language'    ContentLanguage         no
38099         'content-script-type' ContentScriptType       no
38100         'content-style-type'  ContentStyleType        no
38101         'content-type'        ContentType             no
38102         'default-style'       DefaultStyle            no
38103         'expires'             Expires                 no
38104         'ext-cache'           ExtCache                no
38105         'imagetoolbar'        ImageToolbar            no
38106         'lotus'               Lotus                   no
38107         'page-enter'          PageEnter               no
38108         'page-exit'           PageExit                no
38109         'pics-label'          PicsLabel               no
38110         'pragma'              Pragma                  no
38111         'refresh'             Refresh                 no
38112         'reply-to'            ReplyTo                 no
38113         'set-cookie'          SetCookie               no
38114         'site-enter'          SiteEnter               no
38115         'site-exit'           SiteExit                no
38116         'vary'                Vary                    no
38117         'window-target'       WindowTarget            no
38119       HTML ncc Tags
38121         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38122         ------               --------                 --------
38123         'charset'            CharacterSet             no
38124         'depth'              Depth                    no
38125         'files'              Files                    no
38126         'footnotes'          Footnotes                no
38127         'generator'          Generator                no
38128         'kbytesize'          KByteSize                no
38129         'maxpagenormal'      MaxPageNormal            no
38130         'multimediatype'     MultimediaType           no
38131         'narrator'           Narrator                 no
38132         'pagefront'          PageFront                no
38133         'pagenormal'         PageNormal               no
38134         'pagespecial'        PageSpecial              no
38135         'prodnotes'          ProdNotes                no
38136         'produceddate'       ProducedDate             no
38137         'producer'           Producer                 no
38138         'revision'           Revision                 no
38139         'revisiondate'       RevisionDate             no
38140         'setinfo'            SetInfo                  no
38141         'sidebars'           Sidebars                 no
38142         'sourcedate'         SourceDate               no
38143         'sourceedition'      SourceEdition            no
38144         'sourcepublisher'    SourcePublisher          no
38145         'sourcerights'       SourceRights             no
38146         'sourcetitle'        SourceTitle              no
38147         'tocitems'           TOCItems                 no
38148         'totaltime'          Duration                 no
38150       HTML Office Tags
38152       Tags written by Microsoft Office applications.
38154         Tag ID                 Tag Name               Writable
38155         ------                 --------               --------
38156         'Author'               Author                 no
38157         'Category'             Category               no
38158         'Characters'           Characters             no
38159         'CharactersWithSpaces' CharactersWithSpaces   no
38160         'Company'              Company                no
38161         'Created'              CreateDate             no
38162         'Description'          Description            no
38163         'Keywords'             Keywords               no
38164         'LastAuthor'           LastAuthor             no
38165         'LastPrinted'          LastPrinted            no
38166         'LastSaved'            ModifyDate             no
38167         'Lines'                Lines                  no
38168         'Manager'              Manager                no
38169         'Pages'                Pages                  no
38170         'Paragraphs'           Paragraphs             no
38171         'Revision'             RevisionNumber         no
38172         'Subject'              Subject                no
38173         'Template'             Template               no
38174         'TotalTime'            TotalEditTime          no
38175         'Version'              RevisionNumber         no
38176         'Words'                Words                  no
38178       HTML prod Tags
38180         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38181         ------               --------                 --------
38182         'recengineer'        RecEngineer              no
38183         'reclocation'        RecLocation              no
38185       HTML vw96 Tags
38187         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38188         ------               --------                 --------
38189         'objecttype'         ObjectType               no
38191   Palm Tags
38192       Information extracted from Palm database files (PDB and PRC
38193       extensions), Mobipocket electronic books (MOBI), and Amazon Kindle KF7
38194       and KF8 books (AZW and AZW3).
38196         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
38197         ------   --------                             --------
38198             0    DatabaseName                         no
38199             9    CreateDate                           no
38200            10    ModifyDate                           no
38201            11    LastBackupDate                       no
38202            12    ModificationNumber                   no
38203            15    PalmFileType                         no
38205       Palm MOBI Tags
38207       Information extracted from the MOBI header of Mobipocket and Amazon
38208       Kindle KF7 and KF8 files.
38210         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
38211         ------   --------                             --------
38212             0    Compression                          no
38213             1    UncompressedTextLength               no
38214             3    Encryption                           no
38215             6    MobiType                             no
38216             7    CodePage                             no
38217             9    MobiVersion                          no
38218            21    BookName                             no
38219            26    MinimumVersion                       no
38221       Palm EXTH Tags
38223       Information extracted from the MOBI extended header.
38225         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
38226         ------   --------                             --------
38227         0x0001   DRMServerID                          no
38228         0x0002   DRMCommerceID                        no
38229         0x0003   DRM_E-BookBaseID                     no
38230         0x0064   Author                               no
38231         0x0065   Publisher                            no
38232         0x0066   Imprint                              no
38233         0x0067   Description                          no
38234         0x0068   ISBN                                 no
38235         0x0069   Subject                              no+
38236         0x006a   PublishDate                          no
38237         0x006b   Review                               no
38238         0x006c   Contributor                          no
38239         0x006d   Rights                               no
38240         0x006e   SubjectCode                          no
38241         0x006f   BookType                             no
38242         0x0070   Source                               no
38243         0x0071   ASIN                                 no
38244         0x0072   BookVersion                          no
38245         0x0073   SampleFlag                           no
38246         0x0074   StartReading                         no
38247         0x0075   Adult                                no
38248         0x0076   RetailPrice                          no
38249         0x0077   RetailPriceCurrency                  no
38250         0x007d   ResourceCount                        no
38251         0x0081   KF8CoverURI                          no
38252         0x00c8   DictionaryShortName                  no
38253         0x00cc   CreatorSoftware                      no
38254         0x00cd   CreatorMajorVersion                  no
38255         0x00ce   CreatorMinorVersion                  no
38256         0x00cf   CreatorBuildNumber                   no
38257         0x00d0   Watermark                            no
38258         0x00d1   Tamper-proofKeys                     no
38259         0x0191   ClippingLimit                        no
38260         0x0192   PublisherLimit                       no
38261         0x0194   TextToSpeech                         no
38262         0x0195   RentalFlag                           no
38263         0x0196   RentalExpirationDate                 no
38264         0x01f5   CDEType                              no
38265         0x01f6   LastUpdateTime                       no
38266         0x01f7   UpdatedTitle                         no
38267         0x01f8   ASIN2                                no
38268         0x020c   Language                             no
38269         0x020d   Alignment                            no
38270         0x0217   CreatorBuildNumber2                  no
38272   Torrent Tags
38273       Below are tags commonly found in BitTorrent files.  As well as these
38274       tags, any other existing tags will be extracted.  For convenience, list
38275       items are expanded into individual tags with an index in the tag name,
38276       but only the tags with index "1" are listed in the tables below.  See
38277       <https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification> for the BitTorrent
38278       specification.
38280         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38281         ------               --------                 --------
38282         'announce'           Announce                 no
38283         'announce-list'      AnnounceList1            no
38284         'comment'            Comment                  no
38285         'created by'         Creator                  no
38286         'creation date'      CreateDate               no
38287         'encoding'           Encoding                 no
38288         'info'               Info                     Torrent Info
38289         'url-list'           URLList1                 no
38291       Torrent Info Tags
38293         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38294         ------               --------                 --------
38295         'file-duration'      File1Duration            no
38296         'file-media'         File1Media               no
38297         'files'              Files                    Torrent Files
38298         'length'             Length                   no
38299         'md5sum'             MD5Sum                   no
38300         'name'               Name                     no
38301         'name.utf-8'         NameUTF-8                no
38302         'piece length'       PieceLength              no
38303         'pieces'             Pieces                   no
38304         'private'            Private                  no
38305         'profiles'           Profiles                 Torrent Profiles
38307       Torrent Files Tags
38309         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38310         ------               --------                 --------
38311         'length'             File1Length              no
38312         'md5sum'             File1MD5Sum              no
38313         'path'               File1Path                no
38314         'path.utf-8'         File1PathUTF-8           no
38316       Torrent Profiles Tags
38318         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
38319         ------   --------                             --------
38320         'acodec' Profile1AudioCodec                   no
38321         'height' Profile1Height                       no
38322         'vcodec' Profile1VideoCodec                   no
38323         'width'  Profile1Width                        no
38325   EXE Tags
38326       This module extracts information from various types of Windows, MacOS
38327       and Unix executable and library files.  The first table below lists
38328       information extracted from the header of Windows PE (Portable
38329       Executable) EXE files and DLL libraries.
38331         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
38332         ------   --------                             --------
38333             0    MachineType                          no
38334             2    TimeStamp                            no
38335             9    ImageFileCharacteristics             no
38336            10    PEType                               no
38337            11    LinkerVersion                        no
38338            12    CodeSize                             no
38339            14    InitializedDataSize                  no
38340            16    UninitializedDataSize                no
38341            18    EntryPoint                           no
38342            30    OSVersion                            no
38343            32    ImageVersion                         no
38344            34    SubsystemVersion                     no
38345            44    Subsystem                            no
38347       EXE PEVersion Tags
38349       Information extracted from the VS_VERSION_INFO structure of Windows PE
38350       files.
38352         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
38353         ------   --------                             --------
38354             2    FileVersionNumber                    no
38355             4    ProductVersionNumber                 no
38356             6    FileFlagsMask                        no
38357             7    FileFlags                            no
38358             8    FileOS                               no
38359             9    ObjectFileType                       no
38360            10    FileSubtype                          no
38362       EXE PEString Tags
38364       Resource strings found in Windows PE files.  The TagID's are not shown
38365       because they are the same as the Tag Name.  ExifTool will extract any
38366       existing StringFileInfo tags even if not listed in this table.
38368         Tag Name                                      Writable
38369         --------                                      --------
38370         BuildDate                                     no
38371         BuildVersion                                  no
38372         CharacterSet                                  no
38373         Comments                                      no
38374         CompanyName                                   no
38375         Copyright                                     no
38376         FileDescription                               no
38377         FileVersion                                   no
38378         InternalName                                  no
38379         LanguageCode                                  no
38380         LegalCopyright                                no
38381         LegalTrademarks                               no
38382         OriginalFileName                              no
38383         PrivateBuild                                  no
38384         ProductName                                   no
38385         ProductVersion                                no
38386         SpecialBuild                                  no
38388       EXE MachO Tags
38390       Information extracted from Mach-O (Mac OS X) executable files and DYLIB
38391       libraries.
