1PERLSEC(1)             Perl Programmers Reference Guide             PERLSEC(1)


6       perlsec - Perl security


9       Perl is designed to make it easy to program securely even when running
10       with extra privileges, like setuid or setgid programs.  Unlike most
11       command line shells, which are based on multiple substitution passes on
12       each line of the script, Perl uses a more conventional evaluation
13       scheme with fewer hidden snags.  Additionally, because the language has
14       more builtin functionality, it can rely less upon external (and possi‐
15       bly untrustworthy) programs to accomplish its purposes.
17       Perl automatically enables a set of special security checks, called
18       taint mode, when it detects its program running with differing real and
19       effective user or group IDs.  The setuid bit in Unix permissions is
20       mode 04000, the setgid bit mode 02000; either or both may be set.  You
21       can also enable taint mode explicitly by using the -T command line
22       flag. This flag is strongly suggested for server programs and any pro‐
23       gram run on behalf of someone else, such as a CGI script. Once taint
24       mode is on, it's on for the remainder of your script.
26       While in this mode, Perl takes special precautions called taint checks
27       to prevent both obvious and subtle traps.  Some of these checks are
28       reasonably simple, such as verifying that path directories aren't
29       writable by others; careful programmers have always used checks like
30       these.  Other checks, however, are best supported by the language
31       itself, and it is these checks especially that contribute to making a
32       set-id Perl program more secure than the corresponding C program.
34       You may not use data derived from outside your program to affect some‐
35       thing else outside your program--at least, not by accident.  All com‐
36       mand line arguments, environment variables, locale information (see
37       perllocale), results of certain system calls ("readdir()", "read‐
38       link()", the variable of "shmread()", the messages returned by
39       "msgrcv()", the password, gcos and shell fields returned by the "getp‐
40       wxxx()" calls), and all file input are marked as "tainted".  Tainted
41       data may not be used directly or indirectly in any command that invokes
42       a sub-shell, nor in any command that modifies files, directories, or
43       processes, with the following exceptions:
45       ·   Arguments to "print" and "syswrite" are not checked for tainted‐
46           ness.
48       ·   Symbolic methods
50               $obj->$method(@args);
52           and symbolic sub references
54               &{$foo}(@args);
55               $foo->(@args);
57           are not checked for taintedness.  This requires extra carefulness
58           unless you want external data to affect your control flow.  Unless
59           you carefully limit what these symbolic values are, people are able
60           to call functions outside your Perl code, such as POSIX::system, in
61           which case they are able to run arbitrary external code.
63       For efficiency reasons, Perl takes a conservative view of whether data
64       is tainted.  If an expression contains tainted data, any subexpression
65       may be considered tainted, even if the value of the subexpression is
66       not itself affected by the tainted data.
68       Because taintedness is associated with each scalar value, some elements
69       of an array or hash can be tainted and others not.  The keys of a hash
70       are never tainted.
72       For example:
74           $arg = shift;               # $arg is tainted
75           $hid = $arg, 'bar';         # $hid is also tainted
76           $line = <>;                 # Tainted
77           $line = <STDIN>;            # Also tainted
78           open FOO, "/home/me/bar" or die $!;
79           $line = <FOO>;              # Still tainted
80           $path = $ENV{'PATH'};       # Tainted, but see below
81           $data = 'abc';              # Not tainted
83           system "echo $arg";         # Insecure
84           system "/bin/echo", $arg;   # Considered insecure
85                                       # (Perl doesn't know about /bin/echo)
86           system "echo $hid";         # Insecure
87           system "echo $data";        # Insecure until PATH set
89           $path = $ENV{'PATH'};       # $path now tainted
91           $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
92           delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
94           $path = $ENV{'PATH'};       # $path now NOT tainted
95           system "echo $data";        # Is secure now!
97           open(FOO, "< $arg");        # OK - read-only file
98           open(FOO, "> $arg");        # Not OK - trying to write
100           open(FOO,"echo $arg⎪");     # Not OK
101           open(FOO,"-⎪")
102               or exec 'echo', $arg;   # Also not OK
104           $shout = `echo $arg`;       # Insecure, $shout now tainted
106           unlink $data, $arg;         # Insecure
107           umask $arg;                 # Insecure
109           exec "echo $arg";           # Insecure
110           exec "echo", $arg;          # Insecure
111           exec "sh", '-c', $arg;      # Very insecure!
