1REGISTRY(7)                                                        REGISTRY(7)


6       registry - The JavaScript Package Registry
8   Description
9       To  resolve  packages by name and version, npm talks to a registry web‐
10       site that implements the CommonJS Package  Registry  specification  for
11       reading package info.
13       npm  is  configured  to  use  the  npm public registry at https://reg
14       istry.npmjs.org⟩ by default. Use of the npm public registry is  subject
15       to terms of use available at https://docs.npmjs.com/policies/terms.
17       You can configure npm to use any compatible registry you like, and even
18       run your own registry. Use of someone else's registry may  be  governed
19       by their terms of use.
21       npm's  package  registry  implementation supports several write APIs as
22       well, to allow for publishing packages and managing user account infor‐
23       mation.
25       The  npm  public  registry  is  powered by a CouchDB database, of which
26       there is a public mirror at https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry.
28       The registry URL used is determined by the scope of  the  package  (see
29       npm help scope. If no scope is specified, the default registry is used,
30       which is supplied by the registry  config  ⟨/using-npm/config#registry⟩
31       parameter. See npm help config, npm help npmrc, and npm help config for
32       more on managing npm's configuration. Authentication configuration such
33       as  auth  tokens and certificates are configured specifically scoped to
34       an individual registry. See Auth Related  Configuration  ⟨/configuring-
35       npm/npmrc#auth-related-configuration⟩
37       When  the  default  registry is used in a package-lock or shrinkwrap it
38       has the special meaning of "the currently configured registry". If  you
39       create  a  lock file while using the default registry you can switch to
40       another registry and npm will install packages from the  new  registry,
41       but  if  you  create a lock file while using a custom registry packages
42       will be installed from that registry even after you change  to  another
43       registry.
45   Does npm send any information about me back to the registry?
46       Yes.
48       When making requests of the registry npm adds two headers with informa‐
49       tion about your environment:
51Npm-Scope – If your project is scoped, this header will contain its
52           scope.  In the future npm hopes to build registry features that use
53           this information to allow you to customize your experience for your
54           organization.
56Npm-In-CI  –  Set to "true" if npm believes this install is running
57           in a continuous integration environment, "false" otherwise. This is
58           detected  by  looking  for the following environment variables: CI,
59           TDDIUM, JENKINS_URL, bamboo.buildKey. If you'd like to  learn  more
60           you  may find the original PR https://github.com/npm/npm-registry-
61           client/pull/129⟩ interesting. This is used to gather better metrics
62           on how npm is used by humans, versus build farms.
65       The  npm  registry  does  not try to correlate the information in these
66       headers with any authenticated accounts that may be used  in  the  same
67       requests.
69   How can I prevent my package from being published in the official registry?
70       Set  "private": true in your package.json to prevent it from being pub‐
71       lished at all, or  "publishConfig":{"registry":"http://my-internal-reg
72       istry.local"} to force it to be published only to your internal/private
73       registry.
75       See package.json ⟨/configuring-npm/package-json⟩ for more info on  what
76       goes in the package.json file.
78   Where can I find my (and others') published packages?
79       https://www.npmjs.com/
81   See also
82       •   npm help config
84       •   npm help config
86       •   npm help npmrc
88       •   npm help developers
92                                 November 2023                     REGISTRY(7)