38393          Index   Tag Name                             Writable
38394          -----   --------                             --------
38395             0    CPUArchitecture                      no
38396             1    CPUByteOrder                         no
38397             2    CPUCount                             no
38398             3    CPUType                              no+
38399             4    CPUSubtype                           no+
38400             5    ObjectFileType                       no
38401             6    ObjectFlags                          no
38403       EXE PEF Tags
38405       Information extracted from PEF (Classic MacOS) executable files and
38406       libraries.
38408         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
38409         ------   --------                             --------
38410             2    CPUArchitecture                      no
38411             3    PEFVersion                           no
38412             4    TimeStamp                            no
38414       EXE ELF Tags
38416       Information extracted from ELF (Unix) executable files and SO
38417       libraries.
38419         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38420         ------   --------                             --------
38421             4    CPUArchitecture                      no
38422             5    CPUByteOrder                         no
38423            16    ObjectFileType                       no
38424            18    CPUType                              no
38426       EXE AR Tags
38428       Information extracted from static libraries.
38430         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38431         ------   --------                             --------
38432            16    CreateDate                           no
38434       EXE CHM Tags
38436       Tags extracted from Microsoft Compiled HTML files.
38438         Index4   Tag Name                             Writable
38439         ------   --------                             --------
38440             1    CHMVersion                           no
38441             5    LanguageCode                         no
38443   LNK Tags
38444       Information extracted from MS Shell Link (Windows shortcut) files.
38446         Index1       Tag Name                         Writable
38447         ------       --------                         --------
38448         0x0014       Flags                            no
38449         0x0018       FileAttributes                   no
38450         0x001c       CreateDate                       no
38451         0x0024       AccessDate                       no
38452         0x002c       ModifyDate                       no
38453         0x0034       TargetFileSize                   no
38454         0x0038       IconIndex                        no
38455         0x003c       RunWindow                        no
38456         0x0040       HotKey                           no
38457         0x10000      ItemID                           LNK ItemID
38458         0x20000      LinkInfo                         LNK LinkInfo
38459         0x30004      Description                      no
38460         0x30008      RelativePath                     no
38461         0x30010      WorkingDirectory                 no
38462         0x30020      CommandLineArguments             no
38463         0x30040      IconFileName                     no
38464         0xa0000000   UnknownData                      LNK UnknownData
38465         0xa0000001   EnvVarData                       LNK UnknownData
38466         0xa0000002   ConsoleData                      LNK ConsoleData
38467         0xa0000003   TrackerData                      LNK TrackerData
38468         0xa0000004   ConsoleFEData                    LNK ConsoleFEData
38469         0xa0000005   SpecialFolderData                LNK UnknownData
38470         0xa0000006   DarwinData                       LNK UnknownData
38471         0xa0000007   IconEnvData                      LNK UnknownData
38472         0xa0000008   ShimData                         LNK UnknownData
38473         0xa0000009   PropertyStoreData                LNK UnknownData
38474         0xa000000b   KnownFolderData                  LNK UnknownData
38475         0xa000000c   VistaIDListData                  LNK UnknownData
38477       LNK ItemID Tags
38479         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
38480         ------   --------                             --------
38481         0x0032   Item0032                             LNK Item0032
38483       LNK Item0032 Tags
38485         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38486         ------   --------                             --------
38487            14    TargetFileDOSName                    no
38489       LNK LinkInfo Tags
38491         Tag Name                                      Writable
38492         --------                                      --------
38493         CommonNetworkRelLink                          no
38494         CommonPathSuffix                              no
38495         DeviceName                                    no
38496         DriveSerialNumber                             no
38497         DriveType                                     no
38498         LocalBasePath                                 no
38499         NetName                                       no
38500         NetProviderType                               no
38501         VolumeID                                      no
38502         VolumeLabel                                   no
38504       LNK UnknownData Tags
38506         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38507         ------   --------                             --------
38508         [no tags known]
38510       LNK ConsoleData Tags
38512         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38513         ------   --------                             --------
38514             8    FillAttributes                       no
38515            10    PopupFillAttributes                  no
38516            12    ScreenBufferSize                     no
38517            16    WindowSize                           no
38518            20    WindowOrigin                         no
38519            32    FontSize                             no
38520            36    FontFamily                           no
38521            40    FontWeight                           no
38522            44    FontName                             no
38523           108    CursorSize                           no
38524           112    FullScreen                           no
38525           116    QuickEdit                            no
38526           120    InsertMode                           no
38527           124    WindowOriginAuto                     no
38528           128    HistoryBufferSize                    no
38529           132    NumHistoryBuffers                    no
38530           136    RemoveHistoryDuplicates              no
38532       LNK TrackerData Tags
38534         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38535         ------   --------                             --------
38536            16    MachineID                            no
38538       LNK ConsoleFEData Tags
38540         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38541         ------   --------                             --------
38542             8    CodePage                             no
38544   Font Tags
38545       This table contains a collection of tags found in font files of various
38546       formats.  ExifTool current recognizes OTF, TTF, TTC, DFONT, PFA, PFB,
38547       PFM, AFM, ACFM and AMFM font files.
38549         Tag ID       Tag Name                         Writable
38550         ------       --------                         --------
38551         'AFM'        AFM                              Font AFM
38552         'PFM'        PFMHeader                        Font PFM
38553         'PSInfo'     PSFontInfo                       Font PSInfo
38554         'fontname'   FontName                         no
38555         'name'       Name                             Font Name
38556         'numfonts'   NumFonts                         no
38557         'postfont'   PostScriptFontName               no
38559       Font AFM Tags
38561       Tags extracted from Adobe Font Metrics files (AFM, ACFM and AMFM).
38563         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38564         ------               --------                 --------
38565         'Ascender'           Ascender                 no
38566         'CapHeight'          CapHeight                no
38567         'CharacterSet'       CharacterSet             no
38568         'Characters'         Characters               no
38569         'Creation Date'      CreateDate               no
38570         'Descender'          Descender                no
38571         'EncodingScheme'     EncodingScheme           no
38572         'EscChar'            EscChar                  no
38573         'FamilyName'         FontFamily               no
38574         'FontName'           FontName                 no
38575         'FullName'           FullName                 no
38576         'IsBaseFont'         IsBaseFont               no
38577         'IsFixedV'           IsFixedV                 no
38578         'MappingScheme'      MappingScheme            no
38579         'Notice'             Notice                   no
38580         'Version'            Version                  no
38581         'Weight'             Weight                   no
38582         'XHeight'            XHeight                  no
38584       Font PFM Tags
38586       Tags extracted from the PFM file header.
38588         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38589         ------   --------                             --------
38590             0    PFMVersion                           no
38591             6    Copyright                            no
38592            66    FontType                             no
38593            68    PointSize                            no
38594            70    YResolution                          no
38595            72    XResolution                          no
38596            74    Ascent                               no
38597            76    InternalLeading                      no
38598            78    ExternalLeading                      no
38599            80    Italic                               no
38600            81    Underline                            no
38601            82    Strikeout                            no
38602            83    Weight                               no
38603            85    CharacterSet                         no
38604            86    PixWidth                             no
38605            88    PixHeight                            no
38606            90    PitchAndFamily                       no
38607            91    AvgWidth                             no
38608            93    MaxWidth                             no
38609            95    FirstChar                            no
38610            96    LastChar                             no
38611            97    DefaultChar                          no
38612            98    BreakChar                            no
38613            99    WidthBytes                           no
38615       Font PSInfo Tags
38617       Tags extracted from PostScript font files (PFA and PFB).
38619         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38620         ------               --------                 --------
38621         'Copyright'          Copyright                no
38622         'FSType'             FSType                   no
38623         'FamilyName'         FontFamily               no
38624         'FontName'           FontName                 no
38625         'FontType'           FontType                 no
38626         'FullName'           FullName                 no
38627         'ItalicAngle'        ItalicAngle              no
38628         'Notice'             Notice                   no
38629         'UnderlinePosition'  UnderlinePosition        no
38630         'UnderlineThickness' UnderlineThickness       no
38631         'Weight'             Weight                   no
38632         'isFixedPitch'       IsFixedPitch             no
38633         'version'            Version                  no
38635       Font Name Tags
38637       The following tags are extracted from the TrueType font "name" table
38638       found in OTF, TTF, TTC and DFONT files.  These tags support localized
38639       languages by adding a hyphen followed by a language code to the end of
38640       the tag name (eg.  "Copyright-fr" or "License-en-US").  Tags with no
38641       language code use the default language of "en".
38643         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
38644         ------   --------                             --------
38645         0x0000   Copyright                            no
38646         0x0001   FontFamily                           no
38647         0x0002   FontSubfamily                        no
38648         0x0003   FontSubfamilyID                      no
38649         0x0004   FontName                             no
38650         0x0005   NameTableVersion                     no
38651         0x0006   PostScriptFontName                   no
38652         0x0007   Trademark                            no
38653         0x0008   Manufacturer                         no
38654         0x0009   Designer                             no
38655         0x000a   Description                          no
38656         0x000b   VendorURL                            no
38657         0x000c   DesignerURL                          no
38658         0x000d   License                              no
38659         0x000e   LicenseInfoURL                       no
38660         0x0010   PreferredFamily                      no
38661         0x0011   PreferredSubfamily                   no
38662         0x0012   CompatibleFontName                   no
38663         0x0013   SampleText                           no
38664         0x0014   PostScriptFontName                   no
38665         0x0015   WWSFamilyName                        no
38666         0x0016   WWSSubfamilyName                     no
38668   VCard Tags
38669       This table lists common vCard tags, but ExifTool will also extract any
38670       other vCard tags found.  Tag names may have "Pref" added to indicate
38671       the preferred instance of a vCard property, and other "TYPE" parameters
38672       may also added to the tag name.  VCF files may contain multiple vCard
38673       entries which are distinguished by the ExifTool family 3 group name
38674       (document  number). See <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350> for the
38675       vCard 4.0 specification.