113           @files = <*.c>;             # insecure (uses readdir() or similar)
114           @files = glob('*.c');       # insecure (uses readdir() or similar)
116           # In Perl releases older than 5.6.0 the <*.c> and glob('*.c') would
117           # have used an external program to do the filename expansion; but in
118           # either case the result is tainted since the list of filenames comes
119           # from outside of the program.
121           $bad = ($arg, 23);          # $bad will be tainted
122           $arg, `true`;               # Insecure (although it isn't really)
124       If you try to do something insecure, you will get a fatal error saying
125       something like "Insecure dependency" or "Insecure $ENV{PATH}".
127       The exception to the principle of "one tainted value taints the whole
128       expression" is with the ternary conditional operator "?:".  Since code
129       with a ternary conditional
131           $result = $tainted_value ? "Untainted" : "Also untainted";
133       is effectively
135           if ( $tainted_value ) {
136               $result = "Untainted";
137           } else {
138               $result = "Also untainted";
139           }
141       it doesn't make sense for $result to be tainted.
143       Laundering and Detecting Tainted Data
145       To test whether a variable contains tainted data, and whose use would
146       thus trigger an "Insecure dependency" message, you can use the
147       "tainted()" function of the Scalar::Util module, available in your
148       nearby CPAN mirror, and included in Perl starting from the release
149       5.8.0.  Or you may be able to use the following "is_tainted()" func‐
150       tion.
152           sub is_tainted {
153               return ! eval { eval("#" . substr(join("", @_), 0, 0)); 1 };
154           }
156       This function makes use of the fact that the presence of tainted data
157       anywhere within an expression renders the entire expression tainted.
158       It would be inefficient for every operator to test every argument for
159       taintedness.  Instead, the slightly more efficient and conservative
160       approach is used that if any tainted value has been accessed within the
161       same expression, the whole expression is considered tainted.
163       But testing for taintedness gets you only so far.  Sometimes you have
164       just to clear your data's taintedness.  Values may be untainted by
165       using them as keys in a hash; otherwise the only way to bypass the
166       tainting mechanism is by referencing subpatterns from a regular expres‐
167       sion match.  Perl presumes that if you reference a substring using $1,
168       $2, etc., that you knew what you were doing when you wrote the pattern.
169       That means using a bit of thought--don't just blindly untaint anything,
170       or you defeat the entire mechanism.  It's better to verify that the
171       variable has only good characters (for certain values of "good") rather
172       than checking whether it has any bad characters.  That's because it's
173       far too easy to miss bad characters that you never thought of.
175       Here's a test to make sure that the data contains nothing but "word"
176       characters (alphabetics, numerics, and underscores), a hyphen, an at
177       sign, or a dot.
179           if ($data =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) {
180               $data = $1;                     # $data now untainted
181           } else {
182               die "Bad data in '$data'";      # log this somewhere
183           }
185       This is fairly secure because "/\w+/" doesn't normally match shell
186       metacharacters, nor are dot, dash, or at going to mean something spe‐
187       cial to the shell.  Use of "/.+/" would have been insecure in theory
188       because it lets everything through, but Perl doesn't check for that.
189       The lesson is that when untainting, you must be exceedingly careful
190       with your patterns.  Laundering data using regular expression is the
191       only mechanism for untainting dirty data, unless you use the strategy
192       detailed below to fork a child of lesser privilege.
194       The example does not untaint $data if "use locale" is in effect,
195       because the characters matched by "\w" are determined by the locale.
196       Perl considers that locale definitions are untrustworthy because they
197       contain data from outside the program.  If you are writing a locale-
198       aware program, and want to launder data with a regular expression con‐
199       taining "\w", put "no locale" ahead of the expression in the same
200       block.  See "SECURITY" in perllocale for further discussion and exam‐
201       ples.
203       Switches On the "#!" Line
205       When you make a script executable, in order to make it usable as a com‐
206       mand, the system will pass switches to perl from the script's #!  line.
207       Perl checks that any command line switches given to a setuid (or set‐
208       gid) script actually match the ones set on the #! line.  Some Unix and
209       Unix-like environments impose a one-switch limit on the #!  line, so
210       you may need to use something like "-wU" instead of "-w -U" under such
211       systems.  (This issue should arise only in Unix or Unix-like environ‐
212       ments that support #! and setuid or setgid scripts.)
