1GRDMASK(1)                   Generic Mapping Tools                  GRDMASK(1)


6       grdmask - Create mask grid files from xy paths.


9       grdmask  pathfiles -Gmask_grd_file] -Ixinc[unit][=|+][/yinc[unit][=|+]]
10       -Rwest/east/south/north[r] [ -A[m|p]  ]  [  -F  ]  [  -H[i][nrec]  ]  [
11       -M[flag]  ]  [  -Nout/edge/in  ]  [ -Ssearch_radius[m|c|k|K] ] [ -V ] [
12       -:[i|o] ] [ -bi[s|S|d|D[ncol]|c[var1/...]] ] [ -fcolinfo ]


15       grdmask can operate in two different modes. 1. It reads one or more xy-
16       files  that  each  define  a  closed polygon.  The nodes defined by the
17       specified region and lattice spacing will be set equal to one of  three
18       possible  values depending on whether the node is outside, on the poly‐
19       gon perimeter, or inside the polygon.  The resulting mask may  be  used
20       in subsequent operations involving grdmath to mask out data from polyg‐
21       onal areas. 2. The xy-files simply represent data point  locations  and
22       the  mask  is set to the inside or outside value depending on whether a
23       node is within a maximum distance from the nearest data point.  If  the
24       distance  specified is zero then only the nodes nearest each data point
25       are considered "inside".
27       pathfiles
28              The name of 1 or more ASCII [or binary, see  -b]  files  holding
29              the polygon(s) or data points.
31       -G     Name of resulting output mask grid file.  (See GRID FILE FORMATS
32              below).
34       -I     x_inc [and optionally y_inc] is the  grid  spacing.  Optionally,
35              append  a  suffix modifier.  Geographical (degrees) coordinates:
36              Append m to indicate arc minutes or c to indicate  arc  seconds.
37              If  one  of  the  units  e,  k, i, or n is appended instead, the
38              increment is assumed to be given in meter, km, miles, or  nauti‐
39              cal miles, respectively, and will be converted to the equivalent
40              degrees longitude at the middle latitude of the region (the con‐
41              version  depends on ELLIPSOID).  If /y_inc is given but set to 0
42              it will be reset equal to x_inc; otherwise it will be  converted
43              to degrees latitude.  All coordinates: If = is appended then the
44              corresponding max x (east) or y (north) may be slightly adjusted
45              to fit exactly the given increment [by default the increment may
46              be adjusted slightly to fit the given domain].  Finally, instead
47              of  giving  an  increment  you  may  specify the number of nodes
48              desired by appending + to the  supplied  integer  argument;  the
49              increment  is then recalculated from the number of nodes and the
50              domain.  The resulting increment value depends  on  whether  you
51              have  selected  a  gridline-registered or pixel-registered grid;
52              see Appendix B for details.
54       -R     xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax specify the Region of interest.   For
55              geographic  regions,  these  limits  correspond  to  west, east,
56              south, and north and you may specify them in decimal degrees  or
57              in  [+-]dd:mm[:ss.xxx][W|E|S|N]  format.  Append r if lower left
58              and upper right map coordinates are given  instead  of  w/e/s/n.
59              The  two  shorthands  -Rg and -Rd stand for global domain (0/360
60              and -180/+180 in longitude respectively, with -90/+90  in  lati‐
61              tude).   For  calendar  time coordinates you may either give (a)
62              relative time (relative to the selected TIME_EPOCH  and  in  the
63              selected  TIME_UNIT; append t to -JX|x), or (b) absolute time of
64              the form [date]T[clock] (append T to -JX|x).  At  least  one  of
65              date  and  clock must be present; the T is always required.  The
66              date string must be of  the  form  [-]yyyy[-mm[-dd]]  (Gregorian
67              calendar) or yyyy[-Www[-d]] (ISO week calendar), while the clock
68              string must be of the form hh:mm:ss[.xxx].  The  use  of  delim‐
69              iters  and their type and positions must be exactly as indicated
70              (however, input, output and plot formats are  customizable;  see
71              gmtdefaults).