38677         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38678         ------               --------                 --------
38679         'Adr'                Address                  no
38680         'Anniversary'        Anniversary              no
38681         'Bday'               Birthday                 no
38682         'Email'              Email                    no
38683         'Fn'                 FormattedName            no
38684         'Gender'             Gender                   no
38685         'Geo'                Geolocation              no
38686         'Impp'               IMPP                     no
38687         'Lang'               Language                 no
38688         'Logo'               Logo                     no
38689         'N'                  Name                     no
38690         'Nickname'           Nickname                 no
38691         'Note'               Note                     no
38692         'Org'                Organization             no
38693         'Photo'              Photo                    no
38694         'Prodid'             Software                 no
38695         'Rev'                Revision                 no
38696         'Sound'              Sound                    no
38697         'Tel'                Telephone                no
38698         'Title'              JobTitle                 no
38699         'Tz'                 TimeZone                 no
38700         'Uid'                UID                      no
38701         'Url'                URL                      no
38702         'Version'            VCardVersion             no
38703         'X-abdate'           ABDate                   no
38704         'X-ablabel'          ABLabel                  no
38705         'X-abrelatednames'   ABRelatedNames           no
38706         'X-abuid'            AB_UID                   no
38707         'X-aim'              AIM                      no
38708         'X-icq'              ICQ                      no
38709         'X-socialprofile'    SocialProfile            no
38711       VCard VCalendar Tags
38713       The VCard module is also used to process iCalendar ICS files since they
38714       use a format similar to vCard.  The following table lists standard
38715       iCalendar tags, but any existing tags will be extracted.  Top-level
38716       iCalendar components (eg. Event, Todo, Timezone, etc.) are used for the
38717       family 1 group names, and embedded components (eg. Alarm) are added as
38718       a prefix to the tag name.  See <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545> for
38719       the official iCalendar 2.0 specification.
38721         Tag ID                Tag Name                Writable
38722         ------                --------                --------
38723         'Acknowledged'        Acknowledged            no
38724         'Action'              Action                  no
38725         'Attach'              Attachment              no
38726         'Attendee'            Attendee                no
38727         'Calscale'            CalendarScale           no
38728         'Categories'          Categories              no
38729         'Class'               Classification          no
38730         'Comment'             Comment                 no
38731         'Completed'           DateTimeCompleted       no
38732         'Contact'             Contact                 no
38733         'Created'             DateCreated             no
38734         'Description'         Description             no
38735         'Dtend'               DateTimeEnd             no
38736         'Dtstamp'             DateTimeStamp           no
38737         'Dtstart'             DateTimeStart           no
38738         'Due'                 DateTimeDue             no
38739         'Duration'            Duration                no
38740         'Exdate'              ExceptionDateTimes      no
38741         'Freebusy'            FreeBusyTime            no
38742         'Geo'                 Geolocation             no
38743         'Last-modified'       ModifyDate              no
38744         'Location'            Location                no
38745         'Method'              Method                  no
38746         'Organizer'           Organizer               no
38747         'Percent-complete'    PercentComplete         no
38748         'Priority'            Priority                no
38749         'Prodid'              Software                no
38750         'Rdate'               RecurrenceDateTimes     no
38751         'Recurrence-id'       RecurrenceID            no
38752         'Related-to'          RelatedTo               no
38753         'Repeat'              Repeat                  no
38754         'Request-status'      RequestStatus           no
38755         'Resources'           Resources               no
38756         'Rrule'               RecurrenceRule          no
38757         'Sequence'            SequenceNumber          no
38758         'Status'              Status                  no
38759         'Summary'             Summary                 no
38760         'Transp'              TimeTransparency        no
38761         'Trigger'             Trigger                 no
38762         'Tzid'                TimezoneID              no
38763         'Tzname'              TimezoneName            no
38764         'Tzoffsetfrom'        TimezoneOffsetFrom      no
38765         'Tzoffsetto'          TimezoneOffsetTo        no
38766         'Tzurl'               TimeZoneURL             no
38767         'Uid'                 UID                     no
38768         'Url'                 URL                     no
38769         'Version'             VCalendarVersion        no
38770         'X-apple-calendar-color' CalendarColor        no
38771         'X-apple-default-alarm' DefaultAlarm          no
38772         'X-apple-local-default-alarm'
38773                               LocalDefaultAlarm       no
38774         'X-microsoft-cdo-alldayevent' AllDayEvent     no
38775         'X-microsoft-cdo-appt-sequence'
38776                               AppointmentSequence     no
38777         'X-microsoft-cdo-busystatus' BusyStatus       no
38778         'X-microsoft-cdo-importance' Importance       no
38779         'X-microsoft-cdo-insttype' InstanceType       no
38780         'X-microsoft-cdo-intendedstatus'
38781                               IntendedBusyStatus      no
38782         'X-microsoft-cdo-ownerapptid'
38783                               OwnerAppointmentID      no
38784         'X-microsoft-disallow-counter'
38785                               DisallowCounterProposal no
38786         'X-microsoft-donotforwardmeeting'
38787                               DoNotForwardMeeting     no
38788         'X-microsoft-locations' MeetingLocations      no
38789         'X-wr-alarmuid'       AlarmUID                no
38790         'X-wr-caldesc'        CalendarDescription     no
38791         'X-wr-calname'        CalendarName            no
38792         'X-wr-relcalid'       CalendarID              no
38793         'X-wr-timezone'       TimeZone2               no
38795       VCard VNote Tags
38797       Tags extracted from V-Note VNT files.
38799         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38800         ------               --------                 --------
38801         'Body'               Body                     no
38802         'Dcreated'           CreateDate               no
38803         'Last-modified'      ModifyDate               no
38804         'Version'            Version                  no
38806   Text Tags
38807       Although basic text files contain no metadata, the following tags are
38808       determined from a simple analysis of the data in TXT and CSV files.
38809       Statistics are generated only for 8-bit encodings, but the FastScan
38810       (-fast) option may be used to limit processing to the first 64 KiB in
38811       which case some tags are not produced.  To avoid long processing
38812       delays, ExifTool will issue a minor warning and process only the first
38813       64 KiB of any file larger than 20 MiB unless the IgnoreMinorErrors (-m)
38814       option is used.
38816         Tag Name                                      Writable
38817         --------                                      --------
38818         ByteOrderMark                                 no
38819         ColumnCount                                   no
38820         Delimiter                                     no
38821         LineCount                                     no
38822         MIMEEncoding                                  no
38823         Newlines                                      no
38824         Quoting                                       no
38825         RowCount                                      no
38826         WordCount                                     no
38828   RSRC Tags
38829       Tags extracted from Mac OS resource files, DFONT files and "._" sidecar
38830       files.  These tags may also be extracted from the resource fork of any
38831       file in OS X, either by adding "/..namedfork/rsrc" to the filename to
38832       process the resource fork alone, or by using the ExtractEmbedded (-ee)
38833       option to process the resource fork as a sub-document of the main file.
38834       When writing, ExifTool preserves the Mac OS resource fork by default,
38835       but it may deleted with "-rsrc:all=" on the command line.
38837         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38838         ------               --------                 --------
38839         '8BIM'               PhotoshopInfo            Photoshop
38840         'POST_0x01f5'        PostscriptFont           PostScript
38841         'STR _0xbff3'        ApplicationMissingMsg    no
38842         'STR _0xbff4'        CreatorApplication       no
38843         'STR#_0x0080'        Keywords                 no
38844         'TEXT_0x0080'        Description              no
38845         'sfnt'               Font                     Font Name
38846         'usro_0x0000'        OpenWithApplication      no
38847         'vers_0x0001'        ApplicationVersion       no
38849   Rawzor Tags
38850       Rawzor files store compressed images of other formats. As well as the
38851       information listed below, exiftool uncompresses and extracts the meta
38852       information from the original image.
38854         Tag Name                                      Writable
38855         --------                                      --------
38856         CompressionFactor                             no
38857         OriginalFileSize                              no
38858         OriginalFileType                              no
38859         RawzorCreatorVersion                          no
38860         RawzorRequiredVersion                         no
38862   ZIP Tags
38863       The following tags are extracted from ZIP archives.  ExifTool also
38864       extracts additional meta information from compressed documents inside
38865       some ZIP-based files such Office Open XML (DOCX, PPTX and XLSX), Open
38866       Document (ODB, ODC, ODF, ODG, ODI, ODP, ODS and ODT), iWork (KEY,
38867       PAGES, NUMBERS), Capture One Enhanced Image Package (EIP), Adobe
38868       InDesign Markup Language (IDML), Electronic Publication (EPUB), and
38869       Sketch design files (SKETCH).  The ExifTool family 3 groups may be used
38870       to organize ZIP tags by embedded document number (ie. the exiftool
38871       "-g3" option).
38873         Index2   Tag Name                             Writable
38874         ------   --------                             --------
38875             2    ZipRequiredVersion                   no
38876             3    ZipBitFlag                           no
38877             4    ZipCompression                       no
38878             5    ZipModifyDate                        no
38879             7    ZipCRC                               no
38880             9    ZipCompressedSize                    no
38881            11    ZipUncompressedSize                  no
38882            15    ZipFileName                          no
38883         '_com'   ZipFileComment                       no
38885       ZIP GZIP Tags
38887       These tags are extracted from GZIP (GNU ZIP) archives, but currently
38888       only for the first file in the archive.
38890         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38891         ------   --------                             --------
38892             2    Compression                          no
38893             3    Flags                                no
38894             4    ModifyDate                           no
38895             8    ExtraFlags                           no
38896             9    OperatingSystem                      no
38897            10    ArchivedFileName                     no
38898            11    Comment                              no
38900       ZIP RAR Tags
38902       These tags are extracted from RAR archive files.
38904         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
38905         ------   --------                             --------
38906             0    CompressedSize                       no
38907             4    UncompressedSize                     no
38908             8    OperatingSystem                      no
38909            13    ModifyDate                           no
38910            18    PackingMethod                        no
38911            25    ArchivedFileName                     no
38913       ZIP RAR5 Tags
38915       These tags are extracted from RAR v5 and 7z archive files.
38917         Tag Name                                      Writable
38918         --------                                      --------
38919         ArchivedFileName                              no
38920         CompressedSize                                no
38921         FileVersion                                   no
38922         ModifyDate                                    no
38923         OperatingSystem                               no
38924         UncompressedSize                              no
38926   RTF Tags
38927       This table lists standard tags of the RTF information group, but
38928       ExifTool will also extract any non-standard tags found in this group.
38929       As well, ExifTool will extract any custom properties that are found.
38930       See <http://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=10725> for
38931       the specification.