214       Taint mode and @INC
216       When the taint mode ("-T") is in effect, the "." directory is removed
217       from @INC, and the environment variables "PERL5LIB" and "PERLLIB" are
218       ignored by Perl. You can still adjust @INC from outside the program by
219       using the "-I" command line option as explained in perlrun. The two
220       environment variables are ignored because they are obscured, and a user
221       running a program could be unaware that they are set, whereas the "-I"
222       option is clearly visible and therefore permitted.
224       Another way to modify @INC without modifying the program, is to use the
225       "lib" pragma, e.g.:
227         perl -Mlib=/foo program
229       The benefit of using "-Mlib=/foo" over "-I/foo", is that the former
230       will automagically remove any duplicated directories, while the later
231       will not.
233       Note that if a tainted string is added to @INC, the following problem
234       will be reported:
236         Insecure dependency in require while running with -T switch
238       Cleaning Up Your Path
240       For "Insecure $ENV{PATH}" messages, you need to set $ENV{'PATH'} to a
241       known value, and each directory in the path must be absolute and non-
242       writable by others than its owner and group.  You may be surprised to
243       get this message even if the pathname to your executable is fully qual‐
244       ified.  This is not generated because you didn't supply a full path to
245       the program; instead, it's generated because you never set your PATH
246       environment variable, or you didn't set it to something that was safe.
247       Because Perl can't guarantee that the executable in question isn't
248       itself going to turn around and execute some other program that is
249       dependent on your PATH, it makes sure you set the PATH.
251       The PATH isn't the only environment variable which can cause problems.
252       Because some shells may use the variables IFS, CDPATH, ENV, and
253       BASH_ENV, Perl checks that those are either empty or untainted when
254       starting subprocesses. You may wish to add something like this to your
255       setid and taint-checking scripts.
257           delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)};   # Make %ENV safer
259       It's also possible to get into trouble with other operations that don't
260       care whether they use tainted values.  Make judicious use of the file
261       tests in dealing with any user-supplied filenames.  When possible, do
262       opens and such after properly dropping any special user (or group!)
263       privileges. Perl doesn't prevent you from opening tainted filenames for
264       reading, so be careful what you print out.  The tainting mechanism is
265       intended to prevent stupid mistakes, not to remove the need for
266       thought.
268       Perl does not call the shell to expand wild cards when you pass "sys‐
269       tem" and "exec" explicit parameter lists instead of strings with possi‐
270       ble shell wildcards in them.  Unfortunately, the "open", "glob", and
271       backtick functions provide no such alternate calling convention, so
272       more subterfuge will be required.
274       Perl provides a reasonably safe way to open a file or pipe from a
275       setuid or setgid program: just create a child process with reduced
276       privilege who does the dirty work for you.  First, fork a child using
277       the special "open" syntax that connects the parent and child by a pipe.
278       Now the child resets its ID set and any other per-process attributes,
279       like environment variables, umasks, current working directories, back
280       to the originals or known safe values.  Then the child process, which
281       no longer has any special permissions, does the "open" or other system
282       call.  Finally, the child passes the data it managed to access back to
283       the parent.  Because the file or pipe was opened in the child while
284       running under less privilege than the parent, it's not apt to be
285       tricked into doing something it shouldn't.
287       Here's a way to do backticks reasonably safely.  Notice how the "exec"
288       is not called with a string that the shell could expand.  This is by
289       far the best way to call something that might be subjected to shell
290       escapes: just never call the shell at all.
292               use English '-no_match_vars';
293               die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined($pid = open(KID, "-⎪"));
294               if ($pid) {           # parent
295                   while (<KID>) {
296                       # do something
297                   }
298                   close KID;
299               } else {
300                   my @temp     = ($EUID, $EGID);
301                   my $orig_uid = $UID;
302                   my $orig_gid = $GID;
303                   $EUID = $UID;
304                   $EGID = $GID;
305                   # Drop privileges
306                   $UID  = $orig_uid;
307                   $GID  = $orig_gid;
308                   # Make sure privs are really gone
309                   ($EUID, $EGID) = @temp;
310                   die "Can't drop privileges"
311                       unless $UID == $EUID  && $GID eq $EGID;
312                   $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin"; # Minimal PATH.