74       -A     If  the input data are geographic (as indicated by -fi) then the
75              sides in the polygons will be approximated by great circle arcs.
76              When  using  the  -A  sides  will be regarded as straight lines.
77              Alternatively, append m to have sides  first  follow  meridians,
78              then  parallels.  Or  append  p  to first follow parallels, then
79              meridians.
81       -F     Force pixel node registration  [Default  is  gridline  registra‐
82              tion].  (Node registrations are defined in GMT Cookbook Appendix
83              B on grid file formats.)
85       -H     Input file(s) has Header record(s).  Number  of  header  records
86              can be changed by editing your .gmtdefaults4 file.  If used, GMT
87              default is 1 header record. Use -Hi if only  input  data  should
88              have  header  records  [Default will write out header records if
89              the input data have them]. Blank lines and lines starting with #
90              are always skipped.
92       -M     Multiple segment file.  Segments are separated by a record whose
93              first character is flag.  [Default is '>'].
95       -N     Sets the values that will be assigned to nodes that are  outside
96              the polygons, on the edge, or inside.  Values can be any number,
97              including the textstring NaN  [Default is 0/0/1].
99       -S     Set nodes depending on their  distance  from  the  nearest  data
100              point.  Nodes within radius [0] from a data point are considered
101              inside.  Append m to indicate minutes or c to indicate  seconds.
102              Append  k  to indicate km (implies -R and -I are in degrees, and
103              we will use a fast flat Earth approximation  to  calculate  dis‐
104              tance).   For more accuracy, use uppercase K if distances should
105              be calculated along geodesics.  However, if the  current  ELLIP‐
106              SOID  is  set to Sphere then spherical great circle calculations
107              are used.
109       -V     Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr
110              [Default runs "silently"].
112       -bi    Selects binary input.  Append s for single precision [Default is
113              d  (double)].   Uppercase  S  or  D  will  force  byte-swapping.
114              Optionally,  append  ncol,  the number of columns in your binary
115              input file if it exceeds the columns needed by the program.   Or
116              append  c  if  the  input  file  is  netCDF.  Optionally, append
117              var1/var2/... to specify the variables to be read.  [Default  is
118              2 input columns].
120       -f     Special  formatting of input and/or output columns (time or geo‐
121              graphical data).  Specify i or o to  make  this  apply  only  to
122              input  or  output  [Default  applies to both].  Give one or more
123              columns (or column ranges) separated by commas.  Append T (abso‐
124              lute  calendar time), t (relative time in chosen TIME_UNIT since
125              TIME_EPOCH), x (longitude), y (latitude), or f (floating  point)
126              to  each  column or column range item.  Shorthand -f[i|o]g means
127              -f[i|o]0x,1y (geographic coordinates).


130       By default GMT writes out grid as single precision floats in a  COARDS-
131       complaint  netCDF  file  format.   However, GMT is able to produce grid
132       files in many other commonly used grid file formats  and  also  facili‐
133       tates  so called "packing" of grids, writing out floating point data as
134       2- or 4-byte integers. To specify the precision, scale and offset,  the
135       user should add the suffix =id[/scale/offset[/nan]], where id is a two-
136       letter identifier of the grid type and precision, and scale and  offset
137       are  optional scale factor and offset to be applied to all grid values,
138       and nan is the value used to indicate missing data.  See grdreformat(1)
139       and  Section  4.17 of the GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook for more
140       information.
142       When writing a netCDF file, the grid is  stored  by  default  with  the
143       variable  name  "z".  To  specify another variable name varname, append
144       ?varname to the file name.  Note that you may need to escape  the  spe‐
145       cial meaning of ? in your shell program by putting a backslash in front
146       of it, or by placing the filename and suffix between quotes  or  double


150       When  the  output  grid type is netCDF, the coordinates will be labeled
151       "longitude", "latitude", or "time" based on the attributes of the input
152       data  or  grid  (if  any) or on the -f or -R options. For example, both
153       -f0x -f1t and -R90w/90e/0t/3t will result  in  a  longitude/time  grid.
154       When  the  x, y, or z coordinate is time, it will be stored in the grid
155       as relative time since epoch as specified by TIME_UNIT  and  TIME_EPOCH
156       in the .gmtdefaults file or on the command line.  In addition, the unit
157       attribute of the time variable will indicate both this unit and epoch.


160       To set all nodes inside and on the polygons coastline_*.xy  to  0,  and
161       outside points to 1, do
163       grdmask  coastline_*.xy  -R-60/-40/-40/-30 -I5m -N1/0/0 -Gland_mask.grd
164       -V
166       To set nodes within 50 km of data points to 1 and other nodes  to  NaN,
167       do
169       grdmask data.xyz -R-60/-40/-40/-30 -I5m -NNaN/1/1 -S50k -Gdata_mask.grd
170       -V


173       GMT(1), grdlandmask(1), grdmath(1), grdclip(1), psmask(1), psclip(1)
177GMT 4.3.1                         15 May 2008                       GRDMASK(1)