38933         Tag ID               Tag Name                 Writable
38934         ------               --------                 --------
38935         'author'             Author                   no
38936         'buptim'             BackupTime               no
38937         'category'           Category                 no
38938         'comment'            Comment                  no
38939         'company'            Company                  no
38940         'copyright'          Copyright                no
38941         'creatim'            CreateDate               no
38942         'doccomm'            Comments                 no
38943         'edmins'             TotalEditTime            no
38944         'hlinkbase'          HyperlinkBase            no
38945         'id'                 InternalIDNumber         no
38946         'keywords'           Keywords                 no
38947         'manager'            Manager                  no
38948         'nofchars'           Characters               no
38949         'nofcharsws'         CharactersWithSpaces     no
38950         'nofpages'           Pages                    no
38951         'nofwords'           Words                    no
38952         'operator'           LastModifiedBy           no
38953         'printim'            LastPrinted              no
38954         'revtim'             ModifyDate               no
38955         'subject'            Subject                  no
38956         'title'              Title                    no
38957         'vern'               InternalVersionNumber    no
38958         'version'            RevisionNumber           no
38960   OOXML Tags
38961       The Office Open XML (OOXML) format was introduced with Microsoft Office
38962       2007 and is used by file types such as DOCX, PPTX and XLSX.  These are
38963       essentially ZIP archives containing XML files.  The table below lists
38964       some tags which have been observed in OOXML documents, but ExifTool
38965       will extract any tags found from XML files of the OOXML document
38966       properties ("docProps") directory.
38968       Tips:
38970       1) Structural ZIP tags may be ignored (if desired) with "--ZIP:all" on
38971       the command line.
38973       2) Tags may be grouped by their document number in the ZIP archive with
38974       the "-g3" or "-G3" option.
38976         Tag Name                                      Writable
38977         --------                                      --------
38978         AppVersion                                    no
38979         Application                                   no
38980         Category                                      no
38981         Characters                                    no
38982         CharactersWithSpaces                          no
38983         CheckedBy                                     no
38984         Client                                        no
38985         Company                                       no
38986         CreateDate                                    no
38987         DateCompleted                                 no
38988         Department                                    no
38989         Destination                                   no
38990         Disposition                                   no
38991         Division                                      no
38992         DocSecurity                                   no
38993         DocumentNumber                                no
38994         Editor                                        no
38995         ForwardTo                                     no
38996         Group                                         no
38997         HeadingPairs                                  no
38998         HiddenSlides                                  no
38999         HyperlinkBase                                 no
39000         HyperlinksChanged                             no
39001         Keywords                                      no
39002         Language                                      no
39003         LastModifiedBy                                no
39004         LastPrinted                                   no
39005         Lines                                         no
39006         LinksUpToDate                                 no
39007         MMClips                                       no
39008         Mailstop                                      no
39009         Manager                                       no
39010         Matter                                        no
39011         ModifyDate                                    no
39012         Notes                                         no
39013         Office                                        no
39014         Owner                                         no
39015         Pages                                         no
39016         Paragraphs                                    no
39017         PresentationFormat                            no
39018         Project                                       no
39019         Publisher                                     no
39020         Purpose                                       no
39021         ReceivedFrom                                  no
39022         RecordedBy                                    no
39023         RecordedDate                                  no
39024         Reference                                     no
39025         RevisionNumber                                no
39026         ScaleCrop                                     no
39027         SharedDoc                                     no
39028         Slides                                        no
39029         Source                                        no
39030         Status                                        no
39031         TelephoneNumber                               no
39032         Template                                      no
39033         TitlesOfParts                                 no
39034         TotalEditTime                                 no
39035         Typist                                        no
39036         Words                                         no
39038   iWork Tags
39039       The Apple iWork '09 file format is a ZIP archive containing XML files
39040       similar to the Office Open XML (OOXML) format.  Metadata tags in iWork
39041       files are extracted even if they don't appear below.
39043         Tag Name                                      Writable
39044         --------                                      --------
39045         Author                                        no
39046         Comment                                       no
39047         Copyright                                     no
39048         Keywords                                      no
39049         Projects                                      no+
39050         Title                                         no
39052   ISO Tags
39053       Tags extracted from ISO 9660 disk images.
39055         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
39056         ------   --------                             --------
39057         0x0000   BootRecord                           ISO BootRecord
39058         0x0001   PrimaryVolume                        ISO PrimaryVolume
39060       ISO BootRecord Tags
39062         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
39063         ------   --------                             --------
39064             7    BootSystem                           no
39065            39    BootIdentifier                       no
39067       ISO PrimaryVolume Tags
39069         Index1   Tag Name                             Writable
39070         ------   --------                             --------
39071             8    System                               no
39072            40    VolumeName                           no
39073            80    VolumeBlockCount                     no
39074           120    VolumeSetDiskCount?                  no
39075           124    VolumeSetDiskNumber?                 no
39076           128    VolumeBlockSize                      no
39077           132    PathTableSize?                       no
39078           140    PathTableLocation?                   no
39079           174    RootDirectoryCreateDate              no
39080           190    VolumeSetName                        no
39081           318    Publisher                            no
39082           446    DataPreparer                         no
39083           574    Software                             no
39084           702    CopyrightFileName                    no
39085           740    AbstractFileName                     no
39086           776    BibligraphicFileName                 no
39087           813    VolumeCreateDate                     no
39088           830    VolumeModifyDate                     no
39089           847    VolumeExpirationDate                 no
39090           864    VolumeEffectiveDate                  no
39092   MacOS Tags
39093       On MacOS systems, the there are additional MDItem and XAttr Finder tags
39094       that may be extracted.  These tags are not extracted by default -- they
39095       must be specifically requested or enabled via an API option.  (Except
39096       when reading MacOS "._" files directly, see below.)
39098       The tables below list some of the tags that may be extracted, but
39099       ExifTool will extract all available information even for tags not
39100       listed.
39102       Tags in these tables are referred to as "pseudo" tags because their
39103       information is not stored in the file itself.  As such, Writable tags
39104       in these tables may be changed without having to rewrite the file.
39106       Note that on some filesystems, MacOS creates sidecar files with names
39107       that begin with "._".  ExifTool will read these files if specified, and
39108       extract the information listed in the following table without the need
39109       for extra options, but these files are not writable directly.
39111         Tag ID   Tag Name                             Writable
39112         ------   --------                             --------
39113         0x0002   RSRC                                 RSRC
39114         0x0009   ATTR                                 MacOS XAttr
39116       MacOS XAttr Tags
39118       XAttr tags are extracted using the "xattr" utility.  They are extracted
39119       if any "XAttr*" tag or the MacOS group is specifically requested, or by
39120       setting the API XAttrTags option to 1 or the API RequestAll option to 2
39121       or higher.  And they are extracted by default from MacOS "._" files
39122       when reading these files directly.
39124         Tag Name                                      Writable
39125         --------                                      --------
39126         XAttrAppleMailDateReceived                    no
39127         XAttrAppleMailDateSent                        no
39128         XAttrAppleMailIsRemoteAttachment              no
39129         XAttrFinderInfo                               no
39130         XAttrLastUsedDate                             no
39131         XAttrMDItemDownloadedDate                     no
39132         XAttrMDItemFinderComment                      no
39133         XAttrMDItemWhereFroms                         no
39134         XAttrMDLabel                                  no
39135         XAttrQuarantine                               yes!
39136         XAttrResourceFork                             no
39138       MacOS MDItem Tags
39140       MDItem tags are extracted using the "mdls" utility.  They are extracted
39141       if any "MDItem*" tag or the MacOS group is specifically requested, or
39142       by setting the API MDItemTags option to 1 or the API RequestAll option
39143       to 2 or higher.  Note that these tags do not necessarily reflect the
39144       current metadata of a file -- it may take some time for the MacOS
39145       mdworker daemon to index the file after a metadata change.