313                   # Consider sanitizing the environment even more.
314                   exec 'myprog', 'arg1', 'arg2'
315                       or die "can't exec myprog: $!";
316               }
318       A similar strategy would work for wildcard expansion via "glob",
319       although you can use "readdir" instead.
321       Taint checking is most useful when although you trust yourself not to
322       have written a program to give away the farm, you don't necessarily
323       trust those who end up using it not to try to trick it into doing some‐
324       thing bad.  This is the kind of security checking that's useful for
325       set-id programs and programs launched on someone else's behalf, like
326       CGI programs.
328       This is quite different, however, from not even trusting the writer of
329       the code not to try to do something evil.  That's the kind of trust
330       needed when someone hands you a program you've never seen before and
331       says, "Here, run this."  For that kind of safety, check out the Safe
332       module, included standard in the Perl distribution.  This module allows
333       the programmer to set up special compartments in which all system oper‐
334       ations are trapped and namespace access is carefully controlled.
336       Security Bugs
338       Beyond the obvious problems that stem from giving special privileges to
339       systems as flexible as scripts, on many versions of Unix, set-id
340       scripts are inherently insecure right from the start.  The problem is a
341       race condition in the kernel.  Between the time the kernel opens the
342       file to see which interpreter to run and when the (now-set-id) inter‐
343       preter turns around and reopens the file to interpret it, the file in
344       question may have changed, especially if you have symbolic links on
345       your system.
347       Fortunately, sometimes this kernel "feature" can be disabled.  Unfortu‐
348       nately, there are two ways to disable it.  The system can simply outlaw
349       scripts with any set-id bit set, which doesn't help much.  Alternately,
350       it can simply ignore the set-id bits on scripts.  If the latter is
351       true, Perl can emulate the setuid and setgid mechanism when it notices
352       the otherwise useless setuid/gid bits on Perl scripts.  It does this
353       via a special executable called suidperl that is automatically invoked
354       for you if it's needed.
356       However, if the kernel set-id script feature isn't disabled, Perl will
357       complain loudly that your set-id script is insecure.  You'll need to
358       either disable the kernel set-id script feature, or put a C wrapper
359       around the script.  A C wrapper is just a compiled program that does
360       nothing except call your Perl program.   Compiled programs are not sub‐
361       ject to the kernel bug that plagues set-id scripts.  Here's a simple
362       wrapper, written in C:
364           #define REAL_PATH "/path/to/script"
365           main(ac, av)
366               char **av;
367           {
368               execv(REAL_PATH, av);
369           }
371       Compile this wrapper into a binary executable and then make it rather
372       than your script setuid or setgid.
374       In recent years, vendors have begun to supply systems free of this
375       inherent security bug.  On such systems, when the kernel passes the
376       name of the set-id script to open to the interpreter, rather than using
377       a pathname subject to meddling, it instead passes /dev/fd/3.  This is a
378       special file already opened on the script, so that there can be no race
379       condition for evil scripts to exploit.  On these systems, Perl should
380       be compiled with "-DSETUID_SCRIPTS_ARE_SECURE_NOW".  The Configure pro‐
381       gram that builds Perl tries to figure this out for itself, so you
382       should never have to specify this yourself.  Most modern releases of
383       SysVr4 and BSD 4.4 use this approach to avoid the kernel race condi‐
384       tion.
386       Prior to release 5.6.1 of Perl, bugs in the code of suidperl could
387       introduce a security hole.
389       Protecting Your Programs
391       There are a number of ways to hide the source to your Perl programs,
392       with varying levels of "security".
394       First of all, however, you can't take away read permission, because the
395       source code has to be readable in order to be compiled and interpreted.
396       (That doesn't mean that a CGI script's source is readable by people on
397       the web, though.)  So you have to leave the permissions at the socially
398       friendly 0755 level.  This lets people on your local system only see
399       your source.
401       Some people mistakenly regard this as a security problem.  If your pro‐
402       gram does insecure things, and relies on people not knowing how to
403       exploit those insecurities, it is not secure.  It is often possible for
404       someone to determine the insecure things and exploit them without view‐
405       ing the source.  Security through obscurity, the name for hiding your
406       bugs instead of fixing them, is little security indeed.
