1TOPPLER(6)                       Games Manual                       TOPPLER(6)


6       toppler - clone of the old "Nebulus" game


9       toppler [-f] [-h] [-s] [-dNUM ]


12       This manual page documents briefly the toppler command.
13       The  goal of the game is to reach the target door of each of the 8 tow‐
14       ers in currently 2 missions with this little green animal. This door is
15       usually at the very top of the tower.
16       But  finding  the  way  by using elevators and walking trough a maze of
17       doors and platforms is not the only problem you have  to  solve.  There
18       are a bunch of other creatures living on the tower that will hinder you
19       to reach your target by pushing you over the edge of the platforms.
20       The only weapon of defence you have is to throw a little snowball.  But
21       most  of  the  other  creatures just don't care about this. So you must
22       avoid them.
23       A little submarine brings you from one tower to the next. On  this  way
24       you  have the chance to get some bonus points by catching fish. All you
25       have to do is to catch a fish in a bubble with your  torpedo  and  then
26       collect the fish.


29       In  the  menu you can select the mission you want to play next with the
30       left and right cursor keys. Press space or return  on  the  start  menu
31       item to start the game.
32       The  animal  is  controlled  by  the cursor keys and space (or return).
33       Left and right make the animal walk.  Up and down  make  the  elevators
34       move  if  you  are  on  one.  (The  elevator platforms are a little bit
35       smaller than the normal platforms.)  If you are  in  front  of  a  door
36       press up to enter it.  Pressing the space key will either throw a snow‐
37       ball if you are standing still or make the animal jump if you are walk‐
38       ing.
39       In the level designer, press F1 or h for the online help.


42       The program understands the following command line options.
44       -f     Starts the game in fullscreen mode.  But be careful! If the game
45              crashes it doesn't restore the original resolution, it stays  in
46              640x480 pixel mode.
48       -h     Display short usage information and exit.
50       -s     Makes the game silent.  If you don't have a soundcard or for an‐
51              other reason get an "can't open audio" error try this option.
53       -dNUM  Sets the debugging level; NUM is between 0 and 9, and the higher
54              it  is,  the more information toppler will print out to the con‐
55              sole. (The default debugging level is 0.)


58       Toppler was written by Andreas Röver <roever@users.sf.net>. Later  Pasi
59       Kallinen contributed a lot of code.
60       This  manual  page was written by Ben Bell <bjb@debian.org> for the De‐
61       bian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).  It was  revised  by
62       Dylan  Thurston  <dpt@math.harvard.edu>,  and  by  Bill Allombert <bal‐
63       lombe@debian.org>.
67                                                                    TOPPLER(6)