39147         Tag Name                                      Writable
39148         --------                                      --------
39149         AppleMailDateReceived                         no
39150         AppleMailDateSent                             no
39151         AppleMailFlagged                              no
39152         AppleMailIsRemoteAttachment                   no
39153         AppleMailMessageID                            no
39154         AppleMailPriority                             no
39155         AppleMailRead                                 no
39156         AppleMailRepliedTo                            no
39157         MDItemAccountHandles                          no
39158         MDItemAccountIdentifier                       no
39159         MDItemAcquisitionMake                         no
39160         MDItemAcquisitionModel                        no
39161         MDItemAltitude                                no
39162         MDItemAperture                                no
39163         MDItemAudioBitRate                            no
39164         MDItemAudioChannelCount                       no
39165         MDItemAuthorEmailAddresses                    no
39166         MDItemAuthors                                 no
39167         MDItemBitsPerSample                           no
39168         MDItemBundleIdentifier                        no
39169         MDItemCity                                    no
39170         MDItemCodecs                                  no
39171         MDItemColorSpace                              no
39172         MDItemComment                                 no
39173         MDItemContentCreationDate                     no
39174         MDItemContentCreationDateRanking              no
39175         MDItemContentCreationDate_Ranking             no
39176         MDItemContentModificationDate                 no
39177         MDItemContentType                             no
39178         MDItemContentTypeTree                         no
39179         MDItemContributors                            no
39180         MDItemCopyright                               no
39181         MDItemCountry                                 no
39182         MDItemCreator                                 no
39183         MDItemDateAdded                               no
39184         MDItemDateAdded_Ranking                       no
39185         MDItemDescription                             no
39186         MDItemDisplayName                             no
39187         MDItemDownloadedDate                          no
39188         MDItemDurationSeconds                         no
39189         MDItemEXIFGPSVersion                          no
39190         MDItemEXIFVersion                             no
39191         MDItemEmailConversationID                     no
39192         MDItemEncodingApplications                    no
39193         MDItemExposureMode                            no
39194         MDItemExposureProgram                         no
39195         MDItemExposureTimeSeconds                     no
39196         MDItemFNumber                                 no
39197         MDItemFSContentChangeDate                     no
39198         MDItemFSCreationDate                          yes!
39199         MDItemFSCreatorCode                           no
39200         MDItemFSFinderFlags                           no
39201         MDItemFSHasCustomIcon                         no
39202         MDItemFSInvisible                             no
39203         MDItemFSIsExtensionHidden                     no
39204         MDItemFSIsStationery                          no
39205         MDItemFSLabel                                 yes!
39206         MDItemFSName                                  no
39207         MDItemFSNodeCount                             no
39208         MDItemFSOwnerGroupID                          no
39209         MDItemFSOwnerUserID                           no
39210         MDItemFSSize                                  no
39211         MDItemFSTypeCode                              no
39212         MDItemFinderComment                           yes!
39213         MDItemFlashOnOff                              no
39214         MDItemFocalLength                             no
39215         MDItemGPSDateStamp                            no
39216         MDItemGPSStatus                               no
39217         MDItemGPSTrack                                no
39218         MDItemHasAlphaChannel                         no
39219         MDItemISOSpeed                                no
39220         MDItemIdentifier                              no
39221         MDItemImageDirection                          no
39222         MDItemInterestingDateRanking                  no
39223         MDItemInterestingDate_Ranking                 no
39224         MDItemIsApplicationManaged                    no
39225         MDItemIsExistingThread                        no
39226         MDItemIsLikelyJunk                            no
39227         MDItemKeywords                                no
39228         MDItemKind                                    no
39229         MDItemLastUsedDate                            no
39230         MDItemLastUsedDate_Ranking                    no
39231         MDItemLatitude                                no
39232         MDItemLensModel                               no
39233         MDItemLogicalSize                             no
39234         MDItemLongitude                               no
39235         MDItemMailDateReceived_Ranking                no
39236         MDItemMailboxes                               no
39237         MDItemMediaTypes                              no
39238         MDItemNumberOfPages                           no
39239         MDItemOrientation                             no
39240         MDItemOriginApplicationIdentifier             no
39241         MDItemOriginMessageID                         no
39242         MDItemOriginSenderDisplayName                 no
39243         MDItemOriginSenderHandle                      no
39244         MDItemOriginSubject                           no
39245         MDItemPageHeight                              no
39246         MDItemPageWidth                               no
39247         MDItemPhysicalSize                            no
39248         MDItemPixelCount                              no
39249         MDItemPixelHeight                             no
39250         MDItemPixelWidth                              no
39251         MDItemPrimaryRecipientEmailAddresses          no
39252         MDItemProfileName                             no
39253         MDItemRecipients                              no
39254         MDItemRedEyeOnOff                             no
39255         MDItemResolutionHeightDPI                     no
39256         MDItemResolutionWidthDPI                      no
39257         MDItemSecurityMethod                          no
39258         MDItemSpeed                                   no
39259         MDItemStateOrProvince                         no
39260         MDItemStreamable                              no
39261         MDItemSubject                                 no
39262         MDItemTimestamp                               no
39263         MDItemTitle                                   no
39264         MDItemTotalBitRate                            no
39265         MDItemUseCount                                no
39266         MDItemUsedDates                               no
39267         MDItemUserDownloadedDate                      no
39268         MDItemUserDownloadedUserHandle                no
39269         MDItemUserSharedReceivedDate                  no
39270         MDItemUserSharedReceivedRecipient             no
39271         MDItemUserSharedReceivedRecipientHandle       no
39272         MDItemUserSharedReceivedSender                no
39273         MDItemUserSharedReceivedSenderHandle          no
39274         MDItemUserSharedReceivedTransport             no
39275         MDItemUserTags                                yes!+
39276         MDItemVersion                                 no
39277         MDItemVideoBitRate                            no
39278         MDItemWhereFroms                              no
39279         MDItemWhiteBalance                            no
39281   Extra Tags
39282       The extra tags provide extra features or extra information extracted or
39283       generated by ExifTool that is not directly associated with another tag
39284       group.  The Group column lists the family 1 group name when reading.
39285       Tags with a "-" in this column are write-only.
39287       Tags in the family 1 "System" group are referred to as "pseudo" tags
39288       because they don't represent real metadata in the file.  Instead, this
39289       information is stored in the directory structure of the filesystem.
39290       The Writable System "pseudo" tags in this table may be written without
39291       modifying the file itself.  The TestName tag is used for dry-run
39292       testing before writing FileName.
39294         Tag Name                   Group              Writable
39295         --------                   -----              --------
39296         Adobe                      Adobe              yes!
39297         BaseName                   System             no
39298         CanonDR4                   CanonVRD           yes!^
39299         CanonVRD                   CanonVRD           yes!^
39300         Comment                    File               yes
39301         CurrentIPTCDigest          File               no
39302         Directory                  System             yes!
39303         EXIF                       EXIF               yes!
39304         EmbeddedVideo              File               no
39305         Error                      ExifTool           no
39306         ExifByteOrder              File               yes
39307         ExifToolVersion            ExifTool           no
39308         ExifUnicodeByteOrder       -                  yes
39309         FileAccessDate             System             no
39310         FileAttributes             System             no
39311         FileBlockCount             System             no
39312         FileBlockSize              System             no
39313         FileCreateDate             System             yes!
39314         FileDeviceID               System             no
39315         FileDeviceNumber           System             no
39316         FileGroupID                System             yes!
39317         FileHardLinks              System             no
39318         FileInodeChangeDate        System             no
39319         FileInodeNumber            System             no
39320         FileModifyDate             System             yes!
39321         FileName                   System             yes!
39322         FilePath                   System             no
39323         FilePermissions            System             yes!
39324         FileSequence               ExifTool           no
39325         FileSize                   System             no
39326         FileType                   File               no
39327         FileTypeExtension          File               no
39328         FileUserID                 System             yes!
39329         ForceWrite                 -                  yes
39330         Geosync                    -                  yes
39331         Geotag                     -                  yes
39332         Geotime                    -                  yes
39333         HardLink                   -                  yes!
39334         ICC_Profile                ICC_Profile        yes!
39335         ID3Size                    File               no
39336         IPTC                       IPTC               yes!
39337         ImageDataHash              File               no
39338         ImageHeight                File               no
39339         ImageWidth                 File               no
39340         JPEGDigest                 File               no
39341         JPEGImageLength            File               no
39342         JPEGQualityEstimate        File               no
39343         MIMEType                   File               no
39344         MaxVal                     File               no
39345         NewGUID                    ExifTool           no
39346         Now                        ExifTool           no
39347         NumPlanes                  File               no
39348         OtherImage                 File               no
39349         PageCount                  File               no
39350         PreviewImage               File               yes
39351         PreviewPDF                 File               no
39352         PreviewPNG                 File               no
39353         PreviewTIFF                File               no
39354         PreviewWMF                 File               no
39355         ProcessingTime             ExifTool           no
39356         RAFVersion                 File               no
39357         ResourceForkSize           System             no
39358         SphericalVideoXML          GSpherical         yes!
39359         SymLink                    -                  yes!
39360         TestName                   -                  yes!
39361         ThumbnailImage             File               no
39362         Trailer                    File               yes!
39363         Validate                   ExifTool           no
39364         Warning                    ExifTool           no
39365         XML                        XML                no
39366         XMP                        XMP                yes!
39367         XResolution                File               no
39368         YResolution                File               no
39369         ZoneIdentifier             System             yes!
39371   Composite Tags
39372       The values of the composite tags are Derived From the values of other
39373       tags.  These are convenience tags which are calculated after all other
39374       information is extracted.  Only a few of these tags are writable
39375       directly, the others are changed by writing the corresponding Derived
39376       From tags.  User-defined Composite tags, also useful for custom-
39377       formatting of tag values, may created via the ExifTool configuration
39378       file.