408       You can try using encryption via source filters (Filter::* from CPAN,
409       or Filter::Util::Call and Filter::Simple since Perl 5.8).  But crackers
410       might be able to decrypt it.  You can try using the byte code compiler
411       and interpreter described below, but crackers might be able to de-com‐
412       pile it.  You can try using the native-code compiler described below,
413       but crackers might be able to disassemble it.  These pose varying
414       degrees of difficulty to people wanting to get at your code, but none
415       can definitively conceal it (this is true of every language, not just
416       Perl).
418       If you're concerned about people profiting from your code, then the
419       bottom line is that nothing but a restrictive licence will give you
420       legal security.  License your software and pepper it with threatening
421       statements like "This is unpublished proprietary software of XYZ Corp.
422       Your access to it does not give you permission to use it blah blah
423       blah."  You should see a lawyer to be sure your licence's wording will
424       stand up in court.
426       Unicode
428       Unicode is a new and complex technology and one may easily overlook
429       certain security pitfalls.  See perluniintro for an overview and perlu‐
430       nicode for details, and "Security Implications of Unicode" in perluni‐
431       code for security implications in particular.
433       Algorithmic Complexity Attacks
435       Certain internal algorithms used in the implementation of Perl can be
436       attacked by choosing the input carefully to consume large amounts of
437       either time or space or both.  This can lead into the so-called Denial
438       of Service (DoS) attacks.
440       ·   Hash Function - the algorithm used to "order" hash elements has
441           been changed several times during the development of Perl, mainly
442           to be reasonably fast.  In Perl 5.8.1 also the security aspect was
443           taken into account.
445           In Perls before 5.8.1 one could rather easily generate data that as
446           hash keys would cause Perl to consume large amounts of time because
447           internal structure of hashes would badly degenerate.  In Perl 5.8.1
448           the hash function is randomly perturbed by a pseudorandom seed
449           which makes generating such naughty hash keys harder.  See
450           "PERL_HASH_SEED" in perlrun for more information.
452           The random perturbation is done by default but if one wants for
453           some reason emulate the old behaviour one can set the environment
454           variable PERL_HASH_SEED to zero (or any other integer).  One possi‐
455           ble reason for wanting to emulate the old behaviour is that in the
456           new behaviour consecutive runs of Perl will order hash keys differ‐
457           ently, which may confuse some applications (like Data::Dumper: the
458           outputs of two different runs are no more identical).
460           Perl has never guaranteed any ordering of the hash keys, and the
461           ordering has already changed several times during the lifetime of
462           Perl 5.  Also, the ordering of hash keys has always been, and con‐
463           tinues to be, affected by the insertion order.
465           Also note that while the order of the hash elements might be ran‐
466           domised, this "pseudoordering" should not be used for applications
467           like shuffling a list randomly (use List::Util::shuffle() for that,
468           see List::Util, a standard core module since Perl 5.8.0; or the
469           CPAN module Algorithm::Numerical::Shuffle), or for generating per‐
470           mutations (use e.g. the CPAN modules Algorithm::Permute or Algo‐
471           rithm::FastPermute), or for any cryptographic applications.
473       ·   Regular expressions - Perl's regular expression engine is so called
474           NFA (Non-Finite Automaton), which among other things means that it
475           can rather easily consume large amounts of both time and space if
476           the regular expression may match in several ways.  Careful crafting
477           of the regular expressions can help but quite often there really
478           isn't much one can do (the book "Mastering Regular Expressions" is
479           required reading, see perlfaq2).  Running out of space manifests
480           itself by Perl running out of memory.
482       ·   Sorting - the quicksort algorithm used in Perls before 5.8.0 to
483           implement the sort() function is very easy to trick into misbehav‐
484           ing so that it consumes a lot of time.  Nothing more is required
485           than resorting a list already sorted.  Starting from Perl 5.8.0 a
486           different sorting algorithm, mergesort, is used.  Mergesort is
487           insensitive to its input data, so it cannot be similarly fooled.
489       See <http://www.cs.rice.edu/~scrosby/hash/> for more information, and
490       any computer science text book on the algorithmic complexity.


493       perlrun for its description of cleaning up environment variables.
497perl v5.8.8                       2006-01-07                        PERLSEC(1)