39380         Tag Name             Derived From             Writable
39381         --------             ------------             --------
39382         AdvancedSceneMode    Model                    no
39383                              SceneMode
39384                              AdvancedSceneType
39385         Aperture             FNumber                  no
39386                              ApertureValue
39387         AudioBitrate         MPEG:MPEGAudioVersion    no
39388                              MPEG:SampleRate
39389                              MPEG:VBRBytes
39390                              MPEG:VBRFrames
39391         AutoFocus            Nikon:PhaseDetectAF      no
39392                              Nikon:ContrastDetectAF
39393         AvgBitrate           QuickTime::MediaDataSize no
39394                              QuickTime::Duration
39395         BlueBalance          WB_RGGBLevels            no
39396                              WB_RGBGLevels
39397                              WB_RBGGLevels
39398                              WB_GRBGLevels
39399                              WB_GRGBLevels
39400                              WB_GBRGLevels
39401                              WB_RGBLevels
39402                              WB_GRBLevels
39403                              WB_RBLevels
39404                              WBBlueLevel
39405                              WBGreenLevel
39406         CDDBDiscPlayTime     CDDB1Info                no
39407         CDDBDiscTracks       CDDB1Info                no
39408         CFAPattern           CFARepeatPatternDim      no
39409                              CFAPattern2
39410         CircleOfConfusion    ScaleFactor35efl         no
39411         ConditionalFEC       FlashExposureComp        no
39412                              FlashBits
39413         DOF                  FocalLength              no
39414                              Aperture
39415                              CircleOfConfusion
39416                              FocusDistance
39417                              SubjectDistance
39418                              ObjectDistance
39419                              ApproximateFocusDistance
39420                              FocusDistanceLower
39421                              FocusDistanceUpper
39422         DateCreated          Kodak:YearCreated        no
39423                              Kodak:MonthDayCreated
39424         DateTimeCreated      IPTC:DateCreated         no
39425                              IPTC:TimeCreated
39426         DateTimeOriginal     DateTimeCreated          no
39427                              DateCreated
39428                              TimeCreated
39429         DateTimeOriginal     ID3:RecordingTime        no
39430                              ID3:Year
39431                              ID3:Date
39432                              ID3:Time
39433         DepthMapTiff         DepthMapData             no
39434                              DepthMapWidth
39435                              DepthMapHeight
39436         DigitalCreationDateTime IPTC:DigitalCreationDate no
39437                              IPTC:DigitalCreationTime
39438         DigitalZoom          Canon:ZoomSourceWidth    no
39439                              Canon:ZoomTargetWidth
39440                              Canon:DigitalZoom
39441         DriveMode            ContinuousDrive          no
39442                              SelfTimer
39443         Duration             AIFF:SampleRate          no
39444                              AIFF:NumSampleFrames
39445         Duration             APE:SampleRate           no
39446                              APE:TotalFrames
39447                              APE:BlocksPerFrame
39448                              APE:FinalFrameBlocks
39449         Duration             FLAC:SampleRate          no
39450                              FLAC:TotalSamples
39451         Duration             FileSize                 no
39452                              ID3Size
39453                              MPEG:AudioBitrate
39454                              MPEG:VideoBitrate
39455                              MPEG:VBRFrames
39456                              MPEG:SampleRate
39457                              MPEG:MPEGAudioVersion
39458         Duration             RIFF:FrameRate           no
39459                              RIFF:FrameCount
39460                              VideoFrameRate
39461                              VideoFrameCount
39462         Duration             RIFF:AvgBytesPerSec      no
39463                              FileSize
39464                              FrameCount
39465                              VideoFrameCount
39466         Duration             Vorbis:NominalBitrate    no
39467                              FileSize
39468         ExtenderStatus       Olympus:Extender         no
39469                              Olympus:LensType
39470                              MaxApertureValue
39471         FOV                  FocalLength              no
39472                              ScaleFactor35efl
39473                              FocusDistance
39474         FileNumber           DirectoryIndex           yes
39475                              FileIndex
39476         Flash                XMP:FlashFired           yes
39477                              XMP:FlashReturn
39478                              XMP:FlashMode
39479                              XMP:FlashFunction
39480                              XMP:FlashRedEyeMode
39481                              XMP:Flash
39482         FlashType            FlashBits                no
39483         FocalLength35efl     FocalLength              no
39484                              ScaleFactor35efl
39485         FocusDistance        Sony:FocusPosition       no
39486                              FocalLength
39487         FocusDistance2       Sony:FocusPosition2      no
39488                              FocalLengthIn35mmFormat
39489         GPSAltitude          GPS:GPSAltitude          no
39490                              GPS:GPSAltitudeRef
39491                              XMP:GPSAltitude
39492                              XMP:GPSAltitudeRef
39493         GPSAltitude          QuickTime:GPSCoordinates no
39494         GPSAltitude          QuickTime:LocationInformation no
39495         GPSAltitudeRef       QuickTime:GPSCoordinates no
39496         GPSAltitudeRef       QuickTime:LocationInformation no
39497         GPSDateTime          GPS:GPSDateStamp         no
39498                              GPS:GPSTimeStamp
39499         GPSDateTime          Parrot:GPSLatitude       no
39500                              Main:CreateDate
39501                              SampleTime
39502         GPSDateTime          Sony:GPSDateStamp        no
39503                              Sony:GPSTimeStamp
39504         GPSDestLatitude      GPS:GPSDestLatitude      no
39505                              GPS:GPSDestLatitudeRef
39506         GPSDestLatitudeRef   XMP-exif:GPSDestLatitude no
39507         GPSDestLongitude     GPS:GPSDestLongitude     no
39508                              GPS:GPSDestLongitudeRef
39509         GPSDestLongitudeRef  XMP-exif:GPSDestLongitude no
39510         GPSLatitude          GPS:GPSLatitude          yes/
39511                              GPS:GPSLatitudeRef
39512         GPSLatitude          QuickTime:GPSCoordinates no
39513         GPSLatitude          QuickTime:LocationInformation no
39514         GPSLatitude          Sony:GPSLatitude         no
39515                              Sony:GPSLatitudeRef
39516         GPSLatitudeRef       XMP-exif:GPSLatitude     no
39517         GPSLongitude         GPS:GPSLongitude         yes/
39518                              GPS:GPSLongitudeRef
39519         GPSLongitude         QuickTime:GPSCoordinates no
39520         GPSLongitude         QuickTime:LocationInformation no
39521         GPSLongitude         Sony:GPSLongitude        no
39522                              Sony:GPSLongitudeRef
39523         GPSLongitudeRef      XMP-exif:GPSLongitude    no
39524         GPSPosition          GPSLatitude              yes!
39525                              GPSLongitude
39526         HyperfocalDistance   FocalLength              no
39527                              Aperture
39528                              CircleOfConfusion
39529         IDCPreviewImage      IDCPreviewStart          no
39530                              IDCPreviewLength
39531         ISO                  Canon:CameraISO          no
39532                              Canon:BaseISO
39533                              Canon:AutoISO
39534         ImageHeight          IFD0:SensorTopBorder     no
39535                              IFD0:SensorBottomBorder
39536         ImageHeight          Main:PostScript:ImageData no
39537                              PostScript:BoundingBox
39538         ImageSize            ImageWidth               no
39539                              ImageHeight
39540                              ExifImageWidth
39541                              ExifImageHeight
39542                              RawImageCroppedSize
39543         ImageWidth           IFD0:SensorLeftBorder    no
39544                              IFD0:SensorRightBorder
39545         ImageWidth           Main:PostScript:ImageData no
39546                              PostScript:BoundingBox
39547         JpgFromRaw           JpgFromRawStart          yes
39548                              JpgFromRawLength
39549         Lens                 Canon:MinFocalLength     no
39550                              Canon:MaxFocalLength
39551         Lens35efl            Canon:MinFocalLength     no
39552                              Canon:MaxFocalLength
39553                              Lens
39554                              ScaleFactor35efl
39555         LensID               LensType                 no
39556                              FocalLength
39557                              MaxAperture
39558                              MaxApertureValue
39559                              MinFocalLength
39560                              MaxFocalLength
39561                              LensModel
39562                              LensFocalRange
39563                              LensSpec
39564                              LensType2
39565                              LensType3
39566                              LensFocalLength
39567                              RFLensType
39568         LensID               LensModel                no
39569                              Lens
39570                              XMP-aux:LensID
39571                              Make
39572         LensID               Nikon:LensIDNumber       no
39573                              LensFStops
39574                              MinFocalLength
39575                              MaxFocalLength
39576                              MaxApertureAtMinFocal
39577                              MaxApertureAtMaxFocal
39578                              MCUVersion
39579                              Nikon:LensType
39580         LensID               Ricoh:LensFirmware       no
39581         LensID               XMP-aux:LensID           no
39582                              Make
39583                              LensInfo
39584                              FocalLength
39585                              LensModel
39586                              MaxApertureValue
39587         LensSpec             Nikon:Lens               no
39588                              Nikon:LensType
39589         LensType             LensTypeMake             no
39590                              LensTypeModel
39591         LightValue           Aperture                 no
39592                              ShutterSpeed
39593                              ISO
39594         MPImage              MPImageStart             no
39595                              MPImageLength
39596                              MPImageType
39597         Megapixels           ImageSize                no
39598         OriginalDecisionData OriginalDecisionDataOffset yes!
39599         OtherImage           OtherImageStart          yes
39600                              OtherImageLength
39601                              OtherImageStart (1)
39602                              OtherImageLength (1)
39603         PeakSpectralSensitivity FLIR:PlanckB          no
39604         PreviewImage         PreviewImageStart        yes
39605                              PreviewImageLength
39606                              PreviewImageValid
39607                              PreviewImageStart (1)
39608                              PreviewImageLength (1)
39609         PreviewImage         ScreenNail               no
39610         PreviewImageSize     PreviewImageWidth        no
39611                              PreviewImageHeight
39612         RedBalance           WB_RGGBLevels            no
39613                              WB_RGBGLevels
39614                              WB_RBGGLevels
39615                              WB_GRBGLevels
39616                              WB_GRGBLevels
39617                              WB_GBRGLevels
39618                              WB_RGBLevels
39619                              WB_GRBLevels
39620                              WB_RBLevels
39621                              WBRedLevel
39622                              WBGreenLevel
39623         RedEyeReduction      CanonFlashMode           no
39624                              FlashBits
39625         RicohPitch           Ricoh:Accelerometer      no
39626         RicohRoll            Ricoh:Accelerometer      no
39627         Rotation             QuickTime:MatrixStructure yes!
39628                              QuickTime:HandlerType
39629         RunTimeSincePowerUp  Apple:RunTimeValue       no
39630                              Apple:RunTimeScale
39631         ScaleFactor35efl     FocalLength              no
39632                              FocalLengthIn35mmFormat
39633                              Composite:DigitalZoom
39634                              FocalPlaneDiagonal
39635                              SensorSize
39636                              FocalPlaneXSize
39637                              FocalPlaneYSize
39638                              FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
39639                              FocalPlaneXResolution
39640                              FocalPlaneYResolution
39641                              ExifImageWidth
39642                              ExifImageHeight
39643                              CanonImageWidth
39644                              CanonImageHeight
39645                              ImageWidth
39646                              ImageHeight
39647         ShootingMode         CanonExposureMode        no
39648                              EasyMode
39649                              BulbDuration
39650         ShutterCurtainHack   FlashBits                no
39651                              ShutterCurtainSync
39652         ShutterSpeed         ExposureTime             no
39653                              ShutterSpeedValue
39654                              BulbDuration
39655         SingleShotDepthMapTiff SingleShotDepthMap     no
39656                              SegWidth
39657                              SegHeight
39658         SubSecCreateDate     EXIF:CreateDate          yes
39659                              SubSecTimeDigitized
39660                              OffsetTimeDigitized
39661         SubSecDateTimeOriginal EXIF:DateTimeOriginal  yes
39662                              SubSecTimeOriginal
39663                              OffsetTimeOriginal
39664         SubSecModifyDate     EXIF:ModifyDate          yes
39665                              SubSecTime
39666                              OffsetTime
39667         ThumbnailImage       ThumbnailOffset          yes
39668                              ThumbnailLength
39669         ThumbnailTIFF        SubfileType              no
39670                              Compression
39671                              ImageWidth
39672                              ImageHeight
39673                              BitsPerSample
39674                              PhotometricInterpretation
39675                              StripOffsets
39676                              SamplesPerPixel
39677                              RowsPerStrip
39678                              StripByteCounts
39679                              PlanarConfiguration
39680                              Orientation
39681         VolumeSize           ISO:VolumeBlockCount     no
39682                              ISO:VolumeBlockSize
39683         WB_RGBLevels         KDC_IFD:WhiteBalance     no
39684                              WB_RGBLevelsAuto
39685                              WB_RGBLevelsFluorescent
39686                              WB_RGBLevelsTungsten
39687                              WB_RGBLevelsDaylight
39688                              WB_RGBLevels4
39689                              WB_RGBLevels5
39690                              WB_RGBLevelsShade
39691         WB_RGBLevels         KodakIFD:WhiteBalance    no
39692                              WB_RGBMul0
39693                              WB_RGBMul1
39694                              WB_RGBMul2
39695                              WB_RGBMul3
39696                              WB_RGBCoeffs0
39697                              WB_RGBCoeffs1
39698                              WB_RGBCoeffs2
39699                              WB_RGBCoeffs3
39700                              KodakIFD:ColorTemperature
39701                              Kodak:WB_RGBLevels
39702         WB_RGGBLevels        Canon:WhiteBalance       no
39703                              WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot
39704                              WB_RGGBLevelsAuto
39705                              WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight
39706                              WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy
39707                              WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten
39708                              WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent
39709                              WB_RGGBLevelsFlash
39710                              WB_RGGBLevelsCustom
39711                              WB_RGGBLevelsShade
39712                              WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin
39713         WB_RGGBLevels        WB_RGGBLevelsUncorrected no
39714                              WB_RGGBLevelsBlack
39715         ZoomedPreviewImage   ZoomedPreviewStart       no
39716                              ZoomedPreviewLength
39718   Shortcuts Tags
39719       Shortcut tags are convenience tags that represent one or more other tag
39720       names.  They are used like regular tags to read and write the
39721       information for a specified set of tags.
39723       The shortcut tags below have been pre-defined, but user-defined
39724       shortcuts may be added via the %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Shortcuts
39725       lookup in the =/.ExifTool_config file.  See the
39726       Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts documentation for more details.
39728         Tag Name             Refers To                Writable
39729         --------             ---------                --------
39730         AllDates             DateTimeOriginal         yes
39731                              CreateDate
39732                              ModifyDate
39733         Canon                FileName                 yes
39734                              Model
39735                              DateTimeOriginal
39736                              ShootingMode
39737                              ShutterSpeed
39738                              Aperture
39739                              MeteringMode
39740                              ExposureCompensation
39741                              ISO
39742                              Lens
39743                              FocalLength
39744                              ImageSize
39745                              Quality
39746                              Flash
39747                              FlashType
39748                              ConditionalFEC
39749                              RedEyeReduction
39750                              ShutterCurtainHack
39751                              WhiteBalance
39752                              FocusMode
39753                              Contrast
39754                              Sharpness
39755                              Saturation
39756                              ColorTone
39757                              ColorSpace
39758                              LongExposureNoiseReduction
39759                              FileSize
39760                              FileNumber
39761                              DriveMode
39762                              OwnerName
39763                              SerialNumber
39764         ColorSpaceTags       ExifIFD:ColorSpace       yes
39765                              ExifIFD:Gamma
39766                              InteropIFD:InteropIndex
39767                              ICC_Profile
39768         Common               FileName                 yes
39769                              FileSize
39770                              Model
39771                              DateTimeOriginal
39772                              ImageSize
39773                              Quality
39774                              FocalLength
39775                              ShutterSpeed
39776                              Aperture
39777                              ISO
39778                              WhiteBalance
39779                              Flash
39780         CommonIFD0           IFD0:ImageDescription    yes
39781                              IFD0:Make
39782                              IFD0:Model
39783                              IFD0:Software
39784                              IFD0:ModifyDate
39785                              IFD0:Artist
39786                              IFD0:Copyright
39787                              IFD0:Rating
39788                              IFD0:RatingPercent
39789                              IFD0:DNGLensInfo
39790                              IFD0:PanasonicTitle
39791                              IFD0:PanasonicTitle2
39792                              IFD0:XPTitle
39793                              IFD0:XPComment
39794                              IFD0:XPAuthor
39795                              IFD0:XPKeywords
39796                              IFD0:XPSubject
39797         ImageDataMD5         ImageDataHash            yes
39798         LargeTags            CanonVRD                 yes
39799                              DLOData
39800                              EXIF
39801                              ICC_Profile
39802                              IDCPreviewImage
39803                              ImageData
39804                              IPTC
39805                              JpgFromRaw
39806                              OriginalRawImage
39807                              OtherImage
39808                              PreviewImage
39809                              ThumbnailImage
39810                              TIFFPreview
39811                              XML
39812                              XMP
39813                              ZoomedPreviewImage
39814         MakerNotes           MakerNotes               yes
39815                              MakerNoteApple
39816                              MakerNoteCanon
39817                              MakerNoteCasio
39818                              MakerNoteCasio2
39819                              MakerNoteDJI
39820                              MakerNoteDJIInfo
39821                              MakerNoteFLIR
39822                              MakerNoteFujiFilm
39823                              MakerNoteGE
39824                              MakerNoteGE2
39825                              MakerNoteHasselblad
39826                              MakerNoteHP
39827                              MakerNoteHP2
39828                              MakerNoteHP4
39829                              MakerNoteHP6
39830                              MakerNoteISL
39831                              MakerNoteJVC
39832                              MakerNoteJVCText
39833                              MakerNoteKodak1a
39834                              MakerNoteKodak1b
39835                              MakerNoteKodak2
39836                              MakerNoteKodak3
39837                              MakerNoteKodak4
39838                              MakerNoteKodak5
39839                              MakerNoteKodak6a
39840                              MakerNoteKodak6b
39841                              MakerNoteKodak7
39842                              MakerNoteKodak8a
39843                              MakerNoteKodak8b
39844                              MakerNoteKodak8c
39845                              MakerNoteKodak9
39846                              MakerNoteKodak10
39847                              MakerNoteKodak11
39848                              MakerNoteKodak12
39849                              MakerNoteKodakUnknown
39850                              MakerNoteKyocera
39851                              MakerNoteMinolta
39852                              MakerNoteMinolta2
39853                              MakerNoteMinolta3
39854                              MakerNoteMotorola
39855                              MakerNoteNikon
39856                              MakerNoteNikon2
39857                              MakerNoteNikon3
39858                              MakerNoteNintendo
39859                              MakerNoteOlympus
39860                              MakerNoteOlympus2
39861                              MakerNoteOlympus3
39862                              MakerNoteLeica
39863                              MakerNoteLeica2
39864                              MakerNoteLeica3
39865                              MakerNoteLeica4
39866                              MakerNoteLeica5
39867                              MakerNoteLeica6
39868                              MakerNoteLeica7
39869                              MakerNoteLeica8
39870                              MakerNoteLeica9
39871                              MakerNoteLeica10
39872                              MakerNotePanasonic
39873                              MakerNotePanasonic2
39874                              MakerNotePanasonic3
39875                              MakerNotePentax
39876                              MakerNotePentax2
39877                              MakerNotePentax3
39878                              MakerNotePentax4
39879                              MakerNotePentax5
39880                              MakerNotePentax6
39881                              MakerNotePhaseOne
39882                              MakerNoteReconyx
39883                              MakerNoteReconyx2
39884                              MakerNoteReconyx3
39885                              MakerNoteRicoh
39886                              MakerNoteRicoh2
39887                              MakerNoteRicohPentax
39888                              MakerNoteRicohText
39889                              MakerNoteSamsung1a
39890                              MakerNoteSamsung1b
39891                              MakerNoteSamsung2
39892                              MakerNoteSanyo
39893                              MakerNoteSanyoC4
39894                              MakerNoteSanyoPatch
39895                              MakerNoteSigma
39896                              MakerNoteSony
39897                              MakerNoteSony2
39898                              MakerNoteSony3
39899                              MakerNoteSony4
39900                              MakerNoteSony5
39901                              MakerNoteSonyEricsson
39902                              MakerNoteSonySRF
39903                              MakerNoteUnknownText
39904                              MakerNoteUnknownBinary
39905                              MakerNoteUnknown
39906         Nikon                Model                    yes
39907                              SubSecDateTimeOriginal
39908                              ShutterCount
39909                              LensSpec
39910                              FocalLength
39911                              ImageSize
39912                              ShutterSpeed
39913                              Aperture
39914                              ISO
39915                              NoiseReduction
39916                              ExposureProgram
39917                              ExposureCompensation
39918                              WhiteBalance
39919                              WhiteBalanceFineTune
39920                              ShootingMode
39921                              Quality
39922                              MeteringMode
39923                              FocusMode
39924                              ImageOptimization
39925                              ToneComp
39926                              ColorHue
39927                              ColorSpace
39928                              HueAdjustment
39929                              Saturation
39930                              Sharpness
39931                              Flash
39932                              FlashMode
39933                              FlashExposureComp
39934         Unsafe               IFD0:YCbCrPositioning    yes
39935                              IFD0:YCbCrCoefficients
39936                              IFD0:TransferFunction
39937                              ExifIFD:ComponentsConfiguration
39938                              ExifIFD:CompressedBitsPerPixel
39939                              InteropIFD:InteropIndex
39940                              InteropIFD:InteropVersion
39941                              InteropIFD:RelatedImageWidth
39942                              InteropIFD:RelatedImageHeight
39943         ls-l                 FilePermissions          yes
39944                              FileHardLinks
39945                              FileUserID
39946                              FileGroupID
39947                              FileSize#
39948                              FileModifyDate
39949                              FileName
39951   MWG Tags
39952       The Metadata Working Group (MWG) recommends techniques to allow certain
39953       overlapping EXIF, IPTC and XMP tags to be reconciled when reading, and
39954       synchronized when writing.  The MWG Composite tags below are designed
39955       to aid in the implementation of these recommendations.  As well, the
39956       MWG defines new XMP tags which are listed in the subsequent tables
39957       below.  See
39958       <https://web.archive.org/web/20180919181934/http://www.metadataworkinggroup.org/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf>
39959       for the official MWG specification.
39961       MWG Composite Tags
39963       The table below lists special Composite tags which are used to access
39964       other tags based on the MWG 2.0 recommendations.  These tags are only
39965       accessible when explicitly loaded, but this is done automatically by
39966       the exiftool application if MWG is specified as a group for any tag on
39967       the command line, or manually with the "-use MWG" option.  Via the API,
39968       the MWG Composite tags are loaded by calling
39969       "Image::ExifTool::MWG::Load()".
39971       When reading, the value of each MWG tag is Derived From the specified
39972       tags based on the MWG guidelines.  When writing, the appropriate
39973       associated tags are written.  The value of the IPTCDigest tag is
39974       updated automatically when the IPTC is changed if either the IPTCDigest
39975       tag didn't exist beforehand or its value agreed with the original IPTC
39976       digest (indicating that the XMP is synchronized with the IPTC).  IPTC
39977       information is written only if the original file contained IPTC.
39979       Loading the MWG module activates "strict MWG conformance mode", which
39980       has the effect of causing EXIF, IPTC and XMP in non-standard locations
39981       to be ignored when reading, as per the MWG recommendations.  Instead, a
39982       "Warning" tag is generated when non-standard metadata is encountered.
39983       This feature may be disabled by setting "$Image::ExifTool::MWG::strict
39984       = 0" in the ExifTool config file (or from your Perl script when using
39985       the API).  Note that the behaviour when writing is not changed:
39986       ExifTool always creates new records only in the standard location, but
39987       writes new tags to any EXIF/IPTC/XMP records that exist.
39989       Contrary to the EXIF specification, the MWG recommends that EXIF
39990       "ASCII" string values be stored as UTF-8.  To honour this, the exiftool
39991       application sets the default internal EXIF string encoding to "UTF8"
39992       when the MWG module is loaded, but via the API this must be done
39993       manually by setting the CharsetEXIF option.
39995       A complication of the MWG specification is that although the
39996       MWG:Creator property may consist of multiple values, the associated
39997       EXIF tag (EXIF:Artist) is only a simple string.  To resolve this
39998       discrepancy the MWG recommends a technique which allows a list of
39999       values to be stored in a string by using a semicolon-space separator
40000       (with quotes around values if necessary).  When the MWG module is
40001       loaded, ExifTool automatically implements this policy and changes
40002       EXIF:Artist to a list-type tag.
40004         Tag Name             Derived From             Writable
40005         --------             ------------             --------
40006         City                 IPTC:City                yes
40007                              XMP-photoshop:City
40008                              XMP-iptcExt:LocationShownCity
40009                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40010                              IPTCDigest
40011         Copyright            EXIF:Copyright           yes
40012                              IPTC:CopyrightNotice
40013                              XMP-dc:Rights
40014                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40015                              IPTCDigest
40016         Country              IPTC:Country-PrimaryLocationName yes
40017                              XMP-photoshop:Country
40018                              XMP-iptcExt:LocationShownCountryName
40019                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40020                              IPTCDigest
40021         CreateDate           Composite:SubSecCreateDate yes
40022                              EXIF:CreateDate
40023                              IPTC:DigitalCreationDate
40024                              IPTC:DigitalCreationTime
40025                              XMP-xmp:CreateDate
40026                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40027                              IPTCDigest
40028         Creator              EXIF:Artist              yes+
40029                              IPTC:By-line
40030                              XMP-dc:Creator
40031                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40032                              IPTCDigest
40033         DateTimeOriginal     Composite:SubSecDateTimeOriginal yes
40034                              EXIF:DateTimeOriginal
40035                              IPTC:DateCreated
40036                              IPTC:TimeCreated
40037                              XMP-photoshop:DateCreated
40038                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40039                              IPTCDigest
40040         Description          EXIF:ImageDescription    yes
40041                              IPTC:Caption-Abstract
40042                              XMP-dc:Description
40043                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40044                              IPTCDigest
40045         Keywords             IPTC:Keywords            yes+
40046                              XMP-dc:Subject
40047                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40048                              IPTCDigest
40049         Location             IPTC:Sub-location        yes
40050                              XMP-iptcCore:Location
40051                              XMP-iptcExt:LocationShownSublocation
40052                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40053                              IPTCDigest
40054         ModifyDate           Composite:SubSecModifyDate yes
40055                              EXIF:ModifyDate
40056                              XMP-xmp:ModifyDate
40057                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40058                              IPTCDigest
40059         Orientation          EXIF:Orientation         yes
40060         Rating               XMP-xmp:Rating           yes
40061         State                IPTC:Province-State      yes
40062                              XMP-photoshop:State
40063                              XMP-iptcExt:LocationShownProvinceState
40064                              CurrentIPTCDigest
40065                              IPTCDigest
40067       MWG Regions Tags
40069       Image region metadata defined by the MWG 2.0 specification.  These tags
40070       may be accessed without the need to load the MWG Composite tags above.
40071       See
40072       <https://web.archive.org/web/20180919181934/http://www.metadataworkinggroup.org/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf>
40073       for the official specification.
40075       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-mwg-rs family 1 group.
40077         Tag Name                                      Writable
40078         --------                                      --------
40079         RegionInfo                                    MWG RegionInfo Struct
40080         RegionAppliedToDimensions                     Dimensions Struct_
40081         RegionAppliedToDimensionsH                    real_
40082         RegionAppliedToDimensionsUnit                 string_
40083         RegionAppliedToDimensionsW                    real_
40084         RegionList                                    MWG RegionStruct Struct_+
40085         RegionArea                                    Area Struct_+
40086         RegionAreaD                                   real_+
40087         RegionAreaH                                   real_+
40088         RegionAreaUnit                                string_+
40089         RegionAreaW                                   real_+
40090         RegionAreaX                                   real_+
40091         RegionAreaY                                   real_+
40092         RegionBarCodeValue                            string_+
40093         RegionDescription                             string_+
40094         RegionExtensions                              MWG Extensions Struct_+
40095         RegionFocusUsage                              string_+
40096         RegionName                                    string_+
40097         RegionRotation                                real_+
40098         RegionSeeAlso                                 string_+
40099         RegionType                                    string_+
40101       MWG RegionInfo Struct
40103         Field Name                                    Writable
40104         ----------                                    --------
40105         AppliedToDimensions                           Dimensions Struct
40106         RegionList                                    MWG RegionStruct Struct+
40108       MWG RegionStruct Struct
40110         Field Name                                    Writable
40111         ----------                                    --------
40112         Area                                          Area Struct
40113         BarCodeValue                                  string
40114         Description                                   string
40115         Extensions                                    MWG Extensions Struct
40116         FocusUsage                                    string
40117         Name                                          string
40118         Rotation                                      real
40119         Type                                          string
40120         SeeAlso                                       string
40122       MWG Extensions Struct
40124       This structure may contain any top-level XMP tags, but none have been
40125       pre-defined in ExifTool.  Since no flattened tags have been pre-
40126       defined, RegionExtensions is writable only as a structure (eg.
40127       "{xmp-dc:creator=me,rating=5}").  Fields for this structure are
40128       identified using the standard ExifTool tag name (with optional leading
40129       group name, and/or trailing language code, and/or trailing "#" symbol
40130       to disable print conversion).
40132         Field Name                                    Writable
40133         ----------                                    --------
40134         [no tags known]
40136       MWG Keywords Tags
40138       Hierarchical keywords metadata defined by the MWG 2.0 specification.
40139       ExifTool unrolls keyword structures to an arbitrary depth of 6 to allow
40140       individual levels to be accessed with different tag names, and to avoid
40141       infinite recursion.  See
40142       <https://web.archive.org/web/20180919181934/http://www.metadataworkinggroup.org/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf>
40143       for the official specification.
40145       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-mwg-kw family 1 group.
40147         Tag Name                                      Writable
40148         --------                                      --------
40149         KeywordInfo                                   MWG KeywordInfo Struct
40150         HierarchicalKeywords                          MWG KeywordStruct Struct_+
40151         HierarchicalKeywords1Applied                  boolean_+
40152         HierarchicalKeywords1Children                 MWG KeywordStruct Struct_+
40153         HierarchicalKeywords2Applied                  boolean_+
40154         HierarchicalKeywords2Children                 MWG KeywordStruct Struct_+
40155         HierarchicalKeywords3Applied                  boolean_+
40156         HierarchicalKeywords3Children                 MWG KeywordStruct Struct_+
40157         HierarchicalKeywords4Applied                  boolean_+
40158         HierarchicalKeywords4Children                 MWG KeywordStruct Struct_+
40159         HierarchicalKeywords5Applied                  boolean_+
40160         HierarchicalKeywords5Children                 MWG KeywordStruct Struct_+
40161         HierarchicalKeywords6Applied                  boolean_+
40162         HierarchicalKeywords6                         string_+
40163         HierarchicalKeywords5                         string_+
40164         HierarchicalKeywords4                         string_+
40165         HierarchicalKeywords3                         string_+
40166         HierarchicalKeywords2                         string_+
40167         HierarchicalKeywords1                         string_+
40169       MWG KeywordInfo Struct
40171         Field Name                                    Writable
40172         ----------                                    --------
40173         Hierarchy                                     MWG KeywordStruct Struct+
40175       MWG KeywordStruct Struct
40177         Field Name                                    Writable
40178         ----------                                    --------
40179         Applied                                       boolean
40180         Children                                      MWG KeywordStruct Struct+
40181         Keyword                                       string
40183       MWG Collections Tags
40185       Collections metadata defined by the MWG 2.0 specification.  See
40186       <https://web.archive.org/web/20180919181934/http://www.metadataworkinggroup.org/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf>
40187       for the official specification.
40189       These tags belong to the ExifTool XMP-mwg-coll family 1 group.
40191         Tag Name                                      Writable
40192         --------                                      --------
40193         Collections                                   MWG CollectionInfo Struct+
40194         CollectionName                                string_+
40195         CollectionURI                                 string_+
40197       MWG CollectionInfo Struct
40199         Field Name                                    Writable
40200         ----------                                    --------
40201         CollectionName                                string
40202         CollectionURI                                 string


40205       This document generated automatically by
40206       Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup.


40209       Copyright 2003-2023, Phil Harvey (philharvey66 at gmail.com)
40211       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
40212       under the same terms as Perl itself.


40215       Image::ExifTool(3pm)
40219perl v5.38.0                      2023-11-21      Image::ExifTool::TagNames(3)